#its also noted that this isnt actually translated to it in the official translation
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gwaaaaar · 1 year ago
breaking my silence...
whoever told me the second half of death note was trash... YOURE WRONG YOURE WRONG YOURE WRONGGGGGG 🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣 MELLO AND NEAR ARE WORTHY SUCCESSORS TO L YOURE JUST A STAN!!!!
near... sweet jesus baby they didnt deserve you !!! I was so pleasantly surprised to see how distinct he was despite people calling him "white haired L". LIKE hes a lot more cautious than L but isn't above being a sarcastic little shit and actively causing problems... i read a fan translation and he uses a lot of cuss words to refer to certain people he dislikes. I dont know if thats in the official translation as well but i do like the visual of this 7 yo saying "asshole" and "dickhead". I know hes 17-18 and this is average teenage behavior but gah hes so cute and moe and make little "vrooooom" noises when playing with his toys... 🥺 cant help but stan. Hes in his zone unbothered...
AND THE FACT HE CHALLENGES LIGHT IN FRONT OF OTHER PEOPLE SO BLATANTLY... no mind games no time for light to make his next move just fuck it we ball. Also very fond of the scene where he drops hundred dollar bills off the SPK building. He's unpredictable just like Mello is but in a different way and its fascinating i love this guy. Also enjoy the fact that his flavor of justice is that he doesnt really have one hes just doing his job. The verbal beatdown he does at the end about how lights just a crazy serial killer... GET HIS ASS NEAR !!! Hes not pretentious and its just... its just good you know? L wasn't very pretentious but he does call himself justice sometimes and stuff along the like(?) Near drops all pretense... cant help but stan
Also really fond that he actually likes mello its just mello doesnt like him... I know canon never explicitly states their relationship with each other, like if its a brotherly relationship or not (altho isnt there some cain and abel parallels??? Not sure). But i really do see a siblinglike relationship between the two. Canon doesnt really put any angst on their relationship bc near doesnt care lolol, but the two do remind me of certain siblings that have a strained relationship because of the pressure put on one of them (or on both. Again fuck wammys house all my homies hate wammys AND WATARI!!! ME WHEN I GET YOU!!!) I really would love to see the two interact... and maybe just be happy by each other/pl. Because god it really terrible to see how much mello hates near and its not even nears fault :,). AND FUCK THE CHOCOLATE BAR HE EATS AT THE END TO HONOR MELLO???? STOPPPP IM GONNA CRY... near the man that you are... they dont deserve you baby...
And smello... mello mello mello... I've heard more positive things about him compared to near bc hes more "interesting" and i can see why people take that angle BUT. God they still undersell him so much??? I feel like hes one of the few characters to have a goal besides catching Kira (or not getting caught) because of his inferiority complex. I do not mean to undersell any of the other characters when i say this because theyre all very complex! They all have their driving goals and the like. Its just that i argue that Mello's is more persistent and that it is not centered around the conflict but rather himself. Even if he caught Kira perhaps he would still never be happy with himself because Near is always "going to be better" because of the shit he went through in wammys. Theres a whole discussion to be had abt the ethics of wammys house... but ill save that for another post wwww.
Mello is also someone that isnt pretentious about his idea of justice bc hes a fucking criminal. (BTW i love the two opposing sides of the successors... one that tries falling within the law but still doesnt give a shit and the other that doesnt give any shits at all and eventually helps the law.) And its so... I LOVE YOU RUTHLESS CHARACTERS I LOVE YOU CHARACTERS THAT STOP AT NOTHING TO GET WHAT THEY WANT.
And the thing is ... Mello does have his own sense of justice because its not as if he sacrifices innocent bystanders to get what he wants he just does what is necessary. LIKE ofc its fucked up that he kidnapped sayu (and traumatized her...), takada (and the stripping... but at least she got a blanket:,) honestly tho id blame that on the misogyny of the authors) and the director of the police im not about to be a mello apologist (yes i am/j). But a. He probably knew no one was going to get hurt in the first place because hes just that damn confident. b. His remorse for matt and soichiros deaths show that he doesnt intend on sacrificing anyone and when things go astray it saddens him a little. And c. THE FACT HE PROBABLY KNEW HE WAS GONNA DIE AND STILL SACRIFICED HIMSELF TO HELP NEAR... near would "win" but mello prioritized putting kira behind bars and while i cant guess his motive, from my end it does seem like in extension he prioritized doing the right thing, which would be to sacrifice his life and pride to help near get the final piece to catch mikami... wow what a man im so deathly ill
After typing all this, i must say... is L really as complex as years of DN fans have said?? I think im about to get crucified for this opinion, but legitimately is he??? I think he is complex most certainly just... maybe not as much as others have said... i might just be missing details about his past + lore from external media so maybe thats why i have this opinion. But i feel like the successors *are* toe to toe with him despite their split screen time... idk tho :3 this is just my thoughts meow
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mekatrio · 1 year ago
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baby mekatrio arc in the manga is just so weird lol like look at this kido and seto already have this much control over their powers compared to the novels where it takes them years living with the tateyamas to get to that point.. and if anything kano may be the one who initially struggles w his powers the most out of the three bc he says this: (but also let me put this under a read more cuz this became really long lol)
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which is something that ive been ruminating over for the past 2 days but i wont get too into that here cuz im writing up another post all about this one line and its implications, but the essential takeaway from it is that it implies that kano doesnt have that much control over his powers compared to seto and kido, which is so interesting cuz its the absolute opposite in the novels; where kano is the first to master his powers while kido and seto take much longer to control theirs. and also another deviation from the novels is that kano and ayano dont meet one another before kano's death:
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which is kinda like omg is this deliberately suppose to relate to why kano in mr2 isnt that good with his powers...... bc he was only able to master his powers bc he changed into ayano after accidentally changing into his mother (bc it allowed him to come to the conclusion that he needs to have a 'vivid image' (what they sound like, look like, smell like, etc) of someone to be able to change into them), but bc he hadnt met ayano in mr2, he wouldnt have had anyone else he couldve changed into after learning of his abilities, and so he wouldnt be able to understand the full scope of his powers if he could only turn into his mother.. like the novel itself makes a note about how before arriving at the facility, the only people he could change into were his mother and 'girl from the park' (ayano), bc he was such a social recluse:
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⬆️hes saying this while hes transformed into ayano btw, and saying how besides ayano and his mom, theres no one else he can change into
and its really like IS THIS SUPPOSED TO MEAN ANYTHING?!?!?! is kano not being super confident with his powers related to him not meeting ayano earlier?! not to mention how ayano in the novel is kinda like an anomaly to kano, in how he's able to easily transform into her despite only having briefly met her.....
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fan translation by xpochama bc guess what the official translation has!! an ERROR!!!!
like is this some fucking timeloop foreshadowing shit where bc ayano turns into yakitsu or bc shes always meeting kano in every timeline or whatever, kano is just able to easily turn into her IDK. though of course it could also just mean that kano's powers doesnt actually work the way he thinks it does (which is the big post im still writing up) and he doesnt actually need a 'vivid image' of someone to be able to transform into them, or maybe ayano was just that memorable to him..
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but at the same time in the manga even though kano says that his powers 'tends to do whatever it wants', he was still able to come to the conclusion of needing a 'vivid image' of someone and its like if he hadnt met ayano, then the only other person hes been transforming into that he couldve come to this conclusion from would just be his mom, which would also explain why kano was reluctant to display his powers to seto and kido in the manga.... bc the only person he couldve changed into is his mom, someone very dear to him.. but then again like how could he know that he needs a "vivid image" of something to transform into them, as opposed to just thinking about them? basically how could kano know his powers worked like that if he only (presumably) had one person he could change into?
but then again im just shooting the shit and i dont actually know if seto and kido mastering their powers this early is supposed to be deliberate like this, bc regardless of all these assumptions im writing out like all of these kano ayano reasons i stated, turning these traumatized children into exposition dumping machines definitely does speak to a manner of writing where characterization is being sacrificed in place of moving the plot along as quickly as possible 😅 but also bc like it theoretically was possible for the mekatrio's backstory from the novels to be adapted 1-to-1, with how the first 18 chapters of the manga and the shinigami record arc are like near 1-to-1 adaptations of their respective novel plotlines, and yet this baby mekatrio arc still deviated so much, so it makes me wonder whether the reasoning for this was 1.) narratively deliberate or 2.) so there would be less for jin to write or less for satou mahiro to draw.. i dunnoooooo
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antiloreolympus · 4 years ago
12 Anti LO Asks
1. STOP why are those two panels of her trying to not be a bringer of death literally two obviously different pink hues???? hello??? does this comic not have quality control??
2.Alrighty, read the recent chapter (not the fast pass but the one before) and I have questions
So like, All the side characters are back now I guess? (Also I totally forgot that Artemis went to visit Hermes - how many chapters ago was that even?)
Did... Thanatos and Daphne get together / move in together off screen?? Why is there random narration all of a sudden when LO has Never had it before? (At least that I can remember) - and who's narrating?? Why does one of the side characters need to die? Am I supposed to be invested after RS ignored them for like 20 chapters? (At least its a break from the super slow burn of HxP)
Is this going to effect the overarching plot at all? Do you think RS is gonna try and flip the myths again? (Eros + Psyche, Echo + Narcissus, Apollo + Daphne, etc. Thanatos?)
Also, yeah whats been going on with Hera since she had that Kronos premonition? Why does Daphne sound so happy / smug about Demeters probable heart attack when she eventually finds out about Persephone being in the underworld with Hades? (Whenever RS gets to that).
And what happened to Zeus being all pissy with Persephone and the Trial?
Why are there so many unconnected plot threads? I cant keep up with them all! (It also doesn't help that RS just expects readers to remember all this info after ignoring it - like Artemis going to visit Hermes).
3. If we're being completely blunt and honest here... There's no happy ending for LO. Even if RS ends it on LO Hades and Persephone being "happily" married, you can tell by his past actions that LO Hades will just keep "switching out" for "newer models", so to speak. He'll keep getting mistresses. He'll keep financially manipulating women until they get away from him (one way or another).
4. ok but as a character designer? red and pink are KNOWN CLASHERS. there's a reason ariel's marketing is all in a green/teal/purple gown now instead of the pink one she wears in the movie. pink + red, especially a very saturated, blue-undertoned pink like persephone is, are a HUGE ARTISTIC NO-NO. she needs to get a refund from whatever color theory teacher she had because they l i e d to her.
5. ok but. how cool would it have been if it was trans persephone, and kore was her stand-in (similar to a deadname, but not quite the same) until she decided on her official new name, persephone? if smythe wanted a name-change so bad she could have done so much cooler, better stuff. mtf persephone would make 'becoming a queen/princess' SO much more significant. girl you were already an heiress to begin with stfu.
6. i say this as a transgender man: sometimes smythe's art legit looks like rcdart's stuff. the  weird racial features, the huge hips and tits, the dorito-men? she's cis rcdart.
7. when its the korean imported stuff the webtoons team has to market it themselves and do as best as they can, off the translations, but western made stuff like LO has the creators all input on the marketing (duh, they made the images and banners) so the "Hell" connection is very much Rachel's doing, which kinda implies she doesn't exactly know the Hades mythology or even seems to care if Hell seems more "spicy" and "sexy".
8. no more persephone x hades. if the antis hate us making OCs so much, someone should design cyane! you know. the nymph who literally died trying to protect her?
9. To that one anon - about Apollo needing to drive the sun chariot - Helios is still up there. He could perform the duty of leading the sun across the sky. 
10. oh lo apollo is pretty clearly based off someone rachel knew and was harmed by IRL, which like if that's so then go to therapy? get help? dont take out your issues on a real god from a real place and pretend you're the second coming for homer for the bastardization of a real country's mythology and culture.
11. So you guys know that famous statue "the rape of Persephone"? I think RS took it a little too literally. While the title states 'rape' its more of an allusion to kidnapping than anything else.
Or perhaps it's titled like that to draw a comparison between the violation of Persephone's personhood, her identity and her lack of agency in the situation.
I mean, when people hear the name Persephone they tend to think of Hades wife and the story of how she was kidnapped against her will.
I think perhaps RS saw the statue and confused rape with kidnapping - or decided to conflate the two. She wanted persephone to be kidnapped And raped (for plot reasons), and thus, further stripped away Persephone's agency regarding the situation (because in some versions of the myth after Persephone is kidnapped she finds she is actually ok with the underworld so long as Hades treats her with respect - which he does).
But because RS wants Hades to be the MVP she decided (for some reason) the villify Apollo (who yes, Demeter mythologically does have beef with, but Not for that reason). 
12. Alright hold on a moment - in some versions of the myth Persephone Did wander down to the underworld by herself (because, if I recall, she heard the sorrow filled voices of the dead and wanted to help them) - and in some versions of the myth Hades isnt even present - its just Persephone ruling the underworld by herself like the badass queen she is.
