#its also that shane and ryan meme but I am both
tothesolarium · 1 year
This fucking story is me constantly just being
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With obscure demonic and religious things that... I don’t know If anyone will get.. for a Fictional piece
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movementsofmylife · 2 years
bad buddy ep 5 (rewatch)
how many times does pran pull out his entire (extremely intense) set of markers and not use them:
total so far: ////
so this episode. i have watched it so many times. and every time i am left in shambles. it builds up to that final rooftop scene so well and so insidiously.
they start the episode in this brown white beige complimentary look, with pat wearing the 'friend' shirt. which is so fucked up considering where this episode ends.
like it starts with pat declaring himself a friend and teasing and flirting in a way which shows he's more than that. (ink explicitly states that they have a "lovey-dovey atmosphere") and over the course of the episode this dichotomy gets pulled apart as pat realizes it himself.
i've also already screamed about the breakfast scene over here.
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this is so good! because it's both asking pat to consider like, they aren't romantically involved, so why are they acting like this. but also when pat responds "i'm not your wife" it's a direct call out to later on in the episode where they critique the terrible wife/husband dynamic thing from bls.
also often in bls the one making food is classed as the sub/wife/bottom w.e in the situation. but pran is absolutely not having that, and he never does. love my non-heteronormative king.
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i fully never clocked this, but pa's holding ink's 'p' bracelet in the opening. we should have known.
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so while pat is flipping through the photos on pran's computer he comes across this one with ink, and it gets about as much pause as every other photo in the set. and actually the last lingering shot is on the one with just pran. how this man didn't know is truly a mystery.
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again, it should be something chill to tell ink here that pran's the one she reminds him of. but i think he knew if he mentioned that ink would actually understand what he's saying, (ink is fully on the patpran ship, she has definitely known since high school) more than he would.
also secret keeping of and for each other is patpran's entire jam. and while its a necessity at times, i think they both enjoy keeping each other and their relationship close to their chest, precious and just for them.
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i remember when i first watched this and lost my mind. ink is so clearly flirting with pa the entire time, she's an inspiration.
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this music store is a place of so many awakenings for pat. i feel like because the high school concert was clearly leading towards pat and pran figuring something out but it was aborted, it makes sense that his actual realization comes in a music related space. the whole episode is basically about music and how it carries love and bravery.
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pran would be such a good anime protagonist.
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the sheer confusion from pran through this entire jealousy scene. also the green shirt of doom. there's so many green shirts of doom in this ep.
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case in point. also the fact that in the first part when pat and pa are having this conversation pat is wearing this bracelet. and at this point he's taken it off, he's realized!!!!
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he got soooo close here to connecting the dots. but truly insert the shane/ryan i connected the dots you didn't connected shit meme, because that "they became rivals" line smh.
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pa on her ink agenda as always. i like the parallel to pat in high school who didn't realize his feelings for pran yet. and pa here, in the same situation with ink.
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pran is so brave through this whole thing. i feel like this is part of how he's dealing with pat's confession about ink. he's declaring to everyone, but also to himself, that pat's his friend and that's what he can have.
and then he proceeds to sing this fucking song about friends being confusing lol
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look i cannot get a good screen shot here, but i'm sure i don't need to. i feel like this is branded on everyone's brains at this point. i just couldn't not include it.
also god this fight scene hits so hard. this analysis of it by @jemmo is so good!
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to slightly derail from the emotions. is this what showers are like for all tall people?? or is this an exceptionally small shower. it was so confusing to me. like why does he look like he has to crouch to get under the water.
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"I just stood there, bathed in the quiet No," (cut your bangs by girlpool, which overall is not about this, but this line)
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this point where pat realizes the situation, looks beyond just his feelings for pran. fuck. devastating.
also the fact he's in blue, red and there's a swathe of yellow behind him. their love is so intense and present in this scene. but also feels so far away.
this fucking episode. like from ep 4 on i feel like this show does not let you breath.
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ghostfilecabinet · 2 years
Sorry I’m responding to both you and the crabsandlobsters comments- the idea that the fandom had two waves of popularity and that nothing has rly set off a third wave to replace ppl who might be leaving is super interesting to me. I do think GF/PH season five sparked a lot of engagement but not shipping/fic. In terms of tumblr meta and memes, we have been eating good tho. I do also think that there’s much more of an active fanbase on here for these two than like 98%+ of Youtubers and Internet ppl even if it’s not as much as 2018 or 2020. Compare posts on Shane & Ryan to the tumbleweeds on someone like Danny Gonzalez, who is currently on of the most popular people on the platform but doesn’t rly spark a fandom so to speak. I take what I can get! Nothing is gonna last forever, unfortunately.
