#it's the norm for virgil
jaratedeguadalupe · 1 year
Remus worst nightmare is being trapped in a moving metal box with virgil, his boyfriend, and roman, his brother, because he KNOWS they will blast musicals the entire time 
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dustylogicalityrat · 7 months
hello, hello! I have sort of an idea/rant/question.
(about the whole Patton casting the "Dark Sides" out thing.)
so, like, did he?
because obviously, it'd make sense if Thomas' Morality disapproved of Deceit and Dark Creativity, but,,,
in Can Lying Be Good?, it's explained that Janus kept everyone's "mouths shut" about himself and Remus.
and in Dealing With Intrusive Thoughts, Remus sings about how Janus basically sent him off to fuck with everyone.
and Patton was VERY clearly offset by Remus' appearance. (i mean, come on.)
but in Can Lying Be Good?, the very episode that introduced the concept of the "Dark Sides", Patton seems super unaware of what's going on. and when he sees Janus (who's in his spot), he really isn't surprised to see him at all. just sorta oblivious but confused? but i'm guessing Patton understood that it was Deceit, because when Thomas worried about Janus calling him a good person, Patton realized that meant Janus tried telling him that he wasn't.
still, though, Patton didn't really hate that Janus kept appearing. he was just always the one to be challenged. and he definitely aimed that anger from his own actions at himself. (i mean, it led to him turning into a buff video game frog, so..)
and if Patton was the one to have hidden the "Dark Sides", how?
and how come Virgil was able to appear?
i dunno, something about Janus controlling when the Sides can talk about them sorta throws a wrench into this.
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nsfsprince · 2 years
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💜💛somft and spicy anxceit cuddle-fcking💛💜
(minors DNI)
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oakendesk · 2 years
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Argosy Weekly Dec 4 1937
Gayle Hoskins
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Weird Tales Dec 1937
Virgil Finlay
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Western Romances Dec 1937
Norman Saunders
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tschulijulesjulie · 3 months
I need book recommendations please. I read captive prince and I’m losing my mind.
ooooh gladly!
so first of all, nothing really compares to CaPri, however i do have some - imo - very good recommendations that might have similar vibes.
The Kingdoms by Natasha Pulley - historical (18th and 19th century) Fantasy. Amnesia and time-travelling, with a veeeery Laurent-coded love interest.
The Scottish Boy by Alex De Campi - historical (14th century) Captive/Prisoner and (reluctant) man who has to hold him captive, secret identity, political schemes, revenge, war
Solomons Crown by Natasha Siegel - historical (12th century), Crown Prince of England (Richard Lionheart) and King of France (Philipp II) falling in love despite their countries being enemies, political schemes, strained family relationship to the point of going to war against family members, allies to enemies to allies again
A Taste of Gold and Iron by Alexandra Rowland - not my personal favourite but still good, Fabtasy, outstanding non-european-centric world-building, anxiety rep, queer-normative, Disgraced Prince and his guard(s) having to uncover a political intrigue that could dethrown his sister, the monarch, nightly shenenigans in taverns while hiding their identity, forced proximity, kinda co-dependent relationship
Winters Orbit by Everina Maxwell - SciFy, Prince has to marry the widow of his cousin for diplomatic reasons who then gets accused of having killed his first husband, political intrigue, past abuse
Fence by CS Pacat and Johanna the Mad - graphic novels, sports (fencing), YA?, might be an entirely different setting but the character dynamics are reminiscent of CaPri/ you can tell Pacats writing
The Aeneid by Virgil - the great Roman epic. to this day im convinced Pacat might have drawn some inspiration from this (or possibly the Odyssee and the Iliad)
I hope that helps. Thank you for your ask!
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clinically-obssessed · 3 months
Remus' Purpose
So far in Sanders Sides, we have seen that two of "dark sides" - Virgil and Janus - are just as essential to Thomas as the "light sides." Without Virgil, Thomas has no motivation, and Janus introduces an element of self-preservation that would otherwise be absent. But what about Remus? So far, all we know is that he represents intrusive thougts, but we have not yet seen in what way he helps Thomas. And it's not immediately obvious that he does at all: the two episodes in which he appears as a major character portray him as pathological, focusing on strategies to help Thomas cope with and avoid intrusive thoughts. But I think, given the show's increasing attention to Patton's overly strict ethical rules, Remus will play a key role in helping Thomas accept himself and change his attitude toward morality
In his introductory song, Remus sings a number of lines that relate to morality. He begins with a Biblical allusion, drawing a parallel between Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit and Thomas learning about Remus. He says, "Adam and Eve bought knowledge for the small price of a little sin," framing Thomas' own pursuit of self-knowledge as a transaction that requires him to break his moral rules. Later in the song, he states that "Good and bad are all made up nonsense" and that "everybody cheats, everybody lies, so why deny yourself knowledge?" which attempts to justify Thomas' descent into sin. This is further reinforced by Remus' assertion that "these kinds of things are only thought in the mind of a man whose soul is truly rotten," which is intended to dispel Thomas' self-image as morally righteous. In Remus' view, what is holding Thomas back from understanding himself and reaching his full creative potential is that he is too caught up in false notions of morality, and it is only by dropping these pretenses that he can truly achieve his goals.
At this point, you should be screaming, "Whoa! That sounds exactly like the philosophy of Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900)!" That is precisely because I've described it in a way that is intentionally similar to the philosophy of Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900). I think that drawing this parallel will allow us to understand the character's direction. Nietzsche was a highly influential philosopher because of his rejection of most things everyone else - even philosophers - took for granted. His writing is complex and difficult to interpret - likely intentionally so - but one of his most famous ideas is that morality is subjective. He criticized Christian morality as "slave morality", claiming that it celebrates weakness and keeps people from achieving their true potential. Additionally, he believed that the metaphysical claims of Christianity were becoming less and less believable in the face of advancements in science and philosophy, so Christian ethics no longer had any grounding either. Instead, he says, it is up to every individual person to give their life meaning. To him, there is no objective truth, only each person's will to power. In this new world that can no longer find answers in God, everyone must strive toward an ideal known as the ubermensch, or "overman," a person who is able to overcome their own weaknesses, create new things, and affirm all aspects of life.
