#italian misteries
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Some of the Sherlock Holmes books i encountered while in Rome
#hello im back in the US of A and will return to posting promptly#I only bought a paperback of Valley of Fear and one of the sherlock holmes and me books#due to my Limited Italian#but anywho i look forward to posting regularly again#sherlock holmes#book cover#le avventure di Sherlock Holmes#i rivali di Sherlock holmes#the rivals of sherlock holmes#acd#sir arthur conan doyle#tutto sherlock holmes#i misteri di sherlock holmes#il ritorno di sherlock holmes#sherlock holmes e il mistero dell'oca di natale#un studio in rosso#sherlock holmes e il mastino dei Baskerville#the adventures of sherlock holmes#the return of sherlock holmes#literatura
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Quen foi?
Cando acometo a escrita desta bitácora quincenal, preparo as luvas, collo o bisturí e póñome a diseccionar con coidado o arquetipo que nos ocupa en cada episodio. Busco na escena do crime as probas da súa existencia -para demostrar que non é invención miña-, analizo o corpo do delito para determinar as súas causas e consecuencias e repaso a literatura anterior sobre o suxeito para facerme con antecedentes que me axuden a explicar as súas motivacións. Ben traída, esta metáfora pode achegar literariamente o meu método analítico ao que ven sendo unha investigación policial.
O cinema precisa de conflitos para nutrir as súas narrativas e, por razóns evidentes, o amor e a morte son cecais os grandes temas dos que extraer ditos conflitos. Cando ocorre unha morte violenta na pantalla, en segundo que xéneros, a continuación pode acontecer -e é moi habitual que o faga- unha investigación. As forzas e os corpos policiais poñen en marcha un proceso, unha cadea de procedementos polos cales se busca un resultado: un culpable. "Quen foi?" E aínda podería dicir máis -parafraseando a certos policías da ficción-: "por que ocorreu?". Cando escoitamos unha historia de crimes, é máis interesante incluso descubrir o móbil do crime que o culpable. Detras dun móbil hai sempre unha historia oculta que temos gañas de coñecer, que nos atrae, que adoita ser máis intensa e profunda que a propia historia da investigación.
Iso si, hai que aclarar que a representación destes procesos no cinema non adoita seguir as pautas do realismo. Hai de seguro podcasts, canles e programas adicados a desmentir os mitos da investigación policial nos medios de comunicación, concretamente na ficción, e ínstovos a que procuredes información pola vosa banda. Nós non imos afondar.
O que podemos asegurar é que unha boa historia precisa ás veces desmarcarse do camiño do realismo. Ocorre que ás veces un corpo policial non é a personaxe máis interesante para seguir a través dunha historia, así que a investigación levaráa a cabo un detective privado -esa figura que inventou realmente Arthur Conan Doyle cando creou ao inmortal Sherlock Holmes- con métodos pouco ortodoxos e grandes dotes dedutivas ou, por exemplo, unha personaxe protagonista que se ve na necesidade de emprender a investigación pola súa banda debido á ineptitude das institucións que se supoñen encargadas de velar pola seguridade do cidadán -o que se me antolla realista, por que non negalo, en certos casos. Entre os motivos que poden levar a un ou unha amateur a emprender a investigación dun crime pola súa banda ocórrenseme: a) A personaxe é acusada do crime e quere limpar o seu nome, como en moitos guións dirixidos por Alfred Hitchcock.
b) A personaxe asasinada é un ser querido da personaxe que decide investigar.
c) Hai motivos políticos que converten ás forzas policiais en inimigos, que os corrompen ou os impiden traballar con normalidade.
d) A personaxe ten como hobby o true crime e ilusiónalle formar parte dun caso.
e) A personaxe que investiga é xornalista. Sempre se meten até fondo da cuestión!
Por suposto, nunha historia poden ter cabida moitas delas a un tempo. Tamén teñen cabida unha serie de clichés e motivos visuais que son comúns a este tipo de tramas: o encontro fortuíto da vítima, o levantamento do cadáver, a investigación da escena do crime, a autopsia na morgue, os interrogatorios a posibles persoas sospeitosas -en ocasións, rodas de recoñecemento con "sospeitosos habituais"-, carreiras detrás de persoas que teñen algo que ocultar, falsas pistas e, por suposto, o clímax no que se descubre á persoa culpable do crime.
