#its also my birthday on the 30th we are almost twins
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chimeriad · 2 years ago
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it’s still the 29th in america HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUSTIN O’BRIEN
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a-clockwork-justice · 3 years ago
Everything I Love About Loser Geek Whatever
So, not too long ago, it was the third birthday of Loser Geek Whatever. Yes, I know the single was released on November 30th 2018 and its considered the song’s official birthday, but the 26th July three years ago was the first showing of the 2018 Off-Broadway revival of Be More Chill and the first time Loser Geek Whatever was shown to the world in any capacity. Therefore, I consider that day to be the song’s unoffical birthday and I’ve been waiting to write down everything I love about it so here I am. (This was originally gonna be posted on the 26th July but I can’t make anything concise so it took longer than that).
I’ve gone on and on about what Loser Geek Whatever means to me personally, how a slew of random chance introduce me to it, got me deep into Be More Chill, introduced me to 90% of my current friends, and overall up-ended my whole life, but now it’s time to dissect the song itself and why it’s so great. As much as I adore Loser Geek Whatever, it could’ve easily been any other song that threw me down a rabbit hole and that I could’ve latched onto- no, wait, it couldn’t have been, because Loser Geek Whatever is unique in that way. I did about a year of music at A-Level so I’m gonna delve into some of the technical aspects here too. I’m chronicling this mostly for myself so I am going as deep as I see fit because this song is a treasure hiding yet more treasures. If you happen to love Loser Geek Whatever as much as I do, this’ll be your goldmine.
So, grab a snack my fellow fans, because here’s a comprehensive list of everything to love about Loser Geek Whatever in roughly chronological order. Long post incoming:
The song starts off strong from the first millisecond - I don’t know what instrument(s) they used but just listen to the single version again - that opening chord blares at you like a siren. It calls for your attention, screaming this is incredibly important, and indeed it is. That chord, an F chord, has no indication as to whether it’s major or minor - it’s just the tonic F with its dominant C and another tonic F above it. In other words, it’s unresolved, it hangs in the air. From a narrative standpoint, Jeremy is at a crossroads, torn between giving into the SQUIP or staying loyal to Michael, and the music paints this. It has the same effect on both the single and album versions - I always hold my breath as it holds, it’s the gap in this crucial transition for Jeremy between who he was and him becoming something he isn’t.
To continue the thread of musical painting, the melody line contains the accidental E-flat which doesn’t belong to the key of F major. This once again illustrates Jeremy’s uncertainty, but there’s more - the whole introduction is a slowed-down version of the Apocalypse of the Damned theme from Two Player Game, arguably the point in the show when Michael and Jeremy’s relationship was at its strongest. Jeremy’s recalling everything he had with Michael, but the slowing down of the melody shows hesitancy, along with highlighting the accidental E flat. These latter points of course aren’t unique to Loser Geek Whatever - they’re also in the section of Upgrade that twins with Loser Geek Whatever. I’m just laying out why they work so well. 
I’m glad I waited until after I saw the show in London to finish writing this - I’m something of a Loser Geek Whatever purist, as made clear by my ire at them cutting it in half and tacking the end of Upgrade back on for the London version. I still enjoyed the show in London though and I’m glad I knew about this change ahead of time, because they did change something about the song that I think really worked - they added two notes in the bass to each bar, like heartbeats, which once again signifies Jeremy’s uncertancy and the importance of this major turning point.
It’s been firmly established by this point that Jeremy is a loser and he knows it. He doesn’t want to be a hero, he just wants to survive, but there’s a difference between that and feeling “inconsequential.” Jeremy is basically admitting that, in his eyes, it doesn’t matter to the world or anyone except Michael if he even survives or not. He’s not just a loser, or a geek - he’s a whatever, with no one caring who he is. And he’s felt this way for years - since middle school began. He’s now in his Junior year of high school - that’s five years of being in this state of being unnoticed at best and picked on at worst. He’s “the one who’s left out”. With just one little line, hell, one word, we’re given more layers as to why he so badly wants to change that.
Moving from the first verse to the chorus, we start to see Jeremy’s attitude shift, from being sad to being angry - he’s frustrated, resentful that he’s spent so long in this state (A lot of people have made similar comparisons about Will Roland’s Jeremy as a whole in relation to Will Connolly’s Jeremy and I think this song exemplifies that). He doesn’t deserve to feel this horrible - not now and certainly not for the next two years until he and Michael can be “cool in college.” When you think about it, what options does he really have? He could either give into the SQUIP or reject it and go back to where he was, still miserable and lonely. Yes, he has Michael and Michael is an amazing, kind, loyal best friend, but as many have pointed out, he’s also dismissive of Jeremy’s feelings of inadequacy whether he means to be or not, which only made Jeremy feel more lonely. Should Jeremy just expect to feel better about himself at some point before college? He’s waited for years, why would that happen at any other point?