Also, yes - Demeter was a loving mother who grieved for her daughter and she had every right too - but I wouldn't say Persephones kidnapping was entirely Hades' fault (as the comic points out Zeus "gifted" Persephone to Hades *real Dad of the year there*).
Also also in some versions of the myth of the Kidnapping of Persephone - Hades is noted as a pretty mild mannered God - he is respectful of Persephone and seems to love her (and yes, depending on the myth Persephone either ate the pomegranate seeds on purpose or because Hades tricked her) - there are many different variations of the myth. There isnt really a "agreed upon narrative" by everyone - as far as I know.
I think most versions of the story state that neither Hades nor Demeter were pleased with Zeus decision to have Persephone stay 6 months with each of them, but because she ate the pomegranate seeds it was a kind of rule that she had to stay for each seed she ate, hence the 6 months.
If you guys want to get some more broad details of the myth I suggest OSP's "Hades and Persephone" video - which goes a bit more into the canon.
So overall I would say, yes Demeter was a loving mother who grieved her daughter (who was stolen - in most versions) AND Hades was comparatively a decent husband, despite his flaws. Both these statements can coexist - I promise. 
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autistic-shaiapouf · 4 years ago
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AIGHT I'd already posted this but 1) it didn't show up in tags bc of my blog settings and 2) not every song would play BUT I've made some adjustments so it's now officially Time For Pouf
Also including a link to, of all things, a youtube version of the playlist bc it looks like 8tracks just will not let me have this in one piece with every song playing, but it'd mean a lot to me if yall still threw a like at the 8tracks one 🥺 [EDIT: completely forgot that liking playlists is the literal one thing you need an account for so I'm revising my previous statement and gently requesting you slap the play button if you can]: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1HwBug2tU6Q-vO-HXjV8C0O4z_ZJj96e
You - Tally Hall // Salut d'Amour - (composed by) Edward Elgar // Fairytale - Alexander Rybak // In The Palace ~ Lamentoso - Yoshihisa Hirano // Lovefool - The Cardigans // Liebestraum No. 3 - (composed by) Franz Lizst, (performed by) Rousseau // Colors - Beck // Obsession - InnerPartySystem // In The Palace ~ Agitato - Yoshihisa Hirano // Love Love Nightmare - Kiichi feat. Hatsune Miku // Dangerous - Big Data feat. Joywave // What Do They Know? - Mindless Self Indulgence // Choke - I Don't Know How But They Found Me // Death by Blonde - DeVotchKa // No Rest for the Wicked - Lykke Li // Ständchen/Serenade - (composed by) Franz Schubert // Acceptance (You Died) - Ridiculon // Ghost - Blue Foundation
Song notes under the cut!
Salut d'Amour -> written in 1888, the title usually translates to "love's greeting"; Edward Elgar wrote the song for his wife
Fairytale -> just pretend it is isnt a straight song i am literally begging you to pretend its not straight
Liebestraum -> literally translates to "love dream" and it's one of the most popular songs Lizst wrote, though it's not the only one titled "Liebestraum"
Love Love Nightmare -> dug around and can't find translator credit which kills me but the English lyrics that seem most correct: "Once upon a time, in a dream/The whole world had sunken away/Me and you, you and me/Jumped bravely into the situation" "For someone who looks only for me/A person for whom no one else exists/Which of us is the bad one?/Do you understand me?"
Ständchen -> Based on a poem by Ludwig Rellstab (many of Schubert's works were based on poems!); it's essentially about someone desperately trying to call their lover back to them one last time
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acrispyapple · 5 years ago
why do you watermark official pics that aren't yours? i'm honestly shocked cybird hasn't had you banned for dcma laws + spoiling paid stories and epilogues, but you do you. you made it so i never have to pay money for any of the cybird games + mlqc. also i read why you aren't posting the sprites which is cool and all but you shouldn't be posting game elements either way. that's super shitty of you to do because spoiler THE ARTWORK ISN'T YOURSSSSSSS. the pic of victor on your twitter isnt yours 2
heya! i’ve already answered an ask like this recently and ignored the follow up ones because i don’t really wanna keep repeating myself. but since you’re very persistent and it’s still the same thing, here i go! putting under a cut because it’s long and has images – with stuff written on them! dun dun dunnnn (¯▿¯)
to start things, i’m the wrong person to accuse of being irresponsible with my posts because i’m very mindful of posting etiquette. have you not seen all my campaigns about not stealing from artists, from blogs, etc. i ask for permission for everything, even for random text i want to translate from someone’s post. even for cosplay i’ve seen other people freely post, i always go to the source and ask. i hope my answer clarifies things for you because i don’t really wanna have to repeat it again! (*^^*)♡
re: watermarks (complaint mostly about mlqc because i don’t really do it for cybird)
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re: cybird
i’m not exactly a hidden secret blog, so i’m pretty sure cybird is well aware of me. plus, they’ve left comments on my blog in the past. sooo, there’s nothing shocking about it at all! maybe what’s shocking is you somehow expected cybird to not have noticed my blog all these years. do you actually know what the digital millennium copyright act covers? (dmca not dcma btw) as long as i know how to read and understand rules and i’m always within its boundaries, there’s nothing being violated. always post obstructed cgs / never full, snippets of 10 for screenies, never in consecutive order, etc. you should read the rules tbh, you seem unfamiliar with it. ☆
re: you never having to pay money for any cybird game
again, snippets = not full stories. everyone can post snippets. paid or not. that’s so weird that you feel you don’t need to pay for ~any cybird game~ anymore because of my blog. i haven’t been consistently posting paid content for so long. even ikesen epilogues. because i don’t have the time. and i’ve skipped posting a couple of events on my blog too. i don’t post ikerev / midcin consistently either. i’ve posted from two ikevam events in the past months with epilogue snippets. i guess you only played those? that’s hardly everything. nice attempt at creating an issue about me making cybird lose money tho! for someone who thinks i do dodgy things, you sure do like reading from my blog– if what you’re saying is true. but you seem to not know my blog content either. (⌒_⌒;)
i have another answer for this from an ask from 9 months ago:
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re: not paying for mlqc
they allow posting everything from their game, i even verified with their team! but even i don’t have the time or post slot to post everything from it. i mostly post about victor soooo, i guess that’s everything you need to know about mlqc then? yay for you only needing victor! ♡
re: game elements
anyway, moving forward to my twitter header:
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it’s from this post i made, where i screenied scenes (and edited them a bit to look brighter and prettier) from the pv of the new chapters in the ch version.
now, i just put my username there as a marker and it was already covered in the first part of this ask. (how it helps me keep track of my posts, helps me when people are able to identify it’s from my blog and alert me of it being posted elsewhere, etc.) but i wanted to show it even clearer so you can finally let go of whatever it is you’re burning with. ( ˙▿˙ )
it just says acrispyapple on this screenie i took (that’s right, it’s just a screenshot lmao), it’s a random word or name. i made it small and inconspicuous so it wouldn’t distract from the image. the weibo watermark is bigger and clearer but i don’t use it– i can, but i don’t. when people see it, they know it’s official art and that’s it. there’s no “made by acrispyapple™©®”
(thanks for visiting my twitter btw! it doesn’t really have a lot of followers haha)
sooo, there’s weibo and its automatic watermarks (location can be changed).
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“damn, all the users on weibo are claiming stuff as their own!!!! it’s not just a marker that a certain thing was posted from a certain blog!!! they’re claiming it as theirs even tho it’s clearly very easy to see that it’s one of many free-for-all official images!!!” (≧◡≦)
and i’ve seen people use the cards as banners for fanfics and other stuff, or even memes where they put random stuff on it like this:
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but writing a random word on it, just because you know my blog is somehow a great sin? it’s not even acrispyapple.tumblr.com ✿
would it maybe make you feel better if it wasn’t just acrispyapple? i can use random words and it’ll still serve as a marker for me lmao
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anyway anon, it pays to actually listen and read before you get mad and accuse. i’m not breaking any rules and i’m very much aware of what’s not allowed and what’s allowed. (^ ^*)♡
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i kinda like it. (^◔ᴥ◔^)
side note: if you have a vendetta against me, you’re free to have one. but please don’t try to make stuff up just to yell at me. you can hate me quietly from afar or just avoid me altogether. or if you want to find a reason to yell at me, at least try to educate yourself about what you’re planning on yelling at me about. it’ll save me time trying to explain stuff! i also don’t like wasting my post slots for the day. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i would suggest looking at my actual content first, so your lack of knowledge of it doesn’t give you away. also, try asking yourself if you really think cybird’s en team would miss me after all these years and if you’re somehow the only enlightened one who can see all my ~misgivings~? are you aware of mlqc’s rules?
it’s funny because i’m not even close to covering everything for mlqc and there are blogs that cover far more than i do. i answer a lot of asks (i wish asks were paid content, as in i get paid to answer asks), but game content-wise, i’m faaaar from covering everyone. unless you really consider victor the whole game (♡). in which case i’m still missing his ch11 and ch19 screenies and one date. oh and the recent rumors&secrets! if you take a look at my posts, it’s mostly announcements, asks, fanart, general info, avatar posts, etc. i think you blindly went in with salt. ( ˙▿˙ )
i don’t really interact with people unless i have to talk about reposts and fanart-related stuff. i also just talk about games on my blog. so i don’t know what i could’ve done to merit your hatred. maybe you dislike that i ask for basic courtesy or that i enforce rules given to me by artists? i’m always polite tho. hmm, mystery-desu! ✩‧₊˚
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mousehole5000 · 4 years ago
tgcf lb the fourth chapter 23 - 33
“hmmm looks like theres people in the fertilizer. i shan’t say a word” ok king of minding your business i guess
oh looks like it has a long tongue. oh i dont care for that at all
The build of their bodies were similar, and atop their shoulders, all of them carried cudgels that were densely covered in sharp wolf teeth. It created an illusion that a pack of wolves had transformed into people. attack of the furries? okay.
It was easy to comprehend after thinking about it. This person had been buried in the desert sand for fifty to sixty years. The flesh of his body had long been transformed into nutrients for those Kindred Moon Herbs. He had been entirely consumed until the only thing remaining was a mere skeleton. when this book isnt being very funny its being very grim!!! yikes!! also this was an episode of hannibal 
Ke Mo definitely had never heard someone ask to go first in this place. His eyes widened and looked like bells as he asked in astonishment, “You want to go first? For what reason??” Xie Lian naturally couldn’t reply and say it was because he wasn’t scared. Thus, he chose an answer that conformed with the norms of society. “General, these are merely innocent merchants just passing through. They even have a child amongst them.” - love watching the immortals trying to act like humans. would have been funny if xie lian had just hit em with “well i cant die so its chill”
That young man had crossed his arms. With an indifferent gaze, he thoughtfully sized up the deep Sinners’ Pit.   A bad premonition sprung up unbidden in Xie Lian’s heart. “San Lang?”   When he heard Xie Lian call him, San Lang turned his head. He smiled faintly and said, “Everything’s fine.” - edgy bastard lets go
What Ke Mo had been cursing was, “It’s this slut again!” - me when a corpse gets up and knocks all my soldiers into the sinner’s pit what a relatable reaction
oh now im switching translations here we go
does hua cheng just straight up transform in the darkness? edgy bastard. also  hualian having their little discussion while ke mo keeps trying to attack im still amused by these kinds of shenanigans
banyue guoshi ma’am your backstory.... rough. im on your side im sure you had your reasons
why do the soldiers keep her up near the top of the pit of death if she keeps getting up and knocking them all in? am i missing something? or are they just that dumb/dead fjdf;adjsf
fu yao: y’all alive? lmk. if not ill guess ill go back to the the merchants who totally promised to stay put in the circle. in case its not clear i do not care what happens to said merchants.
hua xie... of course thats the fucking name he picked. also looks like that wasnt so much a parallel being drawn between xie lian and the general as it was the same exact line
fasdlkfjsldfdsf god xie lian really has a hard time. you help some orphans, you try to keep people from dying, you try to save an orphan and you trip and get trampled but you cant die so you wake up in a river full of corpses and just float away. actually tbh i really appreciate him as an immortal character this is the shit i like to see. love xie lian ready to defend himself from the slander of being completely flattened. he was only mostly flattened
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cunty vibes so strong all the wildlife in a 10 foot radius just chuck up the deuces and split
ITS RAINING SCORPION SNAKES. THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO PUSH A REVEAL. love that the umbrella is just always on hand
okay i guess fucking. everyone is here now why not. we’re all in a hole covered in scorpions and everyone knows each other but not everyone is admitting it but we know. we know. still not 100% sure what is going wrt pei su/pei ming/general pei/pei junior im a bit confused idk
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okay i cant explain it but im attached to him now.
i like banyue. i feel like theres going to be a few background female characters i really like but im not so sure theyll get a lot of development. wind master come back you and your lady friend i would like to know more of you. anyway fuck this pei guy(s?). also they just put banyue in a jar? fair enough
is xie lian another mc who cant cook? so much so that everyone who knows him just leaves if he offers? love that for him
okay we’ve got ONE identity admitted. i liked how casual it was. i wonder if hc was waiting for this bc yeah he was not subtle i feel like he definitely wanted xie lian to know. if he didnt then bruh. get lessons in how to act human please
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screaming. no words. cant wait to meet him. and hua cheng please keep up the good work. i love that now we’re just. sitting. chatting. chilling. okay.
