#itatchiyama x reader
Itatchiyama boys having a secret admirer
Characters: Iizuna, Komori and Sakusa
This request is so cute!!! I really love the idea, thank you so much for requesting!!<3
**Iizuna’s and Sakusa’s are pretty long, and I am not sorry~**
Iizuna Tsukasa:
One morning, Iizuna walked into his first period class only to see a little package sitting on his desk.
He was a little confused because...
why is there something on his desk?
When he sat down he noticed there was a little note, and after reading the ‘To Iizuna❤’ he knew it was at least for him.
When he opened the package, it was a little pack of his favorite candy!!
He asked around to the people he sat by if they saw who left it there, but they all claimed to not have seen anything.
With a smile on his face he pocketed the note and slipped the candy in his bag.
When he got to lunch and sat down, he pulled the snack out.
Komori, seeing said snack, reached to try and sneak it, only to have his hand smacked away by Iizuna.
Shooting the libero a glare Iizuna looked back at the small package, only to see a very small message written on the back of the note that had his name written on it.
‘Dear, Iizuna. I like you, like, a lot. But I can’t bring myself to confess...not yet anyway. Just know I’m a third year girl who’s been admiring you from a far since first year. Gosh that sounds creepy. Uhm, I promise i’m not a stalker, I just noticed you got these a lot from the vending machine. I hope you enjoy them. Lots of Love, your secret Admirer.’
For the next 3 weeks, almost everyday he would find something on his desk, and a sweet little note to go with it.
And everyday he desperately tried to find who it was!!
But he couldn’t lie that there was a part of him that was scared, scared because there was one girl in particular he really wanted it to be.
That girl was you, Y/n L/n, and Iizuna had had his eye on you since first year. So he was really hoping it was you.
And honestly? That was looking pretty likely. You were more on the quiet side, a little shy, but very kind. You tended to keep to yourself, but you would always offer him a kind smile, and if he was lucky, a little wave.
So yeah, he really wanted it to be you.
Today was a big game for the Itatchiyama Boys volleyball club. The team wasn’t too worried, they had all properly prepared and stretched and what not, and it wasn’t the end of the world if they lost.
That afternoon on the desk of his last class this time, he saw a little note on his desk.
‘Dear Iizuna, Good luck today! I’m not too worried about the game, I know you’ll do your best, which is always amazing. I’ll be there to support you, but don’t get distracted looking for me in the crowd, that’d be embarrassing. Just know I’ll be there cheering for you ❤Your Secret Admirer’
Iizuna’s eyes widened, you (by you, he means his ‘secret admirer) were going to be there!
The only issue was...
He still had no evidence who his secret admirer was, just a hopeful suspicion.
Nevertheless, Iizuna got to their practice, warmed up properly, and then waited for the game to start.
The victory of said game of course went to Itatchiyama, them winning the first, and the last sets.
Iizuna sat on the bench, still not changed out of his uniform, drying the sweat from his hair and neck with a towel.
He held the note from earlier in his hand, eyes reading, and reading again the ‘I’ll be there to support you’ part of the note.
He sighed as he slipped it back in his bag, having not seen you anywhere in the stands.
Waving goodbye to his teammates, he exited the locker room.
Only when he did, he came face to face with you.
You who had a small smile on your face.
You who was holding a small pack of Iizuna’s favorite candy.
And you who handed it to him with a small ‘congratulations, Iizuna.’ before you turned on your heel and left.
Looking down at the small package you handed him, he smiled. It was the same candy he had first gotten from his Secret Admirer.
He slipped the candy in his bag but kept the note in his hand. 
‘It’s me, I’m your Secret Admirer’
When he opened it, his smile dropped and his eyes widened, his head shooting up to search the crowd of people for you.
Dropping his gym bag to the floor, he started sprinting, weaving in and out of people and jumping over discarded jackets and gym bags.
You were right by the exit when he spotted you, about to exit the gym when you heard a ‘wait!’ turning around you saw Iizuna make his way towards you, a big smile on his face.
He held the note out, you smiling and nodding when he did so.
“I was hoping it was you, because I really like you too.”
It was your turn for your eyes to widen and your heart to start beating. Because the guy you’ve been pining after and recently courting, just so happens to like you back.
And as you leave that night with his number in your phone and a date on your calendar, all those trips to the vending machine were more than worth it.
Komori Motoya:
Komori Motoya was on a mission.
That mission was to find the person who was leaving him little snacks and cute little items on his desk and in his locker!!
Now, to clarify, he was not looking for them cause he was upset or weirded out or anything like that.
He just wanted to know who it was so he could meet and thank them!!
It was one morning before school that he finally found who it was.
You had been slipping a note in his locker when he quickly slipped out of morning practice to get the knee pad he left in his locker.
He was about to round the corner when he stopped, seeing you slip a small piece of paper into his locker before walking back to the School Newspaper room.
A big smile made its way to Komori’s face, because now (after he checked the note and yes, you were his secret admirer) he knew who you were, and it was time to put his plan into action.
The next day, you walked into your first period class to see a small bag of your favorite snack on your desk, a little note with ‘From your Secret Admirer~’ in adorably messy handwriting stuck on the treat.
For the next 2 weeks, you and Komori were sending your little “Secret Admirer” gifts back and forth.
I say it in quotations because you both were at least 75% sure you were each others secret admirers, but both of you were still too nervous, or shy, or something that was keeping you from confessing.
Komori intended to end that today.
In between lunch and your next class, you stopped by your locker to do a small book change, unexpecting of the note that fell out.
‘Meet me on the roof after school, Your Secret Admirer~’
Your heart sped up as you read it. You were some what sure it was Komori, especially since you guys were in different classes, but he was always around yours.
The end of the day couldn’t come fast enough, and your last 3 classes were a blur, but school seemed to be the least of your problems right now.
When you got to the stair well that led to the roof, you noticed a little note folded like a tent over a single red rose.
Picking up the rose and the note, you read the note, ‘Almost there!’
The whole way up the stairs there would periodically be a rose and a small compliment or something you didn’t expect someone to actually notice, like admiring how you helped someone pick up their dropped books, or thanking you for holding a door open for him.
So now here you were, hand gripping the railing as your shaking legs took you up to the door, 11 roses held in the elbow of your left arm and the notes held in your blazer’s breast pocket.
When you opened the door, you walked out to see a little note folded on the ground, no rose this time.
Opening the note, it read 2 simple words, ‘Found you’ 
You turned around when you heard footsteps, feeling your face heat up when you saw Komori walking towards you, the last rose held in his hand and the cutest little pinky hue on his cheeks.
After confirming that, yes, you were each others secret admirers, you both properly confessed your feelings, and finally started dating.
Sakusa Kiyoomi:
Sakusa sat down at the lunch table with a frown, eyes narrowing as he thought about this morning
“Uh, Sakusa? What’s wrong?” Sakusa reached into his bag to pull out the little box he had found on his desk this morning, sliding it over to Komori.
Komori picked up the little box, turning to hold it in between him and Iizuna who was equally curious about it. 
Opening the box, the two saw a hand made mask with Sakusa’s jersey number and Itatchiyama’s school colors. 
“Wow! That’s really good!! Who made it?”
Sakusa’s eyes narrowed as he looked at his cousin with evident pain in his eyes, “I don’t know, they didn’t put a name.”
“Oh, so it’s a secret admirer?” Iizuna said as he started to eat his lunch, Komori further inspecting the box to see a small note.
“Sakusa, you missed the note.” The ace shook his head, removing his medical mask to start eating.
“There’s no name, I checked.”
Komori’s eyes widened as he looked to Iizuna, the setter simply shrugging as he looked towards the ace.
Sakusa received a lot of gifts from his fans...like, a lot.
Usually he would accept it politely, and either put the item in a drawer or on his desk at home, or give the treats to Komori and Iizuna at lunch.
So to see him so stuck on this one gift was extremely entertaining to the libero and captain.
