#it's still weird getting out of the 'platonic only' mindset
vigilskeep · 19 days
Wait what’s the dynamic of Alistair and Minerva? Could’ve been lovers but worse actually ? Or something else?
well that really is the question all of ferelden asks itself daily
what alistair and minerva endure together makes them truly inseparably close during most of dao, that kind of forged-under-fire bond. minerva has so much faith in alistair’s protection and loyalty that he’s the only person she really feels safe being publicly affectionate with, and alistair trusted her, thought the world of her as his leader, and followed her anywhere. but the friendship messily explodes when minerva’s political agenda leads her to spare loghain at the landsmeet. which is what i refer to as their platonic divorce
they love each other a lot, and no matter what point the relationship is at, harm to the other would be unbearable to them both. but there were always fault lines in the relationship liable to at some point erupt, major ones including: a) alistair’s history with the templars and certain mindsets he was taught, vs minerva’s lifelong trauma with them that she only during dao even begins to come to terms with. b) minerva does not have the sense of honour or justice alistair assumes is universal among those he considers good, which leads him to wrongfully assume she would draw his same line with loghain without it having to be discussed, and to no longer be able to categorise her as “good” when she suddenly fails his standard. c) she is a manipulative political person who, due to circle mage backstory horrors and growing up as a first enchanter in the making, simply has never been taught and does not believe that individuals getting the lives they want is realistic or necessary or even a requirement of doing right by them. she pushes alistair to take the throne and marry anora to serve her own big-picture goals. he does not have the necessary courage/confidence to stand up for the life he wants, while she fatally simply assumes that he would refuse if it really mattered enough to him (which she literally would have adjusted her plans for with minimal complaining! because she loves him! but because he’s alistair, and also because he loves her, of course he’d never refuse outright what she said was so important. maddening.)
alistair considers loghain to have massacred the only true family he ever had, and minerva not only turns around and spares him but gives him a place in that very family like it’s nothing. alistair abandons minerva at the most public moment, and when she and the world perhaps need him most, in the final battle against the archdemon, he isn’t there. neither of them are really built to be able to overlook what each other did. but the love is still there, as i like to say
post-dao they have a weird painful dynamic in which king alistair continues to give her the cold shoulder while doggedly pursuing the freedom for mages she asked for as her boon from the crown, and minerva, loyal to him to the death, refuses to let slip a scrap of emotion or remorse in his direction because she cannot bear any further damage to her pride. they work together constantly but usually at the distance between denerim and amaranthine rather than seeing each other in person. they’re both very angry, they both miss each other all the time. i like to think that over the years the latter eventually wins out but maybe that’s wishful thinking
because their relationship has the appropriate plot relevance and intensity—friendship always seems too weak a word, and comparisons to siblings useful but not quite right—i do have aus where they are romantic, but i don’t consider those to be “canon”. alistair did flirt once or twice in her playthrough which probably muddies the waters of his feelings a little bit but i don’t think even he took that particularly seriously, he’s just 19-20 and she’s extremely pretty and extremely right there. alistair isn’t really minerva’s type she goes for scoundrels
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ripplestitchskein · 3 months
I’ve seen a couple posts about this topic so I wanted to throw my hat in the ring. Or at least make my position clear.
I do not think that Stolas needs to be with other people, be that Vassago, Better Than Blitz guy, or someone else. I do not believe he needs to have more sexual or romantic relationship experiences with someone other than Blitz for his character arc or to learn how to be a better partner for Blitz or any of that. I intensely dislike the idea that a character or person has to have a bunch of different experiences to know what they actually want in general or as like some kind of life skill building exercise to obtain enough experience points to “earn” the person they want. I don’t think it’s necessary for Blitz either, he can see Stolas moving on and away and want to work to change without a third party as the catalyst. There’s just a lot of weirdness around these concepts in general. Like the fixation on “healthy” relationships is odd to me, it’s definitely a newer fandom thing, and it has a lot of implications for neurodivergent people I’m not going to unpack here. So yeah.
I’ve also already made it clear that I definitely don’t want Stolas to lose his desire for romance. He doesn’t need to get more realistic expectations or be more grounded in his relationships. I would be extremely disappointed if that was the ultimate takeaway for his character as I feel his desire for romance is a really central part of him and I don’t need the messaging to be about “realistic” romance.
However. The story has opted to hint at the possibility of Stolas *possibly* moving on with someone else, and Viv has implied Vassago is that possibility, so a lot of my speculations or theorizing follow that potential plot line or I try to theorize ways Vassago could fill a role in a platonic capacity while Blitz might think it’s more than it is etc. We still don’t know what role he’ll fill so it is only speculation but it is natural to wonder if it’s a love triangle or misunderstanding in that vein since the nature of the conflict is romantic.
That’s not to say that they can’t do interesting or compelling things with a love triangle plot line, I also don’t buy into the idea that cliched or tropey plot lines can’t be done well, they very well could. I love tropes. I got the watch the same shows over and over and over and listen to the same songs on repeat, read nothing but fan fiction which is basically just remixes of the shows I’m watching over and over brand of autism so I’m all for some cliche romance tropes.
So all this to say there is a difference between lining your theories and speculations up with a particular direction, and furthering discussions about those ideas if it seems like the show is going that way without explicitly endorsing the concept while still having an open mind to see what they ultimately will do with that concept. It may not be that people are yearning for or personally even wanting Stolas to have a rebound relationship but more they are setting their expectations up for that possibility since it is a common story thread.
That’s also not to say people who do want those types of stories are wrong for wanting them. There are compelling ways to write love triangles, just like we’ve seen them handle miscommunication, another often loathed trope. I’m just giving whatever they serve a chance and seeing where it goes. I am very much of the mindset that if I am enjoying what is happening, even if it’s cliche or not the direction I would have gone if I were in charge, then I’ll settle in for the ride. At the moment I trust the writing, I am having a blast with these characters and their issues and the ways things can play out and bending and twisting them into different scenarios. I trust the crumbs they’ve laid along the way and I’m interested to see how it ultimately plays out.
From a personal self indulgence level though I do like jealousy in fiction, I like yearning and angst and misunderstandings and messy things that aren’t desirable in reality, that aren’t even realistic and these cliches do open up for a lot of that. It CAN be done well. Fiction does not need to be clean and wholesome and “healthy”. Characters can do crazy shit real people can’t. I don’t watch shows or read fiction for realism. I do require happy endings though so as I’ve said all along if it seems like they aren’t going a direction I’ll enjoy I’m fine saying “okay, that was fun but I’m getting off the ride now, have fun you guys”.
