#it's the perfect length texture thickness and also width around me
ratspider · 2 months
i ripped my favourite skirt and i haven't eaten how am i going to survive costco :(
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CMYK: Line
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These are concept art panels are from the video game series “The Last of Us” Naughty Dog is the developer behind the series.
What really stands out to me about the concept art of “The Last of Us” is how line is used to convey so much emotion in the characters facial expression. Personally, I really like how raw and free rough concept art can be. The line quality varies so much in rough sketches because you’re trying to capture or get as close as possible to the idea in your mind of what the character would look like. As time goes on, you can start to see a change in the line weight, because the image is clearer you know what you want in the character. You can see that above with both the characters  Ellie (the young girl) and Joel (the older man). Then the use of gesture lines, experimenting and getting a feel for how the characters would move in the environment. Ellie is shorter and more agile so maybe she would move faster than Joel. Joel is older perhaps he would be stronger and slower than Ellie.
This all starts from one simple line to a rough sketch. Concept art is a free and fun way to get your ideas down on paper . The beauty of concept art is that it doesn't have to be perfect, over time you’ll refine your idea and discover new elements to add on from what was originally envisioned.
Line Glossary
Lines have both a direction and a length. Line means a mark, streak, stroke, slash, path, stripe, border, contour, striation, course, route, and track. Curved, bent, thick, wide, broken, vertical, horizontal, burred, or freehand, lines delineate shapes, forms, and spaces, volumes, edges, movement and patterns. Not only that -- lines create both 2D and 3D objects and figures. Lines are awesome and powerful.
Contour Lines
Contour lines indicate the edge around an object or the changes in volume within an object. Contour lines dramatize changes of plane within the form. The curve of a belt around the waist is a contour line.
Diagonal Lines
Diagonal Lines are useful to draw the eye into a composition such as toward the vanishing points. Three common types of diagonals are 1) actual diagonal lines 2) objects placed diagonally in a scene 3) a diagonal line created by the viewpoint such as
the Dutch tilt.
Dutch Tilt Dutch Tilt (known as a dutch angle, canted angle, or oblique angle) is a type of camera shot that has a noticeable tilt on the camera’s “x-axis.” The Dutch tilt camera technique was introduced by German Expressionists in the 1920s — so it's not actually Dutch. Directors often use a Dutch angle to signal to the viewer that something is wrong, disorienting, or unsettling.
Explicit Lines
Explicit means clear, direct, and obvious. If a drawing is easy to read it may be that the lines are explicit, clean, with efficient use of variety. There are explicit lines around the frame of the Dutch Tilt illustration.
Gesture Lines
Gesture Lines capture motion, such as in an action pose when gesture drawings are used in storyboards. The figures at the head of the Rembrandt Elephant drawing show the quickly sketched human gestures responding to the elephant.
Implied Lines
Implied lines in 3-D scenes a line in a scene that is not physically there but is suggested by points in the art. Implied lines suggest the edges of an object or planes within an object. The line may be broken such as a dotted line, it may be defined by value, color, or texture, or it may not be visible at all. With implied lines, our brain interprets that a line exists.
Line as Value
 Line As Value has a long history. Artists have used line drawings to create value, or shading, and to achieve the impression of volume. In this quick sketch of a live elephant Rembrandt used outline contour lines around the edges of the elephant and curved contour lines around the big legs and belly. Most of the lines are at the lower part of the elephant to show that the light source was from above.
Line of Action ( Also see motion)
Line of action is an imaginary line that extends through the main action of the figure. When you draw an action figure you can capture the line of action on one layer then draw the figure drawing on another layer.
Line Quality
Line quality is the expressive essence of lines. Varying the line quality makes objects appear more 3-dimensional and exciting. Range in line quality heightens descriptive and suggestive potential. A single line can change in darkness and width, can vanish all together  mentally reconnect later on an edge.
Line Weight
Line weight refers to the thickness or thinness of a line.
Lost and Found Lines
We don’t really need a strong contour line around every part of an object because our brain will fill in the blank where the edge disappears. When a line fades out and then restarts further along the edge it is called a lost and found line. There is a lost and found line at the top of Rembrandt’s elephant behind the head. There is a strong contour line of the skull of the elephant and a strong bulge of the back, but between the 2 curved shapes the line fades out, yet we still know that the elephant shape continues.
Psychic Lines
Psychic lines are invisible. Psychic lines form between characters or between a gun and a target, or a hand pointing in a direction. There is no real line yet we feel a line. Eyes looking in a direction, especially characters looking at each other create a psychic line.
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worbiestuff · 4 years
Hey guys, back once again over the weekend I had another photography assignment and I’m glad to share with you all.
I was supposed to watch some YouTube videos and make notes of all I learnt. As I made notes, I was to cast my mind to my surrounding and begin to see how objects will look beside others as in size, colour, feelings, etc. and describe how I understand seeing especially in the artistic sense I was also to describe the various elements of art and use my camera to make images that will be interesting and worthy of an exhibition. I was asked to make 2 interesting images per element and organize the images under their respective headings and describe how I made it.
Let’s dive straight in!
      Photography is not just a technical exercise, but an art, application and practice of creating durable images by recording light. Owning a camera doesn’t make you a good photographer and at the end of the day, it still narrows down to being an art. Dorothea Lange said that a “camera is a tool for learning to see without a camera”. Having the camera doesn’t necessarily mean you automatically get to see great subjects and shoot “OMG’ (oh my god) pictures. It requires perfection through a lot of practical work or knowledge, personal skills and creativity-which is best described as a combination of inventiveness, imagination, inspiration and perception. Bryan Peterson also explained that to advance your personal vision, you must really practice.
We have to learn to see what is around us so we can express it in artistic ways. We’ve to train our minds to see something new and different even at places we’ve been before or things we’ve seen before. As Ernst Haas said- “I am not interested in shooting new things, I am interested in to see things new”. This short statement makes a lot of sense. We’ve to be interested in training our minds to see things in a way that people think is abnormal, in a way that even when we are paired with people in the same geographical area, we take “fire” pictures that will make or partners wonder; wow, how come I didn’t think of that or see that?
Recognizing good light is all photography is about. Hence the meaning of photography being light writing. Sometimes we just have to recognize how a particular light, either natural or artificial, controlled or spontaneous falls on a building or hits city to be able to get a good shot. We can’t get good images by riding with the bus every day or requesting an Uber everywhere we go, sometimes we need to take the risk and walk, even if not with the mindset of getting a few things photographed but just to interact with nature, and we’ll be surprised that we’ll end up taking much more photographs than we planned on doing.
Photography is not about the content of the photograph or picture, but about the compositional arrangement. Composition can be described as the arrangements of elements used. It means paying attention to what will be photographed, how it is placed in relationship to other objects in the image and how well the subject matter is expressed.
Elements of design should be your foundation for how to learn to see. They include;
·         Line
·         Colour
·         Value
·         Shape
·         Form and
·         Texture.
Seeing in artistic sense means a lot to me. Seeing artistically, to me means that when I look at something, I don’t just simply look at it, I don’t just look, I look and ‘see’. I try to make a connection between stuff and elements that look or seem unconnected. It is how I look beyond ordinary objects and just using what I already know to create something new. More like using a ‘third’ eye. Seeing artistically to me means that going somewhere people will think is abnormal just to create new photographs or trying out new things people might see to be weird.
As mentioned earlier, the elements of art should be the foundation on how to see. It is simply referred to as the building blocks of art. They include line, shape, form, texture, colour and value.
 ·         Line: a line is referred to as a mark with length ad direction. There are various types of lines and they have been listed and explained below.
--Line variation: this means using a variety of thin and thick lines or varying the weight of a single line to create interest.
--Contour lines: contour lines are lines that follow the outer edges of an object, like an outline.
--Blind contour: drawing contour lines without looking at the paper and even though they may look kind of humorous or funny, the drawings actually turn out to be someway somewhat artistically interesting.
·         Value: this refers to the relative lightness or darkness of an object.
·         Color: we all know that light source is needed to see colour. Basically, colour is seen by reflecting light on an object.
--Hue: hue refers to the name of a colour; red, yellow, green, black, etc.
--Intensity: the brightness or dullness of a colour is referred to as intensity.
·         Space: the area around, above or inside an object is referred to as space. There are two types of space
--space that involves depth.
--space that involves the shape of area.
Shallow space
This is space that feels cringed, feels flat. There is not much depth in the artwork. Objects are close together without much room to move around.
Deep space
With deep space, there is a lot of depth in the artwork. Objects tend to disappear far in the distance.
Positive space
This refers to the areas of focus or the most important parts of an artwork.
Negative space
This is the space around areas of focus-usually the background of an artwork.
·         Shape and Form:
--Shapes are two dimensional, having height and width.
-- Forms are three dimensional or have three dimensions, height, width and depth.
Geometric shapes
These are mathematical lines or shapes or forma often with hard, sharp edges. Circles and spheres are exceptions.
Organic shapes
These are natural or free form shapes, lines or forms often with curvy, soft edges.
·         Texture: the texture of something or texture refers to how the object appears to feel. There are two types of textures;
--Actual texture: this refers to texture you can actually feel. With this type of texture, If the object looks rough, it feels rough too.
--Visual texture: this kind of texture refers to texture you can see but not feel. It I also known as implied texture. With this type of texture, the object might appear rough but smooth to touch.
Figure 1
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I find this picture depicting or showing lines because of the various kinds of lines that can be identified in it. The tree or bush has some kind of thin and thick lines in there, we can also see spiral lines from the razor wire that has gotten entangled with the bush. This is a picture I took on my way to buy porridge on Friday morning at around 6:30 am with my iPhone 6s back camera, 4.15mm with a shutter speed of 1/340 sec, aperture, f/2.2 and ISO 25. I edited this picture using Lightroom.
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This is also another photograph that depicts line. There are horizontal and vertical lines that can be seen in the above photograph and these are forms of lines. I found this old racket in the store room at home and decided to take a picture of it with my iPhone 6s back camera, with a shutter speed of 1/3700sec, aperture being, f/2.2 and ISO 25. I edited the picture with Lightroom.
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I ordered these mini cakes from Chafty Catering and decided to take this picture, not for any reasonable purpose but just because of how the colours looked so vibrant and appetizing.
The above picture is ideal to depict colour because so many different colours can be identified from the above picture. We’ve the colour of the mini cakes being brown, the marshmallows white, the skittles which come in different colours like red, blue etc. captured this image with my very own IPhone 6s back camera, with shutter speed being 1/300 sec, aperture, f/2.2 and ISO 25, also edited with lightroom.
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This is a picture of a tree right opposite my house, as to say my neighbor’s house. I took this picture because personally I love nature, and I also was in love with how the sun hit the tree for it to bring out its colours. The way the rays passes through the ple wires is another besuty to behold, but that is just a plus, not where the attention actually is. This picture depicts colour in the sense that, we’ve the colours of the flowers being a shade of pink which is known as ‘fuchsia’ and we’ve some kind of off-white or creamy colour and we also have green, for the leaves of the plant! We’ve the pole wires to be black, and the blue skies, we’ve the clouds being white too. In all, we have about 6 colours in the photograph. This also was captured with my iPhone 6s camera, with shutter speed 1/190000sec, aperture being f/2.2 and ISO 25 and edited with Lightroom.
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This is a picture of a tomato I took straight out of the refrigerator and put on a yellow chopping board directly under the sun. I chose to use this photograph for the depiction of value because we all know the definition of value to be how bright or dark an object is. Again, we all know red and yellow to be very bright and loud colours, hence, using it to depict value makes a lot of sense. This picture too was captured by my IPhone 6s back camera with a shutter speed of 1/13500 sec, aperture being f/2.2 and ISO 25, edited with Lightroom.
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This is a picture of the same racket I found in my store room, but this time held towards the sun. I chose to use this picture to depict value because a part of the image depicts a bright side, thus, the sun and another side depicts a darker side. Per the explanation of the element of art; value, this picture is ideal. This picture was also taken with my IPhone 6s camera, with shutter speed being 1/26000 sec, aperture, f/2.2 and ISO 25, also edited with lightroom.
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I decided to take a picture of my old purse and use it to depict texture. Texture refers to how an object appears to feel, and there are two types; actual and visual. This old purse can be used to depict visual because it appears to be rough when looked at but smooth when felt. This was also captured with my iPhone 6s, with a shutter speed of 1/4500 sec, aperture being f/2.2 and ISO 25. This was also edited using Lightroom.
This is a picture of a terrazzo wall in my house. I took this picture to depict actual texture because my terrazzo wall looks rough from afar, and is rough when felt too. Captured this with my iPhone 6s. With aperture being 1/1100 sec, aperture, f/2.2 and ISO 25. I edited this with Lightroom.
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This is an image I captured on my first visit to new town with my mum, to buy some fresh fish. Accra New Town is a town in the Metropolitan district, a district of the Greater Accra region in Ghana. I took this picture with no motive but only because that was my first time visiting the place. I had never seen so many canoes in my life too, and that was another minor reason why I took the picture. I decided to use this picture I captured to depicted space (deep space) because the picture has a lot of depth and the objects, i.e. (the canoes, the fishermen and fishmongers) tend to disappear into the horizon. Same IPhone 6s for the picture, with shutter speed of 1/200 sec, aperture, f/2.2 and ISO 25 and edited using Lightroom.
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This picture is a composition of a glass and an orange. This composition is intentional, I had the mindset of making or creating something that could depict shallow space. And I think it works. Shallow space refers to space that feels cringed or flat. If an artwork is shallow, it means there isn’t much space to move around, hence, objects are close together. In this composition, there isn’t much space to move around since the view ends right where the orange is. Any means of trying to look farther than the orange is not possible. This was taken with my iphone 6s. with shutter speed of 1/290 sec, aperture f/2.2 and ISO 25, also edited with Lightroom.
