#it's so crazy that i'm almost done with my second year of university!!!
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ok registered for my summer and fall classes. nice. nice.
#taking spanish for real this time.#it will be good bc w that and my statistics class i will finally have my gen ed requirements out of the way#i'm sooooo scared of them though#bc i don't think i can possibly do well.#like i fear i will have to fire on all cylinders and still i'll probably get a B at best.#but i'm more positive than about french! that was a weird fucking mistake.#at least i have a little tiny bit of spanish knowledge and can pronounce spanish words without crying.#it's so crazy that i'm almost done with my second year of university!!!#almost halfway done!!! crazy!!!!#+ that means i only have like 2 more years left of working in the service industry!!! whoooo!!!
0 notes
Taste the Tango
Wanda x Fem!Reader
Warnings: SoftTop(switch if you squint)!Reader, age gap (reader is of age), reader's best friend is Wanda's son, Tommy is graduating high school? (a choice that I don't think I've seen before, so let me know if you like?), Wanda is reader's former teacher, slight alcohol use, smut (fingering, oral)... I think that's everything?
Summary: You are in your hometown the summer before your senior year of college hanging out with your best friend. Unexpectedly, you also get some quality with his mom (and your former teacher).
WC: 10,350 words?!?! (a record for me)
"Hey Y/N!" Your gaze shot up from the pavement to the open door ahead, smiling as you saw your best friend standing in the frame.
"Hey Tommy!" You jogged up to hug him, seeing as he and his twin brother just returned from a week long beach trip. You normally wouldn't be this excited to see him, but with complicated summer schedules and school across the country, it had been almost 6 months since the two of you had spent time together.
"This is crazy, I missed you so much!" He backs up and you immediately spot the sparkle in his eye that is easily recognized in the rest of his family.
"I know, me too!" You shook his shoulders and hugged him one more time. "So, you said you had something planned for today?" The two of you walked into the house and towards the kitchen. Your eyes secretly darted around the space for a certain someone, but you are slightly disappointed when you don't see the person you're looking for.
You feel guilty for hoping she would be there, since you were there to spend time with her son, but you couldn't silence your thoughts, no matter how hard you tried.
"Well I know it's kind of silly, but I picked up some rocks we could paint?" He scrunched up his face. "I don't know, I just wanted something mindless we could do while we caught up."
"Are you kidding, that sounds great!" You smiled.
"Alright, awesome! I've gotta head out by six so I can meet Ruby for dinner, but we have plenty of time," he said as you followed him back to his room. Ruby was his girlfriend of six months, so it prided you to know that hanging out with you was his priority.
The two of you made it to his room and he encouraged you to sit down as he left to get art supplies. Just before you were able to sit though, a voice reached into the depths of your mind.
"I knew I heard a familiar voice!" You turned around and there she was, as breathtaking as ever. Wanda Maximoff. The way her soft eyes met yours and her red wavy hair sat just above her shoulders made you melt. You prayed the moment would last forever, but the passing seconds were inevitable.
"Hi!" You excitedly walked over to your former teacher to give her a hug, painfully ignoring all other emotions you were feeling.
"How are you, Y/N?" She moved out of the hug, cheeks grazing, making you briefly look away.
"I'm absolutely wonderful, how about you?"
"I'm alright," she spoke as she softly smiled. "Are you excited for your last year of college?" She leaned up against the doorframe.
"I guess so? I love California, but I can hardly wait until I'm done with school already so that I can come home. Are you ready to become an empty nester?"
Billy and Tommy were three years younger than you, so they were just about to begin their college journey as you were ready to bring yours to a close. Tommy was only going to university an hour away and Billy five hours, but you imagined it would still be a lot for both boys to be leaving the house at once.
"Oh hush, dear." Ms. Maximoff playfully shoved your shoulder, a gesture you struggled to not linger on. "I don't wanna hear that talk. Let me soak in my boys being home while I can. And you being here while I can." She smiled with a small glint in her eye, but you knew she was dreading the boys' absence.
"Oh well, two more semesters and you won't be able to get rid of me."
"Perhaps it's selfish to say that we can't wait to have you back either, but I know you'll accomplish wonderful things in your last year there." She placed a hand on your shoulder and instinctively you placed your own on top of hers.
You internally panicked, worried that you were being too affectionate for a teacher/student/best friend's mother relationship, but she just moved to gently caress your cheek and proceeded to walk away.
You could hardly process your thoughts as your brain replayed the previous moment over and over, but this torturous habit is nothing you weren't unfamiliar with.
Every day that went by with Ms. Maximoff in your presence was a day to strenuously remember. You mentally recorded her words, her movements and her reactions. Time slowed with her around as you soaked in every detail about her possible.
Every day that went by without her was filled with daydreaming and guilt. You always wondered how she would react to something, or how she would respond in a private conversation. You tried to picture her thoughts and envision her smile before you. You hated how much you thought about her, yet craved to dream of her.
She was your high school english teacher, your best friend's mother, and your go-to mentor in any sticky situation.
She has already given you so much, and you despised the fact that you wanted more. You knew it was wrong, but she was your addiction.
"Earth to Y/N," A hand waved in front of your face and you quickly realized that Tommy had returned with the rocks and art supplies.
"Oh, hey Tommy!" You rubbed your eyes in shock.
"Where'd you go there?" He laughed and sat down on the floor.
"I uhh... can't remember." You lied, joining him on the floor, not letting him see the guilty emotions written across your face.
Hours pass as the two of you work on your rocks and talk.
You tell him all about your travels while he fills you in on everything that happened at the beach and on his trips prior.
You love listening to all his little stories, especially those where his mom is involved. One of your favorite stories was when he talked about her affliction with the terrible kitchen at the beach house. She wouldn't stop complaining about the quality of the stove, which you ended up finding rather funny.
You asked him if she even actually used the stove, and he said no, which made you laugh out loud. Supposedly she apologized at the end of the trip for making such a big deal out of it.
He thought it was stupid, but you found it cute.
Of course that was something that she would do.
"What else crazy did she do on the trip?" You couldn't stop yourself from inquiring about her. Tommy never caught onto your special interest as he laughed it off and launched into the next story.
"So it was movie time, right?" He starts and you nod. "Well mom and I were advocating for She's Funny That Way since we're both madly in love with Kathryn Hahn."
You cackle and quickly agree with their side. "Of course."
"But Billy and Auntie Nat wanted to watch Knives Out!"
"I thought you liked that movie..."
"Ok yes, but Kathryn Hahn or Chris Evans?"
You thought about it for a moment. "Fair Enough." This made you wonder though about Ms. Maximoff's interest in Kathryn Hahn. There's no way she's.... attracted to her, right?
If Ms. Maximoff actually liked women, the hole you've dug for yourself would become infinitely deeper.
"Anyways, so mom, out of nowhere, says, 'You wanna watch Knives Out? Well guess what, Chris Evans is the villain and Ana de Armas gets the estate and money,' and Nat and Billy were furious."
"Oh my gosh!" You laughed with your hand over your mouth in disbelief. "So did you guys end up watching She's Funny That Way?"
"Well mom and I did. Billy and Nat went off to watch something else."
"Wow! That was vile!"
"It really was intense." He laughed and the conversation paused as both of you returned your attention to your rocks. Right before your paintbrush hit the surface though, his phone alarm went off.
"Aw, shoot. That's my timer for Ruby. We gotta clean up."
"That's alright." You gave him a soft smile. "We do have the last two weeks to hang out before I go, and I understand I'm not the only important person in your life."
He looked at you and smiled. "I love you, you know?"
"I love you too, you dork. Now let's clean these brushes and get these rocks outside to dry."
The two of you were cutting it real close to six once everything was cleaned, but before you knew it, you were saying goodbye to Tommy in the driveway just as Ruby had pulled in to pick him up.
"Alright, Y/N, we'll hang out soon!" He hugged you and stepped back.
"Oh you know it."
He followed you to your car, but you quickly realized you had left your keys inside.
"You know, I think I left my keys on your floor, but don't bother waiting for me to drive away. Go have fun with Ruby."
"Alright. My mom will let you in if it's locked." He hugged you one more time and joined his girlfriend in her car. You released a breath of air and headed back to the house, happy to see that the kitchen door was still unlocked.
Ms. Maximoff was standing in the room though when you walked in.
"Oh, hey Y/N/N! Did you forget something?" She looked up from the cutting board and veggies on the counter.
"Yeah. My keys are somewhere in Tommy's room," you said as you headed in that direction.
"Oh, so you're not back because you forgot to say 'goodbye' to me?" She teased.
"You read my mind!" You yelled from down the hall, embarrassed by how quickly you turned red.
Your keys were rather easy to find, but you took a bit longer to collect yourself before exiting Tommy's room.
"So," she said as you re-entered the kitchen. "What are you doing with your last two weeks before heading back to California?"
You were caught off guard with her conversation starter, but you were overjoyed that she wanted to talk. You leaned back onto the counter to face her.
"Well, it's all just trying to hang out with friends, even though most of them are off doing internships or traveling. I'm honestly just hanging around home a bunch," you shrugged.
"What, you didn't want to travel or anything?" She said as she continued to work on the cutting board at her fingertips.
"You know me, Ms. Maximoff, I love home just a little too much." You smiled and looked at your feet.
"Wanda, dear." She stopped her chopping and looked directly at you. "I was Ms. Maximoff to you because I was your teacher, but we've been over this, darling. Wanda, please."
You sighed. "It just... feels weird!"
"Ok, well you know what we do when things feel weird, Y/N?"
You looked at her questioningly.
"We practice, dear." She stepped around the kitchen island to lean on the counter across from you, and your thoughts started to get louder. "Say it. Say my name." She openly challenged you, so you had to accept.
"W- Wanda?" Your insides were burning.
"With confidence, dear."
You took a breath. "Wanda." You exclaimed, meeting her gaze from a few feet away.
"Good girl. Now use it in a sentence."
You blushed, knowing she saw it, but hoping she assumed it was from your discomfort. "Like... what?"
"Well, I don't know! A compliment, a question, a simple statement? I don't care, just say something. Anything." She commanded as your heart was pounding in your chest.
"I think your eyes are gorgeous, Wanda." Fuck. That wasn't supposed to come out. The woman across from you seemed to freeze briefly. "I mean- your eyes, Tommy and Billy's eyes... you all have the same eyes. I think... I think they're pretty. Wanda." FUCK.
Wanda still hadn't moved, her gaze digging into your soul. She finally took a breath, leaving a long pause in the conversation.
"What do you think of me, Y/N?"
"What?" Disbelief dripping from your reply as the intonation behind her question became lost on you.
"How do you process my image? My persona?" Wanda playfully smirked. "It must at least be slightly askew since I was your teacher, but what role do I play in your life?" She moved some cooking items away from the edge of the counter, proving to you that you had her full attention.
"Do you want me to be honest or uncomfortably honest?"
"I want to know why you chose me. Why you always turned in my homework but nobody else's. Why you wrote me thank you notes and asked me to write your college recommendation letters... why you confide in me and why you respect me so much..."
You stood in shock, feeling your body start to shake from the nerves. Your shoes all of a sudden became really interesting.
"Uncomfortably honest it is, then." You gave a long sigh and glanced back up to see her eyebrows raise in anticipation.
"It was one of the first lectures you gave me in 11th grade. I had started to realize that I was more introverted than I wanted to be, so I challenged myself to break out of that shell. I started doing that by speaking up in class. You had asked a question about our summer reading, and because I already knew you through Tommy, I felt comfortable to answer.
"To my surprise, you started a debate with me... and I didn't back down... and then you applauded me for standing up for something I believed in. That made me want to pay a lot more attention to you." You paused to take a breath, making sure the other woman was still paying attention. Wanda nodded in acknowledgement, but stayed silent to let you continue. "I started to listen to every word that came out of your mouth. I memorized every piece of information you shared, I watched what candy you picked out of the bag first, I payed attention to what music you were listening to, what books you were reading." You paused. "And so I started to notice things.
"You work to understand every single story in the room. You want to help as many people as possible, and you don't let their faults get in your way. You have a passion for what you teach and you want to share it with the world. You have good and bad days just like the rest of us, and you allowed me to see that. You are kind, empathetic, beautiful, and I have a great deal of respect for the way you carry yourself, Wanda."
Your heart raced as the two of you stared at each other for what felt like minutes. You had just poured your heart out to the one person who was never supposed to know anything. Wanda was speechless, which made you nervous. You continued to ramble.
"And- and its tricky because Tommy is genuinely my best friend and I don't know what I'd do without him... but if you're wondering what I think of you, I don't know what I'd do without you either. This family has made me who I am today. And it's all very complicated and confusing and difficult to navigate."
Wanda's eyes still stood stagnant, but you couldn't bear the silence anymore.
"Why do you ask?" You quietly gulped, praying some sound would exit her mouth.
"Would you like to stay for dinner? Billy is with friends tonight and Tommy is with Ruby, as you know, so I fear I have nobody to eat with." Wanda returned her attention to the preparations. The change of subject caught you off guard, but the opportunity to spend time with her was never something you wanted to turn down.
"Uh... sure! Let me just tell my mom I won't be home for our frozen pizza dinner." You made a goofy face that Wanda found hilarious after you commented on your other dinner option.
"Wonderful." A beautiful smile spread across her face as she pulled another plate out of the cupboard and set it on the dining table. "Would you care for a glass of wine?" The offer felt odd coming from the older woman, but it's easy to forget that you're legally allowed to accept alcoholic beverages now.
"That would be nice." You gave her a soft smile.
"I can't believe you're old enough to drink now... better for me so I won't be drinking alone," You both laughed. "Red or white, darling?"
"Whatever you're having." Wanda practically waltzed around the kitchen. "Is there anything I can do to help you prepare?" You asked as she handed you a glass of red.
Wanda paused her movements and looked at you with a silly yet impressed smile. "Well... have you ever made paprikash darling?" She asked and you shook your head. "Would you like to learn?"
"Absolutley." You grinned and Wanda took a sip of her wine.
"Wonderful." She held out her hand for you to join her at the cutting board. "We've got to dice two onions, one tomato and one pepper, as well as mince two cloves of garlic." She placed the kitchen knife in front of you. "I like to use four cloves of garlic though," she nearly whispered in your ear.
"Do you know your way around a cutting board?"
"Uhh... not really?"
"A teaching opportunity then! You can never get away from me, can you?" Wanda's words were spinning in your head even though you knew they were not intended to be. The older woman stepped behind you, moving the knife to your left hand.
"How did you know I was left handed?"
"I pay attention, dear." She casually replied. "Now curl your fingers on your right hand like this-" She placed her palm on top of the back of your hand. "And hold the knife like..." She adjusted the positioning of your thumb and pointer finger. "Good. This is the best way to avoid chopping an extremity off." Your eyes widened, thankful Wanda couldn't see the fear written on your face.
"All that's left to do is slice." She grabbed the readied onion and placed it in the center of the board. Before you knew it, she was guiding your hand through the vegetable while pressing you into the counter from behind. "Wonderful!" She exclaimed as the slice of onion fell onto the board. "Now you keep going!" She stepped out behind you and you tried your hardest to not sulk at her absence.
You missed Wanda's warmth, but nevertheless, you continued slicing and she continued watching.
"Good girl." She spoke the words again, nearly making you loose focus with a dangerous object in your hand. "Now you cut in the opposite direction. I was never good with onions so as long as the pieces look somewhat like cubes, you will have done a wonderful job." That made you laugh and you continued working.
"So tell me more about college! I love having you here but we never get one-on-one time like this. How is your degree path, your teachers, friends? Are you seeing anyone?" The last question was delivered in a goofy, sultry manner as Wanda pulled raw chicken out of the fridge.
You giggled and rolled your eyes. "To get the most pressing question out of the way, I am not seeing anyone. I was slightly interested in a graduate student but we decided it would be better to stay friends. Plus, who gets lucky enough to date a graduate student?"
"A graduate student, eh? How did the two of y'all meet anyways?"
"Well she used to live in the rental where I am now, so I received some old mail of hers. Who woulda thought that the nearly outdated postal service of America almost brought two women together?"
Your joke made Wanda cackle as she turned on the stove to heat the pot.
"Well, at least you have the opportunity to date women on campus, dear. That would have been so much more complicated in my day." She stirred the melting butter in the pan.
"Oh Wanda, don't say 'in my day', that makes you sound like a dinosaur!" You laughed.
"Well, honey, I am a dinosaur!"
"Oh shut up, no you're not. I am shocked every day that there aren't sad little high school boys making rude comments to your face or handsome men on your tail." The room oddly fell silent and you immediately started reflecting on what you had said. You put down the knife even though you were nearly done with the tomato. "When you made the comment about back in your day... - did you... do you wish you had the opportunity to date women?"
An all-telling silence came from Wanda.
"You'd rather have beautiful women on your tail? Is that it?" You smiled at her a little bit, just to make sure she knew that you understood.
"Well... I guess so. The whole 'men' thing only did me one good and that is my boys. Their dad, Vision, was just a good friend and it took me a really long time to realize that."
