#it's so long. it's literally just a wall of text. so i don't blame anyone at all for skimming it.
sinnabum45 · 4 months
Wright family 💕
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[Image description: gray tone digital comic of Ace Attorney characters, Phoenix Wright and Trucy Wright. Page one: Trucy is 8 years old and she peaks into the kitchen to see Phonix slumped over the table with alcohol around him. He is crying and she watches from behind the wall. She moves away and starts crying, too. Text: “Daddy… Daddy is sad again…” Page two: Trucy looks up and clenches her fist with a determined look on her face. Text: “ I have to help Daddy become happy again! I will help daddy, then he won’t leave me!” She silently cheers with her arms up. Time passes and Trucy is fourteen. She is holding a wine bottle that Phoenix had hidden. Page three: Trucy looks at the bottle with sadness while Phoenix looks away feeling guilty. There are double boxes for the texts: “I’m sorry… I’m not good enough.” Page four: the comic is now fully colored. Time passes and Phoenix is putting his attorney’s badge onto his suit. Trucy is looking at him smiling. Phoenix turns to her and smiles back. Page five: Trucy hugs Phoenix with tears in her eyes. Phoenix hugs her back and is now crying. He says,” I’m sorry, Trucy… Daddy’s put you through a lot.” Page six: Phoenix and Trucy and smiling at each other with tears in their eyes. There are double bubbles with texts: “I love you.” End description.]
Links to help Palestine and other resources! 🇵🇸
[Plain text: Links to help Palestine and other resources! (palestine flag). End plain text.]
I have a lot of thoughts about the Wright family. Especially Trucy's experience being adopted suddenly after her father abandons her. I wanted to go into more detail about how the events in her life might have affect her, but that would've been very long-- I rarely see anyone bring it up (I could just not be seeing them of course). Her father abandoning her, then having to move in with a stranger (at first), then having to also live with and depend on Phoenix, who is struggling with his mental and physical health, and also being used by Kristoph and her adoptive dad in a way (making her turn in falsified evidence, help cheat for gambling, etc.). Also the fact that her mother disappeared and her bio dad literally getting murdered. There's so much more that happens to Trucy like-- BRUH give her a break 😭 I just feel like maybe these reasons are why she comes off like she has to shoulder a lot of responsibilities even though she is a child. She kind of takes on the parental role of scolding Phoenix when he drinks.
Of course, I don't blame Phoenix for struggling since he was also going through shit. I just also feel for Trucy as well 😢 Not every family is perfect, which is why I like how their family is portrayed! Even though they're struggling, they still know that they love each other and can depend on each other. It's still not fair to Trucy that she has to live/deal with the adults around her's mistakes and choices. I feel like she has a lot of trauma to unpack and heal from. I think that's also important to remember as well. Phoenix may not have been the best dad, but he tries and they love each other so much 😭🤲💕💕 I just love their dynamic. Especially how quick Phoenix just jumps into the father role 🥺
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rhiaarrow · 7 months
Hello, hello! The Ghostie with the penchant for long rambling walls of text here to give her unwarranted two cents on the current disagreement between the Tubblings and the Crows!
I'm offering my take as a purely unbiased outsider
(Yes, us Ghosties may be married to the Tubblings but when I first joined the Qsmp Fandom I was a Crow and a Crow only, before I died and became a Ghostie. Thus, while I like both qTubbo and qPhil I don't watch either of them often, ergo unbiased :D )
who has no real reason to attempt to villainise or place either character on a pedestal because to put it bluntly, they are not my cubito.
Without further ado I will begin my ramble.
Today's ramble of course comes with the disclaimer that with me not being a qTubbo or qPhil main there may be areas of their character that I'm not aware of since I don't watch every single one of their streams! Feel free to correct me on literally anything you think I've mischaracterized about your main just please be understanding that nothing is done with malicious intent! :)
I'm not attempting to paint either character as a villain in this ramble, I'm just publishing this in hopes to allow each community to understand that neither cubito is perfect and that's okay!
Okay! For anyone missing context; the current disagreement began when Tubblings expressed feeling happy that Chay was able to be a kid around qTubbo as opposed to being serious with qPhil then the Crows reminded the Tubblings that qTubbo is also attributing to Chay's hero complex through him acting as Chay's egg and asking Chay to protect him. Which has caused both sides to instinctively protect their cubito and is causing arguments within their communities.
As a Ghostie who is more than willing to write 1000 words to raise awareness, and is frankly sick of infighting within the QSMP fandom (it's why I left twitter, please don't bring it here 🫠) I figured I'd try to help 'squash the beef' if you will.
Polite discussions about cubito conflict is fine, going for each other's throats over character takes...yeah let's not do that! :D
Firstly, everyone has to recognize that Chayanne has an almost toxic hero complex. He's had it since the beginning of the server and while neither qPhil or qTubbo is doing it on purpose they are BOTH feeding into it!
He has an overwhelming urge to protect others with no regard for his own safety or wellbeing at times. In the beginning it only extended to eggs. As the older sibling he had a sense of responsibility over them, which was cute! But now it's borderline toxic although it's become so normalized as such a core part of Chayanne's character that no one recognizes it's no longer a healthy mindset.
Now Tubblings can make the defense that qTubbo isn't being entirely serious or that he doesn't truly expect Chay to put his life on the line for him but I watched him look Chayanne in the eyes and BLAME HIM FOR NOT PROTECTING 'HIS EGG'.
Even if that was immediately reincarnated qTubbo who was a little fucked up in the head, even if he no longer fully blames him, even if qTubbo was joking at the time, he looked that kid dead in the eyes and told him it was his fault. Tell me again how qTubbo isn't unintentionally feeding his complex?
Yes qTubbo allows Chay a more carefree space away from his overwhelming need to protect his younger sister and a space to be more relaxed.
Yes qTubbo is joking about a lot of things and a lot of the out of pocket shit he says isn't intended to be taken completely seriously.
BUT you cannot fully disagree with the Crows when they say that qTubbo feeds the complex too. BECAUSE HE DOES, JUST NOT ON PURPOSE THE SAME AS qPHIL!
qPhil is so used to his son being the strong warrior that he doesn't realize that that character trait is actively damaging his son's mental state. His attention is divided between Chay and Tallulah and since Tallulah is more open to talking about her issues he often isn't as attentive to Chay.
Is that a bad thing? Yes!
Is it intentional on qPhil's part? No!
Is it something the Crows need to recognize that qPhil does which unintentionally allows his son to continue to struggle with his hero complex? Yes!
qPhil loves his son unconditionally AND qPhil feeds Chayanne's hero complex are two statements that can and do coexist
qTubbo let's Chay be more of a child AND qTubbo feeds Chayanne's hero complex are two statements that can and do coexist
And as long as both the Crows and Tubblings are willing to understand that neither cubito is perfect and THERE'S NO USE FIGHTING OVER PIXELS then we're good!
- Sincerely a Ghostie who just wants to try to bring understanding between the two fandoms by utilizing her rambling skills!
AGAIN, any severe mischaracterization you feel I may have included is unintentional and feel free to correct anything you feel like I'm misconstruing, they're not my main cubitos so there may be somethings that qTubbo or qPhil mains find to be untrue to the source
HOWEVER if you're gonna call me out for mischaracterizing a character simply because I'm bringing up their flaws and you can't accept a character has flaws, kindly fuck right off :D
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hornystiel · 6 months
hiii!! offering my 2 cents on the subject of "old man". younger generations in general use it very loosely but it's without ill intent, rather it's coming from a perspective of "that man (dilf) is so hot i need them but i could never because they'd see me as a child so i gotta call them old instead". like they're out of my league but i'll blame it on the age difference you know?
and in destiel's case i believe it's affectionate, they're old compared to most queer couples represented and they're getting older together and it's hopeful to see that :)
~ a gen z mutual who's too shy to come off anon ly 🤍
hi! a literal wall of text ahead
okay i actually have a lot of thoughts about this topic and i really hope i won't sound rude but i just want to talk about it for a sec here. and below will be purely my own musings which probably won't coincide with a general fandom views on the matter and it's wider than this question and destiel but well
i totally get what you're saying about younger fans calling them old because they're too young for them but still hot etc etc. i know that's not some ill intent, clearly. however, what bothers me about the question of 'old' age in fandom spaces is this - for some 'old' starts somewhere around 35+ and they mean it (i wonder what they call a 50 yo? a corpse probably). and yeah of course for 16 yo 35 is twice their age but i wouldn't have even the slightest problem with it because i've been in fandom spaces since i was maybe 14 and stumbled upon people of different ages and backgrounds and we can all coexist quite fine. but what i see now (and maybe again, that's like a recurring generational thing, i don't know, i'm not that old and i wasn't in english spaces until i got at least 18-20 so) - those younger fans repeatedly saying 'you're 30 and in fandom? get out. go find some appropriate hobbies for your age group, like fishing hehe'. like it's fine to be horny over some dudes twice (or even more) your age, but people who in reality are not even that far from you, because usually it's 20 somethings who write such things - and it's a crime. you're suddenly gross. i wonder what those kids would do without all the stuff written, drawn and giffed by those who have a child on one hand, a full time job on the other, and their age appropriate hobbies in between. like when i was a tiny fan i was like 'holy shit that person somehow found a way to update that long ass sherlock fic while being neck deep in her family things and work i wanna be like them!" and it also gave me hope about the future of my fandom life. like age shouldn't matter. but now i see this shit, the whole 'more than 3 yo age difference is pedo' talk, 'adult creators shouldn't post anything because children can see' talk etc etc. and i know, of course, that that's the general internet censorship on the rise and neopuritanism is dancing tango with it but still.