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stardustdiiving · 6 months
What popular familial headcanons do you not like? If you're willing to share, of course
This post was specifically about parent / child interpretations of Zhongli & Xiao and Nahida & Wanderer ! which r my favorite genshin character dynamics and also involve my two category 5 genshin blorbos . Like obvious disclaimer I don’t have a problem with people liking said hcs but I have kind of a bad grudge against both bc I’m a bit polarized out of people just Really Really insisting on them whenever I talk / make fanworks about the characters ☹️ along with just really not liking the characterizations attached to both dynamics esp in how they handle Xiao & Nahida
Elaborating on both for fun & how I like to characterize them under the cut
I like Zhongli & Xiao as a form of character study where you kind of lean into the god/follower power dynamic and the way Xiao’s idea of duty/devotion blends with his internalized dehumanization. The idea is Xiao gives Zhongli a lot of power over him bc he wants to be devoted to Zhongli as a weapon more than a person while Zhongli is, used to being in a position of power but trying to navigate around this bc he wants Xiao to learn to exist outside suffering
Its not a very actively destructive dynamic for either of them but it’s kind of challenging Xiao’s dehumanization of himself and willingness to die/suffer for Zhongli out of a deeply engrained loyalty and devotion to him. I like zhongxiao (their ship) in the sense I think it can be fun to throw in very unbalanced complicated romantic feelings into this for added drama/ambiguity because I had my brain chemistry rewired by Pearl & Rose from Steven Universe when I was 11. I was so captivated by the idea of Pearl having such an intimate and tragic and self destructive devotion towards another woman it single handedly made me comphrend the fact I could gay
I’m just really not into the father/son portrayal bc I feel it’s just really awkward and weird to do any of the complicated emotional introspection or w/e I’m interested in doing w the dynamic through that lens. Also there’s only so many times u can draw zhongxiao and have people insist on interpreting it as father/son (?????? Soemtimes even while acknowledging i specific my work as romantic omg) before you just get kind of uncomfortable with it….im not a fan of the characterizations either…I feel ppl infantilize xiao a lot and EURFH idk it just makes me uncomfortable to think about bc of how I view the characters personally yk
Nahida & Wanderer I do enjoy exclusively platonically / even as found family, but I am a rare case of being a Nahida fan over a Scaramouche fan so it doesn’t do much for me when Nahida is reduced to being his mom/therapist/etc especially when a big reason I love hat radish is the way both characters compliment each other and make the dynamic a fun ground for mutual character study
I specifically don’t like her as a maternal figure because well. Nahida is a 500 year old child and I think this is important to her character & how she furthers the themes of Sumeru. The entire reason she’s neglected her entire life is bc she’s a child and the sages disregard the idea a child has any “useful” wisdom to offer them and feel emboldened to mistreat her because of that. Its that kind of mindset that we’re in conflict with throughout Sumeru. To have the Archon be a child who is still really smart and full of wisdom is like. Thematically sound to the story when the message is essentially don’t use wisdom/knowledge as a way to disregard people and seek only power/control. Its that exact mindset that Scaramouche, as an antagonist, is the cumulation of in the AQ
So to have him come to respect Nahida and listen to her is really sweet, and I think it’s additionally sweet when you lean into this kinda duality of Nahida being really wise and in a position of authority but also a kid, and Wanderer 100% rolls with it. (Especially given the fact Wanderer is established to have a soft spot for kids, I like imagining Nahida’s more childish qualities put him at ease and r something he actively likes about her—which is sweet when it’s her childishness that she was disregarded for yk) I think ppl struggle to grapple with that kind of contradiction of Nahida being a child on some level but not the same as an average human child, which is a shame bc that’s something I like seeing interpretations on
So with all of this in mind if I am viewing a character as a child where a big part of her character is it was wrong to disregard her as a God of Wisdom bc she’s a child, I don’t exactly find it really appealing or cute to have her dynamic with a character who is absolutely treated like an adult man in the writing be her parenting him and tending to all of his emotional angst 😵‍💫 the way it’s done esp with Scara being likened to an immature edgy teenager son here (which is kinda ooc to me) while ppl insist on Nahida being the mom feels very. Well. I am not really a fan of the idea of a female character being reduced to the mom friend and people being more willing to view a fictional adult male character as a “teenager” than the girl who again I feel is on a certain level written as a child? I and unfortunately it makes up maybe 70% of Nahida showing up in fanon NSJNDJCKDNND
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honey-minded-hivemind · 5 months
I had…the weirdest thought/idea while reading through your mermay stuff. This can be h2o no au or just general mer shenanigans but…what if reader was allergic to shellfish/fish in general before becoming a mer/siren? Like- for h2o it just adds to the “ocean and fish bad” mindset and trauma reader has. But also when they become a mer that would bring up so many questions. (Do you think they’d become immune or just stay allergic bc the human part of them is still technically the same???)
When they become a mer they just suddenly have this urge to consume something that quite literally will kill them. When they eventually wind up with the yans and the caretakers try to feed them reader once again just sees it as an attempt on their life and not some caring gesture. The adults are so concerned and confused that their guppy won’t eat anything, but it doesn’t seem like a hunger strike they literally freak out when food is put toward their mouth. Maybe reader finally explains it and the adults are just CONFUSED.
“Reader please eat your food.”
“I can’t I’ll literally die.”
If reader is still deathly allergic they become the mer equivalent of a vegetarian or idk marine animals are weird, if fate is kind reader is partially a type of sea creature that just filter feeds or something (ex: whale shark, or manta ray)
(Idk all of this is coming from the mind of someone who cannot eat fish, had a very violent reaction to it, and has been scared of it happening again ever since)
I’m curious what you think, does the moon pool just heal the immune response? Is reader only allergic while in a human form but fine to eat fish as a mer? Or is reader plunged into an even worse situation bc when the yans find out about the allergy they become 100x more protective, treating reader as the most fragile guppy on the planet that needs even more of their attention and care? Like- allergies aren’t a thing for mer so they don’t really understand it so they’re just like: “No Reader! If that fish gets near you you’ll die!” Imagine someone like Sabertooth being like that one uncle that’s like “you’re just faking it” or “that’s not a thing!”, playfully force feeds reader a crab or something and suddenly reader’s gills swell and they can’t breathe. That makes x2 murder attempts on reader by Sabertooth. And then from that point on everybody in the pod is traumatized by the experience, reader is even further from being assimilated, and the yan adults are so much more worried about their reluctant guppy.
Weird funny concept. This became so long, I am so sorry.
Been binge reading your work and I think it’s awesome! You’re a really creative writer, and I love everything I’ve read from you!
Idk how your anon system works
Call me rhino anon 🦏 if that’s available?
Oh wow! Okay, I have a family member who is also allergic to shellfish (I'm not sure about fish, but they're allergic to shellfish), and I hope you are okay after that experience, 🦏 Anon.
I can see it working as Reader is either immune as a mer but can't eat shellfish as a human, or as them being unable to eat, well, any seafood at all.
They're basically stuck eating seaweed, kelp, and/or filter feeding, and Reader isn't happy, and neither are the platonic yans, especially the adults. Their kid/sibling isn't eating, they're worried Reader will starve, and they want to help but are confused by being allergic to what is a sirens main diet.
If Sabretooth did force Reader to eat shellfish or fish, he'd be lucky, and so would Reader, if they didn't die or have a severe allergic reaction. Reader does however fear him even more after it, regardless of if they almost died or if they actually stomached fish for the first time in their life.
I think if Reader had to have a meat to eat, it would have to be sea birds or sea mammals. So, seagulls, albatross, terns, for birds... or seals, dolphins, or orcas for mammals... It's still a hassle, but it's worth it if Reader doesn't end up with anemia or sick from only being able to eat seaweed and kelp and seagrass...
The adult platonic yans at this point are having to fist fight or tail fight who is and isn't allowed near Reader as one of their main caretakers, because they need someone they will listen to yet have a chance of liking. Reader is scared of all of them, but some more than others, so it's best to pick the ones who haven't traumatized them, and go with the ones who at least they won't faint from seeing...
(Welcome to the platonic yandere X-Men club!)
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lila-rae · 1 year
For the 2 people who asked for this ( @jeanjamesb @yesimscots )
I really want us to normalize viewing celebrities as first and foremost humans that share pretty much all the same traits, wants, desires, annoyances as any human.
Celebrities are not fictional characters. Their lives aren’t like your favorite movie couple solely existing when they’re seen by the media. They have lives that probably look similar to your own.
Now Lila where are you going with this?
