#its been forever since I made a video for my tiktok account
 I made a thing! I think of this song especially everytime I see the calling each other Captain scene so I just had to make this <3 
my tiktok is oldhollywoodfan1 (I linked it so all you have to do is click the username, I wanted to use the tiktok link but I guess that’s not how it works for tumblr so upload the video from my computer it is) if you want to check it out, I’ve only got one other video up though. 
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viilpstick · 8 months
TW: Advanced warning, the following content is a resume of everything that this “youtuber” has done. I usually don’t bring this type of stuff in my blog, but I have to spread awareness about it. I won’t get into details because of how disgusting and disturbing this thing is.
If you are able to hear this type of content, I recommend you watch this video (yes it is a repost, I couldn’t find the original by a possible strick made by Burned Show).
I don’t know this YouTuber called Mudahar (the creator of the video addressing the situation), so if he has done anything bad, I apologize I am coming from another channel, whose the creator is a Brazilian and since not all my public will understand nor speaks Brazilian, it is the best video I could find to expose this piece of shit.
Resume: The burned show is an Mexican “content creator”, who from far I’ve known had been on the YouTube with 3 different channels with little success. According to him, he is an “g0r3 reactor” and makes video of his reactions towards it.
Tumblr media
This is shown in his TikTok. His YouTube channel had its focus on watching videos of… Well, I really don’t want to say it. But, do imagine possible disgusting content and behavior, with all his videos having a poor censoring and etc. I don’t want this post of awareness to get down. So, please don’t search it up. Watch the video, and you will automatically understand what I meant by it.
Burned Show channel has already fell, but his TikTok account still up, differently from his YouTube channel, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he came back to the platform with another channel, since he does that quite a lot.
On the past when he was called out the YouTube channel SomeOrdinaryGamers, also known as the creator: Mudahar. He has made fun of the situation. Not just that at the end of EVERY VIDEO he did a “little silly dance” after watching these disgusting contents, that I thought you would only find on the D4rk W3b.
THAT, without counting the lives where he would make a character and pretend to have Down Syndrome awhile mocking it.
Honestly, I will forever be disgusted by this.
Do NOT let this story die. We need justice. He has gotten away from this type of things and it’s unethical and unacceptable.
If you are sensitive to this type of content, just go to his TikTok, REPORT HIM and BLOCK HIM. I didn’t watched ANY of his videos, I don’t want to do that, but, there’s proof to hold against him, so… You know. I am utterly disgusted and I’ve just watched the Brazilian video, posted 2 days ago. I had to take my action, so at least I can sleep at , because after this? I swear to God, I loose faith each time more on us as human beings.
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onyxisnotuniqueenough · 11 months
i have 35 followers on this account.
and while 35 is not a lot, this is the most amount of people i can reach. i should have been doing this sooner but have been FUCKING STUPID about it and have kept silent about it on tumblr to maintain some kind of semblance of escapism for myself here. but my escapism doesn't matter. can palestinians enjoy the luxury of escaping their situation right now? are they LITERALLY able to escape the bombing. nevermind escape, survive any of the tactics pulled by israel to ensure their genocide?
there's a sense of guilt looming over my head telling me that i should be doing more, but in truth, there is not much i can do to help. telling me that i shouldn't take for granted the roof over my head, the safety of my loved ones, food, water, electricity, the ability to literally communicate with the outside world. so let me do the best i can and spread the message with as many people i can.
if you're also wondering what you can do to help, here are some things i am doing and am in the process of doing :
- follow news about gaza through livestreams from the outside : multiple sources have provided access to a livestream of what's going on in gaza. israel has cut off all communication and electricity in gaza and i have a pit in my stomach telling me that they just want no eyes on them for whatever they want to do. all we can do is watch from afar. stay updated.
- watch tiktoks from people who have signed up for the creativity fund on tiktok or similar stuff on other platforms : if you're not able to donate yourself, you can find lots of creators on tiktok using their 5 seconds of YOUR watchtime to donate to help palestine.
- continue sharing, promoting, and "liking" content about palestine : israel is literally doing its best to keep us and palestinians in the dark, metaphorically and literally, from what's happening and what they're planning to do. raise palestinian voices, help them grow, share their stories. everything is forever on the internet ? great. take advantage of that. sharing is a way to ensure that all information we have on the situation stays alive and can't be shadowbanned or deleted or anything. the more people palestinian voices reach, the harder it would be to silence them. it also makes it accessible to anyone and everyone to see the horrors committed by the state of israel, and debunk any fucking idiotic shit their twitter accounts is trying to spew with their photoshopped cartons of milk, their very false infographics and their general flow of lies and propaganda.