More layers baby! Second verse, Jeremy rants on about his father’s advice about following his own instincts and how it’s gotten him nowhere he wants to be. Come to think of it, Michael’s advice about staying the same and waiting for their environment to change can be seen as similar - it’s arguably easier for Michael as he has two loving mothers who undoutably give him plenty of positive reinforcement. Meanwhile, Jeremy’s mother has left them, which likely instilled further feelings of not being good enough, and his father has fallen apart to the point where he can’t even put pants on, let alone step up to take care of his son, meaning that Jeremy likely isn’t going to take his advice very seriously, especially after it’s failed him so thoroughly. But to Jeremy, the problem isn’t necessarily the advice itself - it’s that it’s being followed by him. So now he’s going to turn around and put his life and every choice in something else’s hands, even if - no, especially if it goes against his own instincts. It still doesn’t feel quite right, it “feels bizarre”, but it’s getting him somewhere, so it has to be right in the most meaningful capacity, and to Jeremy, the “most meaningful capacity” is any capacity that isn’t his own.
Now the best line - the one about being a “normal, handsome guy”. Let’s get this on the table - Jeremy is trans. Will Roland himself said that he often thinks of the show’s young trans fans when he sings that line. Naturally, societal transphobia plus gender dysphoria would have a pretty catestrophic effect on the self-esteem of any growing teenager, even more so one in Jeremy’s situation for the reasons I’ve just laid out. He’s probably missed out on a lot of things that “normal” guys take for granted, with most girls barely looking in his direction, let alone in any positive manner. Jeremy’s own sexuality aside, it’s mostly society, and the SQUIP by extension, that considers scoring with girls to be a “manly” or masculine activity, and through Brooke treating him as dateable material, Jeremy feels better about fitting into society’s rules of how a man should be and act. This isn’t the only reason he feels good about Brooke finding him attractive, of course, but it’s just another layer that Jeremy sees more value in conforming to how society says he should be rather than in how he actually is.
I know I just said that the last point was about the best line, but honestly, there’s more than one best line in this song. The bridge is where we start to see Jeremy’s language becoming more technologically inclined - “prompt”, “command” and “bandwidth” are all terms used in computing and used to show how Jeremy is likening himself, or his intentions, to a computer, effectivly merging himself and his SQUIP into one entity and Jeremy willingly giving over his own individuality.
And HERE, we get to the kicker. I’ve talked a lot about layers throughout this whole essay, about themes and motifs building on each other. Jeremy is essentially peeling back the layers of his own situation and only finding reason after deeper reason after deeper reason as to why he should follow the SQUIP and not be a loser anymore. Now, he hits the core, the seed, the crux of it all - “The problem has ALWAYS BEEN ME!!” Everything he is, everything that makes Jeremy Heere himself, is and has always been wrong. This line is a gut punch and EVERYONE knows it - the performer always takes a few seconds to let it sink in before continuing.
As an aside, I wanna mention the differences between the single and the album versions of the bridge. The album version starts of quieter after the vocalising of the last chorus, and builds up to the climactic final line, while the single version is loud all the way through but gets even louder and punchier at the end. Both are good, but I personally prefer the single version - the album sounds like Jeremy is broken and desperate and on the verge of tears as he reaches his inevitable but ugly realisation. The single is also desperate, but it’s pleading and all-consuming and a THOUSAND times more powerful, I get chills every time I hear it. (Side note, the London version starts of loud like the single and ends quieter like the album, almost as if Jeremy is reluctant to admit what he truly believes about himself, and it’s easy to see why, it’s a damn harsh condemnation).
“Take a breath and get prepared” - Jeremy sings to both himself and the audience. The first half has been heavy and we need a breather. Yet just before he goes over the brink, he has second thoughts. His conscience, his own voice in his head, breaks through, warning him that his choice will have consequences for other people than himself. People will get hurt - Michael most of all. Not just by Jeremy ditching him; here’s something else - when Jeremy is the “cool dude”, he might end up being a bully to those who are losers just like him, cutting them down just as Rich’s SQUIP made Rich do to him. Who would be the perfect target for Jeremy’s potential future bullying? His former best friend and fellow loser, Michael Mell. It’s pretty damn likely that if the SQUIP hadn’t optic nerve blocked Michael, it would’ve told Jeremy to pick on him, and even though Michael has ostensibly been pretty good at brushing these things off before, the takedowns would hurt a LOT more coming from his former best friend - and we know this because IT ACTUALLY HAPPENS, granted without the SQUIP influencing Jeremy directly (also let’s just clear up that just because the SQUIP wasn’t on doesn’t mean its influence on Jeremy hadn’t disappeared - that’s not how emotional abuse works).