So glad you asked. Last night I got an ask that essentially said “Z is back in London because she liked a post a 4:30am London time”. Ignoring the fact that if she was back in LA it would be fine. I want to talk about how in only her apparently being awake at 4:30 seems unfathomable. I’m pretty sure everyone on this godforsaken dumpster fire of an app has been on here at 3/4/5 in the morning. Whether that’s from waking up in the middle of the night or just staying up late, we know it’s not an impossibility that people would be awake on social media in the middle of the night. Hell I’m constantly on here at 4/5 am. It doesn’t indicate a time zone jump. But also if she was in LA who cares. That changes nothing about their relationship no matter how much some of you hope it will. But again what makes Z do special that being up at 4:30 is a shocking act?
Now I also want to point out the “he’s golfing where is she” “he’s golfing clearly she left” “he left her alone to go hang out with his friends” asks that popped up. They are in a romantic relationship but it is not the only personal relationship they have. It is healthy to still have friends. It is healthy to have time by yourself. They don’t need to, and shouldn’t, spend 24 hours a day together. I don’t know a single couple, and let’s be real neither do you, that spends every moment of free time together. You know why? Because that would be unhealthy. Him going on a guys trip is healthy and also great for him. It’s amazing to see people especially men nourishing their friendships in adulthood. But also even without a big trip doing things alone isn’t weird or indicative of your relationship health. You know what I love to do? Go to target by myself and just roam the aisles. Does that mean I’d rather be at target than with my family? Nope. It means I enjoy time to myself and drinking coffee while leaning on a cart. If we see one out shopping while they’re in the same city it is not inherently a negative thing. It’s just normal human behavior.
So next time you decide this is weird maybe analyze that thought a little more and see if you’d think it was bad if any other person/couple you know did it.
And I get that the people who actually need to hear this will probably ignore it, but just in case you don’t, I want you to reevaluate how you view relationships and think about wether or not you’re setting up an unhealthy mindset when it comes to relationships. Like forget the TZness of it all. These asks clearly show a lack of knowledge of healthy interpersonal relationships, (familial, platonic, and romantic). And I want better for you.
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"There isn't enough of two guys just being friends!" Is such a weird take to me cuz like...
Yugi and Joey, Tristan and Joey, Judai and Manjome, Judai and Sho, Judai and Edo, Yusei and Jack and Crow, Yusei and Bruno (yeah I ship it but it's not canon), Yuma and Shark, Yuma and Bronk, Yuma and Kaito, Yuya and Sora, Yuya and Sawatari, Yuya and Gong, Yuto and Shun/Shay, Yusaku and Takeru, Yusaku and Kusanagi, Takeru and Flame (again I ship it but there's nothing canonical about it), Yuga and Luke, Yuga and Gakuto, Yuga and Roa, Yuga and Nail
And that's just within Yugioh. There are so fucking many. Even outside of Yugioh, I can name just tons and tons of male characters who are just friends and don't end up romantic.
Meanwhile, every single male/female relationship either has one of them (usually the girl) have a crush (Judai and Asuka, Yuma and Tori, Tristan and Miho) or they end up romantically involved in the end (this latter option is admittedly more of a problem in western media since most anime I watch don't like confirming relationships but I could still name so many).
So often I'll watch a movie or show that's not even a romance and they still manage to squeeze in some romantic subplot no matter how forced or pointless it seems. Edge of Tomorrow comes to mind immediately for me, what even was the point of pairing those two outside of "the lead two characters are a man and a woman"? Do we really want to set a precedent that men and women can never be friends? Because this happens. All the time. Indy gets a new girl in every single Indiana Jones movie. Leia was the only woman of the group in the OG Star Wars trilogy so she had to get paired with one of the guys and one of them was her brother so that can't happen. But it was happening romantically (even if only slightly) before they knew. What even was the point of the romantic sideplots in the Equestria Girls movies? Oh and Fox and the Hound introducing a female love interest just so she can be the female love interest. The boy and girl in Mr Peabody and Sherman are both like nine and the movie still insists on pushing a romantic angle between them when one of them tried to choke out the other. Nearly every Disney princess movie gives their lead a prince, with some being more pointless than others. Doppler and Amelia are implied like twice then randomly have children at the end of Treasure Planet. Don't even get me started on Warrior Cats. I could go on but I'll stop for now.
Male/female friendships who stay purely platonic and aren't siblings (Luke and Leia) or different species (Nick and Judy from Zootopia) are so so much rarer than male/male or female/female friendships, which are basically everywhere. And what kind of message does that send? That a man and woman can never just be friends? I'd rather not go into how much this exact mindset ruined or just confused so many of my past friendships so just know that my frustration with this is partially personal.
I'm so tired of the most obligatory milk toast straight couples being shoved into every movie or show I watch, especially if it's said female character's only trait or purpose to the narrative. Meanwhile, LGBT pairings are still fighting for representation in media. Steven Universe and The Owl House were revolutionary in terms of representation and they both got canceled early.
It's one thing if the movie is about romance (ie: WALL-E and Elemental are two of my favourite Pixar movies) but it's another when the romance or one sided crush is just shoved in because "that's what men and women have to be doing." It's a stupid mindset and it needs to stop.
This is why Judai & Asuka, Yusaku & Aoi, and Yuga & Romin being purely platonic matter so much to me.
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twistmusings · 1 year
I was wondering, which boys do you think would have a size kink? Lmao, thanks for entertaining this. Peace n love Mod Azul✌✌✌
I was wondering, which boys do you think would have a size kink? Lmao, thanks for entertaining this. Peace n love Mod Azul✌✌✌
Who do I think would have a size kink?
CW: Talks about both topping and bottoming, size kink (ofc), otherwise nothing much, mentions of weird porn (not in depth), mentions of being a size queen, Lilia is a babygirl (no you will not change my mind).
Note: all characters are portrayed as being in their mid to late twenties in this!
Tumblr media
It’s a hard no: Epel. Literally only Epel because he would think his partner was making fun of him regardless of if he’s giving/receiving.
Take it or leave it: Riddle, Trey, Ace, Deuce, Ruggie, Jamil, Vil, Rook, Malleus, Sebek, Silver.
Into it, but not the top of their list: Cater, Leona, Jade, Kalim (he likes it but greatly prefers whatever the platonic version of it would be: just likes feeling small and safe with the people he likes in a nonsexual way).
Very into it, probably something they seek out frequently: Jack, Azul, Floyd, Idia, and Lilia.
Jack Howl
It’s a pretty basic thing to know that Jack is a big boy. He’s tall, he’s broad shouldered and muscular, and he’s blessed if you know what I mean. He likes that feeling of having someone notice those things about him, and he likes having people compliment him on it. So it only goes to follow that he’s just as into it in the bedroom if his partner comments on him being big in comparison to them. Silly as it may sound, he really likes playing the role of “gentle giant”, and caring gently for his partner and taking care of them when he’s in that mindset. He knows that he’s big and he could throw his weight around, but he doesn’t want that. He just thinks it’s cute that his partner is smaller than he is and that he can lift them up if they want him to. It’s surprisingly wholesome for it being a kink, honestly.
Azul Ashengrotto
On the less wholesome side, we have Azul. Azul particularly likes being on the receiving end of a size kink, and he likes being made to feel smaller than he actually is. In fact, it’s almost a point of obsession for him and probably  has some less-than-healthy roots that sort of spiraled into a fetish. But, hey, I do think it eventually stops being a self-loathing thing and just becomes a regular old kink. He’s a size queen through and through, and he loves to incorporate that sort of play into the bedroom regardless of his partner’s gender so long as they’re down for it. He likes to challenge himself and see how much he can take and what his limits are. And how he can safely push them-- he would like to be able to walk tomorrow. As far as giving, though, that gets a little… complex, for him. He’s not too keen on the idea of giving for a size kink because he still does have some negative associations with being big. It’s not an outright no, but it would be one he would have to explore a bit at a time and figure out what he is and is not comfortable with.
