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krenenbaker · 2 years ago
My dear mutuals!
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@keii-starz - Kei✧🐸
@dove-da-birb - Dove✧
@bunniescribbles - Sofia✧🪷
@cloudcountry- Auburn✧🐙
@inkybloom-luv - Inky✧🌌
@red-viewe - Red✧🦅🎵😼
@eynnwwyjth - Raven✧🪼
@xxoomiii - Melice✧
@candied-boys - Mimi✧
@officialdaydreamer00 - Irene✧🌠
@vivislosingitagain - Vivi✧🐇
@kami-kun1003 - Alchemy✧🧪
@ithseem - Ithseem✧
@fluffle-writes - Bean✧
@v-anrouge - Aster✧
@somany-fandoms-solittle-time - Aims✧
@i-like-forgs - Ryoko✧💪
@honeychips-milo - Milo✧🐍
@whspermy-name - Minty✧
@l7k-a - Luka✧🥀
@xen-blank - Luc✧🐀
@wordycheeseblob - Saki✧🌊
@thehollowwriter - Quinn✧
@saint-in-chains - Saint✧🦕
@crheativity - Rhea✧
@casp1an-sea - Cas✧🦈
@edith-is-a-cat - Edie✧💿
@spectral-rat - Lilia✧🦇
@duncathan-salt - Dunc✧
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If you'd like to be added to the list, let me know! Just send me what name, symbol, and/or emoji you'd like, and I'll pop you right up there :) And if you would like anything changed in your tag, also just let me know!
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str8upjorkinit · 3 months ago
Riddle Rosehearts meets Ritsu? Let them have a tea party together
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theyre complaining about ppl in their dorm
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da-birb-writes-sometimes · 1 year ago
Prompt 7 with Malleus? And the reader as the ghost? 😳
Visions of the Past; Malleus Draconia
Content; Gender-neutral reader, hurt/comfort, pining left unresolved
Content Warning; Reader death (not heavily described)
Word Count; 700+
Please do not put my work into AI. If you would like to see more of my work check out my masterlist!
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Time heals all wounds. But Malleus knew that wasn’t true. Yes, time may heal physical wounds, although not always perfectly, but it no longer weeps or festers. Whereas emotional wounds, such as trauma, grief, and anger do not fade or heal in the same manner as a cut would.
Malleus was standing outside the entrance of Ramshackle, once his nightly walking grounds turned to the home of the first person that befriended him for him. The first person who didn’t know or care, even after finding out about his identity, that he was the Malleus Draconia. A magicless human who treated him as they did with others, but with a tad bit more ease, humour, and kindness since they were friends.
Were friends.
His heart knew though that you weren’t just friends. He had felt this emotion before to some extent with his passion for gargoyles, but they paled in comparison to you.
Your brightness. Your laugh. Your little mannerisms that most wouldn’t pay attention to, but he did. 
“Do you think we’ll still be friends when we’re older,” you mused while on one of your nightly walks with Malleus. Malleus furrowed his brow and looked at you quizzically, “Why wouldn’t we be? I have no intention of not being in your life.” You had stopped moving forward and Malleus came to a stop beside you. “Well, I don’t know. You’re a prince, future king, and you might get swapped in royal business and duties…” You pursed your lips, an unpleasant taste in your mouth. “And isn’t that more important?”  “Do you not like spending time with me?” Malleus’ voice was more sharp, on edge. “NO!” You shouted, the word echoing a bit in the quiet night. “I like spending time with you. I love it!” Malleus looked at you with confusion, and if he were looking at anyone else the way he had been in the past minute, they would have been grovelling, asking for forgiveness. But not you.  “Then why did you bring it up in the first place? Should there not be time, I will simply make it,” he said quietly. A small smile and chuckle replaced the irritated look of moments prior, “I will even make it ‘royal business’ as you put it.” You cough-laughed at his statement, but you only laughed harder when you looked at him to see a baffled expression.  Malleus chuckled lightly, joining your amusement, even though he didn’t understand what was so funny that had you tearing up. You let out a long sigh, recollecting yourself. “Well, I’ll be there then, promise.”