A presenza ou as distintas presentacións posibles destes motivos veñen dado tamén polo xénero onde se enmarcan. Na novela policial do século XIX, baixo a tradición do Auguste Dupin de Edgar Allan Poe, o Holmes de Doyle ou o Poirot de Agatha Christie. É esta última autora a que converte o whodunit na marca da casa, tendo unha grande influenza na literatura e cinema posterior. Whodunit non é máis que unha sorte de abreviatura de "Who's done it?", é dicir, "quen o fixo?". Propio do xénero whodunit é o presentar un cartel cheo de personaxes variopintas con diferentes coartadas e motivacións; e deixar que o investigador ou a investigadora reúna a todas elas, unha vez deducido o que aconteceu na noite de autos, para facer a derradeira revelación públicamente. Christie tamén ten o mérito de colocar no papel de investigadora a personaxes moi lonxe do standard de Dupin ou Holmes, con protagonistas únicos no xénero como Poirot -unha figura pouco heroica- ou Miss Marple -unha muller-.
Seguindo o fío anterior, e como mencionamos antes, con Holmes xorde o detective privado ou private eye, figura que collerán a novela e o cinema noir e o convertirán no detective hardboiled, que xa non é tan listo nin serio, pero é duro de pelar, inquedo e eficaz. Como o Philip Marlowe de Raymond Chandler, un tipo taciturno e con moitos conflitos internos, pero que sempre chegará até a fin da investigación.
Máis tarde, no thriller á maneira de Alfred Hitchcock, a investigación materializarase no navegar entre coartadas, espellos e trucos, como en Vertigo (1958) ou en Rope (1948), para desvelar como -máis que "por que"- fixo a persoa asasina para crear o crime perfecto. E mostrar, por suposto, as súas imperfeccións.
Directo en liña dende Agatha Christie e o thriller hitchcockiano, aparece nos 70 o xénero do giallo italiano, no que afondaremos máis adiante, pero que conta coa investigación dun crime por parte dunha persoa amateur no centro da súa trama, por definición. Como particularidade, aquí o "quen foi?" é máis ben "quen está a ser?" pois falamos sempre dunha asasina ou asasino en serie, que segue a matar; o que aporta aínda máis tensión á trama, porque a investigación convértese nunha carreira contrarreloxo, nunha cuestión de vida e morte.
As modernas series policíacas son denominadas copaganda polos círculos máis críticos, para sinalar a tendencia destes produtos audiovisuais de emitir mensaxes de marcado carácter antidemocrático, a prol das cadenas perpetuas e das penas de morte e incluso excusando o abuso policial contra as persoas sospeitosas "porque sen os métodos pouco ortodoxos non teriamos pillado ao culpable". Todas estas series siguen rigorosamente o esquema: encontro do cadáver, escena do crime, autopsia, interrogatorios, falsa pista, novo interrogatorio, detención -e ás veces proceso xudicial-.
Quen o fixo? Quen foi? Por que? Todas estas preguntas disparan conflitos que, na súa resolución, conforman historias. E a linguaxe cinematográfica iranos dando pistas para que investiguemos nós, ás veces levándonos por camiños errados, pero sempre atrapándonos como nunha tea de araña.
Até o vindeiro episodio!