Floyd Leech
Floyd loves being the big one. Again, he’s tall and broad shouldered, so of course it just sort of comes with the territory. He has always been attracted to people who are considerably shorter than him, and he loves to be able to show off his strength to his partner. In fact, he’s just a show-off in general, to the point where it can get a bit embarrassing if you are his partner. He will want to lift them and carry them and have them in his arms or on his lap as much as possible, and he just sort of hopes they have the same lack of shame that he does. And as for the bedroom, well, let’s say he’s not nearly as gentlemanly as Jack. Again, so long as he knows his partner is down for it, he loves to throw his weight around and to use it to pin them down or hold them up, either by the hips or on his shoulders, all depending on what he’s after at the moment.
Idia Shroud
If you are surprised, you must be very new to the blog. If so, welcome, Idia winds up quite literally like every single one of these ‘who has x kink’ lists. I would be impressed if someone asks for a kink he doesn’t have at this point.
That digression aside, Idia could be into either, but he really prefers to be on the receiving end of a size kink. He likes to feel small compared to a monster, and I will admit this one largely lives in his fantasies rather than reality. He’s tall and even if he’s skinny he just sort of assumes people aren’t going to be able to lift him up or toss him around in that sort of way. I bet you can guess why-- he’s a monsterfucker. He’s always been into weird porn, and he’s always found himself projecting more on the ‘victim’ than the ‘monster’ so to speak, as mortifying as that would be for him to admit. If his partner could satisfy his size kink and surprise him he’d be quite happy after he stops stammering and blushing so hard he feels dizzy.
Lilia Vanrouge
Lilia has his whole aesthetic going on. He likes feeling small and cute, and fortunately for him and his partner, his size kink just sort of slides in right alongside that perfectly. Don’t get me wrong, he is a fearsome war general, and he has had his fair share of fights where he had to beat the hell out of someone, but even war veterans sometimes need to feel a little bit like a babygirl.
Jokes aside, he loves to be held by a bigger partner and he like for them to leverage their weight against him. He’s by no means helpless, but he likes to feel that way a little bit, in particular in the bedroom. It’s a fantasy he’s always had, and he really enjoys indulging in it so if his partner will let him, it’s probably going to come up pretty frequently.
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fangaminghell · 1 year
Hnnnng I have no idea if this'll make sense BUT
Leo and Blair go on the Ho-Oh and Lugia quest together. Leo goes after Charlotte and Blair goes after Saphira. Before this, on the way there, poor Blair experiences the desert for the first time and fucking hates it. Xe hate it so much.
Anyway, with Charlotte and Leo, two younger siblings with trauma,I don't exactly think they're going to really bond over it? Like they are binding but not about their traumas. Leo is in the mindset that he's complaining about his own trauma, and doesn't want Char to feel worse. They do bond over being younger siblings, however. Suraya is brought up briefly, however. Not for long, since it's clear that Leo doesn't want to think about it. Richard isn't even brought up either. I think Charlotte is more in her own feelings to really ask about him, outside of a quick jab ( though Leo shoots her a glare for it). She already feels sucky, she doesn't want to think of the douche bag that Leo's dating.
For Blair and Leo they actually talk a lot. I mentioned before how these two parallel each other: dragon and ice,both of them raised themselves to believe they are a certain thing and they are only good for that one thing. Saphira was a protector of her family, and Blair for the longest time thought xe had nothing. And yet, Blair was seemingly able to heal more than Suraya-I don't think that's the case. Blair is better, of course: xe found xyr passion, found xyr sister, even got to beat up xyr abuser. But despite all that, xe have no idea what xyr doing. Things should feel secure but they just don't. Xe suddenly have a younger sibling to take care for, something xe aren't super equipped for. And there's them studying to be a pokemon professor on top of that. And the anomalies!!! So what I'm getting at is that Blair 100% gets Saphira's struggles. It's just that xyr more stuck in this weird limbo of looking to the past, present and future. Xe just don't know what xyr doing, stumbling along as xe go.
Blair and Saphira also talk about Leo and Suraya. For Leo, xe both express xyr concern for Leo and disdain for Richard. I feel like both have tried to talk to Leo about it, but between Leo's defensiveness and the other twos not so great communication skills, it all ends in a bust. Saphira would mention her hatred for just sitting back and watching their relationship go on, and while Blair agrees, xe think it's the best thing they can do, outside of getting Leo to go on missions without Richard ( which has been getting increasingly hard). Arclight, by this point, has seen the damage and feels absolutely terrible for it, and agreed to try and make Richard do more shifts to keep the two apart ( Arclight wouldn't fire him, sadly).
They also talk about Suraya. Obviously, they do. It's kinda a big elephant in the room. They both loved her ( Blair platonically and Saphira romantically, but she has kinda been burying those feelings for revenge which is no longer obtainable). Saphira never properly mourned her and while recent events have led all of them to believe she's still out there,she still isn't. It devastated her more than she wanted to admit when she found out she was gone. That combined with everything else just led to a lot of bad. She wonders if Suraya would have been disappointed in her, seeing her act out the way she did. Blair doesn't know. Xe do know that she still accepted him even when she knew he used to be an assassin. Still valued xem as a friend. Blair don't doubt that Suraya would stop loving Saphira for her behavior. Worried? Yes, absolutely. But no hatred in her body....unless you've done something to piss her off.
Saphira: "She's too kind"
Blair: "She really is"
I....I think Saphira cries during their talk. Blair does too. Saphira is thankful for Blair's comfort, but is bitter that she lets xem in rather than her own sisters. Blair says that she can work on it. They both can.
After that, the quest goes on as normal. Afterwards, I can see Saphira and Blair growing in friendship. That get each other a lot. This does mean that Blair has to make sure Saphira doesn't murder Blake, yes. But honestly I think their friendship is truly beautiful :).
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what-if-nct · 2 years
heyyyy!!!!!!!! are you feeling good? i hope you're doing better now!! like, the best. I hope you feel the best.
today, i skipped school first time in my life. i had two panic attacks in a span of like half an hour, and my sister comforted me over the phone. then i walked out of school and took the train home. for some reason, a teacher put me as sick in the system, so that i wouldnt get in trouble. the rule is, every hour skipped, you have to come back double. but i am never going back to that hell ever again so after the therapy trial at my other school ends, i am officially moving schools. the plan was, i'd go to a therapy school for fourteen weeks, and then back to this school but now, i'm not going to do that.
my ex (who's still my friend, she's the nicest person in the world. she is not like other girls but actually. she literally isnt like any other human. super supportive and accepting, and really weird. i love her very platonically now) actually went to that school wearing a rainbow jeans because this school is known in the public as homophobic. someone there said to a gay 'god is disgusted by you, i'm praying for you' and they forced multiple students out of the closet. a teacher called lgbt demonic cultivation. someone said 'hi [name]' to her and she was like 'and who the fuck are you?' it was very funny tbh. that girl was reformed christian asf. okay i have no idea why i am pouring my thoughts here again. sorry
i ate the most delicious crossaint ever today. very delicious.
i also tried playing a song on my flute, only to discover that 1) i cant play the flute 2) that song is both too high and too low. it's really pretty, tho!! unless i play it. i kinda ruined the song for myself now.
to the someone that said i'm, along with Naked Onew Dream anon, their fav anon- brooo i love you so much <33333
(i'm gonna keep using anon mode bc else i'm not an anon anymore- just for the vibe-)
Hey, I'm feeling a lot better I think I figured out what was wrong and I'm doing a lot better. I wasn't eating enough I know this but I keep forgetting that it ends up making me feel dizzy. A gas station pretzel and mozzarella stick isn't a meal but easy. But I try to eat more.
