#it's starting to seem like i only draw cumulus...
krscblw · 7 months
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a quick little drawing of cumulus inspired by @crimsonclergy's super cute post (here)! her hair isn't so big when it gets wet..
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v-ternus · 7 months
pebis 8=D
pebis you say? boy do i got a treat for you
// The new ghoul was certainly… something, and he’s sure clueless to what he does to a certain earth ghoul //
Corruption kink, praise, size kink (if you squint) and a nice handy in the common room for you to indulge in :)
Aeon loved his new pack, loved the way they took him and Aurora in so quickly. He especially loved the way they shared parts of themselves— Rain taught him how to swim, Cumulus and Cirrus spent a day watching the sky and clouds with him, showing him how you could tell storms were coming in. Probably the most nerve wracking of all, Dew showed him how to build up the campfires when they wanted to enjoy the cooler summer nights outdoors. Fires hurt, he had murmured when his hand got a little too close to the growing flames. He got to learn the word burn that day.
Besides the accidents with fires and forgetting that he can't breathe underwater, (thanks Rain), his favorite thing was what Mountain had to show him. 
He would’ve guessed that he’d show him the gardens around the abbey, or even take him for a walk through the forest that borders the land– something with his element, like the others had done. Instead, Mountain had led him into the common space one day and told him to get comfortable on the couch. He did as he was told, put himself down with his legs crossed under him and found a blanket to put down on his lap. Mountain was still in front of the TV when he heard a beep and quiet whirring. 
“It’s a console,” Mountain said, and Aeon could only give him a dumbfounded look. “This one’s a PS4, Swiss has an Xbox. You play videogames on them.” 
Aeon chirped, mumbled ok as Mountain started up Spiderman before handing him the controller. Mountain had shown him all the controls, taught him how to swing through New York and be the ‘friendly neighborhood Spiderman’.
Ever since that day, it's become their thing. Every Tuesday after they’ve finished their chores, they’ll play one of the handful of games that sit by the TV. Some days they pick a shooter, or maybe an RPG, sometimes even an old school player versus player. Whatever it is, Aeon always has fun, and Mountain always gets a kick out of watching his bug like eyes that stay trained on the colorful screen.
Today was no exception. Mountain already had Call of Duty started up as Aeon finished his work. 
“Zombies?” Aeon asked as he walked in and dumped himself onto the free space next to Mountain on the couch. Mountain didn't answer, didn't need to. He just picked the mode and handed Aeon his controller. Their afternoons were always easy like this, with little words spoken besides when they were deciding on a game. 
Besides the groaning undead and hellfire sounds of bullets and grenades, they were quiet, both lost in the world. 
Until they weren't. 
Between rounds, when no shots were echoing through the room, Aeon could hear it. 
Mountain’s little coughs, muffled groans and heavy breaths. 
“You ok Mount?” He asked before the next hoard of zombies came around, only giving a passing glance out of his peripheral. He should’ve known then, when Mountain took awhile to offer a noncommittal grunt. Yeah, —m good.
It only got worse from there. The earth ghoul seemed more and more restless with each round. He kept rearranging himself, tugging on his pants, stretching his legs. 
The new ghoul had had enough. He quit the game, quickly before Mountain could realize, set his controller on the table and turned to face him. 
“Come on,” he whined, drawing out the words like a child. “Tell me.”
Mountain sighed heavily as he set his controller down and rested his arms on his knees, hunching himself over the tent in his pants that’s been quickly growing ever since they started. 
He keeps his eyes trained to the floor, knowing that fully taking the little ghoul in would have him aching for friction. With a wave of his hand, he finally breaks the silence, “—m hard.”
He can feel Aeon’s questioning gaze on him, like it’s burning a hole through his body. The words are too slurred, mumbled dismissively. He knows Aeon didnt hear him, so much to his dismay, he repeats himself. 
“Im hard,” he says, clearly this time, finally finding the strength to look at Aeon— what a mistake. He takes in the sly tilt of his head, swallows up the look on his face. He can see the gears turning behind the soft lilac eyes that still feel like they’re staring daggers. 
“Hard.” Mountain mouths through gritted teeth, growing harder as the seconds go by. He’s sure he’d find a sticky mess right over his tip if he looked down. 
“An erection. Stiffy. A hard on, if you will.”
The words float in the air, heard, but not understood. Once Mountain realizes, shame washes over him. Mountain shouldn't be enjoying this the way he is. 
“What does it mean?” The innocence all but knocks the air out of his lungs, and so does the notion of explaining an erection. Where does he start? What words can describe it?
Oh yeah. It just happens because all I can think about is the way my fingers could touch if I grabbed you by the waist. My dick starts to ache when a sliver of your skin shows as you reach for something on the table. No biggie really. 
“It uhhhhh… happens when I'm attracted to someone.” Worst fucking choice of words ever. Literally anything else would’ve been better. But he’s thinking with his other head now, there’s no room for anything more coherent— what’s said is said. 
“Attracted?” Satan below this ghoul was going to kill him. He’s gotta be playing dumb, right?
“Yeah, attracted,” He tries to breathe, tries to put his urges to the side. “Means I like them.”
Aeon moves closer to Mountain, till his knees are pressed to his outer thigh. He sits back on his haunches and rests his hands palm side down on his legs. His excitement is palpable, Mountain can almost taste it. 
“Does that mean you like me?” His voice pitches up, animated and fun. Mountain can only nod. He should use his words, lie and tell him no, but he cant figure out why his tongue wont move. Regardless, the answer had Aeon sporting a wide grin, he’s got pride written across his features. Mountain likes me! His inner voice cheers. 
“Then I can help you, right?”
Oh the doe eyed innocence. Too kind for his own good. He shouldnt ruin him. Not like this. But he’s too sweet. Mountain has no choice, he cant help it. 
“Yeah, want me to show you how?” Aeon nods enthusiastically and Mountain finally relaxes and leans back onto the couch, spreading his legs just so. His problem is obvious now, pressed up tight against the seam of his boxers, pre leaking through and darkening the light wash of his jeans. Aching to have Aeon’s pretty hands wrapped around him. 
“I need help pulling it out bug,” he feigns incompetence as he stretches his arms over the arm and back of the couch. 
“Undo my pants for me,” he says gently. Aeon reaches over and gets to work, moving deft fingers over stiff denim. Its weird undoing pants from this angle, and Mountain is loving the struggle. 
“Pull my boxers down,” Obedient as the day he was summoned, Aeon follows. He hooks a finger under the waistband and slowly pulls down and out of the way, just enough for Mountain’s dick to spring out and curve against his stomach. The pre that smears onto his shirt is a problem for later. 
Mountain finally gives himself relief, wraps his hand around the base and holds gently. It's just enough to take the edge off. He looks at Aeon who’s fixed on the way his hand holds his cock. 
“Give me your hand little one,” he takes Aeon hand in his free hand and laces their fingers together, his hand almost covering Aeon’s entirely with the way its spread across the back. 
“Ready?” He asks, as if Aeon is the one that needs to be ready. Mountain thinks he might cum the second he brings their hands down. 
He was dangerously close to his prediction, the little warmth from his hand against his aching cock was better than he could have imagined. It had his stomach in knots faster than he’d like to admit. 
Stilling himself, he drags their hands along slowly, wanting to savor each touch, twisting over the ruddy tip that’s been leaking pre. 
“It’s sticky,” Aeon remarks the first time his fingers glide over Mountain’s slit. It’s cute really, the way he remarks so simply.  
“Yeah bug, it’s cause you’re making it feel really good.” A pit of guilt brews in Mountain’s gut, he shouldn't be doing this, not when the ghoul is so fresh, but it’s not his fault Aeon always eyes him up. It’s certainly not his fault the little ghoul has him chubbing up in his pants whenever he’s around. 
“I can do it on my own I think.” Aeon looks at Mountain with a slight smile, and Mountain answers by just taking his hands away. Wordless, easy, just like their regular Tuesday afternoons. 
He watches in awe as another slight hand wraps itself around him and strokes just as slow as before. Any other day he’d be upset with the teasing, but today? He’ll let the young ghoul do as he pleases, he is just learning after all.
Unknowing as he is, he’s doing well, very well. He knows how tight to squeeze, knows that Mountain loves to have mean fingers press into the spot right under the head, as if by magic. Maybe it is, he thinks, but Mountain sets that thought aside for later. 
He’s never fought this hard to not cum. He doesnt want it to be over, no matter how much he aches and throbs. The only things he lets free are the sweet sounds that are being drawn out of him. Aeon responds with hums, and before long, he’s purring, rumbling in his chest. 
“Do you like touching it, little one?” He studies the focused look on Aeon’s face. 
“I think so… I can feel it moving.” Moving, Mountain laughs, knowing his cock has been twitching in Aeon’s soft grip for what feels like hours. Each time he looks down, he feels himself throb with the way his hand barely covers half of his length. 
“It feels very good bug. You’re doing so well, being so helpful.” He chokes on the last syllable as Aeon thumbs at the slit, letting a string of pre stretch as he pulls away. There’s more now, slick dripping down onto his pants. He could practically hear everyone’s teasing if any of them came waltzing into the common room. 
Almost wetter than a water ghoul Mounty, all ‘cause the new ghoul has his hands on you.
Dirty Mountain, ruining our new summon like this. What would Papa think?”
Letting Aeon get you like this for all of us to see? Doesnt take much to undo you sprout. 
The thoughts get him too close to the edge, the fire growing in his gut burning too hot. He’s not going to last much longer at this rate. His eyes drift shut as he tries to pull himself back from plummeting to his finish. 
“Mount, why is it bigger?” 
Oh whatever peace he found is quickly washed away. Mountain peels his head off of the couch to look at Aeon, before letting his eyes drift down. 
“This…” Aeon’s voice trails off as he cups the base of Mountain’s cock where his knot is starting to form. “Bigger”
Fuck. It's not something he thought he’d ever have to say out loud. He’s not even at his fullest yet, and it's already filling Aeon’s hands. He tries to not think about how good it’ll feel when he squeezes it, but he can’t help but thrust up into the pressure that threatens to push him over the edge.
“Its my knot. Helps me stay inside, helps me stay close when I like someone.” The words arent perfect ,not by a longshot, they barely scratch the surface of what it is, but it seems good enough for Aeon who just hums as he keeps working his hands over Mountain's cock. 
“Would you like to knot me?” That’s it. 
“Someday little one,” he doesnt mean for it, but it comes out ragged, louder and harsher than before. He swears he sees worry, maybe even fear splash across Aeon’s face. He wears it so well. 
To hell with drawing this out, he thinks, he needs to finish. Desperately wanting to paint his spend on the fingers that hold him so tenderly, he finds the words to get Aeon just how he needs him.
“Help me with this first hmm?” Aeon nods as Mountain reaches for him and gets him to straddle his legs. He wraps his hands Aeon’s and fucks into their grip, twitching as Aeon squeezes on the down strokes. 
“Keep going just like that,”
“Watch it, watch how good you’re doing” He’s rambling and he doesnt care. He needs it now, worse than ever. He brings a hand up and cradles Aeon’s face, dragging his slick covered thumb across flush skin. He looks at him like he hung the stars. Mindlessly, he leans forward for a kiss, its soft and slow. He can tell Aeon doesnt know what to do, but it just makes it that much more enticing. 
“Put your hands around my knot little one, hold it nice and tight for me. Can you do that?” 
“I’ll try,” he mumbles against Mountain’s lips. His hands find their way around the growing base of Mountain’s dick and squeezes, just like he said. He watches as a hand keeps stroking, making wet noises as another pays special attention to the head, and before long, white ropes of Mountain’s cum coats their fingers and drips down his length
Mountain cums with a sharp breath. He’s sure he blacked out with the way his ears are ringing. As if by magic again, he can feel Aeon tightening and loosening his grip, milking him dry, making sure to get everything he has to give. 
“Good boy, Aeon” he says as he throws his head back, breathless and floaty, leaving the curve of his neck open to the ghoul in his lap. Curious, Aeon drags his tongue up the damp skin and groans at the taste of Mountain. If Mountain wasn't already sitting, the feeling would've had him dropping to the floor. 
“Can I taste it?” Aeon asks as he holds his messy fingers up between them, wet with pre and striped with cum. 
Mountain goes stupid and gives a quick grunt. Yes please, he practically screams the words in his head. He feels his dick pitifully try and fill out again as Aeon mouths at his fingers, sucking the cum off and taking in the heady taste of Mountain. 
Mountain watches as Aeon swallows him down.
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sentientgolfball · 2 months
Hey, could you be able to draw or write about Copia x Aether? In nsfw pls!! <3
This one really got away from me and end up being 3k words. damn.
Anyways this is just some really soft copiaeth because they're in love I don't make the rules
I hope you like it :3
MDNI 18+
Everything had moved so fast after Terzo got replaced. A whole new pack was summoned. Dew became a fire ghoul. New uniforms were thrusted into their hands. They were all introduced to the Cardinal that would be taking over the Ghost Project with new music shoved into their hands. Between helping Dew recover and learning the dynamics of the new pack, Aether barely had any time to assess how he felt about it all. Especially how he felt about that Cardinal. 
He seemed cocky and overconfident the first few times they met, boasting about how he’d wipe the floor with Terzo. It made Aether’s hackles raise the way he talked about his Papa. The moment they started spending more time together though Aether realized it was all for show. He’d come to visit Dew late at night in the infirmary when he thought nobody was around. He’d sit with him, praying to the Lords Below his recovery was swift. On one occasion Aether overheard him apologizing for Dew’s condition, voice cracking with the admission that Terzo would’ve done the ritual better. Aether kept a closer eye on the Cardinal after that night. 
Once the band started rehearsing his true nature shone right through whatever mask the Clergy made him feel forced to wear. He was awkward albeit kind. He praised every ghoul individually after each rehearsal. He was laidback with them, more so than any of the previous Papas. Aether couldn’t help but grow a fondness for him. 
It didn’t help that Copia seemed to be returning the feeling. When Dew was well enough to leave the infirmary he still visited, blaming the nightly visits on his insomnia. He’d always drift around the corridors until he bumped into Aether. They’d chat in low whispers so as not to disturb any patients, Aether would ask if there was anything he could do to help, and Copia would only respond with a stutter and a shrug. When it got closer to tour and he seemed to be living in his office and the rehearsal room, Aether would check on him to make sure he wasn’t working himself to death. The first night Copia asked Aether to stay, just needing some company while he worked on some final logistics, was when he knew the Cardinal was more to him than just his superior. 
