#its getting kinda late now so ima text him again tomorrow
shamblz · 1 year
Sold a guy my concert ticket that I can't go to but ticketmaster transfer ticket option isn't working n its not even me who has the tickets its my friend who's now having to do legwork to see if we can get this guy his damn ticket n I feel so bad cuz I took his money thinking a screenshot would be enough but apparently there's a risk he could get turned away at the door n I feel so bad him ripppp
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jaeyunavenue · 3 years
sunghoon at practice
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sunghoon can’t seem to get the moves right for a new dance so he stays up practicing late so you come to comfort him
You remember getting off the phone with sunghoon around 4pm after he said he was going to go practice but it was now 10pm and he hasn’t texted you at all. You understood how much he works and how much effort he put into his job but you still worry, you want him to be healthy and making sure he’s not over pushing himself. Last time you guys had this conversation it didn’t go well, Sunghoon asked you to stop worrying for him and he told you to try and understand where he’s coming from, so after that you’ve never really mentioned it again afraid to cross the line. He usually texts you every two hours or so to give you updates on how its going or to just tell you that he’s still practicing but today was different, you got nothing, no text no call for 6 hours. You didn’t wanna annoy him and spam him with texts so you tried to shake it off.
12am comes around and still nothing so your last resort was to text jake
you: Hey jake! are you with sunghoon by any chance? i can’t seem to reach him :/
jake: i am not but i’ll go check the practice rooms really quick
you: please ! thank you
A couple minutes pass by as you’re watching a drama on your bed with your jammies on, your phone next to you vibrates
jake: he’s still practicing and i heard him sniffling before i walked in, i think he’s crying. he told me to go away before i can tell him to text you
you: oh :(( ima go maybe talk to him for a while
And just like that you grab a hoodie and make your way over to sunghoon, you pick up a couple of snacks to cheer him up plus, you also think he’s been hard on himself so he probably didn’t eat all day. you walk into the building and walk over to the room he was in, you lightly knocked on the door but didn’t think he heard over the loud music that was playing. You peek your head in to see him dancing, thats when he notices you in the mirror, he stops and quickly turns the music off.
“what are you doing here” sunghoon says as he squishes your cheeks with his palms but you pull him into a hug “im sweaty” he says giggling giving your head a kiss as he pulls away. “ i don’t care” you say looking up to him “how are you? how’s practice going?” you say noticing his puffy eyes, he sighs “hard, i can’t seem to do it right and it’s so frustrating” sunghoon says as he sits on the floor pulling you down to sit as well “it’s too hard and i feel bad for the other members wanting me to do more and match their energy but i can’t” he says looking down at his hands “i’m sure that they know you can do it and they even help you out right?” you say trying to give him a hope. “They do but-“ he sighs biting his to hold back tears “but i feel like i’ve let them down i don’t know why this choreography is so difficult, y/n you don’t know how many times i’ve yelled at myself in the mirror, we got a couple days left to learn the choreography and i don’t want to look bad in front of the coach” you slide over giving him a side hug “hoonie i know you can do it, your members know you can do it as well, and if you do it in front of the coach and make a mistake it’s okay, it’s better to make a mistake in front of them and get advice from a professional than to make a mistake on live tv” he nods taking your advice and looks over to you “wow when did you become so good at giving advice” he said as you faked gasped “i’ve always given great advice... did you eat yet?” you said remembering the snacks you got. Sunghoon looked to the floor and shook his head “I knew it! sunghoon you need to take care of yourself” you said taking the ramen cups out to pour hot water into them from the water machine in the practice room, “hot hot hot” you said quickly setting it down in front of you , “thanks” Sunghoon says eating his chips, you connected your phone to bluetooth and started playing music the first song was afterschool by weeekly, “do you know the dance to this?” you ask him while sitting up on your knees “no” he said shyly shaking his head, “oh my god get up” you say just as the chorus starts you dance along not knowing the correct moves but knowing how it kinda goes, “im not doing that” Sunghoon says laughing trying to sit back down, “well Sunoo will do it with me” you say pouting trying to get him to do it with you. Eventually he caved in and the next thing you knew, you both were trying it “okay thats it! my ramen is gonna get cold” he said taking his sweater off getting ready to eat. You both sat and started eating
