#its 413 babeyyy
patchofhope · 2 years
pspssp let me hear about ur rewrites
Ok in honor of it being 413 im gonna actually sit down and share some of my personal changes that will be made to Homestuck Lore. One day I'll actually do an ENTIRE rewrite (because rewriting things, as in ACTUALLY writing them, makes me so goddamn happy u don’t even know) but heres some of the major changes. (Apologies for any grammar mistakes, my brains on full zoomies mode)
There are more than two fuschia bloods at a time, and traditionally, they're supposed to duke it out by a certain age to decide who becomes the heir(ess), but by the point the story takes place, it's more or less accepted that a lot of fuschia bloods just… don't want to do that? So they don’t. some hide out as anons, some just don't bother to turn up. The reason Fef's the heiress is bcus she basically turned off every fuschia blood in the area from fighting bcus of how sweet she is (and probably unintentionally stopping a couple assassination attempts in the process). It also helps since Gl'bgolyb is around, but that’s besides the point.
Vriska finally gets to be 'literal child in a really shitty situation with horrible influences doing what she thinks is right but is proved wrong later on and learns from her mistakes' instead of just 'hurr hurr vriska bad' bcus seriously I hate the way her character was handled
Gamzee is no longer just a haha funnie clown troll who go crazy and instead his mental wellbeing is taken seriously because it pisses me off endlessly that him 'snapping' is treated with the same amount of 'respect' as a serial killer in a shitty horror movie. No. Actual mental decline and recovery for you because attention to detail (even if it does nothing but make me, and maybe a few others, happy) is one of my beloveds.
I'm probably gonna change up the entire genetics for trolls too since the 'genetic behaviour' stuff that’s in canon just… That is Wrong and I shouldn’t have to explain why. Also just because I wanna throw in more spice to break up the monotony of grey, and actually paying attention to their biology instead of treating it like a joke is one way to do that. (seriously, what animals do you know are just. Grey. Like just one shade of grey with no features.) And bcus I get WAY into the actual internal biology of any species I make/touch to the point where I literally plot out how their organs rest in their body.
The dancestors actually get the respect they deserve as individual characters, instead of being walking stereotypes.
Midnight Crew + Felt get a better story (still time shenanigans, but I'll actually keep a fucking timeline of events, because it always loses me). Oh, and each one gets a proper personality instead of 4 of the Felt feeling like the same character copy pasted. (Its unfair. You will not do that to my squishes)
The kids get complete reworks, and along with it comes NEW potential points of conflict. And also Genderfluid!June who realizes it p early on because, while I may dislike HS2 greatly, June is… beloved to me. But I still love og John. So why not have both?
I will love each and every character in this goddamned webbed comic because the creator sure as fuck didn't. Stories for everyone. Everyone gets a resolution of some sort. EVEN DAVE. ESPECIALLY DAVE.
And finally, because thinking of so many things at once causes space brain, the world will actually be built. Because above biology and character interactions, the thing I love most is fleshing out the areas around them. No more 'Lands getting mentioned once and not being relevant ever again'. Every single land will be visited at least once. It's a long enough story, there's plenty of time. (this mostly means a lot more time spent on the Troll's session, because I genuinely wanted to know what they were all up to before the meteor.) Theres a whole bunch more, but I can't just sit here and keep writing this forever so, I'm cutting it shorter than I want to. (infodumping go brrrr)
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