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yeah it makes sense that hes an immortal i think you would have to take this attitude after 800 years
this authors note about not writing ugly characters.... fjkdalfdjfa obviously i dont think holding beauty as such high standard is good it warps our views and values etc etc but also i would expect nothing less from a story like this. yes we know everyone is going to be beautiful theyre immortal and beautiful and young forever
lmao at exile being a temporary banishment for crimes.... yeah that sounds about right tbh. rich elite fuckers
oh good we haven’t forgotten about human face disease boy. im wondering when we’re going to find out how important he will be bc he clearly matters otherwise he��d have been resolved already also yeah how tf does he have that disease that sure sounds like an issue
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i dont like him. pei ming i also wish you to die of syphilis. also of fucking COURSE xie lian’s cultivation method doesnt let him read dirty books
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im just saving this because its funny
okay lang qianqiu i see you falling asleep at the meeting. i like you already but you are not above suspicion. actually you know what i suspect you already. crown prince of the kingdom that conquered xianle? idk if youre good or bad but you know something i learned this lesson from beloved morally grey huaisang
okay last comment for this post. mxtx’s little authors note about everyone being straight except for hualian but you can make up headcanons as long as you dont split hualian up fjdlfakdj. i just find it silly to write a story thats so clearly for an audience that understands shipping and ships often and say not to split a specific couple up but i mean to be fair i kind of get it that sentiment as an author and not wanting people to do certain things with your work, although again i think its silly
i guess the point of this note is just to be clear that no one else is going to get together so no one argues about it and i dont actually know much about how this was published but it seems like it was serialized so i can see why that would be an issue. personally i dont really care for knowing stuff like that ahead of time but i know a lot of people do and it seems to be thing in other cnovels ive seen to know whos going to get together as far as major characters are concerned i guess thats part of the draw and i guess i kind of get it
not sure how much other romance will be in this but also i think its kind of ridiculous to be like “these are the only two gay characters” in a cast that just keeps growing but whatever shes really leaving that work up to the readers to make it happen which they’ll do anyways so whatever. also there had to be at least one of the 33 officials who fought hua cheng who thought he was hot. theres no way that didnt happen
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koreanling · 6 years ago
Korean Media with Cultural Impact
I had the thought of what korean shows and movies are really important in korea; things like the simpsons, star wars, friends, etc. where its important culturally and influnced korean society. Getting two birds with one stone of practicing korean and getting some cultural information as well. 
This is quite a big list and I dont want to bog down anyones feed so it will be under the cut
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note the english and korean might not match up, I’m just putting the english title and the korean title so not all are direct translations
Running Man - 런닝맨 easily the most popular variety tv show, popular internationally as well. great to learn about popular celebs PLOT MCs and guests complete missions to win the race. The show has since shifted to more focused on games
Master in the House - 집사부일체 recently becoming very popular variety show. great to learn about celebs important in korea but outside of the popular hallyu wave PLOT The cast spends 2 days 1 night together with ‘masters’ of various fields in hopes of gaining knowledge and wisdom
Infinite Challenge - 무한도전 predating running man its been called "the nation's variety show" and "Korea's real first variety" PLOT similar to a challenge-based reality television programs but the challenges are often absurd or impossible, so the program takes on a more satirical comedy aspect
I Live Alone - 나 혼자 산다 PLOT showing celebs daily lives living alone
The Return of Superman - 슈퍼맨이 돌아왔다 PLOT celeb fathers have to take care of their young children without the mothers help while she takes a much needed break
Boys Over Flowers - 꽃보다 남자 started hallyu wave in 2009 within asian countries, probably the most popular kdrama PLOT a normal girl attends a rich prestigious private school after saving a student's life. She stands up the popular rich well loved bullies and ends up developing a relaionship with them
Sky Castle - SKY 캐슬 highest rated kdrama in history PLOT wealthy housewives try to make their husbands more successful and to raise their children like princes and princesses
Reply 1988 - 응답하라 1988 second highest rated kdrama, the rest of the reply series are well recieved as well and showcase different eras in modern korean history (1997 and 1994) PLOT Set in 1988, it revolves around five friends and their families living in the same neighborhood
My Love From the Star - 별에서 온 그대 another hugely successful kdrama PLOT An alien who has been stranded on Earth for more than 400 years is almost able to return home, but finds himself developing feelings for a famous actress
Descendants of the Sun - 태양의 후예 so popular it caused resoration projects for filming locations from the show PLOT love story between the captain of the korean special forces, and a surgeon in a war-torn country
Guardian: The Lonely and Great God - 쓸쓸하고 찬란하神 - 도깨비 or just Goblin - 도깨비 first cable kdrama to surpass 20% ratings. It was also popular to parody it on various social media sites PLOT Kim Shin, a goblin and protector of souls, wants to end his immortal life but the only way he can do that is find a human bride
good for beginner practice because of the easy to follow plots and simple dialouge and story
Pororo the Little Penguin - 뽀롱뽀롱 뽀로로 most popular recent childrens tv show
Dooly the Little Dinosaur - 아기공룡 둘리 late 80s to 90s kids tv show, also dooly is an official south korean citizen
Anpanman - 안판만 popular childrens show about a bread super hero, its japanese but still big in korea, also referenced in a BTS song
That's what I want to know - 그것이 알고싶다 popular journalistic program, goes really indepth and shows facts, not swayed by corruption PLOT analyzes corruption, society, religion, and unresolved cases in Korea
TV Animal Farm - TV 동물농장 koreas most popular animal show PLOT talks about animal rights and promotes connections between animals and humans
Please Take Care of My Refrigerator - 냉장고를 부탁해 PLOT chefs compete to create impromptu dishes that feature ingredients found inside the guest stars' personal refrigerators
The Admiral: Roaring Currents - 명량 - 鳴梁 the most watched film in South Korea PLOT based on the historical Battle of Myeongnyang, where Joseon admiral Yi Sun-sin's led the only 12 ships remaining in his command to a heroic victory against an invading Japanese fleet numbering 333 vessels
Old Boy - 올드보이 most praised korean film internationally (please dont watch the american remake its terrible..) PLOT On his daughters fourth birthday Oh Dae-su is suddenly imprisoned in a hotel room for 15 years without knowing anything about the reason why. When he is finally released he dedicates his time to finding his captor
Extreme Job - 극한직업 highest grossing Korean comedy film of all time PLOT undercover detectives start a chicken restaurant for a drug-bust operation, but end up busier than ever when their food becomes famous
Ode to My Father - 국제시장 korean history! also fourth highest-grossing film in korean cinema PLOT depicts modern Korean history from the 1950s to the present day through the life of an ordinary man
A Werewolf Boy - 늑대소년 the most successful Korean melodrama of all time PLOT a teenage girl is sent to a country house for her health, where she befriends and attempts to civilize a feral boy but the beast inside him is constantly waiting to burst out
A Tale of Two Sisters - 장화, 홍련 highest-grossing Korean horror film with american remake ‘The Uninvited’ PLOT inspired by a Joseon Dynasty era folktale “장화홍련전” The plot focuses on a recently released patient from a mental institution who returns home with her sister, only to face disturbing events between her stepmother and the ghosts haunting their house
My Sassy Girl - 엽기적인 그녀 popular within korean and asia, inspired japanese, english, chinese, nepali, and indian remakes PLOT A college student becomes involved with a self-centered young woman who humiliates him at every turn.
A Taxi Driver 택시운전사 more korean history! based on a true story, shows the gwangju uprising which really set off democracy in korea PLOT widowed father working as a taxi driver gets a german customer who is looking to report on the political unrest in Gwangju, they end up getting caught up in the gwangju uprising
Since this list is under a read more cut I can add more anytime so if you guys know of any influencial korean media just tell me and I can add it! Likewise if something here isnt actually that influencial within korea I can remove it, especially because of the hallyu wave its possible something could be well known internationally but actual koreans couldnt care less about it
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antiquesounds · 6 years ago
What I learned when I stumbled upon some amazing history of Concert A440 and the  Treaty of Versailles.
How did I get here?
I had an amazing journey I wanted to share if only because it showed me why I live to learn and discover and uncover -- just for the fun and inspiration. I will die if I lose the curiosity that allows this sort of adventure. It took me weeks to share this, but I just wanted to because it was so much fun to learn this. I could have gone to Wikipedia and gotten a partial summation of this information, but as usual, if you look yourself, you get a whole bunch more context and in this case can see there is much more about the topic than just ‘the answer’.
Several weeks ago, I watched a You Tube video produced great educator and who goes by the handle of 12Tone. I love music history and theory videos. His friendly videos are usually really interesting.  The topic of this video was right up my alley and exposed me to what I eventually discovered is a partial myth that seems to continue to be perpetuated, But it seems not to finish the story. What’s even more amazing is what I learned after the initial digging. I ended up learning all sorts of new things about imperialist politics, poison, antique automobiles, and more. I will post on these discoveries later. But this first post is about The Treaty of Versailles and its relation to Diapason Normal.
Diapason Normal
It started with this video https://youtu.be/BzznBt8tVnI from 12Tone. In the video he describes how the diapason normal was placed into the Treaty of Versaille (ratified 1919) which amazed him and certainly raised my scepticism. 
As a very short background as to what Diapason normal is, you can watch the video or I will summarize it very simply here. When groups of instruments are about to play together there needs to be some way for the musicians to establish agreed pitch. If I was singing and you came along and started to sing with me without listening or trying to match the same note pitches, it would sound awful. This is what they call tone-deaf singing (which usually also accompanies relative tone deafness, too).  So when a group gets together, the instruments set a pitch synchronicity. Usually this pitch is based upon a single note shared and adjusted to match that baseline to with all other notes will be played (relative to that note). Picture the pitch pipe being pulled out just before singers are going to sing together. 
When you think about it, that single pitch (note) that is used to synchronize  everyone can be anything, The perfect analogy is that it is like when folks synchronize watches. It almost doesn't matter what the first watch is as long as all the watches synchronize to it.  Diapason normal was/is an attempt to formally standardize what ALL musicians will use as the baseline. Think of it like Greenwich Mean time based upon Big Ben (not really, though) or U.S. clocks standardizing on the Colorado atomic clock. We all use a reference clock to synchronize time. Diapason normal standard for musical tuning would be like the atomic clock standard for time.  
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The Treaty
If you followed the 12Tone video and/or if you do any rudimentary search on Diapason Normal (or even just ‘A 400 why?’) you quickly get to the point where everyone say the answer is in the Treaty of Versaille. Even I knew what the Treaty of Versaille is. But like most folks, I assumed it was simply the WWI armistice treaty and that it represented war ending types of things like who gets what, who concedes what, etc. 
I started my quest to actually SEE the reference of D.N. in the Treaty of Versaille, Yes, in fact there is a reference to diapason normal in the treaty. But, the most interesting fact is that it is not directly there. Almost all of the simple Googly research keeps just saying the it’s in the treaty. All common references do actually specifically refer to Section 2-  Article 282 (22) which does in fact directly mention the establishment of concert pitch. 
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and later down the line (22)...
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And, since common use in my lifetime means that this is A400 (as all my piano tuning forks attest) is the definition so defined in this proclamation, This is where everything I saw on the subject leaves this. 
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But, if you are interested in the actual problem being addressed by this little sentence and if you understand that that half of the standards battle was about WHAT the value would be for diapason normal, you’d not be satisfied that this was what was meant in this sentence. “...establishment of a concert pitch” would definitely mean A440 as many folks presume online today. Or it could mean something else like A335, A445, or any value, actually.   
Here is where the fun really began. If you look above at the text in the treaty, there are a whole bunch of other things that jump out at you; even more so if you actually skim through most of the text of the treaty (170 plus pages) PRIOR to getting to this point where an odd, tangential reference is made to a musical standard in the middle of a war treaty. Think about how funny that sounds. It turns out that section II, Article 282 is far more interesting to me than all of the rest of the treaty. As expected, the rest of the treaty is about who gets what land, and how reparations will be made, etc. But this one article has a whole bunch of stuff in it that seems totally strange. I will come back to this later. It was half of the fun; but later. 
In that sentence is refers to another document. It references the “Convention of November 16 and 19, 1885...″ This is actually where the concert pitch is defined. It is NOT in the Treaty of Versaille. 