"That makes perfect sense Wanda." You almost hesitate with your next question, but it feels natural to ask. "Is there any woman that you've ever been particularly curious about?"
Immediately, you could tell Wanda had an answer, but her various facial expressions made it difficult to decipher if she was going to tell you or not. Finally, a glimmer of playfulness lit in her eye.
"Yes, but you have to promise not to tell anyone. Not even Tommy."
"So we both know this person then! She must be from school!" You exclaimed, getting excited.
"SHHH!" She looked at you seriously. "I always wondered how I really felt about Carol but she got herself a partner back in May."
It took you a moment to figure out who Wanda was talking about. "Wait- Carol as in Ms. Danvers Carol Danvers?!?" Wanda sheepishly nodded and you smiled wide. "Wanda, I can't blame you at all. Carol was hot at hell." You returned to your tomato, smirking.
"Excuse me!" Wanda was shocked at your remark.
"Oh, c'mon, Wanda. You must know that students talk about a few teachers. Mostly the boys... but they still talk. Danvers was a popular topic in my graduating class! Even I added a comment occaisonally..." You mumbled as you watched Wanda return her eyes to the stove with a scoff.
"Unbelievable." Fake disgust dripped from Wanda's voice as you held back your laugh. She pulled the chicken out of the pot and grabbed the onions from your board, tossing them into the oil. "You said a few teachers..." She whipped back around. "Who else was on the hot commodity list?"
You playfully scoffed. "Well there was coach Wilson amongst the girls and also Ms. Hill with the guys."
"Oh, and of course we can't forget you."
You let out an outrageous burst of laughter. "What?! All of the students fangirl over how nice you are if they aren't upset with their grades in your class! The boys love how mysterious and alluring you are and the girls think you're extremely personable, which is true."
Wanda let a brief silence fall on the conversation. "And you?"
You paused. "I already told you what I think of you Wanda." You smiled and handed her the rest of the chopped veggies. "Here you go." A comfortable silence fell over the two of you as Wanda continued to work, claiming there was nothing else for you to do at the moment. Eventually, she covered the pot she had been focusing on and turned the kitchen timer on.
"We've got about thirty minutes of waiting before there will be anything else to do," she spoke as she finally poured more wine into the both of your empty glasses. "I hope you liked this red, darling. I don't know how experienced you are with alcohol yet... although i'm assuming it's more so than you should be for your age."
You giggled. "I have maybe had my fair share of underage drinking, just like any decent college kid might," you replied as you accepted the glass from Wanda and followed her to the nearby couch. You both got comfortable and you watched as the older woman pulled a blanket across her thighs. The absence of conversation began to feel a little overwhelming, but you weren't expecting Wanda to break it with the next sentence she spoke.
"You're actually the first person i've told about liking women," she began. You raised your eyebrows in shock. Not that she hasn't told anyone before, just that the first person she wants to confide in is you.
"Wow." You began. "I don't know if I'm the most appropriate person to offer this, but do you have any questions? I am comfortable answering anything as long as you are comfortable asking." You stared at Wanda as you sipped your wine, watching the gears turn in her head.
"Yes I-" Her hesitations finally diminished. "Have you ever dated a man?" You were not expecting that.
"Yes, I tried. I was in a similar situation where he was my best friend. This was in 9th grade, that is, but I still knew that I was supposed to feel more."
"How is it different?"
"Than women?" You watched as Wanda nodded. "Well there is an objective answer and a personal answer. The objective one goes to say that it comes down to the person and how you connect with them. How your life experiences tie together and whatnot. Objectively, I can't say that much because every individual is unique. Personally though, women are infinitely better."
This made Wanda laugh, which you were quickly realizing you would give anything to hear more and more of.
"They better understand your life experiences and how to navigate emotional situations, especially the mature ones. The way they display affection is usually more personable and caring, too. They also are more attentive to details, both mentally and physically."
"How so?"
You could feel the alcohol beginning to stir, making it harder for some thoughts and words to stay away from your brain. "Well mentally, women tend to catch onto social cues faster, like when their partner needs a break or needs to eat or needs cuddles or space. Physically, they pay more attention to how your lips move and how you like to be kissed, not just where." You noticed Wanda's eyes following the path of your lips and jawline, making you stammer for a moment.
"What else?"
You gulped, beginning to realize you had no idea how far this conversation would go. "Well, The body parts that they work to please are also the same parts they touch in their free time. They know how moving on something feels different than something moving on it... and so on."
Wanda tried to verbally confirm that she understood but you could tell she was a little lost in her head. She took a big sip of wine. And another.
"I was reading something the other day..." Wanda drew out and took a big breath. "Her tongue was on the...- and she had two fingers in-" Wanda stared at her hands, oblivious to the glaze over your eyes as your listened to your former teacher talk about fucking another woman. "Is that even possible?"
"Uh- um- yea- yes. It is. It takes a little bit of practice to figure out how to do it comfortably but - yes."
It was now your turn to take a big sip of wine.
"Oh I see."
"Do you have any other questions?" You know you shouldn't, but you wanted her to say yes. Your heart was racing and you could feel a velvety slick form in your pants.
"How are your classes going?" Her tone changed but she was still focused on her hands.
You let out a big gust of air from the tension you were feeling, semi relieved that the conversation had changed but also slightly confused. "Uh, classes are good. I've got most of the hard ones out of the way, so it's really just the fun ones left."
"Like what?"
"Well I have a science elective left so I'm taking intro to geology which is supposed to be wonderful. I've also signed up for a Shakespeare lecture that should be phenomenal too. It's being taught by my favorite professor, so I can't wait to have her again."
Wanda's eyes glanced up at that. "Again?"
"Yeah, I had her for my ethics class in freshman year and she was excellent. One of those teachers whose work I actually enjoyed doing. She really understood the students and designed her class structure to fit our interests."
Wanda didn't want to address the confusion that she was experiencing... almost jealousy, but the next question did not hesitate to fall from her lips.
"Do you have a picture?"
This caught you off guard. "Uh, yeah, I bet I could find her Linked-In or something." You pulled out your phone for a quick internet search. "Here she is on the school website."
You moved your phone in front of Wanda, not realizing until now how similar the two of them looked. Wanda also took notice.
"Was she on the list?" Wanda asked. "The list of teachers that students would talk about?"
"Oh, ha, no she wasn't." This line of questioning was risky, but you continued producing a response. "She was only part time and besides, that's more of a hormonal high school thing."
A brief pause entered the conversation. "Well, would she have been?" Wanda was speaking softly.
"Well, you were in high school once. What do you think?"
"Me?" Wanda's eyes widened and you nodded. "I think she would have been," the older woman drew out.
"I think you're right, Ms. Maximoff." You smirked as you took your phone back.
The two of you spent the rest of the half hour dancing around dangerous conversation, the mood lightening a little bit. You gained some insight into how the high school was holding up, and even heard some gossip about the faculty which made you really excited. You told Wanda more about what you were studying and what your plans were for after university, as well as how your summer was.
When dinner was finally ready, Wanda topped off the wine and the two of you sat down together to eat. The food was phenomenal and the company even better. The two of you went back and forth sharing memories from high school, true feelings about teachers and students being poured out. Wanda also got to know you more as you shared what books you had been reading and shows you had been watching.
Eventually, the room had quieted down as the two of you were focused on finishing the rest of your food.
"The food was astounding, thank you so much Wanda." You smiled as you set down your utensils and the older woman took her last bite.
"Mhm..." She swallowed, covering her mouth. "I would say 'you're welcome' but you helped me cook, dear, so I should really be saying thank you."
Your eyes met as the two of you stared, an odd silence threatening the conversation.
"So, clean up! What can I do to help?" You asked, standing up from the table with your plate.
"Oh, no, dear, please let me take care of it!" Before you knew it, Wanda had snatched your plate out of your hands.
"Are you-"
"Yes, yes, just sit down honey." She smiled at you as she moved around the kitchen, swiftly cleaning the mess from dinner. "So what has been your favorite class so far?" She asked as she worked. "Besides- besides that class with that teacher you like." The comment unintentionally sounded bitter, and the idea of Wanda being jealous entertained you.
"Well, besides ethics, I actually really liked my required fitness class. The semester I dedicated to the credit was a popular fitness semester, so finding an open section was hard, but I was able to get a seat in ballroom dance."
"Interesting! I didn't take you for much of a dancer." Wanda looked up at you from the sink, smiling.
"Neither did I, Wanda." You heard her lovely laugh again. "And I was not the star student in the class either, but I think I liked it the most."
"Oh yeah? What was your favorite dance?"
"The tango," you replied as you smiled, some bout of confidence overcoming you. "Would you like to learn?"
Wanda paused what she was doing then looked up at you with a smile. "Bold of you to assume to I don't already know it, but you would also be right. I would be open to it." She replied and you giggled, pulling out your phone for some music.
"Oh, now?!" Wanda watched as you stood up. "Honey, I-"
"No better time like the present!" You held out your hand for her to join you, the alcohol adding to your charm and boldness.
"Ok..." Wanda mumbled, wiping her hands off on the closest rag. She joined you in the open space, placing her hand in yours and you guiding it into place.
"Now the tango is a walking dance, so it is perfect to take it slow and steady. There are 5 basic steps, but i'll keep it simple and teach you two." Wanda nodded as you pressed play on your phone. "Now, screw traditional roles, but for the sake of simplicity, I will be the man and you the woman." You locked eyes with Wanda as she smiled, but you could see the looming intimacy behind her eyes. You could feel it too, standing this close to her body as you placed your hand on her back.
Teaching the first step was easy - Wanda was more inclined to the movements than you thought she would be. All you two were doing was striding in a circle, but every step you took became lighter and relaxing into each other was easier. Her nose tilted further towards you and yours towards hers - and for a moment, nothing else existed in the world.
Wanda was staring into yours eyes and you could barely breathe. Staring back was difficult - you kept averting your gaze to the floor or elsewhere in the house, desperately trying to comprehend the situation. But it was magical. Once you discovered though, that Wanda's piercing green eyes were the most relaxing thing to focus on, you were stuck.
And then you stepped on her toe.
"Fuck!" You exclaimed, tripping as Wanda struggled to keep you from falling.
"Are you alright?" She asked as you composed yourself.
"I should be asking you that! I'm sorry."
Wanda laughed. "I'm perfectly alright darling. Now what's this about a second step?"
You blushed, Wanda essentially admitting she was enjoying this and wanted to continue. This was bizarre.
"Uh, it's pretty much the same for me. You get to shake it up a little bit."
"Oh?" She smiled and held her hands back out, awaiting the comfort of your return. You stepped into her grasp. "I can't wait," She winked.
This woman was going to be the death of you.
"Uh-m... - good!" You swallowed. "This is essentially the same as the last one, except now you're pivoting into me instead of pacing." You returned your hands to their proper placements.
"Like this?" She attempted a few steps with you.
"Almost. You don't need so much power to twist. Try again?" The two of you resumed stepping together.
"How's this?"
She almost had it, her knees just weren't getting the proper guidance. You dropped your hands down to her hips.
"Oh-" You froze. "May I?" Your hands were softly touching her jeans. You found Wanda staring, eventually returning a nod. Gently, you applied more pressure onto her joints and resumed stepping. Now, you could easily move her hips, and she quickly picked up the proper motion. "There you go." You looked back up at her eyes. "You're doing so well, Wanda."
She was speechless as you moved your hands back up to their proper position, rarely letting your fingertips leave her surface. It was easy to assume that a lot was going on behind her eyes... the step became mindless to her as she continuously scanned over your facial features.
She snapped out of it and ended the dance just as the song ended. "Thank you for teaching me, darling." She smiled softly. "That was wonderful." She returned to the kitchen in silence, leaving you alone.
"You were able to pick it up rather quickly. I was surprised." You said, following her to the kitchen and leaning against a counter. You could tell though that there were still gears turning in her head, so you let her be the one to talk next.
This allowed for a moment of quiet as you watched her finish cleaning the pot from dinner. Her back was to you as she washed and rinsed, softly humming the song from the tango.
When she was done, she still hesitated to turn around.
"Y/N?" She finally spoke, still away from you.
"When I asked you what you thought of me, you said...- you said you thought I was beautiful."
You quietly laughed. "Out of all that I said, that's what you took away?"
"Darling, I-" she hesitated again. "Did you mean it?"
You did not wait to conjure up a response. "I meant every word of what I said. I mean... I have practiced telling you all of that nonsense for so long even though I never thought it would happen. I just want you to know that... that I care about you. And I do think you're beautiful, Wanda Maximoff. Without a doubt."
"You think I'm beautiful?" She tried not to choke on her words.
You took a deep breath, having done all possible damage already. "Yes, yes I do." You hesitated before speaking again. "I think that you are beautiful. Inside and out."
Wanda finally turned around, and her response was something you couldn't have predicted in a million years.
"I... I think that you are beautiful too."
You stared at her in disbelief.
"You do?"
"In every single way, you are beautiful." She paused. "The way that you carry yourself... the way you smile, the way you laugh. The moments you hold onto and the memories you make. The way your eyes shine when you're proud of something... all of it is beautiful."
She pushed off the counter and walked towards you as a tear formed in your eye. Her hand reached up to brush it away as it rolled down your cheek, but instead of placing it back at her side, her hand stayed cradling the side of your face. Your eyes raced as you traced every line and mark on her skin, noticing how her green glazed stare wouldn't look away.
The two of you stayed like that, simply staring at each other, hearts racing.
"Y/N?" Her eyes didn't leave yours.
"I'm going to do something really stupid."
For the first time in what felt like hours, her eyes left yours, and instead went to your lips. She met your gaze one more time before slowly leaning in, closing the distance between you.
You couldn't believe what was happening as everything in your body burned. She used her hand to tilt your lips in her direction, and before you knew it, her mouth was on yours.
You initially didn't return the kiss, but before long, her sensation became addicting and you needed to know what more felt like.
Your lips were now pushing back on hers with curiosity and interest, slowly working through the feelings coursing through your entire body. Her mouth only briefly left yours before you were returning to another delicate kiss, delighted to see that it was being reciprocated with the small swipe of a tongue.
You let her into your mouth, eager to know what it felt like.
And whatever she was doing... well... it rocked your world. You caught yourself about to moan, which quickly brought you to your senses as you pushed her away.
"Oh my god." You took a deep breath and stared at the floor.
"You kissed me." You looked up and found her gaze full of lust; dark eyes roaming your body unapologetically. You couldn't believe that look was real, but the excitement consumed you.
"You kissed me back." She said, finding your stare again. The only thing worse than her intense gaze was the fact that she was right.
You were finding it very difficult not to pull her back on top of you. "Shit."
"Did you- were you ok with that?" Wanda asked nervously. She seems as nervous as you were, almost as if she couldn't believe what was happening either. Neither of you knew that you wanted this, but everything feels right now that it's there.
"Fuck, yes." You rubbed your face in frustration, struggling to function in the current situation. The nerves, heat and alcohol were all mixing together and before you knew it, the real uncomfortable truth slipped out.
"I'm fucking obsessed with you, Ms. Maximoff." You held your breath after messing up on her name, but instead of correcting you, her jaw slightly dropped at your desperation.
Out of some bout of confidence, you stepped into her space, backed her into the counter and dismissed every reason why the two of you should not happen. Her eyes stared you down with anticipation and desire. You brought your hands up to her head and wove your fingers into her hair, craving to feel her again.
"It's my turn to do something really stupid now, ok?"
She nodded slowly, afraid to avert her gaze.
As you leaned in towards her mouth, she took a deep breath and shuttered. Her hands moved to hold your hips just before your lips met, and this time, it was her turn to freeze once your mouth touched hers. You immediately began to panic, but just as you pulled away, she pulled your hips into hers and met your mouth with haste.
Immediately melting into her touch, a soft moan quickly escaped your lips as you tugged on her fiery locks. She gasped in return, giving you the chance to slide your tongue into her mouth and elicit a sound off of her shaky breath.
After all of your longing and pining and secrecy and wishful thinking, she was yours. Right now, as her fingertips were feeling your body for the first time and her sensation was consuming, you were struggling to believe that everything was real.
But the warm skin touching your side was undeniable. The wet tongue that was gently exploring your mouth was unquestionable, and the moans that were escaping the woman in front of you were unlike anything you could conjure in a dream.
One of your hands shakily released its grasp on Wanda's hair and made its way around her neck, giving it a gentle squeeze. When your action resulted in a smooth moan from the other woman, you smirked, not expecting that in a million years. You brought that hand down to her waist so you could hold her body as close as possible.
"You liked that, Ms. Maximoff?" You breathed into her mouth, knowing she could sense your heated grin.
"Shut up and do it again."
You lightly laughed at her begging, but you were desperate to please her. Leaning in to kiss her again, you pushed your hand on her waist from her belly button back up to her neck, this time squeezing harder. She threw her head back from the pleasuring pain, which you saw as an opportunity to turn your mouth's attention to her neck. As your warm lips met her skin and your hands went to roam her curves, she audibly gasped, and you were soaking up every reaction that you could drag out of her.
