#it's possible that you'd be able to tell in general if you pay close attention to what his tells are for lying / i think humans just in-
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mad-hunts · 10 months ago
barton being awkward at first or even completely throughout a whole interaction whenever he's trying to comfort people is so in character for him TBH and let me tell y'all why because i think it's important to his character:
he can fake a lot of things. barton can fake being nice to people, he can fake being innocent, and he can even fake having a much stronger sense of morality around people if he wants to — but whenever it comes to empathizing with someone on an emotional level... barton finds himself often struggling with faking it because of the nature of it. and this is due to it being different than whenever he's trying to feign something easily comprehensible like innocence. but empathy is something that's usually viewed as innate in us as humans and has to do with love, which doesn't depend on logic. it's something that comes from within, so it doesn't have clear parameters as to how you should do it, so whenever barton tries to fake it in the event that he's trying to make someone feel better; he'll stumble. and so although barton can cognitively empathize with someone, his efforts to actually put himself in other people's shoes fall flat, as he just can't physically imagine himself being in someone else's position probably more than half the time.
so if your muse were to ever come to him seeming upset, barton would likely not know what to do / how to comfort them, at least for a bit before referencing back on how he's seen other people do it. because i hate to say it (i don't, in reality, but y'all know what i mean LOL) but barton does actively mimic behaviors that he sees people do whenever he feels the absence of a certain emotion. he especially does this whenever he's trying to appear charming to other people, but like i said, he'll also try to use what he's seen his peers do as a guide as for what he should do in regards to empathy. and sometimes he may even seem a bit flustered before he's able to do this because he knows that it is expected of him to be able to empathize with people and can identify it in other people BUT knowing how to approach faking it has always been sort of hard for him even as an adult.
but yeahhh, that's just my own two cents about how barton sometimes break character that he is quote unquote ' normal, ' though he does try to mask this around people who aren't really familiar with him as simply being social awkwardness. however, it is part of a larger thing with him as despite the fact that he can blend in with the population REALLY well and also is pretty good at manipulating others, i suppose you could say that barton is still not an expert at ' constructing empathy ' because whenever someone is visibly hurt in front of him... he is more liable to act like he isn't sure what to do, than to put on an act immediately since he is likely to feel nothing first before anything else. and i realize that that is a rather unsettling thought, but i think that he is a lot more suspectible to doing this with people he doesn't know well / who he isn't particularly close to, as he's got a lot more practice with being falsely empathetic towards friends and/or sometimes even family members.
#OF MONSTERS AND MEN: musings.#YOUR NEED GREW TEETH: character study.#ANGER'S HELPED ME STAY ALIVE: headcanons.#yeah so i do know that this does bring up some questions because if barton mimics emotions then how do you know whether he's being truly-#genuine or not whenever he's interacting with someone? and wellll that is honestly a rather good question bc i feel like sometimes it IS-#probably hard to tell whether he is actually feeling these things rather than just putting on an act in front of people though i feel as if#it's possible that you'd be able to tell in general if you pay close attention to what his tells are for lying / i think humans just in-#general are able to sense whenever someone is not being 100% authentic and i believe i've mentioned this before BUT barton does sometimes-#give off weird / bad vibes sometimes so that could help another character figure out that he mayyy or may not be being real with them rn.#so yeahhh i know that this isn't the most happy or light thing go talk about at 10:30 in the morning on a Sunday but JSJSJ what can i sayyy#/ j JSJSJ nahhh I'm kidding around with y'all but i did promise you guys that I would post fluff so i still fully intend on doing that#my brain just decided it was time to explain some thing's about barton's behavior / some context behind it bc i always like delving deep-#Into my character like this (':#tw: potentially disturbing content.#tw: discussions of symptoms of a mental illness.#tw: mentions of manipulation.
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cantfightmoonlight · 10 months ago
"You and your nicknames," She rolled her eyes lightly over, not that she didn't have her own nickname for Nico. Her's just didn't happen to be wolf-related. "Honestly, and this stays between us, okay? They both aren't really great with boundaries. They grew up super close, not that we didn't, but I think, in the best sort of way, they've been treating me like they would each other, but sometimes forget that I didn't grow up with them, and long story short, Briar did, yes, which was sweet. It was super nice of her, I just wish she would have asked before assuming that I'd want that or like surprises in general," She explained with a small sigh, still trying to navigate the new dynamic of having half siblings herself. "Well, thank you and really? I feel like it feels more Nico, but also in a good way," She admitted, seeing that every other place she had was always as minimalist as minimalist could be besides the addition of a few plants. "And no... not entirely. The skylight had already been in the works for weeks, but I may have driven to every furniture store in town to pick up stuff for, well, the rest of it in part because the dads are driving in. And oh my god," She groaned out, rolling her eyes lightly over at her sibling. "It went pretty much the way you'd expect. I told them the same thing I told you. No they didn't know about Nico. They thought I was joking, then they got really silent and then dad mentioned that he didn't even know I was seeing someone while dad chimed in and said they were coming," She explained with a shrug, before mouthing thank you to Noel for agreeing not to rearrange the records. "And oh thank you. Look at you being all smart and responsible," She teased, giving Noel a playful nudge after they had set the record player down. Only to grow quiet as she waited for Noel to tell her.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before hand by the way. I wanted to, it's just it was all really spur of the moment and I also, as embarrassing as it sounds, don't think I could have gone through a whole wedding and, I think if I had tried, the few parts I would have wanted to do, like exchange vows, I wouldn't have, because I don't think I would have been able to get through saying them with anyone else in the room besides Nico. Though, I am sorry and I do really wish that I was a bit more like you in that way? Or him. I feel like I put him through a lot sometimes and feel like he deserves to be with someone who wants to shout how much she cares about him from the rooftops and, it's not that I don't, I just don't really no how to. But, it's not that I didn't want you there. I love you and would have asked you to be my maid of honor or groomsman or whatever you wanted to be called, if I had an actual wedding. I just couldn't do the whole center of attention thing and kind of hate that I couldn't for him."
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"Nope, not yet. I need to talk to Nico about it. He still doesn't know and, while we have a guest bedroom, it's not all that big. So, I feel like I'd want to give them our bedroom and Nico and I take the guest bedroom, if they crash here, or we take the RV. But, I'm still figuring out logistics. I told them no hotels though. They're not allowed. So, we'll figure it out. And sh!" She held a finger up to her lips. "It wasn't cheap, no. Just don't tell Nico. You know I'm not broke right?" She let out a laugh as Noel offered to help pay it off. "I'm fine. It wasn't that pricey and good I'm glad you know. I just needed this place to feel as much like outdoors as possible, because unfortunately, my boy- sorry, husband, is insane and prefers sleeping outside, even in the snow, so unless I want to freeze my ass off in a tent or a sleeping bag, we needed all the windows."
"The Big Bad Wolf, of course." Noel flashed Jas a smile before chuckling to themself. "Come on, it's fitting since Nico is like the complete opposite of that. Oof, who shit on your parade? I can't imagine that it was Poppy. Hm, did Briar stop by?" She rolled her eyes at her sister before beginning to look at Jas and Nico's home more closely. It came along pretty well. "It looks really nice you know? All that decorating paid off. Definitely screams you. Wait. What this all because our dads are coming? Walk me through that conversation, please. Oh, to be a fly on the wall as you told them that you got married. They didn't even know about Nico before, right? You know I kept my mouth closed on that matter." They couldn't help but tease Jasmine. Of course, it was her prerogative what she told their dads or didn't, but it was so amusing to drop those big information bombs on them and then expect them to stay still. "I won't fuck with your records. I actually care for my life. Thank you." She teased before moving to help Jas unbox the record. "I got a good warranty on it too. So I added the receipt on the box, if it breaks or anything happens you can go to the shop in town to get it fixed or replaced." Noel stood proudly of making such a smart purchase.
"Are we good?" Noel whispered more to themself than to Jasmine. In all honesty, they had done their very best to not think too hard about everything that went down in the last month or two. Did part of them wish they had been included in that moment? Yes. But did Noel understand that given Jasmine's personality, doing it that way felt better and easier than dealing with all of the family? Also yes. Still there was a little pang of yearning in Noel's heart. They truly hoped that if Jasmine ever decided to have a ceremony or if they renewed their vows that she'd be able to at least be present. She didn't care about the logistics of being titled bridesmaid or anything of the sort. Most wedding things were so extremely gendered and suffocating anyway, she just wanted to be in the room. "Yeah. I mean, it already happened, so there's no use me dwelling in a woe me mentality is it? I'm just happy for you two. Nico is a good guy. I'm glad he's by your side."
The fact that their dads were coming to town worried them, but they were glad holidays were far enough away that it meant that they'd be safe for the most part. God, she missed them. "Have they decided where they are going to stay? God, I wish I had a bigger place. How are you feeling about them coming though? Does Nico know about it?" A skylight. How fitting. "Dude, that sounds sick as fuck. I bet it was pricey too. I'm glad you were able to do whatever you wanted to the place! Do you need help paying off the like expenses for it? You know I can always help out, yeah? And yes, I know you are in a good enough spot to pay for it yourself, but still."
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cinnamonest · 4 years ago
Zhongli (Genshin Impact) - Yandere Profile
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This man's voice has a POWER over me I SWEAR
tws: yandere, mentions of n/sfw
tws (under the cut): very ddlg-esque vibes, sorta? infantilization, noncon
I'm sorry I get such strong daddy vibes it unintentionally went in this direction, hope that isn't too bad lmao
I’m working on all the prompts I’ve gotten in! I’ve gotten a few so I’ll be working on those.
What are they generally like? Lucid, aware? Obsessive? How do they behave?
He's one that might be likely to misunderstand his feelings at first, think that he sees himself as a mentor or maybe even an authority figure, someone to guide you and teach you and serve as a dependable partner to your travels. As time goes on, and he begins to recognize how utterly flustered he gets around you, he's forced to acknowledge the actual feelings he has.
While some yanderes with a slight aloofness or pride to them get worse when in love, such as Childe or Kaeya, his drops completely. You bring out a softer side of him, really, one that's protective and tender and loving, so very loving, wanting to be around you, with you. He's certainly an obsessive, protective type, ultimately allowing his protective nature to get the better of him as he demands to know everything you've done, account for your location at every moment, constantly keep track of your habits, inquire about very personal details of your life. If he realizes you're bothered by it, he might draw back a bit, but he's convinced that that's just your perception, that it's necessary, truly, and not at all unusual.
Pet names. Particularly fond of love, darling, and angel. Sweet things that represent what you mean to him -- something precious, something to represent his adoration and idolization.
The primary form of delusion comes from a perception of you. He's obsessive, and idolizes you to an extent. He perceives you as pure, innocent, angelic. The thing is, this applies regardless of whether or not you actually are. If you are, it will solidify the idea, but even if you're not, he will find a way to see you so, anyway. No matter how wise you are, no, you're naive. No matter how capable you are, no, you're weak and fragile. No matter how experienced you may be, no, you're pure. He can always keep this delusion running by bringing into account age and comparison - you'll never be as strong as him, so you might as well be frail and weak. You'll never have lived as long as him, so really, do you think there's that much difference between you and a child, when compared to someone like himself?
How likely are they to kidnap their darling? How quickly will they do so?
Actually highly likely, and pretty quickly. As he observes you, it becomes very clear to him how very fragile you are, how naive you are, you are quite literally too pure, too angelic, to be living in this world with such beings as humans. Fragile, beautiful little things have a place where they belong - protected. Where do we put fragile, beautiful things? We put them behind glass, behind ropes, in pretty cages, in secluded rooms. It's only natural that you, too, need a similar environment.
He's one of the ones that will... Elegantly kidnap you, as odd as it sounds. He's not a brute that would do something horrendous like knocking you out or drugging you, no, he'll find an excuse for you to come to his abode, invite you in, and you'll walk in none the wiser. Only after your in, and the doors close, does he guide you to your new room, calmly explaining that he's come to the realization that you're too fragile to continue your journey, and ought to simply give up on your travels. He knows you'll be upset at first. Like a child being denied, you'll get pouty, moody, you might cry, you might lash out at him. It's predictable. He'll dry your eyes and calm you down, brushing off any harsh words you may have, holding your wrists in his hands when you try to push him away, softly reassuring you that it will all be alright, that you're safe now, and you'll learn to accept this with time.
How difficult is it to escape from them? How do they keep you restrained? How do they deal with attempted escape? 
He would want something... elaborate. He's a man with taste for the most beautiful of things, including yourself, and he won't settle for something as simple as a chain or ropes. No, that would be too simple and brutish, and you, one of the finest things in his life, deserve something equally beautiful and delicate.
He's one of the ones that would go to a great deal of preparation for your arrival. He'd have a room prepared just for you, very ornate, beautifully tailored to you -- the walls your favorite color, the bed made of the same material as your old one, and the whole room completely filled with things you're certain you never even told him you liked. Clothes that fit perfectly to your body. It's frightening how perfect it is, because you know he had to go out of his way to acquire the information to achieve such perfection, but you have no idea how.
Everything about it elegant and detailed, right down to the series of ornate locks on the door. They're some of the sturdiest available, made with essentially unbreakable metal alloys and the most intricate lock systems to date. The windows don't open, and he'd certainly find some way to ensure escape through them isn't an option -- perhaps metal bars, perhaps an unbreakable glass substitute, perhaps merely locating your new home right on the edge of one of Liyue's most beautiful mountains, so that if you were to go out the window you'd plummet to the earth below. He's a bit delusional, but he's not stupid, and he will think through every possibility. Every little detail he needs to keep you safe and confined.
He's certain that, perfect as it is, this room is all you will ever need to be happy. Should you desire anything else, he can bring it to you. You'll never have to leave.
So it goes without saying that it would be exceptionally difficult to escape him. You'd have to find a way through the locks, for which your best bet would be to get some hair pins or tiny writing utensils. Even if you managed it, though, which would frankly be a very difficult feat, you'll have to deal with staying free. Zhongli has ties to the people of Liyue as a whole, and needless to say, he has eyes everywhere. You can't risk appearing in the harbor area, there will be far too many people who would immediately report you, and you'd just be walking right to him anyhow. The surrounding areas also have ties to him, so you'd want to try and reach Mondstadt, as far as it is, which is a difficult travel by foot all alone. You won't get far. He's faster, he's wiser, and he will find you long before you could ever hope to make it there.
However, he's not quite as angry as some yanderes would be about it. He doesn't take your escape personally, no, he blames himself, only calculating his own mistakes as to how it happened. He sees you as something like... a little runaway pet, so naive and dull that you don't know any better than to go wandering off. Or perhaps like a child, just sheepishly curious and wanting to explore, not knowing the dangers of the world. Or, perhaps...
"I haven't been giving you enough attention, have I? That's why you pulled this little act of rebellion... you're hurt by my negligence and wanted to be reassured of my care for you. I'm so sorry... I understand now, love. This was my fault. I've been so caught up with work... I'll delegate some tasks to my workers, and I'll be able to spend more time with you from now on, alright? Don't worry, I'm not angry, I'll take full responsibility. I'll be sure to make it up to you... now, let's go home."
How easy are they to trick, deceive, or manipulate?
Much like Childe or Venti or anyone who has been around as long as he has, you really don't stand a chance. He's an incredibly perceptive man. There's not much to say on the matter, as any attempts will be quickly shut down.
He'd find it amusing, really. Like a child trying to lie, but the evidence is all over their face and hands - it's that obvious to him. It's cute enough that he almost hates having to discipline you for it, but, you have to learn.
How lenient are they? What privileges can you have, and what will you be denied?
He wants his little angel to be safe - and unfortunately, you, being so naive and empty headed, don't always know what's best for you. He knows rules can be hard to follow perfectly, but they're there to keep you safe.
Extremely strict, will want to monitor every moment of your life, every little movement you take, and will insist on watching over you in every task. He'll pick out everything you wear, everything you eat.
Occasionally, if you ask very sweetly, he may take you out for walks in Liyue. Honestly, he'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy taking you to what he knows are the finest locations, shops with the highest level of craftsmanship, restaurants with a high price tag and reputable food. He enjoys showing off his refined tastes and discerning selective abilities. And honestly? There's a certain... Powerful feeling to knowing you're made aware of the costs when he makes high purchases in front of you... even if you don't realize he's not always actually the one paying for it, or that he forgot mora again but promises the owner to pay later - but he'll make sure you don't know that. You hear the numbers, and your eyebrows raise, your eyes widen. You'd nearly faint if that total was on your responsibility, and he knows that. Which is why he'll simply smile at you, and tell you you're worth every last Mora. He'll buy you nearly anything you may desire. It seems like leniency, but in reality, it's his subtle way of locking control and dependency over you, making you respect him, making you love him.