- if you can, email or contact your elected representatives. they're...well...supposed to represent you, and their position is more advantaged to get something done. here's a video on tiktok that i found explaining the importance of emails (specifically in canada, bit i'm sure it applies to other places too) :
- boycott brands that support or fund israel. now first, let me tell you : the 729 or 871 you find at the beginning of a barcode is not a certain sign the product has been manufactured in israel. this has been debunked since the origin of this lie in 2021 :
if you have a doubt, fact-check whatever company owns the product to buy, it only takes a few clicks.
second, if you think that boycotting is useless because you're just a grain of sand in the universe : that's absolutely not true. humanity is just a bunch of grains of sand. humanity is a COLLECTIVE. stop thinking your actions don't have an impact. they absolutely do. that's how we've been capable of making such an imapct on companies' stock already!
you probably already know about Starbucks, McDonalds, and Disney. Here are some more companies and brands to stop giving your money to :
- HP : Hewlett Packard helps run the biometric ID system that Israel uses to restrict Palestinian movement.
- Siemens : is complicit in apartheid Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise through its planned construction of the EuroAsia Interconnector. This will link Israel’s electricity grid with Europe’s, allowing illegal settlements on stolen Palestinian land to benefit from Israel-EU trade of electricity produced from fossil gas.
- Puma : Puma sponsors the Israel Football Association, which includes teams in Israel’s illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian land.
- Sodastream (has been bought by Pepsico) : Soda Steam is actively complicit in Israel's policy of displacing the indigenous Bedouin-Palestinian citizens of Israel in the Naqab (Negev). SodaStream have a long history of mistreatment of and discrimination against Palestinian workers.
- Ahava : Ahava cosmetics has its production site, visitor center and main store in an illegal Israeli settlement.
- Sabra : Sabra hummus is a joint venture between PepsiCo and the Strauss Group, an Israeli food company that provides financial support to the Israeli army.
these are the first results that popped up with a simple google search, but that's not all. There's also L'oréal, Garnier, Nestlé, and so many more. it's hard to keep track of all of them and jaw-dropping to see just how many of them are involved and actively supporting Israel.
here are some more links for brands and companies to boycott :
multiple instagram and tiktok pages also
if you've already purchased products from them, obviously, don't throw them away. If any product from one of these companies is absolutely essential or if you don't have any other viable choice, it's understandable. Do your best, and whatever effort you make on your scale is helpful. This is also an opportunity to support local shops and businesses, diy your own beauty products, cook more on your own, and instead of directing your money towards genocide, you could direct to donating to aid-to-palestine charities or literally to your pocket. but honestly, the idea of a 70+year ethnic cleansing and literal genocide should be enough.
- now this seems like the most obvious one so that's why it's the last bullet point : donate to charities that support palestine, sign petitions, etc.
there is footage out there of thousands of trucks that cannot cross palestine/"israel" borders because. well. of israel. these trucks contain food, water and hygiene products that donations were supposed to provide. this is heartbreaking that the help you hoped to provide couldn't reach the people it was supposed to reach. if you're thinking your donation is useless, well, i get it. i am having trouble even saying anything about that, because I myself am worried that it could be useless. But you have to stay hopeful, cause that's all most of us have right now. I would say to absolutely continue donating whatever you can to charities that support palestine, that provide water, food, shelter, and emergency medical care. You have to hope that it'll somehow reach them. You have to hope that it'll somehow stop.
At the time of writing, voting results at the UN General Assembly show a margin of 120!! to 14 (and 45 abstinents) for a ceasefire and immediate humanitarian truce between Palestine and israel. And now while that might seem like amazing news, let's remember that the General Assembly is for non-binding resolutions. FOR A BINDING RESOLUTION, the decision must be made by the Security Council. I'm not gonna explain everything, but the permanent members of the UN Security Council are fucking it over. here's full context :
Also, the letter tO THANK Biden that countless celebrities ??? disappointing too. some names on that list really surprised me, and i'm disappointed that people i have supprted in the past have turned around and thanked biden for supporting a genocide. it's so stupid and disappointing.
of course, feel free to tell me if i've cited the wrong sources, if i've missed something, or have said false info in anyway.
i'd also like to add that arab palestinians are not the only victims and that countless innocent jewish people have also been affected by the genocide. that the press vest has meant norhing so far. and that israel is not looking that closely into who they're killing. as Daniel Hagari said, Israel's method is "destruction, not accuracy."
BTW : I am not open to conversation with zionists or pro-israels. keep your anon asks very very very far away from me. i will not lend a ❤️listening ear❤️ to someone who ignores or defends genocide, and i don't see anything wrong with ignoring that kind of rhetoric. fuck you.
