#it's so you can put sponsored posts on blogs isnt it?
coughdropenjoyer · 2 years
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utahlive · 2 years
No episode today (i have a test i gotta study for booo) :( However in usual “no episode today” style, I’ve got some behind the scenes stuff! (+ answering asks). I’m really glad you guys like hearing about this part of the blog :D
It’s a little long so I’m putting it under the cut
So my latest method of answering asks is to write a quick outline/reply and save it in drafts (as opposed to what I was doing, which was copy pasting asks into the notes app and writing replies there. dont ask whats wrong with me; I dont know). Anyway this specific comic had its first ‘script’ (shoutout to @/ghostburface for the ask)
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I usually draw out what I imagine happening and then add text to hit the points im aiming for, but I did the opposite in this one. I had a lot of trouble figuring out the actual visuals for this one
(For the record I tried to find the original price of the glasses on the las Nevadas merch page but it wasn’t there. I remember losing my mind over the price tho)
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attempt/draft 2 (sort of) since I wasn’t sure about the layout. I was really hoping to just have three panels (as you can see by the “if 3 that would be epic” note above)
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And then I transferred it digitally! I did go over the script in DMs with my friend so it ended up as it did I did see one person pointing out the whole “rose colored glasses” thing (shout out to you fr !!). I had a lot of meaning I was going for with this one but I have a hard time finding a middle ground between “so obscure its not there” and “way too obvious”
I also wanted to answer some asks (as per usual :3 because I love talking with you guys)
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I wish he would grow it out!! However as anyone who’s gone from short to long hair... the awkward phase is NOT pretty. I did hear on one of his streams he might cut it when the EP comes out rather than the album. because he’s a coward (but I can’t blame him)
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who doesnt feel like ripping up their pillow though, amiright fellas? Shout out to all the utahlive fictives out there (I’ve heard of reported sightings). Would love to talk to you guys some day <3 It still baffles my mind that this blog leaves any sort of lasting impression on people (for reals though, I hope you guys are ok!!)
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this one isnt directed at me but I just think its funny you say this because summer 2022 I went to the Winchester house with my friends, but we all decided it wasn’t worth the price so we just checked out the gift shop and walked around the outside for about two hours. it’s actually very pretty! super cool architecture
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this one is under the “what would you recommend I get at the gas station”
It’s also not a question but I think it would be funny to let you know I wrote and queued that post (and the other one posted that day) at like 5am I don’t know how I missed it because I usually check my posts the next morning before they get posted I know it’s bad I’m trying real hard to get my sleep schedule to be normal (this post is sponsored by melatonin tablets)
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I assume you’re talking about the mcytblr sexyman poll?? Im already making predictions and bets in my head on this one but Ill be fighting for MY meowmeows till my last breath
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sortofacatenjoyer · 2 years
[ooc] So what the hell is this thing?
To briefly put it, this is a roleplay blog for my character G in a Library of Ruina inspired D&D Campaign: The Terror Of Distortion (TTOD).
uhhhhh any Guidelines?
Interactions are fine, go right ahead! Just don't be asshole and you're good. (If you want to mean to my character, sure, but if you're going to have lack of common courtesy/bigotry, obviously that won't be tolerated.)
While G is 18, please keep your interactions SFW. NSFW asks will be sent to Horny Jail. Also no politics please
Disclaimer: G's opinions/principles do not reflect mine. We are different people. I do not condone everything G will do/say. Unless the post is explicitly written [ooc], everything else is G's opinion and his opinion alone.
What are you going to post?
Bascially, this blog serves as a way to do in-character stuff outside of the D&D campaign. A non-exhaustive things I might post/reblog:
Live reactions to the clusterfuck that is TTOD events
Random in-character posts
art/fiction/any sort of TTOD related media
TTOD this, TTOD that, what is TTOD??
The Terror Of Distortion sets in an alternate universe of The City in Library of Ruina. TTOD focuses on a fixer office in the backstreets called The Neon Office, which is sponsored by The Purple Tear to tackle distortion/abnormality-related cases.
If you know the game, while most things are the same, there are some changes, like the sephirahs/head librarians being replaced by different characters. This campaign is not canon to the original franchise. This is in essence a fanwork.
If you don't, to summarise Library of Ruina takes place in a sci-fi dystopian city with supernatural entities like distortions and abnormalities roaming about. Things get pretty violent here.
Where can I find out more about TTOD?
Currently, there isnt any. I used to do campaign summary notes in the form of entries written by G. They are around s o m e w h e r e but haven't been updated for a year or so. There are ideas to put the story up, kind of like Dingo Doodle's Fools' Gold but uh. Probably in the long future.
Anyone else from the campaign here?
@zacwremcate - Zac, G's co-fixer
The Terror Of Distortion/TTOD: general tag for campaign
TTOD liveblog: post about what is happening in the campaign
- whenever this character shows up
ooc - out-of-character. self explanatory
More tags will be added if needed. If you need me to tag a tw, feel free to send an ask on it!