Yeah, basically fandom is still quite active but not necessarily in terms of fic. I check the tags pretty much daily because I run @bergaralovebot and also because I am a reblogger of content in general, and there's always someone talking about Puppet History or Ghost Files or talking about Shane and Ryan's friendship. It's interesting because on YouTube there are so many more YouTubers who exceed Watcher in terms of views and subscribers, but Watcher's fans are very active, they buy the merch, they subscribe on Patreon, they engage with the content and don't just consume it. It means its FUN to be a fan, and people also feel as if Watcher is part of their online identity (in a good way). Like, sometimes people like things and you will never know about it! Watcher fans aren't like that. You will know a Watcher fan, because they keep going on about goddamn ghosts and puppets (affectionate).
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levyfiles · 4 years
Am I overreacting when I say that I find the reaction to Ryan wearing pink uncomfortable? Its not the moodboards, gifs, etc. I dont mind that and I'm not trying to gatekeep anything lmao, but its when he wears pink and people are like "omg our fem king, hes saying fuck you to toxic masculinity!!" like no?? I get he's had a masculinity problem due to him being in a frat etc. but hes not feminine just for wearing a colour. You always have good takes and I wanted to know what you would say about it
I really had to give this some time and sizzle over this because I think as a society we have a really complicated relationship with social constructs and gendered objects, and we have an even more complicated conflict with femininity, which of course means there isn’t really a simple answer to this. 
I don’t think any of Ryan’s former toxic masculinity was exclusively a frat thing because honestly, most cis men will have to contend with their own learned relationship with masculinity, however not as much as women and afab NB people have to contend with femininity and what defines it in a world that has learned to demonize femininity, especially as a performative construct. I like celebrating my own version of femininity as long as it can be acknowledged that it’s a fluid experience. The colour pink is a huge symbol for femininity and I’ve found a lot of afab people who demonize it tend to out of kneejerk internalized misogyny but the truth is it’s just a symbol. I know I myself elected to hate on the colour when I was in my edgy teenage years so the embracing and celebration of it when you get older is a way to reclaim it under our own terms whether we are man, woman, or nb, but it is still purely a symbolic thing. However, therein lies some of the issues; the symbolism and connotative meaning behind our relationships with colour as attributed to the aesthetics of gender puts us in an uncomfortable position of being able to separate colour from identity while also acknowledging our previous inability to do so. 
I think that, for me, just like the meme “so and so says trans rights” or “so and so says [some other socially conscious performance statement]” and the people who spam Shane and Ryan in comments asking them to say trans/gay rights, it’s more for the individual than it is for a community at large. We look for aspects of validation from the people we look up to and enjoy watching. We all mostly like a dude who doesn’t ascribe to binary gender normativity and Ryan wearing pastels more now (and looking good doing it btw) is something I’d say people are allowed to celebrate. 
The “boys don’t wear pink” bullshit is not an opinion you stumble on very often, so I understand why you and I would default on “it’s not that deep; it’s just a pink hoodie” but there are a lot of harmless behaviours (including feminization exclusively in headcanon/fiction) that people are going to participate in that is out of our own control. That is because it’s an individual’s relationship with aesthetics, colour and gender associations. 
Ultimately, my take is that we are better off separating colours and a lot of other things from their binary gendered associations so people can just exist; however, symbolism and constructs have a way of unravelling at a slower rate because we all have our own experience with them. Where I’d say it goes too far is if that is with the only angle we approach it. I myself was initially uncomfortable with people saying Shane dresses like a lesbian when the topic first came up 2 years ago, but nowadays, I acknowledge that my experience with clothes, gender, colour, and aesthetic is a different one than some others and that it’s OK to normalize all sorts of gender/sexuality expression in both straight and non-straight lenses until it’s all a collective without assumptions or meaning. Until it just becomes the words a person says and the statements they make about themselves that define them rather than their clothes or the colour they wear. 
I hope this was coherent, and this is only one person’s take on it. However, I don’t mind discussing more on the subject from other perspectives so feel free to reach out. 
