Hey, @italianldcurtain, if you're really just the Italian version of @ldcurtain, as you claim, do you have an Italian @jeffers-headofsecurity?
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nobodysdaydreams · 1 year
Okay so for everyone that’s confused about what any of this has to do with Italy:
I made the character side blogs (most of them. There’s a Kate one and an executives in space one that aren’t mine, but they were revealed in Sophie’s red string posts at some point)
Gert (with Milk’s knowledge and assistance) and Truman responded with various Italian and dr garrison accounts including @italianldcurtain @italianwhisperer @the-italian-benedictmafia @drgarrison @italiandrgarrison etc. many of which sent ominous DM’s either to my main, my character side blogs, or both. For the record, even though I’m not @drgarrison DO have a side blog for her (@thedrgarrison). I also had my blogs for curtain and SQ block most, if not all of the Italians at some point.
Thus far, no one has correctly guessed my reason for making these side blogs in the first place (and based on the information you all have, I doubt anyone will, but I would be very impressed if you could). I will be dropping an explanation and official apology to the fandom, but it’s gonna take some time to type out as it ended up being so much longer than I expected and I want to do this justice (I also plan on adding memes).
The “Anti-Hero” Curtain edit is one i’ve been wanting to make for a while (he was the first character I thought of when I heard the song and it fits him so uncomfortably well). However, I was not the only person to notice or post about this so I want to credit @striveonward for posting about it earlier. All the edits are under the hashtag “#MBS confessions” and they all use the same audio clip except for the ones on @ldcurtain and my main. The one on Curtain’s account is an actual edit and the one on my main is more of a proper unhinged confessional.
If you want more detail as to what accounts belong to who, you can refer to @sophieswundergarten’s red string posts (but I have a suspicion she might do one more now that all has been revealed).
I procrastinated on a lot of important life stuff to make these videos and I still have to type up my official explanation/apology so sorry if I’m a bit less active over the next few days but I hope this was entertaining at least. The side blogs will still be posting some content and I’ll speak more about them in my unhinged longer reveal post.
Once again my sincerest apologies to anyone offended by my actions 😔
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some italian friends.
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bonum vesperum ego sum iens manducare Spaghetti
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#I electrocute-a da orphans! I send-a da executives into space! woahh mamma mia!
@italianldcurtain I may live to regret this, but did you really send your Italian versions of Jackson, Jillson, and Martina into space?
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Official Red String Suspect Board
Reasons it could be Gert:
Sounds very much like a Gert thing
Has multiple side blogs already
Could easily have Milk as an accomplice
Already known Nicholas Benedict aficionado
Responded to my “Friends!!!!” post with mrnicholasbenedict account, in addition to the suspect mr-nicholas-benedict and mrbenedict accounts
Proponent (along with Milk) of Constance Contraire committing crimes
Likely bored/irritated at being unable to make gifs at the moment
Reasons it could be Milk:
Sounds like Milk
Has been reblogging the italianldcurtain posts with reckless abandon and a very accurate fake/mock Italian accent
Could easily have Gert as an accomplice
Common propagator/possible origin of the “heeheehoohoo I live in a cave and like to electrocute children” meme
Known Garrison aficionado
Only appeared to defend themself/begin interacting with the accounts after being suggested as a culprit
Reasons it could be Nobody:
The Garrison/Curtain/Milligan interactions appear to be referencing S.O.S.
Has not been highly active until people started pointing fingers
Enjoys anonymity and has been good at secrets/plot twists in the past
Seemed very excited about kneeslapworthy’s post about Reynie having a TikTok account, which is where I suspect this all started
Reasons it could be Moth:
Was one of the originators of the “Jeepapocalypse”
Has also been silent until recently
Could be working with Nobody
Reasons it could be Maren
Has not been active on amysterywrappedinanenigma account lately
Occasional Gert accomplice?
Reasons it could be Frida:
Origin of the "What if Reynie had a TikTok" post
Other evidence I have yet to connect to anything in my slapdash red string frenzy:
The jackson-and-jillson blog. They sign off using “-J” and “-j”, which is something I mentioned in the tags of kneeslapworthy’s aforementioned post. Now, while Bods did reblog with some of the tags, this portion was left out. Meaning that whoever is behind at least that particular account, likely follows me. Which narrows the suspect pool severely.
HOWEVER. This is all wild speculation, and if it were true, then we might be able to pull the thread and unravel everything.
BUT. As has been stated by Moth, I don’t think this is just one person anymore.
WHICH MEANS. That either this is definitely Milk and Gert. Or two/multiple different people started a joke unrelated to one another. OR. This was orchestrated somewhere in private communications.
