#it's set right after Mellie runs away from home
ofsnarkandmagic · 1 year
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A notebook was sitting on his lap as he sat outside The Spice Rack, a pen furiously going back and forth over the page. Then flip to the next page, a vigorous process indeed. Mellie had run away from home that morning, and he was still processing what had happened.
His parents were inside arguing about what should be done, yet he'd needed fresh air to clear his head. Trouble was keeping his emotions in check--one of the problems with being seventeen.
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lethalchiralium · 1 year
wait wait wait!! you mentioned that you wanted to kill the missus quite a few times and mellie’s birth au was just 👌
so how about making simon’s fear with losing the missus with the home birth come true? i mean, atleast she dies in his arms unlike with mellie au? they can say goodbye and simon can self flagellate more by blaming his self for agreeing into this shit show that is now turning into a nightmare. imagine his panic during and his helplessness with needing to care for the baby while tending to you just bleeding over that bath tub. and goddamn it, why is the ambulance taking so long?!
all of you are evil like me and i love it. I LOVE IT.
(https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8j9wEah/ , look. LOOK. grown out beard and hair simon is everything i need, he always has been and will always be happiness simon 🤠) (thanks to @as-is-above-so-below for some dialogue and overall delulu with me teehee)
WARNINGS: child birth, blood, character death, grief.
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Winnie and Mellie were gone for the weekend with Soap and Price by the time you were having your first contraction. Simon rushed home after your phone call, letting the small bag of groceries land on the table without stopping. He was up the stairs in two seconds flat, his shoes dragging rain throughout your house - he didn’t care. It was time. He burst through the bathroom door, similar to the way he did when you miscarried your first son. Now, he burst through the door, ready to help you deliver your son.
You had already set up plastic tarps and towels for your delivery in your bathtub; warm water level kept at a two inch height, a pillow behind your back as your hands gripped the rim of the porcelain. He was instantly tearing off his shoes, tossing them into the bedroom as he asked, “Give me the word and I’ll call the ambulance right now, love.”
You gave him a tight-lipped smirk, eyes screwed shut as you tried to stay quiet during the contraction, but you ultimately failed. A low groan came from the center of your chest as Simon quickly washed his hands, then moved to you. He smiled as he kissed your head, nervous as all Hell but ready to meet his son. His hand gently curled around the back of your head, the other settled just beside your hand that gripped the tub.
As soon as you let go and your eyes opened, Simon took your hand. Kissing the back of it, his smile made your heartbeat climb. He truly was the most beautiful person you knew.
“Ready to meet our baby?” You whispered, your own smile on your face as your empty hand rested on your belly.
He laughed, kissing your lips. He kept his face close to yours as he pulled his lips away, resting his forehead against yours. “I’m ready.” He stayed there for just a second before he moved, getting into the tub to kneel between your legs. His eyes met yours, he spoke softly, “You sure you don’t want to go to the hospital?”
You shook your head, hand reaching for his - your fingers linking together linked together with his as you uttered the words, “I want to do this with just you.” You wanted to have this experience with just him and him alone.
He held out his other hand and you took it, the tremors in your belly grew painful again, another contraction roared its head and you squeezed your eyes shut. He glanced down, his heart racing as he could see his son crowning. Your hands trembled, your head began to compress as you gritted your teeth; this was the worst one yet. It felt like everything was pulling, pulling, pulling until-
The scream you let out was terrifying, but Simon still clutched your hands tightly as you squeezed his. Something was wrong.
“Simon- Simon, call the ambulance.”
His eyes looked up to your face, panic instantly running through his chest. “What?”
“Something’s-“ A wince left your throat. Tears fell faster from your eyes, the red hot pain in your pelvis felt like it was increasing dramatically at every second.
“Baby, what’s wrong? What’s-“
He looked back down and all he saw was blood.
He didn’t even remember calling 999 by the time he was in the tub, kneeling in front of you and covered in your blood. He couldn’t even admit to himself that he was scared, he felt nothing but fear as he pulled his son out, taking him into his arms. Blood rushed out of you, Simon pressed a towel in between your legs to try and curb the bleeding, his eyes watching you frantically. With his knee pressing the towel into you, his one free hand reached for you.
Your eyes began to haze over, tears in them as you spoke, “I don’t- I don’t wanna die.”
“You’re not, sweetheart. You’re not gonna die on me.” He spoke, squeezing your hand before he began to move his son to rest on your bare chest. “Gotta hold ‘im, love. Just for a second, I need to try and stop the bleeding.”
You have him a languid nod, your hand coming to rest on top of your baby as he cried against your sweaty skin.
“His name.” Your voice was broken, tired; your hands weak against your strong baby as he cried and cried.
Simon pulled the towel away, it was soaked with blood. He grabbed another from the stack beside the tub, pressing it in between your legs again with his knee before he looked back to you. Your face full of tears, your hands cradling your son.
“Where the fuck is the ambulance?” His head looked up towards the bathroom door, hoping he would hear paramedics enter through his front door - but he heard nothing.
“I’m sorry.”
“You’re gonna be fine, Y/N.”
“I don’t want to leave you, Simon.”
“You’re not.”
“I don’t want to be someone who hurts you after… after I’ve done so much to heal you.”
He heard movement, a call from his living room and hope sparked in his chest. His head jolted towards the door, he shouted back, “Up here! She’s up here!” He looked back to you. “They’re here, love. Just a minute longer and they can help you, okay?” He could hear the boots as they ran through the house, he gazed at your exhausted face. “I’m gonna have to move you, love. Hold onto him, hold onto the baby.”
You barely nodded before he let go of your hands, then he was quick to get out of the tub - he pulled you up and out of the tub, his heart stung as he heard your broken scream of pain. He placed you on the ground, taking another towel and pressing it between your legs. There was so much blood, Simon couldn’t even think straight as he placed more towels underneath your head.
“Just a minute longer.”
Your eyes opened, tears pouring from them as you struggled to smile and nod. “Okay, Si. Okay.”
The paramedics came through the doorway, instantly dropping bags of medical equipment onto the tile floor. Simon moved to kneel beside her head, he ignored the paramedics as they began to work on you.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered, his eyebrows furrowed as he held your face.
“Don’t. Don’t do that.” He gave you a reassuring smile, trying to keep you in good spirits. He wanted you to be okay, he needed you to be okay. “You’re fine, everything’s fine.”
There was a low rumble that came from your throat, you glanced down at your son before looking back up at your husband. Your wonderful, beautiful husband who loved you more than you have ever been loved in your entire life. “Take him.”
Those words made Simon’s blood turn ice cold. You had waited so long to hold your son, you were meant to hold him, they were working on you. You would be fine. “N-No. You-“
“I’m fine, remember?”
“But-“ If I take him, you’ll leave.
“I’m fine, baby. Take our son.” If there was a moment when he could stop time and admire your face, it would be then. It would be when your smile was small, you looked so hopeful. “…Please, Simon.”
His hands felt ice cold as he gently pulled his warm newborn from your chest, the baby pawed at his chest as he wailed. He looked to a paramedic, they nodded and reached for his son, taking him from Simon’s blood stained hands. Your husband looked back to you, watching your lively eyes begin to dull and flutter closed.
“I love you, Simon Riley.”
“No, baby, no-“
“I love you.”
“Y/N Riley, open your eyes. Open your eyes, goddammit!” One hand gently smacked your cheek, the other held the hand with your beautiful wedding ring on it. “Don’t- Don’t go. Please, don’t go.”
His son screamed across the room, to Simon it sounded like he was begging for you to stay too.
“Wake up. Wake up, baby, c’mon. Wake up, it’s not funny. It’s not-“ He choked on a sob, tears streaming down his cheeks. He would never forget how warm you were, how warm your hand was, how warm your blood was. “Baby. Y/N. Please. I can’t do this- I can’t do this again.”
Nothing left your lips.
His chest curled inwards, his heart crushing with every beat. Red hot spears went through his spine, through his arms and legs - the warm light that came from the light fixture felt like a thousand needles in his skin. He felt anger. He wanted to break his hand in the wall beside him, wanted to scream as loud as he could, for as long as he could. He wanted to die at that exact moment.
He wanted to tell you he loved you, but the wave of grief had walled and hit him dead on. He bowed his head to you, sobs leaving his chest as his hands held your face and hand.
The paramedics sat and watched the display, yet their hands prodded at Simon, trying to move him away from you. A scream ripped from his throat, his face then buried in your neck as nauseating sobs escaped his lips.
You were supposed to stay. You were so excited to meet your son, so excited to have this stupid home birth, excited to be doing it with him. You always loved him so much, and he showed you that he loved you by constantly choosing his career over you - but you were always so understanding. You just wanted to have a baby with him, have him be there with you, to hold and comfort you.
His sobs became silent and painful when he came to a devastating realization.
You would never see your babies grow up.
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gotta love the angsty happiness asks
Copyright © 2023 lethalchiralium. All rights reserved.
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wanderella-w · 1 year
Three days in the Yorkshire Dales
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So.. a full Pennine Way adventure of two more weeks wasn't going to be it for me. Not on my own, and not carrying a slightly too heavy backpack with a two-persons cooking set and tent. But I didn't want to leave the UK without having had at least a peak at one of their famous National Parks, so I decided to do an easy three day's stretch on the Pennine Way in the Yorkshire Dales.
I traveled by train and bus to Skipton and, strangely, I had knee pain after my travel day, something which I had never had on the entire SWCP. I hoped a rest day in Skipton (staying two nights on a campsite) would fix it. I explored the town a bit and it turned out to be quite a nice town, lying next to the Leeds-Liverpool canal with lots of houseboats.
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The next morning I took the first of the only two busses per day going to Malham. After recovering from car-sickness on a bench for a little while, I set off with a lot of other tourists towards Malham cove. The cove is quite well-known and indeed impressive, and there were some climbers climbing on it.
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Behind the cove, towards Malham tarn, the Pennine Way got much quieter and I even had one little panic moment where all the straw-colored hills around me looked the same and I wished for a coastline to help me orient myself. But soon after, I stumbled upon a waymarker and I figured that I was walking just a few meters to the left of the Pennine Way. After that, wayfinding got easier.
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The weather was beautiful but actually my knees still hurt so I wasn't feeling my best. I was planning to wild camp, but the landscape was so open, there were sheep everywhere (I think wild camping with sheep is okay but I wasn't entirely sure?), and I wasn't really feeling so much at home in this new landscape yet, so I decided to skip the steep climb over the Pen-y-ghent hill and go to the small village Horton-in-Ribbelsdale right away, where I would go the campsite that I had spotted on the map.
The Pen-y-ghent:
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The campsite was great, it was run by an old man who welcomed me in a reception that gave off a Pirates of the Caribbean-like vibe and who handed me a tent label stamped with today's date after doing his all-paper administration. In the evening I had a nice call with Melli, who I am going to do a one-week hike in Germany with soon.
Because I had skipped a bit, I was now actually only a one-day stretch from my end goal, Hawes, away. My knees felt better the next morning, and as I was already awake before six, I thought I might as well do the whole stretch in one day. I really enjoyed the first bit of the hike behind Horton-in-Ribbelsdale!
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After that, it got really windy because I was walking higher up on the hills, and the views weren't so varied anymore. The path was broad and there were some cars and a truck passing me. On a positive note, however, I saw a lot of the type of horned sheep that are typical for the Yorkshire Dales and a medium-sized bird with a long, arched beak.
I arrived in Hawes at around 1:30 and I went to sit into a café with lots of locals. I was glad to be out of the wind. In the café, I read the magazine 'The Yorkshire Dalesman' and found out that the bird I had seen was a 'curlew', a really rare bird that they are pretty proud of here! Sadly, it also said that it is in danger of extinction.
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I did groceries in the lovliest little shop before I went to the youth hostel to check in and pitch my tent in the garden.
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In the youth hostel I met two guys from Nottingham doing the whole Pennine Way, Jack and Shady. They asked me if I wanted to join them to the pub, and I said yes - I was up for some company actually. They were nice and chatty people, scolding me for having skipped the Pen-y-ghent, but envying me for having seen a curlew. We talked about all the ins and outs of backpacking/hiking and I advised one of them with knee pain to do warming ups and cooling downs (Yes, I'm a hiking nerd now;)). But it was evidence-based advice, as my own knee pain had in the meanwhile completely disappeared.
The next morning I was a bit jealous when they continued their hike on the Pennine Way. Britains oldest national trail is definitely something to come back for!
I'm staying in the hostel for two more nights now, doing some small hikes in the region, like going to two waterfalls.
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cobaincreates · 4 years
smart decisions
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warnings: drinking, angst, smut, fingering, nsfw, 18+
count: 10k+
hiiiiiiiii so i’m a horndog & i can’t get enough of rafe cameron (or drew) or college rafe & i also wanna cry over them so here you go. let me know whatcha thinkin’. please i’m begging you. 
also the photo isn’t mine i got it from here!
songs i imagined - this one & this one
— — —
transferring colleges had to have been your smartest decision to date. going from putting your strengths into a place that was not willing to acknowledge them to, now, receiving credit where credit was most deservingly due. your first choice for school had been some place close to home, you figured why not opt for the cheaper option to save yourself, and your parents, a little money. you spent a few months getting into the swing of things, heading to class each day with a fresh mind and hopeful thoughts. it wasn’t until six months in that you realized you deserved so much better, and at a better school.
it took time, figuring out your best bet and where to go and all the finances. you definitely grew impatient a year in, trying to stick it out at home to receive your credits. but once the moment arrived, you packed all your things and moved states away. you loved it; you loved the classes, you loved your friends, you loved your professors. you were completely happy with your choice to go. your parents might not have been, but the weekly calls home for your progress report were substitute enough.
wednesday, 5 p.m.
you scribbled a doodle you had been going over and over, darkening the lines so much you saw it behind your eyelids now. you snapped out of it and looked back at your textbook.
the library was so quiet, you heard pages being turned from every corner, the chewing of gum from a tense jaw, and the soft snores of someone passed out in one of the private cubicles across the way. none of those things distracted you really since you had come to the study session with a couple of your friends, all three of you making a pact to get shit done.
melly was able to listen to music while she studied and was more of a typer as her fingers moved fast along the keys of her laptop. she came dressed in her comfiest clothes, sporting a knit sweater and joggers. lina had snacks across the table to keep her sustained. she was a strong believer that she learned better while being fed. it made you laugh still. she was a writer like you, very organized in her notes with highlighters and different colored pens. she even drew headers for each page for the hell of it. you wondered where she got the drive. then there was you, black ink, the main topic underlined, things to remember written repeatedly. you learned better after writing things down, you couldn’t just read a book and have the information implanted in your brain. as much as you wished it were that easy.
you were studying for an upcoming psychology test, one that you were sure would be a piece of cake given how well you did in the class itself. it was one you didn’t plan on taking, but you needed another course to get enough credits for the year.
lina was munching on some almonds, turning a page in her notebook, and picking up a blue pen. you were in the middle of writing a definition down and filling up the last of the page, your hand starting to cramp with how much pressure you were using. you flexed it once you put your pen down and squeezed an imaginary ball.
both yours and lina’s eyes flicked up to melly across the table who let out a low moan. she was pulling her headphones off and looking in the completely opposite direction of her computer.
“why is he so fine?” she asked, low enough for the two of you to hear.
you looked over your shoulder at the same time lina did and searched in the general area melly was focused on. all you saw was a guy walking through the library, sporting a backpack and a lacrosse sweatshirt, the hood pulled over his head.
“he really knows what he’s doing, huh?” lina said dreamily.
you furrowed your eyebrows as you watched him turn into a row of books and you glanced at melly as you faced the other way, planning on getting back to your work. melly was dazed as she still looked in his direction.
“who is that?” you asked after a moment of both of them still ogling.
lina turned toward you as melly closed her laptop a little to lean over it. “what did you just say?”
you looked between the two identical shocked expressions and laughed helplessly. “who is that?”
“oh, i forgot. you’re still new.” melly nodded in semi-acceptance then became serious. “that’s rafe cameron. he’s on the lacrosse team and we’re kind of obsessed with him.”
“it’s alarming,” lina said. she gave a quick glance over her shoulder then looked back at her notebook. “i love making myself sad over him not noticing me, but it’s fine. what’s even more alarming is how he’s still single.”
“i cannot express to you, y/n, how good,” melly emphasized, squeezing her eyes shut, “he looks with a little sweat.”
“you guys sound like stalkers.” you pointed out, smiling a little at their explanations.
“i’m not denying it. i said it was alarming.” lina shrugged as she looked from her textbook to her writing. “we’ve talked to him a couple of times at some parties, he’s a super nice guy but we just find him attractive. i think if i were a freshman, i’d be pathetically pining after him.”
melly hummed in agreement, her chin now propped in her palm. she wore a doe-like look, gazing between yours and lina’s heads and into the bookshelves. “don’t they have a game tomorrow? we should go.”
“it’s away.” lina said, but you had already lost interest in the topic and started reading a new chapter. you picked your pen back up, the muscles in your hand now relaxed, and the boy in the bookshelves out of your mind.
monday, 9 a.m.
you were going to be late and you hated the thought. there was no way you could miss this test when you had done nothing but study every last page for it. you even lost track of how many pages of notes you wrote for the test alone. it would be such a waste to miss it and it wasn’t worth getting a negative grade.
being late was not at all your fault. you had set your alarm early, eaten breakfast and read a few more chapters to get ahead, and packed your bag up so you’d be ready after a quick shower. turned out that all the showers on your floor were broken, the yellow “do not cross” tape like a bad omen. you started muttering to yourself as you carried along your shower caddy, going down to the next floor and finding a line to wait in. you knew it was probably your best bet instead of racing to another floor to check if there were more lines, plus you didn’t know how much time you had. you probably annoyed some people with the fidgeting, but all you could think about was the test.
it was ridiculous how long the showers took and how you had to leave your hair damp as you ran back up physical stairs. you burst through your door, threw your bathroom things on your bed, grabbed your bag and the few books you couldn’t stuff in. while leaving, the door shutting behind you, you made do with damp hair, twisting it up and out of your face. as you checked the time, you figured out that you had eight minutes exactly to get across campus and in your seat with a writing utensil ready.
even though you were late, you still held doors open for people, and you dodged others walking the opposite direction instead of the other way around. you kept checking the time as if the minutes would stop moving.
just as you were looking into your bag, your legs moving fast and assuredly, you ran right into something hard. you dropped the textbooks that you had been clutching, even with a death grip on them, and your bag slipped from your shoulder. a notebook poked out along with a pen rolling away on the walkway.
“woah,” the hard surface said.
“i’m so sorry, i was not looking.” you said quickly and bent down to get your things. of course, this would happen while you were in a rush. you supposed you were lucky it didn’t involve cars. god, that would’ve been so much worse.
“nah, it’s alright.” they said easily and bent down beside you, retrieving your things.
you scrambled for everything and shoved the notebook back into your bag. you spotted your keychain near their foot, their fingers closing around it before you could reach for it. you finally looked up as they held the key out to you, the ring hanging from their finger.
rafe cameron.
he looked different now that you could see his face better. and also, because he was so close this time. it was odd to know now that he had blue eyes and a light ghosting of stubble along his jaw and cheeks. it felt too personal being this close to someone you only knew the name of.
you felt a little silly for bumping into him, but you didn’t let it show. “thank you,” you said as you took the key from him and stood quickly to walk away. lina and melly surely wouldn’t give this up when you told them.
rafe had watched after you for a moment before turning back to his friend topper, raising his eyebrows in reference to what happened, and continuing their conversation.
you made it to class about three minutes late and sat in your seat, finally taking a breath. you settled in, putting your things at your feet, and digging around for a pen. all thoughts of bumping into rafe cameron left your mind.
8 p.m.
“you what?” melly coughed violently as she composed herself. lina was clutching her stomach, nearly dying of hysterics when the drink came out of melly’s nose a second earlier.
you held your head in your hands and inwardly groaned at having to tell the story. you were out to dinner with the two girls, munching on french fries and milkshakes. it was typical for you three to hang out on mondays since melly usually had a bad case of them each week. you had innocently slipped in that you just so happened to run into rafe cameron this morning and well, you hadn’t expected that to be melly’s reaction.
“i ran into him. i was late this morning and i wasn’t looking.” you could feel the embarrassment settle in as you recounted the minor event, at least to you.
“did he say anything?” her eyes were blown wide as she leaned across the table.
“i didn’t try to have a conversation with him.” you shrugged and picked at the plate of fries at the center of the table. melly gave you a look of mild bewilderment, the shock of it wearing off.
“missed opportunity.” lina joked, taking a long sip of her shake. “i wouldn’t know what to say either if i ran into him.”
you felt your shoulders loosen as the topic was slowly changing. melly laughed at lina’s remark, teasing her that she would’ve frozen up from bumping into anybody. you smiled and were glad that both of them didn’t take the story too seriously.
minutes later you were laughing loudly, head thrown back as melly was telling a story about her family and a public mishap with a tire. it was interesting to you to hear about what it was like growing up in a completely different environment than the one you did. you supposed that’s something you loved about college; getting to meet people from so many other states and cities.
you were smiling to yourself as you dipped a fry into your shake. just as you put it into your mouth and looked across the table at melly, her composure changed.
“oh, fuck.” she whispered and noticeably tried to look away. “don’t look.”
both you and lina turned around to look toward the front door. a dense group of bodies was coming in through the door, the atmosphere’s volume increasing with their chatter. toward the back you recognized rafe cameron. you weren’t sure at all what it was that made your heart clench in your chest.
“i said don’t look!” melly whispered louder. “oh, god. okay. act normal.” melly straightened up, trying not to be obvious with looking in their direction. you laughed and sat back in the seat. lina practically sunk into hers.
you didn’t watch as they approached, but you did look up once rafe entered your peripheral vision. he was with the guy from this morning, even if you hadn’t noticed him before. you just remembered rafe crouched in front of you while someone just as tall stood behind him, waiting. both of them were sporting lacrosse sweatshirts, along with some others in the group.
“hey, rafe.” melly said easily like she hadn’t just been freaking out over him a second ago.
you watched rafe lift his chin, smiling genuinely at her. you didn’t think anything of it when he glanced at you, the recognition so obvious as his face changed. he continued to walk to his table though, eyes steady on you for what felt like too long.
melly turned around and sank over the table, her mouth open in shock. “oh my god,” she said above the surface.
“oh my god,” lina said, turning to you in bafflement. “i feel like i’m in an alternate universe. did that just happen?”
“he just recognized me.” you brushed it off.
“no, y/n, he knew you. that was longer than five seconds.”
“why are you guys so obsessed with him anyways?” you laughed, trying to take the attention off you.
lina shrugged, seeming taken aback with the question. “i don’t really know.”
“because he’s gorgeous, that’s why.” melly intervened, dipping a fry into her shake.
you looked over melly’s shoulder, wondering what it was exactly that was so intriguing about the lacrosse player. you had had your fair share of athletes and could agree on some being drop dead gorgeous. maybe rafe cameron was just a nice guy all around and melly and lina just had pleasant interactions with him. maybe he was the type of college boy that looked out for everyone’s wellbeing and that’s what made your friends obsess over him. it could be a number of things.
thursday, 8 p.m.
you rubbed your eyes, yawning in the middle of it, and lay back on your bed. you had just closed your computer after typing up a 10-page essay. it was nine when you started it this morning. you were just glad your one class of the day was canceled and that you had time to write the paper before next week. plus, there were no classes tomorrow, and you could have a whole day of doing nothing. you were stoked, to say the least.
feeling a vibration beside you, you reached for your phone and opened a text from lina. incoming in 5, it said, followed by a rattling of knocks on your door. you rolled off the bed and shuffled over, finding her and melly with wide smiles. it was infectious as you felt your own smile appearing on your face.
“what are you guys doing here?” you asked curiously, stepping aside to let them in. the door clicked softly shut as you followed melly to your bed where she went to sit. lina leaned against the wall across from you, careful of your roommate’s things.
“we were invited to a party and we were wondering if you wanted to come with.” lina said, sharing a quick look with melly.
you glanced between them, eyes narrowing. “what’s so special about this party?”
“god, how can you even tell that?” melly asked, slightly rolling her eyes.
“you guys have known each other longer than i've known either of you, but you’re easy to read.” you laughed.
“i don’t like that.” melly said quietly to herself.
you grinned at her, noting her curls springing around her face. melly usually had her hair pulled back out of the way and it was very rare to see her with a different hairstyle. there had been some days where she had braids and you enjoyed seeing the change of pace. lina on the other hand always let her hair down. tonight though, she had straightened it and thrown it into a high ponytail. you hadn’t really gone to a lot of parties with the girls, so seeing them all done-up was always fascinating.
“seriously, what’s the deal?” you asked again, looking to lina since she was the one who had proposed the idea.
she shared another look with melly again before finally coming out with it. “it’s at rafe cameron’s apartment.”
you felt that clenching again in your chest, in that same spot from last night. you swallowed, feeling how dry your mouth was in the span of three seconds.
“well, it’s his and topper’s apartment, so not technically just his.” lina said, waving her hand in enunciation. she crossed her arms. “i have this study group with topper and he invited me and mel and anyone else really.”
“come on, it’ll be fun.” melly said, nudging your arm.
you looked at the girl beside you, ready to say no mostly in panic of seeing rafe. you had nothing to worry about or freak out over, but it was a scary thought. so many things happened at parties. so many things could happen.
“okay,” you said easily.
the prior fears dissipated quickly as lina and melly gave a small cheer and encouraged you to get ready, and to take your time. you spent the next ten minutes asking them what you should wear, going through your side of the closet. all three of you agreed on a plaid skirt you had bought a few weeks before on a spontaneous shopping trip. you only wore it once since then and had been meaning to pull it out again. you paired it with a sweater, something easy to keep you warm through the night instead of bringing a jacket along. lina and melly agreed excitedly when you changed and raised your eyebrows, searching for approval.
9 p.m.
holding on tightly to lina’s hand, you laughed hysterically to the point of tears and a clear indicator in the nether region that you had to pee, badly. a connie bailey rae cover was playing from a speaker near you, your laughter probably not as loud as you thought it to be as you calmed down. melly stopped her ridiculous reenactment and pulled an exaggerated disgusted face as she dodged someone trying to dance with her. you shook with laughter and took a long sip of your drink, tilting your head back to finish it in one gulp.
the party had been way more fun than you thought it would be, especially when you walked the four blocks to get there. lucky for you, you had been smart and worn flat boots. the apartment was a good size for the event and had plenty of space to gather, enough left over for those that wanted a break from either dancing or just to relax. some people you didn’t recognize had the large tv on, a video game on the bright screen. there was plenty of shouting coming from their general direction, a wave of arms and pointing of rigid fingers.
you had seen rafe in passing, but never made the initial eye contact as if to let each other know that you were near. stepping into the apartment and being greeted with his friend topper, you felt like you were intruding or trespassing by being in rafe’s space. you didn’t know him, or topper for that matter, and it felt odd to you to be in their physical home.
“where’s the bathroom?” you asked lina as melly went to get more snacks.
lina stood up on her toes and pointed at a closed door. “i'm pretty positive it’s over there.”
you gave her a nod and walked in the direction she pointed you in, finding a couple people waiting against the wall. you took a place there and acted as a fly on the wall for a total of five minutes since the line went fast. once inside, you took a deep breath, feeling refreshed at the open window and the cool air coming in.
you dried your hands and placed the towel back where it was on the counter and opened the door. the next person waiting rushed in rather quickly, making you stumble against the doorway. you laughed to yourself and felt the rush of sudden wind as the door slammed.
excusing yourself past a small group, you headed toward the refreshments. you were already thirsty after having emptied your bladder seconds before, but you were aware it was just the addictive alcohol buzzing through your system. it was crowded closer to the drinks, rightfully so, and it only took one person to move for you to see rafe acting as a stand-in bartender.
part of you wanted to run right back out of the kitchen and find lina and melly, but the other part of you wanted to give a swift kick to your rear. you chose the latter and walked over to where he was at the counter. he was in the middle of pouring someone else’s drink and you stood on his other side, taking in his appearance while you still could. the blue hat on his head read “obx”, turned backwards. he wore an off-white t-shirt, the graphic design on the back drawing you in. you were too busy staring at his shoulders molded with the fabric to realize he had turned around and you were now staring at his chest. you blinked up at his face, smiling lightly.
“hi.” he said, a small lilt to his voice as he recognized you once again.
“can i get you something?” he asked, and you felt your shoulders falter a little, thinking that was all he was going to say to you. stick to his image of drink tender and have you go on your way. but his body told you differently as he turned fully to face you.
“um, i can get it.” you said, the instant flight taking effect at the very prospect of being shot down.
rafe nodded and stepped out of the way, moving further into the corner of the counter. you smiled at him and poured your own drink, mixing up your favorite. rafe still stood there and you could feel the strong vice his eyes had on you. it made you a little self-conscious, but you relaxed with a deep breath.
“i never got your name.” rafe said just as you took a sip and turned to leave the kitchen. “you know, from the other day.”
“that’s because i was too busy bumping into you.” you let out a small laugh and stepped closer to him, out of the way if someone wanted a drink. you turned your back to the fridge and tried to find a spot to lean on as rafe looked down at you, a smile playing at his lips. “i am sorry about that again. i was in a rush for a class.”
“it’s no problem. i’m just glad you’re okay, we hit pretty hard.”
“y/n.” you said and held out a hand respectfully.
“rafe,” he slipped his hand into yours, warm and strong, and smiled widely.
“i think i’ve heard your name only a million times in the past week.” you admitted, knowing that lina and melly would kill for brownie points. “my friends are a bit obsessed with you and fully willing to educate the newbie.”
“obsessed, huh? lina and mel, right?”
you nodded and took another sip. rafe reached on the counter and grabbed a handful of pretzels. he held some out to you. “they’re nice girls,” rafe said easily. “i’ve hung out with them a couple times, but i didn’t know they were obsessed.” he laughed to himself.
you munched on a pretzel and froze at an idea. “you’re not going to tell them i told you, are you?”
“not unless you want me to.”
you stared at him for a bit longer than you planned, then let out a breath and took another pretzel from his hand. it was odd to be sharing food with him when just the other day you felt like your heart was tearing in your chest. at the moment, you could only feel a dull ache.
“so, how do you like it?” rafe asked.
“like what?”
“campus, the college.”
you nodded and swallowed some of your drink to wash the pretzels down. “things have been really great. i enjoy it here. it’s an immense difference than my first college back home, so i’m happy.”
rafe smiled. “and the party?”
you followed his nod to the people around you, glancing to your original spot where you left lina. you didn’t see her anywhere until some people moved and you found her and melly sat on the couch. they were playing the video game with a whole mess of guys. you grinned.
