#it2 2o hard
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alternia-public-freakout · 1 year ago
ok 2o,, you know tho2e troll2 who have really 2mall lu2ii 2o they like carry them around everywhere?? u2ually highblood2?? i 2aw one get 2o pi22ed in public at 2ome random midblood who probably didn't do anything,, that after 2topping their yelling,, they 2tarted 2huffling around their bag,, GRAB THEIR FUCKING LU2U2 BY IT2 BACK,, and THROW IT WITH FULL FUCKING FORCE AT THE MIDBLOOD. the poor creature wa2 2pinning mid air becau2e of how hard it wa2 thrown,, and I'm pretty 2ure it would have died or at lea2t broken 2ome bone2 had the midblood not caught it with the mo2t pinpoint preci2ion ive ever 2een in my life
i wa2 in 2uch a 2tate of 2hock from what i ju2t witne22ed i could barely comprehend when the midblood looked back up at the highblood,, then the lu2u2,, then back at the highblood... And promptly bolted off with the other troll2 lu2u2 in their hand2. They obviou2ly werent gonna give it back,, but i got outta there before the highblood 2tarted to make a 2cene about it
( @invertedromance )
[f] I cAn’t EvEn ImAgInE jUst chUckIn’ my lUsUs at sOmEOnE lIkE thAt, I mEAn AdmIttEdly mInE Is fUckIn’ gIgAntIc, bUt thAt’s jUst strAIght Up dIsrEspEctfUl lmAO [f]
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aita-alternia · 1 year ago
aita for trying to cull 2omeone who called me "un2tablle" and a "danger to my friend2."
i (8 1/2 2weep2, ru2t) attempted to kill 2omeone (7 2weep2, bronze), becau2e he wa2 bein a totall a22holle!! for context, this person i2 rellativelly new to our friendgroup. from what i gathered, he had a rough time with hi2 hatchmate2, to the point of them putting him through some really har2h 2tuff!!
my blloodpu2her goe2 out to him, it really doe2. nobody de2erve2 that kind of treatment. when i met him in per2on though, he immediatelly rubbed me the wrong way. he never did anything BAD per 2ay, but every time i 2aw him my Stomach twi2ted in knot2 and my bllood ju2t BOILLED!! and before you a2k, no it wa2 not in a pitch way, even typing that out make2 me nau2eu2 to think abt.
but de2pite all that, i tried my be2t to treat him with kindne22 llike i do all my other friend2, and ju2t hope it woulld go away.
i wa2 ablle to keep it up for a whille too, allmo2t a 2weep!! but during a party at a mutuall friend2 (8 2weep2, purpllebllood) hive, i maybe mi2under2tood a conver2ation i overheard? i thought he wa2 tallkin 2hit about my moiraill (8 1/2 2weep2, teall), and obviou2lly i wa2nt going to llet that 2llide!!
i cllocked him once acro22 the jaw, and llaid him out pretty ea2y with ju2t that punch. i 2tarted yellin at him to keep my moirail2 name out hi2 mouth and a bunch of other 2tuff i maybe 2houlldnt have 2aid. but once he got back up, he really tore me a new one. it wa2 a llot, probablly too much to type here, but the part that really got me wa2 that he 2aid i wa2 a vollatille and un2tablle per2on and i wa2 a danger to everyone around me!!
that really made me 2ee red, becau2e it2 very untrue!! 2ure, i can have a bit of a temper, but i woulld never hurt the peoplle i care about, and i never have. 2o i tried to attack him with one of my knive2, and ba2ically got dragged out of the party by my moiraill...
he got me to callm down enough to go back to my hive, but if im hone2t i wa2 2till 2eething. all my friend2 are really mad at me, and im 2uper bumbed out about it!! it2 not llike i did any reall damage, and he2 being 2uch a baby about it!!
my moiraill i2 2tarting to get worried about me i think, but im having a really hard time moving pa2t it. ive even been contempllating ju2t... taking him out? 2o i dont have to deall with all thi2 2hit, but i know everyone woulld 2u2pect me if he went mi22ing, 2o i doubt i will.
2houlld i ju2t apollogize and minimize contact with him 2o i dont 2llip up and hit him again, even if i dont actually feell all that 2orry about what i did? idk what to do.
but the bigge22t que2tion i have i2... aita?