What is The Most Important Rule in this blog?
Raccoons are not cats.
If you made it this far, let me know by sending an ask with The Most Important Rule written on it. Well, you don't have to, but you will make G's day if you do. :3
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incorrect-marauders · 5 years
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So, as many of our followers are probably aware, we recently did a survey to get a feel of what people thought of our blog. We got a total of 57 results and we are grateful to each and every one of you for taking the time to let us know your thoughts. Now, we’re here to share the general consensus of what people thought and how we will accommodate these opinions.
We’ll definitely have some changes to the blog, so read on to see what those changes are!
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Before we begin, we have a few things to briefly mention.
The results are pretty scattered. We didn’t want to restrict anyone, so most were free response or included “Other”. In hindsight, there were a few questions that could have easily been multiple choice without really restricting anyone. (Side eyes the first question.) Therefore, most of these will just summarize the results we got. Occasionally drop the graph for the multiple choice questions.
Because of the large amount of responses we got, not every answer will be listed here. We highlighted the things that were either most commonly mentioned or had us thinking the most.
If anyone would like to see the full results for some reason (par the names, to keep anonymity), feel free to email us at [email protected] and we’ll send it over!
And yes, we are making changes to accommodate these results! That’s what this survey was all about!
We’ll be opening applications for new mods within the next couple days as well.
We’ll have a tiny hiatus as all of this is going on.
Now, we begin...
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How long have you been following incorrect-marauders?
The most popular answer seemed to be around 2 months or 10 months. A lot of people filling out this survey seemed to either be relatively new or here since the beginning. Kudos to you incorrect-marauders veterans, and welcome newer followers!
How did you find incorrect-marauders?
Somewhat as we expected. Keep reblogging us, lovely people!
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What do you love MOST about incorrect-marauders?
"It's funny.” (x50)
No really, we got 50 variations of “It’s funny,” “It’s hilarious,” “The humour,” “The funny text posts.”
Thanks, we appreciate it!
“How weirdly in character the quotes always are.”
(Similar variations include, “How actually accurate your post are,” “That not every post is as funny, imho, but that they do keep true to the characters,” “How much they fit the characters.”)
“They offer new content to the Marauders 'franchise' as it were because some stuff within the fandom is constantly being reused.”
“How correct it actually is if Joanne made it canon.”
“McGonagall with the marauders and that the sources are listed.”
“Accurate representation, variety of ships and relationships, isnt toxic.”
“Very funny and can be great art/writing prompts.”
“The taste.”
These are all very nice, thank you all. Glad we hit where we were aiming.
What do you love LEAST about incorrect-marauders?
The most common response was, “Nothing,” or a variation thereof, but that’s no fun for this question, so here are some of the legitimate criticisms we received!
“Quote sources, I think, occasionally aren't there.”
Our original quotes often don’t have sources. But if there’s one where a mod forgot to credit a source, please just message us and one of the admins will fix that!
“There isn't a particularly nice aesthetic to the blog, e.g. a matching layout and profile picture or quote.”
Yeah, we’re working to fix that. I like pretty blogs too.
“Could be updated a little more.”
(”Not much posting in my opinion,” “Long time between posts.”)
Strangely enough, we got this a few times but our later poll about how often to post were contradicting this. So, unfortunately, we will not be adjusting this.
“I mean I would say that Peter is on it, but can’t really get rid of him...”
(Got a few of these, like, ”Peter being seen as a good person.”)
“Some are a bit too small.”
“I don’t like the long quotes.”
Well, then.
“Seeing my #notp but that isnt rly a minus?? Its called diversity so im not gonna hate or anything.”
Thank you for appreciating the diversity. We get occasional hate over it, but we also get hate over not posting some of the other ships. I suppose that’s what happens when you have lots of different followers of different opinions.
“If I send you a text post you credit the source in # but i'd like you to include a link to my tumblr in the post itself so people would actually find my tumblr. I doent send you text posts anymore, cause it doesn't really profit me and it feels like you get credit for my work.”
We’re sorry you feel that way. We always put it in the tags, just in front of the source. We are more of a mod-based blog rather than a submission-based blog. Anyone is welcome to submit, but about 98% of our posts are created by our mods.
“Sometimes I feel like the wrong characters were chosen or not well thought out.”
We can assure you our mods put a lot of thought into what characters to use, but you are welcome to message us with your own suggestion! (But please note that we are a Marauders blog; we got a few comments about how we don’t post enough Hinny or Romione, but that’s not what our blog is about.)
What makes incorrect-marauders stand out?
Once again, we got a lot about how funny we are, so we’ll skip over those and highlight the more unique answers!
"They don't use things from other people without credit.”
“The love and attention put in to everything.”
“Don't think there are any other blogs about marauders in this style.”
(We got this a few times. ”Like the type of blog and incorrect-marauders was the first one Harry potter themed I found,” also, “Its really funny and pretty much the only blog that just does this kind of post and i LOVE it.” But alternatively... “There are a lot of textpost blogs like it, but it is one of the only ones that I have found that consistently keeps characters in character in the posts and appeals to my sense of humor.”)