“the party is great.” you commended, looking back at him. he had finished the rest of the pretzels in his hand.
“good.” he nodded. “i always get nervous when top and i invite people over. we’ve done it a bunch of times, but there’s always the possibility of something going wrong.”
“well, you’re doing great. both of you. hopefully, nothing horrible happens.”
11 p.m.
you would be lying if you said that your conversation with rafe from hours ago wasn’t still running through your head. it was difficult not to think about it when you kept seeing him more often throughout the party. most of the time you’d catch his eye, or vice versa, and instantly smile. you’d then recall the sound of his laugh and would even hear it from feet away. the clenching in your chest was now accompanied by a swirling in your stomach.
you were pacing yourself with your drinks, but by now you were on your fifth of the night. you were completely aware of everything around you and you were enjoying the ongoing buzz. lina and melly were a bit more inebriated than you were, which only added to the fun.
the two girls in front of you were swaying to a song together, not even close to being slow tempo. it was very upbeat, the bass pumping through the walls. the front door to the apartment was now open since it had begun to get warmer with the more and more people that were joining. a few windows were thrown open as well.
“you remember how in freshman year you fell down that flight of stairs and twisted your ankle and practically bashed your head in and then your mom yelled at you and then your sister called to tell you she was pregnant and then your dad! oh my god, and then your dad was like ‘hey i’m thinking of leaving your mom so uh, yeah’ and then your mom was so pissed but then she was fine because she found a total hunk of a man to replace your dad like that,” melly snapped her fingers as your body started to shake with laughter. lina was laughing too, not at all bothered with a quick recap of her, very shitty, first year.
“yes, thank you for reminding me mel. i love when we have tantalizing conversation like this.” lina leaned her head against the others’.
mel giggled, a few hiccups escaping. “i think i need to pee.”
“god, you’re like a peeing machine.” lina sighed and tightened her arm around melly.
“that’s what drinking will do to you.”
lina rolled her eyes and looked at you as she brought melly to the bathroom. you asked quickly if she needed help, but she shook her head and promised they’d be back soon. you watched them go then turned back to the party, turning too fast and not feeling the presence behind you in the moment. a cool liquid pooled over and down your chest, soaking the fabric of your sweater. you gasped at the contact, your mouth dropping open and looking down at the dark stain.
“i— “ you looked up to tell the person it was fine before an apology came out, finding that off-white t-shirt on a very familiar blue-eyed person. “we have to stop meeting like this.”
rafe looked horrified at having spilled his drink all over your sweater, his eyes wide as they stared at your chest.
“that’s the most cliché thing to say.” you said, laughing lightly to ease the tension so obvious in his features.
he let out a laugh too. “you can borrow something of mine. come on,” he held out his hand and you took it willingly, realizing some people were staring at the accident way too curiously. you let rafe lead you up the stairs, the complete darkness on the landing causing you to focus solely on his hand in yours.
rafe opened a door and flipped a light on, your eyes adjusting to the brightness. he led you further in and closed the door behind you before rushing to his dresser, a whole display of cologne bottles on top. as he rummaged through the drawers, you stood just in front of the door, a little timid to step further in. you were holding your sweater away from your chest, already feeling the stickiness of liquid on your skin.
“how’s this one?” he asked, holding out a simple white one.
“you don’t have to give me a shirt.”
“it’s the least i can do. the bathroom is right there.” he handed the shirt to you and nodded just behind your shoulder. you thanked him and went in, closing the door with a click. you pulled the sweater off and dampened a washcloth, wiping the dried drink from your skin. pulling the shirt on, you relished in how soft it was and styled the piece of fabric so it looked better with your skirt.
rafe was sitting on a couch next to his bed, more like a futon, his hands in his pockets and hat off his head. he looked up as you came out, straightening his posture and looking you up and down.
“i’m sorry.” he smiled guiltily.
you smiled and walked over, moving around the small circular coffee table and sitting next to him. “guess it was payback for the other day,” you teased as you folded your sweater and set it next to you.
rafe rolled his eyes with a knowing smile. you glanced at him as you leaned back, feeling the softness and rigidness of the futon. “you look good in my shirt.”
“i feel better in a less damp one.” you said, easing the fluttering in your stomach. your chest clenched again as you crossed your legs.
glancing around rafe’s room, you admired the movie posters on the walls and the multiple lacrosse paraphernalia. one of his jerseys lay crumpled at the end of his bed, the comforter pulled over the pillows to look made. it was better than you did with your bed, you were pretty sure yours was unmade and messy.
it was a decent sized room, plus the bathroom was nice to have. you’d kill for your own bathroom again. it would be nice not to wait in a line. you told yourself that you just had to figure out an earlier schedule so you could beat the crowd.
after a once-over of rafe’s room, you looked over at him to find him already looking at you. he was fully analyzing your face, you could see his eyes flickering to different parts.
you swallowed and licked your lips. “what?”
“nothing.” he said quickly and sighed, laying his head back on the couch.
you squinted at him, now tracing over his features. he looked nervous from what you could tell, his hands moving in his pockets. you stared at his chest moving up and down slowly, the intake of breath coming as it grew bigger. his adam’s apple protruded, bobbing slightly as he swallowed. your chest clenched once again as you looked at his face, watching him look up at the ceiling. he really was handsome. you shifted in your seat, switching your leg over the other.
“that look wasn’t nothing.” you commented, breathing in.
“what look?” he turned his head toward you, eyebrows slightly pushing together. you watched every change in his face, from his eyebrows to his eyes blinking then to his tongue peeking out to lick his lips.
“the look of ‘i want to eat you up’.”
he laughed, the couch shaking with him. “what does that entail?”
“major gazing and bedroom eyes.”
“bedroom eyes, huh?” he hummed and lifted his head. his lips tugged at a smirk.
“am i imagining things?” you asked seriously, slightly doubting if you made the right call. maybe he wasn’t thinking what you thought he had been. maybe you were imagining things.
rafe didn’t answer, instead looking down at the floor. the smirk alone told you that you had been right. his hands flexed in his pockets, hard for you to miss. a few silent minutes passed, the both of you listening to the party still going on downstairs.
“if you want to kiss me, all you have to do is ask.” you said quietly. after a moment you figured he hadn’t heard you, that he had lost himself in staring at the carpet.
“can i?”
“yes,” you nodded.
rafe sat up and met your eyes, moving closer until his thigh was touching yours. you shifted your upper half closer to him, feeling a wave of shivers run through you the second his hand touched your cheek. you instinctively pressed your legs tighter together as your heartbeat picked up and rafe lowered over you, licking his lips once more. they were soft and firm, just as they needed to be. he tilted your chin up, his thumb brushing just beside your mouth as you kissed.
seconds later, you brought your own hands to his face. you were eager to touch him, to feel the solidness of him against you. it was mostly a reassurance that this was in fact happening and that you weren’t dreaming. you pushed a hand into his hair just behind his ear and mirrored the last few pecks he was leaving you before he fully pulled away. you felt a pinch of disappointment, the small taste for him now growing bigger. you had to stop your hands from pulling him back.
he pulled away only a little and you opened your eyes to see him still so close and looking over your face. your breaths mingled together.
“what?” you huffed, letting your head fall back for a second in slight irritation. you just wanted to kiss him again. you let your hand slide down from his hair, resting near his shoulder. you wanted to squeeze the muscle under your hand.
“nothing.” he said again, eyes flickering down to your lips once more. he smiled, holding himself up on the back of the couch. his thumb brushed the same spot on your cheek. “don’t tell anyone, but i’ve been imagining this since you showed up tonight.”
you returned your hand to his hair, slightly scratching with a smile. “i knew you spilled your drink on purpose.”
rafe grinned widely and moved back into you. this kiss was deeper, your lips opening for him when you felt his tongue. his hand left your cheek and appeared on your hip, ever so slightly pushing your shirt up so he could touch your skin at your waist. you smiled against him as you felt his hand slowly creep up the shirt. you were reminded again that it was his and you pulled him closer by the back of the neck, hearing a soft moan leave his lips. your thighs squeezed, your excitement starting to rise.
“you just gave it to me and now you want to take it off?” you teased as rafe’s hand covered one of your breasts, the cool air of the room reaching your skin. rafe smiled and kissed you again.
his hand disappeared, apparently changing his mind, and reappeared on your thigh. you breathed in sharply at the warmth coming from his palm, resting just above your knee. your brain started to spaz for a moment and you imagined a bunch of smaller yous, running in circles like their heads were cut off.
rafe’s hand stayed steady as you uncrossed your legs, a silent invitation. he moved to kiss the corner of your mouth. “is this okay?”
the fact that he was pulling away multiple times to check in on you had to be evidence enough of why lina and melly liked him so much. you hadn’t met many guys that were so in tune with consent or caring about what you wanted. it turned you on seeing it coming from him.
“yes.” you nodded as you touched his forearm, not wanting to seem too eager.
you anticipated his hand moving and when it did, you held back the moan. you were much too eager for teasing and he was showing no signs of not giving you want you wanted. as he got closer to you, you placed your hand over his. he pulled you back for a kiss and you decided to focus on that for a moment to lessen your nerves.
his touch was soft once he met your underwear. his fingers pressed over you and you shivered from how wet you had become because of him. he hummed into your mouth, only adding to the pooling between your legs. his hand reached back and pushed your skirt further up so he could get to you more easily.
you let out a satisfied sigh against his lips as he ran a finger through your folds, collecting your wetness. your underwear had been pushed to the side, out of the way, finally feeling his touch.
“are you this wet for me?” he asked. you nodded against his forehead and pulled him back, letting out a moan as he brushed over your clit. it was only for a second, but you were about ready to burst.
you opened your legs wider for rafe, his fingers moving over you and exploring the new area. you gripped his hand to silently ask him for more along with an impatient moan. you wanted his fingers so badly in places you weren’t ready to admit yet. he wanted the opposite.
“talk to me.” he said, nudging the side of your face with his nose, planting a kiss to your jaw. you opened your eyes that had fallen shut, your breath getting heavier. your chest felt like it was going to cave in.
“please,” you said, adjusting your hips. “please, touch me.”
“i am.” he pulled away, a menacing smirk on his face just to gauge your reaction.
you huffed out and pulled his hand closer. “you know what i mean, rafe.”
“i like when you say my name.” he pressed a kiss to your lips sweetly.
“i might like when you touch me, so get on with it already.”
rafe laughed huskily, his breath blowing over your face. “you want my fingers?”
you wanted to roll your eyes at how badly he wanted you to beg, but you wanted his fingers more. “yes, please. i want your fingers. give me something.”
you let go of his hand as he finally pushed a finger into you. you adjusted around him for a moment and felt the need to close your legs to keep him there. he pulled your lips back to his, his tongue quick to lick into you. you held his face again as his finger started to move inside of you.
“you want another, pretty girl?” he asked after a few moments passed. you nodded again, breathing hoarsely, too intoxicated in him to speak. a second finger pushed into you then, stretching you ever so slightly. you sighed, letting your head fall back to the couch.
“you’re so wet.” he said as he moved his fingers, delighting in the sounds he was making with you in the palm of his hand. “you’re taking my fingers so well, y/n. do they feel good?”
you moaned as he said your name for the first time. it was something you didn’t think you’d like so much, but with the current situation, it was wonderful.
rafe’s lips appeared on your neck. you held the back of his head as he pressed a few kisses then closed his lips over a spot closer to your collarbone. if your breath had been short then, it was even shorter now as he worked to leave a mark on you. with all the attention you were getting, it only brought you closer to your release, and you started to move your hips. he freed your skin, startled at your movements, then amazed as he watched you chase his fingers. the spot he left throbbed now, all your blood rushing to two places at once.
“are you going to come?” he asked as you heard the start of song you had been replaying for the past few weeks. it was muffled and you could barely hear the words, but you knew it by heart.
“yes, fuck.” you looked up at him, taking in the sight. he was breathing over you, his eyes never straying too far from yours as your mouth opened in pleasure. “rafe, make me come.”
you squeezed your eyes shut as he kissed you hard, breathing deeply into your mouth. he reached his thumb to your clit and began to draw circles at a normal pace with his fingers. your stomach started to twist, the familiar feeling forming fast as he picked up the pace. he could tell you were close by the sheer dig of your fingertips on the back of his neck. it only edged him on more to bring you to your climax.
“come on my fingers.” he said, eyes half closed as he looked at you, lips brushing over yours as he spoke. you whimpered and felt your hips twitch before stilling completely, trapping rafe’s hand between your legs, as you came undone. his thumb continued to move to help you through it. your jaw went slack, eyes rolling under your eyelids, as you moaned loudly. you felt an overwhelming sense of content, the adrenaline rush coming and going quickly.
your blood pumped in your ears and it took you a few moments to register rafe giving you subtle kisses all over the underside of your jaw. you breathed in shakily and let your head fall back on the couch, your knees separating. rafe took his hand away and you winced as he did. you already missed the contact.
the moment was completely ruined as his name was called up the stairs. rafe’s lips disappeared from you as he looked toward the door. you didn’t know what came over you as you pulled your skirt down over your thighs, the footsteps heavy outside his door before a couple of his friends burst in.
“guys, come on. get the fuck out!” he shouted in annoyance, sitting up completely, his leg still touching yours.
“woah, sorry.” they said as they took in your presence. you shifted and knew that they could probably tell what you and rafe had been doing. they evidently didn’t care as they went into a whole spiel of something that had taken place downstairs. rafe tried to stop them and their alcohol-induced exuberance.
he looked at you over his shoulder, touching you lightly on the knee. “i'm sorry.” he said, his friends not hearing as they talked to one another. “i'll see you downstairs?”
part of you felt completely stupid when he said it, like everything that had happened moments ago was just an imagination. you felt your shoulders slump, but you nodded and got up anyways. the door was quick to close behind you and you were left in the dark landing, leaning against the wall to catch your breath. you smoothed your hair, took a deep breath, and fixed your underwear and skirt again.
your eyes adjusted gradually as you went down the stairs back into the swing of things. you swallowed, your mouth still dry post-climax. you went into the kitchen and filled up a cup with water, downing it slowly and stepping out of the way of some people. you couldn’t help but feel drained as you watched the people around you, laughing, dancing, and drinking. you had just spent the last 30 minutes in rafe cameron’s room and now you didn’t know what to do with yourself.
“y/n!” you looked up at melly coming toward you, her makeup slightly smudged, but that didn’t change how great she looked. “there you are!”
you gave her an assured smile and finished the water in your cup. “hey.” you tried not to let anything show.
“lina and i are ready to go if you want to come with. i think we’re going to get some food somewhere in town. i was thinking curly fries or a veggie burger. lina is dying for— wait, where did you go? we looked everywhere.” her expression suddenly changed to one of concern as she stepped closer to you.
“i— uh, well clearly not everywhere.” you said shamelessly, feeling your neck grow warm.
melly opened her mouth to say something then stopped. “oh my god, why are you so flushed? what happened to your sweater?” she looked at the shirt, her eyes catching on something near your collarbone. her eyes went wide as you tried to hide the mark. “oh my god!”
monday, 4 p.m.
“i was thinking that it could go more like this,” your friend said as she pressed a few buttons on her laptop. a new beat started from the computer, the screen following along with the track. you bobbed your head along with the beat.
the campus coffeeshop was somewhere you liked to go, mostly to meet your friends, but you also enjoyed the coffee. sometimes before class you’d make it just in time to get an extra scone before they were all gone. it was a cozy place too, filled with older antiques and an endless display of guitars on every wall. sometimes they’d have an open mic for students, letting anyone with any sort of musical or comical talent perform. most of the acts were later in the week though so no one had to worry about coursework.
after your classes today, you had met up with a friend you hadn’t seen in a while. she was eager to show you what she had been working on for her musical composition classes and you had expressed that you were willing to listen.
the past weekend had been spent mulling over a certain party and a certain someone you couldn’t seem to forget. not that you tried to, to be fair. you’d hadn’t seen him since, which was nothing new given the amount of times you had encountered the boy since that day on campus or seen him for the first time in the library. you didn’t find things weird, but things were left upspoken and it had been bothering you. you knew that melly or lina could’ve easily gotten his number for you, had you asked, but you couldn’t bring yourself to, nor did you know what you would say. all you could do was hope that he was doing well and maybe, perhaps, thinking of you too.
it was inevitable to escape having to talk about what happened in rafe’s room with melly and lina. you weren’t willing to share all of the details right down to what he smelled like, but you didn’t deny that nothing occurred. they seemed satisfied when you recounted having to change your sweater and rafe being kind enough to offer you one of his shirts.
speaking of the shirt, you had gone to your dorm that night and taken it off, seeing that “cameron” was written on the back, along with a large number. no doubt it was for lacrosse. the prospect of it made you shiver before folding it up to leave on your desk. you hadn’t touched it since.
“christ, i've got a meeting with my advisor soon.” your friend said, quickly exiting the program on her screen and closing her computer. “thank you again so much for listening. i can’t express how relieving it is to have someone do this.”
you waved her off with a sweet smile and packed up your own things. “i'm always around if you need a first-time listener.”
both of you stood and pushed the metal chairs in. you followed her to the exit, listening to her as she explained the reasoning for her upcoming meeting. both doors opened, the one from her pushing and the other from rafe coming in. you looked up as he met your eyes, and you couldn’t deny how good it was to see him.
“hey,” he smiled at you as all three of you paused.
before you could say anything, the words sticking to your tongue, you looked back to your friend. she was looking between the both of you, unsure of what was going on. you swallowed and acknowledged her. “i’ll see you later?”
a small smile came onto her face as she looked at rafe then back to you and nodded. the door closed softly behind her. you looked back at rafe as you felt his hand ghosting over your forearm.
“hi,” you said finally.
“it’s good to see you. come up with me?” he gestured to the register and you nodded, letting him take your hand. you didn’t think too much of it as you stood alongside him as he ordered. when the cashier asked if there would be anything else, rafe looked at you expectantly. you blanked for a second, remembering that you didn’t get a drink earlier when you first arrived. you had immediately gone for a sandwich, satisfied that that would be your dinner.
rafe pulled out his wallet and paid for the two drinks. he then led you toward the pick-up counter and faced you with a soft smile. “how have you been?”
“okay,” you breathed in deeply. you weren’t exactly sure how to answer. were you supposed to tell him how freaked out you had been? no, you decided, best not to. “the weekend was busy.”
“mine too. i've got practice tonight so i thought i’d stop by for some energy. i’m glad i ran into you.”
you refrained from asking him if he was serious. you could see on his face that he was with the way he looked at you. “rafe—”
before you could say much of anything else, rafe’s hands appeared on your cheeks and his lips pressed to yours. you kissed him back just as gently even though you wanted to do more now that you felt him again. he pulled away as his order was called, turning to thank the barista as he took the two cups.
“come to my place to study? after practice, i mean.” he said as he held your cup out to you. you looked at it then back up at his questioning eyes, a sliver of hope in them. you pushed down the question at the tip of your tongue and accepted the coffee.
“we’re just studying?”
rafe beamed and nodded. “i have a huge test tomorrow that i can’t fail, so yes.”
7 p.m.
before parting ways with rafe earlier he had finally taken your phone and put his number in it, but not before taking an odd photo of himself. it made you laugh watching it happen though. he promised that he would be done with practice around now and you left your dorm a little earlier than you planned to. it was out of pure thrill really.
knocking on the front door, you waited patiently for it to be answered. you shifted the books in your arms as you heard soft footsteps behind the door. rafe opened it, standing in loose-fitting clothes with damp hair. he smiled instantly and welcomed you in.
it was a drastic difference compared to the party. the house was eerily quiet, so quiet you could hear a pin drop. rafe turned to you from the door.
“how many books did you bring?” he asked seriously, glancing at them against your chest.
“just two,” you said defensively only until you saw the grin. you rolled your eyes and turned away from him to kick your shoes off.
he was chuckling to himself as he went into the kitchen and pulled out snacks to have. “do you want anything to drink?”
“water would be great.”
“smart choice. less sticky.” he said, his back to you, but you could hear the satisfied tone of his voice at his remark.
once he gathered drinks and a plate of snacks, he led you upstairs. it was brighter this time with his door already open and lights already on. you glanced at the other closed one down the short hall, finding the sliver underneath completely dark. maybe topper wasn’t home.
“how was practice?” you asked, setting your things down. he placed the plate on the coffee table and took a seat on the floor. you brushed your hair away from your face and sat down beside him.
“good. just ran some drills, normal practice stuff.” he shrugged, munching on a chip.
“is topper not home?” you set your books on the table and opened them up to where you had marked. rafe moved to grab his things from his bag sitting on the couch. he copied your actions and pulled out a pencil and a notebook.
“no, he went out with some of the guys for food.” he said easily, opening to a blank page. you watched curiously as he wrote down the topic he was studying for.
both of you fell into a silence as you started to read from your books. you were worried about it being a strange silence, knowing what happened the last time you were in this room. it was fairly difficult to push it out of your mind and to focus when rafe was right next to you, so close, along with the thoughts and memory of his touch. you pushed everything out of your head and concentrated back on the page you were reading from.
it wasn’t long when rafe’s hand appeared on your bent leg. they were crossed under you and he had placed his hand like it belonged over the side of your knee. you looked at him in your peripheral but didn’t see him look up once to acknowledge that he had in fact done that. instead you let it happen, ignoring the way it warmed up your skin. you swallowed in anticipation of him interrupting your studying session to turn it into a quick make out session, but the longer the minutes passed the longer his hand stayed where it was. after a while, you forgot about it.
if you had taken one look at rafe, with no prior knowledge of him or of the way his hands felt on you, you would have never guessed that he becomes so engrossed in studying. for the whole two hours that you both spent together with your noses in textbooks, he hadn’t once started a conversation. he kept at reading and writing, jotting things down in his notebook, while you held your head above your own book and soaked up every last word. it was comforting knowing that. the plate had even emptied, mostly due to rafe’s insatiable appetite after practice. you weren’t that hungry from your sandwich earlier.
“okay, that’s it.” rafe said abruptly, causing you to look up as his hand left your knee. “my eyes are going to bleed if i read anymore.”
you laughed lightly and looked back at your book. “are you sure you studied enough?”
“i wrote a whole ten pages worth of notes.” he flipped through them, the pages brushing together.
you hummed, still engrossed in your text. rafe shuffled next to you, dropping his notebook over the open pages along with his pencil. he let out a long sigh which turned into a yawn.
“are you done?” he asked innocently, his head appearing on your shoulder.
you glanced at him and shrugged him off with a smile. “maybe.”
“come on,” he groaned and reached for your textbook. you automatically smacked his hand away. he laughed and quickly flipped it closed and took ahold of your chin to face him.
“that was a dick move.” you said, punching him softly on the arm.
“pay attention to me.” he whined, letting go of your chin only to touch your cheek.
you eyed him as he came closer, finally kissing you when you didn’t punch him again or push him away. you kissed him back as best you could with the speculation seeping into your brain then. rafe seemed to be able to tell.
“what is it?” he asked when he pulled away, running his thumb lightly along your cheekbone. it was reassuring almost.
you looked at him, trying to think of the best way to phrase it. you also thought about how badly it could go given the answer you were dreading. “i'm just— it’s nothing.” you shook your head quickly and leaned in to distract him with another kiss.
he reciprocated for only a moment. “what is it? you can tell me.”
“i guess i'm just wondering what we’re doing.” you rolled your shoulder as if you had a knot, pulling away from rafe in case he didn’t want to touch you. his hand fell from your face and he leaned his side against the couch.
“what do you want to do?”
you gave him a serious glare. “don’t make this a game, rafe. i'm just…wondering what your intentions are.”
rafe adjusted his posture and sat up straighter, all his attention on you. his eyebrows creased and you bit the inside of your lip self-consciously, knowing this wasn’t going to go how you wanted it.
“well, i'm enjoying spending time with you.”
“studying?” you asked with a monotone.
rafe glanced away from you as if he were wondering if he said the wrong thing. “yeah. is that so hard to believe?”
you wanted to huff again, but you held the breath in. your shoulders started to tense as you became frustrated. not because of him, mostly because of yourself for not being able to communicate. you felt stupid for asking it, but you did. “do you like kissing me?”
“of course i do.”
“is that all you want to do?” you finally asked, quickly looking away from him. you reached toward your textbook, fiddling with the pages.
“no,” rafe said. “i want to get to know you.”
it was hard for you not to roll your eyes. rafe noticed and a second later his hand touched your shoulder, gently shaking it.
“i'm serious. hey, look at me.” he pleaded, and you did. “i want to get to know you, but only if you’ll let me. i know the other night was weird and i don’t know— spontaneous, but i enjoyed it and i enjoy being around you. you’re not the only one who’s been thinking about it.”
“i’ve probably been thinking about it more than you.” you chided in a quiet voice, trying to tease him. you were pleased by the answer he gave you and you felt a little silly for being so stubborn at first.
rafe smiled slightly, eyes soft. “let’s just keep doing what we’re doing and see where it goes, okay?”
you took a deep breath in, pushing your book away and nodding. “okay.”
rafe’s hand rubbed your shoulder comfortingly before he pulled you in for an awkwardly placed hug. the side of your body fell into his chest, but he hugged you, nonetheless, pressing a quick kiss to the crown of your head. you turned into him and smiled widely, your cheeks strained to hold it, and hugged him around the shoulders.
all the time spent worrying about whether he reciprocated your feelings or thoughts were so obviously wasted as you spent the rest of the night together. you took it slow, never straying from innocent kisses as you curled up together to watch a movie. you couldn’t help grinning multiple times throughout the night, knowing that things wouldn’t be difficult like you thought. it was easy when you expressed yourself and talked things over, even mentioning small things made a difference. maybe this would turn out to be another smart decision. you had a feeling there were plenty of possibilities with rafe cameron, but only time would tell.
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mrs-gucci · 3 years
A Beach Day to Remember {Clyde Logan x Reader}
author’s notes: made it just under the wire for this week’s writer wednesday :) it’s a bit different from my usual writing MO, but I honestly had a blast with it and I’m decently pleased with how it turned out, actually. I wrote this late at night while I was half-asleep lol so sorry if it’s a little all over the place! thanks, as always, to @autumnleaves1991-blog for hosting & @clydesducktape​ for helping out! it’s such a great and fun weekly tradition!
warnings: fluff. humor. romance. beach fun. chair wrestling. a quick lil makeout session (nothing explicit). 
no tw’s :)
word count: 2.2k
clyde’s taglist peeps! @goddessofsprings​ my general taglist peeps!  @frank-and-honey @shygirl268 @icarusinthesea​  @gildedstarlight​ @mrs-zimmerman @soldmysoulagain @roseepossee @pascalisfairyy​ @I-can’t-draw-faces @ahsoka1 @safarigirlsp​ @babbushka
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By some miracle, you’d convinced born-and-raised country boy Clyde Logan to accompany you to Miami Beach for a week. A whole week, you couldn’t believe it. 
And...he actually bought a pair of swim trunks. Sure, they were a West Virginia Walmart buy, but hey, he bought a pair; you’ll take what you can get.
Who was this man and what has he done with Clyde Logan?
He’s never really been to the beach before, Mamma Logan didn’t like bein’ in the sun too long and Pappa wasn’t about to cross her, so this was his first time. 
Your family used to vacation here every year, so you were relatively familiar with the notoriously rowdy town. The first evening and night consisted of you showing a wide-eyed Clyde around Miami’s bustling night life. But, when the sun came up the next morning, he was revving to get down to the beach.
You had to talk him down a bit there at first, convincing him to eat somethin’ for breakfast before spending a whole entire day in the sun ‘cause if he passes out, he’s on his own getting back to the condo.
“I’m gon’ go get changed fer the beach!” He says excitedly, clapping his hands together and doing a little jog over to the dresser the second you two get back from your sidewalk cafe breakfast.
You smile at his enthusiasm, trying to remember the last time you saw him so openly excited and smiley. After only a few moments of thought, you realize that you’ve never seen him quite like this before. But, you’re certainly taking a liking to vacation Clyde.
Both Mellie and Jimmy requested plenty of photos of, and this is a direct quote, “Clyde’s long, pasty-ass legs in swim shorts”, and you’re nothing if not accommodating...
As soon as he steps out of the bathroom, you quickly say “Smile!” and snap a picture of him in his leaf-pattern hunter green trunks. He frowns, striding over to where you’re standing.
“Hey now pumpkin, who’re ya sendin’ that off to?”
You giggle, typing out his sibling’s contacts into your messages. “Nobody...”
His eyes widen when he sees Jimmy and Mellie’s names. He tries to grab the phone away from you, but as he takes it, his palm accidentally nudges the little ‘send’ icon. 
“G’damnit! I fuckin’ sent it to ‘em!”
You’re cracking up as he frantically tries to somehow un-send the message, despite you trying to repeatedly convince him that there’s literally nothing that can be done at this point; the message is permanent.
Almost immediately, the replies begin to pile in and Clyde quickly puts a hand over his face as your phone chimes continuously.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
“‘m never gonna hear the end ‘a this when we get back home.” He groans. “Now they got that picture forever and they’re never gonna stop showin’ it...Oh ma god, they’re gonna put it in our weddin’ slideshow, a-and our future kids ‘re gonna see it, and it’s gonna be shown at ma funeral...”
You laugh, shaking your head as you put your hands on his bare, freckle-painted chest. “Hon, I really wouldn’t worry that much about it. It’ll all blow over in a little bit, I promise. Plus, I now have evidence that you actually came to the beach with me. I have a feeling our future kids won’t believe me when I tell them this story someday.”
Clyde starts laughing, running his hands down the curve of your body before landing on your hips. He pulls you in for a kiss, moving his lips gently against yours.
Your face scrunches when he starts licking into your mouth and the bitter taste of zinc overwhelms your taste buds.
“Mmmm, mmm, Clyde?”
He pulls away, brows furrowed.
“Did you put some zinc on your lips?”
His cheeks turn pink and he looks away bashfully. “Oh, yeah, I did. ‘m sorry, I forgot ‘bout that.”
“It’s alright, no need to apologize.” You chuckle, shaking your head. “I love you.”
He smiles, placing a kiss on your forehead this time, rather than your lips.
“Love ya too, pumpkin.”
Clyde’s like a kid at a candy store when he gets down to the beach, quickly putting the cooler down on the sand and dropping his chair down next to it. The sunglasses sit just above the bridge of his zinc-whitened nose as his head moves around to drink in the sights unfolding before him.
You giggle to yourself as you watch him, setting your beach bag down with the cooler before beginning to set up your chair. But your man quickly jumps in and insists on unfolding the chair for you even though, as you’ll soon find out, he has zero idea how to operate a folding beach chair. To be fair, it was one of those older-fashioned ones that had sustained quite a bit of rust.
