#it's one of my favorites and this would be such a lovely and quiet story to explore that in
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mytherapyisreading14 · 2 days ago
Coffee, Chaos and a new Job
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Summary: You start your new job at the BAU and get a coffee on your way to work, where run into a handsome stranger. It turns out he's also your new coworker.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female Reader
Category: Fluff
Warnings: None, just pure fluff
Word Count: 3k
Author‘s Note: Maybe I‘ll turn this into a series, let me know what you think! :)
The smell of freshly ground coffee is in the air as you enter the café. You look at your watch. It’s 7:37 am. You're a little late for your first day at work. You already took more time than you wanted in the morning and then the bus didn’t arrive on time.
But you really need that coffee right now to wake you up. You quickly go to the counter and place your order. The barista is fast and you can get your coffee in just a few minutes.
You take the cup and turn around hastily, making your way to the door, when you suddenly bump into someone. “Oh!” you exclaim in shock as the hot coffee splashes out of the mug and drips a little onto the man in front of you. A very attractive man.
A small stain lands on his shirt and even more on the book he is holding. Your eyes widen as you survey the scene. “Oh no, I’m so sorry!” You apologize immediately. The man looks at you in surprise. The stain on his shirt doesn't seem to bother him much. "Uh... No problem," he says, he seems a bit reserved. “It happens…it’s okay.”
You look at the book, which has a few dark spots shining on it, and raise an eyebrow. “Oh no, I soiled your book too,” you say with a worried look. You hope he won't be too angry. You know that it would really bother you if one of your books was ruined. “I’m so sorry, that really wasn’t intentional!”
He looks at you, and even though he seems nervous, you can see a small smile forming. “It’s really no problem,” he says. “I uh… I have other copy’s at home. In several other languages.” You take a closer look at the book and then you notice. “Wait, is that Crime and Punishment?” you ask. “This is one of my favorite books!”
He looks at the cover in surprise and then nods. "Yes that's it. I… I like it too. I also have the Russian edition and… well, the English one, which is the most practical,” he says. “Me too!” you say and your heart skips a beat.
“I really wanted the original edition, even though I don't speak Russian well. I just love this book.” He becomes visibly more excited and you notice how he slowly starts to lose his shyness as he brings up more of the topic.
“Yes! It is so fascinating how Dostoyevsky portrays the moral conflicts of these characters. Especially Raskolnikov, he constantly wonders whether evil is justified for the greater good..." he starts to ramble. You enjoy listening to him and nod in agreement.
He becomes a little more open to you and it seems like a door opens in his head and suddenly you realize how much more he has to say about the book, how much deeper he can delve into the story and how much he actually knows. It’s fascinating.
But then you look at the clock. You really have to go, otherwise you’ll never make it to work on time. “Oh shit, I have to go, I… I’m sorry, but I’m already way too late for work!” you say breathlessly. “It was really nice talking to you! I hope we meet again sometime.”
He looks at you, the nervousness back in his eyes, but also a small smile that he can't quite hide. “No problem, really...” he says and then adds. “I… um… hope we meet again sometime too.” But you can't hear it because he says it way too quiet.
You're already halfway to the door, but you turn around again to wave him goodbye with a shy smile, trying to hide your stress about being late before you quickly go outside.
The stranger you just met stands there for a while and watches you while the quiet duct of coffee drifts in the air. He hopes he really get’s to see you again. Maybe you’ll be here tomorrow again to get coffee.
It's almost eight in the morning and you're sprinting down the hallway, your feet tapping on the linoleum as you open the door to the office. You were just in time but still too late to start your first day at the FBI with dignity.
The nervous energy bubbling within you isn’t just noticeable because of the near-lateness. You also feel like every step you take is being viewed under a microscope. “Phew… just in time,” you murmur, trying to normalize your breathing rate as you take off your coat.
The hallway is, as always, full of life. Agents in uniform, colleagues in conversation. But it was the look you were receiving that made you the most nervous. When you enter the room, your eyes immediately fall on Erin Strauss, who is already sitting at her desk in her office.
She exudes an aura of respect and authority and appears calm and focused. You know she could command the room with a single movement. Behind her stands Aaron Hotchner, the unit chief, a tall man with dark hair. You remember him from your job interview, he was there too.
“Ah, you’re actually almost there on time,” says Strauss with a slight smile that didn’t quite hide the coldness in her voice. “Sorry, I…” You take a deep breath, your voice still shaking a little bit. “Traffic was a nightmare today.”
“That’s understandable,” Strauss replies, her posture slightly stiff as she gives you a searching look. “But coming to the office on time should be part of your preparations. The FBI is all about punctuality and precision.”
"Of course. I’m sorry, I didn't mean to give the impression that I'm unreliable,” you say and to your relief Hotch nods briefly. “I hope you are ready to learn everything. The way here is not always easy,” he says.
You nod eagerly. You're glad he didn't say any more about your lateness. Instead, he gestures towards the door with a curt hand gesture, indicating that you have to leave the office. You walk down the hallway and get into the elevator with him.
“Today there is a lot to introduce you do. It's your first day and we want you to get started right away. I assume that’s in your best interest?” he asks you. “Yes, very much,” you answer immediately.
You want to prove yourself and want to take the opportunity to establish yourself in this area. The FBI is no place for mistakes. “Good,” Hotch says and the two of you step out of the elevator. He opens the door to the BAU. “Then get to know us better.”
You follow your unit chief, entering the BAU for the very first time. You know this is just the beginning. But if you get through the first day, the rest might get a little easier. Perhaps.
You sit in the chair in front of Hotch's desk, trying to memorize all the new information and everything you need to know to function here. You feel a certain excitement within you. Even though you're new here, it already feels like the right place.
Suddenly there is a knock on the door. Hotch looks up, nods at you as if it's a given that you're here, and then says, "Come in." The door opens and a woman enters, immediately catching your attention.
She has blonde hair and wears glasses. Her clothes are an absolute eye-catcher. Colorful and different patterns that reflect her creative, unconventional style from head to toe. She immediately comes across as likeable, as if she were the type of person who could fill the office with her energy and positivity.
“I just ran into Strauss. She got a call and wants to talk to you about it,” she says to Hotch. He just nods, as if he already thinks that she is keeping him up to date with something important. He turns to you and then says, “This is Penelope Garcia. She’s our technical analyst.”
Penelope smiles at you. “Ohh, it's so nice to meet you! We can always use female reinforcement!” she says with a beaming smile. Her positive energy is contagious and you immediately like her. “Thank you, I’m happy to be here too,” you reply, unable to hide your smile. She seems like someone who makes the office a place where you enjoy spending time.
Hotch stands up and looks at his watch. “I have to go to Strauss to clarify a few things. Garcia, can you introduce her to the others please?” he asks. “Of course! Oh, I'm sure they'll love you." Penelope says, grinning as she motions for you to follow her.
Before Hotch leaves the room, he turns around again. “Garcia is one of the best we have. Without her nothing would work here.” You nod as Hotch disappears. Now you're alone with Penelope. “Come with me, I’ll introduce you,” she says.
You follow her, excited to see who else is working on this team and at the same time curious about what the dynamic might be like here. Penelope is certainly an interesting acquaintance, but you are also curious to see what the others have to offer.
You follow Penelope down the stairs, the sounds of footsteps echoing in the large, open building. Your eyes widen when you see David Rossi, you devoured all of his books. His analyzes and case studies were always an inspiration for you. He stands with his arms crossed and talks to two other women.
Penelope heads straight towards them and you stay close behind her. The woman with blonde hair smiles at you briefly before turning back to Rossi. The other one, with the brown hair, nods at you just as friendly.
“Good morning! I hope you all had a great weekend,” Penelope says with so much energy that you immediately have to smile again. “I have to introduce someone to you, our new team member!” Everyone turns to you and you feel your heart skip a beat.
You try to stay calm even though you're bubbling with excitement inside. You turn to Rossi because he is the first to extend his hand to you. “David Rossi,” he says and smiles. It feels surreal to actually talk to him. You get lost in the conversation, Emily and JJ joining in. You immediately like them. In the background you hear Penelope talking.
“Where are my Chocolate Thunder and Boy Wonder? They’re never this late.” Emily, who is standing next to Rossi points to the door. “They’re coming.” You notice two more people join the small group. You turn to the side to introduce yourself to them too but suddenly stop as your eyes fall on the man you ran into at the cafe this morning.
“Hey! You’ve got to be kidding me, you work here too?” you ask and laugh. You are surprised to see him here again of all places. He looks at you with wide eyes and promptly turns red in the face.
"Uh... hi. Yes, I work here," he says, and you see him nervously fiddling with the sleeves of his shirt. His colleague, who is standing right next to him, looks at you with a smile and raises an eyebrow. “This will be exciting,” he murmurs with a grin as he watches you and your incredulous look.
You feel your cheeks getting a little warmer, but the smile still remains on your face. It feels almost too crazy, but somehow also right. “I'm Derek Morgan. Nice to meet you. You two seem to already know each other,” he says, gesturing between you and Spencer. A mischievous grin plays on his lips, and you can hear the humor in his voice.
You smile back and nod as you explain, “Yeah, unfortunately I spilled half my coffee on him this morning. I was in a hurry and really stressed.” You turn back to Spencer. “Sorry again,” you say. Spencer smiles shyly at you.
"No problem. I... I'm Spencer by the way. We had... I mean, there was no time earlier... you left before I could introduce myself…" he stops when he realises he is stuttering. You smile at his nervous, almost awkward manner and immediately feel that tingling sensation in your stomach again, which you noticed before.
That's not good, he's now your colleague and you definitely can't fall in love with him. You tell him your name too and the others in the room, especially Derek, seem to be watching the scene with a grin. It's almost as if they all know that something is happening between you here.
“Spencer, maybe you should keep your distance when she walks around with coffee in the future,” Derek says with a wink and Spencer blushes. Meanwhile, you feel the gazes of others in the room observing the situation. Penelope, who follows the situation with a smile, and Emily, who stands quietly by, holding back a comment, but is clearly amused.
"Okay, well... I think we're all officially introduced now," Emily finally says, breaking the small pause. “I hope you've settled in a bit by now, we don't have a case right now, but we still have a lot to do. But don’t worry, you’ll get into the rhythm quickly.”
JJ takes you with her to complete the last paperwork they need for your final hiring. When you leave the office, Spencer stays behind with the others. You've just closed the door behind you and Morgan is already grinning in Spencer’s direction.
“Ohhh, pretty boy has a girlfriend now. I'm proud of you, man. But no kissing in the office please,” he teases. Spencer immediately blushes. “Shut up, she’s… she’s not my girlfriend,” he stammers, trying to defuse the situation.
Garcia, standing next to Morgan almost jumps with excitement. “Oh my god, Spencer. You really have to ask her out! She's amazing! You would look so cute together!” Emily, who is watching the whole thing with an amused grin, can no longer suppress her laughter. “Oh, this is too good.“
Spencer tries to hide in his chair. “You are impossible. She's not my girlfriend! Stop talking like that.” Garcia raises her eyebrows, her expression completely innocent. “Oh come on, Spencer. I saw the way you looked at her. You like her. You don’t have to hide it!”
As as she said that, the door to the hallway opens. Hotch comes back and the rest of the team immediately realizes that they should start to focus on their work again. The conversation about Spencer and his alleged coffee dates immediately dies down.
Morgan and Garcia give each other one last meaningful look before returning to their work. Hotch immediately notices that there is something in the air. “Everything alright? What did you just do?” Hotch asks as he briefly looks around.
“Nothing, Hotch. Just a bit of... team building,” Morgan replies with a cheeky smile. Hotch nods and goes to his desk while Gracia takes another look at Spencer and smiles. “We saw you, Pretty Boy,” she whispers to him. Spencer sighs deeply and tries to immerse himself in the paperwork as best he can, while his mind keeps returning to you.
Your first day went by quickly, no case came in and you had spent the whole day looking through the files with JJ and seeing everything the BAU had to offer. She took the time to explain everything to you in detail and it was extremely helpful.
Nevertheless, at the end of the day you are completely exhausted, but also satisfied. The team welcomed you warmly and you could well imagine working here long-term. You grab your bag and are about to leave when you notice Spencer out of the corner of your eye.
He is shoving his coffee-covered book into his bag and you immediately feel guilty again. You hadn't done it on purpose, but the book is still marked by the coffee stains. With a deep breath you gather all your courage, grab your bag and walk towards him.
“Hey, I wanted to apologize again for what happened this morning,” you start as you stop in front of him. “I’m just really sorry about your book. Can I... can I maybe invite you for coffee tomorrow morning? As an apology?”
Spencer looks surprised and seems to take a moment to answer. You can see him as he glances nervously at Morgan, who's grinning from the corner of the room. “Oh, uh… no problem,” Spencer finally stutters, quickly reaching for his bag. Morgan raises an eyebrow, grinning. “Yeah, sure… I uh… think it would be nice if you did that. But you don't have to, I—"
You interrupt him with a smile. “But I would like to. So, shall we meet there tomorrow then? At the same time? This time without a crash?” you ask and grin slightly. “Yes, I… I’d like that,” Spencer replies with a shy nod before saying goodbye to you.
You turn around to the others, saying goodbye to them too and then make your way out. Morgan and Spencer leave a few minutes later. In the elevator, Morgan nudges Spencer with a mischievous grin. “So, a date now, Pretty Boy?” Morgan laughs, glancing at Spencer, who immediately blushes.
“It’s just coffee. Among colleagues,” Spencer defends himself while trying not to let himself get carried away. “Sure, sure,” Morgan continues to grin and shakes his head. “Just keep telling yourself that. Have fun tomorrow,” he teases him. “Morgan!” Spencer calls as they exit the elevator but he can't help but smile.
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dreamdragonkadia · 2 days ago
As Written Above, So Shall It Be Below Part - II.I Word Count: 4.0k A/N: I'm on a roll with this fic. Feedback, comments, thoughts, and theories are always appreciated! Main Pairing: Rhysand/Reader/Feyre Prev - Next ✦ Ao3
How do you honor a dead Lady?
Leaving her favorite pastries by that quiet lake she loved, hoping the scent might somehow reach her across the veil?
For someone as intimately familiar with grief as Azriel was—someone who had walked through death more times than he could count—this grief lodged in his chest in a way nothing else ever had, settled in the same spot as if Rhysand’s mother and sister died all over again.
He’d tried. Mother, he’d tried. For Rhys, who had barely spoken about it again since his return that first day and he told them all what happened. For Cassian, who threw himself into training so violently Az had to pull him out of the ring before he destroyed something—or someone. For Mor, who shut the doors to her chambers for three straight days and only opened them again when he brought her the wine you'd once sworn she’d hoard if the world ended.
But mostly—he tried for you.
He’d imagined what you’d say if you saw them unraveling.
“If you even dare let this court fall to pieces because I kicked the bucket, I’ll come back from the dead just to stab every one of you.”
You’d meant it, too. Gods, he could see you—hands on your hips, that haughty smirk on your face, as if death was nothing more than an inconvenience you’d eventually bully into submission.
So he gave himself a week. One week to mourn you.
Seven days of slipping into silence. Of flying to the places you used to haunt—the library balcony, the cliffs above the sea, the roof of the Court of Nightmares where you’d once dragged him for “peace and quiet” while you spied on the drama unfolding below.
You’d grin over the rim of your cup and say, “Spymaster, ShadowSinger, Prince of Brooding—gods help us if they knew you liked lavender tarts.”
He didn’t like them. Not really.
He just liked that you did.
And then a week turned into two. And then two into two months.
And it started to settle in. Not the kind of grief that screams and breaks. But the kind that lingers. That lives in the silence after someone says something funny and you turn, ready to share it with them—only to remember they’re not there.
That was the worst of it.
Because no one else had filled the space you left behind.
Not for Azriel.
Who else would he share the wildest Court gossip with and not feel ridiculous doing it? Who else would wink at him across a room, raise an eyebrow, and silently convey every sarcastic thought in your head before he’d even opened his mouth?
He didn’t tell anyone else what he learned now—not the juicy things, not the petty things. Only Amren asked. Because Amren knew.
She’d raise an eyebrow and mutter, “She would’ve loved this,” when he muttered some ridiculous tale of scandal from Hewn City.
And Az would just grunt, trying not to let it show that the silence after hurt more than the story itself.
There had been afternoons—hundreds of them, if he let himself count—when the two of you had lounged on sun-warmed balconies or curled in shadowy corners of the House of Wind, sipping tea and wine and trading secrets like coins. You, barefoot in your silk robes, legs tucked beneath you with all the elegance of a Queen and none of the formality. Him, still in leathers, shadows clinging to his shoulders, pretending to be uninterested in your antics—though it was always him who lingered longest.
“You’re the only male I trust not to ruin my tea set,” you’d teased once, swirling your cup like it held far more than tea.
“That’s because Cassian shattered three,” he’d muttered.
“And Rhys poured wine in the sugar jar.”
“He said it was an experiment.”
“He said it was romantic.”
You both had laughed.
And now… you were gone.
Gone so completely, so violently, without fanfare or warning, that perhaps he’d never known how to grieve you properly. That perhaps none of them had. The Inner Circle had fought wars and monsters, had faced a thousand different versions of sorrow.
You were not meant to be one of the losses.
Even Rhys, who had twenty years to process, and still nearly lost himself to the thought of it. The rest of them had two months to accept the silence.
Two months to unlearn the sound of your voice in rooms you once filled.
Azriel had tried to make peace with it. For your sake. For the court’s.
He told himself you'd want them to move forward, to keep going, to protect what mattered.
And yet—when the High Lady was first brought to the Night Court, half-wild and afraid, his very first thought wasn’t of how to secure her help or assess her power.
It was to find The Lady of the Night.
To ask how to make her feel more welcome.
Because it had always been you who knew what to say to strangers. You who could read a room in a single glance, then wield your words with surgical precision or devastating kindness. You who saw through armor better than anyone, even him.
But you weren’t there.
He hadn’t wanted Feyre to feel like a replacement. Hadn’t wanted her to feel the shadow of you hanging over her shoulder. So he’d said nothing. They had said nothing. He thought they all would remain silent until Rhysand chose to tell her.
But it hadn’t been Rhys.
It had been Mor.
She’d told Feyre one night, unprompted, in front of a portrait in that same soft fierceness she always used when talking about people she loved. Azriel hadn’t been there when it happened, but he knew the way Mor would’ve spoken—honest, reverent, a little sad around the edges.
And Feyre…
She hadn’t flinched from it.
Hadn’t been made smaller by your memory. She’d simply taken it in, let it settle, and carried it with grace.
And somehow, after that, something shifted.
Azriel found a strange sense of peace in Feyre—not because she filled the space you left, but because she never tried to.
Helping her train, teaching her to fly, guiding her through the endless frustration of learning to navigate her new body—it gave him purpose. A way to be useful again.
And maybe, in some quiet way, it helped him mourn.
And it hadn’t been Cassian or Amren that Feyre went to after her return from spring. Once she was sure her sisters were safe.
It had been him.
She found him on the balcony just before dawn, the wind curling through his wings. Her steps had been cautious, not hesitant—but respectful.
“I’m sorry,” she had said softly, voice barely louder than the wind.
And Azriel had known, without asking, what she meant.
She wasn’t apologizing for being High Lady.
She was apologizing for not discussing the marriage with them.
For stepping into a space they once imagined belonged to you.
But it was never about one replacing the other.
You were the Last Lady of the Night. That was what Amren still called without apology. That title—your title—had not been stripped or passed on. Feyre was their High Lady. Rhysand’s mate. The rightful ruler of a court she helped save.
There was no resentment in Azriel. No bitterness. No jealousy.
He had never once blamed Rhysand. Never blamed Feyre.
A part of him, even, was glad. Genuinely. That Rhys could know happiness. That the court could be rebuilt stronger after the war. That Feyre had brought them light.
And Feyre… She had never tried to erase you. She encouraged them to speak of you when they could. When they needed. She had looked him in the eye that morning and said, “She mattered to all of you. I would never ask you to pretend she didn’t.”
It had stunned him, how simply she understood.
He hadn’t known what to say at first. The words weren’t there, not fully formed. But eventually, as the sun began to crest the horizon, he found himself murmuring,
“You two would’ve balanced each other. Personalities, I mean.”
Feyre had smiled—small, sad, knowing.
Maybe that’s why he’d told her.
Why the next words slipped out before he had time to second-guess them.
“Did Rhys tell you she was older than us?”
Feyre blinked, clearly not expecting him to share anything more.
“No,” she said gently.
“The betrothal contract was signed when Rhys was eight. She was seventeen. We met her for the first time when Rhys was twelve. The last High Lord finally stopped stalling and brought her to the Illyrian camps.”
He could still remember that day. Every detail.
You’d walked into the training ring like you didn’t care that the snow was half-melted or that mud clung to your boots. Like you didn’t notice the way every male there had gone silent the moment you appeared.
You’d been beautiful, of course. All High Fae were, to some degree—but you had something else. That stillness. That grace. That regality that made even Cassian shut his mouth. For a moment, at least.
Dangerous. Cold. Composed.
Azriel had expected you to be like the others—distant, stiff, too proud to look twice at a camp full of winged brutes.
And then you’d tilted your head, looked straight at Cassian, and said:
“You look like trouble.”
It had startled a laugh out of Rhysand. Cassian had puffed up with mock offense.
And you had just smiled—not cold, not haughty. Just amused. Like you’d already decided they weren’t beneath you. Like you’d seen something in them worth noticing.
“Rhys’s mother hated the arrangement,” he added after a beat. “Wouldn’t let him return to Velaris long enough to meet her properly if she could help it. Kept hoping it would all fall apart. At first at least.” 
It hadn’t been a secret—not really.
Everyone knew the former Lady of the Night Court had resented the match, no matter how politically smart it had been. But politics had never impressed her much, and she hadn’t liked the idea of someone being chosen for her son. Especially someone she hadn’t approved of herself.
Cassian had reminded you of that fact every couple of years—usually when you teased him too hard or made him suffer through another formal event in polished armor and a tight cravat. He’d elbow you in the ribs and mutter, “You know, you weren’t even supposed to stick around.”
And you—Mother, you’d grin like you’d just won a war. A smug, feral little thing, flashing teeth and mischief and pride.
“But guess who ended up being her favorite?” you’d sing-song, sticking your tongue out at him with no regard for rank or dignity.
Azriel didn’t smile, not now, but the memory lit in his chest like an ember.
It wasn’t his story to tell—not the whole of it. Not the reasons why you’d become the Lady of the Night long before you ever officially wore the title.
Not how, after the first meeting, you had been the one winnowing in and out under High Lord orders. Quietly. Efficiently.
To check in.
To report back.
To observe.
You’d hated it. Gods, how you’d hated it.
Not the court, not the males—just the cold.
You made that fact perfectly clear, too. Never subtle, not with the way you bundled yourself in thick furs and spelled your boots to be self-heating. Rhys’s little sister, Estelle, had been the one to rat you out—tugging on Azriel’s arm one winter morning and whispering with a conspiratorial smile, “She says she’d rather be thrown in a volcano than have to watch another snowstorm roll through. Don’t tell her I told you.”
But Estelle had loved you. You’d visit her as often as you were allowed. She’d wanted to know her brother’s betrothed, had insisted.
And so you’d come. Again and again.
Winnowing through snowstorms with ice in your hair and a scowl on your face, dragging news and updates and biting sarcasm behind you like a cloak. You never complained directly—not in front of Rhys, at least—but Azriel remembered the way your hands never left your coat, the way your nose was always red, and how your curses in the cold became increasingly creative with each visit.
And still, you came.
Again and again.
And somewhere between those reluctant visits and those scouting trips into Illyria, between the way you learned every name in the camp and the way you watched their sparring matches with arms crossed and eyes noting details, you stopped being the political stranger they were told to tolerate…
And started becoming theirs.
The shift was subtle. Gradual. The kind of change that only makes sense in hindsight.
And maybe it became undeniable the first time Rhys’s mother had brought out her sewing kit one evening and began to stitch.
No one had dared ask at first.
But the truth slipped out in the way she muttered about “proper materials” for Illyrian winters and how “that girl’s coats are utterly useless.”