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toomuchtime2008 · 5 months
my 2 cents on everything
2021 was when i started watching enya and drew and the whole group and created a fan account for them which ive made so many current online friends through that... it was like a literal dream.. i hated it at that time but now i miss it more than ever... even now i dream of having a friend group like them and dance in my room imagining i was making a playlist video! i think reasons y its so often missed is bc so much was going on at that time: first fan account ever, first online crush ever, moving, first time revisiting tiktok since 2018.... and how much those events contributed to my character summed up, my 2021 was : enya and drew, eva meloche's italy chronicles vlogs and josh. traumatized. (in a good way which make me think my choice of word is lowkey wrong but idk what word to replace...) everytime i watch enya or drew's video it makes me think when is it gonna be my turn?? i dont think ive even truly been happy since like forever.. i want to live in LA with my super cool friends and go to concert and events and exhibit and dj sets with trust fund creative director of an unhinged brand! im tired of living where i dont have a creative outlet or the resources i need in order to fulfill my needs.. yes only i can make it happen yes its me who should be responsible for everything in my life but i need a strong support system not the one thats crippling and about to break! i want to be a model i want to own a vintage store i want to be a stylist i want to be a dj i want to be a photographer i want to make movies i want to everything and where i am is not letting me pursue those things! its like life is trying me... sleeping is the only time when i feel alright... i might play a my year of rest and relaxation very soon. goodnight gorgeous people.
0 notes
purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by hxcsingingsk8r
Phone Scavenger Hunt
First off, what phone do you have? I have an iPhone 8.
And what provider do you use? It’s a local one you wouldn’t know about, called Globe.
How long have you had your current phone? I can’t remember if it would be 3 or 4 years this 2021. Either way, it’s definitely been a while and I’ve been itching to upgrade. It’s too early to make such a big purchase, though.
Do you have any cases for it? Describe them. I have a clear case that I bought last year. Before that, I had a pink Otterbox case that I managed to destroy even though Otterbox is normally known for its durability. I just have a very unique ability to wreck everything I’ve ever owned lol.
How old were you when you got your first cellphone? I was technically 6, but it was meant to be a present for my 7th birthday. We threw a birthday party a month in advance because my dad had to fly back abroad for work before my actual birthday, but we wanted him to be present at the celebration so we decided throwing a party early was the best route.
What about your first smartphone? [If the answer is different] It was an iPhone 5S.
How old are you now? Dunno what this has to do with the theme of the survey but I am now 22.
Okay, move onto the scavenger hunt part
What is your lock screen picture of? It’s of Kim Seon Ho at a restaurant, lmao.
Home screen? It’s one of the shots from a recent promotional photoshoot Hayley did for Good Dye Young.
How many pictures are thre currently on your phone? This question just made me so anxious hahaha. I have way too many photos; and upon checking, it turns out I currently have 6,266. My god do I need to clean up my camera roll this weekend.
How many videos? I have 227. I have no idea it’s gotten to be this many; I barely use my phone to take videos. I’ll go ahead and delete some of them right now, just to give my phone (and its storage) space to breathe.
What is your most recent picture of? It’s a work thing...I guess I’ll explain it so it can make more sense. So one of our clients has got this Lent campaign going on, and to spread word about it we’ve tapped a handful of food bloggers to try out the offers themselves and post about their experience on social media. Now that we’re in the middle of Holy Week they’ve gone ahead and uploaded their own posts, and I’m in charge of taking screenshots so I can show to the client that the execution had been successful.
And the most recent video? It’s a private vlog. Every Sunday, or at least every other Sunday I take a few minutes to sit down and do a weekly video thing where I talk about my ~mental~ and ~emotional~ status, and it’s basically a way to be in touch with myself and keep track of my progress. Who knows, maybe I’ll actually get to uploading them one day.
Do you have any albums? If so, of what? Yeah. I have one for Cooper, one for Kimi, and a bunch of tiny albums I’ve made where I compiled 4–5 photos of friends to post on their birthdays.
What pictures have you favorited? I have a lot of favorited photos. There’s no required category for me to label them as such.
Do you have any shared albums with friends or family or work? No. I’m not sure if I can do that, or how to do it if it is allowed.
Do you have any alarms set? For what time and for what occasions? I have a bunch of alarms but only because they’re archived into the Clock app and I just haven’t gotten around to deleting them. When I was still new at my work, I used to have alarms set for certain work tasks I have to take note of every week – but now that I’ve gotten into the groove of things, I don’t need the alarms to be reminded about them anymore.
Check your weather app, what is the weather and temperature where you live? It says ‘Mostly Clear’ and shows a temperature of 26ºC.
Do you have the YouTube app? Do you have your own channel? I do have the app and my own account, but I never use it to post videos. It’s nice to have my own channel so that my homepage can be tailored to my interests.
Do you have an email app? Which one do you use? I just have the default Email app that comes with iOS, but I never use it because it’s so wonky. It doesn’t refresh new emails and it takes forever when it does, and it doesn’t always show the full thread of email conversations. If I absolutely need to check my email for something I usually have to pull out my laptop.
