#its giving less refined blood meridian
wulfhalls · 2 years
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reading butcher's crossing like i love descriptions of the natural world that read like nature is an indifferent god from time immemorial <3
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project-paranoia · 3 years
Live Watch: Thousand Autumns Episode One
Oh wow someone got the good... guzheng? Something in that family of instruments anyway. They got the good music for that. And the animation is beautiful and beautifully synchronised to the clip excerpts.
And the imagery! The opening with the symbol of the Dao, and then main character number 1, Shen Qiao, all in white, in a fantastically and subtly ornamented outfit - I love the textures of the cloth they put in on the animation here, cloth and clothes textures are so easy to get wrong and they’ve done it beautifully here. I think this is supposed to be Shen Qiao’s original sect leader/zhangjiao outfit and he looks properly leaderly in it.
And this, followed by a closeup of Yan Wushi’s hand holding the ring of contention, and then Yan Wushi himself, very handsomely rendered in 3d animation - and again I have to voice my appreciation of the cloth textures. That’s actual subtly 3d brocade textures they’re rendering there, with the correct flow for how cloth hangs on the body, and the correct variances of light on the areas with thicker brocade and it is, frankly, very impressive. And they didn’t lose colour saturation doing it either, making that purple robe look suitably luxurious. The shiny hair ornament and one sidebang in white is a nice touch as well. As are the hints they set right in the opening that Shen Qiao and Yan Wushi are ... opposites, and complements, linking them back to the Yin/Yang balance of the symbol of the Dao.
So much love for this opening song it’s so good. Also going to be a pain to translate accurately with a proper sense of the poetry of it, but so good.
Alright episode 1 proper, 风雨欲来. The coming of the wind and rain, literally, I think. Maybe even the foreboding or oncoming storm, if you’re going for the feel of the term instead of literal translation. Oh. Oh that opening montage with the bird’s eye view and the fog and the high mountains - I was so taken by this scenery I sketched and tried to paint it at least 3 times. It’s a very moving shot. Also very much in the grand tradition of xianxia/wuxia, and also, even without a word, hinting at the traditional stance of the Mt Xuandu sect - to 出世, to remove themselves from the world to cultivate in the seclusion and clarity of the literal peaks above the clouds and dust of the world.
Oh. Oh that opening shot. The challenge to combat by Kunye to Shen Qiao. The.. subtle and ornate embroidery and brocade and patterning on Shen Qiao’s sect leader robes is so awesome. The wave motifs repeated in the 3 layers of robes, even on the hair ornament/冠 in his hair, the resolute look on his face! The closeup shot of the 山河同悲 sword - and what a name for it. A sword named for, if I may be excused poetry in translation - compassion and pity and fellow feeling for the griefs and pains and trials of the world as encompassed by the mountains and rivers - what a blade, and what a name, and what a bearer that would be worthy of it. A very good hint, at the kind of person Shen Qiao is, even before they have him open his mouth.
The contrasting costuming decision for Kunye et al is also very nice, hinting at the cultural differences between, say, the peoples that live on the central plains and the more nomadic groups living on less kindly land, shown in the different materials available/preferred - leather, furs, etc  vs cloth, silk, cotton etc
And the fight choreography! So nice! The 3d animation works really well here,in that there’s no limitation to the capabilities of human bodies and it’s possible to really show in the visual medium the knock out drag down fight between 2 people whose martial - and quasi magical - capabilities are already at potentially mountain splitting levels. Not to mention also, showing that a Shen Qiao who isn’t being handicapped by sabotage... really can wipe the floor with Kunye if he wants to. And then, of course, once the fight gets to Half-step Peak and they’re out of sight of inconvenient witnesses, the signal for the ambush. And then the effects of the sabotage take hold.
Ah, flashback to 20 years ago, to provide the audience with the world info we need to understand the rest of the story. Not to mention also informing us why Hulugu would even bother. Or why Kunye coming in to challege Shen Qiao is so narratively important. And also introducing the ring that so many would fight over later.
Yan Wushi’s character introduction.. is quite something. As is Yu Shengyan’s. Ah, Shizun, congratulations on exiting your 10 year cultivation seclusion, would you like the highlights on the changes in the world in the past 10 years? But also a good show of character, because they have him not even looking at Yu Shengyan, but looking away in the distance, and telling him to only tell the most important bits, he’s not interested in useless words. Also serves as a nice introduction to some people who’ll be important later, and giving us a time marker for when Shen Qiao ascended to the sect leader post - 5 years ago, after the death of his shizun Qi Fengge. Ah Yan Wushi, your characteristically arrogant attitude - aside from Qi Fengge, who in life was worthy of being the first among all the wuxia world, the rest are not worth even mentioning. And here too a little hint that Yan Wushi might care a little bit in some way for those who are his, including his disciples - He tells Yu Shengyan that this location, this Half Step Peak that they’re at, because of its physical characteristics, is good for him to cultivate to the next level of understanding/enlightenment of the martial arts used by Huanyue Sect.
I love it whenever they hint that the more... developed characters whose martial arts are very good have improved senses. A little flow of blood in the water, Yu Shengyan notices something is wrong, looks at his shizun, and receives a nod of affirmation that he perceived correctly and should take action. And then after that, they come upon a body of one of the Mt Xuandu disciples, and Yan Wushi’s verbal remark that today, Mt Xuandu is troubled and not pure and clean. And then Shen Qiao literally falls from the cliff top - and the pan up makes it very clear that for most people, this is a lethal fall.
And then the surviving ambushers attempt to finish the job when Yu Shengyan checks whether Shen Qiao is still alive... and Yan Wushi takes the training opportunity when he sees it, and tells his disciple to use his strongest techniques to take on the remaining assassins. And then, when Yu Shengyan can't quite wipe the floor with them... criticizes his lack of growth, as might be expected of Yan Wushi, and steps in to really wipe the floor with the assassins, as might not be expected of Yan Wushi. Also doubles as a really nice display to the audience of his level of strength. In fact.. listening to the voice, I think one of those assassins appears, unhidden, in later episodes. Heh. Plot continuity, a nice one. As are the assassins having common sense, recognising Yan Wushi's infamous technique, and running before they're cut down.
Ahahahaha yes Yu Shengyan, your shizun really had you pick that fight for training, and he's really about to pick up Shen Qiao and have him rescued on a whim. Also nice to review, on rewatch for the details, that part of this whim is perhaps curiousity as to Shen Qiao's ability to survive and/or recover, as hinted by the thin thread of strength provided by the Zhuyang Ce, that Yan Wushi identifies as the thin strength keeping him alive, despite the aforementioned lethal fall.
Heh. Yu Shengyan – and maybe Huanyue Sect's other job – information gatherers aka spies.
Ah, Yan Wushi, you really are fascinated by people's reactions under stress, aren't you.
Shen Qiao awakens! Oof, the amount of damage – can't see, amnesia – damaged or even broken meridians – the donghua doesn't mention how much time passes, but given that Yu Shengyan mentions that Shen Qiao's broken bones have only just finished healing – could not have been a matter of days. Weeks, maybe even a month, minimum. Unless Yu Shengyan meant that the bones have only just been set – which could mean a few days. And then the mindscrew from Yan Wushi, telling poor amnesiac Shen Qiao that, yes, your name is Shen Qiao, oh, and you are one of my disciples from Huanyue Sect! Someone sure is hasty to put his poke the injured person plans into action! Ah Yan Wushi, if you could please give Shen Qiao a break, he just had a near death experience! But also – the scope of the injuries – yes, it benefits Yan Wushi's plotting but also – Shen Qiao was injured beyond the scope of ordinary medicine? Yu Shengyan has to be stationed to basically care for him until he is able to awaken – and presumably recover – appropriately!
Alright, time marker, 3 months after previous events.. okay. Shen Qiao can walk, some, though the animators were careful to make it a clearly pained walk, in comparison to how he was moving pre-Kunye fight. And then of course the blindness, which may also explain how they've animated him moving with more cautious steps. And the coughing, and the eyes that can't focus – all in all, a detailed and careful show of how badly injured Shen Qiao still is. Can't help sniggering at every 'shidi' I'm hearing him say though. And Yu Shengyan... yes, really, even though you and your shizun can't quite believe it, there really is a person this kind and considerate of other people.
The appearance of the weiqi board motif! Strategy, and planning, and part of the arts of the refined gentlemen..and the hint of how Shen Qiao is perceiving/visualising the input that he hears, since he can't see right now. And the hint that he might be using qi to help sort through what he hears – well enough that he can identify it's a weiqi board, and even the piece being placed. Very Awesome. Especially when they show Yan Wushi possibly testing Shen Qiao's capability to perceive the world around him by hesitating and purposely not putting down his piece.. and Shen Qiao very naturally picking up the piece – black, the correct colour and the one Yan Wushi was about to play – and putting it in the correct position on the board that Yan Wushi was about to place. Is it any wonder that the next thing Yan Wushi checks is the state of his recovery?
And then we have Yan Wushi's characteristic multipronged planning – creating trouble for Hehuan sect, training for Yu Shengyan, testing opportunity for Shen Qiao. Very excellent, any and every outcome has benefit to Yan Wushi.
Ah the encounter at the medicine shop. Hm. Okay, the sharing of the medicine is clearly a hint to Yan Ziwen of some kind that he and his should be especially cautious tonight, perhaps even to run for their lives tonight. Though it's maybe a hint in the actions, and not the words, because the words don't sound suspicious at all. Neither do the actions, if you were watching as a observer and didn't know Yan Ziwen's paranoid character – a blind person would unsurprisingly wish to be extra careful where they put their hands. And at night, on the attack... for all that Shen Qiao can't quite see, and is currently relying on the rest of his senses... he can tell that something's off about Yu Shengyan's actions. And then... Shen Qiao remembers... the sword, and what Qi Fengge taught him. And then the confrontation, and the near strangulation by Yan Wushi... Shen Qiao has such a nice literary register to his speech. Four word phrases even under severe near strangled stress, with the right philosophical meaning to make his point to Yan Wushi. And then the reveal of Yan Wushi's plotting. Very nicely done.
