#its 1am + I cant sleep for no fucking reason at all my whole body hurts from being tired + im hyperaware of every sensation đŸ„°
toastsnaffler · 2 years
been back in the flat 6 hours + have already reverted to my terrible coping mechanisms followed by insomnia 2 electric boogaloo yippee
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astralhugs · 4 years
RFA with an MC who doesn’t sleep because she’s on her phone too much
There are two types of people in this world, one who goes on their gadgets too much and the other, liars.
Enjoy~! Sorry I didn’t post last week D:
requests open~
* okay aside his gaming addiction, this boy rarely goes on social media.
* Probably has a facebook account just to login to LOLOL easier or sumn.
* Would usually use his phone for cooking recipes and lolol
* But you were the opposite
* You were on the phone 24/7.
* When he’s asleep, you’re on your phone.
* You’re at a theatre with him? You’re on your phone.
* At first he was just doing some positive thinking like, “Oh, maybe she has work or something.”
* But then when you guys went to bed a bit late, you promise you’d go to bed right away.
* Woo its 3AM and you’re up.
* On your phone
* And guess who caught you.
* Dearest Kim Yoosung.
* “Mc, sleep. Going on your phone too much will damage your eyes.” he worriedly said.
* You pout but then he gave you those darn puppy eyes and you cant say no?????
* In the end you gave up and slept
* It honestly felt good.
* Yoosung tells you about how he feels like he’s being ignored whenever you’re on your phone too long.
* “I’m not saying to not go on your phone, but um...its not good to go on it too long, you know?” he says.
* To my lovely readers who are students, Yoosung has something to say to you~ (will be doing this for the whole RFA mwah)
* “Hiii!! Its Yoosung~~ I love you so much but please don’t go on your phone too much! You should study hard but also take breaks, not only study breaks but breaks from your phone as well, I’m a student as well so I get you TT, if you go on your phone less I’ll kiss you~ hehe, i love you stay safe~”
* He never really realized because of practice and stuff until he saw that you were up???
* Watching netflix???
* On your phone???
* “MC.” he grabs the phone gently, surprisingly you didn’t say anything to him. He then realized you were asleep.
* He was wondering how long you’ve been doing this.
* The next day he’d definitely ask you about it though.
* You’d explain your reason and stuff.
* “I understand but staying up until 3AM? Babe, do you know how bad the radiation from your phone is to your face?” he asks.
* Would try to make you go to sleep early with him.
* ‘No phone hour’ is set one hour before you both go to sleep.
* You both would just chat and have fun like maybe doing facemasks together and doing each others hair and such.
* Loves the attention he’s getting from you whenever you’re not on your phone.
* “Hey babe! Is it very late at your place? If yes then WHY ARE YOU STILL UP? LIKE I SAID ABOVE, DO YOU KNOW HOW BAD RADIATION IS FOR YOUR SKIN????? If its morning and you’re still in bed, get up and do some exercises! I would do some with you but I have practice, you know lying in bed all day isn’t healthy so you should try doing some stretches to keep your body healthy during all of this pandemic thing. I hope you take care, see you soon, love you, mwah<3”
* Stays up till 3AM
* Doesnt really mind
* She got coffee for both of you.
* You’re answering guest emails (secretly watching netflix oop) while she’s doing all of Jumin’s piled up work.
* Zen’s at the back frustrated about how both of yall aren’t getting sleep.
* But on Fridays, Jaehee and you would try to stay away from gadgets for at least an hour before bed.
* “MC, its almost 2 we should head to bed soon.”
* Its either her who reminds you about the time or the other way around.
* Yall got each others back its no problem lol
* But fr yall both seriously need sleep
* Who am I kidding its 11.42PM rn
* In the morning, she’d prepare coffee for both of you so yall good.
* “Hello MC, I hope you’re having a lovely day, I know that you‘re having trouble going to sleep and honestly, I can say the same, with all the piled work Mr. Han gave me, I’m suprised I’ve even gotten at least 3 hours of sleep, but please don’t be like me. Sleep is important, I’ll sleep right after you sleep, promise! Take care!”
* Its either he sleeps early as fuck or he doesnt sleep at all.
* Ya know being director of C&R tingz
* Anyways he sees that you’re still awake
* ‘I thought she finished replying to guests the other day?’ he thought to himself before entering her office
* Yes you have your own office in Jumin’s place, we been knew.
