#it's totally fine btw as long as they're just for personal use and not for selling or anything
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canisalbus · 1 year ago
Made me and my friend some itty bitty vachette stickers I hope this is alright!! Your characters are delightful I'm going to add mine to my tragic gay dog shrine 🐺🥔
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They're so tiny ;A;
And sparkly.
And exhausted.
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arsquare · 17 days ago
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Happy Valentine's Day!
This is my Heishin Exchange piece (event hosted by @heishinvalentineexchange2025) for oreganocactus on Ao3! The prompt I used was: "heishin yuri would be awesome…i love explorations of how gender would affect how characters behave/change so that would be cool :)"
Thoughts and process under the cut!
And also an NSFW sketch at the very bottom btw. as a treat for clicking on the readmore
So originally I had wanted to do a comic retelling the Murdered Diplomat Case Except They're Both Girls This Time AKA Heiji's debut case, but I got about 8 pages into the storyboards before I realized it would be impossible within the exchange's time frame. The Murdered Diplomat case is really really long, even if I cut everything about the case out LMAO... here's what I had if anyone is curious!
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It was already sprawling by my standards here. We're on page 8 and Heiji has nary shown her face in the Mouri Detective Agency (also boy Kazuha is there? The part with the details of the case was supposed to be sort of timelapsed through a bunch of texts Kazuha sent Heiji because he was worried about where she was) So in my desperation I tried redoing it from page 7 to be more concise:
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This was the point where I was officially like yeah this is not happening this is going to take one william pages at this rate and I just am not going to have the time to do that!! So I scrapped it and started working on the final product you see up there.
(BTW IT'S REAL!! about 80-90% of the comic actually exists in the real world!! I actually drew and inked it physically this time!)
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I had really WANTED to retell the Murdered Diplomat Case because I would have been able to totally recontextualize Heiji and Shinichi's relationship, because I do think it would have been kind of different.
For one, I think Heiji's adoration of Shinichi would have had a more desperate quality to it. Between the two of them, Shinichi is definitely the more self-assured one of the two. With her laissez-faire parents who just does whatever they want, I'm sure they would have been fine with letting Shinichi pursue her detective dreams (though I'm sure Yukiko's even more sad about Shinichi not being a child actress </3 whatever though who cares about that), and so she's more confident that it's something she can be.
Heiji on the other hand comes from a more traditional family. I think her parents would highly disapprove of her detective pursuits, and as a result she becomes a more rebellious child-- but one who harbors a deep insecurity about whether she's doing the right thing or not, even if she knows she wants it.
When Shinichi vanishes off the radar, it's more than just a person that Heiji's developed an intense parasocial relationship with going off the grid, it's an entire nail in the coffin of the idea that being a female high school detective is something that's possible at all. That's why she's so desperate to find Shinichi-- she needs assurance that this hiatus that Shinichi is taking is not because society or the world put her into her place and made her quit doing this, but because of... something else. It has to be something else.
This I think would really bleed into how Heiji ends up treating Conan. In canon Heiji's super dismissive of Conan, initially only treating his as a nuisance on the crime scene before he figures out that he's Shinichi, despite the fact he no doubt was in those shoes a decade ago. But because of the continual pushback from her parents, the officers on the scene, and friends (cough boy kazuha), the struggle of being treated like she isn't supposed to be there on the crime scene is much fresher in her mind. She sees herself in Conan much more than he does in canon.
So I guess all I'm saying is that I think Heiji would have been nicer to Conan in my retelling LOLLL
As for what's going on in the comic I actually posted... well, you know, this wasn't my first choice precisely because I don't think it's necessarily gendered as much? Like, I can see this playing out if they were both still guys as well, maybe even more. After all, girls in general are more able to be physically affectionate with each other while suffering fewer consequences.
At the same time though I think Shinichi has an intense "not like other girls" thing going on. This whole thing is actually a subset of my genderbend universe where the whole teenage cast gets swapped and actually it was originally me just wanting girl Shinichi to comfort boy Ran (but badly because she's lowkey kinda autistic and not great at that...) as his parents got divorced LMAOOO. But anyways it would mean that Shinichi's closest friends are... Sonoko and Ran? Who are both guys...
So I think she would intentionally distance herself from that physical affection girls are able to have. She feels like if she indulges in that, then everyone else will take her less seriously and think "oh she's just a girl after all" and all the negative connotations of not being as capable or as smart as she actually is. In my head, she associates physical affection with being manhandled as a kid.
Another thing I kind of waffled on was... what should Heiji and Shinichi call each other? And maybe it's a bit of a weird choice for them to still refer to each other by last name but like. Hear me out.
I think to refer to each other by their last names is a token of respect, especially from Heiji to Shinichi. He keeps slipping up in canon and accidentally calling him Kudo, and while I do agree that part of it is him being careless and possibly inconsiderate to some degree, I also think... he really wants to call him Kudo? Like, this is someone he deeply respects. He wants to be professional equals to him more than he wants to be friends at the start, but never was able to actually GET that kind of relationship due to contrived circumstances of Shinichi getting shrunk. He can't call Conan "Edogawa", that's weird as fuck, so he has to wait until Conan's back to being Shinichi to even begin calling him "Kudo" for real. I think he'd really relish it, as a long-time-coming kind of thing, and I don't think it's any different as girls. In fact I'd argue it's even more intense because of that.
These two characters are both in such an intense hurry to grow up. Hell, Shinichi even dislikes it in canon when his mother calls him Shin-chan, and I think it's because he feels like this diminishes his self-perception as a "grown person". All the more since they're girls: I think this type of affectionate, diminutive name-calling would have been used against them to try to coax them away from crime scenes they wanted to be at. Like, "Oh, come on~ You're just a little girl, you shouldn't be here, Hei-chan~", something like that.
I think this is sort of an implicitly understood undercurrent that lies between them. If we have nobody else in the world who respects us we at least have each other. So when Heiji tries to push their relationship a bit, tries to become more than just friends, Shinichi sees this as a betrayal in some ways. Even if she rationally knows that Heiji isn't trying to belittle her, she can't help but conflate her recent experiences as a little girl again with how Heiji treats her now in the comic.
This whole thing could have been avoided if Heiji was more straightforward about her intentions btw but of course see above careless and possibly inconsiderate PLUS he's also kind of a tsundere character like everyone in detco when it comes to the person he likes so. inevitable... </3
Anyways thank you for reading all of this nonsense. Originally this comic was going to be longer and like, (this is a grossly incompetent summary,) they'd have a yuri makeout session in the Kudo Mansion Study. But we can't have good things in this world because there's not enough time so I only have this to show for :(((
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I hope everyone likes it 👍️
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princess-glassred · 20 days ago
Todays been awful so fuck it, IT fandom unpopular opinions! (And they're actually unpopular for once!).