Yeah, I think skipping school was the best call since you were having back to back panic attacks. I completely support skipping when it comes to your mental wellbeing. Or you just don't wanna be there. I used to skip school all the time and the people at school sucked. Beauty school is a vibe though. And your ex\still friend sounds absolutely incredible and good for her for not really caring and doing as she pleases. That mindset is such a horrible one to have like we're well into the 21st century get with the program. Yay yummy croissant, croissants are the best. I think it's cool you were even able to play a piece of music on the flute, I was unable to read music when I played the violin in elementary so I respect that so much maybe you just gotta practice and you'll be able to play it beautifully.
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raes-writing-space · 21 days
Apologies for the long gap between writing or any posts!! Life got a bit wild there, and I'm going to be starting a new job soon, but mostly I've been writing things for myself.
Now, usually, even if I write things for myself... I'll switch out any characters of mine and make it an x reader and post it for everyone to see here.
However, since scrolling through several tags on tumblr... I've been a little discouraged to post anything. Mostly because of discourse that I've seen on here, and while not trying to ruffle any feathers... I'm going to be vaguely posting about where I stand on some things in terms of writing
1.) I will never write about real people/celebrities.
I just personally think it's kind of weird. I don't like romanticizing actual people I don't know in person. (And even if I did know them in person, I wouldn't do it.)
2.) I might imply some ships depending on the fandom, but I have hit a point in my life now that I wouldn't write about ships.
I'm very neutral on a lot of them, or consider myself a multi-shipper for others, and don't like getting involved in ship wars, I think it's kinda stupid.
3.) All of these characters that I write about are fictional.
Which is why even if they are considered "minors," I'm not too worried about it because at the end of the day, they aren't real.
HOWEVER, there are some that I would not write about because not only are they a minor, but they very blatantly have a childlike mindset, for instance, Luke from Obey Me! Will always be platonic. The same goes for Ortho from Twisted Wonderland, or even Gon and Killua from Hunter x Hunter. I don't like lolicon and would never write about it, even if the example is like Honey from Ouran Host (who is legal age but acts like a child).
Some of these characters I started liking or finding comfort in when I was even younger than the age they are now. Most of these shows that the character is in will never age because the fandom is done. Rex Salazar from Generator Rex, for instance, is 16 in the show, and it came out in 2010. I was 10 when the show aired and found comfort in him. The show has been over for YEARS, but I keep aging, but that character, who's fictional, wouldn't technically age with me, despite him being older than me at one point in time.
Which is why I personally don't typically mind writers aging up characters (there are some exceptions.) so that it could fit their story.
When I write X Readers, most of my writing is either blatant or implied that the reader would be the same age as the character I'm writing about. Even if that means both "characters" are 15.
This leads me to 4.) I will NEVER write about an inappropriate age gap between a minor and an adult.
Even if that age gap is 16 and 18, or even 17 and 19. I would rather them be the same age or over consenting age (though it depends on the country, some countries consenting age is 17... In mine, it is 18, so I would write it as 18.)
But what I'm meaning is like someone being 25 and the other 28 or something. If it's a monster romance thing, that's where it gets tricky, but typically, I would still write the human character being over 21 since that's the legal age to drink and do other things in my country.
5.) I will NEVER write incest, even step-incest, in any way.
Even if you are step-siblings with no blood relation, they are siblings, and that is incest. It's gross.
6.) I will NEVER write any "daddy" or "mommy" kink, especially ddlg, age play, or anything of that nature.
It makes me mad fucking uncomfortable even if it's technically two consenting adults. I don't like it.
Other thoughts down below:
As someone who has taken extensive psychology of sexuality classes throughout the years, I understand that minors have sexualities of their own and want to participate in sexual settings.
However, when it comes to the internet, it can be very dangerous, and as adults on the internet we would be the ones getting in trouble even though it was the minor who decided to interact with the adult content.
We (adults online) can't monitor all of you, and it should be the minor's parents' responsibility to watch and guide the minor instead of us online. That's why so many of us put "MDNI" and actively block minors or ageless blogs who do interact with adult content. It's to keep both the adults and minors online safe.
While all of my fluff stuff is fair game, I will be editing a lot of my writings to now blatantly say what the ages are in the story. Yes, even the "reader's" age.
Don't get me wrong, I am upset that there are a lot of people who write mostly smut for characters, especially those of certain ages. As someone who's asexual, I'd love to see more fluff for characters or even platonic love between characters. I can understand why there are minors on here who are upset about the content on tumblr regarding certain characters. I know I'll try my best myself to hopefully keep my content at a nice balance to hopefully be more inclusive.
But, at the end of the day, if ANY of my fictional characters I adore were to come to life, I'd immediately detach myself from them for a lot of reasons. 1.) I'm ace, 2.) I'm a lesbian and most of the characters I like are men and 3.) Age then would become an issue.
But I don't have to worry about thay because they are all FICTIONAL. FAKE. So I'm going to keep finding comfort in them and write about it, just like I have since I was 10 years old.
If people are uncomfortable with that, unfollow. Or, have a civilized conversation with me about it, help educate me better without being rude about it. Because if you come at me with aggression, I will actively be ignoring you. I would love to learn and be educated. Hell, people have already called me out, and I've corrected it. I'm not above admitting I'm in the wrong. But there are some things that I truly believe, and that's the points above.
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llamamonger · 1 year
awkward friendship
Been having a lot of hard talks with my dear friend this summer, but they’ve been necessary. Suffice it to say, this one actually seemed to get down to the meat of the matter. After a couple other hard talks about their reasoning for getting married so fast (ultimately I just wanted to know if this wasn’t masking something they’re not wanting to process), I asked them directly about whether it bothered them when people assumed we were best friends. They said they were afraid to talk about this because I might get mad, which was strange since I told them before that they have a right to ask or tell me anything, but I was like, there’s nothing you could say to me that would be worse than all the things I’ve already imagined. They said they feel awkward about my professions of love, and that they did get my letter, and it made them feel awkward—they weren’t much more eloquent than that. When people assume we’re really close it triggers that same awkwardness for them. Of course I’m fully understanding all this—I literally said in the letter, this is awkward, and if it’s too weird, just pretend you never got the letter, which was the option they chose. So why would they assume I’d be angry? I asked why it’s awkward to them, and ultimately they said it’s because they don’t understand it. And that’s fair. I didn’t expect them to—I really just wanted to give clarity & maybe get benefit of the doubt, if not understanding. They’ve never had deep friendships until the last 4 years, and they have no experience with deep platonic/friend love. I told them about how I view it, from the Platonic perspective, about being able to admire how a person expresses Goodness in their own unique way. C.S. Lewis mentions how friends’ eyes can be opened to see each other’s “glory,” so the same kind of thing. I told them how I first knew I loved them, at a time when I was mad and feeling slighted and wondering if I was just being used and questioning whether I should help them out the next day with something. I realized that regardless of what I was feeling, I hated the idea of them struggling & being miserable & stressed if I didn’t come help them, and that’s when I knew I loved them, regardless of whatever emotion I was feeling, and that I would forever.
They didn’t really say anything to this, though the did say they were trying to get deeper about friendships in the past 4 years. I think part of why they overvalue romantic attention/relationships is because of how limited their capacity for friendship has been, from 26 years of shallow & easily discarded friendships. I can’t blame them. I hope they don’t think I think less of them. I mentioned that Lewis says some people have never experienced true Friendship, only Affection or Companionship. There’s a much bigger world out here to explore than they’ve realized. I hope they get curious and go deeper. If not with me then with someone else they trust.