“Oh! Hey, Sakusa, did you ever talk to Y/n?” Sakusa’s cheeks turned pink as he glared towards his cousin.
Y/n, aka you were the girl that Sakusa had been...admiring...for the past year. You guys were seatmates, and there was something about you that made his palms sweaty and his mind go blank. Talking to you had never exactly come easy for him.
While the two began to argue, Iizuna began to put two and two together. He remembered Sakusa saying something about you liking to sew, and he recognized your handwriting from a card the art club had made the team when they made it to nationals. So there was a good chance that you were Sakusa’s secret admirer, now he (and by default Komori) just needed to prove it.
Under the false pretense of needing something from the club room after practice, Iizuna dragged Komori out of the gym, telling him his theory about Sakusa’s secret admirer.
Komori, who was in the same class as Sakusa, agreed saying it was very likely seeing as you were just as bad at talking to Sakusa as Sakusa was at talking to you.
So, the two devised a plan. Recon it wasn’t a very good one, but it was a plan nonetheless.
2 days later after practice, Iizuna “asked” Sakusa if he could run back to the club room and get his lint roller, at the same time Komori watched as you slipped into the club room to put a letter in Sakusa’s locker, rounding the corner and sending Iizuna a thumbs up.
“So it’s you.” You screamed as you jumped, whipping around to see Sakusa, wearing his new mask might I add, standing with slightly widened eyes and a little bit of red peaking over the edge of his mask.
“O-oh uhm...yeah...it’s me...Uhm, goodbye.” You put your head down as you tried to exit the room, only for Sakusa to very gently grab your elbow, speaking a soft ‘wait’.
You gulped and readied yourself for rejection, “Aren’t you going to confess?” Your head shot up at his words, eyebrows furrowed, “I...uh..kinda figured you didn’t want me to...I know you have to reject a lot of girls so I was going to save you the trouble-” “But I don’t want to reject you.” Your eyes widened as you felt your heart beat against your ribcage.
“You’re not?” You all but squeaked out as he nodded, eyes crinkling ever so slightly as he shook his head.
“It’d be stupid to reject the girl i’ve been after for a year.”
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semifilms · 2 years
sharing a bed for the first time, gn reader, not proofread, reblogs appreciated!
character(s), sakusa kiyoomi
tag(s) 🏷, @kiyelle isa, my beloved! i hope you enjoy<33
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you and kiyoomi had been hanging out for a few months now. yet you’d been officially dating for 3 weeks. most of your guys’ friends assumed you were together from the first time they saw the two of you together. it was nothing but stolen glances and admiring ones.
the two of you have kissed, and held hands, you’d done most of the basic things couples did. so why were you hesitant about staying the night.
kiyoomi proposed the idea to you once the weather outside got heavier. the light rain from before had gotten to be a storm and he didn’t want you driving in this weather. “what would i do without you?” you teased as you bumped his shoulder.
a light chuckle escaped his lips as his lips curled up slightly at the ends. “i’ll go grab you some clothes.” he said as he walked out of the living room and went straight to his room. now that he was out of sight you could visibly freak out. your eyes widened a bit more and you’re mouth fell open slightly.
“oh my god,” you mumbled under your breath. your mind went wild, mainly wondering where you were going to sleep. but not long after sakusa returned with no clothes in and. “i left them on my bed, you can go change. i’ll wait out here.”
at that, you wasted no time getting to his room. shutting the door behind you immediately. your boyfriend was confused at your actions but sat quietly on the couch to wait. it wasn’t long before you came out of the room quietly and tapped sakusa on the shoulder.
he turned his whole body to face you and he raised a brow. “where should i put these?” you ask, referencing the clothes you changed out of. “i’ll go put them in the wash.” he said, rising from his seat and grabbing your clothes from you. “i’ll meet you in the room.” he added as he walked off.
you swallowed hard at his words but headed to his room. you would’ve assumed that since sakusa was so casual about the whole ordeal that it wasn’t a big deal to him.
but that’s where you’d be wrong. once the words “i’ll meet you in the room.” left his mouth, his throat had gotten tight. he’d been freaking out about this just as much as you—if not, more. though he arrived in the room looking as calm as ever.
“where am i sleeping?” you asked upon his arrival. “the bed,” he responded whilst sucking in a sharp breath. “and you?” you added, and he repeated. “the bed.”
that was it, the confirmation you needed. but you chose to act calm about it. it was bound to happen eventually. you reasoned internally. “well goodnight!” you dismissed the conversation, curling yourself up under the covers. “uhm y/n, you’re in my side…” the raven-haired male laughed as he approached the bed. “oops, my bad.” you winced before scooting over to the other side of the bed. you faced the wall in an attempt to avoid him but you felt his skin just barely brush against your own.
“goodnight y/n,” he said as he leaned over to place a kiss on your cheek. the small gesture relaxed you. why were you freaking out over this? it’s just kiyoomi. “night omi.” you smiled to yourself as sleep slowly overcame you.
but by the morning you were surprised to feel your legs intertwined, your head in his chest, and your right arm slung over his torso.
“that wasn’t so bad was it?” the tired voice of kiyoomi greeted your ears.
“i guess not.”
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©semifilms do not copy, repost or translate my works
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project-ohagi · 5 years
Kiyoomi Sakusa x Reader {Haikyuu!!}
Today, your radiance seemed blinding.
The Ace's heart had long been ensnared within your web, no prospect of escape looming beyond the horizon. It was a tricky situation, especially with his anxious demeanour. The desperate pining, the need to float amidst the stars in your eyes...He wanted to feel the rush of a reciprocated love, the gentle caress of your fingertips upon his chin...but he was almost deathly afraid of germs, of such intimate displays of affection. His intense gaze often burned into your very soul, although he didn't realise. There was something so ethereal about you, an aura of majesty. You embodied the most divine, most beautiful goddesses ever to grace the Heavens.
He didn't understand just how to approach these emotions.
So, he continued to observe.
He watched and studied, hoping for a sign, however small. Until then, his romantic inclinations would remain sequestered behind the veil of monotony. After all, seniors never truly acknowledged the younger generations unless they shared a passion, right? Sakusa was positive that you had nothing in common, and his general timidity refused to allow even a word of greeting to pass his lips.
With this as the reality, what had compelled his feet to lead him further into the library, and specifically to your table? His mind spiralled into overdrive; should he be praising himself, for finally gaining the confidence to sit beside you? Perhaps not. It wasn't exactly confidence - more a simple, magnetic pull (or destiny, as he preferred to muse), and he wasn't perched by your side - there was a separation of at least five seats. Yet, there he was, lips tugging slightly upwards under his mask. He risked but a single glance towards your figure, ever-blossoming in its Aphrodite-fineness. Even that fleeting look provided so much insight. For example, he noted that not a trace of make-up sullied your face; your beauty was natural, magnificent.
A strange giddiness suddenly consumed him, but he maintained his composure. He couldn't afford to trip up and present to those (e/c) crystals a lowly court jester, now, could he? Royalty only permitted itself to marry into wealth and honour. If Sakusa possessed even a sliver of a chance of winning your favour, he would struggle until the very end. The hope was mounting, the love swelling exponentially, and neither could be easily quelled. As much as he attempted to use the textbook and notes before him as distractions, his traitorous little mind forever wandered back to you. Usually, you felt a million lightyears away, but today...today you were so much closer.
If he wasn't so awkward, he might have been able to reach out, to touch you. If he was a smooth-talker, or just a little more extroverted, then maybe you would already be together. If he could waltz right up to you, exuding lion-like courage, slinging an arm around you and whispering sweet nothings, as you melted into him...
...Yeah, that would be the life.
The cruel world ripped another sigh from his shielded lips, heavier than the rest, and a little concerning. Well, to any regular human. To you...to you it was quite an entertaining scene. Here was a charming underclassman, who assumed himself to be rather adept in the art of stalking. He was certainly an interesting specimen - you couldn't possibly deny that.
Not that you were trying.
Placing your pen on to the table and clearing your throat, you decided to startle the adorable little thing.
