#its gotta be Twitter to like smh
destinyc1020 · 1 year
i gotta say, i havent liked JE since he followed marilyn manson when the evan rachel wood allegations went public. that to me is extremely nasty behavior and i just have to laugh at him making his following list private these days.
ppl want to pretend like hes not messy, but the man has showed himself plenty in interviews and how he treated joey and cari (for which there are plenty of receipts). it's just funny to see the narratives rewritten to make him out like some kind of unproblematic king on twitter just because he is getting jobs with interesting directors after a series of stuff that did not do well for him. what really drives me up the wall is people comparing his and z's careers, JE is a whole white man and z is a biracial woman, their playing field is not the same.
its totally fine if people like JE because if he does it for them then cool, but the part that bothers me is bringing z or any other comparisons to actors like tom or austin into it. especially z - it's just very funny to me that certain fans of hers that scream and cry whenever she's mentioned alongside tom suddenly have no issue at all whenever JE's name is put alongside hers. my block button gets a lot of use on twitter these days, lmao
Oh JE definitely has a problematic past. 😐 I can't speak to what his life is like now, but I know of too much dirt/tea on him to think that he's all of a sudden "unproblematic" now. No way lol.... 😒
I don't like the comparisons either Anon, but unfortunately, that's just a part of life in this industry. Ppl are (unfortunately) going to compare actors to each other smh. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I really don't like the comparing men to women just in general, because, like you said, different playing fields! But I ESPECIALLY don't like comparing white men to black or biracial women in the industry, because they're not on the same (or equal) playing field at all! 🥴 So the comparisons to Z are just nonsense!
Dude hasn't even been nominated for anything yet (let alone WON anything 😒), and they're ALREADY comparing JE ("I was homeless sleeping in my car") to Zendaya who's a TWO-TIME Emmy winner???
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Talk about white privilege at its FINEST!
Would they be comparing a black woman who hasn't even won anything to a white man who's already won several awards, AND been in blockbuster films? I think not. 😒
Anyway.... my guess is, these weirdos on twitter know that Z's name will trend, so they are just using her name (and maybe even Tom's name) to get their tweets to trend. 🙄
I can understand the Austin comparisons, coz Austin's movie just came out last year, and both he and JE play the same Elvis character. 🤷🏾‍♀️
But you're right, it's all silly at the end of the day.... and most of these actors don't even pay attention to the silly nonsense that goes on the bird app. 🐦 They just mind their business and let their work speak for itself. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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texasbama · 1 year
Please tell me this ain’t recent!!! Like it’ll make a difference but DAMN. seriously 😒 he couldn’t have handled it in priv?!?
I just saw a couple videos a few days ago of keke talking bout how she don’t like how couples beef publicly. Smh. He’s a goner
Oh its recent! Happened today. I cannot BELIEVE that loser put they business on the internet. Like???? You have her #, FT her and keep yall shit private!
How insecure you gotta be to go to twitter my dude?! You don’t respect the mother or your child enough to talk to her privately?? Usher Raymond really got you that shook huh? 😭
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oh hey glad to see youre back!! incredibly shitty of tumblr to just deactivate your account without warning what the hell, hopefully you get the chance to recover it (although. its not like staff really cares if accounts are taken down for the right reasons or not smh)
yeah 😭 honestly i've kinda given up on hoping to get my acc back, i've reached out through the form twice and done the proper thing of responding to the email, i've reached out on reddit, and i refuse to go to twitter. no response. so hey cest la vie
honestly my biggest frustration is i'm losing a lot of posts i spent a lot of time making, especially regarding current events, as well as my extensive list of blocked and filtered accounts 😭 i gotta start from scratch 😭
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fckingchile · 3 years
Stop stop STOP! I did not just witness the blatant disrespect to some of the hermit craft members. Y’all are so rude. Y’all are the reason why sometimes us in the fandom get shit on by those gamer boys who think their superior because they don’t play Minecraft.
To all in the hermitcraft fandom I hope you have a wonderful day. You don’t deserve your creators to be disrespected like this.
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skribblz · 2 years
Ramble about SenGen? I just wanna hear people talk about their faves today~ 🥰 Hope you have a great week, buddy!
yesterday has ruined me but sengen has never failed to make me feel some sort of positive emotion SO
i just gotta say anytime i see green and purple the first thing i think of is sengen. sengen is literally taking over my life and i am all hands on encouraging it. my twitter is filled with delicious sengen content and so is my brain. i see so many different ways artists and writers interpret this ship and i love all of them so so so so so much. so many FLAVORS
i swear they are so perfect for eachother like goddamn when are they gonna kiss smh theyre both so pretty and even tho theyre interested in completely different fields and have very contrasting personalities they just…match…its literally like theyre soulmates (which is totally canon i will not budge) i mean bruh theyre literally partners in crime, “falling into hell TOGETHER??” that has to be one of the best pick up lines jesus thats so hot and romantic and iconic
theyre so fruity i swear to god if the anime just had them say smth like “oh we’re dating” nonchalantly i would believe it. there is so much chemistry between them. senku literally woke up on gen’s bday and gen was like “omg this guy is amazing” with sparkly eyes and he literally confesses that he liked senku before they even met like no way is there NOT some soulmate type of thing going on.
also their scars are so similar
and their hair is so dumb stupid hair i love their hair
its such a versatile ship like its so fun to think about how they’d show affection or the small things they’d remember of eachother or how they would just interact in general
they just…make up for eachother in so many different ways. its just so mesmerizing to me how perfect they were made for eachother. the trust, the comfort, the admiration
literally can read eachother’s minds like bro how you know eachother that well kinda sus hmmm
and how they can be seen as the best besties or lovers. bc both just make sense
i just think their bond is really neat
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dagss · 3 years
What did you think of this year's Césars? PS: I've been watching your movie recs andI loved Adieu Les cons, Gazon maudit and Raw. Zone Blanche is also ridiculously great.
u mean the winners or the ceremony itself ahah? (both weren't that great idk, although the ceremony was hosted by antoine de caunes my meowmeow ksjksjksj)
last year i had seen most of the movies and it's so cool to watch award shows when you know about every movie, but this year i missed a lot of them and only watched the women directed ones so i was out of the loop for most wins, mostly for illusions perdues which won a bunch of categories but i still don't feel like watching it idk 😢 i had watched all the shorts but my favorite ones (des gens biens & le départ) didn't win, sobz. my fav animated short (le monde en soi) didn't win either but the actual winner (folie douce, folie dure) sounds dope, ngl. will watch it.
so happy that valerie lemercier got the best actress one tho, she's so funny she deserves it for her whole career,,, still gotta watch aline tho.
i'm also kind of disappointed la fracture didn't get many noms/wins because it was legit amazing and highlighted a huge systemic problem with french healthcare so idk if you'd relate as a foreigner but it's still a really powerful watch!! lots of anguish and despair, chef's kiss
on another note there's also a small polemic rn on filmtwt about the way the animated movie category got shortened and the winners' speeches were rushed by management, because the program was like 30 mins behind schedule. personally, that felt really wrong to me since animation already lacks room to exist in this ceremony and more generally it lacks recognition in french cinema. i just sat there trying to listen to the super important points the animators were trying to make while the crowd and host were ostentatiously annoyed at the speech being "too long"... it literally wasn't.
also disappointed for adam driver who came all the way here, sat through 3 hours of lame french jokes and didn't win anything 💀
there was a lot of positive things too tho, it was way less boring than other years, the sparks performed so may we start live (i sang my heard out ngl), omar sy was there and made people dance, xavier dolan read a tear-jerking homage letter to gaspard ulliel (dunno if you know who that is but he's an actor who recently died from an accident and it was so sudden and shocking coz he was only 37), cate blanchett's speech was admirable and she spoke french my love!! (even though she told people to shut the fuck up lmao that's going to be a meme on french twitter now)
the extra positive thing is that, despite getting many noms, bac nord didn't win anything, and that's great since neonazi scums reclaimed it almost immediately after it came out & the (white) director didn't want to clarify, nor admit his movie was political, nor acknowledge it had an obvious right-wing vibe about its depiction of poc and Paris' poor districts 🙄 i don't know if i'm gonna watch that one, regardless of the director's initial intentions, his reaction to justified criticism really bothers me, and so i'm glad it didn't win 'cause the nazis were like: >:(
anyway i think i'll add onoda, maalbeek, folie douce, folie dure, aline & le sommet des dieux to my watchlist. from the nominated movies i'd already seen, i'd recommend la fracture, the father (obvi) & annette (i hated most of the songs tho ksjksksksj). oh and also boîte noire was super cool and i love pierre niney!! (i might have said that already i think???)
i'm so glad you liked my previous recommendations, ah!!! was gazon maudit funny to you? i'm so scared the humor might get lost and the movie might feel weird to people from other cultures 😭 i'm especially glad you like zone blanche omg, even in francophone countries people don't talk often about it, smh.
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yakocchi · 4 years
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The Bewitching Full Moon // Count
smh they’re never gonna release points-based event cards ever again are they guess I gotta make my own 5-min headers
This event is another one of those “His POV” events. I guess the reception on those has been very positive (which, good, bc I like them too) so they’re pushing them out more and more. They’ve also been pushing the envelope on these ooh lala so sexi ma gah stories with these scandalous avatars. yea sexy ok w/e but are they fashionable? idk abt that one chief... and according to the twitter surveys the community has been comparatively lukewarm too. I mean if they’re gonna make event avatars harder to get why are they getting uglier man
also holy crap the resulting doc for this thing got really long i hope tumblr doesn’t destroy me copypasta
edit: here comes me “slept on it” day after edit, fixed formatting issues and grammar errors that stuck out. if it made it even worse imma cry-
Spoilers under the cut! Please credit if you take any of it, thenk u (・ω・*) image-heavy!