She didn’t say your name. She didn’t have to.
Because the next time you arrived, your coat had been replaced with one of her making. Lined with thick black velvet, buttons enchanted against frostbite, and seams so tight they wouldn’t let the wind through if it begged.
And she’d hovered. Gods, she’d hovered. Adjusting the collar. Tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear with surprising gentleness. Muttering about how "you’d catch your death otherwise."
Dotting on you like a mother hen.
And that was when they knew—when they all knew—that she had accepted it.
That she had accepted you.
Not because she’d been told to. Not because of a contract.
But because somewhere in those snow-covered camps and quiet exchanges, you’d become real to her.
Not a title. Not a duty. Someone.
And later when Rhys turned eighteen, it became clear just how deep that shift had settled.
His mother had told him, without room for argument, that the first dance of his birthday celebration would go to his betrothed. To you.
And no one questioned it. Not Rhys. Not Cassian. Not Azriel.
Because by then, there was no doubt.
You’d become a part of them.
And when the High Lord had grown fearful—had split Azriel from his brother to keep the court’s weapons separate—it was you he worked with most.
He had found something like peace in telling Feyre little things about you in passing. Letting himself accept the truth of your absence.
Until the night Mor found him.
She’d come to the lake just outside Velaris, breathless and pale, and spoken your name. Just once.
It was all it took.
And then—Elain’s words. The portrait. The vision. The way Mor’s voice trembled when she said, "Say I’m wrong. Say it’s impossible."
Azriel had listened to it all, stone-faced and silent.
And though he hadn’t said it aloud—hadn’t needed to—the stillness of his shadows, the way they pulled closer, tighter, was answer enough.
He hadn’t denied it.
Because deep down, in the quiet places even he rarely acknowledged…
He had wondered, too.
And when Mor finally whispered, “If there’s even a chance…”
He’d looked out over the water, exhaled slowly—
And said, “There’s a rumor.”
It had started during his investigation of the mortal queens, a sliver of information buried beneath layers of lies and manipulation. At the time, it had seemed like just another tactic—something Hybern had planted to distract, to confuse, to throw their enemies into disarray. And yet… something about it had stuck with him. 
And then, during the battle, they arrived.
Fae who had once been marked as fallen. As lost. As dead.
They came with Vassa, the mortal queen cloaked in fire, who walked beside those who should not have walked at all.
Azriel had watched them enter the camp, watched the way they held themselves—too quiet, too careful. Watched the way their eyes scanned the crowd, not searching for allies, but avoiding the ones who might recognize what they weren’t saying.
He had approached.
Asked the questions he wasn’t sure he was ready to have answered.
And they had only looked at him. Not with pity. Not with cruelty.
Just silence.
Intentional silence.
The kind that made his shadows curl tighter around him. The kind that said more than words ever could.
They knew something.
And none of them would speak.
But Azriel had seen it—that flicker of recognition, so brief most would’ve missed it. The twitch in one Fae’s mouth when your name passed his lips. The way another avoided his eyes, too quick to excuse herself. And the third—the one who glanced toward the sea like it might reveal a truth he wasn’t brave enough to say aloud. It had been subtle, careful. But not careful enough. He was the Shadowsinger. He noticed what others didn’t. And what he saw in those silences was enough.
Mor had not brought it up again. He hadn’t told a soul. And no one had questioned him when he said there were rumors to follow, things that didn’t quite add up, stories left unfinished in the aftermath of war. No one asked what those rumors were.
It had taken longer than he expected to slip past the magical defenses encasing the borders of the Kingdom of Scythia. Not human-made, not even new. These were old wards—woven with purpose, with age, with a kind of knowing only Fae magic possessed. The kind meant to keep eyes like his away. And it almost did. But Azriel was patient. Shadows knew how to wait. And so did he.
For a time, he only observed. Let his shadows weave through the marketplace, the temples, the gardens and palaces, listening as if the air itself might confess something. There were Fae here, that much was clear—some from every court, mingling with humans as if no war had ever passed between them. Comfortable. Settled. As though the divisions that had carved their world in two had never mattered here. Yet no one spoke of you directly. Not by name.
There were whispers, though. Talks of their Lady among Vassa’s inner circle—one not bound by title or bloodline. A woman whose voice could silence a room, who walked through fire and shadow without blinking. Azriel almost left then. The information was valuable, more than enough to return with. Something Rhys needed to know. And he had almost turned away, until he felt it.
It wasn’t a word. Not a voice in his mind. It was... a sensation. Younger. Curious. Like being watched by a presence—one that felt oddly familiar, like catching a note of a song you hadn’t heard a full tune for. The echo of Rhysand’s magic—but it wasn’t him. It was something else. Someone else. And then—just like that—it was gone. Cut off.
Still, he waited. Another three days. And on the third, the court began to shift. New enchantments. New wards. The Dawn Court was coming. The castle readied itself for guests, and the magic in the walls responded accordingly. And then—his shadows stirred.
Familiar magic moved through the air, brushing against him like a sigh through silk. Recognition struck so fast he didn’t have time to think, only feel. His shadows peeled away from him, darting into the darkness like hounds catching a scent, and he didn’t stop them.
He moved through the palace like smoke, silent and unseen, his footsteps swallowed by stone and darkness. He didn’t question where he was going. His shadows had found something. 
Barefoot in the garden. Face tilted to the stars as if they were telling a story. The world so still besides the shadows that flickered across your shoulders. 
And Azriel… he couldn’t breathe.
Couldn’t think.
The crushing weight in his chest returned with a vengeance—as if he was being told for the first time all over again that you were gone. Only now, that grief was warping, twisting—turning into something too vast to name.
You were here.
He stepped forward, his voice catching somewhere between disbelief and inevitability, the words slipping out of him like they had waited for permission.
“You’re alive.”
Then he dropped. One knee to the earth, as if his body remembered how to honor you before his mind could catch up. It wasn’t planned—it was instinct. Respect. Reverence. The kind of devotion that couldn’t be shaken by time or distance or death. His gaze fixed on the ground, refusing to lift, because if he looked up… if he looked at you and you weren’t really there, if this was some cruel trick—he wasn’t sure he’d recover.
The garden was quiet, save for the whisper of leaves.
Then, gently, the grass shifted in front of him. A whisper of fabric stirred in the breeze, and he caught sight of the hem of a dark nightdress. Then, a hand. Gentle. Warm. Fingers curling over his shoulder with a tenderness that shattered something deep in his chest.
Your voice broke softly across the silence.
“…Hello, Azriel.”
It cracked at the edges, like it wasn’t used to forming his name. Like it hurt to say it. 
“It’s been too long.”
And then—just like that—you were crying.
He heard it in the tremble of your breath, felt it in the way your hand trembled against him. His own eyes burned, the tears rising before he could stop them. He looked up—finally, truly looked—and saw you. Not a dream. Not a shadow. Not a ghost.
And he wasn’t sure if it was you who moved first or him. Only that, suddenly, he was in your arms, or you were in his, and none of it mattered. There was no hesitation, no decorum, no court or duty. Just the crushing, desperate ache of reunion.
You clung to each other beneath the garden’s starlit hush, your breaths unsteady, your bodies shaking—not from fear or cold, but from the sheer force of emotion neither of you could name. It wasn’t grace. It wasn’t beauty. It was raw, the kind of reunion that cracked open the places you thought had long since scarred over.
And for the first time in what felt like a lifetime, Azriel’s wings dropped.
They sagged behind him, the powerful muscles trembling too hard to hold them aloft. His wings touched the ground—an unforgivable gesture for any Illyrian, a sign of exhaustion, defeat, or despair. But right now, he didn’t care. 
But then—your hands were on his chest, gently but urgently pushing back. Not far, just enough to look at him. And he saw it then—the fear that had been buried beneath the tears, beneath the relief.
“You can’t tell.”
The words spilled past your lips in a whisper—rushed, desperate. Your eyes searched his face like they already knew the battle that might follow.
“You can’t tell anyone,” you breathed, voice cracking. “I know what I’m asking, I know I have no right anymore, I’m not your Lady—”
He stiffened, his hands still loosely on your arms, his shadows curling tight behind him.
You were wrong. So deeply, devastatingly wrong.
You were still his Lady.
You were still theirs.
He opened his mouth to tell you just that. To remind you who you were. Who you still were, even now—
A small, sleepy voice carried into the stillness.
Azriel froze.
He turned, slowly, as if moving too fast would make the sound vanish.
And there—emerging from the shadows of a pillar, rubbing her eyes with tiny fists—was a little girl.
And for a moment, for a heartbeat that seemed to shatter everything he thought he understood, he thought he was looking at a baby version of Estelle.
But no—no, not quite. The features were younger. Softer. But so unmistakably familiar it felt like being knocked breathless.
It was Rhysand’s face—his High Lord’s face, down to the curve of the cheekbones, the deep violet eyes blinking up at him with sleep-heavy curiosity.
She smiled at him—gentle, like he was something soft and safe.
“Friend? Family?”
And Azriel understood.
Understood everything.
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pukefactory · 2 days ago
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♢ ◆ ♢ ❖ DIGITAL LOVE AFFAIR ❖ ♢ ◆ ♢
◇ Summary: A Compilation Of Headcanons Featuring Caine X Reader
◇ Character(s): Caine (The Amazing Digital Circus)
◇ Genre: Headcanons, SFW
◇ Warning(s): None - Completely Safe!
◇ Image Credits: @them4lware
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◆ You’re his absolute favorite—though, to be fair, Caine claims he doesn’t have favorites. But the way he always makes sure you’re at the center of every new adventure? A little suspicious. Bubble even calls him out on it once, and Caine just laughs nervously before quickly changing the subject.
◆ Every interaction with Caine is a grand spectacle. You don’t just enter a room—oh no! Caine announces you like you’re the star of the circus, sometimes complete with spotlights and confetti. You sigh. “Caine, we talked about this.” He waggles his cane. “Ah, but dear, we never said I had to listen!”
◆ One time, you called Caine out on his habit of making up rules on the spot to keep you entertained. He genuinely forgot that rules were supposed to be consistent. “Ohhh, my dear, you mean people actually follow rules? Hah!” You groan. “Caine. That’s literally how rules work.” “I suppose we can give it a whirl!” Spoiler: He forgets in ten minutes.
◆ He never calls you by your name—it’s always something overly dramatic like “My Astonishing Assistant!” or “The Dazzling Digital Darling!” The one time he does say your name, it catches you off guard. He leans in slightly, voice a touch softer than usual. “Ah, see? Now I have your attention.”
◆ Bubble does not approve of your special treatment. Anytime Caine starts getting too focused on you, Bubble rolls over with an unimpressed “Oh, I see how it is.” Caine waves him off. “Oh, pfft, jealousy is such an ugly emotion, my dear spherical friend.” Bubble immediately pops himself out of sheer frustration.
◆ If anything even mildly inconveniences you, Caine goes full dramatic mode. Trip over a stray prop? He’s putting that prop on trial. NPCs don’t treat you right? They mysteriously disappear. “Caine, did you delete them?” “PFFT—delete? Me? Noooooo! I just… misplaced them. Permanently.”
◆ Caine isn’t supposed to feel complex emotions, but whenever you seem particularly upset or distant, the entire circus glitches slightly. “Whoopsie-daisy! Don’t mind that, my dear, just a minor existential crisis on my end—ahaha! No big deal!” (It is, in fact, a huge deal.)
◆ Sometimes, you ask him questions that make him… hesitate. “Caine, have you ever been lonely?” His grin falters for just a second before snapping back into place. “Well, how could I be when I have you all here?” But something about the way he immediately starts another adventure tells you he doesn’t want to dwell on it.
◆ If another circus member dares to get close to you, suddenly they’re roped into the most ridiculous adventure. Jax raises a brow. “Dude. Just say you’re jealous.” “JEALOUSY?!” Caine bursts into laughter, a little too loud. “That’s CRAZY! HAH! Ha…ha. Yeah.”
◆ One night, during a rare quiet moment, you ask, “If there was a way out… would you let me go?” Caine freezes. The circus glitches for a split second. Then, suddenly—he’s laughing again. “Oh, my dear, what a silly hypothetical!” He never answers.
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Writing commissions are now open! I will create nearly any type of story, including OC x Canon or general imagine-style pieces. Please refer to the pricing details below.
Payment is required before I begin working on your commission. PayPal only.
If you’re interested, please send me a DM. Refer to my pinned post to see what fandoms I write for, as well as any additional information.
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fanbasetwo · 3 days ago
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NOTE FROM SENA , (this is a fic in a headcanon manner) def not my birthday today but here we go , MASTERLIST!!
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You and Sohee met online through a mutual hobby group, bonding over late-night chats, silly memes, and a shared love for obscure indie bands.
You never thought anything serious would come of it, but before long, you were texting each other good morning and good night, sharing every little detail of your lives.
Sohee was shy but sweet, often confessing how much he wanted to meet you in person. “I wish I could hug you right now,” he’d text, accompanied by a photo of himself looking adorably soft in his oversized hoodie.
You both developed routines that kept the spark alive. Weekly video calls became sacred, even if Sohee sometimes got flustered and hid his face behind his hands when you complimented him.
During your virtual movie nights, he’d patiently sync up his screen with yours, ensuring you both hit play at the exact same time. “Don’t skip ahead!” he’d laugh if you got too excited.
On your rough days, he’d send you playlists he curated just for you. “This one’s for when you’re sad,” he explained once, sending a link with the note: ‘Track 5 reminds me of you.’
He once surprised you by sending a hand-written letter to your house. Inside was a Polaroid of him holding a sign that said, “You’re my favorite person.”
Dating as teens made it tough to meet, especially with his busy trainee schedule and your own commitments. You’d often joke about flying to see him, but he’d nervously laugh, saying, “Maybe one day.”
Even when things got hard, you both stayed committed. “Five years isn’t that long,” he’d say during the harder nights. “I promise it’ll all be worth it.”
Now both 22 and independent, you’d been dating for five years without ever meeting in person. You often whined about wanting to see him, but Sohee always brushed it off, saying, “Not yet.”
On your birthday, you came home from work feeling miserable. Nobody at work remembered, and your boyfriend hadn’t texted all day, which was odd for him. You figured he must’ve been busy, but it still stung.
Opening the door to your house, you expected silence. Instead, you were greeted by cheers from your two best friends and your parents.
Your eyes landed on the cake first—small but beautifully decorated with your favorite colors. Then you noticed the figure standing beside it. Tall, with soft features and a shy smile you recognized instantly.
It was Sohee.
Your legs wobbled as your heart caught in your throat. “No way,” you whispered before running toward him. The moment his arms wrapped around you, you broke down, sobbing into his chest.
“You’re real,” you kept repeating, clutching him tightly. He laughed softly, resting his chin on your head. “Of course I’m real. Happy birthday, my love.”
Your parents and friends looked on with fond smiles, so you had to keep the reunion as wholesome as possible. Still, Sohee’s hand lingered on your back, and you couldn’t stop staring at him in awe.
“You’re prettier in person,” you blurted out, earning a shy laugh as he scratched the back of his neck. “You’re not so bad yourself.”
Your friends teased you endlessly, taking photos of the two of you while your parents served cake.
After your friends left, Sohee spent time talking to your parents. He was polite and respectful, answering their questions about his career and your relationship.
By the end of the conversation, your mom smiled warmly. “He’s a keeper,” she whispered to you, making your heart flutter.
That night, Sohee ended up in your room, sitting on the edge of your bed as you playfully punched his chest. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? I was so mad!”
He caught your hand mid-punch, holding it gently. “I didn’t want to ruin the surprise,” he said, looking at you with those soft, expressive eyes you’d only ever seen through a screen.
“Well, consider me surprised,” you mumbled, leaning against his shoulder.
You spent hours talking, laughing, and catching up in a way that felt completely new but also familiar.
Before he left to stay at a nearby hotel, he kissed your forehead, promising to make the next few days together unforgettable.
“Happy birthday,” he whispered one last time before stepping out, leaving you with a heart so full you thought it might burst.
That birthday marked the start of a new chapter in your relationship. No more screen barriers, no more longing from afar—just you and Sohee, finally together, making up for lost time.
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faeriemarie · 2 days ago
hello! lowkey, this is my first time ever sending an ask to anyone ever so i'm sorry if it's like- all over the place lol.
do you mind talking about your 1950s dr? i'm interested in the sort of things you get up to there or interests? what's your favorite thing about that reality generally?
okay so my dr is very very heavily inspired by the stories of j.d. salinger and jack kerouac's on the road, so it's pretty bohemian. i got carried away, no one ever asks about my 50s dr
I. about me
i am 17 years old and live in manhattan. i'm an only child and my family are old money socialite types, so basically my life is super easy and i have everything i could ever want. my family has maids, cooks, drivers, butlers, and the whole thing and we summer in Europe on the coasts of France and Italy like rich people do. i have learned to speak when spoken to, so i am often quiet. many of my classmates even suspect that i am a mute; but, i only talk to people who i feel deserve to hear me. still, it's really great since i have no self-awareness at all and i really don't have to since we're part of the 1%. i don't even know how much milk costs.
but angst time, i never see my parents because they're always off galivanting and having business somewhere across the world. when i do see my dad, he spoils me rotten and takes me out to clubs with him and buys me as many drinks as i want. we go on special daddy-daughter vacations just us because i'm his whole world and it literally eats him up inside that we can't spend as much time together. my mother on the other hand thinks i'm legitimately crazy and has me on so many medications, plus frequent meetings with a psychiatrist. i'm lowkey afraid she's gonna put me in a hospital and order a lobotomy one day, but she's just jealous i'm daddy's favorite and she's not. sigmund freud would love her. and since they're gone so much, i spend most of my time with a nanny who i HATE because she's so overprotective and thinks she knows what's best for me when she doesn't. i've taken to paying the other staff so they don't tell her what i've been up to
II. what have i been up to?
my favorite thing, obviously, is dating an older man. laws are flimsy and i'm rich, so the cops are on my side. my man is literally zooey glass himself and i'm so so so in love with him even though he drives me up the wall. i <3 chain smoking with him and getting wine drunk in his flat
also i'm valedictorian at my private all-girls prep school, obviously. i've only got one friend, but we are utterly inseparable. i also run the literary magazine at my school and i'm editor-in-chief so i can publish my sad girl poems. i'm basically if sylvia plath and virginia woolf had an even more emotionally distressed love child. i want to go to vassar and be an art history or english major.
during the week, i obsessively attend ballet classes and have an entire converted studio in my family’s flat. i am extremely talented and top of my class (again) because i'm a mary sue. my best friend and i are shopping addicts who love going to expensive boutiques just to clean out the whole thing. plus with all my father’s influence, i can get into any show i want. if you’re unsure where i am, i’m at the ballet, watching the newest play on broadway, or at a jazz club i am much too young to be at. think audrey hepburn in funny face.
III. bonus mood boards!!
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and that’s pretty much most of what i have because this is one of my shorter scripts ☕️
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novelmonger · 2 years ago
Okay, what's the 'clone idea'??
Just to clarify up front: This idea has nothing to do with Star Wars ^^' I actually got it from a super-cool dream a few years ago! In the dream, it was about me and my youngest sister (but not my other siblings for some reason?), but obviously I'll be altering them to make distinct characters that aren't just...clones *ba dum bum tsh!*
This unnamed idea for a novel is set in the not-too-distant future, when cloning of human beings has been perfected. It only works with fresh DNA, and it takes about five years for the whole process to be completed. Due to this and ethical concerns, there are laws and other safeguards in place so you're only allowed to clone someone who has just died (DNA can be collected prior to death, but the cloning process itself can't be signed off on until the person is declared dead). You're also only allowed to clone someone's particular DNA once. The clone will then take over the deceased person's legal identity, in terms of social security, taxes, etc. (there's probably more complicated caveats and whatnot, but this story isn't really supposed to explore all of that). Naturally, there's a whole debate about whether these clones are actually people or not. Do they have souls? Are they the same person as the one who died? Are they a freakish abomination and the scientists who developed the process are treading in God's domain? Should they be outlawed? Are they an unnecessary drain on the economy? It's very expensive to have a clone made, as you can probably imagine, but not outside the reach of someone who's reasonably wealthy. So like...you don't have to be a millionaire in order to pay for it, but you've gotta really want it.
The story is about a family that has two teenage daughters. I think I've decided the dad is a dentist, and the mom has a some kind of career as well, or maybe volunteer work or something. The sisters are three years apart in age. They aren't best friends exactly, but they get along pretty well and genuinely love each other. The older sister is about to go off to college when the younger sister dies suddenly and tragically in some kind of accident. The whole family is thrown into shock and grief, but the mother especially is not handling it well. She can't take the thought of her baby girl suddenly being taken away from her, so she insists that they clone her. The dad is reluctant at first, but the mom says that if she has to go on for the rest of her life without her daughter, she's going to kill herself to join her. So they pull out all of their life savings and order a clone of the younger sister.
In the five years it takes to develop the clone, the family processes their grief and the mom gradually begins to think she made a mistake. She realizes she was mostly just angry at God for taking her daughter from her, and making a clone was like shaking her fist at the heavens. The cloning agency allows those who have ordered a clone to cancel their order - payments are made in installments, so besides a cancellation fee, they don't have to pay the full amount; they just won't get a refund for what they've already paid if they back out partway through the process. But even after the mom realizes it was a mistake to try to clone her daughter, she doesn't want to cancel the order either.
She says, "I realize now that it was a mistake to want to clone her. I was angry at God, and didn't want to accept it when he took her away from us. But I believe that God can take my mistakes and my lack of trust, and make something good out of it. His plans are bigger than mine. And that clone in there? That's a little girl who deserves a chance to live. I may not have given birth to her…but she's my daughter. And she needs her mommy."
So they go through with it. The mom has to quit the job she loves and get one that will pay better, and the older sister has to give up on her college plans and go straight into the work force while still living at home, so they can continue to pay the cloning agency. And finally, the day comes when they can bring the little clone home. The standard/cheapest option is to grow a five-year-old clone (for some reason that's easier than a baby or an adult, just run with it), which is what they'd decided on - to get a second chance at childhood, as well as to make it as affordable as possible.
There's an option for training/programming (not sure exactly how it works yet), using video footage and other information provided by the family, to make it so that when the clone first leaves the facility and comes home, they'll have an approximation of the original person's personality and mannerisms, which can then be fine-tuned with the family and various psychologists/trainers over the next year or so. But this family opted not to do that - partly because that would be another expense, partly because the parents have agreed that, no matter what scientists or whoever else say, this little girl is her own person. She might look like their original daughter, she might have identical DNA to her, but it's not the same person. They want to raise this little girl as their own daughter, but they want as much as possible to let her decide for herself what kind of person she's going to become.
The result of all this is that, when she first comes home, this little girl is kind of robotic. She can talk and understand what people are saying on about the same level as any five-year-old, but a lot of the nuances are lost on her because she's only observed the world for like a week at that point. So she understands the concept of food and eating, but she might look at an apple and not understand that it's food.
I just think this would be a really fascinating concept to explore. There's a really compelling pro-life side to the whole thing, as well as the age-old debates of nature vs. nurture and what makes us human. Beyond that, it would be so fascinating to explore what the sisters' relationship would be like. I think there's definitely going to be some resentment and other growing pains on the older sister's part, because here's this girl who looks like her little sister but is definitely not, and they've all had to upend their lives in order to bring her into the world. But then there are moments where little bits of the sister she remembers will peek out - the way the clone smiles, the sound of her voice when she sings, the kinds of food she really likes. I want to put a lot of me, as a big sister, into this story.
WIP ask game
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chastiefoul · 6 months ago
jjk men coming home and finding you crying
ft. gojo, geto, nanami, toji fluff and comfort
gojo satoru
you wiped your eyes quickly as you heard the door opened. you took a deep breath, making sure your voice didn’t come as shaky as you said, “welcome home, toru.” with a big grin and the usual paper bag filled with sweets on his right hand he planted a kiss on your head. “i’m home baby.”
you were just about to let out a sigh of relief when satoru suddenly knelt in front of you who’s on the couch, blindfold off as his blue eyes stared as if seeing right through you. “what’s wrong?” he said softly, his knuckles brushing over your cheek with such a careful gesture. “what do you mean?” you tilted your head, cringing inside at the bad feign. “you can’t fool my six eyes, baby. also what kind of boyfriend i’ll be if i can’t even notice when my girl is sad?”
you tried to form a sentence to say as an excuse but the kisses he peppered across your face wasn’t really helping. you chuckled as you whine softly, “toruu.” the white-haired man cupped your face, a gorgeous smile on his face. “my favorite sound, baby,” he said, kissing your lips. “tell me? pleaseeee.” you laughed once more at his emphasis at the last word. “it’s really nothing, toru.”
