#it's only make beileve
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It's Only Make Believe
Summary: What began as a publicity stunt turns into much more than you expected.
Pairing: Dieter Bravo x f!actress!reader
Rating: T
Word Count: ~7k
Tags and Warnings: fluff, allusions to smut, kissing, drug use, Dieter is a goofball but so sweet, anxiety, allusions to body shaming/bullying (reader receiving, not from Dieter), fake dating, unspoken feelings, longing, reader has a nickname but no physical description of reader is mentioned. If I forgot anything, please let me know.
A/N: This is for Kate's @burntheedges Roll-A-Trope Challenge (I got fake dating as my trope). I'm sorry this is so late. Moodboard by @notjustjavierpena (Thank you Siggy!! The moodboard is gorgeous and fits the vibe perfectly 💜) Dividers by @saradika-graphics. Thank you @clawdee for beta reading. A special shout to my discord peeps who sprinted with me and offered their encouragement and advice. There are too many of you to list individually, but I think you know who you are. This is my first go at Dieter, so I hope I made the Dieter girlies (gn) proud.
This dress costs more than my first car...
You stare at yourself in the full-length mirror. The floor-length blue gown sparkles, even in the inadequate lighting of your tiny apartment. It hugs all your curves perfectly and even you’re impressed with how sexy you look.
This is your first award show since coming to Hollywood, and your first public appearance with Dieter. You swallow hard as your hands smooth your dress. He’s going to be here any minute, and you’re so nervous you could vomit. This isn’t like all the other times, far away setups where people can only guess what the looks between you mean, can only guess what you’re saying to one another. This is the real deal; you have to sell this.
A knock on your door snaps you from your thoughts and he enters the room. Your breath is almost stolen from your lungs as you gaze at him. This is a far cry from the baggy t-shirts and lounge pants you’re used to seeing him in; he cleans up nicely. Sure, he’s still got the same messy mop of hair and scruffy beard, but he looks good. He’s actually wearing real pants…and a jacket, and you stifle a giggle. Somehow you knew that he would refuse to wear a tie and the top two buttons of his crisp, white dress shirt were left undone, giving a peak of his smooth chest. Even the gold hoop in this left ear stood out to you tonight.
“Whoa,” he muttered under his breath.
He knew he was staring, but he couldn’t look away. You looked stunning in that shade of blue. His eyes locked onto the smooth skin of your thigh playing peek-a-boo with him through the slit in your dress and he swallows hard.
“Cat got your tongue, Bravo?” you tease. “I’ve never known you to be at a loss for words.”
His hand shoots up to his earring and he tugs it. A sheepish smile creeps across his plump lips.
“Oh, uh, you look nice,” he stammers.
Real smooth, he thinks as he drinks in your beauty. You look more than nice but he couldn’t get the words out. He’s never been so tongue-tied in front of a woman before. He’s charmed the panties off supermodels, for fuck’s sake. Jesus Christ, how can this woman turn him into such a blubbering idiot?
Your brow furrows for the briefest moment before smiling weakly. That wasn’t the reaction you were hoping for, but you quickly swallow your disappointment. It was foolish of you to expect any other response.
“We should get going. I don’t want to be late.”
The limo slows to a stop. You can barely make out the lights and sounds through the tinted glass window, but the buzz is undeniable. Nothing could have prepared you for what you were about to experience as the limo door opened and Dieter helped you step out and onto the red carpet.
Flashing cameras and lights surrounded you. Voices yelling, calling for Dieter's attention, trying to catch the perfect photo or get a quick interview. Security guards hold back fans desperate for attention from their favorite stars and people hurrying back and forth across the carpet trying to keep things moving.
Suddenly, it was hard to breathe. Your heart pounded in your chest as your eyes squint, almost blinded by the never-ending flashes of light. You don’t know if you can do this. Broadway premiers were way more low-key. How can you subject yourself to the scrutiny knowing that one misstep or odd look on your face could be dissected and discussed like you’re not even a real person?
Dieter glances your way and his heart drops a little. You’re smiling, looking like a goddess under the lights, but your back is almost too straight, and your hands lay glued to the sides of your thighs. Someone who didn’t know you wouldn’t think twice about it, but he knew you were struggling. The tension was radiating off you in waves. He knew that feeling all too well and immediately grabbed your hand, gently tugging you closer.
Your eyes snap to meet his as he laces his fingers with yours. He gives your hand a quick but firm squeeze and that silly, lopsided grin is on his face. Your muscles slowly begin to relax, and the world starts to slow down. That stupid little smile was exactly what you needed, grounding you in a way you never expected.
He moves even closer to you, the tip of his nose barely brushing the shell of your ear. Instinctively, your body angles toward him as his warm breath ghosts your cheek.
“Relax, cupcake,” he whispers in your ear. “You’re going to be fine. Just think of something that makes you happy.”
Your soft gasp was swallowed by the din. Dieter was giving you advice, giving you good advice. Maybe you had underestimated him.
All you could think about was this moment right here, the way the two of you were pressed together like two lovers sharing an intimate secret, and you smile. It’s only make-believe, you remind yourself. Just another performance, another role to play; but it’s starting to feel all too real.
You knock on his door with your heart pounding. It feels a little hard to breathe. No one had prepared you for this. Your weight shifts from foot to foot as you wait for him to answer.
“Come on, come on, come on.”
Maybe he isn’t even here. It’s not like you even gave him a heads-up that you were coming. What if he has someone here? You suddenly feel sick to your stomach at the thought. If he opens the door with a naked girl behind him, you’ll die of embarrassment right on the spot.
You take a step back, turning to go when the door flies open, and Dieter is staring back at you with his shirt splotched with paint. You breathe a little easier when you realize he’s fully clothed and it appears that he’s alone.
“What’s up?”
He can’t hide the look of surprise on his face at seeing you at his door. You’re the last person he expected to show up unannounced, but he can’t deny he’s happy to see you.
“Sorry to bother you,” you answer softly. “I didn’t know where else to go.”
His face falls as he realizes something’s up with you. You’re normally pretty stoic, careful to not let your emotions show. He can feel the tension rolling off you in waves.
“It’s fine, cupcake,” he responds with a little smirk. “Come in.”
You roll your eyes at the nickname as he steps aside to let you enter. You’re not sure exactly when that nickname became something that didn’t annoy you, but you’ve come to like it. The last three weeks have shown you a different side of Dieter, one that you like and want to see more often.
Your eyes immediately scan his apartment. It’s not what you thought it would be at all. You expected chaos and mess but it’s tidy and very well decorated. The art on the walls is a little abstract for your taste but it matches Dieter’s vibe. You can’t help but wonder if he had decorated the apartment himself or just chosen the art.
“Do you want to tell me what brought you here or should I guess?”
He’s smirking at you, and you're torn between smacking him and kissing him. Why does he have to be so adorable when he does that? You take a deep breath and wipe your sweaty palms on your jeans.
You feel so silly now that you’re here. What are you supposed to say? You’re here because your feelings got hurt?
You silently pull out your phone and hand it to him. You have the webpage already open, and you watch him as he reads.
He reads it over without saying a word. He’s been here before and he knows just how cruel people can be. His heart hurts for you and he hands you back your phone.
He says nothing more and you just stare at him. Your blood starts to boil at his lack of words.
“That’s all you have to say?” you ask, your voice rising in pitch. “Did you even read what they said about me?”
Those were some of the most vile, hateful words you’d ever read. All from people who’d never met you, who knew next to nothing about you. You had never experienced vitriol like this before.
“I read it.”
He sighed and dragged his hand through his messy hair. He had to think of a way to talk you down without making you more upset.
“You know you’ve made it to the big time when people talk about you like that.”
Your teeth clench so hard your jaw aches. What are you supposed to do? You can’t just ignore it. You want to clap back at all these people. Who the hell do they think they are, talking about you like that? Don’t they realize you have feelings too?
He can see you spiraling. You’re heading down a dangerous path, and he knows firsthand how destructive it can be.
He gently grabs you by the shoulders forcing you to look at him.
“Don’t feed into that shit, okay? That’s what they do. They want you to get so worked up that you pull some Britney Spears type stunt and then they’ll talk about you even more. You’re better than that.”
You sigh softly as you look at him. You know he’s right, but you can’t help how much it’s hurting your feelings.
“How do you ignore it?” You ask quietly. “How do you block all these idiots?”
He gives you his trademark crooked smirk, the one that simultaneously makes you weak in the knees and slightly annoyed.
“That’s easy.”
He wiggles his brows and holds up a small bag of what looks like gummy bears and gives the bag a little shake. Those gummy bears are not the kind you buy at 7-11 and you can’t help but playfully scoff.
“Wanna try?”
You bite your lip as you think about it. You were never into substances, even during your brief rebellious stage as a teenager. One bad experience made you shy away from them and stick to alcohol instead. You don’t even know what’s in that little gummy bear, and the last thing you need is to not be in control of yourself.
“It’s nothing too crazy,” he says, answering your unspoken question. “I’m done with the hard stuff, you know that. These are an indica strain, for relaxation and anxiety.”
He holds the bag out to you, and you swallow hard. He had told you about rehab and how hard he worked to give up coke and the harder drugs.
“Trust me?”
His voice is so soft, matching the look in his eyes. If there’s one thing you know about Dieter, it’s that he doesn’t lie, at least not to you anyway. He’s honest, almost to a fault.
You slowly reach in and take a red gummy bear from the bag. He takes it from you and cuts it in half and hands it to you. Your eyes meet his as you hold it in between your thumb and index finger. What the hell, you think to yourself. Maybe this would be good for you, he’s always telling you that you need to loosen up. A soft exhale leaves your lips.
“Yeah, I trust you.”
His signature crooked smile adorns his face once again. There’s almost a sense of pride behind that smile. He’s not used to being trusted.
He takes his half of the gummy and pops it into his mouth.
“You’ll like it, I promise.”
You giggle softly as he chomps on the bear and talks at the same time. His childlike qualities can sometimes be aggravating, but cute.
He watches you as you eat your gummy. It tastes just like a regular gummy bear, and you can’t help but wonder what you’ve gotten yourself into.
“There’s one other thing I do to block out all the noise. Come on, I’ll show you.”
He grabs your hands and leads you further into his apartment. Your stomach flutters as you stop at a closed door at the end of the hall. You have no idea what awaits you and you can only imagine what you're about to see.
He opens the door to reveal an art studio. Paints and canvases are strewn about the room, some with no more than a few haphazard strokes on them. Your jaw hits the floor. This is not what you expected at all. He had talked about his art before, but you had no idea he was this serious about it or this talented.
You step into the room and marvel at the display before you. His work is beautiful, a bit abstract, but stunning, nonetheless. This is the type of art you’d see staged at a gallery and you wonder why he’s never showcased his work.
He quickly moves to throw a sheet over a canvas, hiding it from your view. He almost stumbles in his haste to keep you from seeing what he’s painted.
You’re sure you catch a glimpse of a woman, but you can’t be sure. You open your mouth to ask him why he covered the painting then quickly close it. There’s a reason that he doesn’t want you to see it. It would be rude to ask why.
His sigh is audible when he realizes you aren’t going to ask any questions. He didn’t want you to know that he was painting you, not yet anyway. His heart thudded in his chest, he wasn’t ready for you to know how much you’ve consumed his thoughts, how much you help to quiet his mind.
Your eyes are drawn to another piece, and you move closer to get a better look. You can see what you think is a woman’s face with her mouth open, but the entire piece is blurred, shading and lines obscure the image. Sadness washes over you as you study the canvas. You identify with that woman, although you can’t explain why.
He wipes his palms down his pants as you take it all in. This is his safe space, his private sanctuary where he can be himself and not what everyone else wants or expects him to be. This place wasn’t shared with just anyone. He could count the number of people that have been in this room on one hand and still have fingers left over.��
“Do you like it?”
You jump a foot as his soft voice hits your ears. You were so engrossed in the painting that you never heard him come up behind you.
“Dee, this is…beautiful.”
Your voice is barely above a whisper. You don’t even know why you’re whispering; it just feels like the right thing to do.
You look over your shoulder and Dieter is smiling like you’ve never seen him smile before.
“Eh, it’s alright. Not my best work.”
You can feel his pride beaming off him but he’s trying to play it off as it’s no big deal.
“You want to watch the master at work?” he teased.
You roll your eyes and scoff. You want to watch him paint. Maybe it would help you understand him better. Maybe it would help you understand yourself, why you’re so inexplicably drawn to him, and find yourself more attracted to him with every moment you spend together.