-As much as I hate to say this, I think getting mad at people for not liking Mike Hanlon is shifting the blame from who's really at fault for this and that's Andi Muschietti. Yeah it sucks that Mike is always forgotten by this fandom but this fandom is dominated of fans of the movie and the movie and book are totally different. If some 13 year old has only seen the IT movies I don't blame them for not caring about Mike because he got dicked over by Andi's racial bias. And don't say "well they should watch the mini series or book to appreciate him then" as if being in a fandom is supposed to require homework. A lot of people only like IT 2017 and that's fine, and they're not less of a fan for that. It's okay to not like certain members of the losers, as long as your reasons are valid.
-I wish fanfiction would potray Sonia and Eddie's relationship (and honestly Sonia/Myra) with more depth. I am NOT saying Sonia isn't abusive, she absolutely is, but i have seen A LOT of ridiculous portrayals of Sonia and it bugs me. Even good fic writers often pigeon hole her relationship with Eddie to just being him secretly hating every thing about her with no complicated feelings at all. As someone who grew up in an abusive household, majority of abusive relationships aren't like that. That's why abusive relationships are so sinister in the first place, they're hard to get out of because you convince yourself you love your abuser. Most kids, especially heavily manipulated ones like Eddie, would struggle with feeling pure hatred for their mother. And that's interesting! I wanna see that portrayed in Eddie's character, especially since he struggles with his own identity and feelings about himself quite a lot already. If you cannot handle a portrayal of an abusive relationship being more than just two dimensional awfullness 24/7, i don't think you should be reading something as heavy as IT.
-Similarly, the way people talk about Sonia, Myra, and to a lesser extent Belch is really gross. IT actually condemns fatphobia in the narrative by having Henry attack ben, and i see people complain all the time about how ben lost wait as an adult but suddenly when it's Myra, Sonia and Belch you can fat shame to your hearts content. I have seen so many posts from people, either roleplay accounts or otherwise, calling these three fat bitches or hogs or even fanfics that deliberatly use Sonia's weight as short hand for her being terrible instesd of letting her actions speak for herself. Fat shaming isn't suddenly cool when it happens to someone you hate. Molly Ranson is a real person and that is her real body, there are probably people in this fandom who even LOOK like Sonia out there. This also applies to insulting the appearance of any other actor btw.
-I think Ben Hanscom in the it 2017 continuity is honestly kind of a creep. He kisses Bev while she's unconcious depsite not actually knowing if it'll pull her out of the deadlights (he didn't even have a reason to think it would work at all), he holds onto her yearbook signature in his wallet for 27 years even tho he literally forgot everything, spends most of IT chapter 2 coping and seething that Bev isn't attracted to him, and never says anything to defend her from Richie spreading slutty rumors about her. The only time he defends her from slut accusations is when its henry and shes there to see him do it. If Henry did any of this you guys would be all over him, but because it's Ben and they play sappy music over it it's suddenly cute and whimsical.
-I also think Richie gets away with a lot of shit that if it was done by any of the antagonists the fandom would rip 'em to shreds. People give me shit all the time for sympathizing with Henry Bowers becaude he's racist and mysoginistic but Richie says many mysoginistic and racist things across adaptations and nobody cares. Of course he spreads rumors about Bevs promiscuity, but in the book he does quite a few racist impressions and bits like when he says "You know the worst part about getting AIDS? Trying to explain to your mother that you got it from a Haitian girl.". Hell, at least Henry is 12, practically groomed into it, and so mushy brained from the pills he can't think straight, what's richies excuse? I don't even care that Richie is gay, does being in the closet justify anything? Did being attracted to Henry absolve Patrick of the fact he killed a baby? No? The same goes for Richie. Ofc you can still like him, but i don't like it when richie fans act like he's all pure and ignore his worse moments just to grand stand.
-It 2017 is actually just as ewwy towards minors as the book. Just because you removed a gang bang scene doesn't mean you aren't still weird with minors. Mr. Muschietti still thought it was appropriate to make a scene where young Bev is forced to flirt with a pedo pharmacist, another where she gets kissed unconscious, and one where her friends oggle her in a bra. Yeah it's cool you got rid of the sewer stuff but WHY ADD ALL OF THAT IN.
-The whole "omg what if the ritual was going to work but richie had to sacrifice eddie as his token instead and thats why it didnt work" is kinda dumb. it implies that the native americans who created the god damn artifact couldn't do the ritual right but these random white guys could all along. The movie straight up says the ritual has never worked and Mike saying he believed it would work because of their connection is treated like it's wrong. Maybe Eddie was Richies token but I don't think that's why they defeated IT and I also don't think it would have worked to begin with.
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nico-esoterica · 6 months ago
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Your thinking is an investment.
(Long Post): Even if shit doesn't hit the fan right away, you're planning for that story to eventually happen. If you hate your job, your living situation, your life path, whatever it is, the story you're telling about it to others and yourself is always manifesting. You can't turn it off. It's okay to not enjoy it, hate it, etc. But it's important to pivot your mindset and investing in seeing it changing. Whatever you tell yourself consistently will play out.
I'm going to discuss intrusive thoughts and OCD below and how I managed mine while manifesting:
Intrusive thought/OCD wise, it's not any or every thought that pops up in your brain. It's just what you validate. Even if you're afraid or paranoid about xyz, your emotional mind thinks it's real but the rest of you doesn't. Your mental responses you can't control aren't going to manifest. In therapy, you learn that you don't have to give these fleeting thoughts power, even if they're incessant. You still have control. It's also totally okay if you vent about your circumstances btw. That's not going to affect anything if you say it won't.
Everyone is always going through something. And during all this, especially with transitioning from taking full control after a lifetime of thinking you couldn't, it may feel like absolutely nothing is going on and shit can feel frustrating. However, what you don't know is that you're rewriting all of the people and situations you've changed your mind about. You may not see the full changes right away, but please take every single 'coincidence' as a sign of it working, because it is. People are going to start being nicer and more considerate, situations will be less frustrating, money will be more fluid, and your mental health will improve. It's also okay to be emotional, frustrated, and to just not be okay. If your story overall doesn't change, you're fine. Let those emotions flow!