And now, the first of Yan Wushi's many many invitations to Shen Qiao to forsake his daoist path and join Yan Wushi's ... evil sect is not the right word. Demonic path is technically correct but has moral overtones that don't fit. Join Yan Wushi's cultivation path, maybe. Join and get bloody revenge on everyone who's wronged Shen Qiao – and already there are so many of them. And we the audience wonder for half a second – is he going to do it? Is this going to be a revenge story? And Shen Qiao flat out refuses in words, in the first of many times. And then Shen Qiao walks away from Yan Wushi. Here the animation is a delight again – the audience gets to see the little micro expressions that flit across – he's actually walking away?! And then Yan Wushi does his dramatic gifting of the bamboo stick. And too, a few seconds later, the reveal of their movements being spied on by Duan Wenyang, and Yu Shengyan's orders to continue searching for .. something. Ah, the plotting in Thousand Autumns. Always a delight.
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generalsuitfun · 4 years
Help My Back Pain - Therapies to Ease the Misery
Therapy to help back pain Lower back pain sometimes known as Lumbago or Sciatica is a common disorder affecting some 60% of the adult population, seeking to get rid of back pain. So great is the problem, that in the UK alone, some 150 million man days are lost each year in industry, as a result of absenteeism attributed to lower back pain. Generally, the symptoms of low back pain are due to benign musculoskeletal problems often arising from strains in the lower back muscles or soft tissue, and these ease considerably within a few weeks using common sense measures to address.
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To help back pain, establishing of the fundamental origin of the back pain with a GP is usually made through a combination of a medical history, physical examination, and, when necessary, diagnostic investigation, such as x-ray, MRI, or CT scan. Usually, low back or lumbar pain can be treated conventionally, with one recommendation being physical therapy which may help alleviate the symptoms, and give back pain relief. A summary of some of the more common therapies used to provide back pain relief are listed below:-
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Acupuncture Acupuncture treatment originated in China over two thousand years ago. It is reputed that the first observations were of soldiers, wounded in battle by arrows, and how the arrow 'punctures' caused therapeutic effects in different parts of the victims body well away from the wound area. The general theory behind traditional acupuncture is based on patterns or meridians of energy flow through the body that are essential for health. This is referred to as Qi or Chi and sometimes Xue (blood). Disruptions of this flow are thought to be the primary causes of pain and disease. Acupuncture attempts to correct imbalances of flow, thus helping to restore the patient's health.    
How acupuncture works Broadly, acupuncture involves stimulation of points along these energy flows through a range of techniques. Stimulation is typically performed using very fine needles that create gentle sensations. Each of these needles are inserted into specific points along these 'energy pathways' or "meridians" .
Can acupuncture help my back Pain Acupuncture is considered useful in treating such conditions as lower back pain, sciatica, stiffness, and strains. In traditional acupuncture theory, pain arises due to blocked energy along 'energy pathways' or "meridians" of the body, which are 'cleared' when acupuncture needles are inserted. In modern medicine, scientific reasons have been put forward for the apparent benefits that acupuncture provides for the sufferers of lower back pain. One observation is that acupuncture stimulation causes the releases neurochemicals and hormones, regarded as producing signals that soothe the sympathetic nervous system and release natural opioids which provide back pain relief.
Alexander technique The Alexander Technique is a method that works to change (movement) habits in our everyday activities. It is a simple and practical method for improving ease and freedom of movement, balance, support and coordination. The technique teaches the use of the appropriate amount of effort for a particular activity, giving you more energy for all your activities. It is not a series of treatments or exercises, but rather a re-education of the mind and body. The Alexander Technique is a method which helps a person discover a new balance in the body by releasing unnecessary tension. It can be applied to sitting, lying down, standing, walking, lifting, and other daily activities
How Alexander Technique works The Alexander Technique shows its students how to learn to do whatever they currently do as easily and efficiently as possible. It is concerned almost exclusively with process - how an activity is performed not what it is. Although there are no exercises, Alexander technique shows how to exercise more efficiently, with reduced risk of injury. Many, seeking back pain relief are drawn to the technique because of its reputation to help back pain or lumbago, stiff necks and shoulders, and other conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Alexander teachers are not doctors and do not diagnose diseases.
Can Alexander Technique help my back pain By becoming more aware of how the body works and learning how to "undo" bad body practices, those suffering with long term or chronic back pain are able to soothe and ease their symptoms. Pupils of Alexander technique can learn how to pupils how to liberate needless muscle tension and, freer means of movement which impose less strain and therefore back pain relief.
Bowen Therapy The Bowen technique is a soft tissue remedial therapy, named after its innovator Tom Bowen. This therapy is not considered massage, but as a non-invasive muscle release and integration technique, but similar to massage, it releases muscular tension. Its clients describe experiences of significant relaxation after a session.
How does Bowen Therapy work The technique involves the therapist using fingers or thumbs to move over muscle, ligament tendon and fascia in various parts of the body. The work is very subtle, relaxing and gentle involving no hard or prolonged pressure. During a session the client will lie on a therapy table or bed, although the work can be effectively carried out with the client in a chair.
Can Bowen Therapy help my back pain The most common presentation is for back pain relief and here Bowen excels. The average number of treatments would be two or three for most therapists. There are always going to be exceptions to any rule, and certain people will need further or even on-going treatments. Sports injury is a field of remedial therapy that is becoming very aware of The Bowen Technique. The Bowen Technique is being used at high levels of sport in this country, with rugby clubs and premiership football clubs showing interest. Bowen therapists advocate that this can reduce or eliminate or help back pain and promote general health Source: European College of Bowen
Chiropractic Chiropractic is a technique which focuses on the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. The principal of Chiropractic is that the key to health is the nervous system with the spine at its centre. If the spine is aligned correctly, then optimal movement can occur and the patient can achieve improved health.
A chiropractor will generally address "subluxations"- misalignments to the spinal bones responsible for reduced movement or or loss of normal posture, causing impairment to the nervous system or nerve irritation.
How does Chiropractic work In seeking to help back pain, a chiropractor would usually examine the patient's spine and review any patient history to determine any previous injuries, accidents, or tensions that may be impairing normal function. Sometimes the Chiropractor will order an X-ray to help determine this. A common form of Chiropractic treatment is a spinal manipulation or adjustment. This is generally carried out by hand manipulating the spinal joints affected in an attempt to increase or unlock the joints mobility.
Additional tools are sometimes used to promote healing including rehabilitative exercise, nutritional and lifestyle improvement programmes. The amount of, and frequency of the treatment required would vary according to the nature and severity of the condition.
Can Chiropractic help my back pain A chiropractor will attempt to focus on the fundamental mechanical and neurological trouble in the spine to decrease the back pain and other symptoms caused by reduced spinal function. He will concentrate on natural health care working to encourage the body to self repair back towards improved health. Chiropractic care as a therapy for back pain in general is safe when employed skillfully and appropriately. Manipulation is regarded as relatively safe, but as with all therapeutic interventions, complications can arise, and it has known adverse effects
Feldenkrais The Feldenkrais Method is a somatic educational system designed by Moshé Feldenkrais (1904-1984), based on physics, neurology, and bio mechanics. The Feldenkrais method is designed to improve movement repertoire, aiming to expand and refine the use of the self through awareness, in order to reduce pain or limitations in movement, and promote posture, and general well-being. The Feldenkrais Method is often regarded as falling within the field of complementary medicine, and is a means of re educating the neuromuscular system, redefining movement to increase efficiency and reduce stress
How does Feldenkrais work Feldenkrais Method is taught in two complimentary formats - "Awareness Through Movement' taught through classes and Functional Integration taught on a one to one basis.
In teaching 'Awareness Through Movement' classes, the teacher will lead the class through a sequence of movements involving standing, sitting in a chair or sitting or lying on the floor. One of the key aims is to instruct pupils how to decrease unwarranted muscular exertion and develop understanding of their whole self during movement.
In a Functional Integration lesson, a trained practitioner uses his or her hands to guide the movement of a single pupil, who may be sitting, lying or standing. The practitioner uses this "hands-on" technique to help the student experience the connections among various parts of the body (with or without movement). Through precision of touch and movement, the pupil learns how to eliminate excess effort and thus move more freely and easily. Lessons may be specific in addressing particular issues brought by the pupil, or can be more global in scope. Although the technique does not specifically aim to eliminate pain or "cure" physical complaints, such issues may inform the lesson. Issues such as chronic muscle pain may resolve themselves as the pupil may learn a more relaxed approach to his or her physical experience-a more integrated, free, and easy way to move Students are taught to become aware of their movements and of how they use themselves, thus discovering expanded movement options.
Can Feldenkrais help my back pain The theory behind Feldenkrais is that inefficient movement behaviour may lead to avoidable tension and movement constraint leading to back pain. The Feldenkrais technique provides for expanded movement alternatives and enhanced posture which can provide backache relief or back pain relief, whilst developing greater efficiency and freedom of movement
Massage therapy Massage is the manipulation of superficial layers of muscle and connective tissue to improve the function and encourage relaxation, well-being, and improve posture dysfunction. It involves acting on and manipulating the body with pressure - structured, unstructured, stationary, or moving tension, motion, or vibration, done manually or with mechanical aids. Target tissues may include muscles, tendons, ligaments skin, joints, or other connective tissue, as well as lymphatic vessels, Massage can be carried out using the hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearm, and feet. There are over eighty different recognized massage techniques with many used to help back pain.
Massage manipulates the soft tissues of the body by rubbing, kneading, stretching and other methods for therapeutic effect. As a result, muscle and tissue is made more pliable, energising lymph circulation and promoting blood flow. Therapists will employ a range of techniques and methods during treatment sessions.
