#iteration anomaly
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iteration-anomaly · 2 years ago
-{{ So this is a thing now. }}-
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tmnt-anomaly · 5 months ago
It’s hard trying to lead without being the oldest nor the actual leader
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annomalysstuff · 8 months ago
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Mikey has the tendency to sneak out a lot (the sewers can get claustrophobic), even when it’s still daytime. His family knows that, but they all assumed he was cautious enough to only explored the tunnels… they were so wrong
Anyways, here’s some Mikey and human encounter
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This segment is taken from this YouTube video of this guy taking his duck to college
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thornheartless · 3 months ago
From the comfort of home, a traveller known as Anomaly writes about the things he has learned and discovered over the course of his immortal lifespan.
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vela-pulsars · 2 years ago
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Some more doodles from co-op ! Unfortunately we got the bug where Pebbles won't give us the mark but dev tools came to the rescue by letting us open the outer expanse gate, so I think that adventure is more or less over... It was so fun !
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anomalous-root · 2 months ago
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witches in the sky
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spotsupstuff · 2 years ago
when it comes to canon i doubt full on relationships between ancients and iterators ever happened, but how likely do you think that a few iterators formed maybe romantic crushes on their creators?
like, "oh my gosh he is so cool, his karmic theories are so fascinating"
you come to a person dodging canon on as many technicalities as possible with a canon-oriented question gjsldclkdsmglks aight, chief! i admire ur faith in my judgement
honestly...... i don't really think that there is any sort of "romance" in the Iterators' heads in canon at all. but a crush more along the lines of like... more strictly like "this person is my hero n i look up to them a lot and i would love to spend time with them and talk with them cuz they have such interesting thoughts" + your example, i think it happened pretty often! fuck, we all know farmer-poet Pel is probably exactly that to Pebbles canonically. Pel is Pebbles' artist crush 😔
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ufipa · 1 year ago
Iteration in Review: Iteration 1, 1st Jan - 29th Feb 2024
Last Iteration, the following happened:
We welcomed two new members, @thornonarose (PJ_is_dead) and @cosmordial (Denny Nutmeg), for a total in-game member count of 5 (AM-13 has been excluded for lack of in-game presence)
2. We documented 5 new star systems on the wiki:
Tomays-Qizh III
Kihneko XIII
Egaurai-Zuho XIX
As well as a few discovered before Iteration 1, in the Precursor era.
3. The Aeron Legion recruited one new Destroyer of Glass, PJ_is_dead, to the Hukosre squad Founder's Company.
4. The Chmetz region was discovered.
5. The Head Botanist (PJ_is_dead) and and Head Exobiologist (Denny Nutmeg) were elected.
6. The Governors decided that they wanted to demolish a moon, which has yet to happen.
7. The UFIPA was recognised as an official civilisation.
8. A total of three non-official structures were built across the planets Yecoreumata Uitam, Ratuscont Oakeo and Ifortc Tau.
9. Foundation Day was announced.
10. The Governors opened The Capitol to the public.
And as a final message, a traditional UFIPA farewell:
May comets carry you upon their backs and solar winds be your wings. See you in the stars, Travellers.
Join us on Reddit & Discord
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samsbigkill · 2 years ago
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some dress-up stuff i did w my friend @comrade-slugcat's silly guys
please go check out sier stuff it makes me go insane . ty
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sunnyvore · 3 months ago
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“i just want my partner back”
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viktorthemachineherald · 4 months ago
I've seen a few takes about how Jayce has been possessed by the Arcane, hence the whiplash of his vicious actions, and how seemingly unhesitating he was in killing Salo and Viktor.
But I think Jayce is still himself, main factor being the eyes:
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Jayce's eyes are still the same golden hue, unlike Viktor's and all his followers, which have taken on the iridescent tone of the Arcane. I think Jayce has certainly been touched by the Arcane, and taken on some side-effects from it (one of which being a healthy dose of PTSD), but I don't think he's necessarily been corrupted by it.