And you had held that promise. Despite both of your hectic lives, you both met at least twice a month. If neither of you had the time? Well, Malleus would just show up outside your place, like old times, and you would both go about the property. Sometimes talking away, and other times in silence, just happy to be next to each other again.
Malleus knew he liked you, loved you even — the way he felt more like himself when he was around you, and a tinge of jealousy made that distinction clear — and he was planning on asking you if you felt the same.
But he didn’t have the chance.
He would never have the chance.
He knew that he wouldn’t have many years with you, but he had planned that it was old age that took you away from him.
Ramshackle had not changed, but Malleus could still smell the scent of soot, even after all of these years. The foyer stopped, and Malleus looked into the gloom of the burnt ruins.
“ … do you remember our promise?”
He had been coming here, once a fortnight, asking the same question and hoping for an answer. Every time all he ever received was the sound of rotting wood and the scampering of mice.
He took in a breath and was ready to leave, to go back to his duties, but he stopped.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
He couldn’t see you, but you were here. And that was all that mattered to Malleus. That although you may not physically be here anymore, he had not lost you.
Time may heal all wounds, but Malleus didn’t want this wound to heal. He didn’t want to lose you, not again.
. . .
. . .
A/N; Hope you enjoyed what I came up with for this combination! And *hands you an emotional dragon fae that misses you*
Tags; @afunkyfreshblog @bloomstruck @eynnwwyjth @keii-starz @lucid-stories @ryker-writes @syrenkitsune @the-v-lociraptor @twistwonderlanddevotee @xxoomiii
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theunpaidtherapistsclub · 29 days ago
Childhood Days
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Nasmira: Roses... Mari, You tried making rose petal muffins for the first time. You said they didn't look good, but we still begged you to give us a taste because we knew it would still taste great...
All: :D
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krenenbaker · 8 months ago
Cat be upon ye
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Also, hi :3
what a beaut!!
and hi!! how have you been? :3
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iamunique · 7 months ago
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ARIANA! WHAT'RE YOU DOING HERE😂😂😂 @ithseem That's it, I'm stalking your page now
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dove-da-birb · 5 days ago
You're into Tokyo Debunker too?? And your best boi is ALAN TOO???
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Once I see a good man covered in blood? SIGN ME THE HELL UP
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amberheavendremurr · 8 months ago
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krenenbaker · 2 years ago
Thanks for the tag, Dove! (I also saw your ask @ithseem - consider this the answer to that, too!)
tagging a few people (many of my moots have already been tagged): @silvers-numberonefan, @red-viewe, @kami-kun1003, @fluffle-writes, and anyone else who wants to share some songs~
🎶✨️when you get this, put 5 songs you actually listen to, then publish. Send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers🎶✨️
Is there a theme? Maybe
@ithseem (uno reverse card) @krenenbaker @eynnwwyjth @inkybloom-luv @officialdaydreamer00 @azulashengrottospiano @xxoomiii @i-like-forgs @identity-theft-101 @twistwonderlanddevotee @devilfishcafe @angelhairpastawithherbs feel free to join though!
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str8upjorkinit · 4 months ago
Are you still taking silly doodle requests? Can I ask for Tasnim with Alan? 🥺
Have a cookie while you're at it 🍪
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Thank you for the cookie, i deserve it :3
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da-birb-writes-sometimes · 2 years ago
Let's Beat the Heat; Deuce Spade
Content; Fluff, gender-neutral reader, romance
Word Count; 650+
AN; This is for the lovely @ithseem! Thanks for the request, and I hope you enjoy this Deuce drabble! As a reminder, do not put my work — or others for that matter — into AI as it steals. Link to Masterlist
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You were still stuck in Twisted Wonderland, and spending your summer in Ramshackle. It wouldn’t have been horrible; your friends came and visited, brought you out on little day trips, heck, even Crowley was leaving you alone for once. But there was one itty-bitty thing which made it unbearable. There. Was. No. Air. Conditioning. And today was the grossest, most humid, most insufferably hot day of the year. Apparently it hasn’t been this bad in over a decade. So, you were sprawled out on the hardwood floors in a feable attempt to cool down, but you were just sticky and laying on the floor. Absolutely miserable.
