#its a sneaking mission (camouflage)
kelocitta · 1 year
the colors on fess's tail...... 🤨
am i missing something or are you asking what its about... If its the latter, in a hypothetical situation where she exists, she can sense predators like vultures or lizards in the next room over/incoming- which is indicated by the tail turning red as a visual cue for danger. If its the former i uh... don't know what you might be hinting at. I just picked those colors as a semi-alright transition from green to red
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dahliakbs · 3 months
Random Ideas I've Had For Batfam
Writer's block is the only reason I've yet to post any of them
1) Idol! Reader x Batfam
This is one of my newest ones, where basically the reader would be a tired, overworked idol in an industry full of talent. Their attention span would be that of a goldfish so in order for batfam to get them to actually relax and take some time off (which they can't do any of that but whatever) the batfam would use their attention span against them.
Leading them away slowly but surely from the toxic idol life and instead trying to get them back into the real world.
2) Batfam x Reader - The bats are from a different universe
Where basically reader lives in a universe where heroes don't exist and one day they phase into reality. Coming out of nowhere and for some reason no one is questioning a single thing.
Almost everyone you know has these alrmtered memories of those vigilantes or villains and you just can't seem to understand how the world changed so drastically over night.
You somehow gain their attention, you know from nearly freaking out every time their in your proximity (as vigilantes) or when you start noticing the questionable things occurring in your universe
Like ripples in time, or holes in the ground that when looking inside of it lead to another universe. The world eventually ends with only you and the vigilantes being left and you start to put it all together.
(Basically its kinda was supposed to be like Rick and Morty, where if they destroy their own universe they just skip to another one and in the end they end up having to take the reader with them)
3) Batfam x Five Hargreeves! Reader
Long and short of the story, your an overworked sidekick. Batman seems to have this idea that your the key, that your powers would be extremely useful in his nightly crusades so he trains you. Day after day your worked to the bone and then you snap.
Why can all the other kid sidekicks get to live their lives as normally as possible but your stuck training day after day to do something you don't even want to do? Your muscles are screaming and your on the verge of passing out from all the strain your training had on your body so when your desperate, tired mind comes up with a way to put all of this to a stop you decide to do it.
You use your powers to send yourself into the future, thinking that it will permanently separate you from your daily hell... and it did, just not how you were expecting it to.
(Then basically you return to the past and in the same body you left in with the mission of saving the world, the batfam slowly uncover your secrets and after a while confront you about it.) Like about how you were an assassin
4) Damian Wayne x Child! Reader
Funny idea I got from a tiktok audio where reader is a church girl and they meet Damian during morning mass. He's covered in blood, clearly looks like he'll jump at the next thing that moves in his peripheral but your a kid, you don't care.
You immediately become friends (that's how you see it in your mind) sneaking him out of the church while your parents aren't looking because he asked you to, well more like demanded you to but a friend is a friend. He'll keep secretly inviting you out, somehow finding your parent's house and showing up in the middle of the night to whisk you away.
Not for the purpose of hanging out. No no no, your his cover. He camouflages well when your around, your bubbly, childlike demeanor hiding his intense and dark intentions. And that's a good thing when it comes to his missions, his mother doesn't seem to care about your presence in his life so for now he'll just keep you around.
Your parents are a bit apprehensive about your friendship with him and only when they find out that Damian is Bruce Wayne's son is when they finally accept your friendship. (After Damian meets Bruce)
They finally allow you to hang out with him and you finally get to meet his "irritating" siblings that he for some reason always goes on about and they're just staring at you like.
How did you become friends with their rat of a brother?
A little dialogue I had:
"How did you meet our brother?" Dick's trying to seem as sweet as possible but your entire outfit could light up an entire city, your parents have you dressed like a disco ball and it's not doing you any favors.
And you know, these nocturnal vigilantes aren't really used to such bright light.
"I met Dami while I was in church" you answer sweetly, it's clear that the difference between the two of you is night and day which us honestly a breath of fresh air.
"Oh really...?" Dick's smile tenses, I mean who would expect Damian to go to church, let alone be at least 15 feet near one.
"I was there to kill the pastor" he just simply states.
"You were there to kill the what?!" Boom, reality shattered. Innocence gone, now you know why you haven't been seeing Pastor Malcom as of late.
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frostbittenfemme · 7 months
The space bridge opens in the night sky once again, this time spitting out the small femme causing her to quite literally to crash down to Earth. As she descends through the trees Wild desperately tries to clamber at branches and foliage, anything to slow her fall down. Branches crack and snap under the force, plummeting with her. It seems to slow her slightly, but not enough to be her saving grace.
The sound of her crashing down causes all manner of birds to flee from their roosts, alarm calling fills the rain forest. Wild lets out a pained groan. “Urghhh.. that’s going to hurt later.” She grumbles, attempting to sit up amongst the thicket and undergrowth.
Thank Primus she managed to land on the part of her frame with the most padding; her aft, otherwise it could have been a hell of a lot worse. Even after all these years, she still forgets she doesn’t have the ability to fly anymore. As she manages to gather herself and force herself to stand her frame lets out a litany of cracks and creaks; just another reminder that she’s a hell of a lot older than she thinks she is.
Wild takes a look around the vast expanse of rainforest, taking a moment to figure out just where she is. She knows these stars and she knows this atmosphere. While she’s never been to one of Earth’s jungles she vividly remembers Sideswipe and Mirage telling her all about their missions in Central America as she fixed them up.
Her reminiscing is cut short as whirring engines catch her attention. They prompt the femme to head towards the origin of the sound. It doesn’t sound like the Earth engines she grew very much used to on this planet; this alone sparks a small glimmer of hope that the femme won’t get completely lost trying to navigate the rainforest biome.
Luckily, it doesn’t take the femme long to track the sound to its source; the ship that she had followed into the spacebridge was right there before her very optics. Wild crouches down, lurking amongst plush undergrowth, sneaking closer to get a better view as the ship takes flight once more.
Its absence reveals the camouflaged entrance to yet another Cyber Bio Pharma laboratory to the outlier. Fuzzy memories flash in Wild’s mind; from what little she can remember of being broken free from containment in Flatlines lab, that too was a concealed entrance among the dunes of the Sahara desert. She’d be willing to bet a good chunk of money that Flatline had relocated here to carry out what he started such a very long time ago.
Peeking around the femme can’t help but wonder why this lab has no external guards. There are no human settlements nearby, not energon detectors this deep in the jungle.
Why leave it so unguarded? She asks herself.
Infiltrating this place will be far too easy. Flatlines up to something and Wild can do nothing but play into his trap if she has any hope of putting a stop to his experiment.
Not leaving anything to chance Wild unholsters her axes, equipping them ready for what she can imagine will be a lengthy battle. Armed and ready she emerges from her hiding spot in the plush greenery and heads for the entrance. The security cameras above the door pan to face her as she comes to a standstill at a locked entrance. She can practically feel the optics watching her, refusing to let it psyche her out she meet the camera’s gaze, glaring up at them.
It's a battle of wills. Who will be first to cave?
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natedogx15 · 10 months
Kamen Rider Deku Mission 11: Breaking Down Walls
Previous Chapter / AO3 / Master List
Chamber and K.E.M. stare each other down as they prepare to make the first move. Having enough of waiting, K.E.M. charges forward toward the other teen. He throws a right toward Chamber, intent on blowing the extra away with pure force. However, before it makes contact, Chamber vanishes from sight, and the next second, his right hits nothing but air. K.E.M put his whole body into that strike. So, upon missing, he turns his back to where Chamber once was.
He quickly turns around and still doesn't see Chamber. He growls in frustration.
"Come out, you coward!" K.E.M. exclaims as he looks around for Chamber.
However, nothing is said in response to his words. K.E.M. growls in frustration before his instincts and reflexes take over, and he fires his palms in front of him to dodge an incoming bullet.
K.E.M. looks toward where the bullet came from but doesn't see anything. Getting frustrated with this turn of events, K.E.M.
"You damn coward! Where are you, you extra!?" K.E.M. shouts out for Chamber while keeping his senses sharp for another sneak attack.
And it soon comes. However, instead of another bullet, K.E.M. feels something wrap around his ankle and suddenly finds his body getting sent into the air before crashing to the ground. He can feel the thing pull on him again, but this time, he's more prepared and quickly launches an explosion at whatever's tied around his ankle. The explosion manages to release him, and he uses the opportunity to gain some distance between himself and where he feels the object pulling.
"Come out here, you bastard!" K.E.M. screams for Chamber to come out in frustration.
Deciding to follow the demand this time, Chamber reveals himself to K.E.M. while holding a Power Blade in his left hand and his new weapon in the other hand.
The new weapon is a pink whip with a green handle. Connecting the two is a chameleon head-shaped guard to make the whip's body look like a chameleon's tongue sticking out of its mouth.
Upon being able to see his opponent again, K.E.M. growls at the other masked teen.
"You damn coward! You're fucking dead!" K.E.M. shouts as he propels himself toward Chamber with his explosions.
As soon as he does that, Chamber goes invisible again. However, this time, K.E.M. changes targets and sends his explosions into the ground around where Chamber vanished instead of directly where his body was before disappearing. The force from the attack creates a slight shockwave in K.E.M.'s immediate area and sends a camouflaged Chamber crashing to the ground. Luckily for him, he manages to keep the camouflage up. So, K.E.M. still can't see him.
"Damn. He's still got enough power to affect me even when he can't see me. I need to be careful." Chamber grunts as he slowly and quietly stands back up so K.E.M. doesn't find out where he is.
Getting his bearings back, Chamber glares at K.E.M. and aims the Power Blade's gun at him. He quickly fires a barrage of bullets at K.E.M., who hears the sound of them being fired. Acting swiftly, K.E.M. uses his explosions to fly in the air. Seeing his chance, Chamber launches his whip at K.E.M. to hit him while in mid-air. The whip strike lands across K.E.M.'s back and sends him crashing to the ground. Chamber quickly follows through by firing at him with the Power Blade again. Unfortunately, K.E.M. recovers quickly and propels himself out of the bullets' paths.
K.E.M. isn't done, though. He quickly pulls out the Explosion Power Coin and summons the Rumble Hammer. He quickly inserts it into his weapon.
"Explosive Power Finish!" The Hero Driver calls before K.E.M. spins his hammer around in a circle before slamming it down where the bullets came from.
Suddenly, a wave of explosions is released from the Rumble Hammer and moves toward Chamber in a widespread attack. The attack heads toward Chamber as he panics before using his newly enhanced agility to jump away from the main body of the attack. Unfortunately, he can't avoid all the force and still gets hit somewhat. The damage dealt to him is enough to cause him to drop his camouflage and let K.E.M. see him.
Not willing to let this chance go and even more pissed than when they started, K.E.M. charges at the downed Chamber and launches another explosive palm strike at him while shouting.
Acting quickly, Chamber rolls out of the way of K.E.M.'s attack and uses the momentum to get off the ground. He then throws out another attack with his whip toward K.E.M's arm. K.E.M. doesn't fall for it, though. He quickly grabs the whip with his hand, and Chamber can feel the glare from behind K.E.M.'s helmet aimed toward him.
"Oh no." Chamber thinks as he sees where this is going.
Before it can play out how he thinks, he quickly lets go of the whip as K.E.M. tries to pull him in by harshly pulling on it.
"I'm not falling for that gag." Chamber bluntly informs the other Kamen Rider before aiming the Power Blade's gun at him.
K.E.M. easily dodges the incoming bullets with his explosions and charges toward Chamber.
They're not the only ones going at it. Deku is having a lot of trouble fighting Giran in his Nomu form, even when Giran is holding Glasses and the Plus Striker.
Right now, the Masked hero is using his enhanced agility to jump around the Nomu while shooting at it with his Power Blade. However, Giran easily blocks all the bullets fired at him from all sides with his remaining tentacles. Even when it seems like Deku is firing at his back, Giran is still deflecting them without much trouble.
"Why can't I hit him? I'm taking advantage of my agility like I'm supposed to. What am I doing wrong?" Deku panics internally as he watches Giran block another shot.
"Not bad, not bad. I can see why you've been giving us so much trouble. You're quick, and those shots of yours are pretty strong." Giran casually, with a hint of sarcasm added, compliments Deku while using his mental abilities to keep track of said Kamen Rider as they try to attack him.
"Maybe I should try going up close and using the Mighty Knuckle's power instead." Deku thinks before he prepares to do just that.
"Mighty Knuckle." The Hero Driver announces as it summons the Mighty Knuckle in Deku's offhand.
Deku lands on the side of a crate before launching himself toward Giran with the Mighty Knuckle raised in front of him. As Deku closes in, he's sure this will work... until Giran grabs his arm in mid-air and hovers him over the ground with Glasses and the Plus Striker.
"Nice try," Giran says as he holds the three up.
Deku's eyes widen in shock and horror before he desperately struggles against his captor in an attempt to get free. He slashes at the tentacle with the Power Blade, but it doesn't manage to cut Giran despite his thin and somewhat soft-looking nature.
"Sorry, kid. That's not going to work against me. I'm something you haven't dealt with before. But I'll thank you for making my job easier." Giran tells the teen as he reaches for the Hero Driver around his waist.
Deku panics as he sees Giran reach for the Hero Driver and tries to keep him at bay. Unfortunately, nothing he tries seems to be working. It isn't until Giran is suddenly hit with a green lightning bolt that he stops. The attack hurts Giran somewhat since he loosens his hold on Deku, letting the Kamen Rider escape and quickly scamper away from him.
Giran turns his attention to a struggling Plus Striker and says.
"Now, that was rude. It seems your master hasn't taught you to behave. Do you know what happens to animals that attack people?" Giran asks the struggling mechanical horse.
Deku sees where this conversation is going and charges Giran again to try and stop him before he can do anything. He isn't fast enough, though.
"They get put down, and their master has to take responsibility." Giran finishes as he throws the Plus Striker into Deku and sends them hurdling into a nearby warehouse wall.
Deku tries to recover quickly, But the Plus Striker lies atop him, making it difficult for him to move. While Deku struggles with that, Giran focuses most of his attention on the remaining figure in his grasp.
"Now, what should I do with you? Can't have any witnesses or risks getting out." Giran states as he examines the struggling and fearful Glasses.
"Let me go! You're supposed to be our ally, aren't you? You're the one who gave-" Glasses tries to reason with the powerful Nomu in a fruitless attempt to save himself.
His words are cut off, though, by Giran. Who uses his mental powers to shut Glasses' mouth closed before he can say anything else incriminating.
"For a member of a secret organization, your mouth is quite lax. You should work on that. Well, should have, I should say." Giran tells Glasses before putting a tentacle on the man's forehead.
Deku watches in horror as Glasses' eyes suddenly go blank while the Plus Striker gets off him.
"What did you do to him!" Deku asks in alarm as he looks at Glasses' current condition.
"I just shut off his brain for a bit. Nothing to worry about." Giran nonchalantly tells Deku while waving one of his tentacles dismissively.
Deku looks at Giran in disbelief at how uncaring he is about this situation. He'd just killed a man, yet he's treating it like an everyday occurrence. His body begins shaking in fear and anger as he glares at Giran with tears under his helmet. This is not his usual waterfall amount of tears when he's happy or anxious. No, these are tears of frustration and anger. Frustration toward himself for being unable to stop Giran from doing what he did, and anger toward the Nomu for what he's done.
Unknown to him, Giran can feel the teen's mental state and seems to smile at its rising instability. Not that anyone can tell with his Nomu form.
"Man, you really are green, kid. You may not want to be in this business until you're better prepared for the real world. Trust me, being a hero isn't for you if you can't handle seeing something like this." Giran says while holding up Glasses toward the young hero.
Deku tightens his fist around the Mighty Knuckle as Giran shows him Glasses. With an actual growl, Deku charges at Giran with reckless abandon. The Plus Striker is also following her master after the Nomu.
"Ahh!" Deku screams as he rears his arm back while charging at the Nomu in preparation to deliver the best punch he can manage.
"Foolish. You're far too green, kid. You're letting your emotions control you too much." Giran laughs as he throws a tentacle toward Deku to capture him again while doing the same for the Plus Striker.
Deku can't dodge in time while in his emotional state and ends up in the same situation he was in before. The Plus Striker manages to avoid the tentacle and tries to help its master by shooting lightning at the tentacle holding Deku. Giran is prepared, though, and keeps a tight grip on his captive despite the attack on his limb.
Giran then turns their body toward the Plus Striker, and a faint glow surrounds it. The Plus Striker is lifted off the ground and slammed back into it before being tossed into a crate.
"I recommend you give up and make it easy on both of us. You can't beat me. Honestly, I'd prefer not to get involved in the fights against you or the others and cut our time short. However, I won't miss an opportunity if it presents itself. You should have just run when you saw me." Giran tells Deku while reaching for his Hero Driver.
"A hero's job is to get in the way!" Deku shouts at Giran as he struggles to get free while kicking at the limbs reaching for his Hero Driver.
"Sure, kid. But it's pointless if you don't have the strength to do anything." Giran nonchalantly agrees with him before giving some advice while trapping his legs so they'll stop getting in his way.
Deku isn't done, though.
"Then I'll show you that I have the power to beat you!" Deku shouts at him as he quickly opens his Power Coin holder and grabs a random Power Coin before putting it in his Hero Driver and turning the key.
"DRACO-BREATH POWER FINISH!" The Hero Driver announces.
Flames are shot from the holes of Deku's respirator mouthpiece, and it begins swirling around his body. The fire hits Giran's tentacles, and he immediately pulls them back as they erupt into a pillar of fire around Deku to protect him.
Giran looks at his burned limbs and looks toward Deku. He tries to, at least, since the pillar doesn't dissipate. Instead, it seems to rise before arcing downward toward Giran. To his shock, he sees Deku flying out of the arcing fire and launching at him while covered in flame to deliver a flying kick.
Before the kick slams into Giran's head, a light envelops him. When the attack finally does land, another eruption of flames happens between them, and they both find themselves flying backward. Deku sticks the landing and holds a crouching position while Giran is covered in fire and floating above the ground.
Deku stares at the burning figure of Giran for a few seconds, anxious about what's happening to him. Suddenly, a light envelops the flame around him, and it starts flying off him before condensing into a ball. With the fire no longer coating Giran's body, Deku can see slight burns here and there but no substantial damage, to his shock.
"Phew. That wasn't bad, kid. I actually felt that through my powers. I'll give you credit; you're stronger than most heroes. It seems like it'll be more trouble than it's worth to try fighting you right now. Even if I will win in the end." Giran lets out a sigh before a black portal materializes behind him.
Deku's eyes widen in shock before he realizes what Giran plans to do.
"Stop!" He shouts desperately as he charges after Giran.
However, Giran merely launches the fireball at Deku to stop his rush while floating into the portal. The ball of flames explodes upon impact with Deku and causes him to roll on the ground away from Giran.
"See you, kid," Giran tells him as the portal closes right as Deku gets back up to stare at his retreating form.
Instead of the portal leading him to a completely different location, like a new city or the doctor's lab. It puts him in another warehouse where one of Thirdprint's associates hides. When he exits the portal, Giran returns to his human form and lets out a tired breath.
"Too bad I can't smoke while in that form. The kid would have given me a nice light for my cigarette." Giran mutters as he pulls out a cigarette and puts it in his mouth. He quickly lights it before his phone rings.
Picking up the phone, Giran sees it's Dr. Garaki.
"Hey, Doc. How's it going?" Giran asks non-chalantly.
"How are your injuries?" Dr. Garaki calmly asks.
"Eh, nothing too bad. Just some slight burns." Giran tells him without a care.
"Hmm. So he managed to get through your defenses and harm you. Interesting." Dr. Garaki hums in interest on the other end.
"Is that all you called to ask? I feel so loved." Giran sarcastically says but keeps a lazy grin on his face.
"Yes. You can continue your mission and handle the others. I will give you a warning, though. The other Kamen Riders are battling near our latest defeated Nomu." Dr. Garaki warns him.
"So, hit that place last since it might give me the most trouble or give them more time to finish their squabble. Got it." Giran nods as he imagines what's happening over there.
"Who's there?" Fox's faux fearful voice asks within the warehouse as he looks around the warehouse cautiously.
"Oh, gotta go," Giran says as he hears Fox look around the area for him.
He quickly hands up and prepares for his meeting with another of the Deika City inhabitants.
Back with the two Kamen Riders locked in combat. K.E.M. tries to hit the invisible Chamber while Chamber keeps at a distance to try and pick away at K.E.M.'s strength. Sadly for Chamber, K.E.M.'s sharp senses and enhanced abilities let him react quickly to avoid the incoming attacks.
"Let's try something else." Chamber thinks as he pulls out a Power Coin and inserts it into the Power Blade.
"Dragonfly Power Finish!" His Hero Driver announces, alerting K.E.M. to his location.
"Die!" K.E.M. shouts as he charges toward where he hears the announcement.
K.E.M. sees some dark blue energy building up in a small area as the energy gathering in the Power Blade's muzzle isn't covered by Chamber's camouflage. He gains a savage grin under his helmet as he charges forward without fear, assuming he can quickly dodge any attack Chamber launches like he has been this whole time.
His plans don't work out, though. When Chamber fires a rapid amount of bullets, K.E.M. quickly launches himself out of the way. But the shots follow after him and start moving in a bizarre flight path that mimics a dragonfly's movements.
"What the?" K.E.M. questions in shock as the bullets follow after him with their weird movements.
He tries to escape them by continuously propelling himself in different directions in mid-air with his explosions. However, The bullets don't give up and continue to chase after him.
"Damn it! What's with this extra's attack?" K.E.M. growls as he changes plans.
Keeping a close eye on the incoming dark blue bullets, K.E.M. uses one of his palms to launch an attack on a couple of them while using the other to prepare for a quick escape against the ones he can't hit. He then repeats this process multiple times, trying to destroy all the bullets flying after him. However, a couple of shots manage to get past K.E.M.'s attempts, thanks to their weird flight paths, and hit K.E.M. in the back, causing him to crash into the ground.
Chamber undoes his camouflage and looks down at K.E.M.
"Not so ferocious now. Now, will you quit trying to attack us? You act like a wild dog trying to bite everyone you see." Chamber bluntly tells the downed Kamen Rider.
K.E.M. doesn't say anything back for once. Instead, he stares at the ground in shock as he realizes a Quirkless extra sent him to it. As the realization slowly builds up within him, his anger rises. It only gets worse when a childhood memory surfaces.