#cinema#cine#silent cinema#cinema history#classic cinema#italian cinema#giallo#policiaco#mistery#thriller#tw: blood#sangue#tw: death#tw: corpses#tw: murder#asasinatos#crimes#tw: crime#copaganda#morte#asasinato#serial killer#horror#horror movie
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7 Women and a Murder | Ending Explained
7 Women and a Murder | Ending Explained
After all the buzz around Glass Onion – Knives Out 2 – suddenly Murder Misteries are definitely trending, and Netflix is more that eager to monetize on that. So, just a week after the second Benoit Blanc’s adventure, another mistery is new on Netflix, this time coming from Italy. And the name cannot be more descriptive: 7 Women and Mistery. But now, if in the middle of the seven women, the…
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#7 women and a murder#ending explained#italian movies#italian originals#murder mistery netflix#who is the killer
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Sulle tracce di Azzurrina: Mistero e verità del castello di Montebello
Dal castello di Montebello, antico e misterioso, nasce una leggenda di una piccola bambina, Azzurrina, chiamata così per i suoi capelli turchini. Il destino fu crudele, in una giornata tempestosa Azzurrina scomparve senza lasciare tracce. Continue reading Sulle tracce di Azzurrina: Mistero e verità del castello di Montebello
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#antichi castelli#attrazioni storiche#Azzurrina#Castello di Montebello#condizione genetica#Conti Guidi di Bagno#cultura popolare#enigmi#eventi storici#fantasmi#fantasmi nel castello#fascino del mistero#folklore#ghiacciaia#guardie#Guendalina Malatesta#leggenda#leggende demoniache#leggende familiari#leggende italiane#leggende locali#leggende perdute#leggende storiche#Malatesta#misteri irrisolti#Mistero#miti#presenze paranormali#Rimini#rocca medievale
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OHHHH i was actually thinking about MULAN solo per quando dice long black hair > cele e la sua santa chioma
hahahahaha è tt le girlz quando fa pole!
TT LE GIRLZ pcould be Vale in his lesbian era, he was giving and he is still giving gender and sexuality crises to all the italian men and all the girlz on tumblr
So after tony effe x motogp riders, we got another hyper specific italian post, THANKS TO @marquezista who basically was the other evil mastermind behind this, we got
(this is once again hyper specific coz Anna has become my entire summer yes thanku) (Anna TI AMO)
Starting out strong we have
-enea as INTRO
I mean: “ pesce grosso vengo dalla costa” (“big fish im from the coast”)
Also “pink lipgloss mi vesto tutta rossa” ENEA AND HIS CUNTY FUCSIA 23 on that RED BIKE
-luca marini: once again my fav posh blondie is the cuntiest song on the album BIKINI > sono sexy senza bikini, tutti i ragazzi voglion darmi i bacini (im sexy without my bikini, all the academy boys want to kiss me )
“Sai che sono bella come una model yaeh yeah” no explantion needed
“Anche quando sbaglio non imparo” (“even when i make a mistake i never learn”) > luca on honda lol
NO EXPLANATION JUST VIBESSS, the american dream propaganda for sure got to diggia
-pecco: again pecco in his overconfident era or BADDIE PECCO
"VIENI DALLA BADDIE BADDIE" (I know pecco would rather choke than listen to this but thats the best part!!!)
-bezz: bezz contains multitudes but in the end HELLO KITTY SONO TROPPO KINKY, IL MIO BB NON METTE GLI SKINNY< bezz and his indie boy Calcutta complex would rather die than be with someone with skinny jeans so!
(other good bezz candidates were: "tonight" for high fattone bezz (sto highhhhhh cit.) and for depre bezz “una tipa come me" (il mio mood va giù poi su, poi giù poi su poi cit.))
hello kitty bezz to me
-franky!: controversial but ABC esp thasup verse mostly for the cannetta vibes (we all know Franky smokes the best weed for sure)
i don't think ive ever seen aleix (or jorge tbh) wearing clothes on their insta, they’re always naked and SUPER TANNED so A ABBRONZATISSIMA E BELLISSIMA A A OCCHI COME IL MAR CORPO CHE TI FA FARE AHH
Bonus bonus: this album is actually an aleix/jorge fanfiction coz:
“si fa una chain con il mio name sono la best bitch ever” ( he wears a chain with my name on it, im the best bitch ever)
bonus bonus bonus: migno rimasto al 2020 se gli chiedi ANNA ti dice solo BANDO
thank u @marquezista again for ur precious precious knowledge!!! I nostri neuroni si sono fusi insieme
and if someone has any ideas for CELE PLS LET ME KNOW! cele the most difficult baddie :(( is cele the ultimate baddie?