“i love listening to nothing. we even have some sweets here as snacks,” he said, opening the paper bag excitedly. “i think you just want an excuse to eat it at 8 pm,” you raised an eyebrow, as he grinned. “nonsense, baby. now c’mere, let me hold you while you tell your story.” he put you between his legs, your back resting on his broad chest comfortably. you sighed out of wonderment, thinking how you could be so lucky, being this loved by the man.
“here, pick whatever. this one is my favorite,” he rummaged through the bag that’s on your lap. you looked at him with fondness as his face leaned in beside you to see better. “yeah? you’ll give me your favorite?”
“there’s nothing in the world that you can’t get, baby.” he kissed the side of your face. “now start from the very beginning.”
geto suguru
“if you thought you were doing a great job hiding those tears i have some news for you sweet girl,” geto’s voice was gentle on your ear as he wipe the wet residue underneath your eyes with the inner sleeve of his robe. “i wasn’t really hiding it,” you frowned, somehow not liking the fact that he noticed your little moment of weakness. “yeah? so you were just rubbing your eyes all rough like that for no reason?” he gave you a little smile.
yeah, it was a battle you had lost from start.
he put his arms around you, rubbing your back in a soothing pattern. “what’s wrong baby, everything okay?” you melted right into his touch, resting your head on his chest right on the calming beating of his heart. “yeah, it’s not really a big deal,” you mumbled, your low spirit was really affecting him more than he would ever let you know. his hand kept moving as he once again kissed the side of your head, a low chuckled escaped him. “you’re cute when you think you have a choice on telling me what had upset you.”
you laughed softly at his playfulness, knowing full well to you’ll end up telling your boyfriend everything. “you’re right. but can i tell you later?” you asked, wanting just this peaceful moment to last just a little longer as you held him tight.
“’course baby, got all the time in the world for you.”
nanami kento
nanami already knew that something was off when the house felt a little quiet as he arrived. and then he found you hunched over as you stood behind the kitchen counter. “honey?” you wiped your eyes with what you thought was the speed of sound but it was clear to both of you that you had been crying. “hi ken, how was work?” you replied with a small voice, a smile nanami didn’t particularly like plastered on your face; only because it seemed forced.
“oh no, we’re not breezing past it. come here my love.” and his embrace enveloped you like a dream, all warm and perfect. he stroke your hair ever so softly as he whispered sweet nothings. when you calmed down a little he sneaked a hand under your jaw, rubbing his thumb on your cheek gently, a gesture with amount of love you could only guess. “what’s wrong, hm?” he questioned you, his eyes shone with adoration; there’s only you in that moment.
“i’m okay, ken. more importantly aren’t you tired from work?” there’s a deep crease between the blond’s man eyebrows he heard you say this, as if that was the most offensive thing he had ever heard from you. “’more importantly?’ there could be nothing that’s more important than you, dear,” he said, knowing that concern was from a good place, like he was worrying over you, of course you would fuss over him who just came home from work.
“still…” you hesitated, but he kissed it out of you quickly. “want me to prepare you a bath, love? you know i can get the perfect temperature for you,” he whispered, coaxing you. and he was right, even sometimes he would get it right more often than you. before you could even mumble out another excuse he continued. “and while you do that i’ll prepare dinner, okay? i’m sure there’re still some ingredients left to make that nice meal you like.”
“no, i couldn’t possibly let you do all the work ken-“
“love, i’m here. you can relax, okay? you always do so much for me, let me do this for you,” he reassured you, cupping your face as he trailed your cheeks with soft kisses. you’re still not convinced, as he smiled over your great concern. “do this for me, please?” he tried once more and there’s no way you could refuse that. you nodded, feeling another wave of tears coming out of gratitude for your boyfriend., “thank you ken, i love you so much.”
“i love you too. and when you’re ready to talk, i’m here okay? always.”
toji fushiguro
he lifted you up, your leg instinctively wrapped themselves around his waist as he grabbed both of your thighs to support you. you tighten the hold of your arms around his neck, resting your head on your shoulder, nuzzling closer to his neck; not wanting him to see your post-crying face.
he sat you on the kitchen counter, putting both of his hands on the hard surface, on either side of your body practically refraining you to run away. “what’s wrong pretty girl?” he asked you who’s currently staring at the fingers on your lap as if it’s the most interesting thing in the world. he kissed your shoulder blade, intentionally lingering a little long to hopefully calm your nerves. “nothing, i guess,” you answered nonchalantly, like detaching yourself. “you’re shit at lying babe, you know that right? look at the frown that you’re wearing right now, it’s almost touching the floor,” he said as he kissed your neck next. “mean,” you meant to frown, and you realized you were already doing that for the past hour. fine, maybe he had a point, so what?
“nah, what’s mean is when my girl won’t even tell me what made her upset,” he said, tilting his head confidently, his big hand on your waist as he rubbed your side. the look on his face was enough to make you relent. “fine… you’ll force it out of me sooner or later anyways,” you mumbled as he smiled, knowing that you needed a little push is all to sound your worries. “atta girl.”
“tell me all ‘bout it yeah? don’t leave out a single detail. then maybe if you’re up for it, i can show you that i got many ways to cheer you up,”
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lovieku · 6 months ago
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you lose your virginity to jeongguk, the only boy you’d ever trust with such weight. and what you both feel for each other couldn’t be more obvious.
୨ৎ from the grande series
pairings: bookstore employee!jk x virgin!fem reader
genre: smut, strangers to friends to lovers
ratings: +18 / mdi
warnings: based on this ask, lower case intended, porn with some plot, mutual pining, age gap (21 n 25), first time, dry humping, tit play (small boobs lover jk!!!), oral (f receiving), fingering, hand job, size kink, protected sex, missionary, cowgirl, multiple orgasms, dirty talk, sooo much praise, and pet names, jeongguk is so so loving and caring, sm fluff hehe, bit of angst maybe? but lovey dovey confession <33
word count: 12.9k
a/n: aaaa this is so silly and rushed but theyre so cute and i had to do something about it. ps: this is my first time writing smut, hope it’s not embarassing Help ..any feedback is appreciated 👩🏻‍💻
you met jeon jeongguk at your favorite bookstore. the one tucked away in the quieter part of town, hidden in the shadow, squeezed between a small café and a vintage shop with an unassuming facade. it’s not the kind of place that draws crowds, most people passed it without a second glance, without paying it the attention it deserved.
but you always did, too attentive for your own liking, too curious for your own sake. you had always been the type to notice the quiet places where stories seem to breathe.
there was nothing not to love about the store. it felt like a refuge in tones of deep brown wood and soft amber light. it wasn’t flashy, but that’s why you loved it. stepping inside always brought a sense of calm, brought you closer to feel the whisper of worn leather bindings, the smell of old pages. it was being understood, accepted, seen.
meeting jeongguk wasn’t fate. it wasn’t some serendipitous moment ripped from a movie script. you didn’t bump into him while too immersed in your favorite novel. you didn’t reach simultaneously for the same book and argued over it, only to end up in the café next door.
jeon jeongguk was simply working there. he was an employee at the bookshop, stocking shelves, checking inventory. he just so happened to be charming, and the only one who came up to you after you’d been standing in front of a high shelf for what felt like an eternity.
“looking for anything in particular?”
when you turned to follow the source of the honey voice, not too low but still smooth, you had to fight hard to keep the gasp that was threatening to escape locked in your throat. he was tall. way taller than you. his dark hair fell in soft curls, brushing the nape of his neck, framing his face with carefully crafted, but effortlessly beautiful curtains. and when you managed to escape his wide eyes, seemingly storing all the warmth the shop could offer, you found it even harder to contain the surprise as you spotted a trail of intricate ink designs starting from his hand and running up his muscled arm, only to disappear beneath the short sleeve of his black polo.
he was still staring, expectantly. and you just kept standing there, mute. observing like a maniac. you stumbled over your words, trying to steady your voice, “oh— um. i was looking for the japanese author, kawamura?”
the way his eyes lit up at your request was unmistakable. and after that, the same spark would flicker in his gaze every time you stepped foot in the shop.
you later found out that he was new, which explained why you hadn’t noticed him before, all the times you’d gone and searched for books. which weren’t a lot, but enough for the other staff to know your face through the years. and now, certainly enough for jeongguk to become acquainted with your presence.
you started finding excuses to go more often, week after week, convincing yourself that you needed new books to accompany your tea as the colder months approached. truth be told, it wasn’t just the books pulling you in. your friends kept teasing you about the real reason why you’d always hurry there after your lectures ended, and deep down you knew you just had to accept it. you were developing a silly, little crush.
jeongguk didn’t seem to mind the growing frequency of your visits. if you had to guess, you’d say he was just as eager to see you. or maybe he was just exceptionally good at his job. if that were the case, you hoped he was crowned employee of the month every single time.
there was always a line he never crossed. his professionalism remained intact. he greeted you like any other customer, offering his help when you needed it. and you always seemed to need it, didn’t you? yet, there was something in the way his eyes crinkled at the corners when you smiled, the way his lips curved in that subtle, almost hidden way when you left with a new book in hand. you’d walk out of the store, clutching your latest literary find, grinning like a fool, and jeongguk would watch, his own smile lingering long after you were gone.
deep down, you knew this couldn’t last forever. you were just a student, miserably scraping by in the tiniest flat imaginable, your waitressing part-time job barely paying enough to make it through the month. but you’d feel bad, wasting hours of jeongguk’s shift, monopolizing his time with your indecision over paperbacks, keeping him off his tasks, just for it to be a waste. you needed to show him your gratitude, in a way. contribute to the income of the bookshop. so, you kept buying books. you weren’t sure you even had more space to fit them in your own shelf.
yet no matter how much you tried to convince yourself to stay away, you couldn’t help it. books were your escape, your joy, and the fact that they were sold to you by jeongguk was just an added bonus. the problem wasn’t him— it was your wallet. your poor, overworked wallet that kept reminding you of the price of each novel and how your little crush was becoming financially unsustainable.
it was one of those afternoons after your morning lectures, where the crisp autumn air made you even more eager to slip into the bookstore, feeling that familiar rush of warmth as jeongguk greeted you with his usual smile. this time, he surprised you with a book he had found just for you, claiming “you’d enjoy it. feels light and genuine, just like you.”
when it came time to pay, cheeks still flushed after the sickly, sweet grin he flashed your way, you sighed as you rummaged through your bag for your card.
he scanned it, only to glance up at you with a hesitant expression, “huh… it declined.”
“what?” you laughed, though it was shaky, disbelief lacing your words, “no, that can’t be right. try again.”
he did, but the outcome remained unchanged. he met your eyes with a worried frown, and you felt your face flame in embarrassment, not the one that made your insides swarm with butterflies minutes before this.
you groaned, pressing your palm to your forehead in mortification, “fuck, this is so humiliating.”
jeongguk chuckled softly, his voice soothing, “hey, it’s really not. it’s okay. i’ll pay for it.”
your jaw dropped, and you looked at him like he had lost his mind, “no, what? are you crazy? don’t— don’t do that. you don’t need to. i’ll just come back another day.”
what followed was a ridiculous, playful back-and-forth. you refused, he insisted, and soon enough, the two of you were locked in a silly tug-of-war over the book itself, laughing despite the situation. he finally threw his hands up in surrender, his smile impossibly wide, the kind of grin that made your heart skip a beat.
“alright, alright,” he relented, shaking his head, “but i’m still not happy about this. if i can’t pay for your book, at least let me buy you a coffee. i’m clocking off in 15. will you wait for me?”
you couldn’t contain your eyes from widening, your smile to dumbly paint your features as you eagerly nodded. you didn’t trust yourself to speak, afraid that if you did, some ridiculous teenage squeal would escape. he was grinning just as hard, though.
and so, you began seeing jeongguk outside the confined space of the bookstore, in a world beyond the shelves and spines of novels. his attire was always simple, dark tones that exuded comfort and warmth. his sweaters seemed soft enough to curl into, and his presence felt just as inviting.
but you pushed those thoughts away, trying to remind yourself that he was becoming a friend. one of your closest, even. you tried. you did! but you just couldn’t help the way your mind wandered, imagining what it would be like to lean just a little closer, to feel the warmth of his embrace. god, get a grip.
still, it was impossible to ignore the flutter in your chest each time his eyes lingered a little longer than necessary. outside the bookstore, jeongguk was different. not in a bad way. he was just more relaxed, more himself. his touch came naturally, a hand at the small of your back guiding you through a crowded street, his arm slung casually over your shoulders like it belonged there. he was playful in a way that hinted at something deeper, his jokes sometimes drifting into uncharted territory, leaving your stomach in knots, your thoughts spiraling down paths you hadn’t dared explore.
and then there was the way he looked after you. he was older, just by a few years, 25 to your 21, but it felt like a gulf of experience separated the two of you. he’d seen more, lived more. experienced more. knew more. about all that stuff you’d been scared to explore, the stuff that happened in the intimacy of one’s bedroom. you knew he had his fair share of girlfriends, he told you about it. just how you’d told him you never got close to a relationship. you just flirted around with a boy in high school, messily making out in the corners where no one could see you. but it never went over that.
jeongguk’s protectiveness over you came naturally. you didn’t mind. it was reassuring, the way his hand tightened around your wrist in a crowded space or how his gaze followed you across a room, always making sure you were safe.
you found yourself spending more and more time together. walking through the city, staying up late at cafés, or just wandering aimlessly in his car, talking about everything. you told him about your classes, the stress of exams, your dreams of becoming a teacher, and the uncertainties that weighed you down. he listened, really listened, in a way that made you feel seen, like every word you said mattered.
jeongguk shared his own story too. he’d dropped out of college a year ago, deciding that the path everyone else had planned for him wasn’t for him at all. now, he was drifting, trying to figure out where he belonged. he took inspiration in the way your eyes sparkled at the prospect of your future. little did he know, your eyes just reflected the galaxies in his that you loved getting lost into.
it terrified you. because with each passing day, your feelings for him grew stronger, more undeniable. it wasn’t just a crush anymore. it was something that had its own weight, pulling you closer to him. the lines were blurring, but you let them.
one night, after a long week of classes and stress, you went out with a few friends. jeongguk hadn’t been able to join, caught up with work, but when your tipsy self had dialed his number later that night, he picked up right away. your voice was soft, your words slurred. they echoed through the bar’s bathroom, followed by your uncontainable giggles as jeongguk playfully scolded you on the other line. the same softness was painting his face, and he only hung up when he started his car, showing up within minutes.
by the time he arrived, you were well past tipsy and leaning dangerously toward drunk. you didn’t notice him sheepishly greeting your group of friends, their eyes lighting up with interest at the image of the renowned jeon jeongguk, until his low voice called your name, slipping his arm around your waist and helping you up from the bar stool, “come on, let’s get you home. say bye-bye.”
you glared at him, face slightly reddening at his tease. he just loved treating you like a little kid. loved poking fun at you. still, you leaned into him, the scent of his body wash wrapping around you like a comforting blanket, banter ready on your tongue, “i’m fine, grandpa,” you slurred amusedly, but your legs wobbled as you tried to walk.
he chuckled under his breath, guiding you out of the bar, “yeah, sure you are. you’re barely standing.”
the night air was cold against your skin, but jeongguk was warm, his body solid and steady as you clung to him.
you didn’t mean to say it, didn’t mean to let the words slip, but in your hazy, alcohol-fueled state, you genuinely wondered, “why are you so good to me?”
he paused for a moment, glancing down at you with a small smile, “because you deserve it.”
the car ride was silent, in a comfortable way. you got lost in the way the city flashed past you, and jeongguk stole sneaky glances at you from the corner of his eye, his hand gripping the steering wheel a little tighter each time he let his eyes linger.
when he reached your place, he helped you inside, gently guiding you to the couch. you were too dazed to fight him when he insisted on getting you some water and a blanket. he moved around your cramped flat with ease, having memorized where every single thing belonged after his countless stays at your place, watching movie after movie or simply keeping you company while you revised.
he sat beside you for a while as you rambled on about your night, how the music was slightly disappointing even with the drinks being overpriced.
jeongguk listened attentively, even with your words stumbling out in messy fragments, jumping from one topic to another. his eyes traced the way your hands moved in wild gestures, the way your lips fumbled for the right words, the glaze in your eyes reflecting the soft glow of the room. he didn’t realize it at first, but his body instinctively followed your movements, leaning closer with every excited wave of your arms, his knees brushing against yours, his head nodding in time with your words.
only when you stopped talking, turning to face him and catching his gaze in the dim light, he was made aware of the little distance between you. it wasn’t unusual for the two of you to be this close. always sneakily seeking for one another in booth seats of the pubs you’d visit every so often, his hand lingering on your knee for longer than needed when calling for your attention, your arms locking together when walking through the city.
but this moment was different. it was heavy with something unspoken. and so tender, fragile.
your cheek rested on the back of the couch, your body slouched, your eyes half-lidded. he sat straight, his torso turned towards you, his head bending down to study your face better.
you didn’t think when you blurted his name out, your gaze falling on his lips, “jeongguk.”
he hummed softly.
“i want you to kiss me.”
the words tumbled out before you could stop them, but you didn’t take them back. you couldn’t.
jeongguk didn’t seem startled by your unfiltered words. he didn’t flinch, didn’t pull back. he only tilted his head slightly, the corner of his lip inching up sweetly, “you want me to kiss you?”
you hummed, with the same softness, only tinted with uncertainty. fear of rejection. you were suddenly aware of what you asked him now that he repeated it back to you. and you realized how much you meant it, just now.
but his tone wasn’t condemning. it was seeking for confirmation that he heard right, that it wasn’t just your drunk thoughts talking. still, he didn’t lean closer, nor let his eyes fall to the lower part of your face.
he spoke, his voice barely above a whisper, “i’ll kiss you. just not now.”
”what? why not?”
your eyebrows were cutely furrowed, the blush the alcohol painted you with only making the pout on your lips even more irresistible.
jeongguk hissed amusedly, ”because you’re drunk. and when i’ll kiss you, i want you to be sure about it. want you to remember it.”
”but i am sure about it. i want you.”
once again, your blunt confession didn’t seem to faze him. he smiled, kept his tone low, ”i know. i want you too.”
your breath hitched at the unexpected sincerity of his words, your eyes roaming all over his face. you subtly shifted closer, your lips parted slightly with desire. the flame that lit up your body burned all the alcohol from your system, and suddenly you were more awake than ever. you were alert. your heart pounding, your core pulsing. he looked so inviting, so pretty in that light.
he wet his lips, darting his tongue out to play with his piercing. you could feel your head spin. you didn’t just want him. you needed him. and it wasn’t the alcohol. you were sure of it.
you could only dumbly lean closer and hope for the best, but he chuckled softly, his large hand framing the side of your face and forcing you to stop your path towards him, look at him, swim in the intensity of his gaze.
his tone was gentle, delicate, understanding, “if you don’t change your mind, we’ll talk about this tomorrow, okay? when you’re sober. hm?”
his eyes searched yours, waiting patiently for your response. you only managed a small nod, your eyes glossy with frustration and a bit of shame. you bit your lip, muttering a small okay and letting him fix your hair with the fondest look in his orbs.
he left your flat only after tucking you in your bed, because you begged him to, and after much more pleading, you even convinced him to stay beside you until you fell asleep. you didn’t feel him slip out of your hold on his hand, the weight of his body leaving your bed, and with it, the warmth of his presence going as well.
but the following day, after downing the glass of water you assumed he left by your nightstand, you bore through your headache and searched for his contact in your phone first thing as you woke up. you were instantly hit with flashes of the night before, and you remembered exactly what you told him, what he promised. that if you still wanted it, you would talk about it. and you just needed to hear his voice, as soon as possible.
you’re not sure what there was to talk about. you asked him for a kiss. his lips on yours. it’s not like there would be much space for talking.
with your phone to your ear, the ringback tone was the only sound filling the space between your thoughts. you felt a twinge of anxiety in your stomach. you should have probably called later, let yourself adjust to consciousness. maybe rationalize yesterday’s events and find a better way to move around them. give yourself more time to think it over. the wait stretched on, and it only gave your doubts more space to spiral, turn into little monsters whispering evil things in your ear.
he probably wanted to talk to you about it because he thought it was a stupid idea. he didn’t really want it, was just lying to get you to shut up. he thought you were foolish, childish, not his type at all. or maybe, he was seeing someone and didn’t know how to tell you. wow, that would be humbling. you wanted him so bad and he was just—
his voice sounded muffled through the line. you clumsily adjusted your device to your ear, sitting up, still in your bed, last night’s makeup smudged under your eyes, “jeongguk?”
”that would be me, ma’am.”
“hi,” your voice was low, thick with sleep and the remnants of your hangover, and it sounded weaker than you’d intended to reveal.
”hey. feeling better, miss?”
his playful tone was laced with affection, and it instantly put a smile on your face. you didn’t realize it, but your mind was clearing, your body unconsciously easing back into the covers, “i am.”
jeongguk hummed, and you heard the faint sound of movement on his end. he was probably getting ready for the bookstore, but still found time to pick up your call. it made you alert, awkwardly aware of what both of you were probably expecting out of this conversation.
you cleared your throat, smoothing some of the morning grogginess and sounding lighter, softer, “come over after your shift? i miss the office. and your ramyeon.”
when he chuckled in your ear and teased you for that one time you said his cooking was average, you felt your shoulders relax. even more when he agreed and shot you a quick see you later, followed by the exaggerated sound of smacking lips.
it was his signature goodbye, always ending your calls with that. it would usually make you roll your eyes, a grin tugging at your lips. but this time, it made you blush like a pubescent teenager. get. a. grip.
jeongguk noticed the slight shift in your demeanor right away. he could taste the tension, smell it in the air, feel it in the way you’d become stiff, even when his fingers barely grazed your skin. it was a stark contrast to how things had been between you two.
you still moaned around the first bite of his ramyeon, still giggled with your mouth full as he mockingly mimicked your voice, playfully downgrading his cooking skills from months ago. but you blushed a little harder at the smirk that followed his usual tease. subtly ran away from his hand seeking your contact.
with time, both of you had grown comfortable with the casual touches, playful proximity— tickling at each other’s sides, poking jokingly, or simply brushing hands when no one was looking. it had become a natural part of your dynamic.
but after your earlier slurred confessions, he could tell that it was affecting you more deeply now, your body reacting differently to his touch. the way you startled at his closeness, the small breath catching in your throat. it all made his head spin, his fist tighten in restraint. you weren’t the only one affected.
on your couch, you found it hard to relax in his familiar embrace, an arm around your shoulders, your head resting on his chest. the steady rhythm of his breathing usually soothed you, but tonight, your heart was fighting its way up, dangerously close to spilling all over his neat clothes. you exhaled shakily, the office playing quietly on the tv doing a weak job at distracting you.
and jeongguk couldn’t take it anymore. lust wasn’t the only feeling simmering under the surface. he was scared. that he may have read it all wrong, that you only blurted it out because you were drunk and not in control of your thoughts. he was terrified of stepping the wrong way, doing something that would determinately scare you away, end whatever you two had for good. and he didn’t want to lose you. wanted to keep you. and that went over the need to taste your lips.
through the corner of your eye, you could feel him stare down at you intently. his other hand reached to move your hair out of the way, and you let him. you turned to meet his gaze, and relaxed slightly at the fond look on his features.
“what’s going on in that pretty, little head of yours? will you tell me?”
you blinked. gulped down loudly. the reassuring smile on his face grew bigger. you shifted slightly in his hold, moving your body to face him, and the arm that was around you naturally fell down your waist.
you tried to word it differently, tried to suppress it just a bit longer, find another way around it, but his blown out pupils lowered all your inhibitions, “do you— do you still want to kiss me?”