He didn’t let anyone watch him paint. It was too personal, too intimate to allow anyone into that sanctuary. But he didn’t mind you watching him. The more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea. He hoped that this was the way to get you to let your guard down.
He winks at you, then turns to his canvas. He carefully studies it for a moment, and you can almost see the wheels turning in his head. His brow furrows and his lips purse ever so slightly. This is a side of him you’ve never seen before; the carefree, chaotic mess is gone. Before you stands a man who is calm, thoughtful and relaxed.
You watch in awe as the first brush stroke hits the canvas. His movements are purposeful, he knows exactly what he’s doing. The colors swirl and blend together, oranges and reds evoking heat. That’s when you realize the edible has taken effect. Warmth slowly spreads through your body, radiating out like lazy, creeping vines down your arms and legs into your fingers and toes. It’s peaceful, like curling up in your favorite blanket on a chilly night. You’re drawn into this beautiful world as you feel the tension and worry leaving your body, keenly aware of how his paintbrush caresses the canvas. It stirs something within you. Would he touch you with that kind of reverence? Would his fingers glide that easily across your skin?
“Everything alright, cupcake?”
His voice cuts through your daydream and your eyes snap to meet his.
Your cheeks start to burn as he stares at you, the paintbrush still in his hand. All you can think about is how you shouldn’t be having these thoughts right now.
“Where’d you go?”
His lips curl into a lopsided smirk. You’re embarrassed and he knows it. He chuckles softly and wonders what he would find if he got into that pretty little head of yours. Are you thinking the same thing he is? Are you thinking about what it would be like if your body was his canvas?
You laugh a little too loudly and tuck your hair behind your ear. Get it together.
“Nowhere…” you say softly. “Just admiring your work. You’re really talented, Dee.”
He scoffs at you and waves his hand at you. His cheeks lightly flush and he looks away. His heart flutters in his chest at your praise. Most people don’t understand his work or just dismiss it altogether. It feels good to have someone show genuine interest.
“Anyone can do it.”
“No, they can’t.” you protest, “This takes talent.”
You can’t believe that he’s brushing off your compliment like this. Doesn’t he realize how brilliant he is?
His eyes light up. “I’ll prove it to you.”
He quickly runs out of the room leaving you speechless and confused. He returns with an old t-shirt covered in paint splatters. He holds it out to you, and can only assume that it’s his, and your cheeks flush at the thought of wearing his clothes.
You take it from him and in an uncharacteristic fit of boldness, you pull your t-shirt over your head and put on the one he gave you. It’s big, nearly hanging down to your knees, hiding the curves he just got a peek at.
He almost choked as you changed your shirt. It was unexpected, and he shifted uncomfortably, feeling his cock harden in his pants. What he wouldn’t give to get a closer look at you that way again.
He clears his throat, trying to clear the dirty thoughts in his head. He didn’t want to mess this up, not when he’d finally gotten you comfortable enough to come to his apartment without prompting. Now was the time to play it cool, unfortunately playing it cool wasn’t something he was good at when it came to you.
“So, uh…wanna give it a shot?” He raises a brow at you, offering a challenge.
You wet your lips with the tip of your tongue. He sounded so hopeful, almost childlike. It made you wonder how many people had ever been given the privilege of seeing him like this, relaxed and happy. He was truly in his element here and you would treat this moment with the respect it deserves.
“I wouldn’t know where to start,” you answer softly.
You weren’t the artistic type. You’d never been good at drawing or painting. Maybe it was because you’d always worried so much that it wouldn’t be perfect, that someone would point out a mistake- no matter how small- and it would be ruined.
His face fell for a split second before that crooked smirk came back. He didn’t believe for a second that you couldn’t paint. You just needed to relax. He shoves a paintbrush into your hand.
“Just humor me,” he says quietly.
You sigh softly and turn to the canvas. Your eyes flutter closed. You can do this…all you have to do is try, right?
Selecting your first color, a deep blue, you touch the brush to the canvas. You use broad strokes, feeling a bit like Bob Ross as you gain confidence.
Dieter watches with amusement, seeing the tip of your pink tongue peek out past your plush lips and your brow furrowed in concentration. You look cute like this.
You hold the end of your paintbrush between your teeth as you contemplate your next move. The next paint color is chosen, and you begin to apply it with the same heavy strokes as before. You want this to look like the sunsets you used to see as a kid on summer vacations with your family.
He knows he shouldn’t interrupt. The last thing he wants to do is make you feel bad, but he can’t help himself. He steps up behind you, close enough to smell your strawberry shampoo.
“Can I give you a bit of advice?”
Your body jerks involuntarily at the sound of his voice. You were in the zone and forgot he was even here.
“Um, sure.”
Your teeth catch your bottom lip as he moves closer. The grip you have on the paintbrush makes your knuckles blanche. You let out a shaky breath, willing yourself to relax.
The urge to bury his nose into your hair and drink you in is so strong it almost hurts. God, what he wouldn’t give to be able to touch you for real, not that fake shit the two of you do for the cameras, genuinely touch you like he’s wanted to for so long.
“Relax your arm a bit,” he says softly. “Just let the brush glide along the canvas. You don’t have to force it.”
You inhale sharply as his large hand molds over yours and he glides the brush over the canvas. Having him this close is more unnerving than you’d like to admit. His warm breath tickles your ear as he guides your hand.
He lets go of your hand and you draw the brush across the canvas from left to right once again, trying to blend the colors the way he taught you. You're painfully aware that he didn’t move away from you, he’s still standing right behind you, his belly lightly brushing against your back.
“Perfect,” he says softly. “You’re a natural.”
You beam at his praise, smiling brightly as you turn your head to look at him.
“You really think so?”
Something shifts between the two of you in that moment. He’s studying your face intently, almost as if he’s trying to memorize every little detail. You set the paintbrush down, unknowingly collecting some paint on your index finger.
All this feels like you're careening toward something you can’t take back. This is dangerous territory, and you know it will only lead to heartbreak.
You clear your throat and create a little space between you, giving you time to collect your thoughts.
“Stop teasing me.”
You laugh softly, trying to hide your feelings at him being so close to you.
“I swear I’m not teasing you, Cupcake. Painting isn’t about perfection…it’s about putting something out there that makes you feel something.”
You turn to face him, unsure of what to say. His words seem genuine and your heart flutters in your chest. How does he do this to you, time after time?
His fist clenches at his side. He wants to reach out to you, but he doesn’t want to push his luck. He doesn’t want to break the trust he’s worked so hard to build.
His lips curl into a lopsided smirk and he collects a bit of paint on his index finger.
“You need to loosen up.”
He dots the end of your nose with the paint. A smirk is plastered across his face, awaiting your response.
Your eyes go wide as he pulls his hand away from your face. Mischief dances in your eyes as you contemplate how to exact payback.
Your brow raises as you collect some paint on your fingers. If he wants a paint war, he’s got one.
You wordlessly lift your fingers and slowly drag them down the side of his face. Your eyes challenge him, daring him to fight back.
He chuckles softly and grabs the paintbrush, dotting your cheeks. His eyes narrow playfully, waiting for you to strike back.
You reach for a brush of your own, soaking it in the paint. This is about to get messy, but you can’t even begin to care. You’ve never had so much fun making a mess in your life.
“Careful…” he warns. “I fight dirty.”
He grabs your wrist before you even have a chance to respond, and you drop the brush. His other hand assaults your side, and you dissolve into a fit of giggles.
The paintbrush smacks against him, smattering bright blue pigment across his shirt before landing on the floor. You try to wiggle away, but he’s surprisingly strong and he pulls you closer.
Your laughter fills the room as you tussle. He could listen to that sound forever and it makes his heart sing.
“Dee…” you squeal. “Dee….can’t breathe…..”
Your protest only makes him double down, he’s more than determined to make you laugh until you cry.
“If you can talk, you can breathe.”
The joy he’s feeling in this moment can’t be quantified. You’re the only one he’s ever done this with. Sure, he’s done some crazy things in the past, but he’s never been this silly with anyone before. This connection between you is unlike anything he’s ever experienced. It’s honest and real.
The tears begin to leak from your eyes as you wiggle in his grasp. You cackle and gasp for air, having the time of your life. You’ve never let your guard down like this before. It’s amazing.
His fingers slow as he realizes just how much your face is flushed. He’s accomplished his mission, and he reaches up to brush your hair away from your eyes.
Your giggles slowly subside, and you work to catch your breath. Your eyes slowly open to find him staring at you, almost mesmerized.
His hand slides down to your cheek and his face inches toward yours almost in slow motion.
He gently brushes his lips against yours. It’s a surprisingly intimate touch from him. When you don’t pull away, he presses his lips to yours more firmly, his tongue traces the seam of your lips begging for entrance.
Your lips part for him and he fully seizes the opportunity to take this further. His soft tongue dives into the cavern of your mouth exploring hungrily.
Your left hand shoots out, landing flat against the wet paint on the canvas and sliding down. You don’t even notice; you are so consumed with the feel of his mouth on yours.
Desire begins to cloud your mind as you return his kiss with equal fervor. The world has been reduced to this moment alone.
Your paint-covered hand comes to rest on his shirt as you moan softly into his mouth. His arms pull you impossibly close, there isn’t a single part of your body that isn’t touching.
He grunts softly, almost a whimper, as your body is pressed tightly against his. God, this feels so good, and he aches to take this further, to pull you down to the floor and fuck you until you can’t remember your own name.
His hand fumbles for the hem of your shirt. Fingers snaking under the fabric, searching for bare skin. The heat of his palm finds the lace of your bra, gently kneading the flesh underneath. Your nipples harden and your knees go weak as his thumb brushes over the sensitive bud.
The blaring sound of his ringtone snaps you both from your lust-filled haze, pulling you apart like teenagers being caught by your parents.
He clears his throat and steps further away from you to answer the call. It’s only then that the reality of what just happened hits you. You just came so close to crossing a line you couldn’t uncross. It’s only make believe, you tell yourself. That’s what you always say when your feelings become all too real and threaten to spill from your lips.
Your eyes dart to the canvas. You look at the firm handprint and the streaks your fingers left. Doubt begins to swirl within you. You need to get out of here before you say or do something you can’t take back.
“Everything okay, cupcake?”
Your head snaps around to see him standing there, shoulders slumped and eyes soft.
You bite your lip.
“I ruined your canvas,” you say softly.
What a dumb thing to say, but it was your first thought. It was inconsequential, it’s not like he was going to be upset about it, but it somehow felt like an omen.
“It’s not ruined,” he says quietly. “I can make something of that, don’t worry about it.”
His heart squeezes in his chest. He wants so badly to pull you back in, to pick up where you left off but the moment’s gone. He’s left with the reality that he’s not quite the man you need yet. You need someone a little more stable. He’s not quite there yet but he’s so close. It’s better to hold back these feelings until he’s sure that he can make this work between you.
You breathe deeply, trying to not let your feelings show. All you have to do is keep it together just a little longer.
“I…I should go.” You smile but it doesn’t reach your eyes. “I have an early call at the studio tomorrow.”
He knows that’s probably true but that doesn’t stop his disappointment. He looks down at the floor and then back up to you. He nods, knowing there’s nothing else to say.
“Thanks for the painting lesson, Dee.”
You quickly brush your lips against his scruffy cheek and walk out without looking back. You don’t want him to see the tears in your eyes.
The next few weeks are filled with an uneasy tension between you. You make a good show during your scheduled “appearances”, but when the cameras aren’t around you could cut the tension between you with a knife. Neither one of you has brought up the kiss. The two of you dance around the subject doing anything to avoid the elephant in the room.
The night of your movie premiere rolls around. Your makeup and hair team bustle around the hotel room while your stylist is busy selecting your accessories. Again, another dress you couldn’t afford even though you’ve made it. How were you going to pretend everything was okay with Dieter tonight? It was getting harder and harder to pretend that what the two of you were doing wasn’t real, that it was only make believe. You had genuine feelings for him, and you couldn’t deny it anymore.
Dieter appears in your doorway as your stylist finishes clasping the necklace you were going to wear. The dress is Valentino…the jewelry is Cartier…
This was the mantra that you had repeated to yourself over and over as you got ready. You had to remember those names, just in case you were asked about them. You couldn’t afford to forget who you were wearing in case you were asked, the last thing you want to do was offend the designers.