Twelve years of loyal friendship, of borderline unhealthy codependency … can he throw all that away for Christine, a girl he’s thus admired from afar and is only just starting to get to know as a person? Moreover, even if Jeremy gets Christine, what about himself, who he wants to be? He just wants to be something other than himself because he thinks that anything is better but … what? The cool dude, the hero or … whatever. He’ll take anything because he’s that desperate, but what about when he gets it? Will he finally be satisfied? Will it be worth failing his one real friend, an act so scummy that the only way he could possibly stomach it would be to somehow pretend he hadn’t done it?
But none of those questions matter to Jeremy now - he’s fully gaslit into believing that every thought and inclination that comes from himself is wrong and shouldn’t be followed. He needs to sync up with the SQUIP and the rest of the world and mute his own defective inner voice. When you think about it, the relationship between Jeremy and the SQUIP is one of the most intense abusive relationships ever put to fiction - we’ve seen emotional abuse and brainwashing before, but here, Jeremy is literally preventing from THINKING the wrong way because the SQUIP can detect his every thought. See what I mean when I say that doesn’t go away when the SQUIP turns off for a few minutes?!
Throughout all of this is the undercurrent of Jeremy wanting to get better. He’s been trying so hard for so long to have a better life, but nothing has worked. Not listening to his dad, not trying to get closer to Christine through theatre, and certainly not listening to Michael’s advice to wait until college. Why should he resign himself to even more time being miserable with no end in sight? After all, being cool in college isn’t a guarantee. After all he’s been through, it’s his turn to finally be cool, after an eternity of being someone he doesn’t want to be.
Another best line in this song - “I’m Player One.” As mentioned a few times in the show before, like in the Broadway upgrade, Jeremy feels lower even in his friendship with Michael - he’s Player 2 as the more experienced Michael is Player 1. As previously established, Jeremy admits that he’s “not the one who the story’s about.” Now he’s ready to finally take control of his life, be the main character and have good things happen to him, and that means cutting out Michael, the old Player 1. The irony here is that Jeremy is less like Player 1 and more like a video game avatar. In reality, the SQUIP is Player 1, making Jeremy do whatever it demands of him.
More best lines! The slew of insults towards the end serves not just as yet more gut punches for the audience but as a major catharsis for Jeremy - It’s telling that the insults get harsher as his rant goes on, from the “weirdo” to the “weakling freak” to the “failure” to the climactic “please don’t speak”. He’s unloading everything that he’s been carrying over the years, ripping out the bullets that have been embedded in his skin and re-opening all the wounds in the process, but he’s done with the pain and he’ll never ever let himself be hurt like that again, if he follows the SQUIP.
I’ve made a whole post about the significance of the best line “Please Don’t Speak” before so I’ll mostly be repeating a lot of what I said there because it’s been a while since that post and because I want to. Who would’ve said that to Jeremy? Probably not Rich or Chloe, it’s not like them. It had to have come from an adult in a position of authority that could’ve commanded Jeremy not to speak like that - one that apparently did so enough times for him to internalise those words like he did the others. (Even worse if it was more than one adult ...). Out of all of the insults, it’s easy to see how that can easily be the most scarring out of all of them - how would an adult let a child know they’re inadequate? By silencing them. Making it clear that their expression of self not only means nothing, but should be forcibly avoided. Put like that, it makes it much easier to see how and why Jeremy fell under the SQUIP’s influence so easily - telling it was hardly different from authority figures he’s experienced before. In even more sad irony, as Jeremy claims that he’s breaking free and letting go of his past as the “please don’t speak”, he’s just walking right into another, similar trap that he can’t easily escape from. The SQUIP literally vocal cord blocks him during The Play - if that doesn’t say “Please don’t speak,” what does?!
The climax is growing! The music shifts into the relative minor as Jeremy fully gives in to the SQUIP’s evil influence. This is the point of no return, the point where he’s literally being surrounded and overtaken - if you’ve seen this on stage or even just a bootleg, you’ll know what I mean, when the lighting shifts and the circuitry start closing in around him, it’s wonderful. The bass ascends, Jeremy declares once and for all that HE IS NOT THE LOSER, THE GEEK, OR WHATEVER, and he never will be again! As some have pointed out, the sequence of notes on the final “again” is the same as at the end of Be More Chill Part 2, except the last note is different. In BMC part 2, it goes further down by a minor third, but in Loser Geek Whatever, it rises up to the same note it started with. This foreshadows Jeremy’s fate - that he will eventually overcome the SQUIP and that he still has it in him to do so. Man, let me just point out how amazing that last belt is - it lasts for a full 15 seconds in a really high range and takes a LOT of control to bring it back up to the high B without breaking. This song really was written for Will Roland - his voice can pull it off seamlessly, but other actors and understudies have had to find workarounds. No disrespect to them, it’s a damn hard song and it kicks ass all the way through. Scott Folan apparently had trouble with it too, but on the day I happened to see him, he pulled it off without breaking, so props to him!
