#its gonna be a sunflower. just a little thing. either on my shoulder blade or my ribcage i still havent decided yet
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fearforthestorm · 1 year ago
if you cant tell. im having a normal one (turning 20 tomorrow and. feeling a kind of way about the fact that im never going to be a teenager again)
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tommybaholland · 4 years ago
I'm the one who requested the bite love language thing and your probably gonna know it's me since I might add a sunflower at the end of my request BUT ANYWAYS
I need a katsuki bakugo and shouto todoroki who's s/o is just addicted to daggers(the designs are just really pretty) like they just buy daggers it's either a resin one or something close to that like the designs are just so mf pretty (like those daggers that are resin and have flowers in it are so pretty like dAnGg -🌻
s/o who likes resin daggers
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featuring: bakugo and todoroki
welcome back! i googled them to get a better idea and i agree, they are really pretty! enjoy x 
thinks its dumb and weird that you collect these knives
like you can’t even fight with them so whats the point?? 
but then he sees how much you take care of them and display them in your room 
he finds it endearing that you’re passionate and care for something
it reminds him of how much you take care of him
he watches you closely as you’re dusting your collection that you kept neatly displayed on some shelves hung up on the wall. it’s not like him to feel this enamored by someone. someone who’s cleaning knives that they collect, no less. however, he realizes that this is more than that. 
despite that he’s aggressive and grumpy most of the time, he’s pretty observant and analytical. it’s one thing about him that surprises most people. he’s mostly on his guard when it comes to combat and enemies or even people that might be a threat when vying for the number one hero spot. when it came to you, though, he felt like he noticed something new about you everyday. 
he thought it was stupid and weird of him but at one point, he realized he couldn’t fight it. love was the villain that he simply could not defeat. maybe it wasn’t a villain because you were at the center of it all and watching you do something like this, he knew you had a great future ahead of you. one in which,  hopefully, he would be lucky enough to have a role. 
“what are you doing, you dumbass?”
you jumped slightly at the sudden sound of his voice. “oh, katsuki! i guess i didn’t see you there.” 
there you go with that cute grin of yours. 
“whatever. are you ready to go or what?”
“yes. let me just grab a jacket.”
you sauntered over to him after a few moments, jacket tucked under your arm. you looked at him expectantly, the brightness of your gaze reaching his. 
“okay. now i’m ready.” 
you almost walked past him before he caught you by your elbow.
“hey, aren’t you forgetting something?” he questioned.
“uh, no? i don’t think so,” you answered, looking around as if he were talking about a tangible item. 
“are you really that dumb? i want to kiss you, idiot.” 
you giggled. “all you had to do was ask, katsuki.”
“whatever,” he grumbled before puller you closer by your elbow, closing the small space between you. his fingers brushed across your jaw as he kissed you, your cheek warming his hand as your lips did. 
once you pulled away, he still had something that he needed to say.
“i love you, you weird knife lover,” he confessed, letting a half-smile appear on his face as his thumb brushed your cheek. he always wanted to be the reason for that beautiful smile on your face. 
he doesn’t see the point of it either
but he can appreciate the designs and craftsmanship 
he knows you like to buy ones that are handmade and those are not easy to find 
there’s one that you really want but it’s so hard to get 
long story short, he’s a very thoughtful and sweet boy
“what are you looking at?” todoroki peered over your shoulder to fully see the screen of your phone. 
“daggers,” you chortled, amused by your own obsession. “there’s some really pretty ones right now. like look at this one--”
you held your phone up for him to see it more clearly. the picture showed a resin daggers with flecks in gold infused in the blade. it was really stunning and different from the rest in your collection. most of them had flowers or some intricate design carved in them. 
“isn’t it beautiful?”
“yeah. that’s nice,” he agreed, handing your phone back to you. 
“i’ve been looking at this one for a while now but it’s so hard to find any in stock. and anytime it’s back in stock, it’s always at a time when i’m broke.”
todoroki actually knew about all of this beforehand. this is just the first time you’ve spoken out loud about it. but he had seen the saved pictures of the dagger on your phone. he even did some research himself and understood your frustration. he had looked on every possible site, even on some forums where maybe he could get it at some outside vendor but it seemed almost impossible. 
it was his own personal mission to get it for you but he was starting to rethink it. all the scouring the internet was just a waste of time. fortunately, he had an idea and all it hinged on was him alone. 
he was going to wait until your birthday to present the gift but it was too perfect that he couldn’t wait. 
“i have something to show you,” he said one day as you were walking hand in hand to his room. 
once you entered, he strode over to the corner and pulled out a small box. walking back over to you, you recognized the box as a small cooler. 