Your head jerks up as Dieter clears his throat, snapping you from your revelry. It never failed to amaze you how handsome he looked all cleaned up but somehow it made you long for the lounge pants, baggy T-shirt and crocs that made up his everyday attire.
“Ready to go, Cupcake?” he asked with a smirk. The same one that drove you crazy in both good and bad ways.
Dieter extends his hand to help you from the limo as you’re blinded by the flashbulbs of the press. You take a deep breath and plaster on your best smile, the same one that Dieter reminded you to use during your very first red carpet appearance. You can make it through this next ten minutes.
Dieter squeezes your hand, just like he did that first time. It grounds you and helps calm you. How was it that you were the only one who got to see this side of him?
Dieter steals glances at you as you pose for photos together before entering the theater. You are absolutely radiant, even though he can see the nervous energy shooting out of you. He’s wanted to tell you so many times how he felt but it just never seems to be the right time. He’s been putting in the work, trying to be the man you need, the man you deserve. Maybe tonight is the night. He feels like he’ll burst if he has to hold back much longer.
The movie goes by in a blur. You barely remember watching your scenes on the screen, all you can think about is the way Dieter’s hand feels in yours.
Dieter shifts in his seat as he gently rubs his thumb across the back of your hand. Things have been so tense between you these past few weeks. The kiss you shared has completely overtaken his mind. He wants you. He knows that on paper it seems crazy, but he is sure the two of you are meant to be. You quiet his mind in a way that no one else can. You see past all his bullshit to the broken man who just wants to be loved.
The after-party is hopping. It’s a cacophony of voices, laughter, and glasses clinking. This is the part of Hollywood you dislike most- being with a bunch of people who don’t give two shits about you but pretend they do. These people would sooner stab you in the back rather than help you out. Your head begins to ache, and you wander outside with your glass of champagne.
The sprawling estate is the perfect backdrop for the party. The landscaping is beautiful, with trees and lush gardens full of beautiful flowers. The thing that attracts your attention is the large fountain at the center of the courtyard. The design is delicately ornate with statues of water nymphs and mermaids. It’s large enough to walk right into. You find yourself mesmerized by the sound of the water as you lean over the balcony railing.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
You damn near drop your glass and your free hand flies to your chest. He’d snuck up on you without you even noticing.
“You scared the shit out of me, Dee.”
You playfully nudge him with your shoulder. His presence has a way of riling you up and calming you simultaneously.
His trademark smirk flashes across his face.
“You’re missing a hell of a party.”
You don’t miss the hint of sarcasm laced in his words. He’d told you before that he never really liked these parties.
“I know,” you answer softly. “Just needed some fresh air.”
Anyone else may have missed it, but he could feel how overwhelmed you were feeling. He couldn’t let you flounder, he needed to get you to relax. Grabbing your hand, he pulls you toward the courtyard.
He laces his fingers with yours as you silently walk through the garden. In the few months you’ve spent together, he’s learned when to push and when to stay silent.
You round the corner and come to a stop in front of the fountain. The whoosh of the water seems to drown out the rest of the world. You feel your shoulders go slack as the mist of the fountain tickles your bare forearms.
Unable to resist the opportunity, Dieter moves closer. His breath ghosts against your ear as he speaks.
“You look so beautiful when you're relaxed.”
You hum softly at his words.
“You’re the one who’s always telling me to loosen up.”
You set your glass down on a nearby bench and a wicked smile forms on your lips.
Without another word, you pull Dieter into the fountain. A little squeal leaves your throat as the cool water hits your skin. You dance in the water, splashing him and laughing like a little girl. You’ve never felt more free. There is something so liberating about splashing around in the water. You don’t even care that you might be ruining your designer dress.
Your heart soars as Dieter joins in, laughing and splashing you back. The fact that you’re going to attract attention to yourself is the last thing on your mind as he grabs you by the waist and spins you around.
He sets you down on your feet and pushes the damp locks off your forehead. You both just stare at each other, panting and drenched but unable to pull yourselves apart.
“When you let loose, you really go all out.”
He chuckles softly and pulls you even closer. He wants to tell you exactly how he feels about you, but the words stick in his throat. He’s not sure if any words would even suffice. Instead, he does the only thing he can think of to express himself.
He gently presses his lips to yours. His large hand grips your chin and tilts your head slightly, Your lips part for his tongue and you moan softly. This kiss is slow and tender, filled with the affection he longs to show you. He knows he can be the man you need if you’ll only give him a chance. No one knows him like you do. You’re the best thing that ever happened to him and he’s determined to make you happy.
Your world is tilted on its axis as he kisses you. This kiss was even better than the one you shared weeks ago. It was slow, unhurried. Your arms wrap around his waist, holding him close. A myriad of emotions flowed through you as your tongues danced like you had all the time in the world. Everything else faded away, all that existed was this moment and the two of you. The only sound you could hear was the thrumming of your heart in your ears.
The need for oxygen was the only thing that caused you to separate. You slowly open your eyes, your lips parted and swollen. Your eyes shimmer with the unspoken question that lies between you. What does this mean?
His lips curl into his trademark half smirk. His palms cup your face, thumbs brushing gently against the apples of your cheeks.
“What do you say we make this fake relationship real?”
His voice is so soft, barely audible over the rushing waters of the fountain. His eyes shine with hope. Hope that you will take this chance with him, hope that you give him the opportunity to show you how good he could be for you.
Your brows furrow as you stare back at him. Your head is still spinning a bit from that kiss. This is real, this is happening. The thing that you’ve wanted for weeks is finally staring you in the face and suddenly you’re afraid to reach out and grab it.
The slight breeze causes you to shiver slightly. You swallow the lump in your throat as the reality of the situation fully hits you.
“You sure about this?”
His words ring in your ears. You need him to confirm it one more time; to be sure this isn’t some fever dream.
“Surer than I’ve ever been.”
He rests his forehead against yours, willing you to read his thoughts.
“You’re the only one who can quiet my mind, Cupcake.”
Your heart squeezes in your chest. Those words feel so believable. You knew it was true. He was different with you than he was with anyone else. When it really mattered, you saw the real him just like he saw the real you. As unlikely a pair as you seemed on paper, the two of you just worked. You balanced each other out so well. You keep him from going off the deep end and he keeps you from getting too much in your own head.
A slow smile forms on your lips as you look at him. This was really happening. Standing in the middle of a fountain at a party full of Hollywood stars, a new chapter of your lives was starting.
“Let’s give it a try.”
Your words are cut off by commotion on the balcony. Someone has spotted the two of you and you knew you were moments from being the talk of the town.
Your laughter rings out over the din of the water. There’s something so freeing about not giving a fuck what anyone thought. That was all thanks to Dieter.
You quickly peck his lips one more time unable to contain your smile. No one back home would ever believe what just happened tonight.
“Let’s get out of here.”
Neither one of you can stop laughing as you drop into the back of your limo, still damp from your impromptu romp in the water.
“Thank you for the best night of my life,” you murmur as you rest your head on his shoulder.
He pulls you closer as your teeth lightly chatter, his hand rubbing up and down your arm.
“This is just the beginning, babe.”
He rests his chin on the top of your head. This was the scariest thing he’d ever done but he knew that he had to take this chance. He couldn’t imagine his life without you in it.
“Just the beginning…”
You quietly echo his words. This is going to be quite the adventure.
#it's only make beileve#dieter bravo#dieter bravo x reader#fluff#tw:drug use#pedro pascal characters
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The Books
Alastor x female reader (others mentioned)
Summary: The reader (you) was a supernatural hunter(ess) back when you were alive on Earth, and so you decided to show everyone God aka Chucks books.
A/N- this was so fun. I love written a mini crossover . Let me know if you want more supernatural x hazbin hotel

You hunted when you were alive and back on earth, and that was not deer hunting and / or ducking hunting. It was hunting that was life risking, anxiety pumping through you, and most of all, fear You hunted supernatural creatures. You name it, you hunted it.
You somehow ended up in this weird and odd hell, but became great friends especially with The Radio Demon, Alastor. He enjoyed hearing all your hunting stories. But today you wanted to show everyone something that was oddly terrifying for you atleast. Chucks Books.
You gathered everyone in the lobby, and you held up an old, weathered book. Its viver was faded, and only the title was unmistakable. "Supernatural." Confused filled Charlie as she asked. "What's that?" Her eyes wide with interest.
"This." You began. "Is one of God's books. Or as I knew him as Chuck." You looked around, the room silent until Angel Dust scoffed, but his curiosity got the best of him like everyone else. "God wrote a book? Like a freakin' bestseller or somethin'?" His hand gestures were flowly and animated, and he talked slow to get every detail in.
You smiled. "More than just a bestseller. Chuck wrote everything that happened in the universe. This book, and others like it, detailed the lives of two brothers and close friends of mine, Sam and Dean Winchester, who hunted supernatural creatures. Just like I did." You said, looking at the book and feeling a shiver down your spine. All those memories flown back, which soon disappeared when you looked around the room again.
Vaggie then crossed her arms, skeptical. Understandable, she seemed to have trust issues, and you were still new and throwing out this outlandish information that sadly was true. "And you expect us to believe that God was some kind of author?"
You let out a sigh, "Believe it or not," you replied flipping through the pages. "These books were like prophecies, everything written in them came true."
Alastors' eyes widened. "Fascinating! And you say this Chuck wrote your life as well?"
Your gaze met the Radio Demons, you weren't sure if he noticed your blush but you then said, "in a way yes. Every hunt, every death, every encounter with the Supernatural- it was all part of his grand narrative."
Charlie was on the edge of her seat, leaning in closer, her excitement peaked. "So, you knew about Heaven and Hell and all of this when you were alive?"
"More than you'd beileve, I hunted creatures that would make even some demons here nervous. Angel's, Demons, monsters- you name it." You said closing the book.
Angel Dust leans back in his seat, golding his arms behind his head. "So, what's next, Supernatural Girl? Are you gonna tell us how it all ends?" You smiled. "Not even Chuck wrote an ending for that story. But as for us? We're writing our own tale down here."
Alastor was very much interested which excited you because back then you didn't laugh at it when it happened but now that you are looking back at it, these sinners are learning and it makes you laugh about how crazy it sounds.
The room fell into crickets and Alastors smile never seemed to unwaver, everyones mind started to think. You looked over at Alastor and he looked back over at you.
Oh, how you were interesting, and he wanted to know everything about you.
#alastor#hazbin hotel#alastor x you#the radio demon#hazbin alastor#alastor imagine#alastor x reader#i have an obsession#supernatural
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Silly fanfic idea I wanna drop here -
Everyone thinks out if the cross guild throttle, Mihawk is the only one who can cook. This is a fair assumption, but it's most definitely not true in the SLIGHTEST.
Buggy was a cabin boy and apprentice. His whole role on the Oro Jackson was to learn, and whereas Shanks took to the battle prowess with flying colors, Buggy's talents lied elsewhere. The likelihood of them both having menial chores to do, both as a "cabin boys do this" and "Oh we need to give the kids SOMETHING to do to burn energy", is very high. Buggy would bitch and moan about it, but would put genuine effort into it if only to do it better than Shanks. At some point it is discovered that Shanks could quite literally set water on fire. He is forbidden from the kitchen. Buggy is not. He can and WILL lord that over him for all time.
As a result, Buggy is the one to handle the kitchen chores - and eventually he asks questions of the cook(s) and helps out there too. He learns cooking and baking, and actually.. really enjoys it??
When time passes and he has his own crew, at first, he is the one making their meals. He teaches Mohji and Cabaji to cook some simpler dishes, and moves on from there. He enjoys it - it's Fun, Flashy, and Delicious. Plus, he is damned good at bartering, which saves him money and he does love money. This is simple math.
As the crew grows, he does get cooks on board as well. They all know that sometimes the captain will swing by, hair in a bun, bandana on, grabbing an apron, and they just wordlessly make a space for him to join.
By the time Cross Guild forms, Buggy has been a busy little bee. He hasn't had a chance to go get elbows deep in flour, meats or veggies in a very, very long time, but he's been able to slip off after nightfall to whip up some little treats when the urge hits. He misses the hustle and bustle of a kitchen sometimes, but this... this is nice, too.
Crocodile and Mihawk are surprised when one morning Buggy shows up to a meeting, sets down a plate of pastries, and gets to it. They tentatively take one and are flabbergasted by how good it is. Neither are much for sweets, just these are actually a perfect mix of buttery, warm, flakey goodness with just a pop of natural sweetness from the fruit. Crocodile makes a semi-snide comment on how "I didn't think your little carnival cooks could make anything that didn't induce tooth rotting."