Overall, Loser Geek Whatever is my favourite song in Be More Chill and not just for its sentimental value to myself. It’s a genuinely deep, complex piece that earned every second of its six minutes. Loser Geek Whatever is definitely the missing piece the show needed - not only is it Jeremy’s solo song, it’s also his “I Want” song and, in a way, his 11 o’clock number all in one, as he’s having a major epiphany after going on a journey, albeit only half of one. It’s easy to see why Joe Iconis dubbed this his anti-Defying Gravity, but it’s also easy to draw parallels to No Good Deed - how both Jeremy and Elphaba vow to become something that society is forcing upon them rather than what they are, even if that society’s will is objectively worse for them. Loser Geek Whatever deserves a thousand times the recognition it has and I still wonder to this day what the fandom reaction would’ve been if it had been in the original soundtrack.
So, that was it. I’m not sorry it was this long.
TL;DR: Loser Geek Whatever is wonderful and anyone who doesn’t think so is wrong.
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soutterlytaron · 5 years ago
Birthday Treats || Taron & Phoebe
Summary: If he could, he would place the world at her feet. For her 30th birthday, Paris would have to suffice || @tonksinroyal Location: Paris, France Time: July 12th, 2019
The Fables de La Fontaine were great stories they could tell their children, but tonight it was a small restaurant, tucked away in a cobblestone street close to the Champ de Mars and the Eiffel Tower, to which Taron had taken Phoebe, and which had offered some of the best food imaginable. If he were honest with himself, he knew he hadn’t considered it being her birthday, when he had started planning their date night, but once he had realised it - late at night, at that, while lying in bed next to his wife - it had been even more fun to try and surprise her. And he hoped he had, when he took her hand and led her out of the door, a bottle of wine in his, and two glasses in her free hand, turning to smile at her. “And now, to the best thing about tonight,” he proclaimed and pulled her along to the Champs de Mars, where they could sit in the soft grass and watch the light show of the Eiffel Tour once it got dark. “What do you think of your birthday so far?”
Phoebe really had not thought about her birthday at all. With her work with Chanel, which by itself was extremely surreal, the fact that Taron had come here with there babies, everything and Paris was so magical that she really had not considered or even thought about her birthday approaching. Her husband on the other hand, planned or not, had not only made her remember, but also seemed to have made sure this would perhaps be the most memorable birthday ever. Date night in Paris, could there be anything more perfect? Dinner alone would have already been more than enough for her to consider this an absolutely incredible night. “I think you are spoiling me!” Phoebe told her husband, intertwining their fingers. “So far this is the perfect birthday, better than perfect, how did I get so lucky?” 
Grinning at her comment, Taron turned to look at her. “I am, but I want to - you’re worth it.” And she was, worth all the effort he had put into his plans - from getting his parents to spend the weekend in Paris and take their twins for the evening, to the restaurant, to the most magnificent spot to watch the light show of the tower… the only thing he hadn’t been able to plan with was the weather, and there, they had been mightily lucky up until now. “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself, and I hope you’ll like the rest of the night, too.” Spreading out his light jacket on the grass, he helped her sit down next to him, and set the bottle of wine between them. “They were so nice to open it for us - hand over the glasses, so we can toast to you?” As busy as they had been, it was nice to slow down for a night and just enjoy each other’s company. “You are married to me, you are beyond lucky, all the time.” Taron grinned again, and leaned over to press a small kiss to her cheek. “Happy birthday, darling - tonight, Paris is your birthday present.”
“You are spoiling me a little too much my love - careful, what if I’ll get used to it? There are many more birthdays to come and I want to say that I think this one will be hard to top!” Although he had always made sure her birthdays were incredible, this one and the intimacy of it just being the two of them (as well as his family and their little rascals back at the hotel) was very very special. “I am beyond lucky, what other husband would give me Paris for my birthday?” Phoebe asked grinning at him softly, but she meant it, the fact that he had made this possible and they were here, in the most perfect spot in Paris, sitting in the grass with a bottle of wine, just the two of the, he had made that possible and it was beyond perfect. Handing him the glasses she really couldn’t believe that this was all made possible for them today and she closed her eyes for a moment, thanking her lucky stars. “But do tell, cause now I am greedy, are there any more surprises lined up or is the rest of the night there for me to thank you for this evening?” 
Her comment left him almost howling with laughter and he leaned against her and buried his face in her shoulder. “I always spoil you and it hasn’t rotten you yet, so I think we’re going to be fine, well, you are - I’m going to continue spoiling you, because I love the look on your face, when you realise that I’m doing it.” While he hadn’t been able to plan ahead too much this time around, Taron was still pretty proud of his achievement, and Paris was doing its best to be the greatest present he could have given Phoebe today. “You’ll have to give Paris back, eventually, but for tonight it’s yours.” As if on cue the lights of the Eiffel Tower started illuminating the twilight, and giving the most gorgeous glow to the sky above them. Wine glass in hand, he shifted until he was sitting right beside her, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Isn’t Paris enough?” he laughed at her softly, and kissed her cheek. “But hypothetically, there might be a table waiting for us back at the hotel, outside on the terrace, with two pieces of cake… if our troublemakers haven’t found and eaten them yet.” Grinning, he looked back towards the tower and the lights, and quietly thanked whomever was listening that it had all worked out so far. “Cheers?” he offered, as he tapped his glass to hers. “To the most beautiful thirty year old I know. Happy birthday, Phoebe.”