There's going to be a lot of epiphanies and break throughs, especially if you start nurturing your self concept and apply that peace of mind it gives to everything. You're going to start noticing harmful thought patterns you've had, decisions you've made because of conditioning, and you'll see what you need to internally let go of. This is where therapy, therapeutic tools, and different spiritual practices and rituals come in to help this adjustment. There's no one size fits all for everyone so you should ideally find what speaks to you and not what you 'think' you should adopt. Your intuition, imo, will help you out here. This may be a period where you purge out old relationships, habits, and lifestyles which don't align with you anymore. They may even simply fall off on their own. None of this has to happen but is what I see in a lot of people due to my own journey. But nothing bad has to happen nor do you need to sacrifice anything. That's Hollywood-dramatic, lmao. You just may not resonate with a lot of shit anymore. And that's OKAY! It's great tbh. You're going to notice people's limitations they impose on you or themselves immediately too.
The second you say shit's new, then it is. When you continue to choose it or persist, you'll notice the wheels moving. After a week, month, months, or a year or more, your circumstances are going to dramatically change. They can literally happen over night if you like your shit to move fast too. After a while, you're going to understand the mechanics of how YOU personally manifest and what you like to do vs what you don't. There's no one size fits all. It doesn't matter if you've tried a thousand techniques. As long as you say everything you do is working and you are a stubborn motherfucker, your mind's going to get used to it and will stop fighting you on everything, especially if you're neurodivergent. Speaking from experience. When you tell your brain who's boss consistently, it takes you at your word and the trust you have in yourself to choose the best outcomes you develop from your self concept starts running in the background. It'll become easier to self-soothe, reassure yourself, and regulate your nervous system. When you say you're in control, your universe says 'okay, bet' and you'll find those resources easily or you'll start naturally doing them.
You're constantly investing in what works for you or works against you. You're either trusting in things working or working against your favor. That's why it's always good to think great things about yourself regardless of circumstances how things look or seem or how the past played out. All outcomes shift immediately with your awareness of what you think is possible. Your senses are limited and this is why it's crucial to let your imagination do the rest. Because shit always catches up. Your brain can't tell the difference between what you think you're experiencing vs what you actually are irl.
So if you continually tell yourself good things are happening or will, there has to be a confirmation bias for that. Your brain runs off your logic at all times. Therefore, you can rationalize that anything can work and it will. From a nitty gritty pov, you should always make sure to still be reasonable about shit, like to not blow your rent on some bs in one night. But after a while, you'll be able to do that and it won't be a problem. Don't stress your mental bandwidth out like that at first unless you have the inner resources to lock in on a good outcome. Dream big and do all things big, but do so safely without risking your mental health.
Whatever you invest in, positive or negative, will always pay off. Choose them wisely :)
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lowkeyrobin · 5 months ago
hi! how are u???
i was wondering if you could do mcyt x reader where they go to an amusement park? i don't realky know the specifics :P
it's totally fine if not!
also, could i please be 🦑 anon?
your writing is so good, btw :3
ooo okay I can try! ; and welcome 🦑! (I'm gonna consistently think this is an umbrella academy fan goodnight 💀) hope you enjoy your stay! ; and thank you, I appreciate it! <3
MCYT ; amusement park
includes ; tommyinnit, badlinu, maxggs, quackity & slimecicle
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; idk anything about amusement parks outside kennywood and disneyworld so probably using references and names here / may be mixed up cause I don't remember all the different places / pretend like it's in Europe for tommy, freddie & max and in america for Charlie & Quackity
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he's so fuckin scared of the rides with insane heights that go really fast
he will NOT be going on them unless it's to impress you (shout out university crush)
if there's any water rides he's forcing you on them 🗣🗣
he buys any snacks/food or little souvenirs you want lol
you both go home tired and lowkey sleep on the train and almost miss ur stop
soooo many pictures
you're probably vlogging too
"guys, Tommy's scared of the phantom"
"look at that fuckin thing! I'm not going on that, ill fly out!"
"true, you're a six foot twig"
"I swear to god, y/n..."
he's getting on most rides w you
he loves the swings lmao
you got a handful of pics but you're mostly living in the moment
dippin dots go crazy
you go on the little kids rides for shits and giggles and adults are looking at u like 🤨😒
yk on that Winnie the Pooh ride line there's the screens and it's like honey and u can draw on it temporarily? yall stood there for a solid 10 mins cause the long line drawing dicks and random stuff
ice cream!!!! it's so good
you make a tiktok
"wheres harry potter land??"
"....y/n were at disneyworld"
it's your mission to piss of Disney adults
literally up for anything
he got you both silly sunglasses and you wore them around all day
you literally go on Kalis River Rapids twice because why not
you SPRINT for Tianas Bayou Adventure (I wanna go so bad to see this omfg)
he makes you re-ride the barnstormer like 5 times (me core)
you immediately go for the fast paced / thrilling rides like space mountain and tower of terror (ik these are different just pretend I can't remember many rides...)
then at the end of the day you do the safari ride / avatar ride / ykwim
so many cute pics and videos 💔 literally spammed ur Instagrams when u got back
he does not wanna go on things like space mountain or thunder mountain bro
you make him get on them anyway unless he just genuinley doesn't want to, you'll go with a friend if there is another person with you / alone and he'll wait / vlog from a safe spot
you meet a lot of characters and get pics all day long & they were so nice 💔
he nearly vomits after the teacups...
you go on the pirates of the caribbean ride and he tries to speak like sparrow the whole time in line
you get some little leather bracelets with each other's names on them at the end in the little store (I had one but idk where it is anymore I'm so mad)
he keeps saying "I'm not hungry" ans when u stop for food he literallt devours his ice cream and hot dog bro
"I thought u weren't hungry???"
"... I was waiting for u to want food"
literally the funnest ever
he's getting on everything istg
yall chill in the swiss family tree house when u need a break from walking / grab a drink and go to the enchanted tiki room to escape the heat entirely
over food you speculate what they may add for the little villain land they're planning (holy shit so excited for this even tho I'm probably never gonna be able to go again)
haunted mansion went crazy 💀 trust the vlog is funny asf
"woahhh that ghost looks like me!"
"yeah if you were dead"
"wanna go to mickeys philharmagic after this?"
"that's across the park.."
"we can make it lol"
he's on it with the puns idek how
u want a souvenir of any kind? he's got u trust
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Dating Natalie Scatorccio Headcanons <3
She's literally my wife!! I eat these up btw.
