#it's rumored to happen once in blue moon
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neongreenllama · 1 year ago
Sirius would be such a girldad: discuss.
He'd love to do their hair in new and fun styles with butterfly clips and the like. He'd love to pick out dresses and skirts with them. He'd love to try out makeup and nail polish with them. He'd love to have tea parties with them. He'd love to pose as their model too, letting them dress him up.
I have two reasons for saying this:
1. I usually headcanon him as genderqueer in some way, and so I think he sort of wishes he could have done all those things as a kid. He didn't get to, but now he can do it as an adult through his children.
2. He is a great father and whatever his children want to do and are interested in, he is down. They love trains? He'll go to every single train museum with them and build their own miniature train at home. They love dolls? He'll buy them all the dolls they want and all the dresses they want for them, and have tea parties every single day. They want to watch Cars? Absolutely. They want to watch Barbie? Let's go. Whatever gender his kids identify as, whatever interests they have, he would do absolutely anything in his power to support them.
Edit: lmao i just googled girldad and apparently it can also mean smth a bit more problematic! As an afab person whose dad ridiculed pretty much every 'girly' interest I had, I took this question totally innocent as in he'd be a great dad who loves to share his kids interests even if they don't align with his given gender, I hope that's the way you meant it 😂
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yaut-jaknowit · 5 months ago
Omg ♡
Human accidentally saving a Yautja? The human is oblivious to the fact that they saved him?
Could be spicy. it could be sweet, just a thought bouncing around in the head.
A Total Smash
Pairings: Dai'stbaen (Male Yautja) x GN!Reader
Word Count: 6410 (thirteen pages... THIRTEEN PAGES)
Summary: The mountains are your home. Deep in winter, you head into town to get your necessary supplies to survive for two weeks. A rumor roams throughout the small town. You are put on edge. Upon the trip back up to your home, far from civilization, you had no time to react.
Author Note: Okay, okay, bear with me. It's been a hot moment since I last posted. I've got four in total in the vault to post. I wanted to catch up a little since my new job has been time consuming. I did warn you guys my writing may slow down unfortunately, but I'm fighting through it! Also, I'm so sorry but I wasn't able to get to the smut part. If you shot me a dm or another ask, I'm more than happy to continue. I'll even shoot it to the top of my list for you!
Part 2
Deep in the mountains, where cell service was spotty at best, nestled your warm, comfortable home. It housed you and two dogs. There was nothing more than needed for this relaxing life you live. With internet at the house, you can work remotely for your job. Never required to come in and barely show your face.
Both dogs, Kodiak and Vivian, were curled up happily on the couches. Each dog getting their own seat to themselves. You huffed with a soft smile at the sight before grabbing your keys. “Okay, babies, I’ll be back. Be good for me!” you called out to them. Only Vivian raised her head. Besides that, neither made an effort to say goodbye to you.
With that, you went out the front door. A bitter cold instantly rained down on you. It tried to bite through your jacket to steal away your warm. The jacket held strong while you hustled towards your auto-started truck. A necessity if living this far from town and in the dead of winter. A little Nissan wasn’t going to get you even down your driveway in this kind of weather.
Inside the vehicle, it was wonderfully warm and toasty. The heat blasted while the butt warmers worked their magic. I put the key into the ignition then carefully crawled down the driveway.
The trip to the store was uneventful. Just the same people you see every two weeks when you make the adventure down to town. Everyone knows everyone. They know who you are and know this is the day you come in. Usually, you get the same thing every time. Once in a blue moon, you’ll find something of interest and place that into your cart as well.
Today was no different than any other. You grabbed the necessary items and piled your cart up. Items that would last the two weeks away from civilization. That included fresh fruits and vegetables. Those would be stretching it to last that long. Yet, they were part of your diet. You made due.
Susan, a young woman, brightened up at the sight of you. The gloomy teenager was the daughter of the owner. Her mother made her work here. Something she complained about often. You could agree with her. She may seem rude on the outside but once you break past that shell, she was a dear to chat with.
The two of you caught up on intel about what’s been happening around the town. Mainly, Susan chatted your ear off. Apparently, Rick, a well known hunter, had gone missing. It was like he up and vanished from thin air. You may not know the man well but you’ve allowed him to stay at your home while he went up further into the mountains to hunt.
Then, Susan began to rave about a new guy that just moved into town. She instantly called dibs on him and pointed an accusing finger at you. “Dibs! He’s mine. Don’t even think about it,” she playfully scolded and continued to scan more of the items you were buying.
A laugh bubbled in your chest. Both of your hands were raised at the sides of your head, in surrender. “Okay, okay. I got the message. He’s all yours.” Not that you think this man was old enough for you to dabble with. You weren’t interested anyhow. No one in town… really riled you up. Which explains your dry spell.
She narrowed her eyes at you for a moment before relaxing. “Good. I’ve been trying to get his number the moment I’ve heard he moved in,” she told you, shoulders sagging.
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” The words may seem apologetic, but Susan knew better. There was sarcasm hidden between them.
Instead of her finger, she threatened you with a log of ground beef you were going to use for burgers or tacos. “Oh hush, miss ‘lonely on top of my mountain’. I don’t know how you do it. Only having those two dogs as company. Seems so lonely and cruel to yourself.” Susan shook her head, letting her blonde hair sway side to side.
You chuckled with a grin and leaned on the counter. “I’m a loner. It’s not a bad life. Bills paid. The forest as my backyard. The birds and squirrels greeting me in the morning. With a small river to dip my feet in every day. It’s peaceful and relaxing. You should try it,” you offered with a teasing glint in your eyes.
“With Rick missing, I wouldn’t step foot out there. Who knows what took him. What if it’s like a Green River killer situation happening? You could be next. You would be a perfect opportunity.” The last of the items were scanned. You put your card into the reader. “All alone. You only come down into town every two weeks. No cell service. If you were killed, we wouldn’t know until the next time you were suppose to come in.”
With all of that laid down in front of you, the realization of the situation with Rick hit you. Yes, you could next. But, for someone to find your property that far into the mountains, they would need to specifically hunt you down.
“Susan, I’m fine. I got a gun, my dogs, and a lot of courage. Why else would I like so far from civilization? I knew the risks. I’m willing to take it.” You pulled the card out of the reader and slipped it back into your wallet. “Plus, Kodiak and Vivian would alert me if someone was near. They’re good guard dogs.” Well, not Vivi. Kodiak, was though.
The teenager reached across the counter to grasp your hand. “I still worry. You’re… one of my few friends that I feel close to. Please, don’t let you go missing too,” she pleaded with a hurt look etched into her features. You placed your other hand on top of hers and patted it.
“I won’t. You know me. I fight like hell,” you reassured her. Susan looked at you for a few more moments before taking back her hand. The two of you said your goodbyes before you left the store with a full cart.
On the drive back home, your thoughts were slightly scrambled from the fact there was Rick was missing. He knew the forest like the back of his hand. Any of the kids in town who wanted to learn to hunt went to him. He was an excellent hunter. One of the bests out there. But now… he was MIA. That thought churned your stomach.
Whilst in the deep end of your thoughts, your truck came around a corner. The snow on the road wasn’t terrible. A current flurry fell to cover the ground. It only made the sight difficult to see in front of you. Yet, you knew this roads like the back of your hand.
The added weight in the back of your reliable truck aided you well. You happily kept trucking your way along and popping to the sounds of your music.
Before it registered in your mind, something smashed into the grill guard on the front of your truck. Whatever it was went flying and disappeared through the flakes that filled the air. You gasped and stupidly stomped on the brakes. What little road there was present caught your tires and thankfully stopped you rapidly.
You were out of the vehicle before you knew it and rushing towards whatever you had hit. The snow was slick under your feet and took you into the embankment. Your feet were no longer underneath you. A short yell escaped you. You found yourself sunk into two feet of snow. When you get home, it seems like you’ll be stripping. The last thing you wanted was to get sick.
As you slowly rose to your feet, one of your hands landed on something that didn’t feel like it should be. Warmth greeted your palm. In this weather? It’s below freezing.
A confused expression pinched at your features. With a caution that guided your moves, you began to brush away the snow you must have pushed onto whatever this is.
One brush revealed something dark under the snow. The light of the day showed the surface to be… scaly? That’s the best word you could come up with. You peered down to see a fishnet like material that covered the scales. All you could think of was a stripper. Did you hit a… stripper? What the hell was a stripper doing this far from town? Why?
Despite it being imposable, the figure was warm. Pleasantly warm to the touch. You uncovered more and more until you come to release this was a human? Sort of. It had a humanoid form but wore a mask of metal. It covered the lower portion of its face to show off two deep eyes which were closed.
Whoever this was, wasn’t normal. The head shape was what screamed at you. Then, the strange rubbery like dreads that sprouted from underneath its dome shape head. Whiskers that looked to be made of the same material as its hair created eyebrows that crawled up the edges of its head.
Was this the thing you hit?! Your hand wrapped around its wrist, only to find that your fingers couldn’t even encircle it. There was at least two inches of space. But, you turned its wrist so the underside pointed skyward. Two fingers were placed on where a pulse point would be on human.
The warmth the form produced was amazing. The snow was melting when it fell on its exposed body. You almost wished to snuggle against it and savor its heat. Instead, you felt like behind your fingertips with relief. Now, what were you going to do with it?
For a moment, you glanced at your truck and knew the tonneau cover on the bed of your truck would be protective. There was not a chance in a million years that you could lift its hulking form and seat in it. The bed of your truck would be the easiest to get it into your truck. You didn’t know what it was. That was the scary part. But, you felt awful for smashing into it. The poor thing unconscious and lying in a ditch.
Your bottom lip was gnawed on.
With whatever strength you had, the humanoid figure found its way partial draped over your shoulders and back. Both of its muscular arms were thrown over your shoulder to help keep it up. You carefully dragged the unknown creature up the embankment and over to your truck.
Its head was next to your ear. Soft snores escaped its hidden mouth. The corner of your mouth curls up in a softly smirk. The sound was adorable for something so big. You didn’t except it make such a noise.
Your legs quivered with the strain of holding the creature up and reaching for your tailgate. The door eased down and offered you the needed space. A grunt surged past your lips. You tossed his upper portion onto the tailgate. The back end of your truck lowered with the added weight. Then, you bent down to grab its lower legs.
The strength it took to get the rest of it inside nearly made a vein pop in your forehead. You panted and leaned against your truck, head tilted back. The biting cold and falling snowflakes made your nose cold. You pushed the rest of it far enough before closing the gate with a slam. One more glance around provided no results. Just the empty forest that surrounded you.
You got back into your truck with a shuttering breath. Heat blasted in your face and unfroze the skin. It felt wonderful compared to the cold that clawed desperately to suck away your warmth. But, the metal of the vehicle protected you. You put it into drive and continued the drive back home to your dogs.
On the way back, all you could think of was the creature. What was it? And why was it out here of all places? This was the middle nowhere. There was no cell service. Nothing out here. Just the way you like it. Yet, here was this monstrous, towering beast that didn’t look human. Here you are, taking it home… to do what? Take care of it? To nurture it back to health? Well, you did hit him with your truck. That, you felt bad about.
White blanketed the entire front area of your driveway. The snow still coming down heavily at this point. You stepped out. The bitter cold returning to steal your heat. You trudged to the front door and unlocked before returning to the tailgate of your truck. It took little effort to pull it open and reveal the still unconscious body. You didn’t know what you would’ve done if it was awake. That was the last thing you wanted to deal with right now.
From the front door to your current position, it was about fifteen feet. The front porch was protected by the overhang. You gathered your strength and nerves before dragging the form closer to you. The truck continued shake at the weight of the creature. This was going to be difficult. You lugged the chest of it onto your back while slinging it’s arms over your shoulders. Not even the full weight was upon you and you felt like it was about to crush you. The adrenaline from before had worn off during the drive.
The muscles of your thighs trembled as you strained to get it out. You guess this was your sign to work out from more. It took a lot of finesse to lug the form out so it could be draped haphazardly over the top of you. One step after another, you worked your way to the front door and kicked it open. Both dogs charged out the front door to greet you. They raced up to the two of you and heavily sniffed at the legs of the creature.
“Guys! Stop! It’s difficult enough to carry this thing without either of you trying to drag it down,” you scold the two with a stern voice. Both of them eased up on their excitement but continued to take in its scent. You sighed and finally entered your home after such a long day.
The creature flopped down onto your couch the best you could with it’s size. It was massive, not even fitting on your full length couch. You wiped your forehead with the back of your hand in a humorous manner before marching out the front door again. From there, you hauled in the days work you had gone out to retrieve.
Once everything was inside the house, the door was closed and animates corralled back inside. All the food and supplies you got were swiftly put away before you got out the first aid. You didn’t know what you could do for it without any medical knowledge. It was let bleeding by the looks of it. You knelt besides it on the couch and noticed what looked to be bruising and swelling all along its right side. The grill guard. Your fingers gingerly ran along the blazing scales.
