#its a metal made with bedrock cause its a strong material that can be found within the End
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fitzs-space · 2 years ago
im high as hell and in the little doodle u put in the last ask i thought tango was wearing a bedrock corset and i felt the need to share this
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Waist Snatched if you will.
your High self gives great drawing prompts
bonus doodle:
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ginnyzero · 5 years ago
Completely Harmless Ch. 24
Completely Harmless An SSO SilverGlade Re-imagining Story (Or Fix it Fan Salt fic) By Ginny O.
When Lily and her friends wanted to buy horses and were directed to the Silverglade Manor and its myriad of problems, they didn’t expect to start a revolution. They were just a bunch a stable girls. Completely harmless. Right?
A/N: Things are only canon if I say they’re canon. Pre-Saving the Moorland Stables compliant for the most part. Posted in its entirety on my website. Posted in 2000 to 4000 word bits here. Rated T for Swearing Word Count 177,577
Chapter Twenty-Four A Magical (Very Pink) Circus
The Silver Drakes were having a bit too much fun helping Bjorn blast out the tunnel. They took turns pushing down the lever for the explosives and yelling “fire in the hole!” It made Bjorn laugh while Agnetha rolled her eyes.
Once they had a rough tunnel in the bedrock under the paddock, more contractors arrived to help make the tunnel something worthy of being part of Silverglade Manor. These contractors happened to be the same ones who were going to be doing the remodeling of the Wine Cellar for Aaron’s wine and ice cream bar.
The first thing they did was reinforce the tunnel with metal girders and braces that they used long steel screws to set them into place. Then the girls helped them lay out the wiring for the electric lights that both the Bar and the tunnel were going to need.
Once they had the tunnel reinforced and the archway in the Wine Cave, they could cover everything that needed to be covered in concrete and start doing the facings. But that wasn’t necessarily something that the girls could help with outside of getting the materials. The contractors shooed them away and told them to come back later once the place needed the finishing touches.
Agnetha set them right to work though. There were flowers to get from Jorvik City and to plant in the terrace gardens. The kit for the Duck Tower that looked like a rounded dome Greek oracle temple had come in along with the metal cages that went with it and needed to be picked up and installed.
Plus, there were still stray hedgehogs to return to Golden Hills before anyone could start building the new event pavilion by the riding arena and chipmunks still appeared in the terrace gardens to cause havoc by stealing tools and making tunnels under the plants.
So, in this hilarity, they held another meeting of all the Clubs. And this time, Loretta and her girls were supposed to show up. But they didn’t.
Annoyed, Lily and the other Club Presidents rode off to Moorland to find out what had happened to Loretta. Justin didn’t know. He was as confused as the girls, because all of the Bobcat Girls were missing.
Thomas didn’t know anything when they asked him. Jenna was quite frankly annoyed. She’d discovered the Bobcat Girls tendency to fob their work off to campers and she was over it. Maya had a clue. “Well, Loretta threw Tan a birthday party. I’d say it was Loretta but as usual she made the other girls do all the work. They were talking about seeing something new up near Nilmer’s Highland when they came back. I told them about the ghosts on the highland but they didn’t believe me. I thought it might be that, but now, I’m not so sure.”
“We’ll check it out.” Lily said.
They rode towards Nilmer’s Highland together keeping their eyes peeled. It was the bright bit of magenta that gave it away.
“No! No. No! That’s not working!” Someone shouted.
“I have a bad feeling about this,” Ami murmured.
But there was no help of it really. They rode down the road to where it took a sharp bend and off towards the right seated on the top of the plateau like cliff that overlooked Silverglade proper was a deflated pool of magenta and hot pink that could have been a tent, a handsome young man in a top hat, several carts, and a baker’s dozen of white horses with feather plumes in Bobcat Girl Pink on their heads.
“I really have a bad feeling about this,” Ami said.
“Ladies! Ladies!” The young man in the top hat bowed, taking off his top hat. “I am Ydris and this is my circus of dreams. Or, it would be,” he eyed the fallen tent with disdain. “It appears my help lacks the required amount of hands. My Zee is missing and the Fool has wandered off.”
“My horse, she’s a very special horse,” Ydris waved his hands. He snapped his fingers. “Perhaps, you can help me!”
“We’re actually looking for some people,” Lily said.
“Then, I can help you find them in exchange,” Ydris smiled.
“Oh, no, we found them, ja,” Ingrid shifted on her horse and looked at the white horses. “Of course, calling them people at the moment might be redundant.”
Ydris waved his hand. “Those beauties said they wanted to be part of my circus.”
“Well, that will certainly teach Loretta and company to be a tad more specific, now won’t it?” Kate drawled out.