How does Massage therapy work Massage manipulates the soft tissues of the body by rubbing, kneading, stretching and other methods for therapeutic effect. As a result, muscle and tissue is made more pliable, energising lymph circulation and promoting blood flow. Experienced therapists will employ a range of techniques and methods during treatment sessions to help back pain. There are many types of massage therapy for back pain in addition to acupressure or Bowen (see above) such as:-
Deep Tissue Massage Used to relieve severe tension in muscle or fascia, often used where the patient suffers consistent lower back pain caused by specific muscular-skeletal conditions. It concentrates on the underlying muscles rather than those at the surface in order to help back pain.
Swedish massage (or Classic massage in Sweden!) can be used to help back pain, by improving circulation and easing joint stiffness. Swedish massage uses five styles of strokes to massage: Sliding, kneading, tapping, friction, and vibration
Hilot Hilot is a traditional healing and massage technique originating in the Philippines that can be employed to relax stressed muscle and joint manipulation to treat muscular-skeletal conditions as a lower back pain therapy.
Trigger point therapy Can be used to help back pain and poor posture, by helping to release muscles in spasm, employing techniques to release 'knotted' muscles, and freeing up circulation in the affected area.
Traditional Chinese massage There are two types which can provide back pain relief and - Tui na (the Chinese equivalent of physiotherapy) which concentrates on pushing, stretching and kneading the muscle, and Zhi Ya which utilises techniques of pinching and pressing at acupressure points. These originate from Traditional Chinese Medicine. Although Tui Na is described as massage in the West, in TCM it is not. In TCM massage is called Anmo, which forms the basis of Japan's Anma.
Can massage therapy help my back pain Carried out effectively by experienced practitioners, knowledgeable of the human body and conversant with muscle imbalance massage therapy can be a useful therapy for back pain. Massage can also assist in relieving lumbar pain by reducing tension in turn alleviating poor back posture caused by muscle imbalance. Relief of mental tension and stress by using massage is also useful a useful therapy for back pain helping those within sedentary occupations involving hours of sitting in front of VDU's. Although massage is undoubtedly useful for back pain relief it may not address the underlying condition so GP advice should be sought.
Osteopathy Osteopathy is a non invasive holistic drug free manual therapy that centres on total body health by treating and strengthening the musculoskeletal framework, which includes the joints, muscles and spine. Its aim is to positively affect the body's nervous, circulatory and lymphatic systems, enabling an environment of self healing. Osteopaths do not simply concentrate on treating the problem area, but use manual techniques to balance all the systems of the body, to provide overall good health and wellbeing. The practice of Osteopathy was established in the late 1800s in the United States of America, by. Dr. Andrew Taylor Still with the aim of using manual 'hands on' drug free techniques to improve circulation and correct altered biomechanics.
How does Osteopathy work Osteopathy employs manual therapies for the treatment of many neuromusculoskeletal pain syndromes, such as lower back pain and tension headache, alongside exercise and other rehabilitative techniques. An osteopath will utilise a range of gentle hands-on techniques such as soft tissue stretching, deep tactile pressure, and joint mobilisation or manipulation.
The key principles of osteopathy are based on all parts of the body functioning together in an integrated manner. If one part of the body is restricted, then the rest of the body must adapt and offset this, which can lead to inflammation, pain, stiffness and other health conditions. When the body is free of restrictions in movement, Osteopathic treatment helps to reduce pain stress and enhance mobility, creating an environment of self healing for the patient's body.
In some cases, Osteopaths can complement the GP's advice on back pain by for example, by easing the pain caused by joint and muscle stiffness, by improving joint mobility and the flow of blood to the joints, to supplement maybe a pain killer prescription issued by the GP
Can osteopathy help my Back Pain Osteopathy is recognised by the British Medical Association as 'a discrete clinical discipline' which can compliment mainstream medicine, and trials demonstrate its effectiveness in treating back pain, with GP's often referring patients to osteopaths for private treatment. Osteopathic technique is believed to be effective in providing back pain relief by:-
Reducing of herniated or bulging discs and correcting any internal displacement of disc fragments Inhibiting nerve impulses Releasing adhesions around prolapsed discs Calming tenses muscles aggravated by sudden stretching Providing respite for muscle spasm Providing advice on exercises for the lower back, posture, safe lifting, workplace or workstation ergonomics, stress, and diet
Physiotherapy "Physiotherapy helps restore movement and function to as near as possible when someone is affected by injury, illness or by developmental or other disability. It uses physical approaches to promote, maintain and restore physical, psychological and social wellbeing, taking account of variations in health status. Physiotherapy is science based, committed to extending, applying, evaluating and reviewing the evidence that underpins and informs its practice and delivery. The exercise of clinical judgement and informed interpretation is at its core" Ref: The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Lower back pain can be treated by Orthopaedic physical therapists who diagnose, manage, and treat disorders and injuries of the musculoskeletal system including rehabilitation after surgery. Orthopaedic therapists are trained in the treatment of back pain and spinal conditions, joint and spine mobilisation or manipulation and therapeutic exercise, in order to enable backache relief.
How does Physiotherapy work Physical movement is seen as a key important therapy in treating lower back pain. Physiotherapy can be described as a drug-free technique or therapy employing a range of procedures, such as joint manipulation and mobilisation, physical stretches and exercise routines, massage therapy, ice and heat therapy, ultrasound, and breathing exercises. Although a GP may refer a lower back pain sufferer to a physiotherapist, a patient can go directly to the latter, although in some instances, the physio may require a formal GP referral.
Can Physiotherapy help my back pain Physiotherapy can identify several factors as potentially leading to incidences of lower back pain, including trauma or injury, arthritis, poor posture, muscular strains and weaknesses, ligament strains, sciatic conditions, and disc trouble.. Dependent upon the root cause of lumbar pain, a physio can treat these issues with a number of procedures. These could include posture and ergonomics guidance, advice and remedial movement courses, where, manipulation, stabilisation training, stretching and exercise routines to give backache relief.
Pilates Pilates is a holistic exercise technique, intended to stretch, strengthen and condition the body to balance, engaging both mind and body, through an anatomical comprehension of the body's muscular-skeletal systems. Through a comprehensive exercise or programme, the patient or student can concentrate on focus area whilst carrying out for the client. Classes will focus on specific areas individually whilst carrying out routine that incorporates into an environment where optimum muscular- skeletal function and mobility can be restored
How does Pilates work Pilates is carried out through slow controlled exercise, usually on an exercise mat, or sometimes on specific apparatus, either in classes or one to one. It's a system of exercises that take the body and mind and body through sequence of proscribed movements. These controlled movements integrate the concept of Dynamic Tension (self-resistance) which is the act of exercising muscle against muscle Pilates is taught one on one or in a class.
Can Pilates help my Back Pain Pilates theory is that imbalance in strength and flexibility of the body may cause back pain. Pilates attempts to build strength and flexibility to help restore mobility and avert further back injury. Pilates claims to improve posture, muscle tone, mobility, and flexibility in the spine, alleviate backache and pains, and reduce stress. It is considered therapy for back pain for some medical conditions affecting the back but those suffering from Osteogenesis imperfecta, Osteoporosis, Paget's Disease, Osteomalacia should seek medical consultation. Whilst there have been recent concerns expressed over the effectiveness and safety of Pilates especially relating to strengthening the core muscles, it's accepted that it can be useful for some people in some instances for back pain relief.
Rolfing 'Rolfing Structural Integration' is the trademarked name for the system of hands-on connective tissue manipulation and movement education aimed at releasing stress patterns, and helping the client move and function with greater freedom, and effortlessly maintain a more upright posture. Rolfing seeks to realign and balance the body so that the head, shoulders, chest, pelvis, and legs work in improved vertical configuration
How does Rolfing work The concept of Rolfing is that injuries, poor movement function and muscle taughtness through stress cause the myofascia (connective tissue) to stiffen, inhibiting free and relaxed movement. By applying deep pressure and other massage techniques to ease tightened myofascia, therby allowing greater flexibility and balance between muscles, tendons and bones. Practitioners of Rolfing teach awareness of those habits restricting movement and how to transform these patterns
Can Rolfing help my Back Pain By reducing tension, softening the myofacsia, and restoring natural balance and body use, Rolfing practitioners believe the release from the above techniques can relieve back pain caused by muscle tension and help the back to realign itself, promoting improved back health and giving backache relief. Rolfing practitioners address lower back pain, including disk herniation usually by focussing on relaxing, releasing, and manipulating the muscle tissue, and forming space between the intervertebral disks.
Shiatsu The name Shiatsu is derived from Japanese from shi, meaning finger, and atsu, meaning pressure) is a traditional hands-on therapy originating in Japan. There are two main Shiatsu schools; one based on western anatomical and physiological theory where it soothes an overactive sympathetic nervous system, improving circulation, relieving muscle tension and reducing stress, and the other based on a holistic system of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Shiatsu is regulated as a licensed medical therapy by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (Japan), and elsewhere by various governing bodies set up by Shiatsu practitioners. Shiatsu is an evolving form, and its various styles incorporate (to differing degrees) aspects of Japanese massage traditions, Chinese Medicine practice, and "Western" anatomy and physiology.