Buggy doesn't even look up from the map he's using to plot a course. "Oh, I made those. The others tend to over sweeten the fruit filling, and you guys don't really like sugary stuff, so I made this batch the way Ray-san liked them. Hey, if we shift our shipment from Allena to the 17th, we may be able to mitigate a need for a second ship heading out-"
Both warlords are gaping - in their own ways, of course.
This is the first of many, many little factoids about Buggy that they learn during this business venture.
It's also the beginning of interest in him beyond a means to an end.
I would think Mihawk is the best at cooking with mostly anything, I like that Mihawk is really REALLY good at cooking. Crocodile would know how to do some because if one wants to survive, they need to know how to make sure somethings good to be eaten. Cooking is a good skill to have while surviving the world.
Definitely Shanks and Buggy has menual chorse to do around Oro Jackson. Buggy would complaint after finding out the new chores placed on them are mostly because the other crew members don’t want to do them, and yes Buggy does them with efficiency and genuine effort as Shanks stares in the corner whining about the chores as much as Buggy does. I can sees Buggy making a game out of cleaning the deck, so Shanks actaully helps him. By strappying cleaning brushes to their shoes and using mops as like hockey sticks. Buggy has a soap bar as the puck and they start playing. I would clean a deck if I could do that as well.
Peeps, I beileve Roger, Buggy, and Shanks have set water on fire before and maybe have burn down a island because they tried to cook. I doubt it’s only a Shanks thing… but I can say that it’s only 25% of the time for Buggy to burn something as Shanks is most likely 75% of the time. I beileve both cabin boys can go into the kitchen… just only with adult supervision. WHO IS NOT ROGER! It would be really cute if both tried their best wth the help of the cook(s) to make things for the crew… good thing they have iron stomachs… right?
I beileve Buggy is flashy great about making things that don’t need the stove or oven. I can see Buggy making little animals out of fruits and vegetables for fun, Roger and Shanks loves them.
Awwwwwwwwwww with Buggy helping Cabaji and Mohii how to cook and bake, I like to think Buggy met Cabaji way before becoming a pirate again. I have an idea about, I might write a story or stories about it or just write about on Tumblr… I don’t know yet. I love how whenever Buggy wants to cook or bake, the chefs on board will make room for their captain, that’s cute!
Then Buggy with bartering? Hell yeah on the fact Buggy is great at bartering with people, even when he isn’t trying. Money is a great thing to have, it’s truly simple math.
Buggy being a busy little bee even before the formation of Cross Guild, having some time since the last time he bakes or cook something. I want to make a fic about this! Thank you Anon for giving me a ask. I don’t when it will be done, but I want to think Buggy had another long stressful day and cannot sleep well. So, the Genuis Jester had a genius idea to destress by making some treats into the night. So, when in the next meeting, as Buggy comes in with apologizes for being late. Having notebooks filled with meeting ideas and things they need to discuss as well as a plate of like three-types treats.
Damn right Mihawk and Crocodile are flabbergasted by how good it it, Buggy is great with surpsing people with his hidden talents (well more like people don’t bother to ask about what Buggy can do, until he does them) Makes sense that both don’t really care, but I see Mihawk liking chocolate and candy canes (this is from a fic that stated that Mihawk likes them becuase they can be shaped into a deadly weapon) more than any other treats.
Not Crocodile making a semi-snide comment, problay wondering why the cooks can’t make treats like these and Buggy shoots back with oh becuase they didn’t make them, I did. I love both are shocked to the core for different reasons. Then having Buggy just think it’s no big deal and haven’t even looked up from the map. Still working as Crocodile and Mihawk have stop doing so from what Buggy said.
Awwwwwwwww, Buggy making treats like what Ray-San likes it. It’s so sweet and sad to me.
#one piece#buggy pirates#cross guild#one piece omegaverse#buggy the clown#sir crocodile#dracule mihawk#cabaji#mohji#buggy#crocodile#mihawk#buggy the star clown#buggy the bombastic clown#mr. 0#hawkeye mihawk#buggy the flashy fool#buggy the genius jester#ideas~4~stories says#ask
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So High School
Chapter 2: "Tangerine? TANGERINE"
Next: "Holy arms"
a/n: fun facts apparently turned into confessionals and free rent living in each character's head

"So? Whaddaya say?" Samu raises his head and asks with a little smirk.
"I say you better tell me why you look seconds away from plotting a murder. Most probably mine. Is this poisoned?" I gestured towards the last piece of strawberry mochi left on the plate.
"Ya ask that after the 7th piece?" I shrugged.
"It's really good. I say you should go for it." He nodded and left most probably to greet some customers while I fell deep in thought.
Nostalgia has been a lot more present in the last few days, and it got to me. I can't say that I miss home physically, but the warmth and radiance it brough. We've all made great memories here, but I cannot help but feel like something's missing.
I am usually not one to say I regret things I didn't do, it's a consolation price that I didn't make a fool of myself and the thought that I should be grateful for the choices I made still holds me together in some sense. But my resistance seems to slowly crumble at one tiny tiny question: if I did something-if one thing had been different, would everything be different today? Would my courage be rewarded with the warmth of a beating heart and a beaming smile, or would it be crushed by rotten delusion?
I pride myself by loving freely, but I have always been somewhat afraid of things that cross the borders of friendship, and I beileve that the only other thing that may best this fear is the slight ache for the warmth of feeling. But I'm turning 20 soon, should this be so hard? Should I still be afraid? I take a bite of the last mochi and make my way to change the music. I glance at the door and the restaurant is mostly empty. Perfect.
What could possibly fit better than "The 1" ?
°•I guess you never know, never know
And if you wanted me, you really should've showed
And if you never bleed, you're never gonna grow
And it's alright now
But we were something, don't you think so?
Roaring 20s, tossing pennies in the pool
And if my wishes came true
It would've been you
I guess you never know, never know
And it's another day waking up alone
I, I, I persist and resist the temptation to ask you
If one thing had been different
Would everything be different today?•°
I rest my head on one of the counters, absorbing the meliodic melancholy of the song, up until I hear a voice simmilar to Samu's screaming from the restaurant.
"Oi! Cut off that depressive shit!" Shit. Atusmu's here.
It's not that I have anything against the guy, but he sucks a lot at flirting.
"Shaddap Tsumu!" Samu screamed back. Thank God. If that guy knew I was here, he'd never leave me alone until I left if he's in one of his macho moods. But before I could go back to fucking up Samu's playlist I heard a rich laugh.
"Come on Tsumu it was a nice song!" Even though the voice was slightly deeper I could never mistake it.
Now, I am not one to make any rash decisions, but....This is not my proudest moment. At least the brooms in the closet are pink.
There is no way.
Last time I checked the dude was in Brazil trying out beach volleyball.
No fucking way I just saw red hair while bolting to the closet.

Fun facts:
- the movie night went well, everyone was in high spirits and the atmosphere was chaotically joyful, yachi was unable to stay till and squeacked every 5 minutes, tsukishima smiled a couple of times after receiving his little dino sketch from yn, shimizu and samu exchanged some recepies and koushi insisted on self care masks while watching the film.
-yn basically screeched while running towards the nearest closet and later wondered how in the hell no one heard her. Her breath was cut short when she realised who was on the other side of the wall.
-yn always refrained of romance because she was utterly afraid of it, of the rawness and wilderness. She liked stable, quiet and melodic. But everything changed once she got into karasuno high. She secretly wished he would say something, afraid that the shine in his eyes wasn't reserved for her and was a usuality for him. Yes. She wore his jersey and rooted for him. And he looked happy.
In case you wanna listen to the whole song:
"I wanna find you in a crowd
Just to hide from you"
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Bitchscha Boscha Renders
I want to make some renders of some other characters I draw occasionally. These being, Boscha, Viney, Skara, Gus, Matt, Darius, and maaaybe Eberwolf. I started with Boscha since by far she'd be the most time consuming. Beileve it or not, I have 64 renders of her, granted 99% of them are just the hair and face paint variations of each of the four outfits. You're only seeing a tiny sliver of the exported crap here.
I also wanted to make a casual outfit for Boscha, so I came up with that. Feels like something she'd wear.
Say Hello to Willow and Hunter
#the owl house#the owl house fanart#toh fanart#toh season 1#toh season 2#toh season 3#boscha#boscha the owl house#the owl house boscha#boscha toh#toh boscha#the owl house season 1#the owl house season 2#the owl house season 3#hunter toh#willow toh#toh hunter#toh willow#hunter the owl house#willow the owl house#the owl house hunter#the owl house willow#hunter deamonne#hunter park#hunter noceda#willow park
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My Baby Boo
Yan! Ghost x Black Hoochie mam Reader

( Inspo for makeup and how I beileve she'll kinda look but it just inspo)
Moving from Memphis to the quite little city of Nothern Montana was a pretty start, from my own mama judging my dreams of being a biochemical engineer to my daddy being my only hero against my mama wrath of " All you going to be is pregnant and 23 Y/n! Just get a regular job a nurse or fast-food worker and quit this science shit!" My mama wanted to be a doctor since she was a kid, till she fooled around with my daddy and fucked it up! Now I gotta be the one to get all her anger! I mean if you told 15-year-old me I'd have a Master's degree of Biochemistry with a paid internship!? AND I moved to across the states to achieve my dream only at 25? I wouldn't believe you.
I've being living in the quite neighborhood for a good 3 months before all this shit happened let's go from the day I moved in.
" Alrighty ma'am you all set, need anything?"
" Nah I'm but, thank you for helping me mister?
" Fred, sugar just calls me Fred"
" Well thank you Fred... You can gon on now"
I guess he was taken backed he just walked away no bye or nothing! His rude ass. Walking into my house I begin to stay unpacking, my bed was a little late gettin here buttt I got my living room and kitchen down so far when I heard a thud
" Now what the-"
" Oh hell nah, MISTER FRED!"
I jog out the house to see Fred sitting on his rocking chair, I asked him about the house and hearing hard ass thuds and his old ass tells me it probably the squirrels scratching.
" Why you ain't tell me that when buying the house?
" Because it wasn't important then! Look the squirrels like peanut butter bye some and put it out to lead them out na"
I just look at him and I turn, and I thought I saw eyes peeking at me, but I just shake it off, and I ask him just to check it out. He heads to his garage for a ladder and trails me to my house only looking at my ass though, fuckin pervert.
" Hey! Go up there and see about the squirrels!"
" Huh- Ok ok I'm goin I'm goin...reminds me of Hellen.."
He climbs up the ladder and knocks on the wood
" Hm, Hey there girlie there ain't no holes for no squirrels up here
" What you mean? I heard a thud twice by now they probably in the house"
" No siree they aint nowhere without a way to get out, you just heard the house settle I'm guessin"
That wasn't no house settling, a house settling is like a creak not a loud ass thud like I dropped something! I see Fred old ass walk back into his house and I just go inside checking every but of the house, strange enough I set my phone down on the counter and it missing? I found it in the living room but I haven't been in there yet?

She's gorgeous... she a doll even! Pretty skin, her teeth glimmers with jewels and that voice so silky yet firm, she looks like Meleesa... my dear! My darling has come back to reach me from the heavens! Has God forsaken my body to never touch her again? To see her walk around for other to touch the skin of deity for everyone to be able to talk to her without a worry she runs and screams from me? I'll make her minds for she was my golden egg, my baby... I hope she still yearns for me in my state.

It's been a hot minute since I heard something and I finally have my place set, it a tiny bedroom but my vanity and bed fills it perfectly! It's about 9 something and I'm watching some movie on Netflix when I feel a chill, getting up to turn my heat on a see a note on my counter
" My baby, has been a long time since I see that smile of your, heard the soften voice, and smelled your devious scent. I see how you look very different from our last meeting, you've filled up quite nicely; later in the night I will watch you again, I will smell your scent and keep wanting to touch you like I once did. Til I met you again- Your Boo"
What type of mostly ghostly bullshit is going on! I look around and feel another chill as I turn on the heat and turn all all the light, fuck my bill I'll be cool! Running into my room I lock my door and turn on all my light and even the tv, I sit in my bed in my shorts and cami and I ask my friend if she can call, I don't know why I keep her around but she answer and I tell her everything including how Fred didnt tell me about the house.
" Girl I told you don't move nowhere that didn't have niggas til the 1700s!'
" Thats not important! What is that I got some Micheal Myers nigga trying get me!"