“Well, as long as you promise to love even the most spoilt version of myself I think I can agree to that!” Phoebe answered laughing along with her husband, pressing a kiss against his skin when he buried his face against her shoulder. Her face faked disappointment, crossing her arms almost like a child “What? I need to give Paris back? That’s not fair, I thought it was all mine now!” She declared before she started laughing again, obviously not able to keep it up for long. The brunette actress simply went silent for a moment, wide eyes open the lights that illuminated the city and the sky above them. It was astonishingly beautiful and she wanted to take a mental picture of this so she would never forget this moment, the city, him, them. “I told you, I am getting spoilt!” She answered quickly before she added “But honestly, honestly asking so I can know how big my thank you has to be later and if cake is involved, a lot of thank yous, that is for sure!” Tapping her glass against his she shook her head. “No, to the best husband a woman could ask for and to the next 30 years to come that will only get better because I have you by my side!” 
“I don’t think you could ever be spoilt, you’re much too kind, and too giving for that. I mean, you’ll give back your gift, right?” His mind was still reeling from her touch, when he heard her reply, and he had to laugh at her reaction. Shaking his head, he reached out and traced the fine lines of disappointment, mostly to smoothen them out, a smile forming on his face, when he felt her muscles pull into a smile and then a laugh. “Babe, sharing is caring, and we’ll get to enjoy it many more times.” One thing he loved about their relationship was exactly this, this ability to joke around like this, trade banter, and still make it feel entirely cute and loved up. And loved up he was - so entirely in love with her that he couldn’t quite remember a time where he hadn’t been, or where she hadn’t been in his life. Taron was torn out of his thoughts by the light show of the Eiffel Tower, and he looked from Phoebe to the tower and back. “You don’t need to thank me,” he told her softly, taking her free hand and kissing it, “it’s your birthday. It’s my pleasure to make it special for you. Although, I won’t mind it, if you do want to thank me.” Those words were spoken with the broadest grin he could muster, and he nudged her with his shoulder. At her toast, he raised an eyebrow. “Do you think we won’t make it past sixty?” he asked amusedly, “Or could you perhaps add another thirty-something years to it, just to make it past ninety? Because forever thankfully doesn’t stop at sixty sharp.” But he kissed her anyway, because the toast was kind of cute, and very Phoebe.
“Sharing really is caring and I must be the most caring person ever if I get back this gift and let other people enjoy it, right?” The brunette asked smiling, her lips finding his to press a soft kiss onto his. “We need to come here again, maybe when the twins are older and actually can enjoy this too, I would love for them to experience the beauty of Paris, especially once flying with them is a lot less difficult!” Her family, their family was everything to her and she wanted nothing more but for them to be happy and to experience as much as possible together, that was all that mattered, always. The luxuries their job and their lives offered them were great, her working with Chanel this week had been one of the greatest honours, but nothing mattered as much as their family. “I will thank you, no doubt about that!” She told him, her grin matching his before she frowned. “Come on, that’s not what I meant, but it just worked so well. I am 30 now, 30 more years, don’t pretend you don’t know what I meant!” She defended herself laughing before she kissed her husband back passionately, wrapping her free arm around his neck to pull him closer. “I love you, forever and always - not just for the next 30 years!” 
Her kiss added to the warmth he felt in his cheeks, and he just knew that he was blushing, at her words, at the kiss, at her warm gaze… she knew how to press his buttons and make him feel flattered and a little self-conscious in her presence, and he quietly enjoyed it all. “Exactly,” he muttered eventually, pressing his lips to hers once more, “and if you give it back now, we can come back and show Julian and Sadie what a wonderful city this is.” Difficult was one way to put things - the twins couldn’t really compensate the altitude yet, and the pressure building up in their ears made them cry. On the other hand, they didn’t want any help anymore, which made flying with them a challenge at the moment. Taron smiled at Phoebe - she was the biggest family person he knew, and he admired that a lot, because her first thoughts always went to their twins, or him, their family in general, and their extended family. “They’ll fall for it, just like we did. And especially the parks, because they’re awesome for children.” Her insistence on thanking him left him smiling, and he nudged her shoulder gently and pressed a kiss to it, before resting his chin on it. And his smile only widened, when she protested - leaning in, he teased her gently, “Anything below forever will get me to protest and try and amend the comments. It’s just etched in my DNA by now… I don’t think I could imagine my life without you.” Setting down his wine glass in the grass, he snaked his arms around her waist and drew her forward, while he responded eagerly to her kiss, nibbled on her bottom lip, and tasted the wine on her tongue. “I love you, too, Phoebe, now, forever, to infinity and back... ” Bunching his sweater up into a ball, he rested his head on it, as he spread out and pulled her along to rest beside him. “Is there anything you wish for today? Anything I could still fulfill?”