what i'm saying - i do have a problem with younger generation using the term old very 'loosely' because they wield it as a double aged sword. you're either some hot dilf who can be forgiven for your shitty fandom takes because well you're hot (and i'm not talking about anyone in particular here rn) or you're a gross 30 smth in fandom space who shouldn't draw porn because teens can't click the block button
short answer - i don't like what the people who call them old add to their characters and lives when they do that.
long answer under the cut
all of that is what EYE don't like in most popular fandom hcs and i usually just scroll past the things i don't like, i don't want to start shit publicly (and because of what, takes?), but here you can read what i usually think when i see them.
first - if we're talking canon ages. 40 smth and this is dean's age at the end of the show - is NOT old. at all. i can't even call him that affectionately. because this is the tragedy of it all - he dies YOUNG. very fucking young, he didn't see any calm life, didn't pursue his dreams, didn't have a normal life and love and then he died. in a way, and i see some others think the same, calling him old is like 'welp it's not that bad, he lived long enough, seen shit'. but the thing is - he didn't? literally. so no, for me he's young, died young and it's fucking awful. not talking about cas here because well, billions years, old, young, he's everything (<3)
if we're talking about post canon fics where they settle. you can all burn me at the stake but sadly my spirit will just repeat the same shit - making them some kind of a wannabe hetero aging couple is not only boring as fuck, but also completely out of character for them?
what i usually see in the posts with 'old men <3' there
some variation of a white picket fence house
baby jack
dean being some kind of a soccer mom who bakes and argues with other moms
cas being more of a dad shaped thing who gardens and Doesn't Get It at the parents' meetings or somewhere equally boring and somehow still clueless about a lot of human shit
them creaking every part of their bodies (jesus my joints have been like this since i was 14, and my back is bad now when i'm only 30 where is my retirement pakige?)
probably forgetting smth but you get the gist. and, again, not saying that that's ALL i see with the old men posts and art etc (some hcs are wild and i LOVE them), but the majority? yeag, i've been permanently a destiel blogger for 4 years now, i've seen the popular stuff
doesn't all of that remind you of a typical heterosexual family on some conservative cable tv show? if not i'm happy for you, but i can't help but see how the roles are set in stone and i don't find it endearing at all. that's one reason. and also i'm a strong believer that a baby won't fix dean. jack won't fix shit and here's another stick to my pyre - i don't care about him at all and i think that dean especially should focus on himself and his own shit and his shit with cas if they settle together, not be thrown into the baby routine again. the fandom likes to remind everyone how dean raised sam and it's mostly true but don't you think for one goddamn second he would want/need to live for himself and not over obsess about bringing up another kid? sure he loves them, but if every person with dean's baggage were trusted with kids as a cure-al ...well. and again very hetero, 'you should have a child, that'll fix your hysteria!' i'll even say, very real life stuff, just not the one i want to see here.
another reason is this - they are freaks.
they are assholes, freaks, serial killers, undead creatures, bad people...who are very much in love and very soft with each other and their family but they are still freaks. and i don't understand how them getting old will so fundamentally change so many aspects of their characters that they become typical suburban mom and dad combo. maybe i sound like a person who doesn't want them to be happy, or who doesn't get the 'it shows that their life is finally calm and they can pursue Normal Hobbies and Raise Kids and Build a Farm (idk how that is a calm place have you ever been on a farm with animals that you should watch and take care and kill if needed. another talk for another time) and To Love is to be Changed' etc etc etc. believe me i get it all perfectly, just not for them. if it tickles your pickle, by all means. what tickles mine is cas getting the weirdest (and often dangerous) hobbies (and this is why i got him driving a motorcycle, boxing and skydiving in my old men cheating fic) and he's an impatient guy so i don't think he'd love gardening really, he'd be mad at the plants and kill them or grow them as fast as his grace would allow (yes i'm also against human all the way cas, baby we're getting a bingo here). and dean of course should have ties with his community and i've already talked about this but i see how they are out of active hunting, but still help those who are still in it (if the supernatural isn't wiped completely and i don't see why it should be), maybe they always have a place in their home for those who come to regroup or just to chat or smth. and dean is an overprotective and micromanaging asshole so he would want to still have the gist of it all (and cas would want to unwind by killing some things from time to time)...and they still sleep in the same bed, eat the food they cook together, wear matching tatts maybe as a wedding gift to each other, and have dogs, cats and whatnot.
what i want to say - i don't get why the weird and the sweet can't coexist. why should they lose all of their insane bits. they loved each other WITH them (cursed or not remember) why should they change so drastically to fit the 'happily ever after' narrative.
anyway i can probably write a lot more but that's a long ass grumbling as it is.
sorry your question became the starting point for this rent i genuinely hope i didn't offend you and if you finished reading all of this woah you are a hero <3
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noshirtnoblouse · 3 months
I've been feeling such a sense of dread, sadness and loneliness the last few weeks, and it's mostly all my fault.
Let's start chronologically
Toronto has become almost unbearable to live in
Public transit has become a nightmare. The subway is very unsafe, buses are unreliable, and the city keeps closing main travel roads for all modes of transportation. It's literally a nightmare to get around the city. What used to be a 30-minute streetcar ride is now an hour-and-a-half bus ride. Driving takes even longer. The main highways to get in and out of the city are literally always under construction, creating the worst bumper-to-bumper traffic that you cannot get out of. The long-running busses that connect the entire GTA have reduced service, so people who live in the suburbs can't get into or out of the city within an hour. It's so frustrating that I've gone on rants to people multiple times to the point of shouting in public like an insane Karen. All of this could have been avoided if the people in charge even thought for a moment about how this city actually runs.
All of the city's cultural centuries are being bulldozed for more unaffordable condos, and none of the infrastructure that supports more people living in these neighbourhoods is being updated properly. All of the smaller music venues are gone. Public institutions dedicated to education are being demolished in favour of more development to line the pockets of Doug Ford, the Trump of Ontario.
My mother's cancer is progressing, and she now has to complete a third round of chemo. She was hospitalized because she wasn't able to properly digest food. I still haven't told anyone because it's been 4 years, and what would I even say to my friends? I have such a weird relationship with her where all I do is avoid her, but I'm terrified of her dying.
She also keeps telling me I need to find someone because if she didn't have my dad, she wouldn't know how she would be doing anything right now. She keeps telling me that I need to go out and date and find a boyfriend because she knows how lonely I am. What she doesn't know is that I kind of blame her for my loneliness. Because she was the first one to reject me and now the fear of being rejected is so ingrained in me that I truly believe I am not worthy of love and that no one will ever find me attractive enough to date.
I've been so lonely because yet another friendship has disintegrated, and I'm not the most upset about it. It was mostly because she was a little narcissistic. I don't miss her or miss talking to her, but I miss having someone to text when something funny happens. She was also very up for anything, and since I no longer talk to her, I've just been isolating myself and doom-scrolling to cope.
I keep seeing another friend group who I no longer have a place out and doing things that they would have used to invite me to, and it hurts so bad. When will I stop feeling like that kid in elementary school who was excluded from everything. It's like the only emotion I know is being left out. The only consistent feeling I have is being forgotten. It hits like a wall of bricks every time.
I also wasn't invited to a childhood friend's engagement party when she told me she would have invited me, and again, seeing that I was excluded was a shot to the heart, and I'm sitting here writing this out with a fist-sized boulder in my chest feeling like I just want to die instead of doing anything.
And what's worst of all? I knew this was all going to happen because it happens EVERY summer. It happens every time the weather gets warmer, and everyone goes out, and no one is there to include me.
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sirenium · 1 year
Time to obsessively talk in depth about my Sonic head-canons, because I literally cannot stop thinking about them. This is likely to be a long post, so I'll spare you all by putting everything under the cut so you aren't forcibly subjected to the wall of text💀
Also sorry for the sudden increase in Sonic related content, it's just that my hyperfixation is slowly coming back lmao
⚠️these are mostly queer identity centered, so if you're not into queer headcanons you've been warned⚠️
Sonic: arospec, bisexual, trans man, he/him. Stealth. Is only out to Tails. Actively fights for trans rights, just doesn't feel comfortable sharing his identity with most people. Hides his negative emotions because he feels as though he has to be a source of positivity 24/7. Probably cries himself to sleep sometimes, the poor guy. In a QPR (queer platonic relationship) with Shadow.