"Don't worry, love. It's not a lot... Not to me, at least. Even if it were, my angel only deserves the best, no?"
What kind of rules do they have? What kind of punishment would they use?
Oh dear. Again, he's very strict, and wants to monitor everything you do, every little aspect of your life. He decides what you eat, portioning your meals to make sure you're eating enough, he worries about you going hungry during your travels, but luckily you'll never have to worry about that again. If you have a sweet tooth, he'll sigh and worry about your teeth and health, but he'll make sure to account for a little bit of sugar in your day, and will even pick up little treats from some of the most reputable places in Liyue.
He picks out clothes for you with each day. They're not... Normal clothes, per se. Certainly not what you'd normally wear on your travels. And it's not like anyone will see you except him - which is exactly why you'll have clothes he would never want anyone else to see you in. Frilly, lacey things, somehow both highly sexualized but also incredibly infantile, soft pinks, baby blues, gentle off-whites. They accentuate the curves of your body so perfectly, while just barely letting him see the parts of you normally kept hidden.
You'll have a schedule - a bath time, a bedtime, a wake-up time. He's weak to your requests, though, and may let you stay up a little late every now and then, or sleep in just a bit, if you make that soft pouting face and beg. He'll insist on bathing you, dressing you, so that you don't have to - and can't even if you wanted to - lift a finger even to wash yourself or put your clothes on.
He has a set of rules for you, very simple ones he hopes you can easily follow. No trying to leave. No doing anything dangerous. No talking to strangers when you go out. You must hold his hand whenever you're walking together, don't go wandering off.
He'll feel ashamed of the thought for a while, but eventually he'll cave and give into the desire, no, the security precaution, of a nice little collar for you. It's not too embarrassing, no, he went out of his way to find one that was delicate, almost like a necklace, made with fine materials, the engraving only visible up close. If you look closely, though, it clearly bears his name.
Breaking the rules is expected, he anticipates it. You're not the brightest, he might even view it as a mistake. A benefit is that you can easily pass it off as simply forgotten, or an accident. Hence, he's not too harsh - normally. He'll sigh, forgive you, and pat your head, contemplating how to prevent your access in the future.
Perhaps you wriggled out of his hand and ran off while walking? You were just excited, distracted, like a child. He might be able to procure a small leash, one that wouldn't be immediately obvious or embarrassing, to attach to your collar. Perhaps some cuff-like links to latch your arm to his.
You forgot the rule about not handling the kitchen knives and cut yourself? He'll have to get some kind of lock and simply keep them safely away from you. No big deal. Any measures are worth your safety.
If you push the limits, or have a defiant attitude, he might reach the point of punishment. As for not-unwholesome things, this would usually include taking away privileges, such as walks or sweets, but overall, punishment will mostly come in more impure forms.
How do they deal with rivals, or perceived rivals? Will they get rid of them? Will they kill them themselves, or find another way?
Not too much to say here - he has connections. He doesn't need to dirty his own hands. For all his supposed humility, if he truly dislikes someone, they're no more significant than an insect to him. He has no reservations about ridding the world of people who, in his mind, are obviously trying to deceive you, abuse you, corrupt you.
Thankfully, he is very capable of keeping a neutral face, even when he feels laughter building up. It would probably look strange if he were smiling over the newest body to come into his parlor.
How easy is it to make them mad? What does their anger look like?
It's a slow buildup. He views restraint as a virtue, and looks down upon those who lack control over their own tempers. He's a man who strives to meet his own standards of character, and that very much applies to self control and ability to maintain a controlled demeanor, even when he feels a bit of frustration due to you being intentionally and deliberately defiant.
It's his responsibility to be a good role model for you and make sure you understand how to behave. However, in the end, he's very keen on properness and rules. If you have a tendency towards brattiness and pushing your limits, you may drive him to a boiling point.
However, even when expressing his anger, he's remarkably controlled. It's very mature, really. Nonetheless, he will have you shivering and tearful with his voice alone, booming with that depth that reverberates off the walls, that vibrates against your very core. His true anger is one that can strike fear even in the most courageous individuals - he's terrifying when he wants to be, fierce and intimidating, a sort of power just eminates from him.
Nonetheless, it's quick, he calms down very quickly, wipes the tears from your eyes, and sighs.
"I do hate having to be firm with you... but I can't have you thinking you can just act however you want. You understand that, don't you?"
So they see you as above them, beneath them, or equal to them?
Both? It's difficult to describe. You're an angel to him. You're the finest work of art, the most intricate creation, the kind of person whose body and likeness deserves to be preserved in art and tradition, one of those women who should be renowned for beauty even centuries long after you're gone from the earth. It's almost goddess-like. At the same time, there's a beautiful, tragic duality to your essence, he thinks. A fragility and a dependency that leaves you in need, but an inherent status of perfection that makes you deserve the utmost perfect of care. You need to be coddled, cared for, protected, but you deserve it. Like a deity incarnated into a mere fragile human form, a queen that needs support to retain her grace.
Unlike some, he doesn't view his care and protection as some kind of favor that should be repaid with your gratitude, no, really, he is grateful that he is the one who is even deserving of being your caretaker, your provider, your lover.
Even if he is the one who determined that he deserves that role.
How determined are they for you to love them? How hard will they try to make it happen? Or are they content just having you?
He's convinced that he can show you that he is your protector, your lover, that it's fate itself that has locked you together, not just his own will.
And he is, above all else, patient. One of the most patient you could encounter. You think a year is a long time? It's nothing to him. A century for you? More than a lifetime. For him? Nothing. He can and will wait, as long as it takes, and he will never falter in his continual care. He'll remind you frequently, he'll shower you in affection, but if you don't return it? It's not that bad. He has all the time in the world to fix you.
Bonus: Is there anything that makes them unique, in comparison to other yanderes?
Moraless Sugar daddy
But in all seriousness, he is definitely of the gift-giving love language. He sees beautiful things, and beautiful things make him think of you! It's sweet, he thinks. So many little things he sees throughout his day make him think of you, and he has to have all of them, see your face when he gives them to you. He likes making you happy, for one, but he'd be lying if he said there wasn't a sort of satisfactory pride he gets from the power dynamic of it all. He wants to be the sole source of provision in your life, he wants your dependency.
If we're talking prior to the events of the game, it will be even more extreme. He treats it like it's truly nothing, throwing around massive purchases, seemingly as if he's not thinking about it at all. But he is - rest assured, he's taking it into consideration, at least, that is, how it will affect your attitude and perception of him.
General perverseness: how sexual of a person are they? What’s their drive like? How touchy do they get? Do they have any reservations about sexuality?
On the reserved side. He'd never conduct himself improperly in public, of course. It's out of the question. He cares about proper behavior and public image, and he'd never behave in a vulgar manner.
Even in private, he's certainly one of the ones that struggles with a certain guilt. To some degree, he would feel like you're so innocent and pure that he doesn't want to corrupt you. He goes through stages. First, he'll lie to himself, telling himself that the feelings he has for you are simply protective, platonic, a natural sense of responsibility for you. That becomes more and more difficult to convince himself of, the more excited he becomes around you, the more he finds his eyes drawn to whatever bits of skin are exposed on your body, finding himself drifting off to impure thoughts, trying to push them away. 
Second, once he's forced to acknowledge the true nature of these feelings, he'll simply practice restraint, something he's rather good at in this area. He tries, he really does. He tells himself he can't do something so impure, that it would violate you, that he should be ashamed of himself for it. It becomes more and more and more difficult to restrain himself with time, the feelings rising and the thoughts become more difficult to push away, eventually entertaining the fantasies in his head in an attempt to rid himself of the urge in real life. It doesn't work, no, it only makes the urges worse, and he can't be around you without his body nearly commanding him to do something. And finally, he'll take a different stance entirely, telling himself that, no, it's not going to corrupt you, rather, it's taking care of you. If he really wants to love you, really wants to care for all of your needs, then surely that would include your physical needs, and therefore, really, it would be wrong of him not to help you.
As that shift in viewpoints goes on, he'll become more and more bold, hands lingering just a little longer, face coming just a little closer. It's a slow build of tension, just waiting to boil over. 
How forceful are they? Do they care about your willingness?
He understands you're nervous. Again, no matter how experienced you are, somehow in his head he makes it out to be insignificant. Even if you've had other relationships, he convinces himself - and tries to convince you - that they were inadequate, they didn't care about you, not like he does. And he'll treat it as that -- any resistance you put up is nervousness, nothing more, nothing less. He'll reassure you a million times that you won't feel pain, that he'll be gentle, that you'll feel good, even if his size and strength frankly is rather intimidating regardless of experience. He'll keep cooing in your ear, softly whispering reassurance, softly running hands over your skin, holding you in place as the last inch stretches you apart. 
What sort of kinks or fetishes do they have, or would they fill?
Again, no matter how smart, experienced, and capable you may be, you're none of those things to him. You're a fragile, little thing. He has to take care of you at all times. It may not be evident at first, and he himself likely doesn't fully realize it, but there is something highly sexual to this for him. Caring for you puts him in a position of dominance, control. It gives him access to your privacy, dressing you up, fingers running over your skin, bathing you, watching your skin glisten. He'll talk to you in this way, too, often softly, remarking every little way in which you need him, and even condescendingly so. He wants you to be his, not only in a sense of love, but of possession.
Primarily giving. Even on its own, he loves the taste, but the effect it has on you makes it that much better. He loves anything that forces you to depend on him entirely for pleasure, that puts you at his mercy. And he'll be torturous about it too, restraining your arms and legs so you can't control anything, hold your hips down so you can't roll into him, so that only he can determine exactly how much pressure and speed you get. And he won't rush it, no, he'll go so slowly it's torturous, and telling you very simply that if you want any more, you'll have to beg.
For a variety of reasons. The power trip is as exhilarating as it is pleasurable, but he also loves watching your body writhe. Each little muscle that moves under the flesh when your arms strain against his hand holding your wrists together, the convulsing of your stomach muscles, the way your toes curl and legs spasm and the sweet little whimpers you make when he draws back just short of your high. He's mastered watching your reactions, knowing exactly when to stop, even if you try to mask it. He'll want you to tell him, though, nonetheless, tell him when you're close, if for nothing else but the sense of you obeying his commands.
Similarly to infantilization, it gives him something of a sense of control, of possession. He loves seeing his name engraved on it, marking the whole of your being with his ownership. In his somewhat rare moments of roughness, he'll want to pull on it, use it to draw you towards him, in a moment of your defiance, in particular. If you're being mouthy, whiny, disobedient, and you finally make him snap, especially if you try to walk away from him, he'll yank you back with force, pulling you close to him, and when the force of it shuts you up, changes your demeanor, forces you to acknowledge your submission - the satisfaction he'll get from that is incomparable.
How do they feel about pregnancy or babies? Do they want them?
As much as he likes the idea, to him, you're already like a child, naive and fragile. Could your body even handle a pregnancy, a birth? He'd likely try to avoid it, but in the end, if it happened by accident anyway, rest assured you'd be getting the best care of any woman to ever be pregnant in Teyvat, and he'd do everything in his power to ensure you were always comfortable, taking his caretaking to another level, almost never even letting you get up, insisting you stay still and calm and needy.
What kind of (nsfw) punishments would they use?
He'd be one to pull the "it doesn't hurt you as much as it does me" line, but really, even if he refuses to admit it to his own self, having you bent over his lap is just as much for his own enjoyment as it is a disciplinary measure. It's more humiliating than it is painful -- he'd hold back, afraid of hurting you with his strength, but taking in every little flinch and whimper you make as he brings his hand down on your ass, keeping your head pressed down, kneading at the flesh. He'd insist it's the most effective punishment measure, but you can feel the hard-on digging into your stomach. The worse the behavior, the worse the beating, but every time, after it's over, he'll hold you upright, wiping the tears from your eyes and asking you if you learned you lesson, if you intend to do it again, and smiling when you insist you won't.
What body parts of their darling do they like the most?
Your skin. It's beautiful, and he loves the way that light from the moon and sun look on your naked form. He loves the way your skin feels, soft and delicate, smooth, so paper thin and fragile, and so, so deliciously prone to showing marks from the slightest of harm - a simple smack can make the plump flesh darkened and reddened, the lightest suckling will leave beautiful hickeys all down your neck and chest. There are so many ways to mark his property, to stake a visible claim all over you, it's irresistible.
He also will go out of his way, when picking out all the things he wants you to wear, to find colors that best go with your skin tone, in a contrasting sense - particularly lacey, sheer things that contrast very well, so he can see your soft flesh perfectly defined against the little lace patterns.
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pure-kirarin · 4 years ago
Slow & Steady [P2] [Sabo x f!reader] (+18)
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Genre : Romance - Smut - Bestfriends to lovers General warnings : Alcohol consumption - Dark themes - Swearing - S m u t - possessiveness - Mention of ex-relationships - jealousy
A/N : This is really different from my usual writing style but I am experimenting. Please tell me your thoughts and don’t hesitate to ask to be added to the tag list :) AO3 : https://archiveofourown.org/works/31877203?view_full_work=true
In the last chapter --  «-Enough playing now, you're going to sleep. -B-but ! This wasn't what I asked for....You're really a coward after all...You virgin... » He carried you to his room, putting you on the bed and sitting next to you. «-I'd love to prove you wrong. However, it would be better if you were in a state where you'd be able to recall how good I am. If you want me to fuck you this badly then maybe ask me when you're sober.
Part I - Part II
Part II  -Yeah yeah...Pff..You're no fun Sabo. Things were finally getting interesting ! »
He smiled seeing that you were now calmer. You started to yawn and bury your face in his pillow. He loved to see you getting so comfortable in his room. He really needed a cold shower after your little show.  -Goodnight (Y/N). I'll sleep on the couch. You can get comfortable. -Are you crazyy ? You gonna leave me alone like this ? Let's sleep together~ -Come on (Y/N), you're a big girl. You could sleep alone for one night, would you ? Translation : I don't want to spend the whole night with a semi. And you're dangerously flirty, and I have wanted you for years and now I have to abstain.
-Pleaaaase. You said looking at him with puppy eyes. He rolled his eyes placing a hand in his hair. God.damn.it.
You won again. Like every time. * * *  You opened your eyes hardly next day, feeling something hard against your thigh. You looked at the ceiling
Oh...I am not in my room...Where the fuck am I ?
you turn around only to discover the embodiment of Adonis to your side. A light beam was lighting up Sabo's face. He looked like an angel as his beauty couldn't be that of a human.
Was he always this handsome ?
You didn't know, in fact, you have never had the occasion to wake up in his bed. Wait, in his bed ? This realization came slowly as your head was still foggy from yesterday's consumption.
You looked down, the thing that was pressing against your leg was indeed :
his thing.
You frowned, blushed, pulled away, put a hand on your lips repressing an internal scream, all of this in around three seconds. You then tried to calm down, telling yourself that it was very normal for a man to experience this kind of morning unconviniences, and that Sabo was a man, after all. Even if  you have always seen him as a bestfriend, he was still a man that is capable of physical attraction.
Now that this internal monologue was done with, you felt a bit calmer, but that didn't answer your question. You got out of bed, trying to recall what happened after going in the bar. And it came back. All of it. Without any mercy for your feelings.
You wanted the ground to swallow you whole. Your only wish was to disappear which meant : calling Nami. You headed out of the house, not even having the courage to face your bestfriend.