" Did it say who it was from?"
" No, it was signed My boo, ian have my boyfriend since FAMU"
" He funny at least"
" Now what so funny about me getting stalked?"
" He signed it my boo, and he's a ghost if you didn't see nobody and what ghost say? Boo! He funny!"
I stare at my phone, and I hang up NOT in the mood. I turn on some music and I just distract myself fixing my hair, painting my toes, anything when I heard water running in my bathroom, walking in there I see the mirror fogs with a message, ' She's quite clever dearest, maybe you should listen to your friends' words- Your Boo'
" Ok...OK I GET IT!" I yell getting anxious that some freaky ass ghost is calling me his dearest! MY DADDY DONT EVEN DO THAT MUCH! With this ghost here I run other the bathroom and lock the door to my room, taking the key and I just run to my car. I unlock my car and drove to the nearest hotel and just crash there for a few days, maybe ghost die if it no one to haunt right? As I drive, I heard a chime on my phone, then another, then a flood of chimes and I stop to check; all the messages from the same number talking about how I can't run, I have no one in this city, I have to come home soon, and he'll be waiting...all signed my boo. I turn off my phone and finds a hotel and pays for two nights, only in my night clothes I sleep for the night, and I prayed I still had some clothes in my car, luckily I had a few clothes and some body care, after a quick shower I head to bed with the lights on and my mind full.

How dare she! Has she no care what she leaves with! I show her care I fix the house; I chased Fred away with my bare hands all for her and THIS is my payment! My dearest must forget her punishments were all but nice with me. But I can't hurt her... no not ever again will I drain the life from her body, never again will I force her gaze upon my bloodshed, no... no will I force my hand to bruise a deity's skin. She cursed me that til I let her go I will never pass... I won't let her go, even if she takes her life, I will bring her back, I make her into me! A lost soul wandering this planet, YES! if I make her agree with my love at the next moon I can... NO! Have I lost my mind! Her skin will fade, her bones will break, her voice will turn to whispers... it's not worth it I WONT EVER AGAIN! It happened once and I failed her but it another chance... I will get her back.

Back in this spooky ass house again. It's been a few days week even and I tried to get Fred to check it out but all he does is ignore me, in my room set up camera around the house and hook it too my computer so that I can catch this creep, it was late today 12:45 am it was thundering today, in my room I scroll on my phone with the tv on some movie, I felt a chill... the same chill. I get get up and back to my door looking around
" So violent my love~"
I look around til a feather of a hand touches my cheek, jerking away I turn too see a pale man... see through even with a evil smile and a a stature shaped from God
" Oh my..."
"Hello, my dearest, I hope your aren't too mad at me for our last encounter"
" Who are-"
" As your friend said, your boo~"
It seems you've pasted out, never the matter it will be best your out for the evening. So much to do with a the body you claimed now Melessa... Hello my beautiful baby~

A.N: ( Ouuu not me making a creepy character , i know yall thought I couldn't do huh! I just be writing too yall, I mean I started this at 6 sum and it's 10... like I said Im Shakesphere! But hope yall like this and it more to come from our ghost companion! LOve y'all! MWAHH)
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Neir Automata charachters react to meeting a human (you)
Requested by me self indulgent writing :)
Let's be honest the first time you two meet he probably shrieks
And not a small one like a really high pitched excited bird screech
After your ears were finished ringing and you could finally hear him he bombards you with questions and at first you answer them politely to the best of your ability
"So is it true humans don't rust?"
"Well no but we go through something similar called 'aging' pretty much our bones become more and more fragile over time our skin begins to sag and we have trouble moving around and we usually have little to no energy by the time we reach our 40's."
"Wow you guys have it rough! But can't you all avoid the effects of 'aging' by doing routine maintenance and replacing all of your the parts of you that are irreparably damaged?"
You have to explain that while yes keeping up to date with your body to keep it healthy and doing your best to get rid of all of the impurites inside your body can help you can never really stop the effects of aging
He doesn't really get it but is both surprised and happy to know that your body can heal minor injuries on it's own. But still keeps a close eye on you anyway
Reads all the codex that he can find on humans no matter how small it may seem he doesn't want to risk it especially after knowing you can't just replace all your broken and corrupted parts like other androids can
Starts to carry a small notebook around with him where he writes your conversations, your personal interests, allergies, eating habits, sleeping schedule, and even your bathroom breaks (yes gross ik but he wants to know when him and 2b should take a break from adventuring so you can relax)
Definitely likes to gossip with you about other YoRHa members and especially how much of a pain their commander is (which is often quickly silenced by 2b)
Ask about 2b and he'll talk for hoooours
Like he won't shut up about her goddamn you'd think he'd at least have filter and stay a bit more quiet when she's only like 5 feet away
Poor guy obviously has big crush on 2b
Although he does sometimes make some flirty comments to his operator too so maybe that's just how he is?? Or maybe he just likes those two in particular because he's close to them
Although he never really talks to you that way but that's fine though!
And 2b never says anything about it so maybe she's just not paying attention or maybe she likes it.....? Your not sure androids are hard to read especially 2b even though you guys are relatively close now
Just no
The moment she saw you she literally turned on her heel and walked the other way
9s had to grab her and literally beg for her to hear you out because she just wanted none of it
After a few minutes of convincing she agreed to listen to you she thought you were a runaway android at first so she wanted to leave before she might've recieved any orders to bring you back or (slight spoilers) execute you but she decided to hear you out for 9s's sake
Was very surprised when you told her you were a human she didn't believe you at first but after telling her what year you were from, details of the day machines attacked, and a confirmation from YoRHa, she finally decided to beileve your story
Was very annoyed when her new mission was to escourt and protect you while she there on earth completing her main mission
Most likely only kept you around because of 9s and 6O's begging
Very quiet anytime you ask her questions she gives very curt short answers
"So...how are you doing today 2b?"
"All my diagnostics and sensory functions are all green."
"Err..okay how about mentally are you okay?-"
"I don't get tired and all my core and brain functionality are working fine."
"O-oh okay well how about-"
"Machines ahead get back with 9s!"
"But they're like 100 ft away we can just go the other way- wait!!"
Everytime you complain to 9s that you think 2b just hates you he just constantly reassures you that 2b is just like that and to just give her a little more time to warm up to you
And after travelling with her for a bit it seems like she was starting to warm up to you
For instance any time you tell her she's going to fast she'll slow down, and if your hungry she'll go fishing or go hunt a boar, if your sleepy she'll turn around and head back to the resistance camp.
If you bring it up she'll say she needed some more supplies or she needed some repairs
Won't admit it but she likes having you around because you make 9s smile so much. She loves overhearing your guy's conversations where you guys just laugh and talk (lmao mommy 2b)
Although she hates when you both gang up on her and beg her for a break or to go fishing (totally not an excuse so you and 9s can go play in the water)
She always agrees though (she's a softie and she can't say no to you two)
If you ask her to carry you she will mostly because she knows how much less durable your body is than hers
9s will most likely get jealous and ask for one too and she has no problem with it she'll just pick both of you up and walk off to the resistance camp for rest (although she does find your guy's constant giggling annoying)
If you thought 2b was bad A2 is something else
The moment she saw you she thought you were a member of YoRHa and tried to take your head off you were lucky and somehow managed avoid her attack by a hair
You frantically explained that you had no idea who YoRHa was and that you weren't an android but a human
She of course didn't beileve you and turned around and left you there ignoring your pleas for help and explanation of what was happening and what happened to earth
Although something was telling her to stick around and watch to see if were telling the truth
So she did she tailed you watching as you scurried away from machines and hid from androids because according to what she heard you say "they're both the same all gears and metal."
Which did secretly tick her off because: How dare you compare us (androids) to those machines!!
After a while of watching you she couldn't tell if you were just reallly dedicated to your role or if you were actually telling the truth
But your luck had to run out eventually
You tripped while running away from three small stubby machines and a goliath biped it was because you were extremely underfed and dehydrated mostly because you could barely find any places to fish or get any fresh water without their being an android or machines watching it and you could never rest more than thirty minutes because you could always hear the loud shuffling and bangs from the machines walking around
So as the goliath raised his arm for the final blow you closed your eyes finally relieved that your days of scavenging and living in constant fear was over
However the end never came you heard a loud thud and whoosh of wind around you as if something had blocked the attack from the biped
Who would have the power to do such a thing?
You heard a series of more loud bangs and slashes and then eventually you heard 4 loud thuds and then silence except for footsteps walking towards you and stopping a few feet next to you
You kept your eyes closed and played dead in the hopes for whatever killed them wasn't very bright and thought it killed you too
"Hey I know your not dead I can see your eyes twitching get up or do you want me to leave you here for more of those things to come?
"Then get up"
You did as you were told and followed her back to an abandoned building in the forest close to where you first met her and she was surprisingly kind and told you to rest while she kept watch over you maybe it was her seeing how exhausted you looked (or maybe how slowly you were lagging behind her on the way here gave you away)
But you took her offer gratefully and quickly fell asleep
After waking up the next day with what felt like the best sleep of your life you saw a2 standing over you with a make shift plate made out of bark with moose and boar meat and a cup of water in the other
You gratefully accepted them eating your food rather quickly (choking a bit a few times) and left with A2
After a bit of questioning she explained why she attacked you and (eventually) that she had been following you and you in return told her how you woke up and then accidently ran into her
Your journey with A2 was quiet but fufilling in a way...?
You guys avoided YoRHa members and she taught you how to look for traces of life and where to find running water (sorry but i see her being kind've like a nomad she has to get water somewhere right?) and you told her all about your life in the human world before machines
Like 9s and 2b she keeps a close eye on you and makes sure that your always well fed and well rested so you won't accidently hit anything to hard or cut yourself then fall over and die
And while you explained to her you dont die that easily she'll still make sure you where away from anything sharp and dangerous
Mosst of the time she just grabbed you by the back of your clothes slinging you over her shoulder and just walking around that way
oh how romantic!! 💓 (your pretty sure you say this to cope with idea that she might see you as baggage or worse a pet but you do you)
Operator 6O
Let's be honest the only reason you'd end up in operator 6O's care was if 2b couldn't handle you anymore and decided to kick you out and send you to the bunker
Which says a lot because she never fails a mission (wth did you do???)
But it's not all bad if anything you have it a lot easier you don't have to walk and walk till your feet feel like they'll fall off, you don't have sleep on the cold hard floor (if you were too far from the resistance camp), and no more life and death battles with the machines
Well not you, you just stood there and watched as 2b and 9s did all the work but you where a great source of emotional support :)
But the bunker was pretty nice if you liked being swarmed and bombarded with questions from all the YoRHa members in the bunker and maybe sometimes subtly touched and groped by them
Thankfully 6O is a little more calm than the others and she'll always ask for your permission before she touches you
But like 9s and the rest of the androids she'll still ask you a ton of questions
Her favorite things to talk about are flowers, animals, fashion, makeup, and skincare
If you know a lot about these topics than hallelujah!! You guys are going to be the best of friends!!
Pretty much a girly girl and if she was born in our modern world she would most likely be a very popular influencer or makeup artist and with her bubbly personality she'd probably have a few thousand if not million followers
She's really good company and she even teaches you how she does her job and you even help around when the other operators are compromised or sick (undergoing repairs) at the moment
Plus androids hearing your voice helps boost morale so it's a win-win
2b is also a favorite subject of 6O's because she considers her to be one of her closest and dearest friends (even more so after she sent her a picture of the desert rose and she does talk about that a lot) so complaining to her about 2b wouldn't do anything she'll probably do the same thing as 9s or just change the subject
And while operator 6O and you were talking another operator came over and gave something to 6O something about a 'gift from 2b'
And inside was a small pouch of makeup!! Goodie
A few 100 years old but hey it's still there!
While she was excited for the gift she didn't know how to use it so of course she looked over at you and gave you the saddest most desperate puppy eyes you'd ever seen
"Hey Y/N can you help me put this on please??"
"Err i'd love you too but i don't think that's safe it expired- well a few hundred years ago.."
"It's okay I'm sure it'll be fine our skin is really durable so it's fine!!!"