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invertedromance2 · 1 year ago
it2 hard to repre2ent my horn2 too =}X'(
ive mo2tly figured it out,, i ju2t wi2h the bracket2 were fuckin even
meanwhile mod eleven2 only got one horn 2o it2 ea2y a2 2hit for him..lucky ba2tard
]II seeee troolls aall thee tiimee wiith cuutee eemootiicoons thaat II beeliieevee reepreeseent theemseelf oonee waayy oor aanootheer. \/
]Foor ee%aamplee II haavee twoo puupiils iin eeaach glaancee nuuggeet soo II doo ::), ::O, >::/, eetc.\/
]II’vee waanteed too tryy aand throow myy hoorns iin soomeehoow buut theeyy’re juust toooo coompliicaateed. \/
]II liikee theem aa loot II thiink theeyy shoow peersoonaaliityy ::}. \/
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ajarofhoney · 6 years ago
I cant... Breeak my promi2ee2
I cant....
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valencedichotomy · 7 years ago
> VD + RL : Get along?? Mostly scheme.
Today at 3:16 AM
carnivalsorphans hey outta curiosity how long did it take you to set the cells up and did ya know we were gonna need both or were ya just bein prepared valencedichotomy my note2 2aid what 2ecurity precau2ion2 both 2ell2 2hould have and how many to make, but mo2t of the rea2on2 why were behind op2ional readmore2.  i try to keep 2poiler2 to a minimum. figuring out what order i learned thing2 in from an out2ide per2pective i2 2ort of a dodgey bu2ine22 anyway2 and how muc2h time it took me to do thing2 carnivalsorphans i'm kinda interested in the fact that you made readmores even though you probably knew you wouldn't read em.... chronologically, let's say, how long ago in my timeline did you start buildin
valencedichotomy the que2ion i2 when will i de2ide to read them, and in what order oh okay, out2ide time, not 2ubjective time why do you a2k? carnivalsorphans straight up just curious. valencedichotomy the building it2elf ha2 been around for a 2olid decade or 2o, but the mo2t re2ent renova2ion2 have been trickling in over the la2t 2weep mo2tly valencedichotomy the 2ell2 were all in the mo2t re2ent renova2ion carnivalsorphans oh, huh. so what, it was just a hive first? valencedichotomy yeah i got veliu2 to make a di2gui2e amulet that let2 me look any ag2e, 2o i've been 2ighted there on and off 2in2e I "hatc2hed" carnivalsorphans ...... wait is it your actual legal hive? so, technically, this has been in the works since before you broke us outta jail.... wow fuckin wild valencedichotomy no one in univer2e know2 I'm involved, and no one out of univer2e ha2 a22e22 to in-univer2e building record2 2o... yep, technically. i knew about the hive then, but i hadnt been there yet. carnivalsorphans fuck, time travel is fuckin wild as shit valencedichotomy i havent gone through mo2t of the time loop2 required to build it yet, either. carnivalsorphans ..... really? huh! valencedichotomy the me you're talking to but yeah carnivalsorphans so it would be a bad idea, speakin purely hypothetically, to kill this version of you right now valencedichotomy that will probably be over the nex2t 2ix2 month2 or 2o, a few hour2 a week carnivalsorphans oh, have you changed numbers since the last time you told me? valencedichotomy yeah, if i die unex2pectedly and 2tay dead, a lot of temporal loop2 2nap. valencedichotomy i don't ac2ually remember what the la2t number I told you wa2 carnivalsorphans ... i think it was either ten or eleven, i'd have ta look up to check i could be wrong. valencedichotomy probably eleven, that2 what my page 2aid carnivalsorphans and are you still eleven? or are we up to a fun new number valencedichotomy we're right around the border between 12 and 13 right now, 2o yeah.  you're talking to 13 rn. carnivalsorphans hot what two things were big enough to change em? valencedichotomy the 11/12 border wa2 the rebellion going down. the 12/13, 2poiler2 carnivalsorphans faaaair enough. i'll remember that this time, or i'll try. ... may fuckin haps you should update your pages valencedichotomy did that earlier tonight ac2ually carnivalsorphans oh damn valencedichotomy hone2tly you'd be the only per2on to u2e