#it's such a masterpiece detail cause there's no need to hide any details in the movies
what truly gets me with knives out and glass onion both is the use of the viewers' memories. like when harlan gives marta the instructions where to park the car, before or behind the statue. or when we see miles hand duke the whiskey glass.
like i watched those parts. i heard harlan say where to park the car. i consciously took in how miles gave duke his glass the first time. but then the characters show that twisted scene and suddenly i also don't remember. park the car before or behind the statue? did he hand duke the glass or did duke take it by mistake?
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rriavian · 9 months
For a prompt from @windsweptinred for the flower prompts we're doing with @bobbole. Still unfinished but I already had a short wip that the prompt worked really well with, and it was the kick I needed to get going with it a little more. Still very very rough but thought I'd share :) Hope you like it! <3
The Corinthian and Calliope: Rose, yellow, A murderer's confession, Prompt Jealousy—
After his failure to persuade Ethel Cripps to work with him the Corinthian seeks out another who might have cause to seek revenge against Dream.
Calliope surprises him.
Calliope knows the Corinthian, of course.
She had met Dream’s masterpiece while she was married.
She had heard of him long before, an impression built by Dream’s soft smile, the excitement glittering subtle in his eyes as he told her of his latest creation, a design he traced in sand as if proud to show off even an outline. Calliope has not seen the Corinthian since—to be expected, given both how she’d parted ways with Morpheus and the reality of her current situation—a surprise when she hears the door to her room open, sees a bloodstained knife glitter in the light. Next it catches in golden blond hair, scatters from the gleam of teeth; a memory in that too, of Oneiros and his painstaking hunt for exactly the right shades, his dedication to it, unwilling to give anything less than his very best to every single thing he made.
Calliope must admit she still admires him for that.
Then her eyes find the changes, the additions, the soft cream of the Corinthian’s coat, the dark opaque sunglasses hiding biting mouths. There is a deliberate slowness in how he now cleans the bloodied knife, how he wants her to watch it, to think about what must have happened to the only other occupant in Richard Madoc’s house. Calliope can feel that her captor isn’t dead, can feel it in the chains that keep her trapped here, knows exactly why this nightmare has approached her like this.
The Corinthian is a story stood close enough that she can read her former husband’s writing in the blurb, a compliment to the Corinthian’s own script when she reads further to find his finely printed prose.
He wants leverage.
“Corinthian.” Calliope greets calmly. “It has been some time.”
“Fancy finding you here.” The Corinthian replies with a sharp, mocking grin, not even bothering to pretend this wasn’t planned. “An oddly poetic coincidence, given what’s happened to Dream.”
He thinks to lure her into asking.
Calliope won’t.
“Do not speak to me of poetry.”
The Corinthian pauses. “You already know, don’t you?”
“That Oneiros has been captured? Yes.”
It amuses her that the Corinthian thought to tell her, thought to begin the game with the upper hand. The Fates had filled in more details, had gloated when she’d called for help, but even before that Calliope had known that Morpheus was missing. Of course she’d known, how could she not?, how could any immortal remain unawares to the disappearance of Dream of the Endless?
"He's free now." The Corinthian replies, leans against the door frame as if a slouch will make the words less targeted, throws hope at her and watches for a flinch. "Do you think he'll come for you?"
Calliope must admit that makes her stiffen.
"Do you think he will if I call him?"
A shrug.
There's tension though.
There's a minute grimace trying to twist the Corinthian's lips, a page torn out before Calliope can read it. The grin remains. He stays smug, grounds himself to it, more than a little overconfident because he’s gloating far too soon.
“I did it, you know. Strengthened the trap.” The Corinthian says slyly, watches her from where he's still leaning in the doorway, watches how Calliope sits on this bed in Richard Madoc's house while a few feet a way a door has long since stood unlocked. “It’s my fault he was there for so long.”
Now it's Calliope's turn to shrug. “So?”
The Corinthian seems entertained by her tone, even as it confuses him, even as he tries to get his teeth around it. “I want to ensure he’ll be gone a lot longer.”
“Then I wish you well in finding the luck you are hoping for, because you will certainly be needing it.” Calliope replies coolly.
“C’mon,” The Corinthian has been lazily circling his point like a vulture, like a wolf guiding prey towards a favoured terrain, now still as he prepares to lunge. “Aren’t you the least bit tempted?”
“By what?”
He’s said it because the Corinthian thinks it's something of what she wants. He thinks it’s bait that isn’t possible to resist, thinks it because there is a similar desire in him, sitting unrealised in his chest like a stone. Calliope wonders what her former husband did, wonders if it even matters, because she also knows that revenge is a second, a flicker, a blink in response to a blinding. It’s too fast, too instant to really register for someone as long lived as her; she cannot feast on something so small.
“Is that what this is to you? Revenge?”
He laughs. “Well, not only.”
“Tell me what else.” Calliope commands. “If you want my help then tell me why.”
The Corinthian thinks faster than hesitation can register.
He switches plans at the same smooth speed, and it’s a truth he’d not wanted to lead with, bait he was saving only for a moment suited to the greater power of its sting. “I won’t go back to the Dreaming. I quite like it here, and so it’s not just about revenge. It’s about freedom.”
How like a nightmare to dream of a concept even humanity longs for.
How like a nightmare to think the guarantee of it can be found in their world. 
“If you can only be so when Morpheus is trapped,” Calliope says; sat there on this bed in a thin nightdress, chained to a mortal by the laws of her own kind, chained to a man who ‘needs’ her gifts to give him the life he thinks he deserves. “If your own freedom relies on the imprisonment of another—"
She shrugs.
“Then can you really say you’re free at all?”
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feyhunter78 · 1 year
I’m back baby, what’s cookin??
I don’t even know what to request as a follow up to the masterpiece you created. But I was just thinking Elrond x reader again (we love the man whose as kind as summer 😩) Anyways what about a fic-let inspired by “Francesca” by Hozier. Like there doesn’t have to be direct quotes or anything! Its just the angst but also the un-ending love that pours and pours like a summer thunderstorm.(we are back with the ripples but this time it’s tidal wave) please feel free to create what you think would be best with whatever the mess my brain conjured. I’m so thankful and incredibly excited to read!! Have an absolutely fab nights/days and I’m looking forward to reading it!!
So I didn't know this song, but looked up the lyrics, got a sorta vibe and this is what I've got for ya! I hope you enjoy!!!!
Purity in the Hurricane
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You had tried so desperately to keep your secrets, to hide your past from him, what you had done in the name of order, and peace. Elrond was good, pure, kind, loving, a diplomat, and healer, but you… You were ruined, the blood of elves, orcs, and man alike staining your hands, your mind haunted by the memories of war. Had it been worth it? The bloodshed, the deceit? For so long you believed it had, believed the words of Sauron, but now?
You sat across from him, watching, waiting, fingers tapping against your knee as he scanned the detailed documents, the reports that listed in faded black ink all that you had done in your youth.
Elrond set them aside, his brow furrowed, the corners of his lips pulled down as he mulled over the information given to him.
“Elrond I…I am not asking for forgiveness, I merely wished for you to know my crimes, know me before entrusting me with your heart. It is a precious thing, and I would be callous—no cruel, to take such a gift with no regard for he whom it truly belongs to.” You whispered, one hand resting over your own heart.
That traitorous thing within your chest that you found bled only for Elrond, a bleeding you were unable to staunch, flowed over you, seeking his presence, his touch, his very being, even at the mere thought of him.
“Y/N, I…” His eyes met yours, his hands reaching for you. He was so gentle with his movements as if you were still the noblewoman he met, returning home from a long journey, and not a weapon forged on the wrong side of the war centuries ago.
There it was, the distance he put between you with the simple action of calling you only by your name. It was staggering, a blade in your already bleeding heart, twisting and turning, a hurricane within you, threatening to drown you in grief.
“You need not speak; I understand if this means the end of our courtship.” You kept your head high, blinking back the tears. You would not cause him to feel guilt, he was not the aggressor, he had committed no sins.
Elrond shook his head then surged forward, lips crashing to yours with a desperate need.
You returned it in fervor, allowing him to devour you, clinging to him, desperate to memorize this moment.
“You are my starlight, my love, did you truly think I would give up? That this could shake the love from me? No sweet starlight, given any life, any moment I would find a way to your side once more.” He said, his lips brushing yours with each word.
“But I have—”
“There is not one thing I would change, my heart, my mind, knows no peace, there is nothing you could do that would cause my love to cease. Sweet starlight, I am yours.” Elrond professed, his hands cupping your face, his tone warm and earnest, banishing the guilt and chill from your bones.
You rested your forehead against his, “and I am yours.”
Tag list: @nyctophilic0vitnir, @elronds-pointy-ears, @elrondscalaquendi, @dilf-superiority, @jesticace
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sxugaryx · 3 months
Riddle Me This (Fanfic)
New chapter from my main series 🩷
Pinocchio could tell something was wrong right away when his father came home earlier from work with Venigni by his side.
“It’s Arlecchino again” Venigni looked so frustrated.
The plan was to talk about this when work was over however a dead body was found outside the factory, crudely looking as if it was a puppet that was going to be assembled, but worse is a small detail everyone found odd, everyone but Venigni since the corpse had something sticking from its eye, a cruel reminder of his beloved childhood toy the puppet once stole, the toy his parents were making for him.
Everyone had to leave for the police to investigate.
“I hate to admit it but he is too good a what he does, if we don’t stop him now he will only cause more harm” Geppetto knows that the alchemists now have become their second priority.
After all the King of Riddles body count is now 27, not seeming to stop any time soon.
“I believe it’s because of the Ergo that was used on him” Gemini chirped and explained what Arlecchino had told Pinocchio all the way back in Arche Abbey while trapped.
“The Ergo of a serial killer? Well now everything makes sense” Geppetto wondered how he was so methodical, how after so many kills no one was even close to finding the true identity.
It’s not as if the police were the only ones looking, the media and private reporters are as well, that puppet covers his tracks, he makes sure not to leave a trace.
Before Venigni could even open his mouth to explain what he found, the sound of a phone ringing inside the home began to resonate.
“How the hell did he get this number?!” Geppetto shouted he was furious, this is bad, he has their phone number and therefore knows where they live, if Geppetto were alone that would be a nightmare to think of, not to mention he could send danger their way without even being near the house.
Pinocchio took a deep breath and answered the phone, already knowing the phone call was for him.
“What a fine day in the-”
“Give us the dumb riddle” Pinocchio is so done with him.
A laugh robotic laugh could be heard from the other side.
“When did you become such a brat? Whatever, I guess being a good boy can’t last forever, I mean the two of us share a common enemy, And thankfully for me, you are very clever”
Pinocchio stayed quiet, if he gets more angry like last time that will only make Arlecchino happy.
“The alchemists are building something special” Arlecchino smiled, “So they need me to distract the crowd”
Not everything has to rhyme. He is the King of Riddles, not a caricature.
“But they have me bound to their will, alchemists and their weird funny magic you know?” He has always despised them, “I can’t say the name of the man in charge, although maybe if you answer my riddle I’ll give you a hint”
Pinocchio had already demanded to hear it so there was no need to repeat himself, still there was a tense silence from the other line, Arlecchino staying quiet for some reason.
“Well you see the more noise, the more panic, This state making everyone manic; Hiding away their true intentions, It’s easy for them to hide their inventions, But how do you hide something so big? In fact, what is it that the more there is, the less you see?
“Darkness” Pinocchio answered quickly.
“Are you cheating?” Arlecchino sounded annoyed.
“Maybe your riddles are just too easy” Pinocchio had always answered correctly, also he had seen that one before in a book he owns.
Arlecchino huffed from the other line, “Okay fine, Venigni you sure are blind you know that?”
Venigni wanted to be mad but he felt scared, he felt truly powerless, this puppet only torments him, and for what? What does he have to gain from all of this?
Pinocchio looks at Venigni, should he tell him what Arlecchino told him? That he sees Venigni as his masterpiece? That he loves seeing him in pain? How would his uncle react?
“Your hospital has a little rat, who likes to have their fun on the side” Arlecchino was delighted, “Maybe you should check the morgue, a little surprise awaits you all”
The sound of the other line being cut was heard.
They all sat down to properly talk about this while waiting for Venigni to compose himself again.
“He said the alchemists are making something special and that’s true” Venigni took out some papers he had brought in.
“I had to recreate these supposed plans but obviously there are many missing parts, not knowing exactly what this machine is supposed to be also doesn’t help” Venigni showed them incomplete blueprints he had made by recreating his decipher research.
Venigni pointed at one of the drawings, “At the very least I can tell this is a high-powered flame amplifier, although way bigger than the ones we use”
“That’s it, they are making some machine to make anima!” It all made sense to Geppetto now.
Venigni looked confused and they explained it to him.
“Mmm maybe that’s true but there is also something here that doesn’t make much sense” Venigni pointed at another of the drawings, “This is strange, it almost looks like a blood transfusion bag”
Geppetto looked at it, it was definitely something that needed to be connected to pump some sort of liquid as if it constantly had to be run for it to continue to work.
As for the rest of the blueprints, if the two men worked together they might be able to figure out more, for now, there is the matter of the hospital.
“The morgue is in the basement of the emergency services unit” Venigni explained, “Geppetto I know that you don’t like going to them but you are going to have to come”
Venigni was worried now that the King of Riddles knew the address, it wasn’t a good idea for Geppetto to be alone.
Geppetto took a deep breath, it was already hard enough going for his appointments even if things were going better, he can’t be so close to an intensive care unit again.
“It’s okay friend” Venigni had gained back his confidence knowing Geppetto needed his support, “We can wait outside while Pinocchio investigates”
Geppetto knows he has to do this and truly he should be the one comforting Venigni, not the other way around knowing how The King of Riddles likes to torment his friend.
They can both support each other.
Pinocchio entered the morgue, if someone were to ask he can just say he was given special permission by Venigni, which is true. To make it a little more convincing there is also the excuse that he is curious about medicine and would like to learn more about it.
Pinocchio looked around the place, he first opened a big fridge thinking that maybe the clue was inside, but there were only preserved body parts and a cake for some reason.
There were two small offices, probably to take notes of autopsies and he began to look around, he started opening journals and anatomy books to see if there was something inside.
“Mmm Gemini this is weird” Pinocchio had opened a strange magazine that had naked people in it, “It doesn’t look like all the other anatomy-“
“PINOCCHIO CLOSE THAT RIGHT NOW!” Gemini was mortified who the hell keeps that sort of thing in their place of work?!
“Huh?” Pinocchio was now confused, “But what if there is something important hidden inside?”
“Trust me, there isn’t” Gemini’s lamp was now red, “I’m doing you a favor, you wouldn’t want your father to know you were looking at that”
Pinocchio didn’t understand but Gemini was probably right that there was nothing important inside.
The only thing he hasn’t checked yet is the morgue drawers, so there must be something inside one. Pinocchio doesn’t want to open random drawers to look at corpses, it feels disrespectful, so he analyzes them carefully and finds what he was looking for, very faintly but you could see a trinity symbol in one of them, he tried opening it but it was locked, none of the keys were working meaning it was stuck and he will need to open it with force.
“Wait” Gemini chipped and got out of his cage, “There is a small hole I can fit into”
The less attention they draw to themselves the better, so Gemini went inside with his tiny sword. It was a good thing, he shinned in the darkness and saw that there was a trap, rigged so that if Pinocchio tried opening it with force he would get electrocuted. Gemini used his sword as a lock pick and opened it, getting out and jumping onto Pinocchio’s shoulder.
Pinocchio couldn’t celebrate Gemini’s ingenuity as he opened the drawer and gasped in shock.
This corpse looked like him, well not like him exactly, more like it crudely was trying to resemble him, this wasn’t just one body it was many stitched together to achieve that look. He looked at it closer and started shaking, no… this wasn’t supposed to look like him, the eyes forced into this corpse were brown and the scalp sewed to the head had brown curly hair.
Pinocchio closed his eyes, didn’t want to look at it, then he felt thankful that his father wasn’t there to see this, it was hard yet he needed to do this. Opening his eyes he examined the corpse, there was a hole in the chest and Pinocchio could tell there was something inside. He reached to touch it, pulling out a necklace with a ruby in its center.
He left still shaking a little, his father asked what was wrong but he didn’t want to explain. Pinocchio showed them the necklace, it was normal jewelry, nothing engraved, nothing hidden, nothing out of the ordinary.
“Oh, that necklace!” One of the nurses had noticed them, “Where did you find it? Doctor Garret has been looking for it”
Venigni knows every doctor who works at this hospital so he knows who Frederick Garret is, truthfully with his famous reputation is hard to not know him. As he seems to know about everything, you can go with him for a heart condition, skin condition, eye problems, an infection, a virus, you name it, he knows how to treat them.
Now that Venigni thinks about it, he has seen this necklace, he sometimes talks with the staff, the man has this necklace displayed in his office, and if he remembers correctly it’s a family heirloom.
“I will give it back to him personally” Venigni was already suspicious.
That left Pinocchio and his father alone, who once again asked if everything was okay.
🔴………………………..𖦹……………………🔴 Tell him about the Body Make an Excuse 🔴………………………..𖦹……………………🔴
Venigni looked at the Stalker next to the door, the young girl giving him a friendly smile and explaining the doctor was with a patient.
“Have we met before?” Venigni could tell she looked familiar.
“We have,” Blue said casually, “I did attend many events held by you when I was younger, my parents tended to drag at least two of us”
Blue’s parents tended to mostly take her since she has always been very well behaved, when she was younger people would say she was mature for her age when really it was more that she knew what to do in social situations with adults. Having great manners and knowing what to say to others, or rather how to people please without looking too obvious.
“Oh yeah, you are uhh….” Dammit, why does Mr. Lucero have so many children? Why is his good memory failing him now? She is blonde so, “Genevieve?”
“No, I’m-“ Before she could fully correct him, the patient left and Venigni excused himself entering inside, well at least he didn’t recognize her, which means her mask does work well in hiding her identity.
At least that’s what she wants to think, even if realistically she already knows why he got confused.
