#its a giant whale and for a leviathan mer whales are very tasty!
zestyderg · 1 year
Side characters and other creatures (mer au edition)! Part 1 I guess
Rockin' Billy
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Billy is a pilot whale mer who was driven out of his pod for his terrible, selfish behavior. He's a big bully who has no qualms with harming other merfolk to get the things he wants. The shark trio took him in, and they do not know what Billy is truly like. He's kept to himself and at most he's unhelpful and kind of rude to the others. Let's just hope that is all that he does...
The Bonehemoth
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The Bonehemoth is a Rock Whale. Rock Whales are giant, long-lived cetaceans that typically inhabit cooler stretches of ocean. They're deep divers and feed on a variety of things, using their large flat teeth to crush prey, large rocks, and even chunks of ice. The older the Rock Whale, the larger and thicker the mustache. The rocky protrusions on their bodies that they're named after are completely grown in by maturity. The Bonehemoth itself is a very old individual. Merfolk steer clear of the great whale, and while it does not actually target mers, it is a messy eater and rumored to have devoured many of them on accident.
The Bonehemoth has little to fear, with it being an extremely large and ancient animal.
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However there are still some things it's very afraid of...
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