Wanda's hands found the back of your head as she encouraged your sucking and biting, careless of how aggressive you were being. Your own fingertips began to entertain the rim of her jeans, testing the waters as you caressed her lower back. You were itching to move lower, but every aspect of the current situation was territory that you never imagined you would be in before.
"Where can I touch you?" You whispered under her ear.
She laughed, followed by a soft moan as you bit her lobe. "Oh, detka, we've moved way past that line of consent," She replied as she grabbed one of your hands and moved it to her ass. "I want to feel you. All of you."
"Yes ma'am," You smirked and returned your kisses to her neck, placing both hands on her ass and pulling her hips into you. A groan reached your ears as your tongue met the base of her collar bone.
With your mouth now at the top of her shirt, your hands traced her sides as you bent your knees to meet her clothed belly button. Grasping and lifting the bottom of her shirt with your fingers, you began to stand back up, slowly kissing and licking a straight line up her front to where her bra connected in the center.
"Wait," She said as you were about to teethe the fabric, immediately dropping the shirt and standing all the way back up. Your heart was racing, unable to predict what she was about to say. She looked as if she was genuinely questioning the situation, and you were terrified. "Bedroom. Now."
Before you could process the sense of relief that washed over your body, Wanda was dragging you towards the hallway that led to her room. Even though you'd been in her space several times, the idea of fucking her in her own bed was driving you mad.
Before either of you could make it two steps into the room, you shut the door and placed her up against the wood. For a moment, all you could do was stare into her eyes, and all she could do was stare back. This was crazy. Her hand twitched on your back, and you lost control.
You immediately pressed your lips back onto hers, lifting her wrists up and holding them against the door. She groaned as your tongue explored her mouth, your hands eventually finding their way back to the rim of her shirt. Now wasting no time, you lifted the article of clothing off of her body as she gladly held her arms above her head.
After tossing the shirt aside, you found yourself taken aback by her body. Her simple, red bra complimented her soft skin, hugging her gently. The stretch marks that remained from her pregnancy were like highlights of the moon reflecting off of the ocean, and the way her breasts moved with her heavy breathing had you in a trance.
"Holy shit," you whispered, slowly moving your mouth towards her sternum, beginning to place soft kisses in a line.
"What?" Wanda asked.
"You're breathtaking."
"Well, I'm not what I used to be."
Your hands roamed her back as you continued your delicate kisses on her breasts.
"I don't want what you used to be, Wanda. I think you're perfect the way you are now." You said as you unclipped her bra, slipping the straps off of her shoulders. The two of you locked eyes as you slid the article down her arms. Her swollen lips and wondrous gaze were stuck on your being as your lungs seemed to be missing air.
To your surprise, Wanda's next move was to lunge at you, forcing you to walk backwards as her tongue explored your mouth and her hands worked to remove your shirt. You jumped when the backs of your knees met the bed, but Wanda didn't seem to notice as she pushed you back and climbed on top. Distracted by the feeling of being in her bed and her tongue beginning to explore your chest, you tangled your fingers into her hair and tugged.
"Fuck," She moaned, looking up at you, and you froze. A pair of of desperate green eyes and wet, swollen lips were staring up at you, and your english teacher had just moaned a curse word. You felt like you were on another planet.
"Shit, you're attractive." You mumbled and the older woman blushed. "Tugging hair, choking... this is only the beginning, Wanda." You smirked at her from under her body, and her only response was kissing you deeply.
You used this moment as an opportunity to push her on her back, quickly mounting her before she could protest, although you don't think she would have. You took the moment to drag your fingertips down her front and run each nipple over with your thumbs.
"Oh, Fuck, babygirl, you're driving me-" You eagerly latched your mouth onto a breast, receiving a heavy gasp from the woman below you. You continued on with your work, playing with the free nipple in one hand and stroking a thigh with the other. Her fingers were dancing across your back, eventually making their way to unclasp your bra.
The moment you felt the relief, you gently bit down on her delicate nipple, causing Wanda to arch upwards and rake her nails down your back. The pain caught you by surprise as you leaned into her and moaned into her ear. You could feel her smirk against your skin.
"Shut up." You groaned.
"Make me." She replied, trying to tug your bra down your arms.
You sat up to fully remove the article of clothing, entertained by the hands that were running up your side to cup your breasts. You rested for a moment, enjoying the feeling of Wanda's massaging.
"Is this what you wanted from me, detka? Is this what you picture when you think of me?"
"To be honest, I never let myself consider it. But I always wondered what it would be like..." You smirked and placed your hands on her stomach. "Why? Is this something you've fantasized about? Having me on top of you, topless and moaning?" You leaned back over her body, your hands moving to massage her breasts and your breath teasing her other nipple.
"Oh honey," She laughed and moved her touches to and down your back. "I've thought about all of this. What your mouth on my tits would be like, how your fingers would feel inside of me..." Your movements stopped as you stared at her. "How hard would you fuck me and with how many fingers and how much tongue. How much would you edge me and make me crazy. What you would look like in-between my legs with my cum dripping from your lips? I'm simply curious, darling." Her hands cupped your ass as you worked up a response.
"Well aren't you lucky, Ms. Maximoff," You began with a shakey voice, one hand holding you up and the other teasing her stomach. "Cause you get to find out." You moved your fingers to the top her jeans and you popped the button open. "Have you ever pictured me rubbing out your cunt?" Wanda simply stared. "Well, we should probably start there." You slid your hands into her jeans and started making circles over her clothed pussy, watching as she took a deep breath and opened her mouth. You could feel her slickness in the fabric.
"Fuck, Wanda, you're already drenched." You groaned as you finally placed your lips on her other breast. Her wet cunt was already coating your fingers and you realized that you were so close to tasting her. "You're so wet for me, I've hardly done anything."
"Darling, you've done more for me than anyone else ever has." She groaned.
"Do you want me to do more?"
"Baby, please."
You immediately took your hand out of her jeans and turned your attention to taking them off entirely. You could hardly contain yourself as she lifted her hips and helped you slide the denim off of her skin, her now drenched panties completely visible.
"Wow," You whispered, crawling back on top of her body, bringing your face up to hers so your noses could meet again.
"Hi," She smiled sheepishly, and you gave her a loving kiss.
"Gods, you're stunning. I can't wait to be inside you." You kissed her again.
"I want to touch you too, babygirl." Wanda whispered and you smiled.
"Touch anything you'd like, Ms. Maximoff."
Wanda's eyes scanned your body. "I also want these off." She pulled at the hem of your pants then dragged her fingernails up and down your sides.
Shivering, you dismounted Wanda and stood up, putting on a show of you taking off your pants.
"You mean these old things?" You bent over so Wanda could see the fabric sliding down your ass, taking your time even though it was painful.
"Detka, you're killing me." Wanda sat up to watch as the hem dragged down your legs, revealing your most flattering panties. The attention she was giving you was lighting you on fire. You heard her audibly gasp when you started to pull at the final piece of clothing, but you instead let go of your panties and turned back around, smirking.
"Now, Ms. Maximoff, I can't do all of the work for you." You waltzed back over to the bed, remounting the older woman. You watched as her eyes followed the dark spot on your only remaining article. Grinning, you leaned into her ear. "Ill touch yours if you touch mine."
"Please, baby." She whispered. You sat up so she could see all of you again, this time reaching a hand down to where your panties covered your pussy. Making sure she was watching, you pulled the fabric aside.
"Go on, Wanda, it's all yours."
She slowly reached a hand to your slickness, and the moment you finally felt contact, you took a deep breath. At first, she just held one finger there, but eventually, small movements began to circle your clit. You moaned. "Good job, M- Ms. Maxi- mo--" She slipped a finger into you. "FUCK. You feel so good. You're doing so good." You noticed Wanda's eyes were glued to her finger moving in and out of you, trying to fill in the picture that was still hidden by the thin fabric.
You opened your eyes just in time to see her pull out her finger and bring it up to her lips, sensually sucking you off and whining at your taste. Excitedly, you let go of your panties and leaned down to taste yourself on her tongue.
"How did that feel, Wanda?" You smirk, coming out of the deep kiss and pushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
"God- babygirl... you- you're driving me crazy." Her hips softly rolled under you as she pulled your head back down for another aching kiss. You ran the hand that wasn't supporting your weight over her breasts and down her body, scratching at the skin below her belly button. "Please, honey... I..." She mumbled in-between kisses, you hardly giving her a chance to speak. When you finally pulled away a few inches, no more words were leaving her lips as her chest heaved for air.
"What is it, Ms. Maximoff?" You smirked, playing with the elastic around her waist.
"I need you to touch me."
"Yes ma'am." You watched her facial expressions as your hand finally dove into her panties, the moisture immediately apparent. Her eyes widened when your pointer finger found the velvety slick and you immediately knew you would do anything in your power to make sure she knew how good another woman could make her feel. Your digit slowly started exploring the rest of the area, soft moans escaping the older woman as you glazed over her clit and entrance.
"Have you ever been touched like this, Wanda?" You whispered into her ear, making a few nips at her lobe.
"N-no..." She sighed as you began intentionally circling her clit.
"Nobody to notice what you like... what you want. This wet, pretty pussy wasted on cheap condoms and a quick fuck."
A sinful moan left her body as your lips once again returned to her neck, you quickly learning where her sensitive spots were. "Shit, baby." Her nails were digging into your shoulder blades.
"Nobody to know how warm and soft you are," You said, shoving a finger into her entrance, groaning as she gasped. "And it's a damn shame, cause you feel so perfect, Ms. Maximoff." You met her eyes when you could see the surprise on her face at your last statement. Your finger started moving slowly in and out, trying to map out every dip and line you could feel. "So perfect."
You once again reattached your lips to hers, feeling the vibrations from her moans on your tongue. You could stay like this forever, you felt. But Wanda did not.
"Detka, I need more. Please." Her slight accent slipping through, reaching down to your core.
You pulled your finger out of her and she whined, fearing her pleading made you step back. Little did she know, but she would be getting exactly what she asked for.
"I would love to give you more, but these are gonna need to come off." You dragged your soaked finger down her stomach to grab at her panties and she frantically nodded.
"Yeh- yes please. I want to feel all of you."
You smirked, moving back to finally drag the rest of the fabric down her legs. When you finally brought yourself to look at the painting between her legs though, you could hardly breathe. Her folds were swollen and soaked with her wetness, slightly moving with her body as her chest rose and fell. You felt so divided, debating consuming her immediately or taking your time to work her up.
You realized while the first option was so tempting, the second would give her the full experience. You slowly reached your fingertips to graze over her thigh, small whimpers coming from the older woman.
"Oh, Wanda, you are divine." You muttered, now dragging both palms up her waist and down the sides of her ass as you repositioned yourself closer to her core. Eyes dragging up and down her person when you spotted the wetness that you had left on her stomach earlier. You leaned down to clean it all up, finally getting to taste her tanginess on your tongue. You moaned into her skin.
"Detka..." She gasped as you moved your mouth down to her inner thighs and you hands to grip her waist. Her smell was driving you crazy as her taste lingered in your throat. You began to slowly suck at the warm soft terrain, finding it easy to pull the skin between your teeth. A hand was placed on your head, pulling on your hair in a desperate attempt to get you closer to her core. You simply laughed, leaving red spots everywhere in-between her thighs.
Despite your grip on her hips, she still found some movements, directing your attention to the quiet sticky sounds coming from her pussy. You watched in a daze as her small twitches pushed around the slick, begging to be touched again.
You couldn't take it anymore, fully embracing her wetness with a torturous lick up her core. The groan that escaped Wanda was heavenly as she tried to tug you back onto her. You complied, picking up a slow routine of collecting her mess into your mouth. You dug your fingers deeper into her sides, addicted to her pain response.
"Oh, good girl, baby. That, wow." She said as you began to suckle on her clit, striving for every reaction you could get out of her. "Holy fuck."
You smirked, finally sliding a finger back into her dripping hole and continuing to work on her clit with your mouth. You knew this pace you were making would not be enough, but you wanted the older woman to beg for it. You could tell she already wanted to as your hair only got tugged harder and finger nails started scratching at your arms.
After only a short time, you decided to amp up the teasing with another finger into her entrance, but you would not change your pace. You took breaks on her clit when you felt she was building up too many knots, paying attention to her audible sighs as if she was taking a cold plunge and making sure her lungs were still working.
"Darling, please... oh-"
You blew on her clit as you watched how your fingers slid in and out of her, collecting up her slick.
"Baby please make me cum. You feel s-so good but you're destroying me Y/N/N."
"You want me that bad, Ms. Maximoff?" You grinned.
"Darling, its not a want. It's a need. Now. Please."
"Ok, as long as you look at me as I fuck you clean. I want you to know what good love feels and looks like." You smirked as she pulled a pillow under your head, elated when she gasped at the image before her... your chin soaked, eyes hungry and smile cruel. You kept eye contact with her as you sunk back down to her core, living in the light of her stare. You began to continue the licks and pumps, but she let her eyes roll back, which you hadn't told her to do.
"Eyes on me, Ms. Maximoff. I'm in charge right now." You couldn't believe those words had just rolled off of your tongue, but clearly she hadn't either as your gazes reconnected.
"You little sl-" She went speechless as you started a more aggressive pace, ensuring her green glare was on you. Once you had decided she would stay like that, you moved all of your attention to her pussy, finally tying all the knots together in her core. Her moans and whimpers were everything to you, even when you noticed her upper body was becoming too weak. You decided to let her finish, knowing she more than deserved it.
"Detka, I think I'm gonna cum- I"
"The stage is yours" You mumbled into her, internally grinning. You pumped a few more times and the next thing you know, Wanda has thrown her head down and arched off the bed. You could feel her cum as you watched the sight before you, the older woman unable to control her high.
You stared in awe as your fingers worked her off her high, chest heaving and hands rubbing her eyes. You slowly pulled your fingers out of her twitchy hole, making sure her eyes were back on you as you raised your digits to your lips.
"Wow, babygirl, that was... amazing." She pulled you over for a kiss, adjusting to her taste on your tongue. "Thank you."
You giggled. "You know, Wanda, another nice thing about women is that they have the stamina to make you cum more than once in a night... if you're interested." You smirked.
Her jaw slightly dropped. "More than once?"
Thanks for reading!
#wanda maximoff x reader#wanda maximoff#elwriteswanda#wanda x reader#wanda fanfic#dom reader#lesbian#wanda maximoff x female reader#wlw smut#wanda maximoff smut
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So we always talk about the Honda Odyssey and the obvious fucking that happened in it but what about the definitely hurtful for Wade speech.
I'm not a writer but this idea wouldn't leave my mind, so here it goes.
Logan just kinda forgot about it. Months have passed after the Time Ripper, saving the universe, and the domestic platonic bliss of living with Wade.
Getting a warm and calm (as calm as a place can be with Wade in it) home, a group of people that feels as close as family as he will ever get, and a person so similar to him it almost hurts who seems to give a damn and care about him.
Of course he fooled himself thinking he could have a second chance, be better, belong somewhere. And then everything went to shit.
Wade had been acting weird around him, he was sure it was only with him after seeing him interact with his friends. He seemed to be always tense, silent, uncomfortable, an awkward tension between them and he felt he was going crazy trying to figure it out why.
Until one day Logan wakes up after a nasty nightmare, feeling pissed, trapped, tired. And when Wade goes to talk to him he snaps, tells him to "shut the fuck up Red, I can't deal with you today". Wade answers, and Logan feels his blood freeze when Wade tells him word by word what he told him in the void, how he knows Logan despises him and is just looking for his chance to run. Wade looks him in the eyes, sighs, and goes to the bedroom closing the door behind him.
And Logan just stands there, not saying anything, cause why the fuck would he? He only causes pain, it is what he was made for anyway. And he hurt the person he should have cherished the most, the man who gave him a second chance, a family, a home and even if he said those things when he was angry, technically kidnapped, and sober for the first time in years, the damage was already done and he is sure Wade and everyone will be better off without him.
He remembers all the times he made a comment or even a damn joke about wanting Wade to shut up and leave him alone, and he almost throws up.
So Logan waits, he waits until Althea is asleep and Wade is out doing a merc job and goes to pack his things. Only to realize that he really owns nothing here, everything he has was given to him by Wade. Clothes, cigars, alcohol and soft blankets and plushies for his kitten nest according to Wade that Logan swore he hated (he doesn't). And what fucking right does he have to take anything when the owner is the man he loves and was hurting for months because of him.
He feels his throat tight and his eyes swell but why would he cry? Or even try to feel as the victim here when he is always the damn monster, the failure, in every timeline, and every universe he is always going to be the Worst Wolverine. He takes his clothes off feeling disgusted with himself, folds them and places them neatly on the couch and puts his suit on.
He looks at the apartment one last time, thinks about Wade laughing and talking while watching a crappy TV show with Althea and snuggling with Mary Puppins, Wade making him coffee in the kitchen, handing it to him with a bright warm smile and turning to make breakfast, them sleeping together in the couch, Wade comforting him after a nightmare, and isn't it fucking ironic? Wade taking care of him while Logan only hurts him and behaves like an ungrateful asshole.