"Are you alright?"
As anticipated, hearing your voice, even at its hushed tone, made him jump in his seat. Wide, ebony eyes latched on to your form, then just as swiftly dropped back down, as their owner fought to stifle his blush. That briefest moment of eye-contact apparently caused a meltdown of his mind. Oops. If you remembered, you might apologise for that.
Anxiety was his soulmate, so it seemed; a series of vibrations knocking the table (his jittery knees) informed you of this. The concentrated expression, coupled with his furrowed brows, showed that he was deeply immersed in his thoughts. Due to this, it was evident that he wouldn't actually answer your question without a second prompt.
Honestly, it wasn't as though you requested his hand in marriage. The amusement flourished inside your core, and you stood, abandoning your revision. At your approach, his entire body began to tremble. Then, everything went cold. You pulled up a chair, but maintained a standing position for now. He gulped, audibly. You mirrored this, giving it a seductive twist. Those nimble fingers, the ones he yearned for, were flicking through the pages of his notebook.
Turning it over, you studied the kanji of his name. "Kiyoomi..."
If a sentence was biting the tip of his tongue, you would never know, and your eyes, however sharp, definitely couldn't make out the way he bit his lip. In spite of this, you still collapsed into the chair, but not before picking up the pen he had so carelessly left on the table. Facing those curly, raven locks, you arrested his unadulterated attention, as you rolled your tongue around that which had previously touched his skin. An emotion menagerie exploded in his blood - should disgust be his primary instinct...or arousal?
When he made no effort to respond, you chose to heighten the stakes. Removing the pen from amid your wet cavern, a string of saliva and a salacious popping sound following closely behind, you scooted forwards, drinking in his precious little gasp. Narrowing your eyes, you brought the pen up to his mask, lightly tapping it, and proceeding to trace the outline of his lips.
"What I'm interested in...is why you're always wearing this. I've seen you before, but never without it." Your succubus bore her fangs, but even if her kiss was eternal damnation, he wouldn't hesitate to embrace you.
A spark of...something...ignited within him, as your words echoed. You had actually taken notice of him, before? Ah, perhaps he could die blissfully now. Except, you never allowed a mere moment of tranquillity, did you? Sakusa was learning this the hard way - the rock-hard way. Seriously, his lower region needed to catch a breath! Seeing that you still failed to elicit more than a strained groan, you dipped the pen further down...down...Oh! Somebody was excited...
Gazing up with doe eyes, you whispered, "Take it off."
"The mask." He looked horrified, hence the clarification, and the less-than-subtle giggle.
His compliance didn't really surprise you, but the hunger to tease was overwhelming. You invaded his personal bubble, more and more, until he could feel your warm breath on his neck.
"If you're such a germophobe, why aren't you pushing me away?"
For that, only a hunch was available to him.
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hihi, headcanons about haikyuu boys meeting your family please. Include any characters you want, I only ask for Kunimi to be involved :))
QUIII hello. I hope this lives up to your expectations😌💕I went with meeting the WHOLE family, I hope that's okay!
Haikyuu!! Boys Meeting Your Family
Characters: Washio, Akaashi, Kunimi, Iwaizumi, Hoshiumi, Komori, Numai and Suna
Warnings: Second hand embarrassment (honestly it could've been worse),  dads trying (some succeeding, some failing) to be intimidating, use of father/mother, siblings, aunt/uncle, grandparents & cousins.
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Washio Tatsuki:
Honestly- you’re like 98% sure you’re family is more scared of him than he is of them LOL
Your dad opens up the door, expecting to scare off the ‘punk’ his daughter dragged home and is instead met with the most intimidating stare he’s ever had to lock eyes with.
You really almost lost your composure as you saw your dad’s eyes widen before he cleared his throat and introduced himself, your boyfriend politely introducing himself and shaking your father’s hand.
You watched as one by one your family members all reacted to your tall, stoic and intimidating boyfriend.
You started to get worried they really would be too intimidated by him to be normal until-
Your little cousin tugged on Washio’s pant leg, and you saw the short flash of panic in his gaze.
Washio wasn’t scared of kids, actually he loved them.
…he just didn’t have the best track record with them liking him.
“...up..” your cousin was only 2, so in his fearless little brain he just sees someone tall and thinks ‘fun’.
Your family watches with mixed reactions, waiting to see how he’d react.
He looked over to you, and when you nodded that it was okay, he bent down and gently picked the child up, cracking a small smile when your cousin giggled.
You’re sure you saw hearts in your aunts eyes- too bad auntie, he’s yours >:)
If that didn’t win him over, then his offer to wash dishes after dinner did them in.
Safe to say, your boyfriend has become a treasured member of the family and if you two break up…they may never forgive you.
Akaashi Keiji:
He is stressed.
What if they don’t like what he wears? What if they think he’s too quiet? What if he tries to talk more to be less quiet but he says stupid things? What if-
“Keiji, baby, you’re spiraling again…aren't you?”
Akaashi is a great guy, you know it, fukurodani knows it, and you know your family is going to love him.
You just wish he could know how great he is too- maybe he wouldn’t be fiddling with his hands and borderline pacing outside of your front door.
He tenses up when your father pats his back and ushers him inside, but he gets himself together enough to properly introduce himself.
You hide your laugh as your dad sneaks an impressed glance your way, “covertly” giving you a thumbs up as he takes him to meet the family.
Back off dad- you saw him first✋🙄
Just as expected, everyone is absolutely enthralled with your boyfriend. He’s smart, handsome, humble AND athletic- 
He blows everyone's socks off when he gives intelligent and sensical input during one of the conversations during dinner.
Where did you find this guy- harvard?!
They don’t even try to hide how impressed they are, giving you a wonderful view of the pinkness of Akaashi’s ears and the little throat clear he does before returning to his meal.
You are gonna have to establish your dominance in your family since several people have stated “if you two break up- we’re keeping him, you can go.”
Kunimi Akira:
“Are you ready to meet them?” “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”
He seemed cool as a cucumber, like the thought of meeting your whole family didn’t terrify him just a little.
You knew better though, he had been stressing about it since you had asked him.
The initial meetings go over well enough, he gives short answers but doesn't outwardly appear annoyed or smug towards them.
More so he just has on his usual face of complete and total indifference.
One of your relatives says something minorly offensive? Doesn't phase him one bit.
One of your little cousins runs head first into his leg? No reaction.
Your family begins to wonder if he's capable of such feelings at all.
And then you bring up the time you watched kindaichi whack his head on a door frame and it happens-
As bright as day for the whole table to see a smile broke out on his face as he shook his head, muttering a 'that idiot'.
He was a tough nut to crack but you knew that with time, he was gonna fit in just fine.
Now to make sure they don't ever discover how lazy he is…
Iwaizumi Hajime:
Is there a better guy to bring home? You're really not sure there is.
He's respectful, returns your fathers handshake with an equal (if not greater) amount of force, has good conversation with your aunts and grandma, and gets on great with your siblings.
You can tell your dad is trying not to like him- it's obvious with the scowl he has on and the twitch his eyebrow does every time iwaizumi says something he can't refute.
You know it's over when your boyfriend brings up sports- something your father is quite the fan of. It's really over when they find out they like the same team.
Safe to say he manages to win over your entire family within 30 minutes, and when he’s gearing up to leave has like 3 different people inviting him to the next event.
After the meeting you are constantly being bugged about him- when is he coming over next? Is Hajime going to be there? When are you two going to get married?
Actually you’re starting to wonder if they like him more than you…
Scratch that, you know the answer- but admitting it would boost your boyfriend’s ego, so better not.
Hoshiumi Korai:
By law he's a menace to society- now is no different. 
It all seems to go well at first; he's surprisingly humble when introducing himself (he only mentioned volleyball like twice), he doesn't say anything super offensive and he seems to be behaving himself.
And then it happens..the inevitable mention of his height- or rather lack thereof.
Your aunt and uncle show up a little late- understandably so since they're kids were still little.
