#it's the way he doesn't judge jey
samijey 1 year
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Sami "Voice of Reason" Zayn
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canceramorem 2 years
I'm going to skip ahead a little bit, because this next part is just too good to not tell the good people about. "The People", -my good friend Donny will laugh when he reads this. "The People" , means " The People" of the State of New York vs. Jey Pizzle , or in Donny's case, "the People vs Donald D***** III. Yes , as in an official indictment , arrest, attorneys,criminal justice, my least favorite thing Ever -JUDGES! the system, jail, trials , intent and four lawyers,Getting in trouble, got in trouble,and stayed out of trouble. (Donny gets out 2023 )
Now I am not trying to say that it's cool to get in trouble, FUCK NO!, I pray my daughter never gets in trouble. kids and adults- stay out of trouble, or as my favorite Aunt Nora ( she had the same name as my mom) would say - "Keep your nose clean". In other words, avoid police at all costs. Stay below the radar, don't go around and break laws, but if you accidentally do, then be good enough to NOT GET CAUGHT. And I don't know how many times I have to reiterate this-DO NOT SNITCH, DON'T SOCIALIZE WITH , HELP, OR EVEN SPEAK TO anyone that is a snitch! Breaking the law is one thing, but breaking the Law AND Snitching! No fucking way jack! if you get caught, just tell the truth , almost, or whatever you have to do. (DON'T do what, " Do-what-you-do, Duane-The KooK did, lying and snitching- the worst kind) . the main thing is, just be cool, even if you are traveling with kits or drugs and acting afool in different states. Like I said , don't go out being a criminal. But if you do get in trouble, keep your head up, and who knows, maybe you will be lucky enough to get locked up in a good jail. I've made some bad decisions in my life and I'm not proud of it, but I have 43 or 44 ar arrests on my record, criminal history, wrap sheet, or whatever you want to call it, Thats just arrests , NOT convictions. You see, that's how they get people, they twist the truth so it suits their needs. 44 arrests, but maybe only a dozen convictions, and they were all misdemeanors . I was never- EVER charged , arrested , or convicted of any sex offender type shit. Never! I was however, FALSELY ACCUSED, of a few things, including RAPE. I am not and never could be into rape. if a chick doesn't want to be with me, I'm not gonna go out and rape her. instead, I would just go out and pay or trade some shit for a sexual favor from a trick. A lot of being lonely isn't about sex alone, it's more like just being intimately close with a female.
It's kinda like how i met this " love of my life Marie". She knows exactly what I am talking about. I was raised decent, and it's just wrong morally and it's sick. I want somebody that wants me. get the fuck out of here if you thought for a split second, that Jey Pizzle is a fucking RAPE-O!!! ( That's what they call a rapist in New York).
So where were we now, oh yes , I got to the mobile home that Marie had worked so hard, and had come so far to get. With help from DSS of course. You know , the same people that help with food stamps and social stuff. like childcare, and medicaid. Back when I was a kid, they called it welfare. and at school , if you wanted to hurt someone'sfeelings, you would say " Your Mama's on welfare' , yeah, seriously, that would really hurt the kids back then, especially if your mom was on 'welfare' . Shit , in New York State, you have to be on welfare just to survive. It's so fucking expensive there, But anyhow, yeah , I was there. Freezing outside., it was just me and my love. oh , and a decent amount of shit for the two of us. So I did what any new resident to New York does, I applied for food stamps. Since her trailer was so far out in the country, I mailed the application in, and I still had my food stamp card from when I had been to Syracuse the two times before. New york gives you a really cool EBT card, it's got your picture on it and everything, so , I applied for food stamps and the next few days is where this love story turns into something more like a nightmare. But, my good folks, God Is real,and he does miracles everyday in our lives. God is great! Always remember keep your head up " -Excelsior"- Latin for"Ever upward", the New York State Motto.
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imabillyami 1 year
What do you think of Jimmy getting hurt being the reason Jey challenged Roman?
Hi anon <3 Thanks for asking. I'll try to collect my thoughts on this the best I can! Fair warning this is probably gonna be rather long (after writing this, I can confirm that it is haha, sorry if I go off-topic a little at times).
Short answer: It fits in perfectly with Jey鈥檚 character.
Long answer under the cut:
First thing's first, for Jey this whole thing has always been about family. He鈥檚 loyal to a fault when it comes to his family and that still included Roman and Solo as well - up until the events that took place at Smackdown. Jey鈥檚 love has no boundaries - except when you come after Jimmy.
Nothing will ever be more important to Jey Uso than his twin.聽It's always been like that, even before the whole Bloodline thing started. He always went after everyone who tried to come for Jimmy.
I feel like this is mentioned a lot, but look at HIAC. He would鈥檝e never said I quit (and Roman knew it), if it weren鈥檛 for Jimmy being in immediate danger.聽Jey wastes no thought on his own well-being and health as long as he can keep his twin brother (and others he loves) safe.
On Friday though, there was no way to save his twin. His biggest fear has always been Jimmy getting hurt / being on the receiving end of The Tribal Chief鈥榮 wrath.