Tails: (I don't feel comfortable labeling the sexuality of a literal ten year old lmao/lh), transmasc, he/they. Looks up to Sonic, literally aims to be exactly like him: he's the only other trans person he knows (who's out to him, at least), and he's cool asf. Admires his bravery. Tails sees Sonic as an older brother figure, and Sonic sees him as a little brother. They've got the ultimate brotherly bond, which also means they argue over the dumbest shit lol.
Knuckles: panromantic, pansexual, transfemme, he/him. Masc presenting, gives off egg vibes (not because he's masc presenting and uses he/him, but because he's hella clueless about trans people). Isn't out to ANYONE, not even himself.💀
Amy: heteroromantic, heterosexual, cisgender, she/they. MASSIVE ally, one of those friends who gives their gay friends rainbow pride merch(/pos).
Shadow: panromantic, asexual, non-binary, all pronouns including it/its, slight preference for he/him. Doesn't give a fuck about gender; they think it's irrelevant to who they are. Though he has pronoun preferences, if someone referred to it using pronouns other than he/him, he would literally not care.
Rouge: greyromantic biromantic, lesbian, cisgender, she/her. Secret mom friend vibes. Has the scariest 'you fucked up' glare known to man(/hj). Takes no shit.
Omega: bro is unlabeled, literally just vibing. Pronouns? Nah bruh (use he/him). A GOD at baking, doesn't brag about it. Can't cook for shit otherwise, literally almost blew up the kitchen somehow (how he knows how to operate an oven but not any other cooking device is beyond me, he just gives off those vibes lmao).
Less detailed HCs:
[plaintext: less detailed HCs end pt]
Espio: biromantic, acespec bisexual, cis, he/they.
Vector: aroacespec, cis, he/him.
Charmy: transmasc, he/him
Silver: panromantic, gay, cis, he/they
Blaze: lesbian, asexual, cis, she/her
Big The Cat: aroacespec, gay otherwise, cis, he/him
Time for the villains I've thought about:
[plain text: time for the villains I've thought about end pt]
⚠️trigger warning for Infinite, mentions of death and other potentially triggering themes (they're kind of heavy but nothing too serious)⚠️
Eggman: aromantic, gay, cis, he/him. Surprisingly supportive of trans people... as in he just doesn't care enough to not be.
Infinite: biromantic, bisexual, cis, he/him. Bro's in denial: he thinks all 'straight' guys have the occasional crush on other guys. Doesn't even know about the label 'bi' so he just thinks someone can either be straight or gay, and since he DOES like women he's convinced his attraction to men is either not real or unimportant. Definitely cries himself to sleep, and has nightmares about the death of his squad. Secretly blames himself for everything, has extreme self esteem issues but hides them by inflating his self worth. His life SUCKS; he's lost everyone who was important to him, just when he thought he couldn't lose anyone/anything else. He's also very prideful despite having low self esteem, and those two things mixed together give him an extremely fragile ego that's easily shattered. He genuinely hates his face, because as far as he's concerned that is the face of someone who's failed everybody, including himself. A 'pathetic' face. Would literally start having a panic attack if his mask were to come off for whatever reason. (Jesus this one got depressing, but I just put a lot of thought into his character because I feel like he has a lot of potential as a character that wasn't explored. Literally just 'lol he had a temper tantrum because he got beaten up and called weak' and that's all the backstory he gets? Nahh💀. I could make a whole post going into the backstory I made for him lmao)
Uh so yeah those are my headcanons–
I know I missed characters but these are the ones I've really thought about/remembered. If someone reblogs this, it'd be cool to see their own headcanons (you can also just comment them or like, message me or whatever/lh /nf)
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iamnotawomanimagod · 3 months
"being triggered isn't real" and then I literally freeze up and can't move for five minutes straight after a bad phone call with my mom lmfao
(very long venting session incoming, abusive-parent related)
I've tried to be gentle but relatively firm about what a bad idea her coming to live with us again would be, because it took three days for it to catastrophically break down last time she moved in.
but when fights get bad with her partner, she ends up calling me and basically begging to try again
I don't want to live in a triggered state 24/7. I don't want to walk on eggshells and pretend to laugh at her offensive jokes and deal with her judgmental comments and never get any time to myself ever again and always have to put my "people face" on in my own home
I don't want my husband to feel uncomfortable in his own home and not be able to stim and be goofy and carefree which is something he literally can't do in front of anyone but me
I don't want to have to move the litter box and find a new place for it, and deal with however she decides to treat Adaine that will probably piss my cat off, and I don't want to give up the room I have that is my own space and not anyone else's (other than the litter box lol)
I know people are supposed to respect their moms or whatever, but my mom put me through a lot - and I've forgiven her for a lot. but that doesn't mean I want to open myself up to new things that I will have to forgive.
she got dealt a bad hand in a lot of ways, and I really feel for her, but that generational curse worked its way down and I've done everything I can to just try to have a peaceful and safe life. and that can't happen if she's in my home. even if she magically became a totally peaceful person (unlikely) I can't just turn off my trauma response to her mild irritation and/or other perfectly normal human emotions like sadness/annoyance/bad moods etc. I will never be able to relax again.
and I'm honestly a bit bitter because she left so easily last time. I only finally caved in because she convinced me that staying in her partner's home was literally killing her, that the walls were leaking poison. she said she wouldn't last another week because of her health issues. she acted like it was a life or death situation.
but it was preferable to go back to that situation than to live with me, the last time we tried this and it felt apart. how quickly she forgets. and she ended up staying in that house for several more months, so it was never as bad as she said it was.
and I know my mom, I know that she has a really hard time admitting when she's also being shitty, and she tends to blame her partner for everything. and her partner is shitty! my mom's picker is broken! it's not my job to fix that, it never has been, but that doesn't stop her from asking me. because she doesn't have a whole lot of other options if she and her partner do split up. she has no income, no money of her own, no other options for housing. I get that she's in a shitty situation, so I don't feel great about trying to be firm with this boundary.
anyway when I said I'd have to think about it, because it went so poorly last time, she hung up on me. and I know I hurt her and I know she's scared, but that reaction also really doesn't bode well for general communication in a situation where she did move in.
the last time this happened and I agreed to it, it was because the topic kept coming up during really difficult moments for her (just like today's phone call) and I felt like I couldn't say no. and then I tried to delay it as much as possible, and that's when she hit me with the "this is killing me" line. it was a choice made out of desperation, not a well-planned one made in moments of rational calm.
I really wish we'd gotten a two-bedroom or a one-bedroom now.
she hasn't called me back or texted me. it's been like thirty minutes. I'm supposed to go see her tomorrow. not sure if I want to, tbh.
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erithel · 1 year
Not the other two anons from before, but just to give my 2c: it's more like whatever the other characters do, keith reaps the benefits. It's very main character/side character npc behavior, when they really should all be equal.
We can take hunk and keith working together to free Hunk's family in season 7 as an example. The take away and the character development we got from that ordeal was "keith has come a long way emotionally" instead of anything to do with Hunk. Hunk and his family was just the vehicle to deliver the +10 charisma to Keith. Because ultimately, Hunk didn't gain/learn anything from it and it's never mentioned again.
Or Keith getting to kill Sendak instead of Shiro. We're once again left with this "lesson" of "keith is the strongest fighter and will protect Shiro" instead of Shiro getting closure and tying up his own loose ends.
And we're not going to even get into Lance...
I don't think any of us are blaming Keith- but the writers weren't shy about setting up this divide between Main Character Hero Keith and those other guys who does things for Keith's growth.
It's also the common take away from new watchers of this show, people who went in without fandom bias or influence: Keith is the one character they come out saying had the best development and the best stories and they will have walls of text about his character. The other paladins are really just a "who? uh (generic platitude about them existing)" deal.
(I don't know if the below text is from the same person since you were both anonymous, so I'm just going to assume it was and add it on here:)
"Just to tack on that last ask. I ultimately blame the writers for the poor handling of...well everything. I love Keith too with all my heart. It's just not great seeing the writers act like parents with that one golden child and the rest like the step kids they feel obligated to raise."
As I said in a previous ask, I just don't see Keith this way.
I don't begrudge anyone who does, and I believe I can understand where you all are coming from with this viewpoint, but I just don't see it.
Of course it was clear in the later seasons that the other paladins/characters were pushed to the side (seriously was Coran even there?). That is just a fact.
But the way I see it, the only reason why anyone would think Keith got character development/better stories than the others in the later seasons was because he...did stuff.
It came across to me in a similar vein as when they wrote themselves into a corner - oh, look! All of a sudden Allura has the magic power to fix this! Woohoo!
I don't see this as Keith having any kind of character development. I see this as him just becoming the one who could suddenly do things.
"All your paladin equipment is being guarded? No worries, Keith can summon his bayard just by closing his eyes!"
"Need to add some drama? Let's separate Keith from the rest of the team. All the time. For...um...plot reasons."
However, this in no way equates to character development or stories. Because we were never told why he could do things. Or why he was continuously separated from the team.
