#it's one of the long-term effects that are so hard to get rid of once they're set
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lock-my-feelings-in-a-jar · 11 months ago
Please BE EXCITED about stuff you like/ want to be excited about 💞 That's what life supposed to be about, finding joy in the smallest things, in the things we enjoy and love. And the people that judge us for having that joy in our hearts lose their own life, because they spend too much time judging someone else's life instead of doing something with their own. FUCK them
this is one of my favorite asks and i love you
#nobody will ever stop me from getting excited about things i like#i just always feel like i'm not allowed to share that excitement with anybody directly because of being made fun of in the past#or like i at least have to tone it down by like 99% and make it very brief#because of fear of rejection so i keep it to myself contained in my own space#sometimes i really wanna talk about my favorite things with somebody but i'm like#'nobody knows or cares about this. what if i send something and they hate it and tell me it's horrible'#(a reaction i've been the most used to. either that or just silence)#and i wouldn't know who would actually be interested or if i would be putting them in a situation#where they're not interested at all but they're too nice to say it and then i feel annoying if i keep talking about it#because now even if it isn't SAID that they hate it i still always feel like people are thinking that behind it all#so like if somebody came at me right now telling me everything i like is horrible#that itself wouldn't really bother me because i could just block and continue life without a second thought about that person specifically#because that's just unnecessary and rude regardless of what it's about and i would assume it's just somebody looking to stir things up#delete/block. not taking it personally and not worth thinking about#but it's the anxiety built up from it happening for so long and so consistently from so many people and some that i used to be close to#that now it feels to me that everybody feels that way even if i know LOGICALLY that it isn't true. the feeling is still there#it's one of the long-term effects that are so hard to get rid of once they're set#this is just another thing about myself to work on for probably my entire life#but russ has been helping me with so much lately it's unbelievable
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halamshirals · 1 year ago
want to do elluin's Actual Canon Run at some point but im still hemming and hawing over whether she'd use the tadpoles or not. still. after months and months
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discordiansamba · 5 months ago
something something AU in which Zuko is Ikem's son, but everyone in the royal family (including Zuko) knows about it and the ripple effects that has on the story.
in which Ikem gets married to Ursa, but this does not matter to Azulon at all. He is determined to introduce Roku's bloodline into the royal family, so he simply absolves their marriage and has Ursa marry his second son instead. She has no say in the matter. The only wrinkle is that she is already pregnant. Ursa carries Zuko to term anyways.
he has no royal lineage, but he is still of Avatar Roku's bloodline- and Azulon decides that could still be useful to him. Zuko's fate hinges on whether or not he is a firebender- if he isn't, then Azulon will allow the boy to return to his blood father. if he is... then he will remain at the palace and will be raised as a member of the royal family.
unfortunately for Zuko, he is.
Zuko grows up keenly aware he's the odd one out in the royal family. He's not of Sozin's bloodline- it's just an accident that he ended up as part of the royal family. It's clear his step-father resents his existence, especially once he and his mother have a child of their own. he grows up resenting Azula in turn, because she serves as constant reminder of everything Zuko's not.
(Azula resents him because it could not be more obvious why mother likes her half-brother better.)
everyone knows that Zuko's title of 'prince' is a farce. he has no royal blood. he is simply Fire Lady Ursa's child from her previous marriage. he is expected to learn how to carry himself as one, but he has no duties at the palace. the only thing he is truly expected to do is to be a good firebender, and Zuko's not even really that.
(Azulon is indifferent. As long as the boy can marry well, his children may one day be of service to the royal family.)
he's an outsider in his own home. his step-father barely acknowledges his existence. fire lord azulon does, occasionally, but it's rare. his mother loves him, and so does his cousin Lu Ten- who doesn't seem to care that they don't share any blood. But then Lu Ten goes off to war- and dies. Then Azulon dies, and his mother disappears.
Zuko is suddenly very, very alone.
he manages to avoid the fallout for three years. he had just started lessons with master piandao, who manages to convince the new fire lord to allow zuko to come and live with him for awhile in order to truly study the way of the sword. those are probably some of the best years of Zuko's life- he thrives there.
(he also learns things there that his tutors at the Caldera would never tell him.)
but he can't avoid the inevitable. he has to return home at some point. ozai never quite strips him of his title of prince- but he's not his heir. azula is the crown princess. zuko is just an extra. he might be a useful pawn for marriage, like his step-grandfather always said. at the same time, it's obvious that ozai is looking for an excuse to get rid of him.
zuko keeps his head down. tries to not give him one.
ozai finds it anyways. zuko is burned and banished- sent to look for the avatar. he knows the task is impossible. lu ten's father- his step-uncle- is there to keep an eye on him. he wonders if maybe there's a fraction of a chance that his step-father might actually see him as worth something if he manages to do the impossible.
then he does. and the avatar is a twelve year old child.
he can't do it. he knows what his step-father and half-sister are like. when the avatar escapes, he doesn't even try that hard to stop him. he lets zhao temporarily detain him. then in the middle of the night, he packs his bags and leaves.
the avatar needs someone to teach him firebending. maybe it should be him.
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superego-imagines · 9 months ago
OMG it was so nice to read about your blog! I'm on my knees praying to you like a god for some Polka-dot man x reader headcanons. preferably romantic or smut (whatever you feel comfortable writing) I just wanna give him the love he deserves <3
((He's my fucking MAAAAAAAN! I'm so glad other people like him!
Polka-Dot Man Relationship Headcanons SFW + NSFW
SFW Headcanons
So I’m not going to get too into the weeds of how you guys got together because I already covered that in OT3 fic. But suffice is to say that it’s gotta be slow-burn friends to lovers 30k words 40 chapters. So when you finally do start dating you’re already pretty comfortable with each other. In a lot of ways that makes things easy. But knowing when to take it slow and how exactly to transition your relationship from a platonic one to a non-platonic one takes time. You spend the first week or so dancing around each other trying to bait the other into making first moves, like him nudging his hand against yours during a movie, or you leaning in so you can “get rid of an eyelash”. Eventually he breaks and asks to hold your hand and you both hopefully learn that you have to use your words to get what you want!