“you didn’t have to come, its late” he said picking up the garbage to throw it away, “it’s okay, im glad i came, i gave you a distraction right” you say looking up at him smiling, he sat back down next to you and pulled you in for a hug “thank you, i needed this” he said while you two stayed in silence for a couple minutes you just hummed back “i should get back to practice though” he said sighing “Sunghoon it’s already 2am why not come back tomorrow morning, you need to rest” you say convincing him “will you wake me up early?” he said “yes i promise i will wake you up” you say. “alright, i’ll go only because i really feel drained” he said getting up, putting his hand in font of you to help you up “lets go” you said walking out with him hand in hand making your way back to your apartment
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survivormetaverse · 3 years
Episode 1 - "I know the game will pick up eventually" ~Shaad
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chile lemme not get thrown out for making all these stan twitter bitch references I'M LICHERALLY HARMLESS I DON'T MEAN MOST OF WHAT I SAY DKJFHASJKLDG
ngl tho i'm kinda shitting myself over these challenges bc i don't wanna get tossed on the first round JKAHFSJKDGHJ my ant eye et tea is through the ROOF
oh girl, first impressions? ngl, the gays and girls here seem quite lovely, hopefully they won't have to carry me the entire time LMAO
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Okay like the only person I like/talked to is Jodi but she seems like a smart cookie so ima sleep with one eye open. But idk I'm ready to put on my fake ass smile and my fake ass kind words and get through this part. It's interesting with 6 people per tribe like if we lose I don't have that solid "core" yet but theres a chance that it would be me, jodi, amy because we were the first three on and active so idk. the immunity challenge is cool, the hunt challenge is cool too. im not good at timed puzzles, so I don't think I'm gonna go for it but a part of me feels like everyone across the tribes isnt gonna do it becsuse theyre scared so thats a good opportunity to sneak in and play with less people against me? idk idk idk ahhh
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🎶Oh my god we're back again🎶 Hey peeps!! :DDD Here I am againnnn, how fun! Tbh I forgot this was today lowkey and Dylan reminded me and I was like oop 😳 also I am so sorry to everyone that I cannot help but sprinkle the fact that we are now dating in all of my first convos bc IM VERY GAY apologies✨ for how often I'm mentioning it I mean 😂 My tribemates seems so cool, Jennifer and Babs are newbies but seem up to the challenge, Jay A and Colin already giving off immaculate vibes✨ Me and Dyl are hosting Ingary in a month and I do have like work and everything so I don't know exaclty how active I'll be in this game/ how far I'll make it but we'll see won't we!!
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not me being a leader of whateva
it's the lack of reading comprehension for me (that was shade directed towards myself)
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In the fools tribe !!! Moth is in my tribe which is good because we have played together before. The immunity challenge is divide and conquer! So I believe I will be doing the endurance one. I think I’ll be okay... and the hunt announcement is a good twist !!! I’m not sure if I’ll participate in the first one.. but I’ll probably change my mind. ANYWAYS, I’m ready to kick some ass 
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Hey guys it's me Brayden and I am so here. I'm so excited to be playing again and stuff and I have already predicted the future that I'll be the winner. Anyways I was at an award ceremony for like the first 3 hours of the game which is kind of scary bc I feel like I missed alot but I'm trying to talk to people and stuff and see what's going on. I've briefly talked to Jodi, Amy, and Ginnifer (who is so hard to talk to btw I like send her messages trying to start a real conversation and she will just respond being like same or something). Anyways the other 2 people on my tribe are offline rn so ig I missed my chance to talk to them tonight so I'll do that tomorrow. Anyways I signed up to do counting and I'm so excited bc I literally KILLED the counting challenge on Kyoshi Islands so I'm so excited to hopefully kill it again. I also decided to play the hunt challenge even though I only have 3 chances bc I'm hoping alot of people will be scared to use one of their three chances to play in the first round and I can have a better chance of winning it. But I think I'm bad at puzzles. I didn't think it through that hard I think I got excited to play a challenge but whatever I'll probably win the advantage then in a few weeks win the whole game anyways see u later.