There was knocking at the front door. Did I invite anyone over? Ughhhhh it’s too hot for thinking! “Come in,” you groaned, turning your head over to see who decided to come over.
“Hi, love,” Deuce greeted before stopping upon seeing you trying to meld yourself to the floor. He furrowed his brow and then his eyes widened, having come up with a plan. He placed a kiss to your forehead, “I’ll be right back, okay?” And off he went, putting his plan into action.
“Hi, love, bye love,” you sighed. And you just layed on the floor, staring up to the ceiling. Note to self; wring Crowley’s neck the next time I see him for making me stay in this damn place. INSTALL AN AIR CONDITIONER FOR THE LOVE OF SEVEN! 
Were you staring at the ceiling for a minute? An hour? You had no clue, but you heard the front door open and shut. Deuce was back, and he was carrying a box of ice pops. “So, it isn’t much, but it should help a bit. But it’s outside.” He reached out his hand, helping you get up. “Up we get… now, close your eyes.”
You gave him a tired look, but followed your boyfriend’s request and closed your eyes. It was too hot to really question what he was up to. At least with Deuce, you knew it would be something sweet, a bit awkward but very endearing. Very slowly, since Deuce was going at a snail’s pace, the both of you got outside. “Can I open them now?” You asked, waiting for the go ahead.
“Yes,” he chuckled nervously, waiting to see your reaction.
And upon opening your eyes you saw a kiddy pool, no deeper than mid calf, filled with water and ice. A smile broke on to your face seeing the bright blue plastic covered in cartoon sea creatures and mermaids. “This was your idea, sweetie?”
He rubbed the back of his neck, “It isn’t much, but I thought it could help. Do… do you like it?”
��Of course I like it,” you laugh, cautiously testing the water with a finger. It was bitterly cold. “It’s perfect! Thanks, love!”
Deuce smiled upon seeing your cheery face and happy laughter, happy to see that your energy was back. “Not as perfect as you.”
Taking an ice pop, you booped him on the nose with it. “You’re also perfect, you know,” you hum.
His cheeks flushed pink at the realization that he said that outloud. Yes, the two of you have been dating for a few months now, but he still found himself blushing. He brought out an ice pop and booped you back on the nose, a soft look in his eyes. “I love you.”
Today might have started off as the hottest day in recent Twisted Wonderland history, but thanks to Deuce, the day had shifted. Yes, it was still hot as Sevens, but due to the sweet actions of your sweet boyfriend, it wasn’t so bad. Maybe getting stuck here wasn’t all that bad. You had the right people… you had your person. And that was enough.
All you needed was Deuce… and some ice pops, and a kiddy pool filled with ice water so you didn’t get heat stroke. But telling Crowley off could wait for another day, for now, beating the heat with your person was far more enjoyable and important.
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theunpaidtherapistsclub · 8 months ago
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Humans are Resilient
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krenenbaker · 2 years ago
Thanks for the tag! (also thanks @ithseem and @twistwonderlanddevotee!)
I love KERA's music so much (as well as the music they released as Kera & the Lesbians). I've listened to this specific one a LOT; the melody and energy of it are just really nice and comforting.
I'll tag @inkybloom-luv, @xxoomiii, @kami-kun1003, and @candied-boys and @fluffle-writes (do you two want to be tagged in things like this?), as well as anyone else who is interested!
Tag Game
Thank you for tagging me @exmorphic
What to do for this tag game?> Post the last song you listened to.