This was all your fault.
With the limited knowledge to care for serious injuries, you grabbed an ice pack from deep within your freezer. Kodiak and Vivian came over to investigate why you weren’t giving them attention. Kodiak, the bigger of the two, had his hackles raised and stood rigid a few feet away from the two of you. On the other hand, Vivian nudged her short, boxer nose into the creatures very human-like hand. The main difference was the scales and long black claws that tipped each finger. You shuttered and placed the cloth wrapped ice packs on the swelling.
Wheezing sounded with each inhale and exhale. The noise worried you. It wasn’t like you could take it doctor though. One look at this thing would have the FBI and CIA on your ass the second afterwards.
Despite it looking dangerous, the last thing you wanted was to put it through more harm. You already hit it with your truck and sent it flying like a reindeer through the air. The evidence was blooming on its two-tones scales. A mix of burgundy and tan. The red turning dark in some areas.
Upon closer inspection, skin was spilt on its forehead. Red blood did not flood from the cut. But a neon green that glowed despite the light in your living room. You did the best you could to tend to the mediocre cut. It wasn’t like it needed to be worried over. You fulfilled your duties then stepped away to prepare for dinner. There wasn’t much else you could do for it.
Now, it was up to fate if it is to wake up.
Amidst the preparation of dinner, your dogs whined and begged for their own. A glance at the clock told you it was past their dinner time. You were swift to make up a healthy concoction of raw meat, eggs, and a couple of vitamins to sprinkle on top. Their bowls were set in their respected spots. Each dog was given their command to eat.
Satisfied with that, you happily returned to making yourself food for the night. Every once in a while, you would glance over at the limp body still blanketing your couch. You still couldn’t believe how massive it was. If it were to stand, it would easily tower over you. You were thankful it hadn’t woken up though. You didn’t know what you would do when it would possibly wake up.
Water boiled in an otherwise empty pot. You side stepped to reach for the box of pasta. At the same time, you peered over your shoulder for a fleeting moment. The couch was empty. The box became your focus. You opened it up before pausing.
The couch was empty.
Heat flooded your backside.
A scream left your lips. Your body reacted before your mind fully comprehend the situation. You spun around and chucked the box of open pasta at the wall of muscles that stood directly behind you. It bounced off and scattered loose noodles all over the ground.
The wall didn’t move. Another scream left your lips. You scrambled to get towards the bat next to your door. Kodiak was the first to react and come bounding into the kitchen at full speed. A deep rumbling growl filled the air. Angry barks echoed off of the walls.
The cold metal of the bat met your palm. You whipped around and wielded your new weapon in the face of your intruder. Only to pause at the sight of the towering figure in your kitchen. Despite the lower portion of its face covered, its eyes clearly showed the confusion inside of them. It glanced down at the spilled pasta then at you. You gulped and kept the bat in front of you. God, it looked like it could take this thing away from you and bend it into a pretzel.
When it made no move towards as the tense seconds passed by, you timidly lowered the bat. Your tongue darted out to wet your dry lips. “You’re… awake,” you stated the obvious. But, you didn’t know what to say. Could it even understand you?
Intelligence shone in its bright, yellow eyes.
Nothing human-like.
It took a moment to take in its surroundings and ignored the snarling, slobbering dog in front of him. Its form was lax. You didn’t know if that should scare you or not.
“Kodiak!” you recalled the protective, black mut to you. His growls died down. His eyes didn’t leave the towering form the creature. He expertly walked over to you and stood in front of you. His body acting like a wall.
Vivian roamed into the kitchen, nose towards the ground. The boxer mutt sniffed at the fallen pasta until she came upon the creature. Her tongue lolled out while she tilted her head up. Her tail began to wag.
The two of them are polar opposites.
Fear gripped your heart. It knelt down and started to stroke her head. You didn’t miss the way it winced at the move. Guilt flooded you. It was your fault it was in this situation. Injured. The least you could do was offer a roof over its head and a full belly. Hopefully, that would save you from any transgressions. The last thing you wanted to do was piss it off. Those arms could tear your head straight from your body.
Bright yellow eyes returned to your timid form. In the eyes of a predator. Your heartrate began to pick up. You swallowed hard. “How, how are you feeling?” Thoughts were racing in your mind. Maybe, you could offer it some painkillers to ease off the agony of what looked to be broken ribs. They were at least bruised and could even be cracked. If they were broken, you wouldn’t forgive yourself. It was hard enough with the knowledge you had hit it.
A shuttering breath escaped your quivering lungs. It stared at you. All while petting Vivian. She just sat there, happy as a clam. Her tail wagging away in delight. Kodiak didn’t leave you despite his adoptive sister getting attention.
Then, it stood up. You felt yourself shrink. It was evident that this thing could move without you noticing. It shouldn’t be possible with its size and mass. None of the floorboards had creaked when it originally snuck up behind you.
While it looked at you, it felt wrong to return its gaze. As if you were poking the bear. You were making the situation worse than it already is. How could it get worse than this?!
Your front door shattering. Wood went flying at each of your feet’s. You yelled out and covered your head. The bat still gripped tightly in a death grip. A white blur zipped in front of you.
The form ignored you to wrap a hand around the creature and lifted him off of the ground. Kodiak went wild and charged without a care of his own safety. You screamed at him but he was in his own mind. To protect you.
Vivian yelped and scampered the best she could on the hard wood away from the scene. She was the smarter of the two.
Before stood a nearly ghost white humanoid form. Similar to the creature you had saved from the snow. Yet, its dreads were pure white. Devoid of any melatonin. You gasped. It had a death grip around the red creature’s throat and lifted it off of the ground. A pained grunt left its throat while it scrambled to get out of the hold.
Like son, like parent. You charged forward with the bat and smashed the metal end against the back of its white head. Ghost dropped Red with a pained grunt. Not a second was wasted. You continued to beat down on its nogging like your life depended on it. A guttural cry left your lips as you relentlessly bashed the metal bat.
A white slightly lime green hand whipped out and snatched the bat straight from your hands. Now, you were defenseless in the face of this monster.
Teeth latched onto its calf and dug in. Neon green blood sprayed out and soaked into Kodiak’s maw. You took the chance to back away.
A hulking body launched through the air and drug Ghost down. Fist flew. The harsh sounds of skin meeting skin in a vicious beat down filled the air. You stood there, arms slightly raised, as if you froze in the process of fleeing. All you do was watch as Red continued to introduce his knuckles to the metal of Ghost’s face.
The strength behind each punch caused the metal cave before giving. Neon green blood coated his red fists and coated them to the point it was flung everywhere. Its warmth dotted your clothing and face. But, you didn’t even flinch at the feeling.
Once Ghost had stopped moving, the punches halted. A scary calm entered the air. Red’s chest heaved with breaths but the mouth mask quieted the noise. You swallowed and pushed down the ringing in your ears. Its head whipped towards you with a rumbling snarl that nearly sent Kodiak off again. But, the lanky mutt came up to you to stand guard once in front of you.
Red realized it was you and silenced the sound immediately. Your hand carded through Kodiak’s fur to help quell the racing in your chest. The creature let his head tilt back a deep groan. Its dark dreads swayed at the move. The metal décor clinking against one another.
Your hand touched at your chest. The adrenaline in your system fading with each beat of your heart. The heat of the moment finally over. But, the fact you had nearly been slaughtered was a neon sign right in front of you. Your eyes finally focused on Red who was still straddling the dead body; of whatever they were.
In what felt like less than a minute, the situation had returned to normal. As the powerful drug left your veins, the biting cold that slithered into your expose home caused a chill down your back. You shivered and hugged at yourself.
The front door. It was nearly gone. Only bits and pieces hung on to the hinges. All the heat that was once inside the cozy home was gone. In came a cold you didn’t know how to battle.
A whimper left your lips.
A wall of muscle stood in front of you. Red’s hulking frame stood like a redwood tree over you. The first instinct was to shrink away. To flee. Pretty much. Your feet were rooted to the ground, unable to gather the strength and courage to run. To be a coward in the face of danger.
Kodiak no longer growled but his hackles were raised high. His dark brown eyes watched the unknown figure closely.
Heat rolled down in comforting waves off its body. It almost made you want to press yourself against it. You refrained from that embarrassing idea and glanced back over towards the destroyed door. “My door,” you pouted, sorrowfully and hugged yourself tighter. You had to think of something quick to keep the house a decent temperature.
Before you had a chance to get a plan in place, Red was already on the move. His body gracefully into the living room. You watched as blankets were gathered in those thick arms of his. He carried them over to the door.
As the best he could, he draped the blankets in layers. With the metal gauntlet on its arm, it punctured something into the wall multiple times. Each blanket was secured into place. It helped keep the majority of the cold out of your home.
His form stilled after he had blocked off your door. You took a breath of relief. The house was still drastically colder from the exposed elements. What he did though will help with preventing a quick exchange of temperature. You opened your mouth to speak your relief to him when the creature turned around to finally face you.
There was an air around him that made you slightly nervous. It made you off putted. With the dead body of someone like him on your floor, you had all rights to be. A life he took with his very own fists, and showed no mercy.
Yet, Ghost had come in here. A monster on a mission for the creature standing in front of you.
That left you with one major question: “What the hell happened?” you asked in a firm voice. Your heart thumped powerfully behind your breastbone. The adrenaline leaving your system and making you tired. The last thing you wanted was to pass out or grow dazed in front of him. Not when he showed what he could do without a weapon.
Red’s bright, blazing eyes were set on you. He strode across the living room to enter your space. The heat his body radiated rolled off onto you again. It made you strive to curl up against him. But, you stayed rooted in your spot and looked up at his towering frame. You were scared. At the same time, you held your own in the face of danger. A watchful, careful eye was set on him.
Your body was wracked with a shutter.
“You are cold,” he spot in a voice that barely uttered the words. It was almost like it wasn’t natural to him. His tongue and mouth wasn’t meant to form such words. Your eyes flickered wider before narrowing on him.
Both of your hands rested on your hips. “Well, no shit sherlock. It’s freezing outside and your friend here busted down my door,” you snarked at him. The cold making you a bitter human being.
All you could read on his face was his eyes. One of his brows simply raised at your words. “He was no friend.” Welp, he didn’t understand the sarcasm in your voice.
A sigh left your lips while you shook your head. The temperature was still far below a comfortable range. You recrossed your arms firmly to contain your own body heat. “Still doesn’t excuse the behavior for the fact my front door is gone.” It would take you some time before you could go back into town and get yourself a new door. You had work tomorrow. It was dangerous to be out after dark. There was no time between now and tomorrow.
You rubbed at the exposed skin on your arms with another shutter. The creature’s eyes flickered down to watch the move. He moved in. You opened your mouth to demand what he was doing then his arms wrapped around you. The warmth you’ve been craved soaked into your skin. A deep hum escaped you while you sunk against him.
“Why are you so warm?” you mumbled against the scales he had you pressed to. Your arms twitched, desperate to reach out and wrap them around him. Yet, you held back to keep some sort of composure in front of a beast you didn’t know.
Against your cheek, you could feel the bumps from his injured ribs. That brought you back to the present. You pulled away from him to put some distance between the two of you. “How are your ribs?” you asked in a timid voice. Now, you became hesitant to look him in the eye. That was embarrassing to be nearly drooling at the heat he produced. He should be your concern. You had been the one to hit him with your truck. He’s wounded too.
His hand drifted up to said area. Rough pads grazed along the swollen spot on his left side. You winced. It looked worse than before. The fighting must have agitated them more.
A shrug came from him. “They are… fine,” he struggled to find the last word at first.
In all honesty, you weren’t convinced but had to take his word for it. You glanced down at the body then back at him. The front door was unusable. There was the back door.
God, you didn’t want to deal with this now. Worse of all, you lost your appetite. You jolted then rushed over into the kitchen.
Water boiled over the edge of the pot and created a dangerous mess. You instantly turned off the heat and leaned on the counter. You weren’t going to say it but this day had turned worse. Sometimes, it was best to keep your trap shut. That, you learned the hard way.
Pained grunts sounded behind you. You peered over your shoulder at the sight of Red picking up Ghost’s body. He tossed it onto his shoulders, fireman style, with little issues. Your jaw dropped at the sight. Red glanced at you for a fleeting moment before walking towards the only other door in your home. You watched as he stepped out into the snow and darkness.
Despite no light, the snow reflect any and all light. Red walked and walked upon he was barely visible. The body slid off of his shoulders and was quickly swallowed up by the feet of snow that blanketed the area.
No one would find the body. Not this far out. Who would be looking for it in the first place? Clearly, they weren’t from here. They were… from somewhere else.
Red came trudging back into the house and closed the door behind him.