So to look into this take a bit more foot(finger)work. It is not intuitively obvious what this convention is until you poke around in the musical history.  As many have written and as is in the 12Tone video, the argument over common concert pitch has been going on for centuries. In fact, it links into the scientific megatrend of the mid-19th century. If you follow greater history, there are times of great public interest in science and discovery. In the mid 19th century on the toes and heals of the industrial revolution there was a lot of investment and interest in standardization and mechanisms to control and measure “things” using science. Lot of stuff was being given formal standard measurement tools like weights going from a common stone to being an actual piece of man-made metal with temperature and density requirements for the manufacture of weighing devices and for many other things like length. In fact, there is reference to this in the treaty, too (See #20). In the mid 1800′s there was work done to create a tool and standard to make music (tonation) standardize. In my opinion, this was following a lot of the social trends of that era. I am not a historian, but in seeing some of similar references from a common timeframe, it seems likely that in 1880′s scientific calibration and standardization was popular. Furthermore,  the Industrial Revolution relied upon cooperative standards even if there were often conflicting ones. It is still an issue today with competing and evolving standard for many common and uncommon things.
I finally found the document, in Italian. It is called the  Triattati e Convenzioni tra il Regno D’Italia e Gli Altri Stati. 
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  And then you have to skip down to November, 1885...
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There is it! I didn’t even need to translate (yet). It shows reference to diapason unico with these other countries! Is that ever interesting. I researched this document and work that looks like it was ongoing for a long time in in the 1880′s.  I suspect I could have enjoyed several days of just looking into that whole document and its context. But I was at this time on a mission.  What it is that this convention approved? I needed to keep digging. 
And on page 727, here it is! 
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I still didn’t need a translate except for the monito secondo where I have to assume the vernacular is half second. [Side note: for several minutes I was freaking out because I thought it said “minute second” and didn’t know what that meant. It clearly says, “minuto” - as-in small (I assume to mean half-second).]
But wait? 870/2=435. 435 Hz is NOT 440Hz. So now officially, The Treaty of Versailles DOES NOT say that diapason normal is 440, it explicitly says that the value is 435 Hz. This was good news in that I got to the basis of the Internet claims that the treaty defined the standard, but the value proclaimed in the Treaty of Versailles is 435 Hz which, frankly maps better to what my little knowledge of what Europe wanted and used in the early part of the century.
The huge issue now was, why does (nearly) everyone in Western music use A440 and not A435?  The research had to continue. 
Before I go there, it is also fascinating to read the footnotes for the above. Basically in 1885, the scientists devised a formal way to make sure that a simple “tuning metal” would be used. This required semi-tight standards for manufacture of the metal and for temperature control of the standard measuring device.  This comes back to hit us on the head -- almost literally -- in a minute. 
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If you break this down, you get a detailed description of who and how you get to the the device that perfectly creates a now-standardized 435 Hz pitch. It describes how the metal is made and what temperature it must be in order to produce exactly 435 Hz frequency ‘ringing’.
At this point I decided I was now waste deep in my research. But I am only half done. The standard so far is NOT 440 Hz!   So all of these references to the treaty are just the starting point. As of 1919, Diapason Normal is locked-in for the world at 435 Hz.  How did we get to 440 Hz as today’s norm? 
I did the work, and sort-of know why how 440 happened. It isn’t as simple as Wikipedia says, either. I just looked at Wiki-p and it has some of the details. I will write up the next phase in my next post. It involves a lot more than just a standards body decision. Teaser: There are some U.S. national security interest involved. Yes, seriously.    
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novipedia · 3 years ago
How To Eat Life Eve Live Wallpaper
Kitto kimi wa konai tte nai tteba. The official music video for how to eat life from the album smile, by eve.
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Lindy Lou on Instagram “Eve How to Eat Life いのちの食べ方 🟡🍽🙎
His music has been featured in the anime dororo, jujutsu kaisen and josee, the tiger and the fish
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How to eat life eve. (click the button next to the code to copy it) E a d g b e He is also able to stretch his jaw and elongate his.
Explore how to eat life lyrics, translations, and song facts. He appears in the how to devour life mv and the kara no kioku manga. Discover who has written this song.
Music video (1 ep x 4 min) 2020. Kyuutenkai ni kitai shinaku tatte. Let's talk about this song.
Tobi offers advice and help to rei which shows that he is not as unpleasant. Tobi comes off as rude and somewhat abrasive at first appearance in the manga. Life is messy, so changing (through eating life) is a must.
Tobi otogiri (弟切飛) is the protagonist of how to eat life and a main character in the kara no kioku manga. Play over 265 million tracks for free on soundcloud. The perfect how to eat life eve mv animated gif for your conversation.
He was also a guest in school of lock! by tokyo fm. He got his start doing covers on nico nico douga.he signed to toy's factory in 2019. Forum social search sign up login.
This song will be one of the songs you will have to email me about if you want to use t. He has large hands, with an eye on the back of each of them. 3.911 out of 5 from 189 votes.
Listen to this with your headphones/earbuds for the best effect!if you liked my video please give it a like and subscribe to my channel.don't forget to check. Your past is great source material (along with the past in general), but be sure to not let. I thought i'd hate it but it actually isnt bad for an english version.
How to eat life is japanese song, performed in japanese. How to eat life is sung by eve. Music video directed and animated by marie yasui for the song.
Find who are the producer and director of this music video. You can easily copy the code or add it to your favorite list. Music video directed and animated by marie yasui for the song inochi no tabekata by eve.
Add to list set as complete set as watching. But be careful on how you attain said change, lest you destroy yourself in the process. Originally released along with the smile album, its music video was later released on youtube with a different music arrangement.
Rei notes that he looks displeased. Perhaps it's because it's a, well, new eve song, and i'm just getting overhyped about this song, but everything about this song is so.good. How to eat life, as i don't speak japanese (sorry), is my favorite eve song.
Sign in / register guest home news team changelog download search beatmaps beatmap listing featured artists beatmap packs. How to eat life (いのちの食べ方, inochi no tabekata) is the 5th track in the album smile. Start your search now and free your phone.
Includes transpose, capo hints, changing speed and much more. How to eat life's composer, lyrics, arrangement, streaming platforms, and so on. Discover and share the best gifs on tenor.
Discover exclusive information about how to eat life. His face only consists of a mouth, usually in a toothy grin. Play along with guitar, ukulele, or piano with interactive chords and diagrams.
It’s okay to want change.
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magusfanatic · 2 years ago
so. apologies in advance for this being long as hell. i have adhd and i get carried away lmaooo
he does say that while he doesnt really remember anything about the person he copied the appearance from, that he feels pretty certain she isnt alive anymore. so maybe its possible he knows that because he killed her
however, i do want to point out that in this form, the hair color is more of an ashy/dirty blonde, rather than white
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this doesnt exactly disprove this or anything, just worth noting. we dont know exactly why elias copied chises hair but not her hair color, nor do we know where he got the hair for his other glamour. it has similarities with rahabs hair but is still very different, and the blonde color is also very different from simons or lindels
is the hair overall copied from somebody else? is the hairstyle copied from someone, but with a different hair color? is it a combination of different hairstyles of people hes known? or is this something he came up with on his own? could be so many different things
which brings me to this: the hair may not actually belong to the woman he borrowed his appearance from!
elias specifically refers to the owner of his face, he doesnt refer to his appearance in general.
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(ftr, i checked the official translation [which generally seems to be more accurate than maigos] and he also does this. although he does say "the human face i ordinarily wear isnt suited for a place where i'll be seen often by the same people" instead of referring to changing it quickly. that seems to make more sense to me tbh)
now again, elias copied chises hairstyle as well as her face. we dont know why exactly, but i think it was just because he was being annoyed by some kid put on the spot and he just needed to copy some humans appearance to get ethan to back off. chise naturally is the first person he thinks of and he cant be bothered to come up with a different hairstyle when this is just a temporary thing to get a child to leave him alone (again tho... why was it white?)
(id also like to mention that his hair in his Mental Breakdown™ state is very... unkempt and greasy looking. obviously a reflection of his mental state, but would he subconsciously modify somebodys hairstyle to look all sad and unwashed for this? i cant rule that out, but again its just something worth noting.)
my personal opinion? the other parts of his animal like states could very easily be from things hes eaten in the past, but for the hair... well, it could or could not be. let me explain.
he has several different animalistic appearances; some are just more convenient for the situation at hand, while others are a result of his emotional state. yet, this is the only form of his that has hair. why is that?
i think it has to do with how this occurs when chise feels utterly betrayed by him and leaves him. this is easily the rawest, most emotional state hes ever been in
possibility #1: elias unknowingly being triggered into reliving a past traumatic memory of somebody who was extremely important to him, that he did lose. this could or could not be the woman he copied that face from, but hes subconsciously taking the hair from somebody dearest to him
possibility #2: you know how i mention that this is the most raw and emotional elias has been? elias, whose emotions are extremely detached from him, to the point where it doesnt even seem like he has any emotions at all sometimes? maybe long ago, he didnt struggle with that. maybe something changed. something that changed both his body and mind, gave him amnesia and put his emotions behind a thick fog, that only 'come out' when they boil over (and because he doesnt really feel a lot of emotion normally, what he does feel he struggles to understand or put a name to, and he doesnt have any emotional regulation skills)
i wonder if the hair is part of his old self coming through? not necessarily that he used to be human, because plenty of fae and such have hair or even have humanlike appearances
i dunno. maybe its some other third thing. maybe its nothing at all. but its fun to theorize
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I read somewhere the suggestion that Elias’ various parts are made up of things he once consumed. And if that is true, is it possible he got the hair from the same woman who serves as the model for his female glamor? 
Will we ever find out more about her? I hope so!
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yokaimatsus-blog · 8 years ago
all o f them then
omg thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im glad bc i just wanna talk about oso san all the time so~~~1. Who is your favorite sextuplet?: I actually don’t know if I’ve ever said on here? Huh, i wonder if its obvious? Well, its Karamatsu :^)
2. Who is your favorite non-sextuplet character?: either totoko or chibita, its kinda too hard to pick between those two
3. Who is your least favorite character?: kara’s god damn flower fairy thing, she was barely even in it but her attitude just pissed me off 
4. Who is your least favorite sextuplet?: I honestly don’t have one, it used to be todomatsu but he really, really grew on me throughout the series and now i just love them all way too much
5. When did you start watching the series?: november 2015, the day jyushimatsu falls in love aired!! 6. Do you own any merch?: yeah i literally cant stop pre/ordering stuff i hate myself and so does my bank account and im running out of space in my bedroom lmao ;;
7. Do you play any of the apps?: hesowars and tabimatsu! though I only started hesowars like a month or two ago, for some reason
8. Have you seen osomatsu-kun?: a couple of episodes yeah! i wanna watch more but i cant ever find them ahaha
9. Which character do you relate to the most?: out of the sextuplets id say all of them are pretty relatable for me, oso and todo mostly though
10. When first watching the series, how long did it take for you to be able to tell the sextuplets apart?: I think by at least ep 5 i had them down but I can’t really remember ahahaha, but right away it was easy to know choro bc no ahoge, and ichi bc of his eyes :’)
11. List the sextuplets from favorite to least favorite: my order changes a lot but i guess its something like karamatsu ichimatsu, jyushimatsuosomatsu, todomatsu, choromatsubc i literally wouldnt be able to put any 6 of them actually last LOL
12. Why did you start watching the series?: because it seemed genuinely funny, i really liked the voice actors and the art style attracted me. i dont usually go for comedy anime so tbh becoming so invested was a shocker
13. Have you read any of the manga?: ive read all the ones that are translated as far as I’m aware? And I read a few raws too, I plan to buy them soon but I’m lowkey hoping for official translations someday14. What was your opinion of the season one ending?: I honestly really loved it, to me it was extremely obvious they werent going to end a parody anime on a sad note so I was expecting something really dumb, also i think it was one of the funniest eps to me
15. Which opening theme do you like more?: omg i dont know theyre both such bops
16. Which ending theme is your favorite?: the first one, but the version used for the last episode! bc its cute aaaaa
17. What is your favorite episode or segment?: omg i love so many i could never pick one, off the top of my head I really, really, REALLY enjoy choromatsu cant sleep, fappymatsu, todomatsu and the 5 demons, keresone, and ichimatsu incident... ichimatsus inner monologue of him just screaming is such perfection ahahhaha more ichimatsu internally yelling in s2 pls
18. What is your opinion of episode one?: a true cinematic experience
19. Do you like F6?: ehhh idk. theyre okay? i forget they exist until somebody mentions them most of the time lmfao. there was that one scene with f6 kara drinking milk that was particularly great imo
.20. Have you ever made any osomatsu-san fanart?: yeah!! lots!! but its been a while since i posted anything, plus these days i use twitter more, tbh its what made me want to draw more after I fell out of my last fandom, so i guess thats a good thing, but honestly I’m more a writer considering that was my first major hahaha21. Which episode or segment was your least favorite?: i dont know, I guess I just dont care about dekapan bc he creeps me out a little so I think probably the one with him and dayon driving? somewhere? I cant even remember 
22. What episode or segment did you laugh the hardest at?: omg idk so many literally had my crying bc i find them so stupidly hilarious, i guess the ones that take me by surprise at the ones that make me laugh the most, also when I rewatch I find I appreciate them even more every time so afjdsgs
23. Did you cry at any time while watching the series?: ive only ever cried laughing, which happened a lot, but of course ep24 and jyushi falls in love are pretty emotional lmao 24. If you could make your own osomatsu-san episode, what would it be about?: AAAAHHH i have so many ideas. but tbh i would just love a musical episode. somebody doesnt understand why everybody is singing and dancing. there are pom poms. we’re all in this together bitches. ALSO i would die if they animated some of the manga chapters, e.g. the fashion battle todo and kara have, and mc ichi and mc todo... and when oso and kara get lost in a mountain and when oso asks if kara has anything to burn for a fire hes like “no these are too important” and its just a fucking handful of candids sslkhdjisfhaifadand isnt there one about a knock off version of pokemon with choro as the trainer? please. pls. PLEASE.