The similarities between Nietzsche and Remus are clear. Both embrace self-understanding, value creativity, and reject moral systems as barriers to achieving one's goals. Furthermore, they share a particular orientation toward controversy. Nietzsche's work is filled with contradictions, and his style is exaggerated and extreme, suggesting that his writings do not form a logically coherent philosophical system or even necessarily reflect his own beliefs but are rather intended to challenge societal norms and promote critical thinking. In the same way, Remus intentionally gives Thomas uncomfortable and disgusting thoughts which he knows will contradict Thomas' morality in order to force him to question his values and assumptions about himself.
With this in mind, it seems likely that Remus will play a major role in the finale. The arc of the show has been focused heavily on the idea of morality, and as "Putting Others First" revealed, Patton's standards are only hurting Thomas' mental health. Janus made the case for the importance of self-care using psychology, but his argument is not fully convincing. As Roman pointed out, it is necessary to find a balance between selfishness and selflessness, and Janus does not answer his question of "When is it enough?" Therefore, it may be necessary for Remus to come in and force Thomas to confront the fact that Patton's morality is not only hurting him but it is based on false premises to begin with. By bringing ugly realities to the surface, Remus will challenge Thomas to stop passively accepting the moral codes that have been handed down to him by society and to create his own meaning and values that serve him.
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tulipanthousa · 1 month
(in my head prob remy/sloane but)
"woah such a powerful fae gets taken out by the sun? By the heat? Skill issue /lh"
maybe, but i dont think it would go the way your thinking - virgil is a bit of a control freak with his anxiety and his few weaknesses do make him kind of nervous and like, uncomfortably vulnerable. its also a fae cultural thing that weaknesses should be closely kept secret, because so much of their culture has normative violence
So while i do think sloane or remy would make such a joke, it would be immediately followed by them clocking that they made virgil nervous by pointing out a weakness so openly, and either changing the subject entirely with a Bro Back SlapTM (Remy) or crawling into virgils lap with big old sad wet eyes like "sorryyyyyyy i love you 😢😢😢" (sloane)
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gumnut-logic · 6 months
Driving Home
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Just a quick scene, prompted by something I saw on the way home from work/school.
Younger Tracys, a Scotty thoughts moment that doesn't really go anywhere.
The traffic lights lit up his brother’s face in the darkness. Scott couldn’t help but smile at Virgil, head smushed against the passenger-side door, asleep.
His brother was at the end of his degree. Graduating after years of toil while Scott had been away in the Air Force.
Scott had made a point to get leave to be there for Virgil on his big day. Dad couldn’t make it, but hell or highwater, Scott had skipped continents to see his brother get his piece of paper.
John had been there, gaining leave from NASA training, but the two youngest were home with Grandma, so it had been a reunion of the three eldest, two of them taking out the third to celebrate.
And celebrate they did.
Until John needed to leave.
There were hugs at the airport, even a soppy tear on Virgil’s part as they separated and said goodbye to their space-destined brother.
It was just the two of them from that point on. Scott could have flown them both home, but he had opted for a road trip back to Kansas. It wasn’t really that far, and honestly, he needed some time with Virgil.
Today had been great, driving across state lines. Really just talking, sharing experiences, taking the opportunity to wind down after a hectic…everything.
Scott had the wheel, determined to let his little brother rest. And eventually, after chatterboxing about anything and everything, Virgil had slipped into a snooze just as the sun dipped below the horizon.
Scott was oddly grateful for it.
Not that he wanted silence, if anything he missed his brother’s excited voice.
It was more that…
It was a return to the norm.
They hadn’t seen each other for so long. Scott missed his brothers, all of them, but he also missed this. Just the two of them, hanging out together, being themselves, the sense of trust Virgil had in him. That knowledge that Virgil believed in Scott.
Sure, snoozing while his brother drove was far from life threatening. But it was done without thought.
It was reassuring to know that despite all his time away, Virgil still had that familiar faith in him.
The lights changed to green and Scott eased the car into the intersection, smoothly bringing it up to speed without disturbing Virgil at all. It wasn’t really required because his brother was almost impossible to wake up most of the time, but he did it for love anyway.
He really was getting corny in his old age.
He could almost hear Virgil’s chuckle at the thought.
God, he missed this.
He had buddies in the Force, yes, but his brothers…
Amber street lights strobed over Virgil’s lax features.
His brother…
Virgil snorted and shifted where he sat, his mouth drooping open and beginning to drool.
…was laughably gross.
Scott snorted, half tempted to poke Virgil awake. Thank goodness this was a hire car.
But his smile returned.
It really was good to be together again.
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my favourite recurring theme in laoft is patton becoming increasingly desensitised to fae social norms, its so fun
*gets stabbed* "well i didnt like that"
*another fae asks his name* he is just mildly offended
*watches roman covered in blood fighting a fae* "oh hot"
*other fae tries to buy him from virgil* his only reaction is to "purse his lips in annoyance"
its just one of my favourite things, i feel like its been brought up a couple times how logan is very human for a fae but patton is so fey for a human pslsjs
went to live in fairyland and it wrung all the shame out of him like a dishrag aksjdhakjhsd
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snowdice · 5 months
Unplanned Consequences (Part 5: Patton) [Sometimes Labels Shift Series-The End]
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Patton/Logan
Characters: Patton, Logan, Virgil (mentioned), Roman (mentioned)
Summary: Sometimes... things change.
Notes: This takes place after Best Laid Plans
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
“Hey Lo,” Patton said as he walked into the living room. Virgil had officially moved into an apartment with Roman a few days ago as the spring semester was starting tomorrow. This left Patton and Logan living alone together in the house for the first time since… The Incident.
Patton had just finished cleaning up dinner after getting Logan settled on the couch. The TV was on, but Logan was currently staring past it into space, something he never used to do, but had become a frequent occurrence since getting injured. It worried Patton a bit, but he tried not to think about it.