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Under the full moon, which shimmered with an ominous violet light - a single stagecoach wheeled through the city. (I wonder how many times it has been where I’ve left the manse like this with her.) I sneak a glance to my side, and gaze at Kara’s dress-clad form. (Dress, shoes, gloves, necklace, hair ornaments...) (I give you every single object, article to wear - and with that you are dyed in my color.) (I experienced that joy even before, but...) Now that we have become lovers, that joy is becoming more and more difficult to come by. (Whenever I look at you, there is this emotion - one that is difficult to put into words - that surges within me.) (Frankly, I try my best to simply suppress it.) (...Well, there is particularly something that is too much to entirely subdue.) I recall that sweet sensation of the very moment where I get to strip off the dress I give her– While deep in my thoughts, a smile cracks my features.
count: the joy from dressing her up is becoming rarer me: ? o whys that count: bc the horny supersedes it me: sir
[Kara]: “Count?” (Oops- if she learned of the things like the carnal passions I bear, she would surely grow disillusioned with me.) [Count]: “It’s nothing. You are just so stunning that a smile eased onto my face.” [Kara]: “D-Don’t play around, please…” As if to hide her face, she lightly puts her hands on her cheeks. She takes small breaths, apparently to temper her heart, before looking up again.
[Kara]: “Um… Tonight’s banquet is opening quite late, isn’t it?” The typical banquet opens its curtains at approximately sunset, where the usual routine is to have dinner together before taking pleasure in dancing and chitchat. However, the time now is already past 10. (Will this be your first time going to this type of evening gathering?) [Count]: “There are nobles who grow tired of the same old pattern of the typical party.” [Count]: “So occasionally, evening parties with fascinating themes appear.” [Kara]: “Fascinating themes’?” [Count]: “Costume parties, calling on an acrobat…” [Count]: “Which reminds me of this one gathering where all the lights of the mansion were to be off. It was quite the fascinating party, yes.” [Count]: “Well, now I’m wondering what tonight’s party will be like.” [Kara]: “Hehe, I’m looking forward to it.” (Whenever you so innocently accept the circumstances at hand like this– because it’s you, I get worried. But...)
With a hand I quietly turn her waist towards me, and bring my lips to her ear. [Count]: “I don’t mind if you enjoy yourself, but I would like if you could firmly avoid being careless.” [Count]: “As in these kinds of parties, the dangers lie hidden.” [Kara]: “What do you mean by ‘dangers’…?” She quietly stares at me, visibly failing to catch the meaning behind my words. [Count]: “In a space separated from everyday life, reason easily crumbles away.” [Count]: “And when instinct conquers reason, the floor changes into a hunting ground for love.” I smoothly stroke her back and hug her waist. [Kara]: “Coun-…“ [Count]: “I do not have even the slightest intention to present my adorable lover to such wolves.”
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[Count]: “Because you only belong to me, after all.” [Kara]: “—Nn,” I wrap my arm around her body that had slightly jumped, and as if to engrave my touch I press my lips against hers. [Count]: “…So that you will absolutely not separate from me. Understood?” [Kara]: “…Under, stood…” [Count]: “—Good girl.” I narrow my eyes in satisfaction at her answer, and intertwine our hands against my knee.
(Back before we became lovers, I feel that I still had my wits about me.) (So it was quite unexpected of me to become brimming with emotion like this from simply spending time after time together.) (But, tonight… it has become more difficult than usual to tie down…) I shift my gaze to the window, and the moon that floats in the sky above radiates this violet. (—It couldn’t be… Well.)
When we step inside the noble’s mansion, a different world stretched before us. The saloon was colored a brilliant red, and several tables had been arranged in a line where aristocrats entertained themselves with card games and roulette.
[Count]: “So you’re surprised by the casino.” [Kara]: “Wow… I’ve seen Arthur and the others play these sort of games, but this is the first time I’ve ever set foot in a place like this.” [Kara]: “So there can even be things like casinos in the parties of nobles, huh?” [Count]: “In the beginning, gambling was an activity popular within the elite. So it has been as much as a long time for me too.”
“get it cuz im old as fuuuu”
Her eyes swelled of fresh expectations as she looks around the saloon. (We came here to enjoy ourselves, so yes, I would like you to have fun. To be honest, I would rather not teach you how to play the more dubious games, but…) (If it’s just something like cards, there shouldn’t be a problem.) While I survey the surroundings, right in the direction of the bar counter a voice calls out to me.
[Baron]: “Ah, the Count. It has been a while.” [Baroness]: “After this we’re playing a bit of poker, but would you like to join us?” I turn my eyes to see a baron who I was acquainted with and his wife beckoning me over. [Count]: “Kara, would you like to try?” [Kara]: “I only know the very basic rules, but I’ll try.” [Count]: “I’ll teach you, then.”
[Count]: “…And with that, I have shown you more or less the fundamental rules– but is there anything else that you may be confused about?” [Kara]: “I think I’ll be okay from here…!” [Count]: “Then, let’s put it into practice.” [Kara]: “Please go easy on me.” [Baron]: “Well, young miss, when it comes to winning or losing there’s no such thing as leniency.” [Baroness]: “Oh, you! You shouldn’t scare such an adorable little lady like that.” During our pleasant chatter, the cards are dealt before the four of us and we each check our individual hands. (A King, another King, a Three, a Seven, and a Jack… With only these, I can form One Pair with my Kings. A rather mediocre hand.) (Or, I could discard the other three cards and aim for a Three of a Kind?) (Well then. And Kara…?) While maintaining a poker face, I slide a glance and— [Kara]: “…” Within the tension her cheeks were slightly flushed red, and her mouth was shaped into a faint smile. (It appears that good cards have come to her.) (…But I probably should have also taught her the techniques of forming a poker face.) Though subtly smiling bitterly, I pleasantly watched my beloved to whom I shall compete with in her first poker game – She was fixated on the five cards in her hand before suddenly lifting her eyes. The moment our eyes met…—
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(Huh…?) Almost in slow motion, my fingers move… [Count]: “—kgh,”
My fingers pick out the two Kings from my hand and throw them into the muck without a moment's hesitation. (Why, am I acting like…) (For a moment, it was almost as if someone had taken over my body—) Akin to a marionette, my actions had disregarded my own will. In my centuries of living, it was the first time I had ever experienced anything like that. (Just what on Earth was…) 
[Baroness]: “My, it’s rare for the Count to lose his poker face like that.” [Count]: “Perhaps it’s also all just an act?” [Baron]: “As you’d expect from the Count, you can’t underestimate him.” While playfully exchanging banter, my consciousness was once more preoccupied with some thorough reflection. What rose from my mind was the suspicious moon that had risen in the sky. (—The “purple moon”.) Much like tonight - once every several centuries, there is a night where moon gives off a violet light. (That moonlight sharpens the vampiric senses, and additionally…) (On the night of the shining purple moon, vampires cannot oppose their loved ones.) As for my loved ones, it is undeniably Kara. (In other words, tonight my body is – controlled by Kara.)
If this is the case, then it would explain the cryptic behavior from just a minute ago. (If I cannot go against her wishes…) (Right when I met her eyes, it is highly probable that she had wished to beat me.) I turn over the new cards that were dealt to me in exchange for my discarded ones. (An Eight, and a King.) (If I hadn’t thrown away those Kings, I would have formed a Three of a Kind...)
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[Count]: “…It appears I’m out of luck.” I line up my random assortment of cards by suit and place them down on the table. [Baroness]: “Hehe, I have One Pair.” [Baron]: “I also have One Pair.” [Kara]: “I have a Three of a Kind.” She breaks into a cheerful smile and reveals her hand. [Count]: “It seems that Lady Luck is smiling upon you.” [Kara]: “Hehe… it seems like it.” From that carefree smile, a sweet feeling spreads within the depths of my heart.  (The real thrill of poker is supposed to be the psychological warfare, but) (When you are so innocently delighted I seem to forget all about that.) (This is not entirely the way I would have wanted it, but I got to see something lovely.)
And so, as the game continued— …In the end, I was unable to outplay her. [Baron]: “It surprised me to see the Count so clumsy at poker.” [Baron]: “Are you up for another round?” [Count]: “Please forgive me, but I cannot afford to display such an unsightly side of myself in front of my beloved anymore.” [Baroness]: “Miss Kara, I had fun with you tonight.” [Kara]: “Me too. Thank you for inviting me to play.” We leave the table, and I call on a waiter dressed in black to halt for me. [Count]: “May I have two glasses of champagne?” Receiving the pair of flutes, I hold out one of them to Kara. [Count]: “For your victory.”