Before a silence could engulf the two of you, you took a breath in. “I don’t know if you know… but I had hit you with my truck. I-I’m sorry. I didn’t even know someone would be out there. No one should be. But here we are. Um, and in return, you are more than welcome to stay here as long as you want. My apologies for hitting you and such,” you stated to him and pushed off of the counter to stand up to your full height.
“There’s not much here. The other two bedrooms are taken. One for the dogs. The other for storage. Not like they had a bed in either of them. Y-you can stay in my room though. It’s big. It’s better than the couch.” God, you kept rambling on and on.
He chuffed. “It will grow cold out here. A ooman such as yourself wouldn’t battle the weather and win.” Your timid status nearly turned at his words. You wanted to smack him for the comment but refrained from doing so. Your head tilted at the use of ‘ooman’. It almost sounded like… human. Could he no say the word?
“What are you suggesting then?” you asked, unsure what he was trying to say.
“We sleep together.” The color drained from your face. Heat blazed to a burning fire all over your face. “We use each other’s body heat. Mostly, keeping you from freezing and dying on me.” He stepped close enough you saw the dimensions of his eyes. “You don’t realize it, but you not only saved me once but twice.”
Confusion took over your features.
“In the forest, on the road. I was fighting against the bad blood. You had came along in your vehicle and hit him. Then, just now.” Wait… you had hit both of them?! Your face morphed into horror. “As much as it pains me to admit to such a thing, you had saved my life twice. As per my honor code that I am bound to, I am in debt. I shall not let harm come to you.”
“Hold up! Hold up. Let me get this straight. I hit both of you.” You began to count off on your fingers with each point. “I somehow saved your life then. I drag you here. I save you again from… a bad blood? My god. What in the hell are you?!” You had both of your hands pointed at him. Your body very animate with your words.
“A Yautja. My name is Dai’stbaen. I am an enforcer,” he explains and forfeits information to you. You clutched at your forehead. “I hunt down bad bloods. Rouges of my kind and kill them.” You had to lean back against the counter again to keep yourself upright. All of this information was flying far too fast at you.
Then… it struck you. “You’re an alien.” It was more of a statement than a question. He wasn’t from earth. Aliens were real. Oh god. You felt lightheaded, on the verge of passing out from all of this hitting you straight in the face. A keen left your throat.
Dai…st’baen dipped his massive dome head. Your gaze was pinned to the floor but you weren’t looking at anything. You were trapped inside of the flying thoughts that turned into a hurricane.
Clearly, there was no sanity left inside of you. Not at this rate.
“Okay then.” After what felt like hours, you finally came to a conclusion. In the moment, you had to just roll with it. Adapt. Survive. A life you knew far too much about while living in the middle of nowhere. You met his eyes. “Well… um, this has been an eventful day. But, I think it’s time to turn it if you don’t mind. I need… to sleep on all of this.” Maybe some sleep could help you think clearer tomorrow.
The burgundy figure looked at you, eyes studying your figure for long moment. You took the moment to step around him and head towards your bedroom. “Come along, I’ll show you.”
Despite not hearing any pitter patter of feet, you felt his huge presence behind you. Like a shadow. You showed him into your room. It wasn’t much. But it was your space that you enjoyed. Yet, here you were, about to share it with someone else. Someone not even your own species.
One of your hands motioned towards the bed. “There’s the bed. I’ll go and grab some more blankets for you. It’ll… be really cold.” The sun was gone far below the horizon. There was no heat to share from the outdoors. It was all on the two of you to survive.
His bright eyes watched as you scurry into the hallway. Though, you wanted to be away from the scrutiny of his powerful gaze, you were swift to get armfuls of blankets. The night won’t be forgiving. Heat was essential to staying alive in a place like this. You didn’t know if he understood that or not. It wasn’t like he needed to be wrapped up in twenty blankets. He was a furnace himself.
All the blankets were tossed onto the bed into a pile. Then, you turned towards him. “I… uh, hope this is fine. It’ll be too cold out in the living room for me.” You really hoped he didn’t kick you out of your room. Not when the temperature could slowly drain you of your warmth.
Dai’stbaen merely shrugged before climbing onto the bed gingerly. You followed suit and wrapped yourself up in the blankets. Though this was your bed, you laid there straight as a rod and stared up at the ceiling.
This was going to be a long night.
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yandere-wishes · 2 years ago
‧ ₊˚✧ Do Not Weep Hydro Dragon ‧ ₊˚✧
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Summary: There's a crack in Neuvillette's heart that bares your name. He sheds a tear for you each day. Yet once you return to Fontaine with your fiance. The cracks and tears begin to grow. 
Warnings: Yandere behavior, stalking, arranged marriages, affairs. 
Author's note: I'm sorry 😭💔😭💔
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There've been rumors circling around Fontaine. Ghostly whispers floating between coral-tainted lips and fervid ears. The rumors spoke a bittersweet name. One Neuvillate had long since buried. At first, the notion of your return had felt like a bad dream. like the roar of a tsunami before it crashes on shore. Terrifying yet, ultimately unreal. He'd summed the rumors up to some traveler who bore your mien. To an erroneous article by the steam bird. Anything. anything at all. 
Anything that wasn't you.
It wasn't until after a particularly grueling trial that he'd witnessed the truth behind these rumors. There you were in all you're glory. Gleaming akin to the finest pearls laying dormant in the primordial sea. Your expression, when he could catch it, was gleeful, delighted, A drastic contrast to his last unfortunate memory of you. His eyes follow the delicate movement of your gloved hand as it stifles a cheery giggle pouring from your cherry lips. It's only after noting your delight that he becomes conscious of the gentleman accompanying you. A ginger with bloodthirsty eyes and a soul that reeks of carnage.
A splash of heat rolls down Neuvillet's cheek. Right before a splash of cold splatters across his temples. his attention narrows on the sky, as the
clouds begin to weep. What once was a peaceful sunny day shatters like a wine glass on porcelain tiles. Humidity threads through the air robbing him of his breath. 
It's raining.
How fitting, Neuvillette thinks as he watches you and your companion run to find shelter. 
Neuvillette recalls your smile almost as clearly as he recalls your pulse under his teeth. The taste of your flesh as his teeth left bloody love bites in every wrong place. He remembers saying I love you, albeit there was more to it than that. It had started with I love you and ended with every truth he'd forgotten how to tell. He had shed his human masquerade, in the hope of finding true love. You had screamed that night. You had screamed every night since. 
Neuvillette thumbs through his memories. As the rain outside grows more ferocious. He remembers you standing by the sea, he remembers you telling him the phobias that ran deeper than blood. 
You hadn't been from Fontaine, not originally. A fallen gear from an ancient automaton whose kin resided across the sea.
You'd been raised in the ways of the hydro court. Even if 'raised; was too generous a word. Morphed or sculpted may have been more appropriate synonyms. You grew up clawing at your own skin, trying to find who was underneath the layers of mindless expectations. You'd been raised as a lady and grew into a harrowing beast that feasted on the stars. 
Yet even creatures of unparalleled strength had their weaknesses. Even ever-blessed vision wielders bore a certain Achilles heal. 
Yours so happened to be your incompatibility with your foster nation. Or rather with the water itself. 
When people asked, as some had tended to do. You'd weaved them tales about serrated Pisces and dorsal-finned leviathans with open maws awaiting their prey. You don't tell them about the vastness, the dark blue landscape that feels all too wide and all too endless. You don't tell them about the things you swore you've seen lurking beneath the infinite waters of Fontaine. And you most certainly leave out the parts about the creature who engraved fear upon your bones many moons ago before you even knew how to walk.  
Neuvillette remembers your eagerness to leave. That had, ultimately, been your bonding point. He'd been an outcast. The supreme justice was ever only relevant when he upheld the law. And whilst Supreme Justice Neuvillette was revered and adored by all. Plain Neuvillette was nothing more than a shadow of evaporated water that hunted the streets of Fontaine. You had never wanted to mingle with the people. Keeping everyone at arm's length. Maybe it was fate that had brought two lonely souls together all those moons ago. Maybe it was something else. 
He had loved you. He swears it on the Hydro archon ( or any other Archon who lacks Furina's fickleness) He'd tried to show you that the waters of Fontaine meant you no harm. He'd even shown you his true form, the utmost assurance. Maybe that's why you fled. Maybe that's why you'd left him heartbroken one morning when the sun didn't rise. 
It had rained that day. As well as the following days. Until the surrounding islands ceased to exist. 
You'd left him hollow and alone.
Yet your return made the cracks in his heart fester. 
 Neuvillette had taken it upon himself to cloak you in his watchful gaze.
He'd come to notice how you and that dreadful Fatui Harbinger you'd come to associate yourself with. Rather liked taking long walks
 where the sea kissed the shore. He'd also noticed a ring of Snezhnaya Alexandrite perpetually wrapped around your finger. 
Neuvillette's footsteps are heavy as they collide with the concrete. He's closer today. So close he can practically smell the scent of citrus and eucalyptus. If he reached out with his powers he could surely touch you, feel the warmth of your body bleeding into him, just like old times. He misses you, yet a part of him pities your return. Neuvillette's grey eyes follow your desolate gaze. It rips open one too many wistful wounds. 
"So then Teucer said...Hey darling are you listening?"
Childe's eyes follow your frozen glare, tracing your line of sight straight to the menacing waters that refuse to part from your side. You hear your lover mumble a faint 'right'. Before you feel his silk-clad fingers dance across the back of your neck. Flirting with the chilling fear that rolls off you in waves. You pin your body to him, finding comfort in the familiar scent of his cologne as you bury your head in his neck. 
"I'm truly sorry for this darling" Sincerity rolls off his tongue, percolating into the tender kiss he presses to your temple. "I've just been feeling...down lately. Like this inexhaustible sadness is going to swallow me whole. Fontaine was the only place I could convince the Tsaritsa to transfer me for a short while. I just, I need a break from it all." You answer him in a low melodic hum. You get it, truly you do. Sadness is a poison, acidic in nature. It engulfs one's soul. Melting away their purpose, their resolve. Eating away until it reaches their hearts, their desires. It leaves behind empty shells and broken pieces too fragile to ever fully mend. 
Who better than you to understand the pains of being soulless, bereft? A mere shell awaiting a miracle that had died long ago. 
There's a voice, carved from velvet and silk. It rolls across you like a tidal wave. Potent yet soft. It whispers your name and calls out in hopes of mending broken hearts. You turn to look behind you. All you see is the endless sea. 
It's only on the fourth day of your visit that Neuvillette permits you to see him. Actually, see him. It's no longer his ghost that haunts you nor the empty waves that he commands beckoning you by name. It's him, really him. His glare is relentless as he leaves a prolonged kiss on your knuckles. You're in the middle of a conversation with that dreaded harbinger. Something about his older sister wishing to take to shopping upon your return to Snezhnaya.
"My darling it's been all too long, how fare thee my-"
He's cut short, how rude. Yet far be it from him to expect proper mannerisms from the Fatui.
"Hey, I'm having a conversation with my betrothed. Don't interrupt." Childe's eyes morph into his own glare. One which promises blood and violence. The fates of those caught on the other end of said glare are never pleasant. 
"As the chief justice of Fontaine, I have to right to interrupt any conversation I see fit."
Despite yourself, you let out a laugh. Choke the fear down with a cup of Fonta and ask Neuvillette to join the two of you. It's the nostalgia talking really. Some remnants of the past collide with the present causing your heart to adopt an unsteady rhythm. 
It's after that event that Neuvillet permits his presence to be seen by you and your "lover". He's always a mere breath away, following under the guise of being a gracious "tour guide". But tour guides do not wrap their arms around a lady's waist when her fiance isn't looking. Nor do they sneak kisses behind open parasols. You haven't protested about any of this. Maybe your fear of the hydro dragon has perished, replaced with a yearning for your former lover. He prays to every star in Tyvat for this to be true. 
It's on the day of your departure that you receive the bad news in the form of an army of Gardemeks. Childe is being arrested, something about a serial disappearance case. Something about a trial. It's a ruse you feel it in your bones. Neuvillette personally appears at the docks and holds you in his arms as you weep. He assures you this will all be cleared up soon. That you have nothing to fear. 
But you do, you have all so much to fear. Neuvillette permits you to stay at his house whilst the trial takes place. He traces the shimmering blue of your veins with his lips. He says he loves you, that he refuses to let you slip from between his fingers ever again. He'll keep you here. Keep you safe. Away from the Fatui. 
Away from Ajax. 
How he wishes he could tear the universe apart with his teeth. Part the oceans and bury the two of you under it. He dreams of keeping you by his side away from everyone else. Neuvillette is the chief justice of Fontaine, it's a prestigious role, one that demands trust. Yet maybe, just this once. He'll have to find the accused guilty regardless of the evidence. 
Tag list: @rebeccawinters @fangirl-katwithclaws @starshiningsirius
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petriwriting · 3 months ago
You Deserve Better - JJ Maybank X Reader
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A/N: Not my best work but It was a good writing exercise.