"Are you okay?" A young kid's voice asks inside his mind as he remembers a younger Deku trying to help him when Katsuki fell into a shallow river.
Growling in anger, K.E.M. releases a stronger explosion than any before to shoot himself back onto his feet.
"You're dead!" K.E.M. shouts at Chamber as he launches at the other Kamen Rider with these stronger explosions.
Chamber quickly camouflages himself while thinking.
"I think I made a mistake."
K.E.M. throws his right arm forward and has it constantly explode, creating a small wave of explosions to try and hit Chamber with a widespread attack. The attack manages to scratch Chamber and send him to the ground. K.E.M. catches this and moves to capitalize on it. However, Chamber quickly aims the Power Blade at K.E.M. and shoots him in the chest to force K.E.M. to back up while he gets off the ground.
"You think you can look down on me! You're nothing but a worthless pebble on my way to becoming the number one hero like Deku! You and him shouldn't be able to get in my way! You can't do anything!" K.E.M. screams into the air as he wildly attacks the area to try and find Chamber.
"This guy is losing it. I guess he really doesn't like it when people fight back." Chamber thinks as he silently watches K.E.M.
"Where are you, you bastard?! Fight me!" K.E.M. screams out toward Chamber while Chamber slowly backs away from K.E.M. to gain a little more distance.
However, the two end up pausing as they hear something mechanical speeding toward them. They turn to see Deku rushing toward them on the Plus Striker.
"Deku!" K.E.M. shouts as he sees the first Kamen Rider and charges at him.
"Crap!" Chamber thinks as he prepares to fire at K.E.M. to stop him.
"Wait!" Deku screams in a panic as the Plus Striker stops.
K.E.M. doesn't listen, though. He charges Deku with the intent of destroying him.
The Plus Striker sees this and quickly goes into evasive maneuvers by fighting a lightning bolt at K.E.M. while backing away. At the same time, Chamber fires toward K.E.M. as well.
K.E.M. dodges the lightning bolt but is grazed by Chamber's bullets. That doesn't stop him from trying to continue attacking Deku in his rage.
"Die!" K.E.M. shouts as he chases the Plus Striker.
"Kacchan! You need to stop! This is important!" Deku tries to reason with the other teen while his mechanical partner runs.
K.E.M. isn't listening and continues to charge after them, though.
"Seriously? What's with this guy? I've heard of people fighting with instincts and emotions more than anything else, but this is ridiculous." Chamber groans as he watches K.E.M. chase Deku before trying to get him to stop by shooting at him again.
"I need to figure out how to calm him down." Deku thinks as he watches K.E.M. dodge a few bullets.
"How do you get Kacchan to stop? How do you get Kacchan to stop?" Deku mentally questions himself repeatedly as he's chased after.
Unfortunately, he realizes that he doesn't know how to calm K.E.M. down without taking a beating.
"Oh, what do I do?" Deku asks as a chibi version of him cries in his mind when he realizes he doesn't know what to do.
He then remembers a Power Coin perfect for locking K.E.M. into place long enough for him to explain the situation. However, K.E.M. may be too quick to get hit by it. Pulling out the Solidification Power Coin, Deku leans toward the Plus Striker's head and whispers.
"I need you to hold him down long enough for me to hit him," Deku begs his mechanical partner, getting a neigh in response.
The Plus Striker quickly turns around and prepares to charge at K.E.M. while Deku inserts the Solidification Power Coin into his Power Blade.
"Solidification Power Finish!" The Hero Driver announces.
With that signal, the Plus Striker charges at K.E.M. with the plan of pinning him down so their master can hit him. They fire lightning bolts at the Kamen Rider, but he continues dodging the attacks like he's been dodging Chamber's bullets. However, the Plus Striker isn't done, and when K.E.M. gets close enough, he tries to move to the side but is tackled by the Plus Striker and quickly pinned down.
Seeing his chance, Deku quickly leans forward, aims the Power Blade's gun at K.E.M., and pulls the trigger on the struggling Kamen Rider.
Upon making contact, K.E.M.'s body is locked in place while he's prone, ensuring he'll stop attacking them.
"So, do we take his Driver?" Chamber asks as he walks over to the others.
"No!" Deku panickly shouts at Chamber as K.E.M. screeches while igniting his palms.
"I'll kill you if you try! You damn, shitty Deku! What did you do to me?!" K.E.M. screams as he tries to stand but can't move because of Deku's last attack. From his position, he can't even use his explosions to try and prop himself up.
"You realize you won't be able to do anything from that position, right?" Chamber curiously asks K.E.M. when he sees the prone Kamen Rider try to blow them up, most of his previous animosity gone since K.E.M. can't do anything to them.
"Shut up!" K.E.M. exclaims murderously as he tries to blow up Chamber's face for looking down on him.
"Wow. You really are scary. And you had to deal with this guy growing up?" Chamber asks Deku while leaning down toward K.E.M.
"...Yeah." Deku hesitantly nods.
"Fuck you!" K.E.M. screams at them.
Quickly realizing they're getting off-topic, Deku panics and changes the subject.
"B-b-but that's not important r-right n-now. We have to hurry and find the Nomu!" Deku exclaims, causing confusion amongst the group.
"The hell are you talking about Deku!? I killed the damn Nomu!" K.E.M. snaps at Deku from his position on the ground.
"Yeah, I saw him take them down before we fought." Chamber nods his head in agreement.
Deku looks at Chamber and finally has the chance to acknowledge his new appearance.
"How did you change your armor?" Deku asks in shock, confusing Chamber.
"Have you read the manual? You can swap forms using different Power Coins." Chamber states.
Deku pauses upon hearing that, with school, All Might's training, and his notes on different Power Coins and Nomu, he completely forgot about the manual.
"Dumbass." K.E.M. grunts in annoyance at Deku.
"You have no room to talk! You nearly killed some people!" Chamber suddenly snaps at K.E.M. while kicking him.
"I'll kill you!" K.E.M. screams at Chamber with another set of explosions after Chamber kicks him.
"So, what's this about another Nomu?" Chamber asks Deku, ignoring the other Kamen Rider.
Getting back on track, Deku quickly explains everything that happened to him. He tells them about how he found the Nomu holding Glasses and the Plus Striker to his fight and the powers of the Nomu. However, as he's about to get to how the battle ended, his body freezes up, and his words die in his mouth.
"You okay?" Chamber asks in worry.
"Spit it out already, Deku! How'd the fucking battle end, and what did the bastard do?" K.E.M. demands an answer while on the ground.
"He, uh..., he killed the civilian we helped earlier," Deku says uncomfortably.
That causes both Kamen Riders to freeze up upon hearing the word death. K.E.M.'s the first to recover from the shock and mutter.
"Fucking villain." Which is rewarded by another kick from Chamber.
Chamber remembers his sonar ability and quickly checks it to see how many blips are on. To his shock, it seems like a couple of them have vanished.
"They're gone. The civilians have vanished." Chamber states as he looks at the blips; only Glasses' blip remains out of the previous three civilian blips, and he knows from Deku that Glasses is dead.
Deku looks at Chamber in shock while K.E.M. shouts at him in confusion since he's locked out of the loop about Chamber's ability.
"What the hell are you talking about? Hurry up and tell me, Pompadour!" K.E.M. demands an explanation while also giving him a nickname.
Chamber ignores him and continues to analyze his radar, only to gain another shock when a new dot suddenly appears near their group.
"Something's here!" Chamber shouts in alarm as he turns around and readies his Power Blade.
Deku and K.E.M. are equally alarmed by his words and quickly prepare themselves. Well, K.E.M. tries to at least.
"Damn it! How long does this shit last, Deku!" K.E.M. screams at Deku as his body is unable to move still.
The Kamen Riders are looking for whoever is on Chamber's radar only to find Giran floating near the former Thirdprint, Yajima. Upon seeing him, Deku and Chamber fire at Giran while also charging toward him.
"Get away from him!" Deku shouts at Giran while firing.
Their attacks are about as effective as when Deku fought Giran alone, with Giran blocking all their shots with his limbs while moving toward Yajima.
"That's unfortunate. I'd hoped you'd not notice me while fighting each other." Giran states as he continues to guard against their simultaneous attacks.
"Well, at least I don't have to deal with all of you at once." Giran laughs as he notices K.E.M.'s prone form.
"Fuck you, you overgrown piece of calamari!" K.E.M. screams indignantly as he continues to release explosions in anger.
"Excuse you, I'll have you know I'm an overgrown piece of octopus, not calamari. Despite popular belief, calamari isn't made from octopus and is actually squid." Giran says in a matter-of-fact tone.
He then picks Yajima up and moves to do what he did to Glasses to him. That is before he must use that limb to block a rapid charge from the Plus Striker. Upon capturing the mechanical creature, he quickly prepares to slam them into the Kamen Riders until he notices Chamber has stopped firing at him and vanished. That's no problem for Giran since he knows where they are without even being able to see him. 
Throwing a wide swing with the Plus Striker on the end, Giran aims to get both Kamen Riders with his attack. However, Deku is calmer this time around, at least slightly, and manages to predict this. He jumps over the attack while Chamber isn't so lucky. He ends up getting hit by the attack and losing his camouflage. Giran releases his grip on the Plus Striker and throws the two through a nearby warehouse wall before focusing on Deku.
Deku closes the gap quickly and is right on top of the Nomu before his body involuntarily freezes, and he can't seem to move no matter what he tries.
"W-what's happening?" Deku asks in shock as he desperately tries to move.
He soon finds himself getting sent flying and crashing onto the ground close to K.E.M.'s frozen form. For once, K.E.M. is in shock as he witnesses the Nomu's power. That shock soon turns into anger as he desperately tries to undo whatever Deku did to him and attack Giran. He hates feeling so useless and helpless. It doesn't help that the one who turned him into this immobile rock is the one he hates the most, who's lying right next to him.
"Deku! Hurry up and undo what you did to me, damn it!" K.E.M. screams at the Kamen Rider next to him.
Deku shakes off the damage and looks toward the shouting K.E.M. before nervously saying.
"I-I-I d-don't k-know how to d-do that." He honestly tells K.E.M., causing more rage to grow within the other Kamen Rider.
"Damn it, Deku! Can't you do anything right?! At least stay out of my way and try to undo this!" K.E.M. screams at him, causing Deku to flinch under his helmet.
"S-sorry." He says as he immediately fusses over K.E.M.'s condition and tries to figure out how to undo it.
While they try to figure this out, Chamber is pushing the Plus Striker off him and recovering in the warehouse. As he slowly pulls himself out of the warehouse, he gets the shock of his life as he watches Giran put a tentacle to Yajima's head before dropping him while Deku tries to figure out how to help K.E.M.
After doing whatever he did to Yajima, a misty black portal opens behind Giran, and he floats toward it. Panicking, Chamber looks around for anything he can use to stop Giran before realizing he's lost both his weapons and deciding the best course of action is to try and charge at Giran to halt his retreat. He's unable to reach the Nomu in time, though, and they manage to enter the portal before it closes right as it's in Chamber's grasp.
"Damn it!" Chamber angrily shouts, causing Deku and K.E.M. to look toward him, one in worry and the other in confusion.
They then realize what happened to cause him to shout like that and look on in different degrees of horror and frustration.
"Damn it! He got away! This is your fault, Deku!" K.E.M. screams at Deku angrily since it was his fault he couldn't do anything when the Nomu showed up.
"W-what?" Deku asks in shock.
While the two are arguing, Chamber ends his transformation and holds Yajima in his arms to check what happened to him. He sees the cold eyes of Yajima, and it causes his body to tense with worry.
"Calm down. He may be okay. Just check his pulse like you were taught." Shiki thinks before checking his wrist for a pulse.
Thankfully, there seems to be a pulse, meaning Yajima isn't dead from whatever Giran did to him. However, that isn't much comfort as Shiki still can't get Yajima to respond to him.
"Hey? Are you okay? You need to try and answer me. At least try to blink to signal that you can hear me. Please." Shiki begs and pleads for the man to do something so he knows Yajima is still with them.
Nothing he does seems to get a reaction out of him. He tries waving a hand in front of his face, snapping his fingers, even shaking him slightly in hopes it would snap him out of whatever trance he's been put in.
While he tries to get Yajima to interact with him, Deku tries to figure out how to undo K.E.M.'s condition. Finally, he has an idea and grabs K.E.M.'s Hero Driver, causing him to growl at Deku.
"What the hell do you think you're doing, Deku!? Don't touch that!" He screams at Deku, assuming he'll take it away from him and keep it.
However, his words calm when Deku doesn't take the Driver and instead ends the transformation, allowing Katsuki to move again. When he sees Katsuki able to move again, Izuku de-activates his transformation and smiles in relief.
"Thank goodness that wor-" Izuku starts before getting an explosion to the face from a pissed-off Katsuki.
"Damn it, Deku! You let him get away! If you hadn't frozen my body, I would have killed that bastard!" Katsuki growls at the downed Izuku.
Deku stares up at Katsuki while holding his face in pain. However, it's his words that seem to hurt him the most. It causes him to flinch and look at the ground.
"Why can't you stop getting in my way!? You're fucking useless! That's why you're a Deku! You're a Quirkless loser who can't become a hero, let alone a good one!" Katsuki growls at him as he picks him up and holds him by the collar.
After screaming at the other teen, Katsuki throws him back toward the ground and angrily stomps off after growling about being unable to do anything against Giran.
Izuku lays there, holding his face while winching and thinking about Katsuki's words. He doesn't have long to do this, though. Shiki walks toward him while carrying Yajima over his shoulder.
"We need to get him to a hospital now," Shiki tells the downed Izuku with a grim look on his face.
Shaking his head and using his arm to rub the marks left by Katsuki's attack, Izuku stands up and nods in agreement before calling over the Plus Striker. When the mechanical steed arrives, Shiki quickly puts Yajima on its back before pulling out his phone.
"You take him to the hospital. I've got to call Grandpa and tell him what happened." Shiki tells Izuku while speed-dialing the call.
Izuku doesn't say anything and listens to Shiki's order, planning to grab Glasses on the way out.
As he watches Izuku run off, Shiki's call connects.
"Grandfather! We have a big problem!" Shiki immediately shouts into the call.
Later that day, Izuku sits in a hospital lobby with his head in his hands as he waits. Soon, Hisashi and Inko come bolting into the hospital with worried expressions as they search for their son.
"There he is," Inko says in worry as she points Hisashi toward their son.
"Izuku, are you okay?" Hisashi asks his son worriedly as the two rush to give their son a comforting hug.
Izuku gladly accepts his parents' hug with tears in his eyes and hesitantly nods.
"I-I'm fine. It's t-the o-o-other two that are hurt." Izuku stutters as tears of regret build while he thinks about them.
"We mean emotionally, Son. Today must have been tough." Hisashi tells his child while keeping a firm hold on him.
That does it for Izuku. He releases heavy sobs as he returns his parents' hug with a tighter hold.
At the entrance of the hospital, Fumihito and Shiki are watching the family moment. A moment later, Fumihito rests a hand supportively on Shiki's shoulder.
"You can cry to me too if it's too much for you. You know that, right?" Fumihito asks his grandson, whose hands tighten into fists as he looks at the hospital floor.
"I-I'm fine, Grandfather. I-I promise. I knew this m-might happen one day. It comes with the job." Shiki tells his grandpa with a slight stutter in his tone as he tries to keep it together.
Fumihito doesn't say anything and pulls his grandson into a sideways hug for comfort.
That does it. Shiki begins releasing tears as he cries about today's events and his helplessness.
"I couldn't do anything today. I-I couldn't stop that Nomu f-from doing whatever he wanted, and I almost l-lost to K.E.M. again. I-I k-knew this c-could h-have happened, b-but I t-thought I could handle it. I-I-I thought I could pr-prevent that with h-him." Shiki cries as he stutters slightly through his tears.
"Let it all out. Today has been stressful for you both. Today was the day you faced one of the painful realities of hero work." Fumihito supportively tells his grandson as Shiki and Izuku cry in their guardians' arms.
"Damn it!" Katsuki shouts for the hundredth time after remembering today's events again. No matter how hard he tries, not that he's trying very hard, he can't get over how he failed to do anything against that second Nomu because of the other Kamen Riders.
"Damn, Deku. He got in my way again." Katsuki growls in frustration again.
"It sounds like you had a rough day. Why don't you go back to your parents? While you're at it, take the next couple of days off to recover from today. You went through a lot, feeling helpless and unable to stop the Nomu while they killed people." Slidin' Go tells his student while placing a hand on Katsuki's shoulder.
Katsuki swats Slidin' Go's hand away and gives the hero a withering glare for it and his suggestion.
"I don't need a fucking break! Don't look down on me! I'm not Deku or Pompadour! I can handle anything that's thrown at me! I'm the next number-one hero." Katsuki growls at Slidin' Go, feeling he's being looked down on again because of today's events.
"Alright. But I still think you should follow my advice. Doing hero work is only half a hero's job. You also have to make sure that you're at your best constantly. You may not like the consequences otherwise. I've seen plenty of heroes who think they can go on patrol when something's weighing them down get injured and, in some cases, killed." Slidin' Go advises Katsuki, warning him about what can happen if he doesn't take the time to care for himself.
Katsuki growls at his teacher before stomping off in frustration. As Slidin' Go watches him go, he raises an eyebrow toward the teen.
"Did he call Chairman Hikage's grandson Pompadour? Huh. That's an interesting nickname; I suppose it isn't wrong when you consider his form, though." Slidin' Go mentally muses before changing the topic to a more important one.
"I should alert the higher-ups about a Nomu killing our own. What could these guys be planning?" Slidin' Go questions.
Izuku, Shiki, and their respective family members all return to the apartment complex where Shiki and the Midoriya family live. After talks between Fumihito, Hisashi, and the hospital staff, the group learns what happened to Yajima and Glasses. It seems the two have been put in a comatose state. Their bodies are undamaged from whatever Giran did, but their minds don't seem to be reacting to anything.
With heavy steps, the group heads to their different apartments.
"Have a good night, Mr. Hikage and Hikage," Inko says to the two as they diverge from the group to head toward Shiki's apartment.
"Thank you. May you have a good night as well. Please make sure your son gets plenty of rest. He and Shiki deserve it after today's events. You may want to keep him home from school as well." Fumihito advises the Midoriya family before following the quiet Shiki toward his apartment.
The Midoriya parents nod at his words and lead their son upstairs.
Fumihito watches as Shiki messes with his key to unlock the door for a few seconds before opening the door. Quickly following after his grandson, Fumihito closes and locks the door behind him before following Shiki toward the kitchen counter. Sitting at one of the stools near him, Fumihito looks toward his tired grandson.
"So, how are you feeling?" Fumihito asks his grandson.
"Like crap." Shiki bluntly tells him.
Fumihito lets out a small laugh at his grandson's words and tone before giving him a sad look.
"That's how plenty of heroes feel when they fail to save someone. That's a sign that you'll become a great hero." Fumihito promises.
"You think so?" Shiki asks.
"Of course. How you and Midoriya are feeling shows you two deeply care about others. That's the essence of being a hero." Fumihito reassuringly explains.
"Weird. I thought it was saving those people." Shiki mutters in a dead tone.
Fumihito gives his grandson a sad look before placing a hand on Shiki's shoulder comfortingly. Before he can say anything, though, Shiki opens his mouth.
"Don't worry, I know even All Might can't save everyone. I was raised around heroes, after all. Losses are going to happen inevitably. I just have to try harder next time, r-right?" Shiki asks as his voice begins to tremble near the end.
"Shiki," Fumihito says while giving his grandson a look of sadness and pity.
"I almost beat him. I almost beat that Quirkest asshole. I almost proved that I can do it without a Quirk." Shiki tells his grandpa.
"Shiki." Fumihito starts again.
"Despite your best intentions, I know I shouldn't be wielding the Hero Driver. I can't make the same use of it as someone born with a Quirk. However, I'm figuring out how to use it better than anyone." Shiki cries.
"Shiki," Fumihito says again before the massive man picks up his grandson and holds him like one would a child, with Shiki's chin resting on his shoulder.
"I'll prove that anyone can be a hero with the right equipment. Just like Mom and Dad wanted to do." Shiki promises his grandfather.
"I know you will," Fumihito tells him with a smile as he feels the tears falling on his shoulder.
"This was a hard lesson that I didn't wish Shiki to experience firsthand so soon. However, maybe it'll be good for him and Midoriya to have been hit with this reality early on. It'll give them a better perspective on the world they want to join." Fumihito thinks to himself as he holds his crying grandson.
In the Midoriya apartment, the family is sitting together on the couch with the TV on to try and take their minds off today's events. Inko and Hisashi are on either side of their son and hug him to make sure he knows he has their support.
"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Inko asks her son in worry.
"I-I think so. Maybe. I'm not sure." Izuku tells them, stuttering slightly at the beginning before fixing his words.
"You don't have to answer right away. This kind of thing must have been a huge shock to you. Just relax and don't worry about anything right now. Take a few days off from training and anything related to being a hero or the Hero Driver. Focus on your studies so you can graduate this year." Hisashi advises his son calmly.
"That's right, there's still a few months of school left, and then I'll have to try to get into U.A.," Izuku thinks, not realizing that he's muttering his thoughts for his parents to hear.
"What did I just say? I told you not to worry about anything related to being a hero. That means no worrying about your future education to become an official one." Hisashi exasperatedly sighs toward his son before giving him an unamused look.
However, it unknowingly falls flat for him because he's muttering his thoughts for his son and wife to hear.
"Honestly, why couldn't the genetics stop at your mother's hair color and my freckles? Why did you have to inherit her waterfall-like tear ducts and my muttering habits?"
"You're doing it yourself, dear," Inko tells her husband with faux exasperation to match Hisashi's previous tone with Izuku.
Hisashi's cheeks brighten, and smoke is released from his mouth in embarrassment as he realizes what he's done. This causes Izuku to laugh while Inko giggles at her family's antics, the Midoriya apartment's previous dour mood toward a more comfortable and friendly one. Sadly, all good things seem to come to an end.
When Hisashi changes to the news, the family is shocked to see what's on.
"As you can see, our first resident, Kamen Rider, Deku, can be seen tackling the one known as King Explosion Murder when he's about to defeat the Nomu. This gives the dangerous villain a chance to escape." The newscaster explains as a clip of Deku trying to stop K.E.M. appears on the screen.