“Now, how in the world...?” He grumbles, trying to unfold the stubborn thing. He tries just about every method he could think up, at one point he was trying to use his flip-flop equipped foot to aid in the unfolding process, but he still cannot get the damn chair open.
Eventually, a curious (and very entertained) bystander comes over and helps the two of you out with your chairs, and both of you thank them profusely before finally beginning your day at the beach. Clyde remains standing, continuing to look around at all the things happening on the beach while you lay back and open your book to begin reading.
After a bit of sunning time, you and Clyde head down to the water. You keep your feet in the cool water while he stands further in, little waves crashing mid-calf. He finds a nice shell and runs up to put it back at your little setup while you stay and watch as the natural push and pull of the ocean slowly buries your feet in the sand.
Suddenly, a flesh arm comes on your back and a metallic arm scoops behind your knees, lifting you up as you squeal. 
He laughs, rushing into the water while holding you bridal-style, water splashing up all over both you and him with each of his massive strides. As soon as he knows he’s deep enough, he starts swinging you back and forth.
You’re in a fit of laughter, playfully hitting his chest. “Noooooo! Stooopppp!”
“Three!” Clyde tosses you into the blue-green water of the Atlantic as you screech, a big splash accompanying your collision with the surface.
You emerge a moment later, quickly rushing up and jumping into his arms, causing him to fall backwards into the water. He laughs when he resurfaces and splashes you in the face teasingly, to which you respond by doing the exact same thing.
“No more splashin’!” He says, chuckling to himself at the irony of his exclamation.
You laugh, splashing him one more time. “You’re the one that started it, you goof!”
“Now, let’s not play the blame game, pumpkin.” He smiles jokingly, then wraps his arms around your torso, head nuzzling into the crook of your neck.
Both of you spend a bit more time in the water before heading back up to your chairs to dry off in the sun and re-apply sunscreen. Clyde ends up falling asleep, a few shells he found in the water spread out on the top of his thighs as he snoozes.
Only about fifteen minutes later, you look over and put a hand over your mouth to cover the giggles that come when you see that one of the shells has sprouted some legs in preparation for an escape attempt. The creature begins crawling and he starts squirming a bit at the ticklish sensation, clearly beginning to re-awaken from his early afternoon slumber. 
When his eyes blink open and he looks down, he gasps, launching backwards in his chair. Unfortunately, the old-school beach chair already struggles to hold his massive form, so when he jumps back, the chair gives out and breaks clean in half, sending Clyde back into the sand. 
The poor crab is thrust into the sand, but it’s alright, quickly crawling back towards the ocean. You immediately stand up, trying not to laugh too hard until you know he’s completely alright. 
“Oh my fuck...Clyde! Are you okay, hon?”
He nods, chuckling softly. “’m alright, though I can’t say the same for this here chair, though.”
You giggle, helping him sit back up in the sand. When he’s fully sat up, he’s still smiling and laughing, shaking his head.
“Well, I suppose I owe the condo owners a new beach chair.”
A full, active day at the beach has you pretty fucking exhausted when you two finally head back up to the condo around four in the afternoon. You take a quick cat nap while Clyde showers, then you hop in and wash off the day’s sunscreen and sand.
While you’re in the shower, Clyde rifles through his duffle and pulls out a little velvet box, popping it open to expose the glittering diamond ring that sits on a little pillow. He smiles at the sight, knowing that tonight’s the night he’s finally gonna ask you to be his forever.
He’s been waiting for the right moment for a short while now, and after the fun y’all had at the beach today and the sunset beach walk he’s planning to take you on before your fancy dinner reservations later this evening...he can’t think of a more perfect time to do it.
You step out of the bathroom and Clyde scrambles to quickly tuck the ring box into his khaki pants pocket. He smooths his hands over the fabric before standing up, face breaking out into a wide smile when he sees the beautiful sundress you’ve got on.
“You’re so beautiful, pumpkin.” He says, smiling as he walks up to you, hands on your hips. “Always so, so beautiful.”
Your expression stretches into a bright, genuine smile as you get up on your tiptoes for a kiss. “Thank you, Clyde. You look awfully handsome yourself this evening.”
“Oh, well, thank ya, darlin’.” His cheeks grow red as he looks down for a moment, shoving his hands down in his pockets. “So, do ya wanna go on a sunset walk ‘fore our reservations?”
You agree, and the two of you head back down to the beach. His fingers fiddle with the little box in his pocket as you walk along the beach. Soon, you reach an old lifeguards stand, painted in brilliant mint green and flamingo pink colors. The ‘No Lifeguard on Duty’ paint is still visible, even after some seeming wear and tear to the outside of the building. 
The sun’s touching down on the horizon line as he guides you up onto the old structure’s small front deck, and you lean over the railing together as the sun sinks down. 
Your head turns to look over at your beloved boyfriend, admiring the way the sherbet sky reflects off of and compliments his alabaster skin. God he’s beautiful, you think to yourself for what has to be the millionth time in your three years of dating Clyde. He’ll forever be the most beautiful man in your eyes.
He turns to you then, standing up with a shaky hand reaching out to take yours. “Uh, Y/N, there’s somethin’...somethin’ I wanna do ‘fore we head off to dinner.”
You nod, eyebrows furrowing.
“Sure, hon. Are you alright, though? You’re shaking a bit.”
“’m alright, pumpkin.”
Clyde nods and then, he sinks down onto one knee, wobbling a bit as he adjusts to the new position. He steadies shortly after and then, he pulls the box out of his pocket and opens it up, exposing the ring he spent hours picking out for you.
You’re in shock, hands over your mouth as he smiles up at you, tears already forming in his eyes.
“Y/N, I-I knew when I first met ya that you were gon’ be the woman I wanted to s...spend the rest of ma life with. Y-Yer so funny ‘n kind ‘n so, so beautiful; yer just...yer perfect, p-pumpkin.”
You feel the tears beginning to spill out of the corners of your eyes as he continues, tears now running down his cheeks as well.
“I love y-ya more than life itself, Y/N, an’ I...I wanna spend the rest of ma livin’ days on this planet by yer side. Will ya...will ya marry me?”
Time seems to stand still for Clyde, then, his nerves overwhelming and overtaking his entire being. The seconds between his final word and your response are some of the longest and most anxious seconds of his life, but damnit, they were well worth it.
“Yes, Clyde, yes. O-Of course I’ll marry you.” You say, smiling as he stands to pull you in for a passionate kiss.
He’s overjoyed, really, heart racing but in the best possible way. You said yes. You’re gonna be his wife, his Mrs. Logan.
“God, I love ya.” Clyde whispers against your lips, pulling the ring from its place on the delicate pillow. “I love ya so, so much, Y/N.”
“I love you t-too, Clyde.” You smile, holding your left hand out for him to slip the ring onto your finger. It’s a perfect fit, and you immediately pull him in for a hug. “I can’t wait to marry you, hon, can’t wait to become Mrs. Logan.”
He grins widely, pressing another few kisses onto your lips.
“Mrs. Y/N Logan, ma beautiful wife, ma forever partner.”
You nod, sniffling softly.
“Your forever partner.”
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starrynite7114 · 4 years
Laughter (Daddy Angel)
A/N: Good morning everyone! Hopefully everyone is having a good Saturday thus far! Just wanted to drop by and give you guys this request!
Snapshots should be updated by Monday!
Little one has a laughing fit - @gemini0410​
Request tagged list: @justahopelessssromantic​​ : @ifoundmyhappythought​​ : @carlaangel86​​ : @woahitslucyylu​​ : @encounterthepast​​ : @enamoured-x​​ : @thewarriorprincessxo​​ : @briana-mishell24​​ : @bribri-82​​ : @chibsytelford​​ : @agirllovespasta​​ : @twistnet​​ : @everyhowlmarksthedead​​ : @trulysuccubus​​ : @jadert15​​ : @sammskellington​​ : @cind-in-real-life​​ :  @claytoncardenasbabymama​​ : @sadeyesgf​​ : @thickemadame​​ : @summertimesadnesswithadashofsass​​ : @gemini0410​​ : @elcococruz​​ : @samcrobae​​ : @sesamepancakes​​​ : @iambabyharry​​ : @blackmissfrizzle​​ : @soamayansfangirl​​ : @1-800-imagines​​​ : @phoenixhalliwell​​​ : @lady-pswrld​​​ : @dazzledamazon​​​  : @getyourcrayoncas​​​ : @fvckthisbxtchup​​​ : @lukealvxz​​​ : @scuzmunkie​​​ : @lilac-tea-time​​​ : @danie1432​​​ : @cocotheclown​​​ : @soaronmywings​​​ : @my-rosegold-soul​​​ : @buttercup812​​​ : @itskiranbitch​​​ : @angelreyesgirl​​​ : @sheeshgivemeabreak​​​ : @vicmackeybullshxt​​​ : @bigcreatorwombatdreamer​​​ : @khyharah​​​ : @strawberrywritings​​​ : @cherry-icetea​​​ : @fuzzy-jellyfish​​ : @losolvidad0s​​​ : @brownsugarcoffy​​​ : @courtrae89​​​ : @prdsdjarin​​​ : @blessedboo​​​ : @marvelmaree​​​ : @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat​​​ : @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead​​​ : @thesandbeneathmytoes​​​ : @dark-twisted-and-mechanical-mind​​​ : @maddie-georges​​​ : @pearlkitten33​ : @aquamento​
If you would like to be added to the tag list, please let me know!
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You and Angel prided yourself on not only being good parents, but entertaining ones as well. You two currently had a four year old Melina and a two year old Claudia. Your girls are your world and no one adored them more than Angel. The times you four spent together was something both you and Angel treasured since Angel could be gone at times due to runs and you worked as a dentist, which had you working 9-5 almost daily. 
But whenever you four were together, there was nothing better in the world.
Lately, you noticed that Melina had been a laughing monster. It was incredibly cute. At first, you thought she got some laughing gas, but your Melina was always a genuinely happy go lucky kid. She always had a smile on, getting her temperament from you, while Claudia was all Angel.
Everything has been hilarious to Melina and hearing her laugh was incredibly adorable. You’re just sad that Angel hasn’t seen one of her laughing fits. It didn’t happen often, but when one thing triggered her, everything was funny.
Currently, the girls were on the floor playing with their new cooking set Tio Taza bought them. You were on the couch, enjoying a Saturday off, just catching up on Umbrella Academy. 
The front door opened and it was either Coco or Angel since Angel gifted Coco with a key to your place in case he was gone and Coco was around. All three of you looked up and found Angel. Immediately the girls stood up and greeted Angel, his two princesses getting a kiss from him. Angel plopped down next to you and you planted a kiss on his cheek, hugging him from the side. You took a sniff and playfully backed away.
“Ooh, babe, you need a shower and to be soaked or something.” You teased Angel, pinching your nose together.
He frowned, sniffing himself. “What? What are you talking about? I smell great.”
Melina walked over, sniffed Angel and began to laugh. Angel looked at his daughter, curious as to why she started laughing. This was it, Melina was going to be laughing at everything and anything for the rest of the day. 
She giggled, pinching her nose together just as you had a few seconds ago. “Stinky daddy.” She said in between giggles. 
Angel playfully narrowed his eyes at you and then looked back over to Melina. “Stinky daddy?” Angel stood up and took Melina lifting her in the air, making her laugh harder. Claudia walked over to you and you sat her on your laugh. “Why is that so funny Melly?” Angel blew raspberries on her stomach, making her gleefully shrieked.
“You got her going now, everything is going to be funny.” You smiled, resting your head atop of Claudia’s as she gleefully watched her sister with her father. 
“Everything is funny?” 
“Babe, I told you. Melina started it recently, when one thing makes her laugh, everything makes her laugh. It’s super cute.” You explained. 
Angel frowned. He was missing so much and it was beginning to upset him. He had a responsibility with the club, but he also had a responsibility with your family. Both times he missed the girls’ first steps, first words, it was disheartening. Even though you documented their adventures well, he wanted to be there in person for all of it. He didn’t want to be that father. 
“Slide?” Melina questioned in between her laughs. 
“You want the slip and slide mamas? Let’s do it.” He placed her on the ground, Melina running to her room to change. “You gonna change in that bikini or?” Angel wiggled his eyebrows and you rolled your eyes.
“You’re trouble.” You stood up, shifting Claudia so you could hold her properly. “How come you’re home so early?” You both made your way to your room, checking in on Melina on your way there. She was a pretty independent kid and knew how to change herself. It was so cute and just made things easier for you. 
“Bish let me go home early, he didn’t need all of us so I took the day off.” Angel was appreciative that Bishop gave him the day off, and he was off tomorrow. He had no plans, but to be with his girls and enjoy the weekend. 
“Good, I’m glad you can be with us.” You entered your room, placing Claudia on the bed. Angel went inside the closet to change. You figured you can change after Angel so that he could take care of Claudia. You were exhausted, Angel helped you as much as he could, but you knew his priorities with the club. You were very understanding, especially since the club helped you as well. But at times, you couldn’t help and be selfish.
Once Angel changed, he took Claudia and Melina outside and set up the slip and slide, by the time you came out, they were already going crazy on it. You got the kiddie pool you and Angel got, setting it up for yourself. You filled it with water and once it was filled, you sat inside, drinking a mango smoothie you made for yourself. 
As you watched your little family, the smile on your face was permanent. As you predicted, Melina was laughing up a storm. Angel was watching her in awe, laughing along with her due to her laugh being so infectious. Claudia was laughing as well. 
“Baby, what is so funny?” Angel sat at the end of the water slide to catch the girls. Melina ran back to the beginning of the slide, sliding down to Angel. “You look like a torpedo coming towards me.” 
Melina laughed, Angel laughing along with her. Melina was a joyful kid so her laughter didn’t throw him off, it was the fact everything was so funny. You were easily amused and it seemed that Melina got that from you. 
“Melina baby, come join mommy.” You called out to her. 
Melina ran over to you, sitting in the little pool with you. “What’s that?” She looked at your drink. Like every child, any drink they wanted. 
“Mango juice.” 
Melina snorted, a giggling escaping her lips. You laughed, Melina letting out a laugh as well. Angel joined you two with Claudia in his arms. He sat down, continuing to hold Claudia in his arms. Angel took most of the space in the pool and it made you laugh. 
Angel looked over at you, raising an eyebrow. “You got a laughing fit too?” He smirked. “She most likely got it from you.”
“Maybe, but you took up the whole space babe.” Angel has been bulking up as of late, which you definitely didn’t mind, especially in the bedroom where you could worship him, but this was a conundrum right now.
“Daddy is a giant.” Melina laughed sitting beside you. “No space daddy.” She splashed him with water, laughing as she did. 
Angel handed Claudia over to you as he grabbed Melina, shrieking in laughter. “Daddy you’re tickling me!” She laughed. Angel had an arm around her, tickling her stomach. “Daddy!”
You and Claudia laughed, watching as tears came from Melina’s eyes as she laughed. 
“Babe stop, she’s turning red.” You told Angel.
He stopped, holding his baby girl in his arms as she tried to catch her breath, still laughing. Angel chuckled, kissing Melina on the cheek.
“Be careful princesa, if you laugh too much you’re gonna pee your pants.”
You gave Angel a confused look and laughed. Melina tilted her head, looking at you and began laughing as well.
“You two are fools.” Angel looked at Claudia. “Isn’t mommy and big sister silly?”
Claudia joined you and Melina, making Angel sigh.
He thought you were all silly, but there was nothing he would rather do on this Saturday. 
You three were his favorite people and he was so happy to just be in your presence.
You and Angel were laying in bed, tired from today’s events. After your little impromptu swim, you four went to play mini golf with Letty, Coco and EZ. It was a fun get together and Melina was overjoyed. Letty was her favorite person and no one made her laugh like Letty. Every story Letty told her was funny and she loved hanging onto her pseudo cousin Letty. 
“Babe, I wanted to talk to you about something.” Angel was sitting up with his back against the headboard while your head was on his stomach as you two watched television.
“What’s up?” You turned so that you were not facing him.
“Am I a terrible father?” Angel’s insecurities were a bitch at times. 
“What?” You sat up quickly, frowning at his question. “Did someone tell you that?” Much like Angel was overprotective over you, you were overprotective over him. 
Angel chuckled at your reaction, leaning forward to kiss you.
You pulled away, smacking his hands away. “Don’t you distract me, who told you that you were a bad father?”
“Baby, no one, I just, I miss so much and it takes a toll you know?” Angel sighed. 
You crawled onto his lap, sitting down and wrapping your arms around Angel’s neck. You hugged him, his arms immediately wrapping around you.
Pulling away, you cupped Angel’s face, forcing him to look right at you.
“You, mi amor, are the best father  I know. When you come home from a run or work, you never fail to spend time with our girls. If they are sleeping, you make sure they’re all tucked in. You’re also the same father who stayed up with Claudia when she had the cold, made sure that she slept comfortably even if you didn’t.” You began to tear up, thinking of how great of a father he was. “Our girls love you so much, both their first words were dada. Angel, it’s not about the time you spend with them, it’s about what you do with that time. I’ve seen people who spend all these time with their children, but they’re attention is elsewhere. You love our girls and they love you, don’t ever doubt yourself. You’re amazing, if you weren’t, I would have left your butt.” You kissed him, placing kisses all over his face making Angel laugh.
“I fucking love you mi reina.”
“And I love you mi rey.”
“I’m going to take a step back, I want to do less runs and be with you and the girls. I’m done missing time with them.” Angel knew you would support his decision.
You were thankful that Angel decided to take a step back. You knew how much Angel loved the club, but he also loved you three and you would never make him choose. Though you’re glad he chose you three.
“Good, cause we’re having baby number three and I’m gonna need you here to help with the girls.”
“What?” Angel’s mouth dropped. “Baby, you’re pregnant?”
You smiled, nodding your head. “Yes! My doctor called yesterday, I’m three months along.”
Angel pulled you into a hug, his hand resting on your stomach. “God, we’re fucking pregnant. Baby, we’re outnumbered.”
You laughed, Angel’s fingers tickling you. Angel pulled away from you, his hand still on your stomach, tickling you once again. Your laughter was infectious, which was why Angel loved hearing you laugh. He began to laugh as well, as Angel continued to tickle you. 
“Yep, Melina definitely got the laughing fit from you.”
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themuseic · 4 years
Only Fools (Chapter 12)
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(Art credit: @clumsycopy​)
Fic Summary: Sent to Boone County, West Virginia on an assignment, you find yourself engulfed your work. How could you possibly find time for anything else? Even if “anything else” includes the tall, kind, and handsome bartender from down the road?
Word Count: 4.1k
Read Chapter 11 here.
Read here on AO3.
Warnings: Sad Times Still, Hospitals, Mention of Needles, Mention of Medical Procedures, Storms, Anxious Feelings, A Fuck Ton of Crying™. 
A/N: Hellloooooo. Okay just some housekeeping - as it stands, OF is plotted to be 14 chapters. We’re in the home stretch y’all! As promised, there is a brief summary of last chapter below the cut for anyone who may have sat it out because of the content. Thank y’all for reading, love youuuu. 
Chapter 11 Summary: Still reeling from the fight with Clyde, Reader goes to collect the data and footage alone. There, she crosses paths with and is attacked by one of the cougars she has been studying. Luckily, Clyde finds her and is able to save her, whisking her away with the help of Mellie and Sylvia to get her wounds treated.
Clyde Logan did not like hospitals. 
He had tried to avoid them ever since his own accident, all those years ago in Iraq. He was perfectly happy to get patched up by Sylvia if he had a run-in with a rogue piece of glass from a shattered cup at the Duck Tape or if he had a cough that he just couldn’t quite shake. But in his recent memory, the only time he had stepped foot into the sanitized halls of a hospital had been for the birth of Sadie, that wonderful, joyous day. He remembered how Jimmy handed over the little bundle that held Clyde’s niece, and how she had smiled and babbled up to him, bringing a small tear of happiness to the corner of his eye. 
Today wasn’t like that.
Beep. Beep. Beep. 
The steady thrum of the heart monitor was torture. Clyde had listened to it mark time since his darlin’ had been rolled out of surgery to repair her ankle, and that had been hours ago. Tubes of substances unknown to him seemed to sprout from every part of her body, and he felt his eyes starting to water for what felt like the thousandth time as his gaze wandered over her prone form from where he sat in the chair in the corner. Any other person would say that those eyes hadn’t been dry once. 
Clyde leaned forward in the creaky wooden chair and his right hand drifted up to cradle his face. He looked at her through his middle and ring finger, the digits framing his view of her. His horseshoe ring felt particularly cold against his face and he sighed deeply as he stared, waiting for her to wake up. 
“Hey, Clyde.” A soft voice beside him startled him out of his thoughts and his eyes flicked to his side to see Mellie crouching beside him, her hand resting on his leg. 
“Mel,” he nodded in recognition, his voice skipping in his throat. She squeezed his knee but didn’t say anything else. Clyde was happy to remain like that; the feeling of her thumb rubbing his knee and the sound of her breathing was comfort enough for him. 
“Have you eaten-” she began, but Clyde spoke at the same time and cut her off.
“S’my fault,” he whispered, his eyes not leaving the bed once. 
Mellie’s brow scrunched up and she frowned. “Oh no, Clyde this isn’t your fault. You didn’ do anything,” she tried to assure him as she rubbed his knee a little harder. “Don’t blame yourself.”
“I didn’t tell y’ we got in a fight last night,” Clyde whispered as he shook his head, still cradled in his hand. “She wouldn’t’ve been out there by herself if we hadn’t. Wouldn’t have...” he trailed off as his eyes drifted shut in an attempt to curtail the water that was gathering in them. 
Mellie’s forehead softened and she pushed a strand of hair out of Clyde’s face to tuck it behind his ear. “Clyde, you don’t know what would have happened. And it doesn’t matter anyway. You found her, you got her help. She’s safe now,” she reassured him as she rubbed his bicep. 
“She’s so hurt. I don’t know how I’ll face her,” he whispered, unable to tear his eyes from the girl in the hospital bed. Clyde’s lip began to tremble again and the water clinging to his lash line started to spill down his face. “I’m sorry, I gotta…” Clyde was left searching for the right words, a quest he quickly gave up as he stood up and left the room, desperate for some air and some privacy. His long legs carried him away from his sister swiftly, and Mellie was left alone standing in the hallway, helpless as she watched the broad back of her brother fly out of the doors to the hospital. 
“I’m sorry, I gotta…”
Your eyes began to flutter open as you heard sounds of distress in your room. Your attempt to swallow was a feat in and of itself, the action rough and painful on your dry throat. Carefully, your eyes began to crack open, just in time to catch the sight of Clyde fleeing from your hospital room, Mellie hot on his trail. Your heart sank.
Of course he was here to witness you, broken and helpless, laid out on the cold hospital bed. You squeezed your eyes shut. If he had any shred of respect for you, it was surely gone. You had torn his heart clean in two, and now? He couldn’t even look at you, let alone be in the same room as you.
You were sure of it. 
As tears started to roll down your face, your breathing picked up and so did your heart. Soon, nurses descended on you, ready to take vitals, take readings, and take care of you. You didn’t want to speak to them, to look at them. They set to work around you as your head fell back against the pillow and stared up at the ceiling. The pokes and prods of their needles and probes pricked your skin, but you didn’t hiss your breath didn’t catch. They could do anything to you, but the pain wouldn’t register.  
It paled in comparison to the pain nestled in your heart. 
The next day, after a restless night, the doctors discharged you. You had no reason to stay in the hospital longer; your antibiotics had been completed and your fever was long broken. And anyway, with Sylvia so close to you at the hotel, you would be able to get all the treatment you would need from her. As you sat on the edge of the bed with your back hunched, you breathed in and out slowly, trying to center and collect yourself. The dull pain in your side throbbed with each beat of your heart.
You heard your name called from the doorway and looked over to see a nurse standing with a clipboard. “You ready to get out of here?” she smiled softly, gesturing to the wheelchair parked at her feet. You gathered the strength to return her smile, and nodded. She wheeled the chair over to you and helped you hobble into the awaiting chair. 
The overhead fluorescent lights were harsh on your eyes, and you blinked tightly to adjust to the glare. Sooner than you had thought, you were at the sliding double doors that made up the entrance of the hospital, and the kind nurse pushed you over the threshold and into the crisp air.
Your heart clenched when you saw who stood before you, keys in hand, ready to drive you home. Clyde gazed down at you, his stare unwavering and unreadable. There was a pit in your stomach and you shifted in your seat. “Hi,” you breathed. He sniffed and nodded at you. “Ready?” he asked, his feet shuffling slightly on the concrete.
You chewed on your lip. “Is it okay if you drive me back?” you asked, looking down at his shoes. 
He exhaled through his nose and jerked his head towards the parking lot. “C’mon.”
Between the bulky cast around your ankle and the stitched tears in your side, walking, even with the aid of crutches, was out of the question. The nurse followed closely behind Clyde to wheel you towards the car parked out front. The ridges in the gravel and small pebbles that you rolled over caused the chair to vibrate and jerk. You seethed at the pain that shot through your side with the movement, and you pressed your eyes shut, breathing shallowly through your nose. 
You were still focused on your breath when you realized you were no longer moving. Your eyes fluttered open and you found that you were sitting right next to Clyde's grey car, and he was standing in front of you, his back pressed against the swung fully open door. 
Before you had a chance to try to pull yourself into the car, Clyde slipped his arm around your side and lifted you up out of the chair and into the passenger seat. You could feel how your face began to warm at the gesture, embarrassed that you needed this kind of care to get into a car, and you glanced at him out of the corner of your eye. A soft “thank you” left your lips as Clyde buckled you in tight, and you were answered with a small nod. 
The drive back was silent, safe for a sniff or cough here and there. You snuck a few glances at Clyde, while his gaze remained straight ahead. As you rolled your head to the side, you sighed and tilted your head into the window to stare at the trees flying past. The blur would have put you in a trance had you not been desperately trying to sort out what had happened the morning prior.
The doctors had asked you if you knew what had happened, and you had nodded in response. You didn’t want to know the gritty, embarrassing details. You didn’t want to sort through those memories alone and cold in the hospital bed.
But in reality, your mind was jumbled, your memory a whirlwind of snippets and memories. You could see the attack clearly, almost too clearly if you were honest with yourself, but you couldn’t put together what had happened after. A glimpse, a whisper of a memory formed in your mind, but the only thing you could ascertain from it was the memory of pain and burning. You remembered someone trying to soothe you. You shook your head, clearing your mind, and opted to stare out of the car window instead.
The glass of the window rattled your head as you leaned against it, gazing out the window at nothing in particular. A large sign caught your eye.
“Clyde, the hotel was back there,” you muttered, refusing to look at him.
“Y’aren’t going back to the hotel,” he replied, his stare fixated on the road ahead of him. 
“It’s okay Cl-” 
“Stop, fighting me.”
Your breath caught in your chest, and you didn't respond. A soft sigh sounded next to you, and you didn’t turn either.
Back at the trailer, Jimmy, Sylvia, and Mellie were already there to greet you, ready with blankets, food, and a stash of medical supplies so large, you reckoned it could keep you stocked for years to come. The minute Clyde helped you through the threshold, Sylvia and Mellie corralled you into the bedroom. They helped you out of the clothes drenched in the sterile hospital smell that clung to you and coaxed you into the large bed with soft touches and soft voices. After Mellie had helped settle you as much as she could, she squeezed your hand and left, leaving you alone with Sylvia. 
She plumped the pillows around you and set out a glass of water on the nightstand as she listed off what the doctor had told you before you had been discharged. She recited your medicines, when she wanted you to take them, and how. You couldn’t look at her. Your gaze remained on the covers of your bed. Your heart constricted at that thought. Not your bed. His bed, you reminded yourself. You had made sure of that.
You had done this to yourself. You didn’t deserve Sylvia’s pity. 
She whispered your name and with light fingers, she tilted your head up to hers. You allowed yourself to be posed and stared at her with eyes void of emotion, lest you break down in front of her. 
“Did you get that?” she soothed, her brow furrowed and the concern in her voice wildly apparent. You flicked your eyes back down and nodded so shallowly, it was nearly imperceptible. She tsk’ed at your apathy but didn’t push you. You were thankful for that. 
Her hand moved into your line of sight, palm outstretched, with a small pill in the center of it. “Here sweetie,” she muttered. “It’ll help with the pain.” You shook your head. 
“Really, you’re going to be in a hell of a world of pain if you try to wean off so soon. Don’t punish yourself.”
You shook your head again. 
“Take it,” a voice rumbled through the doorway. 
Your eyes flicked up to see Clyde leaned against the threshold to his room, his brow furrowed and his mouth turned down into a deep pout. As much as you didn’t want to hold eye contact, his deep, piercing gaze would not allow you to break away. His jaw set. “Take it,” he urged again, jerking his chin towards the painkiller Sylvia offered you. You moved silently as you reached out to accept the medicine and swallow it. 
The movement forced you to tear your eyes from Clyde, a gesture came at just the right time. You could feel the sting of tears you refused to spill bite at the corners of your eyes, but turning away meant he wouldn’t see them. You blinked them away before you looked back at the doorway, now empty. 
Sylvia shuffled at the bedside table with your medicine and extra bandages, prepped to be changed as needed. She took your temperature again before she turned to the door… and paused. She turned back to you so slowly, you thought she was moving through syrup, though it easily could have been the effects of the painkiller already setting into your muscles. 
Her soft and warm hand enveloped yours where it lay atop the plush blanket of the bed. Soft and warm, her eyes found yours. You could see why Jimmy had fallen for her. She was a particular sort of comforting, the kind that thrived in the medical field, the kind that made patients calm and made them feel safe. 
If you didn’t deserve her pity, you didn’t deserve her comfort either. 
“Dear, we want you to get better. Please let Clyde help you,” she whispered, caressing your knuckles with her thumb. “He was a complete wreck when he called us after he found you. He loves you so much.” Her words and her touch only made you feel worse. Each swipe made your stomach twist, each pass was another reminder that you had done this to yourself, and each word a reminder of what you had done to Clyde. 
You shook your head and slid your hand from hers, the motion sapping what little energy you had left from you. You settled back into the pillows set around your head, your eyes refusing to meet hers. Sylvia’s mouth set into a thin line and she tsk’ed once more as she sighed out of her nose. “Alright. Call me if you need me.” She gathered her things and stalked towards the door before the small “wait,” whispered into the room stopped her. She turned back to look at you. 
Quietly, and without making eye contact, you breathed a small “Thank you.” Sylvia’s features softened and she smiled. “Get some rest,” she whispered. And with that, she left you alone in the room.