How does Shiatsu work Shiatsu is an uses pressure applied with thumbs, fingers and palms to the same energy flows or meridians as acupuncture and incorporates stretching. It also uses techniques such as rolling, brushing, vibrating, grasping and in one particular technique developed by Suzuki Yamamoto, pressure is applied with the feet on the persons back, legs and feet (special set up is required for the "foot" shiatsu). The principle theory is similar to that of acupuncture whereby illness is brought about as a result of blockages or imbalance in the meridians or energy lines. The Shiatsu practitioner seeks to clear or remove these blockages by applying finger, thumb, palm, or even foot pressure to the affected areas using a variety of massage techniques
Can Shiatsu help my Back Pain Lower Back pain results for a number of reasons: Poor ergonomic posture, Physical injury, occupational (such as lifting), recreational (eg golf or gardening) related to poor muscle tone, or in Traditional Oriental Medicine (TOM), blockages or imbalances in energy flows through the patients meridians.. It is likely that back pain relief for back pain for back ache or sciatic conditions can be provided by a shiatsu practitioner. Shiatsu is complementary to mainstream Western medicine, not an alternative to it. Though therapy back pain will be administered according to Oriental practice it is important that a modern Western diagnosis is obtained as well, and the practitioner will attempt to establish the origin of the condition. \through the techniques outlined above the practitioner will strive to create an environment of 'self healing' whereby the patients body will revert or return over time to a more healthy condition. By understanding how the condition arose the practitioner will advise on changes in posture, exercise, or physical habits which may help prevent reoccurrence of the back pain,
Yoga Yoga dates back to over 5,000 years, and originated in India as a form of a spiritual practice. In the West, Yoga as an alternative medicine has evolved from its founding philosophy into a form known as Yoga Therapy, often considered useful as a therapy for back pain. In the UK this has taken the form of a National Occupational Standard, (NOS) for the delivery of Yoga Therapy to clients with impaired health, such as back problems or compromised well being. Yoga is usually taught in classes or groups, sometimes as a lower back pain therapy Yoga is believed to calm the nervous system, create harmony, and balance the body, mind, and spirit. It is thought by its practitioners to prevent specific diseases and maladies by keeping the energy meridians open and life energy (Prana) flowing. Over time many different branches of yoga have involved from the original meditative states to the emphasis on physical pose or position, breathing, bodily alignment, or flow of movement.
How does Yoga work Yoga engages movement, stretching, posture and breathing to achieve overall wellbeing of body and mind. The different types of yoga often focus on specific facets such as Fitness, flexibility, meditation, rehabilitation, relaxation, and strength.Yoga engages movement, stretching, posture and breathing to achieve overall wellbeing.
Restorative yoga is often associated with healing disease, and is practiced in a very relaxed state by using supports instead of muscular tension to maintain the pose alignments. These poses help relieve the effects of chronic stress in several ways. First, the use of props provide a completely supportive environment for total relaxation. Second, each restorative sequence is designed to move the spine in all directions. Third, a well-sequenced restorative practice also includes an inverted pose, which reverses the effects of gravity. Because we stand or sit most of the day, blood and lymph fluid accumulate in the lower extremities. By changing the relationship of the legs to gravity, fluids are returned to the upper body and heart function is enhanced. Fourth, restorative yoga alternately stimulates and soothes the organs. With this movement of blood comes the enhanced exchange of oxygen and waste products across the cell membrane. Finally, yoga teaches that the body is permeated with energy. Prana, the masculine energy, residing above the diaphragm, moves upward, and controls respiration and heart rate. Apana, the feminine energy, resides below the diaphragm, moves downward, and controls the function of the abdominal organs. Restorative yoga balances these aspects of energy within the practitioner. Most yoga classes usually comprise a combination of physical exercises, breathing exercises, and meditation. These characteristics make yoga a particularly beneficial kind of exercise for certain health conditions, including back problems
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Can Yoga help my Back Pain Yoga can help back pain through the teaching balance, flexibility, strengthening muscles and promoting body awareness. By progressively structuring the complexity of movement, yoga teachers advocate that its practice can educate the back in distributing its mass more efficiently and improve back posture and balance naturally. For practitioners of yoga, an amalgamation of yoga positions reduces weakness, improves the alignment of the spine and reduces muscle tension, creating an environment of self healing for the back. Many yoga positions can be adapted to address particular back conditions as part of a therapy for back pain or to afford greater stretches.read more
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timclymer · 5 years
Help My Back Pain – Therapies to Ease the Misery
Therapy to help back pain Lower back pain sometimes known as Lumbago or Sciatica is a common disorder affecting some 60% of the adult population, seeking to get rid of back pain. So great is the problem, that in the UK alone, some 150 million man days are lost each year in industry, as a result of absenteeism attributed to lower back pain. Generally, the symptoms of low back pain are due to benign musculoskeletal problems often arising from strains in the lower back muscles or soft tissue, and these ease considerably within a few weeks using common sense measures to address.
To help back pain, establishing of the fundamental origin of the back pain with a GP is usually made through a combination of a medical history, physical examination, and, when necessary, diagnostic investigation, such as x-ray, MRI, or CT scan. Usually, low back or lumbar pain can be treated conventionally, with one recommendation being physical therapy which may help alleviate the symptoms, and give back pain relief. A summary of some of the more common therapies used to provide back pain relief are listed below:-
Acupuncture Acupuncture treatment originated in China over two thousand years ago. It is reputed that the first observations were of soldiers, wounded in battle by arrows, and how the arrow ‘punctures’ caused therapeutic effects in different parts of the victims body well away from the wound area. The general theory behind traditional acupuncture is based on patterns or meridians of energy flow through the body that are essential for health. This is referred to as Qi or Chi and sometimes Xue (blood). Disruptions of this flow are thought to be the primary causes of pain and disease. Acupuncture attempts to correct imbalances of flow, thus helping to restore the patient’s health.
How acupuncture works Broadly, acupuncture involves stimulation of points along these energy flows through a range of techniques. Stimulation is typically performed using very fine needles that create gentle sensations. Each of these needles are inserted into specific points along these ‘energy pathways’ or “meridians”.
Can acupuncture help my back Pain Acupuncture is considered useful in treating such conditions as lower back pain, sciatica, stiffness, and strains. In traditional acupuncture theory, pain arises due to blocked energy along ‘energy pathways’ or “meridians” of the body, which are ‘cleared’ when acupuncture needles are inserted. In modern medicine, scientific reasons have been put forward for the apparent benefits that acupuncture provides for the sufferers of lower back pain. One observation is that acupuncture stimulation causes the releases neurochemicals and hormones, regarded as producing signals that soothe the sympathetic nervous system and release natural opioids which provide back pain relief.
Alexander technique The Alexander Technique is a method that works to change (movement) habits in our everyday activities. It is a simple and practical method for improving ease and freedom of movement, balance, support and coordination. The technique teaches the use of the appropriate amount of effort for a particular activity, giving you more energy for all your activities. It is not a series of treatments or exercises, but rather a re-education of the mind and body. The Alexander Technique is a method which helps a person discover a new balance in the body by releasing unnecessary tension. It can be applied to sitting, lying down, standing, walking, lifting, and other daily activities
How Alexander Technique works The Alexander Technique shows its students how to learn to do whatever they currently do as easily and efficiently as possible. It is concerned almost exclusively with process – how an activity is performed not what it is. Although there are no exercises, Alexander technique shows how to exercise more efficiently, with reduced risk of injury. Many, seeking back pain relief are drawn to the technique because of its reputation to help back pain or lumbago, stiff necks and shoulders, and other conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Alexander teachers are not doctors and do not diagnose diseases.
Can Alexander Technique help my back pain By becoming more aware of how the body works and learning how to “undo” bad body practices, those suffering with long term or chronic back pain are able to soothe and ease their symptoms. Pupils of Alexander technique can learn how to pupils how to liberate needless muscle tension and, freer means of movement which impose less strain and therefore back pain relief.
Bowen Therapy The Bowen technique is a soft tissue remedial therapy, named after its innovator Tom Bowen. This therapy is not considered massage, but as a non-invasive muscle release and integration technique, but similar to massage, it releases muscular tension. Its clients describe experiences of significant relaxation after a session.
How does Bowen Therapy work The technique involves the therapist using fingers or thumbs to move over muscle, ligament tendon and fascia in various parts of the body. The work is very subtle, relaxing and gentle involving no hard or prolonged pressure. During a session the client will lie on a therapy table or bed, although the work can be effectively carried out with the client in a chair.
Can Bowen Therapy help my back pain The most common presentation is for back pain relief and here Bowen excels. The average number of treatments would be two or three for most therapists. There are always going to be exceptions to any rule, and certain people will need further or even on-going treatments. Sports injury is a field of remedial therapy that is becoming very aware of The Bowen Technique. The Bowen Technique is being used at high levels of sport in this country, with rugby clubs and premiership football clubs showing interest. Bowen therapists advocate that this can reduce or eliminate or help back pain and promote general health Source: European College of Bowen
Chiropractic Chiropractic is a technique which focuses on the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. The principal of Chiropractic is that the key to health is the nervous system with the spine at its centre. If the spine is aligned correctly, then optimal movement can occur and the patient can achieve improved health.
A chiropractor will generally address “subluxations”- misalignments to the spinal bones responsible for reduced movement or or loss of normal posture, causing impairment to the nervous system or nerve irritation.
How does Chiropractic work In seeking to help back pain, a chiropractor would usually examine the patient’s spine and review any patient history to determine any previous injuries, accidents, or tensions that may be impairing normal function. Sometimes the Chiropractor will order an X-ray to help determine this. A common form of Chiropractic treatment is a spinal manipulation or adjustment. This is generally carried out by hand manipulating the spinal joints affected in an attempt to increase or unlock the joints mobility.
Additional tools are sometimes used to promote healing including rehabilitative exercise, nutritional and lifestyle improvement programmes. The amount of, and frequency of the treatment required would vary according to the nature and severity of the condition.
Can Chiropractic help my back pain A chiropractor will attempt to focus on the fundamental mechanical and neurological trouble in the spine to decrease the back pain and other symptoms caused by reduced spinal function. He will concentrate on natural health care working to encourage the body to self repair back towards improved health. Chiropractic care as a therapy for back pain in general is safe when employed skillfully and appropriately. Manipulation is regarded as relatively safe, but as with all therapeutic interventions, complications can arise, and it has known adverse effects
Feldenkrais The Feldenkrais Method is a somatic educational system designed by Moshé Feldenkrais (1904-1984), based on physics, neurology, and bio mechanics. The Feldenkrais method is designed to improve movement repertoire, aiming to expand and refine the use of the self through awareness, in order to reduce pain or limitations in movement, and promote posture, and general well-being. The Feldenkrais Method is often regarded as falling within the field of complementary medicine, and is a means of re educating the neuromuscular system, redefining movement to increase efficiency and reduce stress
How does Feldenkrais work Feldenkrais Method is taught in two complimentary formats – “Awareness Through Movement’ taught through classes and Functional Integration taught on a one to one basis.