I feel like she's like very protective but never possessive. Like she isn't clingy most of the time but if you're like "hey babe that guy's being weird" she's got her arm around you and doesn't let you out of her sight
She tries her damn best not to sexualize you because of the way she'd been treated in the past
But she does love a good low-cut top (who doesn't tbh)
She's totally into you like stealing her necklaces and earrings. She pretends to be pissed but secretly she thinks you look so cool
She also bought a sweatshirt that was wayyy too big for her specifically for you to steal. She acts like she didn't buy it for you but you know she did and you appreciate the sentiment
Natalie definitely steals your t-shirts and sweatshirts. Like you lend one to her to sleep in ONE TIME and soon enough you have to go out and essentially buy a new wardrobe
I wouldn't say she's shy about your relationship, but she isn't like screaming from the rooftops about it
Like the entire team didn't know you were together for months
Speaking of, she's a PDA hater. Like the most she'll do is lean on your shoulder in front of anyone she knows (she has a reputation!!)
Not to say she isn't WHIPPED though because you know she's down bad
Like all over you whenever you're alone. She's just a very private person.
Omg omg omg
Smoking with her
Totally imagining that you've never smoked before and she like teaches you how to roll one and you're like "she's so hot"
SHE LIKE CUPS YOUR FACE AS SHE LIGHTS IT and your brain short-circuits
"You good, pretty girl" and you're just silent and she's like "babe" "I'm fine." "You sure" "yup"
She's worried she broke you for a second
She also def does your makeup in her little emo bitch way but you kinda live for it
Sometimes you do hers too
Once you gave her like pink sparkly eyeshadow and she wore it to a party and everyone thought she was dying
She pulled it off though
Nicknames are a must. Like not only does she find a way to give you like 10 nicknames based on your real name, she also calls you shit like "pretty girl" and "princess"
Half the time though they're only used to make fun of you
Which she does all the time
Like she loves to tease you
Cannot be serious to save her life
But if you're sad she's like "what's wrong how do I help what do you want me to do"
And immediately you're like "🥰🤭" because how can you be upset when your girlfriend is right there being that sweet
Although sometimes when it's particularly shitty, you just like bury your head in her neck and she's like "😶😳" but she pretends to be so chill about it even though you literally feel her pulse speed up
Constantly complementing you. Like one time you said something like "idk I don't feel pretty :(" and then every time she sees you look in the mirror for too long or like trace your stretch marks she's like "you're so pretty baby" or "pretty girl" or "gorgeous"
Speaking of the stretch marks
She loves them. Like you wear a cropped shirt and she jus stares
For a while you were like "oh she hates them" until one day she just started absentmindedly tracing them and you realized she thought they were gorgeous
She also def kisses them any chance she gets. Like yall are just watching TV and she's lying on your stomach and she just gives one a little kiss
Using your thighs as a pillow >>>>>
Like she just lies on them and you play with her hair
Which she loves
Like you French braid it one time for a game and she now asks you to do it every day
And who are you to say no
MIXTAPES or if it's more modern she makes playlists
Like one for every major event with a mix of her fave songs and yours
I also think she's clumsy asf
Like constantly covered in random bruises and scrapes
And since she's pale as hell the bruises are so prominent
She can't drive. Like she's such a passenger princess
And if she could drive you wouldn't want her to
You help her paint her nails
Once you have her sparkles on the middle finger and she thought it was funny as hell
I think she's surprisingly a good cook
Like yall never go out for dates because she likes cooking for you and you like watching her
Like that's the only time she's not clumsy
She attempts to learn Italian but only remembers curse words and like pet names
And you don't really know which is which because she didn't tell you
She never yells when she's upset. She doesn't want to be her dad
Like any disagreement is a decently civil conversation
I mean there's a lot of cursing and angry tones but it's not a fight. It's a disagreement
She was very worried to meet your friends but they all love her
And she was also worried for you to meet her friends. Not because she thought you wouldn't like them or they wouldn't like you but because she was worried you'd be uncomfortable
But you like the whole team and they've never made you feel weird
Van constantly teases her about you though
I feel like Nat isn't much of a reader but she loves listening to you talk about books. And if you read to her? Oh it's over
She loves listening to you in general tbh. I think she's not a huge talker but you just yap on and on and she's just listening so intently
But when she does want to talk about something... you hang from her lips like nothing else matters
Her voice is like such a weakness to you and she knows it
When she needs reassurance she's horrible at saying so but she gets kind of quiet
After a while you just started pulling her in for hugs or kisses or whatever because she's such a physical touch girlie
And she melts every time
I also feel like she never initiates kisses but she loooves taking charge of them
Can you tell I'm insane for her yes or no
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darkbluekies · 10 months ago
Hello 🧐 saw that rude comment of an anon and... manners????💀 I really hope that was just a very poor worded comment and not meant like that!
Never get down with such comments! You're writing is legitimate perfect and perfection does take its time!
And MAY I ADD that you also didn't just left, but taking your time to interact with us daily and try to catch up asks and such!
youre are OBVIOUSLY very diligent and VERY patient ❤❤❤ PLUS the long ocean liner story??!!! HELLOOO???!
Yeah, I rest my case. One of the BEST and my most favourite hobby authors ngl! I am actually a very picky reader, rarely there are stories on the internet that keeps me interested and wanting for more 😍 And here are the crack stuff you asked for lol
Just a sneeze... Kry won't rest until darling literally does...
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I forgot Krys glasses in the last one 😪
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Darling stole the maid apron btw...
And this one was dedicated to one of your answers about a Hedwigs ask :3 where anon described how secretly scary Hedwig is bc you dont realise her intentions until its too late. And your answer's ending where you described darling being genuine and not having the urge to impress her like others made me think that a frugal!darling would be the most funniest partner for Hedwig lol. Someone who just doesnt want to spend money excessively despite its there... yeah have fun Hedwig! Mwah! :D
so yeah, that slap was personal too lmao, I dont trust a robot vaccum cleaner to be reliable XDD i am sorta a clean addict ^^
I have another one but that is wayyyyy too long and messy to finish it, in general these sketches are a hot mess (i apologize, I normally never post such unfinished wips but I hope you still had fun. Imma show you the other sketch per chat though :p)
Haha omg no these are fantastic what the hell? I laughed out loud in public and now people probably wonder what tf I'm doing😅 I love these so much. I'm not going to lie however, I thought it was Silas in the second comic before I read the explanation. Which means that I was totally fine with him wearing a maid apron. I do not know how to feel about that ...