“Thats about the only reason why I give it back willingly, it’d be unfair for our kids to never get to explore this city and I want them to explore it with us. Imagine them here with us when they are teenagers, probably bored with the museus and annoyed that we will show them all the spots we went to this time around thinking we are terribly embarrassing and way too romantic!” The thought made Phoebe laugh, but she also loved it. She knew Taron and her would not change, if anything they’d be only better in 30, 40, 100 years time and if anything they’d be even more in love by then. “But you are right, eventually they will fall for the city, I mean how could you not? Not to mention, right now and for the next 5 to 10 years, a good park and playground will be all it takes for us to make them the happiest two angels!” It was sweet, how very easy everything was and how very easy and effortless being with him, with their family and children was and even sweeter, how their parents also made time and were made it possible for them to have evenings like this. “Remind me to thank your mum tomorrow. For making this evening possible but mostly for raising you - perfect husband and perfect father. Who will forever make me happy!” She underlined the forever after his previous protest, her lips seeking out his again, wanting to be closer to him than she already was, cuddling closer, her head happily resting on his shoulder. “Anything you could fulfill? Maybe. Nothing you can fulfill here though, I don’t think!” The brunette told him cheekily, her lips pressed against his neck as she spoke. 
They were both going to be thirty this year, they had two adorable toddlers, a great home, amazing jobs, and a family and extended family to die for - what more could someone possibly want? The more Taron thought about it, the more he realised that he had all he needed, and especially all he wanted right in front of him. And while he had laughingly given Phoebe Paris as a birthday gift, he knew he would lay the world at her feet, if it made her happy. “We’ll be those kind of parents, and they’ll love and hate us for it - but they’ll see that we’ve had a great life together from the start, and I hope it’ll teach them to reach for the stars and not settle for anything less than that.” He wasn’t quite sure what made him so wistful, but he smiled at her, and nodded. “They’ll grow up seeing what true love is all about. Because I don’t think I’ll ever stop falling in love with you anew every day - it’s this wonderful feeling I get, and it makes me happy.” Drinking from his wine, and looking between his wife and the Eiffel Tower, he marvelled at how incredible his life was right now, and how many great things were still to come. Her voice tore him from his reverie, and he looked at her tenderly. “I think my parents are more than happy to get a free Paris weekend for themselves with their grandchildren on top of it all. But we could invite them to lunch tomorrow to say thank you?” Her kiss accentuated her words, and especially the last part, which made him feel all happy and warm inside, and he couldn’t help but grin. “I could try, but we might end up giving the people around us an eyeful!” For now, he was perfectly content where he was, right next to her, and he closed his eyes and let the sensation of her lips against his skin wash over him. “Shouldn’t I be doing that to you? It’s your birthday, after all...” 
“See, I always knew I wanted a family and yet I just never was ready for it - met you and suddenly it just made sense, I think thats what I hope the twins realise, that sometime fate and love is all it takes. They will probably just roll their eyes at us and think we are sappy, but I hope, one day, the same happens for them too!” Truly, meeting Taron had been such a fateful moment, god only knew how different her life would be without him today. She surely wouldnt be celebrating her 30th birthday like this or would feel so fulfilled. Phoebe nodded in agreement, they would absolutely go and take his parents for lunch tomorrow, they were making this evening possible the way it was and Phoebe always wanted to make sure their parents, both hers and Tarons, knew that they would never take them for granted. “Maybe I’ll take your mum shopping? Think she’d like that?” Rhetorical question, of course, the two women would go for a little stroll through the shops, Phoebe loved to splurge and treat family and his mum had become one of the most important women in her life. “Let’s move this somewhere more private and then love, you can be doing this to me..for me...or more? It’s my birthday after all!” Phoebe told him cheekily, emptying her wine, a little too quickly, but it was her birthday so she was allowed to get a little tipsy, right? Taking the bottle of wine from the ground, the bottle still having some wine in there, she reached for her husband's hand once she stood up herself “Take me home?” 
Ever since Taron had met her, Phoebe had been very open about her dream to have a big family and to enjoy life as a mother and a wife, and work and do all the things she wanted, but with someone she loved by her side. That he had become that person to her had both surprised and done his heart well, and sometimes he still couldn’t believe that she had seen so much more in him than he had, at the time. Due to her gentle push, and endless support, he had evolved and become a better man, a gentler person, and someone who reached for the stars without doubting himself. And for that alone, he would forever feel grateful to her. 