Their oldest child is 7, which means he's old enough to converse but not quite old enough to know that some thoughts should stay just that- a thought.
You really thought this would go over without incident- it had been 30 minutes and he hadn't done anything questionable!
Then your cousin walked right up to him, cocked his head to the side and said those dreadful words-
"Aren't you short for a volleyball player? I thought they had to be tall."
You could've sworn you watched a VEIN pop on his forehead, and before you could react you heard it, the "HUUUHHHH?!?!"
He began his rant- only to have it muffled when you slapped your hand over his mouth, calmly asking your cousin not to mention his…stature.
Komori Motoya: 
Is it possible for someone NOT to like him? You weren't sure, and you hoped tonight wouldn't be the night you got proved wrong.
You couldn't tell if he was genuinely excited or trying to cope with his nervousness- but he seemed legitimately happy to be meeting them.
Your fathers intimidation tactics? No effect
The overwhelming amount of interactions from your mom, grandma and aunts? He happily engages in conversation(s).
Jumpy little energetic cousins? Plays with them and becomes their new favorite person.
If someone in your family didn't like him they sure were good at hiding it cause by the end of the night your dad is laughing at his jokes, your mom is cooing over his endearing stories of you, and when he leaves literally everyone is begging you never to break up with him.
If he ever misses a family gathering in the future you are immediately hounded with "where is he?!" Like you're not standing right there smh🙄
Numai Kazuma: 
He's a nervous wreck- his words not mine.
"H-hi, sir! I'm Numai Kazuma!" You watched as the hand he stuck out for a handshake shook just a teeny tiny bit.
Your dad nodded, introduced himself and shook your boyfriend's hand- a little harder than necessary might I add.
Your dad clapped him on the back and invited him inside.
You had warned numai before hand that your dad can be…a little too protective. You know he had good intentions- he wants you to be safe and happy!
But he can be a bit much, and now was no exception.
Your dad lead him into the living room where all the men in the family were waiting. 
You watched as his face blanched, quickly turning to you for immediate assistance.
Knowing not even you could stop this interrogation from happening, you just shrugged and let him know you'd be right back, quickly exiting to build your "save my boyfriend" squad.
Once your cool aunt, siblings and grandmother had gathered, you all dragged Numai into the kitchen where they all began to absolutely rave about your "handsome strong young man!" Of a boyfriend.
So yeah- after being scared straight by your father, he gains a fanclub that will never stop asking you questions about him.
Suna Rintaro: 
I don't know if trainwreck is the right word…but it certainly comes close.
Its not like he did anything bad per se, for the majority of the evening he was being his normal stoic quiet self.
All in all he was behaving himself- or he did for most of the evening anyway.
Although he comes across as the 'super respectful and stand up guy' at his core suna is still a lord of chaos- intent on witnessing the twins' mischief and dedicated to getting anything and everything on film.
So who was he to not laugh when your toddler cousin happened to trip on air and face plant?!
To make it slightly better…he wasn't the only one who laughed, your family just didn't expect your quiet reclusive boyfriend to bust out laughing when your cousin tripped.
By the end of the night at least 90% of your family is ready to adopt him as one; your grandparents, aunts/uncles, cousins and your mom/siblings all love him.
Your dad? He's not so sure…
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semifilms · 3 years
they catch you staring, gender neutral reader, reblogs appreciated! not proofread.
characters, kiyoomi sakusa, eita semi, atsumu miya, tooru oikawa, kei tsukishima
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sakusa felt your eyes on him from the other side of the room. his first instinct was to look and see who it was. i mean h read studying in the library and feeling a part of eyes on him was not helping. glancing up through his thick eyelashes he looked around the silent room until his eyes stopped onto you. it took you a moment to realize he was staring back at you. when you did realize you grew embarrassed and looked away immediately. if it wasn’t for the mask on his face and you already looking away you could’ve seen the small smirk on his face shortly followed by a low chuckle. it was entertaining to him nonetheless.
it wasn’t unusual for people to come in and watch practices to see ushijima but when semi was getting a drink from his water bottle and felt eyes on him he was surely mistaken. right? wrong. looking around the gym he saw in the stands a group of people giggling and pointing in ushijimas direction which was on the other side of the gym. but then there was you, in the front of the group facing up in that direction but looking back to catch a glimpse of the pinch setter. semi. when he realized this he was shocked. someone as attractive as you looking at him?? he mustered up enough courage to send you a small smile and nod before getting back on the court. you smiled back ofc. (and screamed internally)
atsumu had of course caught plenty of people staring at him. sometimes he was cocky about it other times he was irritated. for some reason though when he caught you—one of the very few people who didn’t want to be bothered with his presence staring at him. oh he was not going to let this go. he doesn’t say anything to you that moment but the first chance he does get he’s messing with you about it. “were ya checkin’ me out the other day?” he’d ask with a smirk. “fuck off miya,” you’d respond in a deadpan. no, he did not fuck off.
oikawa was a flirt, it’s a very known fact. he thinks it’s fun and or funny, especially seeing the person in the receiving end's reaction. in this case, the two of you were in class and you sat on the complete opposite side of the room from him and just one row ahead. everyone had been taking notes but you kept glancing back to look at oikawa. i mean could you blame yourself? he was attractive. now denying it. so what if you wanna reward yourself a glance after taking boring notes on god knows what. the next time you went to look back though he’d already been staring back at you. a smirk on his face before he sent you a wink and went back to writing. yeah. you didn’t look back after that. you could barely finish taking notes.
tsukishima like anyone else is used to people staring at him. whether it be his height or the fact that he’s extremely attractive. he was used to it. it wasn’t an all-the-time thing though where people just stared at him and swooned like for oikawa or atsumu. but when he caught you talking with your friends and glancing in his direction mid-conversation he had no idea what to do. messing with you was always an option but he immediately looked away and avoided looking back in your direction. did you…fluster him? but why you? did he…like you? 100%. but you assumed he wasn’t going to mess with you about the incident and you were great full u til after school when he and yamaguchi walked with you home. endless. teasing.
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©semifilms do not copyright or plagiarize my work.
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semifilms · 3 years
trying to impress you, how i think haikyuu boys would try to impress you. gn reader, reblogs appreciated! not proofread.
characters, tadashi yamaguchi, shoyo hinata, shinsuke kita, timeskip!koshi sugawara, timeskip!kiyoomi sakusa
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yamaguchi has zero experience flirting, he’s never even asked for or gotten advice. i think he’d probably overhear you talking about having an interest in something and one day he brings it up in a conversation with you. so the. you’re like, “oh my god you like (interest) too?” and he tries to share facts about it he found the night before in a deep google dive. some things you knew others you didn’t. his plan worked though—you defined were impressed!
i think hinata tries to impress you by baking you a pastry you like. most likely got the idea from a rom-com that he definitely wasn’t watching by his own free will…it was for natsu’s enjoyment…yeah…but seriously he watched videos and looked up “best (pastry) recipes” just for you and tried to perfect them. but he more than likely messed up a step so when he gave them to you they were too salty or flat. you lied to him though and told him they tasted great. that made his heart flutter which made you happy.
now i was thinking “hmm how would kita try to impress the person he likes?” then it hit me. i feel like he wouldn’t know he’s trying to impress you..yk? like say he’s at practice and you’re there watching he tries way harder. or you’re in class and the teacher calls in him to answer a question, he knows you’re paying attentions so he adds in extra details that the teacher definitely did not ask for. someone’s bound to bring it up to him too. “kita-san why are you always trying to impress y/n?” aran had asked his best friend during practice. he was so clueless about it too. “i don’t know what you’re talking about?”