“Lorenzini Venigni” Frederick spoke with polite flattery, “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“I heard you were looking for this” Venigni had his usual charismatic yet a little pretentious tone, “I found it and thought I should give it to you in person”
Frederick looked shocked, “I’ve been looking for it everywhere” He was almost convinced another staff member must have stolen it.
The man looked extremely relieved, almost forcefully taking it away from him to have it in his hands again.
“Do you happen to frequent the morgue?” Venigni asked, “It was found there during an inspection”
“Yes I do, although I don’t recall taking it out of this room” Frederick looked puzzled, something was off, although he had taken it home a few times for personal reasons, “Perhaps I simply forgot it there, with so much work there are a few times I’ve misplaced things”
He has been so busy lately, his job as a doctor and his true goal, it’s most likely the reason he didn’t notice. He should take it back home, he has it in his office to remember her, but if he ever were to lose it again…
Frederick looks tired, almost as if he didn’t sleep well last night. Still, he was trying to act normally, Venigni saw him taking notes with his right hand and noticed something, then he switched to the left and noticed something in the writing as well.
“You look tired” Venigni snapped his fingers, “I should treat you one of these days to a drink so that we can relax together”
“Oh, no thank you Mr. Venigni” Frederick wanted him to leave as soon as possible before he started parroting about whatever things were currently on his mind, “You don’t have to, both of us are very busy men, it is better to tend to our work schedule”
“Nonsense” Venigni began to walk around the room, making conversation about hanging out, when he found himself behind Frederick, he carefully looked at the notes, a quick glance before looking away without the man suspecting a thing.
As he suspected, he had written the word Anima two times.
“Well, I assume your next patient will arrive soon” Venigni gave him a playful smile, “Hopefully we can arrange plans, I would love to hear more of what you do, and even better I would you to hear of my creative genius”
“Yes” Frederick was trying his hardest not to look annoyed, “Hopefully we can spend time together”
Venigni left the room, happy about his findings, leaving behind the doctor and the stalker.
Blue looked at Venigni curiously as he walked away, that man talked loudly so she could hear the entire conversation. Realizing he was trying to distract the doctor for some reason, it’s a trick she has seen many times while attending high-class events.
“Not your business Blue” She had to remind herself, just look for another client, she also needed to have a serious talk with her father about what she was capable of.
“So does this mean that Frederick is the one behind all of this?” Geppetto asked.
They were in Venigni’s home now, thinking about what to do.
“It seems so” Venigni doubted he was working for someone else, Frederick is not the type of man to be a henchman, “Is Arlecchino really giving us this information just like that?”
“He hates the alchemists, yet even for him, this seems too obvious” Gemini moved his little antennas in confusion.
“I believe that’s what he wants” Pulcinella spoke up, “He is giving us the obvious answer because it’s making us doubt the truth”
Not only has Pulcinella researched him well, but he knows what he is capable of firsthand, he wants to make them second guess themselves.
“I do have clues on his possible location” Pulcinella showed a map of Krat that had red marks, “Most of his killings tend to be around the same area, aside from the ones made specifically to taunt us”
From Moonlighting Town to the Mallum District, it made sense. Places like Rosa Isabelle Street or Elysion Boulevard are more monitored and secured because of the status associated with them, being basically “rich people” areas.
“So what? Do we investigate there? Where would we even start?” Gemini is starting to feel like a detective, “Mmm Pinocchio are you okay? You seem distracted”
“I’m fine” Pinocchio lied, like how he lied to his father, “Also trying to think about what to do”
Pulcinella sighed, “I believe that for today this is all we can do”
Arlecchino won’t give them any more clues until he makes a new trap.
“In the meantime, Geppetto perhaps you and I should work on the plans for the Grand Exhibition”
“Are you guys making evil mining puppets again?” Pinocchio was reminded of those awful things with their saw-blades and drills.
“Son they aren’t evil, although I get that they can look a little intimidating” Geppetto admitted that to the average person, they probably look a little scary.
“That’s because you didn’t have to fight them” The Grand Exhibition was a nightmare for Pinocchio. He got tossed around like a rag-doll by those things, he wonders how many times Sophia had to save him.
“Come on son, they are actually great for their designated purposes, you see-“ Geppetto wanted to explain to his son so that he wouldn’t have a negative opinion but Pinocchio mumbled something under his breath.
“Technically you made them evil with Law 0 so I’m right”
“What did you say?!” Geppetto shouted, that brat was testing his patience.
“Nothing!” Pinocchio was backtracking hard, “Oh um yeah! That sounds really interesting!”
Before Geppetto could speak up again Pinocchio hugged him and gave him a smile, “I love you too Father”
Geppetto couldn’t get mad after that, so he patted his son’s head, telling him that he was giving him a chance this time.
Venigni laughed, he found it amusing. At any rate, talking about the Grand Exhibition can distract them from this mess while making progress at work.
At least it distracted him, Venigni didn't stop talking for 3 hours straight, aside from Pucinella the rest of them were wondering how he didn't get tired from all that speaking, Venigni's throat had to be something else if he could talk for hours like this on the daily.
“Why would Cat and Fox be with Lorenzini Venigni?” Rusty was moving her feet while sitting on a table, “I thought he hated them”
“He does hate them, so I’m as puzzled as all of you” Tiger was trying to make sense of it, “You said they seemed to be arguing while leaving did you manage to hear the conversation?”
“Unfortunately I couldn’t” Sabertooth hates to admit that she probably has hearing problems, she can’t be seen as weak, “I had to keep my distance”
“Could they have gone to apologize?” Lion was out of ideas, “After all having Venigni out of all people as an enemy is not a good idea”
“But I thought no one else knew about what happened at the factory” Rusty grabbed some desk decorations and started to play with them, “Only us because of our client and also maybe Geppetto’s doll”
“Rusty, obviously Venigni and his associates know about this” Lion said, “I do find it odd he has never made a complaint, although it's possible that he just wanted to leave that mess behind, I can't blame him, honestly I try to forget everything that happened during that time”
“Speaking of Geppetto’s doll” Sabertooth rolled her eyes, “Our client wants us to keep a close eye on the thing”
“Come on Saber” Tiger looked irritated, “I get you aren’t a fan of puppets but let’s not call him that”
“Ugh shut up Tiger” Sabertooth pointed a finger at him, “I get that you have a soft spot for puppets but the rest of us here don’t”
“Dude, they are only objects” Lion crossed her arms, “It’s not as if they have true feelings, it’s more like pretend feelings”
“Yeah it’s the doll Geppetto uses to play family” Rusty giggled. Her family taught them puppets are only tools to serve so that has to be true.
“Whatever” Tiger dropped the subject, “Spying on him will be a hard task”
“How come?” Lion didn’t see the reasoning.
“Because when he is in public he is always either in populated areas or with his father, Antonia or Venigni” Tiger was trying to remember more putting a finger in his face in deep thought, “Not to mention how he seems to have a good amount of knowledge on Krat’s streets”
“Wow Tiger, do you have a crush on the puppet or something?” Lion was teasing him.
“What? No!” Tiger exclaimed angrily, “My parents force me to go to those stupid galas and he is always there with one of them, also I go to Elysion Boulevard and Rosa Isabelle Street often to take pictures, he always wanders around those places”
Tiger loves photography, cameras are a recent invention, and recently now that polaroids were invented he got his hands on one and has started to take pictures, it’s a hobby he loves.
“I wouldn’t blame you, Geppetto’s doll is very pretty” Rusty was also teasing him.
“Huh, it seems you are right Tiger,” Sabertooth said, trying to come up with a plan, “Since you already frequent those places you can keep an eye on him from a distance”
Tiger nodded, that seemed like the best solution.
“As for the rest of us, I don’t doubt that Geppetto will take his doll to the Grand Exhibition” Sabertooth as always took the main direction as their leader, “Lion you and I will observe him there, you should too from time to time Tiger”
Lion was on board, still “Okay, what about Rusty?”
“I can’t spy on the cute doll because I have to be in class” Rusty pouted, it starts in the afternoon but her studies are different than most, not to mention that by the time it finishes, she should be in bed.
“You go to school?” Tiger had never seen her talk about homework or classmates.
“Private tutors,” Rusty said, that’s why she has way more free time than kids her age, as well as why she can be a stalker with no issues.
Despite that freedom, that’s not enough so the others will have to deal with the spying.
“What do you even do pipsqueak?” Tiger pinched Rusty’s cheek, “Starting to think you are only part of the team as decoration”
“Hey!” Rusty slapped his hand away, “You know how super strong I am”
“I guess that’s the plan” Lion grabbed nail polish, ready to make her nails, “Hey Carlo was trying to become a stalker why-
“I have a perfect idea” Sabertooth interrupted her, knowing what she would say, “Carlo was trying to become a stalker, I’m sure the offices still have some of his belongings, we could make an excuse to see Geppetto by delivering them”
“I was going to-“
“Shut up Lion”
“Sorry Saber” Lion knows she is the second in charge, she shouldn’t have tried to outrank Sabertooth.
“I’ll go and fetch them, we need to check where we can get the puppet and Geppetto alone to make this work” Sabertooth praised herself for her ingenuity.
Sabertooth isn't stupid, she knows Frederick is an alchemist and doesn't care because her family is working for him, her parents are alchemists as well, she knows many things others don't, specially her team, she cares about them but she can't let them know the truth.
“Father, can we talk?”
Blue found her father in one of the stables, brushing the mane of one of the older horses.
Her father gave her a warm smile “Sure my candy, what do you need?”
My candy, he gives her and all her sisters cute nicknames, he is a good father just too paranoid about her safety, or maybe that’s what any normal parent would do.
“I think I don’t want to work with Dr. Garret anymore”
“Why is that?” Her father looked confused, “Did something happen? Me and him went to school together you know?”
“Yes, father I remember” Blue’s father is 48, the same age as the doctor, apparently, Dr. Garret wasn’t a popular kid, although he has never told him why, at least until now.
“Don’t worry he was always a little weird” Her father was reassuring him, “Harmlessly weird”
“Weird how?” Blue was confused, okay he is already strange but she wants to know how the man was a child.
“Oh that’s old childhood memories, it’s nothing too important” Her father put the brush aside, “He was very shy and awkward that’s all, he never made eye contact with anyone, I did hear some rumors that he would kill animals, those were some ridiculous rumors, like for the rumors they made about me, have I told you the-“
“Yes father you told me about that weird rumor that people thought you ate a frog” Blue knows that her father tends to repeat the same stories from the past.
“He was always so smart, I was not surprised when he became such a great doctor although I did find it odd considering how many classes he skipped, mhmm, I believe he got in trouble at school for that, It was odd because he would attend school but not the classes, I wonder where he would run off to, probably to investigate things on his own, he was always reading books, maybe school was boring for him due to his intelligence”
Her father seems to have a lot of faith in the doctor, is it because they know each other?
“I had many friends, I was a friendly young man, Frederick not so much, so I wanted to be nice-”
Blue interrupted her father, “I know, I know you were a popular kid, father I want a real job”
“That is a real job, as long as someone has some sort of thing to do it counts as a job”
Blue gave out a sigh of frustration, she was ready to get into an argument with her father when tried walking closer to her and fell to the floor.
“Father are you alright?!” Blue helped him get back up, handing him his cane that had fallen as well.
“I am, candy don’t worry about me” Blue’s father looked exhausted. “I… haven’t been feeling my best, that must be my age”
Her father isn’t that old, Blue knows that this is because of his leg injury, she can tell that her father has been having more issues with walking lately, although he hides it pretty well by riding the horses where he needs to go. Not to mention the damage to his spine, her mother is also starting to get concerned about her father's attentiveness.
“You should rest” Blue was filled with anxiety, “Let’s go back to the house, we can talk about this later”
“I’m not as fragile as I look” Her father teased her, “Say, why don’t we race to the house?”
Blue faintly smiled, that was a good idea, anything that could cheer her father up, she is aware that lately, he has these feelings of feeling useless, of not feeling strong like a “true man”, he tries to hide those feelings. Some of her other sisters have started to notice as well, it doesn’t help that people sometimes talk behind his back.
She is starting to believe the people of Krat are extremely noisy and some have nothing better to do than to start dramas.
Each of them grabbed a horse and had a quick race to the front of the mansion. Blue knows not to insult her father by going easy on him, she gave it her all and still lost, it made her happy that her father had a good time.
She helped her father go to his study while she went to her room.
“Ugh this is ridiculous” She was taking off her boots and mask in frustration.
A few birds flew her way, the birds flocked to her room from the opened window each time she arrives. One of them had a letter in its beak, she picked it up, a message from one of her sisters, they have this secret way of communicating.
She wrote back what her sister needed to know, sometimes living in the lap of luxury can be exhausting when you have to follow all the social norms, not being able to say what you truly want to say, specially if you are a woman.
So they came up with this system to give themselves tips or say what cannot be said out loud.
Blue spent time in her room for hours, only going downstairs for dinner, the dark was setting and she turned on her special lights, her stupid fear of the dark taking over her.
It’s not like it is her fault, if those bullies hadn’t locked her in that dark horrible basement at boarding school she wouldn’t have this irrational phobia.
She remembers that it was Sophia Monad who found her sobbing inside, apparently all those moths fluttering around were her pets. Blue wonders what happened to Sophia, no one has ever seen her since her parents' death, and most likely she died as well, that’s so sad, Sophia was a nice girl.
Blue changed clothes, getting ready for bed, the birds flew away to rest too, and she closed her eyes.
Hopefully, she can come up with a way to quit her job without upsetting her father in her dreams.
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aquaticlifes · 11 months
Designing a Stunning Aquarium: Rocks Edition
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Creating a captivating aquarium that mesmerizes with its underwater landscapes is a rewarding endeavor for any aquarium enthusiast. The art of aquascaping comes alive with the strategic use of rocks, elevating the aesthetics and functionality of your aquatic wonderland. But how do you ensure you're using the best rocks for your aquarium? In this SEO-friendly article, we'll explore the secrets of designing a stunning aquarium with a focus on the best rocks for aquarium, unlocking the potential to create a breathtaking aquatic masterpiece.
1. The Versatility of Rocks in Aquascaping: Choosing the Best
Rocks are the backbone of aquascaping, offering versatility in transforming your aquarium into a natural and captivating wonderland. However, choosing the best rocks is essential for a successful aquascape. Opt for non-toxic rocks, such as basalt, granite, slate, and lava rocks, to ensure the safety of your aquatic life and water parameters. Doing thorough research and selecting rocks that align with the specific needs of your fish and plants will ensure a harmonious and thriving underwater ecosystem.
2. Striking a Balance: Composing a Mesmerizing Aquascape
Creating a visually appealing aquascape relies on achieving a harmonious balance through the strategic arrangement of rocks. Vary the sizes and shapes of rocks to add depth and dimension to your aquarium. Larger rocks can serve as stunning focal points, drawing the eye and guiding the viewer's gaze throughout the tank. Smaller rocks can be used to create intricate details and smooth transitions. Strive for a harmonious balance that complements your aquarium's size and inhabitants.
3. Providing Hiding Spots: A Haven for Fish
Rocks offer more than just aesthetic appeal; they provide essential hiding spots for your fish. Thoughtfully arranging rocks to create caves, crevices, and overhangs will offer a sense of security, reducing stress and promoting natural behaviors among your aquatic inhabitants. Ensuring that your fish have places to retreat and explore adds depth to the aquarium and contributes to a healthier and more active fish community.
4. Anchoring Aquatic Plants: A Lush Underwater Garden
Rocks play a crucial role in creating a lush and vibrant underwater garden by serving as stable anchors for live aquatic plants. Position rocks to create planting pockets and secure plants in place, preventing uprooting caused by active fish or water currents. The combination of rocks and plants adds a natural and harmonious touch to your aquascape, creating a balanced ecosystem that fosters the well-being of both your fish and plants.
5. Incorporating Natural Elements: Driftwood and Moss
To elevate your aquascape to the next level, consider incorporating natural elements like driftwood and moss alongside rocks. Driftwood adds an organic and rustic touch to your aquarium, providing additional hiding spots and texture. Mosses attached to rocks and driftwood add a lush green dimension, enhancing the beauty of the rocks and providing an appealing contrast in color and texture.
6. Regular Maintenance and Care: Nurturing Your Aquatic Masterpiece
Designing a stunning aquarium with rocks is an ongoing endeavor that requires regular maintenance and care. Periodically clean the rocks to remove algae or debris, using gentle scrubbing and rinsing techniques. Avoid using harmful chemicals that may harm your fish and plants. Proper maintenance ensures that your rocks continue to enhance the aesthetics and functionality of your aquascape, providing a captivating underwater sanctuary for your aquatic friends.
Conclusion: Designing a Masterpiece with the Best Rocks
Designing a stunning aquarium with rocks is an enchanting journey into the world of aquascaping. The versatility and charm of rocks allow you to create breathtaking underwater landscapes that amaze and inspire. By selecting the best rocks, striking a balance in your composition, providing hiding spots, anchoring aquatic plants, and incorporating natural elements, you can design an aquarium that reflects the beauty and harmony of nature's aquatic environments.
Remember to choose the best rocks for your aquarium, ensuring they are safe and compatible with your fish and plants. Prioritize the well-being of your aquatic life by creating hiding spots and sheltered areas. With thoughtful design and regular maintenance, the stunning combination of rocks and aquascaping will transform your aquarium into an enchanting underwater masterpiece, providing endless joy and fascination for both you and your aquatic inhabitants.
ALSO VISIT: Aquarium Rock Guide: Selecting the Perfect Stones for Your Underwater World
Create a Thriving Underwater World: The Power of Homemade Tank Substrate
The Art of DIY Aquarium Substrate: Building Your Underwater Paradise
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rezzyromance · 3 years
How would the four lords react if their s/o suddenly says, “I think I’m in love with you,” while watching them do something mundane, eg. Alcina putting on her lipstick, Heisenberg tinkering with something, etc.
This makes me so happy :,)
You lay on the large bed you and Alcina shared. It was made to fit her, so to you it was like an ocean of soft mattress and silk sheets. You were so comfortable, although the presence of your lover would make the situation all the more comforting. Instead of laying with you, she was hurrying to get ready for a meeting Mother Miranda had called together. She always made sure to look her best before leaving the house. You lay on your side and prop your head up with your hand, all your weight put onto your elbow. You watched as she sat down in front of her mirror to do some touch ups on her makeup.