[Count]: “So, for the occasion, shall we have a toast somewhere?” [Kara]: “Yes, of course… Um, where are we going?” [Count]: “How about someplace like the balcony?” [Count]: “With your first poker victory, it is a special night.” [Count]: “I want to have a quiet toast between just the two of us.” [Kara]: “O-Okay…”
Between the two of them, the honey-colored champagne sways in the glasses as if to mark the beginning of a sweet night…
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Clinking our glasses, the champagne bubbles rise to the surface. [Count]: “Congratulations. Even to the end, I just couldn’t beat you.”
or rather “Congratulations - For I couldn’t win (over you) even at the end.” but that sounds kind of shady hm
[Kara]: “Thank you, but I definitely just got lucky there.” [Kara]: “I guess there really is such a thing as beginner’s luck, huh.” [Count]: “You say that, but you still seem rather happy about it?” I set my glass down and stroke her grinning cheeks with my fingertips to poke fun at them. [Count]: “Are you really that pleased about besting me?” [Kara]: “This is the first time I’ve ever won against the Count with something, so naturally I’m happy about it…”
lol i know they mean by “winning” in the general sense but i like to think they’ve played several types of games together and he just never lets her win
(You are truly not wearing a poker face of any kind right now.) (Even when you do try to hide it, it’s clearly apparent when you are thinking about something else.) [Count]: “But that’s not all, is it?” (I know that you wanted to beat me because the light of the purple moon had affected my body to do so.) (You so deeply wanted, from the bottom of your heart, to win - so I want to know the real reason behind it.) [Count]: “Come, truthfully confess to me.” [Kara]: “I can’t let anything slip past you, it seems…”
She’s at a bit of a loss for words before slowly looking up at me to possibly gauge my expression. [Kara]: “The truth is… back from when you kissed me in the carriage, I had been thinking about it.” [Count]: “That you wanted to beat me in something?” [Kara]: “Yes. At the time, while I was trying my hardest to calm my heartbeat…” [Kara]: “You, however, maintained your composed, collected face, right?” [Kara]: “That moment today wasn’t the only time it’s been like that; ever since we’ve become lovers, it has happened so many times that it’s impossible to count…” She tightly bites her lip. [Kara]: “I just can’t compete with someone like you.” [Kara]: “But then I thought with something like poker, I could perhaps win with luck on my side.”
[Kara]: “Since I’ve always been the one being toyed with…” [Kara]: “Tonight, I thought… that I wanted to see the Count’s– see Abel’s, restless face…”
At that moment, I realized the consequences I had wrought from my prying – but it was already too late. The instant she shot through me with those eyes blurred with shyness, I could hear the sound of my reason shattering into pieces…
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[Count]: “kgh—” (—I cannot fight it.) (Kara, I want to… No, I need – to take you.)
So I changed this entirely bc there’s no English equivalent. The original line can be literally translated as “Kara, I want to take you… no, take you.” What he does is change the pronoun he uses for “you” (kimi → omae) to signal the change in the level of intimacy. With most people (mansion residents, people in general) the Count uses “kimi”. Though with those who know him at a closer level, like Leonardo and Vlad, he uses “omae”. (Mostly) men are only really supposed to use “omae” with people they’re close to or it comes off as rude. This is significant with the Count and MC’s relationship because he begins to refer to her as “omae” when they’re alone together (and thus wants to make a point about how personal it is) once they reciprocate their feelings in Chapter… 24(?). The writers are more than aware of this, because all of the Count’s His POV stories in his route are titled 「君○○」 “kimi ____” but the His POV titles for the Endings use “omae”.
[Kara]: “—gh, Abel…” When I strongly embrace her, from the corner of my eye I catch sight of the moon in its sheen of purple light. Paired with this boiling sensation in my blood, I once again realize the meaning of my existence. [Count]: “…As you desire, I shall become just a man for you.” [Kara]: “A, bel…? —Mn, nn…” I steal her lips, as if to take away all of her warmth. (Just simple touches are not enough.) I draw her head closer and entangle our tongues to steal those lips even deeper. (What’s this - it’s sweet… from the scent, the touch, and the taste…) However, my hunger was not sated even by this kiss. (More - I want to taste you, more…) I pull her waist towards me and capture her tongue that had attempted to escape in a fluster. Dominated by instinct, like a starved beast I devour her lips.
(…Seeking her in this way, in an unknown place where someone could come, what in God’s name is wrong with me?) The remains of my reason murmur from the edge of my mind. But, contrary to those feelings, there was a certain kind of a pleasure intoxicating my heart. (The sense of my reason being thrown aside… is this sweet, hm…?) My fingertips, in their longing for her, slowly ride up the hem of her dress.
sir this is a community balcony i’m gonna need you to take yourself out
[Kara]: “Ngh… A, bel…”
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[Count]: “Whether to accept or refuse me, is up to you.”
The “purple moon” sharpens the vampire’s senses, and additionally– a vampire’s body that basks in its moonlight shall be dominated by their loved ones. [Kara]: “Since I’m always the only one being toyed with…” [Kara]: “Tonight, I thought… that I wanted to see the Count’s– see Abel’s, restless face…” —A loved one’s wishes, for tonight, can be granted under this moon that emits this mysterious light. My fingertips, in their longing for her, slowly ride up the hem of her dress. [Kara]: “Ngh… A, bel…” [Count]: “Whether to accept or refuse me, is up to you.”
Releasing her lips from our deep kiss, I securely hug her from behind and place her hands against the balcony. [Kara]: “Abel, what are…?” The eyes that look over the shoulder quiver in confusion. (Right now, as instinct overwhelms me... I want to take you.) [Count]: “Show me that disheveled form of yours some more.” A hand glides upwards to approach her chest, and wraps around her breast through the silk of the fabric. [Kara]: “Nnn… Abel,” [Count]: “It’s all right. I shall hide you in a way that no else can see.” [Count]: “Even for myself, I do not intend to show that sweet expression of yours to other men.” [Kara]: “That’s not the…” Her eyes were widened, and moistened with shame. [Count]: “And just who was the one who said that they wanted to see my restless face?” [Kara]: “That’s...” The adorable figure of my beloved, trapped with lowered eyes, also makes a bewitching pleasure sharply simmer within me. (If I happened to look into a mirror right now… Without a doubt, I would see that the face I’m wearing is far from that of a gentleman.) [Count]: “I know that you also want to learn of these indecent pleasures, hm?” [Kara]: “I…—nn,” To cut off her words, I rub the peaks of her breasts against the silk with the pads of my fingers. [Kara]: “ah- Mn…” [Count]: “To the point where I can find that out immediately— harden them for me.” [Count]: “Not wanting to know this pleasure... you don’t seem that way at all, or am I mistaken?” (Because of the purple moon, I cannot go against her wishes tonight.) (If she truly didn’t want this, I wouldn’t be able to even lay a finger on her.) (Since I am able to touch her, this means—)
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[Count]: “…You truly, want me to forcibly take you, don’t you?” Burying my face onto her nape I move my fingers to agitate her, her body trembling within me. Desperately biting her lip, she stifles her sweet voice. (Whatever it is that you are thinking, I will quite distinctly know what it is.) (Because the one controlling me, is you yourself…) I rub her with my fingers again, and she twists her back with a shudder. [Kara]: “Hah, ah…” [Count]: “It seems that you are feeling it more than usual.” [Count]: “To seek a thrill like this, what a bad girl you are.”
[Count]: “But, if you don’t keep that voice down, you will be heard, no?” [Kara]: “Ha, ah- But… I can’t… hold o-…” [Count]: “There’s no other choice, then.” The corners of my lips raise into an elegant smile before I lift her chin. [Count]: “I’ll stifle it for you.” [Kara]: “Mn, uhn…” Continuing to lovingly caress her breast in one hand I press my lips to hers, providing even more heat. A voice laced with temptation spills out from her wetted lips. [Kara]: “A…bel… if you do, any more than this, I…” [Count]: “Then if I do any more than this, what will happen?” [Kara]: “Don’t bully me…” Her lovely voice cries out between the light brushes of our lips, and my chest sweetly tightens from the sound. (This appetite will not be satisfied until I make her wholly mine.) [Count]: “Do you take me for a man who only teases and leaves you unfulfilled?”
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[Count]: “I shall stain your entire body with pleasure.”
…In a certain room. I slip off my coats, vest, tie, and finally shirt to reveal my bare skin…While I fling them onto the sofa one by one, I lead Kara in the direction of the bed. (The part where I drive her to the corner like this… is exceptional tonight.)
[Kara]: “Ah…” Hitting the edge of the bed, she casts her eyes down as there is nowhere else to go. [Count]: “…Got you.” I capture her beloved body into my arm’s embrace, and slowly push her down onto the bed. [Count]: “In here, you can be as loud as you like.” [Kara]: “But… is it okay to use this room as you please…?” [Count]: “When we arrived tonight we had talked about the themes of evening parties, correct?” I move my hand from stroking her blooming cheeks to press a fingertip against her lips. [Count]: “For those who wish to indulge in something rather risqué for the night, they prepare rooms like this.” [Count]: “So I shall receive this room for use with my humble gratitude.” I unravel the ribbon on the back, and the silk dress almost seemed to glide off her shoulder as it fell down.
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(I do like to beautifully dress you up – but stripping you down with my own two hands also sends my heart racing.) [Kara]: “gh…” I seize her hands that were about to cover her chest and pin them to the sheets. [Count]: “Without hiding anything, show yourself to me.” Her exposed skin became shamefully dyed with the hue of roses before my very eyes. This color, teeming with vitality, made my vampiric instincts ache painfully.
[Kara]: “n-no… It’s embarrassing…” [Count]: “Then, if I stop looking… I shall have a taste instead.” I meet her breasts and crawl the tip of my tongue along the peak. [Kara]: “Ah, aah… Abel… Mn,” She pushes against my chest in light resistance. But before long her resistance had ceased, and gradually changed to that of her disheveled sighs and sweet gasps. [Count]: “It seems that you’ve become quite honest with yourself.” [Kara]: “To be loved like this – I have no choice but to be honest, right…?” [Kara]: “As tonight will be the only time I’ll get to know of your ferocious emotions…”
My mind is suddenly drawn to her wording. (Does she know about the purple moon…?) But I cannot imagine that she would know about something like a rare phenomenon that occurs only once every several centuries. I stare at her as if to look into her heart, and our eyes meet.