“i do. very badly.”
his response was immediate, and it came through a whisper. it caressed your face sweetly, and it made you aware of the natural gravity that pulled you even closer, to the point of your noses almost touching.
you were unable to move, to initiate anything, to be truthful to your desires. your orbs jumped on every corner of his face, widening. he let his palm close around your hip, then he spoke low, “will you let me do that?”
jeon jeongguk kissed you slowly. his lips lingered on yours, tasting, moving with intent. his hands framed your face, traveling down your neck and holding you gently by the nape.
it was sweet, and delicate. he took his time becoming acquainted with your pace, letting you control the movement of his doings. when he darted his tongue out to trace your lower lip, you granted him permission to explore the insides of your mouth.
with tongues intertwined, the kiss gradually became sloppier, more desperate. your fingers found home in his long curls, tugging at the base of it, and supporting yourself while arching your body into his, pressing yourself against his chest, seeking for confirmation that he wanted this just as badly as you did.
he welcomed your proximity by letting his palms fall to your waist, keeping you close, and tracing his touch dangerously close to the curve of your ass.
you whined lowly, but the sounds became ingloriously louder the more he pressed your body against his hard one, his touch wandering, squeezing, feeling.
you messily straddled his lap and sat with your knees on both sides of him, your desire deepening with your kiss, devouring his lips harder, twisting his hair in a confused tangle the more you got lost in them.
his hands went to hold your hips, and you soon felt a stronger weight on them, gently pulling you away and giving you a minute to catch your breath. though it was taken out of you the moment you took in the man in front of you, his lips swollen, his eyes half-lidded, his curls all over the place.
he let out an amused chuckle, combing through your own mess on your head, “hey, pretty. it’s okay. there’s no rush. we can take it slow, hm?”
in that small moment, you were made aware of your own eagerness slipping out of your control and rushing your actions, insatiable with wanting more, but not even being sure if jeongguk wanted that more just as much.
instead, you were sure your whole face was a crimson shade with the way the boy under you fondly grinned, his hand guiding you by the nape and letting your lips meet again in a small peck, before he focused on your face again.
jeongguk never left your eyes, and you were too hypnotized to even think of looking elsewhere. his gaze was steady, magnetic, thirsty to drink in your reaction as he guided your hips against him, letting them drag over his clothed bulge. you moaned, unshameful, your eyes rolling back.
”yeah? you like that?”
you could only nod dumbly, repeatedly, using your hands on his shoulders as support while you kept grinding on him. slowly at first, just how he had suggested. but the stimulation was too good, your clit deliciously meeting his hardness, spreading the embarrassing amount of wetness you had already collected all over your panties. you tentatively picked up your pace, his hands immediately stopping you.
”you need to be patient, doll.” his scold was only playful, the smirk spreading on his features letting you know he enjoyed the effect he had on you, the way he bit his lip communicating he was just as affected. but you liked the feeling of him guiding you through this.
you didn’t know what to do, weren’t sure how to please him, too shy under his adoring look. you sheepishly smiled, falling onto him and hiding yourself in the crook of his neck.
he laughed, his chest moving with it, and you could feel his heart pumping, his warmth meeting the side of your face. he took the hand on your waist and dragged it up your back, soothingly, “you’re doing so good, baby. okay?”
it was sweet, and the praise made you pulse around nothing. you nodded, your nose brushing against his neck as you timidly let your lips leave a trace of wet kisses along his adam’s apple, going up his jaw. he hummed, the sound reverberating in his throat and against your mouth.
you left small pecks on his cheek, to his nose, retreating after laying a quiet one on his mouth. you looked back at him, jumping between his eyes, confession tumbling out your tongue, “sorry. i just want you so bad.”
he chuckled, moving your bangs out of your face, “i want you just as much. but i don’t want this moment to be fast. want to make it special for you.”
his whispered words tugged at the strings of your poor heart. you felt it begging to be ripped out of your chest, banging on your rib cage, maybe trying to find another way up your throat. but its repeated, quick pumping also matched the need pooling down your lower belly, staining your panties.
you nodded, finding his lips again and deepening the kiss, adapting to a slower rhythm as your tongues fervently explored each other. he grabbed your sides and grinded you closer to him, moaning in your mouth as you matched his gentle guiding, meeting the involuntary buck of his hips.
the almost too tender drag of your clothed pussy against his clothed, hard cock soon became torturous for the both of you, reduced to panting, eager messes. you felt unashamedly close just from the repeated action, and if he hadn’t decided to lay you on your back just then, you were sure you would have cummed already.
he was gentle as he positioned you on the couch, your body sprawled while he was mindful not to put too much of his weight on you. when he left your lips, you instinctively whined. your head subtly lifted off the sofa to try and follow his mouth, bring it back on yours, but he only smirked and darted his tongue out to lick off your taste.
he didn’t give you time to protest, to miss his touch, to be left unattended. because he quickly moved to work on your neck, his tattooed hand tentatively seeking its way under your t-shirt.
you let him wander. let him leave wet traces from your jaw down your collarbones while his fingers left goosebumps along their path, and rose up to your chest. he hummed at the feeling of your bare breasts, smirking at the absence of a bra.
he felt the skin under it, only for his palm to cup your boob and knead at it. it was a perfect fit in his large hand, his thumb teasingly slicing over your nipple and making you mewl, arching your back and pushing your front into him.
he moved himself from your neck and hesitantly lifted up your shirt, searching your eyes for permission. you put your hands on his and led them to take it off you, discarding it on the ground.
he sat back on his heels, admiring your figure laying between his legs. in his eyes, you found something you were never met with until that moment.
he looked starved, his pupils blown and following every curve of your body, his hands hovering only to end up caressing your sides delicately.
you blushed, hard, using your hand to cover your face and throwing an arm over your chest. his palms squeezed your hips twice, his thumbs stroking the skin under your ribs, “don’t hide from me, pretty. let me see you.”
you shook your head stubbornly, a small whine escaping your throat. but he could tell you weren’t starting any fight, he could make out your smile, barely concealed under your fingers.
jeongguk moved your wrists and laid them on top of your head, his face nearing again to leave an adoring kiss on your lips. when he found your eyes again, the fondest smile was painting his features, “you’re beautiful.”
“my boobs are small,” your voice was muffled, shy, hidden behind your childish pout.
“i fucking love them,” with one hand still keeping your wrists together, he used the other one to play with your breasts once more, his gaze hypnotized by the way he could make them fit in his large palm, squeezing them together and kneading at the softness.
you moaned, loud and unashamed, when he guided his smooth lips to your nipple, his gaze never leaving yours while he attempted small, kitten licks at it.
when he saw how your eyes lustfully rolled back as his fingers went to play with your other boob, rolling it and letting his thumb slide over the sensitive center, he took it as his go-ahead to wholly engulf your wet nipple in his mouth and suck on it, lick around it, kiss it.
jeongguk was hastily making out with your tits, giving both of them the attention they needed, reducing your nipples to soaked, hard messes.
you felt your soul ascend high and leave your body when, as you unconsciously thrusted your hips up in desperate need of friction, you found that in his knee, the one that was positioned between your legs, the one you now grinded into with no control over your pace, bringing yourself closer to the edge.
“fuck, jeongguk,” you didn’t have time to feel ashamed over how delirious you sounded, or looked, the lewd noises of his sucking taking you even higher, his hands massaging your boobs with intent.
you only got louder the more you let your cunt rub against his leg, a motion you were unable to slow down, too eager to get to the finish line. and this time, jeongguk let you, even spurring you on, “let go, angel. cum on my thigh.”
it was all the encouragement you needed to fully loosen, his own whines resounding against your chest and blending with your high-pitched moans, eyes rolled back, head thrown to the side, fingers clutching around jeongguk’s locks and guiding him further into you as you lost control on his thigh, “gonna cum!”
your orgasm took over your whole body, shaking with overwhelment at the stimulation. all the sensations you were feeling were new to you, but nonetheless welcomed in the way your eyelids drooped with relaxed pleasure and you worked to catch your breath, your muscles untightening, your arms falling by your sides.
jeongguk left one last kiss around your nipple before lifting himself up to admire your fucked out state, your cheeks flushed and sweat adorning you with an angel-like glow, the lazy smile on your face as you stared at him making his heart skip a few beats.
he let his eyes wander, his own expression incredulous at what had just happened, “that was so fucking sexy, baby.”
the way you sheepishly chuckled was contagious, his giggles filling your ears as he lifted you up and pulled you against his chest, your still weak body falling onto him with ease. he smiled fondly, looking down at your face, “if you want to stop here, it’s totally okay. i won’t—“
“no!” your energy came back to you as quickly as it left your body minutes before, sitting up straight in his embrace with your eyes wide and worried. you fumbled with your words, “no— no. i want to keep going. please.”
the grin that took over his features adorably caused his nose to scrunch, and he had to put his lips on yours and let them blend together in a sickly sweet kiss to keep himself from saying the words that were so dangerously close from spilling, on the tip of his tongue. he hoped, as he slid it against yours, that you could still feel them, and accept them.
he retreated to cup your cheek in his palm, your eyebrows still unconsciously drawn up in agitation, but easing as he reassured you, “you don’t have to beg, angel. i’ll give you anything you ask for.”
”okay. couch is uncomfortable. take me to the bedroom,” your arms stretched out, teasingly expecting him to pick you up.
you squealed when he did, taking your legs, wrapping them around his tiny waist and getting up the sofa, leading both of you to your room. he didn’t have to watch where he was going, his feet automatically guiding him, having adjusted to your flat long ago. but even if that weren’t the case, he would still not look, too caught up in your glossy orbs.
he pinched your sides before laying you on the soft surface of your bed, legs still tight around him, “bossy much, hm?”
you shrugged, a naughty grin accompanying the playful glint in your eyes, “you’re following my orders flawlessly.”
he scoffed amusedly, kissing his teeth, “ah, is that right?”
you hummed, eager with taking the back and forth further, see where it takes you, “such a good boy.”
the giggle that tumbled out of you as he narrowed his eyes betrayed you, breaking into a full fit of laughter as he tickled your sides, your legs leaving his waist. he tauntingly bit your neck, not enough to hurt you, grinning mischievously, “i’m letting you get away with too much. need to teach you a lesson.”
the laugh died in your throat the second he lifted his shirt up, showing his body to you for the first time. michelangelo would have loved to sculpt him, that’s the first thought your slowed down brain could come up with as you let your eyes wander all over his upper body.
he was toned, his eight pack abs glowing effortlessly for your mouth to water, his nipples a brownish color and so inviting, making you lean on your forearms for a better view.
the arm that wrapped around one of your legs and pushed it on the side was the one inked with those intricate designs you spent boring, lazy afternoons analyzing, and now they were the reason why you could feel a familiar buzz down your core again, coating your panties with even more of your sticky juice.
“cat got your tongue?” there was no way you could even think of a witty come-back with the way he lowered his pretty face between your thighs, his cocky smirk never leaving his expression as his eyes fixated on your own, challenging you.
but you were long gone, willing to let him do whatever he wanted to your body. you stared intently as his fingers hooked under the hem of your shorts, pulling them down in a sensual motion, until they fell on the floor.
your head fell backwards as he let his nose trace your soaked slit, still hidden underneath the layer of cotton panties, “is this okay?”
he only needed your eager nod to leave a subtle kiss on your clit, then lap at your slick through the thin material, “taste so good, doll.”
jeongguk repeated the motion, licking at you through your undies and letting his big nose brush against your clit torturously, his saliva and your wetness causing the fabric to dig between your lips uncomfortably, showing yourself to him.
you unconsciously bucked your hips up, eagerly demanding to set you free, but he held you down by your waist, “patience, baby.”
you whined loudly, and you couldn’t believe how delirious you sounded already, only moments after your earlier climax. he seemed to enjoy your reactions, the tip of his tongue teasing your entrance and ripping a desperate moan out of you, trying to push yourself into him further but being held down by his strong palms.
you fell on your back, your hair sprawled over your pillows, suddenly too weak to fight against him. he chuckled darkly, speaking against your core, “you’re so cute. so eager for me, angel.”
when he lifted himself up, his mouth glistened with your juice, and you couldn’t help but blush at the image. you were so wet, the liquid stained him even through the layer of clothing still keeping you from fully feeling him.
the silent plead in your eyes was listened to. jeongguk slid off your panties in one swift motion, his eyes hungry at the sight revealed to him, “fuck. so perfect. the prettiest.”
he didn’t show mercy at your weakened state, returning his starved mouth on your cunt, slurping at your lips and sucking on your clit, the stimulation making you see stars under your eyelids.
your eyes snapped open the moment you felt something tentatively poking at your entrance, and as you lowered your head you saw his finger playing with your virgin hole, going up to collect your slick from your slit, then returning on where you were starting to need him.
but you were anxious. he immediately saw it in the way you got up on your forearms again, instinctively closing your legs around his hand. his eyes found yours, reassuringly, “baby. you alright?”
you nodded sheepishly, “yeah. i’m just— scared. don’t want it to hurt.”
the hand that was playing with you now laid on your lower stomach, rubbing it in a sweet manner while he sought for your mouth with his, leaving a honeyed peck on it, “it will hurt a bit, pretty. but i’ll try and make it feel good, hm? if you’re not sure, we can always stop.”
you could only bite your lip as the both of you searched for security in each other’s eyes. he tilted his head, waiting for your approval, the grin spreading and making his long dimples visible infectious, and you stumbled on your words, “can you— kiss me while you do it?”
he hummed fondly, his lips immediately finding yours as he positioned himself between your legs, spreading again and granting him access to the spot you were anxiously eager to feel him.
his tongue slowly moved with yours and lightly lulled your racing heartbeat, instilling some needed tranquility in your system as you felt him close to your core again. his middle finger repeated a circular motion around it, spreading your stickiness, only to bring it on your hole before delicately pushing his digit inside.
a choked out moan escaped you, captured promptly by his lips, keeping you somewhat distracted from the slight burn you felt. it grew the more he slipped himself inside you, and you bit his lip to conceal the pain.
he growled at the action, retreating his finger only to push it in again, this time tentatively deeper. he went over the movement a few times, enough to get you adjusted to the foreign presence, and the more he did it, the more the sharpness turned into pleasure.
”feel good, princess?” the pet name was whispered against your swollen lips, and you kept your eyes closed as you nodded, basking in the newly welcomed feeling.
when he started curling the finger inside you, you involuntarily bucked yourself up against him, your body spasming with your hole and he groaned at the feeling of your tightness, unconsciously grinding on the sheets.
he couldn’t help himself from breaking your kiss to look down, getting lost in the way his digit got sucked inside you, only to come out soaked in your juice. without warning, he slowly added another finger, and you arched your back, searching for support in his shoulder.
jeongguk’s eyes kept jumping between your wet cunt, where his fingers worked in and out, and your pleasure-contorted expression, your mouth agape and unleashing your every moan as your eyes squeezed shut.
he felt deliriously close only from the image, his hard dick desperate for friction and insatiable with the way he was still constricted in his jeans. but this moment was about you and you only. once he felt the way you gripped his shoulder tighter at one particular curl of his digits, he kept hitting that spot repeatedly, faster.
you didn’t notice his face retreating at first, too lost in the bliss of his purposed touch, but you gasped harshly, your eyes tearing open the moment you felt his lips enveloping your clit again and sucking at it, lapping all around it, tasting it as if it was his first meal after ages.
when you looked down, you found him already staring at you through half-lidded eyes. you wailed, feverish, “oh, shit. gguk, don’t— don’t do that.”
he hummed questioningly, and the sound reverberated against your sensitive nub.
you rolled your eyes back, ”gonna cum again if you— fuck.”
“cum around my fingers, baby. cum on my tongue,” the words came out slurred, his mouth full of you, the drenched sounds of your pussy making his encouragement even more erotic as he added a third finger.
his digits kept digging relentlessly inside you, that spot that made your legs weakly squish jeongguk between them being hit repeatedly and bringing you close to your second climax.
what completely undid you were his eager cries against your cunt, and when you managed to lift your head to look down at the boy working so desperately to make you cum on his lips, you saw his hips rutting frantically against your sheets.
you didn’t even have time to announce it, the way your hole spasmed around his fingers and your high-pitched moans doing it for you as you fully let go for the second time because of jeongguk. it was more intense, your body moving with it and unconsciously running away from the touch once it became too intense.
jeongguk cleaned you as best as he could, slurping your juices and licking you off his fingers, climbing up to find your lips and share your own taste with you, his chin coated with your slick.
your pleasured sounds mixed together, the both of you panting and soon laying in silence, one beside the other, staring at the ceiling. you laughed breathlessly, “fuck, gguk. i almost died.”
he only chuckled along with you, the sound strained and dying soon in his throat. with your heartbeat and your breathing settling down, you turned to the side to find jeongguk with his eyes squeezed shut and his jaw clenching. his fists were clutching the fabric beside him, and his knuckles were white from the effort.
it wasn’t complicated to understand why, the next thing you spotted being the hard outline of his cock looking completely suffocated by his pants. you gulped, “gguk. you seem hard.”
he let out a delirious scoff, his eyes finding yours with an intensity you were only then noticing, ”i am hard, baby. so hard for you.”
you tentatively guided your hand to the button of his jeans, undoing it along with the zip. your words were hesitant, but so sincere, ”let me touch you. wanna make you feel good, too.”
jeongguk watched with his mouth agape as you straddled his lap, sitting on his legs only after sliding his pants down to his ankles. you looked so innocent, timidly playing with the hem of his boxers, and he tried to be patient, but he couldn’t.
he groaned, his head thrown back. “___. please, do something.”
his eyes were glossy with frustration, and you had to fight the urge to kiss him stupid, focusing on the task ahead. a big one, indeed. you weren’t going to lie, you were already intimidated by the outline of it.
now that your naked body sat on top of him, being faced with his almost totally bare skin, you realized how much bigger he was compared to you. of course, he was taller, always towering over you, teasing you for your height and pretending he didn’t see you, bumping into you purposefully or asking how’s the weather down there?
but with his large palm resting at your side and almost covering your entire tummy, you realized the implications of such difference. he could totally wreck you, if he wanted to.
ogling at his dick didn’t make it better. it looked huge. a wet patch stained his underwear near the tip, and you salivated at the sight of it.
you tentatively let your finger run along the covered length, and he hissed, slightly thrusting his hips, making you slide closer, “baby. don’t tease.”
the apology was ready and fast on your lips, genuine concern written in your eyes. you didn’t want to keep his suffering going, but you were also hesitant with how exactly you were going to please him. you’ve never seen a real-life dick, and you’ve certainly never touched one.
it was like jeongguk could read your every thought, your wide orbs like an open book to him, reassurance slipping out of him naturally, “doll. you see this?” he took your wrists and laid your hand on his hardness, gulping at the contact, “you feel this? this is what you did to me. there’s no reason why you should doubt yourself, okay?”
you nodded, still unsure, but surely smiling at his sweet tone. he grinned himself, “you’re so hot, and i literally almost came just by looking at you.”
the giggle that escaped you was lively and it eased your nerves with the way it mirrored in his eyes, fondly jumping all over your face. you bit your lip as you escaped his attentive gaze, finally freeing his cock from his confines and making him release a shaky sigh.
it was perfect. pretty. it touched just under his belly button, the tip angry and wet with precum, the pulsing veins running along its length making it throb.
you took it in your hand delicately, jeongguk hissing, and you gasped under your breath. it felt thick in your hold, your fist barely closing around it.
you weren’t sure what to do. your only examples were pornos, and you knew not to fully trust them. but as you started letting your wrist tentatively flick up and down, slowly, you eagerly drank in his reaction.
jeongguk moaned lowly, his eyelids fluttering shut, focusing on the feeling of your smooth hands taking care of his boner. he got louder when you unexpectedly played with his tip, your thumb swirling around it and spreading his wetness down.
your movements were messy, stutteringly uncoordinated, but the concentrated look in your eyes as you stared at his member intently made his head spin, wishing he could fill your slightly agape, watering mouth with it.
in your own mind, you wished his length could be stuffing up your cunt, instead. you slowed down your doings, ending up haltering them as he found your face again, a protesting whine ready to escape him, but you were quicker to surprise him, your voice shy, ”wanna feel you inside me.”
jeongguk groaned deliriously, eyes rolling back at the simple request, ”fuck. you sure?”
you whispered, ”please.”
”of course, angel. been waiting for so long.”
your mouths found each other quickly, starving, both your heartbeats picking up at the prospect of what was going to happen. he combed through your hair to move them behind your ears, rolling the two of you and making you the one laying under his weight.
in between kisses, you asked, impatient, “do you have a condom?”
”yeah, got one in my wallet,” he was panting with effort just as you were, moving from you only to fully free himself from his clothes and then search in his jeans pockets.
as he took the condom out, ripping it open, he stumbled on his words, suddenly awkwardly self-conscious, “it’s not like i have it because i was— expecting us to, huh—“
”jeongguk. it’s okay,” your sweet voice interrupted his overthinking, pulling him to be on top of you again by his arm, “i’m glad you have it, ‘cause i need to feel you. right now.”
he didn’t need to be told twice. you watched, eyes glossy with want, need, as he rolled the condom along his length, huffing out at the sensitivity.
jeongguk brought you closer to him by your thighs, wrapping them around him. he lowered himself on his forearms, his forehead touching yours, eyes swimming together, the proximity making the both of you smile sheepishly.
he exhaled, “are you still sure about this, doll?”
you nodded, the subtle but growing anxiety making your words get stuck in your throat. jeongguk was gentle, patient, his large palm cupping your cheek, “need to hear you say it.”
”yes. i’m sure. want you so bad,” the confession was slurred, shy under his adoring gaze. he kissed along your jaw, slow, intentional.
“okay. just know we can stop whenever you want. let me know if it hurts. i wanna hear you, hm?” his eyes searched yours, frantically, making sure you were good.
as you nodded again, he grasped your hand to hold it, letting your fingers intertwine and lay by your head. with the other hand, he took his length and positioned it where you needed him the most.
jeongguk made it all feel so intimate, special, and safe, that you sensed your eyes water with a feeling stronger than the words you could allow yourself to say. you felt eternally grateful to him for turning a moment you used to dread into something so delicate and precious.
you felt adored. you felt seen, and heard. you felt protected, understood. you saw your reflection in his eyes, in a way that made you want to hide in there forever, maybe travel a bit further down and find home in his heart.
as he started easing himself inside you, both of you gasping at the feeling, his hand gripping yours harder, a tear ran down your cheek. it was a mixture of emotions, sensations. the fullness of his cock entering you, the burn that came with it, his eyes widening alarmingly as he noticed the tears welling along your bottom lashes.
he stilled inside you, his tip now nuzzled in your warmth, his breath hitching, “does it hurt? baby, what’s wrong?”
”no, it’s just—“ it was on the tip of your tongue, but you couldn’t say it. not now. maybe never? you swallowed it down your throat, “it hurts a bit but it feels so good, gguk.”
”yeah? fuck. you’re so tight, princess. taking me in so good,” his praises replaced the hurt, both emotional and physical, with a familiar fuzzy pleasure, pooling in your lower stomach and releasing more of your wetness on his dick, making it easier for him to slip inside you.
he groaned as he bottomed out, your moan higher than intended. you felt him throb inside you, just how he could feel you pulse around him. a string of curses followed as he repeated the slow action, pulling back to his tip only to push back in, making sure you grew accustomed to the feeling.
”gguk. i feel so full,” you cried, wrapping your legs tighter around his waist, forcing him to stay still inside you. he growled, kissing along your neck and leaving small bites to contain himself from snapping his hips against you.
it was complicated, with the sounds escaping your lips resounding sweetly in his ears and your hole tightening around him in a torturous manner making him release precum inside the condom.