It became exponentially worse once on tour. Aether didn’t know if it was just for the fans or if it was Copia’s own strange form of flirting, but everytime those gloved fingers ran up his leg Aether felt fire in his veins. The night that hand drifted to caress his inner thigh while Copia went on and on about how big and strong he is ruined him. Dew laughed at him once they were off stage for having to hide his half hard dick the rest of the show. All because the sweet, awkward little Cardinal got his hands on him. 
Tonight’s show was Aether’s breaking point. Everything was going smooth until it was time for introductions after If You Have Ghosts. Copia kneeled, resting his head against his hip. He dragged the tip of his finger up his leg following the inseam of his pants. 
“Well built…everywhere” Copia’s hand was so close to his rapidly thickening cock. All he had to do was shift his weight and he’d be palming him in front of hundreds of people. 
Aether cracked his neck, trying to force the thought out of his head. Just as quick as that hand was on him, the feeling of warm leather disappeared. He moved out of the heat of the spotlight, standing in the low blue beside Swiss’ stage. He needed to get himself under control before a fan got a different kind of show. Luckily Copia was on the other side of the stage introducing Cirrus and Cumulus. He felt like he could breathe. 
“We can smell you ya know” Swiss bent to whisper into Aethers ear. 
“Swiss not now.” 
“Then when big guy” he laughs “everyone knows you wanna fuck him. Can’t say I blame you though with how fucking tight those pants are.” 
Aether turns his attention to his guitar, tuning it to avoid thinking about Copia’s costume choices. Swiss leans in closer. 
“If you don’t make a move then I might just see if I can catch a cardinal.” 
Aether doesn’t have time to tell Swiss off, before he knows it Copia’s finished with introductions and moving on to the next song in the set. He spends the rest of the show thinking about that pit that settled in his stomach with Swiss’ insinuation. He can’t help the way his eyes track Copia across the stage. Fuck why did he have to wear white? If he let his mind go farther than the music he could feel the caress of hands. 
Bows came around and he was reluctant to hand his guitar off to the techie. He was well aware of the bulge of his half hard cock. Dew slapped his ass with a wink when he wandered over to his side to throw some picks and he’s never been more grateful for the mask. He rushes to his spot between Cumulus and Swiss, wanting nothing more than to get to the hotel and take a cold shower. Swiss and Cumulus snicker at the state of him. 
The time it takes to get off stage and into his after show clothes is a blur. Before he knows it he’s standing outside waiting for the van to pull around. He’s so lost in his own thoughts he doesn’t notice Copia slide up next to him. 
“You disappeared before I could ehh speak with you.” 
“About what?” Aether glanced sideways at him, admiring his side profile. The proud jut of his nose. 
Was Copia finally making a move on him that wasn’t just public fondling? It took Aether by surprise, he never would’ve guessed that awkward little man would have the gall. He’s done nothing but surprise Aether since they met, and he’s dying to see what else the Cardinal is hiding. 
“Your performance tonight you did not seem as ehh energetic as your usual self. Are you feeling well?” 
Of course not. 
“I’m fine, Cardinal. Just a bit of shoulder pain but it’s nothing.” 
Copia hums, nodding in response. They stand in silence as the rest of the ghouls slowly fill in. They wait outside for another five minutes before the van that’ll take them to the hotel pulls around. They pile in one by one and Aether almost has a moment of relief before he sees Copia sitting where Mountain usually does. Right next to him. Mountain is in the front seat greeting the driver. Copia must notice the staring because he clears his throat. 
“He asked me to switch seats. His ehh legs were bothering him and he did not want to be cramped back here.” 
Aether just nods and gets settled. He stares out the window once the van starts rolling away from the venue. He definitely isn’t thinking about how he can feel Copia’s thigh pressed against his. How small it is compared to him. He definitely isn’t letting his mind wander, thinking of all the ways he could prove to Copia just how strong and well built he is. 
He’s pulled from his mind when he feels a hand on his shoulder, squeezing ever so slightly. Before he can even begin to fathom a response it’s rubbing firm circles across his back. 
“You looked a little ehh tense, are you sure your shoulder isn’t an issue?” 
Oh this man was going to be the death of him. 
“I’m sure” he smiles but judging from Copia’s expression it reads more as a grimace “but thanks for the concern.” 
It wasn’t long before they were at the hotel. The proximity to Copia had done nothing to help the feeling of his cock pressing uncomfortably against his pants. He offered to carry extra luggage just so he could have something to hide behind while Copia got keycards for everyone at the front desk. Luckily it was late and there weren't many people hanging in the lobby. Copia got their cards, passing them out before they split into smaller groups to ride the elevator up to their floor. Unfortunately that meant Aether was pressed into the confined space with the Cardinal. Swiss and Rain were there too. He could feel their eyes on him, could practically hear Swiss’ teasing tone. 
The elevator dinged and the doors slid open. The group walked silently through the halls. It’s not the nicest place they’ve been in, the carpeted floor had a few odd stains and the colors didn’t quite match. As long as the shower worked Aether would be happy. Swiss and Rain split first, saying their goodnights when they slipped into their individual rooms. 
Of course it was left to just him and Copia. Why wouldn’t it be? 
Their rooms were at the end of the hallway, right across from each other. When they got to their doors they lingered for just a moment. Copia’s hand brushed ever so slightly against Aether’s when he wished him a goodnight. He turned to unlock his door before Aether could react. When his mind caught up he only had one thought. 
I can’t take this anymore. 
Before he knows what he’s doing, he’s pushing Copia into his room and shutting the door behind them. He drops his bags to the floor in favor of caging him against the wall. Copia yelps with the suddenness of it. 
“I’m tired of your teasing, Cardinal. You went too far tonight.” 
“Settle down Aether, what about your shoulder? I can’t be out of a guitarist.” 
There’s a tilt to his voice that tells Aether all he needs to know. 
“So how long were you going to play innocent?” 
“I never claimed to be anything” Copia smiles up at him. 
He runs his hands over Aether’s arms, slowly dragging his fingertips up until he can cradle his face. 
“I have been curious about you since I met you, my ghoul. The others they ehh look at you like you are the reason the stars shine at night. I wanted to learn why.” 
This catches Aether off guard. The softness of it. He was prepared for banter, teases being swapped back and forth until he was able to bully Copia into the bed, but this vulnerability isn’t what he was expecting from the eccentric Cardinal. Every little thing he learned about him just solidified that fondness that had bloomed in him. He can’t help himself when he leans to capture Copia in a kiss. It’s nothing more than a gentle press of lips, but the sigh Copia lets out coupled with the way he sags into the touch has Aether’s head spinning. 
He wants to feel him pressed against him. He wants to drink every delicious noise from him. He wants to see that proud nose buried in the thick hair at the base of his cock. He wants to catch this cardinal and never let him go. 
When they break apart Aether can’t help but admire the deep blush that spills from his cheeks to his throat. He runs a clawed hand through his hair. 
“I’ll show you anything you want Copia.” 
“Dei in basso aiutami.” 
Aether chuckles and pulls him off the wall. He picks up both of their bags and walks into the room to set them on yeh chair in the corner of the room. He rummages around in his own for a moment before pulling out a half empty bottle of lube. He nearly drops it when he turns  back around only to find Copia sitting on the edge of the bed in nothing but his boxers, clothes discarded near the bathroom door. 
Aether doesn’t think he’s seen a more beautiful human. The hair that covers his chest down to his navel, the swell of his tummy, the tattoo that’s been hidden on his pec. He can’t get enough of it all. He sets the lube down on the nightstand and shucks his own hoodie off. Copia stares up at him, not thinking when he reaches out to run his fingers through the thick fur on Aether’s belly. 
“Soft” he muses to himself. He gasps when the stardust threaded into the fur shimmers under his touch. 
“I can see why the others are so enraptured with you.” 
Aether huffs a genuine laugh “you haven’t seen anything.” 
“Then indulge me my ghoul.” 
Aether slots himself between Copia’s legs, hands coming up to cup his face. He kisses him again, this time with more fervor. He licks across the seam of Copia’s lips, searching for entrance. When he drops his mouth open Aether tilts his head to get a deeper angle. He licks into his mouth, shoves that forked tongue down his throat. Tasting just to taste. 
He crowds Copia back, pushing him so that he’s laying flat on the bed. He doesn’t break contact as he slides up to straddle his hips, drinking down the groan Copia lets out when their clothed cocks brush against each other. Aether can’t help but grind down to hear him make that noise again. And again. And again. 
He breaks the kiss for just a moment, just to look at him. Kiss swollen lips and saliva dribbling down the corner of his mouth. Aether bends back down to kiss across his jawline, moving up to suck and bite just under his ear before trailing down to mark his neck. He sucks deep bruises onto his throat he knows the makeup team will scold him for tomorrow. He can’t help it, he needs everyone to know he got the Cardinal first. 
He trails further down, leaving open mouthed kisses down his entire abdomen. He pauses his ministrations to nose at his cock through his boxers before hooking a claw into the waistband and pulling them down. Copia shudders when the cool air of the room hits his flushed dick. He cranes his neck to look down at Aether. Oh was that a mistake. The hungry look in his purple eyes makes his stomach swoop, a thick blurt of pre pearling at his tip. Aether holds his eye contact as he unfurls his tongue, licking from root to tip before swiping his tongue to taste him. He presses a kiss to the tip of his dick before pulling away. Copia makes a mixed sound of wounded and confused and Aether can’t help but laugh. 
“I’m not going anywhere.”
Aether shucks his own pants and boxers off before grabbing the lube off the nightstand. He can feel Copia’s eyes rack over him and he can't help but be a little cocky. 
“See something you like?” 
“Dio qui sotto you are the most beautiful thing I have laid my eyes on.” 
Fuck Aether was beyond his limit. He couldn’t take the sweet words from the Cardinal anymore. He uncaps the bottle and squirts a generous amount of lube onto his fingers. With the clean hand, he spreads Copia’s legs open to settle between them. He rubs his fingers together, spreading the lube before brushing the tips against his rim. He traces his hole with the tip of a claw until Copia is shaking, hips twitching, searching for more. Carefully Aether slips one finger into his hole, groaning at how tight he is. 
“I’ve thought about this for so long” Aether pumps that thick finger in and out of him. 
“Give me more please give me more” Copia begs from above. 
He could draw this out. Take as much time as he wanted savoring every twitch and hitched breath, but Aether wants this. Bad. He can save the teasing for another night. He slips a second finger into him, reveling in the wet sound that echoes through the room. He curls those fingers, pumping them in and out until Copia is shaking, a mix of Italian and English falling from his lips. 
He pulls out, grabbing the lube and squirting more into his hand. He jacks himself slowly, spreading a mix of lube and pre over the length of his thick cock. He positions the tip to brush against Copia’s waiting hole and they both groan. He bends to capture him in a kiss when he pushes in. He’s so tight it drives Aether insane. He should’ve given him a third finger, but fuck he couldn’t wait anymore. He had to be inside of him. It's almost agonizing how slow Aether sinks into the warmth of his body. Inch by inch until he’s fully seated inside. By the time Aether’s hips are flush with Copia’s they’re both shaking. 
He’s still for a moment before giving an experimental roll of his hips. Copia makes a strangled sound and for a second Aether thinks he might’ve hurt him. Copia wraps his legs around Aether, keeping him close. 
“If you do not start moving I am going to lose my mind.” 
Aether doesn’t need to be told twice. He sets a steady rhythm, not quite pounding into him but enough to pull a sigh out of Copia each time he pushes back in. Aether’s head spins with the sweet noises. He clenches down on his cock with the next stroke and Aether nearly chokes. He digs his claws into the bedding near Copia’s head and fucks into him harder. 
“Touch yourself” he pants, watching the words register in Copia’s mind. 
His eyes flutter closed when he gets a hand on himself. Aether can’t look away as he starts to stroke himself in time with each of his thrusts. The pinch between his brow, the way he chews his bottom lip each time Aether drags over his prostate, the deep blush that’s spilled down to chest. Fuck if he could take a picture he would. He etches that face into his memory, something to go back to when he’s alone. 
He watches a thick bead of pre squirt into Copia’s happy trail the same time he clenches hard around his cock. He knows he’s close. He picks up his pace, thrusting into him until the sound of skin against skin is deafening, desperate to cum when he does. 
“Aether oh fuck don’t stop.” 
Aether bends, sucking at the place where neck meets shoulder, grinding deep inside of him. A combination of a well timed thrust and fangs grazing against skin is all Copia needs. He spills hot between them, coating both of their stomachs with rope after rope of cum, a broken moan following. Aether double downs, rutting and spreading the mess further. Copia wraps his arms around his shoulders, leaving open mouthed kisses across his face. Lips drift too close to the base of one of his horns and sensation is enough to throw him off his own edge. His mouth falls open in a silent scream, cumming deep inside of him. He hips rock forward at their own accord with each twitch of dick. 
He pants, pausing for a moment to catch his breath before running a hand through Copia’s sweaty hair. Nothing but affection fills his eyes and it makes Aether’s heart beat that much faster. He turns his head and kisses the wrist that’s still by his face. 
Aether carefully pulls out of him, rubbing his hands over his thighs to soothe the muscles. He crawls into the bed to rest against the headboard before pulling Copia over to rest against his chest. They’re sticky and sweaty but neither of them seem to care in that moment. 
“I can see it now. Why everyone looks at you the way they do. You truly are something my ghoul.” 
“And all it took was getting my dick in you.” 
“That’s not—I didn’t mean it like that” Copia stutters, blush returning to his face at the insinuation. 
Aether chuckles “Relax I was only teasing. I think it’s fair after what you put me through.” 
Copia hums. Silence falls over them as they bask in each other's company, too tired to even think about moving. Aether is fading in and out of consciousness when he hears him clear his throat. 
“You were serious? When you ehh said you had been thinking about this”
“You have no idea” he pressed a kiss to the top of his head. 