Does it say that there is an update available on your phone or any apps? Yes, it reminds me everyday hahaha. I don’t update unless Apple has been planning a big revamp with new features, though; and if the updates are just to address bugs, I disregard the reminders.
Go into your contacts, how many contacts do you have total? It says I have 178.
Name all of your contacts under the letter M: Feels a tad bit invasive, so I’ll just name five people I have under M: Lui, Kim, Patrice, Danika, and Andi.
Name all of your contacts under the letter U: I don’t have anyone under U.
Do you have any contacts that are businesses rather than people? Which ones? No, I don’t really use text to contact businesses. If I wanted to inquire or order from one, I usually head to their social media page.
Go into your notes, how many notes do you have saved? This is another one I have a hoarding problem with lol. My phone says I currently have 561 notes, though I’m fairly certain the biggest chunk of it comes from minutes I’ve taken down from work meetings. It was a whole lot less when I was still in school.
What kinds of things do you save in your notes? Like I said, I use Notes for taking down minutes from meetings. There are also a few surveys on there, from times I didn’t have internet and couldn’t post them on here.
Do you have any voice memos saved? What of? Yep. Some of them were recordings I had to do for journalism classes I was assigned to do voiceovers; some are interviews, also from my journ class; and the rest are of me rambling.
Do you ever use the calculator app? Pretty frequently for work.
Do you ever use the Maps app? Not really. If I needed directions, I would check out Waze for that.
Do you have any health/fitness apps? Which ones? I still have the Nike Training app from the very brief time I wanted to start working out earlier this year.
Do you have the Instacart app? The what now? I’ve never even heard of that.
What about a delivery service like Postmates, Uber Eats, Grubhub, Doordash? I have the McDelivery app for McDonald’s, but I also have other general delivery apps like Grab, Lalamove, and Transportify.
Do you have something like Venmo, Cashapp, or Paypal? I have the Paypal app but I never use it. I also have a couple of e-wallet apps just in case I’d have to use them as a payment method, since some businesses  I purchase from prefer certain ones. Ultimately, though, I use Grab’s mobile wallet the most often.
Do you use Bitmoji? I think I did before? I never used it all that regularly though. Didn’t see the point.
What other keyboards do you use besides English? Any? Filipino, Korean, and Emoji.
Which social media network apps do you have? Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Tumblr, TikTok, and Snapchat. So I guess I have all the main ones?
If you have Instagram, what is your handle and how many followers? I have a very private one I only use for work. I didn’t want it to have any followers but at present there’s Angela (because she asked to follow it this week) and Bea (idk why).
What do you typically post on the various social media platforms? The only ones I regularly post on are Twitter and Facebook, and on either I share life updates (if there are any) and memes; though on Facebook I have to watch out what kind of memes I share and make sure they aren’t too offensive because I’m friends with relatives, workmates, and media on there lmao. But on Twitter, I basically have no filter.
Do you make TikTok videos? I don’t make any myself, but I do enjoy going through the app.
Do you only add people you know on Facebook? Yes, for the most part. I’ve taken to adding people as long as they’re from UP or my high school even though I’ve never met them as well, but if I sense that they only added me to try and sell me insurance OR try to get me into MLM, then it’s an instant unfriend for me.
Do you have an app that tracks Instagram followers? No, because I don’t need to track my Instagram followers. I’m off the radar as off the radar gets.
Do you have a Snapchat? Yeah, it’s still on my phone just because but I literally never touch it anymore.
Do you ever take selfies with filters? What app's filters do you use? Eh, just before. I don’t really take selfies anymore, period.
Do you use any apps like Depop or Poshmark or Etsy? No. Out of these three I’ve only ever heard of Etsy, too.
What messengers do you use to talk to people? Any besides just texting? I have Messenger to stay in touch with family and friends; Whatsapp and Viber for work; and Telegram just in case my friends want to play games.
Do you have any photo editing apps? Which ones? I have this app called Foodie that has some pretty filters. Otherwise, since I’m not on Instagram anyway I’m never on the lookout for photo editing apps; no one ever filters their photos on Facebook and Twitter lol.
Do you have any games? Which ones? I do have a ton of games on my phone. I never play any of them, but I keep them just in case I get bored enough to start revisiting them. I have word games, drinking games, games similar to Heads Up! where one person will have to guess the word on the screen while the phone is on their forehead, and gimmicky games like 1010! and Candy Crush haha.
Do you have any rideshare apps like Lyft or Uber? I have Grab, which is a rideshare, parcel delivery, food delivery, and online grocery app all in one.
Now go to the actual phone app, whose phone numbers are saved as favorites? I don’t tag any of my contacts as favorites.