They did say they felt I was holding on too tight, and that this started a push-pull dynamic that I definitely felt & got confused by. I asked them what they want from me, from this friendship, and all they could really say is that they didn’t want to feel parented or distrusted or suffocated, which hopefully my being able to clarify my motives (and autistic mindset) has helped take care of. I can of course do better—I didn’t make it easy to assume the best. I hated hearing that they felt dread right after their proposal at the thought having to tell me about it. I had literally predicted the proposal the night before, partly as a joke, but they still thought I’d have a problem & even doubted the sincerity of my response when they told me. But they decided our friendship was worth telling me even if there were negative results. As sad as I feel that they don’t (and may never) understand my love for them, I can’t discount that I have been important enough to them that they would be willing to face painful situations for the sake of our friendship. My friend is not a very introspective person, so maybe there’s more feeling for me there than they can admit. I can’t hang my hat on this, but I do need to remember that I was at least this important to them.
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self-ships-ahoy · 3 years
Happy Boyfriend Day to these men
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Honorable mentions to Garcello, who is waiting patiently to be an official f/o, and Fr. Mulcahy, whom I am respecting as a priest (unless/until he decides to leave).
(Also, it's Blu Sniper specifically being romantically shipped. Red is still platonic.)
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seokth · 3 years
mother knows best | 2
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— drabble 2 ; of quail eggs and perms —
pairing | ot7 x female reader (platonic), ot7 moms & female reader
summary | being the only woman in a friend group with seven men automatically makes you the love interest in seven mothers’ wistful romantic stories. though your relationship with the guys remains completely platonic, the marriage fantasy their moms frequently project onto you and their sons has them coming up with all sorts of shenanigans to make you their daughter-in-law. mother knows best, you suppose.
warnings | overbearing moms, attempts at humor, platonic, slice of life au
series index | general masterlist
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“And you know he was voted ‘Worldwide Handsome’ when he was in school, right?”
“Yes, Mrs. Kim,” you giggle in response. “He reminds me everyday.”
“Oh, honey, he was such a looker even back then,” Jin’s mom says as she stares at you with a pointed look. Too bad you miss her point. “My boy is one of a kind, isn’t he, darling?”
“He really is, Mrs. Kim,” you agree wholeheartedly, but for a completely different reason. While she envisions her son being beautiful and doing chivalrous deeds, you see him being childish and cracking lame dad jokes. One of a kind, indeed.
To be fair, his weird sense of humor and let-nature-run-its-course mindset were what drew you to him in the first place, and are undoubtedly the foundations of your years-long friendship.
“Can you please stop talking about me as if I’m not right here with you?” Jin huffs as he peels his thirty-seventh quail egg.
Why exactly the three of you were perched on the kitchen island peeling a hundred quail eggs in the Kim household is beyond you. All you know is that Mrs. Kim suddenly called you over, stating she needs to talk to you about something. That something turns out to be fond and embarrassing stories of her own son from his childhood.
The reason behind peeling the quail eggs, however, remains to be seen.
“Don’t be such a baby,” you scold him, hitting his broad shoulder playfully much to his mother’s delight. “You don’t have anything else to do, anyway.”
“Oh, I’m the baby?” he retorts, appalled. “Says the one who’s still on her ninth egg! Hurry up, you toddler.”
(“Ooh, perfect! They’re getting ahead of me with the baby talk,” Mrs. Kim quietly hums. “Better tick that off my binder.”)
“Toddler?! Says the one who can’t sleep without his alpaca plushie!”
“It was a gift! How dare you? Don’t you dare drag RJ into this!”
“Don’t you drag my quail eggs into this!”
(“Goodness, their kids are gonna be so loud,” Mrs. Kim silently muses. “Better soundproof the house, just in case.”)
Your bickering goes back and forth for a few minutes, with you and Jin getting more and more passionate with each argument, while his mom shakes her head in delight and amusement. She’s only half-listening, her mind already filled with plump-lipped grandchildren running around this very kitchen in the fictitious future. It’s only when you say something truly threatening does she snap at attention.
“Oh yeah? Well, Taehyung-ah already concedes that I’m just as handsome as him,” Jin announces smugly. “Take that, woman!”
You scoff. “Oh, please? You don’t stand a chance against Taehyungie and his cute curls!”
Mrs. Kim’s eyes widen in panic.
She decides to intervene before you could list more good things about the younger man, and before you could — God forbid — come to the potential realization that maybe Kim Taehyung is cuter than her Seokjin.
She shudders.
“Alright, break it up, break it up,” she claps once, then twice when you and Jin continue glaring at each other. “That’s enough peeling, for now.”
She puts away the bowl of freshly-peeled eggs, hoping the two of you will stop sticking your tongues out childishly to each other. Luckily for her, yours and her son’s friendship has seen a good amount of fights in the past couple of years; and after some much needed eye rolls, both of you are ready to make amends as routined.
“Here,” he says, holding out his palm where three and a half hard-boiled quail egg yolks are sitting. “I saved you some dragon balls.”
“Thanks,” you say, popping one into your mouth and nodding appreciatively. “They taste good.”
Mrs. Kim just about sighs in relief.
And much, much later, when she’s seeing you out the door and Seokjin helps you into your coat, she tucks your hair behind your ear and kisses you goodbye.
Heading back to the kitchen, Jin feels a pair of glaring eyes trained right at him. He sighs, turning to face the culprit.
“What is it now, Eomma?”
“Hmm,” Mrs. Kim hums, stepping closer and inspecting his face pensively. “She’s right, Taehyungie does look cute with curls."
Oh no. He knows exactly where this is going.
“Why don’t you get a perm, Seokjin?”
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Yandere team minato
It sometimes just breaks my heart whilst thinking about what would have been if nothing would have ever happened to this team. Minato is a platonic Yandere in here!
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, stalking, manipulation, delusions, paranoia, threatening, blackmailing, violence, mentions of death, killing
Yandere Team Minato
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📖🔥🟪⚡️To clarify things a bit, this is an AU where Rin and Kakashi managed to save Obito just in time, though one eye of his now belongs to Kakashi. And those two also managed to save Rin and obviously Minato and Kushina are still alive as well. Basic knowledge would also be that the darling themselves was together with those three as a student in the Academy, probably someone they were really close too. At the very least I can picture them being really close with Rin and since Obito often hangs around Rin, he became most likely over time a good friend of them as well.
📖🔥🟪⚡️So Rin and Obito are the ones who fall in love at first with their darling. Despite being assigned to different teams, both make an effort to still keep in contact and meet up whenever they have the time. This is how Kakashi ends up tagging along somehow as well and is “forcefully” pushed to become a good acquaintance of yours. He most likely remembers the darling from back when they were still classmates, but he might have just never shared such a close bond with them like Rin and Obito did. Not like he doesn’t get his ears talked off due to Obito, who simply can’t shut up about them. Rin is a bit better, but she talks quite often about you as well and once those two start a conversation about you, it’ll go on for a while.
📖🔥🟪⚡️If we had to pinpoint it down whether it was Obito or Rin who grew romantic interest, I’d say that it is probably Rin since Obito was very much attached to the girl back in the days, he still is though. Noticed that she liked you back then and for that really envied you and was jealous of you, pretending to not like you. But for Rin’s sake he got along since he didn’t want to upset her. You might just be in for supporting him and acknowledging him as well which ends up flattering him a lot. Kind of in denial when he first realized that he had started growing emotions for you as well since he is a loyal guy and felt like he would betray Rin like this.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Just imagine that Rin might have noticed way back then that she wasn’t the only one in love with the darling since Obito just happened to be very obvious. She wasn’t really angry though, more a bit surprised. But she might have just seen this somewhat coming with how supportive and kind the darling is to the Uchiha and constantly cheers him up. She’s also the one to approach Obito about this and it’s going to be awkward for the poor guy who doesn’t know what to do. But luckily Rin takes charge and offers to share since she doesn’t wish to lose her friendship with Obito because of a love fight. You would be so upset over it too since you see them as really good friends as well. That’s how those two start working as a team and Obito is glad about this solution.