Your boyfriend, Todd, was anything but loving and caring. He had money, so you would get gifts, flowers sometimes, and expensive jewelry. but lately it seemed like you were just an accessory, something to make him look better. someone to bring to family events and parties, although he would pay you no mind once you had been introduced to people. He was also a heavy drinker, and there were rumors that he did drugs when he and his friends went boating together. It started as a decent relationship, he was cute and tall and funny. But lately he had been wrapped up in what you tenderly referred to as "Kook Bullshit." 
You were fortunate, you lived comfortably. you certainly didn't come from millionaires. But because of this you were referred to as a Kook, even if you didn't consider yourself to be like the others. You began going to parties and meeting all kinds of new people, particularly a group of Pogues. almost instantly you took a liking to JJ Maybank. His golden blonde hair and sea blue eyes were enchanting, and despite your relationship it was an irresistible temptation. You kept it quiet, and secretive. 
You were currently waiting on the edge of the beach with your phone. You opened your phone and were met with its bright screen contrasting the darkness of the night. The wind chill tousled your hair. you searched for his contact. Blondie. and sent him a quick text.
Busy rn?
pick me up?
You smiled. It was a guilty pleasure, you enjoyed spending time with JJ, he was sweet and funny and he wasn't abusive, or rude. He paid attention to you and listened to you talk. You sent him your location and waited in the darkness for another few minutes, listening to the chatter and music from the beach party that was not far from where you stood. After a while the twinie came rolling up, JJ was driving and he rolled down the window. "uh, Uber for Y/N?" he joked. you laughed and got into the passenger seat. He must not have been far when you sent your location to him. 
"So no grand plans tonight huh?" he asked as he drove further from the island towards a more secluded area. "Not interested in the party." you explained. It was lame, some kids had stolen a bunch of beer and were all drunk playing beer pong in the sand. "Where's the boyfriend on this lovely evening?" he asked you. you sighed and looked over at him. It was stupid, but the moonlight made his eyes twinkle... "He's staying in charleston with his friends." JJ nodded. He always asked about Todd. It was strange, but deep down he just cared about you, and wanted to make sure you were in a safe situation. Being a victim of physical violence himself, he hated to see it happen to others. "So he's out of town?" he asked quietly. "Yes." you replied. 
JJ pulled up to an abandoned field, mostly dirt and sand. The weather was nice and it was a pretty delicate evening with the moon shining down and the area being quiet, all you could hear were the southern cicada's singing their songs and the subtle sound of waves lapping not far beyond the clearing. You hopped out of the van, and JJ followed suit and helped you on top of the van, where he had just laid out an old beach blanket. He laid on his back and you did the same. looking up you saw how clear and bright the stars were. 
"Thanks for picking me up." you begin. "I've had a lot of stuff going on and I just needed to get away." you admit. JJ looks over at you understandingly. His hand brushes yours, barely touching but not holding hands. "It's alright. I get it," he retorts, running his fingers through his hair with his other hand. "I like to get away sometimes too." he says.
For some reason, the air is thick with tension. You'd been seeing each other and hooking up in the twinkie for 4 months now. It became a routine. After several moments spent in silence JJ spoke finally. "I've been thinkin." he says. His voice is straight to the point. "You should leave Todd." he states flatly. Slightly offended, you turn to look at him. "JJ you know why I can't." you say. "Who cares what he says?" he pleads. "He-" you swallow hard, a gulp. "He might hurt me." you admit, your eyes are glazed over, embarrassed almost. "Rafe told me he saw him doing coke with his buddies. They trashed some expensive yachts, and they were high off their asses playing with a gun they found." 
JJ is silent for a minute. "You know I wouldn't let anything happen to you right?" he says finally. "I know but this whole thing just feels wrong. What if he finds out?" you continue. "He might try and go after you. I don't want that." you state clearly. "Well he can try, but he won't get to touch me." JJ says confidently. you went back and forth at the idea, you wanted out, but not where you could be hurt. you also felt safe with JJ, you knew that the islanders from the cut stuck together no matter what. You were like an honorary pogue. "fine."
You finally say, pulling out your phone and drafting a message to Todd, he always reads your messages almost instantly, but he barely ever replied. "How does this sound?" you said after typing away for a few minutes. 
We're over. I don't want my stuff back. Don't talk to me anymore.
JJ looked over the message, and before you could freak and and be doubtful he hit send. there was a rush of relief followed by panic. "Oh my god." you uttered. "Oh my god!" you said louder. "JJ i'm officially single now." you said. "Yeah, so that means we can get inside the van right now without any guilt?" he smirked, leaning over to you, you had a pit in your stomach but you kissed him anyway. 
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gnocchisworld · 9 months ago
Beautiful Stranger
Joost Klein x singer!reader
Summary: reader is playing at a festival and her set is right after Joost's, they meet in the backstage tent after his stage and hang out after reader does hers! Rumors circulate after fans spotted the pair and they reconnect after missed opportunities when they were together :PP
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: no use of y/n, YEARNING! no physical description of reader but uses of she/her and feminine descriptors!
A/N: omgomg this is my first fic ever on here so anyways I am a firm believer of the meeting people twice theory like yes second chances yes reconnection yes!
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Entering the backstage tent of the festival, you were immediately hit with a wave of scorching heat, the sun's relentless rays seeping even through the canvas. The energy from the performance on stage outside was pulsing and lively, carried by the young artist who commanded the crowd's attention, music increasing the adrenaline in your blood. Yet even as you prepared for your own set, the background noise and excitement faded to a muted hum as you focused on your vocal exercises and cues. As you readied yourself, the atmosphere surrounding you was as sultry and intense as the heat outside, the hot air seemingly alive with a buzz of anticipation. 
With as much haste as the sound disappeared from your brain, a new, baritone voice flowed through the air. 
“Ah, sorry. Didn’t see you here.” 
You looked up from your daze and were met with a deep, hypnotic blue, one that would make even the skies jealous. The angles of his nose were perfectly shaped, as if God had taken extra time to mould the clay that would later take on his form. From the standpoint of a bystander, the two would seem like the sun and the moon; two opposites that seemingly complimented each other like second nature. As the silence lingered for a second too long and his gaze set comfortably on yours, you choked up the first words that came to mind.
“No worries! I was just lost in my own world there for a moment.”
He was entirely captivating — you were unsure of how to compose yourself as you burned under his stare. As if reading your mind, he quickly offers his hand out to you, eager to make any form of connection.
“You can call me Joost.” He urges, carefully tracing his eyes over every line in your face for a reaction.
Taking his hand in yours, you promptly share your name. A subtle yet powerful exchange — trading names — the fibres in which every invisible string between two people begins to entangle together. His hands felt as though they had once held the warmth of a flame, having the ability to breathe life into anything it touched. For lack of better word, you were electrified.
A careful knocking on the stage door alerted the two and prompted the release of your hands. Your manager walks in, choosing to ignore the other figure in the room.
“Sorry, you’re on in 3.” 
“I’ll be there, thanks, Jere.” He nods, closing the door with relative ease and resuming whatever words he was muttering into his walkie-talkie. 
A beat passes as Joost speaks up again, “Succes!” Smiling fervently, he lightly brushes the skin on your shoulder with his palm as he walks out into his own dressing room before you could even respond, taking with him the warmth of his presence.
Unsure of how to make sense of what had happened, you drowned in your own quandary. The blood in your veins were still pounding against the valves of your beating heart and your kidney was beginning to beat to the same rhythm. You were unsure of whether this was due to stage fright or your recent encounter, though it didn’t really matter anyways; it was the fact that they were both valid options. 
As you step on stage, the roar of the crowd engulfed your senses like a crashing wave. Your eyes scan the sea of bodies, a kaleidoscope of colours and faces all there to witness your performance. Unconsciously, you were scouring for the blue that looked at you as if you had been the only girl in the world. 
Unbeknownst to you, he had joined the crowd to experience the passion that you had brought out with your music — he wanted to get to know you, and music is the window to one’s soul. As you sang your first song, it became adamantly clear to him how the atmosphere shifted and every light softened under your radiance. Your music highlighted the more subtle hues in life that Joost had not seen in awhile, eliciting memories of lustrous summers and fleeting springs; it felt as if his world, which was always turning at 100 kilometres an hour, began to slow. Your voice was mellow, it filled his eardrums and calmed the ringing which usually reverberated in every corner of his skull. He took note of everything you did, from the way you held your guitar to the reds blossoming on your fingertips as you held down on its strings. Ultimately, he was hopelessly captivated — by your lulling melody, your beauty, and the entirety of your being.
Diverting your eye from your guitar to the crowd, you locked your gaze on a familiar aquamarine — a shade you couldn’t get out of your head as it bloomed in your peripheral vision. A smile played on your lips; you couldn't help it. It was as if the corners of your mouth were tugged at, forcing them to curve upwards. The warmth which was previously absent in your stomach began to reignite and it felt as if rainbows were being drawn on the skies of your psyche. Being on stage in front of thousands has never felt so intimate before.
As your final song comes to an end, your cheeks are numb from the constant smiling — not performatively but rather from sheer happiness. You step off the stage and back into the backstage tents, still dazed from the trance you were under as you had, prior, melted under the beautiful stranger’s gaze. You could feel a familiar set of eyes linger on you and you’re met at eye level with two deep blue pools. He spoke up gently, breaking the silence between the two before it could settle on your shoulders.
Joost grins at you, his eyes still sparkling with the same intensity as before. "You were phenomenal up there," he says. "I couldn't take my eyes off you."
You felt your cheeks flush a rosy pink, with a shy smile you replied, “you weren’t too bad either.”
Joost let out a hearty chuckle, amused by your comment. "Just 'not too bad'?" he teased, feigning offence. A beat passes as you forget to answer, as if wind had been sucked out of you from the mere sight of his laughter. Taking the initiative, he inquires you; “Hey, uh, I was thinking of walking around some more, take a look at some other stages if you wanted to hang out for a bit?”
Your eyes sparkle with a glint of excitement, “I was actually thinking the same thing — I’d love to join you.” Your voice cracking ever so subtly, betraying your nervous plight.
Carefully, he took your hand and started walking out of the tent, leading you towards the next stage — “so you don’t get lost.”
As you shuffle through the labyrinth of crowds, your bodies are constantly pushed together, every small touch prompting an exchange of warmth in return. His doting predisposition was almost overbearing, each time he looked back to make sure you were still behind him was so subtle, yet so appetent. The implications of it all, his hands on yours as you traverse the field of human bodies, wide open for the consumption of a myriad of prying eyes, was not lost on either of you, yet it remained a fact that both of you choose to ignore.
Breathing away the air of silence encapsulating the two of you, he speaks up. “What kind of music are you into? Like what artist do you want to see right now?”
You hadn’t realised how your gaze was so readily fixed on him — as if it were a force of habit, until his voice fills the silence you’d had in your head; racing at 100 kilometres an hour to catch up to the speed of your heart. Without much time to formulate a response, you quickly mutter the first few words that enter your thoughts. “I’ll watch anyone! Plus — maybe you could introduce me to some new music?”
Your words elicited a gentle smile as he tugged you towards a new area; “truth be told I don’t know who’s performing either — but we can discover together!”
As you settle into the crowd and your bodies blended in to the splatter of colour amidst dancing souls, he rested his hand on the small of your back, fingers fidgeting with the fabric of your top — holding dear to you and praying to a higher being so as to not get partitioned in the middle of thousands.
Although you were sure your attention was focused on the performance just ahead, you could feel each time his gaze averted into your eye line — his stare burned into your cheek the same way a kiss would; searing your flesh with a romance that lingered like sun rays on burnt skin. You used each chance he looked away to do the same — to leave a persistent stain on his peripheral vision which sent his heart to the moon. This prolonged back and forth lasted all the way to the end of the artist’s set, his songs being nothing more than background noise as your heart pounded prolifically in your ears. 
Eager to extend your time together, you asked to buy him a drink — with which he gladly accepted.
Minutes passed into hours discreetly — you were lost in conversations about everything and nothing at the same time, until the noise settled and the crowd thinned, bringing your conversation down to weak attempts at staying in each other’s company.
You take the final sip of your drink; you promised yourself this’d be the last. Eased by the momentum of your mutual exchange, you ask him: “Do you ever look out into the crowd and realise that every person that everyone’s ever met was brought together by chance?”
“Like how your set just so happened to be right after mine?”
Hesitantly, you replied, stepping on eggshells as you cherry pick each word carefully, trying to gauge some meaning behind your blooming relationship. “Yeah, I mean like what if I hadn’t been in that tent when you came in? Would you still watch my set? Would you be having a drink with me right now?”
“I’m pretty sure someone with a presence like yours would’ve caught my attention one way or another.” His response was delivered almost immediately, as if the answer were the most obvious thing in the world.