Unable to toss and turn and pile up the nest of pillows that you so loved to sleep with, you stared at the ceiling as you sought out rest. The light in the room was still a golden shine streaming in from outside. It was far earlier than you would usually retreat to the comfort of bed, but between your healing body, the energy you had already exerted, and the painkiller you had taken, you were racing towards sleep, towards that quiet oblivion. Where you wouldn’t have to think of the fight, the attack. You wouldn’t have to picture Clyde’s face, so downtrodden and utterly disappointed in you. 
If you could have taken it back, you would have.
But now the closest you could get to him was through hearing the lowered sounds of his voice talking to his siblings, to Sylvia. You couldn’t make out what they were saying in the living room, and the harder you strained to hear, the more jumbled the words became. They swirled in your head, and you couldn’t tell who was speaking at once, the cacophony of noise painfully quiet and horrifically overwhelming all at once. 
You fell asleep to the sound of it.
When you awoke next, you realized your body hadn’t moved an inch in your slumber. The voices down the hallway were absent, and the golden light that had once filled the room had long since faded beyond the horizon. Instead, a silver haze drifted over the space, illuminating the walls softly. 
It was silent, save for the heavy rain that danced across the roof of the trailer, a steady thrum that buzzed through the trailer. The muffled voices were gone, and the air in the house was still. You stared, with laser focus, up at the ceiling. You closed your eyes and pretended as if the rain could wash away the disgusting feeling you harbored deep in your stomach. As if it could wash away the memory of how you had treated Clyde, how you had pulled him along for months with no promise of a future. Maybe, if you were lucky, it would wash away his memory of it all along with yours.
Your thoughts were split in two by a large crunch that fell upon your ears and you jolted. You knew in your heart that it was a branch falling, cracking under the oppressive weight of the water that fell from the sky. You knew that had to be it. But a small voice, speaking from where it resided tucked away in the back of your mind, piped up. It could be anything, it taunted, jeering at you for your scare. 
You tried to push the startling noise from your mind and fall back asleep, but that comfort remained just out of reach. The whistling wind brought a chill to your bones, and the noises that splintered through the forest brought you back to just a few days before. Each noise was a beast, a predator stalking you through the night and into the haven you thought you had created in the trailer. A shudder ran through your body at the thought.
You were embarrassed, but you couldn’t be left alone with your thoughts much longer. You swallowed thickly and pushed out a small noise over the lump in your throat.
“Clyde?” you called, your voice hoarse with sleep. 
You were answered with a soft snore. You cleared your throat and tried again. “Clyde?” Your voice broke. 
You heard a hitched breath and the sound of shuffling. In just a few seconds, Clyde was at the open door, dressed in only a hole-pocked sleep shirt and a pair of boxers. He strode to your side in a few easy steps, flicked on the lamp on the nightstand, and gingerly laid his hand on your forehead, his face serious and his brow knit together tightly.
“What’s the matter? You in pain? D’you need me to call Sylvia back over?” he muttered, his eyes darting over your face. The golden light of the lamp illuminated half of his face and accentuated his sharp features knit together in concern. 
You shook your head and dragged a shuddering breath into your lungs in a feeble attempt to steel yourself. “I can’t go back to sleep.” With a slight strain of your neck, you pushed your forehead up into his palm and your eyes squeezed into slits as tears began to gather along your lash line. “Will you sleep with me?” you whispered, searching his face. For any expression of his thoughts. Your lip trembled. 
He flinched and his warm flesh left your head. He was taken aback by your request.
You should have known better.
The sharp sting of rejection shot through your spine and you shut your eyes, unwilling to bear the sight of the devastating heartbreak that could follow your next utterance. 
Your voice wavered. “Please.” You were met with silence. 
A heartbroken sob threatened to wrack your body when you were given no response until suddenly, the bed creaked and dipped under an unseen weight. 
Instead, a sob of relief broke from your chest. 
“Oh shh,” Clyde hushed as he hooked his left arm around your head, his right hand reaching across your body to palm your thigh and shift you close into his side without aggravating your newly stitched wounds. You pressed your lips together in a feeble attempt to stifle the noises that rattled in your chest as you turned your head to press into the refuge of his armpit. 
Clyde’s right hand slipped under your shirt to trace patterns into your skin and stroke your side, his fingers dancing at the edge of the gauze that was plastered to your body. There was pressure on your hair. He whispered soft assurances into your scalp, nuzzling his nose into your hair as he let you shake against him. “Shh, baby, shh. You’re alright there, you’re okay,” he crooned. “You’re safe now.” A ragged sob broke from your throat, as you collapsed into him. 
And finally, finally, you let yourself break. 
The embarrassment, the guilt - it all came gushing forward with the same force as a dam splintering under the pressure of the water it was designed to hold back. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” you choked out, barely able to speak over the snot and tears that streaked your face. You knew you were making a mess of his shirt, but each attempt to suppress your sobs did nothing but heighten them. 
“Shh, sweet baby.” Clyde cooed, pulling you tight against him. Taking great care to avoid agitating your wounds, he pulled you up onto your uninjured side so you could bury your face into the crook of his neck. His hand wrapped around your torso to swirl small circles into your back. It would have felt incredible if you could feel anything besides the constricting pain in your chest as you dragged air into your lungs. As you sobbed and sobbed and sobbed, he breathed in deep, forcing your body to rise and fall in time with his breaths. 
“Darlin’, c’mon, I need you to take a breath,” Clyde murmured as he pressed kisses to your hairline. “Can you try to do that for me?” You dragged shuddering breaths into your chest between your cries, trying your very hardest to match his breathing, but spitting and sputtering over every breath. 
Clyde didn’t seem to mind. He rained soft shushes and small kisses onto you as he cradled your shaking form. He would hold you like that forever if you needed it; if he could. 
Eventually, you began to still. Your breathing evened out and your tears stopped racing down your face. Clyde shifted his body down to be even with yours and leaned his face in to kiss the tear tracks and stray droplets from your face before he nuzzled his face against your own. The moment you had the strength to speak, you did. 
“Clyde, I’m so sorry-” you started. He cut you off immediately. 
“Shh, baby. It’s alright.” He squeezed your shoulders and kissed your temple. You shook in his arms and stuttered your head back and forth. “No Clyde, really,” you tried again. He caught your lips in a soft, swift kiss. 
“No. You don’t have t’ think about that right now. Anyway, you were right, you told me what you wanted. I’m sorry I didn’t respect that.”
A sob jumped in your throat. His words were tempting you to spill over yet again. You tried to whisper his name, but could only manage a high-pitched rendition. “Clyde, I was so unfair to you. I still am sorry,” you whispered breathily, barely pulling sound and tone over your strained vocal cords. 
He sighed slowly and dipped his head to kiss the corner of your eye, pulling the salty water drops that clung to the skin of your face away on his lips. “Thank you, darlin’. We can talk about it more later,” he soothed. Soft fingertips swept up and down your back. “I want you t’get some sleep. Can’t have you spikin’ a fever again,” he cooed to you as he peppered kisses along your hairline.  
You sniffed and nuzzled deeper into the solace you found between his neck and shoulder. With a careful wiggle, you maneuvered your body so that every part of you that could be touching him was, the knowledge that he was with you bringing you comfort by itself. He folded his body around yours.
It was warm, safe. He was warm. 
“Will you stay?” you muttered, the warmth radiating from his body beginning to pull you towards sleep already. You had been so anxious to distance yourself from Clyde, and now you couldn’t bear the thought of him leaving for just a second. His right hand tensed on your back and he squeezed you closer. “Always, darlin’.”
The rain pattered over the roof of the trailer, a dull hum that danced across your ears. 
The designs he traced over your skin lulled you to sleep.
Taglist: @mind-p0llution​ @thedivinemissm​ @clydesducktape​ @finn-ray-nal-beads​ @ladygrey03​ @desiraypark​ @1800-fight-me​ @hopeamarsu​​ @kkysolo​​ @clumsycopy​​ @mylifeisactuallyamess​​ @daydreamsofren​​ @mariesackler​​ (Comment or message me to be added or removed!)
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sacklerscumrag · 4 years
Part III of III: Stay With Me Series
Clyde Logan X Female Reader
Summary: A Halloween party at Duck Tape and meeting Clyde’s family? This was going to be one hell of a night.
Warnings: fluff, smut, PIV sex, vaginal fingering, oral sex
Word Count: 2.2K
Part I Part II ao3
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      Halloween was tomorrow and Boone County certainly seemed to look the part. The streets were decorated with dense foliage in stunning colors of crimson red and burnt orange with pumpkins on every corner. Your mind was still buzzing with memories from your date with Clyde the other night when all of a sudden, your phone buzzed, snapping you out of it. It was him.
     “Hey Clyde” your stomach jumped when you answered the phone.
     “Hey Darlin, how’s yer day goin?” the sounds of glasses being set down could be heard on the other side of the phone.
     “Not so bad, bookstores been busy with Halloween being so close”
     “That’s actually what I was callin bout. Wanna come to a Halloween party were throwin here at the bar tomorrow? We do it every year, it’s a lotta fun and everybody gets real dressed up n all” you could hear him clear his throat, it warmed your heart knowing he still got himself worked up over you.
     “That sounds fun, what time?”
     “Well I gotta be there earlier to set up n all that but ya can come around 10 if ya want. Is that alright?”
     “Of course, I’ll see you tomorrow then” you smirked while fiddling with the pages in your book.
     “See ya tomorrow beautiful” you hung up the phone when it hit you. You had less than one day to put together a costume. Shit.
                                Clydes POV
     Clyde let out a deep breath as he hung up the phone and continued drying empty whiskey glasses. No matter how many times he spoke to you, it never failed to make him nervous. He continued wiping down the bar, losing himself in his thoughts about you. He was sure you had the most beautiful smile he had ever seen and the way you crinkled your nose when you laughed just a little too hard, well that just about made him melt on the spot. And you smelled so good, god how did you smell so fucking delicious all the time, that was beyond him. His thoughts lingered before memories of the other night flooded his mind. The way it felt to have your body enveloped in his, the warmth of your skin under his palm, having you squirm in his lap while making those beautiful sounds was enough to make him cum in his pants.
     Clyde could feel himself getting hard in his jeans, quickly reaching down to adjust himself, thinking to himself dammit Clyde ya gotta get yer head on straight before Earl comes back in here n sees you. Quickly he grabbed a crate of decorations and headed to the entrance, a smile playing on his face at the thought of seeing you again tomorrow. Tomorrow couldn’t come soon enough.
                                    Readers POV
     Scrambling around your house, you finally figured out your costume for tonight. Putting together a red halter top, red shorts, some fishnet stockings, your favorite heel ankle boots along with some horns for your Devil costume. You grabbed your phone, laid out your outfit on your bed, and snapped a picture to send to Clyde.
Decided on a Devil for tomorrow night, too much?
Yer gonna be wearin that tomorrow? Jesus Darlin, ya tryin to give me a heart attack
Just wanted to make sure you liked it, but I guess I got my answer haha
Can’t wait to see it on ya. I’m gonna have to try to keep ma hands to myself, won’t make any promises though ;)
I hope you don’t :) see you tomorrow, goodnight Clyde
Goodnight beautiful ------------------------------------------------------------
     It seemed like everyone in Boone County was at Duck Tape tonight. As you walked into the bar, your eyes immediately found Clyde’s. He ducked under the side of the bar and walked over to you, cupping your face with both hands and bringing you into a searing kiss. He tasted like bourbon and burnt bacon, your favorite. “Hey baby, you look amazin” he said as he kept his forehead pressed against yours, your noses brushing against each other. You wrapped your arms around his neck and looked up at him.
“Hey, handsome”
          Clyde quickly released you as he saw more patrons making their way inside. He kissed your forehead before stepping away and into the bar. You sat on one end, watching as he moved so flawlessly along the bar, making everyone’s drink, greeting all the regulars, never missing a beat.
          “Well well well ya must be Clyde’s new little lady” startling you, a man sat down next to you.
          “Now Jimmy don’t go scarin the poor girl. Hi sweetie, I’m Mellie, Clyde’s sister and this here’s my idiot brother Jimmy” she reached out her hand to shake yours. Clyde being as busy as he was made his way to your corner of the bar.
          “There he is the man of the hour. When were ya gonna introduce us to yer new girl here?” Jimmy gestured to you with his beer bottle, teasing Clyde. You looked over at Clyde who was giving Jimmy a death stare if there ever was one. Placing your hand over his, you brought his attention back to you.
          “Can I get a drink baby?” you said trying to diffuse the situation. Clyde let out a breath, smiled, and nodded before walking over to where the bottles were sitting to make you your drink. You could hear Mellie and Jimmy giggling behind you, it was going to be a long night.
          You spent hours sitting with Mellie and Jimmy, laughing at all of their nonsense, hearing stories about Clyde when they were younger, the Logan siblings making you feel right at home. After all those stories and one too many beers, they decided to call it a night and head out. Even the regulars started to make their way home as the night dwindled. You and Clyde had been making eyes at each other all night, spacing out while Mellie told you her wild stories to look at Clyde. Watching him bartend was getting you more worked up than you cared to admit. Having to adjust yourself in your seat every so often, you could feel your arousal forming. Clyde thanked Earl for the help, and he waved to you as he left. Clyde put the last of the glasses away in the storage closet and made his way back out to you. You were standing facing the bar when you felt Clyde’s hands wrap around your waist.
          “Hey Darlin, you ready to head out?” he whispered in your ear as you turned in his arms and placed your hands on his chest. He looked down at you, eyes scanning your face with a smile.      “Not quite” you said as you cupped his face in your hands and brought your lips to his.
          “Darlin, are ya sure? Now?” you nodded, biting your lower lip, tiptoeing to bring your face closer to his.
          “I want you, Clyde Logan. Right here. Right now.” You whispered to him. That was all the encouragement he needed before his lips were on yours again. His hands moved to your waist, pulling you closer to him and you could already feel his erection pressing up against your thigh. He moved to take off your tank top disposing of it on the floor. The kiss grew hungrier as he walked you back towards the bar. Clyde cupped your ass, moving his hands under your thighs to hoist you up onto the bar top.
          Wrapping your legs around his waist, you moved to undo the buttons on his shirt, tearing it open, wanting to feel as much of him as possible. You were glad he decided not to wear an undershirt tonight as you ran your hands all over his sculpted chest down to the waistband of his jeans, working to undo his belt. Clyde placed hot, wet kisses on your neck, working his way to your shoulder. He hooked his thumbs on your shorts, sliding them down along with your fishnets. Reaching your hand around, you unclasped your bra, throwing it to the side while he continued his kisses.
          “Ya looked so fuckin hot tonight. I had to stop looking at ya to stop ma self from getting hard at the bar. Fuck you’re so beautiful” he said in between placing kisses on each breast, pinching one nipple between his fingers while taking his time nipping and biting the other one. His hand made its way down ghosting over your panties, feeling the wet spot that had already formed.
  “Mmm you’re dripping all over my bar baby” you moaned as he removed your underwear. Clyde swiped two fingers along your folds, collecting your slick, teasing you. The sensation making you shiver, your aching clit begging for attention.
     “Ya like that don’t you Darlin? Had ya cumin all over em the other night” you nod, trying your best to hold back your moans.
          “Please Clyde”
          “Tell me what ya need baby girl, ya gotta use yer words” continuing to run his fingers along your cunt, not quite touching where you needed it most.
     “Please Clyde I-I need you” you whimpered as he pushed two thick fingers inside, before pulling them back out.
“Gotta taste ya first baby” he motioned you to lay back, keeping one hand flat on your stomach and throwing your legs over his shoulder before burying his face in between your thighs.
You ran your hands through his hair, guiding him further into your core until you felt his nose press deliciously on your clit. The pressure making you buck your hips towards him. Clyde’s movements started to speed up as he focused on that sensitive bundle of nerves. His tongue working, teasing you while keeping his steady rhythm. Making you moan louder than you have before.
“Ya taste so good. So fuckin good baby girl”
          Your grip on his hair tightened when your orgasm crashed over you. Clyde lapped up all of your juices, taking his time until you came down from your high. You felt him pull away and step back to slide his jeans and briefs off in one move. His lips and beard glistening with your slick.
     “I have a condom in ma pocket”
     “Don’t bother. I’m on the pill” he smiled, kicking his pants and briefs to the side.
          His throbbing cock sprang free from the confines of his briefs, the tip slick with pre-cum. The size alone had you drooling at the sight. You immediately felt your cunt clench on nothing from just looking at him as Clyde made his way back to you. Placing your hand on his chest, you stopped him.
          “Lay down on the bar” you whispered in his ear, sending a shiver down Clyde’s spine, all the way to his cock. He looked at you, before climbing on the bar and laying down. You followed and straddled Clyde, your heated cunt grazing over his cock making it twitch. His eyes darkened, full of lust as he watched you coat him in your wetness before sinking on him slowly.
          Clyde’s mechanical hand rested on one of your thighs while his other hand cupped your ass as he watched you take all of him. The feeling of him filling you up, stretching you like never before almost being enough to bring you to your second orgasm of the night. You started to gyrate your hips, finding your rhythm, his cock hitting all sorts of new angles making you both cry out. His hands held on tight to your hips, guiding you as you rode him on the bar.
     “Clyde I’m so close. Fuck, you feel so good” you moaned when you felt him slide his thumb between both of your bodies to rub your throbbing clit.
          “C’mon baby. Gotta cum one more time fer me” he applied more pressure as you picked your pace. Both sensations sending you over the edge as you came hard on Clyde’s cock. Your cunt fluttering and pulsating squeezing him around him, squeezing him so tight. Panting your body fell flush on Clyde’s chest. He placed his hands under your thighs, pushing you slightly forward just enough for him to plant his feet on the bar top before he started pounding into you. The sounds of skin slapping filling the bar as he mercilessly fucked you at an agonizing pace. Clyde couldn’t take his eyes off of you, the way you were writhing in pleasure as your breasts bouncing with every thrust. He plunged into you one last time as far as he could go before reaching his own orgasm and filling you to the brim with his cum. He held you close, panting until he came down from his orgasm.
     Clyde caressed your hair, his chest rising and falling, covered in sweat while you both laid there, bodies satisfied and spent. You put your chin on Clyde’s chest looking up at him, his eyes dazed with pleasure and a goofy grin across his face as he looked back at you.
     “I love you Clyde, and I know it may be too early for that and now might not be the best time. And it’s okay if you don’t feel it too, I just had to say it before it drove me crazy”
     “I love you too Darlin. Have fer a while now, just didn’t want to scare ya off and say it too soon. But I do, I love you” you didn’t think twice before pushing yourself up to kiss him. Leaning your elbows on either side of his head, letting your fingers run through his hair as you kissed him deeply. You wanted to stay in this moment forever.
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Smutty halloween Clyde request?? “I know they’re just stuffed animals but doesn’t it feel weird? its like they’re watching us.”/“I’m up for it if you are.”/“Why is arson always your first answer?” All these together make me think of something silly and fun? Hope you’re into them, if not no worries ☺️
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I truly have no explanation to why this is being posted now when were technically in the Christmas month but enjoy nevertheless! I went to my first pumpkin patch to do a little research for this but I did have to google what one is like too. This is smutty but has a nice sprinkle of fluff here and there. 💖💖 (I also suck at titles)
Pairing: Clyde Logan x Female Reader
Warnings: Unprotected sex, Oral (M and F receiving), Vaginal Fingering, Smut, Creampie and slight mention of a hand around throat but no chocking! There is also multiple mentions of a spider but it’s stuffed. Still not sure what I’m suppose to put here so let me know if I need to add anything!
Word count: 2.9k 
Stuffed Spiders and Smiles
You and Clyde had just spent a wonderful afternoon together, he had taken you to your first pumpkin patch. You had grabbed Clyde’s hand with excitement not knowing what you wanted to do first with him repeatedly having to tell you to slow down and that there was plenty of time to do everything. Eventually having decided to go to the haunted house, which was a lot of fun due to the variety of masked people that jumped out at you both. Clyde made sure to hold onto you just in case you got scared but secretly you knew it was because he wasn’t a fan of things like this but you humoured him by clinging to his arm to comfort him. You don’t know how you did it but you managed to convince Clyde to have a little pumpkin painted on his face to match yours, nodding when they asked if he wanted any glitter added to it. Finally, you got some hot apple cider to sip while you walked along the array of pumpkins, trying to decide which one or five you wanted to take home. You both had picked out big pumpkins, which you had enthusiastically told Clyde you could carve together with a huge grin on your face which made one break out on his face in return.
Before heading home, you asked Clyde if he didn’t mind coming to the store with you so you could pick up a few extra decorations for your house. “Can we go to the store before we go back to my place? I just need a couple more things for the house” Clyde didn’t even need to look at your face to know you were pouting at him, like he could say no to you anyway. “I’ll come in with ya but ya know ya don’t be needin’ no more stuff, the store will have nothin’ left ta sell ya” He sighed before turning to see you smiling at him, he knew he’d do anything to see that smile even if it meant facilitating your addiction to Halloween décor. You park up at the store and hurry to grab Clyde’s hand, lacing your fingers between his and dragging him in. Looking around at all the different items before settling to look at some string lights to hang outside, Clyde loves the way your eyes shine just like the lights you were looking at, he admired the way you looked at everything like you’d never seen it before even when he knew for a fact you would have been in here the other day and a millions other times before that. He was brought out of his thoughts when you decided to throw a stuffed spider at him, laughing as he scrambled to make out what it was and whether or not he wanted to catch it. “Christ (Y/N)!”. Holding the spider in his large paw. “If I found a spider this big in the trailer, hell anywhere, I’d burn the whole thing down!” Clyde huffed. “Why is arson always your first answer? I thought ya life of crime was over” you teased, lowering your voice to try and mimic his. Dodging quickly as he threw the spider right back at you, picking it up and putting it in your cart, Clyde giving you a look. “What? It’s kinda cute, it will go perfect with the others I have” You giggled as you walked away swaying your hips, continuing to look at a few more things before heading to pay. Clyde helps put the bags in his car before getting your door.
Once you got back to your place Clyde again helps bring the bags in, setting them down on the countertop while you searched through a couple to find your new spider. “I’m going to go and put this in my room, want to see how I’ve decorated it?” Flashing Clyde, a smile, the smile that made him weak at the knees. He follows you down the hall to your room, watching as you open the door. He was taken aback by the way you had decorated your room, you’d told him you were going to do it but he thought you may hang a few lights and put up some of those fake spider webs that he’d always walk into when Mellie would decorate the Duck Tape. Taking a quick mental note to ask if you wanted to help her decorate this year and every year after that. He resumes looking around taking in the candles that makes your room smell like spiced apples, the little Jack o’ lantern rug which sat next to your bed, the black bedspread which was littered with tiny ghosts which all had different silly expressions and he notices an orange pillow with spooky wrote in bold, black letters.
Clyde watches as you add your new plush spider to the pile of stuffed toys that lined your windowsill before lying back on your pillows, curling your index finger beckoning him over like a siren. He perched next to you on the bed, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. “Ya look so beautiful Darlin, did ya have a good day?” He asked, a small smile on his lips. “Of course, Big Bear! Thank you for taking me out today” You replied, moving so Clyde could now lie back against your pillows as you straddle his hips. “Anythin’ fer ya” He said before bringing you down for a kiss, licking his bottom lip for access which he gladly grants while groaning as you start to slowly move your hips around grinding into his growing bulge. “Darlin, wait” Clyde breathed out, you quickly pull your mouth from his. “Everything okay?” You question, concern in your voice. “I know they’re just stuffed animals, but doesn’t it feel weird? It’s like they’re watching us.” Clyde’s eyes looking from yours to the windowsill full of toys before looking back to you, you lean forward pressing your face into his neck trying to stifle the giggle that still ends up slipping past your lips. Clyde huffs at your reaction his plump lips forming a pout but his breath hitches as you start to press gentle kisses up his neck and over his jaw, stopping next to his ear. “Maybe they could be our own little audience which I’m up for it if you are.” You whisper before carefully nipping his ear lobe, Clyde couldn’t help but buck his hips up slightly at your response. Pressing kisses along his jaw then reconnecting your lips with his, swiping your tongue along his plump bottom lip again asking for access which he grants. Moaning as he licks into your mouth, both of your tongues fighting for dominance before you give into him.
He reaches for the hem of your top only pulling his mouth from yours for a spilt second so he can pull it over your head before tossing it to a random spot in the room. Carding your fingers through his dark hair before slightly tugging close to the root causing Clyde to grunt into your mouth. Pecking his lips once more before pulling off them as his lips try to follow yours, smirking at his reaction. He sits up to give you better access to his shirt buttons which you begin undoing, desperate to get to what’s underneath, giggling as he tries to pepper your neck with kisses, throwing you slightly off balance.
Once his shirt and top have joined yours on the floor you gently push him back onto the bed while placing kisses over the wide expanse of his chest, feeling his ribs expand under your palms as you glide your warm tongue around his nipple before sucking the skin into your mouth, triggering Clyde to grab your waist with his flesh hand, hissing as you pull off him, the cold air hardening the pink bud further. “Sh-Shit Darlin, that feels so good” He moans, voice slightly strained as he watches you bite and suck the swollen nipple. Wrapping his arms around your waist as he involuntarily grinds his bulge against your clothed core, feeling how wet you were getting from his sounds. Moving your lips over to his other nipple to make sure it didn’t feel left out, wondering if you could make him cum from the stimulation but you’d bring that up to him another time. Once satisfied at how puffy and pinks his nipples are you slowly start to move down his body while making sure to leave a trail of hot, wet kisses in your wake, undoing his belt you suck tiny love bites around his stomach knowing the little red marks would eventually turn into bruises making you even wetter knowing you were marking your territory.
With Clyde’s help you pull off his jeans and socks leaving him perfectly bare in front of you, sitting back on your knees you took a minute to admire your tall mountain man. “You’re so handsome, Baby” You tell him, running your nails along his thick thighs, causing him to shudder and blush all the way up to the tips of his ears. “Thank ya, (Y/N). I love ya so much” He replies running his thumb lovingly along your cheek. “I love you too, Clyde” you reply wrapping your hand around his large cock feeling him twitch as you pump him a couple of times before lowering you mouth to his pink, swollen head, poking your tongue out to swipe up the precum that had gathered at the tip. His hand reaches out to hold the back of your head before letting go with an apology. “It’s okay, you can grab me. I’m a big girl, I can take it” You reassure him as you lower your mouth onto him, taking him inch by inch until you couldn’t fit anymore, using your tongue to caress the underside of his cock while your hand strokes what you couldn’t fit. Massaging his balls gently in the palm of your hand while continuing this pattern, looking up at him through your lashes until he couldn’t take anymore.
“St-stop! That’s a nough, I’ll be cumin’ down ya throat if ya carry on” Clyde exclaims as he reluctantly pulls your mouth off his cock with an audible pop, lifting you up to kiss him groaning into your mouth which you happily swallow down for him. “Was that okay, baby?” You ask innocently. “That was more than okay, Babygirl. Just want to be buried in this sweet pussy o’ yours when I cum” His reply making you clench your legs together before he flips you both over so you’re underneath his large frame. He hastily removes your yellow lace bra, your nipples instantly hardening in the cool air before Clyde dives straight in to warm them up, his wet tongue coating your left nipple in his saliva. Sucking and biting while he rolls the stiff peak of the right one between his thick fingertips. Swapping over to give the right one the same attention from his mouth. Writhing and moaning non-stop under his caresses, he pulls off once he is satisfied with how stiff they are.
He helps you pull off the rest of your clothes then letting your legs naturally drop open for your man to settle himself between, staring at your glistening slit. “I know I said those candy apples were sweet earlier but this pussy o’ yers will always be sweeter” Clyde said between planting kisses on your inner thighs, the feel of his facial hair tickling and teasing where his lip met your skin were divine. “Clyde, please stop teasing! I can’t take it, I want you” whining loudly as you try to close your legs. “Look at my Babygirl, all needy for me. Huh?” He questions placing his metal arm around your thigh while placing his hand on your stomach to keep you in place. “Tell me what you want darlin” Clyde asks, mouth hovering just over where you want him most. “Y-your mouth, please” you beg, the feeling of the cold metal of his arm against your hot skin sending a jolt of pleasure through your body. Clyde places a kiss just above your clit causing you to buck slightly as your hands dive into his thick hair, licking a long stripe from your entrance to your clit before circling the hard nub with the tip of his tongue. Clyde moans and groans into your soaked pussy like it’s his last meal, sucking on your clit as he brings his finger down to your entrance, circling it before pushing the thick digit in. You clench around it, pulling harder at his hair as he slowly grinds his member into your mattress for some relief. “Ya think ya can handle another? He asks cockily. “Yes, I can. Please, please” you babble as Clyde adds a second finger with no resistance. Continuing to suck on your swollen clit as his two fingers pump in and out of you before curling up to find that spot inside of you. Your body squirming in his grip when he does. “I’m so close, ohhhh” You whine. “That’s it Darlin, cum for me” he tells you before diving back in and continuing his ministrations at a quicker pace. “I’m gonna cum, fuck! Clyyyyde” You moan, clenching hard around his fingers while your legs squeeze the sides of his head, back arching and toes curling as the pleasure shoots up your spine. Once your whole body feels like jelly and you fall back breathlessly on to you pillows, smiling blissfully at you boyfriend. “Such a good girl, my beautiful girl” Clyde tells you as he pulls his fingers from your soaked entrance bringing them up to his mouth to clean off your arousal, groaning happily at the taste. “Sweeter than those candies fer sure” You laugh in response as you reach your arms out to pull him down for a kiss, slipping your tongue in his mouth and moaning as you taste yourself on his tongue.
Noticing a smudge on his face you turn it to the side, giggling at the remnants of the glittery orange pumpkin that was once there. Looking down at your thigh that now sparkles in the dim lighting of your room. The pair of you laughing at the mess.