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Me and @owly-lumi did a little aggie (magma) session and it just turned out into a "random shit we did on Lethal Company new update" dump. We love the maneater, we called it Ciruzzo (if you're Italian you get it)
Close ups with translations under the cut
Maneater: I ate Moss (our friend who's body misteriously disappeared with this guy standing suspiciously next to the plqce where we last saw it)
"Take more pics"
"Go bb you're so beautiful"
⬆️ If you get the ref ily
"I'm returning to the ship" + random Bill Cipher jumpscare
"you want a painting?"
#lethal company#lethal company fanart#lethal company memes#lethal company maneater#lethal company v60#lc maneater#lc fanart#aggie.io#aggie doodles#magma doodles#magma art
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Extracorporeal Experience Thursday GO
Alright humans of all sorts, we're at chapter 3, let's see what's going on!
Well, AND FOR GOOD RE- Holmes? Why is that man vibrating in excitement?
Oh well, Holmes always was a rather queer fellow. NOW MORTIMER! Answer my quiz!
Oh yeah so... big doggo?
yep. big-big doggo.
HOLMES! Don't be so very interested, snap out of the case, remember social niceties. Geez, next time you'll tell a poor chap accused of murder that his situation is 'so very gratifying', AH!
Holmes SO WANTS to study Mortimer under a microscope!
And drama, of course comes natural to such a man as he is.
So, do we call the Mistery Inc or are we able to pull it off? even if Mortimer is thinking oh-so-loudly that it's demonic stuff?
... you are not a modest man, we know, and we know the reasons. BUT GOD'S SAKE HOLMES!
This man's hilarious, i SWEAR. BUT HE'S NOT A GHOSTBUSTER! so
How can Holmes be of help? Man likes the case!
Allow an italian a moment to bemoan out lack of punctuality in public transport... And back online! Some gossip and inheritance-legal stuff follows, family lines and so on...
HOLMES! Have a care!
You can't just go on dismissing the man's worries this way, god's sake!
But the local devil's terribly funny to think about, lol.
See? Mortimer got QUITE a bit distressed by that!
W: Don't worry, Dr Mortimer, he's just like this, but he does care.
NOW you've got your job, Mortimer, (shirtcuff note mention), Leave. Me. To. Mine. -cackles madly-
You're going out John?
Now. Holmes is already vibrating from happy case chemicals, And has asked very prettily his Watson for some tobacco. For FAR TOO MUCH tobacco.
H: You'll be out all day, dear? Have fun, we'll compare notes later. W: Sure. Have fun too, darling.
You leave your husband with a 'i love you' and you're sure to return to a livable house, of course. And then...
Always like this! It's INTOLERABLE! DON'T YOU TRY THAT!
H: -deductions- W: DON'T. I'm trying to be annoyed at you. -kissy- Insufferable. H. Deduce me now, Watson?
Okay, i don't want to know or even imagine what sort of cocktail of drugs was in Holmes' bloodstream. Sure too much nicotine and caffeine.
He vibrated himself to Devonshire and back. Alright. So normal.
Just as much as this super normal cat behavior. Another couple of years and he'll buy a trunk to think into it. And poor Watson will have to lure him out of that.
Also, it's not concentration, Holmes. It's carbon dioxide intoxication.
I don't want to think to the desperate scream of his joints either, as a person who often keeps the same cross-legged positions for hours on end as they study.
NOW WATSON. What are your own thoughts about the case?
Well well... Interesting thoughts Holmes... Very interesting.
But now, Watson, let's take this out of our heads! -Watson is discreetly re-opening the windows- First a serenade... and then Will you help a detective to have no thought at all?
We'll know of the conversation with Sir Henry in the next episode! And remember the yaoi goggles!
#YES I LEARNT HOW TO MAKE GIFS!#Muahahah now i'm unstoppable#jeremy brett#unnecessarily handsome#edward hardwicke#the dark side with kind eyes#victorian husbands#asexual falling hard for actors from an 80s show#letters from watson#read with very thick yaoi goggles#because i'm studying materials and hating it#so i must do something i love to unwind#sherlock holmes#john watson
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Ok this is my first post about cod and it's not really a serious one, but i have no friends to talk about cod so here i am.
Also my oc's code name is Cerbero (italian name of Cerberus), i don't really have a drawing of him or anything, and prob will use him only for the incorrect quotes.