Attempting to hide the smile inevitably slipping onto your face and the pink creeping up your cheeks, you let out a sincere chuckle. “I’m glad you think so.”
As your conversations drift with the sunlight, a call from your manager reminds you of your responsibilities, prompting an exchange of see you soons and subtle glances over the shoulder as you both depart from each other’s warmth.
It was hard to be around him — to be close but not close enough. To say he charmed you would be an understatement, and to say that he didn’t feel the same would be a lie. Being back in your hotel room reminded you of how intoxicating it felt to be near him, and it felt like an itch as you traced back the steps that you took so carefully around him; how the two of you danced around each other so gently. You weren't sure you'd ever cross paths again; the regret of not being forward about how you'd felt with him loomed around you as you lay in bed, phone in hand, wondering if he was still thinking about you. His name rested on the tip of your tongue as you drifted off to sleep, naturally burrowing a home in your chest.
Waking up to waning notifications and texts hardly alerted you as you were seemingly stuck in the same state of wonderstruck that you had been in the day before. As you recollect your fleeing consciousness, the blots of colour on your screen begin to form coherent shapes, revealing texts from your manager and PR team, all addressed at several tweets and posts discussing you; their messages growing more and more panicked with each one. With a deep breath, you clicked on the Twitter app, bracing yourself for what you knew was coming.
The tweets were overwhelming, discussing everything from your performance to your interaction with Joost. People were making assumptions about your relationship and dissecting every detail of your interaction.
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Mindlessly scrolling through the barrage of tweets, a text from a number you have labelled as “Joost :)” halts every single movement and thought previously in motion.
J: hello girlfriend :D 
R: joost?
J: have u seen what theyre saying about us??
R: its really brutal
they dont hesitate
J: this is my first time experiencing something like this (・´з`・)
R: me too!
i hope youre ok with that kind of stuff though, its pretty intrusive
J: yup, but im going to have to get used to this (╥﹏╥)
and you are cute, so i dont mind  (⁀ᗢ⁀)
R: oh thank you, youre cute too :D 
You smiled as you read Joost's messages, feeling a warm sense of relief and happiness. Despite the gossip and speculation online, he seemed to be handling it all in stride – easing any preexisting worry that he’d be weirded out or pushed away by the assumptions forced upon you and your relationship. You stared intently at your screen, your fingers hovering anxiously over the keypad. Your heart rate quickened as you contemplated hitting send on the message, a wave of trepidation washing over her. 
R: maybe we can talk more over lunch? just to make sure ure all good!
Was it too desperate? Did it seem like you wanted a second? First? Date amidst an unfortunate impasse? Would he be discouraged? Did he even want to see you again?
J: i’d love 2!!!!
Oh. You release the breath you hadn’t noticed you were holding in, letting the pressure dissipate from your shoulders. Despite the weight of the situation, you found solace in knowing that he had playfully accepted the circumstances and was willing to brace the full extent of the accusations by risking another day with you. Finalising the details for lunch, you got ready and swiftly made your way out the door – towards the destined spot.
Stumbling through the city, you took in the sights as you passed by slews of oscillating buildings and unnamed parks. Unanswered messages from your manager remain rigid and unread as you lock away your phone, looking forward for signs of the restaurant you were to meet Joost in. Determination sets in to the anterior parts of your brain – the tenacity to express your interest in growing together with the man you had just met the day prior. Although it was sudden, you were sure that getting to know him would only continue to confirm the feelings beginning to harbour at the base of your judgement. Rounding the last corner, you were hit by a familiar warmth; it was sudden, intrusive, preponderant, and all-consuming simultaneously.
“Hallo!” The Dutch accent slipped into his greeting like honey, the same baritone voice you’d come to be acquainted with to fill the air around you, as a blanket would. Suddenly every smell, minute sound, or gentle breeze that was prevalent became subdued – every one of your senses focusing on the presence of the alluring companion standing in front of you.
Your grin evident in your voice, you reply tenderly, “hello, stranger.”
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abstractnaturaldisaster · 11 months ago
is it over now? (was it over then?)
part one
part two: if she's got blue eyes, i will surmise that you'll probably date her
Eddie had felt completely numb after leaving Steve's apartment. He wasn't really interested in doing anything with his band even though they definitely owed the studio a new album but Eddie wasn't feeling inspired after the abrupt departure of his most recent muse.
He didn't want to be that guy who wrote songs about his exes or aired dirty laundry in public through cryptic lyrics. It worked for other people but his band's vibe was a lot more fantasy and concept albumy and he couldn't quite find the energy to allegorize his current heartbreak. This is where the reality of the music industry really sucked because at some point their label didn't give a shit about Eddie's need to wallow and his manager could only negotiate so many extensions.
Thankfully, all previous qualms he had with writing about his ex and their breakup ended when he saw another fucking TMZ headline about Steve leaving a club with another model. This had to be the thirtieth person Steve had been tied to since their breakup. Eddie's best guess was that his pact with Robin to be each other's whatever to get the media off their back had ended.
Lyrics started flowing out of Eddie as he swiped out of twitter and into his notes app.
Your new girl is my clone And did you think I didn't see you? There were flashing lights At least I had the decency To keep my nights out of sight Only rumors 'bout my hips and thighs And my whispered sighs
Eddie knew it was probably a low blow to flaunt his escapades after he'd worked pretty hard to keep them under wraps. He didn't need the world to know he had pity sex with some random guy he picked up because he really got Eddie's last album. Eddie fucking hated how pretentious some fans were about his lyrics. Like sometimes a sword is just a sword, bestie. Anyways, an NDA and really shitty coffee later, Eddie pretended that mistake hadn't happened but was petty enough to make it clear to Steve that he wasn't the only one finding solace in someone else's bed.
He put together a rough melody on his acoustic and sent it over to his band to see what they thought. He wasn't sure if they'd be into it but it was fucking therapeutic to get the feelings out of his body that were festering there. Gareth was over the moon because he had been anti-Steve from the beginning and was super on board with some pretty boy actor directed snark. Ronnie, Jeff, and Freak were a little harder to bring around as they felt like they should at least sort of protect their darker brand but once Freak laid down a pretty sick base and Ronnie added some haunting piano it was undeniably a Corroded Coffin song. They packaged up a rough draft and sent it over to their producer to work his magic. Before Eddie knew it the song was approved for a sound on TikTok and Eddie and the band were thinking of video ideas to promote the single which would apparently be ready for streaming in the next month. Eddie wasn't quite ready to concede an entire angsty breakup album but it did at least feel good to get a start on producing what the studio was looking for.
Eddie sat back and scrolled through the sound on TikTok and thought about Steve's reaction to the sound or the single a perfectly healthy amount, thank you very much.
@lololol-1234 (it's not quite fixed yet but i hope you don't mind the tag)
part three
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real-fire-emblem-takes · 2 days ago
Fodlan's favorite Girl Scout Cookies!
Main characters:
Byleth: Thin Mints. They've always had an inclination towards minty flavors, and Thin Mints hit the spot just right. Rumor has it the Goddess also favored mint. I wonder if that has anything to do with anything...
Shez: S'mores. Nothing like a cookie version of their favorite snack to get them thinking about the good old days with Captain Berling's Mercenaries. They'll be discontinued soon, but maybe one day they'll come back again in another form. I mean, hey, it happened once. You can't really keep S'mores down.
Black Eagles:
Edelgard: Adventurefuls. Chocolatey, nice caramel flavor, not too sweet, and the sea salt isn't overpowering. Just how she likes it.
Hubert: Thin Mints. Edelgard insisted he try Girl Scout Cookies one time and he was a tad surprised to find he liked them. Granted, he won't go out of his way to procure some (unless Edelgard asks him to), but he won't turn them down if offered.
Dorothea: Samoas. She really has a taste for coconut, and paired with the caramel glaze and chocolate drizzle, she just melts the second she bites into one.
Ferdinand: Toffee-tastic. I dunno, this sounds like a very noble variety he'd eat, but I think he'd also enjoy the flavor. Really, you can't go wrong with toffee for him.
Bernadetta: Tagalongs. They're her favorite comfort snack. Also chocolate + peanut butter = yum. Need I say more?
Caspar: Trefoils. He doesn't care much for Girl Scout Cookies, but he can and will devour an entire box of Trefoils in one sitting if you let him.
Petra: Doesn't eat them. She already had trouble understanding what Girl Scout Cookies were, but as soon as she bit into one of Caspar's Trefoils, her immediate reaction was, "Let us not be doing this again."
Linhardt: Savannah Smiles. He is forever miffed that they got discontinued. Lemon-Ups are no substitute.
Monica: Adventurefuls. No, it's not because they're also Edelgard's favorite, she has no idea what you're talking about!
Blue Lions:
Dimitri: Thin Mints. He may not be able to taste them, but he can feel the mint as he eats the cookies and finds it a pleasant sensation.
Dedue: Caramel Chocolate Chip. He's not keen on Girl Scout Cookies, but he figured he'd give one flavor a try. That was the one he picked and he liked it.
Felix: Thin Mints. It's the only variety he can tolerate.
Mercedes: Trefoils. This is actually pretty basic even by her own standards, but as the cookies are simple shortbread cookies, she likes to crush them up and add them to her baking recipes for texture and a little crunch. She's also looking into recreating discontinued varieties to give to her schoolmates.
Ashe: Do-si-dos. You know how some people will take Oreos, twist them apart to get the filling all on one side of the cookie, then put the two filling adorned pieces together to get double the filling? Ashe does the same thing with these. It's adorable to watch.
Annette: Toast-Yays. She likes all the varieties, but this is the one she'd have to pick as her favorite. She's sad that they're going to be discontinued soon, but she's volunteered to be Mercedes' taste tester.
Sylvain: Thanks-A-Lot. Felix tossed a box of them at him once and told him to do something with them, so he ate them and liked them. It was after they were discontinued that he realized Felix probably bought them for him as a means of showing his appreciation, but Sylvain has no evidence for this. Even if it's true, good luck getting Felix to admit that.
Ingrid: Toffee-tastic. Having a gluten allergy is hell on her, but Ferdinand shared a box with her after finding this out and she was so over the moon she almost forgot to ask what they were called so she could buy some for herself.
Rodrigue: No. Just don't.
Golden Deer:
Claude: Lemonades. Honestly, he'd go for anything lemon-flavored, these are just the ones that are being sold. He likes lemon.
Lorenz: Toffee-tastic. Ferdinand introduced them to him at the beginning of the school year. Now whenever the pair meet for tea, there's always a box of these present.
Hilda: Lemon Chalet Cremes. Another lover of lemon, she ate these all the time as a kid. Her talking about them is what gave Mercedes the idea of recreating the discontinued cookies.
Raphael: Rah-Rah Raisins. Even though they weren't available long, he couldn't deny that these were just the bomb. He misses these and wishes they would be sold again.
Lysithea: ALL OF THEM! Seriously, don't make her pick one, she will blue-screen on you.
Ignatz: Caramel DeLites-- er, Samoas. They're the same cookies, he's just used to getting boxes from a different bakery that calls them different names. "Why can't they just standardize the names?" is a constant thought in his head.
Marianne: Do-si-dos. Sure, it's just oatmeal cookies with peanut butter filling, but with how often Hilda would bust out a box of these whenever she got down, Marianne ended up associating the cookies with happy memories and longs talks about nothing with her best friend.
Leonie: Thin Mints. She'll say that she thinks Girl Scout Cookies are mid and doesn't get the hype, but break out a box of Thin Mints and Leonie will channel her inner Lysithea.
Holst: Lemon-Ups. He's also not much of a Girl Scout Cookie guy, but he'll occasionally pick up a box when he's in the mood. He's also known to steal a cookie or two from Hilda's boxes.
Judith: Van'chos. To say it's been years since she's had her favorite cookies would be an understatement. She misses them so much.
Ashen Wolves:
Yuri: Savannah Smiles. His mom would buy him a box every year and he fell in love with them at first bite. He misses the way the powdered sugar would shake off the cookie.
Balthus: Not a sweets guy, but he's the perfect guard for the other Wolves' cookies.
Hapi: Apple Cinnamons. Like Annette, she likes them all, but those would have to be her favorite if she had to pick only one. These days, she only eats knockoff versions since they've been discontinued since she was little.
Constance: Caramel Chocolate Chip. If you had asked her a few years ago, she would've said Tagalongs, but once these got introduced, it was so over. There's a new favorite in town.
Church/Knights of Seiros:
Rhea: Iced Berry Pinatas. These were a beloved treat for her over the years (and she's got plenty of those!). The icing and the berry filling together were perfection. She's encouraging Mercedes' recreation efforts.
Seteth: Another non-eater. He used to eat them a lot when he was younger, but he got burnt out on them. He'll still happily buy boxes for Flayn.
Flayn: Adventurefuls. She can taste the sea salt more acutely than others, but it makes her love the cookies that much more.