"That's not point-"
"Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease please-"
Doesn't matter if you have a lot of experience or no experience with makeup she still wants your help
But don't purposely make her look bad please it'll break her heart :(
And after your done helping her apply her makeup (which looks pretty good) she is absolutely ecstatic she loves it and then she insists that it's your turn to do your make up
You do your best to try and explain that your skin wasn't like hers and that it could probably cause a lot of damage to you if not kill you
She'll be really disappointed but understand and she'll just sadly put it away
After a few more days of seeing her eye her makeup and then your face you eventually decide to give in and let her put makeup on your face but only if she helps take care of you if things go wrong and she happily agrees
She did really good actually but you only keep it on for about thirty minutes before you feel your face getting extremingly itchty and take it off to see it gave you a really bad rash (but thankfully that's all it did)
She kept her promise though and she had managed to make some rash cream after finding a recipe in the YoRHa database
And even better the cream was really effiective your rash disappeared in about a week but you told her you'll never be putting on century old makeup again and she wholeheartedly agreed this time
#neir automata#writing#9s#a2#2b#operator 6o#neir automata x you#neir automata x human reader#neir automata x human#9s x human#2b x human#a2 x human#operator 6O x human#first writing
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A Complete Guide To Chaotic Academia
bc its my fav aesthetic and there is not enough content about it
most people say that chaotic academia is just dark academia but a little bit more messy, and, well, chaotic. the truth is, chaotic academia is A LOT more messy than dark academia. you can still use dark academia as kind of a "base", but you are going to replace your blazers with flannels, your turtlenecks with tshirts. as for pants, you can go with litteraly anything: cigarette pants, tailored trousers, ripped-up jeans or normal black leggings. i personally really ike ripped up overalls bc they give that "i dont really give a damn, im so misunderstood, my parents didnt love me, im a crazy lonely introverted teenage child" vibe...idk. whatever you wear, make sure you feel comfortable in it! even tho in chaotic academia there are almost no rules at all, here are some things that might help you!
colours: any earthy tones are fine, brown, caramel, dark green, dark red, white, etc etc
fictional characters that might inspire you:
-remus lupin
- any dpc character
- jess mariano
- sydney novak
accesories: flannels (a personal fav + they make even the most boring fit look better), cardigans, converse (bonus points if you draw/write on them or if you have them laced in a weird way), bracelets or necklaces that mean something to you, harry potter back packs, tote bags...
hairstyles: whatever you want, just make sure your hair is ALWAYS messy, looking like you just fucking woke up
Activities and Traits
ok now we're getting to the actually important part bc (repeat after me): chaotic academia is not about how you look, its about how you live and how you act. so here r some thing that might help:
- annotating books with the most unhinged random thoughts
- learning poetry or speeches word for word but not remembering most of the things for school
- studying in the (school) library and being besties with the librarian (optional)
- leaving notes (on trees, mailboxes or library books) for strangers to find
- "studying while listening to classical music" and then instead of studying you end up agressivly mouthing your favorite song
- im sure yall already heard this one, but yes, swearing and slag while discussing deep academic topics is incredibly important
- speaking of important topics: posting something important on social media knowing no one will read it
- doodles on your hands 24/7 (NO SUSAN, I DONT GIVE A DAMN THAT ITS BAD FOR MY SKIN)
- sarcasm. a lot.
- random thoughts
- random quotes
- knowing a ton of conspiracy theories that you dont even beileve in by heart
- listening to all different types of podcasts
- one day reading the classics, the next ya fantasy and day after that ao3 smut
- multifandom, multishipper
- tea/coffee addiction
- adding b.c. to todays date when writing it in school
- random thoughts and the weirdest annotations in your school notebooks, especially the classes that you find boring
- "going to the bathroom" and then spending half of your math class drawing/reading/smoking/crying/thinking/whatever the fuck you wanna do there bc ur tired of everything
- stealing random stuff from stores (tho it is not encouraged blah blah blah)
- watching gilmore girls every fall
- telling people ur favorite colour is green even tho it isnt just to let them know that ur gay
- reading in class, on breaks, at home, parks, meetings, aethletic events, and generally all the fucking time
- doing (mostly) everything last minute
- bad at photography, but you enjoy it
- cold tea my beloved
- wearing one item every day: it can either be a necklace, a flannel, a bracelet, a badge, headphones, earrings etc etc
- extremely messy handwriting, always writing with black pen
- crying at least once a day, but only when ur alone, being super emotional but never showing it
- hobbies include reading, screaming in your pillow, learning unique languages that you will probably never use, rewatching dead poets society, harry potter, enola holmes, end of the fucking world and gilmore girls
- massive bookworm, reads all the time, always has a book with them
- skipping class, not that often tho
- 💫anger issues💫
- hyperactive and lazy at the same time
- uses big words but makes fun of other people when they do it
- writes (rebellious) book quotes everywhere, every single one of their notebooks had IF WE BURN, YOU BURN WITH US written in them lol
- random useless powerpoints
- analysing taylor swift's folklore and evermore instead of sheakspeare because its just better
- retired almost-emo, had a phase when they wore black and acted all mysterious but were never really emo i cant explain it
- likes mcr. this one speaks for itself.
- gay and sad. no explanation needed.
Books, Movies and Music
- Harry Potter by you know who (WE DONT SUPPORT HER THO)
- The Secret History by Donna Tartt
- Night School by CJ Daugherty (is that how u spell it lol)
- The Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo
- Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
- Heartstopper by Alice Oseman
- Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
- Emma by Jane Austen
- Hamlet by Do I Really Need To Say Who
- The Perks Of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
- The Picture of Dorain Gray by Oscar Wilde
- Frankenstein by Marry Shelley
Movies/TV Shows
- end of the fucking world
- heartstopper
- harry potter
- enola holmes
- dead poets society
- gilmore girls
- httyd (no kidding lol)
im not really a film girlie so if yall have any recs please lmk
- Mother Mother
- Taylor Swift (obviously)
- Lana Del Slay
- Conan Gray
- Olivia Rodrigo
- My Chemical Romance
- Lovejoy
- Bowie
- Queen
- Radiohead
- Björk
- Those random Disney songs i know you scream to at 3am
also whoever sings the IMJUSTATEENAGEDIRTBAGBAABBYY song
here is my playlist if yall wanna listen to it
hope that helps lol
#chaotic academia#academia aesthetic#light academia#dark academia#jess mariano#dead poets society#dead gay wizards#why is everyone dead help#gay and sad#books#fanfiction#remus lupin#wolfstar#anti jkr#Spotify
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Mpreg Steve Rogers Masterlist
Born For This (ao3) - Capsicle2013 steve/tony M, 71k
Summary: Being an Avenger was something he always wanted, but for some reason his parents didn’t want that for him. He just wishes they could see what he sees.
Crossed Connections (ao3) - vulcansupernova steve/tony E, 1k
Summary: Steve Rogers serves the wealthy Stark family as a maid, his social status and poor health binding him to a serving class. Life is a set routine for the maid, until one day the Stark Heir scents the maids on coming heat. Unable to control his desire for the servant Tony takes Steve as his bonded. Despite the possible dire consequences.
Each In Their Season (ao3) - peoriapeoria steve/tony E, 4k
Summary: Steve Rogers finds the Future isn’t his only new adventure.
Everything Has Changed (ao3) - Slytherin2013 steve/tony M, 37k
Summary: Raising a super kid is hard enough as it is. Now they’re adding baby number two to the mix.
For Everything a Reason (ao3) - orphan_account steve/tony, bruce/tony E, 6k
Summary: Steve wants to start a family, but nothing seems to be going right.
Hidden (ao3) - fadedlullabyes, Silver_Moon_Lit_Forest steve/tony, bruce/clint/thor E, 21k
Summary: After years of hiding his status as an Omega, Steve finally slips up when he beileves the rest of the team is out of the tower.
I Had to Have this Talk With You (My Happiness Depends on You) (ao3) - Tito11 steve/tony E, 39k (series)
Summary: The tribal adventures of Tony, the head of a household, and Steve, his bride, as they attempt to deal with kidnappings, pregnancies, and day-to-day life in a tribe, all of which are made more complicated by their epic miscommunications.
I’m Following the Map that Leads to You (ao3) - fiftyshadesofstony steve/tony, bucky/natasha, happy/pepper, carol/rhodey M, 45k
Summary: All alpha Tony Stark wanted to do was make amends with his coworker, Steve Rogers, and maybe build a new friendship, starting off on the right foot. He had no clue that lending a helping hand when the omega needed it most would lead to a life changing consequence.
Labor Pains (ao3) - Scooberto steve/tony N/R, 1k
Summary: Warning: DO NOT, under any circumstances, hold the hand of a Super Soldier while he is going through labor. a.k.a. Tony should have known better.
Life Changes (ao3) - Slytherin2013 steve/tony M, 48k
Summary: Steve has a secret that is going to change everything. He’s not ready to be a parent, especially when the child he carries has a chance of being born with enhanced abilities.
Massive Mammaries (ao3) - orphan_account steve/tony E, 1k
Summary: Steve’s pregnant and has huge, milk-filled tits. Tony loves them.
me and you +1 (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor steve/tony N/R, 4k
Summary: Steve discovers that he’s pregnant after the events of Civil War, but he doesn’t get a chance to tell Tony because Team Cap is currently in hiding, and Steve can’t risk calling Tony and getting the others in trouble. Steve is trying to get through the pregnancy, but it’s hard when he doesn’t have Tony around. He’s grateful for Natasha and Sam’s support, but it’s not the same.
Not How It Works (ao3) - starrdust411 steve/sam T, 51k
Summary: In that moment Steve felt like a drowning man pulling everyone down with him and of all the things Sam could do, hugging him was probably the most absurd.
Our Omega (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor bucky/steve/sam N/R, 3k
Summary: Steve And Thor have a one night stand at one of Tony’s parties, and Steve ends up pregnant. Thor leaves the next day for Asgard without saying a word to Steve, leaving Steve to deal with the mess alone. Except, he’s not really alone. He has Bucky and Sam, who step up to take care of Steve and the baby.
Papa Bird (ao3) - AnimeLoveLover123 steve/tony G, 1k
Summary: Steve gave birth to there baby only a week ago and Tony hates being away from home for even a minute.Or the one where nothing happens aside from family baby fluff and everyone has wings and nests and I don’t know why but it’s cute.
Sleepless Nights (ao3) - Moonykins steve/tony G, 1k
Summary: Steve stood in the entrance way to Tony’s workshop in nothing but a pair of very stretchy pajama bottoms. His hair was mussed from sleep and he was rubbing at one of his eyes, looking a lot younger than he physically appeared (almost like a child who had just woken from a nightmare). His big, pregnant belly stood out proudly from the rest of his body, drawing Tony’s eyes to it like a magnet.
Steve Is Pregnant and it’s 5am (ao3) - Kiwifruitjuice steve/tony N/R, 1k
Summary: Loki did some magic and now Steve is pregnant, and Tony is the confirmed father. Bruce is unconcerned, Clint is busy buying baby pajamas, Thor is trying to convince Loki to help Steve heal his back pain, and Fury just doesn’t know what the hell is going on anymore.
Surprises (ao3) - ProofOfConcept, wilddragonflying steve/bucky M, 27k
Summary: Steve’s current annoyance is caused by the scene in the advertisement where a child is pulling a wagon, collecting scrap; he’s had it hurled at him often enough, “Where’s your little red wagon, sport?” and other, ruder, iterations, that when the guy in front of him starts badmouthing the advertisement, Steve takes his irritation out on him.
Predictably, it doesn’t go well.
The Art of Diplomacy (ao3) - Muccamukk steve/tony T, 2k
Summary: In the wake of an alien treaty mission, Steve tries to find balance in his new life. Unfortunately, he doesn’t know where all this puts his relationship with Tony.
[Steve gets pregnant by an alien in a lab, but it is Stony]
This is Not a Drill: Honeymoon Edition (ao3) - sabrecmc steve/tony E, 27k
Summary: Steve’s going into Heat, so they head for the island. Tony handles this just as well as you would expect.If you don’t read the first one, this will make even less sense. Which is saying something.
#themculibrary#marvel#mcu#masterlists#steve rogers#au#mpreg#pregnant!steve#pregnant!steve masterlist
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can you talk about steferine scene in 5x13 with the song "say something" and thank for your others analysis.
When it comes to Elena, Stefan only admits half the truth. He's been that way since the beginning... lies, half truths, secrets. He only admits to things when Elena discovers the truth for herself.
"The truth is, ever since the first time I noticed you falling for my brother, I have been waiting for him to screw something up so badly that you hate him."
He didn't just wait for it, he pushed for it. This was something he did in 3x14, and I explain this every time I analyze the episode. When Damon confronts Elena, he spits Stefan's words at her because it was Stefan who pushed him to lash out. And afterward, Stefan allowed Elena to beileve she was to blame for it.