You motion for him to lie on his back straddling his waist before gripping his cock to rub your wetness all over his thick length, Clyde swallowing each moan and whimper you produce for him. “Now whose teasin?” You smirk as you grip his large member and run it along your folds before pressing the blunt head against your entrance, slowly pushing down as you moan at the delicious burn from the stretch. Once fully seated Clyde grabs your hips to stop your movements giving himself a minute, overwhelmed by the feeling of your hot cunt steadily pulsing on his length. Pulling you down for an opened mouthed kiss before giving your ass a quick slap. Placing both your palms one his wide chest as he keeps his on your hips, loving the feeling of both his hand squeezing your soft flesh. You begin to slowly grind your hips in circular motions, lifting and sinking back down, the pleasure carrying tingles up from the base your spine. “That’s it, Darlin. Take what ya need from ya Big Bear” Clyde grunts sitting up, your chests pressing together, feeling the rapid beating of your heart. Picking up the pace he thrusts up into you, grabbing the back of your neck with his metal hand and your ass with his other. You feel your second climax beginning to build quickly still being a little sensitive from your previous, you snake your hand down to your swollen clit, gliding your fingers across it. “Baby, I’m so close” You groan into Clyde’s mouth, as he gently wraps his metal hand around your neck so he can look into your glazed eyes, feeling your cunt fluttering around him. “Cum fer me, cum all over ma cock” He demands watching your eyes roll back into your head, your mouth hanging open letting out a shout of his name. Your hot, wet cunt gushes all over his cock, the rhythmic pulses of your pussy grip his cock like a vice. Clyde intensely throws his head back, shutting his honeyed eyes in pleasure as his orgasm begins to rush through his body. A couple more thrusts and his cock throbs wildly before shooting rope after rope of thick cum inside you. “O-oh fuuucccck, I love you” He moans as his climax hits him. “I love you too” you reply, moaning at the feeling of his warm load filling you to the brim. Taking a minute for the pair of you to get your breathing back to normal you lean your forehead against his, content in each other’s presence. Smiling at him before placing a peck to his plump lips moving your head back to see a wide toothy grin on his face. “Ya know what?” Clyde asks. “What?” You reply, pushing the hair from Clyde’s sweaty forehead before tucking it behind his ears to look at his face, your brows furrowing slightly. “Those stuffed toys are still fuckin’ creepy” He tells you, trying to keep a straight face. You laugh swatting at his chest, shaking your head then leaning back in for another sweet kiss.
Tags: @clydesducktape @contesa-lui-alucard @sacklerscumrag @the-wayward-rose @historyandfandoms50
Let me know if you want to be added to a tag list 💖 
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bellebridgerton · 4 years
I Missed You, Cowboy (Clyde Logan x reader)
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Keeping low and running to the blue car, Clyde sees his sister, Mellie, and his best friend, (Y/n). He and Joe Bang get in the back. Since (Y/n)'s not the one driving, she turns in her seat, kisses Clyde's cheek, "I missed you, Cowboy."
Clyde blushes and smiles, "I missed you too, Darlin'."
Joe Bang chuckles, "Okay lover boy, let's get changed." (Y/n) turns back around and Clyde nods and starts changing, he's so happy to see her.
After the guys have changed, (Y/n) hands Clyde his prosthetic, he smiles, "Thank you, Darlin'." He fastens it on and fixes his sleeve over it. He misses her every day he doesn't see her, he thought it was bad when they didn't see each other on a regular day, but being in prison, he misses her so much more.
(Y/n) has been close with the Logans' since she invited Mellie to play dolls, then walked Mellie home. Clyde met her that day, and he's been sweet on her ever since.
Pulling up to Charlotte Motor Speedway, Clyde takes a deep breath, (Y/n) hears him and looks back at him, she touches his knee, gives it a gentle squeeze, "It's okay, we got this."
Posing as employees, (Y/n) and Mellie wait until the smoke starts coming out of the tubes. They run down to the site as inconspicuously as possible.
(Y/n) sees Clyde freaking out, Jimmy trying to talk to him. She gives Jimmy a look, as a way to tell him to step aside, he does. She puts her hands on Clyde's shoulders, "What's wrong?"
Clyde looks at her, his eyes panicked, "Mah arm, it's in there, I need it."
(Y/n) cups his face in her hands, "We'll take care of it, you need to get goin' soon."
Clyde calms down and hugs her, "Okay, thank you."
(Y/n) hugs him close, feeling him lift her up, she giggles and wraps her legs around his waist. She has missed this so much, but she knows it's not the time. She looks at Clyde, "You gotta go, be smart and don't get caught."
Clyde puts her down and kisses her head, "You do the same." He leaves with Joe, wishing he could have held her longer.
The day of Clyde's release, (Y/n) was setting up a Welcome Home surprise party for Clyde.
Sadie carries in the mac and cheese, she puts it on the counter with (Y/n)'s help. She looks at her auntie, "When are they gettin' here?"
(Y/n) smiles, nervous and excited, "Soon, and we're almost done setting up. When we hear the car, we have to hide, so we can surprise him."
The sound of an engine dying came from outside, everyone hid quickly.
Upon the sound of the front door opening, everyone jumps out and yells, "SURPRISE!"
Clyde jumps and smiles, touched that so many people cared. He locked eyes with (Y/n), he hugged her and picked her up, spinning her around.
She holds on and smiles, whispers in his ear, "You better not leave again."
Clyde chuckles, whispering, "Never again." He puts her down, but keeps her close, his left arm around her. He feels weird without his prosthetic on, but he's happy nonetheless.
(Y/n) smiles, talks with him and everyone else, happy that things can be relatively normal again.
Hours go by and little by little, the only people left were Clyde, (Y/n), and Mellie. Sadie fell asleep in (Y/n)'s bed a few hours after Clyde got home.
All three of them were sitting on the couch, (Y/n) looks at Clyde, "Close your eyes."
Clyde raises an eyebrow at her, but he smiles and closes his eyes to humor her.
(Y/n) grabs the suitcase that the US Armed Forces left for Clyde, she sets it in front of him. She smiles, "Open."
Clyde opens his eyes and sees the suitcase, "What is it?"
(Y/n) opens the suitcase carefully, revealing a mechanical prosthetic arm made specifically for Clyde, "I told your former commanding officer that you lost your prosthetic, he sent you a new one."
Clyde couldn't believe his eyes, "Darlin', this is amazin'!" He picks it up, but has a little trouble getting it on.
(Y/n) helps him put on his arm, she turns it on, "Try it out."
Clyde figures out how to use it after a little while, he looks like a kid on Christmas, and (Y/n) can't help but tear up. Clyde notices, "What's wrong, Darlin'?"
She smiles, "I'm just happy you're happy."
After another beer or two, (Y/n) gets Clyde to go to bed. He lays down and catches her hand in his, "Lay with me?"
(Y/n) smiles, "Okay, goodnight Clyde."
He pulls her into his chest and relaxes, feeling her cuddle up to him. He feels a little bold thanks to the alcohol, he leans in to kiss her.
(Y/n) looks up at Clyde, she pulls away, her heart hurts because she can see that she hurt him just then. She gently strokes his cheek with her thumb, "Hey, I want to kiss you, but not now, you're drunk."
Clyde pouts, "I know what I want, I want you. I love you." He was drunk, but he knew what his heart wanted, and it wants her.
She bites her lip, "Tell me that in the morning and I'll kiss you." She kisses his cheek and lays her head on his chest, closes her eyes.
Clyde kisses her head and sighs, closing his eyes, falling asleep quickly.
Clyde woke with a start, he knew she was with him last night, but his chest was empty. He started to tear up, she must not have meant what she said last night. He rolls over and buries his face in his pillow, crying.
(Y/n) quietly walks into Clyde's room, not wanting to wake him. She had gone to the bathroom and grabbed a glass of water before returning to him. She hears quiet sobs and she carefully sits on the bed, rubs his back, "What's wrong?" She softly strokes his hair and lays down on her side next to him, trying to calm him down. Clyde turns his face away from her, trying to silence his sobs. (Y/n) pouts and sits up, "Clyde, look at me please. C'mon handsome, please?"
Clyde turns his face back and looks at her with one eye, bloodshot from crying. He shuts his eyes tight and another tear rolls down his face. (Y/n) gently wipes his tear away, kisses his cheek and lays back down next to him, "Please tell me what's wrong, maybe I can fix it."
Clyde sniffles and keeps his eyes closed, "I woke up and you were gone." He feels like a child being upset with his momma for not holding him long enough, but he can't help it.
(Y/n) gently runs her fingers through his hair, "I had to go to the bathroom, I was coming right back."
Clyde looks at her, "I thought you left because I scared you last night."
(Y/n) giggles softly and smiles, "What could you have possibly done to scare me? You're the sweetest man I've ever known."
Clyde tries to blink away his tears, "I tried to kiss you, you rejected me, I told you I love you and you brushed me off. I know I'm not handsome, but I don't want to lose your friendship."
(Y/n) bites her lip softly, "Clyde, baby, you're forgetting a very important part of that conversation from last night. You were drunk, and I didn't want our first kiss to be when you're drunk." She gently brushes her nose against his cheek, kisses his cheek, "I love you so much, Clyde, I'd never reject you."
Clyde smiles and kisses her, wrapping his left arm around her waist, not caring that it's his bad arm. She kisses back and rubs his shoulder, smiling into the kiss. She feels his tears on her face and she gently scratches the nape of his neck, then rubs his back.
Clyde looks at her, "I love you too." (Y/n) smiles and cuddles into his chest, closes her eyes. Clyde smiles and closes his eyes as well, holding her close while they nap.
Taglist: @finn-ray-nal-beads @maybe-your-left
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snidgetwidgeon · 4 years
This work was prompted by a fic exchange between friends on Discord. It evolved into something completely different as I wrote it, becoming my first whump! Prepare for the sad.
Zelda endeavors to find purpose through her crippling grief, but sometimes all you can do is leave your world behind, when all it has done is take from you.
Link found Zelda in the greenhouse treating the hydroponic tank, hands dipped into the cool water, emitting a soft golden glow. He never ceased to be mesmerized by her birth right and the creative ways she continued finding to help people.
She had chosen a quieter path after they sealed the Calamity. Rather than reinstating the monarchy in a kingdom that had clearly survived and moved on without it, she decided to be a healer. It was noble, but he also understood it to be penance. She still blamed herself for everything even though she was better at hiding it after all these years.
“Almost finished?” he asked, playing with the leaves of a tea bush.
She looked up startled, then relaxed as she saw it was only Link in his stealth set. He’d taken quite a liking to many things Sheikah since they made their residence in Kakariko and this was his favorite.
“What have I told you about slinking up on me?” she reprimanded calmly, refocusing her attention on the water.
“Don’t get caught?”
“Very funny,” she replied. “One of these days, you’ll startle the wrong person.”
Link answered with a cheeky grin.
She rolled her eyes, “I’m coming soon, I just wanted to finish feeding the new crop before we left.”
“Alright, I’ll check the horses over, make sure we haven’t forgotten anything. The girls told me to tell you, ‘don’t you dare leave’ without seeing them first,” he mimicked Koko’s manner. “I think they have something for you at the house.”
She turned to say something but he had slipped out as quietly as he had slipped in. She blew out a slow breath, trying to retain her patience.
The glow faded as she lifted her hands out of the water. She dried them on her tunic and ensured the notes she left for Mellie were in the right place. With a final glance over, everything was as it should be. Satisfied, she went to find the girls to say goodbye.
Koko and Cottla slid the door open and threw themselves at her when she knocked. “Girls, girls! You aren’t little anymore, you’re gonna take me out one day if you keep bowling me over like a baby goron,” she chided them good naturedly.
“But we miss you already,” Cottla explained while squeezing Zelda’s waist.
“I’ll be back before you know it. Come on now, you know the drill.” Zelda pried them off. “Right, Link said you have something for me?”
Koko brightened and rushed to the table to retrieve an ornate box. “Dad made this box for you to organize your medicines in when you visit the other villages, and me and Cottie made you something too!”
Zelda took it and admired the craftsmanship. It was engraved with herbs well known as remedies for various ailments and even included a silent princess on the front between the two opening clasps. “This is so beautiful, and very practical. Please tell your father I appreciate it very much in case I don’t see him on my way out.” She then looked at the girls a little expectantly, who were fit to bursting, and asked, “And what did you two make?”
“Open it,” they both chimed, slightly out of sync.
“Oh! How silly of me, of course.” She carefully undid the clasps and raised the lid to reveal a variety of snacks. “My goodness, these look delicious.”
Cottla started pointing, “I made this one, and this one, and those ones-”
Koko interrupted, “And I made this one, and all of these ones,” she said as she lifted the top layer out of the box to reveal an extra compartment beneath.
“They look wonderful, thank you so much. I’ll make sure to stretch them out during my trip and think of you lots.”
With her free arm she hugged them both and kissed their foreheads before departing, mirroring their frantic waving.
Link and Zelda began in Akkala and made their way across central Hyrule and Tabantha. Zelda’s melancholy was always more noticeable on the road than in the village. They would go hours without speaking, and Link would hum to himself often, hoping that it offered her some comfort. About halfway through their journey, he noticed a change in her spirit.
Their next destination was Gerudo Town. It always warmed her heart to visit and was her favorite. It had been her home away from home when she was growing up and she was never able to visit as much as she wanted.
From Gerudo Stable, it took nearly a day on foot to reach Kara Kara where the pool was quite welcoming. They decided to have a refreshing dip to wash off the sweat and dust of the road. They followed this by sunning themselves on the rocks like lizards until mostly dry then went to secure a room and a meal. The following day they would rent some sand seals so as not to exhaust themselves on the remainder of the journey. Link double checked that he carried all pieces of the vai outfit so he would be able to enter. He did not fancy having to wait outside like that one year when he’d remembered everything but the all important face covering.
He could have returned to Kara Kara to try and source another, but there was no guarantee something would be available and by the time he returned, Zelda would be just about finished anyway. So he had slummed it with the men outside. It wasn’t all bad. They had a nice campfire and a sense of camaraderie during the night, but... never again.
After arriving, Link went to organize their rooms at the Oasis while Zelda sought an audience with Chief Riju. By now she was a young woman of nearly twenty, still on the small side for a Gerudo, but her thick red braid had grown with her and was just as impressive as ever.
“Zelda,” she greeted her guest enthusiastically, “I’ve been looking forward to your visit. Please tell me you’ll be staying longer this time, poor Patricia doesn’t know what to do with herself when you blow in and out.”
“I see you remembered my request from last time. Thank you,” she nodded sincerely.
“Of course, I’d call you anything you like. Absent, late,” she started waving her hands to various examples in jest, “never here long enough-”
“Alright, I get it. I’m sorry. It’s just,” Zelda focused on her feet, “Impa is so frail now, I was wary of leaving at all this year.”
Riju rose from her throne in concern and approached Zelda, taking her hands in her own. “My sincerest apologies, I would not have teased if I knew. How is she?”
Zelda looked up surprised before staring down at Riju’s hands. They were smooth and bronzed, adorned with golden bracelets and teal painted nails that reminded her of Urbosa. “She... she was certainly still well enough to send me packing, telling me not to languish around on her account. The other people of Hyrule need me too, and this is how I have chosen to help, so... here I am,” she smiled but it did not reach her eyes.
Riju enveloped her in a hug and she found herself staring wide-eyed at Buliara whom she could have sworn wore a light smirk. Green mirrored green as Riju then held her at arms length, gazing into her eyes before looking her over. “What has Link been feeding you? Chickaloo nuts?” Before Zelda could answer, Riju took her by the hand and dragged her out of the audience chamber. “We’re going to go have a nice meal at the Canteen.”
Buliara was quick to follow. “Chief Riju, you still have-”
“Whatever it is can wait, I’m spending time with our special guest,” Riju answered over her shoulder. Zelda felt a slight exhilaration being pulled down the steps into the town square where the evening markets were beginning to ramp up. “What about Link?”
Riju grinned, “He’s resourceful, he’ll find us,” she winked.
Zelda felt a flutter.
A fortnight or so later, they had made their way through the Faron region and hired a boat to take them around the cape into Hateno Bay. Zelda counted the last of the fifty-odd packs labeled Blessed Tea and handed them over to the Mayor when she saw Symin running down the hill from the lab. It only seemed slightly curious until she also spotted a Rito flying away. Suddenly she had a bad feeling.
She quickly finished her transaction, “These should help over winter, Mayor, excuse me,” then yelled for Link and raced to meet Symin, leaving the Mayor with a confused expression.
Link was swiftly by her side and they met Symin halfway up the path, everyone out of breath.
“Zelda,” Symin started, “we just received word- Impa.”
Zelda was stricken, and grabbed his arm, “Is she gone?!”
“No,” he gasped for breath, “fading.”
“Link, pack our things. I’ll get Purah ready.”
The three of them materialized just above Kakariko and Zelda immediately started running down the winding path through the houses. She didn’t stop until she was huffing right outside the door of the Elder’s house. She tried to compose herself. She wanted to brave.
She hadn’t felt such fear since the day she stared down the maw of the calamity.
Link caught up shortly after, having kindly kept pace with an adolescent Purah. Part of her hoped that her sister might chose to stay with them, but in her heart she knew. This whole exercise was going to be futile.
Zelda took a deep breath and pushed the door open, eyes adjusting to the dim light of the lanterns. Paya was sitting next to Impa’s platform, her red tower of pillows now replaced with a futon. Zelda could see Impa’s small form as she approached, appearing as though she could disappear altogether under the covers into nothingness.
Paya stood and took Zelda’s hands, “She’s been holding out for you, I know it,” she whispered.
Zelda choked on a sob. “Is she- can she still hear me?”
“Yes, she’s just sleeping. You look like you could use some rest too. I’ll come get you if she wakes.”
“No, there’s no way I’m leaving her.” Zelda sat next to the futon and put her hands on the cover. She could just make out the faint tattoo in the wrinkled folds of Impa’s forehead and stretched her fingers out to touch it. They started to glow and Zelda connected with Impa’s fading essence, offering comfort and wishing she could do more. She could feel it, she had no power over the natural death of age.
She locked eyes with Purah who was now standing close, and raised her brow in a silent, pleading question.
“Of course I’ll stay.” Purah joined her on the floor, one hand resting on Zelda’s knee for support and the other gripped tightly around her slate to stabilize her own feelings.
They sat for some time, mostly in silence, occasionally telling stories about their favorite times with Impa. Link made himself useful and cared for them the best way he knew how, bringing food and soothing tea, Zelda’s own mixture. It was hardly touched but accepted with love.
Finally, after the sun had just set, Impa stirred. She was having trouble blinking her eyes open so Paya dabbed them with a wet cloth. When she saw them, her mouth opened in a lopsided, toothless grin, “My girls. There you are,” she said with a croaky voice.
“I’m here, Impa,” Zelda darted her hand under the covers to take one of Impa’s into her own, the return clasp was so loose.
“You should be out, dear. Helping-”
“All finished. I’m home to stay now.” Zelda shuffled over a bit. “Do you see who I brought with me? It’s Purah.”
Impa’s mouth became a surprised ‘O’ and she cooed. “Oh my, young as the days I chastised you, I see.”
Purah smiled, “Hey, sis. You always knew how to look out for me, even if I didn’t listen.” She looked between Paya and her slate hesitantly, an unspoken permission requested.
Paya nodded, swallowing the lump in her throat.
“Impa, I can look after you now. Wouldn’t you like to stay longer? We need you.” Her young voice felt foreign to her in Impa’s presence and she experienced a sudden nostalgia for when they used to work at the Castle, an entire era ago.
A soft chuckle escaped the feeble woman and she squeezed Zelda’s hand a little.
“You are all quite well equipped. I’ll not be having you point that thing at me.”
Zelda leaned in, “Impa, please don’t say that. Purah knows how it works now. You could just have half again, even a quarter. I can’t lose you.” Zelda’s breath became shallow and she started to feel frantic. If Impa was gone, it was one more piece of her life ripped away without her control.
“I’m tired, dear. You have to let me go.” Impa smiled and her tattoo started to glow faintly.
Zelda looked to Purah, who appeared confused, and then to Paya, who was suppressing a panic. She knew what it was and white-knuckled her hands against her chest as tears started streaming down her cheeks.
“Paya? What’s happening?” Zelda asked fearfully.
“Gram- Gramma, no. I’m not ready,” her voice broke and she held Impa’s head gently, leaning over to touch their foreheads together.
The blue became stronger between them and Impa whispered, “You are, my child. You are...”
Zelda felt Impa’s hand go slack. “No, Impa. Impa! We can save you, please!”
The clatter of the slate felt like it could be heard across the village when Purah dropped it and lunged for her sister. Impa’s body became a blue energy that broke across the room as Purah cried, “Impa!”
Link stared in awe at a scene he was all too familiar with. A Sheikah, having fulfilled their duty to Hylia, finally being able to return to an essence.
Zelda started shrieking and he rushed to her, holding her tight and letting her sob into his chest. When the light faded, Zelda’s golden radiance remained, but it offered no warmth.
Outside, Dorian heard the screams and held his position stoically as he stared across the village she loved; the village she had welcomed him into, despite his past and his betrayal. A few tears escaped his rugged features. She was one of the greatest souls he ever knew.
The day after next, residents gathered at the graveyard and a fresh stone was added. It looked out of place next to the other well worn and moss covered ones. Impa’s had the Eye of the Sheikah carved in its face. Zelda stared at it for an age and at the same time, felt like she was staring at nothing at all.
After another two days of cultural observations and preparations, Paya was ready to be presented as the new spiritual leader of Kakariko. Zelda blessed her before the statue of Hylia and then kept to herself during the following festivities. She retired early and bade Link to follow.
Once back in the house, she said to him, “I need to leave.”
He nodded in understanding. “Ok. We’ll leave.”
“What should we tell everyone?”
“That I’m going on a pilgrimage.”
A few days later they made it to Gerudo Town. Riju couldn’t hide her pleasure from the surprise visit, but the mood quickly turned somber when she found out why. The Chieftain offered Zelda a place in her chambers and silenced Buliara’s protest. She would not have a dear friend grieving away in a hotel, protocol be damned.
As much as she tended to defy her right hand’s strict adherence to the rules, she did appreciate that Buliara was always there to remind her of what was done, and what was not done. That way, she knew when she was making an informed decision to do whatever she pleased.
Zelda accepted her offer and hid in Riju’s chambers for days, cuddling the sand seals and moping. When Riju finished her duties, which were more often pushed aside than not so she could try to offer comfort, Zelda remained flighty about discussing her pain.
Link came by occasionally to check on her but Zelda would have him turned away. It was a hard thing to do because she knew she was hurting him, but she needed to get him used to being without her. Since the moment Impa died, she knew what she wanted. And that was to leave. She needed to leave the past that was weighing in her heart like a black hole, devouring all of her present and future into its guilt ridden depths. Hyrule held nothing for her but regret.
Just as she had been doing every evening, Riju asked Zelda if she wanted to come down and join her for dinner. Until now, she’d been politely refused, but tonight, she was pleased to hear something different.
“Could we take dinner here, in your chambers?” Zelda asked from her lounging position on the sofa. She had a Gerudo text in front of her, mildly interested in learning the modern colloquialisms that had developed since she spoke the language with her mother and Urbosa.
“Well... of course, I see no reason why not.” Riju held one arm in the other and tapped her chin thoughtfully. “Is there something you wish to discuss?”
Zelda gave an expression somewhere between conviction and a half smile as she appeared to work up the courage. “Yes.”
“Say no more.”
They conversed well into the night and found a familiarity that was comforting when Riju said, “You know you’re welcome to call me Makeela.” She became nervous when that caused Zelda to fall silent.
Finally she spoke, and Riju’s stomach felt weightless at hearing her name on Zelda’s lips.
“Makeela, I have been wanting to ask if you’d be willing to help me with a serious undertaking.” She placed her fork on her plate and dabbed at her mouth with the napkin, having only finished a third of her meal.
“I would help you in all endeavors. My resources are yours to command.” Riju took a sip of her wine and played with her braid.
“I wish... no.” Zelda looked at her feet because she did not want to see the hurt she knew this would cause her dear friend. “I need to leave Hyrule.”
Riju’s butterflies plummeted and she tried to keep her composure. “For- for how long?”
“I don’t know. Maybe a few years. Maybe forever.” She worried at the fabric of her sirwal but kept her resolve.
“I- well- a trip like that takes weeks to prepare. It is not the usual season that we cross the desert.” Riju stood, placing her unfinished glass on the table and left for the doorway. “I’ll have to see if we can spare the resources.” She frowned, unable to hold in her disappointment any longer. “I’ll let you know tomorrow.”
After Riju left, Zelda exhaled a low sigh and slumped in her chair. She downed the rest of her and Riju’s wine and crashed, unaware of the Chief’s return later that night.
Riju was also already up and gone the next morning. In her place was Link, glaring at her from the sofa. Zelda imagined he was trying to be intimidating but with a large stuffed seal sitting next to him she could only laugh.
His face faltered to one of pleasant surprise as he hadn’t heard her laugh in so long, but he regained his resolve and began his interrogation. “When were you planning on telling me your designs for crossing the borders?”
She wasn’t immediately forthcoming.
“Zelda, I swore an oath and by Hylia I will keep it, but... I have things- and people that I would need to see before going on a pilgrimage like this. I’d appreciate being part of such a big decision.”
Zelda’s humor had faded and she braced herself under his perfectly justified onslaught. “Well, you’re not.”
“I beg your pardon?” he stood up and crossed the room, taking on an imposing figure; quite a feat considering what he was wearing. He loomed over the edge of her trundle bed against the sandstone wall of Riju’s luxurious chambers.
She looked up at him challengingly, “You aren’t coming.”
“What does that even mean?” he spluttered.
She rose to meet his face and squared her jaw. “It means you are staying here so you can deal with the people and things you need to.”
He was about to protest having his words thrown back at him but she continued, throwing a finger in his face, “No, you should start living your own life. All I have ever done is take from you.”
His features softened to concern, “Zelda, that’s not true.”
She walked past him to the alcove of the terrace and looked out at the morning bustle. “It is, you just don’t remember. You fulfilled your destiny Link. You should be free of me.”
“I would never abandon you.”
She heaved a great sigh and closed her eyes. “Just... just promise me you’ll at least think about it?”
He hovered for a moment before acquiescing. “Fine.” He then swept down the stairs in a mood.
She imagined he would go and brood. Probably going to climb one of his mountains. “I’m sorry, Link.”
Riju had become somewhat distant since their evening meal but she assured Zelda that preparations for the caravan were underway and expected to be completed the following week. Initially, the lead Gerudo desert scout was not keen on leaving during an off season, but once she found out that Hylia’s Blessed would be with them, she agreed. As per tradition, there was a festival of worship held before a large trade journey to entreat the Goddess of the Sands and the Seven Heroine ancestors to bless their travels across the barrens.
As the sun set, the decorative lanterns strewn about the main square started glowing different colors and swaths of shimmering, patterned fabrics hung from the stalls and palm trees. Drums began to play as the party who had set out the previous day to provide offerings to the Seven Heroine monoliths returned to take part in the festivities. Once they had completed a prayer they were given the first servings of food and drink. Travelers who were fortunate to be within the town at the time were enthralled when the announcement was made in Gerudo, “You may begin!”
Zelda leaned against a palm tree, absentmindedly tracing the pattern on some of the draped fabrics when she noticed that dancing had begun. She was suddenly reminded of when she was little, watching beautiful women in vibrant colors, hips undulating and slitted skirts swirling hypnotically. Her mother had danced this way with Urbosa and she’d drawn Zelda in, twirling her between them. She was filled with an intense warmth and an incredible sadness all at once and almost left to return to her quarters when she saw Riju.
She was in the middle of the dancers, hair wild and free, draped in a teal sirwal to match her lips. She found Zelda staring and smiled dazzlingly. Riju kept her gaze steady on Zelda for the rest of the dance, only when she turned away would it be broken and then their eyes would lock once more.
Once it was finished, a new drum beat started and the denizens joined in, knowing it was now open to everyone. An overly confident Goron even jumped in, wiggling joyously and taking extra care to not knock anyone over.
Riju bounced over, breathless and elated.
Zelda smiled, “Makeela, that was amazing, I didn’t know you could dance.”
“An offering to the Goddess of the Sands. Anyone can join in now. Come join with me,” she held out her hand, bracelets jingling melodically.
Zelda hesitated for a moment, remembering the joy she felt dancing so, so long ago. She then placed her hand in Riju’s and allowed herself to be transported. If only for tonight.
The beat was energetic and the movements were such that they were mostly apart, Zelda trying humorously to get her hips swinging the same way; but when they came together, the warmth of Riju’s hand would cause a shiver of excitement to run all the way to her toes and she was thankful that her blush was hidden by the exertion.
Teal and white swirled through the crowds, long red and golden tresses whipped as they spun. They were constantly laughing, apologizing to those they bumped into because they only saw each other. For a few moments, Zelda felt happy.
The next couple of days passed by in a bit of a haze. Zelda had finally emerged from Riju’s chambers and explored Gerudo Town one last time before her trip. Her heart was heavy, now burdened with the prospect of yet even another loss, but her resolve remained.
She partook in various activities to try and distract herself from the waiting, and even indulged at the Oasis. She melted away during the treatment but the moment she was back outside shielding her eyes from the sun with her hand, she saw a familiar Hylian vai waiting for her. The weight in her stomach returned and she stole herself for what was to come.
She approached him, indicating that she was ready to have it out.
“I have done as you asked,” he said flatly.
“I’ve decided to come with you.”
She closed her eyes and inhaled through her nose before looking at him. “Let’s talk about this somewhere else.”
As they moved away, a stall holder scrunched her nose in disappointment.
When they reached a secluded space between some sandstone walls and storage crates she surprised him by outright apologizing. “Link, I’m sorry. The way I spoke to you before... made it sound like you had a choice.”
Confusion and anger crossed his features and she continued before he could speak, “I’m going and you will build your own life here like you always should have been allowed to do. I’m ordering you to.”
“But- my oath. I must keep you safe-”
“You can’t even remember taking your oath,” she spat impatiently. It was cruel. But he needed to be convinced. “If you wish to be beholden to oaths, then I, Princess Zelda of Hyrule, hereby release you of your duty and order you to live your own life.”
“You are my only life,” he said softly. “Zel, you’re all I’ve known since I woke up.”
She was caught off guard and speechless for a few moments, then reached out to his shoulders and pulled his forehead against hers, closing her eyes. “I’m so sorry. Hylia always takes everything from her Hero.”
He wrapped his arms around her and they shared an embrace of kinship only known to the souls of the past who also bore the pieces of courage and wisdom. When she pulled away, her brows furrowed in pain. “If you won’t be parted from me for your own sake then I need you to do it for mine.”
“What do you mean?”
She sat on one of the crates, the rejuvenating energy she regained at the Oasis already drained, swallowed up by her distress. “I don’t think I can heal here. Everything reminds me of my failure and the losses I have sustained. With Impa gone, I just... I can’t anymore. I need to be free of this place and everyone in it. Including you.”
He knelt before her and pulled out a folded piece of paper. “At least take them with you, just in case,” he entreated.
She opened it tentatively and faltered, shaking her head. It was the photo of the two of them with the Champions. He’d kept it with him all this time.
“No,” she refused kindly, placing one hand on her heart and holding it back out for him. “I have them here. You need this more than me.”
On top of everything else she regretted, Link had never regained his memories. She had occasionally tried telling him stories of their lives, but it always became too painful and eventually he stopped asking.