Cyril: Trefoils. Honestly, he just wants something plain and simple to snack on. What could be more plain and simple than basic shortbread cookies?
Jeralt: No thanks.
Catherine: Samoas. Taste doesn't matter to her, it's more of a texture thing. It helps that they have something of a crunch to them.
Alois: S'mores. The old school, big graham cracker ones, not the current ones. He used to do all sorts of snack variations with them for his kid and it was just the sweetest thing ever to see.
Gilbert: He would tell anyone who asked that he likes the cookies, enjoys them even, but in reality, he doesn't eat them. He instead sends them off to Annette. He knows she'll appreciate them.
Shamir: Scot-Teas. You were expecting Thin Mints, weren't you? It turns out she's not a fan of the chocolate/mint mixture, it grosses her out. Trefoils would've been her favorite, but the addition of sprinkled sugar on top made Scot-Teas perfect for her.
Go support your local Girl Scout troop!
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starsfic · 5 months ago
Goodbye, Lover
So a few times @rain-bow-donkey, @draw-of-the-moon, and I have discussed reincarnated Wukong AUs on Discord, and one is where Azure flat out refuses to believe this reincarnation is Wukong.
So have Wukong's funeral.
It felt like the end of the world when Sun Wukong died.
Nobody was sure how it happened or why. One day, the Great Sage Equal to Heaven was alive, and the next second, Tang Sanzang was announcing his death. Rumors swirled of what exactly he said, but all agreed that the monk's face had been pale and haunted.
After all, Sun Wukong was the last one expected to die first.
Azure, at first, refused to believe it. He didn't want to believe it.
Wukong was a traitor, yes, turning once happy memories thick with bitterness and resentment, but he had always been there. He had bragged about his immortality. Surely, he would refuse to die.
Azure refused to believe it until the day of the funeral.
Despite all the enemies he made in life, the king had been a legendary figure with many allies and once former friends and people who, if they didn't like him, respected him. The kings of Camel Ridge were among hundreds packed into the town square of the bustling fishing village across the bay from his island.
The square was richly decorated in soft golds and yellows and blues fabrics and flowers. Tang Sanzang and Sun Wukong's master, Patriarch Subodhi, both said words. The body was laid out for people to say goodbye to before being cremated (hopefully). Azure saw no sign of the so-called loyal shadow as he and his brothers made their way forward, behind the second traitor. Despite his anger at the sight of the new Princess Iron Fan holding his former brother's arm as he held a small toddler, Azure refused to let his anger take hold.
Grief was stronger as he stepped forward and saw Wukong.
He didn't look dead. He merely looked asleep. Flowers were arranged carefully around him, peach blossoms decorating his sunshine curls and more held in his hands. The white robes made his hands twitch, wanting to pull them off. Wukong would hate the sight of white robes without fancy embroidery.
He would hate being dead.
Wukong was dead.
Azure felt his legs go weak as the truth sank in. He pitched forward, but a familiar hand grabbed his arm while another grabbed his arm. He looked up to see DBK try for a smile, instead bearing his teeth in an odd grimace.
The anger at him died out.
What was the point when Wukong was dead and Azure was alone?
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spoocys-glade-of-dreams · 4 months ago
{ Private starter for @limblcss' CLH Rayman }
The board of directors had given approval for Rayman to have some time off, something that happens once in a blue moon for the Voice of Eden. The real question was how is the voice going to spend that day?
He has heard rumors of a club within the city that welcomes all faces as long as you behave. A place where no one cared what you were, it was safe for all. Strict in it's no discrimination rules.
Were those rumors true?
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midnightmorpher · 7 months ago
💻 DCA AU Idea: Digital Horror 💻
This is my first time posting a DCA AU so I’m sorry if my post sounds more like disconnected rambling ahaha 🥲 But here goes!
The DCA duo in a digital horror setting.
Think KinitoPet but instead of Kinito as the mascot of a long-lost pet game, it’s Sun and Moon as the face of an old creature collection/virtual pet game created by Fazbear Corp on their old 90s company, kid-friendly website.
Think like a mix between Pokémon and Neopets, speaking as someone who played too much Pokemon and played literally zero Neopets 👍🏻
One day many years after the website has been shut down, You hear rumors about a “haunted” pet game made by the Fazbear Corp and decide to check it out, because you didn’t watch enough horror movies to know this is a terrible idea :>
The game (archived and run on a server supported by Fazbear fans, I don’t know much about tech so I dunno if this is even possible but whatever) runs like it should when you first enter it. However, it starts acting up when you input your old username…
I might start writing this as a fic once I’m further along on my current fic, so for now I’ll just be dumping my AU ideas on this blog haha
Here’s a summary and a brief snippet I wrote because the idea wouldn’t leave me alone:
Virtual pet game websites are a dime in a dozen. You might’ve tried out one or two in your childhood, but memories of that are fuzzy at best. It’s only when your classmate brings up a particular website hosted by Fazbear Corporation that you begin to remember playing it briefly during its heydays, and you decide to visit it for nostalgia’s sake.
“Welcome to Sun and Moon’s Superstar Daycare!” the computerized voice of the sunny jester character trills. He lounges on top of the window asking you to create a new account, kicking his curly-tipped shoes merrily in the air as he eagerly awaits your input. His bouncy avatar, its details showing hours of love and dedication poured into each brush stroke, paints a hilarious contrast against the shoddy art that makes up the background of the game. You don’t really care, though. It’s not like anyone plays these types of games for its art.
Your hands hover over the keyboard. After a moment’s hesitation, you try to enter your old username.
Most likely the “Sorry, this username has already been taken” prompt will pop up since you clearly remember using it as a kid, but there’s no harm in trying. You click on the “Confirm” option.
Nothing happens.
Weird. Is it hanging? You click it again, and again. Nothing happens. Even Sun has frozen still. Yep, it’s definitely hanging. Pity, but it’s not too unexpected considering the game’s age. You decide to fall back on the good ol’ cure: spamming the mouse button. clickclickclickclickclickcli
his eyes flick up to stare at you
The shock shoots through your whole being like a lightning bolt. You gasp sharply, eyes fluttering close for a brief moment before they’re cast on the computer screen again.
“Welcome back, Starbite!” Sun says. He takes center stage in a field of rudimentarily drawn grass, the baby blue sky matching the bright smile stretching from “ear” to “ear”, like nothing had happened. “Go forth and pick a Faz Pet to be your forever companion, and I hope you enjoy your stay at our esteemed daycare!”
The character delivers his scripted lines like he should.
The character has his arms up in celebration like he should.
The character smiles at you like he should.
So what is this cold dread trickling down your spine…?
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naquey · 2 months ago
20 Qs for fic writers
(inspired by @icegirl2772's post)
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Drake & Josh, Harry Potter, Big Time Rush (TV), Cobra Kai, Scream (Movies), Nanbaka, and Black Butler.
But if we're counting Quotev, the original site I used then there's FNAF, Creepypasta, and Eddsworld.
4. Top five fics by Kudos:
Entrusted To You, Uno's brother, Rumors (Adele sang it best), This Is Not Okay, What Is Wrong With Me?
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I love talking to my readers (unless its a hate comment lol) and talking to my readers can help gain a different perspective.
6. What is the five you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Most of my works are one shots. I believe the angstiest ending is tied between Fame and Haunted. But technically Haunted was a scrapped scene that didn't make it into Fame.
7. What is the five you wrote with the happiest ending?
There's a lot of them... But if I have to choose then Drake Loves Marnie.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Well no, not even when I was on Quotev. I did get my first hate comment which was really funny. I'm not saying I want more of them tbh, but I guess I just want more people to express their opinion lol.
9. Do you write smut?
Very RARELY. It only happens once in a blue moon because I'm either too intimidated to write it, or if I do write it I'm too intimidated to post it. Smut is so awkward to write and half the time I'm worried I'm writing it wrong lmao.
10. Craziest Crossover?
Well... I don't have many crossovers; I only have Drake & Josh with Big Time Rush, only because I wanted my OCs to interact. To be honest, I'm very picky when it comes to crossovers.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I can give it a shot if anyone wants any of them translated! Or if anyone would like to translate my fics/one-shots, feel free to do so as long as you credit me!
12. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Four times in the past. All of which nearly discouraged me from writing lmao. Not that I wouldn't want to cowrite a fic, but I would have to talk about it more with someone instead of just doing it.
13. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
God, I hope not. But I doubt anyone would let me know if I had one stolen tbh...
14. All-time favorite ship?
Uhh... Canon? Oc? Good question... I have far too many circulating in my head like a rotisserie chicken lmao. I can't choose. But currently, I'm thinking a lot about Kenonnie (Kendall Knight/Veronica Clark)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My backroom novel idea. Like, I want to be able to traditionally (or independently) publish it. It's a horror book I'm very passionate about, but... I stopped writing at ch 3 because liminal spaces work best as a visual.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I genuinely have no idea, but if I had to guess it might be dialogue. I talk to myself in my room very frequently which... I guess helps with dialogue???
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Oh, this one is easy! Spelling and grammar! I am fighting Grammarly on everything I'm writing because it's taking my personality out of my stories. But it keeps me from spelling words wrong.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I'm more scared to do this wrong. I have a couple of characters that speak French, but I avoid using it to a degree because I can't fathom being disrespectful and accidentally getting someone's language wrong.
19. First fandom you ever wrote in?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I love my children equally- kidding! As of right now, I am very biased towards Ghostwriter. It started as a challenge to write more than usual and it succeeded, it is currently my longest running fic.
Usually, I splice my fics up into ten-chapter arcs, but since Ghostwriter doesn't have a concrete ending, it reached over thirty chapters, lol. It's also the one I'm writing the most because my brain cannot process anything else. I'm laser-focused on BTR right now.
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vivilove-jonsa · 1 year ago
The Stranger's Bride
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For Day 2 of the Jonsa Halloween Event: The Stranger - Pumpkin - Full Moon
(This is just a little something because I'm tired of outlining the next book tonight and the spooky season brought this to mind❤️)
It's nearly nightfall.  Sansa wishes they hadn’t waited so late for the ceremony.  The moon hides behind the clouds like a child playing peek-a-boo, eager to spoil her surprise.  She breathes in deeply and checks her reflection one last time.  A picture-perfect bride with auburn hair and a fragile, haunted beauty stares back.  He will be eager to bed her once the feast is over and the Wolf will be eager to feast in turn.  She’s been dutiful all her life but, tonight, duty dies. 
The music swells as the massive doors of the sept open.  All guests turn to watch her coming down the aisle in her ivory and grey cloak, embroidered with the direwolf, the symbol of the Stark Family.  Every man in her family has the beast tattooed over his heart from the age of sixteen when he swears the oath.  So silly.  As if a tattoo makes a man into a fearsome beast.  What does her groom have tattooed over his heart?  A dragon?  Perhaps so though she knows he is the son of her long-dead aunt.  
Outwardly, this looks like a happy occasion but the bride knows better.  The men are all armed and ready to spill blood at a moment’s notice should something go awry.  And, the women present either look at her with pity (if they have sense) or envy (if they have none.)  One thing is agreed though - they all think she’ll be lucky to survive one year as his wife.  
Sansa ignores the stares, holding her head high as she walks with measured grace, letting her blue eyes sweep over the images of the gods above the altar.  She could relate to the Maiden’s plight or seek the Mother’s comfort or Crone’s wisdom today.  
But there stands the Stranger.  
How fitting when she is to wed a stranger today, the ruthless new underworld boss of the South, Jon Targaryen.  They say he is a cold-blooded killer. It's rumored he can't be killed. Nonsense. All men die.
When she dares look at him, his dark eyes burn with fire, reminding her that his family’s favorite method for eliminating their enemies is burning them alive.  Gruesome but effective.  The Starks prefer the old ways.    
“He will never harm you,” Father had said when he’d told her of the arrangement he had made with the now-deceased Rhaegar Targaryen.
“There is little you can do about it if he does.”  Father knows it to be true even if he prefers to pretend otherwise.  She’ll be his wife and under his power. At least, that’s what they all think.  
“A marriage between our houses will bring peace.  It’s better for business.”
Business.  That is the name of the game when you’re born into the mob.  Arranged marriages are still popular in their world, a way to broker peace.  The Northern Families had needed peace badly enough for her father to barter his oldest daughter away.  
Through stained glass, the moon winks at her from behind the clouds and that familiar, savage hunger unfurls.  Not yet, not yet.  She clutches her tummy, hoping to mask it as maidenly nerves.  
Father grips her hand a little tighter, the tiniest sign he’s not the emotionless ice man everyone believes him to be.  Is it a desire to comfort her that prompts him to do it?  A warning to her not to run?  Or fear of what may happen this night?
The endless walk to her groom is over before she knows it and her father's protection ends. It's fine. She can protect herself. 
The septon starts to speak and the rustling behind them tells her the guests are taking their seats.  What a show they may have if those clouds can’t contain the moon a little longer.   