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These pigeon holes depict shape. Picking one of these pigeon holes, they are rectangular in shape and putting all of them together or picking them randomly, the still kind of form a shape. Taken with my iPhone 6s, with shutter speed being 1/2500 sec, aperture, f/2.2 and ISO 25. Edited using lightroom.
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This is a picture of my portable Bluetooth speaker I use in school. I’m a music lover so I guess it makes a little bit of sense. Well, I photographed this mini speaker because I thought It would be ideal for a form, since forms are three dimensional; height, width and depth. I captured this image with my iPhone 6s again, with a shutter speed of 1/2100 sec, aperture, f /2.2 and ISO 25 and edited using Lightroom.
                                                                                                                                   DOREEN AKWORKOR WORBIE
                                                                                                                          PHOTOGRAPHY II
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shorthaircutsmodels · 4 years
Very Short Pixie Haircuts - 18+ - https://shorthaircutsmodels.com/very-short-pixie-haircuts/ - Blonde highlights pixie cut, But if you want a cooler style, then you should try bold variations of pixie hair. For example, you might prefer the lower-cut pixie. A bold look, but beautiful. The roots are dark and other parts can keep light blonde. Believe it or not, everyone will look at you. If your hair is thin then you can try pixie cuts with layers. Dark brown pixie cut with blonde highlights, Layers can boost your hair and add a lot of volume. The Pixie style uses fine hair well while reducing disadvantages. Some styles may actually use very thin hair as well, even if other styles make hair look thicker. What's more, this cut offers to show that any type of hair can look gorgeous inside. Blunt pixie cut, Once you cut your hair to a fairy, you may find it has completely changed your sense of style. Short hair statement calls for earrings, bold makeup options and bolder fashion choices. Click through to see all the different ways to cut and style a pixie of different hair colors, types and textures. Explosions this year, and the same goes for short fairy segments. Why put both in a haircut and get the best of both worlds? Short blunt pixie cut, If you're looking for something simple, fancy or edgy, here are some popular short fairy segments to choose from. Make your blunt fairy haircuts look good, now you have stunning hair-it's time to show off! Make sure you do your hair often. Focus on the products you use and put them in. Mixing many times with your own hair can cause damaged hair, split ends, or hair loss. Hair is a symbol of beauty. Therefore, it offers numerous hairstyles to make hair more gorgeous. Cute pixie haircuts, Sometimes a deep smoky hair color can shade or darken your features, which can be especially uncomfortable for smaller faces. That doesn't mean you should skip the grey trend for your super short cut. Try an icy grey-blue tint to illuminate instantly, and inject a much-needed dose of coolness and Chic into your look. Cute short haircuts pixie, As well as being completely stylish, pixie cuts tend to be no-muss, no-fuss, which means they can save tons of time in the morning. If you want to make a big change or update your current style, look no further than these celebrities for inspiration. To be inspired to finally make chops, please take a look at these 91 ridiculously beautiful fairy cuts. We won't be bothered if you stop reading to call your stylist. Fine thin hair pixie cut, Styling should begin by drying the hair follicles using a blow dryer. As a rule, he will lie where we blow there. Determine the direction of the airflow, dry your hair and finish the ends with a brush, curling iron or straightener. Short pixie cut for fine thin hair, Women sometimes think they have the short end of the bar, if they don't have thick, Pocahontas-like locks. Once and make this myth disappear! Fine hair has an enviable soft and silky texture, which is much easier to style and keep healthy. And there are countless fashionable short hair for fine hair that can easily build stunning volume on anyone with this kind of hair. Feminine pixie cut: at the other end, here's a more natural-looking pixie cut, which copies the lines of an. Thin hair pixie cuts for fine hair, Eton crop but with added layering to create more lift at the top. This asymmetrical fairy hairstyle is softer and suits the model's oval face shape with an off-center parting. However, moving the separation will allow your stylist to adapt the look to flatten a round or heart-shaped face. Add waves or curls to the sides to add ‘width ' to flatten a long or thin face. Finger waves pixie cut, Short cuts have been all the rage lately. With great chops and natural hair cruises on the rise, this is the perfect time to let it go to some length! Pixie cuts are always easy, fresh and fun. Finger wave pixie cut black girl, until it starts to grow. Some of us are like, Do I keep cutting it short?"or" do I let it grow?”. Either way, here are some tips and tricks on how to kill your growing Mane. If there's one appearance in the top sport during awards season, good ol ' finger waves. With their flawless sculptural finish, these finger waves have everyone in awe. Finger wave pixie cut short wig, They have been around since the late' 40s-early ' 50s and have also become part of African hair. Celebrities like Janelle Monae steal the limelight with short finger waves. To shake this gorgeous look, check out 20 great ways to shape them! Short spiky pixie haircuts, Modern nymphs are often paired with long side bursts or shorter angled side fringes. They are raised with undulating, spiny layers and undercuts. The contrast of long hair-like lengths is very present on the top and very short tapered edges and back. A great idea for a fairy is to try a new fashionable hair color that you've never tried but always wanted. Now it's time. Short spiky pixie cuts for fine hair, Check out all these variants and other nice ideas! Her short spiky pixie hairdo can frame her jawline lovingly, showing off edgy layers along the edge and back, giving a simple haircut a new look. The trick to keeping the short fairy cut more modern and youthful is using products that add texture and volume. Short spiky pixie haircuts 2020 - 2021, You can use some highlights to add a lot of charm and freshness to the whole look. Since prickly pixie cuts are considered childlike, smart women find ways to soften this childlike style. One of them highlights. Add edgy highlights to your front hair or bangs, after which you create a spiky style. Vibrant green, pink, red or blonde highlights will definitely Yesil make your hairstyle fresher and more stylish. Mohawk pixie cut, The Mohawk haircut is the best preferred hairstyle for men and women. It actually indicates that you cut the edges of your hair, leaving a hairline from the middle of your forehead to the back of your head. The unique shape of Mohawk pixie cuts these days is not generally practiced, especially by adult women. Pixie-style mohawk can be quite universal, which means that even with some types of Mohawk you can see bold in addition to aggressive and unruly. Mohawk pixie cut black hair, while some become more feminine and very attractive. We certainly have various other professional types of this short hair style, as an example, fauxhawk short hair, which basically has similar haircuts but looks much more attractive. Curly mohawk pixie cut, because no shaving is required on the sides of your heads. You just create your sides stylishly or braid the raised edges in a fluff. Natural pixie haircuts, Whether you wear your hair curly or casual, there's a cute fairy to flatten your face shape and features. Once you can cut a quality short, it will not take many precious minutes to bring you to perfection on a regular basis. Take inspiration from the suggestions below! Fighting summer frizz and wind-blown flyaways can be a bit of a struggle for women with natural curly hair. Natural curly pixie haircuts, If you're looking for something simple this year, you might want to try a pixie haircut for your waves and curls. Short hair is being embraced by women everywhere these days. Pixie haircuts for natural hair, There are tons of styles to choose from, of course, but if you're looking for a hairstyle that's both stunning and effortless, a pixie cut is the way to go. Trust me, if you're looking for a real makeover, a pixie cut is the way to go. Of course, there's a fairy style for every woman. Here are some of our favourites. Pixie afro wig, Harper is a short haircut wig with a fairy cut. This handy, beautiful and convenient fairy haircut is the perfect solution for a contemporary woman. This pre-plucked short bob hair lace wig can frame the side bang face shape very well. The necklace can reach 8 inches hair length ideal to match your everyday outfit and show off your collarbone. We also pre-bleached the knots and pre-sewed the elastic band for this lace wig. Short haircut wig is suitable for any girl. Short pixie haircuts with bangs, Explosions this year, and the same goes for short fairy segments. Why put both in a haircut and get the best of both worlds? If you're looking for something simple, fancy or edgy, here are some popular short fairy segments to choose from. Who doesn't like a big fairy cut? Young and old, it doesn't matter. Short pixie haircuts black woman, For these times it can be hard to find the perfect one for your style. This article will give you insight into how to choose the perfect pixie cut from our Pixie cuts with the bang in the 2019 gallery. beautiful ladies. Short pixie cuts with bangs, The impression of the layer taking shape is extra-proportional on both sides of your face. For individual use, a variety of pixie haircuts with Bang require no time and energy. The first type of fairy hair that is cut by Bang is the shaggy layers. Short pixie haircuts front and back view, This haircut is a mixture of very delicate layers. More than that, shaggy layers are undoubtedly very suitable for straight hair, which should offer most forms and textures. Pixie haircuts for women, It's time for the next big chop. To prove that Pixie cuts are universally flattering (and provide some inspiration for your hairdresser!), we've rounded up the women who inspired us with this short hairstyle for decades. From Twiggy to Ruby Rose, it's time to try the a-list Short 'do. Pixie haircuts for round faces, short hairstyles can offer many advantages. We looked at hundreds of hairstyles to find the best short solutions for busy fashionistas and career women. Pixie haircuts for thick hair, This look is right for women of all ages and it is easy to maintain a normal budget and trips to the style and salon. In a world full of long supermodel waves and glamorous chignons, celebrities who go short really stand out from the crowd. Ponytail pixie cut, And if the only thing stopping you is that little voice inside your head whispering, You'll miss your ponytail. Ahead, we've compiled a comprehensive roundup of quaint short updos that will fend off any post-cut regrets. With new wisps, bangs, cowlicks and ever-changing length, growing out of a fairy cut can be a big hair challenge. We talked to the pro hairstylist to learn how to grow a fairy in style. Pixie cut with ponytail, Read on for 10 tips to keep your hair growing out-looking great at every stage. Invest in a pair of style scissors. Drop the kitchen scissors! Dull edges could potentially give you more split ends (plus, EW, cross contamination). Instead, invest in a pair of sharp style scissors designed specifically for the task, like Equinox professional scissors. This will give you the best looking cut possible (and the healthiest hair). Quick weave pixie cuts, The short, fairy hairstyle takes courage from rocking, but the payoff is worth it. As well as being completely stylish, pixie cuts tend to be no-muss, no-fuss, which means they can save tons of time in the morning. 27 piece quick weave pixie cut, If you want to make a big change or update your current style, look no further than these celebrities for inspiration. From sexy side parts to boyish fringes, your new pixie cut is straight, fast braiding or “pieces”that use 27 pieces to complement your hairstyle. Short quick weave pixie cut, Using this fast braiding technique is especially easy to do and very stylish as it is possible to try short hair without the persistence of cutting your own hair. Very short asymmetrical pixie haircuts, Pixie cuts are already so beautiful in their own right, the only thing that can make them better is a creative colour. Add some highlights to the next layered cut, brighten the face, frame the long strips and work out some blonde tints throughout. If there's a word for a short fairy haircut, it's bold. Short asymmetrical pixie haircuts, As women, we often use our hair as a security blanket. How much longer is better. But because we have so many fashion choices (undercuts, designs, shaved edges, pastel colours etc.)) why not go for a bolder haircut? Cropped locks can grow out any time you're tired! Know that not all of these gorgeous short haircuts are created equal, so take your time looking at these pictures of popular haircuts for these unique differences. Choose the right length, color, and texture to get a customized pixie cut that's perfect for you. Razor pixie cuts, And if you don't have the time, but want to look stylish and trendy? The answer is a pixie haircut. Popular pixie hairstyles are easy to care for and maintain, they also look super chic, bold and make sure they're pretty important to a kind of Work-Related Woman. If you have fine or fine hair, you can try the razor fairy cut. Razor cut pixie hair, No one can deny that short hair no longer belongs only to men. Razor comb pixie cut, If you still don't believe this, check out how amazing this very short haircut looks to this beautiful blonde-haired girl. Short bob pixie haircuts, The required norm for well-groomed hair will be the beauty and style of a feminine haircut. In the 2020 season, a rough boyish haircut ceases to be the relevant, elegant forms that gently frame the face and confidently occupy the trend's leading position. Short pixie bob haircuts 2020, A short haircut is believed to have given the image impudence and rebellion. Hair has long been regarded as a woman's crowning glory and therefore every woman longs to look as sumptuous as possible in a hairstyle of her choice. Short stacked pixie bob haircuts, If you are interested in cutting your hair into a fairy haircut, there are actually a few considerations you should consider before going under scissors and styling. A look that can be styled in many ways, this never creates a dull style. Short layered pixie bob haircuts, These cuts show personality or reveal a completely different look, transforming faces in a whole new way. Short curly pixie haircuts, Natural curls are a very common thing girls have to wish for straight hairs and wish for straight hairs curls.If you have natural curls and are bored with regular haircuts, the curly fairy haircut looks really great when you look properly at the pictures below, if you're more bored with picking up a bold style for curly hairs. Short pixie haircuts curly hair, a new cut for the upcoming summer. I always wanted to try a bold short fairy haircut (a long order for curly hair), so I encouraged myself and went super fairy short. Last year I went short, but this time too short, my curls faded. Short natural curly pixie haircuts, If you want a curly short hairstyle, a fairy haircut is suitable for you. More female celebrities involved embracing their natural texture instead of struggling. If you want to hug your curly hair, 20 Good Fairy haircuts for curly hair are for you. Check them out and get inspired! Short straight pixie haircuts, May limit your options for short-haired days, but that's not the case at all. No matter if you have a lob, bob or a fairy cut, there's more on-trend wedding hair for short hair now than ever. With the help of a trusted hair stylist and a line of confidence, anyone can sport any kind of pixie cut. Short pixie haircuts for straight hair, Some styles help you highlight or hide different facial features, and different styles work better with different hair types. Once you know your face shape, you can determine which features you want to play and which you want to balance. Short pixie haircuts for thick straight