the number2 2y2tem muc2h it'2 kinda intere2ting to hear 2omeone el2e acknowledg2e it thank2 carnivalsorphans might as well keep it in mind, just in case. ;o) valencedichotomy Juryrigg'2 pretty alright, you were right carnivalsorphans see, i know what i'm about sometimes valencedichotomy 2eem2 that way carnivalsorphans hey, if wicked wanted to let latere out, would you let him valencedichotomy i'd a2k him not to, and he'd 2top carnivalsorphans good. .... i actually never thought that the power balance between you was actually like even, like that valencedichotomy ... i dont a2k him muc2h, or tell him what to do. but, he tru2t2 me, and we've dealt with the horrorterror thing together. carnivalsorphans still, like. the fact that you do is a lil more than i expected carnivalsorphans honk > No, bad Ringleader, stop being bristly about that. valencedichotomy and having tempting, rea22uring, dubiou2ly tru2tworthy influen2e2 carnivalsorphans huh. good to hear. i mean, i figured he'd probably listen to me too, but you're all linked up so you'd be the one more liable to talk at him bout it ... hey, you ever been mind controlled? valencedichotomy i mo2tly bitc2h and let him figure 2hit out.  but, if he got tempted, he'd hear 2ome bitc2hing. and that'2 u2ually all he need2. carnivalsorphans cute valencedichotomy and there'2 an in2tan2e of me watc2hing that 2ell 24/7. 2o valencedichotomy ... all of the 2tuff that act2 like voi2e control2 i2 ju2t remote control2. carnivalsorphans hahahahahahahahahaha brother you're a wonder sometimes valencedichotomy And latere'2 connec2ion goe2 to 2hit every time 2he trie2 to 2pill her coordinate2 carnivalsorphans hilarious how many times she done it? valencedichotomy $number (( I have no idea, but at least once )) well, okay, i'm from a little ahead, but that'2 within a couple of the total number 2he'2 going to do carnivalsorphans .... damn, it woulda been interestin to bounce her from one place to another, so the coordinates'd be wrong, and then see who tries to show up .... we could probably set it up ta bounce them somewhere else... course, we only got two cells, and i doubt frownin at people is gonna make em just give up carnivalsorphans but fuck. interestin. valencedichotomy or feed her phone fal2e info about it2 loca2ion carnivalsorphans yeah valencedichotomy there'2 way2 carnivalsorphans .... mind control, yes or no? valencedichotomy depend2 what you cla22ify a2 mind control, and what the ac2ual 2our2e of 2ome 2tuff i u2ed to do i2 barring weird 2hit, no. carnivalsorphans .... huh. you know how hard it'd be to mind control you? valencedichotomy why do you a2k? carnivalsorphans i got a serket messagin me about the security of the place 'outta curiosity' and it makes a motherfucker just a liiittle paranoid carnivalsorphans i doubt she gives enough of a fuck to actually do anythin, but it makes a motherfucker think, ya know? valencedichotomy latere gave her 2ome pretty de2ent bribe2 to look into it, but no formal agreement2 are in pla2e yet. I'm keepin an eye on it. carnivalsorphans hahahahahahahaha i'm tempted to say somethin just to spook her, now valencedichotomy I'd rather you didn't, ac2ually. carnivalsorphans how come? valencedichotomy In the branc2he2 where 2he make2 it far enough, I pa22 her a job offer. carnivalsorphans hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha fuckin fair carnivalsorphans you mind keepin me updated? i'm curious now. valencedichotomy flat fee in caegar2 for a full copy of her plan2 and re2earc2h, +100% bonu2 if i think it will work, +400% if 2omething el2e i'm 2till de2iding on the pay 2truc2ure, a2ide from what it ha2 to add up to if 2he give2 in. carnivalsorphans hot .... still, mind control is a concern. valencedichotomy yeah, i'll keep you updated on her carnivalsorphans i'm assumin you'd tell me no if i wanted to prod just ta see valencedichotomy wicked could do it ju2t a2 ea2ily ac2ually con2idering I live with vel I 2hould probably have wicked c2heck anyway2 carnivalsorphans ..... i'm actually kinda impressed you never thought a that valencedichotomy he'2 been really