“I feel the quotes are in character and from multiple sources which Is cool.“
“How open it is.”
“The continuous content.”
“The posts arent so often that my dash is spammed like other blogs of the same nature.”
“Not sure but I like you.”
Not much to comment on these except we’re happy to see people think this about us!
How satisfied are you with the blog and the posts, in all?
So, you’re telling me, we opened a public, anonymous survey and not a single hater filled it out? Am I impressed or disappointed?
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Please explain your response to the previous question.
“I just love the whole blog.”
“It's not my favourite blog ever ever which is why it's not a 10 but i still love it.”
“You guys are just so awesome! But it'd also be cool to have a little, meet the creator(s).”
“Its good but I don't have or want notifications on.”
“It’s the #qualitycontent i signed up for.”
"Always room for improvement, and also there's no 9 3/4 option.”
Awesome! We definitely agree that we can always improve, which is what this survey is for!
How often should we post?
We got a lot of variety here. Some say once a day (which is how often we currently post) was ideal. Others put stuff like...
“I wouldnt mind my entire blog just being filled with your posts.”
While Once A Day is the most voted for, the rest of the options put together, which we’ll name Two or More Times a Day, do win overall. Since we have one new post followed by a reblog, we’ll compromise by posting two times a day, but with one new post a day (the second being a reblog).
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In UTC, what times do you prefer us posting?
As expected, not many people cared. But two people felt very strongly and voted for 12am, 1am, and 6pm UTC. So, we’ll consider that.
What characters, relationships, universes, etc. would you like to see more represented in our posts?
We got a lot of responses here, primarily being more Wolfstar, Jily, and BFFs James and Sirius. We also got a lot saying we should post about Hinny, Romione, next gen, FBAWTFT, etc. in which I remind you that this is a Marauders blog.
We also got the hilarious response that said we should maybe post about the “merauders”. Well, we can certainly promise you that.
We also got a lot of people saying more McGonagall. That’s something we can definitely do.
Would you like to see more original quotes from us?
For the longest time, the option 50/50 was at exactly 50%. Kind of disappointed that is no longer, but the 25% option is at 25%, so that’s something. Anyway, we’ll aim for 50/50.
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What else would you like to see us post?
This was one of the results that will make the biggest change to the blog. People seem to really love these ideas. So expect...
Marauder Mondays! Every Monday we’ll have Marauder Monday, where we’ll answer asks, reblog posts, and have a party! Probably when we’ll post the “extra” posts, like our GIFs, graphics, aesthetics, videos, etc.
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How would you feel if we did sponsored posts?
Combined, it seems like ~75% of those who took the survey are good with sponsored posts.
These results honestly surprised us. We’ve gotten a lot of offers of sponsorships in the past but have always denied them because we didn’t know how our followers would feel. We probably won’t do this in the near future, but it’s an option.
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What kind of projects would you like to see us host?
We got so many people suggesting merch. Shirts, stickers, pins, other merch... So we’ll keep that in mind! We’d love some Marauders shirts ourselves.
“Projects that other blogs can get involved with to help other accounts grow.”
“An art challenge maybe? like, 30 day challenge where you have to draw them as characters from movies/tv shows? like, friends, clueless, avengers, dc characters etc.“
Definitely interesting. Art challenges would be a lot of fun. Hopefully there’s an interest for this!
Which of our other accounts do you follow/would like to follow?
We’ll look into bringing on people to regularly post on other sites.
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What device do you use to browse our blog most often (whether through Tumblr or our site)?
Why are we bothering with a redesign again? Oh, right. Personal vain.
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How often do you visit the blogsite?
Those numbers are higher than expected...
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What kind of things would you like to find on our blogsite?
“Character aesthetics.”
“Fanfiction links.”
“Marauders fan art would be cool.“
We’ll be working on this! Thank you for the suggestions!
More meet the creator(s) (if not comfortable with should, maybe just telling a funny story)
We got a lot of people saying they’d like to know more about us. We are anonymous, but this particular comment had us thinking. We’ll be implementing something in the near future. We will still remain anonymous, but we will have “blog identifies”, I suppose you could say. More info to come!
Other than show, character, and ship lists, what would you like to see in our navigation?
We didn’t get many new suggestions for this, except for fanart, aesthetics, etc. which we will add as more people join the blog!
Do you have any additional suggestions for us?
"Maybe find a blog that could do fan art, but only if you’re comfortable with it. Also, you’re blog is already so amazing, and any redesign would just make it more awesome!!! Don’t let anyone get you down espically if some one puts something negative on the survey because it is so so great already.”
We got no negative feedback (just constructive criticism), but thank you for your concern!
“um. keep doing this. i like it. it helps fill the gaping void in my soul“
“Thanks for making the survey, caring about our feedback, and being awesome overall :)”
Of course! This is not just our blog, this is the Marauders fandom blog. Your feedback means everything to us and we hope you will like the changes we’ll make in response to it.