[Kara]: “More… Please, lose yourself to me, more…” (If she does know about the purple moon, and thus is purposefully provoking me, then…) [Count]: “What a naughty girl. Do you want to ruin my composure that badly?” [Kara]: “Yes…” The Count’s body is completely, sweetly steeped in her words, and as if it were alcohol his reason gradually dissolved. (Right now, even the words that I always shower her with will not come out.) For his heart was dominated only by the instinct of a vampire, and only by the instinct to love her as a man. [Count]: “I want to cast away my morality and reason, and just love you.”
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this guy…………is a lot. i thought maybe everyone would be like this for the event but no, leo only gets weird bc essentially his mc was dumb enough to try to pick up broken shards of glass with her bare hands (im not trying to shame her… but i am) and then it’s not really isaac’s fault when he already has the worst bloodthirst out of all of them so sir step into the paddy wagon, the horni police will question u shortly
anyway tl;dr the sweet ending has the mc reveal to him early that she knew what the purple moon does to vampires in terms of the heightened vampire senses and crud but not the obedience to loved ones so he tells her blah blah romanceu talk but he still wants to bone and so they go home to do it instead. 
Make sure to purchase the Epilogue when you have the chance! It’s good stuff ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
So, thanks for reading! (`・ω・´) Sorry if it’s hard to parse through. there’s a reason why editing is a job people get paid for orz
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I just want us to be safe – Chapter 3 (Andy Barber x Daughter!Reader)
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter / I Just want us to be safe-Masterlist
Summary: After seeing the tribute post from Jacob, you were shocked to read the comments. Apparently, your little brother had been bullied by a lot of people. Their words were cruel. Why had he never told any of you? Was he hiding something? He was…
Words: 2,815
Warnings: language (duh), bullying, doubting, social media, Andy being one tired ass man (give him a hug already)
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
Arriving back home, all you wanted to do was go to your room & take a nap. Today had been exhausting. Dad & you had stopped by McDonalds, your guilty pleasure, but after this stressful day, you two needed some fast food. Laurie was already awaiting you. You greeted her & she asked if there was anything new. You had to disappoint her but assured her you would keep on working on it. Laurie told you to stop helping your dad with this case. She knew you loved this job but this case hit too close to home & she said it was not the best idea. Being the stubborn human being that you were, you simply said that you were doing just fine. That was partly true. Nothing would change your mind, you had to get this done, wanted to get this done.
Jacob was back in his room again. Dad, Laurie & you decided to knock on his door, wanting to talk to him. Not because of your assumptions but because you all wanted to be there for him. When he called you inside, he was a bit surprised that there were all three of you seated on his bed. Dad began with telling him that every single one of you was there for him & if he needed something, he should start opening up to you guys. Jacob nodded, not saying too much. Dad & Laurie left his room first. You wanted to make sure to talk to him alone, too.
“You know, Jay…If there’s anything, & I mean literally anything, you can come to me, yeah? I don’t know, maybe you’re not too comfortable to talk with them but I’m your sis. I care for you, do you hear me?” you were not this serious often but you needed him to understand that he had your full support. In that moment, you had forgotten about your previous train of thought.
“I know. Thank you, (Y/N).” he smiled at you. Not a full smile but you were getting there.
“Anytime.” & after that, you exited his room, closed his door & stood there for a second. Right now, it felt crazy to you that you genuinely thought Jacob was hiding something. Your mind was a bit out of place before but you could see clear again. You loved your little brother. He did not deserve to go through this.
Being back in the kitchen, dad continued working on the case. He repeated the talks he had had with the teenagers earlier that day. Nothing made sense.
“Still working on it, huh?” you smirked, trying to lighten the mood. Laurie was watching television, not really paying attention to what was on though.
“It’s just…it doesn’t make sense. Ben was liked by a lot of kids. He never had troubles in school, so why?” your dad was getting frustrated. Usually he knew solving a case could take way longer but the fact that it had happened in your hometown made everything worse. He wanted to find & arrest this piece of shit.
“Maybe we should sleep a night over it. Let’s try again tomorrow, with clear heads.” you reasoned.
“Just a few more minutes, then I’m heading to bed.” He said to which you went over to him & hugged him from behind. He gave you a kiss on the cheek & wished you a good night.
“Laurie? You coming?” you directed this question at her. She had already been looking at you since she had been listening to the conversation you had held with your dad. Something about calling her Laurie felt off. Did you want to say “mom”? That was weird. You had never had the desire to do so but it seemed like the last days had changed you quite a bit. Anyway, Laurie nodded at you, said good night to Andy & went with you upstairs. In the hallway you hugged her & told her to sleep well, her doing the same. After that, both of you went separate ways to your rooms.
Ridding yourself of your clothes, taking off your makeup, you decided to take a hot shower. Thus helping you with your thought process. You needed to get this off your mind, for the sake of your sleep. You stepped out of the shower, took a towel & wrapped it around your body. You took an oversized shirt, one of your dad’s you had stolen from him a while ago, & pulled it over. You usually slept in a shirt only, it was more comfortable that way. Not wanting to blow dry your hair, you just let it be as it was. You had bigger problems than blow drying your hair, for god’s sake. Deciding you still were not tired enough, you laid on top of your bed, taking your phone & started scrolling through your social media accounts. You were not active on any app at all, just checking in from time to time. Snapchat was first. Did anyone use this nowadays? All you did on that app was watching your friends’ stories. It was not like anyone sent you a private snap or something. After being done with that, you went over to Twitter. You mostly used this app to see your classmates posting shit they definitely would regret in the future. It was funny, really. Entertainment at its finest. You were glad that you were a “silent watcher”. That way nobody knew too much about you & you wanted to keep it like that. Last but not least: Instagram. That was your favorite app. You had a private account, of course, only letting people you knew in real life follow you. Your brother was the exact opposite. He had a public account, shared a lot about him, his hobbies, about his life in general. Not even once did you judge him for it. It was his life, he was allowed to share what he wanted to. Speaking of your brother’s account, you saw that he had posted a tribute to Ben a couple hours ago. Immediately, you liked it, thinking how cute it was of him to remember him that way. Honestly, you never checked Instagram comments. Most of the time they were filled with bullshit but this post was dedicated to a now dead classmate. Opening the comment section, you were shocked by the responses.
“We all know you did it. We know you own a knife.”
“Embarrassing…Acting like you were best friends smh.”
“Kill yourself, murderer.”
Tears started forming in your eyes. These comments scared you. Your brother had a knife? His classmates accused him of stabbing another 14-year-old? Not wanting to believe a single word, you checked out Jacob’s other posts, the comments to be exact. Your brother had been bullied for such a long time. How the hell did neither of you notice? Why had he never said anything? You were always so open in your family. Dad & Laurie always said that you could come to them if something was bothering you. While you were someone who expressed her feelings, Jacob used to keep to himself. You did think, though, that he would say something about such a topic. Kids were cruel, especially at that age. You had to confront him. Right now.
11:43 pm, fuck. Jacob was most likely asleep by now. See, that was why you hated social media. It was a distraction & suddenly you spent hours scrolling through your phone, pitying & judging people’s lives. Or you started growing jealous. Whatever, it was not a safe place. Back to the topic: Jacob was asleep, so was Laurie. Dad? He said he would go to bed hours ago. You knew him better, of course. Not wanting to wake anyone up, you silently opened your door, made sure your light was switched off & tiptoed downstairs. Thank god you did not have old stairs that creaked. From the steps, you could already see a small light from the living room area. So he was working still. Your dad, everyone, dedication at its finest.
“So you did lie about going to sleep.” you whispered & yet your dad jumped slightly, not expecting anyone in the room with him. When he looked over at you, he saw your arms crossed, a smile playing at the corners of your mouth. He then noticed your shirt, well, technically his shirt.
“Is that my shirt?” damn was he tired. He looked like he definitely needed some rest. Last night was short & he needed sleep to function the next day.
“It WAS your shirt. Borrowed it a while ago.” with borrowing you meant that you had no intention on returning it. You could not help it, your dad’s clothes were simply more comfortable & that were facts.
“Borrowed, sure…Anyway, what’s up, angel? Shouldn’t you be asleep by now?” he wiped his hands over his face, trying to get rid of the tiredness he felt.
“Y’know, I could ask you the same question BUT I’m not going to, you’re welcome.” you saw your dad rolling his eyes at you. Suddenly, you were being more serious. You did not walk downstairs for no reason.
“I was on Instagram & then I saw that & I just…take a look yourself.” you handed him your phone, the comment section of Jacob’s post open. All you did was looking at his face, waiting for his reaction. His expression changed. You could see the fear in his eyes.
“These were publicly posted, yeah?” to which you only nodded. “This one’s from Derek. I thought they were friends?” your eyes grew wider at his statement.
“Wait, wait, wait…THE Derek who was over a few days ago? You’re kidding, right?” you looked at your screen again, seeing that, indeed, it was Derek. What the fuck? What friend would write something like that under a post?
“What knife?” your dad asked into the room that had grown painfully silent. By now, you took a seat beside him, not feeling well enough to stand anymore.
“This has gotta be a joke. Why would Jay have a knife? And why would he take it with him?” actually, you wanted to put your earlier worries into words but could not find the right way to do so. You were not accusing your little brother of murder, nope. But given the circumstances…If one person stated shit like that, okay, brush it off, but his comment section was filled with people telling him they knew what he did. There was no way that he had not seen his comments yet. Even a blind man could see that something was wrong. That was cyber bullying & it was illegal. You just hoped he did not have a problem in school. Hating online is bad enough, having to deal with this in real life is even worse.
“I guess that means you were right?” your dad took a look at you, you being surprised. Right with what? You had not told him that you doubted Jacob or did you? No, you were certain.