Who was your most recent outgoing call to? I can’t recognize the number, so it was probably a Transportify driver that I called to give him directions to my house.
Who was your most recent incoming call from? I also can’t recognize the number, but this time he was most likely a Grab driver.
Who was your most recent missed call from? Again, can’t recognize the number HAHAA
Why did you miss that call? On purpose? Were you sleeping? Busy? My phone is on silent 24/7, so I must have missed it while I was working.
Who is your most recent voicemail from and what's it regarding? We don’t have voicemail in the Philippines.
What was the last thing you Googled or searched on your phone? Candle tunneling and how to fix it.
What music app do you use? Apple Music? Spotify? Something else? I use Spotify, but I also availed of a 3-month trial on Apple Music earlier this year just because. I think it’s supposed to end soon but I have no plans to shift.
What playlists have you made on there? I have playlists called, “robyn discovers kpop,” “winding down,” “angst,” “not my loss,” and my personal favorite, “paramore but fuck you.”
Lastly, what is the most recent song/album you've added to your collection? What Type of X - Jessi.
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Upreachr Review: make influencer traffic as straightforward as 3 ticks?
Instagram, tiktok, youtube, twitter and reddit, there is alot of money to be made there. The issue regardless, is that it will really take you ages to collect a gigantic enough Following there, even with the best virtual items. Likewise, publicizing is expensive and perilous, especially in case you don't have a particularly Tested, capable and productive funnel.
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Veritable Upreachr Review: Is it worth your money?
While the feature of this Upreachr Review is somewhat thrilling, I figure you would agree with what I'm going to state… Most virtual items that assurance traffic, don't generally pass on traff
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cindylouwho-2 · 5 years
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Welcome to my latest summary of recent news, resources & studies including search, analytics, content marketing, social media & ecommerce! This covers articles I came across since the mid-January report, although some may be older than that. 
Right now I am trying to get at least 2 of these out each month. Is that enough? Too much? Am I missing topics you want to see covered? Please let me know! Comment here, message me through Tumblr, Twitter, or my website.
Also, I am once again working on plans to start an ecommerce business forum, where small business owners can learn and discuss topics like the ones I post about here. If you have any preferences for a suggested platform/forum space,please let me know! I will be running a survey once I narrow down my list. 
Etsy introduced alternative shipping for US sellers shipping outside of the US & Canada, run by Asendia. Etsy Labels will no longer offer USPS First Class International for those shipments, but faster levels will still be through USPS. The Help file doesn’t give that much more detail; discussion is here. 
Having educational/information pages on ecommerce websites can help product page search rankings. Blog posts, pillar pages and tutorials can all be a good investment. 
Excellent article on how to keep your existing buyers (aka customer retention) rather than always going after new ones. It cites decent research in the area, with examples. (As regular readers know, I love Help Scout’s customer service articles!) For example, “When it comes to highly rated customer service, quality and completeness matter more than speed. According to research from Gallup, customers were nine times more likely to be engaged with a brand when they evaluated the service as “courteous, willing, and helpful.” “Speedy” service, on the other hand, only made customers six times more likely to be satisfied.”
More updates to listing categories, including a new Presets & Photo Filters category, and Cribs & Cradles is now called Moses Baskets & Hammocks. 
Tips on marketing your Etsy listings for weddings. “Etsy wedding shoppers are often drawn to Etsy because they identify as creative people themselves, an asset you should consider when developing and marketing your products. By offering DIY versions of some of your popular items, you can draw in crafty shoppers, who may end up purchasing a finished handmade item from your shop instead. Offering both options can also be a great way of hitting multiple price points.”
If you sell jewellery and/or accessories, here is Etsy’s advice for marketing in the first half of the year. “While high-end jewelry is often a carefully considered purchase, more affordable everyday items make easy impulse buys and gifts due to their small size and approachable price points.” Also, people are still shopping by gender: “70% YoY increase in Jewelry, Accessories, and Bags category searches containing “him”. “We expect the bags category to grow the most out of these three categories in the next year, led by the increasing popularity of small leather goods such as wallets, dopp kits, and items for travel. A recent increase in average order value within the Bags category suggests buyers are willing to pay more for high-quality materials like leather.” But note that “Buyers tend not to use the term "purse" in their searches.” Finally, “From July through September 2019, over half of Etsy US and global GMS came from purchases that shipped for free.”
In case you missed it, Disney is going after Etsy sellers of Baby Yoda merchandise. Some speculate that they are mostly focusssing on the listings making the most sales. More sarcastic & humorous take here.
