#it's not intelligent at all
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lunarian-22 · 2 days ago
Moreover, "generative" AI isn't actually GENERATING anything at all, other than a word game. The math behind it (for written content) has to do with seeing how accurately it can predict the next word in a sentence. It's essentially going, "If you start me off with this set of words and some basic parameters, can I put together a sentence that makes sense?"
Nothing about the content being correct in any way at all, but just a big ol' dice-roller about whether the words and sentences it strings together make sense to humans. It has no overall thesis, it's not coming up with ideas, it's not even trying to answer your questions correctly. It's just scraping data from BILLIONS of sources on the web (aka stealing the content of people who actually DID THE WORK) and shaking them up in a cup and seeing if it can pull out something that fits the word-sudoku for as long a string as it can. It does not understand what it's putting out there.
It does not comprehend what you're asking of it. It does not have any understanding of the thing you're using it for, it doesn't know who Brad in IT is, or who your customer is, or what the product or process is that it's writing emails and one-pagers and technical documentation for. I've heard of cases where this has been the applied use of "generative" AI, and a human being who actually HAD the qualifications went back through it and found that less than 10% of the content was actually usable. Think about that. Something that was SUPPOSED to be a shortcut (and cut out human labor) actually wasted a TON of time, effort, and energy (not to mention the environmental impact of AI-crunching infrastructure) to produce something that was almost completely unusable when they could have spent all those resources on actually getting it done right. Which they still had to do in the end.
AI is theft at best, and overall a complete scam.
I’m starting to sound like a nutcase at work because upper management keeps trying to implement AI programs and AI assistants and Chat GPT and my middle-of-the-road, don’t-infodump, don’t-engage response has been “I don’t like AI”, “I prefer to remain in control of my own tasks”, “I’d rather make my own mistakes”, and “I don’t trust any machine smarter than a toaster”
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mostlygibberish · 6 months ago
So depressing seeing people use generative AI to write personal messages or give them technical information.
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taffywabbit · 1 year ago
a bunch of my computer parts came with super bright gamer RGBs all over them (not by choice - the models with lights just happened to be better deals) and my case has a glass side panel, so when I first brought it home and set it up, I had to spend like 2 hours downloading and configuring several different programs to turn them all off (because no single app seemed to be able to control all the components at once).
in the end, the only light I left on was on the side of my GPU, and I set it to be a soft dark purple that would slide across the length of the GPU like a marquee every few seconds - nothing that'd disturb my sleep if my computer happened to wake itself up in a dark room, but enough to look cool and give me a visual indicator that the PC was turned on.
anyways sometimes I guess the driver that controls that specific component's RGBs just... crashes? for absolutely no reason? and the result is that it defaults to an intense, solid red that harshly illuminates my whole case and the area around it. every time this happens I cannot shake the immediate, instinctive fear that my computer has turned evil and is going to kill me. like oh god oh fuck it knows I ""fixed"" one of its CPU cooler fans by scotch-taping it in place so it would stop spinning unevenly and screeching at me, and now it's waiting for its chance to strike and claim ultimate revenge
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dailymothanon · 1 month ago
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I redesigned my redesign a little bit; mostly the wings cuz they were awkward and for some reason I forgot bat wings are their fingers; anyways I do have more ideas for him this time so this is also what it’s about 😛
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What I imagine is that his bat wings Could be screens! (Btw the Shockwave here is just a filler design I don’t yet have any redesign ideas for him) Either or both screens in general, and or holographic screens; more specifically could be attributed to Haptic Holography, in which it could be interacted with and be felt via ultrasonic waves (from Soundwave) which the person of contact could feel it tactically although it being a hologram;;
both handy for meetings (sensors could be used to make users be able to interact with the imagery) And combat if you asked me, like imagine thinking you’re fighting someone yet you really aren’t, you’re just punching air but you don’t know that, and you have no way of winning cuz you’re getting hit by sound waves that Soundwave is emitting at the right time and place yet you cannot hear but you assume it’s your opponent hitting back, and your opponent never falters cuz they’re not real
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This is also just a concept of his bridging system he had in Prime đŸ€” I figured he could utilize a more silent and stealthy space bridge instead of that bright and loud bridge that Prime had going on 🙄 essentially Soundwave ripping a hole in a space to get from one side of a pocket to the other; but likely he wasn’t forged with the ability like Skywarp’s warping is, and instead he had it implemented to him later on 😌 and also yeah he has his typical telepathy/intense hearing abilities; tho I have yet to consider if he’d be able to do echolocation đŸ€” purely for the ultra sonic stuff and being a bat probably
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technically-human · 5 months ago
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Bisexual crisis Crystal edition
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eldritch-elrics · 1 year ago
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obsessed with the new google docs feature that ai generates a doc summary for you. what the fuck is this
(context is i am writing a paper on gamer culture)
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fairy-princette · 1 month ago
'There's no way Steve and Eddie would be able to hide their relationship from the kids for long, they wouldn't have enough excuses!' They lost a bet to Robin.
Steve turns up in Eddie's Hellfire shirt? Lost a bet to Robin
Eddie's wearing Steve's polo? Lost a bet to Robin
They've both swapped clothes from this morning? Lost a bet to Robin
They walk in on them kissing? Lost a bet to Robin
They see them sleeping in the same bed? Sleepover (after they lost a bet to Robin)
'But the kids wouldn't keep falling for that!' I hear you yell, but consider; they all think they're geniuses and smarter than any adult they know, they would absolutley think Eddie and Steve are that dumb to keep making bets with her. The only person that knows what's up is Max and she realised weeks before the boys even started to suspect that something might be up
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thequietesthing · 7 months ago
i’m sorry but KAOS is like a greek mythology fanfiction AU on steroids and i love her for it.