« Namiiiii -Uh ? What's the matter ? -I fucked up. I fucked up really bad. -Oh yeah ? Tell me about it. -Wait, why do you seem excited ? -O-oh I'm not excited. Come on tell me. What else could you have possibly done ? -I asked Sabo to fuck me. -Wait what ? You could hear Vivi ask Nami about what happened and her answering « She asked Sabo to fuck her ». -Nami ! Don't go on telling everyone about this. I'm on my way. -For starters, Vivi isn't « everyone », she's my girlfriend. And I'm here waiting for you to tell me what happened. -Wait, I'll come at your place. This can't be discussed over the phone. »
You hung up on her. Ten minutes later, you were at her place. Extremely confused. Nami was painting her nails bright red on the bed while Vivi was sitting comfortably on a chair. You let your whole body weight fall on a lounge pug, tourmented.  «-So tell me how you and Sabo ended up fucking. She emphasized the last word in a way that made you almost choke on air.  -We didn't actually. Nami and Vivi both sighed in a synchronized « Ah » of disappointment. -So hmm...I don't remember clearly. I was really drunk-- well that you're aware of and...And Sabo didn't want to leave me alone so we went to his place. Ace was at Thatch's so we were alone. We hugged and he comforted me. Then I started teasing him, and I don't know what I was thinking, but I kissed him, and then I asked him to fuck me. -Wow that escalated quickly. Said Nami as she continued painting her nails.
-Well, I was heartbroken, I needed something, someone, and he was there, and you know Sabo, he's a good guy ! I don't know what's worse, the fact that I asked him to fuck me or the fact that he said no.
-Oh god I'm so so sorry
- Nami please don't make things worse for me.
-No offense, but you're so dense. Sabo has always been into you. Do you want him, or do you not ? I know that going right into a relationship after a breakup is a bad idea. But honestly it's worth giving it a shot. He's a really good guy. Try dating someone nice for once.
-I don't know, he has something unsettling about him. Like « almost too good to be true » you know ? Added Vivi.
-Ohhh~ I see. Honestly, I always thought that he was a bit prude and hella vanilla. I mean, yes, he's my best friend. But he has never talked about girls to me or about sexual stuff. So I just assumed that. I never thought that he'd be packin' like that. You said as you popped a lollipop in your mouth.
-Ah ? Was it really that impressive ? asked Nami, genuinely curious.
-Yeah. On a scale from 0 to doflamingo he's a solid eight point seventy five. (*)
-Oh gosh. I understand why you're so worked up now.
-That's really...precise. Added Vivi, a bit horrified.
(*) [ The dear reader might need this clarification ; Doflamingo was Law's uncle, he sometimes came to pick him up after uni with his luxurious lamborghini. He wore extremely tight pants that left little to the imagination. And he was most known among your clique for having a nine incher. It was a running joke wether to know if Law got his uncle's genes. Needless to say that this joke wasn't to Law's taste. Now back to our adorable Y/N. ]
-So. I really don't know what to do. I am still heartbroken. -And horny. Added the ginger. -Yeah, that too. I'm afraid of ruining our friendship. -Listen dear, said Nami as she was closing the nail polish bottle, if you're not going for it, someone else would. And trust me, that girl Koala is upping her game. She's going to steal him right in front of your eyes, just like this - and she snapped her fingers. -Oh, and then, you can forget about being « best friends ». Said Vivi adding fuel to the fire. -Yeah, once he's gonna start dating, he won't have too much time for you-- and then, that Koala girl, my god, she seems extremely possessive ! -No way, your voice was detached, trying to act is if you weren't worried, Sabo has never dated any girl before.- -Yes but he seems to get along with that girl. And to be honest, she's kinda cute.
-Nami ! Vivi pinched her forearm playfully, pretending to be jealous.
-That hurt ! And don't be jealous, you know that you're my only one~
-Hmm...I prefer that. Vivi laughed. You started caughing reclaiming for their attention.
-Attention please ! We're discussing my dick-appointment here.
-Jesus you're really annoying, (Y/N), just go for it already.
-How much did he pay you to tell me this huh ?
-What ? He didn't pay me ! You're just always getting your heart broken. I'm just trying to be a good friend.
-Say that you are trying to get rid of her~ Jokes Vivi.
-Vivi, don't expose me like this- Nami plays along while laughing.
-I hate you girls ! You say as you throw a pillow on Nami. The ginger starts complaining that you messed her Nail polish, and the whole scene metamorphosed into a pillow fight.
* * *
You spent the whole day with the girls, chit-chatting about boys and girls and playing stupid games. You felt way more comfortable now, less ashamed. However, you were surprised because you didn't get a message from your bestfriend. You wondered wether he was mad at you, it wasn't in his habits.
You decided to message Ace [click for conversation] [ (Y/N) : Heyy amigo is Sabo ok ? Did he tell u smth abt yesterday ? Ace : Ouch, your hurting my feelings, </3 Only talking to me to ask about my brother~ Yea hes okay why tho ? (Y/N) : Ooo kay. He's home ? Ace : He is. Why don't u directly text him ? (Y/N) : Don't tell him I asked. Btw I didn't forget about those 10 bucks you « borrowed » from me. Give it back.] He didn't answer. You sighed and decided to go see Sabo to settle things down. It was the first time that you were embarrassed to see your best friend. You dressed up in a black skirt and t shirt. You didn't usually pay attention to your looks when you went to hang out at Sabo's, but you were really stressed out and what the girls have said about Koala made you scared of losing him. After all, you had some abandonment issues. You had to settle this down once and forever. You arrived at the guy's place, it was an apartment not so far from your own student flat. You knocked on the door and Ace opened : -Ohhh, (Y/N), he whistles, lookin' like a girl today huh ? -What are you implying you dumbass ? Where's Sabo ? -He's in his room with Koala.- -Wait what ? Koala ? What is she doing here ? Ace raised an eyebrow then said amused ; -I don't know, go ask him yourself. -You're useless as usual. -Always so sweet. You on your period or something ? -I didn't forget about my twenty bucks by the way. -I said I'm goin' to pay you back alright ? Now go talk to Sabo. You and Ace were always teasing each other in a brotherly way, but in reality, he really cared for you, it was just your usual way of communication. But it was true that knowing that Koala was in Sabo's room put you in a bad mood. You knocked on the door with a knot in your stomach. Did they start dating ? Was Sabo interested in her ? These ideas were torturing you. But why did you care anyways ? It was none of your business. He could date whoever he wants. You opened the door but there was only Sabo relaxing on his bed, still fully clothed. « - Sabo ?-Oh, (Y/N), what brings you here ? -Why ? Do I need a reason to see my best friend ? He sits on bed looking at you. He doesn't fail to notice your cute outfit, it was different from your usual sweatpants and hoodies, the way it complemented your figure was almost too much for him. Just that sight was driving him insane, but his face didn't betray his emotions, like always, he acted friendly, not an ounce of lust in his dark ebony eyes. You took place next to him. He smelled good, you thought. The same fresh minty smell as last time. Did he always smell this good ? -(Y/N) ?Huh ? Is everything okay ? His voice seemed concerned.He cared for you. And you had those stupid immature and posessive thoughts. Get a grip of yourself, (Y/N), you thought. -Oh yea-- wasn't Koala here ? Ace told me you were with her.
You tried so hard to act like you didn't care, but he knew you like the back of his hand. But still, he played along. -Hmm..Yes. She just left. I was going out as well. He says with a sweet smile, looking at his watch. You couldn't help but make a disappointed face. -But Sabo I wanted to - I'm really sorry (Y/N), let's talk later. He ruffles your hair and you close your eyes as he does so. You felt stressed out. What happened exactly ? You felt intimidated in his presence for the first time. You wanted him to stay and talk this out. It was a bit awkward for you now. You never thought too much. As he was going out of the room you held the fabric of his coat tight in your hand ; -Sabo- -Hum ? Need me to drop you somewhere ? -N-no. You let his sleeve go, realizing what you have just done, I'll stay a bit then go back home. Don't worry about me. -Alright then. See you later ? -Yeah. See ya. ]
You looked at Sabo go away and you followed him shortly after. Meanwhile Ace was sitting on the couch and watching some movies. You went back home and was quite tormented. It wasn't the right time to worry as you had your assignments and studies to deal with. On one hand, you didn't even have the time to think of your ex boyfriend and his cheating but on the other, you felt like you were let down by Sabo. But why ? He didn't do anything. He just found himself a new friend and a potential new girlfriend.
He didn't even talk about her, but why where you so upset by him meeting her ? After all, he had the right to date just like you always did.
A few days have passed and you didn't get the chance to talk to Sabo. Your exams were getting closer and closer and you didn't feel ready.
Usually, Sabo would help you with your assignments but you were too scared to ask. You realized how much you relied on him and how he has been always there for you.
Who were you exactly to him ?
Maybe you took him for granted.
As you were on your bed looking at the ceiling and trying to collect every drop of motivation in your system to study, you heard your phone ring. It was Sabo's ringtone ! ----- Tag list : @vemuabhi @chloe-abbacchio @mwls-garden @soanywaysistartedsimping If you wanna get tagged just ask for it :)
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isimp4hawkz · 4 years ago
The Apothecary
(Hawks x Reader)
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100% inspired from this beautiful artwork I found on pinterest ^^
This is my first time publishing any of my fics. I hope it’s enjoyable.
*Skimmed for any mistakes but I may have missed a few*
Words: 2.5k
"Tell me something birdbrain. Did you come here in search of a remedy or did you come here to snuggle with my owls?" You scold aloud, brow lifted at the scene before you. It temporarily drew your attention away from the herbs you were blending for the person in question. If he really even needed them that is.
The man was bent over, hovering over the counter and barely burying his entire face into the soft plumage of Gamma's snowy collar, rubbing his nose into its depths, small chuckles resounding from him in his own apparent delight. Simultaneously, Thaddeus perched himself daintily onto the golden locks of his hair, managing to keep himself in place as the man's head moved about beneath him.
What shocked you is that they seemed to be genuinely enjoying his company, whereas they hardly acknowledge your existence throughout the day. It was much unlike how they'd usually act whenever someone walked into the shop. As soon as they heard that little bell chime from the entrance, both birds would take off towards their high perches on opposite ends of the room, making it in their best interest to avoid anyone new.
You didn't mind, nor question their habit. They only preferred your lone company either way, though they'd hardly show it. Much like you'd rather be with their company rather than some other person.
On that slow, peaceful evening, you'd discovered that maybe you don't know your beloved companions as well as you thought. For some reason, Hawks was some sort of an exception to them. Much more than an exception, at that.
For crying out loud, he was snuggling into Gamma and cuddling her as if she were a puppy! And she was letting him.
And Thaddeus. Thaddeus' behavior baffled you on an entirely different level. That was a bird who never permitted you any petting privileges, any time you'd insinuate a head rub, he'd screech at you and fan his wings. Very territorial, he was. At least you thought he was.
Yet here he was, God damn nesting in the hair of a complete stranger as if he'd known the man for years. As if you weren't the one who took him in when he was but a weak, fraile hatchling on the brink of death.
"I think your owls like me." Hawks chuckled, his huge crimson wings ruffling giddily when Gamma had begun to coo at his nuzzles, adoringly.
Jealousy. Blatant jealousy is what you felt. You weren't even going to attempt to hide it. You've tried endless times to get those birds to see you as their loving caretaker, showering them with love and treats and sating their every need, but to no avail. If anything, you think they see you the way a caged tiger would view its neglectful keeper, just a source of food.
You huff out a breath, subconsciously putting in more effort to mash the herbs together with the mortar and pestle than you wished.
Hawks noticed your subtle change in behavior. The way you slammed a small jar onto the counter, flicked off the cap, and aggressively shook out whatever was inside onto the cutting board. Or maybe it was the way you were mashing those herbs with a force that made him wonder if they'd somehow wronged you.
Of course; being him, he'd jumped to a brash conclusion. "Oh? Are you jelly that I'm giving the birds more attention than you?"
You stop your relentless mashing of compounds, staring ahead blankly for a moment before shaking your head. "Don't be ridiculous, I-"
"Awoh, it's nothing to be ashamed of, I completely understand."
"I'm jealous of you, actually."
Hawks blinked in confusion, lifting his head away from the owl's downy feathers and looking over at you.
"Seems like they fancy you more than they could ever me." A half-hearted smile tugged at your lips, the morose tone in your voice was inevitable.
Gamma's wide, intelligent eyes shifted to stare at you. It was like she understood every word you said. Her wings lifted, and with a few swift flaps, she was in the air. You flinched when she landed gracefully into your hair, her sharp talons clenching your head as gently as she could.
Hawks chuckled at how frozen you were in that moment, bringing up a hand to scratch Thaddeus on the chin as he stared. He marveled at the way your cheeks faintly turned a darker shade when Gamma had cooed. She'd began to pick at your head softly in a grooming mannerism.
Thaddeus shifted in Hawks' hair, suddenly growing restless.
"Wanna get closer?" Hawks asked him aloud, rhetorically, obliging to the small hoot he received in response and carefully sauntering over to you, wary of the unstable balance Thaddeus had while being on his head.
By the time he got close, you'd managed to settle Gamma down onto your outstretched bicep, but the stubborn owl only flapped back onto your head. The look on your face almost made Hawks laugh out loud, you were distraught. Torn between salvaging the rare chance at bonding with your companion, and continuing the preparation of a remedy for a paying customer.
He knew how much you cared for those birds, so much that he was willing to let you relish in the moment completely.
The smile on his face was somewhat solemn. "Don't fret witchy. I'm sure I can find some other witch who can cook up what I need."
Your brow ticked at the way he addressed you. "Excuse you. I am not a witch. I'm an Apothecary."
Hawks blinked. "Same difference."
You ignored that. "And even if you could somehow find another suitable Apothecary in the general area, I've been told by several patrons that I am the best of the best." You stated proudly, chin held up high in accordance. "The odds of finding someone more skilled than I are low to say the least."
He always enjoyed how confident you were in your craft. That confidence stemmed from true experience and skill, mastery even. You were right for claiming your profession to be deemed that high of a level, there hasn't been a single time in the past where your restoratives had let him down, no matter what their purpose served. He's glad that your clientele have spread the word of your little place, though they're restricted to hushed exchanges of whispers and secret notes passed in inconspicuous areas, out of the sight of any authorities.
The way you obtained some of your ingredients could be considered illegal if thorough investigation was to prosper, but luckily for you, that was yet to happen. No one was dubious of the little flower shop secluded between two towering office buildings at the farthest corner of the longest street in Kyushu. Hawks wouldn't dare run his mouth about its true nature to anyone, he would much rather heal his battle wounds naturally with one of your blends rather than the harsh steroids they'd stick into his body back at the commission.
"Can't deny that fact." Hawks chuckled, looking at you with apparent appreciation gleaming through his hooded eyes. "You've helped me through some tough calls, I don't think I-" He cut himself off in realization of something.
"I...I don't think I've ever thanked you."
You were quick to bring up the fact that he in fact spoiled you. Tipping you thousands over whatever price you'd ask for, as if money was nothing but a nuisance to him and he needed to get rid of as much of it as possible, it had you wondering if he would flaunt it around so carelessly wherever.
"That's different. Of course I'm gonna pay you in exchange for your meds, I'm not some shitbag. But I've never thanked you before."
Now that you think about it, it's true. The majority of times times he's come here, it's been in an urgent burst through the door, with little time on his hands to so much as greet you. You really can't recall a single time where he's thanked you, since he's usually in such a rush. Here one second, gone the next. His reputation stands firm.
Rarely have there ever been situations like this, where he's able to hang around the shop and wait patiently for you to get his order ready firsthand. You'd looked over your shoulder at him while he was appeasing the owls earlier. He had looked so calm, so sweet and tender in that moment, totally relaxed. It warmed your heart to see him like that.
His concern brought a smile to your face, how adorable to think that it would trouble him this much. "Hawks, trust me, you're fine. I know you're thankful. The proof is in the way that you pay literally five times as much as I could ever ask you for—more than that at times!"
Yup. That sounds like something he'd do, even he'll admit it. He distinctly recalls throwing a fat stack of cash at you in several of his hurried instances, not even bothering to ask for the price, or check how much was in the stack. He tilted his head aside and stuck out his lower lip in consideration of his own antics.
But that doesn't stop him from genuinely thinking that you deserve way more than what you make. You're taking one hell of a risk every time you sell another product to some shady person. He thinks you deserve to be appreciated more for that fact alone.
"Well, for what it's worth, thank you Y/n. Really, I mean it. What you do means a lot to me, more than I can put into words." He held your gaze with an adoration in his eyes that you didn't quite understand.
You've never seen seriousness cross that man's expression as well as it did right then.
He's perpetually cheerful and carefree, flirty more oftentimes than he should be. It surprised you seeing him so lacking in that notorious, glowing charisma. Maybe you'd go as far to say that in that moment, it looked like true joy was something he'd never experienced before. You couldn't even form words, rendered a gaping fish.