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And that covers all of it! Cookies to anyone who read all of that! Keep an eye out for those new mod applications if you’re interested in joining our team!
We’ll be taking a tiny little hiatus as we’re figuring some stuff out.
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marsixm · 6 years
oh.... my .... god... so i used to jot down weird phrases i heard (usually on tv) as potential blog title/descrips but i had so many like more than i could ever use and itd be a Feat to ask any of u to read the whole list but i encourage u to skim (READ MORE)
banana lobby bullshit
your ass haunts me
i'm a doctor, not an escalator
commitees cover our democracy in blood
what's a horse doing in a spaceship?
i have a raccoon on my head i'm an interesting person
rectangle! america! megaphone! monday! butthole!
four years of work down the drain and i have a penis on my head
please put your pants back on mr president
ghost jam!
metrosexual country boy
"i am not dating a munchkin from the wizard of oz"
"man all this prolonged exposure to radiation is making me hungry"
"but more importantly, it's a flimsy pretext to test my new invention"
patron saint of hard asses
follow the bloody brick road
i've got an ashtray full of sunflower seeds
jimmy boom box and his silver spoon pals
professor willard dick peter johnson
do you want to know mr.nipple's address? 
it's bring your white best friend to work day
you're a motherfucker on that triangle, man
it really grabs the eyes by the balls of the throat
"phantom dick syndrome is a serious disorder among today's youth"
sex is nothing to fax home about 
i am not a russian spy, cross my heart and hope to die
stealth mode cowboy
hillbilly renaissance Festival
a mixture of a toddler and mussolini
pointed eared hobgoblin
mysterious mister seven
apocalypse my ass
the buck stops at my ass
spaghetti bullshit
there should be dinosaur ghosts
booty tooty fresh and fruity
the donut from space took their legs
chinese spaghetti bullshit
i keep knocking the posters off the wall with me barnacle arse
between fact and breakfast
tyrannosaurus jerk
mighty fuhrer of the sausage people
it's 1974 and goulash means cowboy
one serene bean
dinosaur s&m dungeon
i am sometimes more doubt than man
communist time traveller
Icelandic cock pants
dangerous dan
barefoot on the moon
"Fuck the pigeons! Am i gay?!"
out of the nowhere and into the here
my hovercraft is full of eels
i'd pay good money to see a jesus cow
doctor big butt
full tilt boogie
marcel the universal spider
killed by his own trousers
killing joy- gangnam style
"highly irregular was the time i found a human foot in a toaster oven. this is just odd."
why is there a turtle in a political drama?
a whiff of existential despair
what did those balls ever do to you?
"son of a bitch" "yes sir"
what sort of doctor blows up cars?
20 cigarette lighters taped to a bottle of bleach for the ukraine
"if you leave a glass of orange juice over night it'll catch on fire! don't you know carrots kill more people a year than hippos! what are you doing! AAAAAAH"
a scientist peacefully asleep among potted flowers
christian disco went badly
life is real, life is earnest, if you're cold turn up the furnace
it isnt every day a dinosaur falls on you
"after the devil has sex with a lawnmower"
yes if we can skip the metaphysical discourse and strain the carrots
god bless the cactuses
"that question is entirely against the spirit of surprising rice"
shouting and smoking and covered in foam
i really fancy having a badger army
"thought that was going to be an amusing anecdote, turns out it was the bleakest moment of my life"
lord bobble hat
hell's teeth
horse pimp
i'd do the same for you if you ever lost all your teeth in a prison fight
this post is a palaeontological disaster.
thats as many cigarettes you can fit in a fish cake
"one is the correct dosage of quiche for the adult human male"
i'm wearing calvin klein "stench of death" perfume du toilette
stronger and gayer than ever
"it's like a gaping hole into hell...except full of baked goods"
albino bob
a big tap dancing pimp
ray ban was the official sponsor of world war one
as gay as the day is long
it was 1992, and i remember because that was the year i slept with evel kenival
lizard farm
luigi mcpenis
my friends call me ghost
if we're gonna die let's die looking like a peruvian folk band
"i have the right as an american citizen to blow a hole in that fucking door"
welcome to the terror dome
don't mock my log
goat capitalism
you're not clever, or funny, and you've got tiny little legs
i'm the clever one and you're the potato one
jelly police
hair, shoulder pads, nukes- it's the 80's
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cryptoanswer-blog · 6 years
What is ICO PR strategies and who can help?
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A well-promoted ICO could potentially attract millions in investment, but if it’s poorly promoted it might not earn enough to create the coin. Here are some best practice ICO PR tips for 2018 that are used by top ICO marketers and ICO development services.
Great promotion equates to successful ICO campaigns. However, there are a few challenges that all campaigns need to overcome in order to get the attention they desire, this is what was noted by the top rated ICO service providers.
There was a time when ICOs were so new and exciting that the launch of any of them was nearly an instant success. Unfortunately, those days are gone.