"Moments of unprofessionalism like this aren't uncommon in the hero world. Sadly, it seems one of our society's resident shining stars can't handle losing the credit for defeating the villain, toward the one who had attacked him during a test for the city's heroes." The newscaster releases a sigh of disappointment, causing Izuku to flinch.
As the newscaster talks, Hisashi's mouth begins to smoke again as his anger rises.
"It looks like our rising star might become a falling one soon. We've been given new information that the Nomu, who dubbed themselves Tangram, managed to kill at least one individual during their escape from the Kamen Riders." The newscaster explains as the TV shows a picture of Gamiji.
Izuku stares at the photo in horror while Inko puts her son in a tighter hold to try and calm him down. While she's doing this, Hisashi is seething in anger and looks like he's two seconds away from burning the television into ashes.
"The victim in question has been identified as Gamiji Mori, a resident from Deika City in the Aichi Prefecture visiting the Shizuoka Prefecture's Musutafu. Unfortunately, it looks like his vacation will be taking a more permanent stay." The newscaster says solemnly.
Izuku is shaking as he listens to the newscaster, tears welling in his eyes again. Inko does her best to try and calm her son down, while Hisashi does his best not to lose his temper.
"We can only hope casualties like these will be avoided during future Nomu attacks. However, we must ask ourselves, which Kamen Rider is really in the wrong? Or even if the Kamen Riders can be trusted to handle this situation? All we know about them is what the Hero Public Safety Commission has revealed. We know nothing about them as people or individuals, only as special heroes tasked with taking down the Nomu." The newscaster explains.
Small bits of fire actually start to emerge from Hisashi's mouth as his anger reaches its limits.
"This is Hero News, coming to you with the latest information on heroes flying off." With that, the TV cuts to a commercial break right as Hisashi's temper explodes, and he breathes a substantial amount of fire from his mouth toward the TV, incinerating it.
Taking a few deep breaths to calm himself down, Hisashi looks toward Izuku, only to find his son gone and an upset-looking Inko looking at the floor with tears in her eyes. When he sees this, his anger rises again, soon replaced with sadness as he realizes what his son is going through.
"Damn it. Can nothing go his way today?" Hisashi growls in frustration.
In his room, Izuku is lying on his bed and looking at the ceiling with cold, dead eyes as if his universe had come crashing down on him.
"Several people got hurt because of me. Someone died because of me." Izuku thinks as he stares at the ceiling.
Soon, he pulls out his Hero Driver and looks at it with the same stare he gave the ceiling.
"Do I even deserve to be a Kamen Rider after this?" He wonders in his mind, unsure about how to handle this new information.
With today's events catching up to him, Izuku sets the Hero Driver down before drifting off to sleep in his bed. Before he does, though, he asks himself another series of questions.
"Do I deserve to be trained by All Might? Do I deserve to fight with Hikage? Do I deserve to be a hero?" With those questions mumbled from his mouth, Izuku closes his tear-stained eyes and tries to fall asleep, hoping tomorrow will show better results than today's.
Or at least that it'll provide an answer to his different questions.
Power Coins
Deku Rabbit, Draco-Breath, Charge, Marsh, Solidification, Unicorn, Overdrive, Wheels, Division, Bull, Barrier
Chamber Rifle, Fierce Wings, Shadow Stalk, Gatling, Chameleon, Dragonfly, Sonar
King Explosion Murder Explosion
Next Chapter
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meep923 · 1 year
༻Your Appearance Messed Me Up(yuyeon)༺
Chapter 12/25 + bonus chapter
Yuqi's POV
I pulled out my notebook. I drew a sketch of the secret archives room. Thanks to my photographic memory, I was able to remember most of the tags and labels since the last time I sneaked into there as a dare. I quickly marked out the shelves that I needed to check and take files from. 
I looked at my phone to check the time. 1700. I needed to plan my steps and moves carefully. I also needed a suit to keep all my weapons. 
hey, bro, I need a suit black
need something to cover my face with many pockets, i need to keep weapons
read 17:03
got that
will make one now
probs will be done in 3 days
Lucas is good at making clothes. He is a tailor now. He did not want to follow his family's footstep and make a living in marketing. He is currently a successful tailor with his own brand. Now that I got my suit covered, I went to the secret compartment that I kept in the apartment. I unlatched the floorboard and saw my stash of weapons. I smiled. Those were the ones that I had customised to a black that could camouflage itself to the shade of the environment its in. 
There was a pistol with 4 changes of bullets, a taser, paralyzers, small electrocuters that take the shape of a circle and is around 1 inch in diameter, there was also a foldable baton. I love the arsenal that I had. It will be so much easier to take down the guards. 
Over the next few days, I bought takeout with Lucas's card while I perfected my plan. Three days later, Lucas brought me the suit I had requested for. I love it. It had pockets on the side and a hidden holster for the gun and the baton on both sides. It was black and came with a hood that covered both my face and my hair. 
"Thanks. I will pay you once I get back to Korea." I said.
"No need, you can go on a date with me to repay me." Lucas winked, smiling. I fake gagged and he stopped smiling.
"You know that we are never going to be possible. You know full well that I like girls." I replied, looking away. He pouted. I ignored him. Lucas had a crush on me ever since the first day we've met. I knew that he wanted to date me and he has been flirting a little bit with me here and there. I chose to ignore him. 
I pushed him out of the apartment and shut the door on him. I went back to planning. I must take action today. It is a Saturday, I need to get the files then board the morning plane tomorrow morning. I went out onto the streets with a hoodie over my head. I knew a place that would be safe for me to keep and pick up after the mission. I went to buy a foldable backpack, a fake designer bag, a fake branded dress, a pair of fake branded shoes and a pair of sunglasses. I bought a wig that showed that I had red hair.
At 6pm, I walked into the main hall of the company with my suit and the bag I bought today in the designer bag. I wore the sunglasses and the wig and walked to the main lobby of the company. A security guard tried to stop me," Miss, please, you need to register."
I turned to look at him and growled. "Do you think I have the time? I caught my bastard boyfriend cheating on me. I'm here to teach him a lesson." He immediately stepped away. I walked into the elevator and pressed the buttons to the 17th level. It's one level below the archives and there are normal office workers there.
I saw Zhang Qifan, one of the persons that I had placed in the office to get insider information that father never wanted me to get. I went in and dragged him by his arm to the stairwell." Need your help. I am going to the archives, I want you to cause a distraction, I need to sneak in at 10 tonight." I quickly told him in a hushed voice. Then in a louder voice, "You cheating bastard! How dare you see another woman while we are dating." I slapped him hard on his arm. I winked at him and he got the message.
"I'm so sorry honey! Trust me, it wasn't how it appeared to be. Please, that woman was just a green tea bitch (An internet slang used to describe a young woman that likes to dress and act in a certain fashion in order to portray herself as pure and innocent). We have nothing in between." He cried in an exaggerated fashion, I tried to control my laughter. There was a security camera in the stairwell. 
I walked out of the stairwell and went to the bathroom. I locked myself into a bathroom stall and changed into my suit. I took off the wig and slipped the hoodie over my head. When I was sure that there was no one in the bathroom, I looked around and saw a window. I looked up and saw that the window led up to the level above. I locked the door at the entrance of the bathroom, left the cameo I had, took out a piece of harness and lifted myself out of the window. 
I swiftly climbed into the window above and pulled the harness up. I knew for a fact that no there are no female employees on this level, so the bathroom will be clear. I kept my harness in the bag I bought and placed it in a stall just in case. The lights were off, I had to be careful at all times. I peeked out of the door and saw that there was no security cameras in that particular hallway.
Now, I just needed to wait.
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mainsforever · 2 years
Shadow of the tomb raider crack folder password
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It is not that difficult, it just is not interesting. I don’t want to play this part again, I finished it with great difficulty. Lara once again took out an whole army,which was well-prepared and well-armed, with a knife and a bow.
#Shadow of the tomb raider crack folder password upgrade
īut also the storyline is kinda repetitive which i get why ppl found it a lil boring ? tho thats lara's life thats what she does so they cant change the plot wholesome tho as i said before they added a better emotional experience and more sneak into her past life and lara was acting more of a human being rather than this basic tough dull video games characters we mostly see and i guess there was some tiny lil glitches if you wanna call it that but nothing big i had no problem playing the game easily on a hard mode its so easy to move past those and getting used to the controls more, well also the tombs were a lil easier than the ones before especially that i had no hints solving them they warent that brilliant or a gud upgrade than the series before. I was a lil dissapointed in the rise of tomb raider but tbh this game improved alot more than ppl think like the experience and world of the game was so much more diversed and graphics were so on point it was such a serreal experience for me than the games before and the combat style felt alot better for some reason tho i wish they added something like the baba yaga DLC cus i rly rly enjoyed the DLC more than anything in the first and second games of tomb raider ,and i felt like we finally met lara on more of a personal and emotional level it rly did hit me especially in that break down scene she had. Excellent game (graphics, story, missions). If you like story-based games you would enjoy this game. Very immersive experience, really brings you into the story. Graphics: Nvidia GTX 660/GTX 1050 or AMD Radeon HD 7770Įnglish,French,Italian,German,Korean,Polish,Russian,Simplified Chinese,Traditional Chinese,Arabic.Processor: i3-3220 INTEL or AMD Equivalent.
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Discover Dark and Brutal Tombs: Tombs are more terrifying than ever before, requiring advanced traversal techniques to reach them, and once inside they are filled with deadly puzzles.
Strike suddenly and disappear like a jaguar, use mud as camouflage, and instill fear in enemies to sow chaos.
Become One With the Jungle: Outgunned and outnumbered, Lara must use the jungle to her advantage.
Explore underwater environments filled with crevasses and deep tunnel systems.
Survive and Thrive In the Deadliest Place on Earth: Master an unforgiving jungle setting in order to survive.
As she races to save the world from a Maya apocalypse, Lara will ultimately be forged into the Tomb Raider she is destined to be. In Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Lara must master a deadly jungle, overcome terrifying tombs, and persevere through her darkest hour.
#Shadow of the tomb raider crack folder password full crack
Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Full Crack Įxperience Lara Croft’s defining moment as she becomes the Tomb Raider.
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deaconusdelirium · 3 years
Would they ever hand you their jacket?
Fuck off, it’s cold here, and it’s raining non stop. To make it worse, I live in the forest, yay, jk. Really, it is cold, anyways, enjoy
Real talk? No, get your own, what makes you think he’ll give his jackets up? He couldn’t care less on your feelings, even more, if your cold or not. Should have brought a jacket.
However, if you manage to sneak into his heart. Take it, you want his ring finger too? Go ahead. He’ll give it to you. But he has to feel cold too just so he knows you actually are
(Inserts WildCats: Dangerous) somft boi. He will absolutely give you his jacket, there’s no need to tell him actually, if he feels a slight chill. He’s right by your side with his jacket already being wrapped around you. He can just takes Woods anyways, he has that much control over him
Umm, yeah I guess so. But it’s leather, and you know how leather jackets have that like, silky texture inside, and when you put it on its cold? Yeah, it’s like that, so yes, he’ll give it to you. But in the process, you’ll get colder to get warmer, he doesn’t do hugs when you have his jackets on though. Nope.
No. Get your own. You have money, you can talk, most importantly, you have the body language if you can’t. No matter how many times you ask, he’s not giving it up. That’s all that can be said.
It’s a hard question. It’s either a yes or no, but it’s almost always yes. If you’re both out on a mission, then no. If you both are just sitting around or hanging out with others, it’s most likely a yes but you have to go somewhere private where the others won’t look at his body. He feels exposed and it’s uncomfortable when others stare
Yes! And I say that with affirmation, he may be a bit shy about it at first. Since he always has either a jacket or long sleeve on, he’s never really exposed his whole arm, and when he does. My gosh, what a treat. And his jacket is the most comfortable thing in the world, he has no problem whatsoever when you want it. And it comes with hugs
Oh my, did you just ask for his jacket? He needs to hear you say it again, then he’ll smile and hand it out to you. And boy is it a sight, you bundled up in his puffy jacket. He’ll be a bit extra and put his cap on you. Then laugh it off, he doesn’t mind, and quite frankly, he’s thinking of getting you one that looks exactly like his.
Big strong man=big comfy jacket. He won’t exactly give it to you when you ask, but he will give you a sweater or one that he isn’t wearing. If you’re both alone, he’ll even give it to you. It makes his day when you go around with his jacket on, will probably tease you when the sleeves hang off your hands
To be honest, yes. Yes he will give you his jacket, you know the camouflaged one? Yeah, that one. Sometimes he’ll let you wear his suit jacket. It’s not rare, but not common, maybe when you both stay late at his office, and you forgot to bring a jacket, then he’ll let you wear it. And those arms are just… mmm 10 points for the tattoos
You’re his, and he’s yours. Your basically bonded together so he sees no point in asking for his jackets. Just take it. But if it’s in public, then maybe ask, he always brings an extra jacket, or he reminds you to get yours. If you forgot, then he’ll back you up with his other, or the one you left behind
Sweet baby, you may have it. He’s so lovestruck, he’ll do whatever you want him too. Even if you don’t ask for his jacket, he’ll still give it to you. It’s surprising at how affectionate he can be when you leave him be. He just feels the need to do so, it’s like an instinct.
Boring day means nothing to do. Have something on your mind or wanna make a little request, I’m open
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mox-writes · 3 years
Rail Me. Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
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Warnings: 18+, m/m smut, unprotected sex, language, male orgasm, oral sex.
Word count: 2,452
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Summary: Steve keeps telling people he's going to rail them but doesn't know what it means. Bucky gets jealous and shows him.
A/N: Based on this post! I did not proofread this, I haven't proofread anything since my first semester of college. This also sat here for a while so if there seems to be a disconnect between what I wrote days ago versus just now, I apologize! This isn't very good but I wanted to put that post into reality lmfao
crossposted on moongoddessmox
The Avengers sat around Tony’s large living room plotting a mission to take the Tesseract from Loki. It was one of the million times Loki had stolen it from them and this was becoming routine.
“Look, all we need is Steve, Bucky, and Nat to go take care of this. The rest of us can take care of other things, we don’t all need to go every single time,” Hawkeye stood up with an annoyed sigh, just wanting to get back to his family.
“He’s right, you three go and we’ll put our minds to better use here.” Tony agreed, turning away and heading toward the stairs to his office. The group just grumbled, exhausted, and irritated about the constant meetings to discuss Loki, a consistent problem they never seemed to fix.
“Maybe we should just send Buck and Nat, Cap is getting pretty old.” Sam Wilson laughed.
“Ha, ha. Keep making jokes and I’ll rail you, Bucky is just as old as I am.” Steve responded. The group paused, stopped dead in their tracks at the words that left Steve’s lips. Everyone kept looking back and forth between each other and asking ‘what the fuck did he just say?’ with only their facial expressions. Natasha smirked, realizing that Steve didn’t understand what he said.
“Whoa now, let’s just focus on the mission.” Sam took a step back rubbing the back of his neck as his face became flushed.
“Awkward…” Hawkeye cringed, leaving the room.
Steve, Bucky, and Natasha entered the large estate where Loki was hiding out, well, he wasn’t really hiding. It was more of a camouflage as he was throwing a lavish party, something that he could blend into if he ran into trouble. Bucky’s large arm wrapped around Nat’s waist as they maneuvered through the crowd, trying to blend in. Her dress dipped low in the front and back and swayed at her knees as they walked. Steve was adorned in a blue pinstriped suit, his muscles barely being contained in the fabric.
“I got eyes on Loki,” Nat’s voice came through their earpieces. Loki waltzed up the curved staircase away from the party.
“I’ll go find the tesseract, you two boys follow Loki.” Nat departed from Bucky’s side and disappeared into the crowd. Bucky and Steve reached the bottom of the staircase together and followed Loki up. The two of them sneaked through the halls, listening for him behind closed doors until they heard shuffling around. Steve counted down for Bucky to bust open the door. His foot made contact and ripped the door off its hinges as they barreled through. Two women laid one on top of the other in a large bed, dresses half off and hair a mess. Bucky and Steve got wide-eyed and froze up as the women screamed at the top of their lungs.
“Fuck,” was all Bucky could manage to say, quickly averting his eyes and shuffling out of the room.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry...sorry...sorry” Steve grabbed the door from the floor and placed it over the gaping doorway. His face was burning red and Bucky began to laugh, patting a hand on Steve’s shoulder before moving on to the next door.
The pair finally found Loki standing in a large dark room. His black suit jacket was neatly placed over a chair, and his sleeves properly rolled up to his elbows. Loki’s back was to the door as he looked out a large panel window at the night sky. The room was lined with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves, completely full except for a few spots where books had been pulled. Steve and Bucky entered the room quietly, hoping to sneak up behind Loki, but as soon as they reached the desk that stood between Loki and the door, the double doors slammed shut. They whipped around to see Loki, in his black and green robes and gold horns, standing at the door with a smirk.
“You’d think you would know by now,” Loki’s accent was thick and smooth as he taunted the two super soldiers. They turned around to look at the Loki standing at the window but he disappeared in a smoke before their eyes. Bucky ran to Loki and began throwing punches while Steve threw his shield at him. Loki fought them off and flung them around the room with the magic of his scepter. After a while, Loki had Bucky on the floor trying to recuperate, and Steve pressed against the bookshelves, bleeding from his eyebrow. Loki smirked at him as he dug his scepter into Steve’s throat. Bucky stood up and ran toward them, but Loki shot his arm back and pushed him away with magic. The super soldier crashed into the shelves and books fell on him.
“Now I’m really going to rail you,” Steve spat at Loki, whose eyes got wide with an excited surprise.
“Now, now, aren’t you a dirty little boy.” Steve looked at him confused and pushed him off, getting the upper hand and pinning Loki to the floor.
“I do prefer you buy me dinner first, but I see we’re skipping that stage.” Loki chuckled, amused by the way he was defeated. Bucky got up from the floor, disgruntled and hurt. Not only physically, but he was hurt by Steve. He didn’t understand why he wanted to rail everyone but him, especially Loki. He could understand Sam, they were best friends, and awfully close. But why did Steve want to have sex with Loki? Over him? It didn’t make sense, especially at this moment. Maybe Steve had a domination kink that Bucky didn’t know about, that’s why he was hard for the evildoer right now. Bucky shook away his thoughts, grabbing Loki by the arm and leading him out of the room with Steve on his other side.
Back at the Avengers base, Loki was locked up and the tesseract was safely hidden away. Bucky knocked on Steve’s door ready to confront him about his feelings. It was late, everyone was in bed by now but Bucky knew Steve would be awake. The two of them often stayed up later than others, sometimes hanging out, sometimes just from trauma. Bucky played with the hem of his dark t-shirt, nervous about his best friend’s reaction to the topic but he had to talk about it. He had to understand why Steve didn’t feel the same way about him.
Steve opened the door, his bare chest glistening from the shower he had just taken. The only thing on his body was a pair of gray sweatpants that caused a very large sight to see. Bucky’s eyes flashed down and back up to meet Steve’s chiseled face with blushed cheeks.
“Hey Buck, what’s up?” Steve motioned for him to come inside the room. Bucky hung his head, walking toward the window. He didn’t know what to say, how to say it, he didn’t give himself time to practice beforehand. He was just flustered and frantic.
“I just, I just wanted to know why you want to rail everyone? Even Loki?” Bucky sighed. Steve’s eyebrows furrowed as he stepped closer to him.
“What do you mean?” Steve was confused. He had no idea what the words he said even meant.
“Like, why do you want to fuck everyone but me? I don’t understand, did I do something wrong?” Bucky confessed, looking at the other man now. Steve’s eyes got wide, his mind a jumbled mess.
“What do you mean, ‘fuck’? Why would you think that?”
“Do you know what railing means, Steve?” Bucky was confused, he didn’t think of the possibility that Steve didn’t understand the meaning behind what he said.
“I...I figured it meant something about fighting like I’m going to kick your ass so hard you’d feel like you got hit by a train...given your history with trains, I never said it to you. I figured it was a touchy subject.” Steve admitted. His hand ran through his damp blond hair. Bucky stared at him in disbelief.
“So you don’t want to fuck Sam and Loki?”
“What?! No!” Steve exclaimed, taken aback. Bucky couldn’t help himself, he let out a few huffs in shock before laughing. He leaned against the window holding his stomach, laughing at the innocence of the man in front of him.
“Oh Stevie, let me show you what railing actually means.” Bucky stood up straight, looking at Steve who stood there with pink cheeks. Bucky walked over to him and placed his flesh hand on his cheek, staring into his eyes for a moment before taking a chance. He pressed his lips against Steve’s and melted into him. Steve grasped Bucky’s back and pulled him closer, allowing Bucky’s tongue to enter his mouth in a frenzy. The two panted, sweat building on their foreheads as they kissed and roamed each other’s bodies. It was long overdue, their feelings being pushed away for so long in fear of ruining their friendship. Neither one of them knew how much they wanted each other, especially since they had only ever seen the other pursue women. Bucky’s hand traveled down to Steve’s waistline, he gripped the bulge in his pants and stroked it. Steve let out a soft moan as goosebumps rose across his body. He pushed himself further against Bucky, desperately wanting more of him. Bucky pulled away and looked Steve in the eyes, his blue eyes yearned for him, he could see all the desperation and want in them and knew this was it. This was the moment he’d been waiting for, where he finally got to fuck Steve.
“Lay down,” Bucky commanded. Steve blushed and did as told. For being a 6’2, 240-pound super-soldier, he wasn’t very dominant. Steve actually preferred when people took over. Bucky looked over his body lying there waiting, eager to feel Bucky on top of him, inside of him. He stripped down until he was naked, his erect member springing out of his boxers and made Steve audibly gasp. Bucky chuckled and leaned forward, pulling Steve’s sweatpants off revealing him, just as hard.
Bucky pulled Steve to the edge of the bed until his feet were on the floor, then knelt down and kissed his large thighs. Steve closed his eyes and moaned, the wet kisses filling his body with lust and sending chills down his spine. Bucky tugged at his skin with his teeth, teasing and licking every inch of him. He was beautiful. Such a gorgeous sight before his eyes--Steve lying there fully exposed and waiting for him, soft under his touch and hard in anticipation.
Bucky sucked on two fingers and pushed Steve’s legs up in the air. He swirled one of the fingers at his entrance as he twitched.