And maybe you would've actually taken his word for it, if it wasn't for you being reminded of the fact that the two of you had two big ass birds on your heads when Gamma and Thaddeus unexpectedly hooted in unison.
You and Hawks simultaneously broke eye contact to glance up at each other's birds, locking eyes with one another again.
It went silent for a few seconds.
Hawks' hard expression wavered hesitantly, his lip twitching in a futile attempt to remain serious. You then snorted quietly, biting your lip, and that's all it took for the two of you to burst out into a laughing fit that made you to bend over to clutch your sides, causing Gamma to flee from your head hastily and settle on her perch, Thaddeus following suit towards his respective stand when Hawks stumbled backwards a bit.
They'd managed to both ruin the moment and save it all the same, made it into something you didn't quite know you needed until it happened. A good laugh, one that had your face heating up and your cheeks beginning to hurt as the two of you only grew breathless with glee, struggling to keep your balance as you pressed your weight onto nearby objects to avoid toppling over.
The old Grandfather clock at the back of the shop had begun to chime, signaling the passing of another hour.
The sound caused Hawks to gradually come back down from his laugh-high. He submitted to that professional state of mind that subconsciously clawed at his back at times like these, once he was reminded of where he was supposed to be.
It was like someone snapped their fingers and all happiness was wiped from his face. Other than the faint pink still dusting his cheeks, it looked like the laugh that the two of you shared had never transpired.
You didn't even need to hear him say it. After you'd wiped a tear of joy from your eyes and regained your breath, you'd whirled around, right back to where you'd left off before.
A strange atmosphere settled into the shop. It grew peacefully silent, the rays of the setting sun stretched generously into the stop, accentuating gliding specs of dust in their path and lighting the room in a warm honey glow.
Hawks rolled his shoulders, wings reaching out to their maximum length in a comfortable stretch, as you bagged his things.
He'd requested a strong set of numbing-based remedies and other blends crammed with sedatives. It reminded you of the prep for some sort of illegal surgery, but you weren't one to meddle in the business of your customers.
You'd turned to hand him his bag, but were surprised when there was no sight of the man where he'd previously been.
It took a few glances around the room, you almost missed him at first, but there he was, standing before the display window, gazing distantly at the outside world under the evening glow.
Sometimes you'd catch a deep-rooted hardship in his eyes that was nearly impossible to detect. A flicker of something more, something lost long ago that he longs to have again. At times it looked like he was carrying the weight of the world in his wings and nobody knew it.
Or maybe your seclusion in your craft has run you crazy and you're just imagining it all. That's way more believable, anyway.
You'd walked up to his side, eyes trained on the lively cityscape. The city never slept, always bustling with some sort of commotion, but it was oddly calm on that evening. Nothing but nature in all its shapes and forms, like the gentle autumn breeze that shook the trees, like the songbirds softly jittering in a musical dialect only they understood, plus the ocasional car that would stroll by barely exceeding fifteen miles per hour.
Your gaze drifted back on Hawks, who has yet to notice your presence beside him.
Sometimes I wonder what goes on in that man’s mind, what challenges the relentless day brings him, and how he manages to come out smiling in the end.
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starshiningsirius · 4 years ago
The most sweetest thing(Yandere Trey x reader)
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Thank you to @swirly-writes for sending me yandere prompt from which I gained my inspiration
A new bakery opened up in town, it's popularity sky risen in a short amount of time. It was known for its sweets that taste like another food entirely. An astounding feet something that no one could understand how he did it, almost like magic.
Said baker and owner named Trey Clover was deemed a master at what he did. His smiles toward customers who would enter where his pearly white teeth would show had any girl fall for him instantly. He wouldn't pay them any mind though, he was only focused on making his bakery a success that was until he met someone that changed his goal.
It wasn't as crowded in the morning when he first opens the shop. No one would come in until about three hours later. That is until one day she did.
Her name was Y/n who was beautiful in looks standards but with an expression of apathy on her face you'd think she was nothing more than a doll. Trey had heard her enter with the bell above the door alerting him and immediately went to the counter to serve her.
At first he was surprised seeing such a beautiful young lady enter his shop, he couldn't even deny the blush that was visible on his face. Something about her seemed off though as he examined her for a quick second he noticed how empty she looked. He didn't know why but it did make him a bit curious.
When he caught himself staring for awhile he cleared his throat a little and put on his best smile.
"Hello, Ms. Is there something I can get you?"
"A slice of cake."
"And what would you like it to taste like?"
"Nothing the way it is would be just fine."
This answer actually surprised him seeing as people come here for desserts that taste like whole other foods. No one ever asks for the things he makes himself without the help of his magic.
His bewildered expression didn't go unnoticed by the female in front of him as she thought about how easily his expression changed with her order. She assumed he didn't get orders like hers often.
"Ah, coming right up Ms."
He wouldn't admit it but he was actually giddy for once like he wanted to be famous for his sweets in general, he did run a bakery after all. He served it to her and she ate it inside the small cafe like place.
He actually pretended to clean the counters while she indulged herself with the blank expression she came in with. He couldn't deny the anxiety pounding in his heart when he saw the fork come up to her lips as she took a bite.
That's when he saw it. A small smile grace her angelic features. He was sure it was real and rare at that, but he couldn't believe nor get it out of his head. From that day forward she started to come in around opening time and Trey would anticipate meeting with her. She would order different sweets all tasting how Trey would make it and bringing a smile to her face that Trey would long to see. Energizing him every morning and keeping him eager to see the sun rise on the next day.
After about the first five meetings with him she gave him her name, Y/n L/n. As nice as it sounded to roll off his tongue hearing her repeat his name was far more appealing. They would now exchange more conversations with one another in the mornings that was barren and empty with no other customers. She would wait for Trey to make a sweet she had asked for that he didn't have in stock already which left some time to conversate.
She actually brought up how he didn't mention her emotional detachment not once.
"Everyone has their reasons for who they are I wouldn't want you to have to explain yourself just for the sake of my curiosity."
"Th -thank you." That's the first time he heard her stutter before, he found it cute.
"To be honest I really like your sweets, they are divine, and I can't help but feel happy when I eat them." Her words offered Trey to chuckle a little seeing a small smile on Y/n's face he could feel his heart beat faster.
So he responded with,
"Keep smiling like that. It makes my heart happy."
🥳🥳🥳 . 🥳🥳🥳 . 🥳🥳🥳 .🥳🥳
Of course not all good things come to an end. Trey had gotten closer with Y/n and knew she was not the apathetic girl he first saw, he was able to decipher her feelings a lot better. She was shy, kind, polite, and virtually loved his sweets. With how she was raised by a high classed family that undermines women expressing themselves he could understand the general picture of why she had an apathetic look on her face half the time.
It did anger him to some extent but at the same time if he had seen her smile so often it wouldn't be so precious as when he had first met her. The fact that she likes his desserts for what they are also stood out to him as what made her different. There were so many things Trey could list in his head that would entail why he had fallen for the lovely lady that entered his shop every morning.
At this point he was head over heels for her awaiting to bake any treat the girl asked for the very next day. Until she didn't come one morning and that had him worried.
'What could possibly be holding her from coming here? She never misses a day.'
Questions and inquiries ran through Trey's head, running a hand through his green hair throughout the morning up until he heard the bell ring. It caught his attention except it wasn't her, it was just a normal group of customers that came a few hours after the store opened. He hadn't realized how long he had been standing there.
It was going to be a long day.
. 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 .🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 .🥳🥳🥳🥳
Finally the day was almost done, at least in Trey's head he praised being able to close the store. His mind was still running rampant on not seeing the sweet angel that would bless his morning with a ray of sunshine and motivate him to move on with the day.
He sighed with exhaustion seeing as everyone always ordered their dessert to taste different which meant no breaks on using his magic.
As he pushed up his glasses the little bell above the door leading in rang again. He took a breath and plastered on a fake smile to hide his exhaustion. It was a couple that came in, he couldn't hide his shock though when he saw the female paired with a man.
She didn't look happy as she did the previous morning with anticipation to try his sweets. Instead she had the expressionless face that she usually had except it looked more sad. Trey had gotten better at reading her emotions often over the course of their encounters. She was wearing an expensive dress which contrasted with her casual clothing. Of course Trey thought she looked stunning, but the look on her face wasn't making it very complete.
He didn't realize he was staring for a while as the couple had already stopped at the counter. The man cleared cleared his throat obnoxiously and Trey could already tell he was someone already unfavorable to him.
"What would you like sir?"
When he ordered Trey had to try hard not to let his smile falter, clenching his fists behind the counter in agitation. He took a quick glance over at Y/n who had avoided his gaze and looked as though she was repressing a frown for an empty look instead. It was like she was pretending not to know him which he couldn't deny did sting quite a bit. Trey being the calculating person he is went along with the charade as he deduced it had to do something with the man next to her.
"And for you Ms.?" As soon as the man had finished he glanced over at Y/n and secretly winked at her.
"Ah, for her just a dark coffee is fine. You've look like you've been gaining more weight recently which is unbecoming of you my dear fiancee. So make it taste like a salad please."
Trey couldn't help but looked toward Y/n who looked like she wanted to speak but shut her mouth immediately after opening. It definitely rubbed him the wrong way, not only was this guy arrogant and rude, he blatantly insulted his angel on her weight of all things when she looked as though she hadn't gained anything. Not only that but he was going to be married to her! The world was unfair and hell had frozen over with such a man like that Trey could only imagine how miserable Y/n already was by the look on her face. She always loved his sweets and only ordered that when she came, and he would always adore the smile adorned on her face that would shine light brighter than a sunrise in the Afterglow Savanna.. He decided to at least try and speak up for her.
"Excuse me sir but that doesn't look like what your fiancee wanted to order." The venom in his voice when he mentioned her partnership with the man was clear as day.
"I don't recall asking for your opinion sir, I choose what's best for my future wife she is one of a kind in her looks and I want to keep it that way." Trey's entire body flinched seething with rage as he stayed in his place and smile visibly twitched into a frown.
He did learn to keep his mouth shut and have patience, if serving under the former dorm leader back in his NRC school years taught him anything it was that first and foremost losing your cool wouldn't do any good.
He apologized maintaining a cool facade before going to the kitchen. Where he could quietly say a few profanities to himself. As he did almost finished the order with all that was left being to change the taste with his magic, he considered changing the flavor the man had ordered on her coffee.
With a wave of his pen it tasted just like the cakes she'd ask for on the usual mornings. Serving their food to them both he kept his golden eyes on her reaction when she tasted it.
Her eyes did in fact widen with shock not expecting sweetness to touch her tongue afterall. It caught the attention of the young man who had asked her what was wrong. She quickly fixed the look on her face to go back to expressionless.
"Nothing it just amazes, the amount of talent this baker has. It really does taste different." Her words were enough to send his heart up in the air like fireworks.
He could see the light coming back in her eyes again. It gave him life he cherished it and begun to crave it.
🥳🥳🥳 . 🥳🥳🥳 . 🥳🥳🥳
Over the next couple of days the same routine occurred. She'd come in with her husband to be and he'd ask for different things. All at different times of the day though, that part wasn't consistent. Trey believed he was hoping for Y/n to gain more interest in eating healthier even though Y/n told him when she came to the bakery it was her first time eating sweets.
He did notice over the pass few days even with him secretly changing the taste to something sweet her eyes were getting duller. She no longer smiled like she once did before.
So once he heard yelling outside his shop before closing time after yet another day, he took a peek through the glass windows near the entrance. It was Y/n and that man with not a single soul to be seen. Except her eyes were beyond what is considered life like.
It was emotionless and still empty would be a better definition. The man was yelling at her, he couldn't hear why but it didn't matter. She heard a few brief words about her not wanting to marry him and the situation was easily pieced together in Trey's mind.
He saw the man's rage and his own was overflowing. Not to mention when he came inside and he finally saw her. Still in a beautiful dress, but with a bruise on her cheek. He was about a second from killing the man across from him.
Trey was a gentleman meaning he'd never hit a lady even if they cheated or whatever the case. He didn't have to do any of that because she denied his marriage. More than likely she was quiet and shy when she told the man.
Lucky for Trey he was just given even more of a reason to kill him. Pretending everything to be fine when he ordered. As Trey went in the kitchen yet again he changed up his usual ingredients for a few more deadlier ones.
It didn't take long for the one of the two to fall asleep peacefully and the other to have a face full of cake taking his last bite of anything he'll ever eat again. Might as well make good use of all NRC has taught him afterall.
🥳🥳🥳 . 🥳🥳🥳 . 🥳🥳🥳 .
"Oh, I see your up." A pleased smile came on to his face as he walked into the upstairs room of the bakery.
She sat up from the bed she was resting in still feeling her mind hazy and the bruise on her cheek aching.
"Trey? What happened where's Dylan and-" She was already wide awake and asking for information on what had occurred.
"Whoa, whoa, calm down I talked to him and he said he'll cut off the marriage. Okay? I managed to convince him since he loves to come here to eat so much I gave him a recipe he wouldn't forget. 'He was going to make millions off of it', so he said. He had no need for your families riches anymore."
"Wha? But that doesn't make much sense." She was trying hard to process the information but the headache she had made it hard.
"Hey it's okay, it's okay. I know it's a lot to process you passed out from the shock so I kept you here overnight." He said trying to take her mind off the situation.
"I know this isn't the best time but here I know how much you wanted another slice." Before he could hand it to her she hugged him tightly to where he almost fell and dropped the cake while he was at it.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you Trey! Your the most sweetest person to do something like this just for me." She even had tears in her eyes. She really didn't like Dylan apparently. That made him happy at the very least.
"Don't mention it, I'm just happy to see your okay. Why don't you stay here for the day all the shock must have drained you. Not to mention that bruise has got to heal. You can have sweets anytime of the day you want." His heart was hammering in his chest and his face had turned up the heat like an oven. This reaction was far more than he expected but he wasn't unhappy about it.
He saw the sparkles of life in her eyes when he mentioned sweets. Chuckling to himself he handed her the slice of cake.
Seeing her take a bite of it always did bring him hapiness. He would have to give her a sedative toward dinner time and reexplain the all the false information again since her and her former husband to be was considered missing. They were supposed to come into the bakery but Trey feigned innocence when the authorities asked if they had come in. It would be fine though. He made a whole bunch of different treats with drug inducing forgetfulness just for her.
All he cared about now was protecting her smile. He admired her smile from afar seeing it as the most sweetest thing he'd never get tired of.
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monomonomagines · 5 years ago
For the Anon that Requested the V3 Boys Finding S/o Dead and Being Mocked in the Class Trial
Thank you thank you thank you anon for being so understanding about my issues with gore and blood. I'm normally ok as long as I don't go into more than general details so I hope it's still to your liking.
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As I said before, I love you and am elated that you were so understanding. I hope you enjoy this anon!
Rantaro hadn't expected the Body Discovery Announcement to play so early in the morning but when did anyone expect it to go off really.
It was always a premonition for another terrifying class trial and that's all they ever would be for him.
He expected to be able to talk to you asking you to help him investigate per usual but when he approached the gym and saw everyone surrounding what presumably was a body but his heart sank.
Why weren't you there? If you were the only one he couldn't pick out then were you really what everyone was surrounding?
Before he comprehended it his hands were already parting the sea of his fellow classmates when there in the center you lay in a puddle of your own blood and a knife nearby.
Rantaro thought this was a nightmare and he wanted to wake up but when Shuichi and everyone else continued with the investigation he knew this was real.
He thought this couldn't get worse but then during the trial when the murderer began mocking you he couldn't help but feel like he was being kicked while he was down.
How dare he tell him about your screams of help, of how he wasn't there to protect you. How dare he!
Although he was normally fairly calm all hell broke loose in that trial.
Meaning, if not for the rules he would've definitely beaten the murderer.
Ryoma was in his lab when he heard that accursed announcement ring out in the same manner as always.
Great, another trial. He groaned audibly just wanting to see you.
He knew he'd have to help with the investigation but being with you always helped him stay grounded.
That's why he didn't even know how to react when the very ground he used to stand upon was somehow pulled from under his feet.
He didn't even know how to react when he walked in and saw everyone part for him.
There you lay so silent, so still. Not a drop of blood or anything tarnishing your image.
He could quickly put together that you were still dead, you were poisoned maybe he thought and when that blasted murdered mocked you.