But a cold, scarred hand slips into hers, drawing her from her murderous thoughts.  The darkness of his eyes is not as profound up close.  The grey reminds her more of her father’s with flecks of lilac visible in the candlelight.  
His lips twist into a wry but undeniably fetching grin.  She would prefer if he’d been plainer.  No other appetites would be raised if that were so. 
“Good evening, wife.”  They are the first words he has ever spoken to her. They feel like a caress meant to calm.
“Good evening,” she murmurs in reply.  She is well known for her courtesy after all.  He is handsome. Perhaps she will let him bed her before she allows the wolf to-
“You smell…”  He lets the words hang and she wonders if he means to insult her here at the altar as they are being wed.  Her eyes snap to his and those mesmerizing eyes have changed again back to something dark and unfathomable when he finally finishes the sentence.  “Delicious.”  
And, it’s then that she hears it in his voice, that rumbling growl his civil mask can’t contain as the moon emerges from the clouds.  She knows that sound like her own heartbeat. His thumb sweeps across her wrist, setting her pulse to pounding and drawing an answering growl from her own throat.  How curious.  
"You smell... dangerous," she says, testing.
He smiles, showing her his sharp teeth. Oh. Her groom is a stranger to her but they share an unexpected kinship. 
Old Nan had always said she would recognize another with the dark gift without ever uttering a sound.  She was right.  What an interesting discovery to make on one's wedding day. She can't wait for the wedding night.
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aemondswifexoxo · 1 year ago
Blue Hydrangeas
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x original stark female character
Summary: Anora Stark, the younger sister of Lord Cregan Stark, is sent south in order to do her duty and marry the prince Aemond Targaryen. She has heard the rumors about the One Eyed Prince, both the good and the bad, and is uncertain where the prince stands in regards to her and their arranged marriage. Will they grow to love each other? And what will happen to the Stark family once the Dance of the Dragons starts?
Also published on AO3:
Chapter I
The carriage ride from Winterfell to King's Landing was calm at best, boring and too long at worst. She would have preferred to make the trip by boat, but storms have haunted the narrow sea since the start of the year, and the journey by land was much safer. Though it was autumn, the weather in the south was much more forgiving, except for the heavy rains that encountered them in the Riverlands. But all that was left behind, now that Anora and her party made their way through the King’s gate, into the capital of the Seven Kingdoms, and her month long trip came to an end.
Anora slightly moved one of the carriage curtains, in order to observe the city and its people. The streets were full of people, some making business, other’s just walking around, but most followed her entourage with their eyes, either knowing what her arrival meant or questioning what was happening. She had heard stories of how Kings Landing was not an ideal place to live in, how the smell was overwhelming and the people dangerous, and though the rumors about the odors seemed to be true, the population seemed just like the one in White Harbor: busy, hard working, a community. In a moon, those will be her people, hers to protect and care for.
She’s to be married to the prince of the realm, Aemond Targaryen, and to unite their noble families. She didn’t know the prince, only the stories and rumors that surrounded him. They said that he had lost an eye, though the specific circumstances no one agreed on: some said that his dragon, the mighty Vhagar, ate it when he claimed her; other’s say that his older sister, the princess Rhaenyra, had it ordered as revenge, for prince Aemond had questioned the legitimacy of her three eldest children. She had also heard of his character, how he was cold and aloof, a good fighter and a fast learner, how he loved his mother, followed his duty to a T, and how he was the picture perfect image of a valyrian prince.
When the betrothal request had reached Winterfell, her brother Cregan had been hesitant to accept it. She was his little sister, after all, and he didn’t want to throw her in the jaws of a dragon. She was the one that accepted the proposal, that had the final say. Even though she was unsure, and truthfully nervous about the union and the type of person that her future husband would be, this was a very advantageous match. Not only would it make her a princess, but her children would be possible dragon riders, her house would be protected by the crown, and the prince was the same age as her, a luxury that other brides couldn’t afford.
She had heard from Lord Manderly's wife, that the prince was quite handsome, if you ignored his marred eye, and that he seemed to be dutiful and honorable, and the complete opposite of his older brother, who was a drunk adulterer. She hoped they could find an amicable marriage, and from what she had heard about prince Aemond, she believed she would at least tolerate his company. She could only hope that he would find her presence endurable as well.
As she noticed that they were nearing the Red Keep's walls, her nerves started to arise. She had never been south of the neck, much less in court. Both her parents were from the North, which meant that she wasn’t taught the ways of the South. She had read and educated herself about them, truthfully reading seemed like the only thing she did during the weeks on the road, but she feared it was not enough. Would she make a fool of herself in front of her betrothed, of his family, of the entire court? What if the prince hated her? Or what if she hated him, if he was cruel and vile?
Her anxiety-ridden thoughts were interrupted by her carriage passing through the castle walls, into an open courtyard where an entourage of people were waiting to welcome her, including her betrothed and the royal family. She hastily let go of the curtain, closing it and blocking her view of the group of people awaiting her. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply, waiting for her name to be announced for her to exit the coach and finally meet her future husband. When it did happen, her door was opened, and one of the servants came to help her out of the carriage. When her feet landed on the ground, she smoothed her skirts and looked in the direction of the royal family. There stood the queen Alicent Hightower, wearing a beautiful and modest dark green dress, and a welcoming smile on her face. On her right stood a tall, older man, also supporting green clothes and a golden broach in his doublet, meaning that he could be none other than Otto Hightower, the queen’s father and the Hand of the King. She also sees who she can surmise to be prince Aegon and princess Helaena, and their three small children. Prince Aegon seems bored, like he wishes to not be there, while princess Helaena has a distant but sweet expression on her face, and her youngest son, Maelor, in her arms.
In the middle of them all, stood a man who was undeniably her husband-to-be. He was tall and slender, though strong, had long silver hair, a handsome face, and an indigo eye. Eye, a singular one. The other one was covered by an eye patch, which fails to conceal the whole of the scar that peeks from above his brow and down his left cheek. She takes a few steps in their direction, and makes a deep and elegant courtesy, keeping her eyes down to show respect. When she corrected her posture and lifted her eyes again, she made eye contact with her betrothed. He had a blank, aloof expression on his face, she could not tell what he was thinking, and it scared her a bit. In her restlessness, she gave him a small, polite smile, and turned her gaze to his right, where his mother was. She was immediately greeted by the queen's warm brown eyes, and her kind expression.
“We welcome you, Lady Stark, to our home and to our family. We hope you enjoy yourself, and may we grow close to one another.” The queen spoke to her, with a gentle but firm voice.
Anora smiled at the older woman, and at her family.
“Thank you, your grace. You are the most kind. I also hope that we may grow into a happy union, and I will follow my duty as the future princess in the meanwhile”.
After all the courtesies and gentilities are exchanged, Anora is instructed to her chambers. Her rooms are large and welcoming, having a lot of light, warm and rich furniture, and a large and comfortable looking bed. She was gifted a sleeping chamber, a sitting chamber, and a dining room, as well as some castle maids. She had brought along two of her lady’s of company from Winterfell, Audra Whitehill and Moira Woolfield, who were her friends since childhood, but the extra hands and company pleased her. She knew not to get too accustomed with her new rooms, since she would be moved to her husband's chambers once they got married. When the door of her room closed and she was left by herself for the time being, she took her shoes and jewelry off and laid in her new bed.
There was to be a welcoming feast later in the evening, to celebrate her arrival and her betrothal to the prince. But for now she intended to rest, and maybe calm her nerves before she was to encounter him again. The way he looked at her, and the lack of expression on his face still haunted her. What did he think of her? Did he find her beautiful? Did he have a good first impression, or was he displeased with her? She turned to her side, unable to fall asleep. She was overthinking it, she had to rest to be in her best mood during the feast. Anora blew the candles on her bedside table and laid a blanket over her body, before finally falling asleep.
She was awoken a few hours later by her lady’s, in order for her to get ready for the banquet. They bathed her, dressed her, brushed her hair and styled it, painted and treated her face in order to enhance her natural beauty. In the end, Anora felt splendid. She was dressed in a soft blue, almost gray dress that matched her eyes. Her jewelry was simple but beautiful, made of silver and engraved with delicate patterns. Her hair was half up in a conglomerate of elegant braids that crowned her head, while the other half fell down her back in her natural curls. In her face, they applied some cream rouge to her cheeks, eyelids and lips, and brushed her eyebrows. She hoped that her betrothed would find her appearance pleasant. When she expressed her wishes to Moira, she whispered back:
“How could he not? Look at you Anora! He would stupid if he found you anything less than breathtaking.”
They giggled like little girls at this, and Anora felt her anxieties calm down a bit. When the time struck, one of her guards knocked at her door to tell her that she had to leave for the feast now. She made her way to the throne room, where the celebration was taking place, with her household guards at both her sides. When she arrived just outside the room, one of the royal guards told her to wait there until her name was announced, then, and only then, was she allowed to go through the doors and enter the throne room, where her betrothed was already seated.
The nerves came back, and she started to feel her hands getting sweaty. She made a last effort to look as presentable as possible, smoothing her skirts, adjusting her bustle, retouching her hair and her jewelry. Finally, after what felt like hours, her name and titles were announced to the court, and the double doors opened.
She started walking at a slow but sure pace, being careful not to trip in her skirts while also keeping her eyes up. She could see him sitting in the middle of the dais, and she noticed that he was already looking at her. His eye held no negative emotion, but it also didn’t show any positive one. It just stared at her and at her every move. She refused to break eye contact, and held it even when she stopped in front of the grand table installed on the foot of the Iron Throne, and curtsied for the royal family.
As it was expected, prince Aemond stood up, and made his way to her side, where he bowed and offered his arm to her. She took it gently, and noticed how warm and firm it was. She couldn’t help but to blush. They made their way to their seats in the middle of the dais, where he pulled her chair back to allow her to sit. He took his chair on her left side, and with that, the feast began.