Copia smiles to himself, content with the sentiment. He settles against Aether, tucking his nose into the crook of his neck. He falls asleep with those big, well built arms holding him like he was something to cherish.
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dewedup · 10 months
running down your face (phantom ghoul)
Fresh tears build as his fingers start moving again, trying, and failing to follow the video, hair ending up in a tangled mess. Even here, in the safety of his room, he feels like he’s doing something wrong. He’s not a good enough ghoul, unable to stop the thoughts of trying these things out and liking the idea of how he’d look with pretty nails or cute makeup. He’s also apparently a failure at being a ghoulette also.
an art/fic collab with the wonderful @kamonart (it's honestly perfect, i bow down to your talent)
as always my trusty @jimothybarnes went through the trenches to beta this for me, hyping me up through the writing process and just giving the most big-brained ideas to add to this piece - forever grateful and always excited to read their edits
words: 2,731
under the cut but can also be read on AO3
Phantom purrs happily as Cumulus runs her fingers through his hair, pulling with just enough tension and twisting delicately. His chest rumbles in satisfaction as he closes his eyes at the feeling. Cirrus is bent over Aurora’s foot, methodically dipping her brush into a bottle nail polish, dragging careful stripes over her toenails, eyes squinting in concentration. Bubbly pop music plays from the speaker Aurora pulled from her room, she’s singing along softly as she tries a new eyeliner technique that resembles a batwing. Phantom opens his eyes to watch longingly as her fingers move with self-taught precision. He feels warm to his core, happiness coating his skin, the scent of his euphoria so thick you can taste it on your tongue.
“YOU MOTHERFUCKER!” Swiss shouts from the couch on the other side of the room, thumbs flying around the controller in his hand as he snarls at Dew. The fire ghoul is moving his fingers erratically on his own remote, his other hand hovering in front of the multi ghoul’s eyes, blocking his view of the television. Rain giggles from his perch on the recliner, legs thrown over one side as his back stretches over the other armrest, neck craned at an impossible angle to keep his eyes glued to the screen. Mountain is grinning on the floor, head titled back and resting in Rain’s lap as he also moves his car around the track in the video game they are playing.
Phantom thinks they called it Mario Kart, but this Mario character sure seems to be causing quite the discord amongst the ghouls.
His eyes travel across the common room before he stops and does a double take.
Everyone is hanging out together but there seems to be a clear divide between the ghouls and ghoulettes, the only outlier being himself. His mind is moving swiftly, eyes trailing over Dew’s long, blond hair, hanging down his back unrestrained. He lifts a hand to his own head, fingers brushing along the intricate pattern Cumulus has created, strands weaving in and out in a smooth line. Odd.
“Hey bug, you want me to do yours next?” Cirrus asks from the floor, staring up at him from under her lashes as she blows softly on Aurora’s freshly painted toes, eliciting peals of laughter from the tiny ghoulette. Phantom hesitates as he glances over at the group of ghouls, eyes searching the different hands holding onto controllers. He doesn’t see any sort of colour on any of their fingers, a little dirt under the nails but that’s it. Uncertainty looms like a cloud, blocking the previous air of happiness, the rumbling in his chest coming to an abrupt halt. Is this something that ghouls aren’t supposed to do?
“Uh, no thank you.” Phantom replies sheepishly, a blush burning across his cheeks in what feels like embarrassment with a hint of shame. His confusion must be apparent on his face because Cirrus looks ready to say something else, he quickly clears his throat and rises to his feet, drawing multiple pairs of eyes to himself. “I’m actually really tired, I think I’m going to go lie down.”
He escapes before anyone can question him further, hoping no one catches a glimpse of the tears starting to form in his eyes as he retreats to the safety of his room.
“Then cross the right strand over and into the middle, be sure to add some hair from the same side…”
Phantom’s fingers move clumsily, trying to follow the YouTube tutorial steps, he’s pretty sure he’s doing exactly what they’re saying but their braid looks completely different than whatever the fuck is going on in his hair. He glances at the mirror warily, trying to identify where he went wrong.
“Get it together,” he spits at the reflection staring back at him pathetically. The stain of tears trail down his face, emphasized by the mess of eyeliner he’d used to try and recreate Aurora’s batwing look with. Her thin, delicate lines had become black smudges, closely resembling a raccoon’s eyes. As if that wasn’t just fucking perfect, he also had black polish in places he didn’t even know he could get it. It pooled in the bed of his nails, coating the surrounding skin more so than the nails themselves. Phantom didn’t know you had to wait for it to dry, he’d blown on it a few times like he’d watched Cirrus do, but then when he started attempting his hair it had gotten there too, most notably in strands lacking any colour.
Fresh tears build as his fingers start moving again, trying, and failing to follow the video, hair ending up in a tangled mess. Even here, in the safety of his room, he feels like he’s doing something wrong. He’s not a good enough ghoul, unable to stop the thoughts of trying these things out and liking the idea of how he’d look with pretty nails or cute makeup. He’s also apparently a failure at being a ghoulette also, unable to do something that the others made look so easy the other night.
Defeat sits heavy on his chest as he collapses to the floor in a heap, shoulders shaking as he buries his face in his hands, the smell of nail polish tickling his nose in a taunting way. He bites his lip to stifle the sounds of his sobs.
Phantom starts the next day trying to shake off the doubt and self-loathing lingering from the previous night. He had spent hours trying to scrub the nail polish from his body, the soap and water only worked so well, leaving evidence of his failure in his nailbeds for everyone to see.
The siblings of sin watch his every move, or at least it feels that way. He hears laughter from a corner of the hallway and sees a group of sisters giggling and sneaking glances his way. His heart stops as he stumbles over his own feet, just barely catching himself. Nothing can stop the flush that covers his entire body as he quickly shuffles down the hallway, their laughter echoing in his head. Did they see his nail polish? They couldn’t see his hair, covered, thankfully, by the mask he wears. The uncertainty kicks in as he glares at his fingers, begging the remnants of the black to disappear with willpower alone.
Phantom shakes his head as the feelings of doubt rears its ugly head. He feels trapped, confined in this new body, this new place. His hands shake as panic sets in, his breathing becoming laboured as he turns down another hallway, grasping desperately at the stone walls to ground himself. He can’t breathe, wishes he could rip his mask off to help get in more oxygen. He sinks to the floor, chest heaving for air.
A hand on his back startles him, he recoils like he’s been burned as he turns to meet the cool, blue eyes of Cumulus.
“It’s okay bug, just try and breathe through it.” Her words are calm, soothing, and Phantom tries to follow her instructions. “Hands on your knees and head between your legs, you’re safe, it’s okay.”
He does as she says, her hand rubbing soothingly up and down his back as she breathes loudly, setting a pace for him to follow as he works through the worst of it. I can’t even walk down a fucking hallway without losing it, his thoughts turn sour, picking and pulling at his already crumbling self-image.
Maybe he’s not meant to be topside, things were so much easier in the pit. He knew who he was there, without all this outside influence. This world is overstimulating, so many thoughts and feelings, he’s overwhelmed. He thought being summoned was a chance at freedom, to live a life he had a say in, while still following the ideals of the Ministry. Yet here he was, fucking it up royally. Cumulus would tell the pack about how weak he was, that he can’t even control his own mind and body, and they’d send him back.
As soon as he gets his breathing under control, he’s on his feet, sprinting away from the air ghoulette who watches with calculating eyes. The scene in the hallway replaying as she tries to find the trigger for his panic attack.
Cumulus sits at the table, nursing a mug of tea as the other ghouls mill about. All except for Phantom, who seems to be hiding away in his room as of late. She’s been mulling over recent events, trying to find out what’s haunting the normally light-hearted and easy-going quintessence ghoul.
“Does Phantom seem off to you guys?” She asks at large, eyes darting around the room as the ghouls seem to take in her words. Mountain and Rain look up from their crossword in confusion, but Cirrus seems to pause, her spoonful of ice cream hanging in the empty space between her bowl and her mouth.
“I think it started when I asked to paint his nails. Do you think I offended him?” She seems troubled by the thought, her pretty lips pulling down into a frown as she tries to recall the incident. Swiss reaches over the table, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder as he shakes his head at the notion.
“No Cir, that doesn’t seem like him. He was letting Cumulus braid his hair when that happened, it wasn’t a stretch to see if he was interested in more.” He reassures her, his tone soothing but he turns to Cumulus with raised eyebrows, wanting confirmation that he isn’t wrong in his line of thought.
“I think Swiss is right, it doesn’t seem like he’s mad, maybe more confused?” She adds as she takes in the new information from Cirrus, trying to connect the dots.
“Maybe he just doesn’t want to partake in your little ghoulette nights and felt obligated?” Dew offers, so deep in thought that the marshmallow he’s roasting over the palm of his hand catches fire, turning black faster than he can shove it into his mouth. Rain laughs as Dew chews noisily, black smoke escaping his mouth as he swallows down his treat.
“Wait!” Cumulus shouts, then stops as it all starts coming together. She lowers her voice as she leans into the table. “You don’t think he’s confused about what he can do? I ran into him in the hallway earlier and he looked like he wanted to glare his hands off, and when I got closer, I noticed some nail polish on his fingers.” She doesn’t mention that she only got a good look at his fingers while he was breaking down and had firmly placed his hands on his knees to catch his breath.
A tiny throat clears from the entrance to the kitchen, and Aurora steps forward, wringing her hands together uncertainly.
“I mean we’re both pretty new to this whole thing, y’know being topside and whatnot? It’s complex and confusing. The ghoulettes have done a great job at teaching me how things work, explaining emotions to me and stuff. It’s all very human, and not something we’re familiar with in the pit. Have you guys had similar conversations?” She directs the question towards the ghouls, who look at her in surprise, before turning to look at each other.
“Fucking idiots,” Cirrus hisses, smacking Swiss’ hand off her shoulder as she throws a glare to each ghoul, her lips curling back over her fangs as Dew holds up his hands in defence.
Phantom rolls out of bed, dreading the day like he’s gotten used to. He feels weird in his own body, going through the motions of getting ready, a semi-permanent frown etched onto his face. He’s so tired. It’s bone-deep, sleep escaping him most nights and when it does come it’s unsatisfying.
With a sigh he opens his door, making his way down the hallway and into the kitchen of the ghoul den. He grabs a bowl of cereal and sits at the table in silence, chewing monotonously on his Fruit Loops as he thinks over what he needs to do for the day, and how he can accomplish it the quickest so he can return to the safety of his bed.
He’s lifting the bowl to his lips and slurping up the last of his milk as Dew enters the kitchen, going over to the coffee pot and pouring himself a mug. Phantom chokes on his milk as he notices Dew’s hair, braided neatly in a French (or Dutch, honestly, they looked the same and the tutorials were both too confusing to make sense of. And what does nationality have to do with a braid?) style. His hair shines in the morning light as he adds an unholy amount of sugar to his coffee watching Phantom over the brim of his mug as he takes a sip of what can only be scalding liquid.
Phantom’s eyes widen as he stares at the fire ghoul, who simply shrugs his shoulders before turning and going about his day, leaving Phantom’s head reeling.
Phantom spends his day lost in thought, Dew had looked so casual this morning, maybe he has it all wrong? Maybe he lost a dare? He can’t seem to make up his mind. He’s spent so long thinking negatively about himself it seems too easy to just brush it to the side.
He’s still walking on a cloud as he enters the dining hall, moving robotically in line as he waits for his turn to grab food. A hand with black-painted nails hands him a plate, he takes a second to admire the cool art on the thumb before he grabs the plate, a ‘thank you’ already leaving his lips as he looks up and is met with the grinning face of Swiss.
The multi ghoul tosses him a wink as they work through the food line, Phantom’s brain short-circuiting as he trails behind him like a shadow, not even paying attention to the food he adds to his plate. His confusion must be written on his face because Swiss takes pity on him, grabbing his hand and lacing their fingers as he leads them to the table the rest of the ghouls have taken to calling their own.
Phantom sits on the bench and places his plate down, taking a second to breathe before he raises his head, looking around at his pack. Dew still has his hair braided, Sunshine seems to have found some pretty flowers and is ignoring her food in favour of twining the stems through his hair as Dew eats, acting completely oblivious to the ghoulette’s current task.
His eyes scan the rest of his group before he doubles back, staring at the water ghoul in shock. Rain glances up at him, a smile pulling up the corner of his lips as he nods at Phantom. It’s the mascara coating his long lashes that catches the quintessence ghoul’s attention, the black makeup enhancing Rain’s eyes, making them more striking than they already are.
Is this okay? The siblings of sin don’t seem to bat an eye at the group of ghouls. A weight is lifted off his shoulders, he visibly relaxes under the soft smiles of his pack. A sense of belonging fills him as the uncertainty and doubt slip away into the deep recesses of his mind. He smiles, staring down at his plate as he thinks back to how easily this had spiralled out of control. He should have come to his packmates once he started feeling off, but he didn’t know how to vocalize his thoughts and feelings, terrified of being turned away by the only family he has.
“Hey Phantom, I got a new curling iron that got delivered this morning, would you mind being my model to try it out on?” Aurora speaks up from the other end of the table, her bright smile filling Phantom with a sudden happiness, so much so that it surprises a purr from him, chest once again rumbling in contentedness for the first time in a while.
“Hey!” Mountain protests from beside Phantom, frowning as he leans forward to look at the ghoulette. “You asked me first,” he accuses. The look quickly turns into a grin though, as he bumps Phantom’s shoulder with his own, suggesting in a whisper that they could take turns.
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littlehypnone · 8 months
Requesting for Small Mountain and Small Dew coloring and having a good time listening to nice music with CG Cumulus and CG Swiss? Whenever you get the chance! Thank you!!
there you go, love, I hope you like it! I kinda forgot about the music part but shhhh...
750 words, no CWs, just two happy boys &lt;3
“Woah! What’s going on here?” Cumulus laughed, taking in the scene before her as she walked into the common room. The scene being Mountain leaning over a table with a crayon clutched tightly in his fist as he drew something, his tongue poking out in concentration; Dewdrop giggling at his own piece of paper holding a few wax crayons at once; and Swiss sitting next to the latter with his toothy grin plastered on his face. There was some soft music playing in the background, but the two small ghouls seemed to be too invested in their arts and crafts to care about it.