Feel free to see Cerbero as y/n tho, I just wanted to put a name "on y/n" cause writing y/n every time pisses me off lmao.
Ghost and König are sparring
Cerbero: ya know what? Bet i can climb two trees at the same time
Soap: we're talking abput literal trees right?
Soap: RIGHT??
Gaz: i swear he scares the shit out of me
Ghost: Cerbero? Why?
Gaz: have you ever seen him in the middle of the night?
Ghost: no??
Gaz: well let me tell you, i am traumatized for life
This whole thing after he walked on Cerbero making himself an hot chocolate at 3am with no lights on, phone in hand to see and deathcore out his headphones.
Price: remind me, please, why i said yes
Laswell: your words "maybe with a new kid in they will calm down a little bit"
Price: i really thought that would be a thing actually
Laswell: and now you have even König with them
Soap somewhere in background: YES BITCH DO THAT AGAIN
Price: DO NOT!
Laswell: how they did manage to destroy a whole tank is still a mistery to me
Full mission
Cerbero: BITCH!
Ghost: what are they doing?
Gaz: idk, i walked in here and they had folk metal on and the chaos take the lead put of nowhere
Ghost: ok but why are Cerbero and Soap naked in the middle of the common room?
Gaz: trust me, i have no idea
Rudy: dear god
Ghost: was it really necessary teaching Cerbero how to dance like that?
Rudy: don't. Just... don't
Price: all i'm asking for is a normal kid on this task force, just one
Soap: define "normal"
Price watching Cerbero laughing while killing: not that Soap, not that
#cod mw2#cod#cod headcanons#call of duty#call of duty headcanons#cod x reader#cod x oc#cod incorrect quotes#simon ghost riley#johnny soap mactavish#kyle gaz garrick#john price#kate laswell#alejandro vargas#rodolfo parra#könig#call of duty x reader#call of duty x oc
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Ok so a guy I follow on twitter does this every year and I decided to copy him because it sounds fun and also a cool way to keep track of stuff I liked and disliked about various stuff during the year.
So starring from today I'll try to reblog this post with every book/game/movie/show/album I'll read/play/watch/listen during this year as a sort of diary.
I'll start it off with a 2x1 deal because I finished a book today and went to see a movie yesterday.
The piper
It's a pretty good movie with an interesting premise. The best scene in it is when the monster comes out of a guy's chest during the concert near the end and the orchestra director goes like "I am maestro Gustav..." trying to intimidate it before being killed. If the movie ended like a minute before it actually did I might have liked it more since I'm not a fan of movies that go like "ohhh the evil is still around" for a sequel bait but are obviously not going to get a sequel so they just throw the whole resolution in the garbage.
Got this one as a christmas present. Really solid book, I like when in a mistery story you get to know who the culprit is before the detective does and have to watch them piece the whole thing togheter. Kind of annoyed that whoever translated it decided to translate the title of "the princess bride" as "la principessa sposa" when the italian version of the title is "la storia fantastica", but that's not really a fault of the book.