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delopsia-archive · 1 year ago
Rhett Abbott Masterlist (Part One)
Part Two (Warmups, edits, moodboards, and misc) Ask Archive
About Last Night ₊ ˚ ✧ You shouldn't be here; you shouldn't be beneath Rhett Abbott, shouldn't have your legs hitched over his hips, but kissing him is so natural. Easy. Like you were always meant to be wind up here, your hands in childhood best friend's hair and his disappearing beneath the shirt you so shamelessly took from his closet all those years ago. Maybe there was a truth to those undying rumors that once followed you like a plague. AO3 ♡ Tumblr
Aches & Pains ₊ ˚ ✧ You might not be able to avoid the aches and pains of the world, but at least you’ve got each other. AO3 ♡ Tumblr
Almost Ecstasy ₊ ˚ ✧ You’ve finally convinced your old cowboy to have sex with you. AO3 ♡ Tumblr
A Sight For Sore Eyes ₊ ˚ ✧ "We're really going to fuck here?" For a man with a history like his, Rhett sure can be fussy about location, "what if someone sees us?" AO3 ♡ Tumblr
Babydoll ₊ ˚ ✧ You don't expect him to pull his fingers out from you completely, shimmering in the light as he draws his hand from your clenched thighs. A protest is already boiling up on your tongue, but he holds up a singular finger before reaching into his coat pocket. Plastic rustles, and then...there's your vibrating plug, the bright pink one that is just a hair longer than the other ones that you own.  AO3 ♡ Tumblr
Blame Me ₊ ˚ ✧ You can't remember the last time you watched an entire family go white in the face, so pale that they match the marble columns upholding your ceiling. Their stunned silence allows you time to pay attention to what's happening between your legs. Absolutely no shame in Prince Rhett as he pushes his nose into the high slit of your dress. AO3 ♡ Tumblr
Chills ₊ ˚ ✧ The poor thing has been dealt the worst of cards. Sensitive to the slightest of temperature changes, shivering the moment the temperature drops below sixty-five but breaking a sweat the second it rises over eighty. It only makes sense that he'd be born into a ranching family that relies on their sons to work out in the elements. AO3 ♡ Tumblr
Come On Cowboy ₊ ˚ ✧ "Will you fuck me?" There goes your last coherent thought. "Pardon?" AO3 ♡ Tumblr
Conquer Your Demons ₊ ˚ ✧ Fuck, you hope nobody comes to check in on how this whole cleansing process is going. Because there is nothing that can possibly explain the sight of a demon on his knees, eating you out on the altar. AO3 ♡ Tumblr
Dancing Beneath The Moon ₊ ˚ ✧ How is it that your heart only longs for the ghost of a cowboy? And why do you get the feeling that his heart utters the same for you? AO3 ♡ Tumblr
Drive ₊ ˚ ✧ Being wrapped in him is like being wrapped in a cloud. Fogging up your senses with his presence until you've found yourself lost in him, and it's like time stops. Just you, Rhett, and the gentle pitter-patter of his heart against your ear. AO3 ♡ Tumblr
Every Storm Runs Out Of Rain ₊ ˚ ✧ It’s a cruelty you wouldn’t wish upon your worst enemy. The perpetual ache of your heart, longing for a man who was never meant to be yours. Everything about him is as if he’s made for you, and yet, your tattoos don’t match. You’re not made for each other. AO3 ♡ Tumblr
Flowers In November ₊ ˚ ✧ That fateful night has cost you everything you have ever known. But it’s given you something in return. It’s given you a chance to meet a man you would never have. A blue-eyed cowboy with his three-headed mare and a heart full of more gold than his cattle could ever produce. And you wouldn’t trade it for the world. AO3 ♡ Tumblr
For What It's Worth ₊ ˚ ✧ Maybe he isn’t ready to leave Wabang. Not right now. AO3 ♡ Tumblr
How To Train Your Cowboy ₊ ˚ ✧ "It's not about that," the backs of your knees bump into your computer chair, "it's about you learning to listen." What words reside in Rhett's throat are left to die because your fingers tangle in the hair resting at the nape of his neck and tug. And he crumbles.  AO3 ♡ Tumblr
Human ₊ ˚ ✧ Because everyone knows that Rhett Abbott was born and raised to be a cowboy. To spend his life working the family ranch, pick up for his brother's slack, and, if he still had the energy after all that, make his father proud by winning the county rodeo. A man worth bearing the Abbott family name. Something to brag about during family get-togethers. All those expectations, and they forgot one simple little thing. They never raised him to be human. AO3 ♡ Tumblr
If Heaven's A Moment ₊ ˚ ✧ At one point, you suppose that you did. Marrying rich sounded like a wonderful idea when the subject was brought up ten years ago. But you just had to run right into the Abbott family’s youngest son, the one who had nothing but a black horse, a couple of flannels, and a championship rodeo buckle to his name. A new ranch hand, with his scruffy smile and the kindest hands you’ve ever known.  AO3 ♡ Tumblr
Little Wolf ₊ ˚ ✧ "I 'oughta rip those iron bars off the wall and kick your ass," growling, you turn to face him, eyes ablaze with something new. Something that only Rhett Abbott does not fear. "How am I supposed to get you out of this one?" Rhett taps on the bars with his boot, "rip these off the wall and kick my ass." AO3 ♡ Tumblr
Nosedive ₊ ˚ ✧ You swore off storm chasing a long time ago. You haven’t been able to look at that old truck since the accident, and if you could have your way, you’d never think about that part of your life ever again. You’ve moved on. Every time you touch that damn truck, something goes wrong. AO3 ♡ Tumblr
One Day ₊ ˚ ✧ If everyone around you had any choice in the matter, that would have been your last memory of this cowboy. The one who quietly tells you that your phone is lighting up in your pocket because you're too focused on his handsome face to notice. The name of one of your friends flashes across the screen; she lives nearby, has heard that 12-gauge and that old GMC tearing down the street, and linked it to you.  AO3 ♡ Tumblr
Please [Original] ₊ ˚ ✧ It's not easy breaking Rhett down; it's not easy to dominate a man so rough at the edges, who keeps his power under an iron fist, oh so rarely yielding to another. Getting him to the point that he will squirm and beg is painstaking, but oh, when he does. AO3 ♡ Tumblr
Please [Rewrite] ₊ ˚ ✧ It's not easy for you to break a man like Rhett Abbott. But oh, when you do. AO3 ♡ Tumblr
Ride The Lightning ₊ ˚ ✧ What’s more fun than a post-rodeo party? Running off and having your own personal rodeo right before the storm hits. AO3 ♡ Tumblr
Reeth ₊ ˚ ✧ Between his injuries and his insecurities, Rhett nearly falls apart. But you're there to put him back together again. AO3 ♡ Tumblr
Sleigh Ride ₊ ˚ ✧ Rhett's fixing up the family sleigh to take you on the ride he never got to give you, but not everything goes according to plan when it's finished... AO3 ♡ Tumblr
Springsteen ₊ ˚ ✧ You know better than anyone that Rhett Abbott cannot dance. Yet, you're slipping your palm into his, letting him sweep you into a lazy spin that flares out the ends of your dress. Your silhouette picture perfect on the barn floor as the song finally starts to play. AO3 ♡ Tumblr
Stellar Ride ₊ ˚ ✧ A television blares from the next room over. Maria's. So loud that it's hardly muffled, and yet you can hardly hear it. The droning of a news reporter washed out by the breathy whine of a cowboy. Your cowboy. Not Maria's. Doesn't belong to the fans who attend every rodeo and buy every object with his name printed on it. No, just yours. AO3 ♡ Tumblr
Storm Warning ₊ ˚ ✧ His head swivels, looking behind himself, then beyond your head. Looking for someone. Anyone. "Here?" Shrugging your shoulders. Feigning innocence. As if you've stumbled up here by mere accident. "Worried someone could hear you, cowboy?" AO3 ♡ Tumblr
Tied To Your Body ₊ ˚ ✧ "Shame we're in public," he muses as he presses his astoundingly frigid nose into your temple, "can think of much better ways to warm ya up." You've created a monster. AO3 ♡ Tumblr
To The End Of The World ₊ ˚ ✧ For a second, you genuinely feel like he's looking at you, and then that chute door is swinging open, and the crowd starts to roar. It's something you've seen a million times before, but you can't bring yourself to look this time. You can't bear being witness to a major injury, not when the only thing you can do is leave Wabang and never look back. AO3 ♡ Tumblr
Something Unholy ₊ ˚ ✧ His hands aren't big just for show; they're a fucking warning. AO3 ♡ Tumblr
Stalling ₊ ˚ ✧ You’re going to be in so much trouble if someone walks in and finds out that the PBR’s best cowboy is eating you out in a bathroom stall. AO3 ♡ Tumblr
Stars on the barn floor ₊ ˚ ✧ This full moon, you’re not letting Rhett spend his whole night chained up in the barn. No, tonight, you’re gonna have some fun with him. AO3 ♡ Tumblr
Warmer ₊ ˚ ✧ "I hope you're happy that you've ruined my hand for me, doll." It's a blessing that there isn't a singular light on in the room because you know damn well he'd give you hell for smiling at such a statement. His problem. Your compliment.  AO3 ♡ Tumblr
What Remains of Wabang ₊ ˚ ✧ Two months after Rhett mysteriously went missing, he appears from nowhere to ask you to run away with him. You don't expect to see what havoc BY9 has wreaked upon Wabang. Nor do you expect to learn new things about your cowboy. AO3 ♡ Tumblr
Whiskey Sour ₊ ˚ ✧ You feel Rhett before you see him, hot breath fanning out against the back of your neck as he looms behind you. The drag of his rough fingers against your sides is delicious, leaving goose bumps in their leisurely wake. Not desperate enough. AO3 ♡ Tumblr
Wildflowers ₊ ˚ ✧ "Rhett?" Startled dumb by his unannounced appearance, "what're you—" "—something's in them fuckin' flowers." AO3 ♡ Tumblr
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year ago
Are you kidding 😭 BTS are trendsetters in music but in personal life. Idols have done more than bts can even think about. These men pushing 30 is only about to take baby steps regarding their dating life where other idols already walked and ran.
Tae is NOT the 1st idol to go public with his relationship. You said the only idol you know except bts is taeyong, that's the problem. Oh btw this taeyong also went public with his relationship with actress and eventually got married. Many second gen idols have gone public with their relationships. If we talk about 3rd gen, Kai literally did a photoshoot with his then gf (Krystal) there were many exposed pics of them also just like Taennie. Another exo member is literally married amidt of protests from all sides. Lisa was/is publiclly going out with her bf no matter what her stans are saying. Momo of twice attended variety show her idol bf was hosting and he was teased about his gf at an award show stage by mc. Just Google Hyuna and Dawn, two idols who were dragged through hell for dating.. still didn't gave af and dated very publicly for years. They are absolute legends when it comes to kpop dating. Jisoo was the one who informed dispatch about her relationship and announced it on her terms and continued her career like nothing happened. Even 4th gen girl Karina had more guts than a man in his late 20s to confirm her relationship (happened last week btw). There are many idols who absolutely don't give af and don't dump their partner's for fans. If anything, Tae is known as a coward among other kpop fans especially BP fans for the spineless act he did after dragging that girl into this shit. And ik most people who read this agree he is coward on how he handles taennie. For Jennie, this must be her worst dating experience lol..when her previous 2 relationships got exposed, bf or their agencies confirmed it in a day while this man acted like she doesn't even exist anymore 🤡
Also idols calling their fans girlfriends is bad right and bts stopped it right? But the only bts member who still does that is JK himself lmao. He literally act like their bf, call them couple cute names, does everything they ask him during lives, say yes when they ask him to be their bf, even during his so called denial of having an actual gf he said he doesn't want a gf currently because he's focusing on career and only want army in his life 🤦‍♀️Y/ns were saying how he made them more delulu just last year alone with his overtly Para social relationship. If you go outside bts bubble, he's one of the few idols who takes Parasocial relationship a bit far according to other kpop fans. Them having discourses how it's not healthy to take fanservice to this extent. He's one of the idols they call more delulu than fans. And I agree, the more you keep y/n away the more relaxed you will be. He's gonna struggle so much if one day he's gonna introduce his real gf lol. Because it was him who was adding fuel to fans heart all this time. And no, its not his 'job'. I didnt saw any other bts members doing or saying anything JK did except playing along with their jokes once in a blue moon. So others may have it a lil easy compared to him lol.
Also I really don't except any bts member to confirm relationship anytime soon. Atleast not in 10 years. Yeah it sounds like a long period but there are plenty of kpop idols and very popular actors who are in 40s and doesn't even have a single dating rumor. I don't think anyone in bts have that nerve to confirm their relationship unless they are getting ready for marriage, which will only happen after many years lol. Well we literally saw how Tae dipped when his relationship with Jennie was confronted or how JK denied about gf and ran other way when the very real video of him with his gf was exposed 😭 None of them are ready to risk anything Fandom have to offer rn for a relationship lol. I think it will be Jhope the 1st one to confirm a relationship from hyung line and Jimin from Maknae line. Because only those two looks like they will take risk for their loved ones, they haven't built their music nor career over y/ns and fantasies and they'll actually prioritize personal life over career, but again it won't happen anytime soon.
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Well you definitely told me 🤣🤣😂😂
Gonna ignore the fact that you think Jikook are straight n just thank u 4 the in4 u gave me about the other idols. I was obviously wrong but that comes as no surprise coz I know dick about Kpop.
That being said, I disagree with what you're saying about JK. I don't feel he needs to pull back at all. His actions speak way, way, waaaaaaay louder than his words. If you out here thinking JK is dating anyone else but Jimin then you slow as hell... I'm sorry.
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feketeribizli · 1 month ago
what's marci's media/tabloid persona. like do news outlets tweet about him like he can do nothing wrong or is he the Villain of the track and they spin everything about him or does he get relationship rumours every other day with blurry photos of him and whatever flavour of the weeks picked him up
okay this is such a good question!! idk who are my anon regulars but you guys are putting in the work and its so awesome thank youuu 😚❣️
i think international media wouldnt give a fuck about him after his first two months... like the commotion dies down and lowkey. his media persona is pretty boring (i keep saying that marci is no franquito... hes not as charming people wouldnt want him to live forever after knowing him for mere two days)
i think he would be the type of guy thats in the news like once in a blue moon... they pick him up again for a bit when he crashes so hard he breaks both of his wrists and lance gets back for two races and the people hate it lol (that crash is canon for the 2025 season so it havent happened yet 🧍‍♂️)
also im pretty sure marci would turn down interviews if anyone ever reached out to his management about it cause my man is lazyyy and he hates professionally talking about his career. feel like he would have a mutually hateful relasionship with the british media lol (i remembered this discourse westerners have here and there about europeans (esp here in the eastern side) being very rude, and the way marci phrases stuff sometimes—blunt and straightforward—could get on peoples nerves. not that big of a fan of this stereotype like when people were saying that max is like that cause hes dutch and dutch people are very direct and honest etc etc idk like maybe thats true but isnt it more fun to believe hes just being an asshole. anyway that stands true for marci as well)
i also hope someone writes a hitpiece about him being evil (ginger connotations) after marci purposefully rams into someone in the midfield from behind lmao
for social media im sure those wag gossip accounts would have a fieldday with him... the guy enjoys going out and hes always with someone different by his side lol (storytime when people were posting about lando with this girliepop purse and phonecase and i was sending the photos to my sister like omg look landino finally got himself some fun accessories 🤭 and she was like bro. those are that one girls shit hes rumored to be dating 💀 need gossip like that about marci)
wait also. as someone closely associated with fernando... some shitstirring qualities were fucked into him surely 🧍‍♂️ like if theres some drama again marci is probably on the controversial side. he wouldnt comment too much on things but anything he says is just more oil for the fire
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