When they dared to mock how the light left your eyes and told him of your demise well, it wasn't much of a shock that he watched that execution the whole time.
He'd make sure they'd pay for what they did to you.
Kiyo already lost his sister so you were all he had.
He wasn't normally shaken up by this murder game as much as he should've been but he still didn't expect to hear the Body Discovery Announcement going off so late into the night.
He was confident that you'd all be able to find the murderer though so he wasn't too worried.
He'd simply stick by you the entire time that the investigation was occurring and would assist where he was needed only.
His confidence, however, was short-lived when he saw everyone looking at him, surrounding a body and some rope on the ground.
He pushed through immediately needing to know if it was what he thought and when it was, all he could do was laugh.
He laughed and laughed until he began to sob for you were all he had left and now you were gone.
Without you, he had nothing so he would do anything to make whoever did this suffer.
He is by far the most vengeful and is equally methodical.
He'd purposefully corner the murderer to the point that all they can do is mock him. Mock him about how you struggled against your bounds how you slowly stopped breathing how you were in agony and most of all how he wasn't there.
Like Ryoma, he'd watch their execution to the very end but under his mask is his own sinister smile.
They would pay for taking you from him.
Gonta was always by your side so as soon as he heard the announcement go off he was already bounding to be at your side.
However, when he got to the Dining Hall, he knew that'd be impossible.
You were on the table and he couldn't even bear to look at what they had done to you.
There were forks and knives and all sorts of sharp pointy things in the dining hall and kitchen but Gonta never thought he'd see a single one used against you.
That's why he couldn't help but to cry out immediately.
He wasn't there for you and he regretted it.
However, he was also enraged. That's why when the murderer began to mock him he wasn't able to be stopped by anyone but Shuichi calmly trying to get him to focus more so on getting that person voted the blackened rather than Gonta beating him to a pulp.
Gonta won't watch the execution but he'll still cry at another classmate of his being taken away.
They might've killed you but they were still his friend. If only you guys weren't stuck here. Then Gonta wouldn't have had to lose both of you.
Kokichi always rushed to the scene of crime whenever he heard that announcement rear its ugly head.
He always had to know what was going on so when it was another locked room mystery he picked the lock without much thought other than that it was as easy as the last.
He proudly walked in with Shuichi and the others so proud of his own skills that at first, it didn't sink in that you were dead.
At first, it wasn't you that lay face down and bloody on the ground with the murder weapon lying nearby.
No, it was someone else. It wasn't the one person he got close to. Not at all.
Even during the trial, he'd act chipper as ever trying to lie to himself until the murderer begins to mock him.
How dare he!? Not only did he take the one person that Kokichi had truly opened up to but now they were mocking the way that you trusted him so much, how you called for him even as you were slowly fading from this world.
It wasn't fair at all! He'd expect something like this but being mocked just made the damn break.
Suddenly Kokichi was doing more work than Shuichi to finish up the class trial, not even one bs statement coming from his lips.
He was serious about avenging you and he certainly did just that when the killer was voted the blackened.
Like Gonta he wouldn't even bother to watch the execution. He'd just excuse himself as soon as it was possible to go back to his room. He needed time to isolate himself for a while.
Kaito was terrified each time he heard the Body Discovery Announcement but he knew that he'd be needed to help so he'd have to come to the scene of the crime.
Normally he'd catch you on the way and you'd head in together but it seemed like you beat him.
Alright, he guesses he doesn't really mind in the end since it's not like he can't catch you then but when he notices a strange vial next to your body sitting in a chair as though you were just asleep he still lets out a shrill scream.
You were gone. He couldn't save you. How did this even happen? Why did it have to be you?
Kaito would immediately get angry trying to get an answer out of everyone through yelling and hitting things but no one would answer him.
It wouldn't be until the class trial when that same question comes to bite him in the ass.
As soon as Shuichi pinpoints a murderer Kaito finds himself in shock and soon even more anger as they immediately begin to mock him, telling him how much you screamed for him to save you. How even as you died you continued to utter over and over that he'd be there to protect you even when he wasn't.
Kaito knows he can't beat them up but he definitely would scream his head off even as the voting is taking place.
He wouldn't watch the execution but he wouldn't be himself for a long time after that trial. He'd always blame himself for not being there, for not being your knight in shining armor.
Kiibo was always extremely worried when that terrible announcement would sound.
It was terrifying whether you were a robot or human and all he really wanted to do was to see you.
It'd help him calm down he thought but he couldn't have been more wrong.
He made his way to the pool but he'd never expect to see you floating lifelessly in it.
He didn't care how you died or who did it at the moment. What he wanted to know was why someone would dump you into the pool like that why they'd have to add insult to injury.
He'd be trying so hard to seem helpful the entire investigation but at times he'd need a moment.
He just couldn't fathom how this could happen. Why did he let it happen? Why wasn't he there for you?
He thought that'd be the worst of it. That'd they be able to vote your murderer the blackened and be done with it but when the murderer started mocking you and him he didn't know how to respond.
He knew he should've been there and that you'd probably tried to attract his attention somehow but he just couldn't react much.
Kiibo would stop functioning and even as the blackened would be executed would not move from his spot. All he was capable of doing was thinking about you when you were alive and how much he missed you.
Shuichi never had much confidence but with you by his side, he always felt so much stronger.
He wasn't looking forward to dealing with another murder when that sickening Announcement played but he was still ready to use his talents to help none the less.
He felt determined to take on this case but when he opened the door to your research lab and saw the same things you used for your talent being the cause of your death he just froze.
This couldn't be real he thought.
This was just a bad dream and he'd wake up and see you in the dining hall with everyone else.
He wanted to believe that and at the same time knew he was lying to himself.
He'd force himself to work twice as diligently as normal in order to expose your killer.
He needed to for your sake and his own peace of mind but when he cornered the killer with all his evidence he wasn't ready for what his ears heard next.
He didn't want to know that you called out for him, that you cried and begged, he didn't want to hear any of it.
He'd continue to work against them but as he did plenty of tears would make their way down his cheeks.
He would make sure to get them voted the blackened but he wouldn't watch them in their execution.
He made peace by focusing only on honoring your memory. He wasn't out for blood, he was out for your approval even if he could no longer hear it.
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jalapeno-princess · 4 years ago
Just Weren’t Meant To Be
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Mark Tuan X Reader
Word Count: 10K
Genre: Angsty Angst, Lovers to Ex’s
Summary: You find yourself returning back to California after four years of being away in order to attend the wedding of your best friend BamBam. Although you were more than excited to spend time with your family and to show your soon-to-be husband Jinyoung around the place you were born and raised, there was a specific person you weren’t all too excited to have to see again. Your first love, Mark Tuan. 
A/N: Based on the song “Home from the summer” by Sara Kay. I heard this song a couple of days ago and the story just came out like it normally does after I finish listening to a song. I started writing Chapter four in the “Crazy little thing called love” series, but I’m going to be honest--I’m having a little bit of writer’s block with that story and I’m frustrated because I want to hurry up and finish the series because I have a lot of other ideas planned, but my life is all over the place right now and so is this story. But I hope you all enjoy it anyway. Happy reading! 
We started getting close Freshman year, when all our friends were smoking cigarettes And we couldn't stand that secondhand smoke So we'd leave and drive around until you had to drop me off at home Swear that was yesterday But in two weeks I'd be moving south And you'd be moving to a town that I had never heard of I wish we had more time, why did I ever wanna grow up? You said you'll see me When we're home for the summer We won't have to work so we're gonna Do whatever the hell we wanna 'Cause we know that one day we'll be Gone from each other
Hey Mark?”
“What do you want to be when you grow up?”
You and your best friend Mark were currently lying on his roof, gazing at the stars while talking about how he needed to take his car to the auto repair shop when you found yourself curious about the future. The two of you were currently in your senior year of high school and it didn’t occur to you how time practically came and went in the blink of an eye. It felt like it was just yesterday you and the boy who’s face was smashed against your navel were introduced to one another. 
Back in freshman year, there was one night that your best friend BamBam was meant to pick you up from a coffee shop after you worked on a group project for more than three hours. Two of your group members were actually upperclassman and they offered to drop you off, but because BamBam already agreed to doing so—you politely declined. However, you found yourself waiting almost twenty minutes after they all left just to get a response back from the older boy. Seeing as how you’ve been friends with him for almost five years, you should have been aware of the fact that he had a tendency to make multiple plans with different people. 
“Y/n—shit, I was supposed to pick you up tonight wasn’t I? I’m so fucking sorry—ah, I’m like forty minutes away; let me call you a cab. I’ll pay for it—wait, I have a better idea. I have a friend who lives right by the shopping mall, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind taking you home. He owes me one anyway. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” 
You wanted to yell at him; how could he be so irresponsible and forget about the favor he was the one to offer in the first place. He was completely aware that you were the definition of an introvert. Sometimes, you had a hard time processing the fact that you both were friends in the first place. You and BamBam were complete opposites; he was outgoing and extremely friendly. 
His bright and bubbly personality was one that you were always jealous of. You couldn’t talk to someone for more than five minutes without having a mental breakdown. A part of you wanted to say no; although you and BamBam had such a tight-knit friendship, there were still some things about him that you had no idea about. His group of friends; the ones he’d hang out with when he wasn’t with you just so happened to be a mystery to you. 
The only thing you knew about them were their faces. You didn’t know any of their names; nor have you been introduced with any of them, but it was because BamBam claimed that he wanted to keep you all to himself. He was extremely protective over you. From the time you both were kids, BamBam was like your shadow. 
Everywhere you went, best believe he was right there with you—no matter where or when. You were the only person in his life that has been a constant and he was going to make sure it stayed that way. When Mark arrived less than ten minutes after you got off the phone with BamBam, you were mentally thanking him for his failure to be your ride home. 
Sure, you believed your best friend was one of the most attractive boys you’ve seen in your life, but the minute he parked the car and made his way over to you, your heart felt as if it was about to jump out of your chest and in to his hands. He was beautiful in a way that you didn’t think boys were capable of being. His smile—God, it had to be the prettiest one to have been sent your way. 
“Hey, you must be y/n. I’m Mark. I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner—and I’m even sorrier that you have BamBam as a friend. Let’s get you home.” 
You didn’t know what to expect on the ride back to your house, but laughing till your stomach hurt was the last thing you thought would have happened. What started off as a simple joke about how BamBam has the attention span of a puppy turned in to a vast conversation about how gummy worms were way better than gummy frogs. You didn’t think you would’ve had as much fun as you did, but now that you knew of Mark Tuan and how he was like, you wouldn’t be able to get enough of him.  
“Let me think, oooh! Rich—hahahaha! I’m kidding—well, not really. I actually wouldn’t mind being an astronaut!” You playfully rolled your eyes before shoving him off of your lap at the sound of his unrealistic expectations. 
“Mark, I’m being serious.”
“And so am I! What? You don’t think I’d be able to get a job at NASA and float through outer space—fine. But I don’t know what you mean by “when we grow up.” Y/n, we’re months away from becoming adults. We’re old.” 
You giggled softly at the way he whined when talking about how old the two of you were going to be. Unlike Mark who hated the idea of aging and having to prepare for the real world, you were excited to finally go off to college and possibly get a job that allowed you to travel the world. You still had yet to decide exactly what major you planned on studying, but you knew you wanted to go away for college. 
Studying abroad has been a dream of yours for as long as you could remember. One thing you really enjoyed was learning more about many different cultures around the world and you’d find yourself reaching at any opportunity offered that would allow you to actually pursue your dreams. Mark on the other hand, couldn’t give less of a shit about what field he was going in to. 
The boy hated school with a passion and if it weren’t for your nagging and the constant need to force him to complete his work, Mark was pretty sure he would have flunked at least two—if not all of his classes if you weren’t so persistent with his education. That was only one of the many things Mark adored about you. You were the only person who genuinely cared about his success—his well-being, his happiness and just him in general. Honestly, Mark couldn’t care less about what his future held. As long as you were in it, he’d be content. Even if it meant he worked in a grocery store bagging people’s items or being a tailor for elderly men. 
“I can’t give you an actual answer because I have no clue. I just want to work somewhere that I will be happy working for. What about you? Do you have an idea or have you brainstormed what you’re going to do once we graduate?” 
You contemplated his question for a couple of seconds. For some odd reason, you felt as if you shouldn’t tell him of your plans; you were afraid of his reaction once you were to admit you had every intention of leaving California knowing that Mark had every intention of living there for the rest of his life. California was your home; it was all you’ve known for the last eighteen years of your life. It was time for you to make new memories elsewhere. As much as you hated lying to him, it broke your heart even more watching his defeated facial expression when he heard something he wished he rather not have. 
“I don’t know. I just want a job I won’t stress over. A job that I will sincerely enjoy and not cry over because of how difficult the work is.” He hummed in agreement before sitting up and looking at you with an expression you’ve never seen him give you before. There was a certain glint in his eye—you couldn’t put your finger on it, but you did particularly enjoy the warm feeling his gaze caused to your chest. 
“I don’t care what my occupation ends up being, where I end up living, what kind of house I end up purchasing or the car I end up driving—all I care about are the people that are in my life and I know you are going to be one of them. Hell, you’re the only one that I need y/n.”
You didn’t know how you were able to stay away from California for so long. Four years was an extensive amount of time to have been away from the place you called home, but you were too busy living out the life you’ve only dreamt of when you were old enough to realize what dreaming was. Right after you graduated from high school, you wasted no time in packing your bags and traveling thousands of miles away to Europe. 
Out of all the places in the world to choose from, you decided to go with Europe specifically because of how beautiful the scenery and architecture were. Studying abroad had to be both the best and the worst decision you’ve ever made in your life. Sure, you were given the chance of a lifetime; being able to visit all these different countries at the prime age of only nineteen was something that most people could only fantasize about. But it was at the cost of losing your favorite person in the entire world. You haven’t seen or heard from Mark since the night that you left for Italy. 
Most of your friends were more than happy to hear of your plans. Mark on the other hand wasn’t too fond of the idea—at all. In fact, he was selfish. He begged you to stay and he told you he was willing to do whatever he had to in order to prevent you from leaving. You couldn’t blame him for the way he was acting—only a couple months before your high school graduation, both you and Mark agreed on taking your relationship further than the friendship you’ve shared for years. 
It wasn’t an overnight decision; your feelings for Mark only grew the longer you were friends with him for and when he asked you to be his girlfriend, it only confirmed that he felt the same way. If you thought that Mark already was an amazing friend, he was an even better boyfriend. He was already such a patient, kind-hearted and very generous person to everyone he knew. But you were the lucky person who got to see and experience how loving and tender Mark could be in a relationship. 
Before you; Mark was never one to date. Dating was not in his vocabulary. He wasn’t necessarily a fuckboy like you considered most of his friends to be. Every girl he would get involved with knew of his intentions. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to get in to a relationship. There were times that he would get lonely and crave the presence of someone other than his friends and family. He just didn’t care about the domestic part that came with having a girlfriend. 
Mark felt like he was still too young to worry about impressing someone, keeping in contact and constantly having to texting someone, changing himself to be someone his significant other would be proud of—all he wanted to focus on was living freely without a care in the world before life actually became all the more difficult. Once he realized that he was falling for you, he knew he was screwed—yet at the same time, it felt good because it was you. 
When he found himself missing you on the days he couldn’t see you or right after he would drop you home, when he’d find himself calling you up in the middle of the night because he wanted to hear your voice, when he began cancelling on outings with his friends in order to spend time with you, he knew he had found someone who meant more to him than life itself. He wanted to do better—be better for you. 
Falling in love with you had to be the easiest and honestly the best thing Mark has ever done. You’ve captivated his heart in ways that he never thought was possible for him to experience. Mark never felt like he was capable of loving someone nor receiving love from anyone other than his family. But when the two of you began dating, all he ever wanted to do was love you and be loved by you—and only you. 
Your relationship lasted for eight months and deep down in your heart, you knew you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him. You were willing to give up on your dreams in order to continue your relationship with Mark. There were many opportunities out there for you that didn’t require having to leave—and you were sure that you would one day be able to experience traveling the world; hopefully by that time, you’d be able to go with Mark. 