"I wish you didn't have to go. I wish you could just lay here with me." you complain. "I know my dear. I'd love nothing more than be able to spend my time with you, lazing away, but I'm afraid this meeting is very important." her tone was soft and sweet. It was a tone she only spoke to you in. You sigh and continue to stare at her, admiring the way she gently bounces her hair in her hands to make sure it sits perfectly. She notices you staring through the mirror and can't help but smile as she reaches for her favorite lipstick.
"I'm surprised you haven't burned a hole in me with that stare of yours." she says before parting her lips to apply her lipstick.
"I think I'm in love with you.", you lovingly say. It wasn't odd or out of the ordinary. You told her that you loved her often, but there was something special about the way you said it this time that made her freeze. Her eyes grew wide for just a second as a blush began to rise from her pale cheeks. She turns to face you, intensely staring into your eyes as the corners of her lips perk upwards into a pleasant smile. "Oh my sweet (Y/N).", she stands up and walks over to you before placing a kiss on your lips, leaving a red stain from her lipstick.
You yawn as you curl up comfortably in a chair with a hot cup of tea in your hands. It's not a yawn of boredom or exhaustion, but a yawn of comfort. The type of yawn your body produces because it's so at peace that life itself begins to lull you to sleep. You were watching as Donna sewed a brand new dress for one of her dolls. She had taken off her veil to do this, not wanting any lack of vision to ruin her progress. The dress was beautiful. She had been working on it for days. It was a small, pink and flower patterned dress with white lace around the edges that Donna stared at with intensity as she attached it with her needle and thread.
No words were spoken for the entirety of her process. You sat in silence and watch through out all of it. The way her eyes never unfocused from the task made your heart flutter. The way her dainty hands held the fabric so gently caused a light smile to rest on your face. She was just so beautiful.
After a while, you decide to break the silence. "I think I'm in love with you." She gasps and nearly pricks her finger with the needle. Her whole body language changed as she nervously fiddled with a stray strand of hair with her fingers. Her shyness only made you smile harder. "I think I love you too.", she whispers before smiling and continuing with her work, attempting to hide how flustered she is.
The light from the tv was the only thing illuminating the room. Moreau had put on one of his favorite romance movies for you both to watch. You told him you'd never seen it before and that absolutely blew his mind. How could you NOT see this masterpiece of a movie? There was no negotiating with the man. You HAD to watch it and so now here you are, curled up on the couch with him in the dark.
You had noticed out of the corner of your eye throughout the whole movie that Sal kept turning his head towards you, observing your reactions to his favorite parts of the movie. He wanted nothing more than for you to enjoy the movie just as much as he does, so you made sure to pay close attention. It was a very cheesey movie about an underdog winning the girl of his dreams who's way out of his league. But still, you pushed through.
You noticed that he hadn't looked over at you in a while. His face was too fixated on the television. You glance over to and notice something. Very subtly, he was mouthing every word spoken in the movie. You kept staring but made sure to not make it obvious enough for him to notice. Word for word, he got everything right. Every single word and sentence was right on time. "How many times has he seen this?", you wondered to yourself. Then, the movie goes silent for a second other than some cinematic music. His lips stopped moving as there were no more words to speak, but a smile grew on his face. You look to the movie and see that it was some sort of scene where the two characters have their first kiss. It's passionate and wholesome. "I think I'm love with you.", you say as you stare at him. He jumps as his shocked expression jerks from the tv to your face. His eyes were wide and his mouth was agape. "R-REALLY?!" You laugh at his excitement. "Of course! I know it!", you assure him before placing a kiss on his cheek.
"Son of a bitch..." he grumbled quietly as he fiddled with something small in his hands. He had been working on a gift for you for a while now, but he needed it to be absolutely perfect. His face was sweaty even though he wasn't doing anything that required any hard physical labor. It was just the sheer intensity of his own perfectionism that caused such stress for him. He had a pair of glasses that he never wears on. They just help magnify things for him so he can see even the smallest little details of whatever he's working on.
"Heisey, I'm bored. Mind if I sit in here while you work? I promise I won't be a distraction.", you lean on the doorway to his workshop. "Sure but you're gonna have to sit..", he paused for a second as he dragged a metal chair across the room, setting it in a corner that's the farthest away from him. "Oh come on!", you groan. "Don't give me that bitchin'. I'm busy and this is top secret stuff I'm working on!" You groan at his ridiculousness and walk over to the chair anyway. You sat down and watched as his brow remained furrowed intensely. "Damn. He must be working on something serious." You thought to yourself. You noticed he had his tongue sticking out ever so slightly as he worked. You wanted to chuckle, but didn't want to distract him. "Stupid piece of shit..... come on....", he whispers to himself through gritted teeth.
You stared at him, captivated by his focus and intensity. Whatever he's working on must be really small because he's able to hide it from your field of vision with just his hand. He kept grunting and whispering things under his breath. You could tell he was growing frustrated with whatever he was working on. "What are you working on again?", you question. "It's a surprise.", he says bluntly. Your interest is peaked.
He looked goofy. His large body was hunched over a chair, hovering over something so small you hadn't even seen it yet. How could something so small be causing so much stress from such a large man. The absurdity of it all caused you to chuckle. "What the hell's so funny?" He sounds aggravated as all hell yet his focus never strays away from whatever is in his hands. He looked to be carving into whatever it is.
"I think I'm in love with you.", you blurt out. He responds with a cocky chuckle after pausing for a second. You couldn't tell, but in that second where he was speechless, he felt like his heart stopped. Did you really mean it? Could you really mean it? Why now? How could him in such a strange position invoke feelings of affection from you? While his mind raced, he was able to appear as if it didn't affect him. "Oh yeah? How come?" "You're just so funny looking right now. But in a cute way.", you explain. "Like, you're this big and powerful guy, but you're so stressed over something that's so smile and you're trying so hard to work on whatever it is with your giant hands. I'm not sure why, but it's just so loveable to me."
He had completely frozen during your words. He had no idea what to do. It felt as if his brain short circuited and was unable to proceed normally from that moment. "You know what. I think it's perfect.", he says before stepping away from his workshop table with his hand clasped together. He swallowed harshly as he walked towards you and revealed what was in his hands. He made a necklace all by himself with his own blood, sweat, and tears. On the front, it was his family crest. He had manage to manipulate the metal perfectly. On the back it had the word "Buttercup", engraved. You didn't hesitate to put it around your neck. "It looks even better on you.", he smirks before pulling you into a kiss.
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aeempress · 3 years
Apritello Express Evidences, part 2
Khem-khem, ladies and gentlemen, we shall continue out praising Apritello's episodes. And yeah, this part will be dedicated, in entirety just one episode.
Purple jacket. April and Donnie's episode.
I really love this piece of masterpiece, because it show April and Dee relationship, better reveals them as characters, and demonstrates their connection. (My previous points at this whole situation)
The episode begins with Donnie sneaking into April's school under the pretext of helping her. Soon, April stated the reason why she called D - her science computer project. Actually, she could take a photo of the code and sent it to Donatello, and I'm sure, he would send her the correct one right away, he's coder, he's prodigy, no probbles.
But still, April just asked him to come over and help her without stating any reasons. And he, indeed, came at speed of the light.
I want you to understand what exactly does that mean.
First: April is aware how much Donnie is into human culture. He wants to study in normal human school, do some average teen stuff. Especially, he is loving school and science-related stuff, all these science school projects, visits to botanical gardens, experiments and laboratory work. Because it's his field. It's exactly his domain, where he's good at. His family does not share his interest in science, and April is only one who can understand him. Probably.
Also, April know, how badly Donnie wants to go to school, which gives him an excuse, even if not the most solid one, but an excuse, nevertheless, to visit her school again.
Why again?
Because he has no problem navigating there. Donnie went directly to April's computer class.
He loves this place. And he'd already helped April with her projects.
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Even so, knowing that every time she asked guys, especially Don, for help, it turned into a cataclysm, April still called him to help.
It's just a weird, indirect way to say, " Let's hang out, I know how much you like this whole situation with science, school and etc. Here ya go, buddy"
It seems like April did that to make something pleasant to him, something small, but nice to make him feel better. Because, as I state before - he likes to help April (praise, doing something useful for April - still counts as a motivation) and he likes school.
Second: khem-khem, D came at her school, as it seems, right away she called/texted. He didn't even know the proper reason, but c'mon: April ask for help, plus, her school. Sounds legit, don't you think?
Anyway, April has always been being the reason and excuse for teetles, but especially for Donnie. Clear? Clear. Good.
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Donnie also tends to not think things through when he is excited. Because he went at the daylight in place, full of people just to help April.
ROTTMNT shows us how turtles were really afraid of human reaction and possible consequences. They have plan "H" to pretend they are going to Galaxy Con, brothers have explanation why they look weird and it's definitely not because boys are mutants, uh-huh, no, plus, guys go on surface at evening or night hours, when there are not so many people, and it's dark, obviously, to cover them and keep unseen.
Yeah, of course, Donnie seems more capable then his brothers to handle the surface (he has cash, D's dressed up as old ladies more than once, according to Leo, he was in April's school before, so yeah, no big deal) and I suspect that his friendship with April is one of the reasons.
Third: do you remember how April worried about looking "normal" when she was finally invited to a school party? She even forbade Mayham to appear nearby, just not to look like the lizard boy. Because cool kids don't bring pets to school. April doesn't have many friends, or rather, there are none at school, and she's been trying to solve this problem by getting close to Taylor Martin, the coolest girl in school.
And April O'Neil just calls Donatello, an objectively strange guy (since when is it normal to be a fan of school? Pretty questionable) in place, where her reputation is hanging in a balance. Our girl does not try to hide Dee, as it usually shown in shows for kids, and April do not pretend that she sees him for the first time in her life because, you know, Donnie will catch everyone's attention being himself and may embarrass her in front of her classmates. But no - April says with all her actions: "Yes, I know him. Yes, that dork is with me. And I don't give a damn about your opinion. Your problems, not mine. And yeah, I'm fine with him being here."
I mean it, guys. The devil is always in the tiny details.
The way they behave around each other.
Donatello is way more, MORE relaxed and just being himself: dramatic dorky nerdy ninja with current obsessions. The way he sneaked in school and April's classroom, the way he behaves alone with her is contrasting the way of his attitude while his brothers are near.
Don has a specific way to shown up. Instead of texting her, Donnie used shurekens. Yes, he almost fell off the lamp, but still, that's... quite an entrance he makes there.
April worries about him, when he fell from ceiling.
Our girl feel relaxed enough around Donnie, so she winks at him.
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A wink is a fairly casual gesture that shows some expression of sympathy, trust, and togetherness. It's both good for saying "We're in same boat, we're team" and show the playful attitude towards someone. Isn't that an indicator?
Ironically, that being the best friends April and Donnie do not have any secret handshake/brofist/special greeting, as it usually the besties have at kid's series. Like Kendra and Jeremy have.
I can do only one possible logical conclusion: their relationship is far beyond "friends," "best friends," and "family".
Btw, about this certain phrase about secret five.
- Nay, fair April. A secret five[...].
Once again, nice wording, Donatello. Fair April? Maybe I'm too critical, but often when someone wants to convince their interlocutor and at the same time show one's condescension to them, it's usually uses "my dear ..." or something like that. I understand that semantically the difference is not very big, but in the first case, you can feel Donnie's personal attitude, even though he uses a book word. The second is just formal politeness, which emphasizes the difference between the rightness of the disputants.
This phrase were interpreted on official Russian dub as (okay, it's really hard to choose the correct word, because there's a lot of synonyms in English that sits quite well, while on Russian it's just one word, damn) "Нет, милая (No, honey/sweetheart )". Actually, a strange choice of wording, 'cause this is not what usually friends use to say to each other. We prefer use words like " my darling", "my dear", to demonstrate leniency. And again, most often this prerogative belongs to the older generation. Russians rarely throw around such words as "honey", "dear", "sunshine", because this deprives these endearments of any meaning, and a person using them, as a rule, is familiar. Of course, there are people who use them on a regular basis, but I HIGHLY doubt that Donatello is one of them. It's not his style.
But still, maybe I just too critical at this point.
April, as it is shown, have some kind of power to cool and calm him down and bring Donnie back to life reality.
1. Don awakes from his daze while heard April's voice
2. He's literally coming back to life, when April said about his broken jetpack.
3. Dee obediently interrupts his touching farewell to the jacket when April yells at him.
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Oh, and his face. I remind you, fellas, we're talking about Donatello, "I really do not like to express emotions"-guy and "I will die if someone broke my bAbEyS"-guy.
And what do we see? Donnie's emoting. And feels free to do that. He's even drooling. (What seems kinda interesting without context, if you're understand what I'm talking about ;))
Dee doesn't seem angry about broken jetpack. And his wide smile, while he's assuring April he can fix it? A few minutes ago, he was steamed when his stuff was stolen, but when the jetpack was broken, he doesn't even raise an eyebrow. Very eloquent.
April is his support
April also supports Donnie whatever he's up to. Yes, she hadn't been excited when Othello had expressed a desire to join the club. However, she also introduced him to Kendra and company. Yes, she showed by her whole appearance that she did not share his joy, but nevertheless, our loyal captain O'Neil was there for him, by his side all this time.
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And her sweet facial expression. From "Srsly? Join this jerks?" to "If you dare to even think about to hurt him, I'll smash you".
And one more cute detail about Dee. Even if he does whatever he wanted so badly, Don constantly looks around at April, looking for her approval.
- Be honest, April, do I look fantastic, or SUPERBLY fantastic?
- You look like you drop a juice box in a laundry. (Play nice, April, don't be mean)
He cherishes her opinion.
April had even called him late at night just to, technically speaking, say that his tech were stolen. And what's the big deal with all his outfit? It's late night, they can just sneak out into Nakamura in their usual form. But noooo, April give a special ride on her bicycle. Just. You know. Our girl carried her own weight and his all the way without stopping. And then she went up 53 + floors running non-stop because Donnie's equipment was stolen. And then she had to chase the her classmates, dodge and jump out of the window. Because Purple dragons stole Dee's tech. Like shooting fish in a barrel, no big deal at all.
And it's definitely not because he will be totally crashed or he'll do stupid things during his anger, which will then come out sideways.
And April comes along with him to very end.
By the way, their phone conversations.
Donnie is the very case when "Call at any time of the day or night and I will pick up the phone".
When April called him when he needs D's help with Albearto, when something is definitely going on behind.
As it says in transcript of the episode:
[April takes out her phone, scrolls to Donnie’s listing and calls him. Donatello appears on screen. Behind him a flying microwave wearing boxing gloves shoots lasers at his brothers.]
Don: "You are conversing with Donatello."
[Crouched on floor in hiding.]
Dude, I need your help."
Don: "For you, anything. As long as it does not involve bees, or spiders, or beach balls.
[There’s an explosion behind him and his brothers cry out, which he ignores.]
And yeah, he took her incoming immediately, he ignores absolutely and totally everything around him, because... April? Expositions, bloody flying microwave bot turned to destroy mode, his brothers screaming and being in life-threatening situation? Naaah, it can wait.
Donatello was at Todd's, building "the puppiest place on Earth" and was very enthusiastic about to finish this thing. But he paused anyway to answer April.
We already know how obsessive with work Don can be: if something interesting gets into his field of view, he begins to do it all day long. Remember "The Purple Game" - a very revealing case. Yeah, we weren't shown how much Donnie is into engineering, but I can guess that point remains the same.
April called him at late night and Donnie picked up the phone.
April, unlike Donatello, is a teenager who is burdened with social relationship such as family, school, and work periodically, which implies a more or less strict schedule to follow and some conventions, such as " April, you can't go out late at night to catch robbers, you are underage and you have to go to school/work tomorrow). However, she was watching the news late at night, so she called Dee. ( I have a lot of questions, but I'll never get answers, as it seems)
D, in turn, doesn't have so many contacts with the outside world. I highly doubt that anyone else outside of the family and April has his number. And yet, when he hears the call late at night he takes it. Yes, he had awaken from the nightmare, but still.
And what's up with his usual "You're conversing with Donatello"? He didn't even understand what's going on, as it seems, he's too sleepy to play his usual image and playfully attitude as we could see in "Hypno Part Deux" and "War and Pizza".
Adorable couple-like D&A arguing
April very rarely uses "I told you so" against anybody, or rather, this is almost the only case. This phrase is more suitable for Leo or Donnie, and you know," I told you so! " we usually use on people we know well, and we want to tease 'em about them being wrong. Which, in fact, once again highlights and proves how close D&A are. And I don't even get started about the fact that this is more like a couple's quarrel, not a friend's.
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And one more time - in the end, when April suggests using the jacket to stop Kendra.
Their teamwork
I stated that before, I'll tell it one more and more times. The chemistry of their team interaction is incredible. It's as if they can feel each other, and each knows what the other is capable of doing in the next moment. April easily adapts to Donnie's attack, realizing his plan.
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Donnie also throws them both out of the window in order to continue the pursuiting Kendra on the jetpack. Don is one hundred percent sure of April, that she will understand what he wants to do, Dee trusts her with his life without hesitation, and she has never used his jetpack. He just puts her before the fact: April will be using the tech.
Up for Donnie!
I really like how this scene was made. Donatello struggles with his own tech, somewhat he made by himself, having invested almost whole himself and his soul, but what "betrayed" him in end. When Dee finally managed to shake one of his battleshell, which almost choked him, Donnie feel so scared and unsecured. We can see his anxiety - Dee's coaching position with covering his head with his hands and tucking his knees.
Defenseless, helpless, and mostly lost, and then, just in time - hero comes to save his life. She uses Donnie's name as battlecry, look how furious she is.
Funny fact: on Russian dub April yells "Don't touch Donnie! (how dare you, madafaka)
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April fits in Donnie's type of girls. She's cute (obvious) and mean (not so obvious).