Lily sighed. “Ydris, I’m going to suppose that there is something they or we can do to get them back to normal.”
“But they are my star attraction.”
Ingrid grimaced. “We aren’t looking to take their places.”
“They shall bring delight and happiness to this world. Isn’t that the greatest joy of all?”
“They’re also people,” Lily pointed out.
Ydris heaved a great sigh. “Very well, lovely ones. I shall restore their forms in return for a favor from me.”
“Or, we can set up your tent, find your missing horse, and return your fool.” Ingrid smiled.
“The fool no doubt went for a walk, I can hear the jingle of his bells off to the south. Do not be frightened of him, fair maids, for despite his ugly face, there beats within his chest a heart of solid gold.”
“I’ll go get him,” Kate said and trotted away.
“Now, about your tent,” Lily said.
“No matter how hard I try, it won’t stay up. I wave my hands like so, and gesture like this,” Ydris waved his hands and the tent rose into the air and hovered forming the proper shape with clouds of purple energy around it. “But it won’t stay like it’s supposed to.” He lowered his hands and the purple clouds disappeared and the tent collapsed into a heap of garish silk.
“Are you forgetting you need poles and rope?”
Ydris put his hand to his forehead. “Poles and rope. Oh, yes, what mundane things to need. They must be around here somewhere,” he gestured and a rather large group of red and white striped boxes appeared in puffs of purple smoke.
The girls methodically opened the boxes. They found some twigs and twine, but not poles and rope.
Ydris laughed at their findings as Kate returned with a dwarf of a man. “Hahahah, we can make these work my lovelies. Now, watch the Great Ydris perform marvels.” He put his fingers near his forehead, his brow furrowed. And the twigs and twin popped turning into long wooden poles and thick ropes. “Will that do?”
“Well enough,” Pia said.
They dismounted their horses and by dint of picking up the tent and trial and error managed to get the poles and the ropes situated.
“It seems a bit, floppy. It is far too sad to be a carnival of dreams, a festival of delights!” Ydris waved his hands.
The girls struggled not to glare at him.
“How foolish, how unprofessional. Xin, I thought better of you!” Ydris exclaimed. “How will we look if you’re doing that when the customers appear?”
Riley helped the fool who had gotten tangled in the ropes to get down.
“Perhaps they need to be tightened,” Ydris waved his hands and the ropes tightened and the tent straightened. But as soon as he lowered them, they all fell back. “My powers aren’t as strong here on this side of the veil.”
The girls mounted their horses, attached the ropes to the saddle. “All together now, pull,” Lily shouted.
The tent slowly rose up.
“Yes. Yes, that’s it. That is my desire!”
The girls got it tight and then lashed off the ropes.
“Now, to truly be a circus, it needs, a sign!” Ydris gestured broadly but nothing happened. “Over there,” he pointed.
Luciana retrieved the sign and they put it over the door.
“Now, about your missing horse,” Sonja said.
“Zee does so enjoy running off,” Ydris sighed. “She’s mad at me you see for saying there could be a better attraction of horses than her. But the beautiful ladies offered and how could I refuse?”
“By not turning them into horses,” Lily said.
A bunch of the girls giggled.
“We shall go ask around if anyone has seen your missing horse,” Kelsey said. She and a couple of the other girls left at a trot to check with Steve, Ed, and Maya if anyone had rumors of an unclaimed horse around.
Kelsey returned with a silver dapple draft horse tagging along behind her. She was teasing it along with cookies.
“Zee!” Ydris exclaimed. “Did you have a marvelous adventure?”
Zee huffed and glared at the white horses.
“Oh yes, erm,” Ydris gestured with his hands and a cloud of purple and pink smoke surrounded the white horses. They returned to being girls, coughing and looking quite embarrassed.
“Thank you,” Lily said sweetly. “Now, before we get going. Is there anything else you need help with?”
“Well, it would be nice to have a tent to part the mists of the future.” Ydris said. “And a way for people to visit me.”
“Then, I’m sure Loretta and her club can return to help you tomorrow,” Lily said with a smile. “And you can work out an equitable way for them to be part of your circus then without changing them into horses.” Lily waved her hand. “Come along, ladies. We have a meeting!”
They offered the Bobcat girls seats on the back of their horses so they didn’t have to return to Moorland. Assuming that is where all of their horses were.
They formed up into two long lines and trotted away from the circus, back onto Nilmer’s proper before swinging onto the road to Silverglade.
Loretta didn’t say anything until they’d passed the turn off through the Silver Wood. She cleared her throat. “Thank you. May we never speak of this again?”
Lily raised a brow at her.
Loretta at least had the grace to flush.
“We make no promises we aren’t sure we can’t keep,” Kate told her in a dry tone.