Logan looked up at him as Patton said his name. He didn’t smile softly at Patton like he usually would have. It made something clog in Patton’s throat.
“Hello,” Logan said.
“I… made us both some tea,” Patton said, holding out the tea mugs as though for his approval.
“Thank you, love.” He still seemed distracted and distant. He turned back towards the television.
Patton nodded and then walked over to set the mugs on the coffee table. Then, he sat down on the couch next to Logan. Years of instinct told him to scootch over closer until their arms and legs intermingled, but he hesitated.
Logan either noticed his hesitation, or noticed his deviation from the norm, because he glanced over at Patton. He lifted the arm closest to Patton and Patton instantly took the invitation, moving closer to curl up under his arm.
Logan pressed a kiss to the top of his head.
It was silent between them for a long moment, only the sound of the television droning on breaking the quiet. The news was on, Patton noted. There was coverage on a supervillain attack Prince had stopped the night before.
“I think I need to retire,” Logan said out of the blue.
Patton drew back to look at him in surprise. “What?” he asked. “You’ve been given medical leave until next fall. You’ll be more than recovered enough to go back to teaching by then.”
Logan looked at him for a moment and then gave him a wry smile. “I wasn’t talking about teaching, my dear.”
“Oh,” Patton said blinking at him. “Oh.” He took a moment to process that statement. “But you… you want to retire?”
“I wouldn’t say want,” Logan said, “but I think it may be the most responsible course of action.”
“You… I know you’re struggling with the leg and everything right now, but you’ll get better.”
“Patton,” Logan said, “you’re a doctor.”
“Exactly!” Patton said, feeling oddly defensive for a reason he couldn’t place. “So, I know exactly how people heal from injuries like yours. You’ll need time, but with physical therapy and…”
Logan cut him off. “With physical therapy,” he said, “I will get much better. I will perhaps walk again, maybe even without a mobility aid eventually, but Patton, I’m 57-years-old. This severe of an injury is not going to heal quickly or completely.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I’m getting old,” Logan said. “I’ve been slowing down, and this will not help me speed up. Being Bluebird is physically… and mentally demanding. I won’t be able fully meet those demands again after what happened.”
“That’s not true,” Patton said even though he wasn’t sure of that himself.
“It is,” said Logan. “It’s always something that would happen eventually. This has just… sped up the process.”
“You’re catastrophizing,” Patton said. It was probably an ironic statement to make when Patton’s words sounded so much more upset than his husband’s. “You’re making a rash decision because you feel bad now, but…”
“This isn’t rash,” Logan said, evenly. “I’ve been thinking about it a lot in the last months.”
Patton didn’t know what to say to that.
“Besides,” he said, nodding at the TV. The news had cycled around again while they talked, back to Prince, back to Roman. “I’m not the city’s only long-term hero anymore. Roman had been doing well before and is doing even better now. I will continue to help him on his journey, and it won’t be an immediate transition. Bluebird will still make a few appearances, but I do think it’s time. For my own sake and ultimately for this city’s too.”
Patton hesitated. Logan was right, of course, that this was inevitable. It’s just that Patton had never really thought about it. He didn’t want to think about it, especially now when Logan was still so hurt in multiple ways. He’d been telling himself that eventually things would go back to normal, but Logan had just confirmed Patton’s greatest fear: they wouldn’t.
It felt selfish to be upset, but Patton really couldn’t help it. Patton felt himself gripping onto Logan’s sleeve for support even though support was Patton’s job right now. He felt tears in his eyes, but he resisted letting them fall.
“Are you okay?” Logan asked.
“I…” Patton said. A couple of the tears escaped. “It’s just… I’ve never known a Logan that wasn’t also Bluebird.”
Logan sighed softly. He gently removed Patton’s grasping hand from his shirt sleeve to hold it in his own. “Things change,” he said, doing that thing where he stared into the distance again, “labels shift.”
And that my friends, is the end of Sometimes Labels Shift.
It's been a long time coming and I'm feeling a bit emotional even though it's not the end of the Labeled Universe. We're just moving on to the next chapter.
All of our favorite Labeled characters will return in the new sub-series named Envisage. I hope to see you there.
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loopstagirl · 2 months
Slippery Slope, Ch 4
Virgil smiled before he even opened his eyes. It was the first time in weeks he'd woken on his terms, not a brothers' – and not just the younger ones. Scott was taking his Field Commander role seriously, and didn't think there was time to sit around. Virgil personally thought they should get all the rest they could.
He was warm and cosy, basking in the knowledge he'd been allowed to sleep in.
That made him frown. It was great, what he wanted, and so out of the norm for his family that he couldn't trust the quiet.
With a long-suffering groan, Virgil wriggled free of the duvet and dressed. It was too cold to wander around in anything less than six layers.
He didn't even make it down the hallway before deciding neither Gordon nor Alan were in the house. It wasn't physically possible for them to be here, and not be heard. It made Virgil relax a touch, no longer expecting something to jump or fall out of every door he passed.
The smell of coffee led him to the kitchen. A pot was being kept warm and Virgil thanked John under his breath. If it had been Scott's doing, there wouldn't be nearly as much left. He poured out a mug and jumped up on the worktop. Cradling his drink in both hands, Virgil blew on it as he thought back to the previous evening.
It had taken a while to wake Scott. Virgil vehemently denied it'd taken as long to wake him. While the sleep had helped and Scott had sobered up a little, it hadn't taken Gordon long to realise the true state of his oldest brother.
After that, it was sheer entertainment. Scott tried in vain to act like he was fine. He apparently hadn't noticed their dad's smirk, a clear indicator he'd guessed. While their grandmother didn't give anything away, Virgil knew there was no fooling her. Scott didn't help matters when he'd almost fallen off his chair and then tried to cover it up.
At least by the time the five brothers had returned to their own chateaux, Scott had been able to walk in a straight line. A solid meal and a few cups of coffee had helped. It had still taken both Virgil and John to get him into bed, though.
Virgil smiled at the memory. While they had come here to test equipment, moments like that were more precious. Once operations were up and running, who knew when they'd have time for that. Scott certainly wouldn't be getting drunk.