One effect we do see is Jayce "glitching" into multiples-- could there be some multiverse situation where Jayce has lived multiple failed iterations, and seen what the Arcane can do and the destruction it lays waste to?
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Before Jayce kills Salo, he seems resigned that he has to do so. I don't think this is the face of a man whose actions are being corrupted, but of someone who has seen things, and knows what has to be done.
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I also don’t think it’s unintentional that Jayce shot Viktor right through his Hexcore heart.
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It's not a coincidence that his visions are constantly interspersed with fractaled flashes of anomalous Arcane beings when he encounters Viktor's healed followers. We see this with Salo, and as he makes his way through Viktor's village.
And when he promises “I won’t fail, I swear it”, who was he speaking to? I think this Jayce has lived multiple iterations of the same situation and knows something we don't, something he learned when he was stuck in the Hexcore Anomaly.
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TL;DR: This is a Jayce Talis defence blog, and he is here to DEFEND OUR TOMORROWS I will not take any Jayce slander in this house
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iteration-anomaly · 2 years ago
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-{{ I am a mature, adult Traveller. I'm not going to make a joke, I'm not- }}-
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tmnt-anomaly · 4 months ago
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How they met: part 1, part 2, part 3
You can see why it took me so long. Why did I decide to make that background??? Like, I’m pretty proud of it, but damn it took me a while
Also I decided to re write everything mid making this part :)
So… here you have it :]
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annomalysstuff · 6 months ago
I made this in one sitting 💪
Guess what show she’s talking about (hard mode/j)
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icecream4starscream · 2 months ago
Spoiler Warning for Transformers One. Please go see the film, it's great.
Something occurred to me when rewatching Elita-1's firing scene:
Right off the bat, she's presented as an absolute unit in the mines. We see her being a very by-the-book character. She's incredibly competent, strong, serious, focused, and an effective leader.
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Maybe a little too effective.
We learn that Sentinel goes out of his way to personally take care of any "anomalies" in his system and does so in a way where the blame always gets shifted away from him.
It's why he personally went to see Pax and D-16 after the Iacon 5000 race. He makes himself out to be the open-minded, compassionate leader he's been parading as.
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When Darkwing throws Orion and D-16 into sub-level 50, neither bot suspects Sentinel for their demotion. In fact, they beg Darkwing to talk to Sentinel so he can sort out the "misunderstanding".
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It's later confirmed that Sentinel never had any intention of talking with Orion or D-16 after their first meeting. When Orion reunites with his fellow miners later in the film, they mention that Sentinel put out a statement saying that they both died from "racing injuries".
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Sentinel might've not even openly ordered Darkwing to dispose of them. Darkwing might've been manipulated into thinking everyone was mocking him for losing the race (thanks to lowly miners) making him want to get rid of them.
Subconsciously manipulating someone like Darkwing would've been easy for Sentinel.
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Sentinel clearly does not tolerate anyone rising above the station he imposes on them.
So what does this have to do with Elita-1 being fired?
We see her rigidly following the rules, meeting all quotas, running a tight and efficient crew. She's doing her job as a miner, a role unknowingly forced upon her by Sentinel, perfectly.
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Shouldn't Sentinel be happy about that?
Well sure...
If Elita wasn't actively trying to get promoted.
We don't get a lot of information about how promotion works in TFOne's mining system, but we do know that in other iterations of pre-war Cybertron, one of the only ways miners could rise out of the mines was by participating in ridiculously difficult gladiatorial fights in Kaon's pits.
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In other iterations, this was how D-16/Megatron was able to escape his station and how he grew to be so strong.
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So basically, whatever version you look at, the miners are told "if you work really, reeeeally hard, and do your job perfectly, and don't die in the process (which, odds are, you will) you might, MIGHT get a chance to get out of the caste you were born into."
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It's BS.