#media diary 2024#from the next addition I might put everything after the title under a read more so it dosen't get to long when I reblog it
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“Margo always loved mysteries. And in everything that came afterward, I could never stop thinking that maybe she loved mysteries so much that she became one.” – John Green
“Margo ha sempre amato i misteri. E in tutto quello che è successo dopo, non ho mai potuto smettere di pensare che forse lei amava così tanto i misteri da diventarlo.” – John Green
© Kevin Charles Ward
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13 Moons Reading Challenge 2024
Okay SO I've been struggling to read a lot during the last few months, which means that I could have gone a little bit behind schedule, ops. Good news is I'm going back on track! Here are two moons I haven't posted yet, and as my reading duties go on and I come up with reviews, I'll post them too. I'm taking my time because you know, reading should be fun, not stressful. The idea behind the reading challenge is of course by @readnburied <3
Reading goal for now — Penumbral Lunar Eclipse: 13 books
Strawberry Moon
Read a book from an author which is new to you: The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien. ☆☆☆☆ I wanted to include at least one book by Tolkien in the list of my first one hundred books read - a silly goal I reached a bit ago (thank you goodreads I guess?). I admit I had never read anything by Tolkien before The Hobbit, but I knew that during summer I would've rarely had time to read: I needed something enterteining, full of action, easy to read and fast-peaced, something to make me want to read even during the months when I feel the most exhausted. I needed to go far away with my mind, I needed comfort to cheer me up, adventures that I knew were good-ending. And yes, Bilbo was so good at lifting my spirits. This book was so funny to read, I loved the way everything is described and the way Bilbo is truly the undercovered hero that this adventure needs. This was a rather light reading, with some important themes nonetheless, and I was glad I decided to read it. You can bet my journey with Tolkien won't stop here. The best part is that now I can enjoy every Hobbit movie, comparing movie and book for the first time — I don't actually remember a thing about those movies, probably never even watched them completely. It's gonna be fun. PS: just a moment of appreciation for the map in my book which is the same used in the first film, just translated in italian! I screamed when I saw that ngl
Buck Moon
A Paperback: Malinverno, by Domenico Dara. ☆☆☆☆☆ This book was perfectly unexpected. I chose it randomly from a bookstore; it was a beautiful day of some months ago, I was with a friend and we had nothing else to do but study and wander around the city. This friend of mine kept making jokes because all the books I chose were blue or violet-covered. And yet, blue is my favourite colour, my eyes are naturally attracted to stuff with that dark shade: I don't know if blue chose for me that day or if I truly felt attracted to this book. The outcome didn't change, I bought it and I can say it has been a good series of coincidences: I loved this book. Reading it was painfully comforting, I saw people inhabiting a little village in Italy, but I saw poetry among them, I saw some of the tragedies that life creates. I pondered death, walked through a cimitery and read about someone who sees life a little bit like I do. Someone who breathes books like I've wanted to do for a lifetime, someone who feels loney like I often do these days. I'm not Astolfo Malinverno, but a bit of him is inside me, too. And then a lot of books are inside this one book, there's mundanity, there are stories that are unique and the same within the mankind, misteries that only exist because humanity lives and carries footprints with her. It was not a perfect novel - I'd have something to say about a few scenes towards the end - but all those pages made me cry so much I forgot what it felt like, staying up late at night because you just can't keep your eyes off your reading, sobbing through tears, "right", heartbreaking tears, because deep down you know the story couldn't have gone differently. Right now, this book just has everything I needed to read, so it's a five stars for me. Fun fact about this: I give my rating as soon as I finish reading, pondering what I felt - there's no way that a book capable of making me cry so much throughout the whole story, always hitting right in the heart, with such a good poetry-like style of writing and an ending that truly felt inevitable, is not worthy of five stars. [ Okay I finished my rant about this book. It's my blog I get to yap about what I want. ]
#the hobbit#jrr tolkien#lo hobbit#malinverno#domenico dara#13 moons reading challenge#13 moons reading challenge 2024#reading challenge#reading challenge 2024#books#reading#bookblr
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Another shooting in the historical center of my beloved Andria .
I am testing another gem of the Merinos extrafine wool capsule.
I am wearing a spectacular polo shirt i decided to call Mistery.
Mistery is made by a yarn thin, but warm and its made with a very special worksheet .
Nothing is impossible in the life of a maker, if you have enough craft to push every day!
I am wearing a spectacular Reverso by my friend jeweler @ditommasoriccardo.
If you are unterested, just let me know trough a direct, it is a good deal.
📸 by @imagephotoandria
Enter the world of nakedclothing, enter the world of luxury, B.P.🇬🇷❤️🇮🇹
Take a look to the Mistery just clicking on
the fastest MTO of the world, if You want softness, fit, quality at the speed of the light 🇮🇹🙏🇬🇷🤝🇺🇸😎🇬🇧👊🇰🇷👋🇯🇵😂🇦🇺
#pittiuomo #dyedisart #American #Italian #inspiration #theadrenaline #thestoryrevintaged #livenakedclothing #Thessaloniki #inmyhearth #weareinpuglia #fastandfurious #overthedreams #menswear #menstyle #lookbook #suitup #filippomatera #thesartorialpolo #notthecopier #themaker #ofsustainability #mrpolo #instastyle #vintage #dapper #casual #elegance #andria
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"I Fantasmi del Banchiere Nero": Il Nuovo Noir di Ippolito Edmondo Ferrario
Un’indagine senza tempo tra le calli di Venezia e i misteri del passato.