so because i’m in love with and completely obsessed with sugawara’s timeskip & him being an elementary teacher so, i was thinking maybe he’d try to use his teaching to impress you. and here’s what i mean; you’re his teaching assistant, still in college, your learning from him basically. it didn’t take him long to think you were cute or enjoy your company when you came to class to teach a lesson or take notes on what he did. so on the days you weren’t in class he’d bribe his students to say things like “you’re such a cool teacher!” and basically put in a good word for him so you’d be amazed. you did live to see how his students would praise him until one day one little girl—mirai came up to you when he was out of class and basically told you she thinks he has a crush on you. needless to say you were flattered and you asked him about it. i wonder what happens next…
so you’re msby’s need manager and you’re basically at practice before everyone else trying to prepare yourself a speech and a way to introduce yourself. luckily enough for you a certain team member also likes to get to practice earlier than everyone else. so when you se the curly haired male enter the gym you’re already freaking out as he get closer to you. “i assume you’re our new manager?” he’d asked as he sat his bag down on the bench next to you. “uh yeah” you replied almost immediately. now from that first time meeting you definitely wouldn’t have assumed much except the fact that sakusa was clearly not one for being social. that was up until you had continued to talk with him before the others had gotten there. and by the time practice actually started you were excited to see how everyone, especially sakusa played in action. unbeknownst to you after your conversation with the black haired male he practically had a tight throat and butterflies in his stomach. it was your first time seeing any of them play. he had to make a good impression. needless to say he made a lot of spikes nobody returned leaving some members confused because he usually didn’t take practice that seriously.
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©semifilms do not copyright or plagiarize my work.
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Would you rather #1
#2. Would you rather embarrass yourself in front of Sakusa or Ushijima?
Please reblog with your choice!! This game only works with participation from you guys!!
If you choose Sakusa....
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It was a Monday of all days and you were running very, very late to school. You were running through the halls, drifting around corners and skidding on the linoleum floors, all in an effort to be a little less late than you already were. Lucky for you, you got to your classroom unharmed, opened the door and apologized to your teacher for being 10 minutes late. She nodded but gave you detention anyways because, why not? You kept your head down as you walked to your seat, which was in the back, and right past your crush Kiyoomi Sakusa who didn't seem all too bothered by your being late. But he was too bothered to move his bag out of the aisle, causing you to fall flat on your face, him simply asking if you could "move your leg" so he could get his bag you tripped over. You thought that was the worst part, you thought you could get by and just cry when the day was over. "Kiyoomi Sakusa, that was incredibly rude! You'll be joining Ms. L/n in detention this afternoon."
If you choose Ushijima....
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It was your favorite class of the day, gym class. Okay, so maybe it's not your favorite, but it's definitely up there. Why? Because the one and only Wakatoshi Ushijima is in your class. Today you guys were outside. You were walking on the track with some of your friends while Ushijima played football with some other members of the volleyball team. Your friends were talking about something, but you were much too focused on a very focused very attractive looking Ace to pay attention to what they were saying. You were also much too focused to pay attention to your surroundings. And utterly oblivious to the "WATCH OUT" that was directed towards your group. Before anyone could stop it the football came hurdling towards you, crashing right into your face. It took you by such surprise you fell down, clutching your face while your friends crowded around, parting when Ushijima himself came to stand in front of you. He looked down, eye brows slightly lifted before he crouched down, grabbed the football and gave you one last glance "Your nose is bleeding, you should go to the nurse L/n." As if your face wasn't burning from the impact of the football you were sure it was set on fire from the fact that he knew your name, and that you'd have to sit next to him for the next 2 hours.
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Welcome~ so I must warn you, this will be my first ever event so bear with me!
Basically how this will work is You can pick one character (Haikyuu!! or BNHA) and one song from the songs listed below (clicking on the song title will take you to Youtube so you can listen to it if you don’t already know it!)
Using the combination you give me, I will use the song IN SOME WAY to create a Oneshot!
*AND just because someone’s already been done, or a song has already been done doesn’t mean I won’t do them/the song again!! Just not the same song and person together but repeat characters/songs are fine! (unless I get too much of one song or one character)
**Please note because this is a romantic holiday I will only be doing Fluff, OR angst but it will end in fluff. I will still not be doing A N Y NSFW or smut.**
Songs (below)  -  Characters (linked)
“If I could turn back time” by Cher
“If you’re gone” by Matchbox 20
“Can’t take my eyes off of you” by Frankie Valli
“Won’t go home without you” by Maroon 5
“Can’t help falling in love” with you Elvis Presley
“One man band” by Old Dominion
“Someday” by Rob Thomas
“Can’t fight this feeling” by REO Speedwagon
“Shattered (Turn the car around)” by O.A.R
“C’mon” by Panic! at The Disco, Fun
“Still into you” by Paramore
“If the world was ending” by JP saxe, Julia michaels
“Rude” by magic
“Make you mine” by PUBLIC
~Below will be all Oneshots for this event~
~Adriah Thomas + “Still into You”
~Shinsuke Kita + “I won’t go home without you”
~Tsukasa Iizuna + “Make you mine”
~Overhaul + “Rude”
~Chronostasis + “Still into you”
~Keiji Akaashi + “Make you mine”
~Shinsuke Kita + “Can’t help falling in love”
~Satori Tendou + “Can’t take my eyes off of you”
~Adriah Thomas + “Can’t take my eyes off of you”
~Shohei Fukunaga + “Still into you”
~Shion Inunaki + “Can’t help falling in love”
~Tomura Shigaraki + “Can’t help falling in love”
~Katsuki Bakugo + “Can’t fight this feeling”
~Takanobu Aone + “Shattered (turn the car around)
~Kotaro Bokuto + “Can’t help falling in love”
~Adriah Thomas + “Make you mine”
~Mirio Togata + “If I could turn back time”
~Shugo Meian + “Can’t take my eyes off of you”
~Chronostasis + “If the world was ending”
~Ryunosuke Tanaka + “One man band”
~Shugo Meian + “Can’t fight this feeling”
~Overhaul + “Can’t take my eyes off of you”
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zap, i'm BACK AHAHA can i get small drabbles with sakusa kiyoomi, matsukawa issei and ushijima wakatoshi :>
Welcome back~ lol YUP
💘First Love: Kiyoomi Sakusa
In middle school, you were a huge fan of Sakusa. You watched every game you could find on the TV, learned all about volleyball, and your dreams were filled with the up and coming ace. You had never met him of course...you were  small time student in Miyagi, and he was all the way in Tokyo. Not to mention, he probably wouldn’t be interested in dating anyone. That didn’t stop you from fangirling though. You knew it would never happen, but there was something so exciting about dreaming of the ‘what ifs’ and fictional scenarios you’d make in your head.
💔First Heartbreak: Wakatoshi Ushijima
 When it was time for you to choose a high school you, having gotten excellent grades all through out middle school, and you who was very involved in clubs, applied to and got into Shiratorizawa Academy. You were excited to be there, not only because it was indeed a very good school, but also because they had an excellent volleyball team, and you had become quite fond of the sport. You were in class 4, and you had befriended one of the members on the team, Reon Ohira. One day after class, he came up to you and asked if you could help one of his teammates with their math homework. You agreed, and when you went to the library one weekend to help them, you were shocked to find the person who needed your help was Ushijima. For the next 3 years, you worked as his tutor, and you guys had become friends. It was after the spring high tournament you confessed you had feelings for him. He told you he didn’t return them, and that he had to go, leaving you alone without so much as a simple explanation, or even an ‘i’m sorry I can’t return your feelings’.
💞Final Love: Issei Matsukawa
Crying, you left the secluded hallway, heart broken and spirits crushed. Now, you were a little distracted, and rightfully so. Hence, you didn’t see the tall man who was walking towards you, also not paying attention. “OOf-” You fell down when you collided with the man, seeing as he was bigger than you, that or you were a little shaken at the moment. “My bad- hey are you okay?” You looked up to see a hand reached out, your eyes followed the hand up to see the strangers face. “A-ah, yeah i’m okay...sorry, I wasn’t paying attention..” He shook his head, motioning with his hand for you to take it so he could help you up. You took his hand and he pulled you up, you found even with you standing he was a pretty big guy. He seemed intimidating at first, but now that you were interacting with him, he seemed friendly. “I’m Issei Matsukawa, can I have your name?” You nodded, “Y/n L/n..it’s nice to meet you, um I have to go..” Before you could he gently held out his phone, “Look, I hope this doesn’t sound weird, but i’d like to know you better. Would you mind exchanging numbers?” You felt something stir in your chest, “Uhm, Yeah I don’t mind.” 