📖🔥🟪⚡️No way Kakashi and Minato won’t notice what is going on behind the curtains. Rin is the better on in hiding it, but Obito can’t quite do that. He is clingy, obsessive, very delusional and after the incident where he was nearly crushed he just happens to grow more possessive, protective and paranoid. Rin isn’t quite like that, though she has her more obsessive and somewhat lovesick moments as well. A worried sensei and slightly weirded out fellow teammate is the result of this.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Kakashi has a more cold impression on the darling since he surely met them during the time where he was living strictly after the rules of the shinobi. Honestly just thinks that the whole infatuation thing is ridiculous and keeps Rin and especially Obito from concentrating properly. Didn’t really like you for this all either, especially if you remained obvious. It ended in Obito being about to fight him more than just once and Rin and Minato both had to interfere every single time. Rin isn’t happy with the way Kakashi clearly shows his dislike for you either, she’s sad and upset and tries to talk with him about it on numerous occasions. Even Minato feels like his students cold and harsh behavior around you and the way he tends to talk like you keep his teammates from doing their work are too much.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Apologizes later on after he has found to his old ideals and rules again and starts becoming friends with you as well. Rin is happy about this new development after she was worried him and the darling would never be on good terms. Obito…you probably know how he is. I mean, he felt like beating Kakashi up for being so mean to you in the past so now that this has stopped he is of course happy as well. But seeing the jonin growing so close to you isn’t something he wants to see and after nearly having lost his life, he has grown to be more paranoid and easily jealous. So he starts throwing hands on numerous and ridiculous situations.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Kakashi needs the longest to gain feelings, but I would say that watching his friends and hearing both of them talking so highly about you plays a huge part in his obsession. Thanks to them he just comes to notice a lot of good and really adorable traits the s/o possesses and he actually feels like he owes them quite a bit for having been so rude to them in the past so he grows to be more protective additional to the pain of having lost his dad. Kakashi is quite aware so he knows that his feelings are not normal just as much as he knows Rin’s and Obito’s aren’t either. Also has picked up through observation that both of them seem to share and he does not wish to distance himself from them after all they have went through. He’ll have to confess eventually as well before Rin, quite the smart girl herself, picks up the signs as well.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Obito Uchiha does not approve of this and neven if Rin holds him physically back, he’ll most likely shout his head off at first and curse Kakashi. He gets better along with him now and views him as a friend, but sharing the darling with him now as well is still something completely different. He knows that the s/o is one of the loveliest people on this planet, but why him?! Doesn’t want to admit it, but he fears you’ll fall hard for the charm of the copy ninja since he knows Kakashi is a very cool guy. A bit unexpected for Rin as well, but just like all those years back with Obito, she doesn’t want to break the bond all of them share and so the idea of sharing is brought up once again. Exactly what Kakashi wanted to suggest as well, even if he is more possessive as well. Obito is more dense, but with enough convincing from Rin’s and Kakashi’s side, he’ll eventually agree begrudgingly.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Minato might just start seeing the darling at one point like a precious student of his own since they tag incredibly often along with his pupils and at one point he just starts teaching them as well. He’s somewhat warily over the situation they’re in, though he at least has come to realize that Rin is the one to make sure the boys don’t act out of line. His students at least seem to be happy with you after all they have went through and he starts talking to you at one point as well very often. Gets tainted at one point due to the others feelings a bit as well, though more in a older brotherly or teacher-fashioned way. In comparison to Rin, Kakashi and Obito, he doesn’t spend that much time with you, but he is watching the one or another way over you. He entrusts his students to protect you.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Rin is, as mentioned, really just the peacemaker between the grey-haired man and the black-haired man. Those two often just bicker over such petty things and whether Obito’s unbelievable jealousy including everything above and under the sky or Kakashi’s snarky remarks meant to annoy the Uchiha are to blame doesn’t matter. Both will get in either case a thorough scolding from her. Let’s just say from those three she puts in the most effort to guarantee that things stay normal, meaning no kidnapping and murdering and she is also the one who will handle the whole “we-all-are-in-love-with-you” speech, though Kakashi and Obito interrupt her to add something of their own as well. Hearing it from Obito and Rin might not even surprise the s/o, but Kakashi might come as a bit of a shock.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Rin gives the darling even time to think this through, hoping for the best. Kakashi and Obito are not quite that patient and Obito fears a rejection the most, Kakashi has his initial doubts as well. Rin tries to see things from the more bright side though and hopefully nothing goes wrong. Because Rin won’t be able to hold her teammates back from using sabotage and blackmailing.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Funnily we have a bit from everything in here. Obito as the heavenly delusional Yandere who justifies every action for your safety, Kakashi who is aware yet will kill if someone is considered in his eye a threat and Rin who is semi-aware. She somewhat refuses to believe that her feelings could ever harm the s/o yet she is the most harmless one. And Minato, who mostly watches from the back and guarantees that you don’t get pushed into a tight spot with those three. He’s probably also be up to help his team pushing the darling a bit more into their direction if they should hesitate and make sure no one finds out about his team nor him. If it would be needed, he’ll also lend a hand in finding a solution how to keep this relationship a secret at first, though I imagine Kakashi, Rin and Obito coming up with a temporary solution of their own.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Yes, this relationship will be kept a secret at first until a good plan has been made up so no one will have too disapproving reactions. Seeing all four of you together is not a strange thing anymore and quite honestly, there are villagers who have at least picked up on Obito’s and Rin’s romantic feelings and with Kakashi there might just be already rumors. So it is for anyone just a question who will be it in the end, though most can’t and won’t imagine those three ever breaking apart because of their love for you.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Poor Rin has her hands sometimes really full whenever she catches Obito and Kakashi bonding over their pervy side or having to play the bridge between them once again when they’re about to throw hands over something. Quite honestly, those two constantly get on the nerves of each other in one way or another since they get jealous of each other. They do it on purpose though, Obito just smothering the s/o whilst Kakashi has to do something else or Kakashi letting his possessive touches roam over the darling’s body whilst Obito is watching. Rin strangely never seems to attract jealousy that much nor does she get jealous either, she’ll just let out an exhausted sigh whenever she sees it. Rin is just the most innocent out of the whole team, likes cute and nice dates and checks a lot on whether the s/o is comfortable or not.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Messing with their darling is a bad idea because with Obito, Kakashi and even the Hokage himself stepping in if needed the opponent is in for personal hell. Rin isn’t someone who is really violent and as someone duty medic knowledge if it would come down to it, she’d always choose attending to your wounds and pain instead of fighting. She wouldn’t even really get the chance with those two overprotective men on her team. Because they’re fast to avenge their darling. It’s thanks to Rin that the body count is at least under control.