hair, For better or worse, your fairy cut won't stay the same forever. You can choose to maintain your cute crop, or allow it to lengthen your hair. Whatever style you choose, have fun and be brave! Short wavy pixie haircuts, The wavy fairy cut is so cute and beautiful. Wavy curls quickly advance this pixie reduce type. Likewise, the fast-undulating blasts halfway down your forehead develop a great deal of space for your wonderful face to appreciate. The soft bangs create a beautiful aura that is very innocent and beautiful. Short curly pixie cuts for black hair, Remember to think about your hair color when buying a new hairstyle. The cut itself can be androgynous and edgy with shaved sections and sharp lines, or softer and more romantic with longer bursts, or a smart piece that can be adapted to give you different looks. Short pixie haircuts for wavy hair, You can go wild with the product to spike it up, slick it down or add texture and curl, and you can also experiment with wild new colors. Thick hair pixie haircuts, The long pixie leaves more length along the cut or just over the top, thus providing plenty of space to play with the style and a kind of security blanket to offset some negativity. The leftover " side sweep of the hold on top, the middle part, gives you the flexibility to pull back, or create waves. It's also flattering for almost everyone. Feel a " short hair, I don't care!"vibe. Pixie haircuts for thick hair, Are you tired of the hardcore care that requires thick hair when held long? Then be brave and go for a cut! If you want to make a big change or update your current style, look no further than these celebrities for inspiration. Thick hair short pixie haircuts, From side parts to boyish fringes, your new pixie cut is flat. With just the right hairstyle for texture, you can take a walk on the wild side and confidently show off the short locks. You can play down a square chin or a round face,” says Anh Co Tran, the hair wizard behind Coco Rocha's cut, Allure. Also, pixie bob has a go-to option for those who want to grow their plants and fringes out with the haircut their next stop. Very Short Pixie Haircuts, A large portion of my life, I have spent needing longer, attempting to keep up sweet hair or length. I generally had my own thick, uncontrollably wavy and coily hair. Be that as it may, it wasn't the hair I was accustomed to seeing, and it surely wasn't the hair I needed. Very Short Pixie Haircuts Short pixie haircuts black hair, My mom's hair developed in a somewhat wavy surface and hung up to her back. With respect to me, regardless of the genuine length, my hair would recoil in its normal state. Albeit squeezing and concoction preparing gave me straight hair, it before long snapped. I didn't have a clue what to look like at hair in those days. Short Pixie Haircuts Very Short Pixie Haircuts, Figuring out how to secure one's hair isn't in every case simple, particularly if wavy hair remains straight or straight hair doesn't look as normal as wavy. In all times of quickly changing hair patterns, in case you're exhausted with your present hairdo and truly need an irregular look, short pixie trims can be the ideal experience. This short hair style, particularly preferred by unrealistic and ruined women, will make you resemble an alternate individual. Pixie Haircuts Very Short Pixie Haircuts, Does it coordinate your face shape? It appears to be Hollywood nowadays has a bleach blonde sprite, with on-screen characters, for example, Zoë Kravitz and model Cara Delevingne standing apart here and there honorary pathway. The pattern proceeded at. Short pixie haircuts black woman Very Short spiky pixie haircuts, Tom Ford's runway appear during New York Fashion Week, where models Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid each donned fake, fuzzy imps. While many have recommended that Jenner directed her mom, Kris Jenner, Ford is bound to have enlivened numerous on-screen characters since forever, from Audrey Hepburn to Mia Farrow. Short pixie haircuts pictures Very Short Pixie Haircuts, trim a notorious hair articulation. Other driving women emulated their example. Natalie Portman, for instance, a job humming off her secures groundwork for their appearance. Short pixie haircuts with bangs Short pixie haircut gallery, those valiant enough to attempt, on-screen characters Jennifer Lawrence and model Emma Watson like, pixie cut filled in as another style. Here, investigate the best pixie slices as the years progressed. Cute Short Pixie Haircuts Short Pixie Haircuts, Precisely! Which face shape, long, round, heart shape, and so on. You can be certain that you have a hairdo that will fit any face type. For instance, on the off chance that you have a disappointed look shape, you can utilize short layered pixie trims with somewhat long blasts as a hair style in the main model. Short pixie haircuts curly hair Short pixie haircuts pinterest, On the off chance that you have a round face shape, it will look very charming. Ladies with a heart facial shape have sharp facial highlights, and pixie cuts are perfect for making a genuine and present day look. How about we investigate the 50 greatest hairdos. Short Pixie Cuts for 2020 - 2021 - 2022 Short Pixie Haircuts, Accomplishing the ideal look frequently requires a great deal of harming warmth and shading in the hair-which I'm not saying isn't right and the hair just begins to go insane. How simple it would be, in the event that we weren't stressed over length and could simply be enjoyment with our hair. Short pixie haircuts images That is the excellence of a short hair style. You don't need to stress if your hair is going to drop out, in light of the fact that there's very little there in any case. Fairies and other short styles are additionally impeccable in sweltering climate, where long hair feels extremely hot and sweat-soaked. Short Pixie Cuts and Hairstyles for Your 2020 Short Pixie Haircuts, You additionally simply need something snappy or straightforward that you can clean out in style and go, which is incredible for individuals with a bustling calendar. Possibly we're worn out on what our hair is doing well at this point. Short pixie haircuts back view Very Short pixie haircuts black hair, Whatever the thinking, there is no time like the present to make a short and intense haircut decision. Before we jump into a major cleave head-first, we need to discover a style that makes our hair more energizing than the idea of keeping it long. Pixie Cuts We Love for 2020 Here's an assortment of extremely easy routes and sprites that will give moms the additional oomph they're searching for. Do you need your haircut to be something exceptional or something that will completely stun individuals you know. Short pixie haircuts with long bangs Very Short pixie haircuts for african american hair, While long hairdos make you exhausting and in the event that you have the guts for a charming short hair style, at that point you can see that actually quite short are at the present time. Best Short Pixie Cut Hairstyles 2020 Short pixie haircut photos, That, however you don't need to spend ages before the mirror styling your hair, or you don't need to spend an excess of cash on hair items with a heap of points of interest, for example, the way that your hair consistently will look the manner in which you need to ensure. So I have 10 short pixie hair styles for you! These pixie cuts will make you in vogue and jazzy.
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children-ofthe-wind · 5 years
Sugar free homemade croissants
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Sugar-Free homemade croissants! 
As I said, I’m posting this on Tumblr and on Instagram for the sake of adding notes. 
Notes about this recipe:
I used honey instead of sugar. The reason I did this is because one, I don’t eat sugar anymore. The second reason is because honey has it’s own natural sugar that helps the yeast activate. Though because honey is a liquid and not solid like sugar, it makes the dough more wet, which means you need to add more flour to the recipe I used. 
I don’t remember how much I used but the notes on the recipe I used said if it’s too sticky (mine was), then add more flour. Add 1 tbsp at a time, mix it, if it’s still too sticky, add another tbsp, on and on. 
I had wanted to make it more keto-friendly, but I found the other keto recipes did not look like croissants. They looked different, and it’s due to the flour used. Some flour cannot capture the same consistency as all purpose-flour or bread flour can. 
Notes on my MISTAKES:
I wanted to add this so you can avoid the mistakes I made
Mistake 1) I used a hand mixer. That was a mistake. This dough is too thick for a hand mixer. I found it difficult to mix in the flour well. Especially because I kept needing to add more, it wasn’t mixing it all in properly. Use your hands if you need to, I had to kneed it by hand for some minutes. I suggest using one of those electric mixers. If by mistake you think it’s good but when you put it on the counter or wherever your setting up, add more flour to the place you are putting it on to. Also add more flour to the dough by just slapping some, not a lot, onto it and spreading it with your hand.
Mistake 2) I rolled them the wrong way. The first folds I did, I had determined what would be the longer part and shorter part. The instructions on the recipe I used confused me so I accidentally rolled the shorter part longer and the longer part shorter which could have compromised the texture or tear the dough. Thank god it didn’t. 
Mistake 3) I had the idea to warm the oven to let the dough rise on my final step before baking. I put the temperature TOO hot and it cooked them a little bit. I had to take them out and let them rise outside in the open. 
Yields: I did mine differently. I made some croissants and some chocolate croissants so mine yielded less because the chocolate ones require more dough. The recipe I used claims to make about 20 or 30 if you make them small.  
1 1/2 cups of milk lukewarm (I used almond milk, came out fine)
1/4 cup honey
3 1/4 tsp active dry yeast
3 1/4 cups all purpose flour (probably more if you’re using honey. Remember to mix in 1 tbsp at a time if you add more)
1 tbsp salt
1 1/2 cups unsalted butter, cold
1 egg for egg wash
Rolling pin
Measuring tape
Bloom the yeast: If you’re using an electric mixer, but the following ingredients into the mixing bowl. If you’re using a hand mixer, put it in a bowl you can mix in. Warm the milk on the stove. Make sure the milk is NOT boiling, it should just be warm. You can dip your finger in it and it should be warm. If it becomes too hot, you can let it cool off before moving to the next step. Add the yeast and honey into the bowl, and then the warm milk. Mix it together and let it sit for about 5-10 minutes. The mixture should look bubbly or foamy. 
Make the dough: Add the flour and salt to the bowl. I didn’t add the flour all at once, I mixed some of it in then the rest. If you’re using the electric mixer, use the dough hook and mix it on low speed for about 5 minutes or until the dough is smooth and soft. Same thing with the hand mixer, but it may take longer. This is the part where if you need to add more flour (you probably will if you used honey), add in one tbsp at a time and so on if you need more. After it gets to the right consistency, take it out and knead your dough for a few minutes on your working surface. The dough should be soft and slightly sticky. Place the dough back in the bowl, wrap it in plastic wrap, and refrigerate for an hour. 
Prepare the butter: While the dough is chillin in the fridge, prepare the butter. Arrange the sticks of butter horizontally on a piece of plastic wrap. Cover the top with another piece of plastic wrap. Pound on the butter and roll it out on both sides until the butter forms a 8x5 inch rectangle. *NOTE: It helps to get it into a perfect square if you have an all-purpose scraper or even use your rolling pin to make the sides straight. Once these dimensions have been achieved, wrap the plastic wrap tightly around the block of butter and put it back into the fridge for later use. 
Laminate the dough: Flour your work surface and then roll out the dough into a big rectangle that is about 16x10 inches. Place the butter directly in the center of the dough and fold the dough as you would a letter. The way I did this, because the instructions were confusing, was you fold the right side into the center, fold the left side to meet into the center as well. I closed the two together by pinching where they met at the middle together. Then, I folded the top half over where there was still butter coming out, so basically just stretch over the top over the butter. I did the same with the bottom; stretched the bottom half over to cover the cover. There should be no butter sticking out.
This is where I got confused. It says to “turn the dough so that the short side is nearest to you” which basically means put the longer side facing what would be up. It would look like; l l <---- as opposed to == that. Roll it again into 16x10 inches. Once these dimensions have been met, fold it like a letter again. This time, what I did was, with the help of the YouTube video I watched (I’ll link it on the bottom), I folded it the first time like he did. I folded the longer park 3/4ths of the way to the other side. Then, I got the other side and folded it the rest of the 1/4th that was left. I then took the longer side, then folded it in half. This is the first fold. Wrap it in plastic wrap and chill it in the fridge for another hour.
Repeat: With the shorter side near you again, start rolling it out again until you reach 16x10 inches. I used the videos help here again to fold. This time, you’re folding it so that both sides meet evenly across each other. It’s going to be folded “envelope” style is what he says in the video. This is when you fold one side and then you fold the other side so that it reaches across to the other end of the dough. I highly suggest looking at the video to get what I mean. They meet evenly on both sides; like an almost perfect square. Skip to 8:45 to see the fold. After this is done, wrap and chill is for another hour. This is going to be repeated 3 more times for a total of 5 folds. After the last fold, refrigerate it again and decide if you want to make them today or if you want to leave them overnight. 
Shape croissants: Cut the dough in half, and you can fridge the other half if you only want to make one half. It also makes it easier to work with if it’s a smaller amount. Roll out the piece of dough into a long rectangle. The length doesn’t matter, as long as the width it so at least 10 inches. The thickness in both recipes said have the thickness of the dough to at least 1/4th of an inch. I really needed the help of the video and photos in the website for learning how to cut them. You’re going to want to cut them into triangles. If you want to make them small and make more, I suggest looking at the article. For bigger ones, go for the video. I used the video for cutting them. He suggests, doing this long ways, mark 4 or 4 1/2 inches on the dough. Then, on the other side of the dough (the part furthest from you), mark in between those 4 inch cuts. Cut where the mark on the side furthest from you meets the mark closest to you. 
Using one triangle at a time, stretch the dough out a little bit, not too much where it rips. Start rolling from the longer/wider side to meet the smaller side at the end of the triangle. Repeat this process until all the triangles are used. Put the croissants on an ungreased parchment paper sheet, leaving 1 to 2 inches inbetween. Next, get the egg; whisk the egg and get a brush; brush the eggwash on top of the croissants. 
Let them sit for another hour and a half. Try looking for a non drafty place. 
Once this time has passed, preheat the oven to 390F. Put more of that eggwash over them. Put them in the oven and leave them in for 6 minutes, then change the temperature to 330F and let them sit for 10-15 minutes. *NOTE: I noticed both times I made them, they started to already look ready at about 10 minutes when they were inside at 330F. What I did was, to make sure they were baked through, I turned off the heat and let them sit in there for the last 5 minutes. You don’t have to do this though.
That’s it! 
My two references;
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stimtoybox · 8 years
Any recommendations for something like a chew necklace but good for sucking? The one I have is too wide for that. The only thing I'm aware of is the mushroom pendant from stimtastic and I'm not crazy about it :/ thanks!