Dewdrop clapped excitedly when he saw Cumulus and Mountain waved at her shyly. They both didn’t have many words, if any, when small, but they seemed very happy. Swiss greeted her, though, “Hi, Lulu.”
“Hello, dear,” she chuckled, looking over the table. “Oh, what messy little boys we have here!”
Mountain blushed, coming back to his work, and Dew only giggled some more. The earth ghoul was doing a great job, currently working on a tree. Dewdrop was… well, he was a different story entirely, probably too little to even try to draw something specific. His piece of paper was just rubbed with crayons all over, with no regards to… anything, really, but he was having a great time, and that’s what mattered.
“Messy, yeah,” Swiss admitted, “but look what beautiful things they’re making, aren’t they?”
“Oh, yes, absolutely! My cute little artists.” Cumulus took a seat in a chair next to Mountain and rested her chin on her balled up fist, looking over at his paper in awe. He seemed to be finishing up and indeed, soon he sighed and turned to the ghoulette. “Are you done, fawn?”
He nodded with a big smile, and pushed the drawing in her direction.
“That’s so beautiful, Mounty!” There were a few trees, rocks and clouds, and Mountain seemed to be very proud of himself. Cumulus was too and she said as much, making the ghoul blush once again.
He remembered something suddenly, though, and all but jumped up with a gasp, pointing to a cloud on his drawing. “Lussy,” he slurred.
Cumulus felt her chest go all warm, “Awww, baby! That’s so cute, thank you so much!”
“Can I see too?” Swiss chimed in, leaning over Dewdrop to take a look. “Woah, pebble, you did such a great job!”
All that attention, even if filling Mountain with a nice feeling, was just too close to being too much for him. The ghoul shied away, curling up on himself just a little bit, but the smile never left his lips. Noticing, Cumulus placed a soft hand on his shoulder and soothingly rubbed gentle circles with her thumb.
She was about to say something when Dewdrop deemed his art ready too and decided to announce it by loudly blowing a raspberry and giggling.
“Oh, you little gremlin!” Swiss laughed, ruffling Dew’s hair. The little ghoul tried to growl but what came out was more or a mrrp sound, and it was not even a tiny bit threatening. “Hmmm, and what did you draw?”
Cumulus and Mountain looked over too, all three now staring at the paper, trying so very hard to come up with what it could’ve been. It was taking a moment and Dewdrop was starting to get a bit cranky, not getting any praise.
Soon enough, though, Mountain gasped and turned the paper a bit, apparently confirming his hypothesis.
“What do you think it is, pebble?” Swiss asked and now that Mountain was expected to answer, he got a bit shy.
“It’s okay, fawn, you don’t have to speak,” Cumulus reassured him but the earth ghoul shook his head and looked over at Dew, still waiting for well deserved recognition.
“I fink…” Mountain started, “fink i’ssa gwuitar.”
The resulting cheer and clapping from Dewdrop told them Mountain was right, making him smile too, proud of his guess. Now that Cumulus and Swiss looked at it, it made sense, the blob of colors was, roughly, in the shape of a guitar.
“Such an artist, aren’t you, baby?” Swiss turned to Dew.
“That’s a really beautiful guitar,” Cumulus praised, and the fire ghoul seemed to only get happier and prouder. “Now, do you boys wanna go show Rainy what you made?”
Mountain nodded eagerly, Dew clapped some more, and with as clear of an answer as they could have gotten, Swiss and Cumulus took them to go get some more applause. 
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thesunhatesme · 2 months
Day 1 - Cuteness aggression
Wc: 560 Mushy may day one! Tagging @forlorn-crows for their amazing prompt list.
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Copia had been working all day long, the pile of paperwork never seeming to end, but his eyes had started mixing words together, so he decided he needed a break. He stood up and stretched his body with a sigh. He decided to tidy up a bit and started cleaning up his desk, the mess was starting to get out of hand. He started by putting all the pens in their designated places and moved on to all the clutter. Throwing away all the rubbish and emptying the trash can.
He started sorting all the finished paperworks in piles and put them in the correct folders and drawers. Then only one pile was left. The one for all the papers he had to put in the paper shredder. He sighed deep, it was so boring shredding paper and he would much rather do something else, anything else.
He found himself walking towards the ghouls' den to see what they were up to. Probably not much, they usually finished their chores quite quickly and then just spent the day doing what they wanted. Mountain usually preferred to stay in the greenhouse, Rain, Dew and Phantom usually played video games, Swiss could be doing anything. Aurora was usually painting or drawing, Cumulus liked to crochet and Cirrus liked reading books.
He pushed the doors open and walked into the living room. On one of the couches Swiss and Dew were sleeping. Copia couldn't see where one ghoul ended and the other starten. They were laying so close together, arms, legs and tails a tangled mess. Their purrs could be heard from where he was standing in the doorway.
He couldn't help but take a picture, two of his wildest and mischievous ghouls cuddling on the couch not causing a single problem. He loved them of course, but it was just so unusual to see them so calm and still.
He decided to resist the urge to grab their faces and squeeze them left them alone and walked into the kitchen. Phantom was sitting on a barstool by the counter, staring at his phone, resting his cheek in his hand.
“What are you doing?” Copia asked him while pulling out a barstool for himself.
“Nothing, I'm so bored” Phantom dramatically sighed as he put his phone down. “What are you doing?”
“I was just taking a break from all the paperwork”
“You need any help?” 
Copia was just about to say no, but then he remembered the pile of shredded paper. That was actually something Phantom could do. “Yes, actually there is, if you want”
Phantom had only been joking when he asked, but he could help if i twas needed, it's not like he had anything better to do. “Oh, okay, sure”
Copia showed him how the machine worked and gave Phantom a pair of ear defenders and all the paper. Phantom found it very interesting. He could just put a paper in it and it got shred to pieces, how could someone ever find that boring. 
Copia, again, resisted the urge to squeeze the cuteness out of him and resorted to take a picture. Phantom was sitting on one of his legs folded under himself and the other up by his head for his chin to rest on. He looked so cute with the big ear defenders on his head and big eyes on the paper shredder.
His ghouls could be a handful, but they were so cute and adorable sometimes that he sometimes didn’t know what to do.
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genderlessghoul · 10 months
Inspired by the recent puppy post from Motley Zoo and my undying love for animals, here's what I think each of the ghouls/ghoulettes would keep as a pet :
Phantom : He saw someone walking their dog his first week topside and made it his life mission to get one. After a lot of research and internal debate, he ended up adopting a pitbull/labrador mix from a local shelter. Her name is Petunia and she's the definition of sweet baby angel.
Mountain : He decided to fully commit to the farm boy aesthetic and he got himself some quails. They have their own coop and fenced little garden. They used to be have free range on the entire gardens but they'd always end up eating his vegetables. They look like tiny little chicks when he's holding them. He lets the other ghouls choose their name which unfortunately got him stuck with one called Cum. His favourite was affectionately named Nugget by Swiss.
Aether : Bunny. Tiny little miniature one too, all white except for a small black spot on its nose. It's free to roam around his room and Aether learned the hard way to hide any and all loose cables (more than once). He named it Dust. Because Dust Bunny. He swears it's funny.
Rain : AXOLOTL. She's albino and he named her Rose because of her pink little frill gills. He can understand her somehow, some weird water creature thing. She has a very simple brain tho and mostly screams at him for food. Dew and Swiss love to draw mustaches and hats on her tank with markers.
Dew : He has a black cat named Purrcifer. The cute little thing just started following him one day and Dew can't seem to get rid of him (not that he tried too hard). He says it's the Ministry's cat cuz he spends all day roaming around the ground and hunting mice, but the cat definitely sleeps in his bed every night.
Swiss : He swore he'd never get a pet, he's too unfocused to remember to take care of one properly. Until he accompanied Rain on a trip to the pet store and spotted a ball python. Love at first sight, just look at that puppy face. He spent weeks doing research and was pleased to learn that they only eat like once a week? Maybe every two weeks? That's perfect. He got a huuuge female and named her Fluffy. Fluffy is his pride and joy.
Aurora : Ferret. She wanted a cat at first but she discovered that they came in noodle format and was like !!!YES!!! She taught him fetch. They play with paper balls. He's stolen other ghouls' snacks on multiple occasions.
Sunshine : She really wanted a chameleon but she saw how high maintenance the suckers are and settled for a crested gecko. It doesn't officially have a name because it wouldn't recognize it anyway. Definition of no thought, head empty. Most times, she calls it NO STOP DON'T JUMP THERE. She loves it so fuckin much.
Cumulus : She has the cutest blue budgie. She taught it so many tunes that they sing together all day long. It loves nothing more than to hang on her shoulder all day and watch her do her tasks. One of its many favourite sounds to imitate is the ringtone of whoever's in the room with them. No one knows how it learned to differentiate them all.
Cirrus : She set up a pretty little saltwater tank in her room. It's home to two clownfish and their anemone. They're called Led Zeppelin and Metallica, no she will not take criticism on the name. The tank is very beautifully decorated and everyone keeps bugging her to put up a big one in the common room, which she always refuses cuz she doesn't trust any of them with salt water.
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Inspired by this gifset from @cardi-c.
Jealousy is an unfamiliar emotion to Cirrus, and she isn't adjusting well to having to share Cumulus's affections with the new ghoulette.
Cirrus x Cumulus Hurt/Comfort Rating: teen, slight sexual references words: 2148 cw: possessive/jealous behavior, on-stage kiss without prior discussion
I love the ghoulettes, and what better way to show it than putting them through some emotional pain.
Read below the cut or on AO3:
Jealousy: it was a new emotion for Cirrus. Summoned alongside Cumulus, they had been inseparable both on and off stage. Bonded. A package deal. “The Lionesses”. Sure, it might have annoyed them at first when Copia would treat them as a single entity, but now Cirrus would give anything to have that closeness back.
Nothing had changed between them when Sunshine was summoned. They had welcomed her into the pack with open arms, and eventually their bed on occasion. She had slotted naturally into their lives, they both adored her, but she had never gotten between them. Not like the newest ghoulette.
Things had started off so well. Aurora was playful and fun, and everyone had taken an instant shine to her. From frolicking on stage with Swiss to her hours spent in the greenhouse with Mountain, it was clear that the new ghoulette had taken to her packmates like a duck to water. She had also latched on to Cumulus almost immediately which, given the current situation, Cirrus was rather less pleased about.
At first, the pair had seemed to have an almost sisterly dynamic, Cumulus teaching Aurora the intricacies of life topside, the pair of them matching each other’s energy perfectly. The trio – and Sunshine when she had time off from her new duties – had spent many hours in the commons together before the tour. Cirrus had been delighted by how quickly she had assimilated into their little family. But since tour had started something had changed, and Cirrus had never felt so alone.
From her podium stage right, she felt the distance between her and Cumulus more than ever. A literal Mountain between them Cumulus had joked at the start of the tour. How right she was. Glancing to her left, she saw Aurora twirling up to Cumulus on her platform. As they continued to dance around each other, Cirrus felt the green-eyed monster deep in her gut rear its ugly head once more. She forced herself to look away, to concentrate on the rack of keyboards in front of her as the thundery smell of ozone began to waft around her. She saw Swiss look her way, concern and confusion visible even behind his mask. Cirrus chose to ignore him.
Unable to stop herself looking back at her mate and the new ghoulette, Cirrus wished she hadn’t. They were closer together than ever now, and Cirrus watched on in horror as Aurora reached out to cup Cumulus’s face in both hands and draw her in for a kiss. Exaggerated, as if she wanted Cirrus to see.
Jerking her head back to face forward, Cirrus felt a rumbling in her chest. As both Swiss and Mountain turned to glance at her, anxiety and unease rolling off them in waves, she realised she was growling. She tried to take deep breaths, to control herself, but only succeeded in choking on her own polluted aura. Was this how Dewdrop felt every time he snarled at any roadie or venue staff who looked at Rain for a fraction too long?
Cirrus drifted through the rest of the ritual in a daze, and soon she found herself being pulled forward by Swiss’ warm hand to interact with the crowd. She did her best not to look at the pair of giggling ghoulettes playing up to the crowd on the other side of the stage, and threw her setlist aeroplane with as much enthusiasm as she could muster. She was glad she had a balaclava to hide behind, sure she would be unable to force a genuine-looking smile even at a distance. As the ghouls and Papa gathered in a line for their bows, Cirrus found herself pressed between Swiss and Mountain, each grabbing a hand and squeezing tightly as she desperately tried to hold herself together.
Breaking formation to leave the stage while Papa took his final bows, Mountain pulled Cirrus close to his side.
“C'mon Anemone, let's get out of here.”
The taxi ride back to the hotel was similarly torture. Still curled into Mountain, Cirrus was sat opposite Cumulus and Aurora who seemingly hadn’t stopped their conversation since they left the stage. She had figured it was probably better than sharing the other taxi with either of the two loved-up couples, but with the way the pair of ghoulettes were giggling like they were in a teen movie, she wasn’t so sure. Cirrus tried to focus on Mountain’s warm presence next to her, and he gave her another comforting squeeze, feeling her discomfort.
Arriving at the hotel, the room pairings were the same as they had been since the start of the tour; both pairs of mated ghouls together, and the two new ghouls sharing. Rain and Dewdrop had scuttled off to their room almost immediately, barely pausing to wish the others good night. Cirrus hoped she’d get a chance to talk with Cumulus tonight, she was desperate to find out what the kiss had meant – was it just on-stage acting or was it something more?
As the group went to part ways in the corridor, Aurora caught hold of Cumulus’s sleeve,
“Hey Lulu, it’s not that late and we have tomorrow off, we should go out dancing!”
Cirrus blanched at the use of her nickname for Cumulus, but tried to keep her face neutral as she dove towards her hotel room,
“I think I’m going to turn in early, goodnight everyone.”
“Riri, wait-” said Cumulus, but it was too late, as the door fell shut. Cirrus threw her bags into the corner of the room, kicked off her shoes, and curled up in the middle of the king-size bed. Every fibre of her being ached for Cumulus to follow her into her room, but equally she wasn’t in the mood to host a ghoulette slumber party in their room tonight if Aurora followed.
She sat there silently, hugging her knees to her chest as if she could hold all her emotions in that way, until the corridor went silent, voices disappearing behind closed doors.