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drunkkenobi · 5 years
Hey there demons, it’s me, ya spreadsheet gremlin
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So, it hasn’t quite been 6 months since I last posted about my crazy spreadsheet of BuzzFeed Unsolved viewcounts, but it has been just about a year since I first wrote all of them down (although with not exact counts for episodes that had 10+ million views because I didn’t realize YouTube rounded down on those unless you clicked specifically to open the count). And with the new season of True Crime premiering Friday (!) I thought this was a good time to see what’s changed in the past 5-ish months. (PS please subscribe to Watcher)
As before, here are some notes before I get into the cold, hard numbers.
I’m not a stats expert at all. I just like data and trying to understand YouTube. (I still do not). Also, like last time I posted about this, I am not included the newest season of BFU (Supernatural s6 along with the Dorothy Arnold special) as part of this initial data set, as it was airing when I last posted. I did add those numbers in to see and they do skew the data somewhat significantly.
The newest episode included for this part of the post is The Curse of Annabelle the Doll, aired June 28, 2019.
Since September 30, 2019, the following happened with BuzzFeed Unsolved’s viewcounts:
3 Cases of Ghosts and Demons became their most watched episode ever over The Bizarre Case of Elisa Lam. It currently has 22.2 million views. I’m so thrilled that the quintessential BFU episode is now their most viewed. No offense to Elisa Lam, but a non-Shane episode being at the top always bugged me. Ryan screaming at Sallie House while Shane laughs at him is what made the show into what we all know and love.
Supernatural episodes were watched an average of 1.48 million times.
True Crime episodes were watched an average or 1.03 million times.
This is a lot more statistically different than when I did this 5 months ago. (SPN averaged 1.48 million again and TC had 1.23) I wonder if it’s because October is spooky season and more people watch the SPN episodes then? Or if people just weren’t in a big TC mood since only one new TC episode aired in that time.
Overall, the average episode was watched 1.25 million times. There are 90 used for these averages and 97 episodes overall. We’re hitting 100 soon, baby! 
The most watched episodes were the following: 3 Cases (3.1), The Exorcism of Anneliese (2.6) and Goatman’s Bridge (2.4). Hannah’s House also continued its strong showing. With 12.2 million views, it is now their 16th most watched episode. Only one other post-BUN episode has 10+ million views, Alcatraz (10.3).
The lowest view count gains were all season one episodes: Black Dahlia, Michelle Von Emster, Somerton Man, Dyatlov Pass, and Hinterkaifeck all with .3 million.
Now 31 episodes have 10 million or more views, compared to 22 last fall.
As for March 10, 2020, these are the 11 most watched episodes of BuzzFeed Unsolved: 3 Cases of Ghosts and Demons (22.2), The Bizarre Case of Elisa Lam (21.6), The Exorcism of Anneliese Michel (20),  The Illuminati (19.5), DB Cooper (15.4), Men in Black (14.9), Goatman’s Bridge (14.8), The Axeman (13.8), Queen Mary (13.5), and Waverly Hills and JFK (both 13.3).
Now, some stats on the newer episodes:
7 episodes of BFU aired starting September 20, 2019. They were watched an average of 4.16 million times. There wasn’t a huge breakout episode of this group, although The Haunting of Loey Lane does have the most views (5.2) so I would not be surprised if we get another house call episode in Supernatural season 7 this fall.
As of March 10, 2020, these are the 9 least watched episodes of BFU. Like before, they’re mostly newer. Also, I’m only doing 9 because 4 are tied for the 10th spot: Tombstone (4.7), Yuma Prison (4.4), Old City Jail (4.3), Pentagon UFOs (4.2), Bugsy Siegel (4.2), Area 51 (4.1), St. Augustine Lighthouse (4), Viper Room (3.4), and USS Yorktown (3.3). 
Including all aired episodes, the average episode of BFU has been watched 8.81 million times.
Supernatural has averaged 9.03 million views while True Crime averaged 8.57 million views. I do think we can pretty much say that Supernatural is more popular than True Crime, but only slightly. 