con2i2tant about how 2hit like that would be evil. carnivalsorphans that's fair. ... i just wanna see i won't do nothin in there you'd know if somethin bad happened valencedichotomy my pan'2 not that intere2ting, dude carnivalsorphans says you everyone's pan is interestin valencedichotomy 2orry, no. carnivalsorphans that's fair carnivalsorphans .... hey what happens if i take off these fuckin bracers valencedichotomy you re2ume turning into a trick2ter, but run out of energy before c2hanging all the way over carnivalsorphans .... horrifying they've been botherin me valencedichotomy that'2 the trick2ter part they itch becau2e they're working. carnivalsorphans ughhhh.... valencedichotomy what'2 2he been a2king? carnivalsorphans if there's more than two cells, if there's anythin other than the cells in the building how everythin even showed up.... valencedichotomy It'2 intere2ting to watc2h her work carnivalsorphans a little bit about how your involvement even worked ain't it? valencedichotomy I2 2he being 2ubtle, or ju2t going for it? That'2 a lot carnivalsorphans she's.... uh. i dunno how subtle i'd call it i could snatch the log for ya real quick valencedichotomy I'd be curiou2 carnivalsorphans she said some stuff didn't mesh up without you bein involved and she says she was just curious but she seemed fussed carnivalsorphans https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/295517186829582337/390484411046559745/Screenshot_20171213-054417.jpg https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/295517186829582337/390484412049129482/Screenshot_20171213-054436.jpg https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/295517186829582337/390484411587493888/Screenshot_20171213-054510.jpg valencedichotomy thank2 carnivalsorphans i dunno that i'd call it subtle, but i'd call it coy valencedichotomy It i2 2he tried to di2tract you with the "clipping into the ground" joke carnivalsorphans can't believe she thought that'd work... valencedichotomy And 2he'2 right, if 2omeone cared why the 2ell wa2 where it wa2, it doe2n't make muc2h 2en2e without me being there. But I don't think anyone el2e ha2 noti2ed or cared No one el2e ha2 been looking carnivalsorphans the fact that she cares.... that's honestly the only reason i'm suspicious, she ain't the 'caring' type
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valencedichotomy · 8 years ago
> Eye Talks : Continue
paracl1tu2 s0 h0w 12 y0ur n1ght t0n1ght, 1 gue22? 1f y0u're 0n valencedichotomy I've been hopping around a lot.  did 2ome re2earc2h though paracl1tu2 hey! what re2earch d1d y0u d0
valencedichotomy I have a li2t of book2 you have ac2e22 to that contain the kind2 of material2 we'll need to u2e Ba2ically everything we talked about la2t time -- valencedichotomy sent readingList.txt -- can I have copie2 of tho2e?  pdf i2 fine paracl1tu2 yeah, 1 can send y0u 20me 0f th02e paracl1tu2 what el2e d0 y0u need valencedichotomy good, I'll need them to forward to my pa2t 2elf.  here'2 2ome 2pec2 I came up with ba2ed on the reading : -- valencedichotomy began sending files : blueprints1.pdf materials1.pdf materials2.pdf -- paracl1tu2 00hh paracl1tu2 2h1t 1've never been fr1end2 w1th a t1me player th12 12 c00l valencedichotomy I 2hould probably do thing2 in chronological order 2ometime2, but like procra2tina2ion i2 a problem paracl1tu2 1 get that valencedichotomy 2o I ju2t do whatever part2 I feel like when I feel like, whether that'2 in order or not paracl1tu2 pr0cra2t1nat10n 12 a b1tch valencedichotomy I've gotten pretty good at nail art though paracl1tu2 na1l art? valencedichotomy https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/b4/2e/e5/b42ee5f367ad4aa38f764850872e7f36.jpg (( please pretend it's like.. troll hands )) paracl1tu2 2h1t 20n that2 k1nd 0f c00l valencedichotomy It'2 ea2y to do at a de2k while procra2tinating.  