Robotically she went about changing out of her travel clothes into pyjamas, pulling one of Cumulus’s old and worn band shirts over her head and breathing her lingering scent in deeply. She crawled into the too-large, too-cold bed and wondered how she was ever meant to get any sleep.
A short while later, she heard doors opening and closing, as the ghouls who weren’t totally wiped out from the ritual headed out to a nearby bar. Normally Cirrus would’ve jumped at the chance of a night of human fun in a new city.
Nothing brought her more joy than seeing her mate being truly carefree, dancing under a rainbow of lights, her porcelain skin glowing like opal. Always the most beautiful creature to have ever set foot in whichever dingy venue they ended up in, her breezy laugh more melodious than any music playing. Her tongue loosened by alcohol, she would coo sweet – and increasingly salacious – thoughts in Cirrus’ ear until the pair would stumble back to their hotel room. All soft words and softer hands, Cirrus would make a point of showing Cumulus exactly how beautiful she was, wringing sweet sounds from her until the sun rose outside their curtains.
But tonight, as Cirrus’ shoulders shook with silent tears, she couldn’t help but wonder if Aurora would be the one to worship at the altar of her exquisite mate.
An indeterminate number of sleepless hours later, she heard the voices of her packmates again. She waited hopefully for any sign of Cumulus coming to her room, until the corridor was quiet once more. A gentle knock on the door had her falling out of bed in her haste to rip it open, only to be faced with the hulking shadow of a recently-awakened Mountain with a blanket pulled up over his head. Cirrus tried to hide how her shoulders sank, her hopes of seeing her mate dashed.
“Sorry Cir, Swiss brought Phantom back to our room, and they’re doing loud and unspeakable things I want no part in.” he apologised sheepishly. Cirrus motioned silently towards the bed. At least she might get some sleep now, she never slept well alone.
“Thanks.” He muttered, shuffling in. “Lus gone back to Rory’s?”
“I guess so…” Cirrus shrugged, climbing back into the bed and curling up in Mountain’s offered arms. “Night Mounty.”
“Goodnight, Windflower.”
The next morning at breakfast, Cumulus plopped herself down next to Cirrus, herself and Mountain the only ones to have emerged so far, and leaned in to press a chaste kiss to her cheek. Cirrus gave her a wan smile, staying sat stiffly upright in her chair before looking back down at her plate of food.
As they ate, Cirrus could see Cumulus shooting her worried glances out the corner of her eye. She did her best to ignore them, trying to keep her emotions in check. Nibbling on some fruit she had no appetite for, Cirrus did her best to block out Cumulus’ citrus and lavender scent washing over her, it tasted acrid and burnt in her mouth. She heard Aurora continuing to chatter away, her normally bell-like voice grating on Cirrus’ sensitive ears.
Abruptly, she stood up, her chair screeching on the cheap hotel flooring. Cirrus made a break back to her room, already feeling tears pricking at her eyes again. In the back of her mind, she heard Cumulus’ concerned voice over the ringing in her ears.
She slammed the hotel door behind her with too much force, before collapsing face forward into the tangle of sheets. Not even a minute later, she heard gentle knocking, and Cumulus calling her name from the other side of the door.
“Ciri? What's wrong sweetheart?”
Cirrus pressed a pillow over her head, hoping to drown out her voice.
“Will you let me in Stormcloud? Please talk to me, love!”
Throwing herself to her feet and stumbling back to the door, Cirrus wrenched it open with an anguished howl,
“How can you call me that! Aurora's clearly your love now!”
"Whatever do you mean?”
Cirrus drew a ragged breath, sure every emotion she’d felt over the past few days was painted on her tearstained face,
“You've been spending all your time with her, you've ignored me since the last ritual, and you kissed her, it's like you've forgotten all about me! We're meant to be bonded!”
“Oh sweetheart...” Cumulus reached out her arms to Cirrus, who fell into them as sobs wracked her body, letting Cumulus guide her back into her room and into an armchair. “I'm so sorry I made you feel that way, I just wanted Aurora to feel included, I never meant to make you feel like I'd replaced you!” Cumulus rocked them together gently in the chair, barely big enough for the two of them, her hair falling around them in a fluffy silver cloud. Cirrus held her tightly as her shoulders continued to shake, as if she could be ripped away at a moment’s notice.
“And you're right, I shouldn't have kissed her without talking to you first. I got carried away by the energy on-stage, but that's no excuse.”
“I- I just want to feel like I'm your mate again, I feel like I'm losing you...” Cirrus gazed up at Cumulus with a heart-broken expression.
“You'll never lose me, and I'm so sorry for not treating you like the most beautiful person in every room, and most important person in my life, because you are! I'm so in love with you, I'll spend eternity making sure you know that.” Cumulus was on the verge of crying herself, how could she have ever made her mate feel anything less than perfect?
“I should never have got so caught up that I ignored you, and I should've discussed doing anything on-stage with Aurora with you before.”
Cirrus sniffed, determined not to make a mess of Cumulus' shirt. “I'm happy you get along so well, I just don't want to feel second-best anymore. Not when you are my whole world, the air in my lungs.”
Cumulus stroked her hair, her fingernails gently scratching soothing patterns into the short hairs of the undercut at the nape of her neck as she spoke gently,
“You know she loves you too right?”
“How could she now? After I’ve acted so rudely to her?”
“She’ll forgive you. She’ll understand if we explain.”
Cirrus looked up at Cumulus with hopeful eyes, the longing for harmony with her mate, her pack, her family clear in the teal depths still shimmering with unshed tears.
“You always take such good care of us all, let me take care of you for once.” Cumulus clutched her tighter to her chest, the final remnants of Cirrus’ tears choking off as a shaky purr started deep in her chest.
“Sleep my darling, I've got you. Now and always."
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coffeeghoulie · 1 year
Mushy May Day 19: Ghoul pile/found family
Mushy May put together by the lovely @forlorn-crows
Rating: Gen
Pairing: Polyghouls
Words: 980
It’s Sunny’s first ghoulpile Up Top.
It’s been three weeks maximum since Sunny arrived Up Top. She’s still figuring shit out, with her limited grasp on language Up Top, learning how the humans work and her place in all of this, this whole Ghost Project thing.
The pack’s been doing their best to show her the ropes, her fellow ghoulettes especially. The eight of them eat together, go to practice together, rotate through each other’s rooms at night. Not even sleeping together, just sleeping.
As the summer begins to draw to a close, the nights growing longer and cooler, the ghouls start sharing glances at each other over the dinner table. Sunny can’t exactly make out what they’re trying to say with a raised eyebrow and a sly grin, but she mirrors the expression they make at her.
Dinner winds down, and without complaint, Dew and Swiss rush to get the dishes done. Sunny’s only known the two for three weeks, but this seems incredibly out of character. The rest of the ghouls go back to their own rooms, one through each door, which Sunny has never seen happen the entire time she’s been Up Top. She stands in the hallway, feeling lost, when Cumulus and Cirrus come out of their rooms each with a bundle of blankets and pillows in their arms.
“What’s going on?” Sunshine asks, eyes glancing back and forth between the ghoulettes.
“We’re having a ghoul pile now that it’s cool enough for all of us to sleep together. Come on, dragonfly,” Cirrus says. “Change into something comfy, strip your bed and meet us in the common room.”
She’s still confused, but does as she’s told, changing into soft shorts and a t-shirt that doesn’t quite smell like it’s hers, but she’s still new enough that she can’t recognize the scent. She may be more comfortable with the ghoulettes, but there’s something in Cirrus’s voice that Sunny feels herself having to obey. She returns to the common room, standing in the threshold.
Mountain and Aether have moved back the couch and loveseat, the cushions stripped and tossed into the center of the room. Rain takes blankets in every color and sheets and pillows, arranging them into a rough circle. Swiss and Dew emerge from the kitchen, glance into the common room before darting past Sunny to their rooms.
Rain beckons Sunny over, reaching out to take the blankets from her. She hands them over, reluctantly. “Help me make the bed?”
She arranges blankets, spreading them out. She tries to copy Rain’s motions, glancing back at him. “What are we doing?”
Rain raises an eyebrow at her. “Making a bed. We’re having a ghoul pile tonight. All of us sleeping together. Just sleeping in a big ole pile.”
“I’m a grown ghoul,” she says, crossing her arms over her chest defensively. “I don’t need to sleep in a kit pile.”
“Didn’t your pack in the Pit have ghoul piles?” Rain asks, cocking his head at her.
“My pack?” Sunny asks.
“Yeah,” Rain says, “The ghouls you lived with, your family.”
“I… I didn’t live with anyone, not after I became an adult. Got chased out. Did you live with other people?”
“Oh,” Rain breathes. “Oh, Sunny. We were, at least most of us, Swiss might be the exception, but most of us were parts of big packs before we were summoned. I lived with my parents’ pack for a couple hundred years after I became an adult. I’m still relatively new to this pack, not as new as you, of course, but we all mostly have similar stories.”
Sunny sits back on her haunches. “Huh.”
“If you’re not comfortable sleeping with all of us together, I certainly wouldn’t blame you. You’re part of this pack now, even if it wasn’t exactly by choice. It took me a couple of months to get used to all of this.” He gestures around them, where Mountain and Aether have joined them in fluffing and arranging the pillows. Cirrus and Cumulus come back into the common room, having changed into matching pajama sets. Swiss and Dew come back with their own bedding, seamlessly adding it to the ever growing pile.
Rain stands, taking Sunny’s hand in his cool grip and helping her to her feet. “You think this is big enough for all of us, sunbeam?”
Sunny glances at him, glances at the rest of the ghouls, and nods.
“Alright, guys, we’re ready!’ Rain calls out to the rest of the pack. “Sunny’s in the middle, sorry Dew, but it’s her first ghoul pile. If that’s alright with you?” He turns to her, a kind, shy smile on his face.
“Can I get out if it’s too much?” she whispers. Rain nods, running his thumb over her knuckles.
“We’ll let you out, of course.”
“Then yeah, I’ll take middle.”
Rain and Sunny lay down in the center of the giant, makeshift nest, nestling into the blankets and pillows. Rain pulls her back gently against his chest, entwining his tail with hers.
Cumulus and Cirrus are next, tangling their legs with Sunny’s, Cumulus laying on her back, Cirrus curled up on her other side, reaching over to take Sunny’s hand. They both start purring aggressively, eyes drifting shut. Swiss lays down against Rain, hooking his leg over his hip.
Mountain lays down on Cirrus’s other side, his long limbs reaching over the two ghoulettes. Aether lays perpendicular to the rest of the pack, letting Cumulus rest her head on his chest, and Dew, tiny little thing, lays across the rest of them, careful not to dig any of his bony joints into anyone.
He’s comfortably warm, and Sunny feels the safest she’s felt in a long, long time. She sinks into Rain’s hold, burying her nose into Cumulus’s hair, inhaling the smell of her coconut shampoo. Her eyes flicker shut, breathing evening as she drifts off to sleep.
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iamthecomet · 1 year
Hi Comet I don't know if you're open to requests/prompts right now but i've had a pretty shit day and was hoping for some Ghoul comfort. I have really bad pain in my knees and ankles most of the time and on top of one of them already hurting I smacked the shit out of my knee with the door when going into my house, I'm not someone who asks for help or complains about pain normally so i've just been dealing with it.
I love your writing a lot so thank you if you do this and if you don't 💜
This came in right as I was getting in bed last night. So, I wasn't able to get to it right then. But I hope it will still help now.
Swiss is in pain. He isn't one to admit it, or complain about it. He plasters a grin on his face through it. There are shows to play, he doesn't have much of a choice. The dive he took off of his platform wasn't just a brief flash of pain like he said it was. He'd bounced back and waved off Aether and Cumulus' panicked looks. Even Dew had come to check on him--which meant it looked bad. He gave them a wide grin and waved them off. Told them he was fine.
He isn't fine. He's not dying or anything. He's pretty sure if it was actually serious he'd know it by now. But his head still aches under the stage lights, and when he moves certain ways his ribs complain loudly. And then there's his back. There are no comfortable positions. He can't stay in one for too long otherwise it starts to ache. He knew human bodies were susceptible to injury, but this is rediculous. It wasn't that bad of a fall. Sure, he hit hard. He thinks he may have broken a rib, but when he looked it up the internet told him that they don't really do anything for that anyway. So he just breathes through it. Tries to figure out how to sing when drawing a full breath feels like a knife slipping into his side. He's fine. He's fine.
He manages to make it through the rest of the tour. No complaints. All visible wincing played off as minor. The second they make it back to the Abbey, he makes a b-line for his room. Ignoring the welcome home dinner, the after party, the celebrations, in lieu of a hot bath and sleep in his own bed. He plans to stay in his room until it stops hurting. Until he's better. He wants to sleep for a week. He doesn't even make it all the way to his room. He's halfway up the stairs when Dew and Rain streak past him, pounding up the stairs with energy that seems impossible. How are they not exhausted?
Dew hip checks Rain, and Rain stumbles, he catches himself against Swiss. Which would be fine, except the force of it slams Swiss' already battered ribs into the railing on the stairs.
The pain is bright, and hot, and blinding. He's only aware that he's dropping to his knees when they crack against the marble. He's doubled over, one hand still gripped on the railing, the other curled protectively around his body.
The pain knocks every ounce of breath from his lungs.
He squeezes his eyes closed and wills himself not to pass out, not to just give up right here. He's so close. Then Rain is next to him, wrapping an arm around his back. His touch gentle. And Dew is prying Swiss' fingers away from his ribs and kneeling in front of him. "What the fuck?" Dew demands.
Swiss cracks his eyes open and meets Dew's worried gaze.
"I'm ok," Swiss says, his voice rasping with pain. "Bullshit," Dew snaps.
Dew cradles Swiss' hand in both of his, running his thumbs over the calloused pads of it as he searches Swiss' face for the truth. Rain tips his head over to rest on top of Swiss'. "I didn't hit you that hard did I?" he asks quietly. "I'm sorry--"
"No," Swiss shakes his head, he tries to shake himself free of them, but they don't go anywhere. Rain remains a cool solid wall next to him, Dew's grip on his hand tightens. "It was that fall. I told you he was fucked up." Dew says, eyes darting up to look at Rain. He drags them back down Swiss. "You liar," he accuses.
