#its 1:54pm
asteraegis · 2 years
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i designed a dungeon based off my viera's lore this week!
the gear is inspired by inuit coats/furs, as well as the paglth'an and qitana ravel gear sets. my inspiration comes from how i always assumed the ffxiv viera were based on indigenous people, but the starter clothes don't fit, especially for veena. my fictional snowy mountain forest, Frer, is located east of Garlemald so it's quite cold there and the lingerie viera start with 🙄 would not cut it.
Labrys is modeling the gear (since she's big), with head pieces separated so Howlen can model them (originally they were all going to be bones/warpaint for Frer's lore reasons, but my samurai friend wanted a hood).
as far as the enemies go, 'geotek' is the term used for the repurposed magitek scraps the veena here use to make turrets that enhance their spells. Isiq and Makpiq are inuktitut words (not names) i thought fit the bosses. according to the dictionary i sourced, Isiq means "smoke from fire" and Makpiq is "turn back/away." hopefully thats correct and i read the dictionary right (was very cluttered and i am so dyslexic).
anyway, i still have a lot more cultural lore to design for Frer but designing a dungeon to show off their traditional clothes and creations was really fun in general. theres more details on this dungeon like why i did what i did, fight layouts, and clothing concept art i referenced but since this is tumblr im not posting that essay here.
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onlyrains · 9 months
Hi!!! I just wanna say that im really obsessed with your writtings i keep reading them especially the monji one 😣😭💖
So i was wondering if you dont mind to make the part 2 if there is any cuz asdfghjll they are so adorable 😭😭💖
Love you!!
a/n: hiii!!! thank you for liking my work, it means a lot! here's you request and i'm so sorry for the wait. i make it quite long as an apology. btw love you too!❤️
part 1
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the last time you saw your best friend—monji—was the day you noticed his anxious and nervous face for the first time after encountering his senior then he urgently needed to take you home.
“why do you seem so anxious?” you asked that day.
he shook his head. “we need to take you home first.” he replied hurriedly.
you confused. until today. so you decided to go to his school then you both can walk together and talk about the other day.
having just finished your shift at the cafe, you opted for your daily clothes over your school uniform, considering it might look suspicious at a boys-only school like housen.
as you approached the front gate, a mere 100 meters away, loud thuds echoed from the crossroads. your curiosity drove you closer, revealing a chaotic scene with about twenty guys engaged in physical altercations. a gasp escaped your mouth as you witnessed monji, the reason for your visit, lying on the ground, attempting to fend off the attacks. your feet froze, body stiffened, and your eyes were almost fell from its place. this was the first time you witnessed something so chaotic that made your head stop working.
“who are you?” someone yelled beside you, catching you off guard as he dragged you away from the scene. he walked far enough then stopped near a store with a bunch of people around. “who are you?” he asked again.
you tried to regain your consciousness back, barely blinking your teary eyes. “huh?” you look at the bowl-headed guy in front of you.
“wait.” he said before running to the store to buy you a water to calm down.
“thank you.” you accept his kindness and drank it as much as you could.
“i-i came to see monji.” you started. he frowned. “monji? are you his girlfriend?” he asked.
you shook your head immediately. “no—i'm not. i'm just a friend—”
“hmm,” you heard him humming. his forehead frowned again as he thought. “how could he have a girlfriend but having a girl pick him up? is he that popular among the girls?” he murmured.
what does he mean? monji have a girlfriend?
“what do you mean?” you asked. he shook his head. “nothing. and don't worry. he will be okay, you don't need to shocked like that. trust me.”
ah, the fight! you almost forgot about the fight. you scanned his appearance from up to the bottom. he was wearing housen's uniform.
“are you from housen too?”
he nodded. “yes. so you can trust me that everyone will be okay.”
“how can someone be okay after having a wooden stick on their head? should i call an ambulance? or police?”
he scratched his head and smiled awkwardly. “they'll be okay.”
and just like that, you waited for the next ten minutes with him while having small talks about everything around you. he was quite nice, you thought. he even introduce himself and now you knew his name was sabakan. he tried his best to distract you from the fight.
“let's go.” he said after answering a call.
“is it okay?”
he nodded and walked in front of you.
as you take a right turn, you could saw a bunch of guy wearing housen's uniforms sitting on the road. you couldn't help but biting your nails to channelled your anxiety and and secretly hoped to meet monji in a proper condition.