"So I've been waiting and watching him do all these horrible things. And then every single time I think he's gone too far, he's there for you, sometimes in ways better than I ever was."
And what did Damon do, but took on the role of turning Abby in 3x15. He did this even though he was led to believe she didn't want him. He did this even though he had no hope of them getting together. He did this for the sake of Elena being alive and happy with whoever made her happy. And it's not just the bad things, it's the good things. What he did on her birthday, he might as well have ripped his own heart out to make her happy, that's how much he loves her.
"So the truth is, after a while I just stopped waiting for him to fail because I liked the person that he had become - and I don't want to lose that person."
Here, Stefan is basically admitting to Katherine what he later admits to Caroline. He needed Damon more than he needed Elena. It's in not wanting to lose Damon that Stefan was able to move on from Elena. When he truly felt it was no longer worth fighting for her because fighting for her meant losing his brother.
The chosen soundtrack is twisted because Katherine took over Elena's body. It's about a broken relationship. And even though it's broken, love still remains. The perfect choice because even though the relationship isn't broken, Elena is. Katherine has an insane problem when she takes over Elena's body in season 5. Becuase not only are Damon and Elena deeply in love with each other, Stefan is their biggest supporter lol
Caroline is the last to jump on the Delena wagon.
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Hi, how are you? I was reading your Astro notes and I wanted to know if it’s a bad thing to have sirene square Pluto. My sirene is in Pisces and Pluto in Sagittarius.
Hello!❤ thankyou for asking me this question💓☀️
nopee, absolutely not...let's go with the placements step by step. According to me hard aspects and placements don't necessarily always have a bad effect in one's life. It's just deeper impacting life lessons and journeys that result in deeper growth of one person mentally, physically,etc.
SIRENE IN PISCES - you have such a mysterious, mesmerizing, alluring beauty to you. People often feel so attracted to your beauty and admire how naturally alluring and fantasizing your beauty is. You have this beauty that people often gets so lost into. They dont even realize how deep they've fallen, it's like that. It's comes off so naturally in you. You might not even notice how many eyes are focused on you. I can tell you got a lot of eyes on you, people watch you on the low and sometimes a few of them even give up thinking, a fantasy like you is too hard for them to win cuz you are like a trophy in the eyes of people. I feel like people debate about dating you or confessing their feelings for you but in the end they often feel like you're a trophy that's hard to win. A trophy that a person would need to travel the whole universe to win. You might /might not be surprised by me saying this but a lot of people wish you were theirs. They love your sensitive alluring aura that just grabs their attention.
PLUTO IN SAGITTARIUS- being in the sign ruled by jupiter, you got a lot of vibes that scream firey charmer. You might have had a lot of transformations, I mean lots in your life. It can be spiritual, physical, mental, etc. You also have this superior kind of intimidating energy to you, especially in your college environment. You get these fired up, sudden transformations in your life.
Now, let's go with the sirene square pluto...pluto is known to intensify asteroids and anything that touches it when it conjuncts. I feel like conjunct and square have a very very tiny similarity, I mean the harshness and the impact. Since sirene is in square with pluto you got this serious stunning, sexual energy that often acts as a magnet to the eyes of the public. You attract a lot of the opposite gender and seriously imma tell you, You got this intense energy that can come of as intimidating and dangerous to other people. If it's in square, you might find it hard to channel all that energy smoothly. I suggest you start affirming things like " I'm sexy, I'm the hottest in the room, I've got the best charming aura ever, I'm so charming and stunning, I love my dark sensual beauty so so much, I look so hot in this dress right now(even if you're wearing a pajama haha) etc. You'll see after that how damn smooth the energy flows into your very aura. Right now this energy acts like a road that isn't doesnt have a proper flat surface, it's like bumps here and there. So yeah, affirmations are so so perfect to make yourself embody the strength an intensity of this aspect. Beileve me, you'll feel the strength of that energy after you channel it properly. If you want, I can make a list of affirmations for you to say to urself. You can even write this down on a paper and stick it in the bottle you drink water from. It's like you're drinking those affirmations and those affirmations then flow in your body resulting in the effect.
Here are some affirmations to use:
My presence speaks alluring
My presence projects sensual magnetism
My very existence screams stunning beauty
My beauty only favors me in the best ways
I am the most charming queen I've ever seen
I am so damn beautiful
I always love how sexy I am
I love the beauty my aura emits
I am born stunning and beautiful
I am destined to feel magnetic
Why am I so damn beautiful?
Why am I so stunning?
Why does the earth rotate around me?
Why am I so lucky?
Why am I born so beautiful?
My beauty is of the rarest kind!
Asking yourself questions that you want to manifest has so much impact in your life too
Hope this helped and hope you enjoyed reading!💓🫂☀️
#spiritual knowledge#spiritual community#spiritual enlightenment#spiritual awareness#spiritualgrowth#spiritualawakening#spiritualhealing#spirituality#spiritualism#astrology notes#astrology ask#astrology posts#astrology thoughts#astro community#astro notes#astrology services#astrology observations#natal chart
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Could I request how would Carina react if her best friend is dating her father (Barbossa)?? (Let's say Barbossa didn't die)
Hello dear 💖, thanks for your request.
How carina would react if you were her best friend dating her father🌠🌊
You've been keeping it a secret, having little meetings with the captain at night on board the pearl in his quarters.
You secretly had an affair with him behind everyone's back, fearing of what the others might say.
Carina was studying the diary of Galileo, tracking the stars in the map using the Ruby to reveal the images.
Jack came along with a mischievous scheme. He had caught you and barbossa the night before, having a little romantic rendezvous affair.
"Question: Have you noticed anything odd-er about your dear old dad, say... anything different, " Jack's eyes slightly squinted, trying to give Carina a hint.
"I'm busy trying to navigate Jack," Carina said, not putting up with Jack's attempts. "And even if I did, I'm sure it's his business and not mine to tattle with".
"Hm, well, his business had his lips on a young lass last night," Jack gagged at the thought of anyone kissing barbossa. "Quite a revolting sight actually".
Carina looked up from the diary and gave a confused glance toward Jack. "What on earth are you trying to convey? Are you saying my father was with a woman last night?".
"Luckily not a wench," Jack smiled, "but someone closer to us--well--more to you."
"Firstly, that is a vile accusation to make," Carina spoke sharply. "Secondly you must be under the impression of a drunken dream you thought was real".
"I have no doubt y/n takes her fancy in a man that isn't my father" Carina wanted to conclude.
"And, I have no doubt as well love, but what I saw be true and she was either three sheets to the wind or your friend has terrible taste". Jack pointed out. "Actually, it would've made more sense if she were with a dashing captain like me."
"But--she's half the age Jack, no, no way even under the heavens am I going to beileve this." Carina tried to shake the thought off her mind. "It's not my business to know who he spends an evening conceiving with."
"Speak for yourself then love, I can't say whether or not you should bieleve ol' scraggly beard was puckering his lips on a fine young regal lass." Jack shrugged and leaned against the taffrail.
Carina was in disbelief, she trusted you and you didn't tell her about your feelings.
What made it even worse was it was her father of all people.
She would confront you, she would ask how, when and why. She demands answers.
In jacks words he gave to you for advice on your feelings he said "love my dear is a mysterious thing innit, a wonder in itself really, I can't predict who or what I entice myself to, only I'm drawn to it and I cherish it".
"Just know your father loves you and I. He wouldn't want to hurt either of us" you said.
"Your his treasure" you reminded Carina.
She would eventually understand, accepting her father is happy.
Perhaps this was a good thing, he afterall cherishes his own family.
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta ✨️
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It's Gonna Hurt
Steve Murphy x Connie Murphy
For Day 7 of @whumpril's 2023 Challenge: unsteady/"You look pale."
Warnings: 18+, language, alcohol, mentions of blood/injury
Word Count: 2.2k
A/N: I can't beileve that this is my first Steve/Connie fic??? What have I been doing with all of my time??? Anyway! Enjoy this little something. xo
Narcos Taglist: @thesandbeneathmytoes @garbinge @anditsmywholeheart @winchestershiresauce @sizzlingcloudmentality @panagiasikelia @616wilsons @hauntedforsst @mirabee @buckybarneshairpullingkink @boomclapxox @nessamc @southotheborder @supersanelyromantic @padbrookcottage @mysun-n-stars @raincoffeeandfandoms @justreblogginfics @ashlingnarcos @passionatewrites @artemiseamoon @cositapreciosa @narcolini @purplesong1028 (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
The pounding on the door so late at night instantly had Connie concerned. The last thing that she’d heard from Steve had been hours ago, just letting her know that it was going to be another late one and not to wait up for him. Even though she knew that staying up and waiting wouldn’t do either of them any good, she still always contemplated it. Her exhaustion usually ended up winning out.
She made her way to the door of the apartment, feeling extremely awake despite the fact that she had been in a deep sleep only a few moments before. She felt her heart speeding up in her chest as she reached the door, pushing her hair back from her face as she looked through the peephole.
Her eyes widened, hands immediately flying to the locks on the doors when she saw who was on the other side. She hadn’t even opened the door all the way when she started repeating, “Oh my god,” under her breath.
Javi and Steve stood in the doorway, or rather, as close as they could be to standing. Steve had one arm slung over Javi’s shoulders, leaning more onto his partner than supporting himself. Javi’s arm went across Steve’s back to keep him upright. Both of them looked like they had been through the wringer, which wasn’t exactly out of the ordinary, but it didn’t usually result in them banging on the door at such a late hour.
“Sorry,” Steve forced out as Javi all but dragged him inside. “Lost the keys.”
“And everything else,” Javi muttered as they walked carefully into the living room.
Connie was shaking her head at both of them as she shut and locked the door behind them. She checked the peephole one more time to make sure it was just the two of them, even though they hadn’t said anything to give her the inclination that anyone would’ve been following them. She strode over to them, watching in concern as Javi detached himself from Steve. Even in the step and a half it took Steve to get to the couch, he was wobbly and unsteady on his feet, more collapsing down onto the sofa rather than sitting on it.
There were a few seconds of silence, Steve slung across the couch, Javi standing beside it trying to catch his breath and get right with everything that had happened, and Connie looking back and forth between both of them trying to put together what the hell had happened and what she needed to do. Both of them looked like a mess in every sense of the word, hair sticking out in every direction coated in sweat, faces and necks slicked with sweat and grime. Their clothes were stained with all manner of things, one of them being blood.
Without a word, Connie took off to hers and Steve’s bedroom. They could both hear her moving and digging around, and it was hardly a minute before she reappeared again, first aid kit in her hands. She set it on the coffee table before stopping to pull her hair back up out of her face.
Javi stayed standing as he watched her open the kit and pull on a pair of gloves. Her eyes traveled slowly as she gave Steve as good of a once-over as she could as he laid with his head resting against the arm of the couch. She could see where blood was seeped into the fabric, some of it splattered like it wasn’t his, other spots saturated telling her that it was definitely his.
“So,” Connie finally spoke up as she started to undo the buttons on Steve’s shirt, “is one of you going to tell me what the hell is going on?”
Despite how gentle Connie was being as she peeled the shirt away from his body, Steve was still wincing in pain. He sucked in a breath as he tried to give her an answer to her question. “Chase went bad.”
She shook her head, the streak of anger that was going through her for a moment born more out of concern than actual anger. “You don’t say?” She got up and grabbed a few rags, filling a bowl with warm water before coming and sitting back down on the edge of the coffee table again. She soaked one of the rags in the water, wringing it out before carefully starting to wipe some of the blood away that was surrounding the bullet wound in Steve’s side. “Any reason that the two of you are here and not at the hospital?”
“You are the hospital,” Javi answered.
Connie shot him a look that had him taking a step back and heading towards the kitchen out of her way. He grabbed a glass from one of the cabinets and then a bottle of whiskey from the counter, pouring himself a drink like he was a roommate and not the man who just delivered Connie and injured husband.
“It,” Steve started, pausing as he tried not to pull away in pain from Connie’s touch, “it was a fuckin’ mess out there. Made, you know,” he cringed, “made more sense to come straight here at the time.”
“At the time,” Connie repeated quietly as she wrung out the rag, the water in the bowl turning more and more discolored each time she ran the cloth through it.
The bleeding hadn’t stopped, but she’d cleaned away all of the blood around the wound that he’d showed up stained with. Letting out a sigh, she pressed the back of her forearm to her forehead, wiping away the few beads of sweat that had popped up there in the process of trying to assess and take care of everything that was going on.