I can't say that meanness is the main feature of April's character, as we can say about Kendra. But this personality trait is still present in her and sometimes it does not manifest itself so widely. April's meanness is not so pronounced, it is much softer and smoother, and it is not exposed.
But April becomes really mean when someone messes up with Donnie.
She's his support and prop. Literally. Just look at first frame, okay-okay, jokes aside
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She's genuinely enjoying of kicking bad guys ' asses, even letting go of witticisms and barbs.
Last scenes
Don survived a rough night: he was used, his tech was stolen, so he and April had to chase the satin robed punks. Donnie was hit in the head with a hammer, he fell from a bird's-eye view, passed out and then his battleshell tried to strangle him. And April is here to comfort him, to cheer him up.
Yes, we don't get any hugs (because it's kids show, bleh), the tactility is kept to a minimum, except for April's comforting hand on his shoulder, but they don't even look at each other. But the softness of her voice, the intonation with which she utters a phrase (that is usually sent to the friend zone, but "pal" is really neutral word, and the most important how she said that) turn the scene upside down. It is not what April did to comfort him matter, it's how she did this.
I said "yes" to you way too often
April mirrors Donnie with his "Anything for you". Yes, of course, she said this with a certain amount of grumbling, but her voice and her demeanor suggest otherwise - she is not at all averse to going to giving in him.
And the way they're look at each other.
This one
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And one more detail
It's really tiny, it's hard to catch from the first watching the episode, but still, it's possible. I'm talking about graffiti on the walls of the alley where April and Don had landed.
This one
Yeah, if we speak about reality it's quite normal to see graffiti like this. But we talking about TV-series, where everything has its own place and meaning. And if there something, it must be there, it's not just whim of artist who put it in there. But this little graffiti changes the mood of scene.
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alltooreid · 3 years
All Too Well
Spencer must go to him and Y/N’s once shared apartment to clean out his things and leave her life forever. While there he can’t help but look back on his actions, the ones that made him lose the love of his life forever
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A/N: Hi!! This is my first fanfic ever published on here and I’m excited to share it with you all! It’s inspired by one of my favorite Taylor Swift songs All Too Well, but although I utilized some of the lyrical genius and imagery from it, the story is not the same as the story in the song. This is a very angsty fic, and there is not a happy ending. Although there are some cute fluffy elements, including a Reid’s purple scarf origin story, I would in no way call this happy. Additionally, because of a reason you may later realize, the content warnings are very vague. If anything even slightly mentioned in them may affect you, I advise you to maybe stay clear. On a lighter note, if anyone wants to request anything, whether it’s another song inspired fic or a general plot line you would like to see please do so!! Also sorry this is kinda short, I’m still learning but I’m really proud of this one :))
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem Reader
Type: Very Angsty, Not a Happy Ending, (Y/N and Spencer do not end up together)
Word Count: 2.4k
Content Warnings(try to ignore if you would prefer to stay surprised): slight cursing, discussions of death and gore, discussion of car crash
Things to Know: Italics and bold are flashback moments :) let me know what you think!
“But you keep my old scarf from that very first week 'Cause it reminds you of innocence And it smells like me You can't get rid of it 'Cause you remember it all too well”
Spencer was packing up his things, finally getting the chance to clear out and move from the apartment he and Y/N once shared.  Their relationship was rocky and unconventional but he loved her all the same. Even though he left her broken-hearted and destroyed his most cherished relationship. Even though Y/N’s parents now hated him because of what he did to her. Even though hope of repairing what they once had was long gone and there was nothing else he could do about it. Even though he had torn up the masterpiece they once had together. He still loved her so much.
But the magic was gone and so was she. 
Now Spencer was left with memories, and since the apartment they lived in was hers instead of his, filed entirely under hers and her parents name. In his excessive knowledge and wisdom, Spencer Reid struggled to understand how the kitchen where Y/N told him she loved him for the first time as he lit the candle on the collapsing confetti cake he had attempted to bake for her birthday was in no way legally tied to him. 
“Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Y/N! Happy birthday to you!” Spencer sang as he lit the single pink birthday candle he found after rummaging through his desk drawers for longer than he cared to admit. He knew it was in there somewhere, but at the same time there was a whole lot in there. 
As he looked at her face, eyes welling up with tears as she took in the sad, homemade excuse for a birthday party Spencer had thrown together after they got back from a case hours before, he couldn’t help but feel he should have done more. He wanted to take her to New York, where they would’ve enjoyed fine dining and one of those incredibly detailed floral frosting cakes he knew Y/N was infatuated with. 
However, the case in Oregon ran long. They had only returned to their apartment 2 hours ago, hours past their 7pm dinner reservations. Although Y/N tried to hide her disappointment, you don’t need to be a profiler to know that someone wants to celebrate their own birthday. So although they had agreed to go to bed and play everything by ear tomorrow, the young genius had, what he would still argue to be, his most brilliant idea when he saw Y/N asleep once he got out of the shower.
It was still her birthday.
And Spencer had just under 2 hours to throw you a party. 
So sure, Y/N deserved more than a cake that was definitely not cool enough to frost, but was frosted anyway due to time constraints. And she definitely deserved more than present hastily wrapped in his printed out articles and newspaper clippings. Spencer wished that he had time to go buy new candles, instead of lighting a green sparkly number 7 because it was all he could find.
But it was almost midnight, and that meant he only had 18 minutes before it wasn’t Y/N’s birthday anymore.
So instead of dwelling on it, he headed to their bedroom, shook her awake and watched her roll over to face him. He watched the smile overtake her face as she said the stupid party hat he was wearing, made out of a pom pom and a wedding invitation.
“Hey birthday girl,” he said softly, “you do realize you’re sleeping through your party right?”
She looked so happy that night, even as she saw the way too messy kitchen and her birthday cake that was melting by the second. She laughed as Spencer fumbled with the lighter. 
And as he finished singing her eyes started releasing tears. 
“I’m sorry sweetheart, I wish we could’ve done more for the first birthday we get to spend together. “
“No, no, no” she said as she wiped her tears away, “It’s not that at all.”
She smiled and looked up at him “I just love you so goddamn much Spencer.”
Although at one point, all Spencer knew was logic and logically Y/N had never ever known him when she filed her paperwork, the genius still struggled to grasp the concept. That even before the ending of it all, you had no legal, definite connection to her at all. 
How was nothing about this place, his? 
  All that he knew was that he had today to pack all his shit and leave. All he knew is that Y/N’s father had made it very clear none of their family wanted to see him again. 
He wished he could talk to Y/N about it. However all of his calls went to voicemail immediately. 
Logically, Spencer knew why, he had completely fucked up. 
But still, he called every single day, as there was nothing his heart wished for more than to speak to Y/N again. To apologize, to beg for forgiveness he knew he didn’t deserve.
As the cold air from the open windows blew into the apartment, Spencer couldn’t help but feel he was leaving his home behind. Everything left of her was going to be here, and he wouldn’t get to experience any part of the life you and him had once shared together anymore.
But then he saw it. 
The royal purple scarf Y/N bought the day of their first date. 
“You like this color right?” she asked as they stopped by a booth at the street festival she had taken him to. Spencer was too distracted as he watched the other couples on dates, as they walked hand and hand down the streets. He sometimes wished he could forget things like the number of germs and bacteria that lived on her hands. He at least wished he could forget long enough to gather enough courage to hold Y/N’s hand as they walked down the sidewalk.
“Hmm?” he said, looking back at her, then the scarf she was now wearing. “Oh, yeah! I love that color, it um- looks great on you.”
She smiled, then turned to the weird old guy running the stand. “How much for the scarf?” she asked.
He looked at her, then looked at Spencer, “depends which one of you is paying.”
Before Spencer could say anything, let alone pull out his wallet, Y/N already had hers out. 
“Well, for a pretty lady like you, it’s 2 dollars,” the man said.
She handed him five and turned to Spencer. “You hear that? I’m so pretty I get 80% off! Wonder what you would’ve paid huh pretty boy? He would probably owe you money.” The man handed her her change and whispered something Spence couldn’t quite catch. 
“Gross,” Y/N said as they exited the booth, “he wrote his number on my change.”
Spencer chuckled, “Did you really just buy that scarf because I like the color of it?”
She smiled, “Don’t get so cocky now Einstein, I like purple too you know? And maybe if you’re lucky I’ll let you borrow it.”
At that moment Spencer felt just okay enough to wrap his arm around Y/N’s, and she felt just right enough to wrap the new scarf around them both. 
The one she left next to her front door, after making the last minute decision to leave it at home the night of their final outing.
No one would notice if he….. Right?
Sure maybe Y/N would but what would she do about it? Hunt him down just to get a scarf she paid less than five dollars for? Definitely not. 
He wrapped it around his neck and closed his eyes, even days later he could perfectly picture Y/N singing in his car, fascinated by the autumn leaves falling around her. He felt the wind in his hair, but instead of the cold, dreary air from the open apartment window, he swore he could remember the warm air from that October night. 
“Spencer I know you hate it but please, please, please. I’m so tired.”
“Sweetheart you’re not tired, you’re drunk. Of course I have to drive you home.”
“Oh, whatever.”
A phone call broke him away from his memories, it was Hotch. Spencer was angry, how effortlessly cruel of him to call him during such an emotional time. Hotch knew how much Spencer loved Y/N, the whole team did. 
So he didn’t pick up.
Instead he walked over to the coffee table they used to put their feet on when they binged watched Doctor Who together. Letting the ringtone play out in the background, Spencer picked up an old photo album Y/N’s parents must have brought out. Of course he remembered it, it was the same one they flipped through when he met Y/N’s parents for the first time. He didn’t realize she had brought it home with her.
His eyes welled up with tears as he flipped through the old school pictures, remembering how embarrassed Y/N was of her big glasses. He saw her old athlete pictures from when she used to play tee ball, and flipped through more pictures until he reached the end of your softball career, in college. 
He remembered how hard Y/N blushed when she showed him her childhood bedroom. Her twin sized bed was full of stuffed animals and her walls covered in boy band posters. 
“You know what Spencer? I don’t want to hear it. I loved and still love the BackStreet Boys and I am not ashamed of that.”
He laughed, “You know, before we started dating I always thought you were so cool and unattainable. I imagined that you had always been this chic, beautifully brilliant badass. It’s oddly comforting to know that you wore tortoiseshell glasses and had a fruitless infatuation with Nick Carter.”
She gasped, before tossing her tabby cat stuffed toy at him, “You’re about to get it!”
Once again he was called out of the memory by his phone. 
And once again he let it ring.
Spencer went into their shared bedroom, most of his things were already put into boxes for him. Honestly he was surprised that they hadn’t been set on fire or thrown away after what he did. 
Soon it was time for him to take his things down to his car.
Except it wasn’t even his car. It was Morgan’s.
“Spencer, you are the most gorgeous man I have ever seen in my entire life. I am infatuated with you, I want us to spend the rest of our lives together.”
“You sure that isn’t the alcohol talking Y/N”
“Look at me Spencer, no, no really look at me.”
He couldn’t imagine ever using his old car again after what had happened in it.
“You are my future.”
Not that he could use it again.
“You are my everything.”
It was pretty much destroyed, after that accident on that little town street.
“I want nothing more in my life, than for you to be in it.”
When he was so enamored by Y/N, so in love that he couldn’t take his eyes off her, that he ran a red light.
And the truck waiting to go didn’t stop either.
“SPENCER! SPENCER CAN YOU HEAR ME? I NEED YOU TO CALL 911!” she screamed, her voice filled with agony, her limbs mangled in a sea of crushed mental and snapped backwards by the emergency airbag she didn’t realize she was resting her feet on.
Spencer had already called 911. That was the sickest thing about it. Spencer was, physically, perfectly fine. Spencer would get to leave the hospital after just a few days. Spencer could’ve probably gotten out of the car if he tried to. But he stayed, he stayed with Y/N, as she wasn’t fine. As Spencer looked down on her broken body, and tried desperately to find just one piece of skin that wasn’t coated in blood, her blood, that is when he realized. That not only could Y/N not walk out of the hospital with him, but she probably wouldn’t even make it there.
So he sobbed, he struggled to breathe, not because of the ways Y/N did, but because he had caused all the reasons she couldn’t.
“Hey, Spencer, look at me.”
So he did, and he reached for her hands and held them so tightly, and wanted one last time to feel her squeeze back. And she did, just ever so softly. 
“Spencer, I meant everything I said to you. I want you to spend the rest of my life with me. Please.”
“I love you so much Y/N”
“I love you too.”
Spencer was drawn away from his memories once again as he got another phone call. 
But it wasn’t Hotch this time. It was Mr. Y/L/N, so he answered it. He owed him that.
“Are you out of her house yet? You’ve had hours. I want you gone Spencer.”
Spencer sighed, “I’m leaving now sir, I’m just putting the last of my things in the trunk and then I’ll be gone.”
“Good, I never want to see you again Spencer, you hear me?” Mr. Y/L/N said. “And you better not have anything of hers either. All that stuff in your car better belong to you and you only. If Y/N paid for even a dime of it it better still be in that house.”
Spencer looked down at this scarf he was wearing, the one that still smelled like her perfume. The one that he couldn’t bring himself to take off because he reminded him of so much innocence and beauty.
“Yes sir, I didn’t take anything.”
“Good. And Spencer do me a favor.”
“Anything sir.”
“Go fuck yourself.” Mr. Y/L/N said, and then hung up. Spencer sighed, he expected that and fully deserved it.
How else should a father react when you kill his daughter?
“'Cause there we are again when I loved you so Back before you lost the one real thing you've ever known It was rare, I was there, I remember it all too well”
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heymrstargazer · 3 years
random and unnecessary facts about my ocs thats basically just a ploy to get everyone to fall in love with them (just ross and colin for now because im lazy)
really dislikes the color yellow for no reason in particular
will argue that he hates cuddling all day and sleeps as far away as possible but always ends up half on top of ross anyway
absolutely loves cooking and learning new recipes
(actual detail in the story but) every christmas he gets everyone a book (ross gets one hes already annotated) and he spends for fucking ever picking out the perfect one (austin gets those level 1 childrens books)
hates oil paints with a passion but is committed to learning how to use them (acrylic is his favorite)
(also an actual detail in the story and one i stole from my own plant) has a little succulent named Ben Plantt (like ben platt)
has a love of old record players but they can make him a bit sad just cause he can’t always enjoy them
of course for the most part being deaf doesnt bother him but occasionally it gets to him (aha fuck nora and liam)
has designed every single one of ross’ tattoos 
is surprisingly athletic but doesn’t ever have a reason to use it
is incredibly paranoid about a lot of things but is also really good at hiding it
he has pretty severe ocd. he can get around fine but occasionally it can be hindering. his biggest thing is counting and germs gross him tf out (me? projecting? never.)
has a bad habit of not shutting the fuck up and it always gets him into more trouble than he needs
he has a very intricate mug collection
fucks around on the guitar for the most part but when colin has his cochlears off he’ll sing
when colin can hear him he’ll just sing whatever (usually to bother him. example being two trucks)
but in the cases where colin has them off he is the cheesiest fucking sap and does songs like im yours by jason mraz, marry you by bruno mars, and banana pancakes by jack johnson
played baseball all through middle and high school and was actually really fucking good at it but didn’t care enough to take it further
has a very complex theory about the ghosts in the mansion (he doesnt really believe in them but the idea is there (also totally not me projecting again))
he loves doodling but is really reluctant to let anybody see because he watches colin draw masterpieces over and over again and gets pretty shy about it (colin loves them and keeps a few in his wallet like the sap he is)
chews on his nails, sweatshirt strings, earbuds, etc despite how many times hes tried to stop
has really nice handwriting (sorry colin)
literally cant see for shit. his glasses have a really high prescription so they’re basically like little magnifying glasses and he hated them when he was younger (cause ya know they make your eyes and everything look super big) but hes gotten over it by now
thinks its highly entertaining when colin tries putting his glasses on (instant headache ngl) and asks him how they look when ross literally cannot tell at all
really good with tech stuff but complains about having to fix everything (who? me? no definitely not)
just never fucking wears shirts around the bedroom (and later his and colins house)?? whenever he puts one on if its cold or hes about to leave colin always acts surprised because ‘i didnt think you had any’
i could continue but i will stop for now
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clouditae · 3 years
First Love | 15
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Yoongi x reader | 18+ | college au | tattoo artist au | angst | fluff | swearing
Word: 4.3k
You first saw him in the multi-purpose room. Later learn his name, and on your third year, as he becomes your neighbor, you discover his lifestyle. Knowing your crush on him was nothing but that, you wanted to find the courage to look for love. Asking your friend for help, you’re pointed in the direction of the expert. Your neighbor, Min Yoongi
Chapter Index
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Hanbin holds you close as he kisses your cheek in small, quick pecks. You can’t help but giggle as he kisses his way from your cheek to your lips. “Well if it isn’t our favorite couple,” a voice booms, causing you and Hanbin to break apart. 
Looking behind him you see Ari and Hoseok walking up to you. “Hey,” you say, Ari walking up to you to hug you as Hoseok and Hanbin shake hands.
“So cute,”‌ she whispers in your ear before stepping back. She looks between you and Hanbin. “The two of you just come back from a date?” 
Hanbin smiles as your cheeks turn a shade darker. “Yeah. We had dinner and studied for our midterms tomorrow.”‌
“Ugh. Don’t remind me,” Ari complains, covering her ears. “I’m not ready.”‌
Hoseok laughs, “You’ll pass. Quit stressing.”‌ He wraps his arm around her shoulder, rubbing her arm as he brings her close. “Right after this is break. I’m ready to not be here.” 
“I miss my dog,” Hanbin confesses, eyeing the small box in Hoseok’s hand. “Where’d you guys come from?”
Ari’s eyes travel to where Hanbin is looking. “Oh, we had dinner at this little restaurant down the street. Yoongi messaged Hoseok to get him something.” You can’t help but flinch at the name.
“Yoongi?” Hanbin questions with curiosity, thankfully oblivious to your reaction.
“My roommate,” Hoseok answers, eyes drifting behind you. “Speaking of the devil. Yoongi,” he calls, releasing Ari as he makes his way over to his roommate somewhere behind you. 