“Ready for me?” Bucky hummed. Steve let out a soft whimper of a “yes” and Bucky gently pushed his finger inside. Steve gripped the sheets and moaned softly. Bucky placed his mouth back to his thighs and looked up at him with a smile. He kissed and sucked on his skin as his finger pumped and stretched inside of him. When he felt he was loose enough, Bucky inserted his second finger, causing Steve to moan even louder. His hands found their way to Bucky’s hair and he held on, soft thick hair between his fingers.
Bucky curled his fingers around, making sure Steve could take the girth of his cock. He took his fingers out and grasped his balls, rubbing them as his tongue found its way to his cock. Bucky licked up his balls, up to his shaft, until he reached Steve’s tip.
“Fuck, Buck…” Steve moaned, closing his eyes again. Bucky smiled and took his member into his mouth with a slurp. He coated his cock with the warmth of his mouth and sucked the life out of him. Bucky picked up speed when he felt the twitch of Steve’s cock. It was large and filled his mouth, gagging him a few times when he took it too deeply. He loved the feeling of him, the veiny shaft on his tongue, the sweet taste of precum filling his throat. Steve’s groans got louder and more frequent; it wouldn’t be long before he came, something Bucky so desperately wanted, but not yet.
Bucky pulled away and climbed onto the bed. Steve’s pants slowed down as he pouted at the man hovering over him. Bucky smiled, licking his lips before crashing them to Steve’s.
“Soon enough, Stevie, soon enough.” Bucky breathed lowly in his ear, bringing his lips down his neck and jawline. Steve’s hands laid on Bucky’s broad shoulders as he positioned himself at his entrance again. Bucky pressed his tip against him and waited for Steve’s okay. Once he got it, he pushed into him halfway, letting Steve adjust. Steve moaned and clawed Bucky’s shoulders, the pain subsiding quickly thanks to the super-soldier serum. Bucky kissed Steve again, tongues wrestling as he pushed all the way in with a gasp from Steve.
Bucky thrust gently, sliding his long cock almost all the way out then all the way back in until his balls slapped Steve’s.
“Is that okay?” Bucky asked, his blue eyes full of warmth, not wanting to do anything Steve didn’t want.
“Yes, Buck, it feels good,” Steve whined, wanting more of him. Bucky smiled then sped up his thrusts. He slammed down hard and Steve cried out in pleasure, spewing profanities, and grasped at the body on top of him for some control. Bucky sat up, taking one of Steve’s legs up in the air and holding it, widening his access and fiercely pounding into him.
“Fuck Bucky,” Steve groaned, pushing himself into Bucky with each thrust.
“You feel so good, Steve, god I’ve wanted this for so long.” Bucky moaned, the feeling of Steve clenched around him was too much to bear. He couldn’t hold on much longer. His vibranium hand found Steve’s cock and started stroking it, tugging and pulling until precum drizzled out, coating his fingers and Steve’s lower abdomen. His cock twitched and Bucky sped up.
“Fuck, I want you to cum for me, Steve,” Bucky was breathless. Steve brought his face down to his, causing Bucky to drop his leg but never lost pace. Steve kissed him sloppily, moaning into his mouth as he let go. He orgasmed and shot cum between their stomachs. Bucky cried out at the feeling, unable to contain his own orgasm and he filled Steve with his warm load.
Both of them lay there, a panting, steamy mess, trying to contain their breathing. Bucky turned his head to look at Steve who met his gaze.
“That is how you rail someone.”
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moongoddessmox · 3 years
Rail Me: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes (18+)
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Warnings: 18+, m/m smut, unprotected sex, language, male orgasm, oral sex.
Word count: 2,452
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Summary: Steve keeps telling people he's going to rail them but doesn't know what it means. Bucky gets jealous and shows him.
A/N: Based on this post! I did not proofread this, I haven't proofread anything since my first semester of college. This also sat here for a while so if there seems to be a disconnect between what I wrote days ago versus just now, I apologize! This isn't very good but I wanted to put that post into reality lmfao | crossposted on mox-writes for notification purposes
Masterlist | Mox-Writes
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The Avengers sat around Tony’s large living room plotting a mission to take the Tesseract from Loki. It was one of the million times Loki had stolen it from them and this was becoming routine.
“Look, all we need is Steve, Bucky, and Nat to go take care of this. The rest of us can take care of other things, we don’t all need to go every single time,” Hawkeye stood up with an annoyed sigh, just wanting to get back to his family.
“He’s right, you three go and we’ll put our minds to better use here.” Tony agreed, turning away and heading toward the stairs to his office. The group just grumbled, exhausted, and irritated about the constant meetings to discuss Loki, a consistent problem they never seemed to fix.
“Maybe we should just send Buck and Nat, Cap is getting pretty old.” Sam Wilson laughed.
“Ha, ha. Keep making jokes and I’ll rail you, Bucky is just as old as I am.” Steve responded. The group paused, stopped dead in their tracks at the words that left Steve’s lips. Everyone kept looking back and forth between each other and asking ‘what the fuck did he just say?’ with only their facial expressions. Natasha smirked, realizing that Steve didn’t understand what he said.
“Whoa now, let’s just focus on the mission.” Sam took a step back rubbing the back of his neck as his face became flushed.
“Awkward…” Hawkeye cringed, leaving the room.
Steve, Bucky, and Natasha entered the large estate where Loki was hiding out, well, he wasn’t really hiding. It was more of a camouflage as he was throwing a lavish party, something that he could blend into if he ran into trouble. Bucky’s large arm wrapped around Nat’s waist as they maneuvered through the crowd, trying to blend in. Her dress dipped low in the front and back and swayed at her knees as they walked. Steve was adorned in a blue pinstriped suit, his muscles barely being contained in the fabric.
“I got eyes on Loki,” Nat’s voice came through their earpieces. Loki waltzed up the curved staircase away from the party.
“I’ll go find the tesseract, you two boys follow Loki.” Nat departed from Bucky’s side and disappeared into the crowd. Bucky and Steve reached the bottom of the staircase together and followed Loki up. The two of them sneaked through the halls, listening for him behind closed doors until they heard shuffling around. Steve counted down for Bucky to bust open the door. His foot made contact and ripped the door off its hinges as they barreled through. Two women laid one on top of the other in a large bed, dresses half off and hair a mess. Bucky and Steve got wide-eyed and froze up as the women screamed at the top of their lungs.
“Fuck,” was all Bucky could manage to say, quickly averting his eyes and shuffling out of the room.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry...sorry...sorry” Steve grabbed the door from the floor and placed it over the gaping doorway. His face was burning red and Bucky began to laugh, patting a hand on Steve’s shoulder before moving on to the next door.
The pair finally found Loki standing in a large dark room. His black suit jacket was neatly placed over a chair, and his sleeves properly rolled up to his elbows. Loki’s back was to the door as he looked out a large panel window at the night sky. The room was lined with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves, completely full except for a few spots where books had been pulled. Steve and Bucky entered the room quietly, hoping to sneak up behind Loki, but as soon as they reached the desk that stood between Loki and the door, the double doors slammed shut. They whipped around to see Loki, in his black and green robes and gold horns, standing at the door with a smirk.
“You’d think you would know by now,” Loki’s accent was thick and smooth as he taunted the two super soldiers. They turned around to look at the Loki standing at the window but he disappeared in a smoke before their eyes. Bucky ran to Loki and began throwing punches while Steve threw his shield at him. Loki fought them off and flung them around the room with the magic of his scepter. After a while, Loki had Bucky on the floor trying to recuperate, and Steve pressed against the bookshelves, bleeding from his eyebrow. Loki smirked at him as he dug his scepter into Steve’s throat. Bucky stood up and ran toward them, but Loki shot his arm back and pushed him away with magic. The super soldier crashed into the shelves and books fell on him.
“Now I’m really going to rail you,” Steve spat at Loki, whose eyes got wide with an excited surprise.
“Now, now, aren’t you a dirty little boy.” Steve looked at him confused and pushed him off, getting the upper hand and pinning Loki to the floor.
“I do prefer you buy me dinner first, but I see we’re skipping that stage.” Loki chuckled, amused by the way he was defeated. Bucky got up from the floor, disgruntled and hurt. Not only physically, but he was hurt by Steve. He didn’t understand why he wanted to rail everyone but him, especially Loki. He could understand Sam, they were best friends, and awfully close. But why did Steve want to have sex with Loki? Over him? It didn’t make sense, especially at this moment. Maybe Steve had a domination kink that Bucky didn’t know about, that’s why he was hard for the evildoer right now. Bucky shook away his thoughts, grabbing Loki by the arm and leading him out of the room with Steve on his other side.
Back at the Avengers base, Loki was locked up and the tesseract was safely hidden away. Bucky knocked on Steve’s door ready to confront him about his feelings. It was late, everyone was in bed by now but Bucky knew Steve would be awake. The two of them often stayed up later than others, sometimes hanging out, sometimes just from trauma. Bucky played with the hem of his dark t-shirt, nervous about his best friend’s reaction to the topic but he had to talk about it. He had to understand why Steve didn’t feel the same way about him.
Steve opened the door, his bare chest glistening from the shower he had just taken. The only thing on his body was a pair of gray sweatpants that caused a very large sight to see. Bucky’s eyes flashed down and back up to meet Steve’s chiseled face with blushed cheeks.
“Hey Buck, what’s up?” Steve motioned for him to come inside the room. Bucky hung his head, walking toward the window. He didn’t know what to say, how to say it, he didn’t give himself time to practice beforehand. He was just flustered and frantic.
“I just, I just wanted to know why you want to rail everyone? Even Loki?” Bucky sighed. Steve’s eyebrows furrowed as he stepped closer to him.
“What do you mean?” Steve was confused. He had no idea what the words he said even meant.
“Like, why do you want to fuck everyone but me? I don’t understand, did I do something wrong?” Bucky confessed, looking at the other man now. Steve’s eyes got wide, his mind a jumbled mess.
“What do you mean, ‘fuck’? Why would you think that?”
“Do you know what railing means, Steve?” Bucky was confused, he didn’t think of the possibility that Steve didn’t understand the meaning behind what he said.
“I...I figured it meant something about fighting like I’m going to kick your ass so hard you’d feel like you got hit by a train...given your history with trains, I never said it to you. I figured it was a touchy subject.” Steve admitted. His hand ran through his damp blond hair. Bucky stared at him in disbelief.
“So you don’t want to fuck Sam and Loki?”
“What?! No!” Steve exclaimed, taken aback. Bucky couldn’t help himself, he let out a few huffs in shock before laughing. He leaned against the window holding his stomach, laughing at the innocence of the man in front of him.
“Oh Stevie, let me show you what railing actually means.” Bucky stood up straight, looking at Steve who stood there with pink cheeks. Bucky walked over to him and placed his flesh hand on his cheek, staring into his eyes for a moment before taking a chance. He pressed his lips against Steve’s and melted into him. Steve grasped Bucky’s back and pulled him closer, allowing Bucky’s tongue to enter his mouth in a frenzy. The two panted, sweat building on their foreheads as they kissed and roamed each other’s bodies. It was long overdue, their feelings being pushed away for so long in fear of ruining their friendship. Neither one of them knew how much they wanted each other, especially since they had only ever seen the other pursue women. Bucky’s hand traveled down to Steve’s waistline, he gripped the bulge in his pants and stroked it. Steve let out a soft moan as goosebumps rose across his body. He pushed himself further against Bucky, desperately wanting more of him. Bucky pulled away and looked Steve in the eyes, his blue eyes yearned for him, he could see all the desperation and want in them and knew this was it. This was the moment he’d been waiting for, where he finally got to fuck Steve.
“Lay down,” Bucky commanded. Steve blushed and did as told. For being a 6’2, 240-pound super-soldier, he wasn’t very dominant. Steve actually preferred when people took over. Bucky looked over his body lying there waiting, eager to feel Bucky on top of him, inside of him. He stripped down until he was naked, his erect member springing out of his boxers and made Steve audibly gasp. Bucky chuckled and leaned forward, pulling Steve’s sweatpants off revealing him, just as hard.
Bucky pulled Steve to the edge of the bed until his feet were on the floor, then knelt down and kissed his large thighs. Steve closed his eyes and moaned, the wet kisses filling his body with lust and sending chills down his spine. Bucky tugged at his skin with his teeth, teasing and licking every inch of him. He was beautiful. Such a gorgeous sight before his eyes--Steve lying there fully exposed and waiting for him, soft under his touch and hard in anticipation.
Bucky sucked on two fingers and pushed Steve’s legs up in the air. He swirled one of the fingers at his entrance as he twitched.
“Ready for me?” Bucky hummed. Steve let out a soft whimper of a “yes” and Bucky gently pushed his finger inside. Steve gripped the sheets and moaned softly. Bucky placed his mouth back to his thighs and looked up at him with a smile. He kissed and sucked on his skin as his finger pumped and stretched inside of him. When he felt he was loose enough, Bucky inserted his second finger, causing Steve to moan even louder. His hands found their way to Bucky’s hair and he held on, soft thick hair between his fingers.
Bucky curled his fingers around, making sure Steve could take the girth of his cock. He took his fingers out and grasped his balls, rubbing them as his tongue found its way to his cock. Bucky licked up his balls, up to his shaft, until he reached Steve’s tip.
“Fuck, Buck…” Steve moaned, closing his eyes again. Bucky smiled and took his member into his mouth with a slurp. He coated his cock with the warmth of his mouth and sucked the life out of him. Bucky picked up speed when he felt the twitch of Steve’s cock. It was large and filled his mouth, gagging him a few times when he took it too deeply. He loved the feeling of him, the veiny shaft on his tongue, the sweet taste of precum filling his throat. Steve’s groans got louder and more frequent; it wouldn’t be long before he came, something Bucky so desperately wanted, but not yet.
Bucky pulled away and climbed onto the bed. Steve’s pants slowed down as he pouted at the man hovering over him. Bucky smiled, licking his lips before crashing them to Steve’s.
“Soon enough, Stevie, soon enough.” Bucky breathed lowly in his ear, bringing his lips down his neck and jawline. Steve’s hands laid on Bucky’s broad shoulders as he positioned himself at his entrance again. Bucky pressed his tip against him and waited for Steve’s okay. Once he got it, he pushed into him halfway, letting Steve adjust. Steve moaned and clawed Bucky’s shoulders, the pain subsiding quickly thanks to the super-soldier serum. Bucky kissed Steve again, tongues wrestling as he pushed all the way in with a gasp from Steve.
Bucky thrust gently, sliding his long cock almost all the way out then all the way back in until his balls slapped Steve’s.
“Is that okay?” Bucky asked, his blue eyes full of warmth, not wanting to do anything Steve didn’t want.
“Yes, Buck, it feels good,” Steve whined, wanting more of him. Bucky smiled then sped up his thrusts. He slammed down hard and Steve cried out in pleasure, spewing profanities, and grasped at the body on top of him for some control. Bucky sat up, taking one of Steve’s legs up in the air and holding it, widening his access and fiercely pounding into him.
“Fuck Bucky,” Steve groaned, pushing himself into Bucky with each thrust.
“You feel so good, Steve, god I’ve wanted this for so long.” Bucky moaned, the feeling of Steve clenched around him was too much to bear. He couldn’t hold on much longer. His vibranium hand found Steve’s cock and started stroking it, tugging and pulling until precum drizzled out, coating his fingers and Steve’s lower abdomen. His cock twitched and Bucky sped up.
“Fuck, I want you to cum for me, Steve,” Bucky was breathless. Steve brought his face down to his, causing Bucky to drop his leg but never lost pace. Steve kissed him sloppily, moaning into his mouth as he let go. He orgasmed and shot cum between their stomachs. Bucky cried out at the feeling, unable to contain his own orgasm and he filled Steve with his warm load.
Both of them lay there, a panting, steamy mess, trying to contain their breathing. Bucky turned his head to look at Steve who met his gaze.
“That is how you rail someone.”
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datgurlevie · 2 years
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HI HI Chapter 14 is uuuuup on AO3!! I am so sorry everyone, I might have missed posting a few chapter updates on here (mental health no good da past few weeks...), but fret not I am still keeping a consistent schedule on AO3 :)) Please have a read if you are into a Salim x female OC ship!
Plot Summary:
Aria Chang, a 30-year-old General Major of the USMC Force Reconnaissance and a human weapon of war, is sent to investigate the suspected chemical weapons at Target LZ. But once foundations start crumbling (literally), she is forced to fight for her life against the vampiric creatures of the underground that were out for cold blood.
In the ominous underground, she encounters Iraqi soldier Salim Othman and is compelled to make a strained alliance with him if they are to all survive the House of Ashes. After being honed to kill any enemies on sight for many years, Aria must learn to cooperate with the opposition no matter the uniform they donned.
But what happens when bonds start to form, lust begins to grow, and secrets come to the light? How will their American weapon of war deal with the lurking demons that not only creep in the shadows but those that begin to grow in her head?
Together with Eric, Rachel, Nick and Jason, they must not only face their inner demons as they enter the temple doors but also be prepared to atone for their sins if they were to escape the underground.
Weekly Updates: Every Sunday 2:00pm PST/ 10:00pm GMT
Chapter 14 Sneak Peek:
Jarah, Iraq, 2003
Keen umber eyes locked onto the gate entrance that led into the giant factory facility. The sun was scorching down on the soldier who was hidden among the desert cliffs, rifle pointed steadily and directly at the targeted building.
Aria continued to focus on the large doorway and kept watch of the Iraqi soldier standing guard at the front of it. The sun was at its peak, and her skin was drenched in sweat at the heavy layers of camouflage gear and uniform she had to put on for this mission. Unlike the other operation for Target LZ, this mission was a game of waiting.
She was very used to the waiting game and did not mind enduring the extreme environmental climates in order to wait for her prey to come out. Other operations had her wait in extreme hot and cold climates for multiple days in a row with minimal food and water. Being stationed here for only four hours so far was considered nothing to her.
“Jackal Two-One, this is Eagle One reporting for zero zero four zero hours. No signs of the HVT1 yet, over.” Aria muttered over her radio while not breaking eye contact with the gate entrance.
“Roger, awaiting signal. Over.” A male voice was heard over the radio.
She went back to being comfortable in her scouting position and continued to keep watch over the area where the soldier was lingering around.
It had been two weeks since she had left the quarantine zone back in Camp Slayer, and three weeks since her escape from the House of Ashes. Aria had been too busy preparing for this mission that she did not have sufficient time to process what had happened while she was in the underground. However, due to her honed abilities to repress any traumatic events at this point she was able to push those thoughts aside while concentrating on the mission she was currently on.
For now.
Read more on AO3...
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blaze13full · 3 years
Tribal Pride
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Chapter 1: Tag you're it
Pair: VaasxOC (although thinking to add some others) rating/genre: Far Cry 3, 18+, a dozen of angst tags, summary: A certain someone has his eyes on a special price status: ongoing
Note: English is not my first language and this chapter is older than the fic
The afternoon sun was burning down on the island, with the addition of the humidity in the air making it difficult to breathe. So, when she decided, today she would make a detour from her mission to have just a small break. Deep in the jungle was an oasis, it was small but the water of the small pond was crystal clear and without deadly fishes, crocodiles, or snakes to worry about. There was even a small waterfall there. The tight bushwhack of the jungle made it hard to go there but also made it a little more private since it was a little hidden. The small lake with the waterfall was a little gem hidden on this island.
Carefully she checked her surroundings to see if there are any predators nearby but couldn’t detect any. She took off her bow and quiver her handgun and the machete she had hanging on her right side. Slowly she also took off her Shirt which was sticking on her body, the camouflage military trousers, and the combat boots and socks. She kept her underwear and a dagger on her while she slowly walked down to the small lake and waterfall.
The shiver of getting into the cold water that went through her body felt so good. After days spending crawling and sneaking through the dirt and jungle heat, she welcomed the feeling of fresh water on her skin and felt a little guilty of soiling this clear gem with her filth. Slowly she made her way to the waterfall, still cautious for snakes. When the water of the waterfall, hit her whole body she took a deep breath in and just enjoyed it, it felt so freeing. Imagining it not only washed away the dirt but also her sins of the past, the trauma, and the horrible images of the past that have been burnt into her head.
The woman really enjoyed it until there was something like an electric shock moving up her spine making her back hair stand up and her muscles tense. Something was watching her. Concentrating on the movements of her stalker she quickly ruled dogs and wolves out, they already would have howled to make themselves known, a croc would’ve moved silently into the water and she would have had a hard time with it already. The predator stalking her seemed to avoid the water, possibly because of the noise, it would give away its locations, so it might be a big stalking cat.
Slowly trying to grab the dagger without alerting the animal. She kind of wished she had her machete now or her gun, but it would probably slow her down in the water. With her dagger in hand, she swirled around to surprise attack and was a little dumbfounded when it wasn’t a big cat but a human. Normally she would have noticed a human right away but this one knew how to move in a jungle. A native. She didn’t realize who it was at first since she tried to avoid the blade of a machete, her own machete she quickly realized. Looking back, it was a horrible idea to sharpen the blade.
They danced a little with each other, while the woman really tried to keep distance from her own blade and the native trying to, well get near her throat. Forcing herself to calm down and finally recognizing who she was dancing with “Fucking Perv!” she just sneered at the man with a mohawk and those weird blue-colored eyes. “Hola Senora” Vaas smirked lunging at her again aiming for her… bra straps? Really? How adult of him. “What are you doing here?” she asked while he was just chuckling a little “I saw something pretty and wanted it for myself” Vass explained with a wide grin on his face. The urge to punch this smile out of his face was almost overwhelming. “Oh really?” she couldn’t think of a real verbal comeback so the half-naked woman decided to just, jump at him. It was dangerous, yes but it threw Vaas off guard, he wasn’t expecting something like that.
“Crazy Puta!” Vaas growled as he hit the ground and the water splashed around them. The woman landed atop of them and both began to wrestle a little, she could feel the excitement of Vaas growing. “Still a Pervert!” she grumbled while trying to bring that dagger closer to his neck. “Sorry.. GOREGOUS mine is bigger” he grinned and pushed with his strength and the machete against her, knowing damn well that she couldn’t win with sheer force. So, the woman went with the weapons she shaped herself and her DNA gave her and slowly reduced the force on her dagger but didn’t drop it altogether. Some of her hair was falling over her shoulder while she had locked eyes with him. Water was dripping down on her body, down the scar on her neck to her cleavage between her breasts and down her body. She could see his eyes scanning her, Vaas was clearly enjoying the view he got.
