kyriad-iel · 1 day
If you’re an adult, do the stuff you couldn’t as a kid.
Like, me and my sister went to a museum, and they had an extra exhibit of butterflies. But it cost £3. So we sighed, walked past, then stopped. We each had £3. We could see the butterflies. And we did it was great. We followed it up with an ice-cream as well because Mum and Dad weren’t there to say no.
I was driving back from a work trip with 2 other people in their early 20s, and we drove past a MacDonalds. One of the others went “Aww man, I’d love a McFlurry.” And the guy driving pulled in to the drive through. It was wild. But it was great.
I went to a park over the weekend and I was thinking “Man, I’d love to hire one of those bikes and cycle round the park.” It took me a few minutes to go “Wait, I can hire one of those bikes!”
I guess what I’m saying is, those impulsive things you wanted to do as a kid - see the dinosaur exhibit, play in the fountains with the other kids, lie in the shade for 2 hours - you can do when you’re an adult. You have to deal with a whole lot of other bull, but at least you can indulge your inner 8 year-old.
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kyriad-iel · 1 day
adult human chicken is still the greatest contribution to society terfs have ever produced
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kyriad-iel · 1 day
adult human chicken is still the greatest contribution to society terfs have ever produced
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kyriad-iel · 1 month
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Hello, can someone tell me who's that lgballt, please ?
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kyriad-iel · 1 month
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I'm starting a collection
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kyriad-iel · 2 months
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When you engage in discourse denial of the treatment of trans people in Hitler's Germany and lose George Takei.
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kyriad-iel · 2 months
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kyriad-iel · 2 months
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why are people allergic to saying "trans men"
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kyriad-iel · 2 months
In which I'm angry about intersexism from trans people. Again.
"AFABs don't experience [thing experienced by intersex people of all assigned genders]!" is getting really fucking old. People re-inventing the sex and gender binary through their weird fucking fixation on "are you AMAB or AFAB? Are you TMA or TME?" is exhausting.
I'm tired of existing in trans spaces as a trans person, only to realize how actively hostile those spaces are to intersex people. I don't bother to go to the local trans support group, because my experiences there when I first tried to attend were fucking rancid. Trans people of all assigned sexes and all genders act like I don't belong there, and I hit my limit on that shit real fast. It's exhausting, it's alienating, and it's fucking miserable!
Trans people, you have got to fucking stop acting like intersex people don't exist. You have got to fucking stop acting like you own the concept of sex and gender based violence. You have got to fucking stop acting like transfem and transmasc are a set, incorruptible binary. You have got to fucking stop acting like your fucking bullshit in-fighting isn't affecting people who aren't you.
I'm tired of intersex people discussing our own experiences only to get shit all over by perisex trans people who want to put everyone in a binary.
I'm tired of watching intersex people get treated like shit by terfs and transphobes, only for perisex trans people to accuse us of "appropriating trans struggle" when we talk about it.
I'm tired of talking about my experiences as an intersex trans person only to get constantly hit with endless variations on "shut up, theyfab" or "um, you're TME."
I'm tired of talking to my transfem friends and partners, us relating to each other on our similar experience, and then having random other trans people on the internet decide that, actually, I'm a raging transmisogynist who doesn't value trans women and is trying to "appropriate" their struggle. Never mind how many of my own experiences I've been able to articulate thanks to the support of trans women in my life.
Perisex trans people, do better. Y'all fucking suck! Y'all fucking treat intersex people like total shit! Fuck you for using us as rhetorical devices against transphobes and then ignoring our actual needs and struggles!
I go outside and people call me a tranny with a freak ugly beard. I get targeted by all the same bathroom bills and public policy trying to force trans people out of the public. I get people asking me if I have a dick. I get people aggressively calling me "sir" in public. I started getting called a "he-she" when I was a child. When I started developing breasts, a family member told me they weren't "real titties, just extra fat." I have had total strangers tell me I "look like a fat man" when I got upset at being misgendered. I get "helpful advice" from strangers about how to shave "properly," even though I didn't fucking ask, nor do I intend to shave my beard. I've had people tell me I have "tranny feet" and tell me to "try the drag queen shoe store" when I talk about how hard it is to find women's shoes that fit me. I have been the subject of nasty rumors about what's between my legs and why I "try to look like a woman." I'm not a woman, mind you, but I still get treated as a "wrong woman" by society.
But when I talk about all these things? When I seek support? Trans people of all genders call me a TME theyfab who is appropriating transfem struggles.
I still don't understand how I'm the one "appropriating" when it's the outside world calling me a tranny he-she freak.
But whatever. I guess I just have to accept that intersex people are subhuman to perisex people, even the trans ones. 🤷‍♂️
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kyriad-iel · 2 months
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I don’t want to find out about world events anymore
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kyriad-iel · 2 months
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"No fascists in our neighborhoods, no neighborhood for fascists"
Seen in Avignon, France
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kyriad-iel · 2 months
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bunch of wips
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kyriad-iel · 2 months
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(Older) Lake explains the patches on the battle vest I drew for them in this drawing from a few months ago
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kyriad-iel · 2 months
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Sight is a bullshit power and I’m starting to think it isn’t even real.
I’ve been obsessed with that one post where people speculated “What if sight was really uncommon in the universe so other aliens treat humans ability to see like it’s some magical power that doesn’t work half the time for stupid reasons?”
I imagine the alien “see” with echolocation, so they don’t bump into things but their range is very limited.
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kyriad-iel · 2 months
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kyriad-iel · 2 months
How to talk to children
This is based on decades of experience as an uncle and as an older brother.
Never forget that children are just as much people as adults are.
Kids 10 years or younger (and sometimes older than that) don’t get sarcasm or irony, so don’t use them.
If a child has difficulty pronouncing a word, don’t copy their misprounciation when speaking to them. They can hear the word just fine. It could sound to them like you’re making fun of them.
(Yes, this means no babytalk)
Don’t be dismissive.
Listen to what they’re saying.
To get on the same eye-level, don’t bend over or squat: it seems condescending. Kneeling or sitting are better.
It should go without saying that you should respect children’s body autonomy. Don’t force affection on them.
Respect children’s emotional autonomy as well. Let them be angry. Let them be sad. Don’t force them to be happy.
Let children like things. Don’t run down the things they like just because you find them cringy.
Don’t think that you know better.
To children, adults are giants. Be a big friendly giant.
Don’t stifle children’s curiosity.
Don’t stifle children’s enthusiasm.
To quote Sondheim, “Be careful the words you say, children will listen.”
Don’t look down on children.
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kyriad-iel · 2 months
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Oldest human footprint discovered, made 153,000 years ago in South Africa.
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Oldest human footprint in North America, made 21,000 years ago in New Mexico, USA.
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Oldest human footprint on the Moon, made July 20, 1969 on the Sea of Tranquility, Earth's moon.
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