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SO its the morning after the premiere!! Everyone's settled in!! and I kinda don't know how to feel?? Overall the premiere was kinda quiet, nothing happened worth noting tbh. Everyone on the tribe showed up, so thats good, but i think we're all just feeling each other out at the moment as for the people on my tribe! everyone seems chill but also i can't put my finger on it but SOMEHOW this tribe radiates chaotic energy. I don't know HOW or WHY but I just know it DOES. The way we're interacting in the tribe chat it seems like there's a very wide range of personalities and vibes. They're either gonna complement each other or clash, and I guess we're just gonna have to wait to find out which one!!! here are my quick night 1 first impressions that no one asked for :) Anastasia - she showed up kinda late bc she had life happening, understandable. BUT she kinda just jumped right in and started vibing with everyone!! so I think she's gonna be a strong social player. I talked to her and she seems really funny, I think I might really get close with her if I'm able to talk to her more Babs - IF our tribe does end up being chaotic, it's going to be because of Babs. They're definitely the most talkative and prominent person on the tribe, but I think they might come off as messy to others. they're really funny though!! so again I can see myself wanting to work with them if I can get to know them more. They are the biggest question mark on the tribe for me currently Elle - AH. I LOVE THEM ALREADY. Within minutes of us talking they mentioned Dylan and then I found out that they're DATING and I was SCREECHING. cutest shit i've ever heard. I'm so excited to meet and play with them. Dylan is one of my fave people in the org community so ofc I wanna get to know Elle and connect with them as well!! Jay - I think Jay seems like just a very genuine open person?? Like we talked for quite a while yesterday just about games and he was asking me questions about my experience with them and all that. idk if it's because he sees me as a threat or if its because he just actually wanted to get to know me. He lowkey gives me heterosexual vibes and idk if thats true or not but idk how to bring it up. but I def wanna keep talking to him and getting to know him!! I think he might be someone I can form a genuine friendship with Jennifer - kinda have no opinion so far. I think shes the quietest on the tribe. at least for me I didn't get the chance to hear from her much. kinda gives catfish vibes. kinda gives early boot vibes. idk. we'll see what happens!
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Not too much yet tbh. Just finding my footing. People are loving my energy so hopefully they’ll keep me around
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So i realized Amy is runner up from the season before mine in another org and so we connected over that... of course we are not going to tell anyone else but we did have that going for us to get started. brayden is only 16 but he told me he loves magic and wanted to learn more about it so i told him id teach him some stuff! dennis and i called and connected well BUT hes kinda playing SUPER hard and wanting to throw challenges already to vote people out.. this has never worked out for anybody!! josh is cool, he works at a grocery store so he's gonna kill the "b" challenge. ginnifer has been the most MIA but i have faith that we'll work together well for the popularity contest. yall know i cant play the reverse flirt game i so badly want to coin, but i do have romance tea for yall tomorrow. stay tuned........
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Jay and I talked last night so i guess we're best friends. We decided to make an alliance and try to get Elle in it. But everyone has been pretty inactive besides Jay and Collin. I've only slightly talked to Jessica this whole game and Babs hasn't even said one thing to me and I texted them hi. And apperently Babs has left Jay on opened too so they might just suck at talking right now. Hopefully Babs will talk to me they seem so funny and cool D:
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I won endurance 👑!!!! Hopefully the fools tribe wins this!!!! I played against Jennifer and Dennis. I could see myself playing with Dennis down the line if we merge. I haven’t talked to anyone but Moth. So I messaged my whole tribe Introducing myself. Hopefully things work out for me! 