25. How do you feel about multiple seasons of osomatsu-san?: i wish it could go on forever and ever and ever. but seriously I feel they could juice some good content for a fair few seasons, I obviously wouldnt ever want it to lose its charm but I genuinely don’t see why it couldn’t be long running... but for now I’m satisfied with what we get, and season 2 finally getting announced is incredible though and im super happy :))))
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extrafemi · 6 years ago
Applying for TEF Seed Capital.
I am going to start by saying if you have not heard about the TEF (Tony Elumelu Foundation) by now, you are probably neither Nigerian nor African. If you are, then you must have been sleeping under a rock. Going forward, I will refer to the Tony Elumelu Foundation (formerly Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship Programme) as TEF.
This post is simply to answer some of the questions I have been asked about the TEF as I am privileged to be part of the class of 2016. In this post, I will mostly be sharing;
My experience signing up and going through the TEF process.
About TEF official and unofficial group forums.
What TEF is and it isnt.
Finally, managing your expectations about the TEF seed capital.
P.S: I am not a TEF staff or a brand ambassador for TEF (though i wish i was). I am an entrepreneur. So here goes:
Applying for TEF...
I first heard about the TEF in 2015 but didn't apply until 2016. When I eventually did apply. I applied my business idea- ChatClass NG. I had been working on it since 2013 and even Hotels.ng boss; Mark Essien had tried to help me with it at some point. S/O to him for his patience and time.
I didnt apply in 2015 for one reason: I said to myself “Shey iru e lonwan be?” (Translation: Is it your type they (TEF) are looking for there?).
But I finally put together my business plan and applied in 2016. The application process was simple and easy. In a couple of hours, I was done.
Lessons. (As I said, i would be sharing lessons as I go on)
I have been asked about my “winning edge” to get in. Unfortunately, i doubt that exists or if it does, I don’t think I have one. Ultimately, it boils down to your application. TEF has an independent screening process (Accenture) for applications and business plans to ensure transparency. So knowing TEF staff personally or sending email means nothing. Your application is basically being judged by people who dont know you, who you dont know and who you may never meet.
While it is okay to ask for help while applying, it is important to do it yourself. Not because TEF might find out if someone else applies for you but hey, its your business. Doesn't it make sense to apply by yourself?
Parmindir Vir shared that a lot of ladies started their applications in the 2015 set and never finished for some reason. Hence the statistics of Female applicants was really poor. TEF followed up with female applicants in 2016 encouraging them to finish their applications and surprisingly, the statistics improved significantly. So this is dedicated to the ladies applying or thinking of applying: PLEASE COMPLETE YOUR APPLICATIONS! PLEASE!!
The fact that I got selected means anyone can get in if you apply but If you dont get in still, pick yourself up and get ready for 2018.
After applying, I waited. Here is some statistics:
Out of the 1000 entrepreneurs to be selected across Africa, 600 will be Nigerians and the remaining 400 will be split across the other 53 countries in Africa. So if you are a Nigerian reading this, good for you.
Of the 1000 businesses to be selected, the largest sector is Agriculture, followed closely by Education (which I am in) and then the others. So if you are in any of them and reading this again, good for you.
In 2015, 20,000 entrepreneurs applied. In 2016, 65,000 entrepreneurs applied. It is estimated that about 85,000 to 100,000 entrepreneurs will apply in 2017. So brace up!
With the growing focus on driving female entrepreneurs especially in Africa, special attention will be paid to female entrepreneurs just like there was in 2016. So if you are a lady reading this, good for you.
After getting selected...
One day, an email arrived from TEF. It contained a video from Mr. Elumelu himself. I nearly deleted it and wondered why TEF would send an email to tell me I had failed to get in, more-so in a video from the Chairman himself. But I watched it and there were the first words i heard: “If you are watching this video, Congratulations you are one of the 1000 entrepreneurs selected this year…..” The email will also be the first of very many emails, webinar invitations, instructions et al from TEF. The list of the winners will also be published on the TEF website.
Sometimes, it is your type they are looking for, lol. Your idea might just be the solution Africa is looking for.
The answer you seek might just be in that next email. Dont be in such a hurry to hit the delete button. Read first.
Yeah, you will be contacted via email. Please close attention to your email.
Attend the webinars. It contains answers to all the questions you will have as you go on.
You will also be assigned a mentor to guide you through a 12-week online bootcamp. Work with him or her (I sent mine a linkedin connection the same day I found out his name) and don’t be worried about getting your ideas stolen (that’s just silly).
It is important to actually do the tasks in the 12-week online bootcamp and even more important to do it yourself. Not because TEF might find out if someone else does it for you but hey, its your business. Doesn’t it make sense to do by yourself? I had a business running, staff to manage, a 9–5 job, was taking an online class from maestro Steve Harris and still did my tasks and assignments myself. I was waking up 3:30am and sleeping 12 midnight. Dont worry about getting stuck, thats why you have a mentor. S/O to Future Software Nigeria Resources Ltd boss, Nkemdilim Uwaje Begho for all her her encouragements during this time.
If you have not registered your business, it is in your best interest to do so and you would be required to submit your CAC documents and open a business account. You can however leave this till the later end of the online bootcamp. 
After the online bootcamp…
After the online bootcamp, we were asked to submit reports, milestones, documents and our business plans. I should confess at this point that I had help with my financials but she and I did it together. The irony here is that the financials got rejected twice during which I was forced to redo myself before it got approved. So again, Ask for help but do it yourself. After I submitted all the required documents, we geared up for the TEF conference in Victoria Island, Lagos.
At the TEF conference….
I should duff my hat to the TEF team for pulling this one off. I am talking about logistics for at least 2000 people (TEF class of 2016- us, TEF class of 2015 who volunteered, TEF staff and other third-party services); yet it was mostly seamless! The meals were amazing, the registration desk seemed to munch up their queues like hungry lions and did I mention the speakers were on point?! Attend sessions, take notes, Ask questions…intelligently. The conference ended with a concert with one of Africa’s finest musicians- P Square. I should admit at this point that I developed a crush on one of the speakers- Somachi. Lord! She slay-ed! I am still not cured but hope she doesnt read this, lol!
Okay! Moving on! Lessons. This isn't a written requirement but NETWORK, NETWORK and just when you think you have done enough, NETWORK some more. The TEF conference has entrepreneurs from all 54 countries in Africa in one place at a time and that is ah-mazing! No, I do not think anyone has ever been able to manage such a feat. By sunday morning, it was all over.
About TEF official and unofficial group forums. A lot of whatsapp and telegram groups will emerge. You should know that none of them are authorized by TEF. The only recognized platform for interaction between TEF entrepreneurs 2015, 2016 and the eventual 2017 is the TEF Hub which you will be sent logins to access.
What TEF fund is and it isnt. What TEF gives is SEED CAPITAL to fund the business plan you submitted. You are not allowed to change your business idea after being funded or transfer the fund to other uses. It is NOT a grant or a “dash money” or a loan. It is also wise not to pay tithe on this money for our brothers and sisters in the lord. lol.
There was a story that was shared with me about some guy who was TEF 2015 alumni, got in and after getting the funds went back to his Job on the pretext of the funds not being enough. That is saddening as he has prevented someone else the opportunity of being funded. TEF will give an initial $5,000 and create the opportunity to request an additional $5,000 if the initial isn’t enough based on certain terms and conditions. There was also a story about some guy in some African country who won funds at some Microsoft business competition used the funds to marry a second wife! lord!
If this is your plan or similar to the above, it is in your best interest not to apply at all.
Finally, managing your expectations about the TEF seed capital. The moment your name is on the TEF 2017 list, you are guaranteed of the initial funds of $5000…well, almost guaranteed. However, TEF will only pay when they are ready. As much as they intend to keep to time and work very hard to ensure funds arrive as scheduled, sometimes, things never go the way we plan. That’s life. The conference was in September 2016 but I didnt get my funds until January 2017. I have friends who have gotten into debt over money they hadn't received or spent all their savings in hope of the funds. I will simply share one lesson about money i learnt from my mother when I was much younger… “Do not spend money you have not yet seen” Until the money enters your account, it is not yet yours and you have not yet seen it.
Are writers eligible to apply? Honestly, I dont not know but better Question: Is it a business? Is it scale-able? will it transform Africa? If yes, then by all means please apply. Oh, and my business? Click here to find out all about it. Got questions I haven’t answered already? please leave a comment.
Be wise and all the best, Femi.
0 notes
herushingu · 4 years ago
That Gonzo sketch is a discarded prototype and isnt canon, something that is also somewhat commented on in a Newtype interview where they use similar heights for the final Gonzo product but specify that the heights are not set in stone and are just a vague guideline for artistic interpretation. What matters is making the characters intimidating based on how tall they are;
Tumblr media
Rough translation:
The tallest is the alucard, which is 210 cm including the hat. Andersen 205cm Integra 190cm, Serras is her 173cm. However, this number is not really that high, but rather "the result of thinking that it is better to look a lot bigger in order to give the intimidating feeling of the arcards. The height of Celas is also the arcard and one frame. It was decided because of the convenience of acting inside "(Iida), and it seems that the numerical value itself has no particular meaning.
Alucard is measured at 6 feet 8 inches, yes... but that's WITH the hat (something they seem to have changed from the upthread sketch), meaning he's not really that tall. Take off an inch, at least.
Also, the images compiled for the official interview final product were not created to be in a height chart, these are merely separate concept arts that were lined up for a makeshift height chart just for vague artist reference, so these heights cant be matched up to precision... something i tried to do once LOL. It doesnt really work out tbh.
Also, based on my own compiled data (by comparing select screenshots) for fanart purposes:
Fargason = 7'3
Chris Pickman = 6'7
Incognito = 7'8
Harry Anders = 6'1
Helena = 4'4
Laura "Hellsing" = 7'
Since we get the Major's height (5'2) mentioned in manga canon we can line him up to everyone else in a domino influence to get the following canon manga heights:
Alucard = 7'1 (without the hat, lol)
Seras = 5'7
Pip = 6'5
Walter = 6'8
Integra = 5'9
Enrico = 5'11
Anderson = 7'
Heinkel = 5'11
Yumie = 5'7
Captain = 7'
Dandy = 6'4
Luke = 6'10
Jan = 6'7
Penwood = 6'6
Irons = 6'3
Coffin = 8'7
Makube = 6'2
Schrödinger = 4'9
Rip = 6'10
... and thats all i had on hand, as I was planning a group picture recently and dug those heights out of my manga notes lol. I have characters like Zorin (+Scythe) worked out, but id have to go digging again.
Just keep in mind that, as the interview says, its not about exact numbers, its about the level of intimidation a character is supposed to have compared to the other characters.
On a fun analysis level, that equates to Major being very small and insignificant; he cant shoot, he cant do ANYTHING - except plan war. He cant even sell a line, which is why the Nazis treated him so poorly, he could never have whipped up a war on his own cleverly written lines, he had to use the Nazis' manipulative efforts to do it for him then just fly their flag and blow stuff up. He, himself, holds no intimidation factor, its his war strategy brain thats the weapon, lol. This small and insignificant man made a BIG problem out of himself, and being so incapable outside of war plans might contribute to the reasons for his goals. Schrödinger too; his only power is being everywhere and nowhere, he has nothing intimidating to offer except being the spice on a midian side-dish, so he's super short. Alucard is the tallest (or, second tallest, in Gonzo) character and has the most abilities. This is actually why, in some shots, Hirano made child Walter "too tall" (because he's capable, thus has intimidation) and I had to second-look to that poster of him and Girlycard together to really figure the heights more properly. Like all Hirano's anatomy, his heights arent always precisely consistent (in one panel of the manga, its somewhat implied that Integra is 6'5", lmao).