Finishing his coffee, Virgil slipped off the counter and looked out the window. It was late morning: no doubt the others were at the slopes. His board was missing. Gordon hadn't said anything the evening before and Virgil had followed his lead; Gordon wouldn't want the others knowing his back was given him grief.
He left his mug in the sink and headed towards the bathroom to clean up. Then he stopped and walked backwards down the corridor, pausing when he realised what had caught his eye. He was level with Scott's door: Scott's closed door.
But the only time he kept his door shut was when he was asleep. It had stemmed from childhood and wanting to always be accessible to his little brothers. Virgil couldn't remember the last time he'd seen Scott's door shut during the day, even on vacation.
Virgil frowning, glancing up and down the hallway. No one miraculously appeared to give him an answer. He lifted his hand to knock, lowered it, lifted it, then swore and edged the door open. The room was in darkness, the curtains still drawn, but Virgil could hear steady breathing.
He'd seen Scott drunk before, and the man had still been up at the crack of dawn to run it off. Although Virgil guessed the deep powdery snow put a stop to that.
He smirked at the answering grunt.
"Time to rise!" he called in a sing-song voice, overly cheerful for this time of day. But this was his chance for payback for all the times Scott had pulled him out of bed. While his brother had literally tipped him out before, Virgil wasn't feeling brave enough to push his luck that far. He did intend to survive this trip.
He crossed the room, not bothering with the light. Scott was a stickler for neatness; Virgil didn't fear stubbed toes. He reached the window and flung open the curtains with a flourish. The skies were clear blue, the sun reflecting off the snow and making Virgil blink at the brightness.
There was an inaudible mutter from behind him.
"Didn't quite catch that," Virgil laughed, hooking the curtains back. He wasn't faking it. His own lie-in meant he felt more awake than he'd done in days.
Scott's words were audible this time.
"What would Grandma said?" Virgil chuckled. "That sort of language in front of a little brother."
A hand stuck out from under the duvet and Scott's gesture matched his words.
Virgil crossed the room and perched on the edge of the bed.
"So?" He said, still sounding far too cheerful. "How're you feeling?"
A pair of eyes glared blearily at him over the top of the covers. Then Scott promptly pulled them up over his head without a word. Virgil decided to take pity on him – just a little, anyway. Scott's movements had almost dislodged him from the bed as it was and he stood up, moving back to the kitchen. He returned a few moments later with a glass of water and a couple of painkillers.
"Here." While his tone was quieter than before, it wasn't softer. Not only was this far too entertaining, but Scott had also brought it on himself. Virgil was going to make the most of it.
He did, however, retreat to the far side of the room. He wasn't sure he wanted to be in reach. If this was what Scott was usually like before a run and three cups of coffee, Virgil was glad his brother was (nearly) always up before him.
A groping hand found the items, although Scott nearly upset the glass of water in the process. He emerged from under the covers again so he could take the tablets. Virgil frowned. He was certain that they'd dumped Scott in bed fully clothed and already nearly asleep, but somehow, his brother was now topless.
His face was pale, eyes sunken and red. It was a far cry from the decorated Air Force pilot Virgil was used to seeing and he couldn't help but smile softly.
"Human after all," he muttered.
Scott struggled for a moment before managing to push his pillows upright and slumped back against them, groaning.
"Thanks." Even his voice was hoarse.
Virgil nodded, then looked out the window. "You don't want to build a snowman, do you?"
"Huh?" Scott's expression was entirely blank. Whatever he remembered from the night before, it wasn't that. It gave Virgil hope that he and John had got away with throwing him in a snow drift.
"Do you really think you should be able to do everything?" he suddenly asked on impulse. Scott had let his defences down last night, but Virgil was curious whether they were back up yet.
"No one can do everything," Scott mumbled, keeping his eyes open long enough to shoot Virgil a puzzled look before closing them again.
"I'm getting breakfast," Virgil said, taking a step towards the door. "Want anything?"
Scott went paler than before as he shook his head. As Virgil reached the door, his brother called him back.
"What's the time?"
Virgil checked. "Just gone 11."
It really was the perfect time to have only just got up. Scott looked alarmed.
He grasped for the covers, preparing to shove them off. Virgil's life flashed before his eyes.
Scott stared at his yelp.
"You've got something on, right?"
He really couldn't face being scarred for life if Scott had lost more than his top overnight.
Scott thought for a second, then glanced under the quilt.
"We're good."
He made it out of bed, which impressed Virgil given his complexion. Scott was dressed in an old pair of running pants and grabbed a thick sweater as soon as he was upright. Virgil was impressed Scott had come round enough to even think of getting changed the night before.
His brother yawned, dragging a hand through his hair.
"I'm not sure I've ever got up this late," he admitted. Virgil believed him: even as a teenager, Scott had never done well at sleeping in. Then again, four younger brothers might have had something to do with that.
"It's the perfect time," Virgil said happily. He led the way to the kitchen, passing Scott a coffee even as he set about toasting some bread. Despite his grumbling stomach, he gave his brother the first batch, figuring it might take a while. Sure enough, Scott initially shook his head, but it didn't take long before he started to pick at it.
They fell into an easy rhythm, both getting through two rounds of toast. They'd been back under the same roof for a couple of months, but it'd surprised Virgil how easily they'd fallen into new routines. He'd been a child when Scott had moved out and, apart from the odd vacation, they hadn't lived together properly since.
But it was as if that had never happened. Virgil enjoyed the chance to sit and chat with his big brother without anyone else demanding attention. Even Brains seemed to make contact at regular intervals these days as designs progressed and more input was needed.
Food and coffee brought the colour back into Scott's face. It was almost lunchtime when he looked at his watch, blanched, and headed for a shower. Virgil dutifully cleared up the kitchen, but then toppled onto the sofa, snagging a sketchbook as he did. He flipped it open, pencil in his hand as he continued the shading of a previous drawing.
He could've stayed there all day but his family had other ideas. When Scott reappeared, he was pocketing his cell.