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Thoughts after the first 24hrs: https://youtu.be/I62bDSzgf68
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You hear something ??? Same. Why is my tribe so quiet 😂😂😂😂 I’m trying to read off the vibes but I see nothing. 
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I really love my tribe and the fact that they don’t know I played last season is a good strategy to play on my end
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tbh i wish we lost i wanted to go to tribal and vote one of these people out :(
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Welp we got second place in the first challenge :| which isn't bad!! But it's not first place 😂😂. But I had a fun day taking pictures so whateverssss. I said I would be chaotic in this game but the opportunity hasn't presented itself yet... Guess we'll have to wait and see✨
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I think at this point, my team is shady and won't say anything to me so I am nervous.
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The challenges were way harder than I thought. I didn't do well at all and let my tribe down. I feel like I will be the first to get voted out if we have a tribal hearing.
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We lost yay. I had a feeling. Hopefully the tribe will keep me around for now since I won endurance.... lhsisowjshwowpwpwheowowhfiwpqpqpjw. Jared thinks we can vote Bri out. Which I’m fine with, I haven’t really talked to her at all. Jared and I are going to message the others and see where everyone’s head is at. Honestly I don’t care who goes home as long as I’m safe. Everyone is quiet which is so annoying. Blahhhhhhhhhh 
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Well it’s my 3rd time playing and it’s not off to the best start, no one seems to be talking to anyone. And we lost meaning we are going to tribal council. So fuck- I have no idea what about to happen. I’m just hoping it’s not me or Jess
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if i must confess, my strategy is to have a 4-3-2 alliance. i need a 4 to have a majority, but i dont have a 4 yet. within the 4, theres a three person alliance w me jodi and amy, but within that three i believe that the core 2 is myself and jodi. i really dont care who the 4th is. i like having jodi and amy as an alliance because theyre both doing wayy too much which is great for me :) i dont think any of these people have idols but who knows. i would love to throw the next immunity i wanna go to tribal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Looks like we’ve got something good. We’ve got an alliance that’s set to (hopefully) vote out bri due to inactivity. Let’s just pray it works
Trying to talk in this tribe is so difficult In both my other seasons I was pretty quiet all the time It is like that x10000 I was hoping to stay under the radar but that doesn’t work if no one talks at all I suppose it depends on if I’m being played or if everyone just doesn’t talk. I think there’s a plan. Let’s hope it goes well 
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OKAY SO. Moth, Jared and I have a little alliance going on. We are set on voting out Bri. I just talked to Danny and Shaad and they are down with voting Bri out. I have high hopes that I’ll be safe at tribal. 
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Better communication.. in sticking with that fact, our communication in my team could be better and we need to put more effort into what we do, I believe in us!
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The start to this game has been a freaking snails pace...it’s unbelievable to me that these people do not want to talk that much, especially when it’s a tribe of 6. Colin and I talk the most, I’ve gotten a decent amount out of Anastasia, and to me it feels like those 2 wants to work with me and I am fine with working with them. Usually in a larger group you want to figure out who you can work with long term and use the first few tribals to establish trust, I may throw that out the window since there’s only 5 other people on this tribe. My strategy needs to be who the hell can get me past these first few votes before a swap happens, and I feel like I can rely on Colin and Anastasia for that. I’d like to pull in Elle, because she’s the one who’s talked to me the most out of her, Babs, and Jennifer. Everyone seems nice, but it would be lovely if people would be more active. 
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I’m enjoying the fact our tribe won the first challenge everyone is very nice I love it :)
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This round has been pretty smooth sailing. I know the game will pick up eventually but for now, we are just going with the flow as a tribe
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ok so apparently ginnifer isn't famous. she's just a bit quiet and mysterious. ok with me, just gonna take a while because I'm a loud and outspoken person (and player). amy, dennis and I have an alliance called "fang gang" (it's really just 3 emojis of vampires) and we're going to run the premerge hopefully. I do like brayden a lot, and maybe I'll propose a 3 with him, amy and myself to have a solid 4 control the votes until a swap. round 1 not bad so far!
