#itachi shiden book
tdwlara · 6 years
Itachi True Story Book episodes be like : do you want some salt on your opened wounds ?
Me, crying : yes, please
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uchihashisuii · 3 years
Bestie i'm sorry but you're disrespecting my bae shisui. That man is kind and a softie but he's also loud and fun. Plus he def has a breeding kink bc he is a proud uchiha. He will fuck you so well u'll question what day of the week it is
He is also mad competitive and has a dark side to him. It's canon that he killed his teammate bc he was jealous of his powers/felt like he was the better ninja (said in the itachi shiden books)
sajhdsajhk it was literally a joke
i generally agree with the fanon that all uchihas have breeding kinks cause hot<3 but i don't love writing it cause of personal reasons. fun to think about tho
i'm sure he has a lot of facets to his personality and what kind of person he is in a sexual situation but i was jus talking about he and obito being inexperienced. i write so many different versions of these characters 'cause it's fun to explore varying aspects and potential. if you didn't like that one then askdjffh sorry? there's a lot more also you can always write your own!
also iirc he didn't kill his squadmate, it was inaction on shisui's part that got him killed? not the same thing imo
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uchihanyan · 3 years
Thank you for tagging me @hidendumbassvillage​ <3
Name/nickname: Yuki
Gender: Female
Star sign: Virgo (but I reallt don’t care about this)
Height: 1,64 cm (I wanted to be shorter aaaa)
Time: 19:45
Birthday: 13th of september
Favourite bands/groups: It really depends on my mood ;-;
Favourite solo artists: Same, depends on my mood
Song stuck in my head: Nothing right now because Im watching an RP session rn on Twitch
Last movie: Uhhhhh probably Nobunaga Concerto’s (I don’t watch anime or movies in weeks/months)
Last show: Same as above haahahah
When did I create this blog: 2020 (I use Tumblr since 2020 tho)
What do I post: 99% Naruto hahaha
Last thing I googled: oh wait a sec, lemme check... OH, “above meaning” HAHAH just to be sure I’m writing it right c:
Other blogs: Yeah, @jashinkyo-sama​ , Hidan’s RP blog. But I don’t use it anymore since I created this one. I don’t RP in... Years.
Do I get asks: Sometimes, yes. I love receiving asks!
Following: 133
Followers: 48
Average hours of sleep: Many because I have... How can I say it, a low stamine? hahaha I get tired very easily. So I NEED to get many hours of sleep. I use to sleep like, 8+ hours per day. btw I don’t really know what is not being sleepy in.... probably 10+ years. It’s very rare to me not being sleepy. 
Lucky number: uhhh I don’t know?
Instruments: Shamisen
What I am wearing: Pajamas! A cute blue one, with penguins!
Dream job: Japanese translator of Visual Novel / Light Novel
Dream trip: Hmmm Russia? I want to know what is like there, since I have russian blood, you know. Meeting my ancestor’s country,
Favourite food: Pudding, meat, sushi, bbq, lamen, others japanese food. I have many favourite foods.
Nationality: Brazil
Favourite song: Again, depends on my mood ;-;
Last book I read: I was re-reading Itachi Shiden some days ago
Three fictional universe you’d like to live in: Naruto of course! Also Sword Art Online! Hm... Can’t think on another one rn, maybe Kore wa Zombie Desuka
Favourite colour: Brown!
Why I chose my URL: Yuki is my nickname for 10+ years, and Uchiha... I don’t think I need to explain hahah
Tagging (if you want to no pressure): I’m not gonna tag anyone. Please feel free to do it! btw just as @hidendumbassvillage said, do not reblog, copy and paste in a new post, please!
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sophiemi · 8 years
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I always get so mad at the anime adaptation of itachi shiden because in the book there were many more itachi and Izumi moments that lead up to a much more emotional death for her than in the anime, and I feel like it would have been a bigger ship if they animated the novel better than they did, and I know that's not the point of the story but her character was owed more justice than given like she protect him from bullies by activating her sharingan but since she was so young she didn't have to chakra supply and would faint so he would take her to the nurse and it's his teammates would always tease them as being lovers and they eventually became that and he thought killing her first would kill his emotions and doubt but he couldn't do it so he put her in a tsukuyomi and showed her a life in which they grew old together and had children and then dying of old age which made her mind leave her body or something and she happily said thank you and died etc etc she was just not given the justice she deserved...
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