Everything you ever wanted to do, you wanted him right by your side when accomplishing it. Sure, there was so much more out there that the world had to offer, but there was only one Mark Tuan. Mark was the one to show you what love was. He taught you how to fall in love with yourself; he made you love the things you hated about yourself simply because he loved everything about you. You felt as if you were the most beautiful girl in the entire world because he looked at you and treated you as though you were the most ethereal goddess that he just so happened to have the honor in being able to call his. 
The two of you were still so young to really understand that being in love also meant making sacrifices for the people you truly cared about. As much as you hated the idea of being away from him, you wanted your cake and you wanted to eat it too. You were willing to keep a long distance relationship because you felt it with your entire being that Mark was your person and that he was the one you would settle down and start a family with. 
The two of you spent every single day of summer together. Some days, you would do something quite eventful. Mark was a daredevil and loved anything adventurous. Hiking, scuba diving, zip lining and even skydiving were only a few of the many activities you did together. On the days that you were too lazy to even get out of bed, you would stay in and watch movies together—sometimes it led to kissing—which usually led to you on your knees bringing Mark to heaven more than once in your love making session. 
You could only hope that he would have wanted to wait for you; but you were well aware that it was too much to ask for. He might have told you on a daily basis that he loved you with every beat of his pathetic heart, but sometimes love just wasn’t enough to keep someone in your life. The day that you left for Europe was the same day that he told you he couldn’t handle it. He claimed that you chose your dreams over him and that if it were him in your shoes, he would have chose you.
It hurt—hearing him talk so negatively about something you’ve wanted to do for longer than you could count on your hands made you feel so dejected. Mark of all people should’ve been the one to support you; to cheer you on in each and every one of your endeavors. It made you feel as though he didn’t love you as much as you thought he did. If he genuinely cared about you, he would’ve gave long distance a try. 
You knew you were going to miss him, and that you would be miserable not being able to have him around. But you would rather be in a relationship with him even if it meant being a world away from one another than to be with anyone else you’d get to see everyday. Your heart felt as if it could break right then and there knowing that he didn’t have the same mindset as you. Losing Mark was a pain that was so hard to bare. He was in your life—your daily routine for over four years. 
He made you laugh on the days that it didn’t even feel possible to omit any kind of emotion let alone a lively one. He held you and whispered sweet nothings in to your hair when you felt as if the entire world was against you. He kissed your cheeks as a distraction from your studies and held your hand as a way of comfort when you were in a crowded area. How were you supposed to live without the only person who gave you the will to live in the first place. 
Mark was the only person and honestly the only thing you could really look forward to when you’d wake up in the morning. He was all your heart knew and wanted to know. What were you supposed to do and how could you possible go on without him? 
“Babe—you’re dozing off again. Everything okay? I know it’s been a while since you’ve been back home, so let me know if you want to stop somewhere and take a small rest.” 
You looked at your boyfriend who was currently driving the two of you to a hotel near your parents house. Park Jinyoung was an angel; an actual prince. Not only was he painstakingly handsome, irritatingly intelligent and extremely polite, but he had such a big heart. It honestly irritated you how perfect he actually was. You and Jinyoung had just gotten engaged a little over two months ago and you didn’t think that anyone would have been able to fill the hole in your heart that Mark caused when he broke up with you all those years ago. You didn’t think you’d be able to love anyone the way you loved him; but then again—you considered the love you had for Mark to be immature and silly. 
The two of you were still teenagers at the time. You still had yet to really experience what love actually felt like—or at least that’s what you kept telling yourself in attempts to rid the thought of him from your mind completely. Sure, you loved Jinyoung more than you would ever be able to express to him; but there was still a tiny little part of you that missed Mark and wished that it was his ring on your finger. 
Even when you first met Jinyoung while in a cute little cafe in Paris while you both were studying abroad and began dating him not too long after meeting, you were still holding on to a thread of hope that Mark was going to welcome you back home with open arms once your time in Europe was over with. You’d find yourself looking at your phone every now and then, waiting for a text from him telling you that he made a mistake and that he wanted you back in his life. 
That he would be willing to continue your relationship and that everything would be okay between the two of you—but nothing ever came and you haven’t heard from him or seen him since you left. You gave up on him entirely and allowed Jinyoung to break down the walls that you’ve spent so much time building up after the break up. There were some days that you felt like Jinyoung deserved better; he deserved someone with less baggage and turmoil that came from your previous relationship. You didn’t feel the need to mention Mark, nor did you want him knowing that you were still harboring feelings for your ex-boyfriend, but it was only natural for you to do so. 
He was your friend before he was your boyfriend—honestly, you began regretting ever agreeing to be in a relationship with him. No matter how much you liked him before you dated, you would have rather stayed friends with him and at least have him in your life as just a friend than to not have him at all. You smiled softly to your boyfriend before placing your hand on his thigh and squeezing it gently. 
“I’m good—I just, I don’t know how I’m going to react when I see my friends from high school. Most of them I haven’t even talked to since graduation. Oh, I’m going to warn you, my family can be a little —much. They’re all going to be at the wedding, so I’m just preparing you for all the madness before you can get upset with me for not telling you sooner. BamBam and I have been friends for so many years and since we were always together, our families ended up growing close to one another also—so yeah. His family might even approach you also and I just want to apologize beforehand. You might just want to leave me after the festivities are over and I wouldn’t blame you.” 
His laughter that you’ve grown to adore in the last few months filled the entirety of the rent-a-car and you had a huge feeling that if you were to look at him right now, his eyes would be scrunched while crinkles would appear right under. You didn’t think that someone who was just a couple of months away from turning twenty-seven years old could possess such an adorable, high pitched giggle; but here he was, proving you wrong like he did with almost everything you had your doubts about. 
Jinyoung never gave you a reason to question your self-worth, nor did he ever do anything to make you insecure. You received at least one compliment almost every single day from him whether it was about your appearance or your personality. In the beginning of your relationship, it came as a surprise to you when you found yourself growing jealous whenever you caught girls ogling over him—but it was inevitable. Anyone with good eyesight could see how gorgeous your fiancé was. 
He stood out in a crowd not only because he was almost six feet tall, but because he had very unique and exotic features. His eyebrows were nicely shaped; he had a sharp jawline, well-defined cheekbones, a cute little button nose and his lips were very plump. You were also quick with observing how a lot of his classmates would look at you with either jealousy or disgust. 
Jinyoung had explained to you that before he applied to study abroad, he made a pact with himself that he would focus on his education and put his love life on hold until he graduated with his bachelor’s degree in criminology. For the first couple of months, he was doing quite well. Although he did see a few girls he believed were very pretty, none of them really caught his attention for more than a couple of seconds. 
When Jinyoung first approached you in the café, he had no idea you would mean as much to him as you did now. All he wanted to do was ask you about the book you were reading. R.L. Stine had to be one of his favorite authors, but when he saw your cheeks flush as he stood at the corner of your table, he couldn’t have given less of a shit about the novel you were holding in your hands. He wanted to learn more about you; what you were doing in France, if you were an avid reader, how you liked your coffee in the mornings and if you’ve seen any episodes of the office. 
The last time he’s ever felt his heart race over a girl was back in the seventh grade. He felt like something was wrong with him for not feeling the desire to chase after girls the way his friends used to, but he believed being single and putting his education first was worth it. Not only was he interning at one of the most prestigious law offices South Korea had to offer, but he was just months away from marrying the person he considered the love of his life. 
It didn’t take him too long to come to the conclusion that he was in love with you. He was actually embarrassed to admit just how quickly he found himself putting you and the four letter word in the same sentence together. However, if he could go back in time, he would’ve admitted what he felt to you sooner. 
“Don’t apologize baby—it’s understandable. They must all be excited to see you again, so it’s a given that they’ll be curious. Especially seeing as how you’re engaged. A couple of trivial questions aren’t going to drive me away. You’re going to be my wife in February, so there’s no getting rid of me now or at all for that matter. You’re stuck with me forever; so I’m going to put up with whatever you consider is embarrassing, crazy or unnecessary. I mean look—I’ve seen you through your stinky morning breath, your drunken stupors, the many times you’ve cried over school, that one time you broke out in hives because you didn’t know you were allergic to pollen and I still think you are the most exceptionally beautiful and indescribably wonderful human to walk this earth. Everything is going to be fine y/n and even if things don’t turn out the way you want them to, I’ll be right by your side to protect and keep you away from anyone or anything that could possibly make you uncomfortable.” 
His kind speech tugged on your heartstrings in the sweetest way. Jinyoung’s words never failed to make you smile. Sometimes you’d find yourself tearing up at how thoughtful he could be. You weren’t going to lie; of course you invited Jinyoung to tag along with you to BamBam’s wedding because you wanted all your friends and family to meet the man you were planning on spending the rest of your life with. However, that wasn’t the only reason. 
It was evident that Mark was going to be at the wedding whether you liked it or not. From what you’ve heard, he and BamBam were still very close friends and the last thing you needed was to see him with someone else while you were all by yourself. You hated the fact that you still thought about Mark every now and then. Not only did he break your heart and make you feel as if you weren’t worth waiting around for, but he made you feel as if your feelings, your dreams and your passions were invalid all because he was so in over his head and only cared about himself and his needs. 
What did it matter if he was in a relationship—or if he was just like you; moments away from marrying someone else. That’s life. You told yourself if you were to see him, you’d pretend like he didn’t exist but honestly, what good would that do? You were older now and you believed you were way passed your grudge against him. The man on your left, singing along to Post Malone off-key while tapping his hands on the wheel was the only person you cared about now. 
Since this was Jinyoung’s first time in California, you decided to keep your arrival a secret from everyone other than your parents. You didn’t want his first memory of being in the sunshine state to be of people pulling him here and there, asking him about his job, how the two of you met and what he did in his free time. You also wanted some alone time with him before everyone could get acquainted with him and possibly desire his full attention.
For the first couple of days, you and Jinyoung drove all around California; you brought him to the neighborhood you grew up in, showed him the schools you attended when you were younger, took him to Venice beach and the Santa Monica pier. You even surprised him with tickets to go to Disneyland. Honestly, it was nice taking a breather from the harsh reality that adulting brought both you and your soon-to-be husband. In those three days, you’ve gotten to witness how much of a child at heart Jinyoung is and how excited he would get at the littlest things. He pulled you everywhere around the park and you both ate almost all the cutely decorated treats they had to offer. 
On the day of BamBam’s wedding, you didn’t wake up until you had to start getting ready. You were on vacation; waking up at three in the afternoon was normal. Even more so because Jinyoung kept you up all night ramming himself inside of you at a deliciously rough and jack rabbit like pace. Your legs were practically jelly and you mentally cursed him for being a little too animalistic the night before. 
You didn’t think much of your outfit when you first purchased it; a simple maroon colored  strapless dress that showed off just the right amount of cleavage to leave little to the imagination yet still very classy that hugged your curves perfectly. Witnessing Jinyoung’s jaw drop as soon as he saw you with both your hair and makeup done made your heart flutter. He wasted no time in briskly walking over to you and bringing his hand up to grip at your hips. 
“You know—we could skip this entire thing and just send a gift to the lucky couple later. I kind of—I mean, I need to show you exactly what seeing you in that dress is doing to me. I’m sure you see my painfully hardened erection through these slacks. You look so fucking beautiful baby—you’ll probably give the bride a run for her money. How much time do we have left? Do you think I could at least eat you out—“
You playfully shoved him away from you and continued with the finishing touches on your hair. “Finish getting ready you horndog; that dress shirt isn’t going to iron itself. Chop chop babe, get moving. Stop that, I can see you undressing me with your eyes Park Jinyoung. If you are a good boy, I’ll let you take my dress off as soon as we arrive back here.” 
He released such a cute sigh; one that he always seemed to give you whenever he didn’t get his way but it was quickly replaced with a grin right after you promised him the latter. Your fiancé stole a chaste kiss from the corner of your mouth before making his way in to the bathroom to finish fixing his hair. As soon as the two of you were both done getting ready, you made your way over to the hotel BamBam was having his reception at. 
All of a sudden, your calm exterior was now distraught and worried beyond belief. Not even the comforting touch of Jinyoung’s hand wrapped around the back of your nape could sooth your nerves. There was a 95% chance you were going to see Mark tonight and you were afraid that something bad was going to happen. With a few deep breaths, you tried your best to think about anything but the possibility of tonight ending in ruins. 
It didn’t take too long for you and Jinyoung to find the hotel; there were at least fifteen different signs scattered around the area and you were sure BamBam set them up with every intention of gaining the attention of pedestrians, drivers and anyone passing by. The thought of how he never changed at all made you giggle softly. Your best friend was always an attention seeker and now that he was getting married, you knew he was going to use this night as an advantage to be the center of attention. 
There were hundreds of cars in the parking lot and you recognized a couple belonging to some of Bambam’s aunts, uncles and cousins. You saw a few of them leaving their cars and walking over towards the lobby. Tonight was supposed to be a happy night—but you felt like you were on the verge of throwing up. You were mentally preparing yourself to bump in to Mark. Although it’s been years since the breakup and you were completely over him, you didn’t know how you would react if he were to come up to you in the hopes of starting a conversation. After he parked the car, Jinyoung reached over the console and squeezed your thigh to get your attention. 
“Come on babe, the sooner we go in and join the party, the faster we can leave and I can take this dress off of you like you promised.” 
You playfully rolled your eyes and giggled at his all but innocent insinuation before getting out from your side of the car. Jinyoung was quick to take his place by your side; he grabbed your purse and immediately intertwined your hands together. Something about his presence was exceedingly calming. No matter what were to happen once you both walked in to the ballroom, you knew everything was going to be okay as long as your fiancé stayed by your side. When the two of you finally made your way inside and out towards the garden where the ceremony was being held, you saw that almost all the chairs were filled up. 
There were many familiar faces in the crowd; you smiled politely at BamBam’s siblings and smirked when you saw your mutual Jackson who was sitting next to who you were told was his girlfriend. You didn’t know how to explain exactly what you were feeling seeing that so much has changed in the last four years since you’ve been gone. 
Jackson and BamBam were the last two people on earth that you would have ever thought would settle down and start families. Back in high school, all they ever did was attend parties, get wasted and fool around with any girl that showed interest in them. Now; witnessing your best friend cry as his bride-to-be walked down the aisle towards him caused you to tear up a little yourself. Out of all your friends, BamBam was the only one to keep in touch with you for the last couple of years. 
You could still remember the day he called you up and told you that he was seeing someone; you were in complete and utter disbelief at the time and because you believed you knew BamBam like the back of your hand, you just assumed this was a phase until you’d listen to him talk about her the way Jinyoung would talk about you to his friends and his family. He was head over heels in love with her and you couldn’t have been more happier for him. 
The entire ceremony was beautiful; their vows were both so heartfelt and full of love and promise for their future ahead. Their sweet words and the way they looked at one another only heightened your excitement for your upcoming nuptials. Twenty minutes went by faster that you had thought it would and before you knew it, all the guests were being ushered in to the grand ballroom that was bigger than you could even have imagined. 
That was just the kind of person bambam was; go big or go home. You signed you and your fiancé in at the registration booth and released a sigh of relief when you were told you’d be sitting with your family. Immediately as you found your seats, your mom wasted no time pulling you and Jinyoung in for hugs; and whispering how beautiful you looked and how Jinyoung only became more and more handsome every time she saw him. 
A lot has changed since you left your small town to pursue your extraordinary dreams. You had seen them a couple of times in the last year during the holiday season or when they travelled up to see you during the summer time. Even if you were more than happy to finally experience marriage and what it would feel like to be Mrs.Park Jinyoung, you felt as if your mom was more excited than you were if it was even possible. Most mothers couldn’t wait for the day that their daughters get proposed to; especially to someone as attractive, hardworking and exuberantly outgoing like your soon-to-be husband.
You still had to get used to the idea that you were only months away from becoming a married woman. Watching BamBam and his wife look at each other as if they were the only two people there in the room made your heart flutter. You were glad BamBam found someone who would love him and take good care of him the way he never failed to do so with everyone in his life; the way he did with you for the entire duration of your friendship. 
Both you and Jinyoung were too busy having a conversation about what your plans for the rest of the week were going to be that you failed to notice the way everyone in your family turned their heads towards the entrance. Whenever you would talk with your fiancé, nobody else could grab your attention even if they tried. You were so in love with him; your world revolved around the handsome man gazing at you with the most adoring look in his eyes as you talked about driving to San Fransisco and visiting the Golden Gate Bridge. 