Un’indagine senza tempo tra le calli di Venezia e i misteri del passato. Mercoledì 27 novembre 2024, alle ore 18:30, presso la libreria Eldodo Booksellers in via Vallarsa 11, Milano, sarà presentato il romanzo “I fantasmi del banchiere nero” di Ippolito Edmondo Ferrario, edito da Fratelli Frilli Editori. A introdurre la serata saranno il giornalista Antonio Bozzo (Il Giornale, Panorama) e…
#Alessandria today#Antonio Bozzo#autori contemporanei#case editrici italiane#Cultura italiana#Eldodo Booksellers#eventi letterari Milano#eventi Milano 2024#Fratelli Frilli Editori#giallo contemporaneo#giallo e mistero#Giallo investigativo#Google News#I Fantasmi del Banchiere Nero#intrighi del passato#investigazione#Ippolito Edmondo Ferrario#italianewsmedia.com#letteratura noir#Letture consigliate#Libri 2024#libri Venezia#Mara Sartori#misteri storici#mistero e suspense#narrativa di qualità#narrativa italiana#Narrativa storica#noir italiano#Nuovi Libri
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Lexie Luthor Profile
Full Name: Alexis Kate Luthor
Alias(s); Lex/Lexie (usually by friends and family), sunflower,(by her boyfriend) Sunspot (by Hilda) Miss Lexie (by Mugman) Goldilocks, Sunshine (TCS Miss Chalice), lil' canary, li'l butterfly, li'l kitten, darling, doll/dollface, Queen of Diamonds, sweetcheeks (by both versions of King Dice) little Lexie (Cuphead book version of the Devil), Blondie (TCS Devil), little bird, little treasure (Serverus, OC)
Age: 24-25
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Golden Blonde
Eye color: Emerald green
Skin color: Fair
Species: Human, Caeles (a rare type of fairy with angelic qualities such as wings and powers)
Birthday: November 18th, 1998
Nationality: American, of Irish, Welsh, French, German and partial Native American descent.
Personality; Kind, adventurous, outgoing, bubbly, sarcastic, a bit hotheaded, determined, confident and creative.
Favorite colors; sunset yellow, light pink, orange, red, midnight blue and gold.
Favourite Food: Spicy foods, particularly Mexican food and some Italian food, anything with chocolate, most meat and vegetables.
Likes: Hanging out with her friends, writing, drawing, comic books, video games, going on adventures, playing music on fiddle/guitar/piano, meeting all her favorite characters.
Dislikes: Pointless arguments (like over politics for example), all forms of domestic, animal, or child abuse, peanuts (severe allergy), the Devil and Anubis flirting with and/or kidnapping Katie and Natty (respectively), King Dice constantly hitting on and/or kidnapping her (especially when he magically changes outfits on her), bullies (especially when they mistreat Katie), racism
Friends: Katie Gemwing, Natty Poke, Liam and Matt Jones (OC), Andrew, Kaichi, the Cup Brothers, Elder Kettle, Ms. Chalice, Misterie and Aren, Alicia Powell, Daisy, Aya, Captain Brineybeard and Grim Matchstick.
Love interest: Liam Jones (OC)
Enemies: The Devil, King Dice (who has a Villain Crush on her), Anubis (shared OC with Lexie and Natty), Severus (another shared OC), Hector Wolfe (Lexie’s OC) and Leviathius (OC).
Weapons: Keyblade able to transform into a magical paint brush, which gives her the ability to create life and even duplicate herself to become a giant.
Powers and abilities; Can transform into a variety of animals, including but not limited to, a tiger, butterfly, a phoenix (achieved in a new upgrade later on), and a Chinese dragon. She also has the ability to control all kinds of light including fire, electricity, and even UV lights. In addition, with her light magic, she can also manipulate reflections allowing her to supervise/communicate via mirrors.
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Steam Next Fest October 2023
Alright let's see as many Demos as possible!