Javi took the momentary pause to walk back over and try to see what had Connie looking so perplexed. “You can stitch him up?”
She took a deep breath before shaking her head. “Not yet.”
Javi’s brows knit together and for the first time since he’d gotten home, real worry went across Steve’s face. He tried to resituate himself on the couch but it hurt too much to move, so he gave up. Javi was looking at Connie, then at Steve’s side that was still leaking blood, then back to Connie.
“Why not?”
She looked up at Javi, her tone the one of a nurse and not of a wife as she said, “Because he still has a bullet in him, and I don’t think that I should leave it in there when I stitch him up.”
Despite the pain he was in, a small smirk curled one end of Steve’s mouth at Connie’s words, and the look that she was giving Javi. He wanted to reach out but he didn’t want to deal with the pain that would result from that. He cleared his throat, “Connie—”
“I can take it out here,” she said, cutting him off, “but it’s gonna hurt.”
Steve knew what Connie meant by that, that the hospital would probably have something to help mediate the pain that their apartment didn’t. Even so, he said, “Pretty sure it’ll hurt there, too.”
It got a small laugh out of her as she shook her head at him. “Remember you said that.” Taking a deep breath, her expression grew serious again. Reaching and grabbing his hand with hers, she said, “You have to lay completely flat.”
Steve nodded, his face contorting in pain as he allowed Connie to help him slide the rest of the way down so that he was completely flush with the couch cushions. It wasn’t as though he had to move far, but everything sent jolts of pain through his body. It was a wonder that they’d made it back to the apartment—adrenaline was a hell of a drug.
“Javi?” Connie looked back over her shoulder at him.
He stood up a little straighter under the weight of the way she was looking at him. “Yea?”
“Come help me,” she said as she nodded towards the rags. Neither of them had to say out loud that it was going to get messier before it got better. She grabbed the forceps from the first aid kit before looking back at Steve. Sympathy was written all over her face as she told him, “I need you to try and sit still, okay?”
Steve tried to focus on Connie’s face, the certainty in her expression, rather than the tool in her hand. Taking a slow, deep breath, he nodded as he wrapped one hand around the edge of the couch cushion.
Connie didn’t take her eyes off of Steve’s injury as she spoke to Javi. “All I need you to do is wipe the blood out of my way the best you can.”
That was a simple enough task, one that Javi felt like he could handle. Grabbing the cloth, he lowered himself so that he was beside Connie, doing his best not to block any light in the process. He could see the way that Steve was shaking, whether it was from pain, blood loss, or nerves from trying to hold still was anyone’s guess. Connie on the other hand, was as steady as she’d ever been. It wasn’t often that she was actually the one taking care of either of their injuries, which was probably better for everyone’s blood pressure, so they didn’t get to see her in the zone very often.
She knew that there was no point in trying to get Steve to relax more, or give him a countdown. All any of that would do was make him tense up more. So, instead, she went right into trying to remove the bullet. Javi did the best he could to wipe the blood out of her way—she was already essentially flying blind so any little bit would help. Steve had his eyes shut tight, letting out a string of curses from the pain as he fought the urge to swat Connie’s hand away. Even though he was a mess he knew that that wouldn’t solve any of the problems he had.
Connie was efficient, and all things considered it didn’t take her very long to be able to grip onto the bullet and pull it out of him. Still, even though she did it quickly, every second that passed felt like an eternity. The calm, quiet confidence in her voice when she said, “Got it,” had everyone letting out some version of a sigh of relief.
She didn’t waste any time, going right into stitching up the wound. It still hurt, but for Steve nothing about the rest of it was going to hurt quite like the extraction of it had. While Connie was busy with that, Javi went and threw all of the bloody rags in the garbage, dumping out the dirty water into the sink and filling the bowl with clean water.
When Connie finished stitching him up and wiping away the last of the blood that was on Steve’s side, she leaned back and let out a sigh of relief. She finally pried her eyes away from his injury and back up to his face again, only to see that he was already looking at her. He looked exhausted, understandably so, but there was a bit of a dazed look and a slight hook to the ends of his mouth as he looked at her.
“I owe you,” he finally said.
She laughed, shaking her head. Taking her gloves off, she moved so that she was sitting on the very edge of the couch next to him. She wanted to have the right thing to say, but she was still trying to force her mind to slow down. Instead, she just reached out and gently cupped the side of his face. She leaned in and pressed her forehead to his for a moment, letting the silence do all of the speaking for her before pulling away again.
“I still think,” she finally said, “we should take you to the hospital. You look pale.”
That got a small chuckle out of Javi, who had previously kept himself off to the side for the two of them to have their moment. “He always looks like that.”
Connie shook her head as she cast a look over at Javi. “I mean, he lost a lot of blood, Javi.”
Steve interjected, reaching out and resting his hand over Connie’s as he spoke. “I’m good.” He paused, nodding to emphasize his point. “Promise.”
Connie hesitated, not really sure if she believed him. Still, she gave in with a small nod. If anything else happened, she’d carry him down to the car herself if that’s what it took. Her shoulders dropped a bit as she accepted the situation for what it was.
Looking back to Javi, she said, “Thank you for getting him home.”
He gave a small nod. “Of course. If you, you know,” he made his way towards the door, “need anything else, just call.”
There was one more beat of silence among the three of them, all of them taking a moment to be relieved that the night didn’t go as badly as it could’ve, while also knowing that come morning there was going to be a lot more work to do. Connie and Steve both watched as Javi slipped out the door to head to his own apartment a few floors away.
When the door shut behind him, Connie turned back to Steve, resting her forehead against his again as she shut her eyes. Steve could feel the sigh of relief that she let out, and he reached, resting his hand against her cheek as he finally let his eyes close as well.
#narcos#narcos netflix#whumpril#whumpril2023#whumprilday7#unsteady#you look pale#steve murphy#connie murphy#steve murphy x connie murphy#connie murphy x steve murphy#connie x steve#steve x connie#narcos fanfiction#narcos netflix fanfiction#my writing#fanfiction#drabblesmc
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TSCS Season 2 Episode 3
More spoilers ahead but overall, pretty uneventful🤷
First and foremost, sincerely a very FUCK YOU for making the elves be the reindeer stand ins. Deplorable, HUMILIATING, talking about them as if 1) they're not standing RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU and 2) as if they're not like, PEOPLE?? This god damn franchise and throwing around the elves like ragdolls, give me a BREAK
But on a more positive note, JUDY?!?!?! RETURN OF THE QUEEN!! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN GIRL! I DIDNT REALIZE HOW MUCH IVE MISSED HER UNTIL NOW!! A treasure and an absolute treat.
Now, they did pull a nightmare before Christmas on EB here but what I really wanna see is Olga and EB SCRAP when she had to get him both tied up and in the bag. That I would've paid to see.
And speaking of EB, I'm not impressed by him so far. I'm very lukewarm about him. This could just be because I never held a sizable amount of fondness for him to begin with, but he's just not hitting so far. Lackluster to me at least, its whatever.
But what I DO like is the relationship between him and Mad Santa here. Ex friends? Okay yeah, I can get behind that plot point, sure. Will I be pushing my famous Ex partners agenda on them? A solid maybe for now.
BOYS, WE FUCKING GOT HIM! The ONLY Jack Frost sighting in this ENTIRE SERIES SO FAR AND HES STILL NOT EVEN HERE! It's kinda easy to miss but it's the scene where Carol is talking to Gary about the nutcracker changing hands, and JACKS FUCKING FACE is in her little crystal ball thing. NO DOUBT a high-end suspect for this thing, she's investigating his ass and I love that. Shady motherfucker of my HEART.
And then she's gotta go and be an asshole about magic to her kids. way to go man.
As an aside, I still love Cal. He's still very much one of my favorites and his enthusiasm for his passions gives me LIFE. I just wanna see him happy (which is more than I can say for his actual FATHER) but then he gets broken up with and now I too am sad for him :(
And you would not BEILEVE the clown suit I dawned when Cal was walking about wishing he never put on the vest. I thought for sure the Escape Clause was gonna come back to bite them in the ass somehow!! You mean...you wish you were never Santa? At all...?
Overall, the episode was mid, kinda can't wait to see when the rest of the legendries will get here. Clown suit still on as I hold out hope for mother nature.
#tscs spoilers#the santa clauses#the santa clause#review2#the brainrot for the third movie is TOO real#it was certainly a epsiode#but not a whole lot of substance for me to throw around#were just gonna wait and see what comes next
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Russian-American Rubber factory "Triangle". Part 1
I was putting off writing this post just from a how big both place and story is, even with my compression . This is the main reason why it's gonna be a two parter.
So. In your personal experience. What was a BIGGEST abandoned building you ever saw? And how big it was? Two kilometres in length? Three? Well. At the moment of opening the total area of this factory was 95 square kilometres. And in years to come it's only gotten bigger. I know that most of my followers are using different units of measure and mostly to lazy to recalculate. So just beileve me that it's A LOT.
Most of this post is written based on a book printed in the same time as factory was build. In 1860. I also took pictures from it.
Text (first picture): steam engine 900 horse power'
Text (second picture): 'boiler room'
Text (third picture): 'motor for light structures' (?)
As you can see just based on the title it was a cooperation between America and Russia. The Guy called Ferdinand von Krauskopf came to Russia and were like. You know, I was making galoshes in Germany. It was kinda cool. Do you wanna make galoshes too? And they started. Not only with galoshes, but everything that you need to be made from rubber, like cloaks, parts for machinery, balloons, medical thingies and all that. In cooperation between America and Russia factory "Triangle" was build. It wasn't actually called "Triangle" in the first years, but we will be using this name just to make things easier. It's GONNA BE called triangle in the future.
Text: 'Galoshes warehouse'. This is some liminal shit.
The machines, chemical materials and first workers was imported and invited from a big number of other countries: Germany, England, America.
Text: 'Technical department'. I'm bringing your attention to the rails on the floor. A easy way to transport heavy objects.
And everything was very cool actually! I'm not gonna call this place work heaven (in case something were very bad), but it was made as a single unit where everything people needed were kinda close.
Text: 'Nursery'
For workers and their families were build: nursery, school, sanatorium, library with a reading room, place to play biliard and bowling, sleep quarters. Inside the main building were placed cafeteria.
Text: 'Worker's cafeteria'. It's really hard to see, but in the centre of the floor is a moving circle platform to change direction of the rails. Neat.
Additionally. In case of death of one of the workers were created separate budget to support their family. And I'm using "their" because the number of women and men were almost 50/50 actually leaning towards women.
Text: 'colony for the rest of workers' I used the term "sanatorium"
On the last page of this book that I used someone wrote "very interesting book" with pencil and I agree.
To be continued in part 2.
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That’s okay! Always glad to hear from you and I hope you got caught up on sleep and had fun watching the newest Scream movie!😊
I keep looking at the plot points I had for each other the stories (1987, 1996, and 2017) and I think I filled out more for 2017😂. There are two witch y/n’s in that one where they’re Randy daughters and they’re twins (I’m making it that twins run in the Meeks family), and they’re both witches and Randy’s introduction to the supernatural work in 1996 was…eventful to say the least 😂.
In 1996, he meets witch!y/n (also future spouse) in the summer before Maureen Prescott’s murder because y/n got a job working at the video store and Randy was supposed to be helping to teach her the ropes-but he just kept mansplaining movies to her.
Y/n got annoyed, and then asked him to go watch a rerun of a horror movie after their shift, Randy was momentarily stunned and then agreed-but expresses he has a girlfriend and y/n laughs and says they’ll just go for ‘research purposes’/coworkers, and she has a boyfriend.
They go to the movie theatre and are sitting down and are talking before it begins-and then they both realize they’ve actually known each other for like a year but only by their chat names because they’ve been regularly messaging each other in a chat room about horror movies 😂, and *are* each others online boyfriend/girlfriend.
They end up getting thrown out if the theatre after they start making out and bother the other movie goers😂.
(And yeah, Randy’s entire friend group thought Randy was making y/n up, or he was being catfished or something. Stu and Billy were rather mean about taunting Randy about his ‘online girlfriend’.)
I think the most beileveable thing is everyone being like "Sure Randy. Your witchy girlfriend, yeah okay." 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Billy and Stu would be very mean.
Also it's giving Fear Street with her little brother chatting with that one girl online and then accidentally meeting her irl
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