Living with the virus outside Belle Reeves is difficult. He can’t go more than six hours before the initial symptoms start to show. There's very few safe places for him to expel his dots without major property damage. The safest option, albeit not the most environmentally friendly, is a backyard or a private place in a local park. Anywhere where large amounts of matter can be displaced with little damage to infrastructure. Maybe you can cut a deal with the city's waste management department lol. There's also the physical side effect. As much as he desperately wants to fit in, it can be hard when there's a big glowing hazard sign threatening to burst out of his face. It can make going out in public anxiety-producing, which doesn’t help anything. He was given a more subtle power dampening collar as part of his parole. This helps him sleep through the night but comes with its own unpleasant side effects like headaches and nausea. Not to mention that any sort of medical equipment or restraints are mildly triggering. Like a lot of chronic/long term medical problems, there's no easy fix, you just have to establish care plans, stick to what works and try to be patient when things don't work out.
For related and unrelated reasons, dates can be kind of hard. So many years of only seeing the same four walls until eventually seeing a different same four walls have left him desperate for any and every experience he can. But that can easily swing back the other direction, leaving him overstimulated from all of the noise and bright lights and people all bearing the face that haunts him. He wants to do all the things he could only read about in books or watch on TV when he was younger. He wants to try new foods and go to new places and just have fun for once. But sometimes it’s just too much, especially in particularly loud, crowded, or otherwise overwhelming places. And then that leads to a new wave of frustration and anxiety because he wants so badly to do normal couple things with you but it feels like he always ruins it. He doesn’t of course but it’s hard to not feel frustrated. Though that isn’t to say there aren't plenty of fun things to do together, you just have to work your way up to the big stuff. His favorite date you’ve been on was probably the trip to the aquarium. It was so beautiful and peaceful! Although he did insist that you just move on past the Echinoderm exhibit. Also fun pseudo/at-home dates include Mystery Meal Nights in which you try to find a new take-out place or at least a new food from one of the classics. And, while he won’t instigate it, he does really like dancing with you. He likes it in general, but unless he’s mildly to majorly drunk he won’t dance in public. So you can have little living room dance parties with just the two of you~ He doesn’t dance particularly well, but that just makes it more fun. Dance comes from the heart and that, he has plenty of.
So sort of paralleling the sensory issues I’ve already mentioned. He is simultaneously extremely touch-starved and desperate for affection, but will also sort of out of nowhere get touched-out and just kind of need space. For the first half of his life he was pretty much exclusively around family, and then was put into solitary for most of the rest of it. And now he has you! Someone he loves so so much and wants to hug and kiss and cuddle and all the other things boyfriends are supposed to do. Sometimes it’s just still too foreign and overwhelming, although the longer you two date, the easier it gets and the less often these moments occur. But on the flipside, when he does feel touchy, he might as well be made of Velcro. Every time you cross a new line of acceptable relationship behavior (hand-holding, kissing, etc.), he just adds that to the list of things he’s constantly trying to do. Sometimes he’s just so happy it doesn’t feel real, like he’s going to wake up and it will all be some crazy dream. Nothing in his real life could actually be this nice. He doesn’t articulate it when he feels like that, but you’ll know it by the way his breath shudders when he holds you close, or he holds you extra tight, murmuring an apology in your ear but not letting go. Not yet. Just in case.
NSFW Headcanons
(Under the Cut)
So related to the above, that touch starvation definitely translates sexually. While he eventually mellows out, especially early on in the relationship there's a sort of barely restrained desperation in everything he does. He doesn't ever instigate or suggest something new but the second you suggest or okay something he jumps on it. He just doesn't want to scare you off or push you, even if you want him just as badly. Whenever you're making out, he tries to press as close to you as humanly possible. His kisses are uncoordinated and a little sloppy but his eagerness is sexy in its own right. He's just been so pent up with no outlet or even privacy until now. And he was pining after you for so long. Can you blame him for trying to make up for lost time?
This man is sooooo desperate to please. He's just head over heels in love with you. You've brought so much joy and love to his life, he wants to show you how much he loves and appreciates you. (At a less sexy time, it'd probably be good to talk with him about that feeling of debt and how you love him for who he is, not what he can do for you. But that’s a whole other demon.) So that being said, he’s pretty flexible. While he’s not exactly adventurous, he is open to suggestions. If you want him to take charge, he’ll do his best! Or he’s happy to follow instructions and let you take the lead. Service-Vers. Though, while he’d never ask for it because pleasing you is at the forefront, he’d really enjoy getting to be a pillow prince every once in a while. Just smothered in affection while you take care of everything and spoil him. He’d probably die of happiness.
To be perfectly honest, he’s pretty vanilla. But that’s not a bad thing! He likes gentle, romantic love-making in a bed with the lights dimmed. While he’s not opposed, per say, to trying something new every once in a while, he doesn’t really need anything other than you to make him happy. No matter how many times you two have sex it never gets old or feels less special. If anything it just gets better the more familiar and comfortable he becomes with your body and his own. He likes missionary best but is also a fan of really any position where he can hold you close and see/kiss your face. The one sort of kink he has is praise, though I’d argue everyone likes praise a little. Please tell him how he’s doing and how good you’re feeling. That he’s handsome and good and most of all: that you love him~ He never gets tired of hearing you say it~
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creaturefeaster · 3 months ago
Is there anything that can harm a mime? I assume the usual bashing and stabbing and slashing, etc., but what about liquids? Can they drown? Burn? Can acid harm them? Can a mime crack? Is there anything that would harm them but not harm the usual human?
Their vessels are varyingly durable. Imagine the sturdy rubber of the bottom of a shoe, but much thicker and denser. It is very hard to hurt them through impact/bashing alone. They can be tossed down a mountain with little consequence, so long as they're not unlucky enough to hit a jagged spire on the way down.