1. Ocelot Sunrise
A nice roguelite bullet hell with various levels (only one playable in the demo) and a sci fi scavengers story and a comics/borderlandesque aesthetic that makes the cutscenes very nice to look at. The background music is a bop too. Alas the controller controls are not completely implemented yet and quite clunky to use in a mixed way, however the power ups and the weapons seems really fun to play with.
2. ASTRA: Knights of Veda
On first impact a bread and butter jrpg with all the pros and cons of the genre like huge bazongas! Regardless of which category you consider them in. The artstyle in game and in battle is expecially nice with this sort of "dress-up paper doll" look that sets it somewhat apart and the cutscene style for the evil faction and the dream realm is quite good. The controls are nice and intuitive enough although it needs a mouse to click on certain things like equipment. The voice acting is good enough? I'd say but the audio levels mixing leaves to be desired in some parts. Now the cons: it required to make an account even to play the demo and it has an obligatory post download 8 gb of additional content, there are "daily reward" and buyable cosmetics but most aggravating of all (for me) there are minutes of cutscenes every 5 minutes or so of gameplay.
Not for me
3. Estate Agent Simulator
The first bugged demo. The second prompt for the italian tutorial popped up with this half baked and definitely not italian way and had to restart the game in english
The gameplay itself is fine? For a game like this? Certainly not particularly nice nor particularly bad but the camera bobbing is atrocious, it gave me nausea after I cleaned the first house, the game was also completely silent. I'll add a +1 for the promise of a pettable dog
4. Lose CTRL
A surreal satirical you rage you lose puzzle game in which you play as Billy as he tries to climb the corporate ladder to reach a segway. The game mess with your controls and your mind in a mix between Get Over It and Brazil (1985). The split screen capabilities intrigue me although I wonder how it could work with keyboard and mouse controls. The general style is charming and distinctive but also amateurish and rough around the edges. To try, at least once.
5. Leila
Leila is a chill and relaxing kinda lofi click and drag puzzle game that goes back the memory lane in a coming of age(?) Tale for a middle aged woman, the titular Leila. The puzzles shown have a nice variety between styles and difficulties, and they are certainly meant for someone looking to lubricate those neurons. The art and the background music are pretty nice and the voice acting is quite good too. If you like click and drag puzzles I feel that wishlisting this one (and always trying the demo before) maybe one of your best bets so far.
6. Tales from the Dancing Moon
An old-school-ish rpg inspired by runescape in which you run around doing errands for the townsfolk and at the same time try to unravel the mistery of your memory loss, the presence of a smartphone that you can use to take photos in game gives it a mild isekai flavour but not too strong based on what I've seen. The controls appear fluid enough and the sound design while not spectacular does it's job. The character creation menu is surprisingly in-depth for this kind of games.
Runescape wannabe
7. There's Always a Madman: Fight or Flight
A text based spy adventure in which you play as this super special agent and have to choose between different options both in action and dialogue. While the story itself seems nice the absence of any voice action or any background image besides some solid background color makes the experience hoverwelmingly boring as you are left to click repeatedly thru text.
I yawned
8. Rocket!
A mix between a shoot them up and a roguelite bullet hell heavily inspired by galaga and the classics. While the concept is nice and seems intriguing enough and I don't doubt it may end up garnering quite the cult following like many other niche games the controls are exceedingly hard and finicky, the spaceship appear to drift incontrollably with no apparent rhyme or reason.
9. Aureole: Wings of Hope
An incredibly fun and novelty platformer/dasher game where you follow the tale of two angels while you speed and dash and jump at full force thru obstacles in the shape of a bouncy halo. The mechanics are surprisingly simple and incredibly flexible at the same time, creating a gameplay that can be adjusted to your own needs, I appreciated particularly the ability to "freeze" while you charge a jump or a dash. Despite not being a platformer lover I absolutely adored this little demo to bits, so far the only that has left me truly wanting more.
#steam next fest#ocelot sunrise#ASTRA: knights of Veda#indie games#jrpg#roguelite#bullet hell#estate agent simulator#sim games#lose CTRL#indie puzzle game#leila#click and drag#rpg#old school rpg#tales from the dancing moon#there's always a madman: fight or flight#text based game#rocket!#shmup#aureole: wings of hope#platformer#metroidvania
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