Just like the way BamBam looked at his wife, you were sure the way you and Jinyoung looked at one another mirrored your best friend’s tender stare. Honestly you would have continued pretending as if you and Jinyoung weren’t surrounded by all these people if it wasn’t for him adverting his gaze towards the direction everyone seemed to be looking in. 
Curiosity got the best of you and you decided to see what your family seemed to be so interested in. Once the couple came in to sight however, you wished you kept to yourself and ignored the way your mom’s look of disgust. 
Four years. 
It’s been four years since you last saw him. Four years since he told you he didn’t want to wait for you. Four years since he decided your relationship wasn’t worth fight for. It took almost an entire year for you to completely get over your relationship. Hell, it’s been four years yet you were still wondering how he was doing. What he looked like, whether or not he was in a relationship, what career he decided to pursue—if he ever regretted giving up on you so easily—if he missed you the way you missed him. 
You’d be lying if you said you haven’t thought about him at least once in the last couple of weeks. Honestly, you thought about him every single day and it made you feel guilty because you were engaged. You had someone else; someone who loved you more than life itself. Someone who gave you the world on a silver platter and made you feel like the only girl in the entire world. What you and Mark had was an experimental relationship; puppy love. 
At the time, you thought it was the best thing that had ever happened to you—that he was the most amazing and wonderful human being in the entire world. Then he broke your heart in to a million pieces and left your world crumbling down, as if it was the easiest thing to do. He never once considered your feelings; only thought about his needs, his desires, his dreams—what he wanted. 
Mark was an immature and selfish person; he had yet to learn that love and relationships were a two person job. Relationships are between two people; if he really loved you the way you knew with your heart that you loved him, he would have fought for you and let you do your thing knowing that you’d come back to him. This was it—you knew it was going to happen sooner or later tonight, but you weren’t as ready as you probably thought you would have been. Your stomach sank at the sight of him. 
Time always seemed to be in his favor; if you thought he was exceedingly handsome back in high school, he was an even bigger sight for sore eyes now at the prime age of twenty-four. His features only grew more prominent; his lips that you used to love kissing so much were plumper—more fuller. His chubby cheeks that you’d find yourself unable to stop pinching out of habit no longer existed. His hair was longer; back in high school he cut it at least once a month because he never wanted it to pass his ears, but now it was almost down to the back of his neck. He might have been wearing a suit, but you could tell he has been working out by the way his suit was like a second skin; the outline of his biceps were prominent and it made your head spin. 
As much as you felt like you could continue staring at him and analyzing how much he’s changed in the last four years, your eyes just so happened to land on the body next to him. Whoever the woman was to him—she was beautiful. There was no doubt about it. She had a petite frame; he hovered over her almost by a foot, but their height difference was actually kind of cute. She also had long, wavy hair and a glow that you felt was the cause of the bump she was sporting. It didn’t take a genius to know that she was pregnant; her maternity dress alone gave it away. 
She had to be at least four or five months pregnant and for some reason, it felt like a stab to your chest—but why did it matter? Mark was no longer the man who owned your heart nor was he the one who deserved it. Maybe it was the teenager in you—the one who was madly in love with Mark that was upset to see someone else living out the life that you should have been. Most people would still consider eighteen “too young” to actually understand what love is and to plan out their futures; but even then, when you would look at Mark, you knew he was the one you wanted to be the father of your children. 
Every time you would hang out or sleep over at his house, you witnessed the way he interacted with his three nieces. Those little girls meant the world to him. He never failed to give them his full attention and did whatever it was that they asked of him without complaining. He always talked about having a big family one day and you knew how much he loved kids. You knew why your mom was so upset; she had to hear you cry every single day for four months straight over your breakup. 
She saw how much pain you had to suffer through once Mark let you go. You obviously weren’t the same person you were all those years ago; heartbreak did that to people. Although she actually really liked Mark and approved of your relationship back then, she no longer had anything nice to say about him. Poor Jinyoung looked so confused; in the three years that you’ve been together for, not once have you ever told him about Mark. It didn’t seem necessary because he was no longer involved in your life anyway and he was in the past. If you continued to bring him up, it would just show that you still cared about him and even if you did, you didn’t want anyone else to know that. 
Especially not your fiancé. But you knew he was going to ask you about it; the man who had your entire table’s attention had to be someone important. A huge part of you wanted to come up with an excuse to leave; it didn’t matter that he and his significant other were seated at a table on the complete opposite side of the room, knowing he was there, that he was in a relationship and that he was months away from being a father made you physically sick. You were now feeling so dizzy and you hated that even after all these years and all the pain and distress he put you through, his presence still had a huge effect on you. 
“Hey, I’ll be right back.” 
Your fiancé looked up at you in curiosity and began to stand up himself out of worry, but you gave him a reassuring smile and motioned for him to stay put. If Jinyoung was anything, it was observant. He had a feeling that you must’ve have known Mark and he couldn’t stop the voice in his head from taunting him with the idea that maybe Mark was an ex of some sorts. He wanted to believe that you wouldn’t keep such an important detail of your life like that from him; your relationship was full of trust and all he really wanted from you was honesty and loyalty. 
However, he didn’t want to force you in to telling him something you didn’t want to. If you didn’t tell him about your past relationships, it was for a reason and as he watched your facial expression; your now furrowed brows and pursed lips, he was well aware that Mark was obviously the reason. 
“I just have to use the bathroom, I’ll be quick.” You placed a chaste peck on his lips and hoped that he wasn’t watching you walk in the opposite way of the bathroom. You needed a breather—it was too much for your mind to process and honestly for you to take in. This might have been BamBam’s big night, but you were now growing angry with him. 
He had to know; even if Mark didn’t straight out tell him that he was seeing someone else let alone about to be a father, you were sure it had to be on social media somewhere. As your best friend, he should have been upfront and said something. Even if BamBam didn’t want to hurt you with the news, you would’ve felt better knowing months before hand. But maybe he felt like if you knew, you wouldn’t have came to the wedding. You were minutes away from telling Jinyoung that it was time to go. 
There was no way you would even be able to pretend that you were fine. The chilly breeze was quick to poke at your skin as soon as you made your way outside. California was always freezing in the nighttime when winter was approaching. You wouldn’t have been surprised to hear that it was only 40 degrees out—but you were too frustrated to even care that you could get hypothermia. Why didn’t you think about taking Jinyoung’s blazer? 
One thing you missed about California since you’ve been gone was the sky; it was always so pretty at night. You could see so many stars fill up the entirety of it and it was never too dark which you enjoyed. The longer you continued to breathe in and out while looking up at the moon, you could slowly feel yourself relaxing. Unfortunately, your little moment alone was soon interrupted by the last person you wanted to see at all tonight. 
“Hey. I thought I saw you come out here.” 
You could feel yourself choking up at the sound of his voice; it was much deeper than what it was back in high school. Chills were sent down your spine and it wasn’t because of the freezing weather. God, you missed his voice. Mark had such a calming and soothing voice; you would listen to him talk for hours on end if you could. Sometimes, you would have him read books to you specifically because you wanted to hear him talk. Right now though, you wanted him to leave. 
Being around him was suffocating. You allowed yourself a few seconds to prepare yourself for when you were to actually face him; if seeing him from far away was already driving you to the brink of insanity, what more when he was in close proximity of you? Once you finally turned around, you could feel your heart rate increase. From afar, he already looked so breathtaking, but looking at him just two feet away made you appreciate his dark, and gorgeous features. You contemplated on bolting away and you didn’t care if it was rude. This man showed you what love was only to take it away from you before you could actually appreciate it for what it was. You were sure you hated him; but seeing him right now—you weren’t as confident with your hatred. 
“Yeah. It was getting a little too crowded in there. I just—wanted to be alone.” Hopefully he took the hint and left you to it; but Mark—as much as he was smart wasn’t all that bright. Whenever you asked him to do one thing, he would manage to do the complete opposite; this situation was no different. 
“How have you been? You look very beautiful tonight—I mean, you are always so beautiful, but—tonight I just—wow.” 
Was he being serious right now? Why did he think after all these years of not talking to each other and pretending one another didn’t exist that he should have started your first conversation with complementing you? He had to have drank at least a couple of drinks; he was out of his mind. 
“Thanks—you don’t look too bad yourself. I’ve been good. Thank you for asking.” Your interaction with him was the definition of awkward. The tension in the air was so thick, you could cut it with a knife and you wanted it to end before questions or even confessions were brought up. 
“So uh—I actually saw you on the dance floor earlier—um—is that your boyfriend?” 
You wanted to laugh out of hysteria. Was he really your best friend for almost four years and your boyfriend for almost one? His face was one that would be instilled in the back of your mind forever, yet you felt like you were looking at a stranger. Why did he feel like it was the right thing to come out here and talk to you? You didn’t plan on having any interaction with him at all tonight, so why did he ruin your plans of avoiding him? 
“He’s my fiancé.” 
The silence that came right after your confession was unexpected. Why did it matter who Jinyoung was to you? Sure, you wanted to know what the woman was to Mark when you first saw them walk in together, but you no longer cared. He moved on and so did you. You were going to leave it at that. You didn’t fail to notice the way his jaw clenched and so did his fists—however, you didn’t understand why. It’s been at least ten minutes since you left the table; so you could only hope Jinyoung would come looking for you soon and take you away from this mess. 
“Congratulations—you look very happy—I hope he knows how lucky he is to have you.”
“He does. I am. Very happy. He’s an amazing fiancé. Thank you. What about you? I saw your—wife? Girlfriend? Congratulations on the pregnancy.” 
It felt like venom on your tongue; congratulating him on something you weren’t too thrilled about—but you didn’t have the right to be jealous. You both lived separate lives with two different lovers. It was evident the two of you were no longer the two crazy high schoolers that thought the world was theirs for the taking. You were both grown adults now on two different paths. What he did and the decisions he made no longer concerned you. 
“Thanks. She’s uh—my—girlfriend.” 
The last word seemed forced, as if he didn’t want you to know who she was or what he labeled their relationship. What did he have to hide though? She was practically a basketball and he came to the wedding with her in tow. Who else could she be if not his partner? You wouldn’t bring a random pregnant lady with you to your friend’s wedding if she didn’t mean something to you. With the tiniest bit of confidence building up in your veins, you spoke up with every intention on returning back to the party.
“Look, it was nice seeing you again—but I really should get going—“
“Please don’t marry him.” 
Your eyes widened in shock at his words. There was no way he was just drunk—he had to be high on some kind of illegal drug. Was he honestly being serious right now? Did you hear correctly, or was being around him making you imagine things. What the hell was wrong with him? 
“Mark what the fuck—“
“I made a mistake. A fucking huge and extremely stupid mistake and I’ve never regretted anything more in my life than when I ended our relationship. I’m so fucking sorry y/n. I was stupid and immature then—I shouldn’t have broken up with you. I should have tried harder for you. I should have actually thought about what would happen if I were to lose you. If only I knew how lucky I was back then to have you—I wouldn’t be seconds away from socking your fiancé in the face, but this is all my fault. That should be my ring on your finger y/n. This should’ve been our fucking wedding damnit. I didn’t realize just how much I loved you and how much I missed you until you were no longer mine to care about. I never told you this and fuck—if only I wasn’t so stubborn and so selfish, but you were the best thing that ever happened to me. I haven’t been happy in the last four years and it’s because my heart is so empty. I wanted to call you; to beg you to forgive me—to tell you that not a day went by that I didn’t think of you or wished that things went differently, but I didn’t think I had the ability nor the right to—“
“Oh and you do now? Honestly Mark, what the fuck is wrong with you? I’m engaged to be married in a few months and you’re about to be a father. What made you think that confessing something like that was appropriate huh? That’s disrespectful to your girlfriend, to my fiancé and damnit—to me! Especially me! You don’t realize how much seeing you is fucking ruining me right now do you?! I didn’t want to care; I wanted to pretend that seeing your girlfriend pregnant doesn’t bother me but it does and I hate that it does. You ruined my life Mark. You broke my fucking heart because you were such a pathetic and immature boy. You don’t know what you’re saying. What we had—it wasn’t significant at all. We were kids! We had no idea what love was but now I do know and it’s because of the man sitting inside with my family. I love Park Jinyoung and he loves me—in the ways you never could. What we had is in the past. It’s never going to happen ever again Mark. I don’t know what kind of response you expected from me—but this is it. What? Did you think I was going to fall for that pathetic and poor excuse of an apology? I’m not the same girl I was when I first met you. Our break up made me realize my self-worth; I used to think I wasn’t enough for you to want to fight for me. To want to stay and live out our lives together. It took countless nights crying over you and drinking multiple bottles of wine to get rid of any thought of Mark Tuan to get me to come to the conclusion that it was you who didn’t deserve me. Jinyoung saved my life—he saved me from the monster you created after dropping me like I was nothing. I’m done—I have nothing left to say to you. If we didn’t have to come here tonight, I probably would have never heard from you anyway so you should have let it stay that way.” 
There had to be tears falling down your cheeks; your face was hot and you could feel your chest heaving out of frustration. For years, those words of anger have been building up and it felt like a ton of weight was finally lifted off of your shoulders. You said what you wanted to and you were sure there was more he wanted to admit, but you weren’t going to take any more of it. 
“There you are. I thought I saw you come out here, I’ve been looking for you everywhere baby—BamBam is looking for you. Babe? Y/n, everything alright? Why are you crying? Oh—Hi. I’m Jinyoung, y/n’s fiancé.” 
Although you didn’t want Jinyoung having to see you breaking down, especially while with another man; one you were sure he knew who he was to you, you were glad he was there. It was weird watching your fiancé reach his hand out for Mark to shake. Even if Jinyoung now knew that Mark was your ex and that he was the reason you were so upset, he was never the type to be rude or disrespectful towards someone he just met. 
Mark however, continued standing there and ignored his polite gesture like a jerk. Thankfully, Jinyoung took no offense and just retracted his hand before intertwining it with yours. “We should start returning back to our table y/n—It was nice meeting you.” You allowed your fiancé to pull you away and you didn’t even spare Mark a glance; you were too eager to get away from him before you could ruin your makeup and your night even more so. 
“You don’t have to tell me anything baby, just—do you think you’re going to be okay? Is there anything I can do to make you feel better? Did you want to leave? We don’t have to go back to the hotel just yet. If you want to just drive around or go pick up some junk food, we can do that. I just really hate seeing you cry—unless it’s cries of pleasure—there we go. I knew I could get a smile out of you. I’ll do whatever it is that you want to do my love. Just say the word.”
“I love you Park Jinyoung. I don’t tell you as much as I should, but I do. So fucking much.” He gave you a cheeky grin and placed s gentle kiss on your nose. 
“I love you too y/n and I plan on loving you for the rest of my life. As much as I want to continue celebrating the newlyweds, let’s get you out of here.”
You've been busy That's okay I still can't wait to be Home for the summer We won't have to work so we're gonna Do whatever the hell we wanna 'Cause we know that one day we'll be Gone from each other We'll have lives in two different suburbs We'll have families with different lovers But for now, I know I'll see you when we're Home for the summer
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the-pallid-king · 3 years ago
“You want to know if I want them dead or not.” He sighs. “I’m not going to tell you how to fight. And I’m not going to hold anything against you. I’m not the only one that deserves some vengeance.” He’s not trying to be difficult or vague. He’s trying to give you freedom to operate the way you want. A little softer, he adds, “Does that answer your question?”
Finished with eating for the moment, he nods. “You can come, but you have to change. You won’t be able to fit a rain jacket over that.” And he’s not dragging you out to get wet and chilled and pitiful. He’d rather you stay here and stay warm.
“You mean the academy?” He doesn’t like the idea of going through untrained students. Not because it’s a bad idea. It’s a good idea. But because he doesn’t want to end up killing any of them. He doesn’t want the newest round of recruits to have reason to hate either of them more than they already will. But then you point off to the side of it and he likes that better. He nods. “Okay. You think you can get us there?” He doesn’t know the area well enough to do it himself.
That's not quite what he was asking. He already assumed you didn't actually want anyone dead, he was more trying to figure out how you'd react if it happened anyway and if it was on purpose, not necessarily self defense. When your tone softens, so does his expression. He supposes the part where you say you wont hold anything against him answers his question. "Yeah, I think so."