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ratsoks · 2 years
nineteen / p!c!tommyinnit [pt. 2]
a/n ;; tommy and reader r just besties and they call each other platonic pet names so pls do not read this w romantic intent
warnings ;; cuts, panic attack/breakdowns, mentions of near-death 
& part one
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the bandaid across your cheek felt weird when you talked or moved—it would scrunch up uncomfortably. you didn't like it, but tommy insisted it was necessary to cover the deep cut you had received while dangling over boiling hot lava.  "you're okay, [name]," he cooed, applying a salve to your scraped knee. you felt like a kid, letting him patch up your knees and wipe away your tears. it was almost as if you had simply fallen off your bike.  you whimpered slightly as he rubbed the salve in—it hurt like hell itself (see what you did there?)—but he merely hummed soothingly and ran a warm hand down your calve with his free hand while the other applied a bee bandaid to your knee, courtesy of tubbo.  (only tubbo would have bee bandages on hand—then again, he did have a kid—but that still didn't excuse the bees on them.)  "it's okay, bubs, 'm almost done."  if you were in the right mindset, you would've noticed tommy's soft nature and the way he handled you delicately, but you weren't in the right mindset.  it wasn't a good mindset, if you were wondering.  "tommy," you whined, whimpering again when he stood up from his kneeling position to press a flowered bandaid on your arm—thank god tubbo had some sort of variety—to staunch the flow of blood from the cut.  "i know, i know, it fuckin' hurts right now, but we don't want it to get infected, hm?"  "hurts," you whined, pressing your face against his chest.  with a sigh, tommy embraced you, the feeling of his warm hands cascading up and down your back comforting until you realized that his hands were warm.  warm.  with a shriek, you pulled away, pushing his warm (hot hot hot bad no—) hands away and shielding your head with one arm from any blows he might throw. your free hand clutched the table you were sat on so tightly that your knuckles turned white and your fist began to shake.  you didn't want to fall.  the ground was lava lava lava and it would burn burn burn and you couldn't swim, you would never get out, and you would be burned alive by the stupid guy in front of you—  "[name]! [name]! [nickname], look at me!"  there was a familiar voice, but it wouldn't save you.  did technoblade's voices save him from danger? nope nope nope.  voices wouldn't save you.  you couldn't be saved.  this was the one situation you couldn't save yourself from.  this was the one situation that tommy couldn't whisk away with some foolish act of bravery, a situation that would kill you and take another life away.  this was a situation that you couldn't escape from.  oh, tommy.  you wanted your best friend.  he knew when you needed hugs, and even if he claimed to hate physical affection, would always comply to your wishes.  you really wanted a hug right now.  contrary to popular belief, tommyinnit gave the best cuddles and you would take no criticism.  if i could do one thing before you died, you thought, i would hug my best friend and tell him how much he means to me.  you really wanted to.  you really wanted tommy.  without your consent, his name escaped your mouth in a quiet whimper, and your mind decided to grace you with the voice of your best friend calling your name right before dream deposited you into the sizzling lava below.  "toms."  "[name]!"  "toms!"  "[name]!"  "toms, please!"  "[name], i need you to come out, love!"  "i can't, he's gonna kill me," you mumbled, curling impossibly tighter in on yourself.  "bubs, come on, i'm right here," he cooed, and you could almost feel his breath fanning your ear.  but it wasn't real, none of this is real.  nothing was real anymore. tommy's voice wasn't real. "i can't—can'tcan'tcan'tcan't—" "can i touch you, bubs? is touch okay?" "can't breathe—can't—" the hands blindly searching for tommy's arm said enough, and he swiftly embraced you with a loving hold, whispering sweet nothings into your ear. "it's okay [nickname], it's okay, it's okay, i've got you. i've got you bubs, you're safe now." "safe?" "safe."
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"hey, toms?" you inquired as you fiddled with the edges of your long sleeves, your head ducked down as you stared at the wooden floor. "yeah, love?" (it was rare to see tommy so soft, but he figured he could make an exception for you.) "'m sorry." he almost didn't hear your mumble, but as he glanced up from his crafting table to see your bandaid that you had on your cheek all scrunched up, he realized you were just a few wrong words away from breaking down, and tommy wasn't good with words. how was he supposed to be when half of his vocabulary were swear words? "what d'you mean, 'sorry'? you didn't do anything wrong," the blonde softly chided as he sauntered over to you. "wasted your time." "bubs, you could never waste my time. i don't even do anything these days. besides, i'll always have time for you." "really?" "mhm," he cooed, attacking your sides and grinning at your cacophony of giggles. between breathless laughter, you managed to get out, "i love you." and with the sweetest smile on his face, tommyinnit said, "i love you too, [name]."
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mod-ibuki · 2 years
I want some good ol platonic sibling love, I request fuyuhiko and hiyoko (sdra2) with a big brother reader who loves to tease him (ex: ruffles his hair, uses him as a handstand, you know)
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M-I: I love platonic stuff and this idea is so cute :D Hope you like this, anon!!
Summary: Fuyuhiko and Hiyoko with a male!older brother who likes teasing them for their height
Pairings: Fuyuhiko + reader, Hiyoko + reader
Let’s ignore the fact that I had to search up his last name and check Google every second to make sure I spelt it right
First of all, he just goes defensive mode when you tease him, especially in front of the Kuzuryu Clan members, he’ll freak out and go knuckles from sth on you. But, you are his older sibling so he guesses he can spare you, for now at least. Still, goes crazy when you tease him. “How does it feel to be the size of a smurf?”
In private though, he doesn’t chew you out as much as he does in front of other people. Just groans, looks up at you, groans again, and walks away. He knows you won’t stop with your teasing, always calling him short and asking him ridiculous things that only a “short person could accomplish” (your words, not his). He tried his best to piss you off the same way you do to him, but it ends up backfiring when you use him as some sort of arm rest.
When you do this in front of Peko? She just stands there and watches as you tease the shit out of him, while he tries to remain his tough Kuzuryu persona up. “Aw, you’re a midget!” You chuckle, grinning down at him as you watched his face turn beet red, then proceed to silently scream at you for your bold teasing. You have no shame when it comes to him, which he isn’t sure to be proud of or not.
In the killing game, he, again, keeps his “tough Kuzuryu persona” up, even in front of you. He thought you’d stop your teasing now that you’re both in a very serious situation, but you don’t. In fact, it only gets worse. The teasing becomes more frequent, with you randomly showing up and deciding to use him as an armchair once more. Fuyuhiko doesn’t know what to think of this, but Peko suggests that it could be a way of coping through this killing game, which made him a little bit more okay with your teasing.
Doesn’t know how to feel about it, but accepts that it’s his fate and can’t escape it. Since you’re his older brother, it makes the chances lower of you ever going to stop.
Annoyed, embarrassed, confused, raging, might press the quit button for self control.
She hates the fact that you taunt her about her height. Calls you immature for it, but that only boosts the need to tease her even more about it. Also has the mindset of “only I can bully my brother”, so whoever agrees with her or calls you annoying will be last seen being lowered in their grave while she calls you weird for bullying her for her height.
“Big sis Mahiru, he’s being mean to me for my height!” “Koizumi, you can’t deny the fact that she’s really short. Agree with me on this.” Koizumi thinks about it for a minute, before hesitantly nodding her head, hoping that Hiyoko won’t go overkill on her for this.
When you do this in front of other people, she just stands there and looks at you with the most done expression she could muster. You can tell she’s ready to hunt you down and throw you into the Marina Trench so you’ll never be found, but you don’t back down which probably only makes her anger worse. Hiyoko, similarly to Fuyuhiko, tries to bully you in order to stop your taunting against her height. She fails, you become smug, she ends up becoming some type of birds nest and next thing you know, her hair is a mess from you ruffling it up.
When she gets her growth spurt, you don’t know what to make of it. So, you dramatically wail to her that she’s not your little shorty anymore, to which she decides to turn the tables and call you a shorty. That is, if you’re shorter than her. If you’re the same height, you purposely tiptoe around her to make it seem like you’re at least an inch taller than her. If you’re still taller than her.. well, of course the teasing won’t stop. (She despises it)
When you’re in the killing game, surprisingly, your teasing sort of.. lessens. Although it still occurs, it doesn’t happen as much as it did in the past. She comes to the conclusion that it’s probably ‘cause of this whole killing game. Hiyoko gets it, you wanna survive along with her but still tryna be the older brother, playing it off and trying to remain as calm as you can appear to be. You fail at fooling her though.
When she dies, um.. You’re very, very devastated. You’re always gloomy, walking around with a frown on your face, and with no one to tease.. What is there to do?
[Tell me if you want anything changed, anon!]
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