“I hope Jules and Sadie-bug will grow up seeing a loving relationship, and what it takes to maintain it, and learn that you can have it all, if you just believe in the other and share experiences. And love.” With a gentle smile on his face, he raised her free hand and pressed a kiss to her palm. “I don’t think my life would be as good without you, and I don’t want to imagine, because not having you in it would make me sad.” And the last thing he ever wanted to be was sad, not with her, with their family around. “She’ll love that, and you know it!” These two had struck a bond so early on, and his mum had had a soft spot for her from that moment - and a beautiful friendship, a family bond had been forged between them, which made Taron happier than he could possibly say. Torn out of his thoughts by her voice once more, he stared at her for a long moment. And then he blinked. And grinned. And took her hand to help her up. “As you wish, my lady, it’s your birthday, I’ll do anything for you,” he told her gently, and pulled her forward, so he could wrap his arm around her waist, and kiss her. Taking the empty glass out of her hand, he kept the stems between his fingers, and took her hand with the other, so that they could walk away from the Champs de Mars and the lights, and along the Seine towards their hotel. It was quite a long walk, even longer, since, as tipsy as he was from the wine, he stopped them every odd moment to kiss or show her something he had seen. The bottle had found it’s way to a waste bin along the way, and eventually, they had made it to their hotel room door, against which he pressed Phoebe, and leaned in to kiss her. “What do you want me to do to you, love?” Taron murmured lovingly, and stared at her intently, eyes dark with desire. “I’m all yours.”
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dearmyblank · 6 years ago
dear justin,
   i have quite a lot to say honestly. im also pretty sure you will never read this, which is fine by me. i wish i could pour out all my feelings to you like i used to, but all that is gone. I threw the relationship away, and i regret it more than anything. You truly loved me and i reciprocated those feelings back. but at some point we just, stopped talking. I was busy with graduation and you were busy with school as well. part of me was afraid to text you for some reason. i guess i thought i was annoying you somehow. It started on valentine’s day. so many useless things i remember. To be honest, i was a complete wreck over thanksgiving break. last year that was the time we really got to know each other. remembering that made me go into a complete breakdown. crying and  shaking…. yknow the usual. the weird thing is that i mourned our “loss” so late. Right after we broke up, i was lying in bed crying. Not sobbing. The next day i woke up. Then the following week, i went to school. No one knew. I acted normal as i always did. Shit, my parents didnt even know i was dating in the first place. I was busy. Graduation and finals had me by the neck. I never broke down because i literally couldnt. Too many things were at stake. I had too many responsibilities that i could not just ignore. So, i got through it. Then, during the summer, i went to dc. it was fun i must admit. It was a good distraction from what was in the back of my mind. Then they passed by, June….July…August….September. September. September 30th. Our birthday. How great, my ex has the same birthday, i couldnt forget even if i wanted to. Feelings began to bubble, only a little. But i was able to hold them down, new have interests kept me occupied. October was fine. It was a fun month and honestly i feel absolutely wonderful around my friends. We’ve really connected this year. Then, the thanksgiving break comes up. I absolutely lost it for whatever reason. I remember last year’s break very clearly. That’s probably why. I’m okay now. But of course im writing this letter for a reason. I miss you immensely. I wish we could have met at least once. I was never able to hold you in my arms or kiss you or do any of the things i was dying to do because i loved with every part of my being. I’ve had a few faint dreams of you, one of them being yesterday. I dont know if they mean anything but i love you still. We confessed to each other on christmas, i will cry this christmas night to myself, where nobody will see. i wonder if you feel the same? i presume my emotional self is the only one still sad, still upset, still broken, still wet with tears down my face. im sure you’ve moved on. You had lots of friends. You even had a girl you liked im sure. while those thoughts absolutely destroy me, i am happy for you. I am happy that you were able to do something that i will probably never be able to do. you were my first love. I know i wasnt yours, so you were able to move on easily, right? if not, the  am also glad. Im glad im not the only one. i still have your number, it has collected dust over these long months. i probably never call or text you. Fear is my greatest. You understand of course, we were like twins weren’t we. We were the same age, same birthday, we had so many things in common, we were practically the same person. Maybe that’s why it didnt work out. I guess we were like magnets. 2019 is approaching. what are your plans? i dont have any yet. You know im still on twitter? i changed my @ of course. But if your memory is good you can find me easily, im not locked. emily and i are still mutuals. I wonder if she realizes im the same person? i dont know what happened to rylee, her account is silent so im not gonna bother dming her. I thought about asking emily, but that’s probably a dead end. Plus, i dont want to bother her with my old problems. Remember how you confessed to emily and got rejected? Rylee told me. Sorry, it was supposed to be a secret but not like that applies now. plus youre not even fucking reading this. Hello to the random person reading my life story. Dont feel bad, there’s millions with the same feelings as me right now. back to justin. im shaking i type this all out. Did you know my muscles tense up and shake uncontrollably when im nervous or excited? it’s quite the feeling. i often got like this when i was talking with you. Everytime my phone would buzz i would get so excited. i also apologize for all the times i fell asleep on you. Justin, you were such a bright light in my life. Please live your life. Live healthy and happy. I hope your mom is doing well. Your dad as well. and the cats. i dont really know what else to say. I dont want this letter to end either. it’s almost like a last chance. if you’ve been contemplating contacting me, do it. Even if you just came back to spit in my face and tell me how much i hurt you, i’d be happy. If you hate me, its okay, i still love you.i still love yakuza btw. also whenever i see akagi or anything related to mahjong i think of you. the thought of you is very bittersweet. Yet i still eat it over and over again. i go by jayden now. i also think im nonbinary now. i remember when i was thinking of changing my name from “ j ” to “jaden” you were so supportive. i didnt deserve you. oh well, it all in the past. if you dont want to contact me thats fine by me. but if you want to, please go ahead. Please find me. Im desperate, i know. but i miss you. “I love you,” that was the last thing we said to each other. you remember right?