That's what he always does, be a fucking disappointment and hurt the people who care about him.
He turns around and leaves.
I usually never write and when I do is angst, sigh.
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The Dancer [FA14 smau]
Fernando Alonoso x dancer!reader
Summary: Few months after, everybody laughs when they remember the rumors about Fernando Alonso and Taylor Swift dating. Would they laugh though if they new it maybe wasn't so far from truth as it may seem? Well, one thing's for sure - Y/N and Fernando will laugh very much while soft launching their relationship... and confusing everyone with swiftie content thanks to her job.
Warnings: Maybe wrong dates and timeline of The Eras Tour, but whatever XD.
messages between Y/N and Fernando

fernandoalo_oficial posted on instagram

liked by alex_albon, zhouguanyu24, pierregasly and 562,109 others
fernandoalo_oficial I was taken by the view like we were in Paris... romance is not dead.
view all 4001 comments
user1 i dont think my brain can comprehend so many things all at once😨
user2 right? I'M IN SHOCK
user3 fr fernando wants to give us a heart attack😭
lilymhe I see what you did here...
alex_albon I indeed see what he did here too...😏
user4 guys tell us what he did pls I'm begging youuuu
user5 Alonso soft launching was not on my 2024 bingo card
user6 him soft launching with TAYLOR SWIFT wasn't on MY bingo card 😭
user7 How he's suddenly so hot in the first pic? Like damn sir okay🫢
user8 girlfriend effect is real y'all
georgerussell63 Mate you can't do that to me, I just woke up 😧
user8 lmfao princess georgie is as confused as we are xd
fernandoalo_oficial sorry mate, don't get wrinkles🤞
gerogerussell63 What even is that choice of emoji?
fernandoalo_oficial well, someone is original with an emoji and someone is original with a pose... choice is yours 😃
georgerussell63 Stop it's been almost a year 😭
user9 not them bullying each other💀
user10 Yeah the duo we didn't know we needed
user11 I saw the first picture and almost spat out my drink in shock of such a hot photo of Nando. Then I swiped and literally choked on it because the last think I'd ever expect from his photo dump is a soft lunch of some baddie girl🫣
user12 I am delusional for thinking Taylonso could still have a chance, aren't I?
user13 well i mean you basically answered it yourself so... yeah XD
user15 oh no Fernando is not single anymore💔
user16 I think I accidentally teleported into some alternative universe... what is thiiiis?
user17 REAL
user18 fuck me this man seriously used lyrics from paris by ts💀
user19 Idk why but I kinda like this new side of Fernando😻

yourusername posted on instagram

liked by taylorswift, fernandoalo_oficial, carmenmmundt and 5,234 others
tagged: taylorswift and 9 others
yourusername crazy performance, even crazier night out and the most crazy training the day after... I call that the life of a dancer😻🎉 also my head and heart did go vroom vroom after the second pic
view all 218 comments
taylorswift I call that the eras tour life!💗
yourusername yes ma'am!
user1 damn she got our queen Taylor replying to her posts... how does it feel to live my dream?!😭
yourusername amazing! 🥰
user2 such a shame my mum didn't force me to try dancing when I was little... I could have been at podium next to Taylor Swift right now 😃
liked by the author
user3 You are such a good dancer, the shows wouldn't be the same without you Y/N!
yourusername omg thank u sm I really appreciate that!!🥹
user4 sooo... are we gonna just ignore Fernando in the likes or what???
user6 fr I need some crazy detective from twitter to figure this out😫
carmenmmundt Hey, could you give me and lilymhe vip tickets...?
yourusername I mean... everything can be done 😏 I'll just need to ask mother Taylor bc I just used my plus one at the last concert🫡
yourusername I love you girls as well, we have to finally meet sometimes!!!
carmenmmundt Yeah, I think we'll have chance at the end of February at the latest😉
user8 Omg are they hinting Y/N at the Bahrain GP?? F1 season starts at the end of February right?!
goergerussell63 Well hello there, nice to meet you Y/N... given the fact my dear girlfriend doesn't care about me, could you give me and alex_albon vip tickets as well?😊
alex_albon Yeah Y/N we are very big fans😊
yourusername everything for the guys that go vroom vroom🫡
alex_albon Like your heart
yourusername exactly!
twitter & messages between Y/N and Fernando

yourusername posted on instagram

liked by selenagomez, fernandoalo_oficial, francisca.cgomes, astonmartinf1 and 8,234 others
yourusername preparing for the next season🤞
view all 1,029 comments
user1 y/n is literally living my dream life rn
georgerussell63 Oh no... he infected you with that emoji, didn't he?
yourusername we'll never know... maybe I infected HIM with it
gourgerussell63 I think higher of you and your taste in emojis
yourusername aww thanks princess georgie how sweet🥰
georgerussell63 I take it back
user2 HELLO?! what is happening💀
dancer1 excuse me little miss y/n... is that a man i'm seeing?🤨
yourusername well... maybe
dancer2 Be fr she's trying to soft launch him for like a month now😭
dancer1 okay i'm calling you rn STAY WHERE YOU ARE
user3 Guys why's nobody talking about the paddock pass in the 5th picture!!!!
user4 omg that's a PADDOCK PASS?😱
user5 yeah it is I noticed it thanks to this comment
user6 Wait... does that mean her and Fernando have been together longer? Because she already went to a race before the winter break??
user5 idk girl we don't even know for sure she's really dating him😓
user6 idgaf about who's dating her bc even without bf y/n's sooo hot like damn... mommy🥵
user7 I'm so confused... is this Alonso's girl or not?
user8 trust me user7 - we'd all like to know that😭
user9 😍
yourusername and fernandoalo_oficial posted on instagram stories

yourusername story has been seen by taylorswift, lance_stroll and 13,634 others
fernandoalo_oficial story has been seen by charles_leclerc, astonmartinf1 and 308,003 others
user1 replied to yourusername story: is that an f1 driver there y/n
dancer1 replied to yourusername story: Hope he'll not disappoint me in person when you talked about him sm 😒
yourusername ohhh trust me you'll love him just as I do🥰
dancer1 omg bleeeeh I hope not 🫣
user2 replied to yourusername story: your friends are so pretty😩
taylorswift replied to yourusername story: When you'll take him to get my approval??
yourusername soon taylor, soon... I'm just afraid it'll break the internet lol
taylorswift I think we're used to that already with Travis at this point😂
yourusername true😭
fernandoalo_official replied to yourusername story: 🔥
yourusername it's going to be okay, they'll love you 🫶
fernandoalo_oficial how did you know I was nervous amor?
yourusername I saw you literally shaking when you left to the bathroom love...😹
yourusername oh they're back come quickly!!💞
fernandoalo_oficial onmw
user3 replied to fernandoalo_oficial story: IS THIS THE CONFIRMATION WE NEEDED?!
user4 replied to fernandoalo_oficial story: I see what you're doing here old man 👀
user5 replied to fernandoalo_oficial story: soft launch slowly turning into a hard launch and I'm here for it!!!!
dancer1 replied to fernandoalo_oficial story: I guess you aren't that bad in person...
fernandoalo_oficial 😁
user6 replied to fernandoalo_oficial story: screaming crying throwing up
taylorswift replied to fernandoalo_oficial story: You better treat my best dancer right Alonso!🤍
fernandoalo_oficial of course ma'am! 🫡
user7 replied to fernandoalo_oficial story: So cute!!😍
messages between Y/N and Fernando

fernandoalo_oficial posted on instagram

liked by maxverstappen1, oscarpiastri, f1, yourusername and 601,239 others
tagged: yourusername
fernandoalo_oficial All these people think love's for show but I would die for you in secret... #swiftie
view all 6,022 comments
yourusername I'd just like to make it clear to everybody that it's me who made him be swiftie... you're welcome💋
liked by the author
carmenmmundt Y/N is so pretty!😍
yourusername ohh carmen ilysm you're even prettier🥹
user2 No way Fernando just really har launched his gf😭
f1 We smell a new wag!
user4 LOL you're kinda late for that admin xd
user5 Congrats and wish you well world champ!💪
user6 can we talk about how gorgeous she is???
lilymhe double date when honey?
yourusername anytime babeee!!!
fernandoalo_oficial why do I have a feeling me and alex_albon will be third-wheeling on you two?🤨
alex_albon you'll eventually get used to third-wheeling your own girlfriend and her friends, trust me fernando...🤠
user7 This girl is like a goddess, I can't even blame him ❤️🔥
user8 mommy & daddy
georgerussell63 Finally! Congratulation on the hard launch mate👍
fernandoalo_oficial and look who's original with emojis now...😂
user9 from now on this is my fav couple
user10 mine to
lance_stroll 💚💚
user12 nah I don't know what he see in her🙄
user13 Go away we don't want the jealous haters here ��
kellypiquet Welcome to the F1 family yourusername!🤍
yourusername thx!💞
user14 i call this couple goals
user16 I can already feel he'll be so hot in his new era 😩
user17 lmao nando in his swiftie and stlutty era as someone on twitter said😹
yourusername swiftie and slutty era? i like the sound of it😏
user16 not y/n reading all the comments sipping over her bf 💀
liked by yourusername
Author's Note: Hello everyone, hope you liked it! I'm not sure you should get used to me posting so often, but let's say that after Lance's social media au and the great feedback I had so much motivation... plus I'm sick, so I actually have the time to write and create XD. Anyway, I'll be glad for likes, comments, reblog and every other way of showing support! Have a great day and let me know how you liked Nando and swiftie dancer together!
#fernando alonso x reader#fernando alonso#formula one#formula 1#f1 imagine#f1 fanfic#fanfiction#fanfic#f1 x reader#x reader#reading#george russell#taylor swift#taylonso#swifties#the eras tour#dancer#writing#social media fic#social media au#social media#aesthetic#couple#motosport#spanish#fa14 x reader#fa14#smau#f1 smau#f1 social media au
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Role Swap AU Masterpost
If you're old enough in my blog then you remember [this]
Yeah in the end I never even updated that, it's almost a year since the mod was actually released but hey I'm here!
This also might be the last post regarding the AU. It's over fr, I've reached my dream in wanting to release a mod of it and getting fanart sooo yay, the AU is done for, but dw! I've kept Whitmore, turned him into an OC.
If I don't forget to post again lol Y'all will see more of him!
Anyways here is the mod!!!
Above it's all art I've made for it alongside a GIF :P
And below the cut, you will find more links, such as gameplay and all the music! INCLUDING the full-ass complete lore of the AU!
ya that's right!! Community game played my game ain't that crazy! Okay so here is all you need to know:
This is an AU where Whitty (now who's referred as Whitmore as his last name only) and Updike (Gabriel in this AU, he doesn't know his last name or anything since he was abandoned) switch places. ONLY they do in this AU, all others stay the same. Conrad Whitmore was raised by The Greater Good (similar concept to SCP) after being found in abandoned and crashed down lab as a doomsday experiment. TGG saw him as an useful tool Being fed well and trained since childhood, he's naturally taller and bigger than average Whitty. Also more tired. Just because Conrad had a good childhood doesn't mean he was free of trauma btw ☝ He had many experiments done on him such as vivisectomy, endoscopy and multiple blood tests and even organ removals, however he was often manipulated by TGG into doing this of free will, ever since as a kid.
For those who ask "well what about Carol? Does she still date the Whitty from this universe?" yes she did! Hex and Carol are/were still Conrad's closest people he has had in his life But Carol eventually broke up with Conrad once she learnt the true nature of his job. A big rift developes between them, with her trying to desperately convince him TGG is not the better solution it claims to be, while Conrad defends it with his life for is the only thing he knows. Their fights escalate a lot, until she visits him in his office. Needless to say it didn't go well.
I have an animatic as well! In a resume, their (verbal) fights gets him so agitated, he enters his ballistic stage where he hasn't felt that in years besides while a kid. And during his rage he pulls the trigger while Carol calls him names (monster being one). TGG covers the crime, the lyrics are important btw!
This all happened when Conrad was 21, Carol's death is tragic enough he enter a depressive episode + is taken back to his 'original bunker house' (where he was raised) by TGG for 5 years for reevaluation. Hex is the only one who knows what happened because Conrad told him. That's pretty much the lore? I think? UH anywasy tldr I became so attached to Conrad I've scrapped the 'swap' alternate reality of it and turned him into Whitty's twin brother (and Carol isn't dead there).
Also out of respect for Sock.Clip, Gabriel, or TGG no longer exists, I'm just dumping this here to be registered in my tumblr since it was the only social media I never uploaded the lore of my AU completely. But yes, swap whitty is fully dead, ofc ppl can make art for it duh, I just mean I won't be making content of it ever again, Conrad instead is being brought to the 'original' fnf world, and will be currently Whitty's twin, but his lore or story has been completely rebooted.
Thank you for reading all this damn ur a true homie!!!
#fanart#digital art#fnf art#fnf fanart#fnf whitty#friday night funkin#friday night funkin'#friday night funkin whitty#whitty fnf#artists on tumblr#swap au#roleswap au#fnf swap#swap vs whitty#fnf role swap au#swap updike#fnf swap au#role swap au#fnf au#friday night funkin' au#fnf updike#fnf whitmore
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stuck on the past | part 3
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x Ex-girlfriend!Reader
you never thought you'd see Bradley Bradshaw again, especially the way things ended between the two of you. So what happens when he's suddenly back for a special mission and is determined to win you back too?
warnings: angst (ish), adult language, drinking
length: 1.6k

"Who are you texting?" Bradley looked up from his phone to see Nat sitting down across from him. He'd had a bad day, that was for sure. With training for this mission and almost fighting Hangman earlier, he'd come straight to the cafeteria thinking food might help. Instead, he found himself staring at your texts, wondering if he should message to make sure you still wanted to meet, or if you'd turn him down and his day would hit rock bottom.
He looked up as Nat sat on the bench across from him, "No-one."
Nat rolled her eyes, leaning on the table in between them, "Come on, spill it. I need some drama around here that isn't to do with either Hangman or this mission."
Bradley poked at his food, "You're gonna tell me its a bad idea."
Nat smirked, "Can't be worse than other things you've done,"
Bradley chuckled and put his fork down, "I'm going out with my ex-girlfriend tonight. I think."
"Going out with an ex huh?" Nat shrugged, "Not the worst idea. We've all ran back to an ex once or twice."
"It's not like that." He sighed, "We were together a long time, while I was at Top Gun, haven't seen her in a few years now. Back then I really thought... I don't know. She was the only girl I saw myself making a life with, you know? Settling down."
"So, what happened? She dump you?"
"No." Bradley ran a hand through his hair, "I fucked it up. I ran.. but she didn't try to make me stay. Maybe she saw it coming, I don't know. I just knew I'd end up spending so much time away from her, I couldn't.. She deserved more."
"So... what? You want her back?"
Bradley shrugged, "I don't know. We're both in the same city, first time in years..."
Nat grinned, "It's like the universe is giving you a second chance, right?"
"You think I'm crazy?" Bradley chuckled.
"No." Nat stood, ready to leave, "But you want my advice? Don't fuck it up again."
You looked at your reflection in the mirror. He would be here any minute, and this was the third outfit you'd tried on. You shook your head, you're acting stupid. This wasn't even a date.. was it? It was just dinner. You could do dinner. Glancing at the mirror again, you started to panic. The dress looked good, but was it too dressy? Shit.
Your phone buzzed from your bed. He's here. The dress would have to do now.
You slipped on your shoes and headed downstairs to the front of your building, where Bradley was waiting, leaning against the side of his bronco. When he saw you coming, he grinned, "You look amazing."
Maybe the dress wasn't such a bad idea.
"Thanks." You looked Bradley up and down. He was in jeans and one of his classic Hawaiian shirts, his aviators hanging on the edge of his nose. "You look good too."
He opened the passenger door of the bronco for you and you climbed in. He reached over you to buckle your seat belt and you felt your stomach flip as you looked up at him. He smiled slightly and shut the door. You couldn't give in. You had to be strong.
Focus on the article.
He climbed into the driver's seat and turned on the engine, pulling away from your street, "You still love Italian food?"
You chuckled, "Are you kidding? I will always be down for pasta. Where are we going?"
Bradley smirked, "You'll see."
After a little while, he was pulling into a parking spot right outside the old Italian restaurant on the corner of the street. You almost couldn't believe it, the memories overwhelming you slightly. This had been your go-to for dates with Bradley back in the day. You looked out of your window and back to Bradley as he parked, opening and closing your mouth, unable to figure out what to say.
He turned off the engine, suddenly looking a little sheepish, "I know it's cheesy taking you here, if you wanna go somewhere else-"
"No." you interjected, "I love it here."
His shoulders relaxed and he began to smile, "Remember that time you were sick so I ordered like, five different meals from here and brought them to your place?."