Fun story, we own a robot vacuum that is ass, and one day it just ... disappeared? Literally grew legs and walked away. I looked for 30 minutes after that damn thing. IT HAD HIDDEN ITSELF UNDER MY MOTHERS FUCKING WARDROBE ... ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE APARTMENT?
I see that you've sent a private message so I'm going to take a peak right after this!!
I'm sure the anon used the wrong wording! But they're getting a story later on today so I hope that will satisfy them :) but thank you so much for your nice words, they warmed my heart🥹🫶🏻🩷
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raynecloud06 · 4 months ago
Hi. Idk how to start this, so let's just get right to the chase.
I had the silly little idea to make an alt blog here on Tumblr, that is solely dedicated to my silly little project SEKAI AU ideas for based on many different cards. Not full fledged storylines or anything of the sort, just some basic ideas.
I have a few reasons for this; A) I enjoy making au ideas, but I cannot for the life of me actually do anything substantial with them, B) I've shared, like, two au ideas here on my main blog before and a few people seemed to like those, and C) I want to take requests on this blog, which would give me the chance to branch out to au ideas and aus involving ships (mostly romantic, but also platonic) that I wouldn't have otherwise.
(Also, these ideas will all be free to use so long as you credit and/or tag me. And while I do have some personal "don't"regarding requests, I believe they're pretty small and outside of them, you can go hog wild.)
Still gotta actually get all the rules and stuff a bit more finalized before I can actually make the blog and junk, but I decided to do a poll first to see if people would even be interested in something like that. So...
(It's totally fine if the answer is no btw. If I get more no's than yes's, then I'll just keep posting any au ideas i really love on here occasionally. This is just to see if people would be interested in at least following a blog like that.)
(Also, I don't think I shared a lot of details regarding this, so if you have any questions you want to ask at any point, please do, and I'll answer them to the best of my ability!)
Have a wonderhoy day :D
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quintenrosenburgwrites · 1 year ago
Tumblr media
mirren sketches >:)
lyrics are from Mixed Messages and Red Flags btw
OH ALSO i wrote some dialogue stuff, see under the read more! warning for some humor that's way more nsfw than i'd usually post (i mean. come on. it's dialtown. they're awkward as hell. they're obviously gonna say something questionable /lh) also some more serious stuff (self hate issues, depression, anxiety)
Nice/Fun stuff:
- They say pretty much everything that comes to mind, and once they get a train of thought it doesn't take long for it to derail and crash through a small community, leaving a trail of destruction behind it. TLDR they're really rambly.
"Birthdays are kinda weird. Like obviously there's the whole counting down to your death thing, but also, like. You're basically celebrating the anniversary of you getting evicted from your mom's, uh. You know. Okay that sounded REALLY, extremely, UNCOMFORTABLY Freudian. Can we PLEASE pretend I never said that? Thanks. Oh, right, the murder case."
- They have a tendency to just accept things and move on without commenting further.
"Oh. You lay eggs. Anyways, can you help me break into the ticket booth? I need to check the entry records."
- They're a fucking dork /pos (They're really sweet, but in a convoluted way)
"I, uh, please don't think this is weird, but I made characters for both of us! This one's named May, and they're kinda a failure. They failed their parents, they failed their old best friend, they failed their job. They used to think they had no redeeming qualities. Then, one day, they meet the other character, Ginger. Ginger seems terrifying initially, and even if it isn't obvious at first, they're not actually human. Ginger and May go on a journey in which May tries to learn magic in order to protect people and redeem themself for their past actions, even though they despise the idea of learning magic, but, eventually... Ginger helps them see their own value, helps May see that they're a person too. They are allowed to be selfish sometimes, they're just as worthy of happiness as anyone else. And, uh, maybe... Maybe that saved their life a bit. And maybe, May is allowed to do things for themself sometimes. Ginger means a whole lot to May, even if they have trouble expressing it, and... uh, I guess that's everything. Um. What do you think?"
Serious, bad stuff:
- They see very little value in themself, and tend to expect others to insult or make fun of them. To combat this, they typically are quick to insult themself, in an attempt to get there before anybody else can. It hurts less if they're the one saying it.
"And before you say it! I know it's super annoying when people are constantly insulting themselves, cause like it comes off as compliment seeking, right? I promise that's not what I'm trying to do, I'm just kinda trying to warn you I guess? But, uh, that's still no excuse, and I can totally just shut up if you want! Or, wait, I shouldn't have assumed it's annoying you, I could just be restating what you're thinking? I mean, the things I'm saying about myself aren't exactly incorrect- Just, let me know if I'm being annoying. I'd rather shut up than annoy you, haha. ha. Wow, that sounded fake."
- They tend to blame everything on themself, and act very self destructively.
"Oh god, this is all my fucking fault, I'm so sorry. It's okay if you hate me- or, no, you SHOULD hate me! Fuck, I'm- Why did you even talk to me in the first place?! Do you realize- If you just- You would've been better off if you just walked past me and ignored me! I need to- This is for your wellbeing, being around me is only gonna make things worse for you. I'll be fine, just- Don't follow me. I mean, I don't know why you would in the first place."
- They put everyone else before themself.
"I need to make it up to them, even if I ruin my life in the process. It's not like my life was looking particularly bright in the first place, which is entirely my own fault, so, y'know. Yeah."
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fuck-customers · 1 year ago
tws for self harm (alluding to it) ///
puts two weeks in at phone job. blocks all managers, leaves all cord (which. why the fuck are we using that. we were just fine using gm but someone just had to tell them about it and they wanted to be """hip""" and """cool""" with the times. hello fellow kids!) gcs, blocks all numbers.
goes into malwart to shop.
"why would you leave without telling us anything?"
i don't know, maybe me literally having thoughts to actually harm myself and play in traffic like fucking frogger were the clue. who knew!