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Power Rankings:
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Jodi: I believe Jodi is thriving on this tribe. She is very obviously a social player who picks up on the littlest details. I’m sure she can sniff out a plot if it comes down to it. However, Jodi is the plot. She is the leader of her tribe and is easily the most active person in the game at the moment. So long as she keeps a smile on her face and doesn’t overextend to do something messy, she will find that she will make it safely to merge. Allying with Amy could be dangerous however since Amy has stated she needs to be voted out before a certain date. This means that Jodi needs to socialize with other members of her tribe and get new allies before hers will inevitably be voted out of the game.
Amy: Even though she wants to get voted out, Amy has set herself up perfectly at Jodi’s side. She can take the heat off of herself using Jodi and is able to hide better than others. As always, her UTR game has come out to shine. She hasn’t had anyone call her out and even though Jodi has seen her play she is still able to gain her trust.
Josh: Doing so well in the challenge has earned Josh’s place here. He makes his worth known early and has a great personality as well. This makes him very safe for any early tribal councils as no one is going to want to take him out; they want him on their side. Similar to Amy, he just seems to be using an under the radar social game which he is executing well at the present moment. And, as the star of the challenge, he makes himself safe for future tribals before the swap. However, I do fear that this early impression of competition prowess will come back to haunt him if he makes it to the merge.
Dennis: I would put Dennis higher, but Jodi, his ally, already is suspicious of him. She seems to think of him as a bit of a sneak and, as the tribe leader, her opinions matter the most. It is good that he is able to be Jodi’s ally so she might stray away from voting him out. However, his desire to go to tribal and play the game so early may bite him in the butt later down the line. I can definitely see him being called out for trying to play too hard too fast. At the moment, he remains high because he seems to be decently social and no one except Jodi has sniffed him out.
Brayden: There’s not much to say on Brayden’s game. He doesn’t seem to have any allies, his challenge performance wasn’t as good as others on his tribe, and he is not in any alliances yet. This spells disaster for Brayden if his tribe goes to consecutive tribal councils. Additionally, even though he was one of the few to play in the Hunt, he didn’t win and wasn’t even close to doing so. He even gave up part way through to do the immunity challenge. I would be saving them if I were Brayden, but hindsight is 20/20. If Brayden can squeeze into being the fourth of the Jodi, Amy, Dennis alliance instead of Josh then maybe his game forecast will be better.
Ginnifer: The thing that lands Ginnifer on the bottom is that she said that her tribe could vote her out if they lost the challenge. This primes people to already be willing to get rid of her in this game. Additionally, some people have expressed difficulty with talking to Ginny such as Jodi and Amy. The former still wants to give Ginny a try at being an ally while the latter was ready to vote her out if necessary. Ginny just needs to pick up social steam and outperform in the next comp if she’s going to have longevity in this game.
Jessica: In lieu of a clear leader, Jessica has stepped up as she started the first alliance on her tribe with Moth and Jared. No doubt, Jessica’s prior relationship with Moth helped facilitate. Additionally, this seems to paint them as the “active” members of this not active tribe. Therefore, it will be very easy for Jessica to dictate votes without getting labelled as a threat since her tribe is not active enough to do so. I can definitely see her leaning on Moth as a crutch, but for now she is the topdog of her tribe. Especially so since she was the only member of her tribe to win a challenge in Divide and Conquer.
Moth: As Jessica’s right-hand person, Moth is a secure spot. It also helped that they have played this game before and is on a not active tribe. This vibes well with Moth’s gameplay style since they aren’t a social powerhouse like Jodi or Colin. Instead, she keeps it more lowkey which makes this tribe in particular a great tribe for her to thrive in.
Jared: While he hasn’t provided a confessional yet, it’s clear he’s positioned himself well with Moth and Jessica. As the topdogs of the tribe, they are key people to get in with. Besides that, he seems to be a little more active than some others, but there’s not much else to say as of right now.