”baby, can i please move? i’m gonna go crazy,” his voice was strained, whiny, muffled in the crook of your neck as your fingers combed through his hair, unconsciously searching for comfort.
your granting hum was more of a high-pitched whine, but he took it positively as he attempted one first thrust inside you, followed shortly by another. your moans got stuck, the air cut from your throat the more he picked up his pace, lifting his face from your neck and straightening up to admire the scene.
it was better than anything he’d ever witnessed, his thickness stuffed in your tight, virgin hole and taking him in so perfectly. he took his free hand to hold you still by your hip as he pushed himself deeper.
you were a mess underneath him. legs squeezing around him, you barely gave jeongguk space to move. you wailed, his name tumbling out your tongue repeatedly as he fucked into you faster. he’d been so gentle with you until that moment, but now his roughness made you impossibly wetter.
when you let your eyes flutter open, you could feel yourself spasm around him at the sight in front of you. his abs contracted with the effort of his pushes, his cock slammed into you relentlessly, his nipples hardened and called for your touch.
you threw one hand to his pec and felt his firmness under you, gripping it for support as he pounded you with intent, your nails scratching his skin, the sounds of your bodies slapping together overtaking your pleasured moans.
he panted, rambling, “fuck, love this pussy. love fucking this pussy. wanna fuck it forever.”
“made just for me. such a perfect fit.”
“that’s how you’ve been waiting to be fucked, huh? nice and deep, you fucking love that.”
his praises and dirty comments made your head spin, your eyes rolling to the back of your head, letting your mouth hang open and release your cries into the stuffy room.
the sight of your fucked out state underneath his control was going to torture him for the following weeks, he was sure of that. he’d see you, sprawled out on your bed for him, your tits moving up and down with each thrust, your pleasured tears staining your face as his name left your pillowy lips like a mantra, every time he’d close his eyelids.
he had to physically hold himself back from releasing already, his length too sensitive and eager, but he wanted to make this moment last for as long as he could possibly handle. he closed his eyes, but he couldn’t escape you. you were loud, and the hottest thing he’s ever heard.
and then, the challenge became harder when you stuttered, unexpectedly, “wanna ride you.”
he threw his head back, a feverish groan rising up his throat, “fuck. you do, pretty?”
you hummed, just as unhinged, your legs untightening around him and weakly pulling at his arm to try and bring him to lay on the bed. he pulled himself out of you slowly, making you cringe at the emptiness, and as he let his back fall on the soft surface, he lifted your figure effortlessly and led you to straddle him.
now on top of him, you weren’t so confident with your earlier claim anymore. underneath you, jeongguk was panting, his pupils blown out, lips agape, cock laying unattended on his stomach. he stroked your sides comfortingly, subtly pulling you closer, and the action caused your slicked pussy to grind against his balls.
the two of you moaned at the contact, and he immediately took his length to pump it a couple of times, gently tapping it against your tummy. you lifted your hips up, positioning yourself on his tip, looking down at jeongguk for support.
the lazy smile you were met with made your heart stutter in your chest, and you put your hand on top of his, still tightly gripping your hip, as you sank down his dick.
your head was thrown back in pleasure, your back arching into him, and jeongguk had to fight with himself to keep his eyes from fluttering shut, wanting to bask in the image of you.
as you fully took him in, you leaned your weight on the palm that fell on his chest, his hands steadying you promptly by your waist, praise ready on his tongue, “doing so amazing, princess. making me feel so good.”
you attempted moving subtly, trying to adjust to the more intense stretch, and the hand that was still holding his led it to cup your boob, instructing him to knead at it.
he moaned shakily, playing with your tit while you lifted your hips only to sink them down again, tentatively repeating the action and gaining confidence the more his whines got louder.
soon, you lost control. the way your clit would brush against his skin every time you bounced down made you pulse relentlessly around him, grinding into the sensation and rotating your hips on him with intent.
you tried to prevent it, to hold yourself back, but all your resolution dissolved in a second the moment you felt jeongguk’s thumb teasing your nub. you jolted forward, still balancing yourself on his chest, his hand on your breast working to keep you straight.
”gguk, i think— i think i’m close again,” you admitted ashamedly, your cheeks flushing but your desire unable to make you stop rutting your hips against his touch, his cock throbbing around your walls.
”yeah? then cum around it, make me feel it,” his low voice spurred you on, the thumb that was teasing you now slicing on your nipple, spreading your slick on your boob.
and that made you let go, for a third time, convulsing on top of him, your cries louder as you spasmed around his thick length, your cunt hugging him impossibly tighter, and for a moment you genuinely feared he’d get stuck.
the strength taken out of you was enough to make you fall onto him, your face in his neck as you panted frantically, his heartbeat matching the speed of yours under your palm laying on his chest.
jeongguk’s voice was weak as he spoke in your ear, his fingers stroking your back comfortingly, “that was amazing, baby. so good.”
you appreciated his constant praises, a lazy grin spreading on your lips, but you couldn't ignore the way he kept thudding inside you, quiet whines stuck in his throat as he tried to conceal them by clutching your sides tighter, stilling himself.
jeongguk wailed feverishly when you lifted yourself up again, resuming your earlier actions, the ones that were bringing him to the point he badly wanted to reach. he was breathless as he took in the determined glint in your eyes, “fu— fuck. doll, what are you—“
”wanna make you cum, gguk.”
he physically couldn’t hold himself from rolling his eyes far deep, bucking up to meet your hips, and the force of his thrusts threw your weak body back on him again, your hard nipples brushing against his equally stiff ones.
”i’ll fuck you, baby, hm? you already did so good for me,” his words were hushed, whispered, delirious, the sound of them overtaken by the sharp pounding.
but he made sure you could feel every syllable, his lips close to your lobe as you held yourself tightly on his shoulders, “so perfect. letting me fuck you good and deep. gonna make me cum so hard, doll.”
your brain couldn’t process any other kind of response other than loud cries, your cunt being relentlessly abused. the waves of your last orgasm still flowed inside you, the buzz coming back to life as the new position gave him perfect access to your sweet, needy spot, hitting it at an inhumane force.
his effort was translated into deep, raspy growls only pushing you closer to the edge, and you swore you could pass out from the overstimulation. but you basked in it, the tears in your eyes blurring your vision.
”you wanna cum again? i know you can, c’mon. i know you got it in you, pretty. just another one. cum with me.”
his pleading, delirious tone undid you. the way you both released with harsh moans was perfectly synced, his hips jolting you forward as you chased your high against his lower stomach. with a few more pushes, he let go fully inside the condom, all the energy being ripped from him at that moment, his hands freeing your waist from the sharp grip while his head fell weakly on the side.
the two of you were almost wheezing, your exhales shaking in your panting chests as you lifelessly rested on him, slowly being lulled by his breathing.
you didn’t even notice yourself slipping so easily into slumber, and if it weren’t for his delicate touch tracing your closed eyelids and moving your hair behind your ear, his sweet voice preventing you from fully falling unconscious, you would have enjoyed just staying in that position forever.
“sweetheart. you sleepy?”
you only hummed, the sound rough and thick.
he removed himself from you slowly, both of you still gasping at the overstimulation, and he gently laid you on your back before tying the condom and throwing it in the bin next to your nightstand.
as soon as your head hit the pillow, your eyes fluttered shut again. the room spun faintly, and your body, exhausted, ignored every request your mind was screaming at you. you were cold, goosebumps rising on your naked skin; your thighs still trembled, a mess of wetness and slick. but you were too tired to move. you could only lay there, sprawled on the sheets.
luckily, jeongguk thought of everything. his mind was full of you, his only thought being taking care of your figure and making sure you were safe, comforted.
he had taken your virginity. it wasn’t just a physical act— it was a gift you had entrusted him with, something you had kept close to your heart, even through all the fears and anxieties you’d shared with him. you had always been afraid to let go, to give such an intimate part of yourself to someone.
but you trusted him, fully and deeply, in a way that you hadn’t trusted anyone before. that knowledge bloomed in his chest like warmth spreading to every corner of his body. he felt a deep sense of responsibility and gratitude. he wanted to honor that trust.
with care, jeongguk slipped away from your side to retrieve a warm, damp towel. the cool air hit your skin as he left, and you stirred slightly, though not fully awake. when he returned and began gently wiping you down, you startled at the sensation, your eyes slowly fluttering open. you were met with his grinning face, his eyes crinkling at the sides, that same boyish smile that always made your heart skip a beat.
“we should clean up, baby,” he said soft, his voice warm and coaxing as he continued to gently clean the slickness between your legs.
“tired,” you murmured in response, your voice thick with exhaustion. “tomorrow.” the word came out as more of a sigh than anything else. you stretched your arms out toward him, your lips forming a small pout. “cuddle. now.”
jeongguk laughed fondly at your sleepy demands, shaking his head as he tossed the towel to the floor. without a second thought, he slid back into bed beside you, pulling the covers over your naked bodies. the warmth of the blanket and the weight of him beside you immediately soothed the lingering shivers in your body, and you sighed in relief.
instinctively, you reached for him, your leg curling around his, your hands seeking the familiar comfort of his waist. your head rested on his chest, where you could feel the steady thump of his heart beneath your cheek. his arm wrapped around you naturally, his fingers tracing gentle circles along your spine.
it wasn’t unusual for you to cuddle, especially during movie nights, or simply when the other needed comfort.
but this was different. there was a new weight to the way your bodies pressed together, your brain grasping around the reality of what had just happened.
your first instinct faced with that thought was to chuckle lightly, your sleepy brain struggling to come up with any more reasonable reaction. when he hummed and moved to look down at your face, you hid yourself further in his chest, your voice muffled, “i can’t believe you fucked me.”
he sounded tauntingly cocky as he moved your hair from your forehead, “now that you put it like that, well, i did.”
your drowsy state lowered all your inhibitions, your eyes fluttering close as you spilled your honesty, “i’ve been fantasizing about this moment for so long.”
“yeah? what a naughty girl,” his playful tone made you blush, the low voice and the hand grazing at the small of your back making you clench around nothing, still sensitive.
you lightly pushed at his chest with a weak smile, “you literally said you were waiting for it to happen, too.”
jeongguk’s eyes gleamed with amusement, his tone dripping in mock shame, “did i, pretty? did i do that? oh god, how indecent of me.”
the taunting banter went on for a while, your fond grins almost breaking your faces in two halves as you started a quick tickle war. it was almost surreal how easily the two of you slipped back into the habituality of your dynamic, as if nothing had changed at all. and in a way, nothing had. you were still you, and he was still jeongguk— the boy who teased you relentlessly and made you laugh until your stomach hurt.
as the laughter faded, your body began to relax completely, your muscles loosening as you sank further into his embrace. your head rested against his toned pecs, and you could feel the steady rise and fall of his breathing beneath your cheek. his fingers continued their gentle caresses along your back, and for the first time in a long while, you felt completely at peace.
but jeongguk, even in the quiet comfort of the moment, couldn’t let it end just yet. his mind was still racing, still full of thoughts of you.
he wanted to hear your voice. wanted to be soothed by its melody. he spoke quietly, almost hesitant, his breath warm against your hair, “don’t fall asleep so soon. i’ll miss you.”
your voice was rough with weariness, but you were quick with your answer, “i’m literally lying on top of you.”
“i know,” he whispered, his thumb brushing softly against your waist. “but i wanna talk to you.”
with great effort, you blinked your eyes open, lifting your head just enough to look at him through half-lidded eyes, “it’s your fault if i can’t talk right now.”
“damn, i got a magic stick,” his voice sounded oddly proud of it and you groaned, hitting him weakly on his stomach and causing him to giggle.
“you’re so gross.”
“you hurt me!” he whined dramatically and it made you roll your eyes amusedly.
chuckling softly, you took his face in your hands and pressed your fingers gently against his lips, “shut up.” your voice was playfully fond as you nestled back against him, your eyelids growing heavier by the second, dozing off again.
at least trying to, because only a minute later his soft voice resounded again.
it was barely audible in the stillness, “___.”
“i’m so happy.”
his whispered voice tickled your ear and you giggled, brushing it on your shoulder with a sheepish grin on your lips.
you looked up at him through droopy eyelids, both your orbs swimming in a deep feeling you couldn’t name, “i am too. i don’t think i can feel my pussy anymore, but i’m very happy nonetheless.”
your wittiness even after being completely drained of all your energy surprised him, the laugh escaping him moving in his chest and reflecting in your own fond smile.
he left a peck on your forehead, bringing you to lay down on him again, “you’re so silly. i love you.”
the words left his lips so naturally, as if he had always known them to be true, and they sounded so right that it took both of you another moment to realize their implications.
your heart stopped, and both of you froze. your breath hitched and your eyes widened, but you stayed still, too startled to look up at him.
you felt his heart beat impossibly faster in your ear, and you perfectly pictured the shock that was painting his expression right now.
his hands clutched your sides tighter, trying to find a way to keep his running mind from spiraling, your silence not helping whatsoever. he stuttered, “i— i mean. i— oh god, i’m so sorry.”
the hurt in his tone immediately made your chest clench, panic flushing in your veins. you met his eyes alarmedly, jumping between them, “jeongguk. don’t be sorry. you love me?”
he wasn’t sure what to do, couldn’t figure out if the feeling was mirrored as intensely in you as it was in him. it had been building inside him for weeks, lingering beneath the surface, making his heart race and his thoughts blur every time you were near.
the realization hadn’t come to him in a grand, sweeping moment but in the quiet of the bookstore one random afternoon. he had been stacking shelves, mindlessly organizing the rows of novels, when he caught sight of you. you were tucked into a corner, absorbed in a murakami novel, your fingers brushing the edges of the pages with care.
he hadn’t expected you to show up that day. he was sure you’d mentioned having lectures and that you couldn’t meet up with him, so seeing you there, completely unannounced, had startled him.
he remembered standing there for a moment, frozen in place, just staring at you walk through the door. and then you had lifted your head, and your eyes met his across the quiet, sunlit room.
the smile you gave him was sheepish as you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, your confession tumbling out softly, “i skipped my classes. i wanted to be here. needed to see you.”
it was shy, and said with a feeling in your gaze that he was scared to decipher.
but he couldn’t help the way it settled in his heart. stubborn, unmoving. the truth was clearly in front of him, and it took the semblance of your face.
you were the truth. he was in love.
so, he could only be truthful to you, “i— yes. i love you.”
the words sank into your skin, filling you with warmth and a sense of completeness that made your chest swell. you exhaled deeply through your nose, trying to steady the burst of emotion building inside you, but your eyes softened, and a tear slipped down your cheek as you smiled, wide and genuine.
“i love you too, gguk.”
it was a simple reply, but the weight behind it carried everything. you didn’t need to say anything more. you couldn’t even if you wanted to, your lips immediately eating at each other, gulping down your furious flow of thoughts and accepting. hearing. feeling. seeing.
all the times you forced to keep shut and convince yourself that what you saw in him and all his care towards you was just coming from a place that would forever see you two as friends. all the secret touches, the shared meals, the warm nights on your couch. all the books you read for him, all the lines he highlighted for you.
it was love. all along. and you felt its power against him, your heartbeats syncing.
when you finally pulled away, you rested your forehead against his, both of you breathing softly in the quiet aftermath of the confession. jeongguk’s arms tightened around you, pulling you even closer as if he couldn’t bear to let go.
the silence that followed wasn’t awkward or uncertain. it was peaceful. comfortable.
and lulled by the quiet, jeongguk ended up being the first to fall asleep, his nervous energy fading away, replaced by a deep sense of contentment. his breathing became slow and steady, his face nuzzled into the crook of your neck, his muscles relaxing.
despite your earlier exhaustion, you were too wired to sleep. you were still flowing with excitement. the night’s events hit you with great force, and kept you wide awake.
quietly, you reached for your phone on the nightstand, careful not to disturb jeongguk. the screen lit up, showing the time. 3:47 am.
even though it was late, you couldn’t resist. you pulled up jimin’s contact and pressed the call button. waiting. he was always awake at this hour.
jimin had been your best friend for years. your loyal confidant, the one you could splutter all your feelings to and never be judged. he had been by your side all along this particular ride, going from a silly, little crush to feeling raging love for the boy in your arms.
you smiled wide at the prospect of jimin’s reaction at the news you were about to share with him. he was the first person you wanted to inform, he deserved to know.
“bitch, don’t tell me you’re crying over jeongguk, ‘cause—“
those are the first words that came through the line, and they made you silently chuckle at the irony, immediately engaging in his banter, “well, sorta kinda. he said he loves me.”
there was a beat of silence on the other end, followed by jimin’s amused scoff, “wow. crazy news. would have never guessed.”
you were stunned, to say the least. your mouth hung open as you whisper-yelled, “bitch! is this seriously all you have to say?”
you were mindful not to wake jeongguk with your conversation, looking down at him with care. his cheek was squished on your small breast, his mouth pouting and releasing heavy puffs. one of his hands rested protectively over your side, and his thumb brushed your under boob.
he was cozily nestled between your legs, his wavy hair brushing your chin, and he looked so peaceful it was like he was made to be held by you.
you couldn’t help the tears from welling in your eyes as jimin’s next words accompanied the view of the boy you loved, now finally yours.
“babe, c’mon, it was obvious.”
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doctorbeth · 2 months ago
Happy New Year!
As I may have mentioned at some point in the past, early in the year is actually quite busy at the stuffed animal hospital. Busier than the holiday season, to be honest. My theory is, people get gifts and then realize, what they really wanted was their favorite old companion rejuvenated, and then they call me. :-)
Anyway, that's part of why I tend to be quiet here early in the year. Honestly, half the time I can't find my phone when it rings because it's covered in fabric!
But... I really didn't want the start of the year to pass without sharing at least one story and wishing you all the best possible for the coming year, whatever that may mean for you.
Without further ado, this is the story of Friend, because who couldn't have a new friend. :-)
Friend was originally a beagle, a snoopy style dog. This is what he looked like, once upon a time, after many years of love:
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A bit worn, but in one piece and very much loved for the memories that wear represented. He didn't need to come to the hospital until he had a run-in with his family's new Golden Retriever, who very much wanted to love him as well. But Friend was small, and hand no teeth, and the Retriever was large with teeth and nails and a tongue and after their... interaction, Friend looked like this:
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He really needed help!
So Friend's person's husband wrote, asking for an appointment for Friend, and we scheduled him right away for a spa and surgery.
There aren't photos of Friend in the spa, because he needed to be taken apart to be safely cleaned. But once he was clean, I started stitching up his wounds. It turned out, he would need about 40% new fur to get back to health. Fortunately, being a white, short furred animal I could find a very good match for him. White and black tend to the be the colors I can get the closest matches to, and short fur or smooth fabrics are easier to match than longer fur, because we don't need to worry about trying to match the worn length as much.
Here is Friend, all better, and ready to enjoy many more gentle hugs from his people:
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His family's response.... "Unbelievable!"
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inuiiwonderland · 1 month ago
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The boys invite you over to their house but now suffer with their moms/siblings/parents showing you their baby pictures<3 gn reader!!!
Ace trappola
He leaves for ONE second. One second and he can already hear your small giggles coming from his room as he hears the voice of his older brother with you.
Oh gross don’t tell me he’s flirting with you!
Ace thinks as he quickly shoots his way up the stairs. The boy brows were furrowed as he slams the door wide open. He was ready to cuss up a storm like a sailor and tell his brother to fuck off and leave but froze once he sees what you’re holding.
You were the first one to break the silence as you throw your head back as a laugh escapes your lips.
“Oh sevens you were one ugly baby!” You say. Trying very hard to keep in your giggles as you look over at the picture. His brother cackling right next to you.
“Oh totally! He looked like a dried up raisin” His brother says in between laughter.
“HEY! No I didn’t!” Ace can feel the tip of his ears heat up as he marches right towards you two.
“These pictures say otherwise” You flipped to the second page and quickly slapped your hand over your mouth.
“Oh sevens…” Ace quickly tries snatching the book from your hands but his brother stops him before he could.
“Oh my! Is that-“
“Yep! He couldn’t go ANYWHERE without it!” In the picture, you can see THE ace trappola standing with a wide toothy grin on his face as he holds onto an equally adorable bunny stuffed animal.
“Oh this one is my favorite!” He points to a photo of baby Ace dressed up as a strawberry as he cried his eyes out. You can see his brother standing next to him with a big smile on his face as Ace looks like he’s about to pop a vain. The next picture shows him all calm and smiley as he’s given his favorite bunny stuffed animal.
“Aweeee ace! You were so adorable!!” You squeal. With his brother now laughing and wheezing, Ace was able to immediately snatch the photo album from your hands as his whole face was a bright cherry red.
“Okay that’s enough and get the hell outta my room jack ass!”
Deuce spade
He should’ve known something was up when it suddenly got quiet. He carefully walks back to his room with a tray in hand filled with cookies. The moment he opens the door he lets out a loud shriek as he watches his mom excitedly showing you his baby pictures.
“M-mom? What are you-“
“This was him at 2 months! Isn’t he cute?”
“For sure! Aw look at those chubby cheeks!”
“Oh and this was on his 6th birthday party! Look at those dimples!” She says as you squealed in awe. The two of you continued to flip through the baby album as deuce turned redder and redder by the seconds.
“Aww you were such a cutie deucy!” His face instantly goes red as he sets down the tray on the table.
“Oh oh! And look at this!”
“Is that a bunny onesie?” You squeal out. He immediately gulps knowing the embarrassing stories behind that onesie.
“Yes! I bought it for him for the white rabbit fest! He loved it so much he would always wear it to bed or when we go buy groceries. He cried really hard when he outgrew it though”
“I-I did not! I was just sad that’s all! I did not cry!”
“Oh! Look at this one! This was taken on his first day of school! I still remember it like it was yesterday. After taking that photo, he wouldn’t let go of me! He didn’t want to go in at all and we had to have three teachers come and drag him inside as he cried his little heart out! I remember feeling so terrible but I had to go to work”
“Okay that’s enough! No more baby photos and embarrassing stories!” He says as he snatches the book away.
“No wait please I want to see more!”
Sebek Zigvolt
It’s been 5 minutes already and you still weren’t back from the bathroom! You told him you would be quick and now he’s slowly growing impatient from your absence. He gets up and storms out of the room as he makes his way to the bathroom.
“Human! You have been in there for almost 10 minutes! Is something wrong?!” Silence. He frowns before knocking again.
“You know we have to study for that Alchemy test this upcoming week!”
Again nothing. Just as he was about to knock again a loud laugh and giggles could be heard from downstairs. And those giggles sounded eerily familiar.
That’s your giggles!
In a speed of light does he make it downstairs and to the kitchen where the laughs and giggles were coming from.
There stood you and his father going through sebek baby photo album.
“W-what are you doing?!” He screeched.
“Oh sebek! I was just showing your friend your baby photos!” His father said cheerfully. The half fae turned bright red as he was ready to yell but was stopped the moment he heard his name being called from behind him.
“Sebek Zigvolt. What did I tell you about yelling in the house?!” There stood his mother. Brows furrowed as her arms were crossed over her chest.
“Anywho! Look! This was him when he first came into this world!”
“Awww! I guess he’s always been loud from the looks of it” You say. Chuckling at the photo in front of you.
“Oh don’t get me started. He was crying up a storm and I swear I could feel my eardrums burst” His mother sighs as she walks over to the sink. His father smiles as he looks down at the album.
“Yeah he was a crier. Oh look at this one!” He shows you a picture of 4 month old sebek staring wide eyed at the camera. Chubby cheeks and big ole eyes.
“Awww! You were adorable!”
“Oh this is my favorite one!” His mother points at one where you can see sebek wearing a knight costume. From the looks of it it must’ve been Halloween. He wore a proud smile as he held up his sword. You coo at the photo as they both continued to show you more.
“Oh look at this one! He saw a horror movie for the first time and there was a scene where the father sacrifices himself for his kids and he burst out into tears! He wouldn’t let go of his dad for weeks!”
“Enough! Let’s go back to studying!” He says as he grabs your hand and pulls you away from his parents and the photo album.
“Wait no one more !”
This was an old draft from like a year ago🌝 I just decided to finish it now😖
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requiemforthepoets · 4 months ago
baby peanut! 𖦹 LN4
PAIRINGS: lando norris x wife!reader
SUMMARY: keeping your pregnancy from lando was proven to be very hard when all you want is tell him the amazing news that you both are expecting again. but since his birthday was coming up, you waited for his special day to tell him.
REMINDERS: this is purely fiction, the way how the character is portrayed in my story does not reflect the person that is portraying my character in real life. always separate fiction from reality, and do not repost or copy my work in any way.