He nodded and returned it to its place in a pocket against his breast. He then drew the Master Sword from his back and held it horizontally before him. They regarded each other sadly and she tilted her head forwards to acknowledge his ceremony.
“I, Link, Knight of Hyrule, renounce my sworn duty to the Crown Princess... at the behest of my dear friend, Zelda.”
She smiled through a chin wobble and nodded her thanks, unable to form words.
He stood and sheathed the blade, a fleeting thought crossing his mind that the next leg of this pilgrimage would be returning it to its resting place in the Korok Forest. He drew her up into hug and stroked her hair. “I’ll miss you.”
A tear dropped onto his shoulder and she let go to hold his face, realizing it may be the last time she looks upon it. She kissed him. “Thank you. For taking care of me.”
He nodded once and then slipped away as her hands fell back to her sides, scrunching her sirwal.
Zelda returned to Riju’s room and stood numbly for a few moments. She didn’t know what to do with herself and listlessly looked around. She nearly decided on diving into the stuffed seals but then spied the inviting pool close to the foot of her bed. She would wash. Just wash the whole day away.
She perused the shelf of bathing accoutrements as she tied up her hair and picked a few promising items. She dropped two large rubies in to heat the water and an aromafizz that smelled of lemongrass. When the bath was bubbling away, she shed her clothes, folded them neatly on her bed and stepped in, sighing with pleasure. She settled her head on a folded towel at the edge and tried to think of nothing while playing with the ruby under the water. The bubbles had come up a lovely pale yellow and she balanced some on her knees, making little wobbly peaks.
Not long after, Riju came in and exclaimed, “Oh, what a perfect idea. Mind if I join you?” She was already taking off her headdress before waiting for an answer and when Zelda managed to squeak a yes, she started leaving a trail of shoes, top and skirt all the way to the water.
Zelda knew that public bathing was common place for Gerudo but she still politely averted her eyes until Riju was under the bubbles and situating her large braid behind her neck to act as her pillow. Once she was finally settled she let out a big sigh. “Yes, this is just what I needed.”
They relaxed in a companionable silence for quite some time, before Zelda oddly felt compelled to talk about what had happened. She opened her eyes and looked over at Riju. “I sent Link away today.”
“What?” Riju jerked her head up so quickly that her braid fell into the water.
“Sorry,” Zelda exclaimed but Riju waved away her concern.
“Why did you send him away?”
“He should be living his own life, not tethered to me anymore.”
“But who will look out for you when you cross the desert? I mean, on occasion a Gerudo will stay, but usually just for one rotation-” she suddenly looked hopeful. “Does this mean you are not going?”
Zelda stared into Riju’s eager eyes and her resolve faltered. “I- I’m not sure.” The sudden and seemingly permanent departure of someone who had been by her side for seven years made her long for closeness. And Riju clearly cared for her. Did she also, in return?
She started to play with Riju’s braid under the water, removing the tie and unwinding the tresses. Riju closed her eyes in pleasure, feeling the gentle tugs like a scalp massage. She leaned forward and with a wet, soapy hand, tamed one of Zelda’s fly aways before letting her nails glide down her cheek onto her neck. Zelda shivered under her ghostly touch and her lips parted as she gazed at Riju through half-lidded eyes.
“Makeela,” she said softly.
Riju drew the small woman into her chest and kissed her tenderly, as much a comforting gesture as it was an exploration. Zelda yielded to her and caressed her shoulders and neck, deepening their connection. Her hands started to glow golden and Riju gave a start at the sensation, pulling back in surprise. “What is that?”
“I- I honestly don’t know. My power- but it has never done this before.”
Riju raised a curious eyebrow. “Have you ever done this before?”
Zelda spluttered and Riju laughed playfully. “Come here, I’ll give you something to glow about.” She winked.
They were in each other’s arms every available moment Riju had over the next two days. Things felt easy between them. So easy, that assumptions were made. And conversations that perhaps should have been started, never were.
Until the morning of the trade caravan.
Zelda untangled herself from Riju’s limbs and slipped out of bed to start packing. She had already planned what minimal items to take. Just the essentials that she would need for the road and plenty of money to be able to get herself started on the other side. She kept sparing guilty glances over at her lover’s sleeping form. She should never have allowed herself to indulge. Her moment of weakness was going to break this woman’s heart.
She sighed and went to collect some breakfast. When she returned and set her things down on the table she saw Riju was sitting up in bed, staring at her bag. Her brows were furrowed and without looking at Zelda,  stated, “You’re packing.”
Zelda stood still awkwardly before answering, “Yes.”
“But we- Zelda, we’re together now. I thought...” She trailed off, the growing pain evident in her voice.
“Come and have breakfast.”
Riju threw the covers off and approached angrily. “Nothing’s going in that won’t come straight back out. Explain!”
“Makeela, I told you that I need to leave-”
“That was before any of- of-,” she gestured between them, “this!”
Zelda reached for Riju’s hand, not knowing how to reconcile her new feelings with her truth. She knew she still needed to leave. “Why not come with me?” she suggested foolishly, knowing that it was impossible, but holding a faint hope that somehow, Riju would say yes.
Riju let her anger flare, unable to understand the selfishness. “Unlike you, I can’t just leave my people,” she spat, pulling her hand away.
Zelda appeared as if she’d been slapped and Riju immediately regretted lashing out.
“Keela,” Zelda said softly, lip trembling, “all my people are dead. I can’t... I can’t escape my past.” Her eyes began to sting with tears. “All those years, in that thing,” she heaved, suddenly looking frightened. “I don’t know who I am anymore.” The dam burst and she shuddered.
Riju enveloped her into a tight embrace from which Zelda derived no comfort, lost again in the darkness of a hundred years. Her tears fell golden and a light grew over them both, Hylia trying to heal her broken heart.
“Everyone is gone. My family, my friends. Purah is different, and Robbie is also not long for this world. And Impa, she wouldn’t stay. I begged her! I’ve lost Impa,” she wailed.
Riju was horrified that something she said caused such a visceral reaction. She lifted Zelda’s face to her own and wiped her tears, staring frantically into her eyes, “I’m sorry, Zelda, I’m so sorry. You have me.” She kissed her and a tear rolled down her cheek, emotions now taking them both. She pulled away to search Zelda’s deadened gaze. “I love you.”
Riju leaned in again, softer this time, and she felt a slight pressure of return just before Zelda put her hands over hers and lowered them from her face, ending the kiss.
“I... I wish I could say it back.”
Riju’s heart plummeted and it showed, though she tried to hide it.
Zelda squeezed her hands. “It’s not that I wouldn’t. I just... I can’t love anyone else until I learn to forgive myself. I have felt nothing but pain and regret since my escape, no matter what I try. Please-”
“It’s ok, I understand. Just promise me you’ll be safe.”
“Hylia is with me. And now you will be, too.”
For @aviatordame
13 notes · View notes
maybe-your-left · 4 years
Cowboy Blues: Rhinestone Cowboy
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Here is a link to my Masterlist with all the WIP I have! 
Clyde wasted no time making you cum after you screamed at the top of your lungs when Mellie hung up. Rolling off of him onto the floor you blew into the bathroom. Showering away the tears, and other bodily fluids that stained your body. You heard the bed creak and footsteps leading to the bathroom. 
“Y’okay sunshine?” Clyde spoke from behind the shower doors. 
You couldn’t respond. You were so upset with yourself, you just needed to wash away the sins and go face Mellie with a somewhat clear conscience. The door cracked slightly and Clyde peered inside, concern coloring his face. 
“Do y’ want me t’ wait outside?” 
“No, I just, I don’t,” you hiccuped between breaths, “Just get in dammit.” 
He quickly slipped in and positioned himself behind you and tried to get under the water to clean his face and hand from your juices. 
“I just feel shitty, not about what we did, just that I forgot about her…” 
“I know, I forgot too, y’ don’ have t’ be so harsh on yerself.” 
“Ughhhh,” you let out and laid your head against Clydes’ broad chest. “I’m not mad at you, I just wish Mellie wasn’t mad at me.” 
“She’ll get over it, don’ worry.” He kissed the top of your head and wrapped his arms around you, his hand tracing up and down your spine. You looked up at him and placed a kiss on his beard. 
“Thank you,” you sighed, “Now let’s wash off and get going.”
The ride to Duck Tape was quick, Clyde told you to follow him to the salon since you had never been before. You decided to drive in silence, wrecking your brain trying to figure out how to casually talk about your phone conversation. Had she really heard Clyde? Was she just messing with you? Clyde was sure Mellie would get over it, in fact, he said she was rooting for the two of you and was one of the masterminds behind getting you to the bar. So it was kind of her fault you ended up together. No like she forced you to ride his beautiful face but come on there was room to share the blame. 
The both of you pulled into the salon and you shut off your car and made it out as slowly as possible. You were dragging your feet to the front door, even though Clyde was far enough in front to hold the door open you semi wished he had gone inside by himself. 
Mellie was sitting in a salon chair, arms crossed, legs crossed, tapping her heel away on the tile. She stared at the two of you with unforgiving eyes, it felt like she was staring into your soul. 
“Hey Mellie, we made it…” you stuttered. 
“I take it y’all had a nice morning?” her eyes narrowed at the both of you. 
Gulping you looked at Clyde who was trying his hardest not to make eye contact with his sister. You were on your own. 
“I’m really so-“
Mellie burst out in laughter. 
“You two look so damn guilty!” She started holding her sides and tried to calm herself down but burst into another fit of giggles when Clyde turned around and walked outside. 
“I can’t even believe you answered your phone!” she motioned out to Clyde, “while doing THAT, with Clyde!” 
“Mellie I’m sorry, I wasn’t expecting-“ you tried to explain yourself but found her laughter infectious. You started laughing and Mellie ran over to you and took you in a hug. 
“Now I know you’re sorry, just don’t make me go through that again, please.” 
“I won't, I promise!” 
You felt so relieved. You thought she was mad at you, but really she was so tickled by how stupid you were and clearly how horny you were to just answer the phone during a moment like that. She explained that her husband had always tried to do shit like that when she was on the phone but she never let him get away with it. You seemed to have changed her mind though. 
After a few minutes chatting about your evening, leaving out spicy bits for Clyde's benefit, you went outside to wrangle in Clyde. 
“You can come in now, she's not mad at us,” walking over to him sitting on the hood of his car. 
“I know she ain’t,” he sighed “it’s embarrassin’ though, I don’ want her thinkin’ of me like that.” 
“Don’t beat yourself up, now let’s get our hair cut and just move on with our day, okay?” 
Clyde grumbled as you pulled him up by his hands. Following you back inside Mellie did Clyde's hair first, seeming to try and get him to relax. You tried to strike up a conversation with Mellie since he was in no mood. 
“So Mellie, who is your husband?” you couldn’t remember if she had told you last night or not so it seemed like a good starting point.
“Oh his name's Joe Bang, we’ve been together for a couple years.” 
“How’d you two meet?” 
Mellie paused and shared a weird look with Clyde before answering. 
“Um I met him in 2017, he and Clyde were in prison-“ 
“Mellie,” Clyde growled at her. 
Prison? Clyde was in prison? This was news… 
“Wait what? Clyde, you were in prison?” you stared at him dumbfounded. How long was he in prison, why would Mellie marry a convict that Clyde met? Why did this never come up!? 
“Anyway, I started seein’ Joe after he got out and we got married about a year ago.”
“Oh okay… well, that’s nice,” you were trying to play off the bombshell that she dropped. 
Clyde's hair was finished in silence, as the two of you switched seats he hovered over you. 
“Sunshine, I gotta head home n’ take care of the horses n’ Leroy. I’ll be at the bar if y’ what t’ stop by.” 
“Okay, I’ll see you later?” offering him a smile in hopes he would tell you about the ‘prison’ thing at some point. Leaning down he kissed your forehead before walking out. 
Clyde did not want to leave yet. He was so worried about Mellie and (Y/N) being alone together. There were so many things they could talk about in his absence. He wasn’t sure how the salon trip was going to go but he did not expect it turning out like that. He wasn’t expecting Mellie to start laughing at them when they came in, nor was he expecting her to bring up his time at Monroe.
He wasn’t ready to tell (Y/N) bout that yet, he was scared she would run away. He didn’t want her thinkin’ he was a criminal, he wasn’, he just didn’ drive ‘legally’ and he may have robbed a speedway. 
No big deal right? 
It wasn’ long before Clyde made it home. He was greeted by Leroy at the front door who was so happy to see him. He had Earl come by and give him his medicine last night, and he was sure he hadn’t fed him enough. 
“Come on in Leroy, let’s get y’ some late breakfast.” 
Clyde was a good pet owner. He didn’ feed Leroy any artificial shit that clogged their arteries. He was a firm believer in givin’ dogs natural foods. So he was spoiled. Spoiled rotten, every mornin’ Clyde would make Leroy some bacon n eggs and they’d sit together before seein’ the horses. It wasn’ that Clyde meant to overfeed him, he just would beg him if he didn’ share his food and he couldn’ stand his puppy eyes. 
Clyde took the same care with feeding out to the horses, making sure that they were well fed with the best oats and hay that money could buy. Since he took them to shows he wanted to make sure their coats were shiny and they were healthy weights all year round. 
The silence around the barn calmed him, he had had a rough go of things as of late. Ever since meetin’ (Y/N), his usual routines were plagued with emptiness. He had felt it the day he met her and couldn’ shake the feelin’ that he was missin’ out on her company. 
She had such a warmth to her, genuine and caring. Albeit clumsy and a lil stubborn but she seemed to like him which in theory should’ve been enough. But no. 
It wasn’ enough. 
Every time Clyde was around (Y/N) he felt like he couldn’ get enough. He needed to show her how he felt, but now he was worried that she would be scared away from him. 
Makin’ his way back to the house he heard a beep from the answering machine. A message? Must’ve just missed the call… 
“Hey Clyde, it’s (Y/N). I just got done with my hair and was hopin’ we could talk and stuff. Call me back?” 
Clyde quickly grabbed the phone and began dialin’ (Y/N)’s number. He was prepared for the worst, she would want him to leave her alone after this mornin’. Clearly Mellie had told her about his sentencin’ and now she thinks he’s a know good criminal. He held his breath until the phone picked up. 
“Hello, this is (Y/N).”
“Hi, it’s Clyde,” he cleared his throat, “M’ sorry I missed yer call.”
“Oh, Hi Clyde!” 
“What did y’ want t’ talk about?”
A pause. 
“Well I just,” (Y/N) let out a long breath, this was it, “I just wanted to talk about us…I just don’t feel comfortable continuing-”
Clyde took a deep breath, “Ya I know darlin’, M sorry fer puttin’ y’ in those situations. I’ll let y’ be-”
“Clyde, will you let me finish?”
“O’course, sorry.” 
“I don’t feel comfortable continuing without us being…” another pause, “exclusive?”
Clyde dropped the phone. He was so sure she was goin’ to call and tell him to take a hike but now? Now she was tellin’ HIM, that she wanted to be exclusive! He scrambled and picked the phone up and (Y/N) didn’ seem to notice he was absent since she was still prattlin’ on ‘bout their situation. 
“Would y’ like t’ do horseback ridin’ Saturday?” he interrupted her word vomit. 
“Uh, well yes, but that doesn’t answer my earlier-”
“M’ not gonna ask y’ on the phone t’ be my girl, so jus’ be ready fer Saturday.” 
“Okay, I’ll see you Saturday, bye Clyde.”
“Bye Sunshine.”
You hung up the phone after Clyde said goodbye and nearly screamed into your pillow. You couldn’t believe Clyde was taking you horseback riding, it had been years since you rode one. Not since your days back in Montana for vet school. You didn’t even own riding clothes. You would have to go shopping, maybe Mellie would go with you and get you all set up before Saturday. 
It was a whole week away so you had time to prep, you were so relieved that Clyde had asked you out. It wasn’t a traditional date but Clyde wasn’t really a traditional guy you were finding out. Mellie had told you all about him after he left the salon. 
About how back in high school he was on the rodeo team and rode broncos at the fairs, Jimmy their oldest brother apparently was the football star so Clyde had tried to make himself someone different. Mellie also told you about him going overseas to Iraq. You didn’t want to pry Clyde about his arm but you had noticed his tattoo while the two of you were intimate and obviously had to ask someone. Apparently Clyde was a Green Beret in the Army for two tours before he was discharged due to the bomb blowing his lower forearm off. You couldn’t believe that he still was so independent. That type of injury had to have been so traumatic, but it was clear he took comfort in the animals and people he surrounded himself in. 
Walking over to your closet you ripped through half your clothes to try and find an appropriate outfit for riding. What was Clyde planning? Were you just doing a day ride, or were you doing an overnight camping trip? You should’ve asked more questions. Whipping through dozens of drawers of clothes you found nothing. Nothing that screamed ‘please make me your girlfriend’ with subtle tones of ‘fuck me in the bushes’. 
You wasted about ten minutes before caving and calling Mellie, telling her all about Clydes ‘plan’ to take you riding after you pushed about your relationship. Mellie squealed when she heard that Clyde was taking you on a ride and insisted on just the place to go shopping tomorrow for your outfit. 
Monday morning had come quickly and you were eager to get done so you could meet Mellie at the salon. You had no clue what to buy but you had been browsing online at boots and already had a few in mind. 
You also were meant to stop and grab some intimate wear in case things got spicy with Clyde while on the ride. 
Patients were coming in left and right, you barely had time to breathe between rooms. Between the vaccines and frantic pet owners coming in because their animals were overheating in the West Virginian heat, you couldn’t catch a break. 
Finally, 2 o’clock rolled by and you could check your phone and eat your lunch before closing in an hour. Plopping down in your office you started inhaling food and scrolled through your notifications. Texts and phone calls from patients were all over along with Snapchat’s from your old college friends, but one text caught your eye. 
It was an unknown number. 
Hi Sunshine, can I ask you a question? 
Must be Clyde, he’s the only one that calls you that. 
Of course, what’s up? 
Setting your phone down to gather your stuff to head to Mellies, it buzzed again. 
Are you allergic to anything? 
What? What could he possibly be asking about your allergies for? 
TAGLIST: @finn-ray-nal-beads​ @morby​ @clumsycopy​ @desiraypark​ @kirah36​ @onlykyloscenes
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cauliflowercounty · 5 years
The Babysitter (Clyde Logan x Reader)
Warnings:  None
     A buzzing erupts from Clyde's pocket and he grumbles in return, putting down his beer on the coffee table in his trailer.  He hates his phone, to be honest.  The buttons are too small for his fingers and it takes him forever to respond to anyone one-handed, but Mellie insists he needs one, saying he’ll “never know when his back’ll be against the wall” or something like that.  He fumbles around in his pocket for the device and pulls it out, recognizing that Mellie is actually the one calling him now.  
     “Hey, Mel.  Is everythin’ okay?” he asks after raising the phone to his ear after accepting the call. He can hear music in the background and people cheering.  “I know you’re goin’ on a date now.  Need me to pick you up?”
     “No, Clyde.  The date is going great, actually,” Mellie insists and Clyde’s chest relaxes.  He hates the thought of his little sister on a disastrous date, but he’ll be there for her if it is.  “You know Jimmy is to have Sadie and this week since Bobbie Jo and Moody are out of town on vacation and the Chapman kids are at their aunt’s place, right?”
     “Yeah, Mel,” Clyde replies as he remembers how ecstatic Jimmy was when he got the call from Bobbie Jo saying he could have Sadie for longer than an afternoon.  
     “Jimmy had to go on an extra-long shift at the hardware store... somethin’ about them bein’ short-handed.  He left her with me for the whole day, but I had this date and I couldn’t cancel.  I did get a babysitter for Sadie, the one Sadie really likes- thank goodness she could come- but I forgot to leave her a check,” Mellie explains wearily.  “Hold on, David.  I’m talkin’ to my brother!  Sorry about that, Clyde.  Her pay is $50.  I’ll pay you back the next time I see you.  Could you do this just this once, please?”
    “O’course,” he says immediately.  “She at your place?”
     “Yeah.  Thanks, Clyde.  I’ll call y/n to tell her that you’re stoppin’ by,” Mellie says into the phone and hangs up. Clyde puts his beer into the fridge and pulls on one of his flannels.  Grabbing his car keys and his checkbook, he heads out the door and hops in his car, quickly arriving at Mellie’s.  He walks up to the door and knocks twice. Immediately, he hears some shouting coming from behind it.  The door swings open wildly and Sadie throws herself into Clyde’s arms.
     “Hey, Uncle Clyde!” Sadie exclaims.  Clyde smiles down at Sadie, immediately noticing that she’s got some eye shadow and mascara on with a little bit of eyeliner to match.  “Y/n and I are doing some makeup!  She’s helping me try out new things and then we’re gonna make a tiramisu!  It’s chocolate, and coffee... ladyfingers, and this fancy cheese called mar... marn... What is it, y/n?”
     “Marscapone,” you say to Sadie, coming into view from the other room with a tube of lip gloss in your hand, and Clyde’s heart jumpstarts and his cheeks flush a light rose.  Your smile is beautiful he can tell you like being around Sadie. “Found that lip gloss you were wanting, Sadie.  Do you think you like this color or do you think we should choose a pinker one?”
     “I like this one!  Thanks, y/n!” Sadie shouts, rushing over to take the tube from you then dashing to the bathroom for a mirror.  
     “Don’t go crazy, now!” you call as she ducks out of sight.  You turn to Clyde with a warm smile.  “Hi.  I’m y/n.  You must be Clyde.  Mellie called to say her brother was coming,” you say with a little blush.  You hadn’t expected Clyde to be this tall and handsome, then again he was related to both Mellie and Jimmy.  You reach out your hand to shake his.
     “Hi...,” Clyde trails off, enamored with you.  He shakily extends his hand, too.  Your grip is firm and confident, yet delicate.  As he’s shaking your hand he notices his heart is racing a mile a minute.  Nervous, he retracts his hand and he looks down to make eye contact as you smile to him.  “Well, I was supposed to come by and drop you off a check...”
     Clyde reaches into his pocket, taking out his checkbook and quickly scribbling on it with a nearby pen as Sadie comes back, skipping to his side.
     “What do you think, Uncle Clyde?” she says gleefully, doing a small twirl.
     “It looks great,” he says to his nice.
     “Hey, Uncle Clyde.  Guess what,” Sadie says in a sing-song voice.
     “What is it, Sadie?” 
     “Y/n is readin’ that book that you were a week ago!”  Sadie explains.  “Y/n likes readin’, too.  She’s read all the classics that you have.  And her favorite book is the same!”
     Clyde feels his cheeks get hot and there’s a small part of him that twinges in disbelief. He’d have expected you to be quite opposite him and it’s almost too good to be true, what Sadie is saying.
     “Y’know, y/n. My Uncle Clyde is a bartender.  He owns his own place of the highway.  It’s called Duck Tape.  Like duct tape, but what people say when they don’t know it’s for air ducts,” Sadie rambles.  His heart swelling, Clyde wonders why he never met you in the past and how good a match you two’d be based on what Sadie’s said.  “Y/n likes some of the same things you do, Uncle Clyde.  She likes her bacon burnt and good drinks.  I know that because I over-hear her and Daddy talkin’ sometimes after they think I’ve gone to bed.  She likes old country music classics, too, and Bob Seger.”
     “Okay, okay.  That’s enough, Sadie,” you smile to her.  “I’m going to get out the ingredients.  And Clyde?”
     Clyde’s ears perk up and his heart warms at the sound of his name coming off your lips.  He could definitely get used to that sound.  
     “Thanks for dropping off the check.  I don’t know why Mellie insisted it happen tonight and dragged you into this.  It really wasn’t a big issue I wasn’t paid tonight, but I’m thankful you’re here,” you say softly, disappearing into the kitchen.  As soon as you’re out of the room, Sadie rushes up to Clyde again.
    “What do you think, Uncle Clyde?” she whispers to him.
     “What do you mean, Sadie?”
     “Of y/n.  She likes all the stuff you like.  And she’s single,” Sadie adds, trying to get Clyde to say something about you.  “She had a boyfriend named Derek a while ago.  I didn’t like him.  He was a flake and left her for someone named Mary-Beth.  Aunt Mellie and I agree she deserves better.”
     “You can’t be implyin’ what I think you are, Sadie.”
     “I am, Uncle Clyde.  You should ask her out,” Sadie insists.
     “I just met her, Sadie,” Clyde replies, wishing he could ask you out, imagining you both sitting at a table in a nice restaurant.  He’d wear a suit and you’d look lovely.  You’d talk, laugh, eat, bond and at the end of the night, he’d drive you home, hold your hands and say he enjoyed the night and hopes you’ll do it again.  “I would be inappropriate...”
     “But-” Sadie begins to protest, but just as she starts, Mellie comes through the door.  As soon as Mellie sees Clyde, she sighs.
     “You were right, Clyde.  The date was a bust,” Mellie admits, throwing her keys down.  “Sorry I had to leave you, Sadie, but I see you and y/n are havin’ fun.”
     “We were just about to start cookin’,” Sadie smiles.  “Tiramisu!”
     “Welcome back, Mellie,” you say, coming back into the room
     “Thank you so much, y/n.  I owe you a favor,” Mellie smiles.  
     “It’s nothing.  Sadie here,” you say giving her a hug.  “... is so much fun.”
     You say your goodbyes and leave, closing the door behind you and Clyde is sad to see you go.  He watches through the window shades as you turn your lights on, back out, drive away.  A twinge of regret washes over him and his heart that was soaring only moments ago has hit rock bottom again.  Clyde guesses it’s fate.  It’s the Logan family curse.  
     “Aunt Mellie, he didn't do it!” Sadie complains.  “And we made it so easy for him!  I even laid it out for him just like you said!”
     “Clyde...!” Mellie laughs.  “Did we do all that work for nothin’?  We were tryin’ to set you up with her...”
     “You can’t be serious, Mel,” Clyde gasps, adamantly trying to deny his sister and his niece would ever try something like that.  It’s impossible that anyone would even think Clyde could be with someone like you.
     “Dead serious.  We’ve been wantin’ you and her to meet for months now.  Jimmy’s even in on this, too, Clyde” Mellie explains, crossing her arms.
     “I can’t believe he didn’t pick up on it,” Sadie says to Mellie, whose shoulders relax as she goes up to her brother, placing a hand on his shoulder, knowing partially why he didn’t make a move while it was so easy was because he’s still a little insecure about his arm and unable to believe pretty girls are even capable of liking him.
     “Do you like her, Clyde?”  Mellie asks, looking at her brother in the eyes, hoping he does.
     “Y-yeah...,” Clyde says under his breath, disappointed in himself.  Something good was within his grasp and he let you slip through.  “She seems kind-hearted and sweet.  She didn’t comment on my arm or stare at me like others do.”
     “And she likes reading!” Sadie interjects, making Clyde smile.
     “... and she likes reading,” Clyde grins, thinking of going to a coffee shop or the library with you and spending hours in their curled up with some good books and you.  Mellie exhales, but smiles, grabbing a pen and some notebook paper.
     “Here’s her number, Clyde,” Mellie says.  “Good luck.”
     “Good luck, Uncle Clyde!” Sadie calls as he folds the slip of paper and heads out the door, the excitement back in his heart.
     Five months later, Clyde wakes up, groggy from sleep.  He rolls over and wraps his arms around you, running his thumbs over your skin, nuzzling his nose into your neck.  You giggle as his facial hair tickles.
     “Good Morning, Clyde,” you grin, turning to face him, giving him a soft smile.  He mumbles a good morning to you, too, as he places a soft kiss on your lips.  ‘Clyde, I have morning breath!” you laugh, placing your fingertips on his lips.
     “So?” Clyde coos, going back in for another kiss.  “I love you,” he whispers.
     “I love you, too, Clyde,” you reply, wrapping your arms around him, holding him close, hoping you’ll never have to let go.  “Remember we’re meeting up with Jimmy, Mellie, and Sadie for lunch today, so we can’t dawdle.”
    “Mmhmm,” Clyde mumbles.  “Remind me to thank them again for settin’ us up.”
     “You always say that when we go to meet up with them!” you smile with a small chuckle.
     “Well, I owe ‘em a lot.  Without them, we wouldn’t be like this together and I would have missed out on the best five months of my life...,” Clyde beams, looking into your eyes and cupping your cheek tenderly.  
     “You can’t mean that, Clyde.  What about your childhood or your time with your military buddies?” you suggest.  Clyde only shakes his head.
     “No, Darlin’.  You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” Clyde replies, holding you tight.  “and I swear to you.  I’m tellin’ the truth and I’m so grateful that you’re here in my life.”
     “The felling’s mutual, Clyde.  Promise me this’ll never end?” you ask, hoping that this risk you’re taking won’t be in vain.
     “Of course.  I’d rather relive the day I lost m’arm on repeat than leave you.”
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kylo-rens-scar · 4 years
Weekend (Clyde Logan x Reader) 6k (!!!)
Note: Two years of extreme on and off writing and now I finally have something! Answering the prompt of “I'm so excited to see this and currently am looking forward! :D How about something fluffy as a good start for the audience?” from @creamyvanillalove Hope you and everyone enjoys it! This is actually part of a series of multiple one-shots I have cooking, because thinking about my dream life with Clyde Logan has been one of the only constants in my life for the past few years.
Sleeping in until 10 am on a Saturday was something rare in the Logan household especially with 22 month old triplets. Clyde came home around 2:30 from the bar and was still sleeping. You kiss him on the cheek and get out of bed, making your way to the bathroom. You throw on some yoga pants and wash your face. It’s surprisingly quiet in the house, and you thank the lord above the boys are still asleep. You have some much needed emails to catch up on.
You walk into the kitchen and turn on the coffee, and start to think what to make for breakfast today. You spot some overly ripe bananas Clyde swore he was going to eat a few days ago when you bought them, and yet there they were. Banana pancakes it is then. The boys are not too picky with breakfast so this would be easy for everyone. And Clyde would finally eat the bananas.
You are finally able to sit down at the dining room table to check your email when the first fussing is heard from matts monitor.
You make your way to his room and slowly open the door to find him standing up in his crib, rubbing his sleepy eyes and scrunching his face
“Good morning sweet boy,” you coo as you grab his glasses and put them on him. He yawns and makes grabby hands up at you and you pick him up. After quickly changing his diaper, you scoop him back up and carry him to the upstairs family room. You put Matt on the couch and turned the tv on quietly to Paw Patrol. Someday, you want to get they boys a dog, but they’re too young. Matt is immediately engaged to what ever show is on and you go back to finally checking your email.