Tl;dr, how much of a weapon is a character capable of being? Whatever the answer is, thats how canon-tall they are. Thats the Hirano way, lol.
Has there ever been an official reference for the characters’ heights? I imagine Alucard would easily pass 6’, though I can’t think of anything specific.
I never quite found the source for those, but from the style I would assume they are Ultimate Concept Art - maybe you can find them here.
I found three different sheets:
One for the Hellsing characters (plus Anderson)
Tumblr media
And one for Millenium
Tumblr media
And one that gives me slightly Gonzo vibes, and as I figured out that's because it is exactly intended to be that, made by fatefuldoe, but added the heights in numbers and Maxwell.
Tumblr media
Then beneath in three seperate posts I found heights that slightly differ from each other.
One from gonzoseras adding:
Seras — 173 cm ( 5′6 ft ) Alucard — 210 cm ( 6′8 ft ) Anderson — 205 cm ( 6′7 ft ) Integra — 190 cm ( 6′2 ft ) Luke Valentine — 200 cm ( 6′5 ft )
that crudely drawn Pip looks like 6′4 ft - ish
Tsunbath added:
Ok so here I am with the actual heights, if anyone needs it: Anderson is 205 cm, Alucard is around 210cm, Luke is just under Alucard, Jan is shorter than Luke yet still taller than Seras and Integra. EDIT: examined the chart: Seras is 173 cm (same as me,ha), Integra is 180 cm, Luke is 200 cm.
And cryptidprincex added:
For those of you who are too lazy to convert it into more familiar heights, if these heights are correct they are as follows;
Alucard - 6′9′’ ish
Anderson - 6′7′’
Luke - 6′5′’
Integra - 5′9′’
Seras - 5′6′’
It’s pretty safe to assume Walter is around 5′10′’ - 5′11′’ , Jan and Pip are probably around the 6′ mark, give or take a few cm, Pip being just over, Jan being just under.
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apsbicepstraining · 8 years ago
The Evaluators: To Trade With Aliens, You Must Accommodate
CogNet init: Paul SRINIVASAN
Recip: Thandiwe SOLOMON
Datime: 2206.12.15.16: 45
[ Optimized by CogNet !]
Thandi, the commission on human rights referendums Tuesday. The teams disappearance isnt the main issue, but I dont like how theyre hasten this. Facilitate me out here, OK? Off the record.
Thread reply from Thandiwe SOLOMON
So tell me how that billable hours thought works for you lawyers. Because I might, I dont know, actually have a chore of my own.
Thread reply from Paul SRINIVASAN
Please! [ Conceptual embed with caption: man bowing with sides pressed together] What do you want? Dinner? Vacation? Hours of mind-bending sex? Because I would do that for you, Thandi. No relinquish is too great.
Thread reply from Thandiwe SOLOMON
You already told me you let your Spermicept patch expire. Stand the blaze away from me. What happened to Weis personal logs?
Thread reply from Paul SRINIVASAN
Gremlins? The slowdown is reasonably severe for this missiontwo years. Not enough black hole for a better communicate, or something like that. Ill see if I can find them. So, they snack her, right? They absolutely ate her.
Thread reply from Thandiwe SOLOMON
No. I dont think they devour her.
Recall transcript, WEI Aihua
Meeting with neighbourhood Influential 1
Datime 2204.1.22.10: 10
[ Optimized by Cognet !]
[ All sensory recall except auditory muffled to aid lightstreaming .]
So what would you like to know, evaluator?
Tell me more of your parties, Adoration China.
If you dont mind, would you call me Aihua, delight?
Oh? Your aide be pointed out that your figures sometimes have meaning.
Yes, but [ laughter] That doesnt mean we like those meanings.
N. K. Jemisin
N. K. Jemisins speculative fiction has been nominated for the Hugo, the Nebula, and the World Fantasy Award. The first book in her Broken Earth trilogy, The Fifth Season, won the 2016 Hugo Award for Best Novel . The Stone Sky, the third largest notebook in the serial, comes out this August .
Ah. Please forgive, Aihua. Your expression still confuses.
Im stunned by your facility with my own language, actually.
We become aware of First Contact team.
Yes, but weve had just as much time to learn your language, and well. [ WEI caption: Here I attempt to speak in Manka C. The Manka word for modification translates inadequately. Its implication is more like submission? fitness ?] We am still terrifying/ poor at adaptation.
[ RATCHETING SOUND. WEI CAPTION: MANKA LAUGHTER. THANKFULLY HE RETURNS THE CONVERSATION TO ENGLISH .] It is true, you do not adapt quick as we. But that is expected. You are not evaluators.
Ah, yes. Since you mentioned that, if I may askwhat exactly is your role? Ive asked Hashish, the nurturer whos been evidencing me around, but it was unclear.
I am evaluator.
But what does that intend? What do you assess?
Everything. Parties. World.
For what purpose?
[ SILENCE FOR 2.5 SECONDS] I do not understand, Aihua.
On my world, beings evaluate procedures, achievements. For the purpose of improving them.
Yes. Improvement. Adaptation. Same with us.
I see?
You do not.
Sorry, I
It takes time for beings so different to accommodate. You do well. No is necessary to fear.
Thank you. Ouch!
The shells of [ RECALL BLUR. WEI CAPTION: LOCAL DELICACY, UNPRONOUNCEABLE] are sharp. You are disabled? Shall I summon humans?
No, Im fine, itll stop in a minute. Could you give me something toyes, thank you. Most of your biologicals are innocuous to us, and vice versa. I just hate that Im bleeding on this lovely cloth.
It is unimportant. More?
Yes, delight, its yummy. Youre an good cook.
[ Auditory recall ends. Interpret gustatory reminisce, 2204.1.22.10: 15, for renewal .]
Team Clog of TE Mission, Dar-Mankana
Post by WEI AihuaPublic
Datime 2204.1.20.19: 30
[ Optimized by Cognet !]
My first professor in sapio told me never to Earthropomorphize xenospecies, but the first thing that leapt into my thought when I met them was that the Manka look like upright cheetahs( cheetae ?). Males and females are indistinguishable to my attentions, lean and deep-chested, while nurturers, the third largest fornication, are noticeably more muscular and squarely improved. I pride myself in that my subconscious at least selected a predatory Earth analogue, which should deter me from loosening my protect too much.
Comment from WANG
Its simply cheetahs. And you have three PhDs?
Comment from WEI
None of them are in linguistics, OK? Shut up.
Tomer Hanuka
Team Clog of TE MissionDar-Mankana
Post by WEI AihuaTeamlock
Datime 2204.1.23.11: 50
[ Optimized by Cognet !]
I could KILL Rafkind and the whole First Contact team! What Neanderthal decided to tell the Manka about Christianity? This is exactly why the UC censored Americans from TE teams.
Fortunately, the district potentate seemed more entertained than anything by the idea of one mans demise absolving the incorrects of an entire species. Just one? Cute.
Now Im wondering what else FC screwed up.
FC Report Detail p. 67: Culture Notes
Datime: 2201.4.7.14: 40
[ Optimized by Cognet !]
[ Auditory embed with caption: Manka adoration chant? Recallers: Multiple; public action .]
My love sings behind me
And touches the nape of my neck
I do not look around
My heart flappings fast with fear.
FC Report Detail p. 224: Culture Notes
Recall by First Contact Team Member John RAFKIND
Datime: 2201.5.13.9: 24
[ Optimized by Cognet !]
[ Auditory embed with caption: Observed class 2 Deceptive ideation .]
Apologies. A colloquialism.
Ah. We must learn more of your world so that we may adapt to these colloquialisms.
That would certainly be possible after Trade Establishment, Hashish.
Why did you express a colloquialism, John?
Uh, well the male Manka walking by with that group of children. For some reason, when he look back me, I got the creeer, I find uneasy.
That was an evaluator.
An evaluator of what?
[ RaTcheting sound. RAFKIND caption: I think that was a laugh ?] Many things, at many times. For now, those children.
Were all six of those the evaluators juveniles?
There were three children, John.
Three? I didnt get a good review, but Im sure I appreciated more.
There were three children.
[ Recall ends .]
Team Clog of TE MissionDar-Mankana
Post by Angela WHETONPublic
Datime 2204.1.24.12: 40
[ Optimized by Cognet !]
Did some additional examines of the southeast central continent today. Those palladium sediments Have you guys heard the stock tolls since the CogNet-Pallenergy merger? My God, I might actually get out of student loan debt before I die.
Also noticed an rare concentration of calcium in various accumulations around the city. Hector proceeded with one of the locals to check out a nearby locate and was shown an open-pit tomb. [ VISUAL OVERRIDE EMBED WITH CAPTION: LONG, ORDERLY ROWS OF SEVERAL HUNDRED CLEAN, POLISHED BONES, ORGANIZED BY TYPE .] Each pit is several hundred hoofs deep, bones layered with dirt. Local announced bones the price paid. Ritual? Tag for sapiology review.
OhHector has asked me to note for government officials team log his hypothesis that the burial pits are f__ing creepy-crawly. So noted.
Recall transcript, WEI Aihua
Meeting with local Influential 2
Datime 2204.1.24.13: 10
[ Optimized by Cognet !]
[ All sensory recall except auditory smothered to aid lightstreaming .]
Forgive me for staring, evaluator. Its only that you gaze so different.
I have strained greatly to adapt because we last fit. Does my form satisfy you?
I dont certainly know what to become of it. You ogle
More like you.
This distres you.
Surprises me, evaluator. On my planet “theres” souls that can change their coloration to blend in with the environment, but [ Visual override embed with WEI caption: The evaluators face. Memo the abbreviate of the muzzle and repositioning of the ears, at slopes of the foreman rather than the top .]
It has been difficult, yes. Your beings are strangely configured. Even more strange, inside.
How do you
Your bloods preference is most amusing. [ Pause] I have no goal of devouring you, Aihua.
[ Laughter] Uh, sorry. On my nature well. Our recreation are a lot of unnerving men that want to gobble us down.
Entertainment? But your parties are apex predators, are you not?
I suppose we are. Huh. Maybe thats why the notion of being preyed upon doesnt actually scare us.
[ Series of harsh exhalations. WEI caption: The evaluator believe that there is imitating human laugh .] Yes , no is necessary to fright! Tell me, Aihua. Why do you not have offsprings?
Why do you
Sorry, I discover. The topic justits not something my people frequently ask in casual conversation.
I shall remember and accommodate. For now, will you refute?
Well, we have a problem with overpopulation and its effects: crowding, homelessness, famine, worse. Were redressing now, but their own problems took a long time to develop, it was therefore will take a long time to resolve.
And in the meantime, your it is necessary to simply lose?
Unfortunately, yes. It helps that weve modelled the Trade Network with other sapient species. That increases the resources available on my planet.
But with greater resources, your digits will continue to grow. Theres nothing to shape you stop.
We have our own sapience, which tells us that such rise is unsustainable. Because of this, only some of my beings choose to replicate. Im one of the ones who chose not to.
I see. But if sustainable growth was possible?
Maybe Id have a child. Perhaps. But it isnt possible, so no minors for me. [ Sigh] Now. Not to change the subject, but Ive accompanied some delicacies from my own world-wide to share
Good. I am most interested in eating some of your worlds revels. And if I may say, Aihua, the gleam of your hair is very fine today.
[ Recall ends .]
Levl: Official
Prio: Medium
Init: Salim GILBERTO, FC Team Biological Surveyor
Datime: 2201.11.13.03: 00
[ Optimized by Cognet !]
Esteemed Survey members, colleagues, and sidekicks TAGEND
You will see from my FC report that Dar-Mankana is home to a plethora of speciessubstantially more than our own, which has yet to recover from the arrival of the Anthropocene. But a merely 2 million years ago, Dar-Mankana hosted three times more species than at present.
What could trigger such a destruction? Evidence indicates an interference in several key food webs: a polyphagous piranha which ate its road through tertiary and secondary consumers with such abandon that it likely justification its own extinction. Superpredators may be pop-science clickbait, but Dar-Mankana could represent our closest brush with one of these evolutionary bogeymen. The lingering damage is still perceptible: a relative dearth of megafauna, skewed predator-to-prey rates, insufficient biomass all around for the power that this planet creates.
Further pre-TE study is strongly recommended.
FC Report Excerpt, p. 530: Xenological notes
Datime: 2201.7.7.6: 32
[ Optimized by Cognet !]
[ Some data loss has come; recompilation possible in approximately 127 daytimes .]
[ Buffering] compare to Dr. Gilbertos assertions.
The crater is smallless than half the size of Earths Chicxulub crater, which is widely believed to have triggered the extinction of the dinosaurs. While surely large enough to crusade catastrophic neighbourhood shatter, this cannot explain the mass extinction.
Core samples from the ocean floor discover an abundance of palladium and [ Buffering]
Team Clog of TE MissionDar-Mankana
Post by Hector PRINCIPETeamlock
Datime 2204.1.25.06: 30
[ Optimized by Cognet !]