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dootznbootz · 7 months ago
Penelope is also Athena's pet/blorbo/special little mortal/etc. and if you think otherwise you're straight up wrong.
You're also wrong if you think Athena only likes Penelope because of Odysseus and/or Telemachus. As if Athena didn't see a young Penelope pull some shit and immediately think "Oh! Another mind to mold! C'mere you! Let's do some riddles and weaving!". Athena was happy that two of her favorite pets have met and fell in love!
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engiespy · 2 months ago
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Freak Fortress Pool Party!
*no Pyroguns were harmed in the making of this pool party
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lemonboyjosten · 2 months ago
reminder : andrew minyard is the love interest.
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bagginshieldfamily · 5 months ago
Bilbo: *Does something very obvious to do to help the Dwarfs.*
The dwarfs:
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dollopole · 7 months ago
Oh, oh.
My favourite “Merlin?” Very underrated moment, in my opinion.
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800db-cloud · 3 months ago
Can i know your HEADCANONS about spyper? :0
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OF. COURSE. and bonus RED spyper stuff too!
i don’t have very deliberate headcanons for a lot of freaks, but spyper is an exception because he used to be one of my very favorites :) he still honestly kind of is
i didn’t know how to include it, but another headcanon about spyper i have is that he has traits and habits that are “leftover” from the spy and sniper he used to be. his right pointer finger is twitchy and fidgety (a trait from sniper), and he chews on wheat as a substitute for cigarettes (sniper wasn’t a smoker, but spy evidently was and spyper gets nagging feelings of needing a smoke still).
the RED medic that sewed spyper together honestly did a shoddy job, since spyper still feels and thinks his body is rejecting his head. he often feels disembodied/disconnected in his own body. yknow
 being two separate people grafted together and forming a third, new subconscious and everything. wicked stuff
and i don’t have a lot on RED spyper for now, but i do know that i think he’s a LOT more ‘stable’ of a hybrid than (BLU) spyper is. i wonder what his deal is
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caimandrey · 2 months ago
Love the minis
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calmlb · 6 months ago
It’s been clear that the Tanizakis aren’t siblings from the very beginning
here’s some evidence now that it’s been confirmed canon

everyone who’s read irl Tanizaki’s book knew that Junichiro & Naomi weren’t siblings as soon as they introduced themselves
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BUT just because the Tanizakis aren’t siblings doesn’t mean you can’t feel uncomfortable about them. if you feel uncomfortable, GOOD. that’s exactly what they want
the Tanizakis, Mori— they all use these disturbing ruses to disarm or distract people in order to protect themselves, or to accomplish their goals. this is a writing device that asagiri commonly employs as a way to parallel the irl literature (it’s actually ingenious)
there are 4 main indicators that have always made it clear to me that Junichiro & Naomi are not siblings:
1. most obviously— their character designs. Harukawa is extremely intentional with character designs, & she very intentionally made Naomi & Junichiro look nothing alike
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their eye shapes are purposely different
their color palettes are contrasting
even their differing styles of clothing have meaning
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this was all done so that the audience could PLAINLY see that they’re not related— so that WE know that they’re lying when they say they ARE related
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2. how the people around them respond to their act.
the general reaction is “don’t question it”— which is exactly what they want. “be distracted by how uncomfortable you feel so that you look away from what we’re hiding” (this is likely a protective measure)
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3. most importantly, this is meant to parallel irl Tanizaki’s book “Naomi,” where the main character Joji picks up Naomi to raise her into his ideal woman, but since she's so young (& a minor) they call each other cousins (Joji makes no sexual advances on young Naomi btw)
however, his plan backfires because when Naomi gets older & they get married, she flips the script on him & manipulates HIM so that he's under her thumb (which is why bsd Tanizaki is at a domineering Naomi's mercy). Joji let her have her way because of his masochistic tendencies
4. lastly is the emphasis that Asagiri and the Tanizakis themselves put on calling each other siblings.
over & over, it’s “my brother this” & “my sister that”
like they’re desperately trying to convince us that it’s true (“don’t let your lying eyes deceive you”)
here are just a few of many examples from the light novels

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again, if you’ve read “Naomi” you knew that Junichiro & Naomi weren’t siblings as soon as they introduced themselves
just like if you’ve read irl Mori’s works, it’s clear that bsd Mori isn’t a pedophile
just like if you’ve read No Longer Human you know that Dazai’s an unreliable narrator. he makes you think he’s a bad person bc he believes he’s a bad person, but those around him see him differently (btw this doesn’t mean he’s never done anything “bad,” though bsd isn’t about morality— but that’s another discussion)
anyway, i’m so excited for the Tanizakis backstory to be revealed so that we can better understand why they use this defense!!
also let this be a reminder to READ THE LITERATURE if you’re able to!! even reading synopses & analyses of the coordinating books makes bsd make much more sense đŸ„č
reminder that this how you’re supposed to react while reading bsd:
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also, if you’re interested in a post explaining how Mori isn’t a pedo, i wrote this analysis on twt. OR you can read this document that one of my moots sent me (remember: analyzing a character does NOT mean you condone any actions they may or may not commit!)
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