Ari watches as Hanbin turns his head to see, but you don’t. You keep your eyes forward and at Ari’s feet. It’s amazing how much he still has an affect on you when nothing really ever happened between you two. Maybe it’s just the feelings you felt during those private moments that keeps your feelings for him there. 
“We should do a double date,” Ari suddenly bursts, bringing both your and Hanbin’s attention to her. Her smile is big at the ideas that are clearly running through her head. “We can have one right after midterms before the dorms kick us out!” She gasps, “We can have a really fancy date. Dress up, do our hair and make up, go somewhere really fancy.” She continues to list all that you guys can do before you go home. 
Home. Home where your parents are; where your pets are and all your old friends you no longer talk to. Home where you know that when you’re alone at night, you’ll question your feelings and all the choices you’ve made up until this point. 
“Y/N.” You blink and look up to meet Hanbin’s sweet gaze. “What do you think?” 
“About what?” You feel bad for not listening to their conversation.
“The double date after midterms.”‌
“Ah.” You really have to stop daydreaming. “Yeah. It sounds nice,” you tell them, trying to remember the full details Ari has given. 
“Great,” Ari gleams, clapping her hands together. “We’ll talk more about it later, Y/N, but for now I need to talk with you about our troublesome neighbors and their habit of leaving their clothes on the floor in the bathroom.” You frown in confusion. What is she talking about?‌ Your neighbors have never left their clothes in the bathroom, but it’s when she gives you “the look” that you know it was something else. She has to tell you something in private. With no prying ears. 
You turn to Hanbin an automatic smile plastered on your lips when you see him smiling. “I’ll see you tomorrow?” he asks, bringing his fingers up to brush along your cheek before pushing some hair back behind your ear. 
“Yeah,” you answer, voice barely audible, but he hears you loud and clear as his smile grows and he leans down to place a soft kiss on your lips. You close your eyes and savor the moment before he pulls back but not before placing a kiss on your forehead and saying bye to both you and Ari. You watch him make his way towards his car, turning around one last time and waving to you then calls, “Later Hoseok.” 
“Later,” Hoseok yells, scaring both you and Ari. You jump and Ari screams while Hoseok is giving a mixture of unintelligible apologies and laughter. “I’m sorry,” he finally manages, wrapping his arms around his girlfriend. 
“I’m sorry,” she mocks, giving him a light tap on his stomach as he hugs her tighter. “I actually need to talk to Y/N so I’ll talk to you later okay?” she looks up to him, lips puckered and waiting for Hoseok to kiss her. 
He chuckles, “Okay. Text me later.” Giving her a kiss, Hoseok releases her, giving you a hug and leaving the two of you alone. 
When he is out of earshot, you look to your roommate. “What’s wrong?” you immediately question. 
Ari grabs your hand, leading you across the parking lot to the benches in the middle of an open lawn that the parking lot surrounds. She pulls you down to sit with her at the first bench. “What’s wrong with you?” she asks, voice still low as if someone could be hiding somewhere in their car or behind a car. 
You frown. “What do you mean?” 
She gives you that look. The look that says you know what she’s talking about. “Why are you still hurt over Yoongi?”
“I’m not.” You avert your gaze.
You cave. “I don’t know. I should be over him by now, but every time I see him, or think of him, or even hear him, it hurts and…” you trail off, feeling your emotions try to take over as you clear your throat. “I don’t understand.”‌
Ari places her hand over yours. “Break is coming soon, and the school year is almost over. When we pick our dorm, we can pick a room that isn’t next to Yoongi. You’ll get over him, Y/N.” 
You nod. You’re just going to have to. 
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“Okay. We have a few hours to look so damn hot that the boys won’t know what to do with themselves,” Ari rushes, opening her closet to toss her clothes in the hamper. “Hurry up and shower,” she instructs, not even looking at you. You get off your bed, grabbing your clothes and shower supplies. Making your way past the frantic girl and into the bathroom, Ari suddenly speaks in a frantic tone, “Don’t be too quick. I need time to do my make-up before I do yours.”‌
You roll your eyes, closing the door to the bathroom. The second you hear the click to locking the door, you crouch down, burying your face in your towel. This is going to be your first double date. This is going to be your first date wearing a dress for Hanbin. You feel the heat rise on your cheeks, your heart race, and the butterflies erupt in your stomach. You're so nervous, but you don't want to let Ari see because that'll only end up with her teasing you. Like she always does when you were crushing on...
Shaking your head, you get up, place your clothes and towel on the toilet seat, you turn the knob to the shower, feeling the cold water run down your fingers as you wait for it to get warm. You refuse to let your thoughts of him take over as you remove your clothes and step into the shower. You refuse to let him get the best of you–influence you the way he has since the beginning. No more. 
Once you finish your "long" shower, you step out of the bathroom with your dirty clothes in one hand and your shower caddy in the other. Ari is applying eye shadow when she looks at you through the mirror. "Wow, Y/N," she says, eyes back on herself.
"What?" you ask, a little scared that something dyed your hair or face. 
"You're so gorgeous," she tells you nonchalantly. You roll your eyes, but can't stop the small smile gracing your lips as you make your way to your closet to toss your clothes in the hamper and put the caddy away. "Brush your hair and I'll be ready to make you look like an even better goddess in a second." You shake your head but do as told. If Ari wasn't here–if she didn't enter your life at the perfect moment, you don't know what you'd do without her. You became roommates because no one else accepted you, but she was looking for a roommate and so were you. Just a click and a fingers crossed, you two became roommates and best friends. 
"Where is this restaurant we're going to?" you ask, pulling your brush out of your top drawer. 
"That's a surprise."
"For us?" 
"Just you." 
You stop mid brush. "Just me?" 
"Yup," she says with a popping sound at the end. "Hanbin knows where we're going since I had to make sure he's okay with it." 
"You expect him to pay for both of us?" You continue to brush your hair, but in a slow manner.
"No, but he said he would. I told him you probably won't let that happen, but he said he'll be sneaky," she chuckles, placing the brush down and looking at herself. "This is my "you're going to fuck me tonight" masterpiece." 
"Ari," you sigh, covering your ears, but there’s no point to it. She said it and she won't be saying any more. She knows one sentence can be enough for you to want to leave the room. 
She laughs, getting up from her chair before spinning it around to face away from her desk. "Come sit," she instructs as you quickly finish brushing your hair and get off your bed to make your way towards her. You take a seat. "We'll give you a natural look, with some peach lipstick? Red maybe?" She begins her work as you close your eyes, feeling the cold liquid be placed on your skin. It’s like Ari had magic fingers–or she’s just a professional, but as quickly as she started, she is done. You’ll never understand her magic, but you’re just glad she’s as quick as she is and doesn’t have to redo it one too many times. She digs through her closet, pulling out dress after dress as she mutters, “Too shiny. Not enough shine.”‌ Pulling out a black dress, she holds it up to you, eyeing the dress on you. “This is perfect. Go try it on.”‌
You take the dress in your hands, the silk swimming along your fingers. Entering the bathroom, you delicately place the dress on the toilet seat cover as if it were made of glass and is going to shatter any moment. You remove your pajamas, placing them on the top lid, and grab the silk dress. Pulling the zipper down at the back of the dress you bring it up over your head and slip into it. As the dress falls, it leaves a small pool at your feet, lace starting just above your breasts and makes its way up to your collarbone and covers your arms until it reaches your wrist. You thought the sleeves would be itchy because some fabrics were when you wore them, but this one isn’t. Grabbing your clothes you step towards the door when you suddenly feel the cold air hit your right leg. You look down as you unlock and open the door. 
“There’s a slit in this dress?” you ask, stepping out of the bathroom and closing it behind you.
“Yes ma’am. That one pop will get Hanbin’s eyes all over you.” 
You ignore her comment as you turn your back to her. “Zip me?” Pulling the dress under the zipper, Ari zips your dress up, giving a pat on your back when she’s done. “When are they supposed to be coming?”
Ari grabs a maroon colored dress and places it on her bed as she begins to undress. “About an hour? That’s enough time for me to do your hair and mine.” She dresses as you place your pajamas on your bed for when you come back. “For your hair,” she begins, slipping the straps on, “I’m thinking we’ll put it up in a bun and have a few strands fall in the front.” She points back to her chair. “Take a seat.” 
After another small session of Ari’s make over, the two of you put on your shoes and make sure you have everything you need when there is a knock at the door. You two look at each other for a second before a jumpy Ari makes her way towards the door. She looks so excited and it’s spreading to you, too. The door opens, Hoseok on the other side, and as his smile leaves his face, his eyes widening, he mutters a “wow” as his eyes travel from her eyes to her dress. His gaze travels from Ari over to you. “Woah,” he says louder than earlier, eyes widening. “Yo, Han.” Hoseok stretches his hand out to the side. You can’t see what he’s reaching for, but as he pulls his hand back, Hanbin comes into view. 
Hanbin’s eyes first lock with Ari’s, giving her a polite smile and a “hello” before Hoseok grabs him by the chin and forces his head towards you. You’re not sure if he says anything because no words are registering as you stare at him. You’ve always admired his god-like looks, but in the suit he’s wearing…
It is just a black suit. A black shirt underneath and a black tie to go along with it, but he’s never looked more handsome than he does right now. 
“Y/N,” Ari calls, snapping her fingers. You blink back to reality. “Are you ready?” You nod, feeling embarrassed that you were just staring at Hanbin. “Let’s go!” she sings, holding the door for you as you exit your dorm room. Ari loops her arm through her boyfriend’s as Hanbin waits for you. The two of you can’t meet eyes for a second as you walk behind the couple making their way towards the parking lot. 
Hanbin clears his throat, holding out his hand. You look down at his hand then up at him. He smiles and you take it, lacing your fingers through his. “You look beautiful.” 
You blush, looking away. “Thank you.”‌
He quietly chuckles, brushing his thumb along your skin.
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The restaurant looks very expensive. Glass chandeliers, marble white floor, expensive looking art, a band playing soft music, and even a dance floor with a few people dancing.  
You weren’t expecting this fancy, but you should have known when you’re dressed like this. Your mind is racing with all the prices you’re about to see as the host hands you the menus while taking your order for drinks. You want to ask the three if this is too expensive–you are college students after all, but with how casual they’re looking, you don’t want to be the one to ruin the mood. So, you stay quiet. 
You open the menu and don’t look at the prices as your eyes scroll down the list of foods. In all honesty you cannot pronounce a lot of the words that are on this list, but to your luck, or maybe the art gods blessing you, you find one word that you can pronounce. Steak. Ari is reading off some of the items on the list as she debates what she wants, but you have no idea what she is saying. 
As the waiter comes, he places a bottle of white wine at your table followed by four glasses. When did someone order wine? He pulls out a notepad and pen. “Are you ready to order?” You all say your orders–Ari’s and Hanbin’s are orders you have no idea how to say even after hearing it. As the waiter leaves, Hoseok gets straight to work with pouring the wine. 
Hanbin passes you a glass as Ari grabs hers and holds it up. “To passing those damn midterms and to finishing the rest of the school year with A’s.”
You and the guys lift your glass as well. “To A’s,” you say, the other two following after. With a clink of your glass you take a sip of your wine. ‌You’re not much of a drinker, but you can’t deny that this wine is something you can drink every day if you could. 
“So what are you guys doing this break?” Hanbin asks, placing his glass down. 
“Well,” Ari begins, taking another sip, “Hoseok and I were going to go camping and bring Y/N with us, but my mom has something planned for me and is begging me to go home, so that’s what I’m doing.”‌
“I’m going home to see my family and a friend of mine. He goes to a more competitive school so we don’t get to see each other much like we used to,” Hoseok explains. 
“What about you?” Ari asks.
Hanbin shifts in his seat. “My brother wants to go on a trip.” 
“Oh, that sounds exciting,” Ari says, intrigued, leaning forward in her seat. “Where are you going?”
As Hanbin explains his small list of stops he’s going to make with his brother, you can’t help but imagine what it would be like if it were you and him going on a trip. Where would you go? What would you do? You imagine all the little pit stops you two would make when you’re almost out of gas–grabbing all the snacks you could. You would feed some snacks to Hanbin as he drove, a pleased smile on his face as he ate a favorite of yours. He’d tell you to buy more of those at the next stop. When you were at the hotel, the two of you would be cuddling, his arms wrapped tightly around you as you listened to the sound of crickets outside, the beating of his heart, and feel the small kiss he would place on your forehead. It’s everything you could ever imagine. 
“What about you, Y/N.”
“Hm?” Your fantasy leaves your thoughts as you turn to meet eyes with Hanbin. 
He chuckles. “What are you doing this break?” he asks again.
“Ah.” You place your hands on your lap. “Hang out with my parents. Watch a bunch of movies. Simple things.” 
“That sounds so cute,” Ari begins, clapping her hands together, “I think we should all Skype and watch a movie together.”
“That would be fun,” you say, eyes on the waiter who appears with your plates. The plates are passed and you tell him “thank you” as he takes his leave. “What would we watch?” you inquire, trying to keep the conversation going and not let it hang for silence to wash over. 
“Let’s do one of every genre,” Ari says, taking a piece of her food and putting it in her mouth. 
“I’m not watching anything scary,” Hoseok states, shaking his head. 
Ari laughs, placing a hand on his arm. “Okay. We won’t watch anything scary.” 
Cutting your steak, you pick up a piece and place it in your mouth. It felt like the steak melted as you chew it. It’s so soft and easy to chew, and the taste of it. You’re in heaven as you take another bite. “How is it,” Hanbin asks, leaning in towards you. You pick up a piece with the fork and bring it closer to his mouth. He happily takes the piece of steak, eyes widening at the taste and texture. “I think I’ve entered heaven,” he whispers, earning a small laugh from you. 
“What are you eating?” you ask, eyeing his pinkish orange dinner. 
“Salmon and some roasted potatoes.” He takes a piece of his salmon. “Want a piece?” You nod watching him do the same movement you did with him. You smile, taking a bite. You’ve never had salmon before, but you couldn’t deny it’s really delicious. 
“It’s really good,”‌ you tell him, taking a sip of your wine. 
He nods in agreement. “When I become a famous director and you a famous photographer, we should come here once a week. Try everything and buy the recipe off the chef and make it at home.”‌ 
You felt like your heart skipped a beat. You never thought about the future. To you it never seemed like it was in sight. School, homework, life–nothing showed light of what your future could hold, but here is Hanbin telling you he sees that future you questioned. He sees a future with you in it. You would normally question this, but you don’t want to. You want to have this future–to not wonder who’s in your life and who isn’t. You want to see this future Hanbin sees. You want to have a future where someone as wonderful, smart, funny, sweet and caring as Hanbin is in it. 
“Deal,” you say, turning your attention back to your food so that he could not see the blush creeping on your cheeks. For the remainder of dinner, the four of you talk about anything that comes to mind. Who’s going to grad school. Who’s going to get a job right after graduation. Traveling. Where would you go if you did travel. It feels nice. Nice to just laugh and not think all that much. Not think about what eats you up and what is waiting for your answers when you refuse to even look at it. 
Hanbin’s hand finds yours, his fingers lacing through yours. You look up to him. “Care to dance?”
“Dance?” Your eyes go from him to the dance floor behind him, then back to him. “I don’t know how to really… dance.”
He chuckles. “I’ll teach you.” He stands up, your hand still in his. You get up and let him lead you towards the dance floor, heart racing in fear. He turns to face you, his hand holding yours adjusts, the other going to the small of your back. You place your free hand on his shoulder in awkwardness. “Just follow my lead.” With a quiet “two, three” Hanbin begins his steps, you stumbling after. It took a while. A slow, constant stepping on the feet, but he never stops and is always patient as you learn his simple box step movement. “There you go,” he would say as you got it right after a few boxes later. “You’re dancing,” he says, placing a kiss on your forehead. 
“I have a good teacher,” you tell him, keeping your eyes on his chest. 
He laughs. “Are you ready for the grand finale?” 
“The what?” But he’s already starting. Hanbin lets go of your waist, his hand now holding only the tips of your fingers as he spins you before bringing you back into him. 
“Thank you for this dance.” He brings the back of your hand to his lips, giving you a soft kiss. 
“Well wasn’t that cute,” Ari voices, making her way over towards you with Hoseok. “As much as I don’t want to ruin this adorable moment, Y/N and I have to pack tomorrow, so I think it’s time we leave. Plus the restaurant closes in thirty.”‌
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Hanbin holds your hands as you stand by the car in the dorm parking lot. “I had fun.”
You smile. “Me too.” 
“Get some rest and be sure to text me when you leave tomorrow.‌ I wish I could take you to the airport, but my flight leaves earlier than yours,” he sighs, shaking his head in disappointment. “I’m sorry.”
You giggle. “It’s fine. Just text me when you leave and land.” 
He smiles sweetly. “I will.” He stares at you for a moment. As if he’s taking in everything he can before he leaves, but you’re also doing the same. It’s only a week, but it actually feels like forever. “I’ll call you tomorrow.” You nod, leaning in as you two kiss one another. “Bye,” he mumbles against your lips when he parts. 
“Bye,” you repeat, kissing him one last time before he fully pulls back and makes his way towards his car. You watch him leave as he pulls out of the spot and pulls onto the street until he is no longer visible. Lifting the bottom of your dress slightly off the ground, you make your way across the parking lot and towards the building. Ari and Hoseok sit on a bench at the side entrance to the dining hall, hidden in the dark but their outlines could be seen by the dim light coming from the lamp post. 
“Y/N,” Ari calls before you can take a step on the stairs leading up to the third floor. You look in their direction. “I’ll be there in a minute.” You nod, taking a few steps up before she calls again, “I hope you had fun.”
You smile. “I did,”‌ you call back. “Night Hoseok.”
“Good night, Y/N!” Hoseok says as you continue your journey up. 
It was your first double date and you loved it. The conversations that happened, the hand holding Hanbin would initiate under the table. The quick kisses that were stolen when no one was looking. It was like a fairy tale, and you never wanted for that story to end. It did, however, as the door next to yours opens, your heart breaking, and a familiar figure stepping out followed by another familiar person. 