“open it,” he instructed as he held it out to you. 
you opened it to find a dagger made out of ice with little pieces of gold inside the blade, just like the resin one you’d been trying to find. you had no words and so he filled the silence as he explained.
“it’s not the exact one. i knew you wanted that dagger and it was getting really difficult to find it so i made this. also, those aren’t really gold flecks. ashido suggested i use these little pieces of— i don’t know what they’re called. do you like it?”
you were still silent and in awe that he had done this.
“i, i love it. wow, this must’ve taken forever to get right,” you finally spoke, looking up at him.
he grinned. “there was some trial and error, sure. but it helped me practice making more complicated shapes with my ice.”
you took the cooler from him before wrapping your arms around him, hugging him tightly.
“thank you, sho. i really do love it and i love you.”
“of course, my love. you deserve it,” he replied, hugging you equally as tight. “and i love you more.”
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whats going on, bnha night?? waiting to request something?
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princessamericachavez · 6 years ago
Fjorester Week | Day 1 | AU
“So, tell me again, why am I here?” Beau grumbles, before shoving a fistful of corn chips into her mouth.
Fjord lets out a heavy sigh, glaring at his best friend from the mirror.
“Because you love me and won’t leave me to go face my neighbor’s housewarming party on my own?”
“I don’t love you that much, big guy.”
“C’mon, what’s so bad about it? It’s a party. We’ll work on your people skills.”
“If your people skills are so damn good,” Beau shoots back, “why do you need me to wingman at all?”
“Because I don’t know anyone else there, and there’s gonna be free booze. Also, I already kinda put my foot in my mouth with this girl before, would really appreciate some help to avoid doing it again.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Beauregard sits up on the couch, grinning. “Mister Perfect put his foot in his mouth.”
Fjord turns away from the mirror to ignore the blush crawling up his face and gives his gym buddy a half-hearted glare.
“Oh, c’mon. If you tell me, I’ll go.”
“It’s not a big deal. She’s just... very enthusiastic. I went by the other day to pick up a package that’d been dropped at her place while I was out and she was very nice and she kept asking if I wanted to go in for a cup of coffee or water or something.”
“She was hitting on you, so what? Girls do that all the time, Fjord.”
“They don’t. Thing is... I panicked,” Fjord mumbles rubbing the back of his neck. “I think I yelled something like ‘thanks, I don’t drink water,’ and I ran away. It’s a miracle that she even invited me over today.”
“Oh my god, dude!” Beau chuckles, jumping to her fit. She brushes off the chip crumbs from her shirt and tightens her messy bun over her head. “This girl makes you stupid. I’m so coming with you to see it in person.”
“Thanks, Beau. Appreciate the support,” Fjord deadpans.
Well, at least that’s something.
Before Fjord gets a second to gather his thoughts, Beauregard knocks on the door. Even through the thick wood and the faraway music, he can hear the clacking of heels rushing to the door that swings completely open to reveal the party’s hostess. His next-door neighbor.
Jester is pretty in a way Fjord’s never seen before. Sure, there’s conventional pretty like the girls from tv, and there are hot women in magazine ads, and there are beautiful women in the street’s every day... but something about this girl just throws him off balance. It might be the blue streaks on her short dark hair, or her nearly violet eyes, or her tan skin covered in freckles like a clear starry night out at sea. Or it might just be the way she beams at him as soon as she sees him awkwardly standing at her door, holding a bottle of wine and a grumpy college student.
“Fjord! You came!” She exclaims, and he’s shocked by how genuinely glad she sounds.
“Uh, hi, Jester. This is my friend, Beauregard.”
“Friends call me Beau, actually.”
“Oh! Can I be your friend?! Can I call you Beau?”
“Uh- sure.”
“Perfect! Come in! Come in!” Jester grabs them both by the hands and pulls them into her house with a strength that doesn’t seem to match her tiny size. 
The inside of Jester’s apartment is different than what he expected, and somehow exactly what he should’ve imagined. Sure, it’s very pink and colorful, and lively, but there’s a refined style in the decoration that screams money and taste. It might be the same size as his place, but it feels far more welcoming and cozy.
“Come on! I wanna introduce you to some friends!”
Jester hasn’t let go of either of them. She pulls them along towards the living room, where four other individuals are sitting around and talking. Fjord thinks it’s the weirdest mix of people he’s ever seen in his life. One of them has long purple hair and hippy clothes —real hippy and not whatever hipster stuff kids buy in Urban Outfitters— and he’s giving a card reading to a man with shaggy red hair and an unkempt beard. They both sit on the floor, being watched closely by two women: one tall and muscular, with dark makeup framing her eyes, and one short and scrappy that keeps taking long swings of her flask.