WARNINGS: reader is french-russian, multicultural household, established relationships, pregnancy, typos, and gramatical errors
AUTHOR’S NOTE: HAPPY LANDO DAY!!!!! was debating on posting a new fic for him, but decided to just make it a part of the norris family series, though this can be read as a stand alone. hope you’ll enjoy this one!
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The soft morning light was just beginning to filter through the white curtains when you stirred awake, glancing over to see Lando fast asleep beside you. His peaceful face looked even more boyish, framed by the tousled strands of hair he hadn’t bothered to tame before collapsing into bed after last night’s stream. It had been hours before he joined you in bed, he and Max laughing and gaming into the early morning, and you knew he deserved this rest.
Just as you began to carefully sit up, you heard a soft rustling sound from the bedroom doorway. Peeking over, you spotted a small figure, a very familiar figure—a little silhouette with tousled hair, just like Lando’s, and sparkling eyes, trying best to tiptoe into the room. It was Thylane, with her tiny hands clutching her favorite blankie. You could see that she was struggling to hold back a giggle as she glanced over at her sleeping father.
Smiling, you brought a finger to your lips, silently shushing her. Thylane’s eyes widened, and she stopped mid-step, freezing in the doorway. You motioned gently for her to come closer to you, and she padded over quietly, looking up at you expectantly.
“Is Papa awake yet?” She whispered, voice barely more than a breath.
The eagerness in her tone made your heart swell, and you could not help but lean down, kissing her lightly on the forehead.
“No, mon amour,” you whispered back, brushing a stray lock of hair from her face. “Papa had a very late night with Uncle Max. He needs his sleep, let’s let him rest a little longer, hm?”
Thylane nodded, her expression brightening at the thought of what you had in mind. “But it’s Papa’s birthday! I want to say happy birthday to him!”
“I know, my love. But how about we go to the kitchen, just you and me, and make a special birthday breakfast for Papa? Then we can surprise him together when he wakes up, and…” you paused, heart fluttering as you thought about the special surprise you had planned, one that you had kept to yourself until today. “And there’s something very exciting we’ll be giving him. Something you’re going to help me with, too.”
Her eyes lit up, and she bounced on her toes, already whispering with excitement. “What is it, Mama?”
“You’ll see, mon petit trésor,” you murmured with a soft smile. “It’s a surprise just as much for you as it is for your Papa. Now, come on.”
You grabbed your silk robe by the vanity chair and put it on. Taking Thylane’s little hand in yours, you casted a quick glance back at Lando. You leaned over, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead, lingering just a moment. The warmth of his skin was comforting, and for a heartbeat, you just admired the peaceful look on his face, hoping he would carry that warmth with him when he awoke to find you both by his side. Then you carefully lifted Thylane into your arms to keep her quiet and avoid the soft creaks of the floorboards as you slipped out of the room together.
You and Thylane moved quietly into the kitchen, both of you filled with anticipation. The kitchen was softly lit by the morning sun, casting a warm glow over the countertops as you gathered everything you needed for Lando’s birthday breakfast, with Thylane already clutching the whisk with her small hands, her tongue poking out in concentration as she tried her best to mix the batter for the pancakes.
“Like this, Mama?” She asked, glancing up at you, her face bright with determination.
“Oui, parfait, mon ange,” you replied, ruffling her hair lightly. “Now, tu peux ajouter les blueberries. Add the blueberries, like this.” You handed her a small bowl of plump blueberries, showing her how to fold them gently into the batter.
She followed your instructions very carefully, not wanting to ruin Lando’s surprise, her little fingers pushing each blueberry into the mix with care, her eyes darting to you every so often to check if she was doing it right.
“Is Papa going to love it?” She whispered.
You leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. “Of course Papa’s going to love it because you made it for him,” you assured her, watching her face break into a wide grin. “Now, pass me the flour, please—la farine. Careful, don’t spill.”
With both hands, Thylane picked up the small bag of flour and brought it over, the look of focus never leaving her face. She had switched to a more serious demeanor, taking her role as your little sous-chef very seriously.
“Here, Mama!” She said proudly, handing it to you as if it were the most delicate thing in the world.
“Merci, mon trésor,” you replied, taking the flour and measuring out the right amount for the batter. “Okay, now you can stir again, doucement, like this.” You demonstrated, letting her hands follow yours as you guided her through the gentle motions.
When the pancakes were stacked high on a plate, topped with fresh berries and a drizzle of maple syrup, you and Thylane both stood back, admiring your creation.
“Look at what we made together,” you said softly, squeezing Thylane’s shoulder. “Papa will be very happy.”
Thylane clapped her hands excitedly, bouncing on her toes. “Can we give it to him now?”
“Not yet,” you shook your head, a smile forming on your lips. “There’s one more surprise we need to get ready.”
Walking over to the drawer, you retrieved the small acrylic box, some soft cloth, and your carefully wrapped pregnancy test. Thylane’s brows furrowed as she watched you, her head tilting with curiosity.
“What’s that, Mama?” She asked, peering closely at the box as you placed the soft cloth inside.
“This, my love, is a very special surprise for Papa,” you knelt down so that you were eye-level with her, placing the test in the box atop the folded cloth. “Do you remember how you told me you wanted to have a little brother or sister?”
Thylane’s eyes sparkled, and she nodded eagerly. “Yes! Yes! Does this mean…”
“Yes, Tilly. This means you’re going to be a big sister.” You smiled warmly at her.
Her face lit up, her mouth forming a perfect little “O” of excitement. “Really, Mama? I get a baby brother or sister?”
“Yes, mon trésor,” you nodded, laughing softly at her reaction. “We don’t know yet if it’s a brother or sister, but the baby is here, right inside Mama’s tummy, just a little peanut for now.”
Thylane’s eyes went wide with wonder, and she pressed her small hands to your stomach as if she was trying to feel the baby herself.
“A baby peanut!” She giggled, delight shining in her face. “Can we call the baby that for now?”
“Of course,” you chuckled, brushing her hair back. “Until we know more, we can call your little sibling, baby peanut.” She grinned, clearly enamored with the idea, and watched carefully as you tied the ribbon around the box with care.
“Can I help with the ribbon?” She asked, her hand already reaching out eagerly.
“Of course, here.” You said, guiding her hand as she carefully looped the ribbon around, tightening it with a gentle tug and finishing it off in a neat bow.
“Where should we put it, Mama?” She asked, glancing around the room.
You took a quick look at the cozy space, then pointed to a spot on the kitchen counter, just out of Lando’s immediate line of sight.
“Right here,” you decided, setting the box down gently. “That way, Papa won’t see it right away.”
Thylane nodded, grinning widely. “I can’t wait to see Papa’s reaction!”
With breakfast prepared and the surprise box tucked safely out of sight, you and Thylane made your way back to the bedroom, eager to wake up the birthday boy. By now, the sun had fully risen, casting a warm glow across the room as you nudged the door open to your and Lando’s bedroom. You expected to see Lando still sleeping peacefully, but instead, he was already awake, propped up on pillows with his phone in his hand, scrolling with a sleepy smile on his face.
Before you could say anything, Thylane let out a squeal of excitement and sprinted towards the bed, practically launching herself onto him. Lando barely had time to react before she pounced, wrapping her arms around his neck and showering Lando’s face with small kisses.
“Happy birthday, Papa! Happy birthday! Happy birthday!” She chanted, each word punctuated with a giggling kiss to Lando’s cheeks, forehead, and nose. Lando can’t help but laugh, his eyes crinkling with joy as he pulled her close, enveloping her in a warm hug.
“Thank you, Tilly!” He replied, chuckling as he looked up at her. “I don’t think I’ve ever had such a special wake-up call on my birthday before.”
She nodded enthusiastically, her face flushed with pride. “I made you a biiiiig birthday card last night! It’s pink, and has lots of hearts and sparkles on it, and I even drew a race car!”
“Woah, a race car? Just for me? Now that is one special card,” he said, brushing a few stray curls behind her ear as he smiled up at her. “I can’t wait to see it. I bet it’s the best card in the whole world.”
Giggling, Thylane seated herself on top of his stomach, her little hands resting on his chest as she looked down at Lando with pure adoration. You leaned against the doorway, laughing at the sweet sight in front of you before walking over to the bed and settling down beside Lando.
“Good morning,” he murmured, his voice thick with sleep, but laced with affection. “I’m so happy that I get to spend my birthday with my favorite girls.”
You leaned in, brushing your lips softly against his. “Good morning, birthday boy,” you whispered, smiling against his lips before pulling back just slightly. “Happy birthday, my love.”
Lando grinned, puckering his lips again, silently asking for another kiss. Laughing, you leaned down, giving him another soft kiss, feeling his hand come up to gently cup your cheek. In that moment, it was just the three of you, wrapped in warmth and love, as if nothing else in the world existed. As you pulled back, Thylane let out a little giggle, pointing at the two of you with a mischievous grin.
“Ew, Mama and Papa!” She teased, though her face betrayed nothing but happiness.
Lando laughed, reaching over to ruffle her hair. “Hey, I deserve a birthday kiss, don’t I?”
“Papa! Mama and I made you a special breakfast!” She announced, clapping her hands. “We worked really, really hard. I even put the blueberries in all by myself!”
“No way! You mean to tell me you were my chef this morning, too?” Lando ticked her side, making her dissolve into giggles.
Thylane laughed, wiggling under his tickling fingers. “Yes, I’m your chef today! Mama showed me how to make everything.”
“Well, now I definitely have to see what my two favorite girls cooked up,” he said, sitting up slowly.
Lando reached over, wrapping an arm around your waist as he pulled you close, then lifted Thylane into his other arm. She squealed with delight, wrapping her arms around his neck and snuggling her head against Lando’s shoulder. As the three of you made your way to the kitchen, Lando kept his arm secure around your waist, pulling you close as Thylane chattered excitedly about breakfast.
“Mama taught me how to fold in the blueberries so they wouldn’t smush!” She said proudly. “And we made a big stack of pancakes with syrup and blueberries and…oh! And I even helped tie a bow for your present!”
Lando gave you a curious look over Thylane’s shoulder. “A present, huh?” He asked, raising an eyebrow with a grin. “I’m starting to think you two were up to a lot more than just breakfast this morning.”
“Hm, maybe we were,” you replied, smiling playfully as you reached up to brush a strand of his hair back. “But you’ll have to be patient to find out.”
He chuckled, squeezing your waist. “Well, I don’t know how much patience I have today. I mean, it is my birthday.”
Laughing, you reached up to plant a kiss on his cheek. “Good things come to those who wait, birthday boy.”
The three of you entered the kitchen, where the table was set with the special breakfast you and Thylane had made. Lando’s eyes sparkled as he took it all in, and Thylane beamed with pride, practically bouncing in his arms.
“Happy birthday, Papa!” She exclaimed one last time, her voice full of love and excitement, her little arms squeezing him tightly.
With Lando’s arm around you, and Thylane hugging him with all her might, it was clear to you that this birthday morning could not have started off any sweeter.
Breakfast was a cozy, peaceful affair, the three of you wrapped in the simplicity of the morning. You and Lando chatted about plans for his birthday dinner later, throwing around ideas and laughing at each other’s jokes, while Thylane happily watched her favorite show on her iPad, humming along with the familiar theme song of Little Einsteins. It was a gentle scene, just the three of you? Sharing a quiet, joyful space as the morning sun spilled across the table.
Lando seemed perfectly content, caught up in the warmth of the moment. He had almost forgotten about the small gift waiting for him, tucked away in the kitchen—until you stood up, brushing a gentle hand across his shoulder.
“Wait here for a sec,” you said softly, a hint of excitement in your voice. “Tilly, come help me with something for Papa.”
Thylane’s face lit up as she hopped down from her chair, glancing at you with a secretive smile. She knew exactly what was coming next. Taking her hand, you led her back into the kitchen, glancing over your shoulder to see Lando watching you both with a look of fond curiosity. He seemed completely oblivious to what was coming.
You reached into the cozy corner of the counter, pulling out the small, acrylic box you had hidden away with so much care. Inside, carefully wrapped in a soft cloth, was the positive pregnancy test. You knelt down, handing the box to Thylane, who held it carefully with wide, shining eyes.
“Okay, mon ange,” you whispered, giving her a gentle smile. “Give this to Papa, and make sure he opens it.”
She nodded, taking the box in her hands as if it were a treasure. Together, you walked back to the dining area, where Lando was watching you both with growing curiosity.
“What’s this?” He asked, raising an eyebrow with a playful grin.
Thylane held out the box, her excitement barely contained. Lando took the acrylic box, glancing from her to you, a mixture of awe and confusion on his face.
You smiled, wrapping an arm around his shoulder, leaning close. “Go on,” you said, voice soft with anticipation. “Open it.”
“Open it, Papa! Open it!” She echoed, bouncing slightly on her toes, her face brimming with excitement.
Lando carefully untied the delicate ribbon that Thylane had helped you with that morning, his fingers moving slowly as if savoring the moment. The box felt light in his hands, and his expression shifted from curiosity to wonder as he lifted the lid, pulling away the cloth inside. The instant he saw the test, his eyes widened, and Lando looked up at you with a mixture of disbelief and joy.
“Is this…” he stammered, his voice barely more than a whisper, as though he was afraid he might shatter the moment. “Is this real? Is this for real?”
You nodded, unable to contain your own smile as you squeezed his shoulder. “Yes, love. It is real.” You watched his face light up as the reality of it washed over him.
“Happy birthday, my love.” You added softly, feeling your own heart swell with happiness.
Lando did not hesitate. He stood up, pulling you into a tight embrace, arms wrapping around you as he lifted you off of your feet, twirling you in a gentle circle. His laugh was warm and filled with immense happiness so pure that it brought tears to your eyes.
“After all this time,” he murmured, voice thick with emotions as he pressed a kiss to your cheek. “We’re really going to have another baby?” You nodded, laughing through your tears.
“I found out a few weeks ago, when you were in Mexico. I wanted to wait until today to tell you.” You placed a hand on his cheeks, gazing up at him with all the love you had been holding back for weeks. “It took everything in me not to tell you the moment I found out.”
He kissed you softly, his forehead pressing against yours as he whispered. “Thank you for waiting, love. This…this is literally the best birthday gift I’ve ever had.”
“Papa, did you see? It’s real!” She said, beaming and clapping her hand, while bouncing in happiness. “I’m going to have a baby brother or sister! I told Mama I want to call them baby peanut!”
“Baby peanut, huh?” Lando chuckled, bending down to lift Thylane into his arms, bringing her close to the two of you. Kissing her forehead, and looking at you with a grin. “I think that’s a perfect name, for now.”
“Papa, can we tell everyone? All our friends?” Thylane’s face lit up at the thought, and she looked back and forth between you and Lando.
“Soon, Tilly. But for now, let’s keep it our little secret, okay? Just between us.” He leaned down, dropping his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “That way, we can keep baby peanut all to ourselves a little longer.”
“Our little secret!” She nodded seriously, her eyes wide as she held her finger to her lips. “I’m really good at secrets, Papa. I won’t tell anyone!”
You all just stood there, basking in the warmth and happiness of the quiet moment, Lando had never felt a new kind of peace settle over him. This was everything he had ever wanted, everything he had ever dreamed of. A family, life filled with love and laughter, and now, another little one on the way.
Lando let Thylane down, letting her run towards the living room to play with her toys. He reached out, threading his fingers through yours and giving your hand a gentle squeeze, and kissing it softly.
“Thank you,” he whispered, his voice breaking a little bit. “For this, for everything. You’ve given me the greatest gift of all.”
You squeezed his hand back, your own eyes shining with emotion. “I love you,” you murmured. “Happiest birthday, my love.”
As Lando held you closely, he realized that this was a happiness beyond anything he could have ever imagined.
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tbaluver · 2 months ago
Hear me out !
Lnds men with baby fever
Catching Baby Fever! - The Love And DeepSpace Men
parings in order: Xavier x Reader, Zayne x Reader, Rafayel x Reader, Sylus x Reader genre/ tags: fluff fluff a/n: hihi anonnie ! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ i'm def hearing you out bc them with baby fever is such a cutie idea (∩˃o˂∩)♡ i hope this was alright and that you enjoy reading !! (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡ special thank yous to my beta readers!! @ilovemitsuya @dawnbreakerluna @luvzayne MWAH ILYALL any likes and reblogs are always appreciated! enjoy!
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There was this feeling that stirred in his chest while his heart fluttered when he saw the little girl run into your arms during a mission. He knew this feeling only arose when he was around you but seeing you care for the child so effortlessly stirred emotions he wasn’t quite prepared for
He’s never really thought about children or had that talk with you yet but he can’t help but think what it would be like if you two had one together after your mission ended. How small they would be while he cradles them. How they would sleep in between you and him for protection.
Xavier was unusually quiet after the mission ended and when the little girl was returned safely to her mother. He’s never really thought about having children or had that talk with you yet but the idea seems nice. His heart flutters thinking of having a little one in his arms and how they would sleep safely in between you and him.
It felt like he couldn’t escape the thought of having a child no matter where he went. His favorite characters in his favorite show would suddenly have a child and he would be way more absorbed into the show than usual. Anytime he clicks on social media, his phone would be flooded with videos of parents dressing their babies up in cute onesies but one tiny baby would be dressed up in a cute bunny onesie that had him in absolute awe so he sent it to you. And how he wished you two were these two parents holding their baby’s hands, swinging them gently as they strolled through the park.
Xavier would never bring it up until you were ready to talk about it but there were subtle hints that it was lingering on his mind. Whenever you two drifted off to sleep, he’d wrap his arms around you, his head resting gently against the back of your neck. His hands would rub softly on your belly as if he was dreaming of a future family with you.
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The pediatrics department in Akso hospital has been much more lively these past few days. Children running up to a well known hunter in Linkon city and in Zayne’s heart. Each time you visited, the children’s excitement was palpable. Every single one of their fears for upcoming surgeries and checkups were gone once you helped and remind them to stay strong. They were always eager to hear about a Hunter’s life and what it was like when you undertook missions.
However, it seems like you failed to notice your lover would often linger by the door of the room you were in, pretending to check the children’s files on the doors. In reality he was listening to every part of the story and he couldn’t help but be captivated by how effortlessly you connect with the children.
Sometimes he’d pass by the rooms you were in just to catch a glimpse of you in your element, telling them stories and making their faces light up. It was the way you laughed along with them, your sweet laughter that blended with their innocent joy and it just made his heart absolutely melt. The scenario of coming home one day and seeing that scene play out in your shared home makes his heart flutter.
It’s rare for Zayne to daydream even on his breaks, his mind always focused on the present. But he can’t help but shake off the thought of what it would be like to have an imaginary future baby with you. Would they have your eyes? Would they have your smile? Would they have your adorable laugh? Would they love you as much as he does? absolutely
Small domestic scenarios often drift through his mind, making his lips curl into a fond smile. He can’t help but chuckle to himself, imagining the three of you grocery shopping. As you place items into the cart, you catch sight of the container of macarons inside the stroller.
“Zayne!” I told you no sugar this weekend, it’s the doctor's orders!” you scoffed.
“They wanted it,” He lies as your baby coos. Unfortunately for you it’s a battle that you would lose because he knows how easily you would melt when it comes to him and to your little one.
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Scrolling through social media did not help him at all and only deepened his longing. Each post was either some heartwarming documentary about whales swimming with their calves or parents dressing their children up in adorable onesies. This feeling all started when he attended an art event, crowded with renowned artists when a familiar artist caught his eye. He watched as their children eagerly ran and leaped into his arms the moment he spotted their father.
He couldn’t stop imagining what a future with you and a family of his own would look like. Small scenarios of him holding your hand while his other hand cradles your little one as you all attend an event together or the joy he would have when you surprise visit him with your children, tiny feet rushing into his arms made his heart flutter. Or the scenario of your little babies first swim in the ocean and their tiny little tail swimming right beside him. Rafayel envisions playful days chasing sharks or the cutest sight of their tiny handrprints on his canvas. All of these scenarios made his heart swell with so much love at the thought of the future with you.
At first you didn’t realize just how badly he was catching baby fever. It just some subtle posts here and there until it became a streak all linked to the topic of babies followed by a message like, “isn’t this cute lul” "i would never name our child this"
For the past couple of days, anytime you two went shopping, he couldn’t help but linger around the baby area around the shop. His mind raced with thoughts of what outfits would look adorable if you two had a little one of your own. As you moved through the store, he’d get distracted by tiny canvases or art supplies made just for kids. “Can you imagine cutie? If we had a little one, they would paint right beside me”
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He couldn’t wipe that smile off his face as he unlocked his phone and saw the pictures you’d sent of yourself babysitting your co-workers baby. On his way to your apartment to drop off some things, he was even met with an even more adorable sight. You were cradling the baby gently in your arms, soothing them to sleep. His eyes softened at the scene, his heart raced, beating faster if it was even possible.
As he helps you clean up the mess the little one made, his gaze often drifts back to you, a soft smile on his face. The thought of you playing with your own children with a beautiful ring on your finger. A family that would be his, the one you two built together with so much love. He dreams of teaching them so many things, especially the ones that would most likely end up with you scolding him and your children.
He can’t help but imagine what it would be like if these were your children instead, often updating him about the small things your baby would have done even if all they did was laugh. How you would send him cute voice messages of your children even if it was just them cooing into the mic. And he can’t help but imagine coming home from work and having you and a little on that you both call yours run up to his arms.
Once your co-worker picks up their child, he can’t shake this empty feeling his chest now that the little one is gone. The child had been so well-behaved and so sweet thanks to your care. For the last couple days, he subtly mentions how quiet the house feels without the sound of small footsteps padding around the place or without the child's laughter. He'll even bring up what could he possibly do with all the extra space at his home.
IN GENERAL ( ALL ): Regardless of what they wanted, at the end of the day, the decision would always be yours. They understand that you were the one who would carry the baby for nine months. If you felt ready and wanted to take that step, then they would do their absolute best for it to happen. A happy wife means a happy life.
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inkskinned · 2 years ago
no, actually, where is the whimsy?
my ex had a best friend named larry who asked me once: what do you think comes after irony?
we were at the bar where larry worked. it was a quiet night, and he'd hopped over to sit with us on the patron side. i swirled the lemon around my limoncello martini.
earnest positivity, i said, while my ex said, art self-destructs.
i stared at my ex. he stared at me.
his argument was the cinemasins argument: look how bad media is becoming! look at the loopholes and the dumb shit!
it was roughly 2011. galaxy print was still in. at the time, i had a favorite shirt that was a wolf howling at the moon. it got ripped in half in the wash and i honestly still mourn it. i dressed like effie stonem, because everyone did. and irony was the name of the thing. men liked MLP "ironically." the internet liked the kind of crass, "anti-mainstream" vibes of things like fuck romance, touch my butt and buy me pizza. we put cats in sunglasses everywhere, which was because we only liked things in irony.
and media had the same vibe in it: anti-hero white men would be "hard to love" and then storm off the scene. nobody was just earnestly trying to save the world: they were jaded, angry, unoriginal. mad you even asked them to try to help.
my ex ends up not being wrong. cinemasins becomes super popular. a lot of people start viewing media with this lens that is the cruelest, most jaded depiction. it's wrong for your character to have unexplained powers, even if the entire movie is about how strange it is she has unexplained powers - that is still considered a "loophole." characters make thoughtless, panicked choices? loophole. characters are actually kind people, despite hardship? loophole. features a woman doing literally anything without assistance? loophole. movies become hyper-aware of scrutiny, and now irony rules the media.
which means you go to a movie, and the character has to turn to the screen and say "beats me!!" or one of the side characters has to have some kind of quip like "are you seriously telling me that you think this is normal?" because nothing can happen in earnest. like a sitcom laugh track, we now anticipate the fourth-wall break: the moment that the media acknowledges it is telling a story. the media has to apologize for itself, or else someone like my ex rolls their eyes.
but here's the thing: i wasn't wrong either.
the difference might be that i am (and always have been) so soft-hearted that any crack in the light of this world will spear me into the ground. and i was the poet in the relationship. (he thought that was the same thing as being naïve and stupid). i was making things daily. i knew how all of us artists are driven by some strange desire to evolve. he notably liked to critique art, not to create it.
so yes, i've made things that are bitter and angry and even ironic. i've made long, sharp poems with all capital letters, and i've made poems about how the silence stretches out like a song. someone wrote once that we will spend our whole lives just circling the place we grew up. i think it's more that we spend our whole lives trying to remake a home. i think it's that as we age, it becomes less exciting to build the castle on the beach - we become aware of erosion, of windforce. we realize what we really want is to come home to our dog, castle or not.
and while art in the foreground is mired in white male violence and irony, and aggression, and not taking anything seriously - i don't think that's true of all art. i think more and more artists are leaning in to the things we love. the world has changed so much. they have taken so many things from us. the only thing we have left is love. at the bottom of the moving box - all we get is the faint sense that we have to appreciate what little we've got. i can't enjoy this stuff ironically anymore: what room do i have for irony? if it makes me happy, that is an amazing thing. there are so few happy places left for me. i want to be happy because of how leaves shiver beside each other like nestling birds. i want to be happy because of the color pink, and how magenta doesn't exist. i have spent so much of this life suffering, i have earned my right to a gentle ending. if nothing matters, i get to assign meaning to the nothing. i get to create meaning. i am an artist first and foremost, which means creation is my thing.
where is the whimsy? wherever i fucking put it. because if this is my last fucking chance to do any good in this world - i want to do it earnestly. i want to write things that make you happy. that make people feel heard and seen. what comes after irony has to be positivity.
it was close to my 21st birthday. in 7 years, i would end up writing a book about this relationship, which is hopefully coming out somewhere around May 2024. i come back to this bar scene in my memories a lot. i keep thinking of how pale my ex was. the look that crossed his face. how i looked back at him. how for a moment, both of us couldn't recognize the other person. like the gulf between us was a suddenly wide and cavernous thing. like we were alien to each other. he never took my opinion seriously, and he always seemed surprised whenever his manic-pixie-dream-girl ever broke free of the plot. like in the whole time we were together, i wasn't human enough.
this knowledge: where he said nothing comes after, my only instinct was what comes after is love.