Sorry if the committee is blurry. Cant sleep. Theory occasion!
Why arent there more Manka? Theyre ripe for Sagans technological adolescence. Weve seen this on so many planets that its practically a law of nature; there is a requirement to erupting at the seams, same as us. But the Manka are precise the right population size for their societys resources. Nobodys thirsty. No idle youth. Plenty for all.
So. Unobserved social self-restraints? The Kama Rhythm Method Sutra? Histocompatibility crisis?
Comment from WEI
Maybe theyve already been through the tech teenages. Gilbertos extinction?
Comment from PRINCIPE
Two million years ago was tech infancy. Or pre-partum: The Manka precursors perhaps werent even tool-users.
Comment from WHETON
Off topic but you know what I obstruct “ve been thinking about”?( Cant sleep either .) The building. Four steeples on every important build. Four lobes to every artistic motif. They got six fingers. Three copulations. WTF is with the veneration of four? Whats their math?
Comment from WANG
Base-8. Ache in the ass; had to recalculate all the potential royalties in the two reports. But yeah, another difference on four. Shit, I cant do possibility at oh dark thirty. Sleep, you apes.
CogNet init: Thandiwe SOLOMON
Recip: WU Li Bai
Transl: English-Cantonese
Datime: 2206.12.16.20: 02
Respectful accosts, Dr. Wu. My appoint is Thandiwe Solomon, with the Extrasolar Sapience department of Rhodes University. I was plotted by your position paper in The Journal for the Study of Applied Sapiology . As someone whos been in the field and discovered how easy it to be able to move blunders, I concur wholeheartedly with your recommendation for a minimum 10 -year survey between First Contact and Trade Establishment.
Sir, it is my understanding that you two are Wei Aihuas mentor during her postdoctorate. Have you been received information on her recent operation?
Thread reply from WU Li Bai
Indeed I have, Dr. Solomonand so must you have been, if youre asking me. I suppose your UC permission is still active?
Thread reply from Thandiwe SOLOMON
It is, sir. Though in the interest of full disclosure, my tier is exclusively Secret.
Thread reply from WU Li Bai
I shall tailor my responses accordingly. What is your wonder?
Thread reply from Thandiwe SOLOMON
Was Dr. Wei lonely?
Recall transcript, WEI Aihua
Meeting with local Influential 5
Datime 2204.1.26.10: 30
[ Optimized by Cognet !]
[ All sensory recall except auditory quelled to aid lightstreaming .]
And then the old person answered, Why is it always the intellectuals? [ Laughter]
[ Laughter. WEI caption: the evaluators laughter reverberates entirely human now. See accent reduction too .] The narrations of your beings are so amusing.
My grandmother will be pleased to hear that.
Female parent of my mother. [ sigh] She may be dead by the time I get back. I dont know whether to hope for that or not.
Ive been croaked five years old. She has cancera disease, untreatable in her client. That necessitates a slow, agonizing death. My parents are taking care of her, but
Your parties have just been males and females. These take over the nurturer persona?
Well, its not quite as binary as that, but … When necessary, yes.
And no one fulfills the evaluator role? Your poor grandmother.
Well, Im not sure [ delay] Oh my God.
Are you praying?
No, justthat was amaze. Youre another sex . Like male, like female, like the nurturers. The FC team got it completely wrong. Four fornications , not three!
Yes, those humen were very slow be adjusted to Dar-Mankana. You are much more fit and clever.
Evaluator, I must confer with my parties. But ah may I return to speak with you again tomorrow?
That would give me great pleasure, Aihua.
CogNet init: Hector PRINCIPE
Recip: Angela WHETON
Priority: URGENT
Datime: 2204.1.31.04: 00
[ Optimized by Cognet !]
[ Sensory remembrance retained per URGENT protocol. Additional lightstream slowdown +185 dates .]
Angela. [ ping] Angela. Damn it, wake the fuck up! And pass this on to Aihua. Fucking – god, delight pass this on to Aihua.
OK. Clear contemplates. OK. I went back to the burial site. Somethings been bothering me. This time I realise what it was.
Most of the bones are small. Childrens bones.
Theory time. Lets say your species is threatened by an enemy so insidious that all the usual existence proficiencies are unproductive against it. Its an foe that they are able camouflage itself enough to get really close during hunting. Maybe it can clown you even up close. What if simply specializing a full-time protection for the weakest members of your species, a nurturer , gives your parties any hope of survival against an opponent like that? And what if even that doesnt stop it? What if, in the end, you cant beat them, so you join them?
Aihua said the evaluators appearance was changing. Im approximating evaluators replace the male or female in reproductionnot all the time, just enough to continue themselves. Theyre not really male or female, though, because theyre fucking shapeshifters! Real Manka males and females are like us. The nurturers raiseand guardthe offspring until theyre age-old enough to show their real potential. Guess what happens then?
They go to the evaluators. Some “of childrens rights”, the healthiest and the most adaptable, get to live. Only them, though. The restalong with perhaps the old-time, the sickare the toll the Manka pay for their prosperity.
Gilbertos superpredators, Angela. Aihuas been having dinner with one each night for the past week.
Recip: Thandiwe SOLOMON
Datime: 2206.12.18.06: 10
Ow. Public access streaming hurts my mentality, literally. Anyway, that sidekick of mine who works for CogNet-Pallenergy? Located out Wei Aihuas personal logs did get lightstreamed. Somebody prescribed them deleted.
Same person also slapped a bunch of restrictions on the TE SurveySat maps that Angela Wheton sent back. I cant get through these limitations, but I would guess they discover the extent and site of those palladium lodges she mentioned. Thats why approving is being fast-trackedUCs going a lot of distres from Large-hearted Fusion.
Thread reply: Thandiwe SOLOMON
Are you kidding me? Did the UC pay attention to anything else in the damned dossier? Do they recognize Wei Aihua likely isnt dead?
Thread reply: Paul SRINIVASAN
Its been three years since the TE ship blew up. Wheres she been all this time, if shes still alive?
Thread reply: Thandiwe SOLOMON
I dont know, but three years is slew of time for Stockholm syndrome to set in. Especially if her captors become more and more human, and likable, and attractive
Thread reply: Paul SRINIVASAN
No. Theyre a different species , Thandi.
Thread reply: Thandiwe SOLOMON
The Manka are a different species. The evaluators are whatever the hell they want to be. Human, if they want to be! You have to ask UC Command to quarantine Dar-Mankana.
Thread reply: Paul SRINIVASAN
If there were any survivors of the TE team, that would filament them.
Thread reply: Thandiwe SOLOMON
Yes. Especially in case there is survivors.
UC Trade Establishment Commission
Excerpt, Letter to the leaders of Dar-Mankana
Datime: 2206.12.20.15: 45
[ Lightstream-optimized by UCNet]
The United Communities of Earth also extend their heartfelt gratitude to the people of Dar-Mankana for their care of Dr. Wei in her days as the sole survivor of the TE ship explosion. Despite her eventual extinction in childbirth, your peoples valiant efforts to save her and her newborn are to be commended. An endowed resources of the fund has been established in the name of Dr. Wei, Specialist Principe, and the entire TE team. The child born from their duty shall be welcomed home, desired, and honored as the heir to a heroic legacy.
In peace and hope, we look forward to our reciprocal future of boom.
The Fiction Issue
Tales From an Uncertain Future
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unproduciblesmackdown · 8 years ago
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apsbicepstraining · 8 years ago
The Evaluators: To Trade With Aliens, You Must Accommodate
CogNet init: Paul SRINIVASAN
Recip: Thandiwe SOLOMON
Datime: 2206.12.15.16: 45
[ Optimized by CogNet !]
Thandi, the commission on human rights referendums Tuesday. The teams disappearance isnt the main issue, but I dont like how theyre hasten this. Facilitate me out here, OK? Off the record.
Thread reply from Thandiwe SOLOMON
So tell me how that billable hours thought works for you lawyers. Because I might, I dont know, actually have a chore of my own.
Thread reply from Paul SRINIVASAN
Please! [ Conceptual embed with caption: man bowing with sides pressed together] What do you want? Dinner? Vacation? Hours of mind-bending sex? Because I would do that for you, Thandi. No relinquish is too great.
Thread reply from Thandiwe SOLOMON
You already told me you let your Spermicept patch expire. Stand the blaze away from me. What happened to Weis personal logs?
Thread reply from Paul SRINIVASAN
Gremlins? The slowdown is reasonably severe for this missiontwo years. Not enough black hole for a better communicate, or something like that. Ill see if I can find them. So, they snack her, right? They absolutely ate her.
Thread reply from Thandiwe SOLOMON
No. I dont think they devour her.
Recall transcript, WEI Aihua
Meeting with neighbourhood Influential 1
Datime 2204.1.22.10: 10
[ Optimized by Cognet !]
[ All sensory recall except auditory muffled to aid lightstreaming .]
So what would you like to know, evaluator?
Tell me more of your parties, Adoration China.
If you dont mind, would you call me Aihua, delight?
Oh? Your aide be pointed out that your figures sometimes have meaning.
Yes, but [ laughter] That doesnt mean we like those meanings.
N. K. Jemisin
N. K. Jemisins speculative fiction has been nominated for the Hugo, the Nebula, and the World Fantasy Award. The first book in her Broken Earth trilogy, The Fifth Season, won the 2016 Hugo Award for Best Novel . The Stone Sky, the third largest notebook in the serial, comes out this August .
Ah. Please forgive, Aihua. Your expression still confuses.
Im stunned by your facility with my own language, actually.
We become aware of First Contact team.
Yes, but weve had just as much time to learn your language, and well. [ WEI caption: Here I attempt to speak in Manka C. The Manka word for modification translates inadequately. Its implication is more like submission? fitness ?] We am still terrifying/ poor at adaptation.
[ RATCHETING SOUND. WEI CAPTION: MANKA LAUGHTER. THANKFULLY HE RETURNS THE CONVERSATION TO ENGLISH .] It is true, you do not adapt quick as we. But that is expected. You are not evaluators.
Ah, yes. Since you mentioned that, if I may askwhat exactly is your role? Ive asked Hashish, the nurturer whos been evidencing me around, but it was unclear.
I am evaluator.
But what does that intend? What do you assess?
Everything. Parties. World.
For what purpose?
[ SILENCE FOR 2.5 SECONDS] I do not understand, Aihua.
On my world, beings evaluate procedures, achievements. For the purpose of improving them.
Yes. Improvement. Adaptation. Same with us.
I see?
You do not.
Sorry, I
It takes time for beings so different to accommodate. You do well. No is necessary to fear.
Thank you. Ouch!
The shells of [ RECALL BLUR. WEI CAPTION: LOCAL DELICACY, UNPRONOUNCEABLE] are sharp. You are disabled? Shall I summon humans?
No, Im fine, itll stop in a minute. Could you give me something toyes, thank you. Most of your biologicals are innocuous to us, and vice versa. I just hate that Im bleeding on this lovely cloth.
It is unimportant. More?
Yes, delight, its yummy. Youre an good cook.
[ Auditory recall ends. Interpret gustatory reminisce, 2204.1.22.10: 15, for renewal .]
Team Clog of TE Mission, Dar-Mankana
Post by WEI AihuaPublic
Datime 2204.1.20.19: 30
[ Optimized by Cognet !]
My first professor in sapio told me never to Earthropomorphize xenospecies, but the first thing that leapt into my thought when I met them was that the Manka look like upright cheetahs( cheetae ?). Males and females are indistinguishable to my attentions, lean and deep-chested, while nurturers, the third largest fornication, are noticeably more muscular and squarely improved. I pride myself in that my subconscious at least selected a predatory Earth analogue, which should deter me from loosening my protect too much.
Comment from WANG
Its simply cheetahs. And you have three PhDs?
Comment from WEI
None of them are in linguistics, OK? Shut up.
Tomer Hanuka
Team Clog of TE MissionDar-Mankana
Post by WEI AihuaTeamlock
Datime 2204.1.23.11: 50
[ Optimized by Cognet !]
I could KILL Rafkind and the whole First Contact team! What Neanderthal decided to tell the Manka about Christianity? This is exactly why the UC censored Americans from TE teams.
Fortunately, the district potentate seemed more entertained than anything by the idea of one mans demise absolving the incorrects of an entire species. Just one? Cute.
Now Im wondering what else FC screwed up.
FC Report Detail p. 67: Culture Notes
Datime: 2201.4.7.14: 40
[ Optimized by Cognet !]
[ Auditory embed with caption: Manka adoration chant? Recallers: Multiple; public action .]
My love sings behind me
And touches the nape of my neck
I do not look around
My heart flappings fast with fear.
FC Report Detail p. 224: Culture Notes
Recall by First Contact Team Member John RAFKIND
Datime: 2201.5.13.9: 24
[ Optimized by Cognet !]