The electricity between them was almost visible. The woman had to confess that Vaas was indeed the best-looking man on this god-forsaken island. She would lie if she would deny the pull he has on her however given her own past and trauma this was horribly toxic and dangerous. She could feel him, his body warmth under her, the obvious erection he had, the muscles on his body. He smelled like tobacco, weed, rum, and sweat, awakening something animalistic in her which creeped her out and at the same time it turned her on. His eyes were what made her weak and his voice, god the way he talked was just erotic but since he was speaking Spanish partly she thought it was just her reaction to Latino-looking men with muscles speaking Spanish.
“Maybe….” She started with a low voice “Maybe I should let you get me Vaas” she moaned his name into his ear and could feel how his hips started grinding against her and his free hand wanders to her back. “You know that’s a really good idea sexy” he mumbled back at her and dropped the machete finally. Lusciously she bit his lips and bent down to him “Just once” she groaned and when they were about to kiss, she rammed her forehead against his nose.
Vaas was furious, holding his nose and cursing in what sounded like 3 different languages when she got up, grabbed her clothes, and made a run for it. “Tag you're it Vaas!” she shouted as she quickly put distance between him and her.
When she left she could hear an angry Vaas shout back at her “I will come and get you chica! I will find you!”
That made her job harder but also more interesting and exciting.
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This is a request from @dashhoney25
Erik and his boo, London, make up for lost time. 😈
Warnings: LOTS of Smut, Rough sex, dirty talk. This shit...had me wet AF.
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There are four levels of assassins: the novices, dilettantes, journeymen, and lastly masters. The masters, men with military or paramilitary backgrounds who travel to their contracts have few local ties that law enforcement can use. They excel at their craft, and operate quietly and without incident. In theory, the whispered meetings will be held in secret, the job will be executed with precision and grace, and no one will witness the escape. As a class one type assassin, Erik Killmonger was genetically enhanced in order to perform physical tasks much more efficiently than an average peak-human. To keep his skills in balance, Erik Killmonger practices his combat, shooting, assassination, and stealth skills whenever he is not on an assignment. He has over his life become a myth in the underworld due to his skills. Many doubt Erik Killmonger’s existence because of his skills in completing impossible assignments to the point that the FBI and CIA denies his existence…
Erik Killmonger spawned on a beach in Miami from his F470 Combat Rubber Raiding Craft at approximately 9:30 PM. He’s wearing a Roka wetsuit that provides luxurious comfort and no restrictions. The ocean waters emit a bright blue glow as the waves crashed and the tide came in because of tiny organisms called Lingulodinium polyedrum. With him, Erik Killmonger has on a pair of thermal imaging goggles resting on top of his tapered locs. Frontwards, Erik Killmonger spots two armed guards pacing in front of the architect-designed luxury beach home. Erik Killmonger tugged on the goggles, bringing them down over his onyx eyes. Both of them are carrying a GLOCK 19 and wearing crisp black suits and polished black dress shoes. One beefy man and the other looking about his weight and height. Good. 
Erik Killmonger has mastered the art of stealth, being able to terminate multiple enemies in the same area one at a time and sneak up on almost anybody and quietly neutralize them. Erik Killmonger also has an expert level understanding of the use of disguises in order to access unauthorized areas of a location. He needed the disguise of one of the guards to get inside of the home so he could grab what he needed for his Nightcall mission. Keeping low, his body hidden by the Lyme grass that sprouted from the beach, Erik Killmonger spots a pool on the left side. Moving quickly,  He walks inside the pool room and finds a tool box sitting on a surfboard table. Walking back out, he went around to the left side of the house until he saw the garage. Erik Killmonger uses the screwdriver that he picked out of the tool box to short-circuit the signal box, which will allow him to open up the garage door for access. He rounded a corner and parkour rolled, finding a good hiding spot. 
“Man, this is a bust...what exactly are we guarding?” The beefy guard with a Glasgow smile and a clean shaven head says before taking a quick puff from his cigarette. He spoke with an Australian accent from what Erik Killmonger could pick up while hiding behind a cherry-red sports car. 
“All I know is I’m getting paid,” The other guard that sounded like a Florida native says before turning to grab the cigarette from his partner's hand. He runs a hand through his jet black hair that reminded Erik of how greasers used to wear it back in the 50s. Blowing smoke towards the sky, he chokes up a bit. 
“Are these M-Marlboro golds?” He says between coughs and slight wheezes. 
“Yep, the only kind I smoke...looks like you can’t handle it though,” The beefy guard laughs tumultuously. 
“I’m more of a codeine guy,” The greaser says before handing the cigarette back to the other guard, “I prefer my prescription drugs.”
“That shit will have you on the floor, man.” 
Erik checked the time on his G-Shock Casio Camouflage watch. He didn’t bring a lot of tech with him since this job is supposed to be silent, quick, and precise. He couldn’t leave any traces of himself behind. For Erik, these types of jobs were always the hardest for him, that’s why he took another week to survey the area with his Dragon X12 U11 Drone late at night before accepting the Nightcall mission. The two guards kept talking nonsense, wasting a breath with every word when Erik Killmonger could be in the luxury beach home. He only had thirty minutes left. Since taking out both of them will bring too much attention, he decided to take them down one by one. 
“Hey...what was that?” The greaser says mid laugh. He shared a look with his partner before they both went stony-faced. He pulls out his GLOCK 19, checking the magazine for rounds before turning towards the garage, “I’ll be back, you know we aren’t really supposed to leave this post. If Alma asks, tell her I’m checking for a noise.” 
“Gotcha, just hurry back, you know that bitch will have something to say,” the beefy guard reminds him. 
With his gun pointed straight ahead with a two-handed grip and unwavering eyes, the greaser walks slowly past the cherry-red sports car, Erik Killmonger’s body no longer there. Making a left turn, heading towards the pool room, the greaser aims his gun left, right, behind, and in front of him. It was dark and anyone could be hiding behind the many shelves filled with storage bins and other miscellaneous items. Erik watched the greaser walk far enough into the pool room before stepping out from behind a cluttered storage cabinet. 
Erik Killmonger got really close behind the greaser without being detected, grabbing him around his throat by putting him in a choke hold, the crease of his arm between his bulging bicep, tricep, and flexor, squeezing with ease before he went limp in his arms. He dropped him, getting down on his knees to remove his suit and get dressed. Once he was fully clothed and looking like the other armed guards, Erik Killmonger places the GLOCK 19 in the suit jacket pocket before taking a calm yet treacherous stroll out to the other guard. 
London’s eyelids fluttered open with a hassle around 3:18 AM, just five hours before she had to be to work. London is a Cyber Security Analyst for CSOC, a five-star rated computer security company in New York City, New York. The high and wide windows within the bedroom of her Penthouse gave her a nighttime view of the Midtown Manhattan skyline and at its feet is the whole geometry of Central Park. The high end silk bedding duvet cover set in black has perfect temperature-regulating properties that would usually help her sleep but with the absence of her man there was little to no chance for her to drift off again. London scoots over towards the edge of the left side of the upholstered platform bed in black to effectively turn on the side lamp. After rubbing her tired eyes, London grabs her phone to see if she had any missed calls or texts from him. Sure enough, the busy man himself sent her a text almost two hours ago. 
Erik: I just boarded my private jet, I’ll see you when you wake up baby girl. I’ll be right next to you. 
London and Erik have been exclusive for a little over a year. They met because Erik was a longtime client of CSOC and London would personally work for him whenever he needed it. She picked up on his flirtatious cues and the way his eyes blazed every time he looked at her. It was her round, sparkling topaz eyes with sweeping lashes; glowing honey skin; high cheekbones every time she smiled; glossy full lips; bouncy blunt cut copper hair; and trim frame with a plump backside. London didn’t expect anything to happen between them since Erik could be a bit emotionally closed off but he had a deep, and in the beginning, unexpressed admiration for London. He very rarely showed a liking towards anyone around him but for some reason, London changed that. Beneath his bad boy persona is a charming, mysterious, and intellectual man. London fell in love with him before she found out what he did for a living. Erik is an Assassin. Killing people as an occupation of course terror struck her in the beginning but she couldn’t leave him alone no matter how much her conscience tried to sway her. 
The beginning of their relationship...let’s just say it was nothing short of wild. Erik used to take London on big trips to places like Dubai, Japan, Colombia, and Saudi Arabia whenever he had work. That changed when Erik almost had a near death experience when trying to escape from a mission. He ended up hospitalized in a secret facility for trained killers like himself somewhere in Arizona. London made up for his lack of being there by working more hours which led her to a position as a Lead Cyber Security Analyst. Her pockets swelled even though she didn’t necessarily need the money since Erik could afford to take care of both of them. London grew tired from working long and hard hours and whenever she would come home to find Erik there she wouldn’t feel up to doing anything sexually. He was always on the move and she was always at work back in NYC. A strain between them both began to form. 
Erik didn’t fuss much about it, knowing how demanding his job is but whenever London felt a certain way about their situation he would let her vent to him, rubbing his baby girl’s back, kissing her gently, whispering reassurance to her; that things are going to get better; that she should leave her job and stay home. As easy as all of that sounded, London couldn’t bring herself to leave all that she worked so hard for behind her. To top it all off, London is a strong, independent woman who has done almost everything herself before Erik walked into her life. Yeah, he’s her daddy, but sitting at home waiting on his FaceTime call, his text, or to even simply hear his voice wasn’t enough. Also, she had to keep in mind that the future isn’t promised for the both of them. If things didn’t work out, London would be on her own again. The lack of sexual attention was indeed driving London crazy. Taking baths alone turned into London using her waterproof rabbit vibe or the faucet to make her cum. Other times she would mount her suction cup dildo that is an exact mold of Erik’s dick on the edge of the tub to ride. If she couldn’t have daddy’s long, thick, veiny black dick, then the toy would just have to make up for that when he’s not around. 
London snatched the silk duvet from her body before walking to the master bathroom. With the lights on, London turned to stare at her reflection through the backlit vanity mirror. London gently touched one of the taps twice, the warm water flowing out and into the single copper basin of the bathroom sink. Cupping her hands, the white iced out diamond Cuban link 10k yellow gold bracelet on her right wrist twinkling beneath the lights, London watches with drowsy eyes as the water fills in her hands. A few times, London rinses her face with the warm water to calm herself down so she can go back to sleep peacefully without tossing and turning. Lifting her face from the sink basin, eyes closed because of the water dripping from her face, London blindly grabs a folded black cotton facial towel with gold trimming. She dabs her face, taking in the clean and soft fresh linen smell. 
“Why are you up so late?”
London blanched, when Erik startled her with his large hands grabbing at her waist from the back. To this day, London still wasn’t used to Erik’s stealth. His feet are like feathers hitting the floor. London is wearing a black Sheer Marabou Romper that has a cinched waist, fluffy feathery trim, and thin straps. One thing Erik loves to see her in any chance he got was lingerie or nothing at all. Looking up into the vanity, London took in Erik’s appearance. He’s wearing his usual all black from head to toe; black cable knit long sleeve top that clung to his hulking frame and black drop crotch destroyed jeans. The layered diamond tennis chains around his neck matched the bracelet on London’s wrist and the Rolex on his left wrist with its diamond bezel didn’t go unnoticed either. 
“I couldn’t sleep, it’s been that way for the past few weeks,” London rubs his strong hands with thick fingers around her waist, “How was this job?”
“Unnecessary, but I have another two million in my bank account so I can’t complain,” Erik’s thick lips circled London’s exposed neck, “You can’t sleep because of me, huh?”
“I’m used to you being next to me, yes, but I know you’re so busy,” London turns to face Erik. His hair from the dim lights of the bathroom looked almost raven, dreads messily resting against his forehead. London’s hands reach out to stroke his tapered waistline. She could feel all of the tiny raised scars beneath her manicured nails the more she lightly scratched him. 
“I’ve been getting calls for jobs left and right. Nothing else matters when I’m with you...I miss my baby,” Erik’s hand makes its way to London’s copper hair, slicking back the pressed out strands from her face before placing some behind her ears, “Haven’t been giving you the attention you need, and then you’re wearing my favorite too, probably waiting for me to come home and properly take it off of you.” 
“Properly taking my clothes off for you is ripping them to pieces,” London giggles before lifting to her tiptoes to kiss Erik’s thick, moist lips, “Why don’t you take a shower so we can lay in bed, I want you to wrap your arms around me,” London rubs Erik’s biceps. 
“Aight, ma, let me take a quick shower and I’ll meet you in bed,” Erik traced the pout of London’s bottom lip before giving her another kiss with a little bit of tongue. 
London walked back to the bedroom, pulling the silk duvet back and climbing back into bed. She propped herself up on her side to watch Erik undress. The standing shower system they have was London’s favorite. It has a square shower head with LED, remote-controlled LED, a detachable hand shower if you wanted to use it, and a thermostatic touch panel mixer with a digital display. The Rainfall mode made London experience the pleasure of a warm summer rain in her own bathroom. Her body was so tired but she couldn’t stop staring at him as he stripped out of each piece of clothing. Erik’s sinewy physique is so defined and well-built, so much so that you can even tell through his clothing. The raised marks on his torso, arms, and back caused her pierced nipples to grow taut as if she could feel his body rubbing against hers. 
Stepping into the shower, Erik puts it on Rainfall mode before standing directly under the square shower head. As the water sprouted from the shower head it trickled over Erik’s body making lazy patterns. He grabs for his favorite peppermint and eucalyptus body wash with a soap sponge to clean himself. He must have known that London was watching him because his ridiculously big dick was swaying back and forth with each movement of his body. London hasn’t had that big black dick in her for at least a few weeks now. When she first saw that fat dick in person she was sure she wouldn’t be able to take it. All that dick you’ll end up with no walls, tangled intestines, and half a stomach. She paid close attention to the way Erik grabbed his dick at the base, bringing it up against his lower abdomen to wash his balls. That heavy nut sack on him had her drooling. It had to have been almost 5 AM now. She was going to be extremely tired at work. 
London arrived to work thirty minutes late with her daily homemade green smoothie in hand. She’s wearing a charcoal grey pencil skirt with a silk black top and black So Kate pumps on her feet. Her copper hair is swept to the side and bouncing with each step she took. When London woke up Erik wasn’t on his side of the bed. After freshening up and getting dressed, London went looking for him and found him in his weapons room unloading a few rounds to test out the new artillery. She didn’t want to disturb him too much so she gave him a quick kiss before leaving him alone until she made it back home. London walks past the rounded glass top receptionist desk before pushing open the commercial double glass doors to her work area. 
Having her own office means peace and quiet now. London gave some of her coworkers tight lipped smiles before entering her work space, allowing the frosted glass door to close behind her. 888 Seventh Avenue provided magnificent views of Central Park and the Manhattan skyline. London takes a seat at her modern black wood executive desk with a Mac desktop computer and other office supplies. She has two meetings to attend and one will be starting within the next hour. London checks her work email for any important information from clients while sipping her green smoothie. Time trickled by slowly and London hadn’t noticed that Erik had called her a few times. After receiving a reminder about the meeting via company email, London checks her phone. Erik sent her a voice message which was rather unlike him. London listens despite her confusion. 
“Hey what’s up, baby, how are you doing? I didn’t get a chance to really talk to you this morning since the new artillery came in, but...I’m sitting here just thinking about you and baby... I just want to see your face. Can you send me a picture or a video of yourself? I miss that pretty face….” he paused for a second, “I’m not gonna lie, ma...I’m feeling some type of way because I’m sitting here just thinking about you...thinking about tasting you...thinking about the other night when you watched me take a shower before you fell asleep…” Erik exhaled, “I miss that wet pussy, baby...I know that shit was wet last night...like goddamn...I know you’re panties had to be soaked, shit.” 
London was seated on the edge of her seat while her free hand gripped the handle of her seat. She couldn’t believe he was saying this to her in her voicemail. She instantly needed her man. 
“I’m saying...I’m not complaining at all because I love that wet ass pussy on my face and in my fucking mouth...grinding that pussy across my lips and my beard...Still tasting your pussy juices on my mustache...I wanna suck on that clit...that shit make you so goddamn wet, girl...spread them fat pussy lips and slowly guide my tongue up and down...up and down...fuck,” Erik hisses, “I miss that pussy gripping my fingers...you like that shit don’t you? Daddy’s fingers in your tight little pussy? Goddamn...fuck that I want you to take a picture of how wet your pussy is right now...yeah, I know that’s a little naughty but I know you’re my nasty little girl so you’ll do that shit anyway, right? I’ll spank that ass if you don’t send me a fucking pic, girl...I’ll spank that ass just how I do when I’m busting that pussy open from the back…”
London closed her eyes, praying to god that she would go through the rest of her day after this voicemail. She’s definitely wet alright; fucking soaked. If London pulled her panties to the side right now it would probably reveal a sticky, slimy mess. He had to be beating that fat ass dick right now. 
“Man...now you got me wanting to fuck the shit out of you, London...put my hands on your hips and start off nice and slow in that pussy...shit, we both know that pussy good...puss will have me busting a fat nut so fast...hell nah, girl…” Erik’s voice lowered over the phone to a whisper that ran down London’s spine and straight to her clit, “I just want you to know how good that pussy tastes and feels baby...pussy so fucking good...I love when you say don’t stop daddy, you know daddy ain’t stopping for nothing. Daddy got something long and thick for your ass…and I want that fat pussy in my mouth…”
The voicemail had ended two minutes ago but London was so frozen with shock that she couldn’t move enough to close her mouth. She finally removed the phone from her ear before checking to see that no one was watching. They couldn’t anyway because of the frosted glass doors but London wanted to be absolutely certain. Scooting back in her black Sterling Leather Executive Chair, London gathers the bottom of her skirt, bringing it up and around her waist. London brings her left hand down between her legs to pull the crotch of her panties to the side. She scoots to the edge of the chair so her pussy is sitting nice a plump for a perfect picture. Grabbing her cell phone, London activates her camera from her lock screen, turning it to selfie mode before aiming it as best as she could to achieve a good angle so he can see everything. London takes a few pictures, one with her lips sitting nice and fat and the other with her lips spread so that he can see how hard and poked out her clit is and how much of her creamy wetness spilled from her pussy. 
“There you go daddy,” London says before sending it off to Erik. She wasn’t happy at all that she had to leave for her meeting. London brings all the necessary material for the meeting before exiting her office for the conference room. When she entered the conference room, everyone was already in their usual spots so London quickly found hers near the front right across from the manager of CSOC, Linda Yeager. 
“Goodmorning, London, do you have the contingency plans packet for the meeting today?” 
London’s eyes swept over Linda’s appearance. Linda has her long strawberry blonde hair pulled back into a low ponytail and a navy blue women’s suit on with a white blouse underneath. Her veneer smile is wide and similar to that of a horse and her thin lips are painted red to bring out the heavy makeup look she went for today. 
“Yes,” London opens her portfolio, handing Linda the packet that she created yesterday, “I made sure that everyone received a new one before today.” 
“Excellent,” Linda stands from her seat before making her way to a podium situated in front of the conference room, “Okay...Good Morning everyone! I know today is going to be yet another stress-filled one but we all know this is a necessity,” Linda pulls out a laser pointer, aiming it at the presentation behind her, “Today we will be discussing contingency plans that the company will implement in case of a successful attack. Since cyber attackers are constantly using new tools and strategies, cyber security analysts, such as yourself, need to stay informed about the weapons out there to mount a strong defense.”
Linda went on and on for about an hour before everyone was dismissed to assist with clients to keep intruders, attackers or hackers out of networks in order to protect digital files and information systems against unauthorized access. London made it back to her office with a bottle of Fiji water, taking her seat again. Before she started any type of work, London grabs her phone from her desk drawer because she knew Erik had a response for what she sent him. Sure enough, he left her yet another voicemail. London prepared herself for a lustful ear full. 
“Baby...fuck...I just wanna eat that pussy up...I might have to come see you for lunch today...Goddamn...mmmhhh...you know eating pussy is my shit, right? Ima tear that creamy pussy up, girl...make love to that pussy with my fucking tongue...put that whole pussy in my mouth...mmmh…damn, I wish I could eat that...Look at the lips on this pretty motherfucker.. gawd dayum! I’d slurp the hell out of them lips...call me back...call me the fuck back, London.” 
London calls Erik back with no hesitation. She could feel her heartbeat in her throat almost with the amount of anticipation running through her veins. 
“London...can daddy come eat that suckable pussy for lunch?” That was his greeting as soon as he picked up. 
“In my car? baby, you know it’s an open lot...people will see,” London says with a sultry voice. 
“London... I’m tryna eat that pussy… you gon’ make me wait?” 
“I can try to get home sooner...that way, you can eat my pussy all day if you want to.” London’s tongue dragged across her upper lip, “it’s been a while, I know you miss this pretty pussy.” 
“Yeah?” Erik says, “All day baby?”
“Uh-huh, all day...any way you like…”
“That’s a mouth full of pussy ima need a lot of time to eat that shit up,” Erik chuckles, “I guess that will be dinner then, swallow all that pussy juice and slurp up that clit, yeah?” 
London ran her pink and white ombré acrylics through her copper hair. She could feel her clit poking against the crotch of her panties and her pierced nipples stiffen behind her silk top. She wanted Erik to suck on her nipples so damn bad that she thrust her chest forward like his wet mouth was wide open and waiting. London is a B cup so she could easily go without a bra. She wished she would have now because her nipples are rubbing against the silk of her shirt. They are so damn hard. 
“Ima be face first in that ass as soon as you walk through the door, London.” 
“I know, baby,” London spoke softly while using a single finger to circle her taut left pierced nipple. 
“Yes, sit that fat pussy on my face.” 
“Daddy, I gotta go,” London’s voice didn’t match her words. 
“Aight...just Gon’ leave me drooling all over myself until you get home, huh?” 
“I’m sorry, daddy.”
London knew Erik had to be fiending since they haven’t had sex in over two weeks. He would have another job lined up soon and from his words and the harsh, uneven sound of his voice, that told London everything she needed to know. Erik needed her. Part of it made London feel guilty because there were times when he would simply watch her masturbate in the tub. He would sit on the toilet after coming home from a job, his body just as tired. London would be in the jacuzzi whirlpool tub, her waterproof rabbit vibe going to town on her clit beneath the water. She didn’t mind him watching her, he didn’t even complain about her pleasuring herself instead of letting him do it. No, Erik would simply sit there with this sexy, devilish grin on his face, his eyes all low and seductive while they peered through the soapy water to take a look at how she worked that vibrator over her clit. 