In teaching ‘Awareness Through Movement’ classes, the teacher will lead the class through a sequence of movements involving standing, sitting in a chair or sitting or lying on the floor. One of the key aims is to instruct pupils how to decrease unwarranted muscular exertion and develop understanding of their whole self during movement.
In a Functional Integration lesson, a trained practitioner uses his or her hands to guide the movement of a single pupil, who may be sitting, lying or standing. The practitioner uses this “hands-on” technique to help the student experience the connections among various parts of the body (with or without movement). Through precision of touch and movement, the pupil learns how to eliminate excess effort and thus move more freely and easily. Lessons may be specific in addressing particular issues brought by the pupil, or can be more global in scope. Although the technique does not specifically aim to eliminate pain or “cure” physical complaints, such issues may inform the lesson. Issues such as chronic muscle pain may resolve themselves as the pupil may learn a more relaxed approach to his or her physical experience-a more integrated, free, and easy way to move Students are taught to become aware of their movements and of how they use themselves, thus discovering expanded movement options.
Can Feldenkrais help my back pain The theory behind Feldenkrais is that inefficient movement behaviour may lead to avoidable tension and movement constraint leading to back pain. The Feldenkrais technique provides for expanded movement alternatives and enhanced posture which can provide backache relief or back pain relief, whilst developing greater efficiency and freedom of movement
Massage therapy Massage is the manipulation of superficial layers of muscle and connective tissue to improve the function and encourage relaxation, well-being, and improve posture dysfunction. It involves acting on and manipulating the body with pressure – structured, unstructured, stationary, or moving tension, motion, or vibration, done manually or with mechanical aids. Target tissues may include muscles, tendons, ligaments skin, joints, or other connective tissue, as well as lymphatic vessels, Massage can be carried out using the hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearm, and feet. There are over eighty different recognized massage techniques with many used to help back pain.
Massage manipulates the soft tissues of the body by rubbing, kneading, stretching and other methods for therapeutic effect. As a result, muscle and tissue is made more pliable, energising lymph circulation and promoting blood flow. Therapists will employ a range of techniques and methods during treatment sessions.
How does Massage therapy work Massage manipulates the soft tissues of the body by rubbing, kneading, stretching and other methods for therapeutic effect. As a result, muscle and tissue is made more pliable, energising lymph circulation and promoting blood flow. Experienced therapists will employ a range of techniques and methods during treatment sessions to help back pain. There are many types of massage therapy for back pain in addition to acupressure or Bowen (see above) such as:-
Deep Tissue Massage Used to relieve severe tension in muscle or fascia, often used where the patient suffers consistent lower back pain caused by specific muscular-skeletal conditions. It concentrates on the underlying muscles rather than those at the surface in order to help back pain.
Swedish massage (or Classic massage in Sweden!) can be used to help back pain, by improving circulation and easing joint stiffness. Swedish massage uses five styles of strokes to massage: Sliding, kneading, tapping, friction, and vibration
Hilot Hilot is a traditional healing and massage technique originating in the Philippines that can be employed to relax stressed muscle and joint manipulation to treat muscular-skeletal conditions as a lower back pain therapy.
Trigger point therapy Can be used to help back pain and poor posture, by helping to release muscles in spasm, employing techniques to release ‘knotted’ muscles, and freeing up circulation in the affected area.
Traditional Chinese massage There are two types which can provide back pain relief and – Tui na (the Chinese equivalent of physiotherapy) which concentrates on pushing, stretching and kneading the muscle, and Zhi Ya which utilises techniques of pinching and pressing at acupressure points. These originate from Traditional Chinese Medicine. Although Tui Na is described as massage in the West, in TCM it is not. In TCM massage is called Anmo, which forms the basis of Japan’s Anma.
Can massage therapy help my back pain Carried out effectively by experienced practitioners, knowledgeable of the human body and conversant with muscle imbalance massage therapy can be a useful therapy for back pain. Massage can also assist in relieving lumbar pain by reducing tension in turn alleviating poor back posture caused by muscle imbalance. Relief of mental tension and stress by using massage is also useful a useful therapy for back pain helping those within sedentary occupations involving hours of sitting in front of VDU’s. Although massage is undoubtedly useful for back pain relief it may not address the underlying condition so GP advice should be sought.
Osteopathy Osteopathy is a non invasive holistic drug free manual therapy that centres on total body health by treating and strengthening the musculoskeletal framework, which includes the joints, muscles and spine. Its aim is to positively affect the body’s nervous, circulatory and lymphatic systems, enabling an environment of self healing. Osteopaths do not simply concentrate on treating the problem area, but use manual techniques to balance all the systems of the body, to provide overall good health and wellbeing. The practice of Osteopathy was established in the late 1800s in the United States of America, by. Dr. Andrew Taylor Still with the aim of using manual ‘hands on’ drug free techniques to improve circulation and correct altered biomechanics.
How does Osteopathy work Osteopathy employs manual therapies for the treatment of many neuromusculoskeletal pain syndromes, such as lower back pain and tension headache, alongside exercise and other rehabilitative techniques. An osteopath will utilise a range of gentle hands-on techniques such as soft tissue stretching, deep tactile pressure, and joint mobilisation or manipulation.
The key principles of osteopathy are based on all parts of the body functioning together in an integrated manner. If one part of the body is restricted, then the rest of the body must adapt and offset this, which can lead to inflammation, pain, stiffness and other health conditions. When the body is free of restrictions in movement, Osteopathic treatment helps to reduce pain stress and enhance mobility, creating an environment of self healing for the patient’s body.
In some cases, Osteopaths can complement the GP’s advice on back pain by for example, by easing the pain caused by joint and muscle stiffness, by improving joint mobility and the flow of blood to the joints, to supplement maybe a pain killer prescription issued by the GP
Can osteopathy help my Back Pain Osteopathy is recognised by the British Medical Association as ‘a discrete clinical discipline’ which can compliment mainstream medicine, and trials demonstrate its effectiveness in treating back pain, with GP’s often referring patients to osteopaths for private treatment. Osteopathic technique is believed to be effective in providing back pain relief by:-
Reducing of herniated or bulging discs and correcting any internal displacement of disc fragments Inhibiting nerve impulses Releasing adhesions around prolapsed discs Calming tenses muscles aggravated by sudden stretching Providing respite for muscle spasm Providing advice on exercises for the lower back, posture, safe lifting, workplace or workstation ergonomics, stress, and diet
Physiotherapy “Physiotherapy helps restore movement and function to as near as possible when someone is affected by injury, illness or by developmental or other disability. It uses physical approaches to promote, maintain and restore physical, psychological and social wellbeing, taking account of variations in health status. Physiotherapy is science based, committed to extending, applying, evaluating and reviewing the evidence that underpins and informs its practice and delivery. The exercise of clinical judgement and informed interpretation is at its core” Ref: The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Lower back pain can be treated by Orthopaedic physical therapists who diagnose, manage, and treat disorders and injuries of the musculoskeletal system including rehabilitation after surgery. Orthopaedic therapists are trained in the treatment of back pain and spinal conditions, joint and spine mobilisation or manipulation and therapeutic exercise, in order to enable backache relief.
How does Physiotherapy work Physical movement is seen as a key important therapy in treating lower back pain. Physiotherapy can be described as a drug-free technique or therapy employing a range of procedures, such as joint manipulation and mobilisation, physical stretches and exercise routines, massage therapy, ice and heat therapy, ultrasound, and breathing exercises. Although a GP may refer a lower back pain sufferer to a physiotherapist, a patient can go directly to the latter, although in some instances, the physio may require a formal GP referral.
Can Physiotherapy help my back pain Physiotherapy can identify several factors as potentially leading to incidences of lower back pain, including trauma or injury, arthritis, poor posture, muscular strains and weaknesses, ligament strains, sciatic conditions, and disc trouble.. Dependent upon the root cause of lumbar pain, a physio can treat these issues with a number of procedures. These could include posture and ergonomics guidance, advice and remedial movement courses, where, manipulation, stabilisation training, stretching and exercise routines to give backache relief.
Pilates Pilates is a holistic exercise technique, intended to stretch, strengthen and condition the body to balance, engaging both mind and body, through an anatomical comprehension of the body’s muscular-skeletal systems. Through a comprehensive exercise or programme, the patient or student can concentrate on focus area whilst carrying out for the client. Classes will focus on specific areas individually whilst carrying out routine that incorporates into an environment where optimum muscular- skeletal function and mobility can be restored
How does Pilates work Pilates is carried out through slow controlled exercise, usually on an exercise mat, or sometimes on specific apparatus, either in classes or one to one. It’s a system of exercises that take the body and mind and body through sequence of proscribed movements. These controlled movements integrate the concept of Dynamic Tension (self-resistance) which is the act of exercising muscle against muscle Pilates is taught one on one or in a class.
Can Pilates help my Back Pain Pilates theory is that imbalance in strength and flexibility of the body may cause back pain. Pilates attempts to build strength and flexibility to help restore mobility and avert further back injury. Pilates claims to improve posture, muscle tone, mobility, and flexibility in the spine, alleviate backache and pains, and reduce stress. It is considered therapy for back pain for some medical conditions affecting the back but those suffering from Osteogenesis imperfecta, Osteoporosis, Paget’s Disease, Osteomalacia should seek medical consultation. Whilst there have been recent concerns expressed over the effectiveness and safety of Pilates especially relating to strengthening the core muscles, it’s accepted that it can be useful for some people in some instances for back pain relief.