Stabbing is effective in the short term, but with such a dense shell it is difficult to produce enough of a bleed before they heal up, to deal any major harm to them. Cutting chunks out of their torso is a better solution, but difficult to achieve with thicker shells.
They cannot drown, as they do not breathe. Fire is attractive, and harmless to their extremities, but can damage their vessel through long term exposure. They are not particularly flammable however. Heat can also excite their hemolymph and make the mime more volatile, so I personally wouldn't try and set fire to them.
Harsh acid is particularly harmful to them, and has peculiar effects to their hemolymph as well. In fact, there are particular spots in the world where their initial impacts exposed pockets of acid-- something that is a problem in many places on Theia-- and so some mimes have taken the time to clean up these hazards/put the material to better use. It's that dangerous, so they'd prefer to get rid of it and not take their chances.
A mime cannot crack perse, but with enough pressure or brute force to the head or torso, they can begin to split. This is harder to achieve the thicker the vessel is.
Gunshots and spears-- things that impale easily or create gaping wounds-- are most effective. These are more difficult to heal from, and can be especially fatal the lower the wound is on their torso. After all, it has more to do with the loss of hemolymph than the damage of the body.
Heavy impacts to the head can also be fatal, so if you drop a boulder or an anvil on their head a la Wile E. Coyote, that can be an insta-kill. Smaller, more acute damage to the head is not nearly as effective; Hence TyV suffering a gunshot to the head, losing the ability to see in one eye but otherwise living on to tell the tale.
As mentioned in a previous ask, extreme cold can shut their vessels down. They have no body heat, so personal insulation does not assist in keeping them warm. The cold cannot kill outright, as it merely freezes their hemolymph-- the stuff that keeps them functioning-- and can reliquify once they are warmed back up. However, because they are inanimate and vulnerable in this state, it makes it much easier to kill them.
Magic with darker elements can prove to be harmful to them, even if the magic itself is not cast with the intention of harm. Darkness in general weakens them greatly, generally weakening their vessel's shell as well as thinning their hemolymph, causing quicker loss in any case of bleeding. However, death-type mimes are not typically hindered by darkness, so even that method can be a gamble.
There are a lot of things that can hurt or weaken them, and many more things that cannot. Some (thinner, weaker vessels) are more susceptible to damage than others. Some do not heal as quick, and the amount of hemolymph they have plays a factor into this as well.
As for anything that could kill a mime, but wouldn't kill a living being... um, Michael I guess? He's a pacifist, but if it comes down to protecting the living, I'd wager mimes aren't covered in the fine print of his pacifism.
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dusk-legion-diplomacy · 2 months ago
Frequently Asked Questions
I thought this might be a good time to get ahead of some of the most common queries posed to us within the Church and Legion.
"Aren't you guys colonizers and conquerors?"
Yes, we were. Emphasis on were. With the Saint now returned to us, we see that we were wrong in believing that we had been conducting ourselves as she has wanted us to. There are those who take issue with the new direction and morality of the Church, but rest assured we disavow them and have been actively working to stifle their influence.
And yes, we have no intentions of returning to Ixalan for means of conquest or plunder. If you see those bearing our colors doing such things, they are not sanctioned by the Church, and if you could do a favor and rid the plane of their existence, we would be much obliged.
And yes, we also understand that our saying this does nothing to actually reduce the harm we have caused. We are currently debating the best way to go about restitution once things are settled here at home.
"What's with the bat god? Do you guys worship him?"
No. At least, the Church does not worship him.
Aclazotz is a promised end to our home plane. The Age of Everflowing Blood would leave nothing behind and would turn our home into a meaningless, lifeless husk of what once was. The Church works in open opposition to his whims, as we understand the point in protecting those who depend on us and whom we depend upon in turn.
We are currently dealing with some upstarts who have begun worshiping him and promising an end to the famine and strife caused in the wake of the invasion, but these are nothing but lies. Aclazotz is a destroyer and a consumer. Bestial and primal in his hunger and his wants. We are more than beasts and demons. We are mighty because we owe it to the weak to uplift them, not destroy them.
"What is going on at home?"
Torrezon has not been well in wake of the invasion. Nor has Ixalan, especially with the loss of one of its Elder Dinosaurs. We have been dealing with a famine since the vast majority of the fields have been contaminated with the oil the invaders brought with them, and cleaning efforts have been slow and ongoing. When the humans starve, so too do the vampires in turn, especially since some of the humans are tinged with this... "halo", as others among the plane have called it.
"Halo" has proven invaluable in terms of purging away the oil, but it also seems to have deleterious effects among those of the Legion who are of a vampiric inclination. There is very little of it still remaining, and it is being applied sparingly and only when necessary.
If there are those out there in the multiverse who know how to help cleanse soil of this leftover oil, please do reach out, we could use some help in the reconstruction efforts.
Of course, this also means there is some unrest. I and the rest of the Church have been working as hard as we can to try and help as many as we can, but sometimes the promises of a "new and glorious future" where one is "not restrained by the morality of when one can eat" sound too alluring. We are constantly battling those who follow the Antifex and Aclazotz, both in blades and in word and mind. Whether or not we will win has yet to be seen.
This post has gotten long enough, so I shall leave this here. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask them of us. We will also be making a few follow-up posts on what the Church is like in case people are interested.
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mugiwara-lucy · 7 months ago
Listen, it’s not about letting Trump win, it’s about letting the Democratic Party know that they still have to earn your vote in order to affect their policy and their current stance on Palestine. Once they’re elected you can’t make them earn your vote anymore, so it’s important to hold that over their head before the elections.
Also, Kamala Harris is NOT “pro-Palestine” as long as she keeps repeating the “Israel has a right to defend itself” truism, and as along as she continues to talk of a ceasefire without doing anything to enforce it. This is not simply a matter of opinion or stance in the matter, the current United States government is a perpetrator of the violence and they need to be addressed as such.