That’s it baby..make that pussy cum
Mhm, good girl...you making that fat kitty cum, baby?
Then, there were the times he walked in on her riding her dildo in the shower with it mounted to the wall. These times she hadn’t expected him to be home so soon. His sudden appearance would make her feel timid to finish but Erik would insist that she continue because he really wanted to watch her. He would stand outside of the shower, his eyes focused on the way the dildo that’s an exact mold of his dick would slide in and out of her creamy pussy. The look on her face is so beautiful while she fucked herself. She just looks so helpless and useless with each stroke. Water mixed with her creamy mess would drizzle down her inner thighs with each stroke and it made his dick chub up real fast but he didn’t intervene. He knew he wasn’t around often to take care of his baby girl, she deserved to play in her pussy. 
You’re opening that pussy up beautifully, baby
Definitely A Greedy Pussy Indeed. I Love It. 
His words made her cum in an instant. 
[ Greetings Killmonger…..]
Erik heard the alert from his personal work computer all the way from the bathroom. He walked into his master bedroom with water still trickling from his body and a towel wrapped around his hips. His office was just in the other room where his laptop was located. He walked up to the laptop, tapped a series of keys and his Oracle message popped up in green letters with a black background that reminded him of the Matrix. 
“Oracle,” Erik spoke lazily before taking a seat at his desk, “another mission?”
 [Yes...do you accept the mission? ]
“...yes,” He says while stroking his goatee, “Lay out the details.” 
[ Russia’s ambassador to Turkey named Andrey G. Karlov is supposed to be attending an art exhibit two weeks from now on Monday in Ankara, the capital of Turkey. Your assignment is to get to him and kill him before he reaches the art exhibit. We can’t have any witnesses. This job will require special gear and technology. We will provide a black Ducati sports bike and you have a suite booked at the JW Marriott Hotel Ankara. If the mission is successful, 3.5 million will be wired to your offshore bank account in Belize. ]
“Sounds legit...send me all the information I need on Karlov along with my hotel and I’ll be ready.” 
[ Excellent. Happy killing Mr. Killmonger….]
His laptop screen blacked out which meant that whatever information that was previously mentioned would be deleted without a trace. Erik has two weeks to prepare for his next job. He trained all day to keep up with his skills. It’s never a good look to take too much relaxation time. Standing from his desk chair, Erik makes his way into his master bedroom to rub his body down with cocoa butter body oil and slip on a pair of lounge pants. The body oil softened and conditioned his body perfectly. He slipped on a pair of black joggers and walked to the bathroom to finish his facial routine. Erik believes in taking care of himself, in a balanced diet, and in a rigorous exercise routine. Erik applies an herb mint facial masque which he leaves on for ten minutes while he prepares the rest of his facial routine. After rinsing the mask, Erik applies a moisturizer, some under-eye balm to help alleviate the dark circles forming, then finally, he sets it with a protective lotion. 
Back within his bedroom, staring out at Midtown through one of his wide, ceiling to floor windows, Erik realizes that London couldn’t make it home earlier like she promised. After their call ended, Erik decided to train so he could clear his head. He did his usual routine that involves jackknife crunches, crucifix push-ups, single leg burpees, jumping lunges, and other workouts. Then, Erik trained a little in combat; your fighting skills can always be improved. To end it, Erik let off a few rounds from his new Smith & Wesson pistol with a crimson trace sight. Erik walks down the modern stairs that ended within a corridor. He made his way towards the kitchen, turning on the lights and opening the fridge. Grabbing a box of leftover egg foo young, he places it within the microwave for 2 minutes. The front entrance to the penthouse opened and from the surveillance cameras in the kitchen Erik can see London removing her pumps before walking barefoot further into the penthouse. 
“Hey, baby,” her silvery voice soothed his ears, “I’m sorry I didn’t make it home earlier, today was yet another busy day...what are you heating in the microwave?” 
“It’s okay, I figured you were tied up,” Erik opens the microwave, grabbing the hot takeout container filled with shrimp egg foo young smothered in extra gravy, “Some Chinese I never ate yesterday, you wanna share?” 
“Yes,” London places her black Louis Vuitton tote bag on the galaxy storm granite countertop of their kitchen island before taking a seat on one of the stools. She finger combed her blunt cut bouncy copper hair away from her face while Erik grabbed two forks for them and after that two water bottles. He sat across from her before passing her a fork. London hissed from how hot the food was against her tongue before blowing it rapidly.
“Mmm...I haven’t had egg foo young in so long,” she licked her fork before going for more. 
“How was work?” Erik asks between chewing his food.
“It was alright, I’m exhausted,” London rubs her neck with her free hand, “How was your day?”
“Productive, did some training most of the time. I got an alert from my Oracle for a new job.” 
“...oh, yeah?” London swallows her food, hoping that her eyes didn’t read disappointment, “I figured it would be happening soon. When is it?”
“Within the next two weeks. It’s a big job so I gotta do some research over the next few days…” Erik reaches across the counter to rub London’s chin, “Hey...it’s two weeks from now. You got me for two weeks before I go away.”
London played with a piece of egg with her fork, “I know...I just get really lonely when you’re not with me, daddy.” 
“You sure about that? Still using the dildo I bought you?” Erik gave London a lopsided grin. 
“I am...but there’s nothing like daddy’s dick,” London laughs, before yawning, “I didn’t get any sleep last night.” 
“If you weren’t watching me take a shower and rub down with my body oil you would have,” Erik teased. 
“It’s your damn fault, you’re so sexy,” London strokes a single vein on Erik’s left hand with her pink and white ombré acrylic nail. 
“You know what I want, right?” Erik drags his tongue across the corner of the inside of his mouth to catch some food, causing a single dimple to form in his other cheek.
“Yes, let me shower first and I’m all yours,” London takes one final piece of egg foo young before grabbing her tote bag, walking around the kitchen counter to kiss Erik’s lips before walking away. Erik finished off the food before trashing it. He drank his water before tossing the bottle in recycling. Upstairs now, London is already out of the shower, her naked body seen walking into her walk-in closet to find something to sleep in. Erik brushes his teeth before joining her in the walk-in closet. London is wearing a sheer babydoll with berry-red trimming. 
“I got you something,” Erik says while walking up behind her. He picked it up in Miami for her. Reaching inside one of London’s many drawers, he pulls out a Cartier box. Erik presses his crotch against London’s curvy backside while leaning over her shoulder. London watches him open the box to reveal a stunning 18k white gold necklace with 264 brilliant cut diamonds. London’s topaz eyes locked with Erik’s onyx ones. They twinkled and it made him smile. He grabs the necklace, opening the clasp before placing it around her neck. London touches it with her delicate fingers. Erik’s thick lips lightly kiss the baby-soft skin of her cheek. 
“You look good in diamonds, girl,” He whispers to her before kissing along her neck, “icy just like your daddy.” 
“Thank you, daddy,” London fought for oxygen when Erik’s hands began to lift the bottom of her baby doll up. 
“Come sit on daddy’s face,” His nose was in her hair smelling the strands. Erik strolled back to the bedroom, laying back on the bed. London follows him, crawling onto the bed between his wide legs before climbing onto his lap to straddle him reverse cowgirl. Erik lifts the bottom of the baby doll completely up and around her waist to reveal her dangling fat pussy from behind. He takes his thumb to rub her protruding clit and labia that sat stunningly between her fat pussy lips. Lifting his thumb away, a slimy string of her fluids connected with it. Erik sucks it off before grabbing London by her thighs, roughly scooting her back towards him so that her pussy hovered over his lips. 
“Mmm, I miss this fat pussy,” Erik brings his lips to her pussy. He starts off by placing soft, lingering kisses that caused her to let out little gasps. Erik continues kissing her outer lips until her hips start oscillating back and forth. 
“Calm down, girl, daddy got you,” Erik spreads her pussy lips to reveal her cotton candy pink center, “had me wishing I could eat this pussy all day and I finally got it in my face,” Erik’s tongue poked out and he delivered stiff licks around her protruding clit. Erik could see her pussy contract with each lick and a single stream of slippery lubrication drip down to her labia. Erik dragged his thick bottom lip up to catch the fluid before sucking her labia into his mouth. His eyes closed one at a time after he got a taste of what he hadn’t tasted in two weeks. That sweet puss. 
“Yes, daddy,” London’s toes curled, “Fuck, baybeee.” 
Her drippy pussy was evidence that it missed his tongue among other things. 
“Sweet, tasty, pussy...sit on my face, London...THAT'S it…yeah, baby,” he groans, “Yummy pussy,” He sounded out longingly with a deep, alluring voice.
Erik loved spreading London’s lips with his tongue and tasting the warm sweet juices from her pussy. He loves when she puts her pussy on his face and rides his tongue. The loud smacking sounds from his slurping and licking mixed with London’s quickening breaths were sounds unheard of in two weeks. The way she was dripping in his mouth she was ready for his big black dick but all Erik wanted to do was eat. Both holes honestly. Erik wets a finger with his spit before sticking it in London’s tight, virgin booty hole. He was gonna get in that tight ass one day but for now he simply pushed his thick finger inside. It was so tight that it sucked his finger in. 
“Oooh, shit,” Erik says while watching his finger stroke London’s booty hole, “That ass is tighter than a motherfucker...you gon’ let me get in that ass?”
“I don’t know, daddy...fuck,” London looks back at Erik while he finger fucked her booty hole, “Damn, daddy, oh, my God…”
“I said, you gon’ let me get in that ass with this fat fucking dick?”
“Daddy it’s too big-
“If you’re used to this you’ll be used to my dick in no time, baby...taking that shit beautifully,” He wraps his lips around her clit and starts sucking. 
“Oh my God, daddy, that’s my spot,” London started speaking in tongues, “Yes, baby, suck on my pussy…”
Erik brings a finger from his other hand to slip inside of London’s pussy. The soft, fleshy ridges of her walls massaged his finger. He found her G spot and started massaging it with the pad of his finger. Erik started loudly sucking on London’s pussy and licking it sloppy with a lot of spit in between. Each time he licked London could feel his tongue print still lingering. 
“I’m gonna cum,” London says when she could feel her entire body spasm, “Daddy I’m cumming.” 
Erik continued sucking her clit, fingering her creamy pussy, and fingering her tight ass. He was working the hell out of her pussy that London almost collapsed. 
“You’re making my pussy cum,” Her voice grew louder, “Oh my God!!!!!” London started throwing her ass back, fucking Erik’s fingers before she started leaking all over his face. Her milky white orgasm covered his facial hair and lips. 
“Yes, daddy,” London became overstimulated and lifted her body from Erik’s. She fell back on the bed beside him, stroking her hair from her sweaty face. 
“I’m not finished...you said I could have it all I want, right?” Erik spreads London’s thighs before leaning over her body with a hankering desire. His tongue wiggles all over her pussy with exhilarating speed that strokes her clit in the right spot. London’s hips began to lift off of the bed but Erik held her in place. After licking it a few more times he went right back to slurping her up but this time he did it with fervor. Each suck came with a deep grunt. He was enjoying the hell out of her pussy on his mouth. He had London screaming his name. Erik was telling her through every suck and lick that this was his pussy and that she better cum in his fucking mouth. 
“Unnffttt!!!!!” London moaned out repeatedly. She yanked Erik’s tapered dreads, “eat this fucking pussy,” London rolled her hips, driving her pussy in Erik’s mouth, “yesssss ima cum in your mouth so fucking hard keep doing that.” 
Erik started sucking on London’s clit while swiveling his head back and forth. He was loving that pussy. 
“Suck on my pussy...suck on my pussy...sucking on my pussy…” London’s mouth unhinges, “Oh, yes, right there, ooooohh, DON'T stop...Yep...right there, daddy, uh-huh...uh-huh...uh-huh...FUCK YES...you’re making your pussy cum...FUCK!”
London fisted Erik’s hair as she climaxed in his mouth. 
The next day, London awoke to the sound of her alarm at 7:00 AM. She turned it off, sitting up in bed. Blinking her tired eyes, London rubbed her inner thighs together, feeling her pussy juices gathering in a puddle. She’s still wet from the repeated head she received from Erik last night. He ate her pussy three times before she fell asleep next to him then he woke her up at 2:00 AM with her clit in his mouth again. Spreading her thighs, London could see that her clit is still stiff and her inner folds are still engorged with arousal. The bed shifted behind her and London turned to find Erik stretching his built arms above his head. He blinked at her with low eyes before giving her a lazy smile.
“Good morning, baby,” Erik spoke before yawning, “You’re leaving me again, Princess?” 
“Duty calls,” London stood from the bed giving Erik a tantalizing view of her slim-thick frame. She leaned over the bed to kiss Erik nice and gentle, “I’ll miss you.” 
“Stay home,” Erik looked up at her through his long lashes, “We got some making up to do, girl...I ain’t have that puss in two weeks...we got some making up to do.” 
“I know, I know,” London was pulled down into the bed with Erik, “Daddy-
“Hush, Princess,” Erik’s hand made its way between her thighs, “That fat puss is still wet.” 
“Umph,” London shielded her face in Erik’s neck. 
“Nah, look at what I’m doing...London,” Erik yanked her hair, forcing her to focus on him, “LOOK.” 
Her eyes widened at his barbaric tone. The rough edge made her shiver. London’s eyes watched as Erik used two fingers to rub her clit side to side. 
“Mhm, I got that puss,” He bites her jaw, causing her to squeal, “Damn, that clit stiff...you going to work and leaving daddy home to take care of this fat ass dick by himself? Hmm?”
“Erik,” She could feel herself leaking all over his hand, “Daddy stop...I gotta go to work...fuck,” Erik pushed three fingers inside of her, “Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.” 
“Princess, I plan on hitting this pussy from every angle imaginable,” Erik whispered to her before giving her sloppy kisses on her neck, “cum on my fingers, girl, you know you want to.” 
“Umph, Yes-
“I see you girl…FUCK,” Erik aggressively bites his bottom lip while he watched London cream his fingers, “Thats a good pussy, baby...such a good girl,” Erik’s fingers slip out to smack her pussy. London jumps from his lap while squeezing her thighs tight. 
“I’m gonna go take a sh-shower,” London lets out an unsteady breath while watching Erik suck her juices from his fingers. 
“Go ahead, Princess, I’ll see you in there.” 
London grabs her silk bonnet and shower cap before walking into the master bathroom. With her out of the room now, Erik grabs his cell to call London’s job. On the third ring, the receptionist picks up. 
“Thanks for calling, CSOC, this is Taylor Bianchi, how can I direct you?” 
“Hi, can I speak to Linda Yeager, please? This is Erik Stevens, a long time client of CSOC.” His eyes fall on London lathering up her soap sponge with her body wash. 
“Okay, I’ll transfer your call.”
The line clicks over and there is a brief pause before Erik could hear the phone being picked up and Linda clearing her throat. 
“Erik! How are you? Is everything alright?” 
“Yeah, everything is fine...I’m calling about London...listen, I’m requesting that she has a few days off. She’s exhausted and London needs to rest her mind and her body. With her being Lead Analyst now it’s taken a heavy load on her.”
“I understand,” Linda sighs, “I wish she would have told me she needs time off, it’s never a problem. Of course, London can take however long she needs.” 
“Thank you, Linda, I’ll let her know her vacation starts today.” Erik hangs up his cell before tossing the silk duvet back. He takes off his black joggers before walking naked to the bathroom. London has just finished washing herself a second time and now she is rinsing off. Erik opens the glass shower door, stepping inside the steamy shower, “Finished without me?” 
“Sorry, baby, I have to go to work, I’m already gonna be late.”
“Nah,” Erik closes the shower door, “I called your job, you won’t be going to work for the rest of the week.” 
“Huh?” London says with a perplexed expression.
“I requested for you to be off. Linda said it was okay.” 
“Babe…” London blushes, “You did that for me?”
“You know I got you, Princess. We can use all this time to fuck as much as we want...and I’m gonna fuck you good,” Erik approaches her with a gait that had her week in the knees.
“Okay...it’s been a minute…” London was backed into a corner, “All I’ve known is my vibe and dildo…”
“Aww, I know,” Erik takes his thumbs to twirl her pierced nipples, “That’s why I gotta remind you how daddy does it...dig that pussy out.” 
Erik snatches London’s bonnet and shower cap from her head before picking her up, walking with her until their bodies are beneath the squared shower head. Erik’s long dick began to thicken up beneath her pussy. He stuck his tongue down her throat, kissing her roughly while gripping her ass. London braced herself by wrapping her arms around Erik’s shoulders. From her lips, Erik’s kisses were on her neck now right along with his teeth leaving marks. He was so hungry for her, not even a grizzly bear could stop him from getting all of London. 
“You want daddy to fuck you in this shower?” Erik sucked on her bottom lip. 
“Please, daddy, can you fuck me in the shower?”
“You know how to ask daddy for what you want...good girl,” Erik used a little force to push London’s back against the shower wall. She sucked in a sharp breath, before raising a single brow at him. He was being rough with her. 
“Being rough with me, daddy?” She questioned sweetly because she knew that drove him crazy, “It’s okay…I know you need this pussy.” 
“You’re fucking right,” Erik growled before his mouth made its way to her erect pierced nipples, “This pussy hasn’t stained my dick in two fucking weeks...that’s way too long for me, girl...you know daddy gotta have this pussy any fucking chance I get,” With one hand, Erik places it around London’s neck, “those eyes are so sexy, baby...you better look at me just like that when I fuck this pussy,” Erik grinds his dick up against London’s pussy, “and when I cum on that pretty face.” 
“Anything, daddy, just fuck me,” London tried grabbing his dick but Erik’s hand around her neck grew tighter.
“Is that how you ask for this fucking dick? Try again,” Erik spoke through clenched teeth. 
“Can daddy fuck my little pussy, please?” London asked with a pout of her lips. 
Erik smiles devilishly, “Yeah...daddy can fuck that little Princess pussy.” 
With short, heated gasps, London watched Erik grab hold of his dick with the hand that was around her neck, rubbing it back and forth over her clit. It didn’t matter how much water covered their bodies from head to toe, London’s pussy is still drenched with her slickness. Erik strokes his dick against London’s entrance before pushing in just the tip, purposely stopping so he could watch the helpless expression on her face. 
“Yeah,” he spoke smugly, “And that’s just the tip, baby,” Erik pushes in some more with just his hips, “Damn...clenching up already? You know how this dick can be,” Erik continues without stopping this time before licking away a single tear from her face, “you know daddy gets in there, ma...this shit ain’t new.” 
“Damn,” London hisses, “You got my pussy opened up, daddy.”
“And you got my dick tickling your cervix,” Erik pulls all the way to his wide tip before pushing back inside deeply, “Like how I pull it all the way out? Huh?”
London could only nod her head.
“I asked you a fucking question, Princess,” Erik does it again. His thick, long, curved dick pushed back inside. London’s pussy is so warm and wet that it made his ass cheeks clench. 
“What the fuck did I say?” He barked out.
“If I like the way you pull it all the way out,” London’s lower lip trembled between moans. 
“Pull what out?” He asked her with narrow eyes.
“This big ass dick,” London’s head extended back, “This shit is hitting the bottom of my pussy.”
“Mhm,” Erik angles London’s hips with both of his strong hands, “That’s what the fuck I’m talking about,” He picks up speed, London’s hips loudly smacking against his, “This what you kept from me?” 
“Yes!!” London’s eyes never left his, “God...you’re stretching me.”
Their tongues flicked wildly before Erik pressed his forehead against hers. He was still watching her, his hands moving her hips in a circle while he stroked her pussy long dick style. 
“Unfff, if you keep doing that- daddy, shit,” London pouts, “Daddy it’s deep.” 
Erik wasn’t listening, he was too busy moving her hips in a multitude of angels just so his dick could reach every single part of her pussy from her walls, to her cervix, to her G spot, and then her A spot. Warm, liquid leaked from her pussy and it made Erik smile handsomely at her. 
“I got this fat pussy squirting,” Erik starts banging London’s pussy out harder, “Ima make you do that shit again...UH-HUH…nut on this fucking dick.” 
With a silent scream and her feet nudging against Erik’s back from his forceful thrusts, London gave him exactly what he wanted. Erik’s dick left her pussy and he put her down. London has to brace the wall because her knees are wobbling.
“Get down on your knees and clean this daddy dick off.” 
London was on her knees, grabbing Erik’s balls with one hand while wrapping her plump lips around the tip of his dick with just the power of her jaw muscles. 
“You better suck it good too or I’ma tear that throat up,” Erik bites his bottom lip down at London. He runs his fingers through her loose curly strands, “feeding my pretty baby some dick...see? You needed that, right?”
“Mhm,” London hums whole slurping on Erik’s dick. She had to work extra hard since his dick hadn’t been in her mouth for two weeks. She worked her jaws overtime and her head moved in a circular motion. 
“You’re such a good girl,” Erik licks his lips before leaning over, spitting on his dick. He watched London lick and suck his saliva into her mouth. 
“You sucking this dick, girl, mm,” Erik shakes his head, “You want me to unload down your throat?”
London responded with puppy dog eyes and a harder suck. Erik thrusts his hips forward suddenly, causing London to gag. She removed her mouth from his dick to take a breath but Erik grabs a fist full of her wet hair, making her look at him, “Did I tell you to stop?! You know this dick is long, girl,” Erik slapped his dick against her cheek, “Open your fucking mouth, Princess.”
London opens wide and Erik didn’t waste anytime getting back inside. His head went back while he uses London’s mouth like a pussy and started fucking her throat. London’s nails clawed his thighs. 
“Told you I had something for little ass girls like you who keep running from dick...don’t stop eating that dick up, Princess.” 
“Mmm...mmmhmm,” London blinked away her growing tears, striving to finish until his cum was down her throat. 
“I need it nice and sloppy like this. Make a mess like the good girl you are. You look so sexy when you get nasty,” Erik says between London’s sucking, “Yes baby...mmmh...fuuuckkk...make it nasty, baby, that’s it,” Erik’s face fixed into a mug, “Ughhhhhh fuuuckkkkkk, don’t ever stop sucking baby girl, make daddy bust a nut...ughhhhhhh…yes, empty me...mmmm...here it comes baby... getting the job done just drain your daddy and you never have to worry about anything...FUCK YES,” Erik’s entire body spasmed out of control. He gripped the back of London’s head before erupting deep down her throat. London welcomes her gift graciously with a flickering tongue. It was a lot of cum, definitely overdue. 