“is everyone okay?” sabakan asked his friends and you still behind his back. they answered in unison like a war troop answering its superior.
“where were you? you promised to assist me today!” a familiar voice exclaimed. you knew for sure the owner of that voice.
“you better not yell like that…” sabakan murmured.
“what—” monji's voice were gone when sabakan step aside, revealing you who were there the whole time.
you squeezed the strap of your crossbody tightly and looked up slowly to meet monji's eyes. everyone was shock, but no one match monji's shock.
he got up immediately and approached you in a blink. “why are you here? are you okay? who brought you? how…” his hands stopped checking your condition as his eyes meet your own. you didn't know why it got teary again and you need to bit your inner lip to held your cry and anger.
his thumb caress your left cheek before he turned around and ask for leave to his senior.
“see… this is what would happen if you don't tell your girl your plan for the day…” you could see a blond with glasses guy speak to his underlings. he was mocking monji and tried to hold his laughter, you knew that.
“shut up, odajima.” a big guy—who looks at you with a concern look—replied.
“let's go.” monji said after got his permission. he grabbed your wrist and take you to a more conducive place to talk.
“have you eaten yet?” he asked. you shook your head then he made you both entering a ramen shop.
you didn't open your mouth a bit after you sit and busy holding your teary to fall from your eyes seeing him so messed up like this. monji also busy with his own thought on how to tell you what was going on.
“here's your ramen.” a server approaching your table. “do you have a first aid kit?” you asked. he nodded and gave you a box behind the cashier shelf.
“i'm fine.” monji voiced when you wet the cotton. you weren't respond his words and started cleaning the wound.
he hissed occasionally but not avoiding you. the guilt already ate his guts alive and all he could do was obey you.
“i was just want to go home with you since my shift ended early.” you say while tidy up the aid kit. “i don't know—i'm just so shocked but luckily sabakan helped me.”
monji nod his head and he started to sip his ramen broth to warm his chest since your gaze was too cold than usual.
“and he confused why am i there to pick you up when you already have a girlfriend?” you added as you take mouthful of your ramen.
monji choked himself and coughed for an entire minute. “he say what?”
you shrugged. “but now i know why people find your school interesting. why are you enter that school in the first place?”
monji's gaze was back to his bowl.
“i don't see the point of the fights and i know you know that it's dangerous even though you can face it. but still, why?” you continue your rambles.
“i just not expecting you chose this path, you know? i'm not trying to complain about your decision, i'm just… what should i call it? worry…?”
he took a glance at you. your eyes reddens but you tried to sip your ramen like nothing happened. he knew you tried your best to act cool.
“thank you.” he said. “this is why i forbid you to go to housen.” you sigh.
“but you are really okay, right?” he asked. you nodded.
“i'm sorry for making you worried.” he continue before finished his ramen. “we're cool, right?”
you glance sharply at him for a few second then nod unheartedly.
monji sighed silently and felt a limp on his throat before he say, “don't be afraid of me.”
you looked up and stared at him this time. “i won't.”
a small smile appeared on his lips as his finger still rubbed against each other, nervous. so you decided to change the topic.
“by the way, how could you have a girlfriend and didn't tell me?”
“i-i don't!” he exclaimed. “uh, let's not talk about it for now—”
“just not now. it's a long story. all i can say now is i don't have one, it's just a misunderstanding, okay?”
you narrowed your eyes. “don't make me call sabakan and we'll have him in this conversation…”
“argh…” he groaned and messed his hair out of frustation.
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shiplessoceans · 8 months
It's a Friday night at 11:54pm so naturally I have begun to obsessively dissect the "I Was Wrong" dance from Good Omens.
I think I was so distracted by how funny and cute it was that I didn't realise how much of a LORE DROP this little apology ritual is for Aziraphale and Crowley.
First of all, Crowley is under the belief that Aziraphale doesn't dance. He tells him as much when Aziraphale asks him to dance at the Jane Austen inspired ball.
Aziraphale: Well perhaps you could tell me, while we dance?
Crowley: You don't dance...