Ben is the next to get up, but he sounds more of screaming bloody murder when he wakes up, something you pray to god he grows out of. And as usual, he’s fine, nothing’s wrong with him. As soon as you open his bedroom door, the screaming stops and regular crying begins. Very typical of Ben. The crying turns into sniffles when you pick him up.
After another quick diaper change, ben is plopped down next to Matt, both now engaged in the morning cartoon. Taking after his father, you know kylo will very much sleep until noon or later, so you let him sleep a little longer, so you can get to those dang emails.
About halfway through your inbox, you hear shuffling downstairs, and then slow footsteps up the stairs. He walks up to Matt and Ben an ruffles their hair before sitting down next to you on the couch. They boys were too engaged in to the tv to really notice their father. Clyde puts his arm around you then kisses your temple. You’re finishing up you last reply and smile.
“Where’s kylo?” Clyde yawns.
“Still sleeping, I checked on him when I got the other two up and he was still sound asleep.”
“Hmmph” he grunts as he sips some of his coffee. Clyde isn’t that big of a morning person, especially after a long night at the bar.
You close your computer and and stretch. Y’all have a busy day today and you were pretty sure Clyde didn’t hear you last night about it.
“Honey you and the boys are getting hair cuts this afternoon then we have that football tailgate party with the colwells tonight but before then I have to run to the store and get some things for them. I told Them I’d bring dessert and some tortilla chips. Clyde did you even hear a word I said?”
“Huh? Yeah I got everythin’ what time we leaving?”
“I’m hopin’ by 1:45, your sister said anytime after 1:30 was fine for us to head over to the salon”
“Why ain’t you getting you’re hair done?”
“Because I get mine done during the week when the boys are at daycare”
The two of you sit in comfortable silence for a little bit, Clyde was still waking up and the boys were still glued to the tv, with occasional chatter from them. It was about 11:15 and you decided to get Kylo up finally. You told Clyde to bring Matt and Ben downstairs for breakfast while you woke up the last triplet.
Kylo was sound asleep still when you walked into his room. You opened the binds slowly to let the sunshine in. He stretched and yawned, then standing in his crib with a sleepy smile.
Kylo was the furthest along in potty training. He usually could hold it in at night and sometimes let you know when he had to go. Matt was the next furthest but usually didn’t have a dry night or could hold it in time to tell you. He tries as best he can but gets frustrated a lot. And then Ben showed absolutely no interest yet.
It was another dry night so after you took his diaper off you set him on his training potty. You praised him after he went and you let him put a sticker on the potty poster before heading back down with the rest of your family.
Clyde had Ben sitting on the counter, Matt in one arm and had a carton of eggs in his other hand. Ben was just about to get into the flour before you quickly whisked it away from his reach. Disappointed, Ben huffed and crossed his arms and looked at the ground, something he copied from Clyde a couple months ago. You ruffled his hair and helped Clyde by taking the egg carton and giving him kylo.
“Darlin I had things under control down here, we was just about to start fixin breakfast.” He protested
“You can help by putting the kids in their seats and getting their sippy cups.” You reply, kissing his cheek. “also kylo had another dry night!”
“Good job bud!” Clyde says and kisses his forehead.
With breakfast underway and the boys settled down in their seats, Clyde takes a moment to stare out into the backyard. He noticed the leaves in the tree line were beginning to rust into beautiful crimsons and oranges. Fall is Clyde’s favorite season. The changing of the leaves, cooler days, shorter days, warm drinks, you’d think he’s a basic white girl. Some mornings he’d see some turkey or deer rummaging in the grass, even a black bear once. This morning was quiet out there, nothing to be seen.
“Clyde honey, are you okay? I’ve been callin at ya for the past few minutes” You ask walking up him an putting your hand on his arm.
“Wha? Yea I’m fine darlin’, just zoned out for a lil bit. Sorry I wasn’t paying attention.” He apologized and kissed your cheek.
“Well breakfast is ready and we got a big day ahead of us.”
After breakfast, you take the boys to your bathroom to bathe them and you send Clyde upstairs to get their outfits. You were smart enough the night before when you put the boys to sleep that you had their clothes out and ready.
Bathing three squirmy little boys was something you managed to master very quickly. Each one liked doing their own thing in the bath. Matt enjoys drawing with the bath crayons on the tub wall, Ben likes any kind of bath toys and Kylo prefers the bathtub stickers. Kylo is usually first, then Matt, and finally Ben. As each little one was finished you wrapped them in their towels and sat them on your vanity bench in the bathroom. Most of the time they will sit there and wait for Clyde to get them ready one by one, but sometimes they crawl down and scamper off to the closet and get into trouble. Today was one of those days.
Matt was sitting perfectly content on the bench with Kylo until he spotted his daddy’s shiny new belt buckle on the closet floor. Clyde won it at the fair a few weeks ago in the arm wrestling tournament.
Clyde was still upstairs grabbing the boys clothes at this point and you just started rinsing the shampoo out of Ben’s hair when Matt bounded towards the closet. Kylo was thankfully still on the bench and looked like he wasn’t moving off.
“Matthew James, you best not be getting into trouble in there...” you warn as you finish washing ben.
After discovering the shiny object and carefully inspecting it, Matt decided to run over to show you. But the towel was in the way and Matt tripped on it, causing him face plant straight onto the bathroom rug, followed by crying. You come to his rescue and scooped him into your arms. Clyde is back downstairs and walked into the bathroom to investigate the commotion. Ben and Kylo were wrapped in towels on the bench, both sliding off and shuffling over to Clyde.
“I’ll get these two ready?” He asked, herding the boys out of the bathroom.
“Please, Clyde. We might be a minute” you reply.
Matt has tears streaming down his face, and you see the worst possible place he got a rug burn: his chin. And to top it off, the burn was very much indeed raw. Ouch. Wrapping Matt back up in his towel you sit him down on your counter and open the first aid drawer. His chin and left palm had carpet burns.
“It’s gonna be okay baby, just a couple of little boo boos, hmm?” You try to reassure him.
After the small fiasco and a couple bandaids later, you and Matt emerge from the bathroom, Matt still bundled up in his towel. You hand him over to Clyde, who kissed Matt on the cheek and Clyde started to get him ready while you got dressed and ready yourself.
“Darlin I got all three ready to go, should I start loadin everyone in the car yet?” Clyde asked, peering into your closet. You were getting your boots on.
“Yes babe thank you I’ll be right out. I’ll text mellie we’re heading out now.” You nod, grabbing your coat. While making sure you had everything before heading out to the garage, mellie texted back, telling you not to rush. You get out to the suv to see Clyde in the passenger seat, turned around towards the boys with a stern look on his face. As you open the door you are greeted with a chorus of crying.
“BEN QUIT SMACKIN YOUR BROTHER HE AINT DONE NOTHIN WRONG TO YA!” Clyde bellowed to the back seat as you stepped into the drivers seat.
“What in the world has happened in the 10 minutes I was gone? Hmm?” You ask your husband.
“I swear everythin was for fine, Ben started smacking Kylo for lord knows why then Kylo hit back and also took Matt’s stuffed animal and threw it into your footbed.” Clyde motioned towards your feet.
Nodding, you pick up the stuffed animal giving it back to Matt. Like Clyde, you turn around in you seat to look at the boys. “Now, I don’t wanna have any more crocodile tears in this car or for the rest of today, got it?” You chide, elbowing Clyde for support.
“Uhh yeah boys, don’t get momma upset today.” he adds.
Knowing that little pep talk probably did nothing for them, but it was the thought that counts, you face the front again and start up your car. The boys remained quiet, except for the occasional unintelligible babble to one another, which was normal. Clyde was adjusting his prosthetic, humming contently when it was to his liking.
When you got to the salon, you saw that Ben had fallen back asleep on the drive. You gently get him out of his seat first and pass him over to Clyde, along with the diaper bag. Matt and Kylo were easy to get out of the car, but Matt insisted on being carried in, not loosening his grip on your top. Locking the car, you and your family walk in to the salon to see mellie near her chair, checking her phone. She looks up to Clyde and immediately comments on his hair.
“Good lord almighty Clyde, you’re growin a mop! According to my records it’s been 8 dang months since you last been here and honey it shows.” She says.
“Now Mellie you and I both know you done cut it too damn short last time so I been lettin it grow out again, short hair don’t suit me. My ears stick out.” Clyde huffed.
“Well then how ya want it done then? Last time you said ‘shorten it up for me, it keeps bothering me at work’ and now you said it was too short!”
“I dunno, just don’t do what ya did last time I guess?!”
“Clyde Logan of you don’t tell me ima buzz all it off!”
“Okay fine then, ask Y/N!”
The both turn towards you, Clyde lookin all worked up and mellie looking annoyed at her brother. You crack a smile and roil your eyes.
“Wet is head down first and then let’s go from there?” You offer.
“Sounds good to me, who’s first?” She replies, looking to all your boys.
“I think we’ll start with mister Matthew, but he’s gonna have to sit on my lap it seems like. He tripped this mornin after bath time, and now he doesn’t wanna go near the floor now.” You sigh, stroking Matts blonde curls.
Matt was very anxious during his haircut, lots of squirming and tears. It’s something that has happened the past couple of times, and you and Clyde were a little concerned. You make a mental note to call the doctor about it. Ben was next and was very good in the chair. He just loved the attention, from Aunt Mellie, Clyde, and you. Kylo was calm too, but his hair grows really slow so he didn’t have much cut.
All three boys had different haircuts, with Kylos the longest and Bens is the shortest, with Matt being in the middle of the two.
Clyde was last to go, you pull up a picture of him from a while back to show Mellie a desired length. Clyde asked to look but both you and his sister declined his request, saying that it was gonna be fine. Clyde argued that it’s his hair and his head so he should be able choose his hair style.
You narrow your eyes at him, “Clyde William Logan I swear on the lord himself, you are actin far worse than the boys right now! Now you need to trust me and your sister and if you don’t we’re gonna just buzz all of it off!” You snap. He sighs in defeat and nods, finally letting go of the whole situation.
After all of the boys had their hair cut and styled, you tried squaring away the bill with your sister in law. That was impossible because all she said “y’all are my family I don’t need to be chargin’ ya’ll!” She laughed.
“You sure? They were extra rowdy I don’t want it to be any trouble to you!” You say, trying to hand her $40.
“oh stop it, you’re gonna start insulting me!” She retorted.
You roll your eyes and put the money back in your wallet. “ Alright then, at least come over for supper one night? It’s the least we can do.” You know mellie can’t resist your beef brisket or your Mac n cheese.
“Oh alright!” She finally agrees.
“Darlin are you sure you know where ya goin? I thought cooper and them was on the other side of town,” Clyde commented when you pulled out of the salon.
“No babe they do I just gotta run into the Kroger and grab the chips”
“I thought you was bringing a dessert too?”
“You’re right I am. The boys and I made cookies and brownies yesterday afternoon but I already put them in the back of my car this morning when I woke up. “
“Okay, what kinda cookies y’all bake?”
“Just sugar, the boys helped decorated for about 7 minutes before they got restless so only a few look a little crazy. I did the rest when they went to bed.”
“Ya think I can tell who did what cookies?” Clyde smirks.
“Oh definitely,” you giggle.
Once you guys were pulling into the driveway, you see one of the dogs trailing you to the side of your suv.
“Who is it Clyde? I didn’t catch the fur color too well.” You ask.
“I think it’s Hank, he’s the pointer, right?”
“Yeah he’s the pointer, keep an eye out that he doesn’t get too close to the car.”
“Mommy mommy mommy!” You hear Matt from the back.
“Yes baby what’s the matter?” You glance in the rear view mirror.
“Potty mommy!” He whines.
“Okay okay we’re almost there, you can make it Matt,” you try to encourage him as you pull up to a grassy spot in the side yard.
“If you wanna run him in you can, I’ll try to get everyone else organized.” Clyde offers as you open your door.
“Thank you babe that’d be great,” you say unbuckling Matt.
“Mommy...!” Matt reaches out for you. You grab the diaper bag too and run inside. You say your ‘hey y’all clydes coming in with the boys’ and ‘gimme one second we have a potty situation’ as you b-line it to the powder bathroom with Matthew in you arms.
Before even getting the door closed you see Matt scrunch his face and tense up his body- it was too late. You sigh. Even though he still had his diaper on, you sit him on the toilet to finish and go through with the motion of using the toilet. You still praise him and even flush the toilet together
Matt starts crying when you change him. You have a feeling it’s because he didn’t make it in time again to the toilet. You feel bad for him, you know he is trying his best but he can’t seem to get the hang of letting you or Clyde know in time. It’s just something you will have to work on with him.
“Shh it’s okay baby mommy isn’t upset. I’m happy you let me know you had to go potty,” you try to calm him down. He stops crying after a little bit and you kiss him on the cheek.
You pick Matt up again to carry him to his brothers and the rest of the kids. They were all in the basement playing various things. Ben and kylo were with some older boys playing with trucks. You set Matt down with them and ruffled your other two boys hair before heading back up. All three were entertained with the others so you let them be.
As you headed back up to everyone else you see Clyde talking with cooper and lance. You grab a beer from one of the coolers and walk over to Clyde. He kisses your head and puts his arm around you.
“Didn’t sound good from what I got to hear” he sighed.
“Yeah poor thing didn’t make it again. He needs to tell us sooner, I think he hasn’t connected that he needs to tell us way before versus right before.” You leave it at that.
“Mhmm. I brought everythin in too. Game got pushed to 5:30 cuz rain I think.
“Oh ok.” You respond. You take a sip of beer before properly saying hello to everyone else.
A little into the first quarter you send Clyde down to check on the boys and give them some sippy cups. He comes back up with nothing unusual to report, everyone is still content. With that, you decide to get some food for yourself.
At halftime you are talking with Maggie and Carter about the fall carnival at school when you see ben crawling up the stairs and heading straight to you.
“MAMMA MAMMA!!!” He wailed as you picked him up, not sure if he was ok or not.
“Yes little man what’s wrong?” You ask, looking for anything off.
“Food?” He asks, pointing to the counter with all the food.
“Of course baby. Do you know if brothers want food too?” You ask him.
“Yea.” Ben nods, pointing to the other two who were making their way up the stairs too.
You set him back on the ground and walked over to the plates, getting one for each and getting them a few things. All three are at you feet, on their tip toes to see what foods there are. You ignore their begging for straight desserts and chips, and scold at them for trying to reach up for food too.
“Cmon guys, let’s get over to the table” you say as they follow you back to where you were sitting. All three fit on the bench seat together so you helped each one up and gave them their plate. Once they were all eating and have mostly quiet down, you sat back down and took a sip of your beer. Both Maggie and carter looked shocked at what they just watched you orchestrated.
“Girl how in the world do you do it with triplets? It looked like y’all rehearsed this or something before y’all got here! I am so impressed with your patience and mom skills.” Carter laughed.
“Yeah that’s more impressive than the game honestly,” Maggie adds.
“Awe well thanks y’all. I can tell you it’s not always this organized, every once and a while all three seem to be on the same wave length and they’ll listen. And I’m even impressed considering they did not get a chance to nap before getti- Kylo do not grab food off Matt’s plate you have the exact same thing on yours!” You snapped over to the boys.
“See? It’s not always perfect.” You suppressed a giggle.
After the game was over, everyone still stayed behind a little while longer to socialize and help clean up. The kids were all back downstairs watching a movie, with most of young ones passed out on the floor with some blankets.
You head downstairs about 10 to see how your boys were. Sure enough they were still up, eyes glued to the tv. Getting them ready for church tomorrow was going to be fun.
You head back up to get Clyde to help you get the kids. He yawns and follows you down, stealing a kiss at the stairs landing. You turn the lights on downstairs and announce to all the kids it time and Clyde added “yea y’all better hurry I heard y’all’s parents are gonna leave without ya!” He says with a straight face. All the kids scramble up to their own parents, all with looks of fear of being left.
“CLYDE WHATCHA TELLIN MY KIDS DOWN THERE??” You two hear lance yell down. Clyde bursts into a roar of laughter.
You and Clyde gather your three and their shoes, which unfortunately happened to be littered all around the basement.
“Yes kylo?” You respond as you put his other shoe on.
“Go home now?”
“Yes we’re all going home now.”
“Oh okay.”
You get all the boys in their seats and start the car, Clyde still saying his goodbyes to everyone. The boys were overtired and grumpy, Matt surprisingly the worst. Clyde opens the backseat door to put the leftovers on the floor when Matt screams and tries to kick and push Clyde away from him. Ben and kylo start crying as a response.
“Ow- Matthew quit it!!” Clyde says and shuts the door, retreating to the passenger seat. “What in the hell is up with him and the other two?” Clyde asked you.
“No nap today. Get your seatbelt on so we can go. These three need to go to sleep. “ you plead.
The drive home was fun to say the least. All three boys did not fall asleep in the car and were fussy when y’all got home. You get the boys upstairs and ready for bed while Clyde gets them sippy cups of milk.
Once all three were changed for bed, Clyde was upstairs helping you get each one settled in their cribs. Kylo was the first to go down. Once he had his sippy cup he got super sleepy and was asleep in no time. Matt was next and was overtired to the point he didn’t want th lay down. He just stood up in his crib and sobbed, wanting to be picked back. You and Clyde felt bad but knew if you picked him back up it would only make it worse. You kissed his forehead and put his sippy cup in his crib with him and you let him hash it out by himself. Ben was fast asleep in clyde’s arms when he handed him to you. You kiss him on the cheek before setting him down.
With all the baby monitors on and alert, you and your husband head back down to your room. All the monitors were quiet, even Matt’s which meant he gave up and went to sleep. You sigh and kick your boots off, walking in your bathroom to take your makeup off and change out of your clothes. Clyde went off into the kitchen which meant he either went for a glass of milk or a late night snack before bed. You changed into one of his big old T-shirts he doesn’t wear that much. Partially because it’s neon green and well, Clyde doesn’t wanna look like a damn highlighter in public. He only wears it sometimes if he’s doing yard work or sick at home. All the other times it’s in your pajama drawer. Clyde doesn’t understand how that god ugly shirt looks so adorable on you, even if it goes to right above your knees and you practically are swimming in it.
You quietly head to the kitchen to see Clyde halfway through a pb&j. You lean against the island across from him and watch him eat.
“Did you not eat over there during the game?” You ask genuinely curious. Not only was there the typical game day bites, but there were also burgers and hot dogs on the grill.
“I did, I just wanted a little something before bed, wanna a bite?” He offers.
“No thank you, I’ll be in bed. Don’t forget to turn off the lights out here before coming into the bedroom.” You say, standing on your tip toes to kiss his cheek before head you the bedroom.
You’re settled in bed on Pinterest when Clyde walks in, leaving a trail of his clothes to the bed wearing only his boxers. He takes his prosthetic arm off and carefully places it on his night stand before getting into bed. You shut your phone off and turn to face Clyde, scooting close to him too. He leans to kiss you and you only scoot even closer to him. You drape an arm over his waist and tangle your legs with his.
“We goin to church tomorrow mornin’?” He asks, his hand starting to wander down your side.
“Not until after lunch for evening service. The boys don’t have bible nursery tomorrow morning and I already said we might not be there until the afternoon,” you say.
Clyde grunts in satisfaction with your answer. He was hoping to not have to wake up early for church.
His hand settles for your hip and he kisses your forehead. You exchange I love yous and both of you fall asleep rather quickly, in each other’s arms.
You two are both awakened to the crying coming from a monitor. You roll onto your back and rub your eyes before looking to see which child it is. You look and see it from bens, so you head upstairs to see what the fuss is all about, Clyde close behind you. Coming into his room you see his stuffed animal fell out of the crib, away from his reach. You pick up the toy and pick up ben too, kissing him on the cheek. He wraps an arm around your neck and holds the stuffed animal with the other, when you see Clyde walk in after checking the other two.
He mouths an “all good” with a thumb up, indicating Matt and kylo were still asleep. Ben quickly falls back asleep in your arms, so you put him back in his crib and head back downstairs with Clyde.
Back in bed, Clyde laid on his back while you curled up under his arm. You two fell back to sleep almost instantly.
The next morning, you are woken up by Clyde sliding into bed-with kylo in his arms. You blink again to see if you were still sleeping, but sure enough Clyde was putting kylo down in your bed, with ben and Matt, who were also still sleeping You close you eyes and try to fall back asleep for a little bit longer. Ben woke up first, Clyde picking him up and holding him on his lap.
“Daddy, mommy sleeping?” You hear Ben ask.
“Yeah buddy we gotta stay quiet for mommy” Clyde replied, whispering and putting a finger over his lips for him to be quiet. Ben nods.
You managed to doze back off for about 45 minutes until you feel someone crawl over you.
Barely open an eye to see its kylo, staring intensely at your face.
“Mamma? You sleeping?” He asks, poking your cheek.
“Yes baby, mommy is sleeping!” You exaggerate and flip over to you back and cover your eyes and loudly fake snore. You hear three little giggles you continue to loudly snore until you feel the other two crawl on top of you. All three were bursting with laughter as they sat on top of you. You finally exaggerate a yawn and a stretch, rubbing your eyes and acting completely surprised when to see the boys on top of you.
“What are ALL three of y’all doin!? How’d y’all get in mommy and daddy’s bed?!” You say with a fake surprised voice and look up at your husband. Clyde looked away towards the window and took an innocent sip of coffee.
For a moment, you thought about just not going to church today. You could say Clyde or one of the boys are sick, or even yourself. The idea was nice, but wouldn’t sit well with your conscience as the day went on. Clyde was in a good mood today, something you rarely see on a Sunday. He never cared too much for church, thought it was a waste of a day for getting dressed and then being packed into a room with people. A lot of Sunday’s it was just you and the boys who went to morning service, with Clyde showing up for lunch and afternoon activity/service. Clyde would get home at sometimes 3 in the morning from the bar so you let him sleep in.
“Babe you want me to get you coffee? Clyde offers, you nod in response. The 5 of y’all were still in bed, all cuddled up watching a Disney movie. The boys wanted to watch Tangled- for about the 15th time this past month.
“Momma? Has some?” Matt asks you, pointing at the coffee Clyde just handed you.
“No baby you can’t have any,” you calmly reply, taking a sip yourself.
“Why?” Matt presses, pouting a little.
“It’s very hot and not good for little boys” you answer.
“Why?” He asks again. You sigh, ready to answer again when Clyde butts in.
“Mommy said no Matthew,” he sternly warns him, knowing this may develop into a tantrum or the other two will get involved. It’s the later.
Ben and kylo turn to you and Clyde, now curious to try both of your coffees, with Matt still wanting the coffee too.
You look at Clyde dead in the eyes and raise a brow. “You’re coffee cooled down?” You ask him. He narrowed his eyes at you and nods, not sure of your little scheme. Clyde takes his coffee black, while you on the other hand have cream and heaps of sugar. You know if the boys tried yours they would enjoy it but if they had your husbands they most certainly would not ask to try it again for a long time.
“Alright alright y’all win, you can try Daddy’s coffee! But be careful, it’s a little hot!” You warn and Clyde hands you his mug. “Matthew you can try it first ok?” You say as Matt scoots up to you. You grab the spoon from your mug and swirl it around clydes coffee before gathering a small sip on the spoon for Matt. He took an eager sip and immediately spit it back out, all over your pajamas. He scrunches his face and you start to see some waterworks. You smile ever so slightly and Clyde chuckles and takes his coffee back. You hold Matt’s face and look at him. “See baby? Mommy said you wouldn’t like it, but you wanted to try it, which is ok! I’m glad you tried it, now you know that it’s icky.” You praise him. He nods and hugs your arm.
“Kylo? Ben? Do you want to try daddy’s coffee?” You ask the other two, both surprisingly nodding. With Matt still holding onto your arm you have Clyde hold the coffee mug while you used the spoon to feed them the coffee. Kylo just made a sour face and pushed the spoon and mug away after he tried it. Ben took the whole spoonful and spit it up on you, then threw a fit.
“Benjamin why are you upset? Was it daddy’s coffee?” You ask, watching him roll around sobbing. You see him nod a little. “Is there a way mommy or daddy can help?” He nods again. “Baby use your words so we know what you want,” you encourage him. He lifts his head from the bed and rubs his face.
“Cuddles... Daddy,” he finally says.
“You want to cuddle with daddy?” You confirm.
“C’mere bud,” Clyde offers his arm and pulls Ben into his lap. Clyde kisses his forehead once he settles. Kylo decided he wanted in on this family cuddle pile and makes his way right in between you and Clyde. Matt stopped crying too and was still curled up in your lap. You still had spit up coffee on your shirt. It wasn’t a pleasant feeling but you ignored it because you and your family were cozy, watching the same Disney movie for the umpteenth time and you wouldn’t trade this moment for the world.
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mrs-gucci · 3 years
There seems to be a darker, more violent take on Clyde floating around right now and I LOVE it!! I’m working on one for him too!
Since you say open for darker requests, I’d love to hear your take on a more violent Clyde! He could be saving you from a stalker. Clyde can show him what a real bad ass can do and then show you how well he can treat you too lol! He could be protecting you from someone at the bar. He could be showing you his special forces skills after some gets aggressive. You name it lol!
Secrets of the Blood Moon {werewolf!Clyde x Reader darkfic}
author's notes: helloooo! my friend shannon, thank you for this request!! I am also a fan of the darker take on Clyde and I hope I did it some justice!! I worked really, really hard on this one, and I’m super pleased with how it turned out.
warnings: angst. smut. hurt/comfort. a minor car crash. mentions of alcohol consumption. rut. knotting. breeding kink. werewolf stuff. attempted mating bite. murder coverup. clyde feels guilty.
tw's: noncon touching (not by clyde). involuntary attempted sexual assault (werewolf clyde pins her down & dry humps w/o consent, but human clyde doesn’t know he did it nor would ever intend to do it). blood & gore. graphic depictions of murder and violence. human-hunting. depictions of human body consumption (is it cannibalism if he’s technically a wolf when it happens?). werewolf sex.
**this is a work of FICTION. the author does not attempt to condone the actions/behaviors of the characters written.**
word count: 5.9k
my taglist peeps: @frank-and-honey @shygirl268 @icarusinthesea​ ​@gildedstarlight (if you’d like to be added to or removed from my taglist, the link to the google form is HERE or on the top of my masterlist.)
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Last Night
Stepping out of your car, you’re instantly suffocated by the thick humidity of the West Virginia evening. The sun paints cotton candy across the sky as it sets behind the trees on the mountainous horizon, the almost full moon hot on its tail, slowly rising on the other side of the sky.
The blood moon comes tomorrow, and from the old folk tales your mom used to tell about the deep West Virginia countryside, some weird shit goes down under the crimson moon. You never really believed her. What all could happen in lil ol’ Boone County, anyway?
The moment you step into the refreshing, air-conditioned Duck Tape, you’re immediately greeted by a loud call of your name.
“Y/N!” You smile and wave at Jimmy. 
Clyde looks up and smiles at you as you come and sit down at the bar next to Jimmy. He serves the customer before coming over to talk with you and the eldest Logan.
You lean over the bar to give him a kiss, earning a couple hoots and hollers from the bar crowd, which made you both laugh as you pull away.
“How was work, buttercup?” He asks, wiping off some glasses. “Weren’t ya doin’ that one presentation today? How’d that go?”
You’re always so flattered that Clyde actually pays attention when you talk about work stuff. Most guys just smile and nod, but Clyde actually listens and remembers. He even remembered your one year anniversary at the company you currently work for, sending you takeout from your favorite place along with some flowers.
“Yeah, it was alright. Boring as hell, but the partners seemed pleased, so that’s all I can really ask for at this point.”
Both he a Jimmy give a small chuckle, nodding before Clyde mixes your favorite drink, setting it down in front of you a few minutes later. You thank him, and the three-way conversation continues before the bar door swings open. 
Something about the man’s entrance makes you look over, already smelling trouble as he steps over the threshold. His eyes are glued on you, a smug smirk etched on his expression. 
A hush falls over the patrons for a few seconds, all eyes on the leather-clad man. Clyde’s hackles are immediately up, body tense as the mystery man saunters over, plopping himself down onto the vacant stool next to yours. 
Things on the floor continue as normal, the chatter picking back up, and you subtly scoot a little closer to Jimmy. 
“Bartender?” A thick New York accent calls.
Clyde walks over, plastering a fake smile on his face, seemingly the epitome of southern hospitality.
“What can I getcha, sir?”
The man gives Clyde a once-over and snickers. “No, seriously, where’s the bartender? I’d like a drink.”
Your grip clenches around your glass. You absolutely hated it when people were dicks about Clyde’s hand.
“Seriously, I am the bartender.” He states firmly. “So, what can I get ya?”
His tone sends a chill down your spine. Normally, Clyde just shuts down whenever someone starts poking fun at his missing hand, but tonight, there was a certain air of frustration, of dominance.
You just thought he’d finally cracked, after years of dealing with this bullshit. But as you would learn, there was an alternate explanation for his sudden outwardly alpha-like behavior.
The guy seems to back off a little bit, just asking for a cold Coors straight from the bottle. You startle a bit when Clyde slams the bottle down on the counter in front of him, and you could swear his eyes turn a light grey for a second before returning to the dark brown pools you’re familiar with.
Everything’s quiet for a little while, the man sipping his beer in silence, before he turns to you. He doesn’t say anything at first, simply allowing his eyes to drink in your seated figure.
“What’s your name, baby girl?” The beer smell of his breath is strong as he leans in. “You lookin’ for someone to keep you company tonight?”
You roll your eyes. Douchebag. “Nope. I’m perfectly content just sitting here, thanks.”
Clyde’s watching the interaction like a hawk as he makes someone’s drink. It’s a wonder he can concentrate on the drink when his thoughts and eyes are glued to you.
His slimy hand touches down on your bare thigh, just above your knee, and you jump in your seat. He grins, trailing it up as he leans in even closer.
“Are you sure? I could show you a real good time...”
Glass shatters from behind the bar and then, Clyde’s grabbing the man by his biker jacket, tossing him onto the floor with an almost superhuman strength. You stand up, appalled, as the man on the hardwood scrambles to get up.
An icy grey begins to frost over his sweet chocolate irises as Clyde clenches his fists by his side. 
“Don’t ya dare touch ma girl, ye pervert.” He growls, voice lower than you’ve ever heard it. “Someone ought to show ya what respect looks like.”
The bar has fallen pin-drop silent, all sets of eyes focused in on the developing scene. He cocks his fist above his head, snarling as he readies to pounce on the helpless man. 
It’s then that Jimmy hops up and puts himself between the two men, holding his hands up in front of Clyde. “Don’t do this t’ yerself. Ye know what’ll happen if ya do.”
This seems to bring him back, the warmness flooding back to his irises. His shoulders slump as he huffs softly, pushing past his older brother angrily, storming into his office and slamming the door behind him.