"you could have called out!"
ive been literally trying to call out for three weeks straight with a guilt trip of "your coworker is too pregnant for me to work her anymore" (which. totally isnt my fault btw, she's had 4 months for me + nine for the coworker to hire a second person after she went on maternity. she sat on her ass for that long and then immediately hires someone literally the next day after i put my two weeks in), "i have to go home when its dark!" (its kentucky, sun doesnt set until around 9 pm in the summer and it's not my fault you live in illinois), and "i have fees taken out of my pay when you dont show up" (yet another guilt trip, which its literally less than $20 from what i knew of it), and with that you'd think you'd have a brain to connect the dots on that when your worker starts calling out to dodge shifts. things come up. things out of our control HAPPEN. and you're more worried about sales and making money instead of treating your workers like they're human??
there's also the fact that. she refused to cover shifts. the manager did. for my store specifically. and then she'd show up at 3/4 pm (almost) every day at the end of the week just to hang around and do nothing but be on her computer and micromanage me?? like okay man. ALRIGHT. that and they'd complain i wasn't making sales when it's literally the slowest store IN THE DISTRICT and they all have the audacity to say that it's a busy store?? literally over the four month course of me being there i've sold like 10 phones. TEN. and i get no help when asked despite being a new employee, and then threatened with my hours being taken away because im not making sales.
sufficed to say i'm pissed as hell.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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astroismypassion · 1 year ago
Hey, I need to know your opinion here. It's totally fine if you don't wanna but just read maybe you'll enjoy 🤣
My moon and venus is in his 8h and my sun in his 7h; his sun is in my 8h, his moon is in my 9h and his venus in my 7h.
Sometimes I feel very overwhelmed— like why are you so obsessed with me?🤡 like what does he even sees in me??
He constantly tells me that he would leave his family if they tried to stop us being together (I'm assamese and he's a nepali— different tribes also his family knows about us but mine doesn't cuz they are strict asf)
I will not lie, at first I totally ignored him (for 2 year💀 kinda on and off contact- we were classmates) but there was something about him that kept pulling me towards him like crazy istg
He can't express very well nor can I wait he's actually better at expressing his feelings compared to me.
He's lost his v card and I have not. For me, my v card needs to go to someone who is gonna be my permanent not 'maybe/temporary'— he thinks otherwise. So different values and morals.
He constantly spends money and have to keep reminding him to be more strict with his finances (this one irks me so bad)
He gets jealous so fcking easily— like I do too but I try to rationalize my feelings and tell myself that "no they're are just friends, he can have friends okayyy!!" I try to control my possesiveness but no he doesn't.
This is actually my first serious relationship. I'm scared that I will lose my v card to him�� no bad if we are the end game but if not then i don't wanna give other than my future hubby TT
I'm scared to commit with him bcs in his past he played around with different girls (NO I'M NOT A 'I CAN FIX HIM' ENERGY 😭) but he claims that I'm the first girl he wants to be with and commit too (his sister told me that he never cried for any girl in his past except for one but that was long ago and now he cries for me bcs I don't trust him) yesterday he told me that "you are making me crazy— are you having fun by having a guy run behind you like a dog??" I was speechless. He was drunk btw he called an hour ago apologizing (he doesn't remember anything he apologized cus his roommates kept scaring him that he told me shit) we haven't talked after that tho
Like always it's an on and off connection.
Okay there's so many things I wanna spill but I'll stop here. Thank you for reading, I hope you had fun my reading my tea lol 😹 anyways
Hm, lots of complex questions these days in my mailbox. No, but it's alright. I understand the 8th house synastry desire to vent haha. Honestly, so much is to be said, when you are in an 8th house connection.
Definitely don't rush losing v card with the said person. You sound indecisive, which often leads to a "no". Remember that when you are unclear, confused or unsure about something, it's because it's probably a "no". I think that 8th house connections (especially with Sun in the 8th or Mercury in the 8th overlay) are not really worth losing your v card, if you are not beforehand in a committed, mutual partnership with this person. Otherwise, it's just regret and kind of feeling present you would wish to wait it out for someone that you truly have a mutual respect of boundaries in the connection with. If this has not been discussed and establish beforehand, I advise to not engage in any type of sexual activity. Sex might overly complicate already complex situation and when it's sex and feelings involved, the confusion is even stronger after. Don't think that by having sex this will give you more clarity. Try to simplify things for yourself and not overly complicate them, mutual respect is very important.
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whumpinggrounds · 2 years ago
hii! I wanna write an albino character (boy, if that's important) but I don't wanna be offensive/ignorant about it and I figured you'd be the best person to come to! How do I go about describing his skin, hair, eyes (ect) accurately? Also he's a little insecure about it btw
And, of course the actual medical aspect of it all
(please feel free to ignore, I know it's a lot! 🫶🏽🫶🏽)
Hi! Was off Tumblr for a bit but happy to answer this now if it's still relevant!
Obligatory disclaimer: I have worked with individuals with albinism before, so my advice is rooted in real people's real experience! That being said, I do not have albinism myself, nor is anyone's experience monolithic, so feel free to ignore, disagree, or seek alternate sources of info!
First things first, the word "albino." Some people consider it empowering, others actually find it incredibly offensive. I know you used it in your ask but please don't feel bad, because there isn't a consensus, and also, you didn't know! That being said, your character will maybe have strong feelings about the word, possibly rooted in life experience relating to discrimination or stereotyping - that is the case for a lot of people with albinism. When in doubt, "people with albinism" is a very safe way to phrase it, but if you want to use albino respectfully, you should also feel free to do that. I would personally advise you to steer clear of referring to this character as "an albino" or having others do so. Similar to a queer person describing themselves as "a queer" (vs. "a queer man/woman/person") for comedic effect or because of personal pride, "an albino" (vs "an albino man/woman/person") does not land the same way when someone who is not part of that identity says it.
As for physical descriptors - honestly, the hair and skin of a person with albinism is not that different from a person without the condition. In general, I would follow the same guidelines as when writing anyone's skin color, where people have been discouraged from over-relying on food metaphors or spending an unnecessary amount of time on the specifics of someone's skin, particularly when that person is nonwhite. (In this case, your character presents with pale skin, but that may not accord with their nationality or ethnicity.) Albinism does not always mean pure white skin/hair; sometimes it's pale yellow or paler than it would've otherwise been.
Eyes: Human beings with albinism do not have red or pink eyes. You probably already know this, but I still needed to say it. Please. Please do not write a character with albinism that has red eyes. Because of different structures, eyes may appear reddish in some lights, but people do not have straight up red eyes. Ever. Most common is blue, sometimes eyes are hazel.
Quick medical aside -
Your character with albinism will have light sensitive eyes and photosensitive skin. This is kinda nonnegotiable, and will affect the way they move through the world. Many people with albinism have other eye problems - low to no vision is common. I highly encourage exploring the possibility of writing a low to no vision character, because that is the lived experience of so many people with albinism! If it doesn't work for your story, or you just don't want to, that's totally okay! Give 'em some cool sunglasses and know that if they're outside all day, even with those sunglasses, they're going to have a helluva headache.