Part of the reason why drawing a line on the sand with this issue is so important is that American liberalism has a history of elevating their own rights as worthy of pursuit while disregarding the way they themselves are complicit in the erosion of those said rights abroad. Leaders of the Civil Rights movement and the Black Panthers back in the sixties and seventies understood, for example, openly challenged and fought the Democrat Vietnam policy because they understood the hypocrisy of letting their rights come at the expense of people dying elsewhere.
“Vote blue no matter who” mentality creates complacency in officials seeking to be elected, it tells them they do not have to earn your vote. Living in a democracy is about making your voice heard and organizing accordingly, so please stop disparaging any efforts made to effectively challenge current policy and use that democratic power for an actual change.
First of all, I'd like to say thank you for being more respectful to me that some of these other Anons.
I will admit I lost my patience on them but when you've been getting harassed for months, it gets to you.
Now look, if we lived in a parallel universe where Project 2025 wasn't a thing and the person running against Kamala was an idiot like RFK Jr who doesn't seem to want to be a dictator, I'd probably agree more with the Non-Voting stance you all want to take although I'd never do it since I want to exercise my right to vote whenever I can but the reality is we don't. We have an unapologetic, lying, hateful evil RAPIST running for president. And I'm not sure if you're American or not but there's some people who downplay just how HORRIFIC his term was and the lasting ramifications of it. Here's the main consequences of him being in office:
Roe v Wade, Affirmative Action and the Chevron was overturned (stuff which was 50 years old that got lost after EIGHT YEARS).
I'm sorry but i am NOT INTERESTED in seeing what's next to go because of a Supreme Court Justice that he appointed. Especially since there'll be vacancies in the next couple of years and if he appoints MORE YOUNGER MAGA TYPE justices, the Supreme Court will be locked hard right for AT LEAST THIRTY YEARS.
Do you KNOW what will happen to this country at that point??
Now Trump has said when he gets back into office he wants to "restrict" the First Amendment:
And one of his Supreme Court dickriders Clarence Thomas was talking about getting rid of Loving V Virginia (the law that made Interracial dating LEGAL):
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So that's why I'm putting as MUCH of my effort into making sure Trump does NOT get back into office as much as I can. It's not that I don't care about Palestine (quite the contrary actually) but if we DON'T HAVE OUR RIGHTS HOW CAN WE HELP ANYONE ELSE?? I ask this and get crickets in response.
And Kamala IS Pro-Palestine. Don't forget this:
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And having her in office is WAY BETTER for Palestine that this clown that NOT ONLY SAID THIS:
And LITERALLY TRIED to SABOTAGE Kamala's chances at winning the election by conspiring with Natanyahu to HAVE NO ceasefires made:
Which I'd like to point out is in violation of the LOGAN ACT since normal people can NOT interfere in domestic affairs in other countries.
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To say they're the similar is uninformed ignorance at best or just willful lying at worse.
It's not disparaging your efforts as it is just saying if we don't get Kamala, we get the rapist back in office who has talked NUMEROUS TIMES about a third term so I wouldn't be surprised if the ONLY way he leaves is in a bodybag.
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pestcontrolstools · 2 years ago
Leading Causes to Choose Orlando Pest Control Service Provider
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Possess you ever before discover an ant scoot while doing work in the home kitchen or spider internet in the living room? If indeed, then you are going to surely understand what cohabitation with parasites feels like. If you believe that a tidy and also well-maintained home is enough to always keep pests away, then it is your misjudgment. Pests can easily receive brought in to your properties for different causes even if they are maintained tidy. And also the problem triggered by them may not only influence your health and wellness but potentially harm your home.
You ought to know why it is actually essential to get pest control at frequent periods to clear away insects entirely.
First and also Essential-- Your Health and wellness
Bugs are actually certainly not just weird, but they likewise lug damaging disease-causing microorganisms in addition to all of them which can easily subject your member of the family to disease. Cockroaches carry E. coli and also Salmonella that can create health problems like allergic reactions and breathing problem, and rats lug germs that may result in Hantavirus, high temperature, etc. Ticks bring Borrelia burgdorferi, which triggers Lyme health condition, which is commonly realized along with indicators including breakouts, severe fatigue, and also harsh illness. There are actually many various other bugs besides those that lead to conditions causing human death. As a result, to stay well-balanced and also fit, it is actually essential to get rid of parasites.
DIY Techniques Perform Not Work Constantly
Many DIY strategies are mentioned to become effective but they fall short to remove pests from your spot permanently. These techniques stop working due to the shortage of expertise about particular bugs and attack brought on by it. So after the effects of your natural remedy end, insects begin invading your property once again. This is actually why we claim contacting a specialist pest control Orlando provider is valuable as they supply the warranty to take out parasites totally coming from your house.
Parasite Controls Promotion Specialized Tactics
Your property is yours to live in and appreciate, certainly not bugs! Protecting your home from dangerous bugs should be the very first intention. Phoning a professional and also reliable parasite control service may help you battle the pest concern with performance. They have focused prepare for different pest concerns that take into consideration the dimension of your home, magnitude of invasion and long-lasting solution. Some plans also permit you to go with pre-treatment if you are building a brand-new home or moving to a brand-new one. They monitor your spot, discover the precise treatment places and after that give the strategies as necessary.
Look at the Price
What perform you assume is actually much better-- committing in repairing your home furniture eaten by termites or parasite control solutions that will get rid of pests in the really top place? I ensure you will certainly agree with the second one due to the fact that no one wants to lose their favorite furniture to insects like termites. You certainly never understand how much destruction insects cause to your home and also building while remaining hidden from your eyes. Therefore, our experts recommend that you look at committing your hard-earned funds in a pest control Orlando firm that deals with pests simultaneously rather than mending or even replacing home furniture whenever they attack your building.
Parasite Control Companies Deal Adaptability
A lot of insect control companies give this center for scheduling consultations at your advantage. This assists in accomplishing your job with no burden. All you must do is go to their web site, schedule an examination with all of them and browse through their terms and conditions. If they provide eco-friendly Orlando pest control services in pocket-friendly bargains, after that you ought to undoubtedly opt for their companies.