And it makes sense that he believes this because as the narration of God explains in Season 1:
How many Angels can dance on the head of a pin? ...Firstly, angels don't dance. It's one of the distinguishing characteristics that marks an angel. So...none. At least, nearly none. Aziraphale had learned a dance called The Gavotte in a discreet gentleman's club in Portland Place in the late 1880's. After a while he had become fairly good at it and was quite put out when some decades later, The Gavotte went out of style for good. So, providing the dance was a Gavotte, the answer was a straightforward 'one'.
Crowley thinks angels don't dance and Aziraphale is an angel.
And yet!
He has made Aziraphale do a little apology dance on at least 3 other occassions we know of. And he thinks this is the only kind of dance Aziraphale ever does or has ever done.
Aziraphale: I did the 'I was wrong' dance in 1650, 1793, 1941...
The dates here cannot be an accident. Because we have seen flashbacks that take place on two of those dates:
1793 - Paris and the reign of Terror. Crowley saved Aziraphale after he got himself locked up in the Bastille while trying to find some crepes.
1941 - The Blitz and the Nazi spies turned Zombies. Crowley saved Aziraphale from being killed and embarassed and later from being discorporated by a magic trick and a miracle blocker.
We don't know why Aziraphale had to do the apology dance in 1793, but it might have been him admitting he was wrong to go to France during a revolution. We also don't know why he had to do it again in 1941 but it could be many things. Maybe getting duped by Nazi spies or thinking he could pull off the bullet catch.
In both situations, Aziraphale got himself in a dangerous situation and Crowley had to save him.
The only dance we have no context for is the first one that took place chronologically in 1650.
And I think its possible we might get to see it in Season 3.
I would even speculate it could be shown as a reminder that the dance exists or to foreshadow Aziraphale having to do one in the future.
If we follow the same pattern, Aziraphale will once again get himself into a bad situation that Crowley has to save him from.
Heaven, the second coming...yeah that seems like a big bad situation.
I can just imagine after it's all over, they're safe but things between them are tense and Aziraphale approaches Crowley to beg him for forgiveness.
Crowley is a blank. Then he lets out a breath and, sounding defeated, says:
"I... Angel I can't. I can't possibly forgive you..."
Aziraphale looks crushed. He knows he deserves it. But it hurts because he still hoped after all this time that the demon might still feel...
"...without the little dance."
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ask-jay-gatsby · 6 months
Hello Mr Gatsby,
today I saw a wild eurasian jay on my birdfeeder and thought of you :)
Do you have a bird feeder yourself? I can only recommend it, as you might discover species of birds you never knew lived near you, and I’m sure you could find a suitable spot for it in your garden. It is a great source of both wonder and entertainment!
All the best
Dear Hana,
How kind of you to think of me. I suppose the name does lend some resemblance, though I regret to admit I'm unsure what that sort of bird looks like. I hope it's a good one.
As it stands, I don't currently have a birdfeeder of my own but I do believe my neighbor Mr. Carraway does! It's a relatively simple model, just a flat box on a stake, but I'm sure it serves its purpose well. I'd never considered getting one of my own. Knowing me, I'd forget to fill it. Oh, well! Perhaps Nick will allow me to visit his birdfeeder from time to time.
I do enjoy watching birds even if I have no real method of attracting them. There are many sorts of gulls that live above the Long Island Sound and I often watch them dive from the sky like a bomber plane to fish from the water. Whoever owned my house before I did built it with an aviary as well, but...I believe birds are better off free.
Sincerely and with great appreciation for birds,
Jay Gatsby
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dhr-ao3 · 8 hours
The Lost Bloodline of Gorgon
The Lost Bloodline of Gorgon https://ift.tt/KHlqUTE by QuiksilverGirl Her mother's side had always boasted unruly heads of flowing curls, but surely the magical world would offer Hermione some solution. At least magic wouldn't make her nearly untamable hair any more extreme, right? I mean, it's not like it has a mind of its own... Words: 2729, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Medusa (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore) Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy Additional Tags: Gorgons (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Inaccurate Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Hermione's hair, Brief Mentions of Awful Things in Ancient Greece, That Scene at Malfoy Manor - Reimagined, you know which one, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, BAMF Hermione Granger, BAMF Hermione's Hair, "Muggleborn" is an archaic social construct perpetuated by the ignorant, All muggles have magical ancestors if you go back far enough, Really wish I had time to make this into more than a one-shot, but I don't, Inspired by a prompt on discord years ago via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/gY8HOAf September 18, 2024 at 06:54PM
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shoichisgrl · 1 year
Tremble for my beloved.