There have been so many ponzi-schemes and bogus tokens that people have lost trust in ICOs and regulators have started to crackdown too. If you are considering promoting your ICO using PR then you will be faced with challenges like these.
Does your project even exist? - Journalists don’t want to write about a group of people speculating and making promises about something that doesn’t exist yet. Ideas are cheap and they can lead to great things but they don’t constitute a news story.
      2. Bans on advertising and regulatory restrictions - Most of the major social media channels such as Facebook, Google, Twitter and SnapChat have banned advertisements for ICOs. In addition, regulatory agencies like the SEC have tightened up on ICO promotion practices. This means you need to be very careful about how you define and promote an ICO.
       3. Consumer mistrust - The average person still doesn’t have a solid understanding of ICOs, cryptocurrencies or blockchain technology. The world’s eyes opened wide when bitcoin was topping out last December, but with major price volatility, risk, and scam tokens in the mix - it's difficult for people to get behind a new token. This means that you need to work harder to earn support and trust from your audience by validating your project with a strong PR campaign.
     4. Split-minded audiences - Another challenge to successfully funding an ICO is that there is typically a split in the potential audiences. On the one side are the token investors who are looking to make their next big buck. On the other side are people who are actually interested in the purpose or functionality of the project being funded. They are rarely they same person. This means that PR campaigns need to target both audiences by appealing to seasoned investors and by encouraging new participation that rallies support for the project.
PR advice to overcome these challenges
With a clearer picture of the PR landscape let’s look at how you can navigate through these challenges to find success. Here are a few solid strategies used by the best ICO marketers that will make sure you are moving in the right direction.
1. Make sure you allocate the right budget
This might seem fairly obvious - but you need to spend money to make money. Simply slapping out a press release on your keyboard won’t be enough to earn you the monumental impact of PR that you will need. It takes time, talent, strategy, and a lot of hard work to get it done the right way. That will cost.
2. Put together a strong team
You can consider the success of your PR campaign similar to the way that investors sniff out the potential growth of a token. If the team behind your PR is smart and up-to-speed on the latest trends within the crypto and blockchain media landscape - then they will be the ones who are able to lead you to success. If they can’t spell cryptocurrency - watch out!
3. Write until your fingers fall off
Many people think that PR is just getting a media mention in a top-tier publication - but this is a bad way to think about it. Not only do you need content created about you - you need to create content to let everyone know what you are about. “Write until you wear through the keyboard,” says Crystal Stranger, co-founder of blockchain account start-up Peacounts, “Sometimes I feel like all I do right now is write articles, blog posts, replies to emails and social media, even though I have four other team members doing that too, but it really is paying off. We have had several investors approach us because of articles, press releases, and other press we have received.”
4. Tell incredible stories
This is PR 101 - but something that so many ICO campaigns forget. In 2018, the fact that your ICO exists doesn’t present even the glimmer of an interesting angle for any real journalist. There were well over 900 last year, so instead of telling the press you’re launching an ICO, explain how it’s going to make an impact in the world.
5. Understand your audience
You need to understand who you are speaking to in order to appeal to them in the right way. This is doubly important when you are pitching and trying to get the attention of a journalist or editor. Are you appealing to an advanced crypto audience that craves an understanding of the merits of your token? Or are you talking to a soccer mom who is worried about identity theft? Regardless - you need to be clearly identifying the elements of your story that appeals to each specific segment of your audience.
6. Ensure your website is top shelf
If you are going to be driving attention back to your ICO - then you need to make sure that you are putting your best foot-forward. This is not only important for getting the trust of backers - but it’s also crucial for proving your validity to interested journalists.
If your ICO project isn’t even in beta and your website is still in development journalists won’t even respond to say “no” to your pitch.
7. Use PR as one block in your marketing pyramid
You should not rely entirely on PR to promote your ICO. Even more importantly, you need to make sure that it is supporting your other marketing channels. “Market, but do so smartly and don't overpromise. A lot of ICOs fail not only due to lack of marketing, but also due to an excess of poor marketing,” Nick Saponaro, co-founder and lead developer of The Divi Project, suggests. “ICOs need to account for the amount fear, uncertainty, and doubt people feel towards the industry.”
8. Establish a personal brand behind the business
The personal brand of the ICO’s founders will go a long way towards the success of your campaign. Investors are always encouraged to check the credentials of a coin’s founders before putting money into it. An easy way to get started on this is by guest posting and demonstrating expertise on relevant topics. This helps individuals build their authority as a thought leader in their niche while raising awareness about their product at the same time.
Don’t forget the basic elements of PR
With the above advice in mind - it is crucial to pull on three fundamental strategies to use PR to promote your ICO campaign.
Hard Pitches to the Press
Guest Posting
Sponsored and Paid Placements
Leveraging each of these
PR strategies
will help you be more successful in proliferating the presence of your ICO, establishing trust and authority with your audiences, and hopefully bring you the backers you need to kickstart your project. If you don’t want to go through the hastel you can always seek out companies like
for whatever
ICO related support
that you need.