You giggled, you guys had so much left over pasta that day, it practically fed you for the next week. "I remember." You said, "I also remember you trying to pour me a glass of wine and instead spilling it all down my front."
Bradley began to laugh, "That was so embarrassing! What was that, like, our second date too?"
You started laughing too and Bradley watched you, struggling to hold back his own laughter. You were so magnetic, your laugh so real and genuine, he'd missed it more than he thought.
"Yeah." you giggled, "You know, I never got the stain out of that dress, had to throw it away."
Bradley smiled wide as both of your laughter subsided, "Shame. You looked beautiful that night."
You cheeks burned as you both got out of the car and you felt yourself smiling harder than you had in a while.
Focus on the article.
He placed his hand on the small of your back as you both walked inside. It was a small restaurant, with a few seats by the front window and some further towards the back. The host showed you to your seat, right by the large front window. You'd sat here with Bradley before and you felt yourself wonder if he had requested this table especially. He ordered a bottle of wine for you both to share. If it were a first date, you would have been giddy with infatuation.
But it wasn't a first date, not really.
Once the waitress had poured you each a glass and left you to look at the menu, you decided to make a move. "How's the mission going?" You tried to sound as casual as you could.
Bradley gazed up at you from the menu, "Haven't spoken to Maverick, almost got in a fight with Hangman."
You frowned, putting the menu down, "You got in a fight? Are you okay?"
He chuckled, "Yeah sweetheart, I'm fine."
"So Hangman's still an ass?"
"Oh yeah. You remember him huh?"
You nodded, "I remember how much you used to bitch about him at Top Gun. Seems like he hasn't changed."
"Nope." Bradley looked back at the menu and smirked, "Wanna share their mega pasta? Think we can finish it all this time?"
You chuckled, reliving the memory. The restaurant was known for doing massive portions of any pasta you choose, meant for 4 people to share. Last time you and Bradley had barely made a dent in it.
"Sure." you smiled, leaning across the table, "As long as it's spaghetti bolognaise."
When you'd both finished your food, Bradley eating a lot more than he did the last time but still not managing to finish the whole plate, he paid the bill, ignoring your protests. The two of you decided to walk along the beach after that and you felt sparks as your hand brushed his every now and then.
Focus on the article.
"So, uh," you cleared your throat, keeping your eyes trained on the sand beneath your feet, "What's the deal with this mission? Is it dangerous?"
Bradley chuckled, "Why? You worried about me, sweetheart?"
You rolled your eyes, "Bradley."
He shrugged, "All missions are dangerous to some degree." He stopped walking, and you followed his lead, "I had a really good time with you tonight."
You smiled, "I had a good time with you too."
"I was thinking, you never answered my question the other day." You frowned as he continued, "Did you forgive me?"
You let out a puff of air and glanced down at the sand, "I did. After a while."
"Why didn't you ask me to stay?"
You looked up at him, his eyes were glistening in the moonlight, never leaving yours, he looked vulnerable. You shrugged, "You'd been distant for a while. I didn't want to beg you to stay with me and I thought if I did, it might make you run further away."
Bradley sighed, "I regretted it. Leaving you. I always wanted you to know that."
You looked down to the sand, suddenly feeling a lump in your throat. "Everything happens for a reason, right?" You chuckled bitterly.
It had been such a long time since you'd really thought about Bradley and everything that had happened between you. This trip down memory lane suddenly had you feeling overwhelmed with emotion.
Bradley thought back to his conversation with Nat earlier in the day, "I was young and stupid. I never meant to hurt you like I did."
"You're not all to blame. I knew you'd been distant but I never said anything. Maybe if I did, we could have talked about it. Things might not have ended the way they did." You replied, shivering a little as the wind picked up.
Bradley immediately took his Hawaiian shirt off and wrapped it around your shoulders, leaving him in a white undershirt. He pulled you slightly closer to him and you thought your heart might explode. "I don't want to rush things," He said carefully, "but I'd really love to get to know you again. If you'll let me."
You looked up at him. It was on the tip of your tongue to mention the task your boss had given you, to tell Bradley the truth. But looking into his eyes in the dark of the night, his shirt wrapped around you and his fingers gently rubbing circles over your shoulders, you couldn't muster up the courage.
The only thing you could say was, "Yeah. I'd like that."
#bradley bradsaw x reader#bradley bradshaw#bradley bradshaw imagine#bradley bradshaw x you#bradley rooster bradshaw#rooster bradshaw fic#rooster imagine#rooster top gun#rooster x reader#rooster x you
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smth smth uhhh tsurune character analysis time wsg
i've never done this before in my life and i shouldn't even be doing it cause that's crazy tf BUT hi :blush: i'm Kisaragi Nanao's number one fan and hater simultaneously and i need to talk about it. chances are none of this will make the slightest bit of sense, cause thinking about his brain for more than five minutes usually has me going around in circles like a headless chicken. its been almost a year and i have not been able to stop thinking about him, not even in my most trying times so i might as well do the one thing i'm good at and write each and every single one of my thoughts down so the void can eat them all up. my friends are tired of hearing me talk about this so now its your turn, people in the tsurune but more specifically the Nanao tag on tumblr dot com. i'll try to avoid the Kaito talk as much as i can cause i wanna make this solely about Nanao, but i also understand that a lot of their character development goes hand in hand with one another, so it's sort of inevitable
to be completely honest, i wanted to be a Ryohei girlie so bad, i would've even settled for Seiya. i just knew the moment Nanao pulled up and was presented as the flirty annoying playboy, i wouldn't like him. i said it with my whole chest, firmly believing i would find absolutely no reason anywhere in his character to enjoy him. motherfucker i have never been more wrong in my life. at first glance, it doesn't even look like there's much to talk about, cause he doesn't do a whole lot in the first season. except he does. there's only snippets of depth in his character that exist, but he does not let show in order to watch over everyone around him. his introduction is loud and frivolous, especially with one of his first spoken sentences being about his "hakama beauty."
sure, he's good at kyudo, but he's not particularly excellent nor passionate about the sport. this, however, is not true, which builds up in his character as the first season progresses and eventually overflows in the second season. for a character that, in universe, is shown to be in the spotlight consistently ever since he was a child, he's none of that on the range, because that isn't his place. his position on the range is not as important as it is outside of it; he is the yonteki, he is neither at the beginning nor the middle nor the end, he cannot show off, he cannot be the centre of attention as he tends to be. it's true that he attracts a lot of attention and plays into it naturally, because he enjoys it and extroverts, however unfortunate, do exist, but he knows when to take a step back and when to go all out.
there's something i can't ever seem to quite put my finger on. although he is naturally easy-going and playful, this is only a ramped-up front he uses to watch from the back. it's like he's hiding, like he's staying nonchalant and uncommitted so things wash over him. he's blunt. he's so blunt. he really doesn't sugarcoat things, he just doesn't say them until he needs to. i don't wanna call it manipulation, cause that's got a rather negative connotation, but i do wanna call it manipulation, cause that's what it is. he knows how to manipulate responses and reactions with how easy he reads the people around him, and he uses all of that in a very level-headed way to keep peace, though it's always mainly Kaito. it's as if people are malleable to him. it's in the way he pulls Ryohei into doing that whole charade to get Kaito to like Minato, in how he straight up tells Kaito "yeah, it's cause you're being annoyingly tsundere, we're just giving you a push," or in how he tells Minato "yeah, Kacchan don't like you, but he's working on it."
he knows, he's watching, and he's making sure everyone is being accounted for without meddling too much. he sets things into motion with the right push, but he stays out of it, uninvolved. he keeps going on and on about how he's only doing kyudo with nothing but simple bull-headedness, like it doesn't matter all that much, like he can just shrug things off and let Kaito's impulsive comments not get to him. he plays it off, he plays everything off, leaning into that flighty, frivolous prince charming persona, but at the end of the day, he's the most mature and emotionally intelligent of the bunch.
most of his development is built around connections. whenever Kaito reminds him that he is not taking kyudo seriously, that kyudo is not a game, that kyudo is more than just fun and looking pretty in hakama, Nanao keeps quiet. it's something he knows very well, because none of those are any of the reasons he ever picked up a bow in the first place. he has been watching over Kaito since they were children, going so far as to follow him into kyudo and into the same high-school. however, this is something that Kaito does not recognize for the longest time—not until Nanao actively blows up on him and spells it out for him. Nanao doesn't need for his efforts to be recognized, because he is only doing it to keep peace and read everyone carefully—not only Kaito—to figure out what makes who tick.
he supports his buddies from the back and intervenes only when it's necessary. he aims to please without being self-abandoning; he keeps true to his own self while being a perfect fit for everyone. despite claiming his reasons for shooting are frivolous and superficial, Nanao has an understanding of what sets the people around him off that makes keeping him around necessary, because he shoots for Kaito and now for this team, rather than the target in front of him. he knows, he's so perceptive of it all. there's a scene stuck in my head where Ryohei tries to speak up about the whole Seiya-Nikaido interaction that was bugging him, but he ended up going back on it last minute, and Nanao straight up went "bro, either you commit to it or don't talk."
idk!! call it his big brother instincts, cause that's another thing. things do kinda make a lot more sense when you consider that he is the only one out of everyone in the club (that we know of, cause there's not much about my girls) who is an older sibling. Kaito has two older sisters, Seiya has an older brother, Ryohei has an older sister, and Minato is an only child. Nanao is the only big brother. god i'm losing my fucking mind.
i called him loud and i'll keep calling him loud, but in all honesty Nanao is a lot more silent than he seems. he flirts with his fanclub and attempts it too with the girls in the club, he is quite loud with his "Merha!", he pushes and prods all around with funny comments because, at the end of the day, he is still an entertainer, a mood-maker, and most of all, he's a child. he's still a fifteen-year-old kid that's just dicking around with his friends cause it's not that deep. he's a kid. however, he is consistently reading everyone around him, keeping peace from behind them, working his way around everyone’s quirks and kinks. he's been somewhat forced into this caretaking role, taking comments like "it'd be nice if you and Kaito went to the same school so you can keep him in check" to heart. he too wishes he could be there for his cousin to reel him back in when he steps out of line. and he does, he tries, being the first one to react and try to pull Kaito back before he can bash Minato's face in.
he does things carefully in a way that won't put pressure on anyone other than himself, watching and watching and watching and being so hypersensitive to the smallest of mood changes from anyone. that one little sigh Ryohei gave, to which he immediately went, "what's wrong?" while nobody else batted an eye. when he is the one whose patience finally runs thin, he confronts Kaito about it with truths he has never needed to explain because Kaito would not have been able to digest them properly, and Nanao has always known.
he competes not to win, but to keep up, to stay with his cousin and his team; not approaching a sport with a competitive mindset would be a hindrance to the team, which does not mean he is competitive himself. and he loves kyudo, too, just as much. his expressions and mannerisms are subtle and soft in a way that anyone would miss, but he is happy to see the people that surround him stay on track, with or without his help.
i lose my train of thought every time i start a new sentence cause there's so much i have to say about Nanao. there's a crazy amount of points i go over in my head time and time again. the fact that his hit rate is so consistent, enough to keep up with Kaito and almost with Seiya. how he does not give one flying fuck about Noririn, but he indulges Daigo anyway cause it's fun and it works and he's got nothing to lose by showing a little bit of interest in some guy's idol obsession. how he was watching from the outside, because Kaito never told him what happened with Masaki or why he suddenly wanted to start kyudo, but he was so into it that he was going in all on his own. (i say "never told him" but there's that audio drama where he did, in fact, tell him and the boys.) how kyoani uses him as a sort of bridge between the girlies and the boys just cause he's that much of a social chameleon, i guess. how he's the only other character aside from Minato, the MC mind you, who has not one but TWO features in the character songs album. he's a bridge dawg he's a fit for everyone and anyone. i dunno man i have so many thoughts and zero words to articulate them, but i love this kid. shoutout to this kid, i hope he's having a great day and his lemon teas are always the right temperature. lil bro needs a pat on the back and i wanna be the one to give it to him.
#tsurune#nanao kisaragi#kaito onogi#real talk hes gotta be my favorite character ever cause what the FUCK is up with him#seriously no other character has ever incapacitated me so much as to leave me tongue tied this is ridiculous#im not even sure anything i wrote makes sense but i need to speak this into the void and hope that someone ANYONE will understand#do you get it guys do you i dont think you do you wouldnt understand#tell me why i have seen more kaito stans than nanao ones#which shoutout to kaito hes okay hes just not that interesting to me#ryohei is far more interesting maybe one day ill also talk about how lonely ryohei is and that whole thing with shu#(i dont like shuu)#okay good night
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Hi axelle! 😸 I've seen almost all bls but I haven't watched any gmmtv het show. which one would you recommend to a newbie? I prefer something light and funny. my favorite actors are Off, Gawin and Neo
hi! I'm glad you're gonnna give non bl thai dramas a chance, and as for your fave actors... TASTE 😌 here's my fave non bl gmmtv shows from best to still good but not the best:
the gifted: simply an amazing & super unique show with very little flaws & one of the best open-endings ever. haven't been able to bring myself to watch the sequel so watch that at your own discretion.
midnight motel: my favorite show of the year so far, fun & quirky, super tight execution, great plot twists, iconic characters & simply one of the most underrated shows ever. contains off & neo so you'll love it 100%!
ps: I hate you: the best female-led show I've ever seen. there's messiness & drama and the characters are all super flawed but you still root for them! the performances are also incredible & this show is truly one of my all time faves!
angel beside me: the first more classic romcom of the list, but despite being kind of a silly premise with an angel falling on earth, it actually tackles some really deep issues like depression & poverty??? and the chemistry & bond between the characters was crazy good. I definitely recommend!
happy birthday: this show will make you cry for 13 eps straight but you'll love it. it has some of the best performances ever & is just the kind of show that hits you right in the chest with feels & beauty. absolutely one of my most beloved thai dramas.
a gift to the people you hate: such an underrated show but absolutely iconic! if you like messiness & plot twists, you'll love this one! it's just unhinged & has a really cool world-building!!!
girl next room: richy rich: since your 3 faves are off, neo & gawin I really recommend you watch this! richy rich is off's most popular straight series bc he's simply perfect in this role (and biconic!!!), and gawin is in the motorbike baby story as mook's second lead & he???? absolutely ate, he's so dreamy in that! neo is in every story & absolutely hilarious (especially in the scenes with off, you cannot miss girl next room!
love at first hate: classic romcom but the chemistry is some of the best & the male lead??? IS DADDY MCDREAMY!!! a really enjoyable series!
46 days: another series with the offmild pairing from girl next room, and this show is crazy but has such fun characters, great chemistry & even the villain is my fave??? the whole cast is the best & it's the only show by this director that is truly genuinely so good!
mint to be: another romcom with mook bc she's the romcom queen lol, this one is short & sweet, the chemistry is excellent & the cast is really fun. there's none of your faves in it BUT one of the characters is obsessed with off who's an idol in that show & she has pillows with his face on it and it's ICONIC!!!
who are you: one of the most acclaimed gmmtv shows, notably for its actresses namtan & jan who acted their ass off in it! it's a really well done show with insanely good acting, but the reason it's not higher on this list is that it's a bit forgettable? it was in my top 10 fave shows from 2021 though.
my dear loser: monster romance: another romcom with mook lol no one is surprised, this one actually really surprised me bc it was the first time I saw lee outside of his usual perfect role. look, I love the man but most of his roles are kinda... boring? and here he ate. the whole universe of the show is super different from usual & the love story is very cute, and honestly it immediately became one of my fave straight thai romances!
baker boys: another show where lee plays a really good role! this one contains queer characters but is not a bl at all. I LOVED the found family trope of it, and literally cried when it ended bc I got really attached to the characters & me crying when a show ends is a huge indicator that I loved it. sadly this show is pretty tainted now bc my fave character was played by foei who's famously an anti-lgbtq+ bitch so yeah... but if you can stomach his bigot face I'd say give it a try, pluem plays one of the cutest characters in existence!
(also just realized I completely missed the light & funny prompt lmao. the most light & funny shows in this list are: girl next room, love at first hate, 46 days & mint to be!)
#answers#gmmtv#the gifted#midnight motel#ps: I hate you#angel beside me#happy birthday#a gift to the people you hate#girl next room: richy rich#love at first hate#46 days#mint to be#who are you#my dear loser: monster romance#baker boys#didn't expect the list to be this long but gmmtv non bl shows are actually more often better than the bl ones LMAO
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Meet the Writer Tag!
(Thank you so much to @mysticstarlightduck for tagging me! Sorry I took so long lol)
This is me!
(I don't normally wear this many accessories/jewellery lol. But I wish I did! I love it sm)
Three Fun Facts About Me:
I have never been in a relationship before. Ever. The only experience I have in that department is through other people's stories, not really my own. And by that, I mean that I'm used to watching my friends/people around me getting in and out of relationships, and listening to songs about romance and love and heartbreak... but not really relating to them due to not having any of those experiences myself (but it's alright, tho. It'll happen when it happens! In the meantime, I always have my made-up ships from my writing lol).