"I'm fine. I just want to go to bed. Please." He hates the way his voice tips up at the end, the crack in it. The way it sounds like he's begging. Rain makes a small noise, but Swiss feels him nod. They both move and he's filled with momentarily relief that they will leave him alone now. That he can go into his room and be in agony in peace. But then Rain is hauling him up with him, that grip around his waist firm, and then Dew is fitting himself onto his other side, his arm around Swiss' hips.
"I don't need help," Swiss growls. "Shut up," Dew answers, as he and Rain bracket Swiss up the rest of the steps and towards his room. They take a lot of his weight, Swiss doesn't want to admit that it feels good. That he feels relief for the first time in two weeks. When they get to Swiss' room, Swiss pulls away from them and dumps himself on his bed, face down. He buries his face in his pillow. He wants to scream. He hears Rain go into his bathroom. Dew plasters himself to Swiss' injured side and cranks up the heat. "You guys should go back to the party," Swiss mumbles, even as he's throwing his arm over Dew to drag him closer. Rain comes back with tylenol and a glass of water that he holds out to Swiss expectantly. Swiss shifts up enough that he can take the pills without choking to death and then immediately drops back down. He reaches his arm out for Rain, making a grabbing motion as he does. Rain snuggles in next to him, hooking his chin over Swiss shoulder to look at him. He brushes some of his curls out of his face. He presses his fingers to the base of Swiss' skull, and rubs softly. They're so cool, the relief is instant.
"You're missing the party," Swiss says again, voice already starting to slurr.
Dew huffs against him. "What are you talking about? This is the party, right, Rainy?" "Absolutely. This way more fun than whatever's happening downstairs. Now, close you're eyes and go to sleep. You're going to the infirmary in the morning." Swiss grumbles. He wants to argue, but he doesn't have the energy. Between Dew's heat and Rain's gentle fingers on the back of his neck, the pain is dulling. He closes his eyes and pulls them both tighter against him. Dew kicks up a purr first, nuzzling his face just above Swiss' battered ribs. Rain follows quickly. And before Swiss knows it, he's sleeping soundly for the first time in weeks.
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Okay, but have you ever imagined how the Ghouls would react to your y/n crying over Eddie Munson's death??
"May Lucifer give me patience, cry more than a child"
Yes, this fire ghoul tends to be inconvenient in sensitive moments, but he doesn't do it with malice, he just can't understand why y/n pulls out several tissues to dry his tears while watching something on television.
"Come on y/n he wasn't even that nice h-…wait don't wipe the tears on my shirt what happened to you?"
Gradually he starts to feel uncomfortable seeing you in this situation, he wraps himself around your waist and starts watching with you, you can hear it almost only in a whisper but yes, the previously insensitive ghoul is crying behind the mask.
"He died… I liked him, he was rock… I'm sad hug me or throw you out of bed"
And you were petting each other until you fell asleep. In fact fire ghouls will go from zero to a thousand very fast in these emotional situations.
Let's go… Swiss is certainly a big fan of the series. He didn't even wait for you to watch to tell you the news.
It pissed you off and you wanted to throw the guitar in his face. When Swiss went to his room all he saw was you wrapped in the blanket whimpering in the Hellfire shirt that Aether had previously bought you.
"Come on honey, I didn't mean it, I just got carried away"
-The whole abbey heard
"Well… true, but allow me to apologize better!
He knew hugs wouldn't do any good, so after a while he comes back with some custom character t-shirts and mugs, and a doll.
"I'm sorry honey, I didn't mean to leave you like this. I bought this for you, I hope it makes you better."
And indeed she did.
You don't know who's crying more, if it's you or this water ghoul. He just doesn't understand why he's crying, he only does it when his y/n suffers from something.
"There's water coming out of my eyes, there's water in my eyes!!! CARDINAL HAS WATER IN MY EYES, I DON'T LIKE IT IT'S SAD"
Yes, a baby. Rain will try to give you lots of kisses on the face until you don't have "water in your eyes", will try to tickle you with his tail and will hug you like a teddy bear. If none of this helps, wait for the worst:
-Rain what did you do???
"I stole Dewdrop's chocolate for you and he punched me"
Oh heavens, as sweet as a child, he'll pamper you till you sleep.
Surely you must already know that this Ghoul is one of the most understanding among the ages:
"Tell me more about what you're feeling"
"I know it's sad honey, I'm here"
"Tell me more about this character, did you like him? A lot? Good, I also really like some things, like bananas!"
And you can be sure you'll have a basket of bananas on your bed to eat watching the episode.
If even if at that moment you reject the fruits and just want affection and attention, you can be sure that Aether will play a song for you and caress you all the time.
Like Aether, this ghoul does possess supernatural understanding. However, your form of communication is not in the words that come out of your lips or your touches, it is in his presence. Mountain believes that her presence there by his side at that moment might be enough. That's not to say that if you ask he'll withhold a hug or comforting words, but there's the "X of the question", he's available so that anything you want you should say to him. And from there, get ready for a strong and protective hug.
"Yes he seemed important to you… but now he's a pretty little star isn't he? Hell… I made her cry more, sorry I should have kept quiet"
You hug him back and both are still there, the feeling of comfort that the presence of this ghoul brings you is simply indescribable.
"How about… I draw it for you? It might not look good but if you leave it at the head of the bed, it will always be with it"
These two will definitely post about it, asking them to revive the character in the series because their sweet y/n won't stop shedding tears. They would be with you all the time and they would certainly be crying too, but one on each side hugging you.
"Can we do something to make you better honey? We don't want to see you like this any longer, it's sad!"
Get ready to be full of sweets and stuffed animals. They can even imitate Eddie scenes to make you laugh, as well as Aether will play something to cheer you up and after you sleep, they will have a conversation about how interesting the feelings humans have.
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yoongsisbae · 3 years
Handshakes of a Lifetime - Chapter 2
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BTS soulmate AU. OT7 x reader / this chapter is Jimin focused
You snag exclusive fan meet tickets, but as you shake hands with your favorite idols, something strange happens...
Thank you for all the notes, I’m a nobody author and this is my first BTS fanfiction so I didn’t expect to hit THIRTY notes on my first chapter! I’m so happy, though I thought I would have a couple more days to write before meeting my goal heh, I spent the night writing to keep my word! I have no idea how to do a tag list and I don't think you can have them for secondary blogs, but I’ll try to figure something out for you yessiii and Jellyfish!
I chickened out on the smut with Jungkook last chapter, sorry cries (there might be a sexy bonus chapter somewhere down the line heh), but hopefully I will make it up to you in this chapter :D
Trigger warnings: mentions of death, war, angsttt but not as bad as Jungkook’s chapter D: (while his was fast-paced anxiousness, this is more of a quiet dread), sex with Jimin. I suck at this please let me know if I need to add more.
Word count: 2.7k
Jimin raises his eyebrow at you and looks briefly between you and Jungkook, who just stares at you like he’s seen a ghost, face pale and eyes glassy. Trying to salve the situation, Jimin turns on the charm, giving you a crescent eyed smile while reaching out his hand. Your shaky hand grabs his.
Jimin is laughing. In a field. The tall plants whip around the two of you. You’re laughing with him, chasing him, or is he chasing you?
It’s so windy, you struggle with your hair as it covers your eyes and flies in your mouth but you don’t seem to mind, your focus is only on the man in front of you who roars joyfully back at you. Jimin jumps around you, lunging for your hands to make you dance with him, but you yell at him playfully and evade his grasp, laughing as he pouts.
Jimin grabs you by the waist and pulls you down into the tall grass, you both hit the soft ground with a huff and break into laughter again. The breeze whirls around you, making the blades of grass sway in a dance. Jimin rolls on top of you and pins your arms above your head before you can start the chase again. Fingers intertwined, staring down at you, his eyes are sparkling.
The door creaks as Jimin opens it, he’s setting the food he’s bought from the market down on the kitchen table while you continue to clean dishes. He pulls a book from his coat pocket and hides it under the bags making sure you don’t notice. You’re preoccupied however, gazing out the window above your sink, studying the sway of the tall grass as currents of wind pull the blades back and forth. Cumulus clouds move quickly in the light blue sky above. The scene is calm, you think, a calm before a storm.
Jimin slowly comes up behind you, fully intending to give you a little scare so he can watch you jump. His favorite thing to do is to get a rise out of you. He loves your angry face just as much as he loves your smiles, he can’t help that you look so cute when you’re annoyed at him.
He pokes your side and you yelp, but continue to stare outside the window. He buries his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling your sweet scent, rocking you back and forth, wanting your attention. He feels so lucky to have these quiet moments with you for now. You pull on his arms around you to bring him closer to you. You think you could live in this moment forever.
Jimin starts to tickle your sides and you wiggle your body around to face him. When your eyes meet his, he sends you a playful smile and you let out a soft sigh. For now, you allow yourself to soak in this moment, let his gaze flow through you and you gather it close to your heart.
“I don’t want you to go,” you finally speak.
“I have to, it’s my duty,” Jimin says softly, “I want to protect this country…I want to protect you.”
“I still don’t want you to go.” You pout.
He chuckles at your cuteness, “The war hasn’t reached our area yet, maybe-” he draws out his words, placing your hand in his and lifting your palm to his heart. “-I’ll never have to leave you.” He brushes his lips to your temple.
You stare at the full moon above you. The sky is clear and everything is still. Jimin’s hand is warm in yours. Your head rests on his shoulder as he quietly hums next to you.
You stare at his profile, your fingers tracing patterns on the ring that adorns his. His eyes are closed, but his lips curl into a smirk. “I can feel you staring, my love,” and he opens one eye to take a peek at you. Jimin starts laughing at your reddening cheeks.
“Am I not allowed to look at the love of my life?” you tease.
“Love of your life, huh? And what about after life, will you stop loving me?” He rolls to his side, bringing your hand up to his lips for a quick kiss.
“Never, I’ll never stop loving you.” Jimin senses the sadness slowly creeping upon you as your eyes cast down to the new gold bands on yours and his fingers.
“Hey, I’ll be back before you know it, nothing could keep me away from you.” He whispers to you, you think he maybe doesn’t want to say it too loud, make the declaration to the world, because the world might decide to prove him wrong. He distracts you by pulling at the hem of your top, revealing a bit of your stomach and he peppers kisses down your sides. His soft lips gives you shivers as he meets your exposed skin.
Jimin moves his body lower, settling himself between your legs. He pulls your skirt up slowly, letting the material bunch up at your waist. His lips touch your skin with more urgency, kissing the inside of your thighs. You watch the stars above you and focus on the way his strong fingers grip you, kneading at your softness. He bites the inside of your thigh and you jolt, lifting your head up to glare at him.
“Sorry, my love.” You bite your lip because Jimin looks most definitely not sorry.
He drops his head directly onto your center, snuggling into you. It would be cute, but you know his intentions are anything but pure as he nuzzles into your growing heat. His nose pushes into your sensitive bundle of nerves, and he takes an obscenely deep breath. You whimper and your fingers find his hair, pushing him closer, conveying your neediness.
“Let me enjoy myself, sweetheart.” He looks up at you with a mischievous smirk. Jimin’s gentle tone is laced with a warning. You push his head down again, and spread your legs wider in defiance.
“Hands above your head.”
You give him that annoyed look he loves so much. His sparkling eyes coax you into compliance, you play his game for now and you let your hands fall to the sides of your face, the grass blades between your fingers tickle your skin.
“You smell sooo good,” he groans. Jimin works to rile you up again, his jaw and nose dig into your mound, teasing you even in pleasure. You are much more aware of the chill of the night air on your soaked underwear.
Jimin aches for you. His growing erection pressing uncomfortably into the ground, but he wants to draw one more whimper from you, another needy sound, a second quiet moan. He wants you to need him as much as he needs you.
Finally satisfied, he yanks himself from you. Kneeling at your feet, he leans back onto his heels, and takes in your whole body, how affected you’ve become from his tortuous pleasure. He pulls the wet fabric between your legs down and off you. His hands rest on your knees, keeping you spread wide as you tremble under his sinful gaze.
“You want me?” His usual sweet and airy voice is lowered into almost a growl. You move your hands from the grass to cover your eyes as you nod. You hear Jimin’s soft chuckle.
“How bad?”
You shiver.
“Please...please…” your quiet begs are music to Jimin’s ears. “I want you so badly.”
You peek between your fingers, watching as Jimin undos the buttons of his pants. He strokes his hard length, his jaw relaxes and his tongue licks the corners of his lips.
He places his hands under the bends of your knees and folds you in half. You think he’s going to lower himself over you again, but he brings his mouth to your core, licking up and down your folds in haste. In your surprise you let yourself moan freely.
Jimin moves his body over yours and gives you a needy kiss, rough and wet. You taste yourself on his tongue.
He groans as he pushes into you. You clench around him and wrap your legs around the back of his strong thighs as he holds you close.
You cry into your pillow. You haven’t left your bedroom in days. His letters stopped months ago. Blasts in the sky boom above you. Men in uniforms had stopped by your farm some time ago, warned you to evacuate, but you refused, stubborn and heartbroken. Your house shakes from the explosions drawing nearer, books fall from your shelves and scatter to the ground.
Jimin rolls his hips in a way that drives you crazy, fast and fluid, you gasp into his mouth and swallow his moans. You watch him fall apart above you, trying to hold onto your own sanity as you tighten yourself around him, your muscles stiffening as you pull him closer and he releases inside you.
He hugs your body close to his, catching his breath. Removing his length he replaces it with two of his fingers. He can feel the mix yours and his wetness coat his hand as he curls his fingers inside you, twisting in and out of you with precise quickness. He groans and licks the sweat off the column of your neck. He fucks his cum back deep inside of you, his strong unrelenting fingers bringing you closer and closer to release.
You grip Jimin’s wild hair and kiss him deeply, lost in pleasure. He bites your lip as his thumb rubs harsh circles into you. Your back arches, so close to release, you shake like a leaf in his arms. He grabs the back of your head and forces you to look at him as blinding pleasure washes over you, loving the way your face twists in pleasure as you scream for him.