They stabled their horses in Steve’s Paddock and rejoined the rest of their clubs at the Council House.
“All right, now that we’re all here,” Kate said. “Let’s begin. Captain Lily, the floor is yours.”
“In old business, I believe we have managed to set up the Farmer’s Market to our satisfaction and things are progressing quickly at Silverglade Manor. Soon, the restaurant, garden trails, and ice cream bar will be open for business. Luciana, how goes the racing event for the Dew Family.”
Luciana stood. “We’ve managed to gather several corporate and private sponsors around South New Jorvik County and in Jorvik City to match the donations of those who are getting individual sponsors. We’re going to start putting out flyers at different stables soon.”
“Amelia, Ginny, any news on the G.E.D. front?”
Ginny and Amelie looked at each other. “I’m not sure where to begin, oui,” Amelia said.
“Because there’s a lot,” Ginny rubbed her forehead. “And we’ve lost track of Mr. Kemball.”
“We know where he is,” Ingrid said with a huge sigh.
“Well, did anyone local know that the previous mayor of Jarlaheim, Mayor Eileen is missing?” Amelia asked.
The local girls looked at each other, eyes wide.
“No. Not at all,” Pauline murmured. “She was well liked too.”
“Swell mayor,” Tyra agreed with a nod.
“Well, she’s missing and Herman, the man who runs Jorvik Stables thinks that G.E.D. is to blame. We’ve got ourselves an in with Ms. Drake, the woman in charge of G.E.D. around the Jarlaheim area.”
“Oh, we’ve run into her over in Dundull. She was the one behind trying to sell our spring water,” Rania pounded the table with her fist.
“Her brother is in charge over in Epona. He’s got Junior Buttergood of the Buttergood family on his side.” Ginny grimaced.
Amelie held up her hand. “We’ve been working on the behest of Herman to find out what G.E.D. is doing around Jarlaheim. From what we’ve been able to gather, they’re looking for places to drill. Not for oil like they were doing here in Silverglade under Mr. Kemball, but for a type of crystal that they believe has more energy and power than oil.”
“In fact, we think they’ve already started drilling in Hillcrest.” Ginny added.
“Wait, aren’t you based in Hillcrest?” Lily asked.
Ginny shook her head. “That’s New Hillcrest. Hillcrest is situated on top of one of the Greydew Mountains. Right now, right outside of where the town should be is a G.E.D. housing construction area and we think a wall. We haven’t been able to get close enough to find out.”
“Herman wants us to take one of the old paths up there to find out and we’ve told him absolutely not,” Amelia said firmly. “That is a sure way to get someone caught, especially when he insists on going with us. It’d no doubt be him. Working our way into Ms. Drake’s trust is slower, but surer and safer.”
“There is an organization in Epona who seems to be trying to stand against G.E.D.” Ginny said slowly.
“Do you trust them?” Lily asked.
“When the leader is named Mrs. X?” Ginny widened her eyes. “Absolutely not. The people that we’ve met that claim to be part of this organization aren’t, well, they’re like Jamie Olivetree. They’re nice people, good intentions.”
Violet spoke up. “But seem to have some shady morals.”
Ginny nodded.
“Personal experience?” Lily asked.
“We’ll let them finish,” Ingrid said.
“Herman claims to have a friend testing the samples for him. But we haven’t heard anything back yet despite the bucket load we’ve given them.” Amelia made a face. “I’m worried that he’ll try to do something without us as we try to head off this feud between the Sunfields and the Goldspurs.
“The Goldspurs stole the Sunfield chickens, the kids are dating, Freya is mean to the cat so it runs off,” Josefina rolled her eyes. “At least the Jarlssons aren’t part of it.”
“There’s a nice young woman putting in a theatre in Jarleheim. I don’t know who is going to attend since the city seems mostly empty. There are a lot of empty shops. We’ve helped one young man put in a clothing shop but I’m not sure it’s the right area for it.” Amelie shrugged. “Mostly, there is very little word on what happened to Eileen. And we aren’t sure the G.E.D. is set up legally where they are either.”
“Right, I think pictures are in order and maybe finding out who is in charge of that part of the County like the Baroness is in charge of Silverglade.”
“Oui, and where is the Count and Countess in all of this,” Amelia scowled.
“Golden Hills,” Riley said. “I think. Or they’re supposed to be. There’s a castle up in the mountains above Cape West.”
“We need proof that they are parked where they are illegally and have something to do with the missing Mayor,” Lily said. “Without proof, then they aren’t going anywhere.”
“You’re really knowledgeable about this,” Kate observed.
“I like true crime shows,” Lily wrinkled her nose.