Hello! I am also a person who likes sucking on things but finds anything too much bigger than my finger to be unpleasant. (My mouth is small and I like not having my jaw ache.) As I’m typing, in fact, I’ve the Stimtastic Braided Pendant ($6.50 USD) between my lips and am trying not to slobber over the keyboard whilst sucking on it, but it’s a little too wide for my comfort. (If it were half the width but the same shape it would be perfect.) The thickness is good, but the width makes my jaw ache after a while. I’ve tried just sucking on one end, but it’s hard to keep the whole thing in my mouth without clamping down on it. Ideally, for me, a good pendant can just lightly sit in my mouth the way I suck on a hoodie cord or (back when it was long) my own hair.
(However, because of the braids, I can press my lips in the hollows to keep it in my mouth; anything smooth would slip straight out without my biting down on it.)
So I’m thinking small, long rather than round, not too thick and (preferably) textured, meaning biting is optional/the pendant less likely to slip without clamping down, but also making the sucking interesting for tongue and lips. (Which is what I like about the braid - there’s crevices to explore.)
Most chewellery is designed for chewing rather than sucking, but there are a few options beyond the braid (which is serving as my comparison point for everything below). Please note that I have not tried anything below, but I’m listing it based on size/dimension and what I’m looking for in a pendant!
1 - Stimtastic Chewable Dulcimer Pendant Necklace. ($4.50 USD.) This is my next choice for a necklace to try. It’s listed as ¾ of an inch (19 mm) at its widest point (the braid is 33 mm at the base, which is its widest point and the part in my mouth) and but only ¼ inch (6.3 mm) thick (the braid is 8 mm thick). The underside is ridged for gripping with teeth and should be an interesting texture. Thin, flat and textured - on paper, at least, it seems like a win for me.
If you like your chews to be less flat and more square or rounded:
2 - ARK Therapeutic’s Brick Stick Chew Necklace Textured or Brick Stick Chew Necklace Smooth.($12.99 USD.) The textured version looks so much fun (a small bump and a large bump side!) and I’d love to try it, but it may be a little thick when compared to the Dulcimer. It’s listed as just over ½ inches wide and just under ½ inches thick (½ inches = 12.7 mm); the braid, for comparison, is 10 mm (0.39 inches). I’d say it’s not likely too much thicker than the braid (although precise measurements would be nice). At 2.5 inches (63.5 mm) long, it’s shorter than the braid (75 mm), and I didn’t find the length of the braid poking out of my lips to be too annoying.
(There’s also the Bite Saber, $13.99 USD. It’s listed as about ½ inch in diameter. I’d choose the Brick Stick because it offers more texture, but it is a similarly-sized option. Also, also, the Krypto-Bite Chewable Gem Necklace, $14.99 USD on Amazon.)
3 - ARK Therapeutic’s Saber Tooth Chewelry Necklace($13.99 USD). This, I think, is the least preferable option, as the pendant is wide (1 inch across, just under ½ an inch thick). It’s certainly the least interesting, but the tip is narrow.
If you’re less concerned about width and care more for thinness:
4 - ARK’s Chew Tags Chewelry($19.99 USD). They’re 1 inch wide, 2 inches tall, and .3 inches thick. Too wide for me, I suspect, but so thin!
In all honesty, Stimtastic and ARK Therapeutic have the best ranges in terms of different functionality (not just different cute designs). I looked at Etsy and several other online stores, but just about everything involves either round or hexagonal silicone beads or those beads in addition to large, cute chews that are going to take up most of my mouth. Unless you like narrow round doughnut pendants (which are still too wide for me, I think) there aren’t a great many options there. Everything is big and round!
This is heading into the realm of the imaginative, but my fantasy chewable silicone pendant would be a braid of three pieces of thin, narrow, textured silicone with a small, flat, textured knot on the end (about the size of my middle fingertip). I could hold the knot behind my teeth without clamping on it and either suck on the knot or push it around my mouth like I do a mint.
If my followers have any further suggestions, please don’t hesitate to add them!
ETA the first: @pink-rainbow-sparkles says,
Some people use pacifiers/dummies in private or in public. It’s definitely about whatever works for you and feels comfortable, but I would never be comfortable with that so I totally understand it is not a solution that will suit everyone.
ETA the second: @2hon5 says,
Stimtastic has a mushroom chewy for just that purpose! Ive heard It’s pretty thick but the material itself has some give 
I believe this was the aforementioned chewable that wasn’t working (and the listed dimensions are larger than those above) but I really should have linked to it because it was designed for sucking!
Stimtastic Chewable Mushroom Pendant: $9.70 USD
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Sultra the Bombshell Rod Curling Iron Review
Gets heated quickly within seconds
Creates exceptionally wavy and pretty curls
Works on all types of texture and length
Comes with multi-purpose option, therefore you can have loose waves or tight curls
It takes time to handle it properly due to lack of clip
It is a bit expensive
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Are you looking for the most attractive look? Have you thought of getting a new hair style? Sultra the Bombshell Rod Curling iron is known to be an extraordinary product that can easily help to get ever glowing beautiful curls. It is an exceptional curling iron tool that offers Japanese Kyocera ceramic technology. The durable and lightweight iron is designed to protect all types of air while styling. The product offers with a companion safety Glove which helps to protect your fingertips from getting burned during curling process.
Sultra the Bombshell Rod Curling iron is truly a revolutionary product which comes up with clamp-free design. You will not have any dents or kinks on your hair. The ceramic technologies ensure quick heating of wand and can also lock the style.
Barrel size: 1 inch
Width: 5 inch
Length: 14 inch
Plate material: ceramic
Swivel cord: 9ft
Cord: Tangle free
Weight: 1.6 lb
Features of Sultra the Bombshell Rod Curling iron
There is a facility of on/off button and also comes up with small light which would blink once the barrel gets heated up. Therefore, it is easy for you to understand when to make use of the curling iron. It also means that the curler has a single temperature setting. So you cannot cool it down or heat up.
It is known to be convenient curling irons available in market. Due to its ceramic heating technology, you can easily heat up the curling iron that ensures quicker curls. The device is suitable for all kind of hair and therefore, you do not have to worry about choosing special curling iron for your hair. Here are some features of the product:
Auto shut off feature
9ft long swivel cord
Highly durable
Can easily resist heat
Lightweight, weighs only 1.55 pounds
Universal voltage
How to use it
Sultra the Bombshell Rod Curling iron is available in three different sizes such as 1 inch, 1.5 inch and ¾ inch. The product is highly suitable for all types of hair; it can be thick and thin hair or can apply on smooth or rough hair. So, now styling has become quite convenient with this curling iron product. The protective glove that is available with this product appears to be very important when you start using the curling iron with clip-free wand. Sometimes it might be necessary to hold your hand close to barrel so that you can easily roll the hair and doing so can burn your finger if you fail to use protective glove.
Directions for use
It is not easy to make use of curling iron once you buy it. You need to have Sultra bombshell curling iron tutorial, which can easily guide through each step so that it becomes easier for you to get perfect curls. The curling iron protects your hair from excess heat and also ensures to get beach waves.
Here is the Sultra bombshell curling iron video:
Step 1: Prepare your hair with curl safe protective spray
Step 2: Apply the spray all over your hair and massage it
Step 3: Now blow dry your hair with sophisticated blow dryer
Step 4: Make four section of your hair and put the clips on it
Step 5: Wear the safety gloves to protect your fingers
Step 6: Wrap one inch section of hair around the curling iron and hold it for 5 seconds
Step 7: Slide the curling iron slowly once curls are formed
Step 8: Allow your curls to get cool down in your palm before releasing
Now, you have the most amazing curls that you have been urging for. You can keep it for the entire day and have a flawless look.
Here are some questions and answers that can help you
Does it have auto-shut off features?
Yes, the product comes with the auto-shut off features and so it is considered to be an influencing product.
Does it come with multiple heat setting?
The heat reaches maximum to 340°F (171°C), but the product does not come up with multiple heat setting facility. But, this does not signify that you will not be able to get tight or beach curls. You can surely make maximum use of this product.
What materials are used in this curling iron?
ThermaGrip tapered barrel technology has been adapted to design the product. The product is designed with highest quality Kyocera Ceramic technology that helps to get heated up quickly without causing any harm to hair. You can easily lock the style and smooth the cuticle.
Which hair type is best suited for this curling iron?
It is a perfect product for all type of hair. No matter whether you are having color treated hair, damaged or dry hair, you can easily make use of Sultra the Bombshell Rod Curling iron.
How long it would take to attain maximum heat?
The biggest advantage of this product is that it takes few seconds to heat up the curling iron. So, you do not have to wait for a long period to get the product heated up to curl your hair.
How long the curls will lasts?
The curls offer you a long-lasting effect which means that you can easily maintain the curls throughout the day. Now, you can have curls for the entire day and can get the new look with ease.
What is the volt necessary and can I use anywhere?
It comes with universal voltage option, but you will be in need of an adapter if you want to carry the product outside U.S. or Canada.
Customer Reviews Great curls to flaunt!
The product has given complete value to my money! I have fine hair and get straightened easily in case the temperature is not too humid, but naturally I have fairly curls. I wanted to have beach waves which means that not too tight curls, and this product comes out to be a magic! It works perfectly the way I want it. In regard to Sultra bombshell curling iron reviews, I would say that the product is of great quality and ensures durability. I am truly satisfied with this product and make use of it whenever I have to attend any special occasion. To avoid clumsy accidents, there is a glove which needs to be used. Therefore, make use of it while using the curling iron as I have burned my fingers quite a bit of time.
Completely dependable!
To curl a thin long hair, has always been a challenge for me. Though, I successfully curled my hair, but after few minutes it loses its curl. So, I need to use too much of hair spray that makes my hair a complete mess! So, when I came across with Sultra the Bombshell Rod Curling iron,I thought of giving it a try. Truly speaking, it is an amazing product to use! I do not have to use hair spray to get curls and it offers a long lasting effect. I would highly recommend this product to all women who are looking for great curls!
Perfect beach waves
My hair is around 4 inches past my shoulder and I feel that it is the perfect curling iron for me. It offers a great texture and bounce to hair. I make use of it nearly every day. I think that it is an awesome product for shorter hair. I have chosen the 1 inch size of the product to use and can easily get the flawless curls. It appears to be natural and gives me tight curls. If you are not having good hand-eye coordination, then make use of the glove that comes with this product. How to use the Sultra bombshell curling iron is given in detailed with this product. Therefore, I can say that it is the best curling iron product that I have ever come across with!
Pros and Cons
The disadvantage of the product:
It takes time to handle it properly due to lack of clip
It is a bit expensive
There are different benefits that can be achieved through Sultra the Bombshell Rod Curling iron
Gets heated quickly within seconds
Creates exceptionally wavy and pretty curls
Works on all types of texture and length
Comes with multi-purpose option, therefore you can have loose waves or tight curls
Offers long lasting results
Add volume to your hair
Your hair will not get tangled. You can easily use the product and will get acquainted with it after few sessions. It can certainly works on layered length hair. Therefore, you can certainly choose this product in order to get beautiful curls. The popularity of Sultra the Bombshell Rod Curling iron is growing at a tremendous pace and you will surely be on the beneficial side once you buy this product.
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qualitytacolover · 5 years
17 Incredibly Gorgeous V-Cut Hair Shape Ideas
New Post has been published on https://www.easypromhairstyles.com/17-incredibly-gorgeous-v-cut-hair-shape-ideas.html
17 Incredibly Gorgeous V-Cut Hair Shape Ideas
A V-cut hair is a type of haircut that is heavily layered at a sharp angle and forms a "V" -shaped end. It's the option to choose if you want to add a bold dimension and a natural body to your haircut without much effort!
A smart choice for women with a thick mane, the V-cut hair lets you have as much length as you want without all the weight. In addition, the angular haircut not only frames the face with its layered parts, but also gives the illusion of a slimmer waist.
See how it works for Hollywood fashion icons Jessica Biel, Shay Mitchell, Jennifer Aniston and Kim Kardashian! Virginia hairdresser Sonny Nguyen finishes his balayage creations with long layers and a V-shaped dot, and they couldn't look more phenomenal!
Texture is also not a problem. The shaping of the wavy hair in this cut results in a loose, cascading layer effect, which gives an extra feminine and carefree aura.
Up to try this timeless haircut? Read on for the most popular V-cut hairstyles below!
Deep V-cut
How would you describe this look?
This is a sexy, sleek, rich style. The sexiness of the haircut comes from the V, which makes the waist appear thinner and exaggerates the hips, so to speak. It is an illusion of an hourglass figure with a haircut. I made sure to straighten her hair with a blow dryer, followed by my flat iron.
Any advice for someone considering it?
This haircut is definitely for someone with longer hair who wants to keep its length but wants to add layering and a lot of facial frames. If someone with shorter hair tries to get that haircut, it wouldn't look like a V, but a U.
I advise customers with fine hair to do without this haircut due to the massive amount of seamless layering. Fine hairy customers need the illusion of thicker fuller hair, so I recommend a cut that leaned towards the blunt side.
For straight hair
How would you describe this look?
This look is a very classic and clean V-cut. What I love most about this haircut is its versatility! My customer pictured actually has incredibly curly texture, but in order to capture the best photo, I blown it smoothly and smoothly.
This haircut is amazing because you can wear it curly, waxy, slim and straight or natural and it will still look great! My client wanted a trim, but due to her natural texture, layers would have made her hair too big, and a blunt, one-length cut was a little too boring.
That's why we came up with the idea of ​​giving him a nice V-shaped haircut that can be easily groomed no matter how she chooses to wear it! As for color, my client has never dyed her hair and I don't blame her for this beautiful, rich brunette!