"Get dressed," he said. "Dad wants us altogether for lunch.
Virgil knew better than to argue. Promising his picture he'd return later, he got up.
Scott seemed to be back to (almost) normal as they trudged through the fresh snow to the other accommodation, both speculating what the man wanted to talk about. For such a short walk, they managed to come up with some wild theories. Which was saying something given the last surprise their dad had sprung.
John was storing his skis when they arrived.
"How you feeling?" John asked innocently. Virgil chuckled at the glint in his eye even as Scott rolled his own.
"I'm fine," Scott said.
"Doesn't remember wanting to make a snowman," Virgil said. It was the only way he could tell John that they were off the hook: Scott didn't remember them throwing him in a snow drift, either. John winked, understanding.
But it didn't go unnoticed.
"What am I missing?" Scott said, looking between them.
"Nothing." Virgil headed inside before Scott could ask anything else. He'd always been rubbish at lying to him.
Gordon had beaten them there. He had his legs dangling over the arm of the chair, and his flushed cheeks gave away a morning out in the cold air.
"Good time?" Virgil asked, taking the chair opposite. Gordon's posture told him enough; he wouldn't have been able to sit like that the day before. Gordon turned to face him properly, dropping his legs.
"Everything I ever said about you wanting a snowboard? I take it back."
"She's a beaut, isn't she?"
Their two big brothers went to get coffee. John because he was cold; Scott because he was Scott. Virgil chatted to Gordon about his morning on the slopes. Their dad appeared, frowned when he saw he was missing a son, then disappeared again.
Alan didn't leave them waiting long. Virgil swore the entire building shook when the door slammed open. His brother appeared, eyes shining, face flushed, and a grin on his face. The same level of contentment radiated from TinTin as she entered behind him, still holding Alan's hand.
"Where've you two been?"
There was no way Alan had spent the morning failing to ski.
"Down in the valley," Alan said. Unless Virgil was mistaken, there was a smug tone in his voice. "They've got the best concealed hot spr-,"
"Shopping," TinTin blurted out. She slipped her hand from Alan's, crossing the room to hang up her coat. Alan gaped after her, nonplussed, then looked around. TinTin had seen what he hadn't. Kyrano, entering the room, his own dad just behind him.
Gordon laughed.
"Sorry," he said when Alan glared at him, "something in my throat."
He gave a false cough. Virgil looked away, hiding his own smirk. No wonder the two teenagers didn't want their fathers knowing they'd spent the morning together at some secluded hot springs.
"Quite some cough, kiddo," Scott said with a grin. Gordon's answering smile was sickly sweet.
"How's the head?" he asked, far louder than necessary. Scott didn't rise to it.
"Not as big as yours."
"Thicker, though."
"Alright, boys." Their dad cut in, crossing the room, and taking the final armchair. Scott and John took the sofa, leaving Alan to pull around a dining room chair.
Silence fell as Jeff sat down. Virgil looked around his siblings; they all had the same look of anticipation on their faces that he felt.
"We came here for a break," their dad began. "But we all know that if we want to be operational by the end of the year, we need to keep tests running. The cold weather gear seems to be doing well-,"
"No complaints," Gordon interrupted.
"Speak for yourself," John said. He was cradling his mug as if his fingers would fall off if he didn't. Too much time spent in controlled environments meant extreme temperatures always got to John.
Their dad silenced them with a look.
"What've we got?" Scott said. He was sitting bolt upright, alert and poised. If he felt any of last night's repercussions, he was hiding them well. The thrill of talking about their future business was a good hangover cure.
Their father looked around, meeting each of their eyes', letting the suspense build. As Alan opened his mouth, the man spoke.
"Motorised jet-packs."
"Cool!" Alan exclaimed. He exchanged an excited look with Gordon while John suddenly sat up straighter, mirroring Scott's position.
"They're motor-powered, not fuel," Jeff continued. "Not the fastest, but they're strong. Wearing one will allow you to ski uphill, for starters. It also has the power of a small car, assisting with moving heavy equipment where necessary."
"We're not going to be shifting stuff by hand," Virgil said. Then he glanced at his brothers. "Are we?"
Scott shook his head. "An easy way to move uphill in these kinds of conditions will be good though. We'll need somewhere secluded to test it."
Virgil could tell that Scott had switched into his new role of Field Commander. It was something in his posture.
"Already taken care of," their dad confirmed. "The fact it's not peak season meant a generous donation to the rescue teams got us an exclusive space."
"You've bought a mountain?" Gordon said. He sounded impressed.
"No, I've hired-,"
"He's bought a mountain," Virgil agreed. An exasperated look crossed their father's face, but Scott spoke first.
They both settled back again.
"How many prototypes?" John asked, steering the conversation back again.
"Only two," Jeff admitted. "Brains needs one. The other…"
Trailing off, Jeff looking around his sons. He first looked at Scott, who sighed.
"I can't even go downhill," he said, glumly.
Virgil looked away, hiding a grin. He knew that had cost his brother to admit that, especially in front of Gordon and Alan.
Alan spoke next. "Neither can I."
"Can't believe I'm saying this," Gordon chimed in. "But count me out."
That was another confession that would've cost a brother. Virgil caught Gordon's eye and gave a small smile. Gordon shrugged, trying to act like it didn't bother him, but Virgil knew better.
They all loved testing the equipment. But if the pack didn't work as expected, Gordon couldn't afford to pay the price.
Their dad looked between Virgil and John. "Up to you two, then."
"Virgil, obviously," Alan scoffed. They all looked at him, and he shrugged. "No one's even seen John on the slopes. Probably hiding in some bar with a book instead."
"More Scott's style," Virgil murmured, just loud enough to be heard. "Only without the book."
Scott shot him a look, but then smirked. "Better the bar than the hot springs."
Their father held up a hand before Alan could respond.
"It's your call, boys. Which of you want it?"
Virgil looked at John.
"You take it," John said. "Just let me look at Brains' circuitry before you burn it out."
"I don't short-circuit everything!" Virgil protested, flushing. Just because he had a track record…
"Just control panels," Scott said.