“With talking to Jake again, I mean.” you let out a breath you did not know you were holding. Of course, the whole “Let’s talk to him” thing.
“Tomorrow morning? I mean…it’s not like I’ll be able to sleep.” you tried to keep your funny attitude but after hearing this…You were not in the mood for trying to fake something.
“At least try, okay?” your dad begged you, letting his face fall into his hands. He was scared, obviously, his son was being accused of a murder. Every parent would react the same way.
“You too, yeah? You need sleep, dad, I’m not joking.”
“Will do, angel. Thanks for showing me immediately.” He got up, gave your hair a light kiss & walked over to the stairs. Then he looked back at you, waiting for you to follow him which you did. He came with you to your room & watched you getting into bed. He sent you a tired smile before he slowly closed your door. Great, another sleepless night. College would be hell on earth tomorrow.
What you did not know was that your dad did not go to his & Laurie’s bedroom right away. He wanted to prove Jacob’s Instagram comments wrong. He wanted to look for a possible knife & since Jacob always slept like a rock, it was easy for him to search through his room. He started at his closet, went over to his writing desk, happy that he did not find a knife at all. His last idea was Jacob’s nightstand. There, he had to be even more silent, the possibility of waking him growing bigger & bigger. Andy was good at being silent though. He opened the drawer, surprised to find a white fabric in there. It looked like something was wrapped inside. No, this could not be. His biggest fear just became true. His son had a knife, not a normal kitchen knife, a KNIFE in his bedside table. The comments were true. At that point Andy knew he would not get any sleep tonight so he did not even try. He simply went back to work, not really paying attention. His thoughts were consumed by his son & his hidden knife.
The next morning approached & this time, your alarm did not wake you. You hade been wide awake for some time now. You got ready & went downstairs, not expecting anyone to be up this early. What surprised you was that not only your dad, also Laurie were already at the kitchen counter. Their heads snapped up as soon as they heard footsteps. When they saw it was just you, their faces softened a bit.
“Good morning?” it was more of a question, really. “Okay, what’s going on?”
“I found this in Jake’s room.” he pointed towards the counter. On top of it was a knife. The realization hit & your eyes shifted between them & back to the knife.
“No…This doesn’t mean anything, right?” of course it meant something & you were smart enough to figure this out too. Never, not even once in your life, did you want to be as wrong as right now. Before anyone could speak up again, Jacob stood a few feet away from us, looking at us with a puzzled look.
“Um, what is this?” Jacob slightly chuckled, not yet knowing what was about to happen.
“Why do you have a knife in your room? And why do your classmates know about this?” usually, your dad never yelled but today was not usual. Laurie sent a look towards Andy, telling him not to scream.
“I- I can explain, I swear.” he stuttered. Was this a hint? Was he planning a lie?
“Well, good luck with that.” you said emotionlessly. Everyone turned around to look at you. You were not someone who liked fighting or provocatively talking to someone but you where not in your right state of mind either.
“I- I bought it a while ago & wanted to show it to a few of my friends. It’s nothing, really, just cool.” he explained. So that was how teenagers defined ”cool”. Interesting.
“And the comments? I mean who even writes stuff like that?” your dad was growing frustrated.
“They’re kids, they don’t mean what they say.” & with that you shot him a glare, knowing damn well that kids do mean that.
“Uh-huh.” was all your dad managed to say. Jacob went over to the counter, ready to grab his knife again.
“What do you think you’re doing?” did he really think dad would let him have this knife again? He should know better than this.
“Taking my knife back?” oh man, he really pushed this.
“No! You’re not getting that back, forget it!” dad’s voice grew louder to which Jacob said he had to go to school. Laurie went over to him, hugged him & told him she loved him. Without saying anything, Jacob ran out of the door, visibly pissed.
“You shouldn’t have yelled.” Laurie told dad & he knew she was right. There was just so much that was going on in his head. The more time went by, the scarier this case got. Every person would see the clues. He was a suspect & you all knew that. What the hell were you supposed to do? You were a family, of course you would not accuse him. Your thoughts were running wild. It felt like you did not know your brother at all. Was he really able to kill someone? Out of anger, maybe? Anger because they had been bullying him? You were not sure anymore. You wanted this to be a dream, a nightmare, but you could not wake up. Little did you know that this was only the beginning of something way bigger…
~to be continued~
Published (08/05/2020) by Cathy
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 9
back at it again, and its time for the shadowplay arc, HELL yeah
oh I'm so excited i love this arc lets DO this
oooh its nightbeat and quark!! way before they become relevant, which is so cool
‘one of those recepticon fanatics’ lmao imagine if they were...the recepticons. just doesn't have the same ring to it 
god i fucking love all the politics of mtmte. i love how they’re talking about the senate here before we really get to See how bad they were (we heard a bit about it from whirl a few issues ago, and now here)
love how nightbeat is pretty much agreeing with the decepticon ideology here, even if its clear that he isn't Actually a decepticon - it just drives home the fact that, in this story, The Decepticons Were Right About A Lot Of That Stuff (or at least, they had a reason other than ‘destruction’ for rebelling). 
AND THEN THERES RUNG!!!!!!! WITH HIS MODEL OF THE LOST LIGHT....god i fuckgin LOVE the continuity in this story bc the first time reading this ur like oh ok rung is old yea makes sense...but then later all the time travel stuff happens and then its like OHHHHH 
damn poor rung nightbeat can rlly tell he's lonely just by looking at him vbhjdkdfhbjsjkdf geez. also nightbeat that's ur mystery stick bf from the future js!!
quarks extreme POV on all of the stuff is so interesting, and makes so much sense bc of Course he would think that as a non-combatant scientist who, due to his functional value in current society, wouldn't really benefit much from a revolution - in fact, he’d probably lose a lot. and that’s the sort of thing where you’re like, ok well think about everyone else dude, have some perspective - but at the same time, quark did suffer a pretty terrible fate, so his fears weren't entirely unfounded...augh, its so fascinating...im sorry I'm not gonna shut up about space robot politics this Entire time
HOW did nobody notice that dead body before now
ratchet spray-painting the hands he stole from pharma to match his own paintjob is like...kinda gruesome if you think about it hvbhsjkdfbkjdf
i love rewind sooo much oh my god 
he rlly stashed rung’s comatose body in a wheelchair behind the bar hbkjdhfbshjkdf rewind 
rewind and chromedome’s tag-team explanation....ough hhhhh THEM 
wait a sec, rewind, you have medical records in your database? that is, at least according to regular medical laws, very illegal lmao. my favorite long-running theme in mtmte: the fact that hipaa and osha laws on cybertron are either basically nonexistent, or just universally disregarded 
what the actual fuck is up w/cybertronian time units. that shit is wack as hell 
ooh i love how chromedome looks different in the flashback - no shoulder tires! - that's a cool detail
how come prowl just said ‘minute,’ rewind was busting it up w/all the wack ass fantasy time units just a second ago. geez
also goddd i love the scenery of pre-war cybertron, its SUCH a cool setting like, visually and aesthetically and politically
like, i adore details like the sign in the bg that says ‘everyone’s shape serves a purpose.’ really adds to the ‘society on the precipice of civil war currently controlled by an increasingly-desperate faction who are doling out propaganda like crazy in an attempt to maintain their image and control over the populace’ vibe
good ole murder mystery setup. love it!
pre-war prowl is such an interesting character. actually prowl in general is such an interesting character...I kinda wrote him off during my first read of mtmte (and even a little during my second readthru) as just this dude who’s an asshole (espec bc my prev tf experience involved watching tfa as a kid, and this prowl is very different from tfa prowl lol)...but prowl is SUCH a multi-faceted and interesting character, even in the relatively little we see of him in mtmte 
plus it was interesting to learn later that prowl was one of the characters that jro wanted for mtmte and didn't get, and MAN i wish he got prowl bc I would've loved to see what jro would've done w/prowl on the lost light, that would've been amazing. like, just imagine the arc he would have...I have no idea what that arc would BE, but I know it would be awesome. plus I’d be really interested to see how prowl would factor in, relationships-wise, amongst the crew of the lost light. so much potential!
anyways. I'm in a very talky mood tonight it seems. its currently 4 am so that kinda explains it. ok, moving on!
chromedome and prowl bantering....in their own morbid forensic-cop way...
skids bvhjdbsfjasf. speaking what we’re all thinking: is prowl gonna keep showing up in mtmte despite not technically being part of the cast??