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He’s been worried. He hasn’t seen you in days. He misses you, your touch, your warmth, your laughter. But when he enters your room, seeing you in the corner of your bed, sobbing into your pillow, he knows. Of course it's normal for people to go through changes of emotion, but he hates seeing you like this. As he puts your face into his hands, wipes your tears with his thumbs and kisses the middle of your forehead he whispers “Its okay baby, just breathe, I’m here” And with those softly spoken words, your anxious thoughts slowly fade away, as you sink yourself into the comfort of his arms.
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©Shoichisgrl: all rights reserved. do not edit, modify, repost, or claim my works as your own.  
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 1 year
praying to a ghost that refuses to stay buried
praying to a ghost that refuses to stay buried https://ift.tt/AJ8gzwG by ijusthavealotoffeelings “It was always going to be you, and Cas knew it. He was dead from the moment he met you.” Dean swallowed thickly but he refused to break Gabe’s gaze. “You never cared about him,” Gabe spat. “You only cared about what he could do for you! And you know what? He knew it but he did it anyway! He deserved so much better than you.” “No,” Dean whispered. “No, you don’t get to do that.” Dean shoved against Gabe hard and he stumbled back a step with the force of it. Dean could feel tears stinging his eyes but he refused to cry like this. “You don’t get to tell me how I felt about Cas! Don’t you for one second believe I loved him any less than you did! Hell, I loved him more! More than anyone! I would’ve done anything for him!” Dean is grieving and Gabriel just wants his brother back. With Jack gone, Sam's just trying to hold onto the little family he has left. Even when Cas returns from the dead, with Jack by his side, things don't just magically become okay again. It seems they may all have some truths they need to confess to. Words: 13718, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Gabriel (Supernatural), Jack Kline Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Gabriel & Dean Winchester, Jack Kline & Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Post-Season/Series 15, Post-Canon Fix-It, Castiel Loves Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester Loves Castiel, Castiel is Saved from the Empty (Supernatural), Love Confessions, Sam Winchester Knows, that tag is still objectively hilarious to me like, we as a fandom collectively agree that sam definitely know dean and cas are in love, gabriel knows too, fight me on this, Dean Winchester Lives, lets just pretend the finale didnt happen okay, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, I am physically incapable of writing sad endings, so fear not dear readers, idk what else to put, First Kiss, warning for alcoholism in the beginning, look deans not good at coping, Grief/Mourning, may as well tag it its kind of a central theme in this fic, But dont worry!, they get their happy ending!, as they should - Freeform, also, Jack Knows, but in a, he asssumes theyre already a couple, kind of way, headcanon: cas blows out all the lights the first time they kiss, married couple bickering, okay its actually a lot heavier than that, our boys need to work their shit out, dean and his tendency to say bad things in the heat of the moment, listen, I Love Dean, but he has no filter when hes angry, loving someone to the point of self destruction etc etc, Complicated Relationships, because, yeah - Freeform, what they have is def complicated, featuring deans inherent tendency to self sabotage, bc he definitely does that a lot, or am i projecting? maybe im projecting, either way you get the idea, ok these tags are becoming ridiculous, Im gonna stop now, rating is mostly for language and heavy themes, and one kinda smutty scene, dean drinks whiskey in this bc thats what i drink when im sad, whiskey hangovers SUCK, ig dean is just very me coded in this, Dean Winchester Uses Actual Words, as he should, yes there is a halsey quote in here that i stole, dont judge me, overly sappy declarations of love and devotion, living on being the ultimate act of loving someone, but maybe thats just more of me projecting, is anyone even going to read these tags?, okay this was only supposed to be like 3k words and it just got away from me via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/8ANmeK2 July 29, 2023 at 08:54PM
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ao3feed-tedlasso · 1 year
Comfortable in my masculinity
https://ift.tt/nw1MWFx by Otherpesto A month after Colin comes out to the team, he has an unforgettable evening on the pitch. Words: 2234, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Ted Lasso (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Colin Hughes, Sam Obisanya, Isaac McAdoo, Jamie Tartt Relationships: Colin Hughes/Isaac McAdoo, Sam Obisanya/Jamie Tartt Additional Tags: First Kiss, Men performing intricate rituals to prove they are not gay, its not working, Fluff, Making Out, Grinding source https://archiveofourown.org/works/49536721 August 22, 2023 at 12:54PM
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astoriaroleplay · 2 years
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As promised, we’ve come up with a few settings to be used (although not mandatory, of course!) in starters, plots, etc, thus making it easier for our characters to get to know one another and possibly build up connections that go further than messages exchanged on discord! We also know some players prefer connecting through threads instead of having pre-established connections, so these might help out too!