Rolfing ‘Rolfing Structural Integration’ is the trademarked name for the system of hands-on connective tissue manipulation and movement education aimed at releasing stress patterns, and helping the client move and function with greater freedom, and effortlessly maintain a more upright posture. Rolfing seeks to realign and balance the body so that the head, shoulders, chest, pelvis, and legs work in improved vertical configuration
How does Rolfing work The concept of Rolfing is that injuries, poor movement function and muscle taughtness through stress cause the myofascia (connective tissue) to stiffen, inhibiting free and relaxed movement. By applying deep pressure and other massage techniques to ease tightened myofascia, therby allowing greater flexibility and balance between muscles, tendons and bones. Practitioners of Rolfing teach awareness of those habits restricting movement and how to transform these patterns
Can Rolfing help my Back Pain By reducing tension, softening the myofacsia, and restoring natural balance and body use, Rolfing practitioners believe the release from the above techniques can relieve back pain caused by muscle tension and help the back to realign itself, promoting improved back health and giving backache relief. Rolfing practitioners address lower back pain, including disk herniation usually by focussing on relaxing, releasing, and manipulating the muscle tissue, and forming space between the intervertebral disks.
Shiatsu The name Shiatsu is derived from Japanese from shi, meaning finger, and atsu, meaning pressure) is a traditional hands-on therapy originating in Japan. There are two main Shiatsu schools; one based on western anatomical and physiological theory where it soothes an overactive sympathetic nervous system, improving circulation, relieving muscle tension and reducing stress, and the other based on a holistic system of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Shiatsu is regulated as a licensed medical therapy by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (Japan), and elsewhere by various governing bodies set up by Shiatsu practitioners. Shiatsu is an evolving form, and its various styles incorporate (to differing degrees) aspects of Japanese massage traditions, Chinese Medicine practice, and “Western” anatomy and physiology.
How does Shiatsu work Shiatsu is an uses pressure applied with thumbs, fingers and palms to the same energy flows or meridians as acupuncture and incorporates stretching. It also uses techniques such as rolling, brushing, vibrating, grasping and in one particular technique developed by Suzuki Yamamoto, pressure is applied with the feet on the persons back, legs and feet (special set up is required for the “foot” shiatsu). The principle theory is similar to that of acupuncture whereby illness is brought about as a result of blockages or imbalance in the meridians or energy lines. The Shiatsu practitioner seeks to clear or remove these blockages by applying finger, thumb, palm, or even foot pressure to the affected areas using a variety of massage techniques
Can Shiatsu help my Back Pain Lower Back pain results for a number of reasons: Poor ergonomic posture, Physical injury, occupational (such as lifting), recreational (eg golf or gardening) related to poor muscle tone, or in Traditional Oriental Medicine (TOM), blockages or imbalances in energy flows through the patients meridians.. It is likely that back pain relief for back pain for back ache or sciatic conditions can be provided by a shiatsu practitioner. Shiatsu is complementary to mainstream Western medicine, not an alternative to it. Though therapy back pain will be administered according to Oriental practice it is important that a modern Western diagnosis is obtained as well, and the practitioner will attempt to establish the origin of the condition. through the techniques outlined above the practitioner will strive to create an environment of ‘self healing’ whereby the patients body will revert or return over time to a more healthy condition. By understanding how the condition arose the practitioner will advise on changes in posture, exercise, or physical habits which may help prevent reoccurrence of the back pain,
Yoga Yoga dates back to over 5,000 years, and originated in India as a form of a spiritual practice. In the West, Yoga as an alternative medicine has evolved from its founding philosophy into a form known as Yoga Therapy, often considered useful as a therapy for back pain. In the UK this has taken the form of a National Occupational Standard, (NOS) for the delivery of Yoga Therapy to clients with impaired health, such as back problems or compromised well being. Yoga is usually taught in classes or groups, sometimes as a lower back pain therapy Yoga is believed to calm the nervous system, create harmony, and balance the body, mind, and spirit. It is thought by its practitioners to prevent specific diseases and maladies by keeping the energy meridians open and life energy (Prana) flowing. Over time many different branches of yoga have involved from the original meditative states to the emphasis on physical pose or position, breathing, bodily alignment, or flow of movement.
How does Yoga work Yoga engages movement, stretching, posture and breathing to achieve overall wellbeing of body and mind. The different types of yoga often focus on specific facets such as Fitness, flexibility, meditation, rehabilitation, relaxation, and strength.Yoga engages movement, stretching, posture and breathing to achieve overall wellbeing.
Restorative yoga is often associated with healing disease, and is practiced in a very relaxed state by using supports instead of muscular tension to maintain the pose alignments. These poses help relieve the effects of chronic stress in several ways. First, the use of props provide a completely supportive environment for total relaxation. Second, each restorative sequence is designed to move the spine in all directions. Third, a well-sequenced restorative practice also includes an inverted pose, which reverses the effects of gravity. Because we stand or sit most of the day, blood and lymph fluid accumulate in the lower extremities. By changing the relationship of the legs to gravity, fluids are returned to the upper body and heart function is enhanced. Fourth, restorative yoga alternately stimulates and soothes the organs. With this movement of blood comes the enhanced exchange of oxygen and waste products across the cell membrane. Finally, yoga teaches that the body is permeated with energy. Prana, the masculine energy, residing above the diaphragm, moves upward, and controls respiration and heart rate. Apana, the feminine energy, resides below the diaphragm, moves downward, and controls the function of the abdominal organs. Restorative yoga balances these aspects of energy within the practitioner. Most yoga classes usually comprise a combination of physical exercises, breathing exercises, and meditation. These characteristics make yoga a particularly beneficial kind of exercise for certain health conditions, including back problems
Can Yoga help my Back Pain Yoga can help back pain through the teaching balance, flexibility, strengthening muscles and promoting body awareness. By progressively structuring the complexity of movement, yoga teachers advocate that its practice can educate the back in distributing its mass more efficiently and improve back posture and balance naturally. For practitioners of yoga, an amalgamation of yoga positions reduces weakness, improves the alignment of the spine and reduces muscle tension, creating an environment of self healing for the back. Many yoga positions can be adapted to address particular back conditions as part of a therapy for back pain or to afford greater stretches.
Source by David Pegg
from Home Solutions Forev https://homesolutionsforev.com/help-my-back-pain-therapies-to-ease-the-misery/ via Home Solutions on WordPress from Home Solutions FOREV https://homesolutionsforev.tumblr.com/post/185302178035 via Tim Clymer on Wordpress
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homesolutionsforev · 5 years
Help My Back Pain – Therapies to Ease the Misery
Therapy to help back pain Lower back pain sometimes known as Lumbago or Sciatica is a common disorder affecting some 60% of the adult population, seeking to get rid of back pain. So great is the problem, that in the UK alone, some 150 million man days are lost each year in industry, as a result of absenteeism attributed to lower back pain. Generally, the symptoms of low back pain are due to benign musculoskeletal problems often arising from strains in the lower back muscles or soft tissue, and these ease considerably within a few weeks using common sense measures to address.
To help back pain, establishing of the fundamental origin of the back pain with a GP is usually made through a combination of a medical history, physical examination, and, when necessary, diagnostic investigation, such as x-ray, MRI, or CT scan. Usually, low back or lumbar pain can be treated conventionally, with one recommendation being physical therapy which may help alleviate the symptoms, and give back pain relief. A summary of some of the more common therapies used to provide back pain relief are listed below:-
Acupuncture Acupuncture treatment originated in China over two thousand years ago. It is reputed that the first observations were of soldiers, wounded in battle by arrows, and how the arrow ‘punctures’ caused therapeutic effects in different parts of the victims body well away from the wound area. The general theory behind traditional acupuncture is based on patterns or meridians of energy flow through the body that are essential for health. This is referred to as Qi or Chi and sometimes Xue (blood). Disruptions of this flow are thought to be the primary causes of pain and disease. Acupuncture attempts to correct imbalances of flow, thus helping to restore the patient’s health.
How acupuncture works Broadly, acupuncture involves stimulation of points along these energy flows through a range of techniques. Stimulation is typically performed using very fine needles that create gentle sensations. Each of these needles are inserted into specific points along these ‘energy pathways’ or “meridians”.
Can acupuncture help my back Pain Acupuncture is considered useful in treating such conditions as lower back pain, sciatica, stiffness, and strains. In traditional acupuncture theory, pain arises due to blocked energy along ‘energy pathways’ or “meridians” of the body, which are ‘cleared’ when acupuncture needles are inserted. In modern medicine, scientific reasons have been put forward for the apparent benefits that acupuncture provides for the sufferers of lower back pain. One observation is that acupuncture stimulation causes the releases neurochemicals and hormones, regarded as producing signals that soothe the sympathetic nervous system and release natural opioids which provide back pain relief.
Alexander technique The Alexander Technique is a method that works to change (movement) habits in our everyday activities. It is a simple and practical method for improving ease and freedom of movement, balance, support and coordination. The technique teaches the use of the appropriate amount of effort for a particular activity, giving you more energy for all your activities. It is not a series of treatments or exercises, but rather a re-education of the mind and body. The Alexander Technique is a method which helps a person discover a new balance in the body by releasing unnecessary tension. It can be applied to sitting, lying down, standing, walking, lifting, and other daily activities
How Alexander Technique works The Alexander Technique shows its students how to learn to do whatever they currently do as easily and efficiently as possible. It is concerned almost exclusively with process – how an activity is performed not what it is. Although there are no exercises, Alexander technique shows how to exercise more efficiently, with reduced risk of injury. Many, seeking back pain relief are drawn to the technique because of its reputation to help back pain or lumbago, stiff necks and shoulders, and other conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Alexander teachers are not doctors and do not diagnose diseases.
Can Alexander Technique help my back pain By becoming more aware of how the body works and learning how to “undo” bad body practices, those suffering with long term or chronic back pain are able to soothe and ease their symptoms. Pupils of Alexander technique can learn how to pupils how to liberate needless muscle tension and, freer means of movement which impose less strain and therefore back pain relief.