swerves drawing of prowl lmaoooo
AND THEN REWIND IN SOME OF MY FAVORITE MTMTE PANELS....fuckgin cracks me up every time god. rewind was rlly about to flip their entire ass table just to demonstrate that prowl is a serial table-flipper...and then he cant even make the table budge and he just stares at his hands like ‘how could you betray me like this’ hvbajkhhsfdhksdf PEAK hilarity
drift hvbshfdjbasdfj his forcibly cheery expression even tho he’s being harassed by rodimus, who is a big whiny toddler w/drift lmao 
rodimus is the type of guy who, upon drift not replying to one of his texts, would post a whole twitter thread being all like ‘these days u cant trust any1 to hav ur back...u think u kno someone and then they just ghost you...(1/14)’
again, rewind, HOW and WHY do you just Have medical reports, oh my god, somebody please call a hipaa agent I’m scared, 
ratchet interrupting the story to give a quick medical PSA....that's Such an on-brand thing for Me to do that I feel like jro is assigning me ratchet kin as I read this
also, hey, its sonic and boom, those two decepticons from delphi! nice little continuity there
can’t believe idw made my dad optimus prime into a cop. smh. shouldn't be that shocked tho, I feel like half the idw characters are cops
orion rlly hit them w/the omae wa mo shinderu arrest strat
orion: I cant believe you're beating this guy up. anyways, now I'm gonna beat YOU up,
when ratchet puts his hand over drifts mouth and then gets spray paint on drifts face bhjdfsvsdjhfgbjdskf
pre-war ratchet and drift ;_; ratchet’s little inspirational speech...the fact that he tells drift that he’s special...the fact that drift remembered all of this even after 4 million+ yrs...it gets me bro it GETS me
ALSO the layers in the fact that drift then goes on to become a well-known murderous decepticon...so this little scene of him and ratchet in the past gives a lot of context to ratchet’s general attitude towards drift - ratchet clearly feels at least somewhat responsible for all the blood on drift’s hands, since he saved drift’s life way back in the day
the whole relinquishment clinic thing is such cool worldbuilding, bc of course that's the kind of thing that would develop in a society of robot aliens who are only allowed to work within the rigid confines of their alt mode 
I love the whole matrix thing bc its kinda like being the pope or st but also you have a ton of political sway, so its a super important position, so of Course the corrupt senate would want full control over that power, and would assassinate the current prime to try to get their own guy in 
god vhbhjsdkbgshjdf rodimus is such a dick lmao poor drift
HHHHH I love that the cybertronian version of an autopsy is taking the dudes body apart into the smallest components and laying them all out. that's so fucking cool
hmmmm chromedome maybe you should Not be interested in mnemology, how about that,
oh god. time to start being sad about op and senator shockwave. oh god
senator shockwave more like senator sexy 
also the first time I read this I thought I had just missed his name and like halfway thru the story I went back and scoured the pages looking for it hbvhsjdfbshgfdsbj then I was like oh ok so we’re maybe supposed to just know who this guy is from another comic? but NOPE it was very deliberate and I only realized very close to the end that they were setting up some sort of reveal
its funny bc normally I'm not a huge fan of stories where politics play a huge role but I fuckgin love it here, the politics and worldbuilding is all so interesting and also balanced out with a healthy dose of cool sci-fi hijinks, so
lmao there's chromedome being obsessed w/people making the ‘pfft’ sound 
also wow yet more hindsight, maybe you Shouldn’t be so interested in the Institute, chromedome, 
OHHHH shit I forgot abt the red alert stuff happening at the same time as this :( :( :( 
AUGHHH what a fucked up situation. god 
oooof i gotta continue now!! what a solid issue, I love the shadowplay arc
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secret-reports · 4 years
Hello. I am Turkey Butt. ENTP cuz apperently you care about mbti lol.
My question is do you still believe Ava is Darkness, after the update in which ventus is revealed/implied to have killed strelitzia. The reason I ask is because during it, Brain makes a very clear distinction that the one who switched ventus for strelitzia, and Ava are two different people. He points out evidence that although Ava made changes to the masters plan, she informed brain, and would have make him aware of such a big change. I am certain this was Nomura’s way of directly telling the player that ava and who killed strelitzia are not the same person. Additionally, it is a very commonly accepted theory that Darkness is the one who killed strelitzia. Hundreds, probably more, believe that.
In summary, if darkness possesed Ven and killed strelitzia, then Ava is not Darkness, assuming I am correct in believing that Nomura was directly telling the player that Ava and the murderer are not the same.
Of course the murderer could be a third unknown party, and Ava is darkness, but I wanted to ask for your thoughts on this, and specifically, if you still think Ava is Darkness
Link to the update I discussed, and the comments contain proof of hundreds of people believing darkness killed strelitzia
Also tumblr bad discord good twitter dm good too why you gotta make me use a smelly site I’ve never used before in my life smh (dont answer that rhetorical question)
LMAO Hi Turkey Butt, its true I love me an ENTP haha
First, i guess overall, I do think that Darkness and Ava are at LEAST related or connected somehow because there’s no other explanation on Darkness knowing EVERYTHING that they know. Darkness knows about the Master of Master’s plan to trap Maleficent, about the Dandelions memories being overwritten, the projections, the data worlds. Later they say they’ve read most of the Book of Prophecies, they know about the ark. And even later, the lack of security within the clock tower, saying they’re an “old acquaintance”. In my opinion, all these things point to Darkness being someone of vast knowledge directly under the MoM’s teaching. Otherwise, I just don’t see how they could know all this. Maybe they’re an outsider who’s been observing all this time and is only just now finally to interact with the story, but even then I would think an outsider’s knowledge would be limited. Darkness knows things the MoM passed onto Ava, and Ava passed onto the Union Leaders. Luxu seems to know about Ava’s role as well, but in Observations Excerpt 2 Luxu doesn’t seem like he’s ever heard of “Darkness” until right before writing that report, so I highly doubt the MoM had a secret 3rd person he showed his plans to unbeknownst to Luxu. If Ava is NOT Darkness, then Ava KNOWS Darkness and she told them everything. That’s the only other scenario I can imagine at the moment.
(( putting the rest under a Keep Reading link cause it’s long-ish ))
Even in this update, Ventus says Ava told him “When it’s over, the other four will be waiting at the Battleground.” That’s yet ANOTHER thing only Ava herself would know. If it IS Darkness disguised as Ava, I don’t understand how Darkness would know this.
THAT being said, Brain, contrary to popular belief, does NOT know everything. Brain was also confident they were in the real world, so he was disheartened when he realized they were, in fact, in a data world. So in all honesty, I’m not taking what Brain says as gospel. Like us, he doesn’t have all the pieces. So just because Brain has faith Ava would tell them doesn’t mean to me she actually would. Clearly though, this is a matter of opinion because what you said disagrees with that.
Another reason why I’m inclined to believe Ephemer and Brain are WRONG is because they assumed Darkness does NOT want light to be spread to the future. But if we look to what Darkness says to Maleficent, it’s the opposite. Darkness is making SURE that Maleficent does not mess up the future since Maleficent knows what becomes of Radiant Garden (the world with the seventh light– Kairi). Not only that, but Darkness says its important for Maleficent to be the waypoint SO THAT the Dandelions can travel towards the future! Darkness WANTS the Dandelions to go! So this directly contradicts what Ephemer and Brain say, that this “Darkness” (who, by the way, the Union Leaders aren’t even sure exists) killed Strelitzia in a step to prevent the Dandelions from bringing light to the future.
Ephemer and Brain are SMART, but they don’t have the bigger picture, the details that we the audience have by looking at the points of views of other characters.
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gunsatthaphan · 4 years
lawd what a mess. thank you for the links btw! super disappointing but again, a good reminder to check ourselves when we place blind faith in ppl we barely know. singto & bright were.... a shock but r*pe jokes & fatphobia? that ain’t it. also people who try to justify it like oh it’s normalised well btch maybe its time we stopped doing that?? albeism is disgusting & it sucks that ppl don’t take it seriously enough to call ppl out. these men are GROWN. it’s time to act like it. idgf. im annoyed.
anon I really wish I hadn’t clicked on these links kajhds and I don’t wanna sound like a middle aged mom but I’m literally so tired of this shit. The fact that behavior like this seems to be so easy to excuse to these people is more than disgusting. Scrolling through Twitter and seeing thousands of ppl literally downplaying all of this, defending their faves??? fml. The absolute worst part though is that knowing gmmtv and knowing the industry, these guys will most certainly not get called out for what they did and will not apologize either. In a few days everyone will act like it never happened and that will be my cue to cancel all of them. fml. 
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thewingedwolf · 4 years
This is tmi so like, scroll past or whatever but I gotta be annoyed Somewhere about my bodily functions and its probably unprofessional on Twitter where I follow coworkers
But ANYWAYS on top of everything, I’m p sure I have a UTI and I’ve been So Good with making sure I don’t get them for so long but I slipped last month and now it burns when I pee 😭😭 at least this’ll give me the kick I need to get off my butt and get a new primary doctor bc mine was let go smh
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parson-kent · 5 years
you should die with me
""Nurse," he mumbled through a mouthful of cookie, "why do you always gotta make things so sexual? Can't you just enjoy things, for like one fucking time, without turning it weird?"
"Well, why are you such a fucking prude, Dex? How about letting me eat this goddamn cookie without judgement? 'Why do you make things so sexual, Nurse, blah blah blah?' It's because we're so rooted in early Protestant ideals that you're like this-"
And, yeah, it kinda devolved from there."
or Nursey and Dex get on each other's nerves and also get off on each other's nerves.
My first nurseydex fix!! Also posted on ao3. Trigger warnings for language, ignorance. Check below the cut for the fic :)))
and every word that you mock sounds so pretty to me, you should die with me - Saturday Night, HUNNY
Dex was working on the boiler in the basement of the Haus when he heard Nursey come in through the front door. He recognized the stomp of his hipster-thrifted boots across the living room floor and his laugh as he talked to Bitty in the kitchen. He recognized the way he could almost make out their conversation. He also recognized the way he said goodbye and turned to head down the basement stairs.
Nursey came clambering down the stairs with two big cookies, one in each hand.
"Dude, look what Bitty made!! It's his MooMaw's chocolate chip recipe, apparently she has like tasks he has to complete before she rewards him with the best recipe? Anyway, he just got this one. They smell so good, dude! I brought you one."
Dex smiled, face hidden behind the broiler. "Let me just deal with this last screw and I'll grab one."
Nursey apparently seemed content to stand there and ramble as Dex finished up. He was talking about his Mexican poetry class or something, but Dex wasn't really paying attention. He just let Nursey's words wash over him.