It's an impossible feat. No one is actually supposed to be able to achieve that goal, but it's the metaphorical carrot dangling in front of the work mules so they don't notice the ever-tightening rope around their necks.
But every so often there's someone extraordinary, like Elita, who actually manages to meet this impossible standard and with whom it becomes increasingly difficult to deny this coveted promotion.
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So what can Sentinel do about bots like Elita-1?
Wait for a screw-up.
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It must happen eventually.
A member of Elita's team, Orion Pax, in clear violation of evacuation protocol, goes back into the mines to save Jazz from getting crushed to death.
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Despite managing to escape, the closing mine causes a tunnel support to be flung into nearby machinery (which doesn't look critical and could probably be easily fixed).
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Then, right the heck outta nowhere, Darkwing drops in, SECONDS AFTER THE INCIDENT JUST HAPPENED, and immediately fires Elita.
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No "What happened?" or "Who's responsible?" or "The supervisor wants to see you", he just pops into the scene and demotes Elita, arguably one of the best workers in the mine, to a bottom-tier waste management position.
As if he'd been on standby, actively waiting for a reason to fire her.
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"But Elita herself wasn't the one who screwed up!"
Doesn't matter.
"But she told them to follow protocol!"
Doesn't matter.
"But Orion admitted he was the one at fault!"
Doesn't matter.
"But a bot was saved! Jazz would've died!"
Does. Not. MATTER.
Her firing is presented as the typical "one character says thing won't happen then thing immediately happens" joke, but given how so much thought went into so much of TFOne's background details, I can't help but wonder if this was a hint to how broken the system was and how it was always rigged in a way that ensures the miners will never get out.
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Not to mention, once Orion, D-16, and Jazz safely escape, she chews Orion out by saying, "If I get fired for this..." meaning this abrupt, out-of-nowhere, baseless firing is absolutely typical.
That's what makes Elita's "I'm better than you" speech to Orion that much more meaningful, because in many ways, she is better than him.
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She's a better worker, better fighter, better at completing the task at hand, better at making sure things run smoothly. She is, ironically enough, an efficient and perfectly-running machine.
But had Orion not dragged Elita to the surface, she probably would've spent her whole life obediently following the rules, never questioning why things were the way they were. She was so focused on rising up within the system that she could never look beyond it.
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Elita might be the cog by which other cogs turn.
But Orion is the spark that shows them a better way.
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That's why he was given the Matrix.
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I hope you are doing well.
Could I request a fem!reader x Miguel imagine where reader is a medical doctor and relatively new to the spider society. Rather than fight against anomalies, she's taken on the task of healing these spiderpeople after they get injured because she is the only one who really can due to their unique physiology. She's known for her venomous sarcasm and biting wit, trading insults and quips like they're her love language. But in striking juxtaposition to her usual behaviour, her bedside manner is extremely comforting, gentle, and maternal. This is the first time that the head of the spider society himself, Miguel, has been one of her patients. He came in with really awful injuries from a mission gone awry. This is the first time he gets to see this side of reader. Because I am such a slut for the "playing nurse" trope. Bonus points if she gently refers to him as "good boy" at some point 😫 And because our boy could really use a comforting touch
Thank you so much!
This is amazing, I love this idea! I'm so sorry it took so long!
Sharp Words
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Miguel O'Hara x f!Reader • Rating: PG pals • Masterlist• ao3• want to be tagged? | request info • buy me a coffee? •
Warnings: surprise kiss, injury, brief mention to a spider backstory, overuse of italics, not beta read, please let me know if I've missed a warning.
Word Count: 864
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Miguel had been so close to not coming in at all, his mind practically already made up. 
He wouldn’t die. He would heal. He could do this on his own. 
And while most would think he was either just not taking care of himself, or dismissing how bad his injuries actually were, it was Lyla who hit the metaphorical nail on the head.
“Just admit you’re scared of seeing her.” 
“No.” He’d winced, his voice sounding childish even to his own ears. And obviously lying. 