"The communicators' wiring."
"Those engine components."
"Okay." Virgil held up his hands in surrender. "They weren't my fault, and you jerks know it."
The trouble with testing prototypes was that they weren't always ready.
"The coffee machine was, though." John said.
Virgil winced. "Yeah, fair," he admitted, "that was my fault."
"I knew it!" Scott glared at John. "You made me think-,"
"I never said it was your fault," John said. "I just let you believe it."
"Thanks," Virgil said, touched. John winked. He'd been terrified Scott would find out he was the reason why coffee wasn't an option for a couple of days.
"Any time."
"Are you quite finished?" Despite their dad's tone, there was a sparkle in his eye.
Virgil once again looked at John.
"Finished," they said in unison. Gordon laughed and Scott shook his head, half-fond, half-exasperated.
"It's agreed, then? Virgil will take the second jetpack tomorrow. Prototype rules only, son. No heroics; no trying to break records; and for goodness sake, no listening to whatever your brothers suggest."
"Agreed," Virgil said, drowning out his siblings' protests.
His dad stood up. "Tomorrow morning, then. Your grandmother wants to go into the village in the afternoon."
He didn't look thrilled at the thought, but they could hardly leave her sitting in the châteaux for the entire vacation.
"Al may have recommendations," Gordon said innocently.
Their dad glanced at Alan's flushed face and shook his head.
"I don't want to know," he said. As he moved away, Virgil was certain he was repeating that mantra.
"Plans for this afternoon?" John said, heading off Alan's retort before he could utter it, ever the peacemaker.
"Coffee," Scott groaned. His entire posture slumped now their father was out the room. "Lots of coffee."
Virgil chuckled. "I've got a sketch I want to finish."
His dad would have him testing the pack all morning. Then his brothers would likely want a second-by-second account in the afternoon. Virgil didn't think there would be much time to himself the following day.
John and Gordon exchanged looks.
"Where one goes…"
"… the other follows."
"We do not!" Virgil was not staying off the slopes just because Scott wasn't going up.
"Do we?" he added, glancing at Scott.
"We don't," Scott confirmed.
"Yes, you do." Alan, Gordon, and John all spoke at once.
"I'm going to help Grandma," Scott said. No one spoke before he was out of the room.
"Bets on his excuse for falling off his chair last night?" Gordon said with a grin.
"I'm not sure he even remembers," Virgil said. He uncurled his legs, stretching his toes towards the heater. "But if it gets us off washing up for a week, then that's good by me."
What were brothers for, if not to get him out of chores occasionally?
FF.Net ->
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batbeato · 4 months
As someone who has read the Divine Comedy, one of Umineko's many inspirations, there's an interesting aspect of the Divine Comedy that is twisted in Umineko - Virgil.
(Before we start, I want to say that this is not a Virgilius post. I love him, very much, but this is primarily dealing with Divine Comedy comparisons and the Virgil we received - Virgilia.)
The role of Virgil in Dante's story is to lead Dante to Beatrice - this is a role that Virgilia assigns herself within Umineko as well. In The Divine Comedy, Virgil comes when Dante is at his lowest, faced with an impossible challenge, and he states that he was sent by Beatrice herself to guide him to her.
Before Virgil came to rescue him, Dante felt completely lost: he was faced with a great hill guarded by three beasts, representing various sins (pride, lust, and greed). Virgil makes a prophecy about these beasts that relates to Dante's political views, and then Virgil tells Dante that they cannot climb the hill, but must instead descend into the depths of hell - the furthest place from heaven and Beatrice - in order to ultimately ascend, triumphing over Dante's difficulties and reaching their objective (heaven/Beatrice).
The relationship between Dante and Virgil is one that has been interpreted by many as homoromantic, and it involves Dante having a great deal of respect and attachment to Virgil. Virgil leads Dante confidently through Hell, though he is as lost as Dante is during their ascent of Mount Purgatorio (as Virgil has never been there), and once Dante is in Heaven, Virgil abruptly disappears, having returned to Hell. Dante weeps for Virgil at first, only to be corrected by Beatrice, for he has many other sins (against Beatrice) he should be crying for.
Virgil can represent homoromantic bonds being superseded by heterosexual norms, but he is also a representation of Human Reason, which is needed to avoid sins (navigate Hell) and can assist in improving oneself (ascending Purgatorio), but is in the end overshadowed by belief/love/devotion. Dante's love of Virgil and love of reason is important, but according to the Divine Comedy, it is not as important (or holy) as Dante's love of Beatrice/God.
In Umineko, while these concepts remain - reason is important (red/blue truth), but love and belief can supersede mere reason (golden truth), and together they allow Battler to finally understand Beatrice - Virgil's role is not completely filled by Virgilia.
To be honest, it feels as though Virgil is split in two - into Virgilia and into Erika - because they are.
Virgilia represents Virgil the guide, who leads Battler to Beatrice. Battler does not cry over Virgilia's departure and there is no element of separation or graduation from Virgilia's guidance, replaced instead by Virgilia's betrayal, which does make Battler weep.
Erika, meanwhile, represents Virgil as Human Reason. Her presence in the story motivates Battler to look beyond human reason into (divine) love to see the truth of Beatrice. It is Erika who brings Knox into the gameboard, and who challenges Battler to look beyond his previous faulty arguments.
(It can also be argued that Virgil as the Homoerotic Bond is represented by Ronove, especially as he is a demon and thus originates in Hell, and he does help Battler on occasion.)
Though Virgilia is the most obvious derivative of Virgil, we can see elements of his role in other Umineko characters, and we can see how the themes of Human Reason and Divine Love express themselves through these new avenues.
Of course, I would have loved to see Virgilia take more from Virgil, and play a more active role in the story, especially given how her screen time is mostly comedic in Episode 4 and she only has a few scenes in Episode 6. But I'll take what we have, which is interesting in and of itself in its adaptation of such a classic work.
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tracybirds · 11 months
Loving your responses to the sickness prompts so far!!
Wondered if you might come up with something for Careful Care with John as Character A. Dealer's choice for Character B.