Any advice for someone considering it?
There is really not much to worry about! I love this haircut best on longer hair because it still gives it shape but doesn't lose any length. It's a great alternative to someone who doesn't necessarily want levels, but needs something to give them life. Anyone can have this cut if their hair is shorter and you love the V shape. Just know that it requires angles around the face, and if you have a longer face shape you should consider that!
Heavily layered
How would you describe this look?
This look was inspired by the greats of our industry, Chris Baran & Sam Villa. I strived for her precise melting technique and her eye when it came to the "V" layered cut. It drives the hair away from the face and creates a fantastic and simple curling effect when styled with a magic wand or 11/4 inch curling iron.
Since the shag is trés chic at the moment, this look can also be excellent on straight hair, so the eye can travel side to side when it is being styled or up and down when it is curled. One design – two results for our everyday girl.
Any advice for someone considering it?
It is important to note that the point or longest girth will tend to be lacking density by the second to third dates. Especially if we leave the scope and just want to absorb the movement (layers) above.
Second, the density inside the top of the head with textured hair can become bulky and unmanageable. For my textured hair customers, I let the length through longer to prevent a Christmas tree look with a tail. The shorter the layers, the thinner the hair appears. Most of the time, this wouldn't be the ideal design for fine hair, but it can be customized for any head.
For shoulder-length hair
How would you describe this look?
My goal was to create a lot of movement in her hair with texture. I used a razor to do this with a lot of details. I wanted her hair to reflect her angular personality. In this picture, she bends her head to the right for me to better grasp some of the layers. Its circumference is a slight V-shape cut.
Any advice for someone considering it?
Since summer is beginning in Chicago and with all the rain we got, I recommended the new Aveda Rinseless Refresh. It fights moisture and keeps hair and scalp fresh. It is a good alternative to dry shampoo.
Medium V-cut hair with layers
How would you describe this look?
This cut has a long layer of shag, lots of texture, and a V-shaped baseline. Most of the layering occurs around the crown and crown of the head to create volume and movement with very little effort.
I love the modernized 70’s / 80’s shag styles that are coming out right now and this hair basically asked for it to happen.
The photo is my client's naturally straight hair with minimal blow drying. She is going to grow her hair, want to keep length but definitely need some shape hair back in her life.
That was the result of our vision. It should grow pretty nicely for her and I love that over a good cut.
Any advice for someone considering it?
Shags are awesome! They fit so many face shapes and can be changed in different ways. In any case, it is worth considering how you wear your hair daily.
This is a great cut full of style potential. However, layering and texture can sometimes make braids, updos, and "conservative" styles more difficult, if not impossible. Considering the length of your current hair and how much length you are willing to lose the layering process will play an important role in the result of your desired look.
A shag can be subtle or extreme. The one shown is somewhere in the middle. If you are from the variety of washing and wear with an edgier style and a few products at hand, then a shag is definitely for you! If you have wavy or curly hair, try at least once as you can never look back.
I love to use Evo’s Haze Powder to root the roots and create Shebang-a-bang Dry Spray Wax for a highly structured, high volume look! For beach waves, spray a few Salty Dogs or use Liquid Rollers for a soft feel. Whatever you do, do it in style!
For short hair
How would you describe this look?
This cut is a pixie for wavy / curly, thick hair. One of my favorite things about this haircut is the difference in movement. It's funny, edgy and super cute!
I also love how easy it is for customers to style at home. All she has to do is put in a small product, scrunch and go! In this picture, I used my 1.5-inch wand to style her hair to show her another faster, easier way to style it. This ensures that she can wake up every day, spend a minimal amount of time snapping into her style, and put a smile on her face when she looks in the mirror.
Any advice for someone considering it?
It's the perfect cut for someone who has natural curls or waves and is looking for a little edgy change while still looking for a low-maintenance style. The "V" gives you a nice clean, sharp look while still keeping the stylish wavy texture on top! If you are a person who likes variety in your haircut, this is the perfect balance of movement that allows easy flow into this beautiful, clean shape.
This shape is best for thick hair! The weight of her hair will keep this beautiful “V” with very minimal styling. I would suggest either using a curly hair product while it's wet, then scrunch and go or blow-drying it and styling it with a magic wand so you still have that wavy texture!
I would recommend a wand that stays the same width that doesn't get thinner. This helps create the wavy texture instead of a tight curl. My drawn curly hair products are the Curl Cream, Curl Revitalizer and Dry Texturizer Spray from Davines. The Dry Texturizer is my favorite product! You spray it over your head once it's dry, and it gives a super cute, piecey look. It's not sticky or crispy – it really helps improve movement!
I think the “V” looks super cute with someone who has softer properties. The sharpness of the "V" looks really nice next to some curves. The balance of sharpness and roundness is nice. It can also be really cute with someone who has a heart-shaped face – it really improves those qualities!
Beach wave
How would you describe this look?
Everything about this style screams low maintenance, natural and effortless. The dimension in this style leaves the blonde and layers pop!
I love the balance in this style – the shorter layers around her face give this long style shape and allow her to create more volume.
With this haircut you can have the best of both worlds. You can have long hair, but still shape, volume, texture, and it won't weigh down your curls.
Any advice for someone considering it?
This cut is perfect for someone who wants to keep their longer hair but want some style and volume. Perfect for fine hair.
I think this style looks best when it is imperfectly styled. So perfect for someone who doesn't want to spend a lot of time styling or is unsure how to do it. If you curl in different directions, comb everything out and then add some dry texture spray. You can easily achieve this beachy style.
Ultra layered
How would you describe this look?
I love this cut for people who have a lot of hair. Blown out with many layers, it's probably my favorite haircut because the hair is stacking (it's a smooth transition without being too chopped).
It can also work for people with straight hair, but I would only recommend it if they like layers near the face. I would only do that on hair about the middle of the back or longer.
Any advice for someone considering it?
If you tend to go between haircuts or braid your hair for a long time, I would not recommend poking or splitting this type of cut because of all the different lengths and making your locks look damaged overall. It is also not the best for thin hair, as it makes the ends look very wispy.
V-neck with bangs
Layers can be created with V-cut ends. The bangs give it a friendlier look.
For thin hair
Due to the cut, a graduation is created that gives the whole look a thicker look.
Layered V-cut
This layered haircut partner really well with a V-cut, making for a ragged look, ideal for minimal styles like a ponytail.
Medium length hair curly hair
Bring it back to the 70's! The curls are the life of the party, while the V-cut is the dance floor!
For thick hair
Thick curls could use a square cut to build layers and volume.
Choppy hair
Because shorter chops are used to create layers and bodies, the strands look thicker and are easier to style.
Simple ponytail
Timeless, like your favorite jewelry or the nostalgic film you are constantly watching. That is a ponytail.
Long, wavy hair
The waves highlight the blonde balayage even more in this one! The V-shaped cut also gives a nice fringe that softens the face.
For super long hair
This V-shaped haircut is the perfect way to end thick, full hair! The loose waves add organized texture that keeps everything bouncing.
0 notes
17 Incredibly Gorgeous V-Cut Hair Shape Ideas
A V-cut hair is a type of haircut that is heavily layered at a sharp angle and forms a "V" -shaped end. It's the option to choose if you want to add a bold dimension and a natural body to your haircut without much effort!
A smart choice for women with a thick mane, the V-cut hair lets you have as much length as you want without all the weight. In addition, the angular haircut not only frames the face with its layered parts, but also gives the illusion of a slimmer waist.
See how it works for Hollywood fashion icons Jessica Biel, Shay Mitchell, Jennifer Aniston and Kim Kardashian! Virginia hairdresser Sonny Nguyen finishes his balayage creations with long layers and a V-shaped dot, and they couldn't look more phenomenal!
Texture is also not a problem. The shaping of the wavy hair in this cut results in a loose, cascading layer effect, which gives an extra feminine and carefree aura.
Up to try this timeless haircut? Read on for the most popular V-cut hairstyles below!
Deep V-cut
How would you describe this look?
This is a sexy, sleek, rich style. The sexiness of the haircut comes from the V, which makes the waist appear thinner and exaggerates the hips, so to speak. It is an illusion of an hourglass figure with a haircut. I made sure to straighten her hair with a blow dryer, followed by my flat iron.
Any advice for someone considering it?
This haircut is definitely for someone with longer hair who wants to keep its length but wants to add layering and a lot of facial frames. If someone with shorter hair tries to get that haircut, it wouldn't look like a V, but a U.
I advise customers with fine hair to do without this haircut due to the massive amount of seamless layering. Fine hairy customers need the illusion of thicker fuller hair, so I recommend a cut that leaned towards the blunt side.
For straight hair
How would you describe this look?
This look is a very classic and clean V-cut. What I love most about this haircut is its versatility! My customer pictured actually has incredibly curly texture, but in order to capture the best photo, I blown it smoothly and smoothly.
This haircut is amazing because you can wear it curly, waxy, slim and straight or natural and it will still look great! My client wanted a trim, but due to her natural texture, layers would have made her hair too big, and a blunt, one-length cut was a little too boring.
That's why we came up with the idea of ​​giving him a nice V-shaped haircut that can be easily groomed no matter how she chooses to wear it! As for color, my client has never dyed her hair and I don't blame her for this beautiful, rich brunette!
Any advice for someone considering it?
There is really not much to worry about! I love this haircut best on longer hair because it still gives it shape but doesn't lose any length. It's a great alternative to someone who doesn't necessarily want levels, but needs something to give them life. Anyone can have this cut if their hair is shorter and you love the V shape. Just know that it requires angles around the face, and if you have a longer face shape you should consider that!
Heavily layered
How would you describe this look?
This look was inspired by the greats of our industry, Chris Baran & Sam Villa. I strived for her precise melting technique and her eye when it came to the "V" layered cut. It drives the hair away from the face and creates a fantastic and simple curling effect when styled with a magic wand or 11/4 inch curling iron.
Since the shag is trés chic at the moment, this look can also be excellent on straight hair, so the eye can travel side to side when it is being styled or up and down when it is curled. One design – two results for our everyday girl.
Any advice for someone considering it?
It is important to note that the point or longest girth will tend to be lacking density by the second to third dates. Especially if we leave the scope and just want to absorb the movement (layers) above.
Second, the density inside the top of the head with textured hair can become bulky and unmanageable. For my textured hair customers, I let the length through longer to prevent a Christmas tree look with a tail. The shorter the layers, the thinner the hair appears. Most of the time, this wouldn't be the ideal design for fine hair, but it can be customized for any head.
For shoulder-length hair
How would you describe this look?
My goal was to create a lot of movement in her hair with texture. I used a razor to do this with a lot of details. I wanted her hair to reflect her angular personality. In this picture, she bends her head to the right for me to better grasp some of the layers. Its circumference is a slight V-shape cut.
Any advice for someone considering it?
Since summer is beginning in Chicago and with all the rain we got, I recommended the new Aveda Rinseless Refresh. It fights moisture and keeps hair and scalp fresh. It is a good alternative to dry shampoo.
Medium V-cut hair with layers
How would you describe this look?
This cut has a long layer of shag, lots of texture, and a V-shaped baseline. Most of the layering occurs around the crown and crown of the head to create volume and movement with very little effort.
I love the modernized 70’s / 80’s shag styles that are coming out right now and this hair basically asked for it to happen.
The photo is my client's naturally straight hair with minimal blow drying. She is going to grow her hair, want to keep length but definitely need some shape hair back in her life.
That was the result of our vision. It should grow pretty nicely for her and I love that over a good cut.
Any advice for someone considering it?
Shags are awesome! They fit so many face shapes and can be changed in different ways. In any case, it is worth considering how you wear your hair daily.
This is a great cut full of style potential. However, layering and texture can sometimes make braids, updos, and "conservative" styles more difficult, if not impossible. Considering the length of your current hair and how much length you are willing to lose the layering process will play an important role in the result of your desired look.
A shag can be subtle or extreme. The one shown is somewhere in the middle. If you are from the variety of washing and wear with an edgier style and a few products at hand, then a shag is definitely for you! If you have wavy or curly hair, try at least once as you can never look back.
I love to use Evo’s Haze Powder to root the roots and create Shebang-a-bang Dry Spray Wax for a highly structured, high volume look! For beach waves, spray a few Salty Dogs or use Liquid Rollers for a soft feel. Whatever you do, do it in style!
For short hair
How would you describe this look?
This cut is a pixie for wavy / curly, thick hair. One of my favorite things about this haircut is the difference in movement. It's funny, edgy and super cute!
I also love how easy it is for customers to style at home. All she has to do is put in a small product, scrunch and go! In this picture, I used my 1.5-inch wand to style her hair to show her another faster, easier way to style it. This ensures that she can wake up every day, spend a minimal amount of time snapping into her style, and put a smile on her face when she looks in the mirror.
Any advice for someone considering it?
It's the perfect cut for someone who has natural curls or waves and is looking for a little edgy change while still looking for a low-maintenance style. The "V" gives you a nice clean, sharp look while still keeping the stylish wavy texture on top! If you are a person who likes variety in your haircut, this is the perfect balance of movement that allows easy flow into this beautiful, clean shape.
This shape is best for thick hair! The weight of her hair will keep this beautiful “V” with very minimal styling. I would suggest either using a curly hair product while it's wet, then scrunch and go or blow-drying it and styling it with a magic wand so you still have that wavy texture!
I would recommend a wand that stays the same width that doesn't get thinner. This helps create the wavy texture instead of a tight curl. My drawn curly hair products are the Curl Cream, Curl Revitalizer and Dry Texturizer Spray from Davines. The Dry Texturizer is my favorite product! You spray it over your head once it's dry, and it gives a super cute, piecey look. It's not sticky or crispy – it really helps improve movement!