Finally, he gave the screw one final twist before standing up and grabbing a towel off the floor to wipe his hands. He brushed off any oil or grease that would be on them before grabbing a cookie out of Nursey's hand. They both took their first bite at the same time, and Nursey let out a small moan. Dex blushed and tried to focus on enjoying Bitty's delicious baking skills. And you know what? Dex could also attest to the sinful delightful-ness of this certain cookie, but did you see him moaning over it? No.
"Nurse," he mumbled through a mouthful of cookie, "why do you always gotta make things so sexual? Can't you just enjoy things, for like one fucking time, without turning it weird?"
"Well, why are you such a fucking prude, Dex? How about letting me eat this goddamn cookie without judgement? 'Why do you make things so sexual, Nurse, blah blah blah?' It's because we're so rooted in early Protestant ideals that you're like this-"
And, yeah, it kinda devolved from there.
Shitty stomped down the steps about 15 minutes later to break up their fighting. By then it had gotten so loud that Dex was pretty sure the Lax bros could hear it from their house. He was pretty sure he had been going on about respecting people's boundaries, while Nurse had been off on some rant about Protestant ideals and how they had cursed America. Whatever it was, it had been pretty bad.
But then, Shitty arrived and taken them into the reading room.
"Bros, I want you to reflect on this moment. Do you feel in anyway better than the way you were feeling before? Do you feel accomplished or satisfied"
Dex shook his head, but resolutely refused to turn even the slightest inch to see what Nurse said.
Shitty just shook his head before he launched into some complicated lecture about emotional control and shared space. Dex listened with some level of interest before tuning it out.
Suddenly, Shitty snapped his fingers in front of his face. "Hey, both of you, pay attention. You'll be quizzed on this later."
Dex woke up the next morning to sunlight leaking in from the windows. He blinked at the sudden brightness then quickly squeezed his eyes shut. Apparently, his roommate had forgotten to shut their black out blinds properly.
"Are you fucking shitting me, Trevor? This type of shit happens every week, you've got to stop it."
No response. Dex leaned over the side of his bed and stared at the empty bed across from him.
"Oh- fuck, you've gotta be kidding me? He's gone, that's just great, he already left," Dex mumbled to himself as he stood up, back cracking.
He stretched his arms up to the ceiling, twisting and yawning. Then, he stomped over and yanked their blackout blinds shut. Dex turned and grabbed his phone and then laid back down in bed in the blissful darkness. His first class wasn't until 1:00, so he had a nice day ahead of him, seeing as it was only 8:30. He checked Twitter first, liking some of Bitty's tweets and laughing at some new memes. Then, he stumbled across a tweet from one Derek M. Nurse posted only a couple minutes after Shitty's lecture.
derek loves smh @dnursey   when ur much better at shitty's end-of-lecture quizzes than that other guy #nailedit #educateyoself   [ Picture of a slightly crumbled piece of paper with what seems to be a quiz on it. Each answer is hastily bubbled in, and at the top is sloppy handwriting that reads "11/12 Excellent job, Nurse. Lots of improvement since last time." ]
Dex felt anger rising in the pit of his stomach. He snorted with intense derision as he finished reading Nurse's stupid post. He threw his phone to the foot of his bed. Dex laid there, just looking at the ceiling for a few minutes. Why the fuck was Nurse so annoying? Sure, his own quiz was lying next to his bed with a "7/12 Dex, I know you can do better. Don't let your anger get to you." written on it, but seriously, who the fuck even actually gives quizzes after lectures anyway. It was all too much for Dex sometimes. He had ideals and ideas and values and morals and a ton of other bullshit engrained in him from years of living in his small town in Maine. That type of stuff doesn't just fade away from 8 months at a private liberal arts college.
Sure, maybe he came to Samwell to discover more things and explore, but he was afraid sometimes. Afraid of rejection, of failure, of judgement. So many times he wanted to do something, but then worried about it getting out or being made fun of... or even of being supported. Knowing he now had people who would love and support him through whatever? That shit was scary. Dex didn't have any more excuses to push himself down because now he had people who wanted to build him up.
He leaned down and picked up the crumpled quiz off the floor. He smoothed it out before grabbing his computer. Maybe if they were so intent on building him up, he could help a little bit too.
A month later, Dex and Nursey were hanging out together in the Haus living room. Well, "hanging out" might be stretching it. They were in the same room, working on schoolwork separately. And not fighting. It was pretty much a miracle. However, getting to this point had required some hard work on their part. Something had flipped in Dex after Shitty's lecture. He realized the reason why he had picked Samwell. The slogan "1 in 4, maybe more" was burnt into the deepest recesses of his mind. Samwell represented everything Dex wanted to be - everything he couldn't be back in Maine. So, he had sat down with his computer that afternoon and searched everything he could on Protestant culture and its effect on modern America. Then, through gritted teeth with genuine emotion in his eyes, he apologized to Nurse the next day. Nursey accepted it with little chirping, apparently seeing something in Dex that was different from all the other apologies.
Dex continued to work on his behavior. He would borrow books on social justice and unbiased history from the Samwell library and engage respectfully in debates in his classes and even just out on the quad. He noticed that the team was being more open with him too. Before, they would hide the hard conversations and reprimands from him. But now, they had been including him, asking him for his opinions and educating him on important topics. Still, he and Nurse got into it sometimes, but now it was mostly just playful. Dex had come to love their arguments - it was amazing getting to be so intense and passionate with another person.
It felt... intimate, really. It was almost like, despite their two very different backgrounds, Nursey was the only person who really understood him. He knew the ins and outs of Dex's personality better than anybody, even Dex himself. He knew how to push his buttons, but he also knew to look out for Dex's shaking hands when he codes for too long and then get him a water or gatorade. Nursey knew Dex. And it felt good to be known.
Dex was deep in these thoughts as they laid together in the living room. Suddenly, a resounding BANG from the kitchen echoed throughout the Haus. The two of them scrambled to get up, Dex knocking over his computer and Nursey creating a shower of paper in the middle of the Haus. They rushed into the kitchen to find Bitty, covered in flour, the lid to the food processor missing.
"Oh y'all, I'm such a mess," he said, close to tears. "Finals are just stressing me out, no big deal."  
Dex ran to him, wrapping him in one of his signature bear hugs reserved for close friends. He locked eyes with Nurse over Bitty's head and they exchanged a curt nod. Nursey immediately began to clean up the mess in the kitchen while Dex led Bitty upstairs to the bathroom. He made sure Bitty was situated and ready to take a shower before heading back downstairs with a load of flour-covered clothes for the laundry.
"I'm going downstairs to do the wash," he called into the kitchen as he passed by the door.
Nursey just threw him a small wave before he turned back to scrub the tile. Dex smiled to himself the whole way down the stairs to the basement. Nursey and him were both learning; growing together.
Dex reached the bottom of the stairs still wrapped up in his thoughts. He really did love the way he and Nurse were getting along now - it caused something to stir inside him. He felt it deep in his stomach, something fiery and passionate just like Nursey coiling there every time they were together. Dex dumped the load into the washer. He just wished it had happened sooner. Nursey was one of his best friends now, along with Chowder. They were both such amazing people. Samwell had changed Dex - he was a better person now, with friends who loved him and helped him become the best version of himself that he could be. He set the dial to normal load and finished with pouring the detergent in. Then, he leaned against the washer and sunk deeper into his thoughts.
Nursey found him ten minutes later. He had flour in his hair and some in his stubble. His stupid hipster shirt was also covered in flour and he looked pretty angry. Dex had to laugh.
"God, Nurse, what was Bitty cooking in there?"
Nursey just groaned and glared at Dex. "Dude, get your ass up there! I need help cleaning up this mess."
Dex smirked, a glint of amusement in his eyes. ""Help'. 'Cleaning'. Two words I never expected Derek Malik Nurse to say at all, let alone in the same sentence. Didn't you have maids for that in your brownstone?"
Nursey stomped closer to him. "Well, you're the master of cleaning, huh? All those years in bumpkin Maine, on that lobster boat."
Let it never be said that William J. Poindexter was one to back down from a challenge. He stepped closer, laundry and flour both far from his mind. "Like you would know a thing about responsibility. It was all just prep school and expensive field trips and Broadway and hundred dollar dinners with you, huh? Never learned the value of hard work."
"Of course I know hard work, try writing a 20 page essay in a week. With a 15 page-"
Dex cut him off. "Try coding an entire plug-in in the 30 minutes so I have 30 minutes to troubleshoot in my hour long lab! English is just some words-"
"Oh, I've heard this one before! 'My name's Dex and I just think English is just some words on paper!'"
They were both yelling at this point, trying to outdo each other in the loudness factor. Their fights always ended like this. However, Dex was just realizing how close they were. In their fury, they had gotten almost uncomfortably close.
Intimate, Dex's mind whispered.
Dex tried to shove that thought from his mind and focus on Nursey's rant, but it lingered. Suddenly, almost as if he couldn't control his own limbs, he pushed Nurse against the washing machine. He held him there, wrists trapped against the cool metal.
Nursey became very quiet and swallowed.
Dex looked at him, with flour everywhere and a righteous passion still contained in his warm brown eyes. He leaned in close and released one of Nursey's wrists so he could cup his cheek.
"Is this okay?" He asked, head bent in close enough that his warm breath washed over Nursey's face.
Nursey nodded and whispered, "Just fucking kiss me, Poindexter."
Dex leaned in with just a faint brush of the lips. Then, Nursey pulled his other hand from Dex's grasp and pulled him in close, trapping him in an almost brusing kiss. They fought with each other just like in real life. Nursey moaned just a bit when Dex moved his body so he and Nursey were flush against each other. Dex took that as a sign, pushing his tongue into Nursey's mouth.