“Good girl,” Erik says between ragged gasps. 
After their shower, London and Erik had a nice breakfast that Erik prepared. Veggie omelette, turkey sausage, and a side of shrimp with cheesy grits. London did a bit of yoga, something she hadn’t done in a long while. Erik cleaned up before joining London in their personal gym for a morning workout. Erik couldn’t keep his eyes off of London stretching her body. After taking yet another long shower, London and Erik lounged around well into the early afternoon in complete nudity. Erik was supposed to start his research for his new mission but that wasn’t going to happen with the way London’s nude body was calling him. They were sitting in the living room, laid back on their luxury leather sectional sofa, music playing from the installed surround sound system. 
London couldn’t keep her eyes off of Erik’s dick sitting heavy between his toned thighs. Unable to control the urge to slurp his thick pipe into her mouth, London leans over Erik’s lap, grabbing his dick in her hand, slapping it against her tongue, and then all in one motion, his dick was back in her mouth. London arched her back, her ass sitting high in the air now for Erik to reach over and slap whenever he felt like it. She massaged his nut sack while swallowing her man’s fat dick. He loved to see her with a mouth full of his meat. All he could do was simply shake his head at her. Before he needed to remind her, London’s topaz eyes connected with his and that’s when his dick swelled to cum inspiring proportions in her throat and unloaded a fat nut that she worked for. 
“There you go,” Erik studied the way his balls tightened, “Got my nuts tight, girl, get up here.” 
London climbed into Erik’s lap, squatting over him while bracing herself on the back of the couch. 
“Nah, fuck that, grab daddy’s dick and put it in that sweet little pussy so I can fuck the shit out of you.” 
London reaches between her legs, grabs Erik’s dick, and lines it up with her snug entrance. She gyrated her hips over him before lowering herself onto his third leg. 
“Mmmm,” She locked eyes with him, “Big-ass-dick.” She tells him, even though he already knew that. 
“Tight-ass-pussy,” Erik’s thick lips practically swallowed London's, the more he devoured her with his kisses. His saliva laden tongue battled for dominance in her mouth the more he kissed. London was like putty in his arms. London didn’t see it coming when Erik’s hips elevated from the couch to fuck her. His balls slapped her on the ass with each heavy, gut-filling stroke. Her thighs shook and her toes were beginning to sweat from the hot leather. 
“Oh, shit,” Her lower abdomen clenched, “It’s deep…”
“Move your hands,” Erik ordered when London’s hands came down to press against his thighs to try and slow him up, “Move your fucking hands, London.”
“Daddy, nooooo,” She whimpered.
“Shut that shit up,” He wrenched her hands away from his thighs, “grip my shoulders...that’s it, girl,” Erik went back to fucking the shit out of her wet pussy, “I got this pussy gushing all over me and you want me to stop? You better take this big black dick...all I wanna hear is you moaning and saying how much you love daddy’s big dick, nothing else,” Erik tore his eyes away for a second so he could watch her cream his dick, “I’m beating this pussy up...shut that crying up, London.” 
“Yessssss,” London chokes up, “Daddy, pleaseeee-
“Please? Please what?” Erik wrapped his arms around London’s body, holding her in place so he could work her pussy some more, “Please what? Huh?!”
“YES!!” London buried her face in the crook of Erik’s neck. She could feel a warm sensation overpower her body and then she froze. Erik’s dick was covered in her cream all the way down to his balls. 
“Just making a mess on me, huh?” Erik sucks on London’s neck, “Daddy likes that shit...come here,” Erik lifts her from his lap. He stood up with his dick dripping cum, turning London over and arching her back. 
“Mm-mm, keep that arch,” Erik strokes his messy pipe, “Push them shoulders down...good girl,” Erik slaps London’s clit a few times before he enters her with a long exhale, “Good fucking pussy...pass me my phone.” Erik barked out. London grabs Erik’s phone from her left before passing it to Erik, “You remember how we used to do it?” Erik opens up his camera, aiming it at London’s ass, “Bring that ass up, London, I’m not gonna tell you again.”
London was holding off on purpose because she knew how deep he can get in this position. 
“How is daddy supposed to beat this pussy the fuck up if you don’t listen?” Erik pumped London’s pussy full of his fat dick with just his hips while holding the phone steady so he can capture it perfectly, “Wait until you see this shit, ummmmm, baby...widen your legs London,” Erik pushes himself in all the way, causing London to cry out, “It’s okay, Princess, here,” He did it again, “beat this pussy up…look at me.”
London looks back at Erik through her messy hair. She wished she hadn’t. Just one look at him had her squirting on his dick.
“You make that shit look so damn good...I’m spreading that pussy, baby?” 
“What else is daddy doing?” Erik smiles.
“Making my pussy feel good,” London smiles back before her face frowned with ecstasy. 
“That’s the face I like to see...you got my dick pulsating in this pussy...got this good dick up in you all you can do is cum...I like that...too big, baby?” 
She couldn’t respond but HELL YEAH. His dick damn near pushed her stomach out of her mouth in this position. 
“Daddy…” London said so low. 
“What?!” Erik asked while hammering London’s pussy. He angled the phone so that the length of his defined body could be in view while he stroked her. London’s cheeks clapped loudly and her moans damn near blew out the speakers of his phone, “this is mine and ima remind you any and everywhere,” London gripped his dick with her walls, “yeahhhhh, make daddy bust a nut!!!”
“Fuck me!!” London grabbed the back of the couch, “beat it up, daddy!!”
“Fuck,” Erik had to drop the phone. He was about to cream all in London’s sweet, tight pussy, “Look at this arch, girl, damn...you want me to really get in this puss.” 
Erik’s mouth unhinges and his eyelids flutter. He gave London two deep, long, and filling thrusts before cumming deep inside of her. Erik slapped her ass hard a few times before pulling his dick from her pussy. 
“Come suck this big dick up,” Erik said between heavy breathing. London was on her knees in a flash, grabbing Erik’s dick up in her hand before licking their mess off. Erik twirled London’s pierced nipple with one hand. He was thickening up again and all he wanted to do was bury himself back inside her tight, creamy pussy some more. 
@tgigoldie @soufcakmistress @chefjessypooh @chaneajoyyy @pananegra @theblulife @becincere @blaqwidow91 @fish-outta-watah @eyeknowmywrites @crowngold @njadakillthiscookie @blktinkerbell @luvanxi @sheisexcellent1 @chocolatedippedinhoney @brandithecrystalgem @dababydababydababydababy @soulfulbeauty19 @btitannaaa @sunkissedebony97 @youngblackndgifted @harleycativy @rbhp @thee-germanpeach @thadelightfulone @palmstreesallday @skylahb @bakaris-shorty-deactivated20200 @nizzle-mo @truglori @queenflaws @ljstraightnochaser @theegoldenchild @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @nickidub718 @vikkidc @thehomierobbstark  @abluesforlyssa @abeautifulmindexposed @fd-writes @chasingsunlight @sickaddiktions @munteanhore @xo-goldengirl @tiava143 @33kiara @honeytoffee @asiasblackworld727 @momobaby227 @informalmelancholy @soulshinechronicles @hearteyes-for-killmonger @goddessofthundathighs @soulfxll @whazzzupmyhitta @seyven89 @lahuttor @janelledarling @shewritestheblues @fanfangal @kreolemami @thoughtsoftheantagonist @luvwitoutlimit1 @mygirlrenee @hippiesandpeacesigns @alittlejd @jaysaidhi @thewaysheis--awkward @walkrightuptothesun @shawnstacksss @theesotericqueen @mareethequeen @browngirldominion @ceeverse @therealmrsrhodes @sensitivelegend @teheeboo @yomiloo @msreshel-blog @bbygirrll05 @fahi0nanart @afteracouplepuffss @shaelyn102 @yaminax-kuss-a @lackbbaby @amyhennessyhouse @thattruckinwitch @dameshaemonique  @glittermakesmesmile @justgetitoverwith0  @notavintagecliche @pariahcolored @cydneyrenee4 @ajjiiaaahhhh @naeelyniecee @ambthegamer @efonteno @mikesteel20 @wisenerdcreator @draggingstxns @eevolsidog @xoxomyaah @asweet-serendipity​ @therealmrsmbjordan @ajspencer1892​ @queengodiva619 @niqui87​ @quietpoeticheart​ @itsjustyazz​ @dasia21​ @woah-express​ @bbgiirrll​ @backandbetter2​ @megabriahall @forbeautyandlife​ @queenflaws​ @cecereads209​ @queenbetter​ @yomiloo​ @daddys-baby-girl-t​ @lovinthemelanin​ @ladymac82​ @ambitionwood @t3mporaa​ @toniilaney​ @iv0rysoap​ @sinfully-dope​ @lovehatecritique​ @chocolategirl605​ @naysianaee​ @nyleveeee​ @erlebnissebliss​ @melinaasap1​ @woahthatshitfat​ @that-chick212​ @scarypumkin23​ @sambuckyslayallday​ @vikki240401​ @kuaua98 @enigmadivine​ @gingerylimonte​ @counterfeit-recherche​ @unholyxcumbucket​ @xdezaraex​ @missgigglesmoultrie​ @imrootingforeveryoneblack @dashhoney25​
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don-quixotine · 3 years
Adrinette April Day 2: Rebellion
Read on AO3  scene adapted from Chapter 9 of The Wall Between Us
Marinette let go of a long sigh as she reclined her back against the cool wood of the bench. She was at the park next to her house. It had been a long, long day at school and she was happy that it was finally behind her. Sketching for a few minutes, sitting under the cool shade of a tree always helped her shed the frustrations of the day; particularly one as taxing as this one. She made herself comfortable on the bench, took a deep breath, and gathered her creativity, focusing it at the tip of her pencil as she prepared to spill it into a design. As she did this, she lifted her sight to find the muse of the day, something that might be worth putting into paper. 
Something like... Adrien sneaking out of fencing practice?
The girl observed him from a baffled distance, witnessing the way he sported an uncharacteristic devious smirk on his face as he hurriedly descended down the steps of the school, two at a time. He looked to each side of the street, as if looking for spies, and darted in Marinette’s direction; to the park. 
The comical then happened: Stepping into the park, he shed his usual white overshirt and shoved it into his sports bag, produced an unassuming grey hoodie along with an insulting neon green cap, and quickly put them on. Merrily, he walked with a light spring towards the park kiosk to buy himself a soda and then proceeded to find a bench to sit on. 
Witnessing Adrien being so evidently pleased at breaking the rules was like watching a cat walk on its hindlegs: bizarre, to say the least. 
Marinette giggled at his confidence; at how sure he seemed that no one would be able to tell his identity under this poorly-thought disguise. She gathered the courage to go talk to him, just for a quick hello. Making the most of the fact he had not spotted her yet, she approached from behind him.
“FYI, you stick out like a sore thumb with that cap on,” she said, startling Adrien and prying a tiny gasp from him.
“Marinette!” he cried, tugging at his cap as if doing so might conceal his face better. “What are you doing here?”
“I, um... Designs,” she said lamely, lifting her sketchbook for Adrien to see. “But what are you doing here? Don’t you have fencing today?”
Adrien quirked an eyebrow. “How do you--”
Marinette’s face became red with embarrassment, quickly interrupting him hoping she hadn’t exposed the things she knew about him. “Just a lucky guess, heh, heh.” 
“I’m sneaking out,” he said, scanning the surroundings. 
“Why are you whispering?”
“Because you never know. Natalie always catches me. Sometimes I feel like she tapped my phone or something.”
Marinette pressed her lips into a sympathetic smile, with her courage quickly returning to her to poke fun at him a little more, “Well, one thing is for sure. You’re making it easy for her with that neon green thing on you.” 
“It’s the only cap I could find in the morning! Is it really that bad?”
“Take it off. You call less attention without it,” Marinette said with a giggle. “You wouldn’t be able to hide your identity for the life of you.”
Adrien laughed. “I’ll have you know I have excellent camouflaging skills.”
“Right, right. And I’m Ladybug.” 
Adrien grinned at her. His delighted heart missed a beat or two as he relished in the possibility. 
“Anyway,” Marinette said, nervousness building up inside of her at the prospect of being alone with Adrien. “I should probably get going, good luck with the sneaking out.”
“Wait!” Adrien said, more disappointed than he wanted to sound. “I, um... Would you like to spend some time with me? We could find something to do. If you’re not busy, that is.” 
Marinette ignored the warm blush that crept on her cheeks. “What-- yes. Co fourse! I mean of course! I mean--heh. Yeah, what--what did you have in mind?” 
Adrien beamed at her, stood up, and then gave her a little devilish smirk. Marinette couldn’t help but be both a little worried and infinitely curious to know what sorts of trouble Adrien wanted to get into.
They headed back to the kiosk again, this time with the mission of filling Adrien’s backpack with as many snacks as they could fit. To the clerk’s satisfaction, that involved practically emptying the little hut out of the day’s stock. 
Loot packed up and horrible neon green caps out of the way, Adrien led Marinette to stage two of his plan. They headed a few blocks away from the park, to a residential area where Adrien started testing for unlocked front doors in the apartment buildings. 
“What are you doing?” Marinette asked, a bit bewildered. 
“Looking for an open door,” Adrien explained, simultaneously finding what he was searching for. “Ah! Success!” he exclaimed, pushing the door open. “After you prin--After you.”
Marinette gave him a suspicious look but did his bidding, following him inside and then onto the building’s stairs. 
“Adrien what are you doing?” Marinette asked again, more evidently worried. “We’re going to get in trouble!” 
“No, we’re not,” he assured her as he consistently climbed up the staircase. “Trust me.”
“Why do I get the feeling you’ve done this before,” she said as she reached the very last floor, finding Adrien negotiating with the lock of the only door there. 
He pulled what looked like a fancy, metal credit card from his wallet, and used to click the lock open. Marinette snorted at the sight. 
“Why use a platinum credit card in the Champs Elysees when you can use it to perform a misdemeanor,” Marinette said. 
“My thoughts exactly,” Adrien said with a wink, pushing the door to the roof open and seizing an indistinct brick that lay there to prevent the door from shutting close. 
“You are an actual teenage vandal aren’t you,” Marinette said, absolutely bewildered at Adrien’s criminal tendencies. “So is this how you spend your free time? Breaking into people’s roofs?”
Adrien giggled as he found a spot to sit near the edge of the building. “In a way, I guess you could say that.” 
Marinette shook her head, still in shock as she joined Adrien. 
Worried at her silence, and that she might think less of him for this little escapade, Adrien hurried to look for her validation. “Are you mad? I swear I’ve only done it a couple of times and if it makes you really uncomfortable we can go down. I’m sorry.” 
Marinette turned to see Adrien’s worried, expectant face. “What? No, no. I’m not mad! It’s okay. It’s just... I never thought you had it in you to be this...”
“Bad?” he asked, sadness staining his tone.
“Rebellious,” she offered instead. “It’s a bit odd. At school, you’re always so, so... perfect.”
Adrien scrunched up his nose. “I know, I hate it,” he confessed, pulling his legs to his chest responding to a subconscious need to hide. 
Trying not to delve too much into the thought, he reached for the bag where the snacks were and emptied their little treasure between them. He gestured for Marinette to have the first pick, which she indulged by grabbing a bag of chips and a bottle of sparkling pink lemonade. 
Adrien grabbed a pack of fruit gummies and plain sparkling water as he spoke again. “Most of the stuff I do, I do it for my father.” He sighed and then continued quietly. “But it doesn’t matter how hard I work, it always feels like it’s not good enough for him and I’m tired of pretending to be someone I am not.”
Marinette’s heart wrung at Adrien’s confession. A small part of her did wonder what brought him to trust her like this so out of the blue, but this and any of her other reservations flew out the window at the sight of him being so evidently upset. It pained Marinette to see him like that.
“I’m so sorry, Adrien,” she said softly, placing a hand on his shoulder. 
“Why? It’s not your fault.”
“I mean, I’m sorry that... that your father makes you feel that way.”
Adrien looked down, hugging his legs a little tighter. 
“But you can always be yourself around me,” she offered, with her voice trembling.
Adrien’s saddened pout slowly melted into a warm smile. “I know,” he said. “That’s why I like spending time with you, Marinette. You’re the greatest friend I could possibly have asked for.”
She tried not to pay too much attention to the utter disappointment that washed over her at the idea of Adrien seeing her as just a friend. Instead, she focused on the part that mattered: That he could have someone with whom he didn’t feel the need to pretend or put up an act. As Ladybug, she knew the burden all too well and didn’t wish it on anyone, certainly not on Adrien.
“Yep,” she said. “That’s what friends are for! Heh, heh.” 
“And um, you, too.”
“Me, too?”
“I mean, you don’t have to pretend around me...” he said, taken aback by the fact he was inexplicably blushing. “I notice that you always get, er... a little tongue-tied.”
“Oh!” Marinette piped, perking up with the dread that suddenly seized her. “That. Ha, ha. That’s nothing! I just... have... uh... you know me. I don’t-- I, why would you think that?”
“I don’t know,” Adrien said, shrugging. “It’s just, this is the first real conversation you and I have ever had. It’s... nice. I wish we could do it more often.” 
Marinette laughed nervously, beyond herself with mortification and wondering whether Adrien actually knew the kind of influence he had on her. Maybe he did and he just enjoyed messing with her.
“I just... get a little nervous, that’s all,” she said sheepishly.
“Why? Is it because I’m famous?” Adrien said, adopting a smug flair. One that helped Marinette overcome her embarrassment faster than she could say ‘Lucky Charm’. She didn’t know exactly why, but Adrien’s smug, rebellious side--the side she had been witness to for the good part of the last few hours, helped her feel more at ease, more willing to use her own sass on him.
She rolled her eyes and playfully jabbed him with her arm. “You’re so full of yourself, aren’t you?  And here I was, thinking you were a perfectly polite, quiet, well-behaved boy. How wrong I was.”
“I’m all of those things!” Adrien protested as he shoved an indiscriminate handful of gummies into his mouth and leaned back. “But, you know,” he added with a small wink. “What other people don’t know, won’t kill them.”
“Show-off,” Marinette teased. 
“Only with the right audience,” Adrien said, defending himself.
Adrien was about to remark how Marinette was one to talk. How she convinced him of being the class sweetheart when in reality she was as sassy as they come. Unfortunately, he’d have to save that joke for later, because as they bantered, an Akuma rose in the distance. 
Duty called. 
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finiffy · 4 years
Got any 408 aus or headcanons?
Oh anon I hope you know that you just gave me an excuse to toss out every 408 post I have in my drafts
Ok au time. I haven't touched on my old deadraki au so why not. Basic rundown, au where both Kon and Draven died and 408 is left on their own. Because they are a hivemind that continues to grow and die off their memories become more faded with each iteration, this is mostly why they got so attached to Kondraki, they need a 'host' to which they can store and retrieve information from, and because of this Kon is able to control them with his thoughts, it's a symbiotic relationship. Without a host to retain information from they slowly forget, but they don't want to forget and so they take the illusion of Kondraki, it is some form of maybe if they keep his form they won't forget. But of course they are still losing their memories and so their illusion of him becomes more and more distorted until it is unrecognizable.
Then another au, Clef finding one instance of 408 with a broken wing and just not knowing what to do with it or how it got here (he is miles away from the site and currently on a mission that the o5 sent him on, maybe it latched onto him by accident and got injured). But there is no way for him to return it and he isn't going to turn back just for this one little guy. He wants to leave them somewhere but he knew Kon would he on his ass if he found out that he straight up abandoned one of his butterflies. So he just sucks it up, he looks up how to take care of butterflies on his phone (they're anomalous but they are just like any other type of butterflies right?) and some how becomes an unwilling babysitter for a single broken winged butterfly for this trip
Then au where everything is the same but Kondraki has a phobia of butterflies. 408 all still like him the same but Kon is absolutely terrified. But because he is the only person there that 408 will listen to he is assigned as the head researcher of them. Its really something to see Dr Kondraki, this brash and violent man almost covering in the sight of these butterflies.
Then here is some 408 thoughts
During a containment breach and they aren't able to eat their normal sugar water, does Kon allow them to eat from the corpses laying around or even from his own blood and sweat. Probably actually, it's their other choice in food than sugar water
What happens if one of them becomes disabled, do they still follow the flock? If one of their wings were damaged it would be difficult to follow. If one isn't able to camouflage themselves or something went wrong and they can't turn into illusions what happens? Do they get kicked out?
What do you think happens to instances of 408 dying like not their whole colony but just one butterfly (because if they have the same lifespan of normal butterflies it will only be a few weeks). Do they mourn? It's not like its a different butterfly or a friend, it is still them. It's like losing a strand of hair, nothing is different because the majority is still there and you can't differntiate one from another since they are all one being
When Kondraki wants to sneak them off site and to take them around, 408 would take the form of when Kondraki was a child (he showed them a picture of himself as a kid and they perfectly copied it). They also act way more spoiled, (trying to hold his hand, get carried, etc) and behave like a child even though they are centuries old probably. Kon probably taught them sign language too so they can communicate with him in this form
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flamingo-writes · 4 years
Don’t Tell Dimitri — Claude x Reader
Summary: It was after one of the monthly missions that Byleth had asked you to assist with the Golden Deer. Your lance skills were remarkable enough to have Claude manipulating Byleth into asking for your help. However, Claude’s reasons to do so were others rather than just your strength and skill.    
A/N: I went for F!Byleth instead of Gender Neutral Byleth, as I originally intended. I’ve been playing far too long with F!Byleth, I sometimes forgt M!Byleth is a thing too XD forgive me. Also, I’ve been loving the Golden Deer route, although I’ve got to admit, I miss my Blue Lions :c Anyways, I hope you enjoy this. 
Also! I headcannon Byleth to be a cheeky little shit. Everytime I have the opportunity to answer with any sarcastic/smartass answer, I go for that one. So, my perception of Byleth is heavily influenced by it. I apologize if you eadcanon Byleth to be more of a composed/serious character.  
Posted: 04.21.2020
Word Count: 1.7K
Warnings: curse words. 