It was all a just because.
And just because Keith was turned into the stereotype of a Main Character doesn't mean his character arc wasn't also forgotten. The only difference is that he did stuff. And things.
The later seasons weren't written to benefit any character imo. They were written to just get the show over with as quickly as possible. And the only reason I can think of that Keith was given stuff to do in those seasons was because the fandom collectively had the hots for him (seriously, he was shipped with literally everyone).
But, again, to be very clear - that has absolutely nothing to do with character development or even plot.
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rotalone · 2 years
if you read all of josey’s biography and/or lore. i love you so much and i’m gonna kiss you on the forehead.
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dead-in-heaven · 3 years
This text is going to be a complete garbage where mushrooms can grow soon after some time. So ignore. Peace. 🍄
I don't really have friends. Forget friends I don't have anyone to talk to. Like I have friends but they are literally so far from me and they too are busy with their lives. And people I meet everyday kinda doesn't like me or maybe I'm too anxious to talk to them. We have a class of 50 and it's been more than a month I've joined these classes. People naturally are becoming more open to each other but I. Gosh I sit lonesome in my own shell for 7 long hours. And guess what, nobody even tries engaging me in their conversations. When it comes to efforts from my side, I tried stepping out of my corner but then I got brutally ignored and ughh that made me fuckingly "more" insecure. Nope. I'm not blaming any single one. Not even myself. This is how things are and I'm just stating it.
Plus I get waves of emotions like each and everyday. I become angry for no reason, then creeps in an unknown blank feeling. Maybe I should start naming my feelings cause they're just too complicated to explain. Whatsoever. I isolate myself, create a wall around myself, cause you know I'm a gorgeous gorgeous girl with burj khalifa like attitude (only infront of the mirror though).
Next when I'm at home. I honestly don't feel like staying at home either. I've literally nowhere to go Gawdd. People at home don't understand me AT ALL. And to be very honest I don't call this place my home anyway. Home is when I talk to my boyfriend. But he's kinda childish too. Moreover the thing is really messed up right.
I have my syllabus left. Tomorrow's a minor test but this note was important to dump for my almond nut sized brain. Kay bye.
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skzfairies · 3 years
suprise comfort
warnings: homophobia, mentions of divorce, fighting parents, unaccepting parents, disappointed parents, mentions of being homesick, mentions of missing family
time: june 2019
pairing: yuri + yeosang
summary: when yuri is upset late at night, someone comes to comfort her, and it’s not who she expected.
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the room was dark, the only light was from the little night lamp by their desk, and the dim lighting of yuri's phone. she was scrolling through tik tok, unable to sleep, unlike her snoring roommates below her.
she saw all sorts of tik toks, funny ones, boring ones, cringey, and sometimes, she would even see a fancam of a kpop idol with text over it. they were normally always about fan wars though.
but one of the tik toks she found, it made her stop. she could feel her breath hitch at this one, and she felt her heartstrings be pulled.
it wasn't the creators fault, and she would never blame them for bringing this sudden wave of sadness over her, she was happy for them, and glad they were able to share their happy memory with her.
but yuri couldn't help the intrusive thoughts came after the wave of happiness was over.
the tik tok was a video of the creator coming out to their parents, and they were really supportive. yuri was so happy for them, and she was glad that people could have supportive parents and face less hardships for something they can't control.
yuri kept on thinking about when her parents found out about her being lesbian, the disappointed face they wore was something that was still painful for yuri to remember even after all these years.
she could hear the words that she often replayed coming to her head, and the pounding of her heart rose. she could feel tears running down her cheeks, coming faster and faster and more memories came back to her.
she let out a hic up, the sound seeming very loud to the quiet room. she held her breath for awhile, hoping neither hongjoong or seonghwa heard it. after a few minutes past, and it was confirmed that neither of the boys woke up, yuri slightly made her way down the ladder, and tip toed her way to the bathroom.
she knew no one would be up at this hour, so she was able to cry freely in the bathroom herself.
she shut the door to the bathroom, and plopped herself down on top of the rug, harshly pulling on her hair.
she wanted supportive parents so bad, she wished she was straight, because that's the only way her parents would naturally support it.
her parents were over the arguing now, but they barely talked about it, never confirming if they truly supported it or not.
she wanted parents who she could gush to about a girl or bring one home to them without awkward conversations. she wished she could be herself around them, without masking one of the biggest things about her.
tears were now clouding her vison, and she could feel snot rolling down her nose.
she quickly got up and grabbed the toilet paper, blowing her down and wiping off the tears on her face, and returning to her spot on the rug.
she just wanted to cry, she wanted to throw something, give a piece of her mind, she felt like she was going crazy. she let out a slightly loud sob, covering her mouth and sobbing into it, wishing that this pain would just go away.
she missed her family so much, even though they caused her so much pain. she remembered the family vacations, the jokes, the late nights. she remembered the fights, the arguments, the tears. her family wasn't ideal, and no matter how many times she wished that they would just get a divorce, she still missed them. she wished she could just break off all ties with them and just never speak to them again because all of the emotional pain they have caused her, but it's easier said than done. the guilt always eated her alive, even when she tried to convince herself that it wasn't her fault they were like this, she always did feel like it was all her fault.
she couldn't stop the tears and the sobs that were falling now, no matter how hard she covered her mouth, or how many times she brushed the tears off her face. she could feel her body shaking, her head pound, and her heart ache.
she didn't even notice the door opening, she was too focused on calming her breathing, and trying not to scream her lungs out.
she didn't notice someone even entered the bathroom until she felt arms wrap around her, causing her to jump and try and hurriedly wipe off her tears and stand up. this didn't work, the arms help her down and softly grabbed her hands.
"stop doing that, you'll irratate your eyes."
yeosang, yuri could notice his deep voice from anywhere, but she was suprised that he was even hugging her in this moment, normally they never did any skinship.
"yeosang, what are you doing?" yuri whispered, barely able to speak in a normal voice, and her voice slightly cracking even at a whisper.
yeosang softly pulled her into his lap, leaning against the wall and brushing her hair out of her face, seeing how red her eyes and nose were, and her puffy cheeks broke his heart. he hated seeing her like this so much.
"i thought you could use a hug." yeosang softly chuckled, hoping to bring the mood up some, but it failed. yuri rested her head against his shoulder and sighed, feeling too emotionally drained to even say anything or look at him.
"could you tell me what's wrong? i'm sure it will help."
yuri could feel the genuine concern in his voice, but she needed a break, she felt like she was crying for hours, and she couldn't even find her voice in her throat, so she only shook her head against yeosang's neck. yeosang sighed, softly brushing the hair out of her face. he really wanted her to talk, he never seen her this upset before. but he knew it would only make her upset more if he tried to force her into opening up.
"okay, maybe later. do you want to move somewhere more comfortable?" yeosang gently whispered, softly patting onto yuri's arm.
yeosang heard her hum, so he slowly unwrapped his arms around her, and helped her up, standing up behind her.
he grabbed onto her hand softly, making yuri softly tense before relaxing, and walked her into the living room.
yuri never saw yeosang this soft and affectionate to her, and she appreciated it. she felt safe and comfortable around him, although still greatly bothered and upset.
yeosang sat down on the couch and pulled her down into his lap once more, and yuri returned to her position with her head on his shoulders.
they sat there for awhile, yeosang occasionally brushing his hands through yuri's hair, while she stared off into the distance, still thinking about the memories of her parents outing her and being rude to her.
yeosang didn't want her to shut down completely, so he softly called her name until she looked up at him, and sat up.
"now could you tell me what's wrong? i understand if you don't want to talk about it, but i've never seen you this upset, mimi. you don't have to go through this alone." yeosang whispered, searching yuri's face for any discomfort, or any tears.
she looked conflicted, like she was deciding if she wanted to talking about it or not, so yeosang added,
"i won't tell anyone about this, i promise. it's just between you and me." yeosang held out a pinky, and smiled up at yuri, causing a smile from yuri, and she linked her pinkie with him.
this is a step, yeosang thought, and sat back, waiting to see if yuri continued.
he heard her barely audible voice, and it sounded dry and weak, and yeosang never wanted to protect anyone more than ever.
"it's about my parents."
"do you miss them?" yeosang gently responded, knowing that she hasn't been able to see them in a very long time, and had to stay at the dorms while the others returned home for a week by herself. he would feel terribly homesick, too.
"yes and no." yuri sighed, dragging her hands across her face and shaking her head. yeosang could feel the stress radiating off of her, and began rubbing her back, hoping to ease some of the tension.
yuqi was quiet for a little bit, and yeosang waited for her to continue, slightly confused about her response.
"they, well, how do i say this. they had many flaws. many hurtful flaws. does that make sense?" yuri questioned, looking at yeosang and continuing when she saw him nod.
"my parents fought often, and most parents do that, but it was a lot, and it was almost an everyday thing. they could barely be around each other without arguing. i really wanted them to get a divorce, but we couldn't. i was thinking about that, and some other things too." yuri mumbled leaning back against yeosang, humming when he brushed his hands through her hair.