Danny/Shaad: Him and Shaad can trade spots on this ranking because they are playing similar games at the moment. They are both quiet and inactive, yet are not part of the core alliance of this tribe. This could spell danger for them in upcoming tribal councils if they don’t start working on people now. They seem to be safe for now based solely on Bri’s inactivity, but, otherwise, they need to pick up their socio-strategic game before it is too late.
Bri: She seems to be the most likely person to get voted out. She was not online at all for the first two days of the game and has since remained inactive. She is easy pickings for the top 3 of this tribe which really hurts my heart. I know her in real life and she is very sociable and easy to get along with. I have no doubt that in a real life game of Survivor or Big Brother, she would kill the social game.
Colin: Similar to Jodi, Colin is the most social person on his tribe at the moment. However, unlike Jodi, he has not taken a leader position which works to his benefit. Despite being social, Colin has been able to slip under the radar of most people with a lot of them wanting to work with him. Colin is easily going to survive until the swap, but I will caution him from getting too many allies too quickly. This tribe in particular has a wildcard willing to blow things like that up so he needs to be careful.
Elle: Similar to her previous games, Elle plays an extraordinary social game and becomes very well-liked very easily. They have no problem fitting into any situation and I foresee them making it far if they gain the right allies. What puts her at number 2 as opposed to number 1 is that she hasn’t made any strategic comments yet. Instead, she is focusing on a social game which is not a bad thing. Colin has just shown more of his gameplay in these rounds.
Anastasia: Anastasia, despite being late to the premiere, has been able to socialize with key people such as Colin and Jay. Her prior connection with Elle has also sparked an interest in Colin in working with the two of them as an alliance. Overall, her and Elle sort of share the 2 and 3 spot since they are both well-liked, did well in the challenge, and are prime allies for Colin whose word will feel like law if this tribe ever goes to tribal.
Jay: Jay is neither here nor there. He isn’t in the bottom, but he is not calling the shots either. It is good that Colin wants him as his number 1 and that Anastasia likes him. Out of the three outside of this potential Elle, Colin, Anastasia alliance, he seems like he will be most likely to be saved until a swap occurs. His calls with people have certainly been helping with that as people are able to bond more with him through there. His activity could use work, but he doesn’t need to be active if he’s liked.
Babs: With another Jodi comparison, Babs has taken the leadership position of their tribe. However, they are not as social and, in fact, considered a big threat since they are so willing to talk freely and openly in the tribe chat. Their gameplay is going to be Messy, and people have already pointed that out, making them a clear target if this tribe goes to tribal council. Despite that, they aren’t at the bottom since some people, like Colin, have expressed interest in working with that kind of player as a sort of shield. If Babs were to tone it down and be more social with people (another problem with their game), they may be able to crawl up these rankings.
Jennifer: Sadly I have to put another phonetic Jennifer at the bottom. She did the worst in the challenge across her tribe and isn’t active either. For this round, it seems she would be the easy vote if this tribe had gone to tribal. She needs to start being more social and be more of a presence in people’s minds.
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kaityrese199x · 7 years
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This be Alisa and this is my story of how I fell in love with two guys …. I know what you think but its not like that - chuckles- …. well let me give you a little back ground of me…
well I’m 22 I’ve been modeling for a min now me and my bother Vance we live together were both models. we both just got famous on simstagram. ok ok enough about him and more about me …. I love the color white .. I don’t know why but I just do… I love butterfly’s I was born in sunset valley a small kinda town with not a lot of opportunity…I’ve been dating Darris for about 2 and a half months now everything seems to be going great and I hope we can start going out officially…but lets get right into this…. 
it was Saturday 9:40 I woke up to a text from Darris and it said…
-meet me later when you get off work for dinner I’m going to send you the location of the address dress in something nice ill be there waiting for you                            -Darris 
I had work that day but I woke up late not feeling to well I replied to the message saying  “I didn’t go to work ion feel well,but ill join you for dinner around 1-130″    I got up from my bed throwing my self up to get up…. I looked in the kitchen to see if Vance made breakfast but of course he didn’t make anything but cereal for himself… brothers are annoying at times he was gone to work already. I whipped up eggs and toast then when I finish eating I took a quick shower… I got out feeling bit better… I got dress and meet Darris at the restaurant, I was late trying to get cute - laughs- I’m a girl so you know how long we can take. I got there and seen Darris standing there waiting for me…. I tapped his shoulder….