My favourite book growing up was "Matilda" by Roald Dahl. I thought Matilda was such a cool girl growing up lol. And lowkey relatable in a lot of ways. No, I wasn't a child genius. But she kind of fits into the archetype that I always found comfort in due to being that kind of person myself. Smart/intellectually curious, bookworm, introverted/independent, genuinely kind and has a heart in spite of being seen as cold by others (another example of this is Huey from Boondocks. Been rewatching some episodes of that show recently and wow... forgot how crazy it was lol. It's good, tho).
Christmas is my favourite holiday! 🎅❄️🎄I do get why some people may dislike it, I guess (like, my younger sister isn't a fan, and she's explained why... I get it. The over-commercialisation of it takes a lot of the "specialness" out of it, you know? Distracts from the actual meaning behind it and all. Plus, it can suck if you're just feeling sad and lonely during a time of celebration for everyone else. Aside from that, technically Easter is more significant if you look at it from the lens of which Christian holiday is most important). But I love the joyfulness and festiveness. Makes me feel all jolly and cosy inside. Plus, I love singing Christmas carols. And presents. And Christmas movies. I just love Christmas lol.
Favorite season:
Autumn. Or fall, as some others prefer to call it. That's when my birthday is!!
(Second place is summer because that's holiday season. Plus, that's when my sister's birthday is.)
Continent where I live:
I live in the UK, so Europe.
How I spend my (free) time:
Writing (duh)
Writeblr stuff (tag games, making OC playlists, answering questions, communicating with followers and having discussions with them about writing, etc)
YouTube (mainly watching videos... but I do want to start making videos myself at some point. Stay tuned for that, I guess)
Studying/school assignments (I'm in university)
Listening to music
Watching movies/TV shows
Eating lol
Are you published?
No. It'd be cool to be, though. Pretty sure I've mentioned this at least once before, but I want to self-publish the Stephanie Smith saga once I'm done with it.
Introvert or extrovert?
Introvert. 100% introvert lol. I feel most comfortable within myself when I'm by myself. As a kid, I was so painfully shy that the thought of going up to someone and asking a simple question would terrify me lol. As I got older, though, I was super duper lonely, and I realised that I had no real friends because I was keeping myself all closed off in a tight shell, so I'd literally force myself to open up and become more social and make friends with other kids. I practised it, like how you do with any skill. Now it's not so bad. I'd say I can carry a conversation with someone fairly well, even if I don't know them so well.
Favorite meal:
Ooooh.... this is hard. I love most foods lol.
I think I'll go with something a little bit more traditional. I'm Kenyan, and one of my favourite meals that I've grown up eating is chapatti and stew (any kind of stew, or soup. But my mum would usually make this stew with kidney beans. That was a big hit growing up). Haven't had it in almost a year, tho.
Aside from that, I love pizza. And Nandos.
Tagging: @clairelsonao3, @exquisitecrow, @mister-writes, @winterandwords, @mjparkerwriting, @e-everlasting-g, @erieautumnskies, @annethewittywriter, @writingwithfolklore, @ashwithapen
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2024 Writing Roundup
Tagged by @remedyturtles Thank you, cherie!
Words Posted: 200,698! It was a big year, and I didn't even do that great during Nano. That makes me happy that I was able to write so much. I'm also not counting my original works in that.
Additional Word Count: 100,052 .....what. What. What?!
Fandoms: Some original stuff, ROTTMNT, 2012 TMNT, Arcane, TFP, and TFOne!
Highest Kudos + Highest Hit One-Shot: Faults, Follies, and Fixes! That one makes sense. I wrote it earliest in the year, so it had plenty of time to accumulate love. It sits at 294 kudos and 1,781 hits. Pretty cool!
Fic I Spent The Most Time On: Honestly? Ummm, not counting Shredder's Vendetta because that is a multi-year project, but probably Anywhere Just Not Home! I started developing it early in 2024/later in 2023, and it's become one of my favourites.
Fic I Spent The Least Time On: Violet Is The Colour Of Grief. Wrote that bad boy in probably thirty minutes.
Favourite Thing I Wrote: This is kind of a tie. Right now, the closest one I've got is I've Got You Under My Skin. That was a labor of love with one of my best friends, @pickledcarrotsandradish and beta'd by @mackself. It took me over for a full month, combing through it, making it perfect, rereading it over and over and over. The second one is a lot less cool, but it's Trample the Weak. It just made me happy to do.
Favourite Thing(s) I Read: So many. So, so many. I've narrowed it down to the ones I remember vividly.
firefight by remrose Obviously. By the way it auto-capitalized remrose which proves just how much I yell their name.
Oh, If My Engine Works Perfectly On Empty by Bemmiecake Wishing Bemmiecake all the best in their recovery... One time they commented on one of my stories and I felt like I had ascended as high as I could.
Minus One by carrot_top_munk What can I say but what the frag??? This changed me forever. So what if I cried?!
Waste Report by Caubool Another one that left me a sobbing mess on the floor begging for redemption and love and why would they write that
the soft animal of your body by taizi I am staring respectfully. I've reread it half a billion times. I love the concept so much and I need more from that universe.
Fight or Flight by pickledcarrotsandradish SO I'M BIASED WHAT ABOUT IT, IT'S A FIC FOR ME ABOUT TEAM A! MY FAVOURITE TEAM! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO, NOT INCLUDE IT?! Also, Radish, you don't have a pfp on AO3 and it threw me when I was copying the link for your username. /lh /t
Frigid Sliders and Flaming Feet by orchardkeeper This one is underrated. So underrated I might just cry and throw up. Everyone, read it, pLEASE it's so good it's got a hypothermia Leo or a Hypothermeo as I like to call him! It's so good. It's so good. Oh also Leo has depression did I mention that bit?!
Say Something True by Dandy So funny story. I named myself Cassandra, and only afterwards did I learn about the prophetess' curse. Every so often I'm reminded of the inherent angst tied to the name. This fic reminds me of it OFTEN mostly because I reread it like crazy.
like_theletter So I know I'm supposed to recommend fics here. But I don't want to copy the link for every single one of his fics. So I recommend this author. I came to a section in my bookmarks that was just a wall of L's stories. I love him so much. Don't tell him but I think he's my favourite author.
helpless by splinnters Almost every One-Shot I read leaves me begging for more. This one is no exception. In fact, it's top of the food chain. How dare they just END it there I need MORE
Writing Goals for 2025: Oh, we're doing goals? Then 500,000 words. I bet I could make it. It'd suck, but I bet I could make it.
New Works: Promises, Priorities and Protocols. (Someone who wasn't even in the TF fandom told me they want to read this one because of the snippets I've sent in the sprinting channel. I'm so excited to write more, but I got stuck.) A Matter Of Silence. Playing Favourites. What's In A Name. Incessant Buzzing. Honey Hunt. Entomology Mount. Names are all subject to change, but if you're in the TF fandom, I bet you know immediately what character is my favourite.
Tagging: @griffin-stone, @pickledcarrotsandradish, @mackself, @orchard-keeper
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Swap Across the CrystalVerse Chapter 8: PW Timeline
Read Swapboys | Crystal’s AUs | Read the PW Timeline
Read SITCV | SATCV Masterpost | AO3 Link
It's an awkward drive to Marvin's house, as Chase and Jackie are still silently digesting the idea of alternate universes, but thankfully, it's a short one. Chase soon pulls to the side of the road in front of an average-looking one-story blue suburban house. "Here we are," he says. "Alright. Out we go."
Marvin is looking out his front window when they arrive. "Hey Alt? Are those your friends getting out of the car? I mean, I hope they are. If Chase and Jackie ended up picking up strangers it'd be fucking weird."
Alt almost glitches over to the window but restrains himself and peeks through it. He relaxes as he sees Bro and Jackie getting out of the car. "Y-Yeah that's them! Thank god..."
"Nice." Marvin walks over to the front door. "JJ, keep the cats distracted."
Marvin doesn't need to tell him twice, as he's already busy dangling a cat toy on a string for Luna to play with. Ragamuffin sits in the chair nearby pretending to not be interested, but his eyes are following the toy.
"Great," Marvin says, and opens the door. "Hey!"
"Hey!" Chase waves. "Fucking crazy, right?!"
"Fucking wild!" Marvin keeps the door open long enough for everyone to come inside and then quickly closes it.
Bro waves once inside, "Yo! How's it going?"
"Thanks for letting us come over, makes this all easier-" Jackieboy says with a timid smile.
"No problem," Marvin says. "Well... I don't usually like people coming over, but when the fuck am I gonna have the chance to talk to people from a parallel universe? This is probably, like, a one in a million years chance. "Also, hey Jackie! Good to be out of the hospital?"
"Oh god yes," Jackie says. "I was losing my mind in there. But I'm all good now!" He notices Alt, then. And he just... stares at him.
Alt blinks at Jackie's reaction and then finds himself glitching a bit around his shoulders. He hunches in his hoodie and then sheepishly waves. "Uh... hi? I'm Alt."
Jackie jumps a little at the glitching. Then he suddenly laughs. "Wow, you don't look anything like Anti. Hi, I'm Jackie." He smiles and holds his hand out for a handshake.
Alt brightens quickly and grins, going to shake Jackie’s hand. Jackie can feel a bit of a buzz underneath Alt’s skin when they shake hands- like touching a recently on LCD TV. “thank god for that…”
"Uh, I dunno if that comes across how you mean it to," Chase mutters.
"Oh, uh..." Jackie’s hand wavers for a second. "I just mean that you're clearly not a bad guy. Does that make sense?"
Alt laughs lightly, “no I got it. That actually… means a lot. Thanks.”
"No problem." Jackie looks at his hand after they're done shaking. "Wow. You're... buzzing? That's weird. That's so weird."
Alt flushes slightly and quickly puts his hands back in his pockets. “Uh… y-yeah I’m… k-kinda electric. Sorry I-it’s weird-“
He's very nice, JJ says from where he's sitting on the sofa. He looks at Bro and Jackieboy. He whistles You really do look just like Chase and Jackie.
"I'm flattered that you think I'm as buff as this guy," Chase says.
Bro laughs, “It’s probably more in the face. I guess!”
Jackieboy grins, “We’d look even more alike if I remembered my glasses.”
“Dr. j is gonna scold you so hard for forgetting again.” Bro snickers.
Jackie rolls his eyes.
Marvin blinks. "Dr. J...?" He looks at JJ. "That... wouldn't happen to be... an alternate version of you, would it?"
I can't imagine being a doctor, JJ says, frowning. Too much pressure. I always wanted to be an actor, actually, but stuff happens.
"Oh, grand, maybe I can put in a good word for you at the theatre," Marvin says excitedly.
“Oh yeah! Dr. J’s our JJ!” Bro grins.
“Henrik’s our actor,” Jackie smiles. “He’s very good too- despite being deaf.”
Chase's eyes widen. "Wait wait wait. You have a Henrik, too?"
JJ blinks. And he's deaf?
Jackie nods, “Yeah! There’s… a reason for that but that might be a bit much to get into.” He smiles nervously.
JJ nods. I understand. I'm similar. Not deaf, but still. The sign language probably gives away some stuff.
“Where’s your Henrik?” Bro asks with a head tilt. “I don’t think I heard you all mention him yet.”
Chase coughs. "Bit of a sensitive subject. He's... in a hospital called Silver Hills. It's, a, um... special hospital..."
"It's a psych ward," Marvin says bluntly.
"Marvin!" Chase gasps.
"What? You were getting nowhere tiptoeing around it! And everyone in the city knows Schneep's there, these guys might as well know, too."
"It's not even a psych ward," Jackie mutters. "That's a department attached to a main hospital. Silver Hills is an... institution all its own."
The swaps eyes all widen slowly.
“…oh…” Bro says quietly. “Is he… okay?”
“…sometimes going to a place like that is a good thing?” Jackie adds.
Alt holds his arms, looking uncomfortable.
"He's, um... getting better," Chase says slowly. "H-he's had some problems for a while, but, uh... a year ago—two years ago now, actually—"
"Seventeen months," Jackie corrected quietly.
"—things got... a bit worse, a-a-and then he got..." Chase is noticably not looking at Alt. "...he disappeared... for a while... People thought he was killing people, b-but he wasn't. When they found him again he was... really out of it. A-and a whole bunch of stuff has happened since then that hasn't... helped with that."
"But it's getting better," Marvin adds firmly. "I'm sure everything will be alright soon. The police just have to do their job." He huffs a little. "Competently, ideally."
“Oh man…” Bro whispers. “I’m… so sorry.”
"Thanks, other me," Chase says. Then laughs. "God, the absurdity of saying that really does undermine the moment for me."
“At least he’s getting better!” Jackie tries to add cheerfully.
"Yeah, he's getting much better," Jackie agrees. "It's great to see, actually." He smiles a little.
Alt, of course, noticed that Chase isnt looking at him. He grips his arms tighter and squeezes his eyes shut, trying to not let this random guilt eat him alive. He didn’t hurt this world’s Schneep- he wouldn’t. So why does it still feel like this…?
JJ notices Alt's expression. He walks over and taps his arm, gently getting his attention. It's not your fault, he says. Aneirin is his own person who makes his own choices. Just because you are related to him does not make you the same. And it does not make you responsible for what he does. There's a fierce light in his eyes as he signs this.
Alt slightly glitches anyway, even if JJ is gentle. He watches his signs and feels his vision get a bit fuzzy as he wipes at his face. "...thanks... It's just hard seeing... so many versions of you do horrible things... universe after universe." He grips at his jacket over his heart and takes a shaky breath, "...but I'm trying to remember... I'm not him. I just... can't help... feeling bad. It's like hearing your twin did a killing spree and now you.. have to live with looking like him. Seeing the... fear in people's eyes." He shakes his head, "S-Sorry... that's probably too much... I..."
JJ smiles gently. No, it's fine. I know exactly what you mean. That's literally what happened to me. I mean, Aneirin is older than me, not my twin, but still. The first time I met Schneep, he thought I was him. But I'm not. And you're not, either.
Alt returns JJ's small smile after a beat. He nods, "... yeah... Thank you JJ... that must be... really hard."
"Oh shit!" Marvin suddenly shouts. He looks around. "Sorry. I just realized. Don't you guys pop up near, uh, parallels of people you know? That's what you said, right? Does, uh, does Schneep count in that list?"
Alt startles slightly and glitches, looking over at Marvin. Bro and Jackie look at each other.
"...uh yeah? Probably-" Jackie says slowly.
Bro goes pale, "...Mag-"
Alt's eyes widen.
"YeahexactlythatswhatIwasworriedabout," Marvin says, voice squeaking.
"What, uh, what sort of stuff does your 'Magnificent' guy do?" Chase asks nervously. "H-how worried should we be?"
"Very worried-" Alt says quickly. "He... He does mind games, hypnotism- he might try to-!"
"Fuckkk that is not something good you should do to a psych ward patient!" Jackie squeaks.
"Jesus fucking christ!" Jackie goes pale. "Yeah, no, other me is right, S-Schneep's not good with that sort of stuff." He shivers at the memories that come to mind. "A-and that's--that's without all the weird magic bullshit you guys have."
Bro starts to race to the door.
"Whoa, hey, Chase!" Marvin shouts. "Other Chase! Do you know where you're even going?!"
"No! But we should hurry! I could fly there and-"
Jackie quickly grabs Bro and pulls him back , "You can't go flying here, Chase! You'll cause a panic!"
"I-I mean, go ahead and fly there if you want to be all over the news!" Marvin stammers. "But I don't think Chase wants to deal with the fallout of that, considering you two look so much alike."
"Oh yeah, no, I don't even want to think about the drama that'd happen from that," Chase says. "I'm a, uh, semi-public figure."
Bro pauses then nods, "Yeah I... I wouldn't want to do that to you... Okay."
Chase, do you think we can all fit in your car? JJ asks.
"Uh--if you all squeeze in, probably. It won't be legal, but fuck it."
Alt then suddenly glitches as his phone starts to ring. He blinks and then looks down at it with surprise.
Jackie and Bro give him a wary glance.
When Alt checks the number- it's just static. He almost feels- drawn to it for a second before he shudders and tosses the phone to Bro. He nods. "...You know who it is."
Bro nods gravelly and answers the call. It's a video call- of course and soon Mag's face appears. He frowns when he sees who's answering it. "Fantastic. Where is my cub?"
"Not here, Mag, so just-"
"Don't~ lie to me hero~! That's not in your moral handbook now, is it?" The mad magician cackles.
As soon as the guys hear Magnificent's voice, they all cluster around Bro, trying to get a look at the screen. "What the fuck?!" Marvin gasps. "What's wrong with your fucking eyes?"
"You have Schneep, don't you?" Bro spits.
Mag gets very quiet at the other end before he sighs dramatically, "Why must you always ruin my fun, Brody?"
"Fuck your fun!" Jackie bites at the camera.
"Oh yes- you're here too." Mag drawls with a bored eye roll.
"Where's Schneep, you motherfucker?!" Jackie demands, pushing his other self aside.
