#it's rambles about headcanons I like and put in my AU x3
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raindropren · 5 months ago
I really like the idea that in session one, as certain people got smaller and bigger, that they also change in looks.
the first example would be Pearl and Mumbo, I have Pearl as a Moth and Mumbo(Still in concept mostly) is some sort of bug. As they get smaller they get more and more bug-like. their eyes change and they get alittle fuzzy, i don't know right now what Mumbo is, but for Pearl, her wings are bigger than her body despite her being smaller then normal. however as they get bigger, i don't exactly know what would happen.
the second example is Gem and Ren! Gem in my AU is a semi-shifter, aka she can change her hybrid type because of logic i'm to lazy to explain rn. either way, She's normally a dear, and her main skin for me, has always been a deer. tho she's very much more human looking then most semi-shifters, as she gets smaller her antlers, ears, tail, and legs look more like those tiny mouse deers(I think, they are called Pudu's, i also think they have sharper then normal teeth so thats funny, might be wrong tho). When she gets bigger it's a elk? could be moose, but, i am biased so it's elk. For Ren, since he's just, general brown dog, in the AU. As he gets smaller his ears, tail, legs(kinda) and general other non-human lookin bits looks closer to Chihuahua then stereotypical dog, and as he gets bigger his bits(idk how else to call them) look more like,,, um,, big dog breed,,,, Great Dane or Mastiff could work but Leonberger's are the fluffiest looking i see on the, biggest dog breed list, lol. Rendog's always been kinda fluffy to me,, so :3 yee.
either way, the first example is, hybrid looks are enhanced to be more like the animal they are the technical hybrid of, if the animal is alot smaller then them, then it's when small, if the animal is bigger(or maybe the same size even) then it's when big. The second example is the species or breed of the animal part changing to a different, smaller or bigger one.
I think some of the players don't change at all, outfits do to fit the, small, big, look, but in general, looks don't.
I don't know exactly who would be which but I like the headcanon alot so it is in my AU xD
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mmx-code-crimpphire · 5 years ago
More headcanon time!! This time about X and Zero’s fondness of their favorite flowers of the AU!! YAY <3
Since I haven’t shared any headcanons in a WHILE
might as well share one I thought of last summer that’s definitely going into the audio dramas in the beginnings of x and zero
it definitely revolves around their flowers and why they favor the ones they do. X favoring forget-me-nots and Zero favoring pink tea roses. This goes in depth of that. Some of you already know of this fact and would probably want to know why- well you’re gonna find out~
and it’s a long one so be prepared for tl;dr rofl
When they met, Zero wanted to meet up with X more often and befriend him further. He just- didn’t know how to at first. X wanted to as well, but felt shy about getting to know him more. Eventually, after some thinking, both of them go to find each other and the literally bump into one another. Awkward silence happens and X friendly converses with Zero. Despite the fact the wily bot didn’t honestly know how to respond to X’s ramblings. But he somehow didn’t mind. It felt comforting to talk to someone after being somehow feared with the power and combat skills he has. Well- not to mention the fact he doesn’t trust anyone other than Dr Cain and now X at this point.
He expresses this and X feels similarly to being casted out just because he’s too pacifistic and could be a liability to the Hunters. Even the higher ups like Boomer Kawanger, Storm Eagle and especially Vile verbally talk about that fact many times, so by extension, X didn’t have anyone to train with. Zero offers to do so, awkwardly of course, but X complies and thanks him.
X then takes him to the garden to show him the vast flora it has gained. It was mostly Dr Cain’s garden, but he loved going there and talking to him on occasion. And since he can’t really do that much anymore, with time being consumed as a Hunter, he doesn’t have time with Dr Cain much anymore. Zero thought he’d be that companion if he was willing to accept that. X automatically does, and he goes to the forget-me-nots, looks at them fondly, but frowns.
Zero grows concerned and asks if he’s okay, and the Neo Blue Bomber replies with him missing his family, and the forget-me-nots remind him he made a promise never to forget them. Zero was saddened by this and expresses he doesn’t know who his family is, if he had any. X felt terrible, but is willing to be a sort of family to him once they get to know each other and bond. Of course, the war-bot agrees to this. Little do they know, their bond would meld together much nicer than they expect.