Alisa- Hey babe you look nice how are you today…
Darris- I’m good actually seeing your sexy self , how do you feel now? ..I know you weren’t feeling well earlier…    he grinned at me 
Alisa- I’m feeling better then this morning, buutttt lets take a selfie I know you hate when I say that but get over it or used to it… I laughed.. 
Darris- looook… ight…. fine babe… come on… 
we took a cute selfie.. 
Darris- ight come on lets go eat … shit I’m hungry I know your little skinny ass is too… 
Alisa- boy hush ( I laughed ) 
we walked into the restaurant he got us a table and we were seated outside in the front… 
we talked… and laughed and talked some more ..  we ate good too of course he paid for the meal… after we finish eating he told me to go home and get dress and come back to his apartment I said okay and gave him a kiss on his cheek.. 
when I came home and seen that Vance was home eating and playing his game like a big ass kid… 
Vance- aye sis wassup where was you…  (he looked back at me) hmmm you look nice where did you go that you look this nice and couldn’t go to work…
Alisa-  booy hush but how was work ( I rolled my eyes jokingly)  and for your info Darris took me out on a date.. and ill be back I’m going over to his apartment.
Vance- mmmmmhmmmmh I know what yall about to doo … welllll I guess my lil sis isn’t lil no more huh?… but I’m glad he’s treating you right … he better not hurt you or ima have to beat his ass forreal yo..
Alisa- ohhh my goddd!!!! its not like that we haven’t even did anything yet and I know how you are over protective… but ill be back I love you see you at work tomorrow and ill probably be home late but were not doing anything okay…
I went in my room got dressed and left the house.. I got to the apartment around 4:44 I knocked on the door  and he opened it.. 
Darris-  you look good yooo (he looked at me up and down licking his big juicy lips) 
I gave him a hug … he squeezed me tightly griping my body to his like a top to a bottle. 
Darris- so how did you like our date too me it seem like you had a great time but I wanna hear that from you… 
Alisa- well since you asked.. I umm had a great time the food was great too very well cooked.. 
Darris- well I’m glad my baby had a great time ( he licked his lips) 
we sat out on his balcony and talked for minutes we then went back into the apartment and sipped on some fine wine we sat on his couch watching movies… I then looked at my phone and notice it was getting late I hated to stop great time we were having short but I had work in the morning. 
we got up from his couch and he walked me to his door 
Darris- stay the night it’ll be fun the night is still young we can do so much see a lot….. 
I cut him off in mid sentence…
Alisa- Darris you know I wish I can stay long but I cant miss work 2 days in a row and you’ll be messing with my check and ion play about my money honey … 
he looked me up and down this time with a look in his eye …. like he was mad I was leaving him like I… like I wasn’t gonna see him again he grabbed my arm and kissed me pressing me against the door I was falling short into his kiss not wanting to leave but I got a call that ended our kiss … I looked at my phone and said I should take this I told him bye and ill call him when I get home…. 
I got home unlocking the door ... it was about 10:40 something… I seen Vance knocked out on the couch I started to wake him but then I told my self not too cause he would wanna talk about my night alllll night long…. and I was quite tired after that cab ride I took my shoes off at the door and went in the bathroom turning on the shower water I almost for got to text Darris … so I texted him - I’m home babe I had a great day/night hope we can do this again soon….                                           -Alisa 
I got in the shower thinking about how well my night ended well I then stepped out the shower drying off and goin into my room lotion-ing my body before I went to bed .. I put my clothes on and knocked out cold ….as soon as I laid on my bed….. 
To be continued……….. 
Episode 1 
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