* “Darling, its almost 1AM why are you not asleep?” he asks worriedly.
* Well you explain it and if it was a stupid reason like about a series then he isn’t having any of your bullshit and takes you with him to bed.
* If it’s reasonable he’d understand but wouldn’t recommend you staying up at ungodly hours.
* Sometimes would see you popping up in chatrooms and he’s like??? tf???
* Would recommend you to see a doctor to see if there were any problems as to why you weren’t sleeping well.
* Would stay by your side when you’re in bed and is asleep.
* In the end, he’d definitely recommend you not to go on your phone half an hour before going to bed so thats that.
* My love, is it late there? If it is, please get some sleep soon. I wish I could cuddle with you right now and help you go to sleep but I’m out of country. I hope the body guards are keeping you safe and I hope you’re staying indoors. My love, please wait for me, I love you.”
* saeyoung ilysm
* nah he’d still scold you though.
* He doesn’t care if he stays up for 287373 hours
* But you????
* No.
* Its bed o’clock MC time for bed.
* Has robocat set up to put you to sleep.
* Like it would remind you to go to bed and once you’re in bed it would play some soft music.
* Sometimes, it would also play Seven talking like ASMR.
* If robocat sees you on your phone it would send a notif to Seven immediately so thats that.
* I still think hes not allowed to have a say in this.
* But wbk seven loves mc more than he loves himself :(
* “drum roll!!!! ITS ME! Your lovely 707! MC! Why are you not asleep? I know, coming from me it sounds stupid but you should be sleeping because its not good for your health! I wish I could cuddle you some more but I’m on a mission right now! But don’t worry~! I’ll go back soon and we’ll cuddle alot! Stay safe and I love you!!”
THANK YOU FOR READING!! If you guys like this, I’ll try post V’s, Saeran’s and Vanderwoods :)
Requests are open please send some~!
Have a great week <3
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tayegi · 7 years
Bro! I'm so scared for what Jungkook's gonna do now that he found out what happened between Jimin and the mc. I legit thought he was gonna hit her, but now that he walked out I have a feeling he went out to find Jimin and things could go really bad and its nerve wrecking. Jk is really obsessive and the fact that she was anxious the whole time, I don't blame her. Tbh, I was scared of you updating a new chapter because I knew shit was about to go down, but the worst has yet to even come.
Anonymous said:Sorry cuz I might have sent an ask prematurely. Anyways, I feel really feel bad for the OC with Jungkook being so controlling and manipulative and Jimin neglecting her and putting her second to Jungkook. Personally I don't see an ending where the OC ends with either or where Jungkook and Jimin get together. I hope they find a way out of this toxic situation they found themselves in. Thanks you for the update by the way! It was an entertaining read. ^^
Anonymous said:Dude, I feel so bad for the OC. Being controlled and manipulated by Jungkook while simultaneously being put second by Jimin
Anonymous said:omfg i just read equilibrium 12 and i was literally so scared the entire time. holy shit, i really hope Jimin figures out whats happening and does something :/
Anonymous said:daaaamn lu the latest chapter of equilibrium gave me the chills at 1am :") as someone very lacking of sleep rn, i feel bad that the oc can't get proper rest with jjk around.. cant wait for the day she finally stands up for herself!!!! (if she ever does)
Anonymous said:Jimin has to know something is up. He may have been blindsided by jk while he was there, but Mc was too obvious when he was gone. Also, jks reaction to the condom confused me. I was expecting him to be furious and get violent. Is this to show how unstable he is? That one moment his "love" (really just possessiveness) is crushing (threat) the next it's "sweet" (the necklace) and the next it's like this. Or is it cuz this "victim" act Mc will blame herself and stay (violence could drive her away)
Anonymous said:Her situation makes me sick. It makes me feel like puking. The worst part is that this can happen to anyone. They can be strong and take no bs, but if someone like jk manages to weasel into their Iives, it can all be stripped down. And most won't consciously realize "this is abuse" and/or can't go through the steps to get out. Like the Mc knows this isn't right, but doesn't/can't leave. I feel trapped just reading, can't imagine what it feels like to actually be in that situation
Anonymous said:This is the second time she's thought he'd hit her omfg pls gurl run away 😭😭😭
Anonymous said:I read the the new chapter of Equilibrium and it's amazing how you convey feelings. I feel really uncomfortable thinking about the relationship between the three, it seems so unhealthy and destroying. Jimin is using her body, Jungkook treats her like a possession and the oc does nothing to get out of that and even encourages this behavior even. She wants to run after Jungkook and there are so many more examples that I have to reread it later. Thank you for writing and sharing your work ♄♄♄
Anonymous said:Oh god I read the new Equilibrium chapter and holy shit Jungkook is getting more and more terrifying. It's amazing how well you depict the character's fear towards him and I really really wish she would just leave and run away but seeing how the story is playing out so far I don't see that happening... even I feel fear for her D: that just goes to show how well you write out the events of the story and the character's emotions/reactions to them!!