Interesting interview (podcast & transcript, including a pdf) with CEO Josh Silverman, on business strategies.  I do like this quote: “When you’re successful, what can be really hard is to tell you’re successful because of some things and in spite of others.” To be very honest, I have this problem a lot, and have seen other business people misjudge their success as well. This is telling, though “And you have until December 31st to ship it.” I have a hunch that is what happened with Etsy Ads and the free shipping tools. So they shipped unfinished tools, and that was bad for the business. Finally, “HOFFMAN: Until this point, Etsy’s focus had been on its sellers. It saw itself as a marketplace for handmade items, and the people who made them. Josh knew he had to change this perspective… SILVERMAN: It was a really big shift in focus. I think Etsy, like many two sided marketplaces, has very deep empathy for sellers, so much so that it can forget to have empathy for buyers. And when you talk to your sellers, they really mostly want three things. They want buyers, they want buyers, and they want buyers – in that order. In order to serve the sellers, you’ve really got to focus on buyers...By the end of my fifth week almost everyone in the company had a new job.”
Google confirmed a core search update that started to roll out January 13 and took about 3 days, and showed substantial changes on most tracking tools. Early analysis indicates this has once again affected sites based on trustworthiness, but big winners and losers are still unclear. The take from Moz is that this hit health sites like previous updates, but also hurt diverse sites such as Orbitz, Yellow Pages, Poshmark, USA Today and Forever 21. RankRanger noted that there was more volatility in finance rankings than the December update. 
Remember Google’s algorithm change late last year, called BERT? George Mueller offered a bit of advice [text and video] on how to optimize for it: “if ... there’s anything that you can do to kind of optimize for BERT, it’s essentially to make sure that your pages have natural text on them...So instead of stuffing keywords as much as possible, kind of write naturally” 
Google is now highlighting some products (clothing & accessories) in organic search results on mobile in the US & India; you have to have a Google Merchant Centre account set up, but you do not need to buy ads to get this organic boost. Here’s the Google help file on how to optimize. 
If your website has many related pages on a specific topic, organizing the info on one “content hub” (aka pillar pages, or even category pages in some cases) is an excellent way to get user and search engine attention. 
Brief video from Google for SEO beginners: how to optimize images for Google search. They also link to their support file on this question, which has more advanced info. And here is another beginners video on Google SEO considerations for your website. (More links in the video comments.)
Google has a “SafeSearch filter” that removes porn and other mature content from search results, but sometimes it catches innocent sites as well. 
Another good article on how internal linking can serve multiple purposes on your website, especially keyword ranking.
Sites that get the “featured snippet” position in Google search results can no longer get organic ranking on the first page. This could change, though. 
CONTENT MARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIA (includes blogging & emails) 
Excellent tips & advice on how to make email marketing work for you. Not using emails? You should. “...email has over 3.8 billion daily active users. Take a minute to think about that. Most people who use email probably fall between the ages of 15 and 64, and since there are only about 5 billion people on the planet in that age range, that means email has over 75 percent market penetration.” And “Almost three-fourths of people prefer to hear from businesses via email.”
Do you think that every email campaign needs its own landing page? I’m not sure, but there are some convincing arguments here. And don’t forget to plan to send your emails at the right time for your list subscribers. 
Updated for 2020, HubSpot does an excellent holiday calendar that can help you plan social media posts and other content ahead of time, including hashtags where applicable. 
Tips on converting your existing content (blog posts etc.) into podcasts. “Podcasts tend to be longer-form content than video or blogs. Many videos that companies produce are relatively short, ~2 minutes. For someone looking to listen to your podcast, this may not be substantial enough in terms of the information covered.”
Here’s a useful list of demographics of social media users - think about which sites would work best for your business based on who is using them. 
Reddit is an excellent source of content ideas (video & transcript), as people are usually discussing and upvoting things that interest them, and it is all organized by topic for you. 
Instagram is adding direct messaging (DM) access to their website. 
Facebook is accused of denying data access to potential competitors. 
A surprising number of American adults use LinkedIn, and their numbers are growing faster than expected. “LinkedIn users make up around one-third of all social network users in the U.S.”
Another tutorial on setting up a Google Ads account. 
Google ads were less evident in organic search results, for about a week. This mirrors the changes on mobile several months ago, & includes favicons next to brand sites. But more people complained about the desktop layout, so they have backed down and will continue to test new versions. 
Facebook, Google & Amazon are not the only advertising options out there. 
Short infographic on how to advertise on TikTok. 
If you haven’t set up Google Search Console for your website or blog, you should. [YouTube Video, from the Beginners series]
A good basic guide to using the Google Keyword Planner, including more tips on how to get in without setting up a paid ad campaign. 
Instagram is most useful when you track your stats - use Insights to track your reach, clicks, impressions etc. 
The growth of ecommerce purchases has been detrimental to US retail sales overall, due to brick and mortar store closures, lower b&M profit margins, and fewer jobs. Remember that Amazon now gets around 50% of ecommerce purchases in the US, meaning that the increase of online retail is more consolidated than the lost brick and mortar sales. 