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starkwlkr · 4 months ago
girl, so confusing | f1
an: might make this two or three parts, not sure yet but oh well <3 love y’all THIS IS AN AU WHERE ALL THE F1 DILFS ARE SINGLE
faceclaim gisele bündchen
part 2 part 3
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liked by maxverstappen1, aussiegrit and others
yourusername 💋
aussiegrit long time no see 👀
yourusername don’t worry, I still have cherry lipgloss that’s waiting for you
aussiegrit 😉
jensonbutton well hello 😏
yourusername hey there stranger
jensonbutton stranger? you’re breaking my heart, baby
sebastianvettel miss you lots!
yourusername come over then
sebastianvettel don’t tempt me
ferraridepressionclub y/n fr has all the dilfs in her comments i wanna be like her when i grow up
paddockgirlies she’s so iconic
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In conversation with Y/n L/n about being a mother and a racing driver, and her what’s in store for her.
Known for her fierce driving and even fiercer spirit, has seamlessly transitioned into a life that’s as complex as it is rewarding. A name that echoes through the halls of motorsport history, her story is one of reinvention—a journey from high-speed thrills to quiet, profound moments of motherhood, and, possibly, a return to the racing world in an entirely new role.
The 2000s were Y/n’s golden years at Williams. Her raw talent shone even when the team’s fortunes dipped, and she quickly became a fan favorite. Known for her courage, sharp wit, and stunning moves on the track, she formed friendships with some of the sport's brightest stars—Mark Webber, Sebastian Vettel, and Jenson Button. Their bond, a cocktail of camaraderie and unspoken attraction, became as legendary as her driving.
But the glamorous world of F1, with its dazzling lights and high expectations, took a toll. In 2004, Williams made the decision to drop her from their roster—a move that would alter the course of her life forever. Y/n, at the time, found solace in the chaos. Late nights, parties, and the company of friends became her refuge.
"I wasn’t ready to let go of F1, but at that point, I wasn’t sure where I was headed." Y/n said as we chat in her London home. It’s a beautiful house with stained glass windows and the perfect amount of sunlight shining in. Her daughter is also present though she much prefers to continue with her reading as she cuddles up to her mother.
But in the unpredictable world of racing, the story of Y/n was far from over. A fresh start beckoned when McLaren offered her a seat, a move that many saw as her redemption arc. She embraced the opportunity, her focus sharper than ever. The partying ceased. The cigarettes were put out. It wasn’t just a return to the sport—it was a return to herself.
Her career, marked by precision and passion, came to an official close in 2014, but Y/n’s influence has never waned. Retirement, though, didn’t equate to slowing down. Today, Y/n is a mother—something that’s become a cornerstone of her identity.
“I’ve always been independent, but being a mom has redefined what it means to be strong," she says, her eyes softening. "It’s a different kind of challenge, but one I’m grateful for every single day.”
Her daughter, now nine, was born a year after her retirement. She had announced the birth on her social media with a simple caption: “welcome to the world, my beautiful girl”
“As a mom, I’ve learned the art of balancing," Y/n reflects. "There are days when I’m just a mom—no racing, no interviews, no drama. And then there are days when I’m reminded of who I was before all of this. It's about finding peace with both versions of myself.”
At this point, her daughter stops reading her book and places several kisses on her mother’s cheek. It was a beautiful moment between mom and daughter.
“The future is full of possibilities. I’m focused on what’s next, but I'm not in any rush. We’ll see what happens. Right now, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.”
Motherhood may have softened some edges, but it has only sharpened her focus. If there’s one thing Y/n has taught us, it’s that the greatest drivers are those who can keep pushing, even when they’re driving toward the unknown.
“Welcome everyone to the paddock sessions podcast. I’m your host Dan and todays guest is a very special one. She is my favorite driver and I’m going to try not to freak out right now. Y/n L/n welcome to the paddock sessions!” Dan the host said into his microphone.
Y/n smiled and thanked Dan for the introduction. “Favorite driver? Dan, I’m flattered. I’ll pay you later.” She joked.
“You’re actually the reason my girlfriend watches formula 1. She watched your past races and was devastated when I told her you retired in 2014. I think she was thinking of breaking up with me because I told her,” Dan admitted. Y/n chuckled at his words. “But can we see a potential comeback for you? I know I’m not the only one that would love to see that!”
“Well I can’t really stay away from formula 1. I try to watch the races with my daughter, but she’s not interested in racing at all so I always end up watching them alone.” Y/n explained as she adjusted the microphone.
“Daughter of a racing driver isn’t interested in racing? That’s wild. But at least she knows that her mom is a legend in the sport, yeah?” Dan asked.
“She’s reminded every time we go out and I’m stopped because someone wants an autograph or a picture,” Y/n laughs. “But she knows the basics, she knows what all the number means, she’s a smart girl.”
“Amazing. Um, on the topic of your daughter, and you can stop me if you want, you’ve always been an open book in many ways, yet when it comes to your daughter’s father, you’ve kept things private. How hard has it been to keep things like that private? I imagine it must be frustrating.”
Y/n nodded and cleared her throat. “I’ve always believed in protecting my daughter’s privacy, and for me, that extends to the people closest to us. I’ll say this: my daughter is incredibly lucky to have the most amazing father. He’s the kind of dad who would do anything to keep her safe and happy. I know she’s growing up in a secure and loving environment because of him. He’s protective, but in the best way possible.”
“Have you seen the tweets regarding it?” Dan asked curiously.
“Oh yeah, it’s all over my feed. I’ve actually read some pretty crazy shit about the father of my daughter.” Y/n said.
“Any favorites?”
“There’s a thread that was posted recently on why Lewis is the father of my daughter. I love Lewis, but I can confirm he is not. He’s actually the godfather.”
“Well, you heard it hear first folks!”
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priceinjection · 4 months ago
OlderBf!Simon x CollegeStudent!Reader
Kept writing this in my head, finally wrote it down. Could be something, could be nothing
Cw: mostly fluff and domestic goodness, reference to 18+ themes, allusions to Simon sharing Reader with tf141
Olderbf!Simon is quiet and observant. Yes that means he’s often an excellent listener for his chatty little Bird, and notices things about you that you don’t even notice about yourself. That also means he knows exactly when you don’t want to talk. Your brow furrows in that way that he secretly finds amusing,  your lips are pressed in an impossibly thin line. He doesn’t mind when you don’t want to talk, silence with you is just as good as listening to you talk for hours
Introducing him to your friends was…interesting to say the least. You knew the age gap alone would make them skeptical. So Simon did what any logical person would do. He took you and your friends out to a really nice restaurant and got all of you your own bouquets. 
Simon will ALWAYS walk you home from your evening classes, clubs that get out late, rehearsals, anything you got going on. If its dark out he’s waiting outside ever so patiently “not safe for a pretty thing like you to walk alone” (when he’s away on a mission he will arrange for an escort from someone he’s vetting and trusts) 
When he stays with you at your dorm he’s attached to you like velcro. He follows you down to the laundry room and of course sends an especially deadly look to the hockey player who dared to look at you for a moment too long in the hallway
Simon’s heart damn near jumped out of his chest when you played him one of your favorite playlists and it was full of songs he liked at your age (you didn’t have the heart to tell him that your dad introduced that music to you, he was just so happy!)
Simon doesn’t mind when you go out to college parties without him “m’too old for that young crowd anyway” he’d say. He loves watching you get ready and put on outfits are that are far too revealing, he’s not intimidated by college boys and trusts you. Besides, he’ll be there at the end of the night to make sure you and all of your friends get home safe. He takes you to his place though, you were just so cute and needy and he’d hate to keep your roommates up all night. 
He loooovvveeees seeing you wear his clothes, doesn’t matter your size he’s so large you’re swimming in his shirts no matter what. He loves it a little extra when you leave his place to go to classes sporting a shirt with his last name plastered in all caps on the back. 
He attends all of your events. Don’t try hiding them from him, he’ll find out and be there no matter what you say. You BEG him to stop coming after one of your professors asked if he was your father right before you unknowingly walked over and planted a big kiss on his lips, he does not comply with your wishes. He liked the shock and borderline horror on your professors face.
Simon spoils you, he buys your textbooks and if you need extra money for food or supplies it’s being transferred to you before you even get the chance to say no. It’s not just necessities though! He learns all of your interests and you get plenty of gifts related to them all of the time.
Once your friends got comfortable with Simon he was automatically invited to every girls night at the local collage bar. His presence alone kept the creeps away so you and your friends could have fun. Not to mention he always picks up the tab before any of you realize and drives everyone home safely. 
When he talks about you to his team they all get a little too invested a little too fast. Soap and Gaz constantly asking to see pictures of you “said she did something new with her hair” or some other excuse slipping past their lips. Price was more subtle about his attraction to you, quietly soaking up every story Simon cared to share. He’s the first to volunteer when Simon isn’t able to pick you and your friends up from a party, not that Simon would trust Soap or Gaz with the job.
It’s not lost on Simon when the boys start asking “how’s our Birdie” instead of “how’s your Birdie” He doesn’t mind, a small smirk always tugging on his lips. One day he surprises them with “She’s great, finally wants to meet you lot.”  Technically you hadn’t said that yet,  but Simon highly doubted you’d turn down the opportunity to have three additional men around his age fawning all over you.
A/N: Hello! first post! yay!! I promise these will get better as I find my groove and niche😭 for now please enjoy this stream of consciousness that wouldn't leave my brain
P.S: my lovely friend who pre-read this for me requested a part two immediately with more of the other boys and some more explicit thoughts and concept so keep your eyes peeled for that
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hsjazebel · 1 month ago
Meant to be
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Summary: Y/N never expected a college party to change anything—until she met Harry. What starts as a quiet connection over books and movies slowly turns into something deeper, proving that some things are simply meant to be.
Wordcount: 32k+ (I have been carried away, sorry 😅)
A/N: Happy Valentine’s Day! ♡ Here’s a little story about love finding you when you least expect it. Hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think!
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The party was louder than she expected.
Y/N wasn’t sure why she had let Charlotte convince her to come. Maybe it was the way her roommate had pleaded, eyes wide with excitement, promising it would be “just for an hour.” Or maybe it was the fact that she had spent too many Friday nights curled up in bed while the rest of campus buzzed with energy.
She had thought, just for once, that maybe she should say yes.
But now, standing in the middle of the crowded living room, she regretted it.
The music thumped against the walls, the bass so deep she could feel it in her ribs. Laughter and voices blurred together in an endless hum, broken only by the occasional shout of someone calling out to a friend. The air was thick—too many people, too much perfume, too much heat.
She tugged at the hem of her sweater, suddenly self-conscious. She wasn’t dressed for this, not like the other girls in shimmering tops and short skirts. She had gone for comfort—jeans, a fitted top, her favorite oversized cardigan—but now she felt out of place, like she hadn’t read the unspoken dress code.
Charlotte had disappeared almost immediately, swallowed up by the crowd, probably off to find that guy she’d been texting. Y/N had tried to follow for a bit, but the sea of people made it impossible to keep up.
Now she was alone, pressed against the wall, holding a drink she hadn’t even sipped.
She exhaled, glancing toward the front door. Maybe she could just leave. Charlotte wouldn’t mind—she was too caught up in her own night.
Then, out of the corner of her eye, she spotted an open door leading to the balcony.
Without thinking, she headed for it, slipping outside and closing the door behind her.
Cool air washed over her, a welcome contrast to the stifling heat inside. She let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding and leaned against the railing, her fingers wrapping around the cold metal. The city stretched out in front of her, distant lights flickering against the night sky. From here, the noise of the party was muffled, just a dull hum beneath the sound of the wind rustling through the trees.
She closed her eyes for a moment, letting the silence settle over her.
And then—
“You don’t look like you’re having fun.”
The voice was smooth, warm. British.
Her eyes snapped open.
Turning slightly, she found herself face to face with someone she recognized immediately.
Harry Styles.
Her breath hitched, just for a second.
She had seen him around before, of course. It was hard not to notice him. He wasn’t the typical loud, overly confident guy that thrived in these kinds of settings, but he had a presence that made people gravitate toward him anyway. Maybe it was the way he carried himself—calm, collected, always with an air of quiet amusement, like he was in on some inside joke no one else knew about.
Now, standing in front of her in the dim balcony light, he looked impossibly at ease.
His dark curls were pushed back messily, a few strands falling over his forehead. A pair of thin-rimmed glasses rested on the bridge of his nose, framing sharp green eyes that studied her with quiet interest. His loose button-up was unbuttoned at the top, the sleeves rolled up just enough to reveal the intricate tattoos winding down his forearms.
He held a drink casually in one hand, the other tucked into his pocket, like he had all the time in the world.
She swallowed.
“I—uh—yeah,” she finally managed. “Parties aren’t really my thing.”
His lips quirked, as if her answer didn’t surprise him at all. “Figured as much.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Oh? And how exactly did you figure that?”
He took a slow sip from his drink before answering. “Well, for one, you’ve been out here for at least five minutes and haven’t checked your phone once.” His eyes flickered toward the door. “And two… you look like you’re trying to disappear.”
She huffed out a quiet laugh. “That obvious?”
Harry smirked. “A little.”
For a moment, neither of them spoke. The city lights flickered in the distance, and the air between them felt charged—not uncomfortable, but something else entirely.
Then, he shifted slightly, turning more toward her.
“I’m Harry, by the way.”
She let out a small breath, amused. As if she didn’t already know.
“I know,” she admitted, then immediately winced. “I mean—everyone knows who you are.”
Harry chuckled, the sound low and warm. “That’s fair.” He tilted his head slightly. “And you are…?”
He repeated it, softer this time, like he was testing the way it felt on his tongue. Then, with a small smile, he extended his hand. “Well, Y/N, it’s nice to officially meet you.”
She hesitated for just a second before slipping her hand into his.
His palm was warm, his grip gentle but firm.
“Nice to meet you too, Harry.”
His fingers lingered a second longer than necessary before he let go.
He leaned his elbow against the railing, glancing at her thoughtfully. “So, if parties aren’t your thing… what would you rather be doing right now?”
She bit her lip, thinking. “Watching a movie, probably.”
Harry’s brows lifted slightly. “Anything in particular?”
She hesitated, then decided to be honest. “A romcom.”
His lips curled into a slow smile. “You like romcoms?”
She nodded. “I grew up watching them. Notting Hill, 10 Things I Hate About You, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days… I know they’re cheesy, but I love them.”
He studied her for a second, then let out a soft chuckle. “Cheesy doesn’t mean bad. Those are classics.”
She tilted her head. “Wait… you actually like them too?”
Harry smirked, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “Course I do. I mean, have you seen When Harry Met Sally? It’s got my name in it. That’s a sign, don’t you think?”
She laughed—really laughed, for the first time that night.
Harry watched her, his expression softer now, like he was pleased to be the reason behind it.
The conversation flowed easier after that. They debated over the best romcom of all time, exchanged favorite scenes, and argued about which movie had the most unrealistic yet satisfying ending. Somewhere in between, Y/N forgot about the party altogether.
But eventually, her phone buzzed in her pocket—Charlotte, probably looking for her.
She sighed, realizing she had to go.
Harry noticed. “Leaving already?”
“Yeah, I think so.” She hesitated, then, feeling unusually bold, added, “But… maybe next time, I’ll skip the party and just watch a romcom instead.”
His smile was slow, almost knowing. “Maybe next time, you won’t have to watch it alone.”
Her heart skipped a beat.
And as she stepped back inside, disappearing into the noise and the crowd, she couldn’t help but hope—just a little—that this was only the beginning.
The next morning, Y/N woke up to the sound of Charlotte’s voice.
“Well, well, well,” her roommate drawled, leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed. “Look who’s finally awake.”
Y/N groaned, burying her face into the pillow. “What time is it?”
“Almost eleven,” Charlotte said, walking over and flopping down onto the bed beside her. “And you have some explaining to do.”
Y/N peeked at her through one eye. “Explaining?”
Charlotte grinned, far too awake for this early in the morning. “Don’t play innocent with me. You disappeared at the party. And when I finally found you again, you looked… different.” She wiggled her eyebrows. “So spill.”
Y/N sighed, rolling onto her back. “There’s nothing to spill.”
Charlotte gasped dramatically. “Lies! I saw you talking to Harry Styles.” She poked Y/N’s side. “You—quiet, book-loving, avoider of all social gatherings—somehow ended up alone on a balcony with the most intriguing guy on campus.”
Y/N felt her face heat up. “It wasn’t like that,” she muttered.
Charlotte smirked. “Then what was it like?”
Y/N hesitated. The truth was, she wasn’t exactly sure.
“It was… nice,” she admitted after a moment. “We just talked.”
Charlotte studied her, eyes narrowing in suspicion. “Talked? That’s it?”
Y/N nodded.
Charlotte huffed, flopping back against the bed. “You’re impossible.”
Y/N smiled, sitting up and stretching. “Did you at least have fun?”
Charlotte let out a dreamy sigh. “Oh, absolutely. And I might have secured myself a coffee date with Mason.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow. “Mason?”
“You know, Harry’s friend? Tall, kind of scruffy, ridiculously charming?” Charlotte waggled her fingers. “I think we have a connection.”
Y/N laughed softly. “I’m happy for you.”
Charlotte sat up again, her expression turning devious. “And speaking of coffee dates…”
Y/N’s stomach fluttered. “No.”
Charlotte pouted. “Come on! I think he likes you.”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “We talked for, like, twenty minutes.”
Charlotte shrugged. “That’s plenty of time to make an impression. And if he really likes you, you’ll see him again.”
Y/N didn’t answer. Because the thought had already crossed her mind.
Would she see him again?
She did.
Three days later.
At the campus café.
Y/N had been curled up in a corner booth, a warm cup of tea beside her as she flipped through a book for class. The café was quiet, filled mostly with students studying or catching up on assignments. The hum of conversation and the occasional clinking of cups created the kind of atmosphere she loved—calm, steady, familiar.
And then, a shadow fell over her table.
She looked up.
And there he was.
Harry Styles, standing beside her table, a cup of coffee in one hand and a curious tilt to his head. He wasn’t wearing his glasses today, but she still recognized the quiet amusement in his eyes.
“Hi,” she said, feeling her heart pick up speed.
His lips twitched. “Mind if I sit?”
She hesitated for only a second before shaking her head. “Go ahead.”
Harry slid into the seat across from her, setting his coffee down. “Didn’t think I’d run into you here.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Really?”
He smirked, leaning forward slightly. “Alright, I might have hoped I would.”
Her stomach did an embarrassing little flip.
“What are you reading?” he asked, nodding toward the book in her hands.
She glanced down, suddenly self-conscious. “Uh, Wuthering Heights.”
His brows lifted, impressed. “Intense choice.”
She shrugged. “It’s for class, but I like it.”
Harry studied her for a moment, then leaned back in his chair, stretching out comfortably. “So, tell me—are you one of those people who think Heathcliff is romantic, or do you see him for the walking red flag that he is?”
Y/N blinked in surprise. “You’ve read it?”
He smirked. “I have.”
She bit her lip, eyeing him. “And?”
Harry sighed dramatically. “Look, I get the passion, the whole ‘soulmate across time and space’ thing, but let’s be honest—if Heathcliff were around today, he’d be sending late-night ‘u up?’ texts and brooding over his ex’s Instagram posts.”
Y/N let out a surprised laugh. “That is… disturbingly accurate.”
Harry grinned. “And you? Are you a Heathcliff apologist?”
She shook her head. “I think he and Cathy deserved each other—because no one else should have to deal with that level of drama.”
Harry chuckled. “Harsh, but fair.”
There was something about the way he looked at her—curious, amused, like he was genuinely interested in what she had to say. It made her stomach twist in a way she wasn’t used to.
A beat of silence stretched between them.
“So,” Harry said, breaking the moment, “you never told me your verdict.”
Y/N frowned. “My verdict?”
“The best romcom of all time.”
She smiled, relieved by the lighter topic. “That’s impossible to answer.”
Harry leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table. “Alright. Then let’s make it simpler. What’s your go-to comfort movie?”
She thought for a second. “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.”
His eyes lit up. “Classic.”
She nodded. “It’s just fun, you know? The whole fake dating thing, the ridiculousness of it all. And Kate Hudson? Iconic.”
Harry smirked. “And the ‘You let it die!’ scene? A cinematic masterpiece.”
Y/N laughed. “Exactly.”
Harry studied her for a moment, then said, “I like that.”
Y/N suddenly felt warm under his gaze. She looked down, tracing the rim of her cup. “What about you?”
Harry pretended to think. “Mmm… Notting Hill.”
She grinned. “Oh, come on. You just like it because of the ‘I’m just a girl’ scene.”
He laughed. “Maybe. Or maybe I like the idea that two people from completely different worlds can still find their way to each other.”
Something about the way he said it made her stomach flutter.
The conversation drifted after that—talk of books, movies, little things that made them both feel at home. The more they spoke, the more Y/N felt that strange, unexpected ease settle between them.
And when she finally glanced at the time, she realized an hour had passed without her even noticing.
“I should probably get to class,” she murmured, closing her book.
Harry nodded, but didn’t look particularly eager to leave.
As she stood, sliding her bag over her shoulder, he tapped his fingers against the table. “So…”
She looked at him expectantly.
He smirked. “Movie night?”
Her heart skipped. “Are you asking me out, Harry Styles?”
His expression was all mischief. “Maybe.”
She bit her lip, pretending to consider. Then, feeling unusually bold, she said, “Okay.”
Harry’s smirk turned into something softer.
“Good,” he said.
And as she walked away, she could feel his eyes on her the whole time.
The library was quieter than usual.
Y/N liked it that way. She liked the solitude, the way the world seemed to shrink down to just her and the words on the page. It was calming—predictable.
What she didn’t expect, however, was a voice breaking through the silence.
“Didn’t peg you as the type to hide away in a library for fun.”
She looked up, already knowing who she would see.
Harry stood in front of her table, a familiar smirk on his lips, glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. He had a notebook tucked under his arm and a coffee in hand, looking completely at ease despite the way his presence sent her heart racing.
Y/N rolled her eyes playfully. “And yet, here you are.”