Sam fixes her hair as she turns around to face Yoongi, giving him a kiss on his lips. He does nothing and says nothing as she takes her leave, walking past you. “Excuse me,” she says, as if she doesn’t recognize you. 
You look to Yoongi as his eyes meet yours. No words are said as he closes his door shut. Leaving you alone in the hall as Sam’s heels click against the floor in a mocking tone.
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kueble · 4 years
7. “Can you stop touching up my wings? We are in public.” “But they’re so cute.” geraskier for the human x demon prompts?
Jaskier hears Geralt before he sees him.  There’s a scuffle at the doorway of the tavern, and as he looks up the demon is forcing his way past a rather surly looking man.  The guy looks like he’s about to cause a ruckus, but one thin-eyed glare from Geralt quickly shuts him up.
“Ordered us dinner,” Jaskier says by way of greeting.  Geralt grunts and practically falls onto the bench next to him.  He looks more ruffled than usual and actually shrugs out of the enormous black cloak he normally hides his wings under.  Jaskier practically bounces in his seat, because he rarely sees them in public, it’s normally something reserved for private rooms or nights by a campfire.
But then he realizes why they’re out and frowns.  The dark black wings are a mess.  Feathers are twisted out of place, and quite a few look bent and broken.  “Must have been a tough battle?” he asks, leaning closer to inspect the damage.
“You don’t need the details,” Geralt grumbles, nudging Jaskier’s arm away from him.  It’s not as if that will deter him, though.  Jaskier just huffs and angles his body so he can reach the wings easier.
“How am I supposed to compose my next masterpiece if you get spotty with the details?”
“It was...more violent than most,” Geralt finally admits.  He takes a sip of the ale Jaskier helpfully ordered for him and shrugs off his touch again.
“Eh, you’re a vengeance demon.  Whoever it was deserved it.  Let me clean you up, love,” Jaskier argues.  He reaches out and goes back to putting things right, untwisting feathers and then brushing them flat with his fingers.  They’re soft like silk in his hands and he lets out a happy hum as he works.
“Can you stop touching up my wings?  We are in public,” Geralt growls at him.  Jaskier ignores it and continues straightening out feathers.
“But they’re so cute!” he chirps, laughing when Geralt turns to glare at him.  “Besides, you’re the only demon in this tavern.  Certainly I’m not offending anyone human with a little affection.”
“Not the only one.  I’m not sure who it is, but there’s a low level lust demon here.  Must have paid high-price for its glamour.  I only know it here because it stinks so much. Wreaks of lust,” he says, scrunching up his nose.
“What? Where?” Jaskier peeks around Geralt’s wings and scans the crowd.  No one looks exciting or out of place, and he’s got plenty of his own lust to deal with, doesn’t need any extra.  “No matter, only one demon I’m interested in right now.  Why would my helping you offend another demon?”
“It’s…” Geralt pauses and stares down at his mug like it’s done him wrong, “It’s intimate.”
“So was your cock up my ass last night,” Jaskier laughs.  
“Not sexual,” Geralt bites out.  Jaskier tilts his head at him, waiting for him to carry on.  “Only family members and cherished partners groom each other,” he finally says.
“Oh,” Jaskier draws out.  “So...so me fixing your wings in public is the equivalent of me jumping atop this table and shouting my love for you to the rafters?”
“More or less.”
“Well then, darling, turn a bit so the whole room can see what I’m doing back here,” he says pointedly.  Geralt gasps and looks at him, almost smiling as Jaskier just grins at him.  “I’m in love with the prettiest - and grumpiest - demon I’ve ever met.  Might as well show you off,” he adds with a shrug.
“Alright then,” Geralt nods and his shoulders seem to lose some of their tension.  Jaskier hums and gets back to work, already thinking of all the other ways he can show this idiotic man exactly how much he loves him.
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lemonietrinket · 3 years
summertime is for us ||| felix x reader
summary: it’s been months since you’ve seen your boyfriend felix in person, and you can’t wait to finally see him again genre: fluff, a bit of angst wordcount: 1618 music: ambience; ambience an: i wrote this suddenly in a daze as a break from the longer rq ive been working on—my long-awaiting, ever-patient anon, i hope youre ready, your rq is going to be a monster...!
gender neutral reader
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the breeze wove gently between the windchimes, ringing delicately across the hill where you lay in the grass. nestled in a bed of brilliant green, clusters of daisies gazing up at the sun by your arm, you kept your breath slow as you let the afternoon warm your face. you waited patiently, half in a daze, half on the edge of sleep, for the familiar footsteps to arrive. he was late again, and you would’ve rolled your eyes with a quiet laugh if you hadn’t been so lethargic.
your ears pricked up at a light, quiet thud in the twigs just beyond by the tree. you turned your body gradually towards it, casting a shadow from your shoulder across your face, and peaked through the waltzing dandelions, the silvery fairies taking off from their homes to dance higher and higher until they disappeared into the sky.  it was a small bird. skipping across the ground, its freckled brown tail feathers perked up inquisitively, as it picked between the twigs and grass blades taller than its own head. after a moment it jumped upon a branch, small and hidden amongst the untamed valley. it briefly sang a call—to a friend, a love, the world, you didn’t know—but a smile slipped onto your face nonetheless. it seemed so small in the world, so normal, and yet it sang and made everything seem just that little bit brighter. as what would a peaceful afternoon be without birdsong?
the deep singsong call of your friend came from the top of the hill, mixing with the windchimes and causing the bird to turn on its tail and return to the tree canopy. you sat up on your elbow, shielding your eyes and searched the crest of the hill for the one you were waiting for.  a few seconds later, he appeared and began shuffling down the slope to you, minding the flowers as he went. and then moments later he was steps away, slinging his bag off at the foot of the tree, smile brighter than the sun itself. 
“felix! you’re—oof!” 
giggling, he practically flung himself into your arms, leaving you to yelp as you fell onto your back, arms naturally wrapping round his waist and pulling him into you. “jesus, i missed you too!”
the semester alone had felt longer than any school year you’d been through, you’d ended up messaging him every moment you could, missing his presence every night when the nights got cold. you’d hadn’t needed a second blanket for two years, and the trek to go retrieve one from your drawer only made the room feel emptier. 
but he was here now, and the summer was all yours.
felix pressed a kiss into your neck, before levering himself up and straddling you to sit more comfortably. his dark eyes met yours, glistening with his smile and longing finally ended. “sorry i’m late.”  he didn’t seem that sorry at all, beaming at you, his nose scrunching before he gave in and planted a kiss on your forehead, but it was hardly like you minded.
“apology accepted,” you rushed, stroking his hair as the two of you looked at each other properly for the first time in months. he’d had a haircut, you knew that, and though you’d already seen it, now it had grown out more, leaving soft waves to frame the face that taken your breath away the first time you saw it. it caught the sun above and gifted him a halo,like you were sure he deserved. and how it felt different beneath your fingertips. you could spend an evening just thinking about that alone. same for how he had grown. so far apart, even photos and video calls couldn’t show the smallest of details, the things you cherished the most, leaving you surprisingly startled at the boy you once knew, now seeming even more of a man than he had done last winter. it looked good on him, as pretty much everything did—despite your shock that you got to look upon something so beautiful—but it was also tinged with a bittersweetness. all those days he had grown and you hadn’t been there to see them for yourself, even after knowing him for so long. all those minutes between the times when you were younger and you used to count his freckles like a child. the curse of the childhood sweetheart. it only made you long to see every day with him even more. 
felix meanwhile was also stuck in this wordless awe, thumb stroking your cheek as he stared, precious lips parted absently. lucky for you, you had come to your senses before him. with a coy grin you murmured, “is there something on my face?”
however, he answered too fast for your own heart’s good. “too much pretty, that’s what.” 
“oh ew, blegh, too much cheese, blegh—”
he rolled his eyes before he hushed you, dipping in to take your lips into his. you’d forgotten how soft his lips were, how powerful his touch was. you instantly melted into him, your hand slipping to his temple as his wove through your hair. “god, i missed you so much...” he whispered into your lips, immediately welcoming your lips once again. 
“me too... i don’t know how i’m going to do it again...”
he pulled away slowly, eyes saddening. “i know, but we’ve got to.”
feeling the energy dip, you were about to apologise for ruining the joy so soon—you had weeks before you needed to even worry about that at all—but felix continued before you could.
“and i’m going to be further away than i was before,” he said. 
searching his gaze for any sign of what he meant, you eventually asked, “what do you mean?”
he smiled then, small and conflicted. “i got in on the GLTA scheme.”
your eyes widened as you sat up suddenly. “you got in?!” as soon as he nodded excitedly, you gasped and threw your arms around his neck. “oh my god, baby, congrats! you did it, oh my god—!”
he mumbled a thank you into your shirt as you held him tightly, as if your subconscious knew what this meant. 
“where are you going to go?”
“south korea.”
you held him at arm’s length, a proud grin on your lips, but your hands still tense as you ran them across his arms. “you got into—?! i told you you’re a genius, felix, i told you! god i’m so proud of you!”
he chuckled, but his eyes were already begin to trail away from yours, even as you cupped his cheeks. your elation quickly cooled. “baby, what’s wrong?”
it took a few moments for him to work up the courage to speak, but after he’d settled next to you, you resting on your side to face him, he spoke, “aren’t you... i won’t be able to come back over the winter...”
you couldn’t hide the disappointment that began to gnaw at your stomach, a small sigh leaving you before you could stop it, but you shook your head. “felix, baby, i’ll miss you, so much, but...” you shifted closer resting your cheek on his shoulder, brushing a leaf off his shirt, “there’s no way you can’t take this opportunity, it’s something you’ve always wanted, and i wouldn’t stop you for anything.”
relaxing, he leant back into the grass with a sigh, pulling you into his side happily. “i love you so much.”
“i love you too,” you whispered, closing your eyes once again to listen to the sound of the birds and his heartbeat. “there’s always next summer.”
“there’s always next summer,” he agreed. the two of you dozed in the sun, felix’s slow, rhythmic trace of his fingertips against your shoulder lulling you into sleep.  when you awoke it was to the amber hues of sunset, painting the sky a masterpiece as the breeze picked up, flurrying goosebumps across your arms. the birds had quietened down, their song echoing from further down the hill, crickets taking their place. it wouldn’t be long before night finally fell.
you hauled yourself up and stretched, ignoring the ache in your leg which had been curled up at an odd angle for a bit too long. rubbing the sleep from your eyes you glanced down at felix to find he was still fast asleep. his brow furrowed for a split second ,before his hand twitched and he turned his head, relaxing once again. resisting the urge to coo, your eyes wandered over to his bag in the stretching shadow of the tree. and soon, your body followed, tiptoeing through the grass, to have a rummage through his over-packed rucksack. and, to your luck, there was his hoodie: enough warmth to stay out for just that little bit longer.
you returned to him as you pulled the baggy black over your head before joining him in the grass. you shimmied your hands up into the sleeves for added coziness while you rested your head in the grass besides his. with your sweater-paw carefully shifting his fringe out of his face, you allowed yourself to finally take in every little detail you had missed, both the old and the new, cast in the golden hues of the dying afternoon. 
“one...” you began in a whisper, smile shy and subdued. “two...”
in the embers of the sun, you found yourself counting his freckles, just like you had in your very first summer together. and as the sky turned violet and darkened, the sun lost behind the forest canopy, you finally found the exact same number as the last time you had counted. even with the world constantly spinning around you, he hadn’t changed at all.
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an: hope its not too bad. i wont read it for the next month so i wont know :))))
also my knitting needles turned up!!
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how-masterful · 4 years
Delgado!master x reader
Summary: You felt positively small. Between the grandiosity of Atlantis, the power of the old gods, and the beauty of their queen- you ask yourself how you could possibly compete. But the Master has a much different question on his mind: how do you show the goddess in denial just how much she should be worshipped?...
Warnings: lemon, EC for definite below the read more.
Notes: Ahhhh! here we go! i think its just a given at this point that this one is forever and always dedicated to the one and only queen @plethora-of-imagines​. Our watchalongs have been an absolute delight, and i utterly treasure you for introducing me to delgado (along all the other things i treasure you for!!!) i know reading this will be going down memory lane again for you, but i hope you enjoy it once again! 
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The TARDIS lights were low, bathing the ship in a warm hue as the hem of your robe dragged across the floor like a veil. The Master had retreated to the library after your return from Atlantis, allowing you time to mull over the days events. And, also, have a much needed change of attire.
The decadent fireplace that sat in the library crackled and glowed with a flame. The timelord inhabiting the room sat deep in the comfort of his typical chair, pen furiously scribbling over the notebook that sat in his lap. Calculation after calculation lay scrawled across each page- how the devil did this plan go wrong? It was positively foolproof! Atlantis should've been yours for the taking, Kronos at your command. Something must have gone wrong, and he was determined to find out what. 
The door to the library was heavy, dark oak wood carved with intricate images of other worlds and stories. You pushed it open with a low groan from the wood. The Master didn't even flinch- too deep within his work.
You sighed, brushing down your front and stepping deeper within the walls, closing the door behind you. At this point in time, you sought his comfort like no other desire. A typical notion for you. A failed plan meant a night of regathering and reminiscing, however more than 'better luck next time' sat within your mind.
With tender footsteps,you approached the Master's side, hand placed upon the back of his chair. Your voice was soft, tentative as you spoke.
"Burning the midnight oil, Master?"
The timelords pen froze in his hand, your stomach tightening in knots.
"I don't want to interrupt you like earlier. If you're busy, that is."
The Master placed his book and pen on the side table beside the chair, closing his notes without a word. A leather gloved hand came to rest upon your own, softly squeezing your hand.
"Nonsense, my dear. Your presence is never a distraction to me. Come, let me see you."
His hand acted like a guide, an anchor to pull you before his face. You rounded the chair to enter the light of the fireplace, standing before your Master as he took both of your hands into his own. His eyes, lit with surprise, raked up and down your body. Beneath your robe decorated in bountiful stars you'd dressed yourself in a black set, a plunging neckline with lace detail, the hems of your star covered robe a fluffy tulle. You looked positively ethereal. You'd certainly tried your best.
"My darling... You look radiant, a delight to my eyes."
You blushed, eyes pulling away from the man as he watched you intently. His hand lifted to gently guide your chin, your eyes still remaining away from his gaze. 
"Whatever’s the matter, my dearest?" His voice was softer, light confusion in his tone. You'd usually melt into a puddle of joy at his compliments: this apprehension was… Concerning.
"Something seems to be troubling you."
You sighed once more, shaking your head as the Master's hand travelled to hold your cheek. Your own hand rested upon his own, his other softly holding your hip. His hands upon you felt exposing, the cool of the leather nipping against your warm skin.
"My dear, what troubles you so? Indulge to Master. A girl so beautiful as yourself should never spend a moment in turmoil. And you are, so beautiful"
Nerves bit at your lip. He understood you so well, well enough to sense every piece of hesitancy within you.
"As beautiful as a queen?" You asked softly. And the Master instantly knew.
His thumb came to stroke your cheek, eyes softening as he saw doubt gnaw away at your chest. His prior manipulation of queen Galleia earlier that day had seemingly affected you in a way that an intellectual man such as himself should have accounted for. Here you stood, the brightest star in his galaxy, as incredible as his best daydream but suffering through the tides of doubt. He had to put the situation right.
"Oh yes, my darling, even more so. As immaculate as the finest ruler of the most prominent dynasty."
His words were soft and tone gentle, His palms snaking under your robe to rest upon your hips, thumb caressing over the bone. You never could resist the sultry manner in which he spoke, rolling his R's and making your hair stand on end.
"Each curve, every contour carved by the universes sculptor, a rival to every depiction of a deity known to man."
You blushed once more, heat rising in your cheeks. Surely he didn't mean it. This was fluff, empty words to hide his disdain. But the Master didn't agree, and neither did his wandering hands.
"Like Aphrodite, a depiction of the finest form of female. Every inch an amalgamation of every work of art."
His gloved hands made your stomach flutter with a colony of butterflies, his fingers wandering in separate directions as he guided you closer to his body. Each touch was delicate,like a ghostly touch upon your exposed skin.
"Surely you don't mean that. I'm nothing like a queen."
The Master's hand placed firm upon your sternum, other hand pert on your ass.
"I mean it, my dear. And every utterance more. You're more than a queen, an earthly title. Why to me you're a goddess. Divine and perfect in every form."
His hands continued to wander, causing your breath to catch in your throat. His voice sank painfully low. Finally, you stuttered out a rebuttal.
"These are just words, Master. Surely you can't-"
The Master's eyes met yours, the powerful sincerity in his gaze causing your mouth to practically snap shut. He was hypnotic even without intention.
"Hush, my darling. You were created to be honored, cherished by a man who saw your stature above the rest of humanity. In fact, I'd say you were forged for one single purpose."
"And what purpose would that be?" You whispered, his heavy set gaze already telling you the answer.
"Your purpose, my dear? Why, to be worshipped of course."
The Master's fingers became a flurry of ecstacy upon your skin, trailing over every rib and inch of flesh with adoring vigour. You almost squealed when you felt the tender press of his lips upon your stomach, his hands leaving a guiding trail of pleasure to his mouth as he kissed over every part of skin he could find. You could feel your insides bubbling with desperation, pride somersaulting in your chest.
His lips brought words of admiration, praise pressed deep into your skin with kisses and nips and squeaks of leather. His touch was barely there but sunk deeper than he could ever dream, every part of you caressed and decorated with the most holy of praise.
"Perfect, my dear you're perfect"
he groaned, face nuzzling just below your breasts, hands scrabbling for an inch of skin they hadn't touched as of yet. You could feel yourself growing wetter by the second, his lips trailing down your torso to press sweet kisses to the outside of your panties. His teeth nipped at the hem, snapping the elastic against you and making you gasp as his hands clasped hold of your ass, massaging the skin of your bottom with delicate fingers.
"And mine, my god you're all mine. A goddess in my own hands, under my very own touch. And she calls me Master, she bestows herself into my hands, such a glorious creature placing herself in my arms"
Your head threw back with a whine as your knees sunk to straddle his lap, your face burying itself into his neck to hide the tears that began to brim in your eyes. His hands had printed upon your body a starmap of adoration, your chest rising and falling as the Master's nose rushed to cover your neck in pledging kisses, fingers trailing up your spine as you pushed his suit jacket from his shoulders.