Anonymous said:The entirety of the new chapter of Equilibrium had me screaming 'everyone should just gtfo of that awful, toxic relationship' Like everytime the OC was worried about the backlash from JK just for kissing Jimin. Bitch, that's fucking psychological abuse, I wish the characters would realize that its not healthy or okay in the slightest. Props for writing such a nuanced story & capturing common relationship tropes in media that are glorified as romantic but are actual abusive af. Love you :)
Anonymous said:Equilibrium got me fucked up. I honestly don't know what to feel but I don't feel great reading about abuse when I have to wait for what happens next (no rush honestly stories like this just make me think to no end about what's next and gives me secondhand nerves) but I just cannot stop. I'm just so worried about everything going on in this relationship and how unhealthy it is. On another note, thank you for another great chapter, I'm sure how it'll play out will have me shook.
Anonymous said:Ahhh, I had a feeling you had updated today for some reason!! Thanks!
Anonymous said:Oh man it's getting so intense with the new chapter...I'm actually getting kind for scared for Jimin now with possessive Jungkook raging all over the place. Just hoping Jimin might actually catch on with Y/N's actions :( MY GOSH DOES JIMIN EVEN LIKE Y/N WHAT"S GOING ON LIKE SERIOUSLY! Jungkook you are now officially on the bottom of my list lol
kyarybunny said:It's unnerving to read how 'safe' was used to explain Jungkook's absence... So many examples of this being abusive. Plus she thought he was about to hit her?!? Also reading the climax (ha) between her&Jimin was like a let down (on his part, not u) He probably felt hurt when the response was immediately addressing Jungkook (That quick exit) but he didn't even try to reciprocate :/ or even look her in the face smh... But YOU'RE SO GREAT AT WRITING it made me upset in a good way! I enjoyed reading~
Anonymous said:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA fuck nvm. I can't do this. My hearts hurting. I just want to take her out of there. Kick that asshole in the face. Keep her safe and protected from shit holes like him. I can't read this tonight. I'm not gonna be able to sleep. See ya tomorrow. I'll try again tomorrow. Shit lu you're gonna kill me one day. Either you or bigshit. You both have the amazing abilities to drop stuff when it's least expected but when it's the most effective. K peace. C ya tomorrow
Anonymous said:Ah you really surprised me with that new chapter of equilibrium was about to go to bed then I saw it and just had to read it. The writing is really well done, the possessiveness that Jungkook displays towards the oc is so scary, and poor jimin doesn't suspect a thing. And that ending scene was so scary to read I didn't know what he was going to do when he found out. I really loved it. Can't wait to see how the story progresses from here. 😊
Anonymous said:OMFFF SHITS GOING DOWWWNNNN!!!! Low key super worried but high key super keen to see what happens next! Another amazing piece of writing as always! xxx
Anonymous said:both of oc's boyfriends are assholes omg and ones fucking crazy
Anonymous said:Jungkook is being kind of dick, on the one hand I get he feels betrayed, but it doesn't excuse the possessive nature! He wanted to be in a poly Relationship! He doesn't get to call the shots. Jimin is no better, the MC isn't innocent either and it's so good. You write such complex literary characters.
Anonymous said:newest chap of Equilibrium was so good. i could honestly feel the reader's fear. i actually got sick to my stomach, i was so frightened. like a++++ job with that writing, you got some mad skills, girl.
AH THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR RECOGNIZING PSYCHOLOGICAL AND MENTAL ABUSE!!! the girls from previous chapters who thought this was “sexy” seriously scared the shit out of me. Nothing of this is acceptable whatsoever. It’s completely unhealthy and all of the characters need to get out of this situation, tbh haha
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