JJ studies the screen, trying to figure out what details he can gain from the background. A warehouse? he says, glancing at the others.
"Yeah that's like- one of his m-o's" Jackie mutters.
"Oh hello, new kittens! Are you worried about your poor doctor? Well don't worry~ He's right here." He shifts the camera to show he's gripping up Schneep by his hair as he dangles entranced between his claws.
Jackie cries out, all his bravado instantly disappearing. "No! Schneep, no!" he screams. "H-hang on! Okay?!" He starts reaching for the phone but Chase pulls him back, knowing that there's nothing grabbing the phone will do.
"What do you want?" Marvin asks. "People like you always want something."
JJ steps out of sight of the camera. There's only one place in the city that has warehouses, he says. We can find him if he won't tell us where he is.
Jackie nods to JJ and Alt seems to pick this up as well- even if he stays away from the screen.
Bro's eyes glow with anger as he yells out, "What the fuck, Mag! The people here have no magic! Nothing! Why are you doing this?"
"Because there’s nothing here, hero! So- I want to leave and I need you goody-two-shoes not to get too chummy with your other selves so my cub can come here and take us somewhere better already!" Magnificent giggles. "As fun as it is to see this one so docile and helpless... there's not much here. It wouldn’t even be fun to kill my other self… way too easy. So- Alt, I know you're listening~ You should hurry on down here quickly... before I get bored of this snack of mine."
Alt pales and curls his hands into fists at his side, shaking slightly.
"Or you know what? This world's Jackie's screams were so delightful just now~! Why don't I get this started early and-"
Alt yells and glitches to be in front of the phone, grabbing it from Bro, "Magnificent let him go or I swear I'll-!"
But, Alt only sees Mag's smug face on the screen for a spilt second before the phone fills with spiralling magic. And Alt is caught right away. His angry expression falls scarily blank as the magic fills his eyes.
"That's it, kitten. Come here."
Alt's shoulders buzz with glitches and his hands start to turn to pixels, sinking into the phone- "NO!" Bro yells and tackles Alt to the ground, making the phone go flying.
The guys from this world all reel back, stunned by what's happening. Chase scoops up the phone, covering the screen with his hand. "Y-you bastard!" he shouts, glaring at the camera. "I-I don't know anything about your magic shit but I know a dirty trick when I see one!"
JJ crouches by Alt, shaking him, trying to snap him out of whatever this is.
"You're gonna get what's fucking coming to you!" Marvin shouts.
Alt is weakly trying to fight Bro off him, trying to break into pixels but Bro keeps grabbing him before he can start to glitch. The static is so loud.
Magnificent laughs loudly from the phone. “You’re only making this harder for Henrik, kittens! Come now, let’s not delay this hm?”
“S-Shut off the phone!” Bro tries to shout, “Break it if you have to!”
Chase nods. He tries turning off the phone but it won't just shut off with the power button so he slams it against the wall until the screen goes black. He stands there, breathing heavily. There's a crack across the screen but it seems intact otherwise.
Mag’s laughter and the accompanying static cuts off and the room falls quiet.
For a scary beat, Alt stares out with another blank expression. But then the magic stutters out and he quietly gasps before breathing heavily, looking around in panic.
Bro slumps and sighs in relief.
“God…” Jackie kneels down by Alt and pats his shoulder. “You okay?”
“Y-Yeah… yeah I… fuck-“ Alt breathes.
JJ sighs once Alt comes back to himself. Take deep breaths. In for four, hold for seven, out for eight.
Alt nods dazedly and follows JJ’s encouragement to breathe. His heart starts to calm down.
Marvin stares at the phone in Chase's hand. "Well. That whole thing was uh..." He hisses. "...bad."
Jackie laughs. "Understatement of the year. We have to go get him!"
Chase nods. "Um... Alt?" He holds the phone out to him. "S-sorry."
Alt looks up at Chase and his phone and then he smiles had shakes his head. “No it’s… it’s okay. You helped me- mag would have…he was g-going to-“
“That motherfucker was gonna strand us here in this universe and just take you!” Jackie yells, throwing up his arms. “God he’s such a slimy bastard!!”
Bro gets up and helps Alt up too, “…I guess we gotta drive to the warehouse district now… we gotta help Schneep.”
"Let's not waste any time then!" Jackie snaps.
"No, let's waste some time so we can find stuff to beat that motherfucker to death with," Marvin says.
"Not literally, right?" Chase says.
"Course not."
"Okay, in that case I have a tool kit in the trunk of my car, there's definitely a hammer, a wrench, and a tire iron in there."
Are knives fair game? JJ asks. Can we use the knives from your kitchen, Marvin?
"Hell yeah. Normally I'd be upset with people using my stuff for what it's not supposed to be for, but this is a special case."
"JJ, you sit in the front and give Chase directions," Jackie says. "The rest of us gotta figure out places to fit."
The swaps all look to each other and nod. “We have to be careful though…” Alt says quietly, “Mag isn’t above trying to kill someone if he doesn’t get his way.”
“Well… we’ve faced the threat of death before,” Jackie says. “Unfortunately. So we can deal with that.”
“Who knows… maybe this’ll be over fast,” Bro shrugs, “Seems like he just wants out of here.”
“Let’s just focus on getting to Schneep fast- being controlled like that is not easy on the mind…” Jackie mumbles.
Alt perks up, “Oh- to fit and so… mag can’t get to me right away, I could hide in one of our phones. S’not the most pleasant but probably better than being squished in a car…”
“You can hide in… okay sure, guess this might as well happen,” Marvin says. “This day is already so god damn weird.”
Alt looks almost embarrassed as he hunches in his hoodie.
“Ha- John Malaney nice.” Jackie snickers.
“You can use mine, Alt,” Chase says. “Since I’ll be driving I won’t need to look at it. The other four of you can probably fit in the back seat.”
JJ had briefly disappeared down the hallway and now returns with a pair of chef’s knives from the kitchen, which he shoves in his bag.
Bro watches JJ and hums under his breath, “It’s always the JJs with a knife- maybe we need to teach Dr. j that…”
Ready to go when you guys are.
“Great,” Chase nods. “To the car, everyone. On the way there, tell us everything you know about this guy so we can prepare.”
Alt nods, “We’ll catch you up.”
In the warehouse, Magnificent yells in frustration as he loses contact with the others and almost throws his phone but thinks better of it. He sighs dramatically then hangs on the stack of boxes he’s sitting on. “Godddss! It’s so dull here!” He whines. He eyes Schneep and hums in thought then slinks towards him. “Say, Henrik- I saw a most peculiar figure in that head of yours… the man with the dual colored eyes. Why don’t you tell me about him, hm?”
Schneep shudders. He doesn’t want to talk about him, but the hypnotism makes him do it anyway. “A-An… ti,” he whispers. “H-he tricks me, lied to me, pr-pretending to be more powerful than he is. F-forced me to take the blame for him hurting people. Or making me do it. J-Jackie… Jackie was… I-I didn’t want him to hurt Jackie. Or that other man, Jameson. How cruel is it, to hurt your own brother…? Th-they say Anti is gone now, i-is that true? Sometimes I do not remember…”
Magnificent hums in slight interest, “Really? Huh… so my cub is also not extraordinary here… just a delusional killer. Pity.” Mag shrugs, “I don’t know anything about your Anti. Cruelty is often a useful tool against the weak. At least he seems to use that well.” Mag sighs dramatically again. “Maybe I’ll just start taking life forces from sure boredom…”
"Not... extraordinary? S-so many people have died, that is u-unusual." Schneep pauses. "But not like you..."
Magnificent makes a flippant gesture with his hand, “Death means nothing. Human lives are just collateral. Power is the thing that matters most. But, I’m sure I’ve taken more lives than a lowly human has- if we must measure by lives.”
Schneep blinks. "Really? I... only know of the thirteen th-that he made me help with. But I know there were many more. S-Since he was very young." Fear flicker in his eyes. "He told me once he killed Marvin. That was a lie, but Marvin says he did try..."
“Hm- amusing.” Magnificent chuckles, “I’ve lost count. Could be more than that… could be less. Not that many of them mattered. They just got in my way.” He laughs, “The humans at least. Magicians I spare… in a sense, at least.” He eyes Schneep and hums, “I wonder if it would be worth it to kill you- or your friends. Maybe it’ll spare you all this pitiful existence.”
Schneep's eyes flicker, the magic hesitating. "I-I like my existence, I don't want to--please don't--"
Magnificent laughs, and with a quick flick of his finger, magic catches the front of Henrik’s shirt and pulls him closer. “Oh… it is always fun to hear you things beg.” He giggles madly. “But, tell me, Schneeplestein…. What is it that makes you want to continue, hm? You’ll been ostracized, villainized for something you didn’t do. Institutionalized. Deemed crazy. Sure, you might get out soon, but your mind is forever sullied. Is that worth it all?” Magnificent hums with false sympathy.
Schneep breathes heavily. "I-it is not just for me. I don't live just for me. I have friends--and more to do. More to give. I-I don't care what the world thinks, if I know the ones I care about are safe, I-I cannot leave them. If I have hurt them, I must make up for it. I can make a new life. I can make a new life."
Magnificent growls and pushes Schneep away. “Blargh. You’re as bad as my own annoyances. Such human attachments. Disgusting.”
Schneep stumbles backwards and falls to the floor. "Human... attachments? You are not... human?" He shivers. This is all too much. He can't handle this. His mind drifts off and he goes silent.
Magnificent laughs, his burning green eye lingering in Schneep's mind as he drifts.
"Oh no child, I am so much more~"
"All these warehouses look the same," Chase mutters.
There are about six of them, and he drives down the road dividing them into two rows. "How are we supposed to know which one he's in? Not like this evil fucking magic guy has a car."
"I don't know, do you guys have magic shit to help find him?" Marvin is understandably stressed out by this whole thing. Not only is their friend in danger, but four grown men sitting in the back seat of a car is very crowded, and he doesn't like being close to people.
"Mmm we might...? Honestly we kinda just- stumble into him usually." Jackie mumbles.
"Or I fly around to look for signs of him. Like- green glowy shit-" Bro comments.
Alt is lurking in Chase's phone, the screen buzzing with green and blue glitches as he listens. He tries to feel out for Mag's presence- "Maybe... nearer to the edge." He voices calls out, like he's on the other end of a phone call.
"Alright, got it," Chase says. "Near the edge. Hang on." He pushes the gas down, speeding up. "We'll start there. Other me can look around for stuff. I don't think people come out here that much so flying probably wouldn't attract that much attention."
Soon, the car pulls to a stop and Chase parks it so everyone can get out.
"You said you had a tool box in your trunk?" Jackie asks.
"Yeah, go crazy."
"Ah- I hope someone gets Mag right in the face." Jackie laughs.
Bro chuckles and hurries out of the car, hopping into the air to look around. He seems almost relieved to be back in the air.
Alt buzzes anxiously and then glitches out of Chase's phone, his shoulders hunched as he tenses up in anticipation for danger. Where could Mag be...?
The others all pile out of the car, too.
Does anyone want the second knife? JJ asks.
"I'll take it," Marvin says, and JJ hands it over.
Jackie opens the trunk of Chase's car. "What in here has the most reach?" he mutters, rummaging through the stuff. "Aha!" He grabs the tire iron.
Chase joins him, taking a hammer from the box. "I wish Anti didn't take my gun," he mutters.
"We still need to talk about how the fuck you got that into the country," Marvin calls. "Uhhh anyway let's start looking around."
Alt starts to look around, keeping himself quiet as he prowls forward. Soon enough he shivers and hears static brimming in the air. He points towards the second to last warehouse. “…there. He’s in there-“
Jackieboy whistles for Bro who comes down to join them. He looks at the others and narrows his eyes in determination. “Alright- we out number him but let’s focus on getting Schneep out of there.” He braces himself in front of the door. “Ready?”
The others all quickly gather around.
"Ready," Chase says.
"Beyond ready," Jackie adds.
"Let's kick his ass and get Schneep," Marvin says.
JJ just grips his knife tight and nods.
Bro nods and then goes to burst open the door.
Magnificent quickly grabs Schneep from wherever he was before and goes to grip him by his hair. “Ah! The Calvary arrives~!”
Jackie and Marvin are the first guys from this world to run in.
"Schneep!" Jackie gasps. "I-it's going to be okay! It's going to be okay!"
Schneep's eyes flicker a little. "Ja...ckie?" he croaks out.
"Let him go you bastard!" Marvin shouts. Chase and JJ run up behind him. "I don't care what fucking magic you have, we'll take you out!"
"Whoa, h-hey, don't be hasty, Marvin," Chase says hurriedly. "Just, um... just please put Schneep down, uh, Magnificent..."
Magnificent looks bored as he sees the others file in. He throws Schneep at their feet with a huff of indifference. "I'm not even threatened by your pathetic bravado. Worst universe yet. Is my cub here? I want to leave."
Bro growls and steps forward with burning blue eyes, "Stop calling him that! He's not just some tool you can boss around!"
"Yeah and who died here to make you king, Mag, ya pompous asshole." Jackie snarls.
Alt sees Schneep thrown and quickly glitches over to help him up- and get him away from Magnificent and towards the others. "H-Here- you're okay..."
The guys are not expecting Magnificent to just hand Schneep over, but they're all relieved. "Schneep, over here," Jackie says, reaching out for him.
"J-Jackie...?" Schneep whispers. He blinks. "Chase? Marvin?" His eyes land on JJ and he stiffens slightly. "A-An--" JJ quickly moves out of sight.
"No no, Anti's not here," Chase says quickly. "He's not even in the city. You're fine. This is fine."
Jackie hugs Schneep tightly, glaring at Magnificent. "Yeah, we want you to leave, too," Marvin mutters. "Hurry up and get out of here."
Alt moves back quickly, letting Schneep's friends help him. Then, a hand reaches out and grabs him and he yells out, squirming in Mag's grip. "There you are, kitten! Trying to hide from me~?"
"Hey! Let him go!" Marvin shouts as Mag grabs Alt.
Alt growls and tries to glitch out of Mag's grip but he digs his claws into his skin slightly, canceling them out with his own magical current. Alt shouts in pain and then slumps though he glares at Mag.
Magnificent giggles and brings in Alt close. "Why are you fighting me so hard here, Alt? Can't you see someone like you isn't wanted here? You're only haunting these poor pathetic humans~"
"No-! I...!" Alt tries to argue but quickly deflates. He looks at the crew that's surrounding Schneep and feels his heart clench slightly. The past couple worlds... they all started to feel like friends when they leave. But here... they're all too different, aren't they? He's never felt so detached from people who share the faces of his friends.
"Oh you shut the fuck up," Jackie hisses at Magnificent. "Your fucking bullshit word games and your fucking bullshit power plays. There are people like you everywhere, you're not special because you're magic. All that magic does is give you a chance to act out your worst desires."
"You... i-if you guys want to leave... we won't stop you," Chase says slowly. "But... don't let him get to you, Alt. You're not 'haunting' us, or whatever."
"And we're not pathetic," Marvin adds.
JJ sighs. He rubs his eyes, looking tired. It's clear this man isn't worth our time, or yours. Don't indulge him.
"Yeah Mag! Just because they're human, doesn't mean they're worthless! You are not better than any of us cuz you sold your fucking soul to black magic! You're just a sad lonely loser who uses his power to bully people! Just so you have something to fill that empty void in your chest where your heart used to be!" Jackieboy shouts, and then breathes heavily afterwards.
Bro looks at him with wide eyes. "... that was brewing for a while, wasn't it?"
"Sooo fucking long."
Magnificent growls, looking ready to blast Jackie for daring to speak like that to him but Alt grabs his arm and bites him, making the mad magician scream and let him go.
Alt glitches away and back towards the others. He hesitates then looks to the side, not really wanting to look at their faces. "... I'm sorry for all the trouble we caused. But, thanks for... helping us. Even if it was strange." He says quietly. He looks to Bro and Jackie and tilts his head towards Mag. "...we should go. Before he somehow makes things worse."
The others glance between themselves, feeling vaguely uneasy.
"Did we... do something wrong?" Chase asks.
"I-I think it's just weird for them," Jackie says. "Being in a world without all their magic stuff."
Alt's stomach drops as he looks up and he quickly shakes his head. "No no- you..." He knits his eyebrows together, seeming frustrated. "... I feel... bad. That we exposed all of this to you all. After all the things you went through and not havin' seen it before I... I just hope we... didn't make things worse... for you."
Jackie smiles at Alt, Bro, and Jackieboy. "It's fine. It was nice to meet you. Worth all the strangeness, hah. Once Schneep gets back to himself he's gonna go insa—get really excited about the multiverse being real."
Schneep glances towards the three of them as well. His eyes linger on Alt for a second, confused, but that fades away. "Th-thank you."
Alt looks at Schneep and tries to give him a smile, but it looks sad.
Bro puts his hand on Alt's shoulder and pulls him in,
"Hey bro... we couldn't help it. They'll be okay- they're tough guys, even without all our shit. These guys were ready to beat the ever-loving shit out of Mag! Kinda wish we could have seen that-" He laughs.