"i'm sorry yuri, that sounds very hard. you said there were other things too? do you want to talk about those?" yeosang said after awhile, he couldn't imagine the emotional stress she had to go through growing up, and wished he could solve all of these problems for her, but he knew he really couldn't.
"yeah...this is the hardest thing to talk about. um....well my parents weren't always accepting, of well, me. they were only accepting of the version that they wanted to see, you know?" yeosang nodded, understanding that feeling. it was hard and not easy to deal with.
"it wasn't about school or my dream or anything, they were proud of me for that. so incredibly proud. they weren't proud of, who i liked." yuri said fastly, holding her breath, waiting for yeosang's response. yeosang could feel her tense up, and mumbled to her that it was okay, and that he's proud of her for talking to him. yuri calmed down, seeing yeosang did not have a problem with it at all.
"i don't understand why they didn't accept it. it wasn't like i was having crushes on bad people, it was literally just girls. i don't understand why that was such a big deal." yuri huffed, feeling the anger rise into her, but quickly fall with sadness.
"i don't understand why either yu, but i'll always support you, and so will the boys, and atiny. there's nothing wrong with you, i promise. and who cares what other people think about who you like? i know it's harder when it's your parents, but it's their lose, they are being foolish for not accepting you. i'm sorry you have to go through this, mimi. i'll love you no matter what." yeosang spoke, brushing yuri's hair with his fingers again, and yuri was sure it was extremely oily by now.
yuri felt a lot better now, and appreciated. she knew that her boys would always have her back, and that they would support her no matter what. they were her family, and she was their's. nothing could pull them apart.
"thanks yeosang, i love you." yuri smiled, hugging onto yeosang and kissing his cheek. she felt so loved, and so appreciated.
she smiled into yeosang's chest and softly fell asleep, dreaming of her real family, that was ateez.
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wolf-stark · 3 years
You ask I deliver — both tfatws asks in one!
tfatws weekly ask 1
i finally saw ep1!! i wont be able to see ep2 until thursday at the earliest but i already have some Thots on this ep. here are the ones I remember
first is, and i'm so sorry for this, a grammar lesson. an appositive is when you stick an additional phrase in between commas, dashes, or the like. i actually just used one! the "and i'm so sorry for this" in the first sentence of this paragraph is an appositive. thing is, most english speakers don't normally use them when they speak, only in writing. so i'm always on high alert whenever i hear somebody in tv or movies use one. (it's generally a marker of bad screenwriting). anyway there was one right in the beginning of the episode. the white army guy yelling at sam wilson said "first lieutenant Torres, our intel officer, will be helping on the ground." yeah so. the writing of this series started out on the wrong foot for me. but the rest of the episode was obviously tons and tons better (every interview i see with malcolm spellman makes me love him more and more)
the contrast between the opening minutes (falcon action sequence) and the rest of the ep.... i would 100000/10 rather watch a series with just sam and bucky dealing with life. i dont give a single crap about the flag-smashers or any of that. i just want sam, sarah & fam getting their boating business back on the ground & yeeting racist dickwads, bucky going through therapy and making amends, sam and joaquin being bros, sambucky homoerotic tension, etc.
the cinnamontography! wandavision mostly used cinematography to signify era n stuff. tfatws doesn't have wv's premise to go off of, so here's some tricks i noticed:
with sam there's obviously all sorts of shots with the captain america iconography next to his face, but he hasn't totally claimed it. there's the mural of steve rogers in the background; there's sam staring into the shield like it's a spectre of steve's face; there's sam looking into the exhibit, the shield and sam separated by glass and a layer of camera focus. steve is a constant spectre, always there, an idea, a symbol himself. sam's relationship with this iconography is distanced. he is separated by glass exhibit walls. by painting canvases. he doesn't yet feel worthy to take on that iconography. this whole thing was pulled off quite well but also a bit on-the-nose if only in quantity. there's just sooooo much fancy iconography stuff
speaking of the exhibit, there's something that i get real pissy about. it's when like, there's an action going on you're supposed to be paying attention to but the cinematographer is like,,,, hey! check out this location! or this headline! or something! there was a lot of that in the exhibit. the camera was like, you could focus on sam and rhodey's convo (which was fine but could have been so much better with an extra like 10 minutes of deep character study talk) but noooo you want me to look at the symbol for the united nations and read all the text about bucky who hasn't even showed up yet. shut up i know the lore and ill watch the shot-by-shot breakdown yt vids you don't have to make the shot this long jkdsalcjklasejf
my fav trick was with bucky and the therapist. i had seen a clip of the scene with bucky and the therapist beforehand and i thought the cinnamontography was super obnoxious, but then i was like, oh duh. the shots frequently change the distance between the camera and its subject. sometimes it's uncomfortably close and sometimes it's really far. a clear allegory for the duality of therapy, esp for bucky! therapy is an invasive process wherein he is ruthlessly examined, picked apart, and berated for his trauma (this therapist is crap in every way btw, "mean therapist" works for greg house and greg house only). so the camera goes close. it makes the viewer claustrophobic like bucky. but when he's like "no i haven't had any nightmares" the camera suddenly goes really far. we see bucky as this tiny head in the center of the bottom of the frame. we are distanced from him. he has pushed us away. we cannot see him. he lies because he is vulnerable. so yeah, amazing work there. the therapy scene was hard to watch on purpose!
did bucky slip a note to yori inside the dollar bill? bucky stop making me emooooo. the suuper awkward fake smile has me 😭 (veteran trying to adjust!)
mark my worrrrds when sam asks someone y the govt picked john “white bread” walker they’re gonna say “we needed somebody everyone can get behind....someone uncontroversial, someone everyone can see themselves in” like that exact racist dog whistle
tfatws weekly ask 2
just saw ep2 so im taking advantage of the 2 seconds i can be on tumblr without worrying about tfatws spoilers before new episode drops
when isaiah said "your people put me in prison for being a hero" and bucky thought "your people" means hydra. 🤦‍♂️
speaking of racism, the interplay between sam being Black (anti-Black racism) and sam being the Falcon (negrophilia, "can i take a selfie w you as i deny you a loan?") and the intersection between the two (j*hn lichrally called sam "steve's wingman"! he takes the crypto out of crypto-racist in like 2 seconds!) !!!!!!!! a Black celebrity's Black experience, the separation of man and identity!!!! (thinking about vanessa bayer in snl in that skit "beyonce is black" telling her black friend "you're not black, you're...my girl!")
after sam gets racially profiled by cops we see j*hn standing in front of cop cars cinematic parallels turns out j*hn is racist who knew
this therapist sucks major ass but she got bucky and sam together in the same room and ready to collaborate...that's something ig. it was lichrally couple's therapy she said she used her miracle exercise with couples sambucky antis get blended
bucky says "he was wrong about you so maybe he was wrong about me"...that's not how people talk. when therapist asks bucky, the guy who doesn't talk at all about himself, "y do you hate sam", the last thing bucky's gonna do is actually connect his hatred of sam to his own self-worth issues. bucky generally refuses to talk about himself, so why would he talk about himself in the one context that nobody ever links back to their own neuroses: hatred of other people? one thing human beings hate most is admitting we're wrong. admitting you hate someone because of your own issues? that's a major therapeutic step. bucky would absolutely have to be prompted to do that. even like one or two lines of dialogue more would have set up that line better. but in terms of the actual thought? an amazing way to take the sam/bucky relationship. bucky bases his self-worth on steve believing in him, and if steve is wrong bucky has no self-worth, so 1) he has to develop self-worth disassociated from steve's assessment of him and 2) he has to love himself before he can love sam, and 3) he has to realize that sam giving up the shield is a sign of sam's humility not his unworthiness.
conversely, we don't get into why sam hates bucky? yeah sam has the right to hate a guy that has tried to kill him (albeit while brainwashed) multiple times, and now shows up in his life just to bash him but. everything happens so fast i cant follow their relationship
in fact i dont feel like i understood much of anything. like y did bucky and sam go on that mission together? how connected are sam/bucky/joaquin with the government? doesn't bucky just want to retire now? literally what is everyone doing/feeling and why???
if battlestar becomes a knowing commentary on the black best friend stereotype i'm gonna party, but i dont expect much of that
the interplay between man and symbol. captain america is obviously a symbol. the shield is obviously a symbol. but steve rogers? the. man behind the cowl? he too seems to become a symbol. a paragon of a good guy, so good he's unreachable. steve was just a guy stop idolizing him the last thing steve would want is to be idolized
as the resident musician/music nerd on mcublr, 1) that captain america rally music slaps, but 2) re: the song at the end of the ep, if you're just gonna rip off mozart's lacrymosa then at least play mozart's lacrymosa. we wont blame you the lacrymosa slaps (if you dont know what im talking about go on yt and search it up youll recognize it fo sho
look i love enfys nest as much as the next guy but if tfatws is gonna get erin kellyman to play another innocent little gurl blackmailed into the fakeout-villain position (her text seemed to suggest as such) then 😡 like why can't women just....be evil? young, freckly, innocent-looking women? girls are not untouchable pure objects but full of rage and resentment just as much as anyone can be
bonus ep1 comment: bucky says about that senator whose car he hijacked, "she continued to abuse the power i gave her." fictionaldarling on yt say that he says "i" because he can't disassociate himself from his winter soldier persona which begets endless and senseless guilt. like dude. can i not be emo for like 1 second.