“Prove it.” Lyla folded her arms across her chest and, of course, that gave Miguel little choice in the matter.
He’d expected your tuts, eye rolls and sharp words, including a fair few comments on ‘how stupid he had been to get his messed up’. Even as he walked to the med bay he’d been mentally rehearsing his answers. 
“It’s not that bad.” 
“It looks worse than it is.” 
“People were in trouble, it was either get out the way and let them get hurt or stay where I was.” 
“This Green Goblin had a teleport glitch that made evading attacks pretty difficult when you don’t know he has that yet.” 
Maybe he’d just stay completely quiet. 
But none of that had happened. 
Your eyes had widened when you’d seen him and ushered him to a bed. You’d fussed over him quietly, only asking questions that were pertinent to his care. 
Your hands were warm and your expression soft. 
And weirdly, it hurt. 
“I just need to run a few blood tests, okay?” You say gently, waiting for him to nod. 
Miguel gives you the go ahead. “What for?” 
“Well,” You take the samples quickly, the actions practised to an art form. “First time I’ve treated you, I just need to check your physiology is what I think it is…” You trail off for a few seconds as you focus. “And second, I want to make sure there’s no contamination.” 
“Contamination?” He frowns.
“Don’t worry,” You lay your hand on his uninjured shoulder and he shivers. It shouldn’t feel as nice as it does, as safe. It shouldn’t make his heart rate spike. 
“Some Green Goblins have a toxin on any bladed weapons, I don’t think this one does,” You pull up the information the Spider Society has gathered about this particular iteration on your holo pad and skim through it. “But I just want to be safe, rather than sorry.” 
He hums quietly, and laments the loss of your touch when you move away, his shoulder cold now that your fingers had left his skin. 
Miguel lets you work in silence for a moment, trying to quell his racing mind. To think of nothing. 
“Is the Green Goblin the reason you didn’t come here straight away?” 
Your voice catches him off guard, “I…” 
You move closer, pulling over a chair and sitting before you spray the largest gash on his chest with numbing spray before you start to clean and stitch the wound. 
There’s a moment of quiet once more before you glance up at him from under your lashes, “Because that’s not…” You sigh and look back to your work. “That’s not something you need to worry about, I’m not made of glass.” 
“I know you’re not.” He says softly. 
The Green Goblin from your universe had been responsible for many tragedies in your life, including how you became a spider person to begin with. It was only when he’d died - something you were partly, if not wholly responsible for - that you’d discovered he had been your Uncle Ben. A canon event in your timeline. 
“Then why did you wait seventeen minutes to come to med bay?” You sit up fully and fix him with a stern look. 
And to your absolute amazement, and secret enjoyment, Miguel O’Hara blushes. 
“I…” He looks at his hands intently. “Wait, you were timing me?” 
“I was rounding up, sixteen minutes and forty eight seconds if you’re interested.” 
“Lyla told me you’d been hurt bad and when you portaled back, to be honest I was expecting you to portal directly here.” You motion to your surroundings. 
Miguel swallows. “It’s not that bad-” 
“Don’t give me that.” You stare at him, letting him squirm for a moment. “You know I have the medical clearance to ground you.”
“You’re the one that gave it to me, if I’m not happy with someone’s physical or mental condition I can stop them from working until they’re recovered.”
Miguel looks ashen. “You’re-”
“Why didn’t you come straight away? And I can tell when you’re lying.” 
He groans and closes his eyes, certain that he’s regressed to a ten year old at that moment. “I was… I didn’t want you to get angry.”
You pause. “What?” 
“Or snap at me,” he continues, his eyes still closed. “I know we’re both usually pretty sharp with each other and I didn’t want to disappoint you and-”
You smile and lean forward lightly pressing your lips to his. 
Miguel groans, kissing you back as he opens his eyes in surprise. “I…?”
You pull back a fraction. “Good boy.” 
He pauses, staring quizzically at you. 
“For telling the truth.” 
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Thank you for reading!
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