If that last one’s true I don’t think we have any hope of discovering this
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Is Anybody Tired of the Red String Yet?
('Cause I'll stop posting this nonsense if you are)
@italianwhisperer recently posted a list of people, a possible suspect list of their own, and maybe one connected to @the-italian-benedictmafia. We shall be working off of that list, as well as any other suspicious characters
Evidence Surrounding @nobody33333333:
Likely behind at least some of the regular character blogs
The :3 face
Has proven very good at mysteries/plot twists
Actually, doesn't seem to be part of the Discord
May have an accomplice
Evidence Surrounding @oflightningandstars:
In the Discord
Various "heeheehoohoo" comments
Can be very sneaky
Evidence Surrounding @amysterywrappedinanenigma:
Has been a Milk/Gert accomplice before
Could easily have been biding her time while Gert was distracting everyone
Was part of a Jackson and Jillson fanclub?
Evidence Surrounding @mysteriouseggsbenedict:
Been very quiet except when enjoying the chaos
Could easily be a secret/underdog suspect
Evidence Surrounding @mvshortcut:
Unfortunately, Gert saying they're innocent does nothing for them
Enjoys chaotic behaviour
Evidence Surrounding @bi-demon-ium:
The "but i stay silly :3" post. Seymour the cat doesn't trust Gert
Was the person behind @italianldcurtain
Referenced "Glass Onion"
Evidence Surrounding @kneeslapworthy:
Likes Hairspray
In the Discord, but not active when the majority of the rest of the suspect list is
Likes cats
Likes Jackson and Jillson
In addition to previous point, the linked post is the only time Truman has been referenced in a suspect post. This could mean that they were deliberately trying to include themself to avoid being suspicous. However, the account has yet to tag other accounts that have been active on the Discord but not as much on Tumblr.
Very good at coming up with reasons for it to be someone else, as well as nearly always being active on the Discord when something happens
Has also referred to me as "a/the detective/Benoit Blanc" in the Discord
Has reblogged stimboards
Tumblr media
If you know why this is suspicious I expect you to confess
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Cleaning Up Some of the String
In summary of the last few days, I would like to list which accounts we have uncovered, just for everyone's clarity and peace of mind
@italianldcurtain Was Gert (@bi-demon-ium), who was also running @electroshockledroptha, @italianjeffers-headofsecurity, @italianjacksonandjillson, @italianmartinacrowe, @italiansq, @italiannicholasbenedict, @italian-nerissaeurusbenedict, @italiandrgarrison,@italianseymourtheorphanagecat, @italianthe-italian-benedictmafia, @italian-mvshortcut, and @italian-bi-demon-ium, as well as the regular @ccontraire, @mrbenedict, and @drgarrison (+ clones) accounts . This mystery has been resolved and explained here
@the-italian-benedictmafia was Truman (@beepbooptruman), who was also running @italian-jacksonandjillson. This mystery has been resolved and explained here
@thegreatkate-weathermachine is run by @shiningsagittarius
The remaining accounts of unknown origin (as of 4/26/2023) are:
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Yet More Red String!!
Now that the mystery of @italianldcurtain has been uncovered, we move onto the mystery of @the-italian-benedictmafia
Signs off with " :3 " (Is the three a nod to @nobody33333333 or just a face?)
Uses base64 to encode YouTube video links
Also possibly Italian? But uses a different "accent" than the Curtain account
Reblogged one of the Curtain accoutn's posts with the glittery Mexican flag GIF. This may or may not have been intentional
Apparently likes "Knives Out", but this may be due to general pop culture knowledge. Has not referenced "Glass Onion" yet, although there was one in the Italian Reveal post. It is unknown if this is important yet
Referenced "Hairspray" the musical?
May be connected to the @seymour-the-orphanage-cat account, as of this video
Either likes Jackson and Jillson, or is attempting to throw suspicion on someone else who does
Enjoys making "heeheehoohoo" jokes (Possible lead to @oflightningandstars?)
May or may not be connected to the other character accounts
Many of those are apparently following S.O.S.'s plot line, which places more suspicion on @nobody33333333
As of yet, no one has claimed the @executiveinspace account, although it references spaghetti. Is likely connected somehow
@amysterywrappedinanenigma is not yet off the suspects list
Other suspects will be added pending further investigation
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nobodysdaydreams · 1 year
Wow I can't believe @italianldcurtain and most of the Italians were @bi-demon-ium (Gert) the whole time! Crazy plot twist!
And yet we still don't know who @ldcurtain is.
Well, we might never really know who started all those side blogs and unleashed all this chaos. But I for one had a really good time and think that whoever did start this is probably a funny and really cool person, and we shouldn’t hold this against them.
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