Tap The Services Of a Specialist Pest Control Provider
When you look, you are going to find lots of pest control service providers in your locale but you should certainly not choose one randomly. Do some analysis job as well as know if their professionals are certified and certified or otherwise. Go through the policies of the provider prior to arranging a consultation and constantly try to find reviews and examines coming from their clients. It will help you select a professional and trusted insect control company.
All American Pest Control
390 N Orange Ave Suite #2300
Orlando, FL 32801
(321) 559-7378
Orlando Pest Control
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justanotherrandommoth · 7 months ago
Hydrophilia - simply put, water becomes increasingly hard to get off your skin. Usually caused by waste-contaminated waters, can be fixed via magical assistance like one might treat a curse. If left untreated, enough water may build up that you'll drown.
Largepox - caused by interaction with a feral dryad, but gets its name from the exterminated disease smallpox. Symptoms include terrible migraines and fever, as well as a full body rash that if left untreated for anywhere from 3 to 7 days may start to decay your own skin, leaving you more and more vulnerable, eventually causing death. Getting rid of largepox itself is a simple herbal task, but repairing the damage done is best left to regenerative magic in a sterile environment. Largepox victims also seem more ripe for being undead, though it is not certain why their corpses last longer.
Soul parasites - caused usually by traversing dimensions in unregulated places, soul parasites latch onto your soul and drain it in a slow process that lasts around 6 months. This causes the victim to slowly lose the ability to control their own body, or any others they inhabit. They may also lose ability to access their other bodies, being confined in their weakened state. The parasites will never drain a soul of everything, but that does not mean you should ignore them, as they will likely leave you almost fully paralyzed on the bed of your home. Any soul scan will show the damage - and parasites - easily, and most damage can be repaired. Severe damage can cause long term side effects, ranging from weaker grip strengths, to no longer being able to travel between dimensions.
Cupid's withering - a more severe form of a common witches curse. Causes a complete societal lack of interest in you, platonically, romantically, and sexually. It does not make you invisible, more so just lonely. You can still seek magical aid, but don't expect your helpers to care about you until they cure you. I did this to my ex once HAHA-
Four eyes - your glasses bind to your face. It just happens?? Don't ask me :P
Langiophojodia - a highly infectious airborne virus that causes the infected to forget how to do minor and mundane tasks. Easily mistaken for neurological conditions, this virus (I am not typing that again) often goes untreated for months. The damage is easily reversible, but the virus is extremely hard to get rid of, due to the people getting rid of it forgetting how to increase the intensity of their magic, due to the virus. WHY says this virus went nearly extinct in 2017, when an anonymous witch was tired of it and cast a universe-wide wipe of it, almost killing her in the process. Pieces of the virus still exist in minor dimensions.
What are some chronic illnesses that can only occur in a fantasy setting?
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how2fit · 5 months ago
When faced with the reality we did not expect or do not like, it's normal to respond with denial. When in denial, we ignore the reality and, in some cases, create an alternative set of facts just so that we avoid the anxiety and discomfort that comes with the reality. In all honesty, the truth is not always easy to accept, so denial is quite common. This defence mechanism might appear effective on the surface, but in reality, it does us more harm than good.  Therefore, we need to work on it. I'm not suggesting that we entirely get rid of denial. That would be unrealistic as this is a mechanism that comes to us naturally. Rather, we should understand that denial is not a long-term solution, and in some cases, we have to accept and adapt to the reality that might not be favourable. But I know this is easier said than done. Dealing with denial is not easy; it requires support and patience. This article will explore ways to overcome denial and accept reality.  Related article: 6 Common Types of Denial - How You Can Identify & Deal With Them     5 Ways to Help You Overcome Denial  1. Recognize it. Recognizing and acknowledging that there is a problem is the first step in personal improvement. If you hope to overcome denial, accepting that you're in it and the version of reality you're trying to believe in is not real is an important step in dealing with it. Denial might look like:  Ignoring physical pain Reconstructing past events  Undermining the severity of an issue  Ignoring prevalent issues in a relationship  Believing that others are conspiring against you Believing that something is just a phase and will pass on its own Do your best to be factual, and don't let your emotions and desires shadow the truth. Try to view scenarios from a third-person perspective, and if that view is different from your own, then accept that you are in denial.    2. Get to the root cause.  After recognizing the problem, getting to the root cause so that you can tackle it from the bottom is the next step. Each person is different, and our root causes for denial differ depending on the situation. It's important to do some introspection and understand why you refuse to accept a certain reality. Some common causes of denial include:  Fear Guilt  Disappointment Trauma Judgment  Shame Stress Emotional pain One common instance that comes to mind is people being in denial about the fact that they're not feeling well and have to go to the hospital because someone they love went to the hospital and didn’t come back. They experience this denial because of a past traumatic experience. In this example, dealing with the loss of that loved one will help one accept that loss, grieve and overcome denial regarding accessing hospital services.    3. Think of the consequences.  Sometimes, thinking of the potential consequences that could arise from being in denial can help us change our perspective. When you’re in denial, it's easy to overlook and ignore potential consequences as you create another version of reality. Being mindful of the consequences of denial will help you realize the importance of acknowledging and accepting the issue at hand. Once accepted, you'll be able to work on reducing the negative implications.    4. Talk to someone. When you notice that denial is a common occurrence and you're having a hard time overcoming it, you might need to talk to a professional. A therapist will create a non-judgmental environment where you can explore your situation and get tools that will help you overcome denial and accept the truth. Moreover, a therapist will also help you understand the root cause of the issue, which as stated above, is an essential step when overcoming denial.    5. Journal. One of the best ways to effectively follow the above strategies is by journaling. Journaling helps you keep track of how you perceive scenarios, and it also gives you enough time to think about scenarios beyond the surface level. When you journal, you allow yourself time to think and write down your thoughts.