"Maybe--maybe you can come back sometime?" Marvin says, laughing a little. "I-I mean, I'd like to hear more about all your magic. But, uh, if you can't, or even don't want to, that's fine, too."
JJ looks at Alt and nods sympathetically. Good luck. For what it's worth, I'm glad to have met you, if only briefly.
Alt is quiet for a second but does look a bit more hopeful at Marvin and JJ's goodbyes. "... it was nice to meet you all too. maybe... maybe one day we can come back. ...maybe."
"We'll have to figure that out another day though cuz Mag is gonna have a conniption-" Jackie grumbles.
"Heh." Chase gives them a small smile. "It's alright. This was... weird, but it's nothing we can't recover from."
"Yeah, we've recovered from a lot." Jackie nods. "Least this time no one almost-died."
"I... don't think I-I understand who you are," Schneep mumbles. "But... thank you for your worry. W-we will be okay. W-we are working on things."
"We'll explain everything to you later, Schneep," Jackie promises. "I think you need to process it first."
He laughs. "That is fair. I-I think I need to go back. They will be so worried where I went."
Alt nods and pulls out the TRVLR. He glares at the screen and whispers, "... let's hope this thing actually works..."
Bro lets go of Alt and goes to grab Mag by the front of his shirt and drags him towards Alt and Jackie. Mag hisses like an offended cat.
Good luck, JJ signs again. And goodbye.
"See you again, maybe," Marvin adds hopefully.
Alt nods and smiles a bit more.
Jackie grins, "Good to meet some normal lads, you all stick in there, alright?"
"Bye!" Bro waves with one hand.
Alt grabs everyone and then, after checking again, presses the jump button.
And they fall, as they always do. But their troubles are not over. The ripple happens again, and their course is diverted. Like a hand reaching out and plucking a feather from the air.
#SATCV#SATCV pw#alt anti#swap magnificent#bro fantastic#jackie mann#man all the action happens in this part XD#you can really see mag being a brat in this one#shorter universe but like cry said to me#hard to mix a magical universe with a crime thriller universe the tones just kinda clash!#i used to be a bit embarrassed i guess? by the ending?#but i still loved exploring this#and god i need to finish pw its sooo good#go read it if you havent!!
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moving back into college this weekend (wooo) so sorry abt my lack of activity here :(
but, lets get into the statuses of the fics
Allow Me- so this one is probably the most popular one atm (thank you guys again for all of the love)! the beginning of ch 11 is done and so is the tail end of it, I mainly need to work on the middle. But after tis chapter it'll pick up big time (calling back to the post I made abt using the vader comics :)) I have most of those scenes already written so updates with allow me should be a bit better once ch 11 comes out
2. Enigma- Ahhh, my longest fic to date. I have so much love for this mf, Ik allow me is more popular, but something abt this one just really hooks me and idk why lol. But I am almost finished with the first part of a two part chapter: anakin's birthday and "alive" day celebration (if u read the fic, you'll know what I mean by alive day lol). Like i've said before I have this story planned to a "T", but its finding the time to sit down and flesh it out thats tricky.
3. Unconditionally- One of my favorite children, returned from the graveyard! I always said i wanted to do an epilogue and an epilogue I have been writing hehe. It's gonna be a two parter (there's so much I wanna say in this universe). I am almost done with part one which will be mostly catching the reader up on what y/n and ani have been doing for the past 10 years :) then the second part will explore more present matters.
4. Linecook/roommate ask- I went a lil crazy w this one (4000+ words) but I am very pleased with how it turned out. Itll prob b the next thing I post. I'm not sure if its a series or a one shot, once you guys read it, just lmk what you want from it :)
Thank you all for sticking around my crazy schedule and random uploads, love u all :)
#darth vader x reader#sw darth vader#darth vader fic#vader#star wars x reader#anakin x you#anakin x reader#anakin#darth vader#star wars#answered asks#allow me#unconditionally#linecook anakin#line cook anakin#roommate anakin#enigma#enigma fic#i love u#update
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i am so tired that i can't even like. think right now. it would be truly lovely if my body let me be a functional human for more than twenty minutes after work, and not burn all my energy for the day sitting in a chair and staring at a computer screen.
if nothing else, my boss pulled me into his office today to generally just compliment the hell out of me, make sure i'm fully aware that he's fine with me needing to leave early or work from home whenever i need to (i HATE sitting in the office tbh and am done with 99% of my stuff before lunch anyway, which is generally when my Wall of Fatigue hits, so I'm almost non-functional afterward!)-- and also freak out about what is going to happen when i'm out for at least a couple weeks after my surgery bc i'm apparently the only person holding the department together haha.
they're also fully willing to let me work like extremely partial days as i can afterward-- a few hours here and there, or in the mornings or later in the day, just so i don't have to burn through all my PTO and go stir-crazy sitting around doing nothing.
so, you know, fingers crossed that my annual review comes with an actually significant raise this time. or a promotion. something. the office that's been empty for like two and a half years now. idk.
(at least i finally got the second monitor i needed to take home so when i do work from home, it's not just on the smallest fucking laptop in the known universe. so, slight progress.
did i drop said monitor when i got in the door? perhaps. does it seem fine? maybe!)
#it feels like all i do now is sleep/go to work/go to sleep#i'm very weary#i'm ready for this surgery to happen and to regain some of my Will To Live
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good morning farts,
it's a new day and new opportunities await you. get up and get going! the sun is always shining even when it's behind the clouds, the earth is still rotating around it, and the world did not end in eighth grade. we are still vibing, jiving and rolling with the punches. it's no wonder we look so tired, because we've endured so much! we all deserve second chances even when we tore everything apart just to get here.
it is world whale day and that is all that matters. yesterday was world pangolin day and the day before valentines day. i feel so informed by my computer and its magical ways of knowing what day it is and that it's the most relevant "day" and not boyfriend day that happens so often apparently.
it's almost my birth-day and i have nothing more to celebrate. it's another year around the sun and it's crazy. i have nothing monumental to even share for the past year. i have taken difficult classes and even passed them. i am currently taking hard classes and will even be interpreting live on my birthday....! yay..... i am not excited for that because i won't be able to wear my birthday outfit i wanted to wear, but i will make do. i wanted to wear my hot pink long-sleeve shirt and my green corduroy pants but i don't think the hot pink contrasts enough with my skin tone....i'm so devastated...oh well.
me rn:
i hate my desk. i hate this chair. i am so sore all over from volleyball yesterday. i am tired asf. i have to finish a paper intro in 5 hours. I have a volleyball game in 5 hours. i have to regain sanity by tonight because i want to be happy today. i have to send out bday party invites. i want to cry. i want to go back to sleep. i can't have shit around here. i hope my birthday is good and worth it because i need a break and some positive mf reinforcements.
speaking of being a psych nerd, i may just drop this psych major because i don't like research and i hate reading. i want to do it and get that degree to prove to myself that i can do it and feel like i'm worth something, but it's not the easiest thing in the world. on top of finishing my other freaking degree, i also have to get a co-op and manage the next two years of my college career now before it gets too late. if i really do go forward with it, then i have to snag a co-op and manage my mf time better to get all this dumb work done. it's so hard and idk how i planned on doing this.
this segways nicely to my next life happening--i am thinking about getting medicated. i truly cannot get any work done without a push or from a deadline being right on my ass. i have no general motivation for doing things that are hard, i don't feel good after finishing assignments that are hard, i don't feel excited to tackle the next thing. i just feel depressed and worthless. i hope this isn't a universal feeling because it sucks and makes it hard to feel intelligent enough to get a degree. i understand the imposter syndrome is quite common, which is so awful to be a relatable thing, but also somewhat relieving. i with though, sometimes, that i was alone in experiencing hardship and turmoil because for some fucked-up reason i feel good when i am pitied in a way. i want negative attention and i kind of hate it. i don't go out searching for it like a middle schooler posting on their snapchat story, but i do bother my boyfriend and close friends with it. i don't want to be a burden, or someone's annoyance, i just want to be heard and to be babied because i really can't do this shit. i want to be coddled again and forget all of the adult big-girl things i need to do. i can always finish up my degree on track now or i could stop like a coward, take a gap semester or year and just come back like a loser to lose momentum and not even be with the same group.
i had mentioned in my last blog, or the one before, that i wish i was held back a year. honestly i still believe that, because then maybe i would have had more time to develop some social skills and learn more at my pace for my own brain abilities. i definitely feel like i was developmentally-delayed and i still feel that way right now. i wish i could just go back and beg my mom to medicate me when i was in primary school because i feel like i have wasted so many years of trying to gain basic skills and knowledge, academically and socially, and it all feels so pointless now. i always feel like i am lightyears behind everyone else's development at every age. it's frustrating, debilitating, draining, and makes me so angry. i want to be more like other people, but every day i am reminded that i'm just not.
here i go with my pity story, but to be so honest, i haven't felt depressed before like i do now. i have never genuinely cried so often just everywhere or felt like nothing is going to get better like i do now. maybe it's just a depressive episode, and maybe it's only been less than two weeks, but the triggers are typically often enough that it feels like it's going on forever. maybe i am milking it and everything is fine. but i'm meant to be doing homework right now and this early in the morning i am crying and writing a blog is very atypical for me. i am definitely going through something and this is great documentation for my future self to look back on and cringe a twinge.
i have to get back to said homework or else i could get on my professor's bad side after asking for extra time already. if i submit this late, i won't have a good repertoire with her.
i hope everyone is okay and not shitting themselves. if you are please see a doctor.
have a good one,
kD :/
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Story: a description, either true or imagined, of a connected series of events.
Tale: a story, especially one that might be invented or difficult to believe.
Science Fiction: books, films, or cartoons about an imagined future, especially about space travel or other planets.
Enjoying the long-awaited 2065 Christmas with my dear wife Olivia, my nephew Santiago 7 years old who I take after, and our best friends Alejandra and Camilo. In the capital of Jupiter where I currently reside. It has been 5 years since one of the most historical events on the planet Earth... Later, at some precise moment, the classic curiosity of the children came out, with a specific question.
Santiago: What is the history of Aquarenaissance uncle?
I am so glad that you asked, and here goes the story Santiago.
During the year 2049 on Earth, the water shortage was no longer a surprise, it was chaos. Of course, we came across the news and came up with a mission to combat the problem with Olivia, Alejandra, and Camilo, to create an organization to create multiple solutions and travel to the past. Seems like a good plan but on the other hand it was a very difficult, costly, and dangerous job, but thanks to the financing of the humans of Jupiter, the organization, we were able to start on the right foot and track down the problem. The lack of importance given by humans to the possible water crisis was disappointing.
Therefore, our star action would be to pay all the news programs in the world to talk about the issue weekly as a part of their transmission.
President of the Organization: Dear colleagues, the decision you have been all waiting for, the organization has decided that Camilo and Reyes are gonna be the travelers of the mission and perform the time travel.
Reyes to Santiago: We were shocked, at this point we knew that it was a real deal.
We entered the time capsule and introduced the year 2019, the planet had 30 years to reflect. Immediately when we arrived, we started working like crazy people moving in every way you could imagine, after that we almost gave up but we did bring up our discipline to keep up the mission.
To end up, because of all the work, the task turned out awesome and we fix up the problem. The planet in the first 5 of the 30 years had already done more consciousness than 45% of its entire history. As a result, when the year 2049 arrived, it was a different mentality. We were able to save the crisis and the universe nicknamed it "Aquarenaissance".
Santiago: THAT’S AWESOME!!! I'm so proud of having an uncle like you.
80 most common phrasal verbs. (2023, May 15). Phrasal Verbs Defined & Most Common Phrasal Verbs | Grammarly Blog; Grammarly Blog. https://www.grammarly.com/blog/common-phrasal-verbs/
Jackson, S. (2022, May 30). Writing science fiction: Top tips from A Sci-Fi bestseller. Jericho Writers. https://jerichowriters.com/writing-science-fiction/
Phrasal verbs list with meanings and examples. (2022, April 1). BYJUS; BYJU’S. https://byjus.com/english/phrasal-verbs-list/
Shilpa. (2023, February 17). 100 most common phrasal verbs list with meaning: Speak English fluently. The Fluent Life. https://thefluentlife.com/content/100-most-common-phrasal-verbs-list-meaning/
Touro University. (n.d.). Transitional words. Touro.edu. Retrieved October 16, 2023, from https://www.touro.edu/departments/writing-center/tutorials/transitional-words/
(N.d.). Researchgate.net. Retrieved October 16, 2023, from https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Examples-of-indirect-word-level-borrowings_tbl1_335676976
I have made this AI picture, by using the program "IA to create images" from Canva. It was very easy, I just have to type how I want that image and in a matter of seconds I had it.
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I wanted to emphasize that I really don't disagree with the OP; it's a tremendously important point.
I just feel that the allistic people who say it almost universally underestimate the scope of the problem.
Suppose I was learning English as a second language, and I say to you, "Hey, how do I make plural nouns?"
You might say something like,
"Well, there's no single one way to make a plural noun. English is kind of irregular about this and it's going to depend on the specific noun you mean. In fact, even native speakers will often use the incorrect plural when confronted with an unknown noun."
Everything you just said is 100% true.
And I have no idea how to make a plural noun.
And what happens when I listen to enough English and realize that in the vast majority of cases adding an "s" onto the end of the noun is correct, and in the minority of cases where it isn't correct people will understand what I mean and be able to correct me?
I have experience in this:
I'm going to be pissed off at you for your utter inability to speak clearly about something that you actually know about.
Here's a story:
Once upon a time, back in, oh, 90 or 91, I would have been in first or second grade, and I was standing in line at school singing a song from a My Little Pony cartoon that I liked. Another boy asked what it was about and I told him and he and another boy made fun of me for liking My Little Pony.
Now, we live in more enlightened times; when I talk about that with people today, they say that's very sad and those boys shouldn't have done that.
I have never, ever, not once in my life found an allistic person who was surprised by that story.
Because, at least in my memory, and in the memory of dozens of other similar incidents, I was surprised! After all, we talked about Ninja Turtles, why shouldn't I talk about another cartoon that I like?
And hey, you allistic people didn't get the rulebook either, there's no consensus in America, so I bet, like, at least half of you will be as shocked as I was back then? You'll be just as surprised as I was that boys weren't supposed to like girl things, right? And how come that second boy joined in? Isn't it crazy that I found two little boys in 1990 who thought it was funny for a boy to like My Little Pony even though they didn't have any kind of rule book either?
Funny how that kind of thing doesn't actually play out that way.
Funny how I keep running into situations where everybody tells me that there's no consensus and no rulebook but somehow 90% of the people I meet act the same in that same situation.
It's funny how often I meet people who tell me that I don't even need to be looking for a rule or pattern because there aren't any and then, 10 minutes later, tell me what an outlier I am, and that maybe I should consider trying to fit in a little more.
By funny, I of course mean god damned infuriating. Sometimes I want to hit people about it.
America has, genuinely and truly, way less consensus on what "appropriate" behavior is than it did 60 years ago. The scope of appropriate behavior has also expanded. When my dad was a kid random people would give him shit if his hair was shaggy enough to grow past the ears. Today I work in a formal restaurant and wear two foot-long braids and nobody bats an eye. Honestly even in my childhood society was so sexist that I am surprised that I've gotten nothing but compliments.
But what has also happened, and there is profound denial about this, is that when people do have concrete expectations of others, they are much worse at articulating those expectations than they used to be. There is more expectation that you conform yourself to the expectations of others by intuiting those expectations, rather than having them explained to you, even in cases where they can be easily explained. There is a profound discomfort, on the part of allistics, (Particularly younger and more left-wing allistics) with articulating what they expect from the people around them.
I cannot emphasize this enough: This is the case even when the allistic person in question has incredibly concrete expectations.
My autistic peeps, I have one bit of advice for you.
Be extremely selective about who you accept social rule feedback from.
Most autistic folks I know tie themselves up in knots, trying to figure out this social rule book that everybody else seems to have gotten, that they didn't get. In fact a lot of the "rigidity" that I see other therapists complaining about can be put down to the natural effects of people trying really hard to find one goddamn rule that will stay put.
The thing is- most people walk around as if they have the one universal, unassailable, common-sense rule book for social interaction.
And they are utterly full of shit.
In the US in particular there is incredibly low consensus about how people should behave. Just go post on twitter about whether it is or is not rude to wear your shoes in someone's house, or as a 70 year old and a 20 year old about phone etiquette. That's before we get into other demographic differences. Don't even get me started on "professionalism".
Neurotypical people get that feedback to, but are, on average, way more able to flag it as either 1) a rule for working with that person/similar people 2) bullshit. NOT as a universal rule they should have already known, that they should feel bad about not already knowing.
The number of things that people actually universally agree on is really low.
So when people give you feedback that the social rule they expect you to follow is obvious, they are often being a total dick.
Ask questions, look for patterns in specific settings, and make sure you've worked on your values enough to have a reasonable ecosystem of guiding principles.
But remember that nobody has that rule book.
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