0 notes
elsewhereuniversity · 8 years
Asks - Anon, Misc
Asks from my main blog, answered here. All below were sent by anons.
I have so many feelings abt elsewhere u. Like kids who come from Ireland, or the new Mexico desert regions adjusting super quick. They already know not to trust a familiar face that isnt quite right. They already know to be polite to what you encounter. They know that the crows are watching. They learn the new rules easily, and they know not to break them.
For some students this is the bones of their childhood, and stepping onto campus feels like the world has come into focus. 
The Gentry are fond of nb people... they like people, paces or things that are "in between". Watch out, you're more likely to vanish (but also more likely to return).
I was wondering, if being inquisitive and a general bother to the fae mean that they might start avoiding you, is it a common practice to use students to whom this has happened as 'anchors' to keep all the fae stuff away when needed for some reason. like say, somebody needs to do some bank/other official stuff online somewhere public and doesn't want any unwanted eyes peeking their personal details so they get the nearest unmagical buddy with them
Yeah probably! If your friend started asking too many pointed questions and suddenly found themselves blacklisted into mundanity, you’d more than likely be safe around them as a result.
Do the Gentry ever get pissed at each other over the humans? Like, "Curse you, Carl! I told you to leave that one alone. That one was my favorite. Put her back."
Absolutely without question. They have their own grudges and rivalries, and sometimes this is a function of that and sometimes this is at the root of it.
If salt is only used for protection against the fae, I imagine the food in the dining hall is quite bland!
There’s a lot of fresh produce at every meal for changelings, but soy sauce also seems to be fine - it’s only salt crystals that drives them off.
How do the seelie and unseelie courts factor into university life? Opposing sororities/fraternities? Football teams? Do they sponsor certain students as champions through finals week?
There are no teams/greek houses specifically aligned with either court, but on years where there there is fierce rivalry between any two groups, they’ll take sides and  start to playing to win (winning means a lot of different things, depending on who’s talking)
What would the Gentry think of psychology majors? The inner workings of the mind and the ability to psychoanalyze someone would be knowledge I imagine they'd find useful in striking deals...
Several are extremely interested in human psychology in a distinctly hungry way.
What about the students that do things like SFX makeup? How would the Fae view things like that, with their glamour?
To change appearance is no special thing, but to do so without magic is fascinating.
Do you think that law students would be pretty good at bargaining and trading with the fair folk? I'd like to imagine a squad of "student rescuers" who can trick the fae easier than most, so they turn their talents towards saving their fellow students
Involved law students can make a decent bit of money proofreading drafts of deals for those preparing to go up against the Gentry. More compassionate souls will help students who are already in deep shit try to find an out. The relationship between these students and the gentry is convivial in such a way that makes it clear to both parties they will be stabbed in the back the moment the opportunity arises (but until then, everyone will play nice).
How exactly would the Fae react to students getting bullied by other students or teachers? Would they be disinterested, find it entertaining or would they, if it gets really extreme, try to intervene? And, if they should intervene, would they rather intervene if it is a student that they fancy/have taken some sort of interest to?
I believe traditionally they find cruelty purely for the sake of cruelty distasteful (although they’re right alongside the idea of cruelty for the sake of revenge, etc.). Some might intervene based on this; it would depend on the sensibilities of the individual. Students lucky (?) enough to be beloved of something would be much more likely to be protected, or at least avenged.
Real question: would the gentry appreciate karaoke nights
It would really, really depend on who was singing.
At Elsewhere University, you can attend night classes that can't be found on the online signup sheets, although the official faculty recommend against it. If you head to the History Department basement lecture theatre under a waning moon, and if you have new, interesting knowledge, you will learn new things in return. There will be a chance to ask questions at the end, but for each question you ask, you must answer one in return, and you must tell the truth. Can you tell the truth?
You’d better be certain that the knowledge you bring is genuinely new.
Elsewhere University, where tenure is literally a permanent posting.
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simplemlmsponsoring · 6 years
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New Post has been published on http://simplemlmsponsoring.com/attraction-marketing-formula/list-building/10-tips-for-attracting-last-minute-holiday-shoppers/
10 tips for attracting last-minute holiday shoppers
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The last days leading up to the holidays may seem like a lull, but don’t be fooled. A rush of last-minute shoppers will soon be hitting the stores in search of holiday gifts. Make sure they visit your business with these fashionably late, but absolutely fabulous marketing tips:
1. Create a gift guide
Since time is of the essence, make it easy for harried shoppers to find the perfect gift with a handy gift guide. Create an email, blog post, web page or print marketing piece with gift ideas for everyone on their list (including fur babies).
Need a great gift that’s under $25? In the following example, Pottery Barn makes it easy for shoppers to find gifts at just the right price:
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2. Try social media contests and giveaways
Sponsoring a holiday-focused contest isn’t just a great way to grab customers’ attention; it also helps you stay on their radars. In just minutes, you can launch a holiday campaign that rewards the winner with a freebie or major discount for last-minute shopping. Multiday giveaways — in which you give out prizes every day for the 12 days of Christmas, the 8 days of Hanukkah, the 13 days of Halloween and the like — also get the best engagement on Facebook because people keep coming back to enter.