I think the “V” looks super cute with someone who has softer properties. The sharpness of the "V" looks really nice next to some curves. The balance of sharpness and roundness is nice. It can also be really cute with someone who has a heart-shaped face – it really improves those qualities!
Beach wave
How would you describe this look?
Everything about this style screams low maintenance, natural and effortless. The dimension in this style leaves the blonde and layers pop!
I love the balance in this style – the shorter layers around her face give this long style shape and allow her to create more volume.
With this haircut you can have the best of both worlds. You can have long hair, but still shape, volume, texture, and it won't weigh down your curls.
Any advice for someone considering it?
This cut is perfect for someone who wants to keep their longer hair but want some style and volume. Perfect for fine hair.
I think this style looks best when it is imperfectly styled. So perfect for someone who doesn't want to spend a lot of time styling or is unsure how to do it. If you curl in different directions, comb everything out and then add some dry texture spray. You can easily achieve this beachy style.
Ultra layered
How would you describe this look?
I love this cut for people who have a lot of hair. Blown out with many layers, it's probably my favorite haircut because the hair is stacking (it's a smooth transition without being too chopped).
It can also work for people with straight hair, but I would only recommend it if they like layers near the face. I would only do that on hair about the middle of the back or longer.
Any advice for someone considering it?
If you tend to go between haircuts or braid your hair for a long time, I would not recommend poking or splitting this type of cut because of all the different lengths and making your locks look damaged overall. It is also not the best for thin hair, as it makes the ends look very wispy.
V-neck with bangs
Layers can be created with V-cut ends. The bangs give it a friendlier look.
For thin hair
Due to the cut, a graduation is created that gives the whole look a thicker look.
Layered V-cut
This layered haircut partner really well with a V-cut, making for a ragged look, ideal for minimal styles like a ponytail.
Medium length hair curly hair
Bring it back to the 70's! The curls are the life of the party, while the V-cut is the dance floor!
For thick hair
Thick curls could use a square cut to build layers and volume.
Choppy hair
Because shorter chops are used to create layers and bodies, the strands look thicker and are easier to style.
Simple ponytail
Timeless, like your favorite jewelry or the nostalgic film you are constantly watching. That is a ponytail.
Long, wavy hair
The waves highlight the blonde balayage even more in this one! The V-shaped cut also gives a nice fringe that softens the face.
For super long hair
This V-shaped haircut is the perfect way to end thick, full hair! The loose waves add organized texture that keeps everything bouncing.
17 Incredibly Gorgeous V-Cut Hair Shape Ideas
0 notes
I love my slow cooker because I’m able to produce big, hearty and flavourful meals with just a little preparation on my part. Set it at night for fresh oatmeal in the morning or set it in the morning/ early afternoon for a nutritious evening supper. You can leave it going while you go out or to work and it requires very little mixing (if at all). Although not listed below, I also use my slow cooker for cooking onions for my curry bases, making the curry sauces smooth and rich.
Onions before
Onions after
Basic stock ingredients
Here are my all time top 10 slow cooker recipe ideas:
1. Steel Cut Oatmeal
Batches of slow cooked porridge are perfect for the whole family. I like using steel cut oats with water and set it going overnight so it’s ready to eat in the morning. For the kids, I add a dash of heavy cream. The great thing about porridge is that it can be customized to individual’s taste. For example, I enjoy mine with a sprinkle of brown sugar topped with sliced strawberries, bananas and almonds as shown.
2. Whole Chicken
A roast chicken is hard to beat but you do have to watch the oven so instead try slow cooking a whole chicken. The meat will be very tender and falling off the bone. Depending on the size of your pot, you may be able to fit a whole (small) chicken in. Failing that, you could cook the chicken in pieces. You don’t even need to use any cooking liquid. Simply throw a few chunky vegetables at the bottom and place seasoned the chicken on top. Note: since the meat will be falling apart, it might be tricky to get out of pot and serve as one piece (unlike a roast for example).
3. Baby Back Pork Ribs
Marinated Ribs
Slow-cooked Grilled Ribs
These are definitely a staple in our household; I used to buy pre-packaged/ marinated ribs (which I still do on occasion when time is tight) but making them in a slow cooker couldn’t be easier. My pot can hold around three 12-inch length baby back pork ribs. You can also cook spare ribs which are larger and a bit less tender (but cheaper!). As per this recipe, to finish the ribs by simply brush BBQ sauce on both sides and broil/ grill (or bake) in oven for a few mins on both sides.
4. Pulled Pork
My favourite sandwiches from Benugo’s at Regent’s Park in London were the juicy pulled pork buns. So good that I had to make it at home myself. I usually use half pork shoulder for pulled pork. Simply brown some onions, season the meat and place in stock as per this recipe. The secret is to add BBQ sauce at the end and shred apart with two forks. Serve alongside coleslaw and ciabatta bread – yum!
5. Salt Beef
Before leaving we London, we threw a NYC themed leaving party where we served sliced salt beef (known as corned beef in the U.S.) with mustard and gherkins/ pickles in fresh bagels; needless to say they went down a treat! These meats are cured in brine making the end result rather salty so I usually wash the meat with cold water prior to cooking (and don’t bother adding much, if any extra salt).
6. Dhal (Indian Lentil Soup)
Lentils, beans & pulses can take time to cook and tenderize which makes them ideal candidates for the slow cooker. For dhal, simply throw in some lentils with water (with salt, ginger and a chopped tomato). Then once cooked, make the ‘temper’ (onions, garlic, spices) and add to lentils. Serve with rice, pitta and Indian pickles. Vegetable soups are even easier to make and take less time; simply slow cook the vegetables in stock or water then use a soup hand blender to smooth.
7. Lamb With Puy Lentils and Sun Ripened Tomatoes
After first trying a roasted version of this dish at a Sunday lunch, I decided to make a slow-cooked version which turned out great; even the kids loved it! Lamb shoulder is the best cut for this recipe and for a kid friendly version, leave out the red wine. I like to serve with mash potatoes and peas.
8. Pork Mushroom Stroganoff
The first time I tried stroganoff was a few years ago in Portugal; our lovely housekeeper/ cook Natalia made it for our family. It is a flavourful dish that lists sour cream, mustard and smoked paprika as some of its ingredients. Pork tenderloin works well but I’ve also made whole pork chops using the same recipe (can also use beef or chicken).
  9. Lamb Vegetable Stew
When the kids were babies, stews were perfect; easy to make, flavourful and soft to eat. Stews are so versatile and recipes can be adapted to your taste; just use whichever meat and vegetables you prefer. My favourite is lamb (neck fillet) with carrots and celery served alongside mash potatoes and green vegetables (peas, green beas or broccoli). I haven’t tried it yet, but this Moroccon lamb stew served alongside couscous looks and sounds delicious!
10. Rice Pudding
Rice pudding takes me back to my childhood days. This rice pudding recipe lends itself very well to slow cooking resulting in a thick, creamy texture. You just need pudding rice and milk (plus sugar if desired).
Which Appliance?
I have this Hamilton ‘searing’ slow-cooker which I bought a couple of years ago. The inner aluminium cast can be placed directly on stove top allowing you to braise/ sear the meat prior to slow-cooking. My MIL owns a crock pot which is also a top brand name for slow cookers. More recently, Instant Pots have been on the market and one friend swears by it; great for pressure cooking, slow cooking, steaming and even making yoghurts! For less than $100 plus a little free cupboard space, these cookers are well worth considering if you are tight on time. Finally, here are six slow cooker recipe books if you are in need of further ideas or inspiration.
  10 Best Slow Cooker Recipes I love my slow cooker because I'm able to produce big, hearty and flavourful meals with just a little preparation on my part.
0 notes
shorthaircutsmodels · 4 years
Very Short Pixie Haircuts - 18+ - https://shorthaircutsmodels.com/very-short-pixie-haircuts/ - Blonde highlights pixie cut, But if you want a cooler style, then you should try bold variations of pixie hair. For example, you might prefer the lower-cut pixie. A bold look, but beautiful. The roots are dark and other parts can keep light blonde. Believe it or not, everyone will look at you. If your hair is thin then you can try pixie cuts with layers. Dark brown pixie cut with blonde highlights, Layers can boost your hair and add a lot of volume. The Pixie style uses fine hair well while reducing disadvantages. Some styles may actually use very thin hair as well, even if other styles make hair look thicker. What's more, this cut offers to show that any type of hair can look gorgeous inside. Blunt pixie cut, Once you cut your hair to a fairy, you may find it has completely changed your sense of style. Short hair statement calls for earrings, bold makeup options and bolder fashion choices. Click through to see all the different ways to cut and style a pixie of different hair colors, types and textures. Explosions this year, and the same goes for short fairy segments. Why put both in a haircut and get the best of both worlds? Short blunt pixie cut, If you're looking for something simple, fancy or edgy, here are some popular short fairy segments to choose from. Make your blunt fairy haircuts look good, now you have stunning hair-it's time to show off! Make sure you do your hair often. Focus on the products you use and put them in. Mixing many times with your own hair can cause damaged hair, split ends, or hair loss. Hair is a symbol of beauty. Therefore, it offers numerous hairstyles to make hair more gorgeous. Cute pixie haircuts, Sometimes a deep smoky hair color can shade or darken your features, which can be especially uncomfortable for smaller faces. That doesn't mean you should skip the grey trend for your super short cut. Try an icy grey-blue tint to illuminate instantly, and inject a much-needed dose of coolness and Chic into your look. Cute short haircuts pixie, As well as being completely stylish, pixie cuts tend to be no-muss, no-fuss, which means they can save tons of time in the morning. If you want to make a big change or update your current style, look no further than these celebrities for inspiration. To be inspired to finally make chops, please take a look at these 91 ridiculously beautiful fairy cuts. We won't be bothered if you stop reading to call your stylist. Fine thin hair pixie cut, Styling should begin by drying the hair follicles using a blow dryer. As a rule, he will lie where we blow there. Determine the direction of the airflow, dry your hair and finish the ends with a brush, curling iron or straightener. Short pixie cut for fine thin hair, Women sometimes think they have the short end of the bar, if they don't have thick, Pocahontas-like locks. Once and make this myth disappear! Fine hair has an enviable soft and silky texture, which is much easier to style and keep healthy. And there are countless fashionable short hair for fine hair that can easily build stunning volume on anyone with this kind of hair. Feminine pixie cut: at the other end, here's a more natural-looking pixie cut, which copies the lines of an. Thin hair pixie cuts for fine hair, Eton crop but with added layering to create more lift at the top. This asymmetrical fairy hairstyle is softer and suits the model's oval face shape with an off-center parting. However, moving the separation will allow your stylist to adapt the look to flatten a round or heart-shaped face. Add waves or curls to the sides to add ‘width ' to flatten a long or thin face. Finger waves pixie cut, Short cuts have been all the rage lately. With great chops and natural hair cruises on the rise, this is the perfect time to let it go to some length! Pixie cuts are always easy, fresh and fun. Finger wave pixie cut black girl, until it starts to grow. Some of us are like, Do I keep cutting it short?"or" do I let it grow?”. Either way, here are some tips and tricks on how to kill your growing Mane. If there's one appearance in the top sport during awards season, good ol ' finger waves. With their flawless sculptural finish, these finger waves have everyone in awe. Finger wave pixie cut short wig, They have been around since the late' 40s-early ' 50s and have also become part of African hair. Celebrities like Janelle Monae steal the limelight with short finger waves. To shake this gorgeous look, check out 20 great ways to shape them! Short spiky pixie haircuts, Modern nymphs are often paired with long side bursts or shorter angled side fringes. They are raised with undulating, spiny layers and undercuts. The contrast of long hair-like lengths is very present on the top and very short tapered edges and back. A great idea for a fairy is to try a new fashionable hair color that you've never tried but always wanted. Now it's time. Short spiky pixie cuts for fine hair, Check out all these variants and other nice ideas! Her short spiky pixie hairdo can frame her jawline lovingly, showing off edgy layers along the edge and back, giving a simple haircut a new look. The trick to keeping the short fairy cut more modern and youthful is using products that add texture and volume. Short spiky pixie haircuts 2020 - 2021, You can use some highlights to add a lot of charm and freshness to the whole look. Since prickly pixie cuts are considered childlike, smart women find ways to soften this childlike style. One of them highlights. Add edgy highlights to your front hair or bangs, after which you create a spiky style. Vibrant green, pink, red or blonde highlights will definitely Yesil make your hairstyle fresher and more stylish. Mohawk pixie cut, The Mohawk haircut is the best preferred hairstyle for men and women. It actually indicates that you cut the edges of your hair, leaving a hairline from the middle of your forehead to the back of your head. The unique shape of Mohawk pixie cuts these days is not generally practiced, especially by adult women. Pixie-style mohawk can be quite universal, which means that even with some types of Mohawk you can see bold in addition to aggressive and unruly. Mohawk pixie cut black hair, while some become more feminine and very attractive. We certainly have various other professional types of this short hair style, as an example, fauxhawk short hair, which basically has similar haircuts but looks much more attractive. Curly mohawk pixie cut, because no shaving is required on the sides of your heads. You just create your sides stylishly or braid the raised edges in a fluff. Natural pixie haircuts, Whether you wear your hair curly or casual, there's a cute fairy to flatten your face shape and features. Once you can cut a quality short, it will not take many precious minutes to bring you to perfection on a regular basis. Take inspiration from the suggestions below! Fighting summer frizz and wind-blown flyaways can be a bit of a struggle for women with natural curly hair. Natural curly pixie haircuts, If you're looking for something simple this year, you might want to try a pixie haircut for your waves and curls. Short hair is being embraced by women everywhere these days. Pixie haircuts for natural hair, There are tons of styles to choose from, of course, but if you're looking for a hairstyle that's both stunning and effortless, a pixie cut is the way to go. Trust me, if you're looking for a real makeover, a pixie cut is the way to go. Of course, there's a fairy style for every woman. Here are some of our favourites. Pixie afro