Once again, I have no idea what is considered successful in terms of YouTube. This is especially true now that I’m covering Watcher’s viewcounts as well. I truly don’t know what it takes for any show to cover the budget and make a profit. My hunch is that BFU does well, but maybe not great compared to other popular YouTubers (like the Try Guys for a close comparison) but they have a stronger and more passionate fanbase who buys more merch, makes memes, and does things like subscribe to their new channel’s Patreon in droves. Watcher’s viewcounts are much lower so far, but I am very interested to see what happens once True Crime starts airing this Friday. I’m sure BuzzFeed won’t allow them to plug Watcher during the proper episode (I’m less sure during the PostMortems but we’ll see), but with fans promoting Watcher in the comments, it might do a lot to see their subscriber and viewcounts go up. Watcher did get a small bump when the BFU season 6 bloopers came out last week, so I hope that will continue.
Finally, I was going to do some nearly-a-year stats but the math of whether to include newer episodes confused me so I am forgoing that for now. If you want to figure that out, here is my spreadsheet. 
If you have any questions, hit me up! Also, if you can explain YouTube to me, that would be great.
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lunima · 6 years
Shipping Info Meme
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Answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog.
In her canon probably Ez / Death ( NOT IN THE WAY UR THINKING AJEGND ) Because she’s veritably the First Spirit and conscious life incarnate, she has a very special relationship with Death. She has so much tenderness in her heart for them. Because she is what she is, Ezra doesn’t have the same fear of death others might. Death is a loving guide that leads you to somewhere better. Every path leads straight to Them. Because she’s immortal, unless her body is dying they cannot be with each other. There’s always that thin veil that separates the two. 
Most of my ships are ones that have yet to be developed on the dash, but my partners and I have talked about extensively on discord and what not. Ezra’s longest and most established ships to date are with Jordy’s Original Character, Ryan @urulxce​ and also her Peter Quill @elataan​
Just about anything tbh ( within reason ofc, y’all already know ) I’m here for all of the genre’s and all of the plots.
No one under 21 tbh. Ezra is physically 25-27 in a lot of her current verses ( and spiritually older than time ) and and even if it’s legal anything younger is just weird to BOTH of us. If u can’t buy a drink in amurica ur a baby.
I always say that I am but as soon as someones like ‘...yo... u wanna make ‘em kiss.’ I’m like ‘u bet ur sweet ass I do...’ lmao. The thing about shipping with me is that it takes like 293085 years to actually make it onto the dash ( at least on my end ) Once the first interactions are out of the way and we have a solid plot in place, I love love love talking dynamics with my friends. It makes writing threads more enjoyable when you know where they’re going and lbr its just fun to scream and your pals and fling angst and n.sfw at them when they least expect it. 
I like to be safe, so if clothes start coming off in any capacity I generally start tagging.
I have some WONDERFUL and v soft ships with @crownedclaw ,  @cailicah , and  @fateinexorable ! Jaime, Cain and Shane are so good to my girl.
PLEASE, GOD. As a female OC ( hell, as a female character in general ) I never want to push my luck with anyone, especially canon characters ‘cause well... you know lol. If you wanna ship just COME AT ME and we’ll talk about it and see how we can bring them together in an organic way, or if you see potential in a thread we have. 
I don’t really have an answer? I suppose whenever the fancy strikes. I like to keep shipping a fun and laid back thing so it’s just whenever it happens~ Ez is simultaneously easy AND difficult to ship with at the same time. She has A Lot of shit going on and a lot of baggage associated with it that can make her... Challenging. But being what she is, this chick’s got a LOT of love in her heart and desperately wants to BE loved sometimes so here we are ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  If ur ready for a damn ride buckle up sonny. 
More-or-less unless we’ve already got something going. THEN I’d say I’m pretty ship obsessed ( just ask the aforementioned people. I’M NOT SORRY!! ) 
I AM MY OWN FANDOM!!! Honestly I haven’t gotten around to plotting any canon relationships for Ezra, outside of her lil shadow demon buddy ( which is more of an unspoken thing??? maybe?? she won’t tell me so we don’t know yet ) 
I feel like I’ve answered this one already :thinking: deadass just interact with me and we’ll see where it goes from there. The only lasting ships I’ve had over the last few years are with friends I talk to on a semi regular basis. Communication is SO important or things just tend to fizzle out ( story AND ship-wise ) you have to be excited to want to write these things and p much the only way that happens is if you hype each other up out of character~
Tagged by: @fractempyreal !! Thank you friend!
Tagging: @voxaer / @cailicah / @desperatous / @liberons / @silverskins / @fateinexorable / @arcusignis / @crownedclaw / @knightfailed / @starszakrew / @glysimachia / @magicrot / @asheat + ANYONE ELSE THAT WANTS TO just say I tagged you~
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