Bowen Therapy The Bowen technique is a soft tissue remedial therapy, named after its innovator Tom Bowen. This therapy is not considered massage, but as a non-invasive muscle release and integration technique, but similar to massage, it releases muscular tension. Its clients describe experiences of significant relaxation after a session.
How does Bowen Therapy work The technique involves the therapist using fingers or thumbs to move over muscle, ligament tendon and fascia in various parts of the body. The work is very subtle, relaxing and gentle involving no hard or prolonged pressure. During a session the client will lie on a therapy table or bed, although the work can be effectively carried out with the client in a chair.
Can Bowen Therapy help my back pain The most common presentation is for back pain relief and here Bowen excels. The average number of treatments would be two or three for most therapists. There are always going to be exceptions to any rule, and certain people will need further or even on-going treatments. Sports injury is a field of remedial therapy that is becoming very aware of The Bowen Technique. The Bowen Technique is being used at high levels of sport in this country, with rugby clubs and premiership football clubs showing interest. Bowen therapists advocate that this can reduce or eliminate or help back pain and promote general health Source: European College of Bowen
Chiropractic Chiropractic is a technique which focuses on the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. The principal of Chiropractic is that the key to health is the nervous system with the spine at its centre. If the spine is aligned correctly, then optimal movement can occur and the patient can achieve improved health.
A chiropractor will generally address “subluxations”- misalignments to the spinal bones responsible for reduced movement or or loss of normal posture, causing impairment to the nervous system or nerve irritation.
How does Chiropractic work In seeking to help back pain, a chiropractor would usually examine the patient’s spine and review any patient history to determine any previous injuries, accidents, or tensions that may be impairing normal function. Sometimes the Chiropractor will order an X-ray to help determine this. A common form of Chiropractic treatment is a spinal manipulation or adjustment. This is generally carried out by hand manipulating the spinal joints affected in an attempt to increase or unlock the joints mobility.
Additional tools are sometimes used to promote healing including rehabilitative exercise, nutritional and lifestyle improvement programmes. The amount of, and frequency of the treatment required would vary according to the nature and severity of the condition.
Can Chiropractic help my back pain A chiropractor will attempt to focus on the fundamental mechanical and neurological trouble in the spine to decrease the back pain and other symptoms caused by reduced spinal function. He will concentrate on natural health care working to encourage the body to self repair back towards improved health. Chiropractic care as a therapy for back pain in general is safe when employed skillfully and appropriately. Manipulation is regarded as relatively safe, but as with all therapeutic interventions, complications can arise, and it has known adverse effects
Feldenkrais The Feldenkrais Method is a somatic educational system designed by Moshé Feldenkrais (1904-1984), based on physics, neurology, and bio mechanics. The Feldenkrais method is designed to improve movement repertoire, aiming to expand and refine the use of the self through awareness, in order to reduce pain or limitations in movement, and promote posture, and general well-being. The Feldenkrais Method is often regarded as falling within the field of complementary medicine, and is a means of re educating the neuromuscular system, redefining movement to increase efficiency and reduce stress
How does Feldenkrais work Feldenkrais Method is taught in two complimentary formats – “Awareness Through Movement’ taught through classes and Functional Integration taught on a one to one basis.
In teaching ‘Awareness Through Movement’ classes, the teacher will lead the class through a sequence of movements involving standing, sitting in a chair or sitting or lying on the floor. One of the key aims is to instruct pupils how to decrease unwarranted muscular exertion and develop understanding of their whole self during movement.
In a Functional Integration lesson, a trained practitioner uses his or her hands to guide the movement of a single pupil, who may be sitting, lying or standing. The practitioner uses this “hands-on” technique to help the student experience the connections among various parts of the body (with or without movement). Through precision of touch and movement, the pupil learns how to eliminate excess effort and thus move more freely and easily. Lessons may be specific in addressing particular issues brought by the pupil, or can be more global in scope. Although the technique does not specifically aim to eliminate pain or “cure” physical complaints, such issues may inform the lesson. Issues such as chronic muscle pain may resolve themselves as the pupil may learn a more relaxed approach to his or her physical experience-a more integrated, free, and easy way to move Students are taught to become aware of their movements and of how they use themselves, thus discovering expanded movement options.
Can Feldenkrais help my back pain The theory behind Feldenkrais is that inefficient movement behaviour may lead to avoidable tension and movement constraint leading to back pain. The Feldenkrais technique provides for expanded movement alternatives and enhanced posture which can provide backache relief or back pain relief, whilst developing greater efficiency and freedom of movement
Massage therapy Massage is the manipulation of superficial layers of muscle and connective tissue to improve the function and encourage relaxation, well-being, and improve posture dysfunction. It involves acting on and manipulating the body with pressure – structured, unstructured, stationary, or moving tension, motion, or vibration, done manually or with mechanical aids. Target tissues may include muscles, tendons, ligaments skin, joints, or other connective tissue, as well as lymphatic vessels, Massage can be carried out using the hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearm, and feet. There are over eighty different recognized massage techniques with many used to help back pain.
Massage manipulates the soft tissues of the body by rubbing, kneading, stretching and other methods for therapeutic effect. As a result, muscle and tissue is made more pliable, energising lymph circulation and promoting blood flow. Therapists will employ a range of techniques and methods during treatment sessions.
How does Massage therapy work Massage manipulates the soft tissues of the body by rubbing, kneading, stretching and other methods for therapeutic effect. As a result, muscle and tissue is made more pliable, energising lymph circulation and promoting blood flow. Experienced therapists will employ a range of techniques and methods during treatment sessions to help back pain. There are many types of massage therapy for back pain in addition to acupressure or Bowen (see above) such as:-
Deep Tissue Massage Used to relieve severe tension in muscle or fascia, often used where the patient suffers consistent lower back pain caused by specific muscular-skeletal conditions. It concentrates on the underlying muscles rather than those at the surface in order to help back pain.
Swedish massage (or Classic massage in Sweden!) can be used to help back pain, by improving circulation and easing joint stiffness. Swedish massage uses five styles of strokes to massage: Sliding, kneading, tapping, friction, and vibration
Hilot Hilot is a traditional healing and massage technique originating in the Philippines that can be employed to relax stressed muscle and joint manipulation to treat muscular-skeletal conditions as a lower back pain therapy.
Trigger point therapy Can be used to help back pain and poor posture, by helping to release muscles in spasm, employing techniques to release ‘knotted’ muscles, and freeing up circulation in the affected area.
Traditional Chinese massage There are two types which can provide back pain relief and – Tui na (the Chinese equivalent of physiotherapy) which concentrates on pushing, stretching and kneading the muscle, and Zhi Ya which utilises techniques of pinching and pressing at acupressure points. These originate from Traditional Chinese Medicine. Although Tui Na is described as massage in the West, in TCM it is not. In TCM massage is called Anmo, which forms the basis of Japan’s Anma.
Can massage therapy help my back pain Carried out effectively by experienced practitioners, knowledgeable of the human body and conversant with muscle imbalance massage therapy can be a useful therapy for back pain. Massage can also assist in relieving lumbar pain by reducing tension in turn alleviating poor back posture caused by muscle imbalance. Relief of mental tension and stress by using massage is also useful a useful therapy for back pain helping those within sedentary occupations involving hours of sitting in front of VDU’s. Although massage is undoubtedly useful for back pain relief it may not address the underlying condition so GP advice should be sought.
Osteopathy Osteopathy is a non invasive holistic drug free manual therapy that centres on total body health by treating and strengthening the musculoskeletal framework, which includes the joints, muscles and spine. Its aim is to positively affect the body’s nervous, circulatory and lymphatic systems, enabling an environment of self healing. Osteopaths do not simply concentrate on treating the problem area, but use manual techniques to balance all the systems of the body, to provide overall good health and wellbeing. The practice of Osteopathy was established in the late 1800s in the United States of America, by. Dr. Andrew Taylor Still with the aim of using manual ‘hands on’ drug free techniques to improve circulation and correct altered biomechanics.
How does Osteopathy work Osteopathy employs manual therapies for the treatment of many neuromusculoskeletal pain syndromes, such as lower back pain and tension headache, alongside exercise and other rehabilitative techniques. An osteopath will utilise a range of gentle hands-on techniques such as soft tissue stretching, deep tactile pressure, and joint mobilisation or manipulation.
The key principles of osteopathy are based on all parts of the body functioning together in an integrated manner. If one part of the body is restricted, then the rest of the body must adapt and offset this, which can lead to inflammation, pain, stiffness and other health conditions. When the body is free of restrictions in movement, Osteopathic treatment helps to reduce pain stress and enhance mobility, creating an environment of self healing for the patient’s body.
In some cases, Osteopaths can complement the GP’s advice on back pain by for example, by easing the pain caused by joint and muscle stiffness, by improving joint mobility and the flow of blood to the joints, to supplement maybe a pain killer prescription issued by the GP
Can osteopathy help my Back Pain Osteopathy is recognised by the British Medical Association as ‘a discrete clinical discipline’ which can compliment mainstream medicine, and trials demonstrate its effectiveness in treating back pain, with GP’s often referring patients to osteopaths for private treatment. Osteopathic technique is believed to be effective in providing back pain relief by:-
Reducing of herniated or bulging discs and correcting any internal displacement of disc fragments Inhibiting nerve impulses Releasing adhesions around prolapsed discs Calming tenses muscles aggravated by sudden stretching Providing respite for muscle spasm Providing advice on exercises for the lower back, posture, safe lifting, workplace or workstation ergonomics, stress, and diet
Physiotherapy “Physiotherapy helps restore movement and function to as near as possible when someone is affected by injury, illness or by developmental or other disability. It uses physical approaches to promote, maintain and restore physical, psychological and social wellbeing, taking account of variations in health status. Physiotherapy is science based, committed to extending, applying, evaluating and reviewing the evidence that underpins and informs its practice and delivery. The exercise of clinical judgement and informed interpretation is at its core” Ref: The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Lower back pain can be treated by Orthopaedic physical therapists who diagnose, manage, and treat disorders and injuries of the musculoskeletal system including rehabilitation after surgery. Orthopaedic therapists are trained in the treatment of back pain and spinal conditions, joint and spine mobilisation or manipulation and therapeutic exercise, in order to enable backache relief.