wig, Harper is a short haircut wig with a fairy cut. This handy, beautiful and convenient fairy haircut is the perfect solution for a contemporary woman. This pre-plucked short bob hair lace wig can frame the side bang face shape very well. The necklace can reach 8 inches hair length ideal to match your everyday outfit and show off your collarbone. We also pre-bleached the knots and pre-sewed the elastic band for this lace wig. Short haircut wig is suitable for any girl. Short pixie haircuts with bangs, Explosions this year, and the same goes for short fairy segments. Why put both in a haircut and get the best of both worlds? If you're looking for something simple, fancy or edgy, here are some popular short fairy segments to choose from. Who doesn't like a big fairy cut? Young and old, it doesn't matter. Short pixie haircuts black woman, For these times it can be hard to find the perfect one for your style. This article will give you insight into how to choose the perfect pixie cut from our Pixie cuts with the bang in the 2020 gallery. beautiful ladies. Short pixie cuts with bangs, The impression of the layer taking shape is extra-proportional on both sides of your face. For individual use, a variety of pixie haircuts with Bang require no time and energy. The first type of fairy hair that is cut by Bang is the shaggy layers. Short pixie haircuts front and back view, This haircut is a mixture of very delicate layers. More than that, shaggy layers are undoubtedly very suitable for straight hair, which should offer most forms and textures. Pixie haircuts for women, It's time for the next big chop. To prove that Pixie cuts are universally flattering (and provide some inspiration for your hairdresser!), we've rounded up the women who inspired us with this short hairstyle for decades. From Twiggy to Ruby Rose, it's time to try the a-list Short 'do. Pixie haircuts for round faces, short hairstyles can offer many advantages. We looked at hundreds of hairstyles to find the best short solutions for busy fashionistas and career women. Pixie haircuts for thick hair, This look is right for women of all ages and it is easy to maintain a normal budget and trips to the style and salon. In a world full of long supermodel waves and glamorous chignons, celebrities who go short really stand out from the crowd. Ponytail pixie cut, And if the only thing stopping you is that little voice inside your head whispering, You'll miss your ponytail. Ahead, we've compiled a comprehensive roundup of quaint short updos that will fend off any post-cut regrets. With new wisps, bangs, cowlicks and ever-changing length, growing out of a fairy cut can be a big hair challenge. We talked to the pro hairstylist to learn how to grow a fairy in style. Pixie cut with ponytail, Read on for 10 tips to keep your hair growing out-looking great at every stage. Invest in a pair of style scissors. Drop the kitchen scissors! Dull edges could potentially give you more split ends (plus, EW, cross contamination). Instead, invest in a pair of sharp style scissors designed specifically for the task, like Equinox professional scissors. This will give you the best looking cut possible (and the healthiest hair). Quick weave pixie cuts, The short, fairy hairstyle takes courage from rocking, but the payoff is worth it. As well as being completely stylish, pixie cuts tend to be no-muss, no-fuss, which means they can save tons of time in the morning. 27 piece quick weave pixie cut, If you want to make a big change or update your current style, look no further than these celebrities for inspiration. From sexy side parts to boyish fringes, your new pixie cut is straight, fast braiding or “pieces”that use 27 pieces to complement your hairstyle. Short quick weave pixie cut, Using this fast braiding technique is especially easy to do and very stylish as it is possible to try short hair without the persistence of cutting your own hair. Very short asymmetrical pixie haircuts, Pixie cuts are already so beautiful in their own right, the only thing that can make them better is a creative colour. Add some highlights to the next layered cut, brighten the face, frame the long strips and work out some blonde tints throughout. If there's a word for a short fairy haircut, it's bold. Short asymmetrical pixie haircuts, As women, we often use our hair as a security blanket. How much longer is better. But because we have so many fashion choices (undercuts, designs, shaved edges, pastel colours etc.)) why not go for a bolder haircut? Cropped locks can grow out any time you're tired! Know that not all of these gorgeous short haircuts are created equal, so take your time looking at these pictures of popular haircuts for these unique differences. Choose the right length, color, and texture to get a customized pixie cut that's perfect for you. Razor pixie cuts, And if you don't have the time, but want to look stylish and trendy? The answer is a pixie haircut. Popular pixie hairstyles are easy to care for and maintain, they also look super chic, bold and make sure they're pretty important to a kind of Work-Related Woman. If you have fine or fine hair, you can try the razor fairy cut. Razor cut pixie hair, No one can deny that short hair no longer belongs only to men. Razor comb pixie cut, If you still don't believe this, check out how amazing this very short haircut looks to this beautiful blonde-haired girl. Short bob pixie haircuts, The required norm for well-groomed hair will be the beauty and style of a feminine haircut. In the 2020 season, a rough boyish haircut ceases to be the relevant, elegant forms that gently frame the face and confidently occupy the trend's leading position. Short pixie bob haircuts 2020, A short haircut is believed to have given the image impudence and rebellion. Hair has long been regarded as a woman's crowning glory and therefore every woman longs to look as sumptuous as possible in a hairstyle of her choice. Short stacked pixie bob haircuts, If you are interested in cutting your hair into a fairy haircut, there are actually a few considerations you should consider before going under scissors and styling. A look that can be styled in many ways, this never creates a dull style. Short layered pixie bob haircuts, These cuts show personality or reveal a completely different look, transforming faces in a whole new way. Short curly pixie haircuts, Natural curls are a very common thing girls have to wish for straight hairs and wish for straight hairs curls.If you have natural curls and are bored with regular haircuts, the curly fairy haircut looks really great when you look properly at the pictures below, if you're more bored with picking up a bold style for curly hairs. Short pixie haircuts curly hair, a new cut for the upcoming summer. I always wanted to try a bold short fairy haircut (a long order for curly hair), so I encouraged myself and went super fairy short. Last year I went short, but this time too short, my curls faded. Short natural curly pixie haircuts, If you want a curly short hairstyle, a fairy haircut is suitable for you. More female celebrities involved embracing their natural texture instead of struggling. If you want to hug your curly hair, 20 Good Fairy haircuts for curly hair are for you. Check them out and get inspired! Short straight pixie haircuts, May limit your options for short-haired days, but that's not the case at all. No matter if you have a lob, bob or a fairy cut, there's more on-trend wedding hair for short hair now than ever. With the help of a trusted hair stylist and a line of confidence, anyone can sport any kind of pixie cut. Short pixie haircuts for straight hair, Some styles help you highlight or hide different facial features, and different styles work better with different hair types. Once you know your face shape, you can determine which features you want to play and which you want to balance. Short pixie haircuts for thick straight hair, For better or worse, your fairy cut won't stay the same forever. You can choose to maintain your cute crop, or allow it to lengthen your hair. Whatever style you choose, have fun and be brave! Short wavy pixie haircuts, The wavy fairy cut is so cute and beautiful. Wavy curls quickly advance this pixie reduce type. Likewise, the fast-undulating blasts halfway down your forehead develop a great deal of space for your wonderful face to appreciate. The soft bangs create a beautiful aura that is very innocent and beautiful. Short curly pixie cuts for black hair, Remember to think about your hair color when buying a new hairstyle. The cut itself can be androgynous and edgy with shaved sections and sharp lines, or softer and more romantic with longer bursts, or a smart piece that can be adapted to give you different looks. Short pixie haircuts for wavy hair, You can go wild with the product to spike it up, slick it down or add texture and curl, and you can also experiment with wild new colors. Thick hair pixie haircuts, The long pixie leaves more length along the cut or just over the top, thus providing plenty of space to play with the style and a kind of security blanket to offset some negativity. The leftover " side sweep of the hold on top, the middle part, gives you the flexibility to pull back, or create waves. It's also flattering for almost everyone. Feel a " short hair, I don't care!"vibe. Pixie haircuts for thick hair, Are you tired of the hardcore care that requires thick hair when held long? Then be brave and go for a cut! If you want to make a big change or update your current style, look no further than these celebrities for inspiration. Thick hair short pixie haircuts, From side parts to boyish fringes, your new pixie cut is flat. With just the right hairstyle for texture, you can take. A walk on the wild side and confidently show off the short locks. You can play down a square chin or a round face,” says. Anh Co Tran, the hair wizard behind Coco Rocha's cut, Allure. Also, pixie bob has a go-to option for those who. Want to grow their plants and fringes out with the haircut their next stop. Very Short Pixie Haircuts, A large portion of my life, I have spent needing longer, attempting to keep up sweet hair or length. I generally had my own thick, uncontrollably wavy and coily hair. Be that as it may, it wasn't the hair I was accustomed to seeing, and it surely wasn't the hair I needed. Very Short Pixie Haircuts Short pixie haircuts black hair, My mom's hair developed in a somewhat wavy surface and hung up to her back. With respect to me, regardless of the genuine length, my hair would recoil in its normal state. Albeit squeezing and concoction preparing gave me straight hair, it before long snapped. I didn't have a clue what to look like at hair in those days. Short Pixie Haircuts Very Short Pixie Haircuts, Figuring out how to secure one's hair isn't in every case simple, particularly if wavy hair remains straight or straight hair doesn't look as normal as wavy. In all times of quickly changing hair patterns, in case you're exhausted with your present hairdo and truly need an irregular look, short pixie trims can be the ideal experience. This short hair style, particularly preferred by unrealistic and ruined women, will make you resemble an alternate individual. Pixie Haircuts Very Short Pixie Haircuts, Does it coordinate your face shape? It appears to be Hollywood nowadays has a bleach blonde sprite, with on-screen characters, for example, Zoë Kravitz and model Cara Delevingne standing apart here and there honorary pathway. The pattern proceeded at. Short pixie haircuts black woman Very Short spiky pixie haircuts, Tom Ford's runway appear during New York Fashion Week, where models Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid each donned fake, fuzzy imps. While many have recommended that Jenner directed her mom, Kris Jenner, Ford is bound to have enlivened numerous on-screen characters since forever, from Audrey Hepburn to Mia Farrow. Short pixie haircuts pictures Very Short Pixie Haircuts, trim a notorious hair articulation. Other driving women emulated their example. Natalie Portman, for instance, a job humming off her secures groundwork for their appearance. Short pixie haircuts with bangs Short pixie haircut gallery, those valiant enough to attempt, on-screen characters Jennifer Lawrence and model Emma Watson like, pixie cut filled in as another style. Here, investigate the best pixie slices as the years progressed. Cute Short Pixie Haircuts Short Pixie Haircuts, Precisely! Which face shape, long, round, heart shape, and so on. You can be certain that you have a hairdo that will fit any face type. For instance, on the off chance that you have a disappointed look shape, you can utilize short layered pixie trims with somewhat long blasts as a hair style in the main model. Short pixie haircuts curly hair Short pixie haircuts pinterest, On the off chance that you have a round face shape, it will look very charming. Ladies with a heart facial shape have sharp facial highlights, and pixie cuts are perfect for making a genuine and present day look. How about we investigate the 50 greatest hairdos. Short Pixie Cuts for 2020 - 2021 - 2022 Short Pixie Haircuts, Accomplishing the ideal look frequently requires a great deal of harming warmth and shading in the hair-which I'm not saying isn't right and the hair just begins to go insane. How simple it would be, in the event that we weren't stressed over length and could simply be enjoyment with our hair. Short pixie haircuts images That is the excellence of a short hair style. You don't need to stress if your hair is going to drop out, in light of the fact that there's very little there in any case. Fairies and other short styles are additionally impeccable in sweltering climate, where long hair feels extremely hot and sweat-soaked. Short Pixie Cuts and Hairstyles for Your 2020 Short Pixie Haircuts, You additionally simply need something snappy or. Straightforward that you can clean out in style and go, which is incredible for individuals. With a bustling calendar. Possibly we're worn out on what our hair is doing well at this point. Short pixie haircuts back view Very Short pixie haircuts black hair, Whatever the thinking, there is no time like. The present to make a short and intense haircut decision. Before we jump into a major cleave head-first, we need to discover a style that. Makes our hair more energizing than the idea of keeping it long. Pixie Cuts We Love for 2020 Here's an assortment of extremely easy routes and sprites that will give moms the additional oomph they're searching for. Do you need your haircut to be something exceptional or something that will completely stun individuals you know. Short pixie haircuts with long bangs Very Short pixie haircuts for african american hair, While long hairdos make you exhausting and. In the event that you have the guts for a charming short hair style. At that point you can see that actually quite short are at the present time. Best Short Pixie Cut Hairstyles 2020 Short pixie haircut photos, That, however you don't need to spend ages before. The mirror styling your hair, or you don't need to. Spend an excess of cash on hair items with a heap of points of interest. For example, the way that your hair consistently will look the manner in which you need to ensure. So I have 10 short pixie hair styles for you! These pixie cuts will make you in vogue and jazzy.
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14 most hairstyles for women over 60
Hairstyles for women over 60 break expectations that aging women can only have an appearance that is boring and outdated, and created to look just the opposite – rejuvenating, modern and ultra-stylish! Your fashion sense does not have to be boring when you mature!
With today's haircutting and dyeing techniques, you will not have a hard time finding the perfect, low-maintenance look that will help you feel refreshed and full of life. There are numerous custom colors, voluminous cuts, and even different lengths to choose from, which can effectively enhance your strands to look thicker and healthier.
Remember that the goal is to fit a style perfectly to your face shape, complexion, hair texture and style, and individual personality. In this way it is guaranteed that you will achieve a comfortable and lively result!
Scroll down to get inspired by these photos of the most youthful hairstyles for women over 60!
Face-framing cut with glasses
How would you describe this look?