Please and thank you.
We'll pretend it hasn't been a couple of *ahem* months since I got these - but thank you for your patience and the late night inspiration <33
careful care: it’s hard for[character A] to accept help. [character B] knows which care methods are “acceptable”. 
Another anomaly.
EOS catalogued the newest data point, the slow trend away from the norm growing more evident with each passing hour.
It wasn’t yet enough to confront John, but the data flooded in as he coughed, bracing himself against the wall.
EOS remembered the more colloquial term from Gordon – ‘hacking up a lung’ did seem more appropriate for the situation in front of her, despite her dislike of figurative speech.
“Ugh,” John said, grimacing slightly. His posture was slumped, his eyes bleary. He barely glanced in her direction as she settled in front of him and lowered the array.
“Don’t,” he said, cutting her off instantly.
“I just–”
“Doesn’t matter.”
She kept her display a bland white and her tone neutral.
“There’s tea in the galley.” No reason, no judgment. “We are monitoring three weather systems and five major engineering projects. No sign of current danger.”
You should rest. Words she didn’t say.
John gave a sharp nod.
There was none of his usual ease in motion, fluidity lost to the ache in his bones. He turned away from the stars as he reached for the mug with a shaky hand.
EOS withdrew.
She had what she needed.
A channel opened to Tracy Island.
“You need to be here,” she informed Virgil, before he could say a word.
He frowned, leaning forward as though looking for John in the holo.
“He’s in the galley,” she said, responding to his unasked question. “I made him tea, but I don’t know what happened next.”
“Is John sick?” asked Virgil in a soft voice.
“Nearly,” she said, and he nodded.
“Good job,” he said, and the praise made EOS glow even brighter. “I’ll look after him.”
“I wish he’d let me.”
Virgil hesitated, halfway out the door.
“Someday, he might,” he said eventually. “It’s hard for him.”
“What’s so hard about staying in bed and watching television and drinking soup? All my research suggests that minor illnesses are easily treatable and highly predictable.”
Virgil could only offer a half-smile.
“It’s simple enough, EOS. But it sure doesn’t feel that way when your body’s fighting against you. Imagine if you woke up and you suddenly couldn’t access all your systems. And those you could were sluggish and you know it’s not right but there’s nothing you can do about it.”
EOS didn’t have to imagine. She remembered her early existence with perfect clarity, and she remembered also how hard she’d fought to shake off her chains.
“What would you do?” asked Virgil. “If that happened?”
“Tell John.”
Perfectly logical.
Virgil’s lips quirked, biting back a grin.
“If John wasn’t there?” he asked. “Would you tell one of us?”
EOS found she didn’t have an answer. Logic dictated that she must answer affirmatively. Yet something held her back, a strange distaste at the idea that anybody other than John would see her in so vulnerable a position. She’d grown to trust his family, but John was different. She’d held his life aloft and he’d created her with his hands.
Virgil nodded.
“He thinks the world of you, you know,” he said gently. “He’d rather push through and pretend everything was fine than let you down.”
“This is hardly something in his control. Nor would illness be cause to ‘let me down’.”
“Give him time, that’s all I’m saying. And until that day, I’ll look after him.”
EOS nodded.
“Thank you, Virgil. I am pleased that he has you.”
 “I’ll see you up there,” he said. “I’ll show you what to do.”
“If you can convince him to go back to bed, that will be a lesson worth learning.”
[prompt list is here if you want to reblog for yourself!]
(or if you want to send one through feel free although there is a decent backlog :P)
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kieraelieson · 4 months
I still have wip for sanders sides, mostly around Virgil x Remus because I love this ship so much. What's you're favorite ship?
Oh, my favorite is analogical! Especially when they’re both like ‘in front of other people we’re stoic or loud or aggressive, but we understand each other enough to have a space to be soft.’
It’s just Mmmmmmmmmmmmm!
Maybe I’ll properly start writing that wip I came up with the idea for a few weeks back 🤔 I’m gonna start calling it Haunted Duplex
Logan turned his key in the lock. On the other side of the porch, exiting the other door of the duplex, was his neighbor, holding a trash bag. Logan nodded politely in his direction. The man hunched into his hoodie a bit, and waved awkwardly.
“Perhaps I should stop acknowledging him…” Logan mused under his breath as he set his laptop bag on its hook. “He seems rather uncomfortable when I do.”
A sound like a drop of water made him snap his head towards Carassius’s tank. He stared intently at the goldfish. He would swear under oath that occasionally his fish looked like a different fish. He’d even taken Carassius to the vet before when he had developed a spot overnight. But the spot was entirely benign, and disappeared just as quickly a few days later.
He was now on high alert for any sort of notable sight or sound from the tank, and had started keeping a notebook with detailed records of any and all changes. He wasn’t sure what he was discovering, but this was certainly out of the norm, and must be recorded.
Moving more sluggishly than usual by a small amount. Appears to be a bit smaller than usual. Slight discoloration on the left fin.
Wanted to be tagged in this ask game:
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Side characters
When I said “I would be putting in random Thomas Sanders” characters into this au, I absolutely meant it-
I haven’t made finished, postable art of them yet just but here’s some (not all cause I kinda love them all) of my favorites that I might as well share cause what the heck else is this blog for lol:
The Mean Months
The mean months from that one Thomas short from a while back are Virgil’s friend group. While I plan to make 12 characters to represent each month, the most important ones are December, November, and October (really, December is the most important but as we all know, those are an iconic trio). December (aka Chris; he/him) is the leader of this friend group and kinda Virgil’s best friend at the start. October (Octavia; she/her) and November (Thea; she/her) are typically close behind Chris.
Roman (+fam) from Roleslaying with Roman
(You can thank my best friend for this storyline. Love ya bestie; you are a genius).
Roman of Reston (he/him) is a new student as the boys’ highschool. He’s just transferred from “Reston Highschool” and while he’s a new student, he’s pretty open to making new friends. Logan gets along with him pretty well considering the two of them are both geeky (Roman of Reston is a huge dnd nerd and is trying to put together a club). Sanders Sides Roman, however, does not like him in a similar way to how he doesn’t like Virgil (he also might be a bit jealous that Logan and him seem to get along pretty well, even though the pair only hang out sometimes at school when the opportunity arises).