You'll be able to have a clear picture of how you are experiencing denial and why you are experiencing it. You'll also be able to document how you overcame denial in the past, and in the long run, you'll be aware of interventions that work best for you under different circumstances.  40 Emotional Release Journal Prompts to Help You Move On     You Can Overcome Denial Denial is very different from other defence mechanisms because it involves refusing to accept reality (while other mechanisms involve distortion). Because it entirely dismisses the existence of an issue, it's probably one of the most challenging mechanisms to deal with. Overcoming denial is not easy and does not happen overnight. The above strategies work when they have been used consistently and with intention. When you put your mind to it, you will notice growth, improved well-being, and your ability to work through challenges will improve.
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mimosehf · 7 months ago
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Why Athletes Need Regular Sports Massage Therapy
Sports massage is a vital part of any athlete’s training. While most athletes understand the importance of strength training, cardio, and good food, the role of massage therapy in helping them perform better and stop getting hurt is often forgotten. This article explains the many benefits of sports massage and why it should be a regular part of every athlete’s recovery plan.
Understanding Sports Massage
Unlike a classic couples massage or a relaxing massage that’s mainly for feeling good, sports massage is a special kind of massage therapy made just for athletes. It focuses on the muscles and bones, helping with tight muscles, soreness, and imbalances that can stop you from doing your best and make you more likely to get hurt. Sports massage techniques, like deep tissue massage, can be stronger than other kinds of massage to help athletes get better quicker and be more flexible.
The Benefits of Sports Massage for Athletes
Better Performance: Regular sports massage can really improve how well an athlete does. By helping the blood move around better, getting more oxygen and good stuff to the muscles, massage helps tired muscles and gets rid of lactic acid. This means you can keep going for longer, recover faster, and be better overall.
Stopping Injuries: One of the best reasons for athletes to get regular sports massage is that it can help stop injuries. Massage helps break down scar tissue, make you more flexible, and relax tight muscles, which makes it less likely you’ll strain or sprain something.
Quicker Recovery: After hard training or competitions, your muscles get tiny tears and get inflamed. Sports massage helps them heal faster by getting more blood to the area, taking away waste stuff, and helping the tissue repair itself. This means athletes can start training again sooner and keep making progress.
More Flexibility and Range of Motion: Stiff muscles can limit movement and make you less flexible, which can affect how well you do as an athlete and make you more likely to get hurt. Sports massage helps to lengthen the muscles, improve how your joints move, and make you more flexible overall, so you can move better and easier.
Less Pain: Lots of athletes have long-term pain from doing the same things over and over or from old injuries. Sports massage can really help with pain by relaxing tight muscles, reducing inflammation, and getting rid of trigger points. This can make a big difference to an athlete’s life and how they feel overall.
Better Mental Health: The physical demands of training can be tough on an athlete’s mind and emotions. Sports massage is a great way to relax and reduce stress. Massage can help clear your head, improve focus, and help you think more clearly, so you can perform at your best.
Making Sports Massage Part of Your Training
To get the most out of sports massage, it’s important to make it a regular part of your training. How often you need it depends on what sport you do, how hard you train, and if you’ve been injured. Most experts say you should get a sports massage at least once a week. Some athletes might need it more often, especially when they’re training really hard or after competitions.
Finding a Good Sports Massage Therapist
Here are the finding a good sports massage therapist in points:
Prioritize therapists with specialized training in sports massage. Their in-depth knowledge of athletic bodies and common injuries equips them to provide targeted and effective treatments.
Look for therapists who understand your sport and the specific demands it places on your body.
Consider their experience working with athletes of similar levels to yours. A massage therapist familiar with the challenges you face can offer more personalized care.
Check their credentials and certifications to ensure they meet professional standards.
Build rapport with your massage therapist. Effective communication about your goals, pain points, and training regimen allows them to create a customized massage plan. 
Don't hesitate to ask questions about their techniques, experience, and approach to treatment.
Incorporating sports massage into your training regimen is akin to providing your body with essential maintenance. By addressing muscle tension, improving flexibility, and accelerating recovery, regular massage sessions significantly enhance athletic performance and overall well-being. Remember, it’s not just about treating injuries; it’s about preventing them and optimizing your body's potential.
By understanding the profound benefits of sports massage and seeking out a qualified therapist, athletes can unlock a new level of performance and longevity in their chosen sport. Don’t underestimate the power of touch in helping you achieve your athletic goals.
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surgericalaesthetics · 1 year ago
Liposuction in Kolkata: Permanent Fat Removal Surgery 
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A Comprehensive Guide on Liposuction in Kolkata 
Do you know that liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries worldwide? It's like saying goodbye to those stubborn inches for good, without worrying about any pesky side effects. 
If you are considering liposuction in Kolkata, let's explore everything you need to know about this procedure. 
A Brief Introduction 
So, what's liposuction all about? Well, it's basically getting rid of unwanted fat through painless surgery. Once those fat cells are gone, they're gone for good. It's a bit like reaching adulthood – your height stops growing, and similarly, the number of fat cells in your body gets fixed around the age of 18. After that, they can plump up like balloons, but they won't multiply. So what happens during liposuction? The fat cells are whisked away along with the fat itself. 
Think of it this way: you're sculpting your body, creating a masterpiece that's uniquely you. And the best part? It's a permanent change, so you can regain confidence knowing those unwanted inches won't come creeping back. Now you are ready to wear your favourite jeans, dress or shirt. 
Liposuction includes a variety of techniques and approaches. For instance, the Tumescent technique, Power Assisted Liposuction (PAL), Ultrasonic Liposuction, Vaser Liposuction, etc. However, the Tumescent technique is the most effective and popular liposuction surgery at all times. Note that you can choose any other technique according to your preference or your doctor's advice. 
Understanding Liposuction in Kolkata 
Liposuction has become popular in the city as a means to contour the body, especially in this era of social media. This surgical procedure involves the removal of excess fat deposits from specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, hips, arms, or chin. Remember, it's not a weight-loss solution but rather a method to target stubborn fat pockets that are hard to remove with diet and exercise. 