They pulled apart slowly, each breathing heavily. Nursey looked up at Dex from lidded eyes. Dex smiled in his head.
Finally, Nursey's passion was directed at him. And only him.
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amimons · 5 years
001 for Code Lyoko or the Dragon Prince
001 | The Dragon Prince (I’ve only seen snippets of Code Lyoko when I was a kid lol)
Favorite character: SUPER tough but I gotta go with Rayla
Least Favorite character: I honestly don’t have one but for fun I’ll just say Marcos. Boy Rayla spared your life and you ran off to tattle. Smh 
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):in no particular order:- Rayla + Callum- Amaya + Janai - Annika + Neha- Harrow + Sarai- Viren + Aaravos 
Character I find most attractive: Claudia 
Character I would marry: Corvus, He is just a real sweetheart. 
Character I would be best friends with: Callum, I feel like we have like a similar vibe going on lol. 
a random thought: I will be SHOCKED if Harrow didn’t switch places with Pip. The first day it premiered I binged the whole season in one go and I immediately thought after the assassination that Harrow was in Pip. You don’t make Ezran have the ability to talk to animals if Harrow wasn’t actually Pip Okay.    
An unpopular opinion: Not sure if this is unpopular but even though it was a cruel thing Claudia did to those poor deers I wanted her to do it…I was rooting for Claudia to stray in her path in order for her to experience the negative impact dark magic causes. She did ultimately do it for her bother which was a good purpose but the sacrifices that had to be made in order to cut corners is harmful. 
My Canon OTP: Annika + Neha. If you can make me hardcore ship a pair through a flashback scene, you did a really good job. (Also, Viren must be lying. If was the only one who witnessed their death, the two people actively that cause a halt in his plan, then who’s to say he didn’t fabricate it all and ditched them. They are alive.) 
My Non-canon OTP: Rayla + Callum. I mean its in the works but they aren’t official yet so it counts. 
Most Badass Character: Aunt Amaya. My god can she fight with a shield or what. 
Most Epic Villain: Aaravos. The mystery behind him, his lure to Viren…I’m very intrigued… 
Pairing I am not a fan of: I understand it at face value but Soren and Rayla. They would have more a bro thing going on. 
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): I have like no criticism on the writing direction so I will say something minor that I have like the weakest opinion on. I wish we found out the deal with Runaan in part 2 but I don’t mind the wait like at all. And I felt like Soren’s healing was a tad rushed, it would’ve been interesting to see him cope with that with a more extended amount of time. 
Favourite Friendship: Claudia and Soren. Yes, they are brother and sister I was afraid they would go the Cliché root with them being at each other’s necks due to different personalities and interests. I’ve been following The Dragon Prince since the day they made their twitter account and announced the series. I followed their announcements of the characters and I was like hmm they are gonna pull a Zuko/Azula thing with these two…its interesting but I want them to be pals. They have a great energy between the two. They joke around, bicker, but most importantly care about each other’s well being/safety. 
Character I most identify with: Claudia/Callum. 
Character I wish I could be: Rayla…who wouldn’t…
Fandom ask game
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wheretogofrmhere · 5 years
You’re so blindly defensive it’s hilarious. No one is saying he should put one of his job away, i’m just saying that he doesnt know how to utilize his social media platform to its best potential. Someone from his team should have reminded him even when he’s on a break, his singer presence should not be left out on his IG/twitter, he’s using his platform as if it’s 2013, cant do ad properly, cant tag properly, there are times where his most recent pictures remains about someone else for days etc
blindly? no. defensive, hell fucking yeah i am. bc all yall do is fucking bitch and complain bc hes not doing what YOU want him to do and up to YOUR standards. and i never said he should “put one of his jobs away” either so like...what?
his sm is absolutely fine. no one is “leaving him” bc he posted about his friends birthday, jesus christ talk about dramatic. and hes not on “break”, CLEARLY and thats something you would know if you even paid a shred of a second of attention to not only him but TO his sm accounts. hes been writing and recording an album, hes been running a fucking BUSINESS to get ready to put together this huge, monumental event. hes been doing soccer aid. hes been gearing up FOR his single/album release (we know his ass just did the photoshoot for it) so like.....what the hell, man? whats your deal? do you think hes gotta be tweeting EVERY single day, multiple times a day about his music? whats he supposed to tweet? “its coming guys” 388595 times for that to be enough “musical” content for you?
its like....pick your damn battles, ya know? he has said multiple times he isnt the best at working the sm accounts when it comes to ads and hashtags, its nothing new and his “team” doesnt run his accounts. but like, who the fuck CARES. why is that your argument? lol he likes to support others, his friends and colleagues, he likes to give back to his huge platform and hes using it the way he wants to and that includes promoting his equality for women in sports AND the charities hes a part of. when his music is ready to drop, it will be all about that, amongst other things. yall are just so fucking PICKY about the dumbest shit like its outstanding. next yall are gonna start complaining bc he fucking breathed wrong. smh. 
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guitarstringsam · 5 years
Lover track by track review
Don't drag me, there are no skips on this album.
1. I Forgot That You Existed: A certified bop. My mum loves this one too. Really sets the tone for the album and the production absolutely SLAPS. Pls have this on set list. Best lyric: "In my feelings more than Drake, so yeah." 8/10
2. Cruel Summer: Everyone loves this song including me. Was my initial favourite. Chorus and bridge are probably two of the best moments on the album it's so good and catchy. Best lyric: "I love you, ain't that the worst thing you've ever heard?" 10/10
3. Lover: My favourite single by a mile!! This song warms my heart and is literally top 3 I stan it so hard. Will probably be my wedding song. Fave lyric: All of it, it's PEAK softness 13/10
4. The Man: I like it and the message is good but it's not my favourite? Idk it's amazing but I stan the rest of the album too hard oops. Fave lyric: "I'd be a bitch not a baller." 7/10
5. The Archer: One of my favourite track 5 songs, it's soft and lovely and relatable. Makes me want to give Taylor a hug and never let go bc this is a sad bop :(. Fave lyric: "I never grew up, it's getting so old." 8/10
6. I Think He Knows: UNDERRATED GENIUS. This song has me grinning every time I listen to it it's such a happy and jumpy song. Also the chorus!!!!!!! Honestly this is so cute. Fave lyric: "We could follow the sparks, I'll drive." 9/10.
7. Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince: Wasn't one of my faves on first listen but now I adore it. I listened to it like 4 times in 20 minutes in Asda, it goes off so hard. The aesthetic, the vibes, the LYRICS omg. I love this song. Fave lyric: the whole chorus. 10/10
8. Paper Rings: Wow we love a Stay x 3 mood. It makes me smile so much Jesus I love love so much. It's girly but still mature and it makes me crave a relationship ladies and gays. Fave lyric: "I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this." Also the whole chorus we in CHORUS CITY. 10/10.
9. Cornelia Street: I love it. It's a sad bop definitely but still dancey? Idk. Wild. This song is stanned by a lot of people for good reason. I especially luv the bridge. Fave lyric: "We bless the rains on Cornelia Street." 7/10.
10. Death By A Thousand Cuts: Also wasn't one of my faves on first listen but now it's top 3 on Lover oop. I LOVE THIS SONG. Its a sad dance bop with beautiful lyrics and the tone,,,,, sis let me tell you it's so perfect. Go stream DBATC rn and never stop. Fave lyric: "If the story's over why am I still writing pages?" 13/10.
11. London Boy: MY FAVOURITE ON THE ALBUM. Lmao if you follow me on twitter y'all will know but I never shut up about this song. It's so much fun and is so soft also Taylor saying Shoreditch owns my ass for now and forever. Production: slaps. Lyrics: slap. Vocals: slap. Fave lyric: how do you choose this is all GOLD. 13/10
12. Soon You'll Get Better: This is such a sad song that I actually can't listen to it in public bc I cry. I've been through something similar and boi this had me sobbing at 6am on first listen. Dixie Chicks feature has my heart. God bless Andrea Swift. Fave lyric: "I'll paint the kitchen neon, I'll brighten up the sky." 10/10.
13. False God: WOW I love this song. I love a good horn section and this is IT chief. This is sexy and soft and I just love it honestly it's so underated even though it's god ;) tier. Fave lyric: "And I can't talk to you when you're like this/staring out the window like I'm not your favourite town." 10/10
14. You Need To Calm Down: As a gay swiftie I have to stan. Goes off hard, supports human rights and is a big fuck you to the WBC and Tr*mp. Video is banging too. Fave lyric: "Shade never made anybody less gay." 9/10.
15. Afterglow: Soft soft soft. So relatable and self aware and I love that for us. Also underrated for some reason?? Smh stan taste please. Production is dreamy and the lyrics hit hard. She really out here. Fave lyric: "Fighting with a true love is boxing with no gloves." 9/10.
16. ME!: A lot of people hate this song??? Excuse me sir it's a BOP I love it. So happy, so fun and Brendon Urie was my comphet crush from when I was like 12 onwards lmao I only have one request which is BRING BACK SPELLING IS FUN. Fave lyric: "Livin' in winter, I am your summer." 8/10.
17. It's Nice To Have A Friend: I like it, probably one of my least favourites here though? I gotta be in the mood for it ig. Love the message and vibe though honestly go off Taylor ily. Fave lyric: "Something gave you the nerve to touch my hand." 7/10.
18: Daylight: Uhhhh did somebody say callback? I've stanned since Red and saw the tour so this made me very happy. Also can we stan Joe because she's so soft for him it's adorable. Fave lyric: again pretty much all of it. 10/10.
Overall I LOVE Lover. It's brilliant and probably my new favourite album. AOTY at Grammy's cowards xx @taylorswift @taylornation
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