“Hey, everyone! This is Fjord!” Jester has no qualms interrupting their reading. “Fjord, this is everyone.”
“Oh, hey, Caleb,” Beau’s voice catches him off guard before he can even say hello. “What are you doing here?”
“Beauregard,” the redhead murmurs with a heavy German accent as he stands up. “I am here with my friend Nott. She’s a friend of Jester’s.”
“You are my friend too, Caleb!” Jester complains.
“Cool. I’m here with Fjord,” Beau says, pointing at him with a thumb. “Fjord, this is Caleb and that is his not-sister but not-girlfriend, Nott.”
Fjord shakes Caleb’s hand, as he tries really hard not say out loud that Nott sounds like a fake name. The more he looks at the short woman, the more he realizes he might not want to know the answer to that question after all.
Jester introduces the other two people: Molly and Yasha. From the second the woman stands up and comes to shyly shake their hands, Fjord knows Beauregard is a goner. He shouldn’t be surprised when, five minutes later, she’s disappeared from his side to go follow Yasha and her purple-haired friend elsewhere. And so, he is all alone with Jester.
“You know, you look very handsome, Fjord,” she says, as casually as one would comment on the weather. “I mean, I always thought you were handsome, but you look even better today.”
“Oh- uh- hum... thanks, Jester,” he manages to get out, thankful for once that his friend isn’t here to laugh at his flailing. 
“You want something to drink?” Jester asks, and without waiting for an answer she grabs him by the hand again and leads him across the apartment towards a table filled with bottles and sodas.
As they walk, Fjord’s eyes trail down to her small frame. She’s wearing a sundress with a sunflower pattern, the thin straps of which leave her neck and shoulders mostly uncovered. He can’t help but stare at the sunkissed skin and the trail of freckles that makes its way across her shoulder blades.
“What would you like to drink, Fjord?”
“I don’t know, what are you having?”
“A chocolate shake,” Jester shrugs. She says it casually but he can see the spark of satisfaction that crosses her face when he reacts with confusion. “Oh, I don’t like the taste of alcohol very much. I mean, I’ve had some before, but it’s really not fun to me. I like sweet things better. Also, it’s very funny when you are sober and all your friends are being drunk and stupid, really.”
Fjord lets out a loud chuckle. “Yeah, I bet it is. I’ll have a beer then.” Nothing too strong that will make him join the drunk and stupid team.
Speaking of. He turns around and sees Beauregard and Molly already arguing loudly with each other about... something. Music, as far as he can guess by the way they gesture to the vinyl collection in the corner. Jester is watching too, smiling.
“I’m so sorry about that,” he sighs.
“It looks like they are having fun,” Jester shrugs, handing him a beer. “Molly argues a lot with people. That’s how you know he likes them.”
“A’right,” he nods taking a sip. Jester slurps her milkshake and Fjord almost stares at her until he kicks himself into making conversation. “So, Jester, whatcha do for a living.”
“Oh, I’m a doctor.”
“You are?” Fjord’s eyebrows arch, maybe a little too much. He can see a hint of offense cross her eyes. “I mean, sorry, you don’t look the way I expect doctors to look.”
“Why? Because I’m too young?”
“Too pretty,” he corrects, without thinking. “I- I mean- most doctors are, you know, cranky old men.”
“They really are,” Jester giggles. “I’m actually finishing my residency now, and then I will start my specialization.”
“On what?”
“Cardiology. I’m all about the heart,” she says giving him a wink.
“I’m sure you are,” he ducks his head to hide the blush that crawls up his face.
“Come, I’ll show you the house,” Jester gestures for him to follow down the hallway.
Fjord stops by a big framed picture of a movie star. He recognizes the seductive smile, the dangerous curves, the long flow red hair, the old-Hollywood air that no other actress seems to have any more.
“The Ruby of the Sea. You must really like her movies,” he points out, taking another sip of beer.
“I’ve watched all of them!” Jester grins. “She’s my mom.”
“Marion Lavorre is your mother?!” Fjord all but screams. Jester shushes him immediately. “Sorry,” he lowers his voice. “I just didn’t even know she had a daughter.”
“Oh, yeah, well... I wasn’t out very much, you know? My mom was trying to keep me away from all the paparazzi and stuff when I was little, so I spent most of my time with private tutors at home.”
Fjord isn’t sure how to respond to that. He’s not sure if he's jealous of the having a mother part, or saddened by the loneliness she describes.
“It was nice, you know,” Jester goes on, and he can tell by her tone she’s nervous as if she needed to fill the silence to justify her own past. He knows the feeling. “I had a lot of great teachers. I learned how to paint. I made most of the art in this apartment.”