Shakily, the man stands and puts a twenty down on the table before running out of the bar, bell jingling against the wooden door as it eases shut after him.
The rare blood moon hangs in its place against the pitch black sky as you pull up to the Logan’s trailer home. There aren’t any stars in the clear night’s sky, despite it being the dead of summer, but you don’t think much of it as you approach the shadowed porch.
Moths flutter around the dimly flickering porch light while you peek through the windows, which were as black as the night. Not a single light was on.
Odd. The Pontiac’s parked in its normal spot outside.
You flip the threadbare ‘welcome’ mat up, revealing the rusting gold key beneath. Sticking it in the lock, you turn until the door pops open, an eerie creak accompanying it.
"Clyde?” You say, looking around the trailer’s living room as you flip the living room lights on.
You call for him again. Maybe he’s just taking a nap. “Clyde?”
Still no response. 
Now, you’re getting worried. There’s no note, nothing noticeably out of place; in fact, it’s almost all too still. It gives you the creeps, how still and quiet it is in here.
The scent of suspicion thickens the air around you, and you just get the most awful feeling in your gut that something bad is happening or is about to happen.
Adrenaline begins to pump through your veins as you quickly walk around, peeking in the kitchen, and in the spare room. The air seems to thicken again the closer to draw to Clyde’s room, and you push the door open with bated breath.
You’re absolutely mortified at the sight before you. 
Shreds of carpet, fabric, and mattress stuffing is scattered the floor, and giant claw marks have torn straight through the drywall. The blankets and comforter, at least the remains of them, are disheveled where they lay across the clawed-up mattress. 
His vanity mirror is almost fully shattered, and the products that once sat atop are now tossed across the floor. The chilly summer’s night air flutters the curtains on the opened window above the bed.
The first thought that comes to mind is a bear attack of some kind. Now fully freaking out, you’re wondering how in the world a bear got into the trailer, and why it only seemed to attack Clyde’s room. You scramble to grab your phone from your purse with shaky hands, dialing Jimmy’s number in haste.
Was this one of the blood moon enigmas mom warned about? No, no, bear attacks are pretty common around here.
 It takes a few rings before he picks up.
“Y/N?” He sounds out of breath, exhausted.
“Jimmy, hey. Do you know where Clyde is? I’m at the trailer, and--”
Something that sounds like a growl rips through the speaker, followed by a woman’s voice. 
“Is everything oka--”
“Mellie, I can’t help ya right now! I’ll be there in a second!” He yells in the background. “Sorry Y/N, you were sayin’ somethin’?”
“No, it’s alright. I’m just at the trailer, and I peeked into Clyde’s room...”
“Ya didn’t touch anything, did ya?” His voice is rushed.
You shake your head, eyebrows furrowed. “Uh, no, but--”
The growl comes again, louder this time, and it almost sounds like it’s...a voice. A very deep and very animalistic one, but a voice nonetheless. And it was saying something, although you couldn’t really hear clearly enough.
“Jimmy, do you know where Clyde is?” You’re getting a little impatient.
“Don’t worry ‘bout Clyde, he’s okay, he’s, uhh, here with us.”
“Oh, uh, o-okay.”
But tonight was supposed to be your special night together.
“Y/N? Listen real close, now. I need ya to get outta the trailer and go home, right now. Don’t linger, and refrain from touchin’ anything in the trailer. Lock all yer doors n’ close all the windows when ya get back home, okay? ‘N don’t go outside for the rest’a the night.”
Okay, now you’re starting to get fearful. “What--”
“Jimmy!” Mellie’s panicked voice comes through the phone speaker again, this time a bit clearer. He curses under his breath.
Her cries clearly rattled the eldest Logan, and he quickly tells you to just do what he said and then hangs up in a frantic state. 
You’re frozen for a moment, but then you quickly scurry outside to your car, frantically looking around as you scramble to fit the key in the driver’s side door.  By some miracle, you hold your hand steady enough to unlock it, quickly shutting the door and turning on the engine, peeling out of there like a madwoman.
Suddenly, as you go to pull out of the driveway, a strange apparition appears at the edge of the wood across the street. You squint, trying to figure out what the hell it is. Whatever it is, though, it’s panting heavily and looks...inhuman.
It’s standing on two legs, but its large, probably almost seven feet tall if you had to guess, and must’ve had some type of black fur or skin since it almost blends in with the darkened forest.
The reddish light of the moon is the only light that reflects upon this mystery creature, before it seems to notice your car idling in the driveway. The crisp light grey pupils seemingly glimpse into your soul as the creature looks upon you.
Clearly, now, you can decipher what exactly it is, although you’re in utter shock and skeptical to think it real: A werewolf.
You quickly put the car in reverse, slamming down on the gas, flying backwards for a few seconds before colliding with the trailer’s tin wall. Your head slams forward onto the steering wheel, trickles of blood dribble down your forehead and nose as your consciousness is lost.
When you come to, only a few minutes later, you groan as the welt forms on your forehead. You look around, groggily, seeing that your car is in drive but isn’t moving. Surely when you’d passed out, your foot would’ve come off the brake and you would’ve rolled away...
Stepping out carefully, you find that some bricks have been placed in front of all four tires, effectively keeping the car at a dead standstill. 
Who in the world did this?
Then, you turn your head and walk slowly around to the front of your car, seeing the remnants of sharp teeth marks on your bumper. You’re frozen, a lump slowly crawling up your throat as the realization hits. 
A low growl comes from behind you, and your worst fears have suddenly been realized. You slowly, carefully spin around on your heels, afraid that one wrong move may make you tonight’s surprise entree.
Your eyes meet the soul-piercing grey’s of the werewolf, the one you’d seen at the edge of the forest minutes earlier. The one that seemingly saved your life, but...how did a werewolf know what to do?
As you continue to gaze at the large being before you, you’re struck with a sense of familiarity, almost as if you’d met them before. Strange, because you can’t recall ever encountering a werewolf. Hell, you’ve never even seen a wolf before, other than in pictures. Surely you’d remember coming into contact with a seemingly impossible biological phenomenon such as this one.
His presence is scarily comforting, and you find yourself briefly wondering what it’d feel like to be enveloped in his woolen arms. Well, arm, technically speaking. This particular werewolf seems to be missing the lower half of his left paw.
Then, your mind connects the dots, and you’re shocked to your very core. It wasn’t a bear that attacked Clyde’s room, it was Clyde. This werewolf that’s standing before you is Clyde. That’s why Jimmy and Mellie sounded so frantic and breathless on the phone; they must’ve been trying to keep him contained.
But why? Werewolves usually recognize the important people in their human lives...right? That’s why he’d saved you from rolling off...
Your headlights’ reflection was speared by your figure, creating a shadow that covered most of Clyde’s form, except for the very tips of his paws, which had enormous claws emerging from beneath the thick layer of fur.
“Clyde?” You whisper, and he seems to soften for a moment, falling down on all threes.
Just as you swallow the lump in your throat and begin to cautiously approach the creature, hand outstretched to allow him to smell you, his eyes suddenly darken, the once snowy grey now more like the color of storm clouds. 
He snarls, white teeth shining in the moon’s moody crimson-tinted reflection, and you immediately backtrack. Oh god, I’m fucked.
Your bottom collides with the front of your car, the engine thrumming lowly as it idles happily, grille warm from the machine inside. The headlights are now fully shining on the creature, fur shining under the bright lights as he approaches, lines of drool strung between his sharp fangs. 
“C-Clyde, please,” You plead with the creature. “It’s m-me, Y/N, your g-girlfriend. You know m-me, you don’t w-wanna do t-this...”
It doesn’t seem to do much to dissuade him, the animal within now overshadowing the kind, gentle man you know and love. No, this creature is something else. This isn’t your Clyde.
The wolf stops short of the hood, where you’ve crawled up onto and are laying back, raising his nose up in the air, sniffing. You’re perplexed by this action, but it becomes evident when his ear prick and he says, in that same deep, animalistic voice that was in the background of your call with Jimmy, 
And then, he’s pouncing, trapping your hands above your head with his one arm while his legs scramble to find a good grip on the metallic surface of the car, hips rutting frantically. 
His muzzle dips down, wet nose running along your jawline and neck, teeth scraping dangerously against your thin skin. He quickly settles on a spot behind your ear, growling as his pink tongue darts out to begin lapping at the spot. 
You’re completely still, both physically restrained and unable to bring yourself to even try to move as the creature drags his fangs across the skin behind your ear. Your car is rocking back and forth with his hips’ violent movements, dragging his enormous cock against your lower stomach. 
He pants into your ear, breath hot as he prepares to sink his sharp fangs into your tender skin, marking you as his forever...
Jimmy’s voice pierces through the still of the night. Crickets stop chirping for a moment, and Clyde’s body stills. His head whips around, snarling at his brother.
Mellie’s right behind him, and she peers around him, trying to look at you. “Y/N, are ya alright?”
“YYYeah,” You manage, somehow. “I-I’m o-okay.”
Clyde hops down, all three feet planted on the ground, hackles up as Jimmy takes a step forward. “Mate.”
“She ain’t yer mate.” Jimmy says, calmly. He points to you. “Look at whatcha done to ‘er, Clyde. Would a mate look like that, huh? Look at ‘er, Clyde, she’s all beat up and scared outta her damn mind.”
The wolf visibly stands down, slowly turning his head to look back at you, seeing the scratches on your wrists and the marks on your neck. He sees the bit of wetness on your shirt and shorts, from his slick.
He hangs his head and begins to cry, whimpering and whining as he sprints off, surprisingly agile and quick for a wolf with three paws, across the road and back into the woods.
His blood’s boiling, he’s angry that he couldn’t defend you against Jimmy, mad that his alpha instincts had failed him. Even as a werewolf, one of the most powerful beings in the forest, he was still weaker than and overshadowed by his showboat older brother. 
Loud barks of anger rip through him as he masterfully maneuvers through the forest, weaving through the trees, dodging thorns, leaping over the fallen tree trunks. 
The sky suddenly begins to empty down onto Earth, the cool summer night’s rain a welcomed refreshment on Clyde’s fur. He looks up at the blood moon, huffing softly as he silently curses the orb for bringing this condition to him each full moon, as he did every single moon before this, and will continue to do with every one after.
He reaches his cave a few minutes later, stopping dead in his tracks when he smells smoke coming from inside. He’s on high alert, now, as he moves to peek into the cavern.
There, he finds a lone man sitting by a very small fire, rubbing his hands together over the heat. He’s clad in head-to-toe tree camo with a shotgun laying just out of arms reach.
This man’s scent feels awfully familiar, Clyde thinks, but it takes him a minute to figure out why. And, when he does remember, Clyde is suddenly not so sympathetic for the unwanted visitor in his cave.
The wolf’s mind falls to a certain memory from last night at Duck Tape. This is the jackass that thought he could get away with feelin’ you up. The one that poked plenty ‘a fun at his missing hand. 
Clyde’s still-hard cock presses up against his furry stomach in excitement, tongue licking over his razor-sharp fangs. He couldn’t protect or avenge you last night, again due to Jimmy, but maybe he can now. 
Jimmy ain’t gonna get in my way this time ‘round.
He can’t just come running into the entrance, no, that allows him too much time to grab the gun. He thinks, and thinks, until he remembers the connecting cave that he’d recently found on the last full moon. He bets he can get in there and creep up behind the man, do a sneak attack. 
He’s salivating in anticipation as he bounds down to the opposite side of the cave, paws padding lightly against the soft gravelly dirt floor, trotting along carefully.
The man is none the wiser to the wolf’s presence, and the hum of the loud rain certainly wasn’t hurting. A loud crack of thunder suddenly rips through the forest, vibrating the ground. Clyde freezes briefly as the young man curls up further, chin resting in the gap between his knees. 
Predatory instincts pumping through his veins at an all-time high, he crouches down as he stalks closer and closer to the unsuspecting body by the small fire. The anticipation is almost too much to bear, now right behind the man, moving in slow motion so as to not alert his victim.
When the time is right, just as the next clap of thunder rumbles the rocks, Clyde pounces. He grabs the man’s shirt, dragging him out of the cave with an unprecedented swiftness. The fire is extinguished with the tussle, leaving the cave shrouded in darkness, the shotgun laid abandoned on the ground where he’d put it.
He struggles against the wolf’s grip, fabric ripping violently the further his body’s dragged along. Clyde throws him out onto the forest floor, pawing at the ground like a wild stallion as the disheveled man scrambles to his feet.
His hands are shaky as he holds them up in front of him, as if trying to calm the creature like a domesticated dog.  “E-Easy, easy.”
If he could, Clyde would’ve rolled his eyes at the man’s pathetic attempt to talk down at him. He snarls, watching in amusement at the way he startles and stumbles back. 
Clyde’s got the man backed against the trunk of an old oak within seconds, and he stands up on two legs, glaring at the much smaller figure. He bares his teeth, a wolf’s version of a devilish grin.
It seems like the man is caught in between being shocked that this wolf just spoke English and being chilled to the core by his word. He sputters for a moment, brain smoking as it churns on overdrive, before his legs carry him as quickly as they can down the mountainside. 
The wolf casually trots along after him, in very little rush to catch him. He’s throbbing hard now, the excitement translating into pure arousal. Clyde knows these woods like the back of his hand; there’s no where for this man to hide from his inevitable fate as the wolf-man’s next meal.
His head continuously whips around, meeting the grayish-white orbs tucked behind a thick coat of jet black fur. In a frenzy, he tucks himself behind a large tree, catching his breath.
Twigs snap in seemingly all directions, his breath heavy as his eyes flicker all around the dark, damp wood, the only light coming from the crimson-tinted orb above. He reaches back and wraps his arms around the tree’s trunk, panicked.
A low growl rattles his eardrums and he looks to the side, seeing the black creature right at his side. Clyde’s head snaps to the side, looking directly at his victim.
Crying out in fear, the man leaps forward to make a run for it, but is quickly taken to the dirt by the wolfish creature. The man squirms and screams out for mercy, for God, and Clyde knows what he has to do now.
He quickly sinks his teeth into the back of the mans neck repeatedly, effectively severing the spinal cord, leaving the man completely limp and defenseless. A quick and effective manner of disabling a victim, he’s learned through hunting animals, but keeps him just alive enough to see what’s being done to him. 
Clyde flips the limp form over, now on his back, and his eyes are wide as he watches the wolf above him, black fur now stained red around the mouth, stare down at him with a hungry gaze.
His mouth opens, probably to beg for his life, but it’s too late. Fangs sink through his shirt and into the flesh of his chest, just above where his rapidly beating heart lay.
The thump-thump rhythm slows, then stops, the life leaving his body. Sweet copper tang coats the wolf’s tongue as the body is drained of its remaining energy. 
There is little feeling better than watching the life slowly and steadily drain from the eyes of a victim, and suddenly, Clyde’s throbbing arousal has reached an almost unmanageable point.
But, he wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to devour his freshly-caught prey, especially while it’s still warm. So he digs in immediately, carving further into the hole over the heart he’d already created, ripping out the vital organ.
He holds it triumphantly between his teeth for a moment before setting it aside. His craving is more for the meat, he’s never been much of a fan of organs, so he gets to work separating the good meat from the corpse.
Once he’s done, he lifts his nose in the air, howling loudly. He’s never been this hard before, he swears it, and there’s only one person that can satisfy this urge:
For a wolf on three legs, he reaches your house in record time. He can already feel the wolf-ness fading steadily, the human beginning to peek through the cracks. But, his rut doesn’t give at all, and he bounds up the steps and scratches at your door.
You’re startled by the noise, already a gut feeling you know who it is. When you open the door, Clyde’s wolf figure is sitting politely on your doormat.  Should you let him in?
He pushes past, whimpering as he does so, before you can make a decision. You shut the door slowly before turning around to face the creature. He seems a bit different than when you saw him earlier, seeming a bit more human.
You stand against the door, back pressed up against it, looking down at the wolf in your living room. 
“Y/N.” He breathes, huskily, attempting to ignore the hardness pressing up against his wooly stomach. “N-Need you. Please.”
He’s ashamed as he stands up on his hind legs, wrapping a clawed hand around his oozing cock, jutting his hips out as if to show off for you. The alpha in him needs to show you how suitable of a mate he is, what strong pups he can give you.
“It hhhhurts, b-buttercup.”
The battle going on inside him, animal versus human, is painfully evident on his expression. Your hearts been ripped in half as you watch him struggle with himself, the human trying to overpower the animal, and the animal trying to fight off the human.  He doesn’t even know what he did to you earlier. 
“What do you need from me, Clyde? I’m here to help you, honey, I’ll do whatever you need.”
His eyes widen in surprise, but its quickly replaced by a look of what can only be described as pure, primal hunger.
“Floor. A-All fours.” The wolf-man manages, desperately humping his hand to offer some relief. “G-Get the lube, ffffuuuck, I mmuhhmight hurt ya without it.”
You rush to get the lube, placing the tube next to you as you pull your leggings down, exposing your bare cunt. Clyde watches with an eager anticipation as you spread yourself for him. 
As soon as you’re into position, he practically falls over on top of you, hips rutting uncontrollably as he smoothes lube over his drooling cock and lines up with your entrance. 
“B-Buttercup, I...I’m sssorry ‘bout what’s ggon’ happen. This ain’t me, ppuhpplease remember that, mmkay?”
You nod, tearing up at the pure agony in his voice. “I w-will, Clyde.”
His hips shove forward, a choked howl escaping his lips, balls tightening. You cry out, the burn of your walls stretching to accommodate his girthy length more prominent than usual.
Veins bulge out of his neck, jaw clenched as he begins moving, mercilessly plowing into you from behind. He plants his clawed hand next to yours, loud and desperate scratching noises accompanying the wet squelch of your joined torsos. 
The carpet is shredded, hardwood floor scratched permanently by his feet as he humps you with a desperation unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. This really wasn’t Clyde, but you soon realized that you exactly mind this side of Clyde, this primal instinct, this roughness. It was arousing, bittersweetly so.
When you look over your shoulder at the wooly mass moving behind you, your eyes widen. You didn’t notice the shiny substance from a distance, but now that he’s up close, you see that it coats his snout and has even dripped down onto his breast.
A gripping fear bubbles in your stomach. But then, you rationalize immediately, before you find yourself too deep down in this rabbit hole of worry. He probably just hunted a deer or a rabbit or something. He’s a fucking wolf, remember?
You almost sigh out loud in relief, but you keep it in, instead moaning along with each of his thrusts.
“D-Did ya like muhmmahhmm--ma w-wolf cock?” He asks. 
You nod. “Y-Yeah, ohhh god, I liked it.”
“Gonna gguh-give ya real nice p-pups.” His muzzle rubs over the spot behind your ear, the same one that he’d been after earlier, smearing some of the crimson across your skin. He licks it with as much consistency as possible, considering the speed and intensity of his hips. “F-Fill ya u-up, knot ya gggood ‘n deep.”
You’re almost positive he’s talking pretty much nonsense at this point, his rut brain having completely taken over. You know you’re not gonna cum, but it doesn’t really matter; you’re doing this for him, after all.
“Oh g-god, I’m cummin’, I’m gonna--”
He pauses his hips, howling softly as he cums. But this time, something else begins to swell, and you cry out as it does so. 
“M-Ma k-knot,” Clyde breathes in explanation. “Keeps it a-all inside y-ya.”
You nod, not really knowing what all he’s talking about but not really caring for an explanation right now. 
“‘m gonna h-havta stay inside y-ya fer a lil while. S-Should be ‘b-bout 30 minutes or so.”
His tongue begins moving over your cheeks and neck, something that makes you smile, that helps you remember that your beloved boyfriend’s in there somewhere.
The half hour waiting period passes, and as much as you’ve loved snuggling with your boyfriend (who’s wolf counterpart is relatively cuddly, despite previous reservations), you’re happy to have him off you.
After wishing you a final goodbye, citing the need to ‘clean up his cave a bit’, he trotted back out the door and galloped like a madman (wolf?) back out into the shadowed wood, leaving you alone once more.
It’s all over the news when you flip on the TV a couple days later.  Hunter Found Slain in Boone County Woods, Bear Attack Suspected.
You have this awful, sick-to-your-stomach feeling that what happened the other night, when Clyde came to your house still in wolf form with a snout and chest covered in blood, had something to do with this. 
When the picture of the victim came up on the screen, you audibly gasp, recognizing the face. It’s the guy that was feeling you up at a few nights ago at Duck Tape. 
Oh god, no. 
Suddenly, the door flies open, and Clyde’s panting as he rushes in and shuts it behind him. He looks pained, bottom lip trembling. “Have ya s-seen the ne--”
“...Police are still investigating the scene...foul play has not yet been ruled out...”
His entire demeanor falls, and the tears fill his eyes. He’s visibly shaking. You stand up and rush over to him just as he collapses on the floor. 
You’re freaking out, trying to confirm what it is you’re pretty sure you already know.
“C-Clyde, did you...?”
He looks up at you from where his head now rests in your lap. “I c-can’t quite remember, b-but I think...I think I m-might’ve.”
Sobs wrack through his body as he cries hoarsely. You’re in shock, somehow hearing the words makes the reality suddenly hit like a damn semi-truck. You run your hands through Clyde’s slightly matted mane, soothing him as best you can. 
“Clyde, it’s okay, baby. It’s alright, it’s not your fault.” You whisper.
“Y-Yeah it i-is, though. I k-killed ‘im.”
You try to stay strong, for Clyde’s sake, but the tears are swelling in your eyes at an uncontrollably fast rate.  “But you d-didn’t do it o-on purpose, h-honey.”
His face seems to drop even more when he sees that you’re about to cry. He sits up shakily, pulling you into a big ol’ bear hug.
“Oh, buttercup, oh god, ‘m sorry. I didn’t m-mean to drag y-ya into all ‘a t-this.”
You sob into his shirt, wrapping your arms around him, holding him close. It’s hard to believe that this man, this kind, gentle man, could’ve done something like this on purpose. Clyde would never hurt a fly.
From what he’s told you, which granted is very little, the line between werewolf and human for him is quite a blurry one. He seems to only be able to remember parts of what happened, and his subconscious is only there for part of the time.
Which means that he’s technically innocent, since he can’t remember nor could he control his canine impulses or instinct. As far as you’re concerned, werewolf Clyde and human Clyde are two different beings.
“I-If anyone ever f-found out ‘bout ma c-condition...”
You pull away and look up at him, holding his face in your hands. “Clyde, I-I’m not gonna turn y-you in.”
“What?” He looks at you with a furrowed brow, like he’s surprised to hear your words. “Y-Yer not g-gon’...?”
Shaking your head, you swing your leg over his lap, hugging him once more while your face settles into the crook of his neck.
“No, of course not. I know you’re a good p-person, and like I said before, it’s n-not you. Your w-wolf side is not really you, Clyde, at least not entirely.”
Clyde looks down at you with an incredibly grateful expression, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He tilts your head up with one of his meaty fingers, immediately pressing his lips to yours.
The kiss is relatively short, just a showing of his gratitude, of his love for you. When he pulls away, you maintain eye contact.
“Okay, so most of the solid DNA evidence will have been washed away by the rain and tampered with by the elements over the past few days that the body’s been outside. Plus, they aren’t looking for wolf DNA, and even if they somehow knew, your wolf DNA wouldn’t lead to your human identity, at least I don’t think so...”
Hours and hours of watching countless true crime shows, movies, and documentaries are finally paying off.
“But, do you remember leaving anything, anything that could indicate foul play? Really search your memory.”
He puts his metaphorical thinking cap on, closing his eyes as he tries to recall anything of use from that night, but nothing comes to mind. His eyes swell with tears as they blink open and he shakes his head. “I can’t ‘member anythin’.”
“That’s okay, Clyde. They won’t find out, I promise, they won’t.” You kiss his neck. “For now, let’s just try to relax and we’ll keep an eye on the news. Will you come snuggle on the couch with me?”
Clyde smiles softly, nodding as you pull away and stand up, extending a hand to him. He takes it, standing up seconds later.  As you walk into the living room, he says your name, causing you to turn around with a slightly perplexed expression.
“Thank ya.”
You smile brightly. “I love you, Clyde.”
“I love ya, too, darlin’.”
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babbushka · 5 years
If your submission are still open I'd like to piggy back off someone but change the proposal from Flip to my main squeeze Clyde after his 90 days? (because you know I'm a hoe for that sweet Logan boi) .
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“Did ya bring it?” Clyde asked as he closed the door to his sister’s mustang the afternoon he was picked up from prison.
He’d been planning this, planning this whole thing for months – and then Jimmy had to go and get him thrown in jail delaying the whole thing.
He had been angry about it, then bitter, then just plain ol’ nervous. Those months in jail did nothin’ but twist his stomach and get his anxieties revving high – what if you didn’t want someone like him anymore?
“Bring what?” She asked, tires peeling out from the penitentiary parking lot, speeding down the highway.
“Mellie – ” Clyde panicked for a minute, before his baby sister laughed.
“I’m just kiddin’ of course I brought it!” She took her eyes off the road for a minute to regard her brother, and her smile softened from something teasing to something warm. “It’s in the bag with your things.”
Clyde reached into the backseat, saw a dufflebag with his prosthetic arm and his books, and sitting right on top was a little black velvet box.
Time seemed to stand still around Clyde as he grabbed the box and opened it, revealing the engagement ring he had picked out long before all this Cauliflower bullshit had been brought up. It sparkled in the warm afternoon sunlight, and Clyde tried his best to swallow his fears, the realization that he was finally going to ask you very present in his mind.
“Do you think she’ll like it?” He asked, really asking, do you think she’ll like me?
“She’s going to love it, Clyde.” Mellie said assuringly, to both question asked and unasked.
 “Clyde!” You were waiting on the front porch when the car pulled up to the trailer, barely waited for Clyde to shut the door before you were running to him, jumping into his arms.
You had visited, of course you had, but he was only allowed so many visitations and it’d been a while since the last time he saw you.
You looked stunning as you always did, maybe even more so. Love burst through his chest when he saw you, when he wrapped his arm around you and spun you around, kissed the smile right off your lips. He was shy, wouldn’t do much in front of his sister, but that was okay. He set you down and you stood up on your tippy toes to press your forehead to his, the two of you leaning on one another, always a steady beacon of support.  
“Hey darlin’, fuck if you ain’t a sight for sore eyes.” He said, voice trying it’s best not to crack.
“I missed you so much Clyde oh I’m so happy you’re home!” You hugged him and hugged him tight, before looking up at him with concern in your face and rushing to talk over yourself with excitement. “Are you okay? Did they treat you right? Are you hungry – you must be starving! I made food.”
“I’m okay, I promise.” Clyde gave you one of those soft smiles that had you melting, before looking down and chewing at his lip. “(Y/N)?”
“Yes honey?” You asked, worried at his tone. He tended to not sound so serious like that when he was around you – had something happened?
“I was thinkin’, could we maybe take dinner on the road?” Clyde scratched the back of his neck, hand sweaty from nerves.
“You want to go out now?” You smiled, certainly not expecting this.
Clyde was such a homebody, you were sure he’d want to just enjoy being home for the evening. But the way he looked at you, at the sky, at the big wide world around him, you could see something was on his mind, swimming behind those brown eyes of his.
“It’s just…I haven’t seen the sun set over the lake in ninety days.” He said softly, little admissions like he liked to do sometimes that tended to break your heart.
“Say no more.” You kissed him, giving his hand a light squeeze.
 “Will you tell me about it? All the things you couldn’t tell me while you were in there?” You asked later, when the two of you went to your spot by the lake.
Clyde took you here often, when he needed to just get away from the stress of life. It was so calm, peaceful by the lake. Birds coasted over the still lake that rippled gently from the breeze, deer braved your company for a sip or two of the fresh crisp water.
Your spot was right at the edge of the water, big rocks that served as comfortable seats. Clyde sometimes skipped stones, but he wasn’t doing any of that now. Now he had his hand shoved in his pocket and was starting to turn red in the face.
“’Not much to tell, mostly stayed in the nurse’s ward and helped there. Mostly thought ‘bout you.” He said, his heart racing.
This was it, this was it! His mind was going a million miles a minute, he didn’t even really know what the hell he was gonna say – oh fuck oh no –
“Me?” You asked, making him look at you.
“Yeah you, sunshine.” He said, so soft. He took a deep breath, and just by being near you he had the strength to get over his fear and say, “Been thinkin’ about something I’ve wanted to ask ya for a long time.”
“Oh Clyde.” You knew, he knew that you knew just by lookin’ at you, you knew what he was going to ask, why he had brought you here.
“While I was in there, I kept thinkin’ about what I was gonna say to ya, when I finally saw your beautiful face again and – well – I’m gonna try my best but I don’t think there’s words in all the books in the world that describe how much I love ya, darlin’.” He got off the rock that he always sat on, and you stood up too.
A shiver ran through you as you fought back tears, not wanting to interrupt your man, your best friend, the love of your life.
Clyde wished he could hold your hand, but he couldn’t do that and hold the ring box at the same time, so he just stood in front of you and had to look at the ground to keep the concentration of what he wanted to say, so convinced that if he looked at you, he’d get lost in your beautiful eyes and lose his nerve.  
“I promise, if you’ll let me, to provide for ya and keep ya safe and warm and loved. I promise I’ll love you with every piece of my heart, god willin’ I will. I know I’m an ex-con, a criminal, but I swear those days are over. And I know I don’t got much – but what I do got, I offer everything to ya.” He recited, making your heart swell.
“You’re the only person in this whole wide world that makes me feel safe, that makes me feel like I’m a whole person. You’re the only one I want to wake up to in the mornin’, and the only one I want to see before I sleep at night. I love you when you’re laughin’ and smilin’, but when you’re crying and angry too. I love you through good times and bad, and I only hope, that maybe you feel the same way too.”
You watched him sink down to one knee, right there by the lake, right there in front of the awe of nature for all the birds and deer and flowers and trees to see, and pulled out the small velvet box that he’d been waiting to give you for months.
“And if you do, then would you do me the honor of marryin’ me?” He asked, finally, finally opening the box and showing you the ring with more hope in his face than you had ever seen before.
“Clyde Logan you make me the happiest woman on earth, yes.” You answered, making his face split into the biggest grin.
“Yes?” He had to make sure, had to double check he heard you right.
“Yes!” You laughed, overjoyed, and he stood back up and you pulled him in for a hug, wrapped your arms tight around him as you kissed him, “Yes, yes, yes!”
And as the sun set over the lake, the sky blossomed into beautiful oranges and pinks as Clyde slipped the ring onto your finger with a little help from you on account of how his hands shook so much, and kissed you, holding you in his arms and for once, felt the luckiest man in the whole wide world.
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