OKay. First off, as much I enjoy your sending it to me, what made you decide to send me these??
Don't worry about getting this to me as early as possible. I usually don't watch the episode right away.
1. Cool writing lesson.
2. Everyone wants a comedy show [like Friends] about the MCU superheroes.
3. Cinematography is always a beautiful thing.
4. Sam definitely has to carve his own Captain America status for himself, outside of Steve's ya know everything.
5. They have to do that for people who was just now tuning in because they're in love with Sam Wilson or Sharon Carter.
6. I think the therapist was taking a 'tough love' approach for Bucky, because she likely has some very strong opinions about the literal assassin she's been assigned to give therapy too. She did not choose to talk to him, she was assigned that make that clear in the second episode.
And, Bucky isn't lying when he said it wasn't a nightmare. It wasn't a nightmare, it was a resurfaced memory. So, technically he wasn't lying - and yes, the camera does move away because while he's saying he didn't have a nightmare, he's not expanding on what actually happened - so, he's still pushing the therapist/us away.
7. Bucky, and Steve, have/had a TON to adjust to.
8. Yeah, I agree that will be the bullshit line they give. If they ever actually talk about it.
Yeah, always got to take advantage of avoiding those spoilers lmfaoo.
1. Honestly, that line was double meaning. Both about White people and Hydra [which is made up of mostly white supremacists/nazis] So, the line is gesturing to both White People in general and Hydra assholes together. I think the terminology is “double edge sword”??
2. This whole paragraph structure confused me, ngl - so I'm going to answer it the best I can. I do like that they're not ignoring the fact that Sam being Black is 1000% the reason he's not the Official Captain America - because the gov't is racist as hell.
I also like the little lines about how they point out little things about Sam's Falcon persona, like that kid calling him 'Black Falcon' specifically and Sam's response show the split between Sam and Falcon itself.
John is a dick for calling Sam the wingman of Steve Rogers. Sam was a hero all on his own before Steve asked him to join up again. [Side note, it's lichrally??]
3. Exactly, the parallel of Sam being profiled and surrounded while just on the street and John being surrounded by fans and being able to spring Bucky with apparently only a few sentences shows a Loooooot
4. Honestly, at this point I wonder if she's not actually a therapist and is just an agent assigned to assess Bucky outside of an Official Building. I do know, however, that her 'look at each other and speak' exercise is actually a real therapy practice. It's just a little slower.
5. Actually, I think he would've blurted that out. That whole line. I don't think Bucky hates Sam. I think they could've done the scene better, but I think that had Sam prodded him/the therapist been more annoying Bucky would've lost control of his emotions and blurted out the whole "If he was wrong about you, he was wrong about me" but I feel like the writing for this show is just... not there. Sometimes you blurt shit when you get overemotional and I think that was what Bucky was supposed to be like.
6. I don't think Sam hates Bucky, I think he doesn't trust him though. I do wish they'd talked about that though. The whole 'talk to each other' scene should've been a LOT longer and a LOT slower.
7. Sam and Bucky's relationship is being fast tracked because they don't really know how to work the relationship out, writers-room-wise. Bucky is technically retired, but I feel like he's trying to live up to Steve's expectations and doing what Steve would've done and we all know that if Steve was there, Steve would've jumped on that plane with Sam. It looks like Sam/Bucky/Joaquin are a side-team based from Military services but as Sam says they're all free agents so...?
8. Sadly, They seem to just be propping up to be another stereotype.
9. Captain America is a symbol. Steve Rogers is a man. But now Steve Rogers is an idol because of all the shit he's been through and honestly, it's not a bad thing he's become an idol for people - it's using Steve as a reason to make White Bread Walker the next Captain that makes Steve's idolization so fucked.
10. I don't know anything about music so I have no opinion here, sorry.
11. Enfys?? Also, I think they did the whole Innocent Girl Thing as side commentary for Bucky lowering his guard about seeing a young girl rather than a guy.
12. Bucky is the Winter Solider. The Winter Solider is Bucky. That is how Bucky will always see it because although he was brainwashed, it was still him and he remembers all of it. When you have constant memories of something 'someone else' did, you tend to not be able to pull the two personas out of each other. I want Bucky to take up the title, White Wolf instead of Winter Soldier. Honest.
This is all my opinion, I’m honestly a little disappointed with the writing of TFATWS so far so... I’m not really optimistic about this.
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the-currian · 4 years
I don't know if you do requests, but I really loved your yandere winter troupe headcannons, they sent chills down my spine, and I was wondering if you'd be open to doing a yandere headcannons for autumn troupe?
I don’t really consider my blog a request blog, but I will accept most requests that are sent my way!! Ask, and you shall receive lol I hope you like this one, too!!
A3! Autumn Troupe Yandere Headcanons
(No Azami because I’m only playing the English version and don’t have a good grasp of his character yet)
Banri Settsu
This guy is used to getting everything he wants – definitely a possessive-protective type.
Thus, unconsciously or not, he views you as his toy – a pretty little doll thing to do with as he pleases. Refers to you as his babydoll.
Intent on keeping his tough-guy image, but still with a need to keep you, his hand grips harshly against your waist when in public, his face contorted into a menacing scowl to let everyone know you belong to him. If anyone even looks at you the wrong way, a growl will reverberate from him through your body, followed by some curses as he glares at the offender.
If the offender is particularly aggressive and refuses to be driven off, he throws back the aggression tenfold by a passionate and heated assault on your lips until the goddamn person gets the memo and leaves.
In private he’s much more openly affectionate. If you try to leave his embrace, he won’t relent, only allowing it to end on his terms, scoffing at you because did you forget who he is and what he is capable of?
Sakyo Furuichi
Probably the most dangerous of the whole troupe – if not the whole company.
Sakyo is busy with yakuza-related business but has the power and resources to watch over you. Through this, he is able to learn anything and everything he can about you.
He used this to give you gifts offhandedly, saying things like “It seemed like something you would like.” when giving you things that were exactly what you wanted. You find it intriguing at first, wondering how he always seems to know what’s exactly on your mind.
Really good at manipulation. “I know I can’t be with you that often, but I’m really trying here. Going into this relationship you told me you didn’t mind my profession. What’s changed? Are you disgusted by me now? About my lifestyle?”
Stages a kidnapping with his gang to make you become dependent on him. He takes you to a hideout secluded from your normal day-to-day life. Whenever you probe a bit too much, he brushes you off with “It’s just until the danger passes.” “It’s for your own safety.” “I don’t want to see you get hurt. I just love you so much.”
And it works. You believe him.
However, that doesn’t mean that you don’t get antsy while in seclusion, and you end up attempting some things that Sakyo would definitely not approve of. Somehow, your plans always get thwarted by one of Sakyo’s associates or Sakyo himself dropping by at inopportune times. To be honest, he finds it adorable that you think you can escape him.
Sakoda is the tattletale. He shadows you whenever Sakyo himself can’t. Doesn’t mind the Sakyo’s behavior at all; as long as the boss is happy, right? Is definitely Sakyo’s worst enabler.
Omi Fushimi
The two of you start out as friends. Gradually you spent more and more time together until you grew closer. Both of you became attached to one another but you hadn’t realized just how attached Omi would be.
He asks you to be the subject of his pictures for his photography club. His members sung their praises, but Omi didn’t care for them much as he realized he didn’t like that the other guys in the club were talking about you. When they ask him if you could be their subject he gives them a flat ‘no’, storming out of the club room.
((lol as soon I finished writing that bullet I realized it’s literally this but in a more sinister context:))
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It becomes an insidious obsession for him. Having impromptu photo shoots with you, taking candids of you on dates, until one day…
When you get back home you discover pictures of you in some quite intimate situations when you were all by yourself. Sometimes, they are accompanied by notes on the back. Never let anyone else see you like this. You’re mine. You should be more careful with your windows, darling.
Does not tolerate admirers at all. Does not engage. Picks you up like a potato sack or a blushing bride, depending on his mood, to carry you away from those villains.
Treats you like a queen. Truly, madly in love with you. He sincerely just wants to love you. Showers you with love and affection.
He is incapable of blaming you for anything you say or do against him.
He’s usually calm and collected, but if you intentionally draw out his anger to the breaking point, he may just strike you (he’s not called the Mad Wolf for nothing)
After that incident he closes himself off from you for awhile, apologizing on a daily basis. Even when you reassure him that it’s alright and it wasn’t his fault - it was yours - he doesn’t accept that; it haunts him for a long time.
Taichi Nanao
 At first, Taichi is content with watching you from afar – watching from the sidelines. He never felt worthy enough for you. He’s always dreamed of romance and doesn’t want to screw it up.