You’re walking out of the town bookstore, admiring the shine of gold letters embossed on the leather cover of your new novel when something hard hits your shoulder. You stumble back, you’re too focused on not dropping your new purchase. A hand grabs yours before you make contact with the pavement and steadies you. Clutching the book to your chest, you look up to the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen. Your heartbeat races, ‘Is this what love at first sight feels like?’ the absurd thought invades your mind.
Mesmerized by him all you can think to say is a weak, “hi.”
He laughs, and you feel a tick of annoyance grow within you.
As he takes you in, his eyes narrow. “Where have I seen you before?”
Not expecting that kind of question, you shy under his scrutinizing gaze.
He cuts the awkward silence, “I swear I’ve met you before,” he taunts accusingly. He tries to meet your eyes but you want to look anywhere but the man in front of you. No, you two definitely haven’t met before, you would absolutely remember meeting someone who looks as stunning as he does.
You take in his expensive suit, the dignified way he holds himself and feel even more out of place than you normally do in the bustling area. You don’t come into town often, only venturing out for the necessities, like when you have to pay the property taxes on your farm, or when you need a new book to quell your boredom after a long day of harvesting; only the necessities.
Jimin invades your space, forcing you to look at him. “I feel like-” He tries to put into words what he’s feeling, the words he’s searching for dance on the back of his tongue just out of reach, it exasperates him in the same way he’s struggling to place your face in the memories of his past.
You watch as he runs a hand through his kept hair and looks over your shoulder, to the place he was heading before crashing into you, struggling with the decision to leave. Now that he’s preoccupied, you have a better look, and you do admit there is a familiarity to his face. His presence reminds you of a kind of peacefulness of an old friend. It gives you a bit of courage.
“Maybe-” you stutter, “-if you're not busy! We could, eat lunch together? I was going to...I was going to stop for lunch before going home.” You start feeling annoyed at the clumsiness of your words, immediately regretting your offer.
You are taken aback by his laughing. He’s laughing at you. This man, whom you definitely don’t know, is irritating. You pinch the bridge of your nose, but when you look at Jimin again he is smiling down at you so brightly you can’t help but feel a bit silly, your own lips curling upward.
You try again, more calmly. “There’s a cafe I like down there,” you point in the opposite direction he was heading. “Would you like to join me?”
Jimin tugs on the tip of your pointed finger, “Let’s go.”
The sound of his laughter echos in your ears, but Jimin is not laughing at you now. You gripped each other's hand for only a moment, not even long enough to shake, and let eachother go.
Your hand is still up in the air, as you stand frozen in place, trying to make sense of what just happened. What happened again.
The man in front of you stands as still as a statue, his eyes bore into you as he takes in your visage. You can only stare dumbly back. There’s a compulsion in you to reach out to him, embrace him, but you definitely know that would be a horrible idea. You would be tackled, probably arrested. Probably given the equivalency to a 21st century banishment by Armies.
Your nerves are frayed now, you can feel your heart beating out of your chest. What are you supposed to be doing again? That’s right, you are standing in the middle of a fanmeet like a terrified scarecrow and unintentionally causing a scene. First Jungkook, now Jimin. This is really not how you thought today was going to go, this is not what you had prepared for. What in the hell is happening to you?
Jimin has yet to budge an inch, and although he’s trained his face to stay calm and impassive, his hands are clenched by his sides, he’s afraid if he relaxes he’ll do something he will regret. He stares you down, and silently wishes you’d look at him. The awkward way you’re standing in front of him, he wants to laugh at you. He wants to grab your chin and force your attention to him. He wants to touch your hand again.
The girl next to you moves down the line and you have no choice but to put yourself back into action. Your thoughts are a whirlwind, images of Jungkook and now Jimin play in your mind and you feel like you’re losing a grip on reality.
You try to calm yourself down, playing them off as random fantasies due to the situation you’re in. Yes, you’re daydreaming, ‘why are you daydreaming about BTS when they are literally right in front of you now, y/n!’ Perhaps you’ve become delusional, was it the wait that got to you, when was the last time you ate? The image of an old cafe in the back of your mind taunts you, you try to silence the sounds in your head: Jimin’s laughs, his sweet words of affection, his moans...
‘C’mon y/n, you always wanted to meet them and now you are ruining it! Please please get it together.’ your own inner voice screams above the sounds in your head. You can’t let your actual reality be ruined by your wild day dreams.
You stand in front of Jung Hoseok, who radiates every bit of sunshine and cheerfulness you’ve only experienced from computer screens. His eyes look a bit worried but he easily masks it behind his bright smile. He gives you a playful shrug of his shoulders making a friendly sound waiting for you to grasp his hand.
You pause, as crazy as it sounds, now you’re not so sure you want to grab his hand.
But you have a special place in your heart for J-hope. It still bothers you to this day how fans used to ignore him and make him feel anything less than the magnificent human being he is, deserving of all the love in the world. So gathering up what's left of your nerve you grab his hand firmly.
So-this is my dilemma. Remember how I’m writing this from a dream I had, yeah? In my dream, the most vivid parts involved Jungkook, Jimin, Jin, and my sweet bb Yoongs. However, Hoseok happens to be up next in line. I vaguely remember what happened, but the much needed details are not there. I’m working on it! I’ll get there, but it might take a bit longer. But after Hobi is Jin so we will be back on track! In the meantime, let me know what you think or ask me questions (I didn’t realize anon is automatically turned off in new blogs, but it’s up now so feel free to ask away), it would make my day!
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ohheyitsokay · 3 years
Okay I’m super curious to see how you handle #4 on the soulmate list! As for the character, maybe Din? I love the idea of him sitting alone in the Crest when everything is quiet, just writing messages back and forth on his skin to his soulmate 🥺 - ScribbledGhost
Hi Ghost :)
I did my darndest to keep this drabble length but thank you, as always, for the inspiration!
Wordcount: 1.1k
No warnings, only run-on sentences and a cumulus cloud's worth of fluff
Din was excited to get home. Excited to launch into hyperspace, excited to put the bounty in the carbonite and the little one to bed, and exited to let the armor fall off his body onto the floor.
Weeks ago, before you, this had been the worst part of the day. It was quiet and boring and lonely, looking at all the stars flying by, or sitting, vulnerable, in the darkness of his room. Now he felt as giddy as the child during snack time, eager and restless to shed his layers and be with you.
Well, as with you as he could, for now.
The sleeve of his shirt was unceremoniously pushed up so expose the tanned skin of his forearm and his heart ached happily inside his chest as he read your last words to him.
Be safe, please.
Din wondered briefly how much he would judge himself tomorrow if he buried his face in his pillow and yelled. Those little, sweet, caring words from the love of his life were too much for him to contain.
Tossing the thought aside, he busied himself in digging through the compartments of his armor, fishing out the new pen he’d bought from the market.
Trying to steady himself through deep breaths, he wrote in his absolute best handwriting the phrase that carried him through the day:
For you, I am safe.
One more deep breath, and he added:
I missed you.
He had debated writing miss or missed the entire way home. Logically, it was probably impossible for him to come on too strong, but he was still nervous.
After countless hours filled writing little notes back and forth with you, Din was more than in love with you. Besides the obvious, your words told him enough about you to make him sure the universe had made no mistakes. You’d tried to share your faults, both of you pursuing honesty with each other, but between the lines your words whispered about the other side of you, telling him of a person who was kind and strong and caring and capable.
The desire to be worthy of you - for you - had filled him surprisingly quickly. Added to his new role with the little one, his whole world was upside down, but he couldn’t be bothered to care. To the universe, he could be cold, calculating, and powerful, but inside the Crest, under his armor, he was enjoying being… Din Djarin. Just a man, who might in some ways be an adoptive father and… and your future riduur.
You wrote back quickly.
Thank you, and then I miss you too.
As ridiculous as it would be, it occurred to him that he wanted to jump into the air, his heart making him feel light. Despite his long day, Din was pacing around his space, putting things away absentmindedly, and he was jittery. He thanked the Maker for his Mandalorian training and discipline, because without it, he was sure he would’ve made a fool of himself on his missions.
How are you?
Without a doubt, his handwriting would become decreasingly neat, but for now, it was still legible. Out of tasks to do, he forced himself to settled into his bunk, resolving to get a few hours of sleep at least… just after you caught up for a bit. Rest was important, after all, he was going to meet the love of his life soon. He could just tell.
The laws of this ridiculous universe prevented Din from just asking where you were, how he could get to you, but he was trying not to let that annoy him too much. His hands were full of chaotic green child, and besides, fate always seemed to be a step ahead of him anyway.
He hardly thought he could prepare anymore. The few weeks of talking had given him ample time to familiarize himself with your habits and needs, and he was confident everything would be better than fine if the cosmos would just let him find you already.
Whenever he was on a mission, Din had become exceptionally grumpy. He stomped his way to the cantina, huffed in his helmet through the interrogation, grumbled to himself as he laid the trap, got distracted looking at pretty clothes while trying to imagine what you looked like… And when he caught the bounty he might’ve been slightly rougher than he needed to be.
He yanked the complaining gambler back through the market to the cantina and shoved his way into the stupid building, traded the idiot for credits, and dragged his feet back towards the Crest before stopping in his tracks.
At the edge of the village was someone who didn’t belong.
From the three seconds he saw you before his brain stopped working, Din had processed that much. Your eyes were too lovely to be seeing only sand, skin glowing too much to be dusted in dirt, and most of all, you made his heart beat far too fast to belong anywhere but close to him.
You had caught sight of him too, and were floating towards him as in you were almost in a trance. Even in his full armor, you knew him. 
When you were within arms reach, you pulled up the sleeve of your shirt, revealing a little, mediocre drawing of a mudhorn.
He’d started leaving that as part of his final note to you three days ago, as an additional identifier. Next to it, in his handwriting scrawled:
Stay safe. It had become the unspoken - unwritten - I love you. 
Barely processing it, his own hands fumbled to pull of just enough to expose his forearm. The words there mirrored his, and you both wasted no time pressing closer to each other.
Grumpiness completely gone, Din was more than gentle as he grasped your hand. His body ached to hold you, yank you into his arms, kiss you, and he was never more aware of his armor, of his size. 
“Hello,” he whispered, saying your name with disbelief and adoration.
“Hello, Din,” hearing your voice, his name in your lips, it made his eyes infuriatingly misty.
“I know… I know I asked before but… will you come with me?” he had to ask, had to make sure.
You nodded, your hand clinging to his as he tugged you back to his ship, almost tripping with nervous excitement. Finally, finally everything felt right.
When he woke up the next morning, eager to have his first full day with you, Din looked at his arm out of habit. To his absolute joy, it read:
Good morning, handsome.
He looked at you, heart full, and your sleepy eyes affectionately met his from the cot he’d set up next to his. It was a good morning, indeed.
 @fangirl-316 @0celestialbitch0 @scribbledghost
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copias-thrall · 4 years
Could I also get uhhhhh similar college post but instead with the ghouls/ghoulettes
Hey nonny! Looks like we’ve come full circle and I can do this post for back to school! 😅 
Original post with the Papas here.
Cumulus: She turns into the ultimate mom: bringing you tea, making sure you eat, checking that your study schedule is on track, and ushering you into bed if you won’t do it yourself. She’s not really a good study buddy, but she’ll hunker down on your bed with a good book—her tail idly stroking or curling around your leg—and be a silent companion and a solid presence. If she notices you’re getting frustrated, she’ll make you take a cuddle break. “Come back to it in 20min, ok?” It feels like every minute counts, so she has to use her Ghouleh strength to manhandle you into bed—but you do feel clearer afterwards. Ditto for meals—she’ll sweep all your notes and textbooks off your desk if you refuse to stop to eat. She may be short, but she’s a force to be reckoned with!
Rain: He may seem baby, but he’ll take charge so fast once he sees how stressed you are. He’ll happily take you to pound town if that’s what you want, but he’s much more likely to replace your junk food with smart food and to lead you in some meditative breathing. You always fall asleep, but he just shrugs and tells you that’s what your body needed. Otherwise, he mostly leaves you in peace unless you ask him to help quiz you, but he always shows up at night to make sure you’re getting your 8hrs by snuggling you in his arms. When you gripe about “losing hours” of study time, he tells you that if his time touring taught him anything, it’s that a good night’s sleep will allow you to be more productive and on point.
Aether: He wants to be as supportive and helpful as possible! Should he help quiz you? Is it time for a snack? You want to take a break? Do you want a foot rub? Massage your temples? Every time you get into the zone, he’s “checking in” to see if you need anything and basically helping to the point of being a helicopter. You finally have to set up some boundaries with him: yes, he can check on you every few hours; yes you’d like a neck rub when you ask him for one; yes, you want food, but only at mealtime. He feels a little chagrined he was adding to your stress, but he’s happy that he now has a good guide for how to assist you in a helpful manner. He’s always ready to drop everything to be at your room in an instant when you call him saying you need your body pillow.
Mountain: He’s much like Rain in that he encourages you to take meditative breaks, but he’ll also pass you a joint. Not into smoking? Here, have a carob-brownie edible. And what’s with this stuffy room? He makes sure to usher you outside twice a day for fresh air and sunshine. You become agitated initially because you feel like you’re wasting precious study time, so Mountain tries to double up by turning it into a picnic. He takes you to his favorite spot in the woods—just outside of the Abby—spreads the blanket, and makes sure you eat a wholesome meal. Other times he’ll have you lie in a patch of sun as he quizzes you with your flashcards. And hey—if any of that leads to some slow, outdoor sex, then you’re welcome for the serotonin. Because he’s so tall, he’s not really comfortable sleeping in your quarters, but if you want to travel down to the Ghoul dorms at night, he’ll gladly share his bed for some much-needed rest.
Cirrus: She doesn’t have time for your shit. She will make you take care of yourself. None of this whining about losing study time or why chips are an adequate dinner. She will not coddle you. The first thing she does is toss out all your junk food; the next thing she does is draw up a strict study schedule. But if you sneak Cheetos and decide to watch a movie, she’s not going to punish you; you’re an adult and ultimately responsible for yourself (she can lead you to water, but drinking it is up to you). That said, she coordinates with the kitchen to make sure you have brain food for your meals, and she’s always on hand to help you work through snarls—she might not outright know the material, but she’s a quick study and a good problem solver. She’ll show up for lights out, happy to spend the night with you, but if you insist on staying up, she’s not going to argue with you, she’s just going to peace out.