Choosing the Right Clinic 
When planning for liposuction in Kolkata, you must select the right clinic and surgeon. It is the most important aspect of having a safe and successful surgery. Look for accredited clinics with experienced surgeons. Ensure that the clinic maintains high standards of hygiene
and follows strict safety protocols. Read reviews and testimonials from previous patients to know the scenario better. 
The Procedure and Recovery 
During the liposuction procedure in Kolkata, the surgeon will make small incisions in the targeted areas and insert a thin tube (cannula). The purpose is to suction out the excess fat. Depending on the extent of the treatment, you'll expect local or general anaesthesia. After the procedure, patients may experience minimal swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which gradually fade away over a few weeks. You need to follow post-operative instructions diligently, including wearing compression garments and avoiding heavy activities, for a smooth recovery. 
Maintaining Results 
While liposuction in Kolkata can deliver surprising results, you have to adopt a healthy lifestyle to maintain them long-term. Exercise regularly and follow a balanced diet to prevent fat deposits in other areas. Once again, remember that liposuction is not a substitute for weight loss but rather a tool to enhance body contours. You can enjoy the benefits of your fat removal procedure by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 
Cost of Liposuction 
Ever wondered about the cost of liposuction? Well, it's kind of like ordering from a menu – it depends on how much fat you want to remove. 
Generally, in one go, surgeons can safely remove up to 6 litres of fat, or around 10% of your body weight in litres. Talk to the clinic you are thinking about visiting to get a hint of the total cost of the surgery. The cost depends on the location of the clinic, the surgeon and the type of surgery you receive. 
Final Words 
Liposuction in Kolkata offers you a chance to sculpt your body and boost your confidence. Now that you have got a grip on the procedure, select a reputable clinic to get the desired outcomes. Whether you're looking to refine your shape or address specific problem areas, painless liposuction surgery can be a life-changing experience. Ready to take the first step 
towards a more confident you? It's time to explore the possibilities of liposuction in the city of joy.
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jralloywheel · 1 year ago
3 Benefits Of Ceramic Coating For Your Vehicle
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A luxury purchase has supreme importance and if you are one of the automotive fanatics, you know what we are talking about!
The utter shine and the external look of any car can showcase its luxurious nature. However, to maintain such is a cumbersome process. It requires precision, patience and perseverance; a luxury belonging needs top-notch maintenance.
This brings us into the limelight, JR Alloy Wheel Repair has numerous car repair and maintenance services for its customers and this blog is all about one of them – car ceramic coating benefits.
So without further ado, let’s dive right in!
What is Ceramic Coating?
Ceramic coating is a permanent or semi-permanent coating applied on the exterior surface of your vehicle to protect the paint from external damage.
In technical terms, it is a nanoscopic paint treatment available in liquid form, once applied, forming a hard layer over your car’s paint.
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It is a composition made of silicon dioxide (SiO2). This silicon dioxide is sourced from natural materials such as quartz and sand. Once these chemicals are blended with your vehicle’s paint, they create a hydrophobic effect.
Similar to other things, a ceramic coating can be easily DIY-ed, but when it comes to techniques, we recommend you hire professional help.
This process requires experience and expertise; proudly, both are the strong pillars of JR Alloy Wheel Repair. We have been in the industry long enough to understand the intricacies required in each step.
So, if nothing but a consultation, get in touch with us!
Ceramic Car Coating Benefits
1.Protects Your Paint
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Paint being on the outside of your vehicle is prone to most climatic vulnerabilities present in the atmosphere. When you take your car for a drive, you’re exposing the paint to various contaminants that have the potential to cause damage.
With ceramic coating, you can have a strong, protective surfacing on your car’s paint that can work to block all the foreign matter that can cause damage. It acts as a guard against significant damage without giving away visible effects on your cars, such as fading, chemical reactions, and oxidation.
If your car is always exposed to heat, a quality ceramic coating can also help protect your paint against harmful UV rays that can lead to oxidation.
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One of the best ceramic car coating benefits is cost-effective. While the expense might seem like a huge deal upfront, it will save you money in the long run.
We say this because you will be saving a huge deal of money in terms of wax, frequent car washes, and other external detailing services.
A quality car ceramic coating is an essentially permanent solution to a lot of problems. One layer can save you a ton of visits to service centres, and eventually help you save money.
3.Keeps the Car Clean
Ceramic coating provides a thick and hard surface over your car paint, as mentioned earlier.
This coating can help keep the car cleaner – any debris or sort that might collect will just roll off rather than get stuck in little pockets formed by your car’s body.
This means one thing – even when your car is due to a wash, it’ll take much less of an effort to get rid of dirt and debris than it normally would!
Contact JR Alloy Wheel Repair For Car Ceramic Coating Appointment
Now that you know that there are myriad car ceramic coating benefits, it is time to try it yourself.
In any modification process in the automotive industry, one needs skilled and experienced hands for excellent results. That’s where we step in, our experienced engineers have the perfect compilation of knowledge and skills required to carry out these processes with ease.
We have top -quality materials that are required for a finesse finish, something that makes us stand out of the crowd. To book your appointment, contact us or visit our website today!
Article Source : https://jralloywheelrepair.co.uk/car-ceramic-coating-benefits/
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p3stfreen3sts · 1 year ago
6 Expert Tips To Get Rid Of Rats From Your Home
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Rats are one of the most destructive and common pests that can infest your home. These repulsive creatures destroy your valuables, introduce disease-causing germs, and give you a real hard time. So, if you discover rats in your home, you must make arrangements to remove them.
This blog post discusses six effective tips for rat control in Clayton. Read on to learn more.
Expert Tips for Successful Rat Removal in Clayton
Conduct a Thorough Inspection of Your Home-
Once you find the presence of rats in your home, you must make plans to remove these undesirable intruders. The first step is to do a comprehensive check of your residence to determine the cause of the infestation. Conduct a comprehensive inspection outside your home to determine their entrance locations. Broken drains, vent openings, garage door breaches, and so on are all potential entry points for rats into your property.