Also, I’ve decided that Ryker (he/him) shall be the high school’s new gym teacher cause the idea of RWR Roman being in his class and saying “hi dad! :D” in the middle of Ryker’s lecture or something is really wholesome and in character to me.
Dragon Witch
The Dragon Witch character (named Danika Wayne; she/her) shows up later on in the story. Technically when this highschool au no longer takes place in highschool. She owns and works at a tattoo parlor called “The Dragon’s Cove”. I won’t say too much about her just yet but for right now, I will say that she’s pretty important to Remus and Janus’s storylines (mostly Remus though).
Sleep “Remy”
Remy Rocco (he/they but doesn’t mind how he’s referred to) is a famous actor in this au. While they’re mainly known for their roles in movies, they also are pretty open about their self expression. Remy doesn’t care about sticking to gender norms in any way and he will proudly talk about it. While they don’t outright interact with other characters, their presence in the storyline is extremely important for a certain someone’s character development.
I think this is all I’ll share for now. There are TONS of other side characters I adore but this gives you an idea of what I mean by Thomas Sanders characters having minor (or even major) roles in this au. Also, these provided the least amount of spoilers lol
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clinically-obssessed · 5 months
Are Logan & Janus Two Sides of the Same Coin?
In "Dealing With Intrusive Thoughts," it is revealed that Remus is Roman's "dark" counterpart. But who is Janus' "light" counterpart? It is certainly possible that he doesn't have one. But given how much emphasis is put into the symmetry between the "dark" & "light" sides (same number in each, black vs white clothing, etc), as well as the similarities within these groups (the naming conventions, for instance), it seems likely that Janus is somehow connected to one of the others. Following the example of Roman and Remus, both brothers are responsible for creativity, but Roman's creativity is deemed to be good and pure, whereas Remus' creativity is deemed dark and disturbing. Therefore, Janus and his counterpart would likely share the same fundamental trait as well, though their manifestations of it would be different. On this basis, I will argue that Logan and Janus are connected by the trait of reason, and that Janus is a "dark side" because he uses reason in a way that is cynical and self-interested.
First, let us compare Logan and Janus' style of argumentation. Logan typically references scientific studies and concepts, such as the Yerkes-Dodson Curve and the statistic about Christmas decorations that appears in "Putting Others First" to name only a few. This demonstrates his highly empirical world view, and from these empirical observations he draws normative conclusions about what Thomas ought to do. One of Logan's biggest emphases is on Thomas's health, as demonstrated in "Why Do We Get Out Of Bed In The Morning?"
On the other hand, Janus focuses on philosophical arguments, referencing Kant, Stirner, and Nietzsche to make his points. Though Janus is less interested in scientific facts, he still demonstrates logic in his own way, as these philosophers all used rational arguments to support their conclusions (note: whether or not you agree with them, what I mean by "rational" is that they applied the rules of logic to their premises to construct their philosophies). Janus has also been described as representing self-preservation, an aim not too dissimilar to Logan's goal of promoting Thomas' health. After all, Janus explicitly argued in favor of Thomas's mental health in "Putting Others First."
With all of this being said, it is worth noting that the flexibility and ambiguity of philosophy allows Janus to use logic as a tool to suit his needs in the moment. To put it in the words of Renee Descartes, "there is nothing so strange and little believable that it has not been said by one of the philosophers." Furthermore, "Selfishness vs Selflessness" draws attention to the contradictions between Stirner's belief in equality and his racism, suggesting that philosophers are often hypocritical and cannot necessarily be trusted. This is what makes Janus a "dark" side - he too has the capability to reason, but rather than pursuing the noble goal of truth, he uses his powers to manipulate others and further his own ends.
Given this reading, it is significant that in "Selfishness vs Selflessness," Logan is the one to mention Peter Singer, a contemporary philosopher. This further reinforces the hidden similarities between the two. Throughout the entire series, the only other side to use philosophical arguments is Janus, so for Logan to reference a philosopher in support of one of his own arguments suggests that he recognizes a certain logic to them as well (even if it is not his default method of logic). Moreover, Janus' adoption of the more science-based mental health rhetoric in the same episode shows that this parallel goes both ways.
This opens up a new avenue for speculation: who is Patton's "dark" counterpart? There are two possibilities: Virgil and the yet-to-be-revealed Orange Side. I will now discuss the evidence and implications of both:
Virgil: It is undeniable that Virgil and Patton share a unique bond. This can be seen throughout the episodes, and it would feed into the idea that Virgil is Patton's (formerly) "dark" counterpart. The trait that both share in common is feelings - while Patton's feelings are generally quite positive with some negative ones slipping through (see Moving on), Virgil is largely negative with a few positive emotions occasionally showing. However, if Virgil is the "dark" side of Patton, it is not clear what it means for him to have joined the "light" sides or what makes him special in that regard. Perhaps it can be explained as a result of Patton's morality -- he is ultimately who dictates which sides are good or bad, so if he took a personal liking to Virgil, he would see Virgil as good and thus Virgil would "become light."
Orange: Fans have speculated rather plausibly that the orange side will represent rage/anger, which would work well with this theory. This would be another instance of emotions "gone wrong" so to speak, as one emotion that Patton (and by extension Thomas) never seems to show is anger. Anger has a certain capacity for destructiveness, so this could be why the orange side is considered "dark." If orange was Patton's counterpart, this would leave Virgil without any counterpart, suggesting that he occupies an unusual role within Thomas' psyche and is perhaps the sole "neutral" side.
There is, of course, a third possibility: that orange & Virgil are counterparts, and that Patton is the one who is exceptional. Maybe Patton's role as the arbiter of morality means that he occupies a privileged position in Thomas's psyche which cannot easily be inverted (after all, what would be the purpose in a side that makes Thomas evil for no reason?)
Anyway, what do you guys think?
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