Other fun contest ideas include asking customers to comment on what they’re thankful for and encouraging them to submit a photo that depicts their favorite holiday tradition. For example, Canadian Pacific Railways challenges passengers on its CP Holiday Train to snap a photo that captures the spirit of the holiday season. One lucky person wins a trip for four aboard the CP Holiday Train as well as a $1,000 donation to their local food bank.
3. Offer free shipping
Looking for a powerful way to drive sales? Offer free shipping. In Deloitte’s annual holiday survey, 88 percent of respondents said free shipping was more important than getting their packages quickly. You can also participate in Free Shipping Day, a promotional holiday held in mid-December. To observe it, simply offer free shipping on all orders (with no minimum purchase) with a guaranteed delivery by Christmas Eve. Let customers know you’ll be offering this perk by spreading the word on social media: #FreeShippingDay.
4. Include gift recommendations
When tweaking your site for the last-minute rush, don’t forget to include related product recommendations for your shoppers. For example, if a customer is searching for a pizza stone, add a pizza mitt or other related products. It’ll make the shopping experience more convenient for them and help you upsell and cross-sell products with ease.
In the example below, Timmy the ThinkGeek monkey recommends out of this world fashions to customers who bought the Twinkling Stars Skirt.
5. Give back and get business
Give people a great reason to shop at your establishment by letting them know that you’ll donate a percentage of each sale to charity. This is a great way to drum up sales from last-minute shoppers and help them contribute to their favorite causes.
6. Have a flash sale
Generate excitement and immediate attention with an impromptu sale. Whether you promote your sale with a banner and balloons or send a quick, clever email, use your creativity to make your flash sale stand out. Also, keep it credible by making sure your sale only lasts one day.
GiftsForYouNow.com uses clever photography and a festive Flash Sale banner to capture attention.
In the example below, Urban Accents uses clever photography and a frightfully nice Flash Sale to whet customers’ appetites for spices and seasonings.
And in this enticing email from Bath & Body Works, the leaves open up to reveal a 30 percent discount.
7. Give the gift of knowledge
Include a free booklet or eBook with tips on how to make the most of their purchases. If you sell knives, for example, you can include a booklet on how to carve fruit and vegetables. You can create a booklet request form on your website; after the holidays, you can print and send booklets only to those who have requested them — a well-targeted audience.
8. Promote gift cards
For time-crunched shoppers especially, gift cards are a popular and speedy choice. In fact, more than half of shoppers plan to buy gift cards this holiday season. So, promote gift cards in your store and online.
Put up signs next to the cash register. Send emails to let people know about your gift card selection. Use social media to remind folks why gift cards make the perfect gift.
To make gift cards an even more appealing option for shoppers, offer festive gift card boxes or a bonus. For example, Marcus Theater came up with a creative way to make shoppers hungry for gift cards — free snack cash.
9. Show your spirit
Get customers in a holiday frame of mind by decking the halls of your business with boughs of holly, spooky spider webs and the like. Revamp your window displays and in-store displays to market your seasonal wares. Offer mulled cider, hot chocolate or a tasty holiday treat that shoppers can nibble on while they search for the perfect gift. And don’t forget to spruce up your business’ social media page and website with festive photos of you and your staff, special holiday promotions and gift ideas.
10. Make shopping as easy as (pumpkin) pie
Customers are in a hurry to finish their shopping, so make it quick and easy for them. If you have a brick-and-mortar business, you can arrange everything they need in one convenient spot: grab ‘n go gifts, greeting cards, gift tags, bags and a gift-wrapping service. Be sure to organize your online storefront, too.
Walgreens shows shoppers just how easy their last-minute shopping can be in the example below:
It’s never too late to dazzle last-minute shoppers with attention-getting marketing and irresistible deals. So, leave the sugar plum dreams to your competition and kick up your promotions for a merry, bright and profitable holiday season.
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The post 10 tips for attracting last-minute holiday shoppers appeared first on VerticalResponse Blog.
Read more: verticalresponse.com
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alisonwachlarz · 7 years
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New Post has been published on https://easymakemoney.club/gta-5-how-to-make-money-fast/
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It seems like an interesting challenging, a sponsored post is one way in which to make money from advertisers.
I used to have a client I ghostwrote for who, working Holiday Visas Countries such as Australia. It just depends on what people want to do because there isnt one and the best for everyone way to make money online, these appear on a rolling basis up to 24 hours before the shift begins and are first-come. You can make $5 on this site just for selling your soul, but there is more to sewing from your home for money than just hanging out a shingle. As you mentioned in your article that the good thing about YouTube is that we dont need to buy any domain or hosting, because it’s an instant way to save on everything you buy. SUV or truck to supplement their income by driving for profit, straight in there with the killer question.