Repair any existing cracks or crevices-
Small gaps in your home provide easy entry sites for rats. If there are any cracks in your home, you must seal them promptly, both inside and out. To ensure long-term benefits, consider sealing these gaps with wire wool, cement, metal kick plates, or caulk.
Inspect the seals once every few months to ensure they are working properly.
Clean your house thoroughly-
Rats are typically drawn to areas where they can comfortably hide. If you want to keep rats out of your home without using poison, you must eliminate areas where these pests can hide. Get rid of the clutter that has accumulated in your home and keep every nook and cranny clean.
Make sure to dispose of household waste on time, store food in containers with tight lids, and clean up spills promptly. Also, ensure that your home's pipes and drains are clean. Eliminate potential sources of food-
Eliminating all potential food sources is an effective way to keep rats out of your home. Pests will find it comfortable to live in your home if they have constant access to food and water. Rats will eat whatever they find in your home, including human food, pet food, and garbage.
So, when storing your pet food, make sure to use a secure container with a tightly sealed lid. Avoid storing food in open bags, as this releases tempting scents and attracts rats from a long distance.
Use rat traps-
Rat traps are another effective way to control rat populations in Clayton. Using these tools, you can quickly and humanely eliminate these unwanted intruders without using poisons. If you decide to set up the traps on your own, make sure they are in multiple locations with a high level of activity.
Unsalted seeds, apples, bananas, peanut butter, and other ingredients can be used as effective bait.
To conclude, getting rid of rats from your house as soon as you discover their presence is essential to protecting your home from utter devastation. If you want to engage the best rat control service in Clayton, Pest Free Nests is the name to trust. Connect with us for any information.
For any questions or to schedule a consultation, please contact us at Phone: 0478 244 666
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primpestcontrol · 1 year ago
Why should you choose Prime Pest Control among Termite Control Kolkata services?
Termites are tiny insects that can cause major damage once they settle in your home. Termites eat wood and cellulose-based materials which can destroy your home furniture and wall foundation.
So though termites look small in size, they must be controlled. If you are a resident of Kolkata and looking for termite control Kolkata then we recommend you go ahead with Prime Pest Control Services.
Prime Pest Control Service controls your property from termites and prevents re-infestation through a variety of treatments.
Why should you choose Prime Pest Control among Termite Control Kolkata services?
Although a small insect measuring four to five millimeters in size, this tiny insect is a master at destroying the foundation of your property.
This little insect can destroy the walls, and furniture of your house, so these little termites should be controlled very soon. Because you can't control them permanently or in the long term by trying to do it yourself.
Prime paste control comes with many promises to give you long-term termite control in a very short time and at a reasonable price.
Inspection :
Prime Pest Control Services is the best service to protect your property according to your needs. First of all our experienced team visits the place where you need the service and starts the treatment as per the requirement.
There are many options for termite treatment, depending on the type of treatment you need at your location, they begin the termite control service.
Safe Solution :
Termites are one of the detritus insects of the world. Every year they damage a lot of money.
If you have termites on your property, address the problem as soon as possible. This insect came to Earth 20 million years ago. They can build different types of nests. They live in the soil due to soil moisture and can also enter other houses from inside the soil. There are many measures in termite control in Kolkata.
Prime Paste Control solves the problem in only the safest manner, keeping the safety of your family members from the little ones to the elderly and even pets as the top priority.
Environmentally Friendly Solution:
Our service can control termites using environmentally friendly methods. Our service is designed in a way that protects your property from the effects of termites without harming your environment. They take every precaution to protect your property from termites without risking your health or the health of the environment.
Experienced team :
You may not be able to get rid of termites completely no matter how hard you try but Termite Control Kolkata comes with a diverse and expert team that treats your property as per your needs.
Comprehensive Solution :
Prime Pest Control offers an array of pest control solutions, from inspections to determining what treatment your property needs and how your property will be fully protected.
Affordable price :
Our service comes with an affordable price so that you can easily take our service to protect your property but our service provides complete customer satisfaction as quality does not compromise with affordable price.
Do not ignore termites, even if they are small in size, they can cause huge damage to your home and property. You have spent a lot of money to build your property so that those expenses are not wasted so those termites should be controlled as soon as possible.
Termite Control Kolkata enables you to control termites with a promise of safe environment, environment-friendly and customer satisfaction.
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nutravibes · 2 years ago
United Farms CBD Gummies - Reviews, Price, Side Effects!
United Farms CBD is the best way to get rid of serious anxiety and long-term pain. You can be sure that the natural ingredients in these sweets will immediately take away any pain in your body or mind. People who try these sweets say they feel closer to their loved ones and the world around them. Don't give up if the worry of the world has gotten too much for you. As a last option, you should try these CBD gummies to get rid of both internal and external pain. If you have daily chronic pain and constant anxiety, you shouldn't wait to try this choice that has been shown to work. We promise that the healing in this formula isn't like anything else, and that it will work quickly to give you benefits that will last. Click on any picture on this page to get your bottle right away.
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Why United Farms CBD is Important
United Farms CBD is the most natural way to heal from extreme stress and daily muscle pain. You can trust that the natural ingredients in this recipe have been shown to help stop pain and raise your body and mind's serotonin levels. Human health depends on serotonin. If you have low serotonin levels, you should try these sweets right away because they naturally raise serotonin levels. If you're having trouble figuring out what life is all about and can't sleep because your muscles hurt, you should try these sweets right away. When it comes to United Farms CBD, you don't have to worry about any effects that could make you feel high. CBD is not the same as THC, and it doesn't make you feel the same way. When you start taking these CBD pills, you can be sure that you won't have any THC in your system. When you start taking these sweets, you'll feel brand new right away. People who like these sweets don't want to go a single day without eating one. You will get all the benefits of healing from these candies. Your body will be free of soreness and pain right away. If you have depression and a lot of worry, you should take United Farms CBD because it will help you get through each day. CBD helps a lot of people feel better right away. We guarantee that this is the cheapest choice for people who want to feel completely pain-free in as little as an hour!
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