That all changed one day when he noticed someone was taking up too much of your time for you to be comfortable, so he decides to confront them.
You just so happened to be passing by, stopping out of curiosity when you heard your name come up. You come across what seems to be Taichi reprimanding a guy that’s been approaching you a lot lately.
‘Serves him right,’ you think, ‘The poor guy doesn’t know how to take no for an answer.’
“Stay away! They’re mine, not yours! I love them, but even I wouldn’t dare take up too much of her time like that, you creep!”
In hindsight, perhaps you should have seen this coming.
Oblivious of the future to come, you break up the fight and pull Taichi aside, confessing your feelings for him, thanking him for standing up for you.
“R-really?” Taichi beams, tears coming to his eyes. “I promise to never let you go! You’ll see, I’ll become a man worthy of you!”
When you start dating he stops stalking you in favor of bombarding you with texts and calls – he always wants to know where you are, who you’re with, when he can see you next.
This boys craves attention – he’s like a puppy, really. He desperately seeks opportunities to be physically close to you.
Manipulates you into staying with him by sabotaging your image in public, causing a scene. (Hey, if he could sabotage the Autumn troupe, what’s stopping him with you?)
“That was really low of you to use me like that just so you could get in with the Mankai company.” “W-what are you talking about? I didn’t use you!” “Why would you do that? Am I not good enough?” Taichi chuckles ruefully. “Then again, I should’ve expected this, huh? I’m never good enough. It was sill of me to think that maybe you would be different–“ “Taichi, I do care! Please, please don’t say that!” “Really? Actions speak louder than words. You’re gonna have to do better than that. Show me.”
Juza Hyodo
Ordinarily chill. He just wants to see you happy. Whatever you need, he’ll go lengths for you. …Anything.
Physically rough with outsiders. If you’re ever threatened he will become ruthlessly protective. No amount of you pleading or crying will stop him from exacting revenge on the perpetrator. And at the end of it, he’ll pull you into his arms, stroking your hair, ignorant of the fact that he’s smearing blood in it because all that matters is that you’re safe.
He won’t restrict you from going outside but he makes sure that you’re firmly at his side, having you in his grip to keep you protected but more to let everyone know that you’re his.
Boy has a terrifying aura and he definitely knows how to use it.
If you ever confront him about his behavior, he’ll simply stare at you with a piercing gaze, getting you to drop it. If you are particularly persistent he’ll tug you into his embrace, hoping to distract you.
If you still refuse, pushing him away, he will give into his anger. Although he would never physically harm you, he’s not against threatening you into submission. His tall frame looms over you and he growls your name in a commanding voice as he traps you between a wall and his threatening stature, practically crushing you against it. Still, any crying or pleading from you is met with a threatening silence, and despite your stammers of fear he continues this until he is able to calm down.
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kagehinataboke · 5 years
this is not an exactly prompt from your list, but if you do a 7 minutes in heaven with todobaku (in high school au, college au, canon world, I DON'T CARE) i will propose to you right on the spot. like. marry me. i fucking love your writing so much, is not even funny! thank you sm if you write it, but i understand if you don't so dw your pretty head about it
IT’S FINALLY HERE!!! oml, i’ve been working tirelessly on this for you anon! huhu, i really hope you like it uwu
Todoroki doesn’t like house parties. He’d much rather stay at home doing literally anything other than being surrounded by strangers in a dark house. The air smells like smoke, elbows keep hitting him from every angle, and he’s fairly certain 90% of these people are much older—and drunker—than he is. He came as a favor to Midoriya, but he’s already dissolved into the crowd. What a great friend, huh?
Where are you? Todoroki texts, pressing himself against a wall to keep from being crushed by the typhoon of people. Midoriya doesn’t even read it: his phone must be off. What is Todoroki supposed to do now? Wander aimlessly and hope someone eventually takes pity on him and tells him what he should be doing? Parties are the worst.
“Why the fuck are you dragging me to this shitty party? It’s fucking jenga night at the dorm, Kirishima,” someone grumbles loudly from nearby. At least someone else is having as bad a time as Todoroki is. “Seven minutes in heaven?” is the next irate exclamation. “I’m not ten. Can’t we just leave?”
Todoroki finds himself following the loud voice. Its owner seems to have confidence, which is more than he can say about himself. Unfortunately, that confidence leads to the middle of a crowded bedroom full of drunk college students sitting in a big circle around an empty beer bottle. Across the circle from Todoroki is the annoyed boy who doesn’t want to be here. He’s good-looking. White-blond hair, intense eyes, and a sharp face. His scowl kind of ruins it, though. 
“Why do we have to do this?” he mutters quietly to his friend, eyes sweeping around the circle. Todoroki quickly looks away, but he can feel the handsome stranger’s eyes linger on him for a moment before moving on.  
Why do we have to do this? As the bottle spins, Todoroki is asking himself the same question. How does this game even work? he wonders with a frown. Two people go into a closet for seven minutes and… Wait, can you even have sex in a closet? Is that the object of the game? God, I hope not.
“Next pair, next pair!”
What, it’s been seven minutes already? Todoroki studies the returning couple nervously. They look normal, apart from a few shy glances. Surely they didn’t actually do it in a stranger’s closet? There’s no way—
Oh. Todoroki stiffens. Oh no… The bottle is pointing at him. He barely has time to absorb the idea that he’ll be going in a closet with a stranger when the demonic selector rotates again. Please don’t be a weirdo, please don’t be a weirdo, he begs inwardly. Oh. Oh, God. I take it back: this is so much worse. 
The hot, angry blond stranger is staring at him, the bottle forming a direct line between them. A weirdo would be better than this confident, gorgeous boy—but Todoroki numbly gets up anyway, panicking the whole time. He’s never kissed anyone, let alone fogged up a closet… If you can even do that. 
“Remember, no lights or anything,” the game host reminds in a giggling chirp while shoving them into the coat closet. 
The door closes before Todoroki can plead escape, and his seven minutes in hell begin.
“Where are you?” a voice says into the pitch blackness. 
“Nowhere.” Todoroki swears inwardly. He can feel sweat creeping across his forehead. “I mean, obviously I’m here, but…” God, this is a disaster. He wants to die. When a warm hand brushes against his wrist, the feeling significantly dissipates. 
“You don’t have to be so nervous,” the stranger whispers, even though he really doesn’t have to. “I’m not a creep or anything.”
“I hope I wasn’t insinuating that I thought you were,” Todoroki whispers back, willing his pores to cool down. “I’m just a bit nervous. This is my first time in a closet. With another person, I mean.” Smooth, Shouto. “I’m afraid I don’t really understand this game.”
“And you played it anyway?” There’s a soft scoff. “You’re an interesting guy.” A slight pause. “I’m Bakugou, by the way. Bakugou Katsuki. You’re Todoroki, right?”
“You know me?”
“I’ve seen you around before. We go to the same university. Different departments.” Another pause. “Fuck, this went way smoother in my head. Nice to meet you, I guess.” 
Todoroki laughs despite his best efforts not to. “Nice to meet you, too. I think… we’ve used up most of our seven minutes.” 
“Okay, so yeah… I might’ve rigged this to give us more time? Which sounds—“
“Yes, but I have a reason. Reasons.” Bakugou pauses again. His hand has gone clammy around Todoroki’s wrist. “This really went better in my head.”
“Why did you want to be alone with me?” Todoroki sighs, throwing him a bone. “We don’t even know each other. Or, at least, I don’t know you.”
“I’ve just… Well, fuck, you could say I have a crush on you? As middle-schooler as it sounds. But that’s how every relationship starts, right? Two people as strangers?” The hand slides further up Todoroki’s arm, fingertips slipping under the hem of his sleeve. “I realize now that doing this in a dark closet isn’t the best idea. Sorry. I’m a fucking idiot.” 
“It’s a bit charming, actually.”
“No, not in the least.”
There’s a long moment of silence before they both laugh. It’s strange, but Todoroki feels as if his nerves are dissolving. Being stuck in a closet with a hot, weird stranger should have the opposite effect. Then again, he seems nice enough, if not a little awkward. Things could be worse…
“Hey…” Todoroki hesitates for a moment before feeling for Bakugou’s shoulder in the dark. This is as daring as he’s ever been, and it’s scary—but not entirely bad. “How exactly do you play this game?”
“…Want me to show you?”
The rational side of Todoroki’s brain says that he should obviously say no, but the more fun part is screaming SAY YES OR YOU’LL EXPLODE!!!
The middle-ground is a quiet, “Sure.”
Only when there’s teeth against his neck does the full gravity of the situation hit. Todoroki has never had sexual contact (beyond kissing) in his entire life. Now he’s suddenly got lips on places he’s never even thought about before. It’s intense, but in a way that’s terrifyingly good. 
“Are you okay?” Bakugou whispers, breath hot and hands heavy against Todoroki’s hips. 
“Yes,” he manages through gritted teeth. 