Last thing I'll say is about skin and sun, and outdoors more generally: unless the sky is black from a storm or nighttime, your character is likely not going out without all their skin covered, and sunscreen everywhere that's exposed. A character with albinism is not going to be wearing a crop top and cutoffs on a fine summer day. This sounds buzzkill-y, but truly, a responsible person with albinism is going out wearing long pants, a long-sleeve shirt, a hat, and sunglasses almost always. This does not mean responsible in a Mom Friend overachiever way - this means responsible in that they care if they get a potentially deadly illness way, because the rates of skin cancer for people with albinism are astronomical. Someone I know had an alarm on her phone and reapplied sunscreen every four hours in summer - and that was with her pants, shirt, hat, and sunglasses. She loved swimming, but had to be careful with it, because the sun reflecting off the water was way harder on her skin and eyes than a bright summer day on its own - and that was plenty hard already. I imagine snow would have the same effect.
Okay! That is my unnecessarily long and ridiculously late response - hope it is useful! If it's not, please ignore it! Best of luck, and happy writing :)
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writebackatya · 1 year ago
ITS ME IM FIRST are there any moments from your writing inspired by something that happened to you personally??
This is why you're one of the best people in the fandom, thanks!
And yeah, there are some actually
Let's start with Indi-Quack!
So in Under the Influence of Gandra Dee!, Fenton has to sober up for his m'ma after unknowingly vaping a bunch of weed. Something similar happened to me. No, I did not need get high on accident but I did have to sober up fast one time for a parent that was coming home
It was back when I still lived at my dad's house, I had just gotten out of a long day of working retail pharmacy and supposedly had the house for the evening. So yeah I wanted to get high that night. After getting out of work I went out and bought some stuffed nachos for my dinner/high snack and then went back home to get high. In the process of doing so, I get a warning text from my brother who was letting me know that he and dad were coming home. I wouldn't say I was super high, but it was enough to be a concerned and the worry just increased so I was pretty high. Quickly googled different ways to sober up from a high as I Febreezed the room and went with a cold shower. I think it somewhat did the trick, I felt more alert but also pretty awful but that's because I'm not one who takes cold showers that often
I basically felt the way I wrote how Fenton felt after he took that cold shower to sober up, less high than before but in-between this state of high and sober, not fun. Luckily my dad was none the wiser, but my stuffed nachos got cold. :(
I think I did write in the notes of Stuck in the Middle with DEW! about an experience I had with an edible, might as well give out so more deets on that. So that someone I mentioned, was actually a sibling of mine; it was back in college when we were all home for the holidays (ha-ha) she was staying the week with her husband (great guy btw) and yeah they're both stoners too. Anyway, a surprise Christmas present from her was a weed brownie. And it was good, like no joke, my siblings are amazing chefs. But she told me not to eat the whole thing in one go because she put a lot in there. So I ate half of it. Big mistake
Okay. So my bedroom was basically in the basement floor and usally the area I got high in back then, and I kid you not that one moment I was in my bedroom on my bed and the next I was in the living room (which was one floor up) lying on the floor in the middle of a conversation with that sibling who was checking up on me. That was a great high, I'm pretty sure I saw every title card for every Arthur episode I've ever watched in my mind that night
Last Indi-Quack! related one comes from What'd I Miss?!, after I wrote the scene where Gandra tells Della about one time she was high at F.O.W.L. and she could not for the life of her understand what Bradford was saying to her and winged her response and got away it was similar to two other experiences I had
So during the summertime me and another sibling thought we'd have the house for the afternoon to ourselves and you will not believe what happens next. We got high and were going to go chill in the pool. Well we got high in the kitchen and then we heard something that sounded like a car door being opened, I investigate, I see that my dad, step-mom, and half-sister arrive home, I tell my sibling, they don't believe me because this would totally be something I would lie about to just fuck with them, i assure them that it is not and quickly start spraying the room and opening all the windows, they put away the bong, we retreat to the backyard, and just wait
So long story short, they came to the backyard and talked to us and we kept a straight face. But at one point my step-mom goes to something in the backyard and asks me a question about it that I still don't know was. And after having her repeat the question twice I just responded with "Yeah, it seems to be working fine" and got away with it
And while no, I did not get high at work but one year when I was working 2nd shift on Christmas I did smoke like hours before I had to go into work, just a little, honestly just a bowl. And by the time it was for me to go to work, I honestly felt fine. It wasn't till I got to my job and started working that I was giggling, so I was teensy bit high, but I am GREAT at my job so I just played some jazzy Christmas tunes and went to work. Luckily I was by myself for those first few hours of work tho
Now let's talk about stuff more wholesome, two of the Home for the Holidays! stories hit close to home for me, When Siblings Reunite! and It's All Downhill from Here!
The former is basically how it feels to be reunited with my siblings over the holidays but with the Ducks so it's way more cooler and the sledding one is based on sledding with my cousins on Christmas which is literally my favorite thing to do with them when we did do it
The last one I'll share comes from Let's All Go to the Movies! where Dewey is bothering Gandra at the Fight Fighters cabinet (you're welcome, Gravity Falls fans!)
Now look, Dewey is my favorite triplet because I was 100% most like him when I was that age but waaaaaaaaayyy less cool. And looking back now, I probably annoyed waaaaay more people than I thought I did when ever I wouldn't stop bothering people because I was interested in them or just wanted to talk to them about whatever was going through my mind at the time. And yeah, sometimes those people would snap. Not totally lose their cool, but just snap at me in a way made the message clear to me that I was being a nuisance to them at the moment
And look, nowadays I can be quite the snarky person when I'm in a bad mood so I also relate to Gandra here. Just being somewhere you don't really want to be, being with someone who is at a social level where you're not at now while prying into your personal life that you don't really wanna discuss right now.