(Separating The Tribal Chief from Roman here, I'll get into that in a second. Jey loves and will always love Roman. But he hates the Tribal Chief and he's been trying his best to protect the people he loves from him and that includes Roman.)
I feel like they鈥檙e currently building a great angle.
The Tribal Chief made the grave mistake of making Jey鈥檚 worst nightmare/ biggest fear come true, the one thing Jey was desperately trying to protect Jimmy from. Now that it happened, Jey has nothing to fear anymore.
(Just think back to how he stepped in front of Jimmy and apologized to the Tribal Chief a couple of weeks back. He took the heat, so Jimmy would be safe. He's always done that. He only turned when there was no way to protect Jimmy from within The Bloodline anymore.)
Now that the one person Jey did all this for, the one person he would give his own life for, is out of the picture, hurt but in safe distance from The Tribal Chief, Jey has nothing to fear and nothing to lose. And that makes him impossibly more dangerous. We saw the first glimpses on Friday when he went after Solo and Roman all by himself. The way that he flung himself over that barricade and at Solo, the way that he dodged Roman and went to town on him and Solo with that chair, the judge, jury & executioner thing? I feel that's only the beginning.
Jey with no fear and nothing to lose, avenging his twin and the injustice done to his entire family? Oh boy... That's some good cinema right there.
Jimmy and Jey are already out of the family at this point, losing to the Chief wouldn鈥檛 change things on that front.
Roman made it perfectly clear that Jey is never gonna be Tribal Chief (not that he ever wanted to be, the only thing he wants is for all of them to be equals, provide for and make their family proud, Jey鈥檚 journey was never about being the head of the family, it was always about getting love and respect from his own family).
I feel like Roman intended to break Jey again, but it didn't go the way he'd planned (guess his wise man failed him, huh?). Cause instead of breaking Jey's spirit and getting him back to being a servant, he made Jey unhinged and brought out all the pent-up rage. Guess that backfired on him.
In regards to Roman:
I鈥檓 pretty much convinced that up until Friday Jey had every intention of saving Roman, seeing him and the Tribal Chief as two separate people (we saw it in the way he tried to comfort a kneeling Roman and if that doesn't proof that Jey Uso has the purest heart of anyone in this world idk what does). He was ready to put all the blame for The Tribal Chief's actions on Paul.
But after what Roman did to Jimmy, after what he had Solo do to his own brother, Jey had to realize that the Roman he knew and loved is no more, that these two people, his beloved cousin and this cruel abuser have blended into one and that he can't put that all on Paul Heyman.
So with Jimmy out, Solo ruthless and Roman beyond any point of saving, he really only has one thing in mind: Destroy the person who harmed his twin. This is all about revenge now. This is all about putting down The Tribal Chief/ his cousin/ his abuser for good.
And like I said, Jey has nothing left to lose. And I feel like that was a huge miscalculation on Roman鈥檚 part. He thought that by hurting Jimmy and taking him out of the picture, he could make Jey fall in line like he did before (it worked in 2020, so why not do it again?).
But Jey has grown so much as a character over the past 3 years, he saw others believe in him in ways his own family didn't (namely Sami and the audience), he鈥檚 finally opened his eyes to Roman鈥檚 abusive and manipulative ways and he鈥檚 come to realize that he鈥檚 the only one to stop him and finally put The Tribal Chief to rest.
It all started with Jey and he realized that it has to end with him.
(side note: I hope Jimmy enjoys his well-deserved time off lmao.)
Jey knows he can beat Roman. Roman knows he's not invincible. Jey proved that to him at MITB.
For Roman everything he's worked so hard for is barely hanging on by a thread. He's been pinned by Jey now, the mystique is gone, he's losing control.
These two are going to murder each other, it's gonna be a bloodbath and while I'm scared what it'll do to our hearts, I'm beyond excited.
Final thoughts on Sami and his involvement going forward, cause how could I not go on a rant about the love of my life when talking about Jey's journey? (Also my samijey heart would set itself on fire if I didn't).
I hope to see Sami get involved in some capacity at some point, but I doubt it'll happen. (I'm literally writing fic about why Sami wasn't there to save the twins on Friday as we speak. I need to cope.)
My guess is that they'll go down the "Jey is all alone in the world with no one to turn to and that's what makes him even more reckless and dangerous" route. I also believe that that's what might cost him the match in the end, but I hope they'll prove me wrong (That... or Solo. Solo is a complete wildcard to me at this point. But I'm interested in any and all theories.)
My heart is breaking a little at all the missed opportunities for backstage moments between Jey and Sami, whether it's Sami telling Jey he's proud of him/ or Sami acting as Jey's conscience and reminding him to look out for his own well-being a little/ or as a motivator, telling him he can do this and that he believes in him/ or even just silent comfort, exchanging glances that speak for themselves. I wish they would put these two on my screen together. But then it's WWE, so I'm not particularly surprised if they don't.
Wheeeew, this is so long. Sorry anon, I was very much in my feelings about this. I hope I answered your question somewhere? Thanks again for asking and have a wonderful morning/day/night wherever you are <3
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