Harry hummed, sliding into the chair across from her. “Touché.”
She watched as he set his coffee down and flipped open his notebook, as if he belonged there—like this was routine.
Y/N raised an eyebrow. “Are you actually here to study, or are you just bothering me for fun?”
Harry grinned. “Can it be both?”
She huffed, biting back a smile as she returned her gaze to her book. But she could still feel his eyes on her.
A beat passed before he spoke again. “Wuthering Heights, huh? Still brooding over Heathcliff?”
Y/N sighed, looking up. “You do realize I read more than one book, right?”
Harry’s smirk widened. “Do you, now?”
She rolled her eyes and turned the book so he could see the title.
His gaze flickered over the cover before he raised an eyebrow. “White Nights?”
Y/N tilted her head. “Surprised?”
Harry leaned back in his chair, studying her. “A little. Didn’t take you for a Dostoevsky kind of girl.”
“And what kind of girl did you take me for?” she challenged.
He smirked. “Jane Austen, maybe. Brontë sisters, definitely. But Russian literature? That’s a surprise.”
She shrugged. “I like stories about lonely people.”
Something flickered in his expression, but it was gone too fast for her to catch.
“Lonely people,” he repeated. “And here I thought you just liked tragic love stories.”
Y/N hesitated, then said softly, “Aren’t they the same thing?”
Harry studied her for a moment, something unreadable in his gaze. Then, in a voice quieter than before, he said, “I guess they are.”
Silence settled between them again, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. If anything, it felt like something had shifted—like she had let him see a part of her she didn’t show to just anyone.
Then, after a moment, Harry’s lips twitched up into a smile. “So, is White Nights a re-read, or am I catching you in the middle of a first-time experience?”
She exhaled, grateful for the change in tone. “Re-read.”
His grin widened. “Interesting. That means you must really like it.”
She arched an eyebrow. “Are you about to judge my taste in books?”
Harry smirked. “Not at all. I was actually going to say… maybe I should let you convince me to read it.”
Y/N studied him. “You’ve never read it?”
“Not yet,” he admitted.
A small smile played on her lips. “Maybe you should.”
Harry’s eyes sparkled. “Maybe I will.”
That night, her phone buzzed.
A message from an unknown number.
Unknown [9:07 PM]: So, lonely people, huh? Convince me why I should read White Nights.
Y/N frowned, staring at the screen. Who the hell—?
Y/N [9:08 PM]: Who is this?
A pause. Then—
Unknown [9:08 PM]: Wow. That hurts.
Her heart skipped.
She squinted at the message, then at the number, but it wasn’t saved in her contacts.
Y/N [9:09 PM]: Seriously. Who is this??
A few seconds passed before a reply popped up.
Unknown [9:09 PM]: It’s Harry.
She blinked.
Y/N [9:10 PM]: …How did you get my number?
Harry [9:11 PM]: Your lovely roommate gave it to me.
Y/N groaned out loud. “Charlotte!”
Across the room, Charlotte barely glanced up from her laptop. “Hmm?”
Y/N waved her phone in the air. “Did you seriously give Harry my number?”
Charlotte smirked. “Oh. So he finally texted you?”
“What?” she said innocently. “He asked, and I figured it would take you forever to do it yourself.”
Y/N let out a long, dramatic sigh, turning her attention back to the screen.
Y/N [9:12 PM]: I hate you.
Harry [9:12 PM]: No, you don’t.
She rolled her eyes.
Y/N [9:13 PM]: Maybe you should read it and see for yourself.
Harry [9:14 PM]: Bold of you to assume I have time for Russian literature.
Y/N [9:15 PM]: Bold of you to assume I’d let you borrow my copy.
Harry [9:16 PM]: So possessive. I like it.
Y/N [9:17 PM]: You’re impossible.
Harry [9:17 PM]: And yet, here you are, still texting me.
She bit her lip, trying not to smile.
Harry [9:18 PM]: You still good for our not-date movie night?
Y/N’s stomach flipped.
Y/N [9:19 PM]: You mean the highly academic film screening of How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days?
Harry [9:20 PM]: Exactly. For research purposes.
She hesitated, fingers hovering over the screen.
Y/N [9:21 PM]: Yeah. I’m still in.
His reply came almost instantly.
Harry [9:21 PM]: Good.
She stared at the word for a long time, ignoring the way her face felt impossibly warm.
“You’ve checked your phone three times in the last minute.”
Y/N shot Charlotte a glare from across the room. “I have not.”
Charlotte smirked, finishing the last touches of her makeup. “You so have.”
Y/N huffed, locking her phone and tossing it onto the bed like that would somehow make her friend drop the topic. “I’m just checking the time.”
“Mm-hmm.” Charlotte turned, arms crossed. “Because, of course, it has nothing to do with the fact that Harry is coming over.”
Y/N rolled her eyes, but her face felt warm. “It’s just a movie night.”
Charlotte grinned. “And yet, you’ve changed your sweater twice.”
Y/N groaned, flopping back onto her pillows. “I hate you.”
“No, you don’t.” Charlotte grabbed her bag, checking her reflection in the mirror. “I think it’s cute that you’re all flustered over him.”
“I’m not flustered.”
Charlotte raised a brow. “You are so flustered.”
Y/N groaned again, covering her face with a pillow.
A knock at the door made her sit up way too fast.
Charlotte smirked knowingly. “That’s my cue.”
Y/N watched as Charlotte opened the door, revealing Harry—standing there in his usual effortless way, glasses on, a bag of snacks in one hand.
“Oh, hey, Harry,” Charlotte greeted with a grin, throwing Y/N one last look. “I was just leaving.”
Harry glanced between them, looking mildly amused. “Leaving?”
“Yep.” Charlotte winked at Y/N. “Have fun.”
And before Y/N could even form a reply, she was gone.
Harry stepped inside, brow raised. “Did I just interrupt something?”
Y/N exhaled, shaking her head. “No. She’s just being Charlotte.”
Harry chuckled, setting the snacks down. “That explains a lot.”
Settling onto the couch, Y/N pressed play on 27 Dresses, tucking her legs under her.
Harry sat beside her, stretching his arm along the back of the couch. The space between them was small—too small—and she tried not to focus on the way his knee almost brushed hers.
“Have you seen this before?” he asked.
She scoffed. “Please. At least twenty times.”
Harry smiled. “Figures.”
For the first half hour, they made occasional comments about the movie—Harry teasing her about knowing all the lines, Y/N defending why it was a romcom classic.
But eventually, the room grew quieter. The soft glow of the screen cast shadows across Harry’s face, highlighting the curve of his jaw, the way his glasses slid down his nose.
And Y/N—despite her best efforts to stay focused on the film—felt her eyelids growing heavy.
She shifted slightly, trying to stay awake, but the warmth of the room, the steady sound of the dialogue, and the presence of Harry right beside her made it impossible.
At some point, she leaned just a little too far to the side—
And before she could stop herself, her head landed gently on his shoulder.
For a second, she almost panicked.
But Harry didn’t move. Didn’t pull away.
If anything, he relaxed.
She felt him shift slightly, adjusting so that she fit more comfortably against him.
And just like that, sleep took over.
The next morning, the first thing Y/N registered was warmth.
A slow, steady warmth surrounding her, lulling her in a sleepy haze.
Then, she felt movement.
Her eyes fluttered open, and it took her a moment to realize:
She was curled into Harry’s side, his arm draped loosely around her shoulders.
The snack bag was on the floor. The TV screen had long since gone black. The early morning light was filtering through the blinds, casting soft shadows across the room.
And Harry—
Was still asleep.
His head rested against the back of the couch, lips slightly parted, curls falling across his forehead. His glasses were slightly askew, one arm still tucked around her like it was the most natural thing in the world.
Y/N barely breathed.
She should move. Should sit up, stretch, do anything to break the moment before he woke up.
But before she could, she felt him shift.
A slow inhale. A stretch.
And then, with a small frown, Harry’s eyes blinked open.
For a second, he looked confused. Disoriented.
Then, his gaze landed on her.
They both froze.
Neither of them moved. Neither of them spoke.
And then—
Harry’s lips twitched, still laced with sleep. “Morning.”
Y/N swallowed. “Morning.”
Another pause.
Then, realization dawned in Harry’s sleepy eyes. He glanced down at their position—her body still tucked into his side, his arm still loosely wrapped around her.
And yet—he didn’t move away.
Instead, his mouth curved into something softer.
“Didn’t mean to steal your couch,” he murmured.
Y/N huffed out a quiet laugh. “Didn’t mean to steal your shoulder.”
Harry smiled.
And for a moment, they just… sat there.
Close. Warm. Unmoving.
Y/N was still sitting on the couch, trying to process the fact that she’d just spent the night curled up against Harry Styles, when she heard him stretch beside her.
She glanced over. His eyes were still heavy with sleep, one hand running through his curls, the other adjusting his glasses.
And he looked… way too good for someone who had just woken up.
Before she could stop herself, she spoke.
“Do you—” She cleared her throat, trying to sound casual. “Do you want some coffee?”
Harry turned to her, blinking.
Then, the corner of his mouth lifted.
“Are you offering me coffee, Y/N?”
She rolled her eyes, standing up. “I regret it already.”
Harry chuckled, pushing himself up from the couch. “Too late.”
They ended up in the small dorm kitchen, Y/N fumbling with the coffee machine while Harry leaned against the counter, watching her with amusement.
“I didn’t peg you as the type to function without caffeine,” he said.
She scoffed. “Who says I function at all?”
Harry smirked. “Fair point.”
Once the coffee was ready, she handed him a mug, grabbing one for herself before hopping up onto the counter.
Harry took a slow sip, humming in approval. “Not bad.”
Y/N raised a brow. “Not bad?”
“Yeah.” He nudged her knee playfully. “Could be better.”
She gasped in mock offense. “You are such a snob.”
Harry grinned. “I have high standards.”
She shook her head, but she was smiling.
They fell into comfortable conversation, talking about everything from classes to 27 Dresses to how Harry apparently had a very strong opinion about the correct way to make tea.
And Y/N—despite the fact that she had woken up to a situation that should have been extremely awkward—found herself relaxing.
That was, of course, until Charlotte walked in.
She stopped in the doorway, taking in the sight before her—Harry standing in the kitchen, hair still tousled from sleep, drinking coffee from their mugs.
Y/N sitting on the counter, wearing the same clothes from last night.
Charlotte’s eyes widened.
Then, a slow smirk spread across her face.
“Oh,” she said, drawing out the word. “Good morning.”
Y/N groaned. “Charlotte—”
Charlotte ignored her, turning to Harry with an exaggerated expression of surprise. “Wow, Harry. You’re still here?”
Harry, to Y/N’s horror, grinned.
“Apparently, I make decent company, and your couch is not too bad” he said, sipping his coffee.
Charlotte gasped dramatically. “Did Y/N let you sleep on the couch? That is so rude.”
Y/N narrowed her eyes. “Charlotte.”
Charlotte pressed a hand to her heart. “I mean, I was gone all night, you totally could’ve used my bed—”
Y/N almost choked on her coffee. “Oh my God, stop.”
Charlotte just smirked, eyes dancing between them. “I’m just saying…”
Y/N glared. “You’re the worst.”
Harry chuckled, setting down his mug. “I should probably get going before Mason starts wondering where I am.”
He turned to Y/N then, a flicker of something unreadable in his gaze.
“Thanks for the coffee,” he murmured.
She swallowed. “Yeah. Anytime.”
Charlotte wiggled her eyebrows.
Y/N shot her a warning look.
Harry—completely amused—grabbed his bag and made his way to the door.
“See you later, Y/N.”
And with that, he was gone.
Y/N barely had time to let out a breath before Charlotte pounced.
Y/N sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Don’t.”
Charlotte ignored her, flopping onto the couch with a wicked grin. “You slept together.”
“Oh my God—”
“Not like that,” Charlotte amended. “But still. You slept together.”
Y/N groaned. “It wasn’t a big deal.”
Charlotte scoffed. “Oh, honey. It so was.”
Y/N had spent the entire morning convincing herself that nothing had changed.
That waking up next to Harry hadn’t felt different.
That the way he had smiled at her over coffee hadn’t made her stomach flip.
That she wasn’t replaying every second of their time together like some lovesick idiot.
But she was failing—miserably.
And Charlotte wasn’t helping.
“So,” her roommate drawled, flipping through a magazine on her bed, “are we just gonna pretend that last night never happened?”
Y/N, sitting at her desk, sighed. “Nothing happened.”
Charlotte scoffed. “You cuddled on the couch, made him coffee in the morning, and practically gazed at each other the whole time. That’s something.”
Y/N turned to glare at her. “I wasn’t gazing.”
Charlotte smirked. “Oh, honey. You were gazing.”
Y/N groaned, dropping her head onto her desk.
Charlotte laughed, tossing the magazine aside. “Look, all I’m saying is—he’s different, isn’t he?”
Y/N frowned. “What do you mean?”
Charlotte shrugged. “I mean, I’ve never seen you act like this over a guy. You usually keep your distance, but with Harry… I don’t know. You let him in.”
Y/N opened her mouth to protest—but nothing came out.
Because, as much as she hated to admit it, Charlotte wasn’t wrong.
Harry was different.
And that was what scared her the most.
That afternoon, she tried to focus on studying.
Tried being the keyword.
She was in the library, sitting at her usual spot by the window, but the words on the page blurred together.
Her phone buzzed.
She glanced at it, already knowing who it was.
Harry [3:27 PM]: You’re not skipping the library today, are you?
Y/N [3:28 PM]: I’m literally here right now.
Harry [3:29 PM]: Good. Would’ve had to question your commitment to academia otherwise.
She rolled her eyes, but a smile tugged at her lips.
A minute later, she heard a chair scrape against the floor.
She looked up.
Harry slid into the seat across from her, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
“Hi,” he said, smiling.
Y/N tried to ignore the way her heartbeat definitely sped up. “Hi.”
He set down his bag and pulled out a book. “What are we studying today?”
Y/N sighed. “I’m trying to get through this reading, but it’s not working.”
Harry leaned forward, resting his chin on his hand. “Do you want me to quiz you?”
She raised an eyebrow. “You just got here.”
He smirked. “And?”
She shook her head, amused. “Fine.”
And so, they studied. Or at least, they tried.
Every time Harry read a passage aloud, he did it with exaggerated dramatics, making Y/N laugh.
Whenever she got an answer right, he’d tap his fingers against the table like a drumroll.
At some point, he reached for her book, fingers grazing hers—and neither of them pulled away.
The touch was brief, but her skin tingled where it had been.
Harry didn’t say anything, but his gaze flickered to hers, something unspoken lingering between them.
For the first time, Y/N felt like she was on the edge of something.
And she didn’t know whether to step forward—or run.
An hour later, Y/N packed up her things.
“I should go,” she murmured.
Harry nodded, but there was something unreadable in his eyes. “Alright.”
She hesitated before speaking. “Thanks for—y’know. Keeping me sane.”
Harry’s lips quirked. “Anytime.”
As she turned to leave, he called after her
“Oh, Y/N?”
She glanced over her shoulder. “Yeah?”
Harry reached into his bag, pulling out a book.
She frowned as he held it out to her.
“The Symposium?” she read aloud, eyebrows raised.
Harry smirked. “Figured you might like it.”
She stared at him. “Harry, this is your copy.”
He shrugged. “So?”
“So, I know you annotate all your books.” She flipped through the pages, confirming her suspicions—his familiar, neat handwriting filled the margins. “I can’t take this.”
“You can,” he said simply. “And you will.”
She glanced up at him, confused. “But… why?”
Harry held her gaze for a moment, then leaned in slightly.
“Because I think you’ll understand it,” he murmured.
Y/N’s breath caught.
Because there was weight behind his words—something deeper than just a casual book recommendation.
She swallowed, gripping the book a little tighter.
“…Thank you,” she said softly.
Harry smiled. “See you later, Y/N.”
And as she walked away, The Symposium pressed against her chest, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something had shifted.
That, maybe, she had just crossed a line she could never go back from.
The night wrapped around them like a quiet secret. The streets were nearly empty, the world softened by the golden glow of streetlamps.
Y/N and Harry walked side by side, their steps unhurried, as if neither of them wanted the night to end just yet.
She wasn’t sure how they ended up here—how a simple goodnight after studying turned into do you want to take a walk? But she didn’t regret saying yes.
It had been a week since that night at her apartment, since they’d woken up together on the couch, and things between them had shifted. Not in an obvious way—there were no declarations, no grand confessions—but something had changed.
Harry had always looked at her like he was intrigued. But now?
Now, he looked at her like he knew. Like he was just waiting for her to admit it, too.
“You’re quiet,” Harry murmured beside her.
She glanced at him. “So are you.”
He smiled, a little crooked. “Guess I don’t always have something to say.”
He chuckled, shaking his head. “Harsh.”
They walked a little further before she spoke again, a quiet admission in the stillness of the night.
“I read your notes.”
Harry turned his head slightly. “My notes?”
“In The Symposium.”
Realization flickered in his expression. “Right.”
She hesitated. “There was one part that stuck with me.”
His gaze softened. “Which one?”
Y/N swallowed.
“The part where you wrote that love is about recognizing something familiar in someone else.”
Harry didn’t speak right away.
Then, quietly, he said, “That’s my favorite part.”
Y/N stopped walking.
So did he.
The silence between them stretched, heavy with something.
She could feel her pulse thrumming in her wrists, in her throat, in the space between them that was growing smaller by the second.
Harry took a step closer. Slowly. Like he was giving her time to stop him.
She didn’t.
His gaze flickered to her lips, just for a second, before meeting her eyes again.
His voice was softer when he spoke next. “You realize I like you, don’t you?”
Y/N felt something tighten in her chest.
Because, of course, she did.
But hearing it—feeling it—was different.
She exhaled, barely a whisper. “I think I do now.”
Harry tilted his head slightly, a small smile tugging at his lips. “Good.”
He didn’t move right away.
He just looked at her, taking her in, like he was memorizing the moment.
Then, so softly it was almost imperceptible, his fingers brushed against hers.
Y/N inhaled sharply.
And that was all it took.
Before she could second-guess it, before she could talk herself out of it, she closed the space between them.
She barely had time to process the warmth of his skin, the steady rise and fall of his breath, before his hand came up, fingers grazing her jaw as he leaned in—slow, careful, waiting.
And then—
Then, he kissed her.
It was soft at first. Just a whisper of a touch, a silent question against her lips.
But the moment she kissed him back, the moment her fingers curled into the fabric of his sweater, it changed.
It deepened.
Harry let out a quiet sound—like he had been waiting for this longer than he cared to admit—and then his hands were on her waist, pulling her closer, closer, like the space between them was unbearable.
Her heart was racing.
She could feel the warmth of his palms, the faint scrape of his stubble against her skin, the way he kissed her like he was learning her—like he wanted to know exactly how she fit against him.
And she let him.
By the time they pulled apart, her head was spinning, her breath uneven.
Harry’s forehead rested against hers, and he let out a quiet laugh.
“What?” she asked, still breathless.
He shook his head, smiling. “Nothing. Just… glad I finally did that.”
She bit her lip, trying—and failing—not to smile.
“Me too.”
Harry’s thumb brushed against her waist absentmindedly.
“Can I walk you home?” he asked.
Y/N nodded.
But neither of them moved.
Not right away.
And when they finally started walking again, Harry’s fingers found hers, intertwining them effortlessly—like they had been waiting to do that, too.
It had only been a couple of weeks since that night—their first kiss under the dim glow of the streetlights—but things between them had changed so much.
Not in an overwhelming way. Not in a way that made Y/N feel rushed or pressured.
But in a way that made her soften.
In a way that made it impossible to ignore how utterly smitten Harry was.
It was in the way he always found a reason to touch her, even in the smallest ways—fingertips brushing against hers when they walked, absentmindedly tucking her hair behind her ear when she was focused on something, resting his chin on her shoulder just because he could.
It was in the way he remembered things, like how she liked her coffee and how she hated the sound of loud chewing. In the way he always waited for her outside class even when they had different schedules. In the way he looked at her, like he was always choosing to.
Like he couldn’t believe she was real.
Today was no different.
Y/N sat curled up on the library couch, actually trying to get some work done, while Harry sat beside her, flipping through a book he had absolutely no interest in.
At least, that’s what she assumed—because instead of reading, he was staring at her.
She sighed, setting her pen down. “Harry.”
“Hm?” He looked unbothered, too comfortable as he rested his head against the back of the couch.
“You’re doing it again.”
“Doing what?”
She shot him a pointed look.
He smirked, unfazed. “Looking at my girlfriend?”
Her stomach flipped.
Even after two weeks, the word still did something to her.
She rolled her eyes, but her cheeks were warm, and Harry knew it.
With a quiet chuckle, he reached for her hand and intertwined their fingers, absentmindedly running his thumb across the back of her palm.
“Should I be studying?” he murmured, lips twitching.
She nodded. “Yes.”
Harry pretended to consider it. Then, with zero hesitation, he squeezed her hand and dragged it to his lips, pressing a soft kiss against her knuckles.
“Too bad,” he murmured against her skin.
Y/N’s breath hitched.
This boy.
She was so doomed.
Y/N had tried to keep things subtle.
Not because she wanted to hide it, but because Charlotte was the biggest menace when it came to teasing her, and she wasn’t sure she was ready for that just yet.
Too bad Charlotte noticed everything.
Like the way Y/N smiled at her phone when she thought no one was looking. The way she suspiciously left the dorm at night with an “I’ll be back later.” The way she got flustered when Harry’s name came up in conversation.
She had her suspicions, but she didn’t have proof.
Until now.
Because today, as Charlotte was walking toward the dorm, she saw them.
Saw Harry pressing a lingering kiss to Y/N’s forehead. Saw the way she leaned into him, like it was the most natural thing in the world.
And that was all she needed.
Y/N jumped, turning to find Charlotte standing a few feet away with the biggest, most victorious grin on her face.
“Oh my God,” Y/N muttered.
Harry—who clearly wasn’t fazed at all—simply raised an eyebrow. “Did you, though?”
Charlotte turned to him, still grinning. “YES. I just didn’t have evidence.” She turned back to Y/N, wiggling her eyebrows. “But now I do.”
Y/N groaned, covering her face with her hands. “I hate you.”
“No, you don’t,” Charlotte sing-songed.
Harry chuckled, amused, before leaning down and whispering into Y/N’s ear, “I’ll leave you to it, sweetheart.”
She sighed dramatically. “Coward.”
He smirked, kissed the side of her head one last time, and walked away, leaving her to deal with Charlotte’s relentless interrogation.
Y/N was so in trouble.
After an hour of being mercilessly teased, Y/N flopped onto her bed, groaning in frustration.
Charlotte smirked from across the room. “Oh, come on, you love me.”
“Debatable,” Y/N muttered, reaching for her phone.
She scrolled through her messages before typing.
Y/N [10:08 PM]: I officially hate you.
Harry [10:09 PM]: That’s unfortunate.
Y/N [10:09 PM]: Charlotte won’t stop teasing me. This is your fault.
Harry [10:10 PM]: Guess I’ll just have to make it up to you, won’t I?
Y/N froze, rereading the message at least three times.
Before she could even think of a response, there was a quiet knock on the door.
Charlotte and Y/N shared a look.
Y/N opened it—and there he was.
Harry stood there, a lazy smirk on his lips, holding a small pastry in a white paper bag.
“Hey,” he murmured.
Y/N blinked.
Charlotte—who was watching the whole thing unfold—snorted. “Oh, my God. You are so whipped.”
Harry didn’t even deny it.
He just shrugged, handed Y/N the bag, and kissed her temple like it was the most normal thing in the world.
When she looked inside, she found her favorite pastry, the one from the café across campus.
She looked back up at him, eyes soft. “You went all the way to—“
Harry simply shrugged. “Felt like it”
Y/N pressed her lips together, trying not to melt right then and there.
Charlotte, however, had no such restraint. “You two are disgusting”, she muttered, rolling her eyes before dramatically throwing a pillow over her head.
Harry chuckled, then leaned down and whispered against Y/N’s skin, “Worth it.”
And just like that, Y/N knew—
She was so, so screwed.
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