Event info can be found here!
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Small drabbles - Komori, Hirugami, & Inunaki you pick!!!
...because of the kmk, I am tempted to cause chaos, but I will restrain myself..
💘First Love: Sachiro Hirugami
You met Hirugami in middle school. You were the manager for Urisei Middle School. You became his friend in your first year of middle school, and you started dating him your second year. You loved him, you really did. But he was going through a lot. You did your best to be supportive and there for him, but it was hard when you yourself were going through things. You two mutually decided to call it off, right person, wrong time. It wasn’t too bad, you guys were young, these things happen. You were also going to different high schools anyways.
💔First Heartbreak: Shion Inunaki
After you graduated high school you went to college to be an athletic trainer, having spent your time in middle and high school being the manager for those respective teams. When you graduated college, your old coach from Itatchiyama high school, reached out to you with a job offer, working for the MSBY Black Jackals. That is where you met him, Shion Inunaki. He was a few years older, you were 23 at the time and he was 25. He was alluring, not only was he a professional athlete, but he himself was fun, ambitious, attractive. It wasn’t long before you started to fall for him. He knew about your feelings, but, he didn’t return them. But he was lonely, and you were willing to keep him company...so he accepted your confession. It was 2 years before he broke it off, telling you the truth, telling you because he had found someone better.
💞Final Love:  Motoya Komori
It had been a year since your break up with Inunaki, and you were transferring to work for another team. The team you would be working with being the Japan Olympic Team. It was there you were reunited with someone you went to high school with, Motoya Komori. You were unaware of this, but Komori had liked you in high school...a lot. But he didn’t tell you because he thought you were interested in Sakusa. (you weren’t, but he didn’t know that) But seeing you now, here with him, as beautiful and wonderful as ever, and single? He missed his chance once, he was not going to miss it again. You were pleasantly surprised when he asked you out to coffee one day, and even more pleasantly surprised when he revealed that even after all this time, the feelings he had for you almost a decade ago were still there.
I was 🤏this close to making Komori the heartbreak one, but I could not. He’s too perfect😒
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Heyyy, congratulation on your milestone! 🥳 can I request a small drabble? The characters are Yaku, Osamu, and Iizuna? 👉👈
Hello~ Thanks so much!! Yes!
💘First Love: Morisuke Yaku
You met Yaku in high school. You worked as Nekoma’s manager, you were in the grade below him, but that didn’t matter much. You liked the libero a lot. What was there not to like?! He was smart, handsome, funny, nice and an excellent libero and team member. It was almost inevitable you developed feelings for the boy. You guys were at that weird stage in young relationships where you guys were ‘talking’ but not officially? Like, you guys would flirt and be coy with one another, but you never really crossed that line that defined what you were to each other. Regardless, towards the beginning of your second year you guys did finally start dating. It was a good relationship all in all, just a normal high school relationship really. But when you graduated, you both found it difficult to stay in contact, and when he got the opportunity to go play in Russia? You guys decided it would be best to call it off. You couldn’t complain too much, the relationship had taught you a lot and you got to end it on good terms.
💔First Heartbreak: Osamu Miya
After Yaku, you weren’t looking for a serious relationship. Not because your other one ended badly, quite the opposite really! But you were in college now, and college meant experimentation and fun right? You met Osamu in your sophomore English class. He sat close by and in no time the two of you began talking. You often sat beside each other in class and even started meeting after class to study and later just hand out with each other! It wasn’t until you both ended up at the same party that your relationship took a…different turn. You guys started seeing each other, but not as boyfriend as girlfriend, in a ‘no strings attached’ as he had called it. You were fine with it at first. This was what people did in college…right? This was normal…but as time went on, you realized that you were developing feelings for Osamu, and you wanted more than just sleeping together, you wanted an actual relationship! But when you brought it up one night, It didn’t go over well. He felt bad, he did but…he told you from the start…it was strictly no strings attached, nothing else, and he wasn’t interested in anything else…in you.
💞Final Love: Tsukasa Iizuna
After your last, encounter, with love you decided to give yourself a break. It had been just over 3 years since that happened, and you were starting your new job today. You would be working as a nutritionist for the Deseo Hornets, and you were really, really excited. You had used the past 3 years to focus on you, you wanted to be able to stand on your own two feet and feel good about yourself, and after 3 years of soul searching and self-improvement, you were feelin pretty good. Today was the day you would meet the team, the coach had insisted you have a good relationship with them, hoping they would be more inclined to listen to you about their diets. You pushed open the gym doors and went to stand by the bench when the coach motioned you over. You took a seat on the metal bench, the cold feeling bringing you back to your high school time you spent as a manager. The sound of a whistle being blown brought you out of your reminiscing, you focused your attention on the coach watching as he called the players over. He introduced you to the team, and as he did you noticed one member in particular kept taking small glances at you, you returning them with a small smile. You later got to know the man as Tsukasa Iizuna, and he was pretty amazing. He visited your office often, made sure you didn’t over work yourself and he always made you smile. It was a bit of a shock for you when he came into your office one day, looking nervous. You felt your heart soar when he collected himself and told you he really liked you, and wanted to know if you’d be interested in going on a date with him. You of course, accepted.
Event info can be found here!
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All’s not lost
Character: Iizuna x reader
Warning: Blood (from injury), mentions of injuries, Haikyu manga spoilers (Itatchiyama vs Inubushi), mentions of feeling insecure/not good enough ,Sakusa and Komori being bRaTs.
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**In the beginning of this, Komori and Sakusa are first years and reader and Iizuna are second years. HENCE, Iizuna is the team setter, but not the team captain yet.**
You sighed, frustratedly running your fingers through your hair. “I am so sorry. I warned you they’d be a handful.” You apologized to the teams setter, Iizuna Tsukasa, as you turned around to glare at the culprits. Your younger brother, Sakusa Kiyoomi, and you guys’ cousin, Komori Motoya. “Kiyoomi, stop being a brat.” He huffed as he looked away from you, Komori just snickered beside him, “And Motoya, stop encouraging him!” Komori looked up in (feigned) shock. “Hey! I didn’t encourage him, He just did it.” You rolled your eyes, “Fine, stop enabling him.” He laughed as he ran off to go practice volleyball, Sakusa not far behind him. You shook your head as you turned back around to be face to face with the setter. “I really am sorry…You’d think with them being in high school they would be past needing 24/7 adult supervision, apparently not.” You and him just laughed, him waving off your apology. “It’s fine, really. But, uh, could you tell me where the first aid kit is kept…?” Tilting your head a bit in confusion you looked at him, and then blood came running down his face…
*Five minutes earlier…*
“It’s not that I’m doubting you, it’s just I don’t think you can do it.” Sakusa glared at his cousin. Just a little bit ago the two had been having an argument. Komori didn’t think Sakusa could spike left handed, Sakusa said he could…So anyways here they were. Komori was acting as setter and Sakusa, as spiker. After many, many minutes, Sakusa nailed one…except it was much more powerful than he had intended…and instead of the court being it’s final destination, Iizuna’s face took the brunt of the blow. Luckily you, Itatchiyama’s second year manager, had been heading into the gym to collect the rugrats you called family when you witnessed the teams setter go down.