These are only a few things happening in Astoria in the early weeks of October! Expand for more information!
-Admin Team.
Oct. 2-9 - 15% discount on theatre tickets to kick off Founders month!
Oct. 3-8 - 10% off on anything pumpkin spiced at Java Cafe
Oct.7 - Speed-dating night at Coffee Spells. 21+ only. Drinks will be charged accordingly.
Oct. 9 - Hunter’s Moon. The first full moon after the fall equinox, the Hunter’s Moon rises around the same time for several nights in a row, so start looking for it on Saturday, October 8! As the Moon drifts over the horizon around sunset, it may appear larger and more orange—how perfect for the fall season! All supernatural creatures will have their powers heightened, meaning even the most in-control beings might need to pay extra attention to their self-control. FULL MOON’S PEAK: 4:54PM EST.
Oct. 10-12 - Free entrance for students and teachers at the National Museum. They’re having an exhibition to celebrate Nova Pangaea’s 330th Founders’ Day.
Oct. 12 - Spooky Movie Night under the stars at Lammas Garden. Bring your coziest blanket, your favorite snacks and come enjoy Halloween 1 & 2 back to back! Starts at 5pm.
Oct. 14 & 15 - Lil Nas X: The Montero Tour at NPA Center (Sold out!)
Oct. 14 - Karaoke night at Lyons bar! Your first beer or drink is on the house.
All month long: Classic Horror Movies in all Empire Cinemas. Every Tuesday of the month, one movie theatre in each Empire Cinema around the city will be showing these movies. Week 1: George Romero’s Day of the Dead. Week 2: Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead; Week 3: Wes Craven’s A Nightmare on Elm Street; Week 4: Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining.
All month long: During the fall, the Birchwood Bazaar hosts a seasonal version of its iconic flea market. The curated market takes place on Sundays on Birchwood’s Oak Street yearlong but pulls out all the stops during autumn in Astoria. Anyone interested in furniture, vintage clothing, jewelry, and crafts will feel like they are in paradise here. Each week, the bazaar features a variety of merchants on rotation, offering tchotchkes, antiques, and delicious local cuisine. Be sure to come hungry!
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ao3feed-samjack · 7 days
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tyvcollinsps · 3 months
What is Creativity? | MehtaMetaphysicalCenter.com
What is Creativity? | MehtaMetaphysicalCenter.com https://ift.tt/K7cxzDk What is Creativity? | MehtaMetaphysicalCenter.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WWQ8bk_p5I Hello Soulful/Spiritual Friends & Fellow Seekers, Here we explore the concept of Creativity and its connection to Imagination, Will, and Love. This image taken from our Founder, Vipin Mehta’s book “Consciously Creating Creativity” shares journey through Creativity Discover and here shares how great artists and innovators throughout history have utilized creativity to bring their visions to life. From Michelangelo to Nikola Tesla, learn about the power of Imagination and the Transformative Nature of Creativity in shaping our world. In Love, Joy & Healing, Mehta Metaphysical Center Please visit our website for more information: https://ift.tt/mAUiS0q 🔔Subscribe and Get regular updates on new meditations, spiritual teachings, and wellness workshops: https://www.youtube.com/@MehtaMetaphysicalCenter?sub_confirmation=1 🔗 Important Links To Follow: 👉Website: https://ift.tt/mAUiS0q 👉BookStore: https://ift.tt/PMIEWRA ✅ Stay Connected With Us. 👉 Instagram: https://ift.tt/BjDiuPy 👉 Facebook: https://ift.tt/rA3Fj8Q ✅ For Business Inquiries: [email protected] ============================= ✅ Recommended Playlist: 👉 Community Questions: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1iJ6RtX5M926TbB3nvyn5r8xSP4neb9A 👉 What is Metaphysics? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HSyjmBtKVA&list=PL1iJ6RtX5M91N17jcLbun9juwX2UbfDfU&pp=iAQB ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉 Manifest with Crystals Metaphysically - https://youtu.be/jXj2wePZ03g 👉 Destiny : A Metaphysical Destination https://youtu.be/7tQdmYL47yY 👉 Sound of Crystals - Ruby : Symphony of Energy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NzFG0nWxl4 =============================== ✅ About Mehta Metaphysical Center: Welcome to the Mehta Metaphysical Center: Consciously Creating! Our channel is your destination for spiritual enlightenment and personal growth. Dive into a world of metaphysical teachings, guided meditations, and holistic wellness workshops tailored to elevate your consciousness and align your spirit. Whether you’re beginning your spiritual journey or deepening your existing practices, our videos provide insightful knowledge and practical tools to help you achieve balance and harmony. Engage with our community through live Q&A sessions, spiritual readings, and interactive comment sections. Subscribe and hit the bell icon to stay updated with our latest content, and join us in building a conscious, enlightened community dedicated to personal transformation and spiritual health. For Collaboration and Business inquiries, please use the contact information below: 📩 Email: [email protected] 🔔Subscribe to Mehta Metaphysical Center for transformative spiritual insights, guided meditations, and holistic wellness tips: https://www.youtube.com/@MehtaMetaphysicalCenter?sub_confirmation=1 ================================= #Creativity #Imagination #Will #Love #Artists #Innovators #Inventors #Vision #Dream #Innovation #Invention #Intuition #vipinmehta #mehtametaphysicalcenter #metaphysics ⚠️Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your own research. Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Mehta Metaphysical Center. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to our YouTube channel is provided. © Mehta Metaphysical Center via Mehta Metaphysical Center https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcBPFiuC_E1JmQz4swCigXg June 24, 2024 at 11:54PM via Mehta Metaphysical Center https://ift.tt/4wZ7Grb June 26, 2024 at 11:03PM
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slimschance · 4 months
Sunday - 26/05/24
feeling full so i might just not eat till dinner/tomorrow 👍 my dad questioned me on why i don't want breakfast though ermm
anyway! my uncles finally replied so i might just be doing the ≈12k step walk . 1 issue, my nans off to hospital tomorrow so we're all visiting her, but the times might run over
just sat on my arse currently, watching memeulous. fun
just broke my "fast", it was only meant to be till 1am but my greedy arse broke it at 12 with 3 peanut M&M's... the fast was what, 18.5 hours? people who skip breakfast and have early dinners do that daily, thats nothing. fuck that
anyway, am watching hollyoaks, dave is in a beyond fucked situation
just ate chinese, i feel both full and guilty 👍 though i felt faint at one point earlier so at least im eating,, but still. the food was lush but i didn't get to enjoy it cos i was so worried about the cals since the foodsplace doesn't say em, then, the cals seemed low for takeaway so i added some oil to my tracker
anyway, no walk today as there was a storm, we'll do it tomorrow, and i visited my nan. familys so important for me so i'm glad i could make it. i watched a bit of lorax since that was on TV, apparently it's ≈11 years old now? yikes
still... no exercise is terrible ffs. glad i'll have the home to myself most daytime so i can do as much exercise as i need!
now i'm in bed chewing gum, i should exercise but my mind keeps telling me no because i just ate and the springs in my bed are both noisy and painful to my hands and back. when family's home i can only exercise on my bed. anyway, i don't think i'm gonna eat anymore today, i really shouldn't, so here's the log
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although i didn't set any goals today, i did go way under my cals! (limit 650, capped at 715) i partly think it's bc i didn't have a strict number and rather just the thought to "keep it low", but skipping breakfast helped times ten for sure, i think i might do that every day this week holiday + then every other day each week - excluding exams, since i need the food then.
oh! some good news, all my so...? spray just arrived, and i just opened my sylvanian family toy from earlier in the week, so i'll show my fave perfume-body mist combo and my cute sylvanian x
look at her arms bro, shes so funny so i love her
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for some reason the quality's dodge, my bad! i actually think its the shitty lighting but nevermind.