But here on tumblr with mutuals, never an issue
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catherinekal · 2 years ago
Today was a hectic hell of a day. So I needed to get new glasses and already had my prescription from a week ago. to fucking expensive to get from the optometrist until I found out hey! My insurance covers most of the cost. I drive back there today on my day off and there's a sign saying they're all out to lunch. Just everyone. So I go home, relax, then drive there again. I walk and already the 2 old ladies are confused and just wondering why I was there without a appointment. I don't need one? I was here last week and now I'm here to buy new glasses and use my insurance. Apparently they didn't like that. Turns out you need an appointment just to buy glasses? The optometrist is 1 part eye doctor and 1 part glasses store, so why the fuck do you need an appointment for the store part? Whatever, doesn't matter because they tell me my insurance actually won't cover shit. It helped cover the exam itself, but not the glasses for whatever dumb reason. So I get real upset and feel myself breaking down so I flipped them off and walked out. Maybe a bit to much but I was very annoyed and frustrated. After I finish my breakdown and crying in my car I go home. I go online and check lenscrafters but my insurance wasn't listed on their website. So I go to my insurance website and after decoding its shitty UI I find a list of optometrist who should in theory take my insurance. I call the first one and they're like no. Sorry we don't take your insurance and I told them my insurance website said differently, but I guess that's just a big fucking lie. So I go ok, lets call my insurance and just have them send me a list. I call the little number on the back and dear fucking god. Stupid automated bullshit I hate. After who knows how long dealing with that I finally get a list texted to me. Never once actually reaching a real person to talk to btw. I get the list and go the website of the first one and closets to me. They're open, I call to make sure they take it and no answer. I call again, no answer. A third time, no answer. Welp. Place is open and they have got no one manning the phones it seems and hell they don't even have a frustrating automated response. At this point I'm just pissed frustrated and tired so I just say fuck it lets go to lenscrafters in the mall and just pay whatever the hell for new glasses I need. I get to the mall and as I'm walking to the entrance I realize, shit I don't have my prescription. I go back to my car to get it and yep, it's not in my fucking car. At this point I just go you know what, no. I'm getting new glasses today dammit. I drove home, get my prescription, and drive back. I get there and shouts out to Michael the salesman! Seriously he greets me right as I walk in and I just say hey, do you have glasses like my old ones, but full frame? He goes right to the back and bring out like 6 different ones and tells me to take my time looking and try things on. I do that. I look around. I'm confused why glasses of all things are gendered (seriously what the hell is the difference between women and men glasses, why gender glasses of all things?) I find the few I like. We sit down try them on and he shows me the total price of them and wouldn't you fucking know it! They do take my insurance! Despite their website not listing it they fucking take it and thank fucking god they did because glasses are expensive even with it. Make glasses cheaper you assholes! People need these to fucking see! They should not cost even half as much as they do like most necessary medical expenses! Anyways he tells me to come back in a hour, I do, I wander the mall. I head into Hot Topic where I just look around and the person working there was super pretty, I say nothing of course as I'm a shy little bitch. I go eat and just wander the mall like some vagabond. A hour passes, I get them, they fit fine and just goddamn I should have come here at the start and saved me a fucking day. So yeah I got new glasses. Will post them soon :3
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kkatastrophic · 9 months ago
What about Souda x Chihiro?
Personally, I find this a really cute ship, good idea :)
I just find some characters REALLY hard to ship for no particular reason (E.g: Chihiro, Mikan, Hiyoko) but I would probably if Chihiro's gender was looked upon more. (<- That's just one reason why I find it hard to ship them with people btw.)
I think they would be a cute pairing, but I'd rather ship characters in the same game/that have canonical interactions, but I'll google fanart, and check out the Danganronpa S interactions they might have together for a more canon reference. :)
(Using they/them pronouns for Chihiro btw.)
Head canons for anybody who wants them:
. Kazuichi and Chihiro sometimes fix machines together, when Chihiro breaks their laptop they visit Souda at his bike/mechanic-parts shop and get him to fix it.
. They both don't like loud places too much so they don't have at restaraunts often. Some things included are:
Lego Building Dates,
They play Mario-Kart together,
They teach eachother about their ultimates,
. They are both in the same Friend-Group with Mondo, Kiyotaka, Leon, Kaito, and Ibuki.
. Kazuichi totally accepts that Chihiro doesn't have their gender worked out yet (they're genderfluid.)
. Fujisaki is an absolute BEAST at those Papas games on Coolmaths games, they've completed all of them 3 times (getting all the flavours and toppings) and when Kazuichi tried to impress them by playing, he got distracted while trying to flip a burger and burnt it.
. Chihiro talks to Gundham alot, especially about his hampsters which Souda is fine with.
Yeah I haven't done head canons in a LONG WHILE- so if you have any other ideas (platonic, romantic, interactions, jobs - whatever you want -) PLEASE SEND THEMMM!
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wlwtfock · 1 year ago
XDDDD maybe they did watch wynonna earp, only difference is waves and nicole were both adults and the actors too, so way less uncomfortable to watch once again, i hope we get an interview where they're like "yeah it was our idea to do that" or that they were totally comfortable doing it... but honestly even then, it was still too much in my opinion... and yeah, not only could that conversation have happened like a week ago, but also, this conversation could have been longer. i saw someone comment that Bobbie was finally opening up and they wished the conversation would've been longer. also, someone else said that the vibe was really off, like they wish this would've ended in a warm hug and cuddling, i agree with that too. but that's more of a personal preference, i never liked teary kisses and sex, how do you feel about these things? overall the writing is just so all over the place... i also think it was really good to show anais take the initiative this time because in all the other intimate scenes, it was bobbie who made the first move, so it's good to finally see a back and forth and not just bobbie being the one who seems to want sex all the time and anais just goes along with it (which is what it felt like to me at some points in the season, tho obviously anais was able to refuse in that one clip where she said she was uncomfortable and bobbie immediatly backed off, which i thought was a very good clip btw, dunno how you felt about that one) this is a very long ask, i'm sorry about that, it's just that you have interesting things to say so, :)
I agree to everything you said apart from me having interesting things to say 🤣🤣
No, in seriousness I mentioned before that what excites me more is emotional connection on screen and you know a story that moves me. Especially when it comes to sapphics. We deserve fully rounded and complex stories and not just coming out experiences.
But I'm getting off track, so back to these two. I get the portrayal cus if I think back what I was getting up to at their age, I would say skam is doing well in the portrayal of teenagers discovering themselves. And personally I get annoyed watching a show of highschool kids and the actors are clearly much older and look and dress like adults rather than kids.. so there's that.
And every country has its own regulations on actors ages etc, and each actor will also have their comfort zones etc and the target audience is going to be young adults, right? And I do also think that it's important to also show a same sex relationship for young adults without leaving out intimate parts of the story as we often see. I never had representation like this growing up until the l word came out and it was like 0.0 and again, adults- yes but what I would have given to see myself on screen as a teenager, you know?
These clips aren't for us, fine. But we're still invested in the story because it's so good to see representation and sapphic content. And I know both actors would be fully on board with how they are portraying this story, so it's all good from my point of view.
We deserved more clips of them working it all out and they could have even dragged out the reconciliation, we love angst am I right?
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