Kate narrowed her eyes. “I’m not sure that entirely explains it.”
“Anything else on G.E.D. in Epona, Ginny?”
“They want to buy out the stable, though I’m not sure why. It does sit on a spur between South Hoof and Sunset Islands. The entire south west area of Epona is notorious for shipwrecks. That’s why people avoid it and go to Cape West instead.” Ginny shrugged. “Or up to Cape Point.”
Lily Bones leaned forward from her spot at one of the big tables. “Having Junior Buttergood in their pocket gives them the entire area of Old Ridgecaster to do whatever they want to do. Scott is trying to fix a bridge over the Old Thunder at the moment. Robert is working with the secret organization. He tried to hire us to sabotage the G.E.D. equipment. They’ve also are drilling on one of the nearby islands. They’ve got up a gate and a guard on it.”
“You can get in if you’re careful by jumping onto the island from down below,” Ginny said. “But, you have to be careful.”
Lily Bones continued. “We refused to help Robert. It wasn’t him that would get caught and hurt.”
Lily nodded. “Understandable.”
“We’ve spent more time helping Terrance Rockwell stop being a berserk infected monster, than we’ve been able to do anything productive. He claims he fell into the Cauldron where Witch Pi lives in the Golden Hills and got poisoned by the marsh water. But he won’t tell us what he was doing there in the first place.”
“Pi?” Riley groaned. “Oh, we’ve had to deal with Pi. She’s working with Dark Core. We’re trying to get her back to normal. The Cape West Mayor is her husband.”
Lily turned her attention to Melissa. “What is happening in Valedale then?”
“Dark Core has set up a mining site above the lake and it’s turning the water green. You can see it barely from the village itself. Both waterfalls are being contaminated. Valedale doesn’t have a mayor. It has Elisabeth Sunbeam of the druids. She doesn’t seem to want much to do with us since we don’t have any druidic powers.”
Lily blinked. “Ohkay.”
“But, we brought this issue to her attention and she sent us to speak with another druid in town named Avalon. Well, he started mixing up a drug to make the Dark Core guards more susceptible to suggestion so they’d leave.”
“A drug?” Kate gaped.
“Is this normal here?” Lily asked looking at Emma, Pauline, and any other local girl that she could catch their eyes.
“We said that we weren’t drugging anyone!” Violet said. “And that made Avalon broody and now he won’t speak to us to come up with an alternative form of actions.”
“People respect the druids,” Sonja said. “But we don’t know much about them and what they can do. That’s why we speak softly around them.”
“Sabotage. Drugging people. Breaking and entering?” Lily gestured with her hands. “When we took on G.E.D. in Moorland and here, we did it by the books! We followed the law and got the proper authorities involved. We might not be able to do anything about the G.E.D. on the Buttergood lands because Junior wants them there. But come on, they can’t just park in the mountains and drill without proper permits and permissions. Same for Jarlehiem or Moorland Beach.”
“Maybe we can do something about the Buttergoods, but that means involving Walter Winterwell and making him care about the state of his land.” Ginny said with a shrug. “But if he refuses to open Fort Maria again, I don’t know if he’ll care about drilling on the Buttergoods no matter if it’s going to contaminate the entire area. They don’t have any discretion with their dump sites.”
“Probably illegal,” Lily Bones said.
“Why is Fort Maria closed?” Lily asked.
“Haunted,” Ginny said. “Or so goes the rumor.”
“Is everything in this area haunted? Nilmer’s Highland, the Arena in Jorvik Stables, now Fort Maria.” Lily waved her hands. “Aren’t the druids supposed to be doing something about that?”
Amelia spoke up. “I say the adults around here are crazy and not to be trusted.”
“Seconded,” Ami said.
“Thirded,” Kate added.
“Motion carried,” Lily said.
FOR THE ACCOMPANYING IMAGES PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE MY WATERMARK AND CONTACT INFORMATION. THANK YOU. I get it. Some of you might get excited and want to see this stuff in the game, especially the clothes, tack, and pets. However, the only way I want to see this in the game is if I get paid for it. If I see it in the game and I’m not paid for it, there will be hell to pay. You think I’m salty. I’d be angry. Personally, I’m not going to send this info to SSO. If you do, leave my contact information there! Don’t give them any excuses to steal.
Now, I’ll know you haven’t read this note if you leave me comments about how ‘salty’ I am about the game and if I hate it so much I should do something else. I am doing something else. It’s called Mystic Riders MMORPG Project. Mystic Riders however is a very baby phase game. You can check out our plans on the game dev blog. (Skills, Factions, Professions, Crafting, Mini-Games, 25+ horse breeds!) If you know anyone who would be interested and has money or contacts about game making, direct them to the blog.
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