SO...? Pink Grapefruit body mist and Calvin Klein (ck) IN2U match so nicely, i found this out accidentally when using my (then) new favourite grapefruit spray with mum's perfume. i knew my juicy couture daily perfume didn't match the grapefruit spray so i'd be wasting the JC if i used it. so after a few days of stealing mum's i realised IN2U matched so nicely! i continued to use it and continued to notice it matching well, few days on i decide to search the scent profile, and it has grapefruit in it! thats why they paired well. so since, thats one of my go to combos.
also, if i ever want to smell pure edible, i use coconut body butter, vanilla oil on my blazer collar, either vanilla or coconut body mist, and a perfume with vanilla. makes me wanna bite into myself but also makes me soo sweaty legged if i apply too much butter, i need to use some sort of applicator i'm just lazy 😅 might just buy a coconut body milk instead and skip the hassle of the oily layer left with body butter
i've been scrolling online forums and making character diets for a few hours now. gonna sleep
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maximuswolf · 4 months
Whats the album with the most hits? (To hit higher than No. 5)
What’s the album with the most hits? (To hit higher than No. 5) The only album, that I can think of is Teenage Dream by Katy Perry, it has 6 No. 1 and 8 songs to hit at least 3rd place on the charts.The hits were:California Dreams No. 1Teenage Dream No. 1Firework No. 1E.T No. 1Last Friday night (TGIF) No. 1The One That Got Away No. 3Part Of Me No. 1Wide Awake No. 2There are only 3 albums that I think come close which are: Lady Gaga's The Fame (if you include its reissue, The Fame Monster as well).Kehsa's Animal and Cannibal (Cannibal is considered an extended ep to the album).Taylor Swift's 1989.Are there any other albums with this amount of hits this high? Submitted May 21, 2024 at 01:54PM by Formula58363 https://ift.tt/ltYEOAL via /r/Music
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dhr-ao3 · 1 year
These Selfish Vows
These Selfish Vows https://ift.tt/1MAnOs6 by HeavenlyDew The Battle of Hogwarts failed. Four years later, the Boy who Lived is dead, and the Order dying. However, the reaper guiding the resistance to its grave is not Voldemort, but another, more unpredictable force waiting in his shadows. An angel of death with the dark power to raise armies of Inferi and control them for his own means. The Necromancer. Hermione, one of the few survivors of the fallout, finds herself imprisoned in Azkaban alongside an unlikely companion. Desperate to maintain her sanity and finish what the Order started, she seeks to solve the mysteries of Voldemort's final Horcrux and the Necromancer's impenetrable motives. Instead, Hermione is caught up in an unexpected bargain that begins her Faustian descent into knowledge, love, and Hell itself. Words: 2054, Chapters: 1/36, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter - Fandom Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Ginny Weasley, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Dobby (Harry Potter), Kreacher (Harry Potter), Charlie Weasley, Bill Weasley, Fleur Delacour, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger/Charlie Weasley Additional Tags: Harry Potter Dies, Dobby Dies (Harry Potter), Alternate Universe - Voldemort Wins, Alternate Universe - Dark, Imprisonment, Azkaban, Not Canon Compliant - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Slow Burn, Love Triangles, Bittersweet Ending, Character Death, Dark Hermione Granger, BAMF Hermione Granger, Slow Burn Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Inferius Harry Potter, Inferi (Harry Potter), Espionage, Flashbacks, Plot Twists, Battle, Dark Kingsley Shacklebolt, Ron Weasley Dies, Adult Hermione Granger, Horcruxes, Necromancy, Necromancer Harry Potter, Death Eater Draco Malfoy, Occlumency (Harry Potter), Legilimency (Harry Potter), Legilimens Draco Malfoy, Self-Harm, Dementors (Harry Potter) via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/gOMHxfL October 08, 2023 at 10:54PM
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news1ssecond-com · 4 months
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 2 months
Under my Skin
Under my Skin https://ift.tt/ZLVDiJy by ClaireWinchester AU Fic - No Supernatural beings, just normal life and bad people. Whilst Dean is at his most vulnerable and feeling abandoned, Alistair swoops in and claims him. But its not the relationship he signed up for, and he cant see a way out. (Work in progress, will update tags if I feel anymore are needed.) Words: 4502, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Mature Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Relationships: Alistair/Dean Winchester, Forced Azazel/Dean Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Jessica Moore/Sam Winchester Additional Tags: Abusive Relationships, Rape/Non-con Elements, Drugged Sex, Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Happy Ending, au supernatural, No actual supernatural, Just people via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/zjINYwL July 05, 2024 at 08:54PM
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