“That’s very impressive, Jester. You’re quite an artist.”
“Thank you!” She grins.
“So why’d you move all the way to the east coast, then? Isn’t your mom in L.A.?”
“Well... it’s a bit of a complicated story, you know? If I told you I’d have to kill you.”
Fjord lets out a hearty laugh at that. 
“Hey, Jester, we are about to leave for the gig, you coming?” Molly announces a while later.
Fjord blinks at him, waking up from the past several hours where he’s enjoyed Jester’s non-stop stream of words. Time’s flown by and when he looks at his clock he realizes it’s past one in the morning.
“Of course we are coming! Fjord, you are coming, right? Molly is a DJ downtown and he’s very very good. Yasha works security in the club, too. It’s going to be so much fun!”
“Of course we are coming,” Beau gives Fjord’s arm a painful squeeze.
“Actually, I- Uh. I’ve got work tomorrow morning and-”
“Dude, you’re killing me.”
“Okay, okay, fine. I guess Beau will kill me if I say no.”
“I will.”
“Yes!” Jester jumps, clapping. “C’mon, everybody! We’re leaving!”
For the third time in the night, Jester grabs Fjord’s hand and pulls him along towards the entrance. 
Fjord meets a lot of interesting people at the club. Most of them he can’t quite put a name to, but he can tell everyone is happy to see Jester. He wonders, idly, if he should worry at all about the many guys tripping over themselves, trying to keep up with jester’s energy, but she holds on to his arm the whole time and keeps sending him smiles sweet as candy.
The only guy she actually seems to pay attention to, a friend from medical school who was apparently covering for her tonight. He looks nothing like a doctor either, tall, lanky and with a mohawk of long pink hair. He’s drinking something that doesn’t smell like tea and smoking something that doesn’t smell like cigarettes. But he’s nice.
Not nice enough that Fjord isn’t delighted when Jester pulls him away to a quiet corner.
“What?” He chuckles.
“I wanna show you something,” she whispers. If he didn’t know she’s been having chocolate milk all night long, he’d suspect her to be drunk. “Do you still wanna know why I came all the way here?”
“Yeah,” he breathes, entranced by the way her eyes sparkle.
With a tilt of her head, she leads him towards a back door. He follows closely. Of course, he does. At this point, he doesn’t know that he can do anything else. They exit to a narrow back alley, Jester pushes him against a wall and for a second he thinks he’s about to get a very welcomed make out session... but then she turns him around and makes him face the club’s back wall. 
There, on the brick wall, there’s a graffiti. It’s big, colorful, filled with sunflowers, jellyfish, a few little dicks hidden here and there. The signature reads: The Little Sapphire. 
“Woah, that’s-”
“Wait. Wait. Wait. You mean to tell me you are Sapphire?!”
“I am! You see, one of my private tutors, he was an artist, and he told me people called him the Traveler.”
“The Traveler? People say that he’s the new Bansky.”
“Oh, Fjord, c’mon! He’s so much better than Bansky! He’s the best!”
“And he’s your teacher?”
“He is! Well. He was. Until I made this one thing in L.A... I had no idea that it was one of the big mob houses! It got all of the paparazzi attention and they got found out by the cops... So now these guys want me dead and I had to come here to lay low for a little while.”
“They... want you dead.”
“Kinda, yes.”
Fjord frowns again, feeling his chest knot. He looks at his tiny sunshine neighbor, imagines her in any sort of danger, and feels an old kind of fury burning in his veins.
“So,” Jester sing songs.
“Are you gonna tell me what you are doing here? I mean, you are all mysterious. I see you come in and out every day, you work nine to five but then you spend all night out. What’s your story, Fjord?”
Deep breath. Fjord thinks about his past, about the orphanage, about Vandran. He thinks about his nightly search across New York, asking about a Texan sailor gone missing months ago under mysterious circumstances. He thinks about the Serpent mafia and all the danger he would put her in if he shared that with her.
All the danger he would put her in if he shared anything with her. All of the things already clouding his mind...
“I could tell you, but I’d have to kill you,” he grins, leaning closer. 
He can feel Jester stand on her tiptoes, her breath brushing his mouth.
“Hey, Jester! Come back in here! We are singing happy birthday!” Nott shouts from the backdoor.
“Coming!” She shouts back, pulls Fjord back and presses a chaste kiss to his lips. “You get the rest of that when you tell me your story,” she whispers, then runs away and back into the Nein club. 
Fjord stands there in the dark street while his brain tries to process what just happened. 
Oh, fuck him, he’s going to tell her everything. How could he not?
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