Amazon will now be reporting counterfeit goods sold on its site to the authorities: "The hope has been that Amazon’s coveted data will help law enforcement make connections about criminals." 
Amazon has started a delivery program in Australia called Amazon Flex. Requiring drivers to sign up for shifts up to 4 hours that they choose, driving their own vehicles, the program is being compared to Uber. 
Shopify now has over 1 million merchants, and is growing rapidly. “This past Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend, the company saw $2.9 billion in total sales; during its peak, Shopify software was processing $1.5 million in sales and 16,000 checkouts a minute.”
Smartphone purchases continue to increase: $5.9 billion spent on Black Friday & Cyber Monday, and 48% of online purchases in the US on Christmas Day. 
Supposedly, USPS is the most trusted brand in the US, followed by Amazon, Google, and Paypal. Actual quote: “levels of distrust are high in America, but it found that brands can win trust by protecting consumers' data privacy, not hiding important information in fine print and treating employees better than the minimum required by law.” I’m struggling with Amazon & Google in the top in particular, given that quote, but at least Facebook didn’t make the top 25. 😉 Note that age is a differential factor here: “Google is the most trusted brand among Gen Z and millennials, while USPS is the most trusted among older generations like Gen X and baby boomers.” Study details & top 25 list available here. (There is a large difference between the generations, according to this study; it’s worth a scan.)
If you are looking for a new search engine, here are 7 that aren’t Google. Some of you  probably hadn’t heard of all of them, because I hadn’t. 
Anti-virus software Avast is still selling user data to major companies.
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kamdynydma475-blog · 4 years
Here Are 4 Movieboxapk Me Strategies Every Person Counts On. Which One Do You Prefer?
What Makes a Great Mobile App?
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If you desire to, it's a cost-free download as well as you can buy themes for it. Various other attributes consist of a specialized number row, SwiftKey Flow which permits motion typing, multiple language support, cross-device syncing of your collection and far more. It holds true that Microsoft now has SwiftKey, yet thus far they have taken care of not to mess it up. Gboard, Google's key-board app, is likewise extremely good as well as is an excruciatingly close 2nd place below. Totally individual/ subjective, yet I "detoxed" away from FP a couple of years earlier.
India is responsible for a 3rd of all downloads of the Chinese-owned short-form video app, adhered to very closely by Brazil at 10.4%. Four applications surpassed 150 million installs in Q1 2019, consisting of Facebook-owned WhatsApp, Carrier, and also Facebook. ByteDance's TikTok was once more the No. 3 Google Play app. YouTube Kids joined YouTube and YouTube Music among the top 20 Google Play applications. YouTube Children had 29 million downloads in the quarter, an increase of 291 percent quarter-over-quarter.
Find out to take much better mobile phone photos with this discounted eCourse for $10.
You can rock bent on full cds, specific tracks, playlists, as well as radio-style streams. You can build your personal collection by favoriting tracks, complying with artists, as well as connecting with pals, and also also obtain suggestions based upon your paying attention tasks.
Following the Cambridge Analytica scandal, Mark Zuckerberg's company may be experiencing its first actual crisis. This contributes to other troubles experienced by the social network in recent years.
What is one of the most downloaded application in Google Play?
What is TikTok app?
The iPhone 11 and 11 Pro aren't fully waterproof, but are water resistant enough to survive a splash of coffee or get dunked in the pool. According to Apple, the iPhone 11 is rated IP68, which means it's water resistant in up to 6.5 feet (2 meters) of water for 30 minutes.
Android, iphone and also Windows all maintain hassle-free running listings of every app you have actually ever before downloaded and install. It is a total video viewing and sharing an application that works on mobile and also desktop computer tools. The specialized mobile application has some added attributes such as offline downloading.
There is likewise a second Google Aide application for those who want a quick launch symbol on the home screen. The equipment things prices money, however Google Assistant is free. Amazon.com Alexa is an additional excellent application in this room, yet it does not support Google Android fairly as high as we would like, yet. Right here are the best Android apps that function offline, whether you don't have a data plan or are in an area with no service. It took the company a long time to make severe invasions into the mobile market (we won't mention Windows Phone), however it's currently lastly starting to locate some grip.
Google Maps
Both apps get stacks of new updates and features regularly. The end of 2018 is upon us and if you really did not download and install any new apps, then you're missing out. I understand-- it's sometimes surprising that 10 years into the App Store, there are still sufficient fresh suggestions to make it worth downloading an unfamiliar name. This number only represents brand-new downloads, not re-installs or app updates, the report kept in mind.