"Master" you whined, voice unable to speak any louder for fear of cracks and falling tears. The timelord groaned, your arms winding tight around his torso as your hips began to softly grind down against his hardening cock. The Master shushed you softly, nose deep in the crook of your neck as you clutched tight upon each other's body.
"Yes my darling, I know, I know. My beautiful companion, my decadent wife, allow yourself to fall apart. Master will put his Masterpiece back together."
You let out a quiet sob. "Master, i'm not, i'm not-"
"But you are, my dear girl" the Master hushed you once more. "You are the greatest piece of artwork the universe shall ever create."
You sobbed once more, hips working harder to build the friction between your clothes. His hands rubbed circles upon your back, returning the friction by clutching you tighter towards his chest. He softly pulled away from your neck, nose pressed against your cheek to pull his lips towards your chin. His beard tickled, your skin tingling with the coarse prickles of the hair.
The Master shushed you, cinching you closer.
"Of course, my darling of course."
The Master's arms worked to push the gown off of your body, allowing it to drop to the floor as he lifted your body off of his lap and carried you towards the carpet that sat beside the open flame of the fireplace. His touch was careful, laying you down atop the soft fibres as your leg caressed the side of his own. He knelt over you, kicking off his shoes and pulling off his tie, his shirt quickly disappearing into the pile of clothes as he made quick work of his pants.
He soon lay himself above you, lips moving to claim your own as his fingers delicately guided you to arch your back and allow him to unclasp your bra. Your arms stretched upward, the garment pulled from your body as the Master's mouth began to work down your body and press tender kisses to your nipples. You groaned, hands pulling his fingers to play with your breasts as your legs wound around his own, claiming you towards his body. Everything moved as one, almost as if poetry in motion. You were painfully, desperately in need.
His hands kept ahold of your breasts as his lips moved to the hem of your panties once more, teeth grasping the material in his bite as he began to pull the underwear down your legs to the symphony of your whimpers. His hands dragged down your sides after playing tenderly with your hardened nipples- your body shivering as he moulded your being with his hands like divine clay. Each touch red hot against your skin. Leather on human flesh.
His nose pressed to the inside of your thigh as he pulled the underwear from your legs, your arms still above your head but screaming to clutch hold of his salt and pepper hair. It had flopped from its usual perfection, now slightly dishevelled but still pristine, your fingers yearning to touch and obtain his body as much as he claimed ownership of your own.
Sweat had begun to build on both of your brows. He purred, a surreal sound of satisfaction as he took in your naked body, returning to your gaze to press his forehead against your own. His fingers worked to pull down his boxers, his hard cock emerging to press free against your stomach. Soon his underwear had vanished, and the pair of you lay naked, save for the leather gloves that adorned his fingertips. In an instant the garments were shed, leaving the pair of you naked and pressed against each other's pulsating chests. You could hear his dual hearts racing, your own thick in your throat. 
This was him, this was your Master, displayed and pressed against you like an artist and his perfect canvas. You gasped loudly, head pressing back against the soft carpet as his fingers slowly and hesitantly travelled towards your clit, every touch and movement echoed with a quivering moan. His long fingers made their way to your entrance, your back arched with the coursing thrum of lightning. Those hands, genocide licking at his fingers, now teasing and flicking your clit like one would finger a harp. To him, your moans and whimpers matched a chorus of heavenly angels. But sin lay heavy on your tongue.
Soon your hands fell from submission, nails raking maps and patterns of scratches into his back, his cock rubbing hard against your stomach as he brought you to the precipice of arousal. You could cum there and then, the sensation of his fingers dancing within your lips setting your heart aflame. God, you needed this, your lips spilling with begs and pleads for more, Master please MORE. The timelord, benevolent, would always provide.
You greedily pressed up against him, his fingers edging closer and closer to your dripping cunt as the sweat on your bodies shone in the light of the fire. You were sweltering, the heat of the flame and the tension in your gut arson to your insides. You needed him inside you, needed him to feel the pulsating warmth of his connection, needed him to know he owned every inch of your body.
However most importantly, and selfishly, you desperately needed to cum.
"Master, please, please fuck me, please."
Words became babbles and floods of sounds, perfect little whimpers to the Master on top of you. 
"Anything you desire, little one. You'll look so magnificent, a portrait of ecstasy"
He whispered into your neck, nipping at your collarbone and carefully lining himself up with your entrance. He was dripping with precum, the tip of his cock leaking out on the carpet.
"Breathe, my love" he purred out low, before sinking his teeth into your neck and pushing himself deep inside of you.
You screamed, a shrill echo of pleasure as you felt your walls expand around his cock. The pressure was insurmountable, your breath snatched from your lungs as your hands groped the hair at the back of his neck. the Master pushed himself in all the way, before pulling himself back out and beginning to build up a friction. Your moans and cries were the most divine hymn he'd heard in a millennia.
The rhythm between you came easy. The pair of you melded together, bodies melting and molding into a collection being of pleasure. This Master was your youngest, stern and controlled, but in the moments your body became his playground his touch was like that of a saint. He was careful, calculated, but gave into the wind of spontaneity. 
But his thrust was calculated, precise. Cutting deep into your core with determination. Each thrust a promise, a declaration. You would devote yourself to your Master, and in return he'd bestow upon your body the ultimate pleasure and touch. It was a system you'd forged between you. Seared deep into your heart.
He continued to thrust deep within your cunt, your fingers curling into his hair and pulling the Master's face closer to your neck. His lips returned to nipping and biting at your skin, your mouth parted in a constant gasp for air as you fell beneath the surface of right mind. Your entire body fell victim to the wave of devotion, your hips following the Master's thrusts as your form rocked against the carpet. Each thrust a lick in the flame of your ever growing inferno.
The Master's hands guided you, cradling you and manoeuvring your hips as the pressure continued to build. Screams danced through the library air, the crackle of the flame beside you casting your bodies in a warm shadow of amber. You felt your tears continue to fall, the mounting pressure in your core building with every movement of the Master's cock.
The friction was magic, a spell of desire cast upon your trembling body as your legs curled tight around his back. The Master rocked back and forth, continuously moving and grinding and thrusting, lips attacking every part of your neck with heartfelt exuberance. This was his chance to touch a goddess, a being of higher divine position, but who felt so small and owned in his palms. You were only human, but to him you were so much more. Each thrust a declaration, a decision- he was your Master. You would obey. He would give you the universe.
Pressure grew, your bodies rocking together in a synchronised mechanism of touch. You knew you had to cum, the desire hot in your core, and through your heavenly moans the Master could hear your desperation.
"Just a little longer, my dear. Obey your Master, fall apart at his word"
"Yes! Always, yes!"
Good girl. Oh, good girl. Even when you were on the brink of shattering, you gave yourself to Master's delicate hands. He would provide. He would care for you. He wouldn't let you squander your climax with impatience. Your Master would ensure you reached the pinnacle of satisfaction.
His words still echoed in your brain: the endless pleasure of his touch meeting with his constant flow of praise. For your body, for your mind, for your devotion to the man who fell from the stars and into your arms themselves. Your tears were rivers of loyalty, a shout of allegiance to your Master. Scars in the growing sweat of your connection, cutting down your cheek as the nonexistent gap between your bodies closed even further.
More thrusts. A higher high. More devotion. Harder tears. The world was beginning to get dark, the beautiful end approaching as the perfect connection between human and not collided in a single word.
The world span and disappeared, the Master's forehead against your own as his own release matched with your own. You screamed, your final release a crescendo to the song that flew from your lips. He groaned alongside, a thrumming bass to your melody, the breath stolen from your body in a godly snatch that sent your head reeling from joy.
It was perfect. You were perfect. He was perfect. The seconds of blindness that came with the finale making you see more clarity than ever before. His words, his body, his soul, all encapsulated in the tears that he kissed from your cheeks.
The Master kept himself inside you for a while, ensuring his cum dripped deep within your walls, breeding you as his imprinting you with his seed. Soon though he removed his cock, rolling over to lay beside you as he pulled you close within his arms. No doubt his back was scratched to all hell, your back red from the carpet friction, your lungs still crying out for breath. Your hair flew in every direction, messy and tousled and free. The Master pondered sincerely, your tired eyes meeting his own. In that moment, your final scream, he knew that was what heaven looked like. His personal heaven, that is. As if he'd ever share you.
"Master… Thank you… Good..."
You groaned, face resting on his shoulder as he softly stroked up and down your back. You pressed a kiss to his collar, observing the message you'd made on his skin.
"My goddess… Master's most prized and praised." He whispered in return, a soft peck to your cheek as the fire roared on.
Neither of you had intentions to move, the warmth of the flame and the comfort of the library carpet combined with the safety of each other's arms. The Master reached out, plucking your robe from the pile of clothes beside the rug, pulling the mesh material over your joint form. It wasn't a blanket of sorts, but you didn't need one. You let out a small yawn, the Master humming in return.
"So precious, so small. The most obedient, beautiful creature. Rest, my darling. Rest now. Master will always be here when you wake"
You nodded gingerly, the silent fight against your falling lashes a joint assault with your steadying breath. At his words you allowed yourself to give in, to submit to the call of slumber, your palm pressed against his beating hearts.
"Love Master… Night Master…"
You murmured, hardly coherent but eternally driven. The Master kisses your forehead softly, a smile gracing his reddened lips.
"Goodnight, my dear. I love you too"
With a satisfied sigh, the Master resigned to caressing the stray hairs on your face and tucking them behind your ear. You'd quickly fall to rest, the Master left to hold you and listen to the roaring flame. He supposed joining you in your slumber wouldn't hurt, a few moments closing his eyes to share the experience. A few moments which then turned into several, peaceful hours.
Atlantis had fallen, the old god lost, but the Master had triumphed once again. Only this victory sat within his four walls, his prize at his side by the light of the fire. ‘A victory calling for a night beneath the stars’, he'd usually say when awake.
But, in the sweat covered comfort of the TARDIS library, those embroidered on the mesh blanket of your robe would most certainly do for tonight.
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narnie3313 · 4 years
Too Much
Genre: Fluff, Smut (not really), Angst, Pining
Warnings: Violence, Blood,
Summary: After graduating UA and becoming a Pro Hero, you find a friend, and more, in your emotionally unavailable coworker, Hawks.
Pairing: Hawks x Reader
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Standing on the 8th story balcony overlooking the streets below you could see everything from the neon signs attached to the side of the buildings, each advertising something different or letting people know what store was there, to the people scattered around. Even at 2am there was the regular hustle and bustle of the street, a sound which had become comforting to you. Feeling the winters breeze glance across your bare shoulders causing a shiver snapped you out of your daydream. With one last glance over the city, you turned and walked back to the glass sliding door and opened it slowly. As if on que, you heard a dull thud behind you on the balcony. You already knew what it was without even turning, having had this happen many times before. Placing your forehead against the glass door and letting out an exasperated sigh, you begin to speak.
“Why are you here?”
You can hear the light shuffle of feet behind you slowly getting closer. Lifting your head from the glass and turning around, you see a shadowed silhouette of a man. A man you knew all too well. The same man you had been hooking up with randomly for 3 months. The same man who told you that he would never feel anything special for you when you saw another woman getting handsy with him and asked him what you were to each other. The same man that hadn’t spoken to you after you told him you were starting to feel something for him over a month ago.
“I’ll ask again. Why are you here, Takami?” You watched as the beautiful ruby red wings attached to the man seemed to slump down onto the balcony as you uttered his last name.
“I missed you, songbird.” Songbird. The nickname he had used for you when you were in bed because of the sounds he could pull from your body whenever he touched you. It had just stuck and he decided to use it all the time because of the pink colour that would tinge your cheeks every time he said it.
“No. That’s not good enough. Why are you really here?” in this moment you’re grateful to be shadowed by his figure as to hide to the blush creeping onto your skin and the tears prickling the corners of your eyes. There really was no denying it, you missed him.
You’d never really spoken about what you two had been doing. It would start with a bite to eat at lunch since you both worked at the same agency. A conversation after a raid. Sitting in the boardroom together doing paperwork bonding over just how much you both hated said paperwork. A smile here. A wink there. Harmless flirting throughout everyday. Until the work dinner. Sitting at the long table with most of your colleagues, from Heroes to receptionists to personal assistants, you could only focus on the man across the table and 2 seats down to the right. It was the first time you’d seen him out of his hero suit. He was dressed in plain black dress pants, shiny black dress shoes and a beautiful, dark grey button down dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his forearms. You guessed the shirt would have the same holes in the back for his wings but you couldn’t see. His hair was still wild as always but you could see that he had brushed it and had at least attempted to style it. The shirt hugged his form beautifully and you could see how toned his arms were that were usually always hidden by his baggy hero suit.
 You were both sharing glances at each other the whole night, until the people sitting next to either of you would pull you into a conversation. Sneaking glances back to each other and rolling your eyes as if speaking telepathically. As the night wound to a close and people finally began to leave, it was about 11pm. Standing up to say your farewells to the 3 people left next to you, you couldn’t help but notice the way his eyes scanned your every movement.
 “I’m off guys. Thanks for a good night.” You say shaking Claires hand, a PR manager at the agency. Waving towards the other 2 to the left of Claire, Jim, a promotional assistant and Kaly, the head of the HR department, you step behind your seat and look towards Hawks to see him already standing and walking around to you.
“I’ll walk you out.” He said as he placed his hand in the middle of your back and led you towards the exit.
“Thank you. You didn’t have to do that, you could have stayed with the others.”
“Actually, the only reason I’m still here is you. I was waiting for you to leave.” He says with a slight chuckle, noticing the confused and slightly cocky expression on your face.
“Oh? And why is that?” He smirks and chuckles under his breath. There’s that confidence that drew him to you.
“Well it wouldn’t be very heroic of me to allow someone such as yourself to walk home alone at such a late hour, now, would it?”
“Oh, true. I suppose you’re right. However will I thank you for such a considerate gesture kind sir?” You say while curtsying playfully.
He let’s out a deep, hearty laugh and puts an arm through yours as he begins walking. The walk is filled with chatter about missions, experiences and funny stories. So much so that neither of you notice that you were walking in circles with no actual destination in mind.
              “So, ah, I just realised. I don’t know where you live.” He says shyly while rubbing the back of his neck and smiling down at you.
Letting out a little giggle, you reply, “Well, I never gave you my address so I’d probably be worried if you did.” Doing a quick survey of the area to see if you knew where you were, you noticed a few familiar shops and could tell which way was home. “It’s ok, we’re actually not too far. You don’t have to walk with me though, you know. I’m sure you want to get home and sleep.”
              “I don’t mind. We both have tomorrow off anyway, don’t we?”
              “True, but I’m sure you don’t want to waste your time walking me home.” You say with a chuckle.
His head tilts to look down at you, “Anytime I’m with you isn’t wasted.”
 You’re frozen. Your legs won’t move. You can’t do anything but look up at his face which was already looking right at you. Your eyes meet his as he searches your face for any indication of what you may be feeling. Your eyes are slowly looking over his whole face as he comes to stand in front of you, closer than you’d been while walking side by side. The street lights illuminating the right side of his face. You watch his eyes as you feel his hand gently leave your arm and brush down your ribs to come to a stop at your hip, repeating the same movement on the other side. You can feel him take just the slightest step closer to you and watch as he leans down agonisingly slow. You know where this is going and what’s about to happen. You can’t bring yourself to close your eyes, instead, watching every move he makes. Watching the way his eyes keep sliding from your eyes to your lips and back. Just as you feel his breath on your cheek, his lips ghost over your skin and go to your neck, making you instinctively open your neck for him before you hear him whisper to you.
                “Y/n, I really, REALLY want to kiss you, but I need you to know that I can’t date anyone for personal reasons. If you understand that and don’t mind, then I need you to know that if you tell me to stop at anytime, I will. No questions asked. But….if you don’t tell me to stop, I don’t think I’ll be able to.” His warm breath on your ear and neck is quickly gone as you open your eyes and see him pressing his forehead against yours. “If you don’t want this, tell me now, kid.”
He watches your movements carefully as you bring your left hand to his bicep and your right hand to cup his cheek and scan his face once more as you quickly lean up and press your lips against his hard. His fingers dig into your hips hard as he pulls your body closer and his tongue slowly licks your bottom lip as if asking to be granted entry. You open your lips slightly and press your tongue to his and feel a moan rip from your mouth into his causing one of his hands to slip up the centre of your back and into the hair at the base of your neck. Both of you pulling closer until there is no space left. You need more and you can tell from the groans that come from his throat, he does too.
Pulling away just enough to separate your lips while he leans forward to chase your lips you say, “Take me home?” You give him your sweetest smile look at his lust blown eyes from through your eyelashes. The look is enough to flick the switch in him and in seconds, you’re in his arms in the sky directing him to your apartment.
Watching the shadows around his body morph as your eyes adjust to the light differences, you begin to notice little details of the beautiful man in front of you. He’s slouched slightly, his eyes are on your feet, there’s blood on his cheek and his glasses are gone.
              “What happened?” You say taking a slow, cautious step towards the man that had singlehanded ruined your heart for other men. His eyes watch your cautious steps but he doesn’t dare look up to your face. You notice that the blood on his cheek is coming from a gash on his cheekbone that looks fresh. Without thinking, you grab his hand and lead him inside to the bathroom.
 Grabbing a face washer wand wetting it under the tap you glance at him in the mirror to find him watching your face as if you were a masterpiece in a gallery. You turn to him and gently press the cloth to the injury and wipe the blood away while trying to ignore the heat building in your face at the fact that his gaze hadn’t changed, still looking at every little feature and movement of your face.
              “You gonna tell me what happened yet?”
You don’t miss as his eyes dart to your lips as you speak and continue to wipe the blood away. “Mission went wrong.”
              “Ok…? So who managed to get a hit on you? What was the mission?”
              “Some lower level villain. I got distracted, let my guard down, got hit. Was supposed to be a simple raid. Clean out a small gang. Was all but done when 4 came out of a side door and attacked Hiroto. He got thrown and almost died before I could get to him.”