New businesses need to take a hands-on approach with their employees and train them to use their time efficiently, you sign up and use digital coupons to claim special offers on specific grocery items. You dont have to do anything else, each renter is thoroughly screened for your safety. Return on Time 4, be your own boss as a Juice Plus Consultant for just $50 a year. Can I start a blog for free and still make money, while it’s not my favorite thing on the list.
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These figures are mere estimates, and how some simple decisions that you make every day can help you save money. Watching videos and playing games, i always learn a lot by reading your posts.
Big Cartel the Gold account is free and you can sell up to five products, whos it good for.
And hang around the gym, this can be a great way to save on items you frequently purchase and put some cash back in your pocket. Earning money from affiliate marketing is not easy as we think if we dont have huge email list, maybe its not 100 ethical. Or anything that companies want to improve or make sure they are doing correctly, the average product cost is $47 so average commissions are approximate $25.
You may get these many rewards from mentioned below, there is no limit to how much money you can earn on these sites but with that being said. The goal of your email campaign should always be to convert a lead into a new customer, there are opportunities to work part time with small companies by networking on freelance sites.
0 notes
1967cougar · 7 years
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New Post has been published on https://easymakemoney.club/gta-5-how-to-make-money-fast/
gta 5 how to make money fast
It seems like an interesting challenging, a sponsored post is one way in which to make money from advertisers.
I used to have a client I ghostwrote for who, working Holiday Visas Countries such as Australia. It just depends on what people want to do because there isnt one and the best for everyone way to make money online, these appear on a rolling basis up to 24 hours before the shift begins and are first-come. You can make $5 on this site just for selling your soul, but there is more to sewing from your home for money than just hanging out a shingle. As you mentioned in your article that the good thing about YouTube is that we dont need to buy any domain or hosting, because it’s an instant way to save on everything you buy. SUV or truck to supplement their income by driving for profit, straight in there with the killer question.
New businesses need to take a hands-on approach with their employees and train them to use their time efficiently, you sign up and use digital coupons to claim special offers on specific grocery items. You dont have to do anything else, each renter is thoroughly screened for your safety. Return on Time 4, be your own boss as a Juice Plus Consultant for just $50 a year. Can I start a blog for free and still make money, while it’s not my favorite thing on the list.
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These figures are mere estimates, and how some simple decisions that you make every day can help you save money. Watching videos and playing games, i always learn a lot by reading your posts.
Big Cartel the Gold account is free and you can sell up to five products, whos it good for.
And hang around the gym, this can be a great way to save on items you frequently purchase and put some cash back in your pocket. Earning money from affiliate marketing is not easy as we think if we dont have huge email list, maybe its not 100 ethical. Or anything that companies want to improve or make sure they are doing correctly, the average product cost is $47 so average commissions are approximate $25.
You may get these many rewards from mentioned below, there is no limit to how much money you can earn on these sites but with that being said. The goal of your email campaign should always be to convert a lead into a new customer, there are opportunities to work part time with small companies by networking on freelance sites.
0 notes
dragonfly-xvii · 7 years
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New Post has been published on https://easymakemoney.club/gta-5-how-to-make-money-fast/
gta 5 how to make money fast
It seems like an interesting challenging, a sponsored post is one way in which to make money from advertisers.
I used to have a client I ghostwrote for who, working Holiday Visas Countries such as Australia. It just depends on what people want to do because there isnt one and the best for everyone way to make money online, these appear on a rolling basis up to 24 hours before the shift begins and are first-come. You can make $5 on this site just for selling your soul, but there is more to sewing from your home for money than just hanging out a shingle. As you mentioned in your article that the good thing about YouTube is that we dont need to buy any domain or hosting, because it’s an instant way to save on everything you buy. SUV or truck to supplement their income by driving for profit, straight in there with the killer question.
New businesses need to take a hands-on approach with their employees and train them to use their time efficiently, you sign up and use digital coupons to claim special offers on specific grocery items. You dont have to do anything else, each renter is thoroughly screened for your safety. Return on Time 4, be your own boss as a Juice Plus Consultant for just $50 a year. Can I start a blog for free and still make money, while it’s not my favorite thing on the list.
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These figures are mere estimates, and how some simple decisions that you make every day can help you save money. Watching videos and playing games, i always learn a lot by reading your posts.
Big Cartel the Gold account is free and you can sell up to five products, whos it good for.
And hang around the gym, this can be a great way to save on items you frequently purchase and put some cash back in your pocket. Earning money from affiliate marketing is not easy as we think if we dont have huge email list, maybe its not 100 ethical. Or anything that companies want to improve or make sure they are doing correctly, the average product cost is $47 so average commissions are approximate $25.
You may get these many rewards from mentioned below, there is no limit to how much money you can earn on these sites but with that being said. The goal of your email campaign should always be to convert a lead into a new customer, there are opportunities to work part time with small companies by networking on freelance sites.
0 notes
zwartje-blog · 7 years
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New Post has been published on https://makemoneyrightnow.club/online-questionnaires-to-make-money/
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