This look could be described in many different ways. I think this haircut is made for someone who needs a change. It's funny and stylish. A classic bob will always be my favorite, but putting one's own twist on it makes it even better.
The baby cheeks are so much fun! I was not sure if she would let me do that, but when she said yes, I was thrilled! I'm a huge fan of Bangs, just not on myself. Not only worried, but it takes a special person to carry baby benches.
Styling a bob is very easy if you cut it correctly. She will circle it if she wants but does not have to. When I cut a bob, I always cut it so that you can circle it if you want, or air dry with a little salt spray to bring out some natural texture.
The best thing about this haircut is that it is so customizable and can carry so many different ways. The brilliant color is their own. She is gray-haired but ended up using more purple shampoo (milkshake brand) to enhance her gray color and give her a general purple color. Is not it fun?
Any advice for someone who considers him?
When thinking about getting a bob, I would say that anyone could wear one! Bob is a great classic haircut that never goes out of style. Young or older women can both wear them. There are so many different bobs out there, so finding the right one depends on how you like to wear your hair.
In this case, she wanted something modern, but classic at the same time. A bit of mousse made of bumble and bumble and a round brush can go a long way with this look. Bouncy, funny and stylish. If you have fine hair, Bob is the perfect haircut for you, because it seems to be thicker, then it can really be.
Many extra texture and layers can really help with volume to fake the look of thicker hair. If you're someone who has a lot of hair, Bob is still a great haircut for you! You may need more layers and weight removal to make sure everything looks exactly the way you want it.
Bobs are so great because anyone can customize it the way he wants to wear hair there. You do not have to round a bob to brush if you do not want to. I have some guests who like to wear their bob with their own natural texture. This is the best way, in my opinion.
Fear is just an added bonus. Who wants to soften things around his face, is great. Just make sure that if you commit to cutting them, you must style them every time you disturb your hair or they disturb you.
Bob with bangs has moderate maintenance. Four weeks are usually how far out my guests book if they have a bob. As a rule, when it stops growing, the hair around your neck starts to bother or your anxiety is far too long. If you remember to get a bob, just say!
Layered cut with natural gray hair
How would you describe this look?
Marian's colorist colors her hair with highlights, and I love highlights to give fine hair, layer definition and texture.
Her style is classy and styled without looking like a helmet. Marianne has very fine straight hair, so I try and make her texture fuller and thicker with the right products and my cutting technique. Her hair is light and airy with many fringes, angles and layers. I lay them with even round layers and use spot cut to lift and move it.
To style, I use Oribe Volume Spray Comb by then blow dry and focus on the roots and set middle round brushes throughout. I spray and let cool, then use Oribe Dry Texture Spray all through the roots. I'm going to tease at the base of her hair, spray the zetted part, let the spray dry, then use my fingers and a soft brush to shape where I want to stay her hair.
When she does her hair at home, she uses a volume shampoo, a round brush for easy teasing and spray. She says it is beautiful.
Any advice for someone who considers him?
For fine hair types, I would recommend layers and volume sprays and texture sprays at the roots. I would recommend using a volume control.
Fine hair should be blown in an upward motion to boost. Use round brushes for an optimal lift.
Short Stacked Bob
How would you describe this look?
This is a classic, and the classics never go out of fashion. It is a versatile hair where you have the choice to activate or not the texture. The graduation was worked on the skull structure from the Occidental, which brought the harmony in a triangular geometric shape.
Any advice for someone who considers him?
You can not be wrong with this style! Always remember that thermal protection for hair drying and a finisher as an ointment are always needed.
Stump Bob
How would you describe this look?
This look is a dull, cropped bob. I love the sharp structure of this look look and how it contrasts with a few soft texture pieces.
A good haircut should always play nicely with the color that is just as fun. We've created a seamless dimension with a few cleverly placed highlights.
Any advice for someone who considers him?
I would recommend this look for medium to thick hair customers. This customer likes to wear it straight, smooth and polished. But this look works well with natural waves or loosely arched with a curling iron.
You can customize this look with a border or a strong full length at the front. Emphasis on fuller – the less texture and layers go through here, the stronger the look.
This look is free (as it would help balance) oval, elongated, diamond and heart shapes. This look would exaggerate the width of a square, triangular and round face shape, which is nice for a bold look.
Pixie cut for thin hair
How would you describe this look?
This look is a funny, soft pixie. It could be up to more fun or downplayed to make softness, all depending on the way you style it.
You can not see too much in the photo, but we've added some blue slides to make you feel naughty for a few months. You could also place a few slides with black lights to add some dimension.
Any advice for someone who considers him?
Take into account the maintenance. Especially this cut can quickly get out of shape on the neck, so make sure your salon offers neck cuts between haircut dates. Since the color is its natural gray, it is not very discolored. In fact, subtle lowlights and pops of color are growing really well.
The styling is super easy! You can really use everything to style on what you want. You can use clay, cream, mouse, volume spray or even pomade!
Wonderful wedge haircut
How would you describe this look?
This look is for someone who wants a low maintenance routine for styling!
Any advice for someone who considers him?
Ideal for someone who can wake up and go for the day! Make sure that you are open to change this haircut requires a volume, and this color is a fashionable color, so use color safe products to maintain the vibrancy.
Chin-length curls
Go short and sexy with blonde highlighted beach waves. Add a full anxiety for an invigorating look!
Perfect for fine hair
This beautiful head of highlights and some screen-shaped pieces is certainly flattering for thin strands. Just look at this dimension, which also creates straight hair!
Long Bob with a pony
Rock a modern shag with a brunette balayage painted for a super memorable look! This curtain edge is also the glamor, as it brightens the face and gives a youthful glow!
Asymmetrical pixie
This cherry lizid hair with some brown beige accent pieces is a total refresher! Keep your cut short for less grooming while having a youthful and whitening blend of colors!
Easy washing and wearing cut
A textured, cut hairstyle to get you started quickly and easily in the morning – this rocker pixie is a chic and healthy hairstyle for mature women.
Nice Short Bob
Get a tiny leg blonde and shorter with this super fresh and healthy-looking cut! It gives you plenty of styling lengths plus the small side bangs give it a real youthful touch.
Gorgeous long hairstyle
Lights and long layers look absolutely hot in this blond mane. Add to the full bangs that will surely take years out of your old age!
Slimming cut for a round face
Stylist Jay created this espresso hue with copper knobs on this beautiful bob with fresh bangs! A clear compliment to soft, rounded faces.
14 most hairstyles for women over 60
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qualitytacolover · 5 years
14 most hairstyles for women over 60
New Post has been published on https://www.easypromhairstyles.com/14-most-hairstyles-for-women-over-60.html
14 most hairstyles for women over 60
Hairstyles for women over 60 break expectations that aging women can only have an appearance that is boring and outdated, and created to look just the opposite – rejuvenating, modern and ultra-stylish! Your fashion sense does not have to be boring when you mature!
With today's haircutting and dyeing techniques, you will not have a hard time finding the perfect, low-maintenance look that will help you feel refreshed and full of life. There are numerous custom colors, voluminous cuts, and even different lengths to choose from, which can effectively enhance your strands to look thicker and healthier.
Remember that the goal is to fit a style perfectly to your face shape, complexion, hair texture and style, and individual personality. In this way it is guaranteed that you will achieve a comfortable and lively result!
Scroll down to get inspired by these photos of the most youthful hairstyles for women over 60!
Face-framing cut with glasses
How would you describe this look?
This look could be described in many different ways. I think this haircut is made for someone who needs a change. It's funny and stylish. A classic bob will always be my favorite, but putting one's own twist on it makes it even better.
The baby cheeks are so much fun! I was not sure if she would let me do that, but when she said yes, I was thrilled! I'm a huge fan of Bangs, just not on myself. Not only worried, but it takes a special person to carry baby benches.
Styling a bob is very easy if you cut it correctly. She will circle it if she wants but does not have to. When I cut a bob, I always cut it so that you can circle it if you want, or air dry with a little salt spray to bring out some natural texture.
The best thing about this haircut is that it is so customizable and can carry so many different ways. The brilliant color is their own. She is gray-haired but ended up using more purple shampoo (milkshake brand) to enhance her gray color and give her a general purple color. Is not it fun?
Any advice for someone who considers him?
When thinking about getting a bob, I would say that anyone could wear one! Bob is a great classic haircut that never goes out of style. Young or older women can both wear them. There are so many different bobs out there, so finding the right one depends on how you like to wear your hair.
In this case, she wanted something modern, but classic at the same time. A bit of mousse made of bumble and bumble and a round brush can go a long way with this look. Bouncy, funny and stylish. If you have fine hair, Bob is the perfect haircut for you, because it seems to be thicker, then it can really be.
Many extra texture and layers can really help with volume to fake the look of thicker hair. If you're someone who has a lot of hair, Bob is still a great haircut for you! You may need more layers and weight removal to make sure everything looks exactly the way you want it.
Bobs are so great because anyone can customize it the way he wants to wear hair there. You do not have to round a bob to brush if you do not want to. I have some guests who like to wear their bob with their own natural texture. This is the best way, in my opinion.
Fear is just an added bonus. Who wants to soften things around his face, is great. Just make sure that if you commit to cutting them, you must style them every time you disturb your hair or they disturb you.
Bob with bangs has moderate maintenance. Four weeks are usually how far out my guests book if they have a bob. As a rule, when it stops growing, the hair around your neck starts to bother or your anxiety is far too long. If you remember to get a bob, just say!
Layered cut with natural gray hair
How would you describe this look?
Marian's colorist colors her hair with highlights, and I love highlights to give fine hair, layer definition and texture.
Her style is classy and styled without looking like a helmet. Marianne has very fine straight hair, so I try and make her texture fuller and thicker with the right products and my cutting technique. Her hair is light and airy with many fringes, angles and layers. I lay them with even round layers and use spot cut to lift and move it.
To style, I use Oribe Volume Spray Comb by then blow dry and focus on the roots and set middle round brushes throughout. I spray and let cool, then use Oribe Dry Texture Spray all through the roots. I'm going to tease at the base of her hair, spray the zetted part, let the spray dry, then use my fingers and a soft brush to shape where I want to stay her hair.
When she does her hair at home, she uses a volume shampoo, a round brush for easy teasing and spray. She says it is beautiful.
Any advice for someone who considers him?
For fine hair types, I would recommend layers and volume sprays and texture sprays at the roots. I would recommend using a volume control.
Fine hair should be blown in an upward motion to boost. Use round brushes for an optimal lift.
Short Stacked Bob
How would you describe this look?
This is a classic, and the classics never go out of fashion. It is a versatile hair where you have the choice to activate or not the texture. The graduation was worked on the skull structure from the Occidental, which brought the harmony in a triangular geometric shape.
Any advice for someone who considers him?
You can not be wrong with this style! Always remember that thermal protection for hair drying and a finisher as an ointment are always needed.
Stump Bob
How would you describe this look?
This look is a dull, cropped bob. I love the sharp structure of this look look and how it contrasts with a few soft texture pieces.
A good haircut should always play nicely with the color that is just as fun. We've created a seamless dimension with a few cleverly placed highlights.
Any advice for someone who considers him?
I would recommend this look for medium to thick hair customers. This customer likes to wear it straight, smooth and polished. But this look works well with natural waves or loosely arched with a curling iron.
You can customize this look with a border or a strong full length at the front. Emphasis on fuller – the less texture and layers go through here, the stronger the look.
This look is free (as it would help balance) oval, elongated, diamond and heart shapes. This look would exaggerate the width of a square, triangular and round face shape, which is nice for a bold look.
Pixie cut for thin hair
How would you describe this look?
This look is a funny, soft pixie. It could be up to more fun or downplayed to make softness, all depending on the way you style it.
You can not see too much in the photo, but we've added some blue slides to make you feel naughty for a few months. You could also place a few slides with black lights to add some dimension.
Any advice for someone who considers him?
Take into account the maintenance. Especially this cut can quickly get out of shape on the neck, so make sure your salon offers neck cuts between haircut dates. Since the color is its natural gray, it is not very discolored. In fact, subtle lowlights and pops of color are growing really well.
The styling is super easy! You can really use everything to style on what you want. You can use clay, cream, mouse, volume spray or even pomade!
Wonderful wedge haircut
How would you describe this look?
This look is for someone who wants a low maintenance routine for styling!
Any advice for someone who considers him?
Ideal for someone who can wake up and go for the day! Make sure that you are open to change this haircut requires a volume, and this color is a fashionable color, so use color safe products to maintain the vibrancy.
Chin-length curls
Go short and sexy with blonde highlighted beach waves. Add a full anxiety for an invigorating look!
Perfect for fine hair
This beautiful head of highlights and some screen-shaped pieces is certainly flattering for thin strands. Just look at this dimension, which also creates straight hair!
Long Bob with a pony
Rock a modern shag with a brunette balayage painted for a super memorable look! This curtain edge is also the glamor, as it brightens the face and gives a youthful glow!
Asymmetrical pixie
This cherry lizid hair with some brown beige accent pieces is a total refresher! Keep your cut short for less grooming while having a youthful and whitening blend of colors!
Easy washing and wearing cut
A textured, cut hairstyle to get you started quickly and easily in the morning – this rocker pixie is a chic and healthy hairstyle for mature women.
Nice Short Bob
Get a tiny leg blonde and shorter with this super fresh and healthy-looking cut! It gives you plenty of styling lengths plus the small side bangs give it a real youthful touch.
Gorgeous long hairstyle
Lights and long layers look absolutely hot in this blond mane. Add to the full bangs that will surely take years out of your old age!
Slimming cut for a round face
Stylist Jay created this espresso hue with copper knobs on this beautiful bob with fresh bangs! A clear compliment to soft, rounded faces.
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