Swiss: He’s not a walking Feral Id like Dew, but his first go-tos will be humor and sex. He’ll try to play keep away with one of your textbooks to get you outside, or he’ll use his tongue and tail to seduce you. And sure, maybe one or two times it works—but you can’t have him coming by every few hours to distract you. Fortunately, Swiss is a laid-back guy, and he listens to you when you tell him you need support not distraction. Now he likes to stop by and hand feed you your meals so he knows you’re taking a break and caps it off with a decent neck & shoulder massage. He’ll do flashcards with you if you ask, but he gets bored easily, so there’s a 50/50 chance he’ll start making things up to amuse himself!
Dew: His idea of helping would be to eat your coursework. If it’s gone, it can’t cause you stress, right? He takes a good chomp out of one of your books, then yelps when you scream and slap it out of his grasp. He sulks and pouts—he was just trying to help—and one of the other Ghouls (the Ghoulettes *cough* *cough*) has to give him a talking to after you kick him out of your room. He just doesn’t think too far ahead, but now that he realizes he messed up, he’s very contrite. He steals gets you a new copy of the book he ate, and he tries to be more supportive—even if his default suggestion for relaxation is a good roll in the hay. The tea he brings you may be cold—and he may have eaten the dessert off your dinner tray he brought you—but he also gets you out of morning kitchen duties and other daily chores so you have more time to study (just don’t ask how). Also be careful to let him know you want to earn your scores, or he might just stop by your professor’s house for a little tête-à-tête.
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flash-fixation · 4 years
I told myself I’d only do a short one this time but would you know it, I get going and it comes in at just over 900 words. Again.
I can only apologise. It’s very late here but I couldn’t help myself.
Anyway! Enjoy my offering for @flashfictionfridayofficial​ #FFF51 prompt. I really enjoyed writing it. This exercise has helped to solidify an idea I’ve been mulling over for a few months so I’m going to expand on what I’ve written here and see what happens....
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Deira took another swig of coffee from her travel mug and put her hand back on the steering wheel. It wasn’t often she got to drive with the roof down and she was taking full advantage of the weather. She smirked to herself as she slalomed her way along a road that had no business calling itself an A-road. She caught the smell of scorched heath on the wind and her lip curled in anger. The blazing sunshine had brought others out too, but these people didn’t know how to respect the landscape. Her right foot pressed the accelerator. The wind whipped through her hair faster. She thought she heard something in her left ear.
“What?” she shouted over the rushing sound in her ears.
“Slow down, for the sake of the Almighty!” Alia yelled from the passenger seat. She was squinting against the air and hanging on to her seatbelt as Deira took another corner too fast.
“Won’t. Whatever.”
They were going so fast they couldn’t hear the song on the radio anymore, it was lost under the sounds of fracturing air and engine revs. Alia had always hated the way her friend drove but she was yet to pass her test so this was their only option to get to the middle of the moors in time. Sometimes she regretted their partnership; today was verging on one of those times.
“I can still smell it burning, if we don’t get there soon the moors will be scarred.” There was flame and fury in Deira’s eyes. There was no talking to her when she got like this. Alia would just have to hold on and hope they got there in one piece. They rounded another bend and were met with a long stretch of straight road. Alia groaned internally but to her surprise the car slowed. Deira glanced at her friend’s questioning face.
“Sheep in the road,” she offered by way of explanation, “not going to hurt the little bleaters am I.”
Regardless of the reason Alia was glad of the relief. Looking to the west she could see the start of the storm brewing. Cumulus clouds had appeared swiftly in the past hour and now they were leaden. The land would lap up the rains, especially after the spate of wildfires recently, but Deira and Alia were here for their own reasons.
It wasn’t uncommon for summer storms to brew up like this over the Pennines. The spine of the country caught much of the inclement weather blown in from the Atlantic and the rolling peaks served to gather it all together until it burst. Long, hot summers often ended in a spectacular thunder storm that would throw pink lightning across the sky and spit out rain drops that seemed intent on inflicting pain harm rather than merely falling. There was power in these storms, enough power to charge dozens castings or bindings provided you stored the energy properly. Deira had built her apparatus into her car; all she had to do was extend the custom aerial and park in the right spot.   Alia’s alchemical devices needed considerably more setting up time. It was her hope that the appropriate amount and correct quality of lightning would provide her with the break through she was after. After months pouring over the works of Al-Razi she was sure she’d found the truth of transmutation. Today she’d find out if she was right.
“Where’s the centre?” asked Deira.
Alia scanned the cloud level until she spotted the thickest part of the formation.
“2 kilometers north west,” she said.
“That way!” Alia gesticulated, flustered.
Deira swerved the car off the road and onto the moorland. The vehicle did not like the thick heather or tussocky grass and complained noisily every time it hit one of the many divots in the ground. They stopped abruptly but it took Alia a good few moments to let go of the sides of her seat.
“You shouldn’t have done that,” she reproached her partner.
“I know,” Deira sounded genuinely regretful, “but we didn’t have time. I’ll make it up to the moors after we’ve harnessed the storm.”
Alia busied herself unloading her apparatus from the car. Deira connected her rig to the jars in the boot, closed the car’s roof, and extended the aerial. With eyes to the sky Alia located the exact centre of the storm and began to assemble the frames which would hold her flasks and alembics. Deira got to drawing a circle of energy around herself and the car, muttering invocations as she concentrated on the end of her knife and tapped the ground when she was done. Alia made the last few checks on her set up, got out her waterproofed tablet and began to make initial field notes. Deira sliced into her protective circle and stepped out, closing it carefully behind her.
“Right I’m off for a bit.”
“What about the storm?”
“The rains will come first. I’m going to direct some of it onto the heath fires and the townines that caused them. If I find their barbeque site I can track their energy and send them something a little extra too.”
“Do you think that’s wise?”
“Don’t worry I’ll be back before the lightning starts,” said Deira as she started to tramp off in the direction of the smoke.
“That’s not what I meant!” Alia called after her, but it was no use. Deira was already well on her way and trying to derail her was like trying to stop the tides. No matter, she’d be back in time. And there were still some last minutes checks to do.
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Could you tell us some things about your characters?
thank you so much for this ask :D sorry for such a late response, but ngl i got very excited and started writing shit down as soon as i saw it, but then it turned into an entire essay and i had to cut down a ton of stuff until i decided to write it in a list of some sort kjhgkjfgkfg
currently i have like 11 fan characters in total so i will start with 4 to not infodump too much at a time
and i’ll admit that literally all of these guys were made for shipping purposes, but they all have different personalities and dynamics with canon characters. i’m such a sucker for writing couples, so many things to explore, that’s like my favourite thing ;w;
it got very long so imma put it under the cut \o/ (hopefully it works bc tumblr has been pretty unpredictable lately)
sorry if it’s probably way more than just “some things” but i couldn’t help it, i just love these guys so much and i don’t get to talk about them often u v u
e n j o y ~
imma start with the one you guys are more familiar with
one of the cardinals in Ghost’s church
in his late 40s (like 46-47)
hardworking, ambitious
pretty composed
huge „your teacher from english class who’s also a dad” energies
his character can be summed up to, as someone has said, „he’d kindly but sternly correct your shitty posture”
currently takes the 3rd place of most „best employee of the month” awards (Copia is 4th at that time)
he and Copia start off as rivals for the 2nd place (bc no one can beat whoever is the 1st)
but wouldn’t you guessed it, they end up dating
Lucas has a fair collection of various rodents, including rats. Actually, he’s the one who infected Copia with love for them. Luc prefers ferrets (that’s a rodent right kjhfgkjgh)
he doesn’t really get angry, but when he does he really goes off
he writes poetry, which is actually very, very bad, but Copia loves it to bits which makes Luc feel validated to write more
because his language is so similar to italian, Lucas can implement a lot of spanish into his conversations with Copia, while the other will reply in italian and they will still understand each other (ofc there are some exceptions that result in miscommunication, but that just makes it all more fun)
Copia shared with him that he’s writing music for his album (even tho he wasn’t supposed to tell anyone) and Lucas was more than happy to help him in the process…which was mostly moral support and a few suggestions.
he loves calling Copia “cariño”, “mi amorcito”, “mi alegría” and other cute names in spanish
once Lucas mentioned he used to play flute and Copia immediately decided to include a flute solo in one of his songs, so Luc could play it. Unfortunately things didn’t go as he planned and he had to change it to sax solo
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The thing about Lucas is that Imperator sees him as a threat. She’s been plotting with Copia to get him to papacy for a long time, but in the end she isn’t the one who decides who will be in charge, so Copia has to work hard to deserve it. He was already a hard worker, but unfortunately Lucas works harder. It creates this dillema for Copia, bc on one hand he does want to become Papa and in order to do that he has to get rid off competition. But on the other he loves Lucas and he wants what’s best for him.
(i’ll probably post the pic above in a separate post with other doodles, i just wanted to show sth new and relevant)
Elise & Greg
Imma put these two together bc it’s impossible to talk about one without the other.
they work together in a company that takes art commisions such as paintings & murals and their restorations. They’re both pretty skilled in those departments, except Elise specialises in art restoration while Greg specialises in murals and frescos. And ofc one day they’re hired by the church.
they’re both pretty good at painting (but the thing about restoration is that you don’t have to be a great artist to do that, it has more to do with chemistry tbh)
They live together and have been very good friends for a few years now
they both went through some traumatic events in their lives, but maybe i’ll leave that part for another day (or i’ll leave it in my fanfic they’re from that i need to finish ;w;)
they’re very supportive of each other, but also they like to mess with one another
their chat is filled with horny texts about other people
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34 years old
a bit awkward, tends to stutter when nervous
very sweet overall, feels the need to be everyone’s therapist
autistic, which shows mostly through her sensitivity to certain textures
hates onions (bc the texture is awful)
gets very emotional very quickly when she sees cute animals. She will use her baby talk to speak with them (which is sth that Copia does too with his rats and once he catches her doing that as well, he feels less embarrased about it)
Cirrus was the first one from the church to actually talk to her and show her around, making her feel a bit more welcome in an unfamiliar place
she talks through her sleep. A lot. Copia finds it very amusing…and adorable.
she discovers that Papa III has fallen hard for her friend way before he himself realises that, but then she’s also the kind of person to not see her own feelings for someone
she finds working on restoration quite relaxing. It’s sth she can fixate over and do for hours (even tho it’s not recommended)
a bit of a workaholic
another thing she finds relaxing is sitting in a corner somewhere warm and doodling people she sees around the abbey (mostly those she finds attractive lol so mostly Cirrus and Copia)
eventually ends up with Copia and Cirrus in a poly relationship
she also finds Cumulus cute, but the ghoulette isn’t interested in another romantic relationship. the one she has with Cirrus is enough for her.
Elise’s relationship with Copia is basically two dorks trying to impress the other while trying not to be too obvious about it, while her relationship with Cirrus is bisexual equivalent of „shy nerd has a crush on a cool girl leading the cheerleaders squad and shopes she doesn’t know. She knows.”
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(had to doodle sth real quick bc i can’t believe that i don’t have a single good pic of him lol)
37 years old
Polish (bc ofc he is)
pretty stoic, might come off as cold
he gives cute nicknames to people he likes (in polish ofc)
he’s actually pretty cheesy and wholesome, but you wouldn’t know that bc he shows his affection through a language that no one understands (which is what he wants, he doesn’t want others to know he actually cares)
has some trust issues, so it’s harder for him to become friends with people
huge Scorpions fan. no, like really, he’s obsessed and will share his music taste with whoever will listen (which is mostly Eli and Papa III lol)
knows a few words in italian, but mostly those related to art after he’s been studying it for a few years. He doesn’t speak it, but he can read it.
he owns a guitar signed by Kirk Hammett (his musical crush)
he’s the kind of guy who will call the person he likes „my dear”, „my love”, „sweet pea” in his mother language and then tell that person it means „dickhead”, „loser” and „lazy ass”
his stay at the abbey is just laying under the ceiling and doing fresco for most of the day, visiting Elise in her art studio and dealing with Papa’s bullshit
Papa eventually starts coming up to lay beside Greg on the construction and watch him work. They tend to just lay in silence while a mix of Scorpions and ABBA plays from the radio. There’s barely any space for a second person, but Greg would lie if he said he didn’t find it endearing.
one time Greg fell off the construction and broke his leg bc of that dumbass (but it’s his dumbass uwu)
anyway he eventually starts dating Papa III
Papa purrs to Greg in italian and Greg speaks sweet words to him in polish (tho it took him a lot of time to get comfortable with that)
their relationship is your typical „1 brain cell and 1 dumbass” and under certain circumstances simply „2 disastrous dumbasses”
they once burnt down Elise’s apartment on accident and the only things they managed to save were the art supplies and Greg’s guitar
here are these guys in comparison to their partners in this silly style, bc all the other drawings are outdated ;w;
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45 years old
fashion designer commissioned byt the Ghost’s church
huge fan of old rock
for a long time her relationship with Papa III was purely professional. He came to her studio, she took some measurements, they discussed what he would like and then he left and they didn’t see each other until the next meeting to try the outfit on, to make some changes, or for another project.
well that is until she asked him to stop putting his face paint on so he wouldn’t ruin the fabrics
i share this popular headcanon that Papa III is pretty self conscious about his clean face, so it was kind of hard to convince him at first
eventually their sessions became that much more personal because of that
she’s a bit superstitious, believing that some things may cause bad luck
collects crystals with good energy
she’s in a way a modern witch…but it’s not like she tries to be one
knows french fairly well, which allows her to talk to Papa (who also speaks it) when they don’t want others to understand them.
huge mum energy
loooves watching conspiracy theories. Sometimes she will pick one of the more ridiculous ones during her sessions with Papa and will argue and try to convince him it’s true, making it seem like she fully believes it, even if she doesn’t – just to fuck with him
and a few times she actually did convince him. Then had to tell him she wasn’t serious and oh my god the millenials aren’t killing the pillow industry by going vegan
anyway at some point they start dating which eventually leads to them getting married ;w;
her relationship with Papa is very soft and romantic. they have the same energy as Morticia and Gomez in regard of how loving they are to each other
also some chibis of these two bc again, all the other drawings are a bit outdated ;w;
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