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How bad things would go if someone ever found out Claude's teeny tiny crush on Dimitri's younger sister? The princess of Faerghus. Being roughly a year younger than both Claude and Dimitri, skill wise, you weren't in any way behind them.
In fact, from a young age, you showed great skill with a lance, despite your lack of Crest. You waved your lance with such precision as if it were both a third arm and your dominant hand. With such grace and skill you waved any lance, making it hard to believe you lacked a Crest. 
That skill was what first caught Claude's attention. However, your laid back personality and sharp tongue amused him like very few things in life did. However, he could see through the cheerful mask you wore to cope with the horrible past you and Dimitri had been through. 
"Say, Teach" Claude said walking up to Byleth who was attentively watching you train with Felix. "Don't you think we'll need a little help for our mission at the end of the month?" 
"I can't believe you are admitting our lack of skill, Claude. It pains me, really" Byleth snapped sarcastically at once "I'm sorry I can't be the Professor you deserve" She continued, knowing it would either annoy Claude or amuse him. 
"Oi, no one said anything about you as a professor" Claude chuckled corresponding to Byleth's sarcasm "I was just merely stating a possibility…" 
"Why are you here, Claude? I know its not because you want to train. I rarely see you doing anything productive at all on a Sunday" The professor remarked as Claude laughed softly.
"Alright, you got me, I'll cut the bullshit" 
"Language, kid" Byleth chuckled rather amused by hearing kids use curse words. 
"Those two are very tough on the battlefield. That first mock battle we had, I swear to the goddess, for a second I thought we were done for when I fought against her…" Claude recalled as Byleth nodded, remembering how Claude barely could dodge your fierce moves.
"You're suggesting that I should ask for their help for our next mission, is that right?" 
"To be honest, Felix kinda scares me a bit" Claude admitted "He's so short fused, I'm afraid he ends up stabbing me instead if I do something to upset him. [Name] however...she's cool, funny, she laughs at my jokes. She's much more laid back than her brother. And at the same time, she's a killing machine with a lance" 
"Is it just me or do I smell your hormones all over me?" Byleth chuckled, looking at Claude, trying to see his reaction, however, the young man simply shrugged. “You could either genuinly care for this girl, or you just want to get on Dimitri’s nerve, which one is it? Or is it both?” Byleth teased. 
"Say what you want, Teach. Tease me to your heart's contempt. But rest assure, you'll remain my favorite lady in this monastery…" 
"Good, I was worried that you might replace me for her" Byleth replied sarcastically. 
"Me? Never! Who do you think I am?" Claude giggled mischievously.
"The Claudster" Byleth smiled back at her student before looking back at Felix swinging his sword swiftly as you effortlessly stopped each and every one of his attacks "Alright, I'll ask for her help after she's done training" 
By the end of the month, on your way to the battlefield, Claude and you didn't stop giggling and whispering things to one another. The two of you looked like elementary kids plotting something. But that same behavior helped camouflage Claude's feelings for you, as people thought you two were just friends. Some believed you were close to you just to piss Dimitri off. Either way worked to mask the secret Claude so desperately wanted to hide.
The mission wasn't particularly hard. But maybe it was because you were there giving a helping hand. A very helpful one. However, things of course wouldn't be as good after the Golden Deer had won the war. 
While saving Claude's back while he was busy shooting an arrow, you'd twisted your ankle throwing your lance at a thief running towards Claude, ready to slash his back with a sword. 
Claude helped you walk, holding one of your arms around his shoulders and one of his arms around your waist.
"I definitely owe you big time" Claude said, grateful that you'd saved his life.
"Oh, normally I wouldn't ask you to return favours, but I will ask for this one back" you joked, laughing, trying to mask the unbearable pain on your ankle.
"You better don't tell Dimitri about this" Claude laughed, knowing your brother would be particularly amused with Claude getting his sister injured.
"I don't know, it'd be a good way to blackmail you" You joked.
Once back at the camp, Marianne took a look at your ankle. Working a little bit of magic, it soon stopped aching and it no longer was swollen. 
"I-I'm so sorry, [Name]. I can't completely cure you ankle. It'll no longer hurt, but you'll still need to rest" The shy girl mumbled too fast and too low, it was hard for you to properly listen to her. 
"It's cool. You already did a lot" You tried reassuring her "The pain was the worst part. Thank you Marianne" You smiled.
"Teach, what now?" Claude asked Byleth as she sat next to you, looking at your ankle "It's almost sunset. We won't be able to be back at the monastery before nightfall" 
"We leave tomorrow morning. It is dangerous to wander at night" Byleth answered standing up and walking to her tent. "Especially considering one of us isn't in the best condition to fight if we run into something"
The moon was almost at its highest point in the night sky. The campsite, dark and silent, as only the echoes of Raphael's loud snoring. And Claude was unable to fall asleep. Not because of Raphael, it wasn't the first time they camped, the snoring had never been a problem. 
His mind was restless with the thought of you being asleep a couple of tents away from his. In an in impulsive thought he could not ignore, he left his tent and walked across the camp stealthily until he reached your tent.
"[Name]" He whispered. She's asleep, you jerk...He told himself after whispering your name a second time. "[Name]" 
The fabric shook gently as you popped your head out of the tent. 
"Why the hell are you still up?" You whispered a scream.
"I'm sorry, did I wake you?" The boy asked.
"Not at all" 
"What?" Claude raised an eyebrow as a smirk spread through his face "Why the hell are you still up?"
"Don't use my lines against me, smartass" You giggled "Wanna come in?" 
Claude tried not to answer right away and instead waited a couple of seconds as if he was considering it.
"Sure" he shrugged.
You sat on your sleeping bag as Claude kneeled inside your tent and sat next to you.
"So? What brings you here?" You said leaning back, resting your weight on one of your arms.
"Couldn't sleep. And I heard noises coming from your tent" he lied, since you hadn't been making any noise whatsoever, but didn't question his words. "Wanna hang out while either of us gets sleepy?" 
"Sounds good to me" You shrugged.
"Thank you for saving me today. Or...yesterday. whatever" He said frowning softly. "Thank you" 
"Don't thank me Claude. I was merely doing my part, thats it" you said as your fingers reached his earring. "I like it, it suits you" 
"Thank you, darling" he smirked leaning into your touch and shrugging softly "You're tickling me" 
"I didn't know you were ticklish" You giggled, smiling mischievously. 
"[Name], no!" Claude chuckled holding your wrist tightly as you tried to sneak it to his neck. "If we wake anyone up we'll be in trouble"
"Since when do you care about getting in trouble?" You snapped as Claude looked at you with a stare you knew it only meant trouble.
"True" He hissed as he moved closer to you.
"No" You said once you noticed his menacingly stare as his hands quickly found their way to your neck and sides "Stop! Claude!" you tried to keep your giggles under control as Claude was the one tickling you now. "We'll get in trouble" You whispered a scream.
"Sorry, don't care" He whispered back at you as his fingers kept roaming, tickling you, trapping you in a torturous laugh.
"Claude!" You cried.
"Alright, fine" He was giggling as he stopped "Whatever Her Highness commands" He chuckled as you caught your breath. 
"Claude?" You whispered, still panting softly. 
"Yes, [Name]?" With a pleased cheeky smirk, he looked at you, his gorgeous green eyes meeting yours.
His heart stopped for a second once he realized what kind of look you were giving him. Your eyes were beginning to look sleepy, and yet, they scanned his face slowly. He noticed the particular way your stare would stop on his eyes and his lips.
Taking the hint, he leaned closer, slowly, giving you time to decide what happened next. At first, you didn't move, and the tip.of your.noses brushed softly, as he kept looking at you. 
In a barely audible  voice, you whispered his voice before closing your eyes. Once Claude saw his cue, he leaned in, closing in the space between the both of you. His lips met yours. 
It started as a shy simple kiss that quickly heated up after you locked your lips with him. At first, the both of you awkwardly trying to adjust to each other's rhythm. But once you managed, the both of you lost yourselves in it. 
With your heart on your throat, you clung to Claude, wrapping your arms around his neck and gripping his hair. At the same time, Claude wrapped one of his arms around your back and squeezed you against his, while he rested his weight on his free hand. 
Finally, you broke the kiss, the both of you breathless, panting lowly. Claude bumped his forehead against yours as the both of you remained motionless. 
"Let's not tell Dimitri about this" You panted as Claude nodded. 
"Agreed" He whispered, looking into your eyes for a brief second before leaning closer to steal another kiss from you.
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alexboehm55144 · 3 years
Alex Final Wars 2: Dark Alex , Chapter 36 - The Island
"One hostile spotted," Skye said, scanning the island shore with her scoped rifle. "He's alone."
"That's a long shot, though." Captain Boehm noted.
"I got it. Thankfully the water isn't too choppy."
The fox aimed down her scope, but she was not only looking at the target visually.
Skye squeezed the trigger, the projectile zipping across the water and hitting the head of a Chinese soldier, putting him down.
"That was really good," JayJay said, the boat the team was in continuing to advance towards the shore.
"Foxes can use the Earth's magnetic field to gauge distance and more accurately hit their targets."
"Oh yeah, I heard unevolved foxes use that to help with hunting."
"I guess that explains why there are so many fox sharpshooters," Alex said.
The boat reached the shore and the team disembarking onto a pavement tarmac with large fuel silos nearby.
"Isn't this where it all started?" JayJay asked. "This war?"
"Yep, this is where the Chinese fired on a US warship, sparking off this war," Alex said.
"Main building should be over there," Jack whispered, pointing past the silos to some structures on the other side of a runway.
"Alright, let's get in, get the data, and get out."
The four mammals slowly advanced through a maintenance area containing pumping equipment and storage crates. The whole team was dressed in jet black camouflage uniforms, complete with hoods and capes to further obscure their forms from detection. JayJay had even dyed her fur an ashen light gray for this mission, and the whole island was shrouded with overcast cloud formations. The entire area was dreary and gray in color, from the storm clouds overhead to the rough tarmac to the unassuming buildings made of standard concrete.
Skye pointed ahead towards a Chinese human soldier that blocked the team's path, the trooper's back to the Heroes. Captain Boehm moved forward, stowing his rifle on his back and drawing his carbon fiber knife. He snuck up behind the trooper and, in a flash, struck. The Heroes leader covered their mouth with his hand and plunged the blade into their neck.
The captain dragged the trooper back and tossed the body behind some small containers, and the team continued ahead.
"Look over there," Jack whispered, pointing out at the tarmac. "They must be doing maintenance on their planes."
Chinese fighter jets and bombers sat out in the open on the runway, surrounded by maintenance equipment and technical personnel.
"We can use that to cut across the runway," Skye noted.
"I'll take point," Alex said. "Follow my lead, and stay low. Skye and JayJay, keep your tails down and matted."
The four mammals slowly moved out onto the tarmac, taking cover behind a fuel truck. They could hear the technicians chatting and discussing their work.
As they paused for a moment, Skye stabbed the fuel tank with her knife, and there was a slight gurgling noise as a stream of fuel started to leak out. Every bit of gear destroyed now was one less thing the Chinese could use in combat.
The human captain peeked around the corner and took note of where the technical personnel were, before quickly moving under a parked jet, his team following suit.
Maintenance crews walked back and forth nearby, oblivious to the US soldiers sitting nearby. If someone turned in their direction and looked under the jet, they would be spotted.
Jack breathed rhythmically, calming his nerves. As a ZIA agent, this wasn't his first time in hostile territory on a stealth mission.
Once the coast was clear again, the team moved quickly. Going from under the jet to a ditch on the other side of the tarmac.
Skye pointed out two more guards standing near the door to a building.
"I've got the one on the left, on my shot," Alex whispered.
"I got the one on the right."
"3... 2... 1..."
Two silenced shots went out in unison, the guards dropping at the same time.
The team began to advance, but suddenly, alarm sirens went off, the high-pitched whine bringing everyone to alert.
"What? Is that us? But how?" JayJay asked.
"Ok, plan B." Alex said, "Jack, Skye, you take those 2 structures."
The human pointed to a pair of buildings a dozen or so meters away.
"I'll take that building."
He pointed to a military building that was closer to the group.
"JayJay, you take that building."
He pointed to a larger and unassuming building sitting near the tarmac.
"Once you find any reports or hard drives, call it in!"
"Will do, be safe, everyone!" Jack said, the 4 mammals splitting up and going in separate directions.
"Team B! Launch!" The captain said into his radio.
Offshore, another rubber boat began to move at top speed towards the shore, purposely trying not to be stealthy at all.
The boat hit the beach, and the 6 warriors inside, Eris, Laval, Kion, Jasiri, Nick, and Judy, all jumped out into battle. They were all dressed in the black special forces uniforms that team A was also wearing.
Team B immediately opened fire on the Chinese forces that had assembled near the tarmac, forcing the hostile troops to run for cover.
"Team B! Squad on your left!" Toothdee said through the radio.
Jasiri and Kion turned to their left to see more hostile troopers advancing. Still, knowing the hostile troops were coming, the pair swiftly struck them down with gunfire and sword strikes.
"Thanks Toothdee!" Kion said.
"No problem, I'll keep providing overwatch via satellites and drones."
The group continued advancing, gunning down and slicing through hostile soldiers in their path. The Chinese forces were no match for a group of experienced and prepared Heroes.
While most enemy troopers were becoming fodder for the reaper, a group of veteran troops had coalesced around the airplanes in the center of the tarmac, firing back with mounted machine guns.
The group of heroes took cover in ditches or behind structures, bullets whizzing by.
"Toothdee! Launch a cruise missile! Leave nothing but rubble and ash!" Eris said into her radio.
"Affirmative! Requesting targeting!" The Heroes commander aboard the typhoon said.
"Jasiri! You have the targeting laser! Mark a target for the missile!"
Jasiri tucked one of her pistols into its holster, reached into a pouch on her belt, and pulled out a large laser pointer. The activated the laser and pointed its sharp green beam towards the group of Chinese soldiers engaging the group.
"Target marked!" Jasiri said.
"Affirmative, coordinates received," Toothdee said, "launching missile."
A large missile blasted out of a compartment on the typhoon and shot into the sky, quickly nearing the Chinese-controlled island.
"We should get down," Eris said, crouching and using a wing to cover herself and another to cover Laval.
The deafening sound of a jet engine grew closer and closer before the missile turned sharply and dove toward the ground. It impacted the veteran Chinese formation in the center, obliterating soldiers and causing debris from equipment to fly into the air with a massive boom. A bright orange fireball lighting up the dark, gray world.
"Wow," Nick said, "that's an impressive firework."
While most of Heroes continued to battle against the Chinese forces on the island, JayJay had reached her assigned structure. She found a door for medium-sized mammals such as herself and tried to open it, but the door was locked, forcing the wolf to bust the barrier down with a powerful kick.
She entered the darkened building, peering through the shadowy veil with her night vision. It was a warehouse containing boxes of equipment and supplies, containers of oil, among other materials.
But before the wolf could continue to investigate, all of a sudden, she was struck from behind. Adrenaline and instinct kicked in as JayJay retaliated with an elbow jab and kick, leaping away from her attacker and spinning around to face them.
It was like looking into a mirror. The one who had attacked JayJay was her counterpart. Also sporting light gray fur and clad in an armored black outfit built for combat and tactical use.
But JayJay noticed something else her counterpart had and felt a lack of something around her waist.
"My belt!" JayJay said, looking down at her own waist and looking at the weapons and gear now in her counterpart's paws.
"It's mine now." Dark JayJay said, "Did you really think you and your friends could sneak onto this island undetected? I'm a wolf. I recognized your scent the minute you stepped on this island. After all, we have met before. I know your scent."
"You disgust me. I look at you and wonder what the hell happened to that version of me."
"You chose to bottle up your rage. I chose to embrace it. If you ask me, what your doing isn't very healthy at all. I wonder what your boyfriend will think when he finds out about this dark side."
"No! He accepts me, despite my flaws. He loves me."
"And he will never see you again!"
Dark JayJay raised her counterpart's SMG and opened fire. Still, JayJay dodged before the attack could hit and retreated into the depths of the warehouse.
"You won't hide from me!" Dark JayJay said as she kicked over a storage shelf next to the door. The object and its contents falling down in front of the exit.
"Alex!" JayJay whispered into her radio as she hid behind some oil drums and watched her counterpart prowl around the warehouse. "I'm in trouble! My counterpart is here! She stole my weapons!"
"What?! Ok, I'm coming. Just hang on till I get there."
"I'm trapped in here with her!"
"You're stronger than her. Evade her and strike if you can. Claws and paws are still dangerous tools."
JayJay disconnected the call and moved from where she was, just as her counterpart passed by.
"Come on, JayJay..." the wolf thought to herself. "Your ancestor fought in world war 1. You can do this!"
The young hero scurried under a storage shelf and got behind her counterpart. She grabbed her enemy and managed to land several good punches and kicks before her dark opposite opened fire again, forcing JayJay to retreat once again.
"You are no match for a hunter like me!" Dark JayJay yelled, firing and watching her counterpart run through the warehouse before eventually losing sight of her.
JayJay once again took cover and studied her counterpart's movements. Dark JayJay was now routinely checking behind her, watching out for any more surprise assaults. But while she was looking behind her, she wasn't looking down near her feet. Thinking quick, JayJay slid under a storage shelf with tools on it, grabbing a metal pressure gauge and tossing it nearby.
Dark JayJay heard the noise and moved to investigate, which is when JayJay made her move. The wolf grabbed her counterpart's legs and pulled, causing her enemy to fall to the ground. With her opponent stunned, the warrior jumped out from under the shelves, grabbed a wrench, and smacked her counterpart multiple times with it.
Red drops of blood flew through the air as JayJay managed to land some good strikes on her enemy. Still, the villainous wolf managed to kick her counterpart away and once again fired wildly, attempting to hit her attacker.
JayJay ran on all fours, shots whizzing nearby as she widened the gap between the two wolves.
Once she was safe again, the Heroes operative studied her opponent again, looking for an opening. Dark JayJay had wised up again. Now, in addition to looking behind her, she was keeping an eye on her feet. Wary of attacks from below. But not above.
JayJay began to climb up one of the shelves, this one holding heavy metal containers. Every step was tedious, going slow, so she didn't make any noise and alert her counterpart.
When her counterpart passed below, JayJay grabbed one of the containers and jumped down. She slammed the container into Dark JayJay's head, knocking her down to the ground, before pouncing on top of the wolf and slashing at her with a swarm of claw strikes.
JayJay was in a furious rage, determined to destroy her counterpart once and for all. And when her anger faded, it was done. Dark JayJay lay dead, covered in claw marks and staring up at the ceiling with a blank expression on her face.
The heroic wolf wondered how close she was to ending up in the same position, lying dead while her counterpart claimed victory.
Footsteps approached, and JayJay turned to see captain Boehm moving closer and closer, rifle at the ready, inspecting the two wolves.
But both mammals looked the same, which one was heroic and virtuous, and which one was cold and filled with malice.
The captain took one look at the victorious wolf and saw something in her eyes. He somehow knew that she was his, that this was the virtuous and sweet-hearted JayJay. But, also being a logical and cautious man, he spoke up.
"What did you do that prompted me to say 'ow' and wonder what you were doing?"
"I was nibbling on your ear! And I told you it was a wolf thing."
The captain immediately stowed his rifle on his back and reached down to help JayJay up.
"Are you ok?" The captain asked.
"I'm fine..." JayJay said, reclaiming her weapons, "... I did it."
"She was no a match for you. I knew you could do it..."
The captain put his hand on her shoulder.
"It's strange, though. She looks just like me. It's like seeing myself lying dead somewhere."
"I know. These counterparts are like a glimpse into some dark part of the soul. Sowing nothing but destruction and despair."
There was a pause, the pair reflecting on these counterparts and looking at the wolf lying dead on the floor.
"But if today is any proof...." Alex said, ".... good has triumphed over evil."
"Thank you."
The moment was interrupted when Jacks's voice came through the radio.
"Alex, I've recovered a set of documents marked with... what I think are classification markers? I can't tell. It's in another language."
Skye chimed in as well.
"I've found some documents and hard drives. I managed to bag them."
"Ok, in that case..." The captain said, opening the radio channel to all heroes, "both teams return to the boats. We have what we need."
A few days later, everyone was assembled in the briefing room on the typhoon.
"This is like a crowd of school kids," Toothdee said to Alex, looking out at their friends and comrades.
These mammals weren't exactly the most professional people in the world. Even though they were awaiting an essential official briefing, they weren't really paying attention.
Haida, Retsuko, and Judy were busy talking, JayJay was bushing her fur, and Nick was busy munching on some blueberries.
Meanwhile, Laval and Eris were hugging while Jasiri and Kion watched something on their phones.
Even Jack and Skye, who were trying to set up something on the presentation screen, were busy flirting and teasing each other as they worked.
"I kinda like it." Alex said, "it makes our little band of warriors feel more alive, and like actual people with lives, traits, and quirks."
"Heh, That we can agree on."
"Ok! The screen is working now." Skye said.
"Alright, EVERYONE! ATTENTION, PLEASE!" Toothdee said, and the room Immediately quieted down as everyone focused.
"Well, at least they are attentive when they need to be." Alex joked, getting a small chuckle out of Toothdee.
"As you know, we recovered documents and servers from the Chinese facility on the island we raided a few days ago. With the help of the ZIA, federal authorities have gone through the recovered data, and the necessary information is what you will see today. Remember, this island is where the war began, and what you're about to hear is radio traffic from that day."
Toothdee clicked a button on a remote. A portion of a radio call started to play, having been translated by the ZIA.
"Weapons locked on US warship. Preparing to fire."
"Hostile warship is readying its weapons."
"Dispatching interception team."
"Hostile warship is firing warning shots, returning fire."
"Direct hit on enemy vessel."
Murmurs went through the group of mammals in the briefing room. What they were hearing was the event that started this war—the first battle in this conflict.
"But there is more..." Toothdee continued, "according to reports we discovered, it is believed that our dark counterparts instigated this attack."
A gasp and another round of murmurs went through the group of mammals.
"We know more about the depth of our counterpart's involvement with the Chinese, but a lot remains hidden."
"Do we know where the counterparts come from?" Kion asked.
"Not yet, but there is only one counterpart left. We're on the cusp of eliminating this threat entirely."
Alex chimed in to make a vow, a guarantee to his friends, and maybe even the world that the threat posed by these dark doubles would be wiped away.
"I'll see to it personally that my counterpart is destroyed."
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