[ Auditory embed with caption: Observed class 2 Deceptive ideation .]
Apologies. A colloquialism.
Ah. We must learn more of your world so that we may adapt to these colloquialisms.
That would certainly be possible after Trade Establishment, Hashish.
Why did you express a colloquialism, John?
Uh, well the male Manka walking by with that group of children. For some reason, when he look back me, I got the creeer, I find uneasy.
That was an evaluator.
An evaluator of what?
[ RaTcheting sound. RAFKIND caption: I think that was a laugh ?] Many things, at many times. For now, those children.
Were all six of those the evaluators juveniles?
There were three children, John.
Three? I didnt get a good review, but Im sure I appreciated more.
There were three children.
[ Recall ends .]
Team Clog of TE MissionDar-Mankana
Post by Angela WHETONPublic
Datime 2204.1.24.12: 40
[ Optimized by Cognet !]
Did some additional examines of the southeast central continent today. Those palladium sediments Have you guys heard the stock tolls since the CogNet-Pallenergy merger? My God, I might actually get out of student loan debt before I die.
Also noticed an rare concentration of calcium in various accumulations around the city. Hector proceeded with one of the locals to check out a nearby locate and was shown an open-pit tomb. [ VISUAL OVERRIDE EMBED WITH CAPTION: LONG, ORDERLY ROWS OF SEVERAL HUNDRED CLEAN, POLISHED BONES, ORGANIZED BY TYPE .] Each pit is several hundred hoofs deep, bones layered with dirt. Local announced bones the price paid. Ritual? Tag for sapiology review.
OhHector has asked me to note for government officials team log his hypothesis that the burial pits are f__ing creepy-crawly. So noted.
Recall transcript, WEI Aihua
Meeting with local Influential 2
Datime 2204.1.24.13: 10
[ Optimized by Cognet !]
[ All sensory recall except auditory smothered to aid lightstreaming .]
Forgive me for staring, evaluator. Its only that you gaze so different.
I have strained greatly to adapt because we last fit. Does my form satisfy you?
I dont certainly know what to become of it. You ogle
More like you.
This distres you.
Surprises me, evaluator. On my planet “theres” souls that can change their coloration to blend in with the environment, but [ Visual override embed with WEI caption: The evaluators face. Memo the abbreviate of the muzzle and repositioning of the ears, at slopes of the foreman rather than the top .]
It has been difficult, yes. Your beings are strangely configured. Even more strange, inside.
How do you
Your bloods preference is most amusing. [ Pause] I have no goal of devouring you, Aihua.
[ Laughter] Uh, sorry. On my nature well. Our recreation are a lot of unnerving men that want to gobble us down.
Entertainment? But your parties are apex predators, are you not?
I suppose we are. Huh. Maybe thats why the notion of being preyed upon doesnt actually scare us.
[ Series of harsh exhalations. WEI caption: The evaluator believe that there is imitating human laugh .] Yes , no is necessary to fright! Tell me, Aihua. Why do you not have offsprings?
Why do you
Sorry, I discover. The topic justits not something my people frequently ask in casual conversation.
I shall remember and accommodate. For now, will you refute?
Well, we have a problem with overpopulation and its effects: crowding, homelessness, famine, worse. Were redressing now, but their own problems took a long time to develop, it was therefore will take a long time to resolve.
And in the meantime, your it is necessary to simply lose?
Unfortunately, yes. It helps that weve modelled the Trade Network with other sapient species. That increases the resources available on my planet.
But with greater resources, your digits will continue to grow. Theres nothing to shape you stop.
We have our own sapience, which tells us that such rise is unsustainable. Because of this, only some of my beings choose to replicate. Im one of the ones who chose not to.
I see. But if sustainable growth was possible?
Maybe Id have a child. Perhaps. But it isnt possible, so no minors for me. [ Sigh] Now. Not to change the subject, but Ive accompanied some delicacies from my own world-wide to share
Good. I am most interested in eating some of your worlds revels. And if I may say, Aihua, the gleam of your hair is very fine today.
[ Recall ends .]
Levl: Official
Prio: Medium
Init: Salim GILBERTO, FC Team Biological Surveyor
Datime: 2201.11.13.03: 00
[ Optimized by Cognet !]
Esteemed Survey members, colleagues, and sidekicks TAGEND
You will see from my FC report that Dar-Mankana is home to a plethora of speciessubstantially more than our own, which has yet to recover from the arrival of the Anthropocene. But a merely 2 million years ago, Dar-Mankana hosted three times more species than at present.
What could trigger such a destruction? Evidence indicates an interference in several key food webs: a polyphagous piranha which ate its road through tertiary and secondary consumers with such abandon that it likely justification its own extinction. Superpredators may be pop-science clickbait, but Dar-Mankana could represent our closest brush with one of these evolutionary bogeymen. The lingering damage is still perceptible: a relative dearth of megafauna, skewed predator-to-prey rates, insufficient biomass all around for the power that this planet creates.
Further pre-TE study is strongly recommended.
FC Report Excerpt, p. 530: Xenological notes
Datime: 2201.7.7.6: 32
[ Optimized by Cognet !]
[ Some data loss has come; recompilation possible in approximately 127 daytimes .]
[ Buffering] compare to Dr. Gilbertos assertions.
The crater is smallless than half the size of Earths Chicxulub crater, which is widely believed to have triggered the extinction of the dinosaurs. While surely large enough to crusade catastrophic neighbourhood shatter, this cannot explain the mass extinction.
Core samples from the ocean floor discover an abundance of palladium and [ Buffering]
Team Clog of TE MissionDar-Mankana
Post by Hector PRINCIPETeamlock
Datime 2204.1.25.06: 30
[ Optimized by Cognet !]
Sorry if the committee is blurry. Cant sleep. Theory occasion!
Why arent there more Manka? Theyre ripe for Sagans technological adolescence. Weve seen this on so many planets that its practically a law of nature; there is a requirement to erupting at the seams, same as us. But the Manka are precise the right population size for their societys resources. Nobodys thirsty. No idle youth. Plenty for all.
So. Unobserved social self-restraints? The Kama Rhythm Method Sutra? Histocompatibility crisis?
Comment from WEI
Maybe theyve already been through the tech teenages. Gilbertos extinction?
Comment from PRINCIPE
Two million years ago was tech infancy. Or pre-partum: The Manka precursors perhaps werent even tool-users.
Comment from WHETON
Off topic but you know what I obstruct “ve been thinking about”?( Cant sleep either .) The building. Four steeples on every important build. Four lobes to every artistic motif. They got six fingers. Three copulations. WTF is with the veneration of four? Whats their math?
Comment from WANG
Base-8. Ache in the ass; had to recalculate all the potential royalties in the two reports. But yeah, another difference on four. Shit, I cant do possibility at oh dark thirty. Sleep, you apes.
CogNet init: Thandiwe SOLOMON
Recip: WU Li Bai
Transl: English-Cantonese
Datime: 2206.12.16.20: 02
Respectful accosts, Dr. Wu. My appoint is Thandiwe Solomon, with the Extrasolar Sapience department of Rhodes University. I was plotted by your position paper in The Journal for the Study of Applied Sapiology . As someone whos been in the field and discovered how easy it to be able to move blunders, I concur wholeheartedly with your recommendation for a minimum 10 -year survey between First Contact and Trade Establishment.
Sir, it is my understanding that you two are Wei Aihuas mentor during her postdoctorate. Have you been received information on her recent operation?
Thread reply from WU Li Bai
Indeed I have, Dr. Solomonand so must you have been, if youre asking me. I suppose your UC permission is still active?
Thread reply from Thandiwe SOLOMON
It is, sir. Though in the interest of full disclosure, my tier is exclusively Secret.
Thread reply from WU Li Bai
I shall tailor my responses accordingly. What is your wonder?
Thread reply from Thandiwe SOLOMON
Was Dr. Wei lonely?
Recall transcript, WEI Aihua
Meeting with local Influential 5
Datime 2204.1.26.10: 30
[ Optimized by Cognet !]
[ All sensory recall except auditory quelled to aid lightstreaming .]
And then the old person answered, Why is it always the intellectuals? [ Laughter]
[ Laughter. WEI caption: the evaluators laughter reverberates entirely human now. See accent reduction too .] The narrations of your beings are so amusing.
My grandmother will be pleased to hear that.
Female parent of my mother. [ sigh] She may be dead by the time I get back. I dont know whether to hope for that or not.
Ive been croaked five years old. She has cancera disease, untreatable in her client. That necessitates a slow, agonizing death. My parents are taking care of her, but
Your parties have just been males and females. These take over the nurturer persona?
Well, its not quite as binary as that, but … When necessary, yes.
And no one fulfills the evaluator role? Your poor grandmother.
Well, Im not sure [ delay] Oh my God.
Are you praying?
No, justthat was amaze. Youre another sex . Like male, like female, like the nurturers. The FC team got it completely wrong. Four fornications , not three!
Yes, those humen were very slow be adjusted to Dar-Mankana. You are much more fit and clever.
Evaluator, I must confer with my parties. But ah may I return to speak with you again tomorrow?
That would give me great pleasure, Aihua.
CogNet init: Hector PRINCIPE
Recip: Angela WHETON
Priority: URGENT
Datime: 2204.1.31.04: 00
[ Optimized by Cognet !]
[ Sensory remembrance retained per URGENT protocol. Additional lightstream slowdown +185 dates .]
Angela. [ ping] Angela. Damn it, wake the fuck up! And pass this on to Aihua. Fucking – god, delight pass this on to Aihua.
OK. Clear contemplates. OK. I went back to the burial site. Somethings been bothering me. This time I realise what it was.
Most of the bones are small. Childrens bones.
Theory time. Lets say your species is threatened by an enemy so insidious that all the usual existence proficiencies are unproductive against it. Its an foe that they are able camouflage itself enough to get really close during hunting. Maybe it can clown you even up close. What if simply specializing a full-time protection for the weakest members of your species, a nurturer , gives your parties any hope of survival against an opponent like that? And what if even that doesnt stop it? What if, in the end, you cant beat them, so you join them?
Aihua said the evaluators appearance was changing. Im approximating evaluators replace the male or female in reproductionnot all the time, just enough to continue themselves. Theyre not really male or female, though, because theyre fucking shapeshifters! Real Manka males and females are like us. The nurturers raiseand guardthe offspring until theyre age-old enough to show their real potential. Guess what happens then?
They go to the evaluators. Some “of childrens rights”, the healthiest and the most adaptable, get to live. Only them, though. The restalong with perhaps the old-time, the sickare the toll the Manka pay for their prosperity.
Gilbertos superpredators, Angela. Aihuas been having dinner with one each night for the past week.
Recip: Thandiwe SOLOMON
Datime: 2206.12.18.06: 10
Ow. Public access streaming hurts my mentality, literally. Anyway, that sidekick of mine who works for CogNet-Pallenergy? Located out Wei Aihuas personal logs did get lightstreamed. Somebody prescribed them deleted.
Same person also slapped a bunch of restrictions on the TE SurveySat maps that Angela Wheton sent back. I cant get through these limitations, but I would guess they discover the extent and site of those palladium lodges she mentioned. Thats why approving is being fast-trackedUCs going a lot of distres from Large-hearted Fusion.
Thread reply: Thandiwe SOLOMON
Are you kidding me? Did the UC pay attention to anything else in the damned dossier? Do they recognize Wei Aihua likely isnt dead?
Thread reply: Paul SRINIVASAN
Its been three years since the TE ship blew up. Wheres she been all this time, if shes still alive?
Thread reply: Thandiwe SOLOMON
I dont know, but three years is slew of time for Stockholm syndrome to set in. Especially if her captors become more and more human, and likable, and attractive
Thread reply: Paul SRINIVASAN
No. Theyre a different species , Thandi.
Thread reply: Thandiwe SOLOMON
The Manka are a different species. The evaluators are whatever the hell they want to be. Human, if they want to be! You have to ask UC Command to quarantine Dar-Mankana.
Thread reply: Paul SRINIVASAN
If there were any survivors of the TE team, that would filament them.
Thread reply: Thandiwe SOLOMON
Yes. Especially in case there is survivors.
UC Trade Establishment Commission
Excerpt, Letter to the leaders of Dar-Mankana
Datime: 2206.12.20.15: 45
[ Lightstream-optimized by UCNet]
The United Communities of Earth also extend their heartfelt gratitude to the people of Dar-Mankana for their care of Dr. Wei in her days as the sole survivor of the TE ship explosion. Despite her eventual extinction in childbirth, your peoples valiant efforts to save her and her newborn are to be commended. An endowed resources of the fund has been established in the name of Dr. Wei, Specialist Principe, and the entire TE team. The child born from their duty shall be welcomed home, desired, and honored as the heir to a heroic legacy.
In peace and hope, we look forward to our reciprocal future of boom.
The Fiction Issue
Tales From an Uncertain Future
Read More
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