*Now back to present time, in the club room*
“Here, go ahead and sit down. I’m gonna go grab the first aid kit.” He nodded as he took a seat in the chair you had pulled over for him. You came back over to him with the kit in hand. “Hold this to your nose, it’s still bleeding…” He nodded as he took the gauze, holding it to his still bleeding nose. You looked for an ice pack, once you found one you brought it to his now bruising cheek. He winced a little as you placed it on his face but got used to it. “You didn’t have to do this…” You smiled as you shook your head. “It’s fine…it was my idiots that did it anyway so it’s the least I can do.” You both kind of sat there in a sort of silence. You had known each other for over a year now, and you guys were friends, but you weren’t super close. Unbeknownst to the two of you, you had both developed little (okay maybe not *little*) crushes on each other. “…Does it hurt?” Iizuna snapped his gaze back to yours, which he now realized was quite close to his face. He short circuited for a second before remembering you had asked him a question. “U-um not too bad. Thank you…” You smiled as you gently cupped his face, tilting his head gently side to side to check for any other injuries you may have missed. You paused before letting go of him when you realized you were still cupping his face. “D-don’t worry about it…anytime.” You gave him one last smile before you stood up, him doing the same when he saw the blood had stopped gushing out of his nose.
  That was second year. Fast forward to third year, it is now the time of the nationals. Today was the day of the quarterfinals, and Itatchiyama is playing against Inubushi East High. You guys had just called a time out, you gave some members their water bottles and towel before walking over to Iizuna. Handing him the bottle he nodded and said a quick ‘thank you’ before gulping the water down. They had just finished the first set; winning it of course, honestly the game was looking pretty good for Itatchiyama. You’ve known Iizuna for a good three years now, so you knew when something was on his mind. “Iizuna, you okay? You look like something’s on your mind..” He looked at you, a bit startled you had noticed. He sighed and brought his hand to rub the back of his neck; something you noticed he did when he was nervous. “I don’t know, I just feel a bit…nervous? I mean, sure we won the first set but, I don’t know something just feels off…” You nodded, “All you can really do is your best, just make sure you do what you’re supposed to and what happens will happen. But, that said I’m sure you’ll do great…you always do.” You gave him a sweet smile, and he gave you one back. The whistle blew, signaling the break was over and it was time to get back on the court. He turned around, “Iizuna!” He turned back towards you. You took a step forward and kissed his cheek, “Do your best…” He had a shocked look on his face before it transformed into a goofy smile, “If we win this, can I have a real one?” You laughed, “Just get on the court you dork!” Laughing he made his way to the court, lightly slapping a giggling Komori upside the head as he reclaimed his spot in the front row. They continued on with the game and it was now just under halfway through the second set; the score was 14:12 in Itatchiyama’s favor. All was going great until, “Stop the game! Iizuna went down!” Hearing his name you shot up, frantically looking towards the court you saw Iizuna on the ground holding his ankle. You and coach rushed towards the court, each of you grabbing one of his arms and leading him off to the sidelines where medics were waiting for him. After Iizuna was escorted to the infirmary and Itatchiyama had subbed in their back up setter, you returned to your place at the bench, a sick feeling sitting in your stomach. 27:29…Itatchiyama had lost. You started to pack up as the boys returned to the locker room. That brings us to now, the team was all sitting In the room they had been given in the stadium, minus one that is. After the game (which Iizuna had eventually returned to) you hadn’t been able to talk to Iizuna, and when you realized the captain was missing you exited the room and went looking for him. You turned a corner just to see him sitting on a bench, head in his hands as he tried to gather his thoughts. “…Iizuna…?” He looked up to see you, a concerned expression on your face as you looked at him. “I thought you were with the team?” You shook your head, making your way towards him. “I was, but, I haven’t seen you since the game ended…and having known you for as long as I have, I had a feeling you’d be somewhere alone blaming yourself for what happened.” He stayed silent. “Tsukasa…” He looked up at you again, You knelt down in front of him. “…It wasn’t your fault. Not as the setter, definitely not as the captain. You didn’t let your team down, and you definitely didn’t let me down. What happened was a terrible accident, they happen. But blaming yourself isn’t going to change what did happen…I’m proud of you Tsukasa…” Charged by the surge of emotions going through him he threw himself at you, wrapping you tightly in his arms as tears started going down both of your faces. “I just- I feel so helpless! I tried so hard, worked so hard. We all did! A-AND, I just. I don’t know Y/n. I don’t feel good enough- I’m not good enough for the team, for you-“ Done with hearing his self deprecation you slightly pulled away from the hug, holding his face and looking him in the eyes. “Don’t. Don’t say that. You are more than enough, for the team, for volleyball, I mean- you’re the number 1 setter and for good reason! And if anything you’re too good for me!” You lightly laughed as you wiped some tears from your eyes with your right hand, Iizuna laughing and leaning into your left hand, which remained on his cheek. “…fine, we’re BOTH losers…” You laughed at his comment, happy the normal Iizuna was making an appearance. “Shut up!” You smiled as you looked into his eyes, both of you feeling a little bit better. “It sucks that we lost…but there’s something else I’m more upset about not getting…” You raised your eyebrow in question (and suspicion) while he gave you an amused lop sided smile. He leaned in closer, putting his forehead against yours. You smiled, trying to hide the way your heart beat had immediately sped up, and hoping he didn’t notice how hot your face had gotten. “Oh…? What would that be?” He chuckled, “You know.” You attempted to stop the sea of emotions that started to flood your senses, but with the love of your life this close and being an absolute flirt?! HOW COULD YOU BE CALM?!!? He flicked his gaze down to your lips before his intense stare met yours. “…I know I didn’t win…but could you bend the rules just this once and let me kiss you?” You nodded and he wasted no time in tilting his head and connecting his lips to yours. The kiss was…sweet. It was soft, kind everything you had imagined it would be like to kiss the Tsukasa Iizuna. Parting he returned his forehead to yours, “I like you, Y/n…I really like you, and I get it if you don’t like me back-“ You shook your head with a smile, “I like you too Tsukasa…” He smiled, “Then is it safe to say you’d go out with me?” You laughed, “Yeah, I think so.” You both sat there for a while, enjoying basking in the presence of your new relationship, and because he couldn’t get up. “…Can I kiss you again?” You nodded and he once again placed his lips on yours, just as things were getting good you were both interrupted by a very distinct ‘Ew’ and ‘Get it captain!’ Disconnecting your lips from his your eyes widened as Iizuna groaned. Peering around the corner was the two gremlins themselves; Sakusa and Komori. An irk mark appeared on Iizuna’s face while you laughed. Sensing the oncoming danger Komori gave a little wave and a ‘Have fun~ But not too much fun~’ before he skipped away, a still grossed out Sakusa following behind him. “Sorry about them. But, you might as well get used to it, I have a feeling that will be happening a lot.” He sighed but ultimately chuckled, moving his head to rest on your shoulder. “So long as my dream girl is there with me, I don’t even care.” Today might not have been the best. They lost the match and Iizuna had sprained his ankle. But he couldn’t deny that today had been one of the best, because he had finally confessed his feelings to the girl he’d been crushing on since first year.
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200 Followers Event: CLOSED
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Hello~ So, first of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! It means so much, and I don’t care if you don’t think 200 is a lot, or significant, because it’s important to me! 
So for this event I will be doing Matchups. How that will work is this, send me in which one you would like to do, and whatever that specific one needs. There are 3 options for this event! Feel free to participate multiple times if you would like:
**I do write for Haikyuu!! and BNHA, if you would like BNHA please specify!! Otherwise i’ll default to Haikyuu!!🙂**
🎶Song Matchup🎶
-Send me your favorite song and a random fact about yourself and i’ll match you with an underrated character!