                     With love, j.                        
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theannaredfield · 4 years ago
DMC Theory-
Dante and Vergil’s birthday got incognito confirmed. Hear me out.
Dmc5 was the first game in the series to really give us dates. To give us a year no less. Now of course, this contributes to the fact of there being flashbacks and what not. HOWEVER. They didn’t need to give us specific dates and time stamps of everything going on. We didn’t necessarily need to know the events of the games take place over the course of about 3 days. In addition, they could’ve just said 1 month later or prior, and they do. But this info just further proves we didn’t need to know it was April 30th, May 3nd, May 15, June 15 etc. it could’ve been any date they wanted.
And that’s why these dates GOTTA be important. They could’ve chosen any old dates but they chose these ones. Now granted. This is reaching, maybe these dates are random but then why bother giving us dates when no other game has before. Easy, because some of these dates have meaning.
April 30th is the day Nero loses his arm, obviously.
May 1st is when Vergil gets to Redgrave and to his childhood home, to separate the man from Devil. This is our most likely candidate to be the twins birthday, because Vergil went out of his way to go back to Redgrave in his dying state, let alone go back to his childhood home. If he was really cocerned about his oncoming death, why would he go to all that trouble rather than just do it somewhere, anywhere, and ASAP.
Additionally, that’s the day V is born. What if Vergil chose his birthday as the day he would be “reborn” as a better, stronger, and more powerful form. He would overshadow his original weak birth with his new meaningful one, the one that would lead him to a better life.
Additionally, May 3rd when V hires Dante; he is very pissed when V says Vergil. Almost Devil triggers on the lad as we see in Visions of V. What if... it’s because it was just their birthday. Maybe birthdays are hard for him because he is the last surviving member of his family and he uses it to mourn his dead brother. It would make sense then why he’d be mad because not only did he think his brother was dead and that he killed him, but it was around the time Dante might’ve been mourning more heavily. (Dante wasn’t even that level of mad when Trish showed up in DMC1 and was like “hey the guy who killed your mom is back.”)
The next date I wanna draw attention to is June 15th. This is most probably the day Eva died, and the Sparda’s were attacked. Why? A few reasons
Once again Capcom made the decision to put in something they didn’t necessarily need to. This is the first game they show us a flashback of the attack. The first time they show us Eva’s death. We’ve heard it plenty of times but this time they SHOWED it. And there was no real in game cue as to why. Dante was about to wake up, and they didn’t need to show us anything. That cutscene could’ve not been there and it wouldn’t really impact anything.
Dante is not one they’ve shown have nightmares before. We know this bothers him of course, they don’t need to say it at all. We know he’s depressed and probably is traumatized from the event, however they still showed us. They showed us that Dante was thinking about it on that day specifically. Why? Why this day as opposed to any other day? Why at all? As stated above, it wasn’t a necessary scene.
In VOV we learn that it is spring/summer when the attack happens. The boys are wearing shorts, its good weather to play outside or read a book in, and Eva’s garden is in bloom (which she tells the boys to help her in.). So we know it’s around the same season as the time the game is occurring.
We know the attack and the boys birthday happen around the same time, so a little over a month apart could make sense. After all, they already have their halves of the amulet, which were given on their 8th birthday.
Okay I was just checking my facts and I don’t wanna erase my work and stuff but, the game confirms the attack was the night of the 16th. Most defiantly June 16th because of the reasons stated above. It’s in the Newspaper articles of the library files. Because of this file, there’s no reason to further explain my reasoning. The above bullets apply to the 16th as well and the game basically confirmed it. Which means the idea that the dates have meaning is also confirmed.
Now one question remains, what are the other dates in terms of importance? (April 30th, May 15th, and June 15th) My guess is that they aren’t really important. They’re just dates in the path of getting to May 1st and June 16th. However, a likely theory is that they’re dates that other game events took place, or hell one could be Nero’s birthday for all we know. However there’s nothing to really hint to big importance so it’s likely they aren’t important. (My guess would be one of the dates is when the events of 3, 1 and 4 take place.)
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