As time passes, they talk more in the garden when they both have time to themselves, especially after Zero trains X. The other Hunters notice but don’t think much of it. Vile takes his time to try and torment X about it, since he has this one sided rivalry with him, but Zero defends him and they just go on their merry way. Along the time passing, however, Zero grows a fondness for the pink tea rose, liking its color and wondering if it means anything.
X gives him the explanation that pink roses generally mean beauty, and gentle emotions such as admiration, joy, and gratitude. Tea rose types, of course, hold the additional meaning of “I will remember always”. Zero definitely felt the general gentle emotions Dr Cain explained to him after asking for advice about the emotions he doesn’t understand prior to this. Especially when giving X certain compliments or teasing him out of nowhere so naturally, he didn’t understand why he was doing it. Dr Cain, of course, felt it was something developing in Zero he’s never felt before, but keeps that to himself and just tells the war-bot to go with the flow of his and X’s growing friendship. By this time, Zero takes an interest in Cain’s guitar and he lets him take it and a beginner’s guide to playing the instrument. Since he doesn’t have the pass time to play it anymore as an Archaeologist.
Zero takes some time to play some songs he’s heard- some Coldplay- and learns VERY quickly, playing some guitar and singing in the garden while waiting for X, and the other takes a fondness for his voice and guitar playing. But that’s another in depth headcanon post for another day.
After the events of X2, their bond is unbreakable as best friends and their fondness continues to grow. They converse everyday in the garden and sometimes star gaze and Zero plays his guitar at times. Though, while they share a sort of special moment, something comes at them from the sky, and it’s not a star. Zero quickly takes him and X out of the Garden since it’s about to hit them. It turns out to be a fireball from an out of control Mechanaloid they had to take care of, leaving X no time to be devastated over the destroyed and flambeed garden. Once they defeat the Mechanaloid, X sees the garden still burning and sees the one place he and Zero made memories together destroyed. Plus it being Dr Cain’s garden in the first place, he finally has time to cry over the sentimental value the garden had for him and Zero being lost, and how bad he feels the his discoverer’s hard work to grow all that flora was wasted.
Dr Cain tells him that it’s okay. That these things happen all the time, especially with Mavericks and out of control Mechanaloids growing in activity for the past year or so (it’s X3 by this event)
Sometime post X3, Zero is also devastated that X’s favorite flowers were destroyed. They meant so much to him as he remembered them with his family fondly. He talks to Cain, asks if he has anymore forget-me-not seeds and he does. He wonders if Zero would want any pink tea rose seeds, and he politely declines. Wanting this to only be for X. Cain then starts to see how Zero is caring for the Blue Bomber. He complies and gives Zero the seeds, and wonders if he needs help planting them. Zero shakes his head, wanting to do this himself. He puts them in a small pot, and waits for them to grow, albeit he’s not good at it, it took him weeks to a month. And when they grow enough, he gives it to X as a present a month later before the events of X4 start, the event where they realize their feelings for one another with Iris’ help.
Once they get together, post X4, X thinks of giving Zero a pink tea rose in return for his present of a small pot of forget-me-nots months prior. And asks Cain for tea rose seeds. Cain remembers this from before with Zero months prior as well, and asks why he needs them. X explains how he and Zero gotten together and wants to return the favor from the present he received. Cain complies with a smile and gives him the seeds. He plants them himself, since Cain actually taught him how before he became a Hunter. And some time passes and a rose bush is made with pink tea roses. And since it was planted in the ground and not in a pot- since X doesn’t like that much when he plants flora for some reason, he takes Zero to it and shows him. Zero is touched by the gesture and thanks X for it.
After X5 with Zero’s death, however, X decides to take the rose bush and put it in a pot and take it to his room he shared with Zero. Having both flowers in the same room, and even after Zero comes back, the flowers have stayed close, just like them, ever since. And they realize those flowers have more semblance of meaning to them ever since they met. <3
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