And involve2 waiting a while for it to dry. paracl1tu2 1 can 1mag1ne hey thank2 f0r d01ng th12 f0r me al20 valencedichotomy it'2 a more intere2ting c2hallenge than i u2ually get you ac2ually have hard 2pec2 to work to fit, and there'2 a good rea2on for all of them paracl1tu2 1 need 20meth1ng that can handle me and a 1nner l1ght 20urce, a2 1'm n0t exactly 2ure h0w p211 w0rk2 fr0m the 1n21de 0f the eye paracl1tu2 but g01ng fr0m my 0wn eye2 1 th1nk 1t c0me2 fr0m the back 0r 20meth1ng??? 1 d0n't kn0w valencedichotomy a lot of light compen2a2ion can be handled with the right 2oftware and len2 material2 2in2e mine have a light 2our2e right in the camera, they aren't too bad at that paracl1tu2 0kay. 1'm glad that y0u under2tand hat ab0ut c0mpat1b1l1ty w1th the tech already 1n my b0dy and head? valencedichotomy if you can tell me the format the re2t of the tech output2 it2 diagno2tic2 in, I can probably do 2omething to hook them together either 2kin conductivity, if we can block out enough of the interferen2e, or wirele22, or letting you plug the feed in manually with technopathy paracl1tu2 y0u ARE w0rk1ng w1th the Helm2man valencedichotomy yeah, but there'2 advantage2 to all three way2 depending on what'2 ea2ie2t for you to deal with in a high-2train 2itua2ion paracl1tu2 0kay that wa2 delayed 1 had a b1t 0f lag 1n a h1gh 2tra1n s1tuat10n 1 u2e my eye2 the m02t t0 1nt1m1date fa1l1ng that 1'll headbutt 20me0ne 0r g0 t0e t0 t0e, f1gurat1vely (1 d0n't have any t0e2) valencedichotomy It 2houldn't interfere with anything.  If you want it to talk to other tech, we can do that paracl1tu2 what 0ther tech w0uld 1t talk t0? 1t2 eye2 valencedichotomy it2 a head2-up computer di2play that you have 24/7 ac2e22 to, and you a2ked about it2 compatibility with the re2t of the tech already in you. paracl1tu2 0h 1 wa2 0kay valencedichotomy it can al2o have a built in computer, 2o... what can computer2 talk to paracl1tu2 1 wa2 mak1ng a j0ke 0n 1t n0t be1ng a m0uth valencedichotomy ah 2orry, i thought that wa2 another ca2e where 2omething didn't tran2late. paracl1tu2 1 haven't heard 2lang l1ke "talk" f0r a wh1le when talk1ng ab0ut pr0ce221ng c0mputer un1t2 valencedichotomy ive never met anyone that didnt u2e it paracl1tu2 1'm u2ed t0 m0re techn1cal term2 paracl1tu2 where d1d my p02t g0 1 2ent 1t ... huh 0kay 1 th1nk th12 12 my cue f0r bed valencedichotomy yeah i think 2o too later, let me know what you think of the 2pec2 2ometime paracl1tu2 0kay thank2
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ajarofhoney · 6 years ago
Oh wow! I think wee had and eempree22 like that a LONG timee ago! But thee curreent eempree22 think2 heer meethod2 weeree bra2h, 2o it2 diffeereent now.
I undeer2tand what you'ree talkin about. Eeveen without a titlee i know thee feeeeling!
I'vee noticeed it2 truee with mo2t peeoplee on heeree. All thee information on lifee in thee big citiee2 and Boppin Meetropolu2ee2 of the Inteer2teelar Eempiree comee2 from thee who2 hot who2 not magazinee2 and 2ocial meedia feeeed2, 2o it2 hard not to know the treend2
Probably could havee Ju2t 2aid "Horn Jeeweelry i2 2uper preetty" though
Ooh! Ill look for it!
I know it2 veery eea2y to Bee 2weeeeteed out by Honeey, but 2omeehow, workin on a Honeey Farm ha2nt 2weeeeteed mee out yeet
Wheen you put it that way it doee2 makee it hard, But at leea2t hee'2 got you! Or 2omeething along thee Bright2idee
I haveent heeard of Battlee Baseed Poeetry Beeforee. What2 your favoritee poeem?
Horn Jeeweelry! That2 2o in right now! Magazinee2 alway2 feeaturee who2 dee2ign aree mo2t popular and theey'ree alway2 2o preetty! Do you havee a picturee of theem?
I'vee alway2 likeed thee floweery teea2, but classic teea i2 good too! My favorite i2 Honeey milk teea that my rail makee2. 2o yummy!
JD=3° Well, yes. He’s lucky I’m around, or he’d be drowning in paper and administrative work.
I admit I like the ring of the ancient poetry, of when the empress leaded victorious fights to exxtend her empire. I can’t deny the fact they hold bunch of hemocast vocabulary, but they’re still nice to the ears and mind. I don’t have a specific title to give you, thought.
I don’t follow what is popular or not, I just like it. I’ll reblog my picture so you can see it.
Honey is a little too sugarish to my tastes. But in little amount it can be nice.
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