#it's the first of Halloween happy anniversary to the best worst thing Ive ever made
ela-loomis · 3 years
hiii!!!! c: can i get uhhhhhhh slasher match-up? im a bisexual enby (i kinda prefer men but everyones good), im 1.72 cm and im really pale haha. i have long black hair and grey eyes, ive got a few piercings (septum, helix, that kinda stuff) and i kinda look ~intimidating~ since i love dark clothing but trust me, im the opposite of "danger" :'D im fond of flowers, dancing, that kinda stuff. i love listening to music, mostly goth, but ive got a weakness for country, too haha. basically, my dream life would be living as a goth cowboy. aside from that, i also rly love fall and Halloween 💕💕 just give me spooky stuff and im happy c: onto my probably worst feature. personality. im kinda insecure, especially about my face since i have cystic acne, my feelings get hurt easily and i wanna cry about everything. im shy, too :/ luckily, im a lil bit on the funnier side so i get a lil compensation for my face, haha. i like to take care of ppl, unfortunately i struggle with feeling empathy so im not really the best option if u want comfort. well, theres not much more to know about me; im always up for some new life experiences (especially if it involves travelling), i like art, my self esteem is shit and i spend too much time on the internet because it rains constantly where i live and the area in general is trash.
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- OKAY OKAY PICTURE IT: you and Bubba, sitting in a field of flowers, making each other flower crowns. I’M 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
- No but really, Bubba is your biggest fan. Ever. 
- He’s a little scared of you at first, honestly, since you look intimidating. But the first time you smile at him, he’s a goner. You know in those old cartoons, when the characters get hearts in their eyes? That’s him. 
- There will be no time for you to be insecure when you’re with him! Dating Bubba is a 25/8 shower of adoration. I’m talking constant hugs and kisses, always looking at you like you hung the moon, full on gooey sappy romance. If you do happen to get down on yourself over something like acne, he’ll be all over you with even more love. 
- If someone is making you feel insecure, they’ll have to deal with the rare, but terrifying Angry Bubba. He’s a large man, and that chainsaw is just as scary as he is. After the first time they piss him off by teasing you, even Chop Top, Nubbins and Drayton are cowed by fear. 
- He won’t really understand some of the things you like, but he’ll be hilariously supportive of them! You want to be a goth cowboy? Look at this cowboy hat he painted black for you! Goth music? He’s not the biggest fan, but he’ll vibe with you anyway! He is partial to country music though, and will definitely jam with you when you turn it on.
- Again, he doesn’t really get your excitement about Halloween, but he’s down to decorate with you! He actually has a lot of fun carving Jack-O-Lanterns with you, and look, this pumpkin fits over his head! Temporary mask!!
- He loves your hair so much! Please teach him how to braid it :(( once he learns, he wants to play with your hair all the time. He’ll be nervous at first, worried that he’ll pull too hard (which let’s be honest, he will, but if you can grin and bear it you’re an angel) but once he has the hang of it, he’s an excellent stylist!
- 1000000% will slow dance with you in the kitchen to old love songs.
- On your birthday or anniversary, he’ll bring you a bunch of random things he’s “turned goth” (read: painted black and/or added spiky objects too) for you! He’ll also turn the cuddling up to 13. 
- He knows he can always count on you to cuddle him when he’s sad, so he offers the same comfort to you (whenever he’s done destoying whatever made you sad, of course.) Big baby will smother you in cuddles, and won’t let you even move until he’s sure you’re happy again. 💙 
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