There’s no more talking after that. Todoroki’s mind is a useless puddle of ‘Yes’es, especially when Bakugou’s hands slip under the hem of his shirt. He almost forgets where he is. He’s not thinking about the fact that he’s never done anything like this in his life, and he really shouldn’t be doing it. All he can think about it the warmth spreading up his spine and tingling in the pit of his stomach. 
Todoroki sees stars, tilting his head back to let out a gasping moan that makes his ears go red. His common sense comes flooding back. He must be crazy. He’s never done anything like this in his life. God, is he insane?
“I— W-wait.” Todoroki inhales sharply, and Bakugou lifts his head. 
“What’s wrong?”
Todoroki blurts out the first thing on his mind. “I just don’t think having sex in a closet is the best start to a meaningful relationship!”
There’s silence for one, two, three long seconds. Then Bakugou bursts into laughter, leaning against Todoroki’s chest to stifle the noise. “I can’t exactly blame you,” he says after collecting himself again. “I really should’ve just talked to you like a normal person, anyway. Should we get out of here?”
“Of the closet, I mean.”
“Oh. Yes, please.”
Bakugou gets up and they both struggle to straighten their clothes in the dark. Todoroki’s eyes have adjusted just enough to see the hand Bakugou stretches out towards him. “Be careful. There’s an umbrella right in front of you.”
“Thanks.” Todoroki takes his hand and feels his way around the obstacle until he finds the closet door. He pulls it open to find the hallway empty, the sounds of bass music pumping up through the thin floorboards. “I guess they forgot about us.”
“That’s okay. I think I might head out, anyway. There’s a late-night sushi bar near here.” Bakugou releases his hand, but pauses a few steps down the hallway. “You… wanna come?”
Todoroki doesn’t even try to tell himself no. “Sure. Let me get my coat.”
“Awesome.” Bakugou doesn’t say anything else until they reach the stairs. “I’m… not coming on too strong, am I?”
“Um… yes, I’d say so.”
“Fuck, I knew it. Sorry. Just punch me if you ever want to.”
“I can’t just punch a stranger.”
“But you can kiss one?”
“I can still say no to going with you, you know.”
“Okay, fuck. I’ll shut up now.”
Todoroki hides a smile against his shoulder. Despite the awkwardness between them, this is the most fun he’s had in… Well, probably in forever.
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alines7777 · 3 years
aight, here's a piece of 'creative writing' that i've been brainstorming.
basically, it's about samson, a famed homophobic and transphobic radio evangelist, who dies and goes to hell, and meets the princes of hell, who subsequently berate him for his character and deeds on earth. and it more or less gets into the CORE reason why conservatives always turn out to be shitheads in their seeking of bible verses as a shield for their bigotry, and even hypocrisy. it's also to demonstrate that, as written in the tanakh, god is beyond good and evil, especially any one person's view of it.
the thing here is that based on everything i read from the bible, everything the princes of hell say here is true, or at the very least reasonable. and i think the following sort of bigotry and disrespect toward humanity as a whole, whom lucifer accurately calls the ADAM, is the character attributed to lucifer in other texts, and i also think it serves as a nice foil for samson's bigotry toward the lgbti community, just as samson serves as a nice foil for lucifer's expulsion from YHVH's hosts.
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and on that note, i think it would be fair warn that this work includes the use of transphobic slurs, albeit from a perspective of a being that cares as little for humanity as a whole as it does toward the plight of trans people.
but what both of them never really stop to consider is that they all supposedly share god's breath in common. and god's breath is held in the tanakh as the source of life, that every breath we take is literally god's.
(try to imagine leviathan sounding as though he's stifling laughter as he speaks)
samson : ugh. who are all of you? where am i?
leviathan : GEHINNOM. HELL.
samson : no! that can't be right! that's impossible! i was spreading the truth about your bid to destroy america with the gay and trans agenda! i was bringing people back to the right path that god set for man and woman in marriage. i was saving america from your throes! i was the champion of the holy crusade against the trans and gay agenda to soften and feminize america to make it yours instead.
* the princes start busting into laughter *
asmodeus : are you kidding? as if anyone even needs sodomy or transsexuality to be pulled away from marriage in the first place! o, but i'm sure you know better from experience, right? but we have witnessed the rise and fall of MANY nations throughout EONS, so why should we even remotely care about america above any others? what an idiot!
lucifer : listen, samson, god is the one who chooses the fate of all nations, not us, haven't you even read the word he left for you? so if "the sodomites and transsexuals" really are destroying america as you say they are, then it's precisely because god wants them to, now you're free to take any guess at why. besides, we are hardly interested even in the ADAM that you'd find here, let alone those that still roam earth, and you won't find us delivering any of our bidding to DIRT beneath our feet. there is no fight between us and YHVH over the ADAM, the only ones you have to blame for your sins and the fall of your nations are YOURSELVES.
*leviathan, again succumbing to uncontrollable laughter, puts a seal on samson's mouth to keep him from speaking up again*
asmodeus : and all that coming from.... hold on, let's see what stolas wrote for us again.... a divorcée of five times by adultery with the same trannies he calls abominations [sort of like alex jones and the trans porn on his phone] —
satan : — and two times by battery —
asmodeus : — telling everyone else to honor and cherish the sanctity of man and woman in marriage and sex before god.
*all princes proceed to laugh, samson becomes flush and tearful with anger and embarrassment*
lucifer : aww, what's wrong? we only speak the truth to you alone in jest. but don't you find it at least a little bit funny? can't you see why it's at least a little amusing for us to see how a HYPOCRITICAL BIGOT always runs to the church for hiding?
lucifer : now, leviathan, let's not judge TOO unfairly. foxes run to their burrows only when given chase, and foxes actually dig the burrows where they go into hiding.
belphegor : and not once have we ever seen such fools as this so much as pick up a stone to build a church for their hiding.
lucifer : and that, samson, is why it's SO DIFFICULT for us to feel any pity for you. but alas, we MUST. after all, only a fool as pathetic as you could never realize that it was just as difficult for everyone else to see god's kindness through your cruelty. now that doesn't inspire much faith in god, does it?
lucifer : and too bad for you, there are no churches here, so there are no places here where you can hide from us, nor any walls with loose stones for the casting [this is specifically a reference to verses to be selectively taken from the bible to justify bigotry].
mammon : i hope you still think the money you took from all those broken cretins for your "sermons" made it all worth it.
beelzebub : not to mention all the lovely meals it afforded you.
asmodeus : and the women and trannies.
lucifer : see, leviathan? now you're judging QUITE fairly. because fairness.... starts with the TRUTH. and the truth is, samson, you're DISGUSTING. all of ADAM are DISGUSTING! i hardly know any other words that are even fit to describe you. SLIME! DIRT! that's what you are — that's how god made you, and his breath never changed that fact. all it did was make you LIVING DIRT! too bad he never took my advice to destroy all of you while he had the chance, and the only times he did were when it was TOO LATE! now we're the ones who have to deal with you. and i should think that we're owed some thanks for TRYING when god WOULDN'T. we were not the ones who created you, and we just as surely are not the ones to blame for your sins, but we were the ones who were right about you every time when god was still trying to see something better than what was actually there — dirt. but still, he leaves it to us to handle the job of caring for you.
lucifer : yes, it is. do you know WHY, samson? the same reason we hate you: it's because you ADAM are always crying out god's name, the way spoiled children cry out for their mothers to get the things they want, because you'd NEVER be caught dead doing ANYTHING good for yourself, though for some reason you'd sooner be caught doing ill to others, and then you cry out even louder when you learn that you've been caught, exactly like a spoiled child. and you call yourself a man. that's how disgusting you ADAM are — you'd rather be caught doing ill to others than any good for yourselves — and then you STILL work up the gall to cry out god's name, and we soon find that those who cry his name the loudest are the worst disgraces to it, as much they would be even to OUR names for that matter. the only ones who are any good at all, even in our eyes, are those who DON'T.
satan : we, at least, started by rejecting his name.
lucifer : that's right, so it isn't reasonable to expect any obedience from us. but since you couldn't be bothered to obey god and abide his kindness, you would have been better to reject him too, you'd at least be HONEST, and we would certainly start taking a little more pity on you. and the ones who are inspired by OUR example, they don't ask anything from us, and they don't cry out our names. we hardly even acknowledge them, and they are better than you. but i must give the ADAM some credit, in the spirit of fairness, you answer and take heed when your names are called, even by those you despise. but god doesn't answer when you call his. he doesn't even want you knowing his name, and it isn't YHVH. exactly as leviathan told you, that's how much he hates you. but you're new here, so we're willing to give you a sporting chance to be YOUR OWN brand of dirt, that is all that can be expected of dirt, really. but we'll take care of you until you do, when you'll no longer need us, and when we longer have to bother with you, because if we don't, then who will? certainly not god. that ship has sailed. and if, in spite of our care, you CAN'T learn to accept your fate and be your own dirt, then we'll just bury you like half of the others, to be reunited with the rest of the dirt. either way, we won't have to deal with you for very long, just as we shouldn't.
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