How does Physiotherapy work Physical movement is seen as a key important therapy in treating lower back pain. Physiotherapy can be described as a drug-free technique or therapy employing a range of procedures, such as joint manipulation and mobilisation, physical stretches and exercise routines, massage therapy, ice and heat therapy, ultrasound, and breathing exercises. Although a GP may refer a lower back pain sufferer to a physiotherapist, a patient can go directly to the latter, although in some instances, the physio may require a formal GP referral.
Can Physiotherapy help my back pain Physiotherapy can identify several factors as potentially leading to incidences of lower back pain, including trauma or injury, arthritis, poor posture, muscular strains and weaknesses, ligament strains, sciatic conditions, and disc trouble.. Dependent upon the root cause of lumbar pain, a physio can treat these issues with a number of procedures. These could include posture and ergonomics guidance, advice and remedial movement courses, where, manipulation, stabilisation training, stretching and exercise routines to give backache relief.
Pilates Pilates is a holistic exercise technique, intended to stretch, strengthen and condition the body to balance, engaging both mind and body, through an anatomical comprehension of the body’s muscular-skeletal systems. Through a comprehensive exercise or programme, the patient or student can concentrate on focus area whilst carrying out for the client. Classes will focus on specific areas individually whilst carrying out routine that incorporates into an environment where optimum muscular- skeletal function and mobility can be restored
How does Pilates work Pilates is carried out through slow controlled exercise, usually on an exercise mat, or sometimes on specific apparatus, either in classes or one to one. It’s a system of exercises that take the body and mind and body through sequence of proscribed movements. These controlled movements integrate the concept of Dynamic Tension (self-resistance) which is the act of exercising muscle against muscle Pilates is taught one on one or in a class.
Can Pilates help my Back Pain Pilates theory is that imbalance in strength and flexibility of the body may cause back pain. Pilates attempts to build strength and flexibility to help restore mobility and avert further back injury. Pilates claims to improve posture, muscle tone, mobility, and flexibility in the spine, alleviate backache and pains, and reduce stress. It is considered therapy for back pain for some medical conditions affecting the back but those suffering from Osteogenesis imperfecta, Osteoporosis, Paget’s Disease, Osteomalacia should seek medical consultation. Whilst there have been recent concerns expressed over the effectiveness and safety of Pilates especially relating to strengthening the core muscles, it’s accepted that it can be useful for some people in some instances for back pain relief.
Rolfing ‘Rolfing Structural Integration’ is the trademarked name for the system of hands-on connective tissue manipulation and movement education aimed at releasing stress patterns, and helping the client move and function with greater freedom, and effortlessly maintain a more upright posture. Rolfing seeks to realign and balance the body so that the head, shoulders, chest, pelvis, and legs work in improved vertical configuration
How does Rolfing work The concept of Rolfing is that injuries, poor movement function and muscle taughtness through stress cause the myofascia (connective tissue) to stiffen, inhibiting free and relaxed movement. By applying deep pressure and other massage techniques to ease tightened myofascia, therby allowing greater flexibility and balance between muscles, tendons and bones. Practitioners of Rolfing teach awareness of those habits restricting movement and how to transform these patterns
Can Rolfing help my Back Pain By reducing tension, softening the myofacsia, and restoring natural balance and body use, Rolfing practitioners believe the release from the above techniques can relieve back pain caused by muscle tension and help the back to realign itself, promoting improved back health and giving backache relief. Rolfing practitioners address lower back pain, including disk herniation usually by focussing on relaxing, releasing, and manipulating the muscle tissue, and forming space between the intervertebral disks.
Shiatsu The name Shiatsu is derived from Japanese from shi, meaning finger, and atsu, meaning pressure) is a traditional hands-on therapy originating in Japan. There are two main Shiatsu schools; one based on western anatomical and physiological theory where it soothes an overactive sympathetic nervous system, improving circulation, relieving muscle tension and reducing stress, and the other based on a holistic system of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Shiatsu is regulated as a licensed medical therapy by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (Japan), and elsewhere by various governing bodies set up by Shiatsu practitioners. Shiatsu is an evolving form, and its various styles incorporate (to differing degrees) aspects of Japanese massage traditions, Chinese Medicine practice, and “Western” anatomy and physiology.
How does Shiatsu work Shiatsu is an uses pressure applied with thumbs, fingers and palms to the same energy flows or meridians as acupuncture and incorporates stretching. It also uses techniques such as rolling, brushing, vibrating, grasping and in one particular technique developed by Suzuki Yamamoto, pressure is applied with the feet on the persons back, legs and feet (special set up is required for the “foot” shiatsu). The principle theory is similar to that of acupuncture whereby illness is brought about as a result of blockages or imbalance in the meridians or energy lines. The Shiatsu practitioner seeks to clear or remove these blockages by applying finger, thumb, palm, or even foot pressure to the affected areas using a variety of massage techniques
Can Shiatsu help my Back Pain Lower Back pain results for a number of reasons: Poor ergonomic posture, Physical injury, occupational (such as lifting), recreational (eg golf or gardening) related to poor muscle tone, or in Traditional Oriental Medicine (TOM), blockages or imbalances in energy flows through the patients meridians.. It is likely that back pain relief for back pain for back ache or sciatic conditions can be provided by a shiatsu practitioner. Shiatsu is complementary to mainstream Western medicine, not an alternative to it. Though therapy back pain will be administered according to Oriental practice it is important that a modern Western diagnosis is obtained as well, and the practitioner will attempt to establish the origin of the condition. through the techniques outlined above the practitioner will strive to create an environment of ‘self healing’ whereby the patients body will revert or return over time to a more healthy condition. By understanding how the condition arose the practitioner will advise on changes in posture, exercise, or physical habits which may help prevent reoccurrence of the back pain,
Yoga Yoga dates back to over 5,000 years, and originated in India as a form of a spiritual practice. In the West, Yoga as an alternative medicine has evolved from its founding philosophy into a form known as Yoga Therapy, often considered useful as a therapy for back pain. In the UK this has taken the form of a National Occupational Standard, (NOS) for the delivery of Yoga Therapy to clients with impaired health, such as back problems or compromised well being. Yoga is usually taught in classes or groups, sometimes as a lower back pain therapy Yoga is believed to calm the nervous system, create harmony, and balance the body, mind, and spirit. It is thought by its practitioners to prevent specific diseases and maladies by keeping the energy meridians open and life energy (Prana) flowing. Over time many different branches of yoga have involved from the original meditative states to the emphasis on physical pose or position, breathing, bodily alignment, or flow of movement.
How does Yoga work Yoga engages movement, stretching, posture and breathing to achieve overall wellbeing of body and mind. The different types of yoga often focus on specific facets such as Fitness, flexibility, meditation, rehabilitation, relaxation, and strength.Yoga engages movement, stretching, posture and breathing to achieve overall wellbeing.
Restorative yoga is often associated with healing disease, and is practiced in a very relaxed state by using supports instead of muscular tension to maintain the pose alignments. These poses help relieve the effects of chronic stress in several ways. First, the use of props provide a completely supportive environment for total relaxation. Second, each restorative sequence is designed to move the spine in all directions. Third, a well-sequenced restorative practice also includes an inverted pose, which reverses the effects of gravity. Because we stand or sit most of the day, blood and lymph fluid accumulate in the lower extremities. By changing the relationship of the legs to gravity, fluids are returned to the upper body and heart function is enhanced. Fourth, restorative yoga alternately stimulates and soothes the organs. With this movement of blood comes the enhanced exchange of oxygen and waste products across the cell membrane. Finally, yoga teaches that the body is permeated with energy. Prana, the masculine energy, residing above the diaphragm, moves upward, and controls respiration and heart rate. Apana, the feminine energy, resides below the diaphragm, moves downward, and controls the function of the abdominal organs. Restorative yoga balances these aspects of energy within the practitioner. Most yoga classes usually comprise a combination of physical exercises, breathing exercises, and meditation. These characteristics make yoga a particularly beneficial kind of exercise for certain health conditions, including back problems
Can Yoga help my Back Pain Yoga can help back pain through the teaching balance, flexibility, strengthening muscles and promoting body awareness. By progressively structuring the complexity of movement, yoga teachers advocate that its practice can educate the back in distributing its mass more efficiently and improve back posture and balance naturally. For practitioners of yoga, an amalgamation of yoga positions reduces weakness, improves the alignment of the spine and reduces muscle tension, creating an environment of self healing for the back. Many yoga positions can be adapted to address particular back conditions as part of a therapy for back pain or to afford greater stretches.
Source by David Pegg
from Home Solutions Forev https://homesolutionsforev.com/help-my-back-pain-therapies-to-ease-the-misery/ via Home Solutions on WordPress
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That could likewise be actually massaged onto your physical body during the course of a massage therapy as well as its seeds as well as blooms packed right into your cushions. This is actually a vitalizing breathing movement that consists of 3 sharp breathings via the nose complied with by one deep-seated expiration with the oral cavity. These type of snack foods and also meals take quick ups as well as downs in blood sugar level amounts. Coca-Cola, the legendary company is welcoming you to become an aspect of its party as the energizing beverage. Adapt the postures to your body system instead of driving your own self into the excellent position." Bear in mind that doing yoga concerns growing the talk between your body and mind, so pay attention to the notifications your body delivers you as you relocate with the series. A regular dose of doing yoga physical exercises is a fail-safe procedure of educating your little one the fine art of attention as well as paying attention. 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