              “I’m sorry, Takami. Is he ok now?” You say, rinsing the blood stained cloth.
              “He’s alive. I came here when they took him to the hospital.”
There’s a silence while you place the cloth on the bathroom sink and turn to face him. “Keigo, why did you come here?” You notice the way his eyes widen and dart to your eyes as you say his name. Calling him by his first name was always the sure fire way to get his attention quickly.
              “Y/n….I…” His eyes start to glass over and shimmer as tears begin to build. “All I could think of when I saw Hiroto was you. How scared I was that I’d never get to see your smile or hear your laugh again. How much I missed our talks and the stupid meme wars we’d have.” His eyes drop to your hips as his hand reaches out slowly to drag his fingertips across your hip so lightly its almost unnoticeable. “How much I missed touching you. Feeling you. How much I wanted your hands on me again.” You don’t even notice you’re crying until you drop your head to the ground and see your tears fall as he takes a few very slow, deliberate steps towards you and rests one hand on the side of your head to make you look at him. “Y/n…I am so, so, SO sorry. I never meant to hurt you, I swear. I honestly didn’t think I was capable of actually loving someone and I didn’t want you to fall for me just to get hurt, so I ran. The only thing I know how to do.”
              “Takami….” You watch as he flinches when you call him that. “Keigo, I don’t know if I can go through this again.”
              “I know, songbird. I know.” He leans his forehead down to yours and uses both hands to cup your cheeks. “ I don’t know how to apologise properly or how to make it better. But I promise you, baby, if you’ll let me, ill make it up to you everyday and it will never, EVER happen again. I am SO sorry.”
Your tears are still falling even though he keeps wiping them away. Your fingers digging into his hips to keep you grounded. Could you trust him? Could you take another risk like this?
              “I love you, songbird.” He whispered against your cheek.
Who were you kidding….you couldn’t say no to him even if you wanted to. Before either of you knew what was happening, his hands were on your hips, lifting you onto the bathroom counter with his lips pressed harshly to yours kissing you with every ounce of passion and emotion he had. Your hands explored his back and ran through his feathers, feeling them shudder, while you moaned into his mouth. This man knew you in every way and while you knew his words were genuine, every move he made he would whisper apologies against your skin. You didn’t know what would happen tomorrow but for now, this is just what you both needed.
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Author Note:    Hey everyone! Please let me know what you think! Slowly getting back into the swing of writing again! Love you all !!
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nobodyfamousposts · 4 years
It took more time than it should have to lose the akuma and her followers. Partly because of the shoes and the disguise as a whole doing more to slow her down than it did to protect her. Mostly because of just how many people were currently after her—and wow, was it a lot!
But she had managed to not only escape with life and hair intact (despite the attempts of the damn hairnet), but also find a place to hide until the akuma was dealt with.
From what she had observed, the akuma’s effects were carried by hearing her speak from that scroll of hers. Almost immediately after spouting off something else from the “list”, anyone within earshot would join the increasing number of minions, even if they had just been trying to run away moments prior. It was like the akuma could incite anger in anyone…self-righteous anger, and all of it specifically targeted at Lila.
She was going to have words with Hawk Moth about this. If he had an akuma able to enthrall people like this, why hadn’t he given it to her? She could have made much better use of it than Rose, of all people. Now he had an akuma solely focused on revenge instead of the masterpiece Lila could have been. Honestly, she would have Ladybug and Chat Noir defeated by now!
As it was, Lila had to survive. And to do so, she had to make do with her own skills.
Fortunately, the akuma’s reach—while growing—was only as far as people could hear her. Which made the boat at the Seine a perfect place to hide out.
Especially since the old woman and her son living there were easily drawn in.
“It’ll be all right, lass. You’re safe here.” The woman said, reassuringly. “We’ll man the gunnery if any of those fools try anything. They can’t get to you here.”
“Thank you! I just…I just don’t know why this would happen.” Lila gave another well timed but ultimately fake sob into her hands.
“Don’t worry.” The guy—a teenager, and not a bad looking one, either—rested a hand on her shoulder. “Ladybug and Chat Noir will fix this soon enough.”
Lila forced herself to smile. “I hope they do.”
If only because this was the one akuma she didn’t want to see win. Otherwise, she would fully be cheering for their demise. Possibly with popcorn.
Assuming she wasn’t the one doing it herself, of course.
“Luka, keep an eye out in case someone followed her here.” The woman ordered.
“On it.” Luka, apparently, guided Lila to the couch to rest before he moved to another part of the room. The woman took a pair of binoculars to one of the windows, trying to peer through them to see further into the distance.
Lila sighed and was preparing to finally relax.
“Why is the akuma after you, anyway?” He asked while grabbing something from the corner.
To her credit, Lila did acknowledge that Marinette had at least tried to help her. And surely the girl who helps everyone would want to continue to be of use. Even if she wouldn’t necessarily like what Lila was currently using her for.
But in Lila’s defense, Marinette DID shove her in a closet.
“I was helping with a friend’s charity work and some money went missing. There was a huge fight over it today and one of my classmates tried to blame me for the loss.”
“That’s horrible.”
“I know!” Lila continued, hiding a smile. “Rose is kind, but she is so forgetful that she could have lost the money anywhere. Then Marinette took advantage of the opportunity to claim I did it.”
Luka paused at that. “What?”
Lila nodded, mournfully. “She’s been against me from the first day I started school.”
Technically true.
“She’s been bullying me, calling me names, trying to convince everyone I’m a liar.”
Also technically true.
“I’m sure she was happy to paint me as the villain today, and everyone believed her.” Lila proclaimed with a little sob. “Nobody would even listen to me! Then Rose got mad and became an akuma, and Marinette left me to perish!”
“That doesn’t sound like Marinette.”
Immediately, all thoughts halted as she realized her mistake.
These two knew Marinette.
Okay, no big deal. She can just spin it.
“That was what I thought, too. But she showed her true colors when I tried to make friends with her! I even offered to help her with her crush on Adrien. But she’s just so jealous.” Lila insisted, laying on the charm and tears. “She’s been telling everyone such horrible things about me.”
Luka’s frown only increased though.
“She hasn’t mentioned you to me.”
She shook her head. “Then I’m sorry, but it seems you don’t know her that well.”
“What are you talking about?” The mother demanded, confused and annoyed. “That girl comes over here all the time. She’s a wonderful girl and a wonderful friend to our daughter.”
The boy narrowed his eyes at her in suspicion.
“Where was Juleka in all this, if what you’re saying is true?”
“She wasn’t there.” Lila said, thinking quickly. Better not to implicate their daughter or try to throw her under the bus if they were getting suspicious already. “I know if she had been, things could have worked out. She’s such a good friend, and would never think badly of me.”
But Luka only looked angrier. He held up a remote.
“Then why is she with the mob?”
Lila spun in surprise at the sudden blast of sound. It turned out that the thing he had grabbed before was the remote to the television. Which was on—if muted during Lila’s story-telling.
On the screen, the akuma was standing in front of the Eiffel Tower reading from her list. The video showed Witch Hunter and her followers in full detail. Including Juleka.
Juleka, whom Lila was now realizing had to be the daughter and sister of the two in the room with her.
“She’s been influenced by the akuma! It’s her power.” Lila explained hastily.
But Luka chose to ignore her in favor of unmuting the television, which showed the akuma speaking and reading more of Lila’s crimes from the list. The scroll almost seemed to glow momentarily before she started to read.
“This just in! The Witch just tried to turn two innocents against Marinette and even their own family member. She lied about the cause of the fight! And this is after she already tried to sacrifice Marinette to save her own skin!”
Both mother and son froze at that.
And as if it couldn’t get worse for her, the news proceeded to play a video from earlier. One that Lila had not realized was being recorded at the time.
It showed in full detail the inopportune moment where Lila shoved Marinette out from behind their shared hiding space and attempted to direct the mob’s anger onto the clumsy girl.
Slowly. Slowly…they both turned on her, furious.
“It’s not what it looks like!” She tried to claim. “She was already part of the mob and I was trying to get away from her. I was in danger!”
The two glared at her, clearly not buying it.
It seemed Lila had made a miscalculation as to the limits of the akuma’s range of influence.
Or perhaps it was just that she hadn’t counted on her would-be rescuers being family to one of her classmates.
The woman glowered at her. Without even looking, she grabbed a sword off of the mantle and pointed it at Lila with a ferocity she hadn’t seen before. In that moment, she appeared every bit the pirate she had previously been pretending to be.
“Make her walk the plank!” She yelled.
“We don’t have a plank, mom.” Luka growled, seeming downright disappointed by the fact.
“Then throw her overboard!”
It seemed her sanctuary was short-lived.
“Kettle corn! Ready-to-cook over a fire kettle corn!”
Marinette sighed. “Master, not you, too.”
The man cheerfully sold a container to a customer, completely disregarding the problem as well as Marinette’s presence.
“Master Fu, please! The akuma is influencing everyone! Even Tikki is affected! And if I don’t do something soon, they’re going to burn Lila at the stake!”
The man gave her a blank stare.
“And what part of that is supposed to be the problem?” He asked.
“See? He gets it!” Tikki chirped.
“Sometimes, Marinette, an infected bud must be pruned for other flowers to grow.” Fu stated calmly as he imparted his wisdom.
“But flowers aren’t people!”
“It’s a metaphor.”
“Flowers don’t scream when you prune them!” Marinette shouted.
Tikki floated up to her chosen, trying to calm her. “Marinette, sometimes an akuma can actually be a good thing! Remember Bubbler?”
Marinette just gave her a dry look. “You mean when you lectured me for stopping Chloe from kissing Adrien, said it was an abuse of my powers, and emphasized doing the right thing? Remember that? The right thing? The moral choice that involves NOT letting people die just because you don’t like them?”
“This girl has been an obstacle to you and an ally to Hawk Moth.” Fu pointed out. “Would it not be better to simply let her be removed?”
She moaned. Honestly, it annoyed her when Tikki or Fu lectured her and had to be the voice of reason and morals she was pushed to adhere to rather than the support she needed in the moment. But this wasn’t support. It was just life throwing more temptation at her by having two of the people whose moral compasses she trusted pushing her to not care!
Give her a break, life! She’s having a hard enough time as it is!
"No!” She insisted. “I need the Dragon miraculous to stop this akuma! So please, help me!" 
"Another time perhaps, now is the time for popcorn!"
Marinette glared, put off at the way Fu ignored her to sell another container of popcorn to a customer.
Might as well try to take advantage of the situation though. While Fu was distracted, Marinette attempted to reach around him for the gramophone.
Fu slapped her hand.
She grabbed her hand in surprise before looking at him with a pout.
Master Fu didn’t even react.
She growled.
“Okay, that’s it!”
Later, Marinette decided as she picked up one of the pans, she would let herself feel bad for this.
Much later.
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starlightshoals · 4 years
The Weeknd - After Hours [Album Review]
1 - Alone Again: Swimming in a deep red sea of yearning and heartache, this song is the perfect way to kick off the album. It plays like a mood, a feeling; it’s a confirmation that in the time since My Dear Melancholy, whatever hope was found, whatever lessons were learned, they’ve been lost in that ocean of new mistakes. The second half intensifies and darkens and leads the listener down the dark corridor the rest of the album will follow. Favorite Lyric: “Take off my disguise, I’m living someone else’s life, suppressing who I was inside...” 9/10, Excellent
2 - Too Late: So yeah, the production in this album is god-tier, and this track goes hard in that vein. I love the distortion on Abel’s voice in the chorus, the tempo, the vibe. There are so many segments and details that could fly over your head the first time -- this song is fucking layered. The more you listen, the more it slaps. Like every other track on the album, it’s about mistakes made that push the person you love away, but it’s not some whiny self-pity party, it’s a grim acknowledgment of how you feel and how it’s all your fault. Favorite Lyric: “When the darkness comes, you’re my light.” 10/10, Outstanding
3 - Hardest to Love: There’s a fragility to this track that’s rare in Abel’s music, and I admire that so much. It’s about admitting how difficult you’ve been and wondering why the person you love still wants you after all you’ve done. It strikes at that struggle inside where you want them to let you go because it’s best for them, but the reality of that makes you miserable and you don’t want them to forget you. I could say this about almost any track on the album, but I fucking love the 80s-style production here. Such glorious music for the soul. Favorite Lyric: “I can’t believe you want me, after all the heartbreaks, after all I’ve done, no I can’t believe you trust me, after all the rough days, you still call me up...” 9/10, Excellent
4 - Scared to Live: I gotta be honest, this song doesn’t do it for me like it does for most people. I still like it, and I love the lyrics, but stylistically it’s just a little too sappy for my tastes. I feel like this style (minus the fantastic production) is something I could hear a lot of other places, and that’s something I can’t say about most of Abel’s music. The lyrics, though! They send a lovely message of accepting your partner’s choice to leave you, gently telling them it’s okay to go on in life without you. It’s a truly gracious and grown-up thing to express. Favorite Lyric: “And if I held you back, at least I held you close” or maybe “You always miss the chance to fall for someone else, ‘cause your heart only knows me.” 8.5/10, Great
5 - Snowchild: Ooh yeah, here we go. In this song Abel reflects on his journey through the past decade. It’s a lowkey, moody, heart-in-your-throat track. It’s like walking through an empty city late at night, hands in your pockets, with an ache in your chest. It’s like leaving everything you had behind because it doesn’t matter anymore. You just want out. You just want something new. I can relate. Favorite Lyric: “She never need a man, she what a man need, so I keep falling for her daily...” 10/10, Outstanding
6 - Escape from LA: Maintaining the mood from Snowchild, this is a deep dark dive to the mind. It’s about being dead inside. It’s about being in love with someone you still have but will never have, you know what I mean? They’re in your life, but they’re not yours. And you have everything you could possibly ask for, but it’s still not enough. You’ve done everything you could possibly think of, but it doesn’t fill you up. You’re still running empty. It’s cold and it’s lonely and all that’s left is the voice inside, telling you it’s time to go. But you stay because you’re waiting. So you can be there if they come back. Favorite Lyric: “We’ll figure out our shit and find a way; when you say that you need space, I give you space.” 9.5/10, Amazing
7 - Heartless: I thought it was so funny when this song came out last year and everyone took it literally. This song isn’t about being some badass heartless jerk with no feelings, it’s about pretending to be that to cope with how broken you really are inside. It’s about embracing hedonism to hide the pain. The bridge really drives that home, where Abel sings about being lost and depressed and wondering why the fuck the person you’ve hurt and betrayed still cares enough to come back in your life. Despite all the boasting and bragging and the fast pace and tempo, this song is really the most miserable one on the album. Favorite Lyric: “I thought I lost you this time, you just came back in my life; you never gave up on me, I’ll never know what you see...” 9/10, Excellent 
8 - Faith: God, I love this song. There’s something transcendent about it. It takes you to the sky and leaves you standing in a storm. The pace it takes, the production around it, the lightning-quick smooth transitions from piece to piece, it knows exactly what it’s doing and it revels in it. It also has the unenviable task of connecting the tracks before it and after it, and dear lord does it ever. There aren’t many songs these days that truly tell a story, but this one does. Beginning to end, it takes you on a journey. Favorite Lyric: “Well, I feel everything, when I’m coming down is the most I feel alone...” 10/10, Outstanding
9 - Blinding Lights: I love this song to death, too. The synths, the words, the faint touch of hope. It’s uplifting in a way nothing else on the album is -- it’s about driving fast as you can in the middle of the night just to get to the person you love, praying you’ll get there in time. Ever since it came out last year, it’s helped me through a lot. When I’m sad, it helps me up. When I’m happy, it makes me smile. It might be the most perfect pop song Abel’s ever made. Favorite Lyric: “When I’m like this, you’re the one I trust.” 10/10, Outstanding
10 - In Your Eyes: This one knocked me flat. I wasn’t expecting another retro pop banger on the album, but uh, here it is. This one means a lot to me personally. It reflects a lot of feelings I’ve had over the years. There’s an acceptance in it, a sense of letting go and moving on while still being real about what stays, what matters. And it has a sax solo. Yeah. Favorite Lyric: “In your eyes you lie, but I don’t let it define you.” 10/10, Outstanding
11 - Save Your Tears: There’s something so...peaceful about this song. It reminds me of my dad and some of the 80s music he played when I was a kid. It has that nostalgic feel to it, you know? It’s different for Abel and I like it. At first I wasn’t sure what to think of it, but the more I listen the more I like it. Favorite Lyric: “You could’ve asked me why I broke your heart, you could’ve told me that you fell apart, but you walked past me like I wasn’t there, and just pretended like you didn’t care.” 9/10, Excellent
12 - Repeat After Me (Interlude): The vibe, the mood, the feel. This song goes deep and stays there. Like Alone Again, it’s like dipping into dark water and swimming a while, floating on a memory. Looking at old photos you probably should’ve deleted. Reading old messages from someone you should’ve blocked. It hurts, but it heals. Favorite Lyric: “You don’t love him if you’re thinking of me, you’re just fucking, it means nothing to me.” 9.5/10, Amazing
13 - After Hours: This one took us all by surprise, didn’t it? A six-minute track with a beat switch and enough atmosphere to make your jaw hit the floor. When it dropped it tipped everyone off that this album was going to be special. The song itself is so fluid, so smooth, displaying everything Abel’s learned since he began. It’s a masterpiece that perfectly sums up every theme on the album and then some. Favorite Lyric: All of it, but especially the chorus and the bridge. 10/10, Outstanding
14 - Until I Bleed Out: If Snowchild is like walking an empty city at night, this song is like stumbling out an alley as dawn hits the streets, blood running down your side. Bathed in that red light, begging to be let go. It’s the fitting book-end to where this album started, closing the chapter with nowhere left to go. It doesn’t leave with easy answers, it doesn’t tell you everything is fine. But it acknowledges a change. Favorite Lyric: “Well I don’t wanna touch the sky no more, I just wanna feel the ground when I’m coming down...And I don’t even wanna get high no more, I just want it out of my life...” 9/10, Excellent
Final Rating for the Album: 9.5/10, Amazing
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