Maps by Google is a full place app with attributes like GENERAL PRACTITIONER tracking, address sharing, navigating, real-time web traffic updates, lane guidance, regional place search and also even more. App growth is helpful not only for monetary objectives however also to extend the reach of a business/website to the mobile users. Billions of individuals worldwide are making use of smartphone gadgets currently, and one precise method to get to those individuals is producing a mobile app for your business. Mobile applications are one of the reasons that mobile phones are so much popular today. These applications are what make your tablet computers and phones wise, in regards to functionality and attributes.
What makes a great mobile app?
SwiftKey is additionally excellent in a various sort of way and also we suggest it if Gboard isn't helping you. Blue Mail is just one of the best cost-free Android apps for email.
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The leading 10 apps were the same as the previous quarter, with the top 5 all retaining their positions from Q4 2018. Video editing app Biugo as well as picture editing application PicsArt got in the leading 20 applications worldwide for the first time in Q1. First-time users in India assisted both applications achieve brand-new install highs in the quarter. In the following couple of days, we'll be sharing a couple of excerpts of our Q Data Digest Report.
What is the most popular app 2019?
Since January 2019, TikTok has been installed more than 104.7 million times, which is an increase of 46% in the span of a year, making it the most downloaded non-gaming app worldwide, according to Sensor Tower, a mobile app store data analytics firm.
Apple apple iphone SE 2/iPhone 9.
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Pulse SMS uses a web server structure while Android Messages live streams your messages. Both techniques have their benefits and drawbacks, yet they're both still exceptional choices to access your texts anywhere. Textra is an additional great option if you do not require desktop texting. It's a password supervisor that lets you conserve your login credentials in a safe, safe and secure method. In addition to that, it can assist generate almost difficult passwords for you to make use of on your accounts. It is an OTT service offering ad-supported full-length feature movies for free. The Application is possessed by Display Media Films (SMF), so you can anticipate a consistent inflow of movies dispersed by the SMF. The solution additionally organizes web collection as well as initial shows which can be streamed without paying a single dime.
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What is replacing Showbox?
Crackle. Sony's Crackle is one of the most popular free movie apps on mobile. It boasts a bunch of hit titles, various TV shows, and a bunch of genres to choose from. It even has Nielson tracking software so you can Movie Box Download Android be a part of the stats when it comes to popularity.
I was looking for free IPTV solution for flicks, boxsets and also live TV. It has a built-in library readily available to conserve your preferred films and also view it later. Without using HDD or data manager area of your smart device you can conserve movies or dramatization right into the library of the application. This application is the heart of countless customers as well as boosting day by day because of the most effective service supplying. Furthermore, it lets you see motion pictures trailer and recognize other needed information concerning the film.
Download And Install Most Current Variation of Truecaller APK.
The appeal of the portal is the leading search box which is prompt as well as easy. One can easily find the episode number which they desire to see. There are lots of video services, legal ones, there not a lot of cash and some have advertisements to spend for some web content or there is subscription. SHOT FILM HUB. FROM GOOGLE PLAY SHOP. SHORT 15 SECOND ADS BEFORE YOU BEGIN THE FILM. NO TV REVEALS BUT ALMOST Comparable To SHOWBOX MOTION PICTURE COLLECTION AND ALL LEGAL. ShowBox is Dead for good, the developers have actually quit the assistance of the App.
Despite which kind movie you love to watch, you are going to discovered right here all style flicks like Activity, funny, journey, Bio, and also animation and so on . If you can tolerate that, then My Download and install Tube can be your noticeable option. Else, you can consider my other choices for top totally free movie streaming websites no Register. TorOWL is a new movie streaming site, no join needed. Thus, you can arrange flicks conveniently making use of various filters like groups, layouts, rating, votes and more.
The services of Hulu right into Live TELEVISION began in 2017, before that it just use to organize a collection of TELEVISION programs both old and also brand-new, film and various other infomercial programs. It functions as a hybrid of Sling TV and also Netflix, offering both TV Reveals along with Online TV to its individuals.
Can you go to jail for streaming movies?
One more method to use Netflix without a Credit card is by using a Netflix gift card. You can buy Netflix gift cards on Amazon or eBay and you can also get them as a gift from your parents or friends. After grabbing your gift card, you need to enter your voucher id to activate it and use Netflix.
Titanium TV as well has a large brochure of films and also TELEVISION programs. From the just recently released movies to the latest episodes, you will certainly find everything here. I am likewise impressed with the top quality of video playback this app uses.
How can I watch movies online for free on my phone?
Technically, yes, movie box is illegal. You are streaming a movie/tv show without the original owner's permission. MovieBox does not have the rights to show owner's copyrighted material. As for getting caught, however, the chances are slim to none.
I needed to assemble this list since Showbox recently got shut down forever. Showbox APK was among the most extensively utilized streaming apps for movies and TELEVISION shows. Considering that Showbox is not functioning anymore, it only made sense to locate its replacements.
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