I'm tagging: @tidiuum @pvtaaaa @helianthus-xi @izamami @avitenshi @vixvaporub @oo-mi-ru-oo @drist--zoi @squishypanic @k-u-z-u @wolpanda @sstrawbearies @reaxz @requiemz @reclaim-your-crown
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haruhar-u · 1 year ago
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RIP my notifs
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krenenbaker · 1 year ago
*Gently holds you like a hamburger*
*is held*
merci ( ˘ ᵕ˘(˘ᵕ ˘ )
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courtofmatchups · 2 years ago
hi! i've sent this to a couple other of my favorite COD writers, but it's a psycho-analysis thing on guy that i wanted to share as im curious about other's thoughts. i should mention that i am a psych student with a special interest in male psychological trauma and "toxic masculinity" (put in quotes because idk the scientific term for it Imao)
warnings for slight spoilers, i don't believe there's much of anything too triggering, just some mention of sexism in avari, and parental/generational trauma, but nothing too detailed.
(and j*sper jumpscare at the end but it's just slander)
this also isn’t at all and excuse for abuse or anything of the sort, and that’s not what i specialize in either; it’s more like a deeper analysis of internalized sexism, now if guy did anything on the level of j*sper or got physical or anything, i would not be writing this. 
so, guy starts off very controlling (literally using mind control), but when you play his route + events (specifically the ones where he goes to avari) a much deeper story unfolds.
it is my understanding that avari has very different thoughts on women, and we even see guy tell MC that his father told him all women are cruel and only want power. i believe guy has been told all his life negative things about women, and that all he has seen was his father marry for power after his mother passed. we also see in a route that guy was much more open when his mom was alive, but closed his heart to everyone when she was killed. it is also seen that guy assumed his mother was murdered by other women. so, Guy has been told all his life these things about women, ever since he was a child, and never had the chance to see any differently as he never opened up to another woman until MC.
now this is where the beauty comes in. after a while, guy begins to truly love MC for herself and not just her power, and even tells her what he was told about women and says she changed that. guy was able to swallow his ego and be emotionally open to MC and begin to see her as an individual and not just a vessel for power. guy defends her to her father and tells him off saying that he truly loves her and no other, and it is not just because of her power, and that she will make a fine queen. we see him praise her throughout his stories and events, and through his thoughts we see he is truly a changed man who has changed his outlook on women through his love for MC.
although he is not yet open to fully sharing his thoughts quite yet, we see that he is actively working on himself for MC.
we also see a boyish side come out of him during these emotional moments, that i believe to be trauma regression and suppressed feelings that he has had to endure due to the excessively violent and aggressive nature of avari. i truly think guy's initial act towards MC is due to trauma and abuse he suffered in avari, and he only begun realizing he was lied to and was wrong about women through his relationship with MC. guy is actually my favorite character because of this, and i think it's truly a beautifully complex story that the creators made.
also, i love how his toxic masculinity was turned around and how it tells the story that growing up in such a toxic environment can truly damage a man.
thank you for reading my long ass ramble about a fictional character in a mobile game that i am utterly obsessed with. 
Thanks for confirming that this man DESPERATELY NEEDS THERAPY
Real talk, tho. I am not a psychology major (psychology is more of a special interest of mine, so take what I say with a grain of salt. Or a kilogram. idk), but I can say that all of your points are valid. Growing up in a toxic environment will mess someone up, especially as a child. Bro basically grew up indoctrinated by the Saligian version of Andrew Tate's pHILosOPhY (for lack of a better term) and seeing that view on women unfold his eyes over and over again probably gave him a lot of trust issues too.
I do kind of appreciate that, despite him being very rough around the edges, his character was still ultimately salvageable. I just kind of wish we had the chance to explore his backstory more in his own consort path tho, cuz I feel that bit was a bit rushed. Or maybe it wasn't and I'm remembering wrong? Feel free to correct me on this. It's been a hot minute since I read his consort path
I still don't really like Guy, at least not as a consort, but I do appreciate his character growth, and you really hit the nail on the head
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