For a moment, he thinks you're giving him permission, like you didn't just ask him to take you in the first place and he's kind of annoyed by that. But it's short lived. He blinks, a little confused, mostly surprised. You want him to look human? On the bright side of you being a little bigger than him now, all of your clothes probably still fit him, and none of them will be quite so tight on him. "Ok. You need more food? I'm not surprised. You barely ate the whole time we were gone."
Academy. "Yeah, I guess that's probably what it was." He was really only paying enough attention to assess threats and obstacles while looking for you. And right now, for the purposes of what they're doing, he thinks all those confused, untrained, hopefully scared recruits might be more of an obstacle to Seireitei on one side than they will be to you and him. He nods. "I think so. I can put us as close to the tower as possible, down on the ground so we're not spotted right away, but you'll have to let me go through first." Your map isn't very detailed, presumable because you don't know the exact layout of the area. Neither does he, just the general idea from his first visit. "I might land us in a wall or something by mistake. Seireitei's got a lot of those."
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dialux · 7 years ago
So about that crack version of If You Try To Break Me. . . Got any snippets you'd care to share?
So, like, three hundred years later here’s the answer, nonny! I’m so sorry it took so long!
[Tywin finds out that Sansa’s captured Jaime. It doesn’t go well.]
Tywin was in the Red Keep when the news came.
In the Tower of the Hand, with paperwork coming near to his chin and no sign of stopping.
War had many effects: between all the blood and death and terror, there was also paperwork for all of it. Taxes had to be rehauled, along with census estimates. Grain had to be redistributed from prosperous areas to the war-ravaged lands. Little wonder that Jon Arryn had died of it in the end; this amount of work was for younger men, not someone who could have been Tywin’s father.
Tywin was exhausted of it himself, and he’d only been the Hand for all of a moon’s turn.
It matters not. He sighed and dragged a parchment towards him, emblazoned with the flowery insignia of the Reach. Another week, and the Northerners will fall. Another month, and the War of Four Kings shall have one king left. Another year, and the world shall forget that there was never a Lannister on the throne.
They just had to maintain their power for that long. 
Between then and now, however, there was a mountain of paperwork to finish, starting with Lord Tyrell’s request for higher tariffs on the grain sent to Dorne.
He’d just reached for parchment to pen a letter to Mace Tyrell- a scathing one, deserving of a lord who hadn’t the pride to avoid asking for charity- when a page burst into the room.
“M’lord,” he said, tremulously. “M’lord, your- Lord Tyrion sent for you.” He bowed his head, dark strands of hair falling over his eyes. “He said it was urgent.”
Urgent? Tywin felt irritation, and then a faint sort of relief when he glanced over at the pile behind him. Tyrion knew better than to ask for Tywin’s attention if it was unnecessary; and even then, had it not been truly sensitive, he’d have come to Tywin himself.
If it weren’t sensitive, Tywin would throttle his son himself. The frustration he was feeling surely deserved some sort of an outlet.
He entered his private chambers slowly.
It was looking more and more likely that he’d have two children left by the end of the day. Tyrion had never lacked for courage, Tywin would give him that; but he’d never had the foolishness to order Tywin to meet him in his own private chambers either. There was little that could excuse this utter travesty of-
“Father,” said Tyrion, bowing from the middle of Tywin’s fucking bedchamber. He flicked his hand, dismissing the page, and nodded to the door. “You’ll want to close that.”
“Will I?”
“If this is true-” he waved a letter, mismatched eyes glaring up at him, “-you’re not going to want everyone to know.”
“There are very few things I want everyone to know,” Tywin replied, as even as he could make the words. 
Tyrion twisted his lips. “It certainly sheds light on the situation,” he said. “The Starks were aiming to come south as quickly as possible and then they stopped, didn’t they? They moved their forces up to the Riverlands, is what half our scouts are saying. Which didn’t make sense, not until- this.”
Again with the letter-waving.
Did Jaime- Tywin realized, abruptly, what the letter must contain. He must have succeeded.
Though why Tyrion still looked so grim…
Tywin lifted one eyebrow. “The war is won, then. Your nephew shall sit the Iron Throne, and there shall be none to stand against him.”
The only question now was whether to kill Robb Stark, or to graciously forgive him. Or, Tywin thought, mulling it over, graciously forgive him and then kill him- preferably quietly, with poison. 
Rumor could be as great a tool as a sword- greater, in the right hands, and Tywin was a master. The Stark girls would come south with Jaime and the half-dozen Westerland heirs with him; Robb Stark would die within a moon’s turn of the North’s surrender; Joffrey would take the throne, and the Lannisters would reach ever-higher heights. The only songs sung of them would be of their greatness.
“The war,” said Tyrion contemplatively, stopping Tywin’s thoughts cold with the smugness in them, the smugness he’d never been able to hide when he knew something others didn’t. “I never thought you’d be this foolish, but- tell me, did you truly send Jaime off with the Boltons?”
Tywin stared at him, and then turned around and shut the door. No one should have known that. The only letter Jaime should have sent once his triumph was finished was a single line. “Who told you that?” he demanded.
“This letter did.” Tyrion waved the damn thing again. “This letter, addressed from Riverrun.”
Riverrun. Jaime would have sent a raven as soon as he’d done what he needed to do, which should have meant a raven from Last Hearth. Not Riverrun, the base of almost the entirety of the Starks’ rebellion.
“What does it say?” he asked hoarsely.
There were a hundred scenarios running in his mind. If Roose Bolton betrayed his son, Tywin would raze the Dreadfort to the ground if he has to light the match himself. If Ramsay Snow messed up what ought to have been the simplest covert operation in the history of Westeros, then Tywin would flay the stupid man until he was more blood than skin. If-
“Jaime was captured,” Tyrion said.
“By who?”
“The Starks.” He smiled, nastily amused. “I forget their names, quite honestly. What was it that Cersei called them? The wolf-bitch and the fainting flower?” He snorted. “The two of them apparently had advance warning, closed the castle gates, and led a mounted army of- well, the letter’s not clear but they are calling it the Battle of the Valkyries, so I’m assuming there are some Valkyries involved.”
“The girls?” Tywin asked, aghast. “Not even the second son- he got captured by two girls?”
He gripped the table, as much for support as for the sharp pain of splinters. 
Tyrion’s face tightened, and he tossed the letter to Tywin. “How many men did you send with him?”
“A hundred,” he answered absently, skimming through it. Tywin could feel the blood roaring in his ears when he saw the statistics.
“Only thirty survived,” said Tyrion.
Tywin didn’t have names, but there were at least seven heirs who’d gone with Jaime. It had been Tywin who’d approached them with the plan, with war-time brides and stolen ladies; it had been Tywin who’d promised their fathers of the safety of the mission; it had been Tywin who’d sworn that there would be nobleborn girls that could become proper wives for their sons.
The lords had jumped for it, yes. There was a lack of women in the Westerlands, by a complete stroke of fate; if the nobility weren’t careful, they’d have to look at hedge knights and crofter’s daughters for any children. This had seemed like the answer to their prayers.
And now he wasn’t entirely certain the seven fools had survived, let alone succeeded.
“Are there any demands?” he asked, before skipping to the end of the letter and reading it for himself. 
It was horrifying.
My demands are simple, wrote Robb Stark, as if anything between two kings could be simple. I only wish for it to be known that Joffrey Lannister- here, Tywin hissed in rage; how dare the idiot boy call his grandson by a name that he did not have a right to!- is undeserving of his crown, and for peace through the realm. Fly white banners from the Red Keep’s walls, and there shall be no more battle.
“I will strip the skin from Robb Stark’s skull,” Tywin said coldly, before reaching out and throwing the letter into the fire behind Tyrion. 
He ran his tongue along his lips and imagined his son, who was thrown behind enemy lines, safely ensconced as far from Tywin as was geographically possible in the North. There had been only one time before this in which Tywin had all but tasted the blood in the air- when he’d imagined himself a lion in all but skin- when House Reyne had risen up and he’d read of Ellyn’s defiance. And now, now he could taste the copper and the sting, and he knew it was but a matter of time before the end.
Whose end? He wondered, watching flame consume the black ink and parchment, until all that remained was the scarlet wax-seal, of a direwolf mocking him with its longevity. It matters not, he decided then, and straightened firmly. I shall battle them, and if I am to die I shall die- but I shall take as many as I can with me.
“We’ve lost this war,” Tyrion said flatly. “It would be best to heed his demands.”
“We’ve lost this war,” Tywin agreed, before smiling, sharp and smooth as a lion’s mane. “But we have our pride. If the Starks wish to capture the Lannisters, they shall have to pay for every step in blood. We are lions. And when challenged- we do not surrender.”
Tyrion- he paled, at what he saw in Tywin’s face. Yes, he’d know; Tyrion had always been interested in the lion cages beneath Casterly Rock. He’d read the books in the library as well. He’d know what Tywin meant, who Tywin was quoting.
Loreon Lannister had been a lion in all but form. There was little known of him; he’d lived so long ago, and there were so many contradictory stories- but one thing they all agreed upon was that of his words, shouted upon every battlefield that he’d ever swung a sworn on.
A lion does not surrender, he’d said. A lion wins, or dies.
Tywin was many things, but he was a Lannister first, and being a Lannister meant being a lion.
He had no intention of surrendering.
#Anonymous #my writing #if you try to break me#i think i have another snippet of the nedxrhaella ship that jon accidentally falls into as well so look out for that piece of hilarity#also really honestly look up male:female ratios of the post-robert's rebellion generation PLS#it's horrifically skewed #so MANY boys and like five girls#so yes the westerlands need women and they're stealing them from the north which solves two problems with one stone#it's a good plan on tywin's part#had sansa not been so ballsy... it might have worked
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flowersintheimpala99 · 8 years ago
Hi, I don't know how to start asks :D I was wondering what other ships you'd be willing to write about? Also, maybe a Radmond fic where the two are stuck in an awkward situation? Loveyourstories:3
First of all Nonny, same. I never know how to start asks so don’t worry ‘bout that! As for the ships I’m willing to write about… Get out your pen and paper kids, time for some notes! 
I ship pretty much anything from OK KO and SU, as long as it isn’t something like Jaspis (not comfortable with it personally, don’t care if others like to write it. you do you, I’ll do me, we won’t do each other. probably) or anything involving a minor and a character that we know isn’t a minor. (yes this includes stuff like KO/Rad, which I’ve seen floating around, and stuff like Maxvid). Speaking of that, I also have lots of Camp Camp ships! I love anything involving Maxpres, the two magic kids, Harrison and Neil, Nerris and Nikki, basically anything that isn’t Maxvid or Nurf x Preston (abuse isn’t something I like writing sorry). 
Those are just for cartoons. I also love musicals, so there’s a bunch of ships from them. RENT, Dear Evan Hansen, Be More Chill, and Heathers are my favorites off the top of my head, and I ship almost anyone with anyone in those. 
Then there’s the lovely gold mine that is Polygrumps. (nothing involving Kevin of course, I respect him) Note: I generally include Mark (markiplier) as an honorary Grump for my own self-indulgent reasons. 
Speaking of Mark, if you scroll back to some of my first blog posts, you’ll probably find some Septiplier. While I know that this ship, in general, isn’t always well received because of some of the actions other shippers exhibit, please know that I greatly love/respect Mark, Amy, Jack, and Signe. I never would post Septplier content in any of their respective tags, I know they don’t like to see 40,000+ words of them kissing and stuff. Should anyone ever request that sort of content, it will be tagged appropriately. I expect anyone who reblogs from me to do the same, that way others aren’t seeing stuff they don’t want to see. I will give y’all one warning if you reblog without tagging properly (like not tagging NSFW, using the Markiplier tag for Septiplier content, etc.), and if it happens again, I will straight up block you. 
Anywhore… That’s about it! This has been a PSA by your favorite broke, tired nursing student! Onto the thingy!!!
“Of all the people to get stuck with in a closet…“, Raymond complained, shoving against Rad as he tried to get a little breathing room. Sure, he didn’t exactly need to breathe and all since he was a robot, but he still liked having his personal space thank you very much! Rad let out a muffled curse as he hit the wall, his eyes adjusting easily to the sudden darkness they had been plunged into. Being an alien from a planet with three hours of daylight certainly had its perks!
"Well, it’s not like I’m too happy either.”, he snapped back, kicking Raymond “accidentally” as he got his gangly legs sorted out. The two lapsed into silence for a few seconds, analyzing the hand they’d been dealt. Rad had just wanted to sneak around inside of Boxmore, just to see if Lord Boxman built any kind of weird robots in his spare time. Well, weirder than the ones he normally built. Raymond had been wandering around past his charging time, which was a big problem seeing as it was one of the few rules Coach Boxdad actually had in place. He’d rounded a corner and ran smack into Rad, as evidenced by a slight dent in the metal on his head. The alien had a rather nasty looking bruise forming on his own head, though, so Raymond didn’t really feel too bad about getting banged up.
That was bad enough, being caught by your crush worst enemy when you weren’t supposed to be somewhere, but then it got really bad. The rhythmic clicking of Lord Boxman’s boots echoed down the hall, and the two had panicked. Both would be in all sorts of trouble if they got caught, so Rad, in a brief moment of genius, grabbed Raymond by the arm and yanked him into a nearby closet. While the closet did keep them from being discovered by Lord Boxman, it wasn’t until the footsteps had faded away that Rad tried to open the door. He jiggled the knob, tensing slightly as he realized what had happened.
Like many mechanisms in the Boxmore building, this closet door had an automatic locking function installed. The door had been cracked slightly when Rad had noticed it, so they’d been lucky enough to be able to squeeze in. Of course, the moment the door shut, it locked back into place like it was supposed to. That led to their current position, crammed uncomfortably close inside a locked closet, one they couldn’t possibly get out of without making enough noise to draw the attention of Lord Boxman.So now they were just stuck together, the air getting thicker as every agonizing minute ticked by.
“… Dude, my legs are like, killing me.”, Rad grumbled, shifting his weight from one foot to the other in an attempt to relieve some of the tightness building in his legs. Sure, he was used to standing up all day at his job. The thing about that is, at his job, he actually had more than a couple feet of space to move around. Here, he had maybe six feet for the entire length of the closet, and Raymond was taking up a lot of space.
“Oh lord, tell me you aren’t going to whine about that all night, are you?”, he hissed back, the gears in his mind turning very quickly as he came up with an idea. He moved carefully, minding his spikes as he sat down on the closet floor. “Sit down and spread your legs.”, he demanded, his own night vision functioning at a capacity so that he could see the bright blue flush that spread across Rad’s cheeks. The alien really didn’t like the connotations that sentence could have, especially with the way in which Raymond said it, but he followed along hesitantly.
With the both of them sitting down, it did give Rad more leg room. He was actually able to stretch them out, as long as he didn’t mind the feeling of (surprisingly) warm metal against his skin. He was a little disturbed by the fact that he actually didn’t mind that, and he shook his head to clear away the haze in his head.
“Is this more suitable, Rad?”, Raymond drawled, feeling a smirk tugging at his lips when he felt cool skin against his legs. It was an interesting sensation, that was for sure. It wasn’t exactly like he went around letting organics touch his legs, so the feeling was entirely foreign. It was strange, but not altogether unpleasant. For some reason, he had expected Rad to feel much warmer…
“Yeah, yeah, it’s ‘suitable’… Maybe if you be quiet, I could catch a nap or something.”, Rad replied, letting his head rest against the wall gently. He felt exhausted all of a sudden, a deep sort of tiredness settling into his bones as he laid there. Raymond seemed to oblige him, falling back into silence as he observed the alien. Normally, being this close to him meant they were in the middle of a serious battle, so he never really had the chance to just look at Rad. Now, though… Well, he had plenty of time to just stare at the blue skinned alien. Questions began buzzing around his gears, questions about being having friends, having a real, paying job, and his life back on his home planet.
It was another strange but oddly pleasant feeling. The questions stayed trapped inside his head, though, the moment he caught sight of Rad’s chest. It rose and fell slowly, in time with his gentle breathing. It seemed that he’d already fallen asleep, after a mere minute or two of silence in the cramped space. Frankly, it was almost impressive. Rad reminded Raymond of a cat, in a way. Capable of sleeping at any time, in any place, no matter the situation. Content with the idea of his rival being cat-like, the robot felt his gears slowing to a stop as everything began shutting down. After a few moments, he too fell asleep.
Shannon had several questions the next morning when she opened the linens closet to find her baby brother and his rival sleeping together.
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