📄Small Drabbles📄
-Send me 3 characters from THIS list, and I will write a little drabble for each. One will be your first love, one your first heart break and the third your final love. *You can choose who is who, or just send in 3 and i’ll pick~*
💔Kiss Marry Kill💔
Send me 3 characters from here and I will tell you who I would kiss, marry and kill. **for this, kill=breakup**
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Haikyuu!! Masterlist
**The events are just more oneshots/scenarios, they were just for a specific event. 🎵= songfic**
Sweet Home Hyogo- Kita ~COMPLETE
Not Scary To Me- Washio ~on going~
The Count Of Aoba Johsai- Kunimi ~on going
Aoba Johsai:
Picking Up The Pieces- Iwaizumi (comfort)
*Meeting the boss Pt.2 to picking up the Pieces
Wish I Were Heather...- Iwaizumi (angst)🎵
Wait- Hanamaki
THAT’S IT!! I QUIT- Akaashi (Kinda angsty, but fluff)
Insecure- Akaashi (slight angst but fluff)
'friends'- Washio
Life Changes- single dad Washio x single mom reader🎵
8 letters- Washio🎵
Speeding Ticket- Cop Washio x Paramedic reader
All’s not lost- Iizuna
It’s my fault...right?- Komori, a little Washio x reader (ANGST/TOXIC)
Mother-in-Law- Adriah Thomas
Break up with him - Meian🎵
Friend &lt; Boyfriend- Fukunaga
Don't close your eyes- Numai angst🎵
Bruises- Numai
EJP: EJP Shenanigans #1: The one where Washio's love life gets exposed
EJP Shenanigans #2: The one where Sarukui is a traitor and Washio becomes a Twilight vampire
No character mentioned:
I love you, all of you - OCD/intrusive thoughts comfort fic
favorite shirt
The One You Love - Suna angst Pt.1🎵
Angeleyes - Suna angst Pt.2🎵
Haikyuu!! Boys
Haikyuu!! Boys as stepdads PT.2
Haikyuu!! Boys and their biggest pet peeves
Haikyuu!! Boys and what branch of the military they’d be in/what job
Haikyuu!! Boys getting accidentally flashed by their girlfriend
Haikyuu!! Boys and what type of clumsy they are
Haikyuu!! Boys and how well they can cook
Haikyuu!! Boys and what rom-com they’d fit in
Haikyuu!! Boys and how flexible they are
Haikyuu!! Boys and their love rivals (kinda angsty)
Haikyuu!! Boys and what type of Old Men they’ll be
Haikyuu!! Boys and who’s sister they’d unknowingly date
Haikyuu!! Boys as Bad Dad moments
Haikyuu!! Boys and what drinks they get at Starbucks
Haikyuu!! Teams as what sport they would be if they weren’t a volleyball team
Haikyuu!! Boys and coffee mugs I think they would use
Haikyuu!! Boys and their wedding song
Haikyuu!! Boys getting stuck places and having to ask their GF for help
Haikyuu!! Boys and outfits I can see them wearing
Haikyuu!! Boys and whether or not they’re picky eaters
Haikyuu!! Boys getting accidentally hit ‘where it hurts’ by their kids
Haikyuu!! Boys getting caught cussing in front of their kids
Haikyuu!! Boys and the moment they thought their child came from satan
Haikyuu!! Boys and how they embarrassed themselves in front of your parents
Haikyuu!! Boys meeting their daughter's boyfriend for the first time
Haikyuu!! Boys being asked by their step children to adopt them
Haikyuu!! Boys meeting your family
Secret dating with Akaashi in HS
Kita crushing on/dating the Miya twins sister
Akaashi with a drug addicted S/O
Adriah Thomas with a S/O who is 4′11
*Height comparison for ^
Shugo Meian comforting S/O who’s upset
Adriah Thomas Dating HC’s
Tatsuto Sokolov BF Headcanons
Mountain Men of Haikyuu!!
Haikyuu!! Boys accidentally confessing
Valentines Day Event
Spin The Wheel: **On pause until I have my life together~**
Nicollas Romero + Workplace Romance
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Haikyuu!! Boys as Chaotic things my teachers have done
Characters: A good chunk of them (mostly underrated)
Warnings: My physics teacher , absolute savagry, teachers ~giving up~ 
**Disclaimer, yes, these all have actually happened. I am not joking, I am not making these up. These are very much for real. These are really just male teachers BECAUSE, most of my female teachers have been pretty normal and I don’t really have any chaotic stories of them**
My AP Physics Teacher: Took the class on a ‘field trip’ to the stairwell of a 3 story building (us being on the 1st floor). He proceeded to do the singing rod experiment, which causes very loud high pitched noises. Think a speaker cracking, or a microphone doing that screeching noise. It spread throughout the entire building (This was confirmed when my sister, who was on the other side of the school on the 3rd floor heard the ringing), and proceeded to run back to his classroom when the chemistry teachers started to yell at him.
🧪 Konoha, Futakuchi, Akagi, Atsumu, Hanamaki, Kuroo, Fukunaga, Komori, Inunaki
My NNDCC Instructor: Was taking roll during virtual learning. He told us to all turn on our mics so we would get through roll quicker. His reason for doing so was “hurry up so I can eat my skittles”. Will also kick kids out of the meeting if they don’t answer, and go “Oops, my finger slipped.” This is the same man who kept a crazy amount of snacks in his office, and when we had to stay after for Drill/Color guard practice or before we would preform for football games, he would give us all snacks.
👨‍✈️ Osamu, Yaku, Shirabu, Kunimi, Sakishima, Unnan, Meian
My Homeroom Teacher/Anime club sponsor: His wife had a baby during June of last year. The hospital uses these dummy CPR babies so the parents know how to do CPR on their baby.  After the training, he asked if he could keep the baby, and they let him. After learning my little sister is scared of babies, he proceeded to randomly show the “Mini-Baby” as it was named, on camera. He brought this ‘baby’ into the building with him when we went hybrid. He then proceeded to rip Mini Baby when he and some students were throwing Mini Baby like a football.
👶Hanamaki, Suna, Tendo, Kawanishi, Numai, Mami, Gao, Inunaki, Konoha, Komori
My 11th Grade English Teacher: Every year on his birthday he asks kids in the hallway/his classroom if it’s their birthday, when they say no he goes “That’s right, it’s mine” and just laughs.
🎉 Yahaba, Washio, Atsumu, Ginjima, Shirabu, Oikawa, Kamasaki, Kuroo, Daishou, Hirugami, Romero
My Engineering Teacher: On the first day of class he came into the room wearing a Jurassic Park dinosaur head. On throwback Thursday he wore roller skates and an afro wig (cause he was bald). Roasted the students like there was no tomorrow, and once a quarter he made us waffles.
🛠 Fukunaga, Akagi, Bokuto, Yamagata, Gao, Tendou, Hinata
My 6th grade Science Teacher: Started the first day of school saying “I don’t have favorites, I hate all of you the same” but lowkey I was his favorite. Every year he would poor a little rubbing alcohol on a science table, set it on fire and snub it out by slapping his hand on it. 5 seconds later he would scream like it burned him then laugh when all of our souls left our bodies. Told us stories of when he was a Biologist, the one that stuck with me was him being relentlessly chased by an Emu.
🧬 Suna, Matsukawa, Kunimi, Hiroo, Sakusa, Mami, Ennoshita,
My Weight Training Teacher: I was 1 of 2 girls in the class, the rest were football players and frequented the weight room, him being the JV Football coach. One of the kids spoke up like “I dOnT nEeD tO dO tHiS cAuSe I gOt A bUiLt uPpEr bOdY” and without missing a beat he said “Yeah but you got chicken legs though” idk man, it made me cackle.
💪 Iwaizumi, Aran, Numai, Yamagata, Akaashi, Ushijima, Reon, Yamamoto, Iizuna, Meian, Sokolov
11th grade Math Teacher: Gives everyone a nick name, never anything rude or mean, but they all have a purpose. Once you have gotten a nickname, it never goes away. A girls name in my class is grace, he spent the whole year thinking it was gracie and no one corrected him. To this day he continues to call her gracie. Bonus story, when I was a freshman I had no friends so I stayed with my older sis and her friends. (This was during our free period, and we would always go to his classroom) One day she tripped and he blamed her for ‘causing a raucus’ and when she blamed me, he told her not to put blame on her little sister. He failed to notice she tripped cause I tied her shoelaces to her desk lol.
📊 Daishou, Kita, Oikawa, Futakuchi, Romero, Semi, Shirabu, Matsukawa
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