#it's not even for sex stuff i just think long fingers look nicer. elegant.
vamptastic · 2 years
yeah yeah everyone wants to be taller but when will they create a surgery that makes your fingers longer.
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musclesandhammering · 3 years
Non-Controversial Loki Headcanons for These Trying Times
1.) Loki has had dozens of Midgard-based aliases over the years, for no other reason than the fact that he was bored and it was funny. DB Cooper was one of them. Hank Williams was another. He may or may not have even pretended to be a vampire at some point.
2.) Loki can definitely sing. Not just in a funny ironic way, but like.. he actually enjoys singing. It shouldn’t even come as a surprise considering he’s such a fine arts nerd, but yeah. He plays the guitar too. Surprisingly folksy.
3.) Loki’s rooms in Asgard literally look like a witch’s lair. I mean straight up spooky. All dark earth tones, spellbooks strewn everywhere, runes drawn on the walls to keep certain big brothers from messing with things they have no business messing with, vials of poisonous stuff sitting on every available surface, shelves full of strange little trinkets and talismans, a dramatic ass medieval-looking bed, a whole ass cauldron… and then in the corner on a stand there’s his Hank Williams Guitar aasdfghhjkl-
4.) When people call Loki a witch, they’re not joking. He’s. Like. An actual stereotypical, like.. witch. He doesn’t just do finger wavy magic- he mixes potions, he does rune work, he recites spells, he has a cauldron.
5.) He also used to dress super witchy. Used to. Past tense. I’m talking black nail polish, lots of necklaces, rings, eyes makeup (ok maybe I wouldn’t go that far, but Loki in eyeliner would be pretty hot, right?), clothes that were like.. 15% scarier yet more fashionable than the ones he wears in canon. The only reason he toned it down was because someone whose opinion he cared about (it was Thor) made a joking comment about his appearance looking “wicked” or “evil” and it made him feel self conscious, so he changed how he dressed. :(
6.) He was rocking the whole short hair look years before Thor in Ragnarok. In fact, by pre-canon Loki’s standards, his hair in Thor 1 was even a bit too long. He did this because a.) he hates how his natural curls soften him and will do anything to get rid of them and b.) in Asgard short hair wasn’t really worn by noblemen because it symbolised servitude, so this was Loki’s subtle way of being defiant and deviating from the norm.
7.) As Frigga said in Endgame, Loki is very good at sneaking. Even when he’s not trying to. There have been many-an-accident in the Palace of Asgard because he unintentionally almost gave Thor a heart attack.
8.) Loki and Thor weren’t always at each other’s throats. They actually got along pretty well up until Odin started planning for the coronation. Loki was still jealous of the way Thor was treated compared to the way he was treated, but he knew that wasn’t Thor’s fault- not really. And Thor was still arrogant and entitled, but that was mostly directed at other people and not his own family, so while Loki knew about Thor’s character flaws, it didn’t really effect him personally. When the planning started, though, Thor gradually became even more superior and insufferable than normal, and Loki became even more bitter and unsettled, and their relationship just kind of went downhill from there.
9.) Loki absolutely joined the Mile High Club with that flight attendant from the first episode of the show. Her name was Florence and she was adorable, Loki thought so too.
10.) Loki’s the only person on Asgard who can beat Volstagg at an eating competition. He has a giant’s metabolism, after all. And, contrary to his elegant and refined tastes in most other areas, he’s actually a straight-up carnivore. I mean he eats other foods too, obviously, but meats are by far his favourites. Boar, fish, poultry, steak. Just meats. He doesn’t know it, but this is because frost giants are mostly carnivorous.
11.) His relationship with the Warriors 4 was always split down the middle. He and Sif always hated each other. Hogun never trusted him and Loki never had any interest in spending time with Hogun. Fandral and Volstagg, on the other hand, were always much nicer and Loki always sort of considered them his friends as well as Thor’s. This is why they were more reluctant to believe that he’d let the frost giants in in Thor 1.
12.) I refuse to believe Loki doesn’t have at least one tattoo somewhere. Probably more. Probably of a snake. The only parts of his body we didn’t see naked in Episode 1 were his thighs, lower back, knee area, pelvic region, and the back of his neck. So it’s gotta be in one of those places. (Might I suggest: snake thigh tattoo, tiny nape tat, goth tramp stamp lol, rune tat behind his ear, Norse mythos leg tat, badass above-dick tattoo).
13.) Loki’s prickly and insecure and has layers like an onion, but once you get to the point of actually being friends with him, he’s a total sweetheart. I mean a literal smol dork. A bit hyperactive and excitable, but still very very soft. It’s because he’s had so few actual friends in his life.
14.) Sometimes Loki only goes a few days before his gender changes, sometimes he stays one gender for years at a time. And he tends to shapeshift his body to match. That being said, one of his biggest pet peeves is how his other-gendered clothes get all dusty and musty when they have to stay in the closet for long stretches of time. So he’s taken to wearing luxurious gowns around the house when he’s in his male form. You know, just to air them out.
15.) Loki hates sleeping with people. Sex is fine, but he’s just so solitary and paranoid that he’s never been comfortable sleeping in a bed with another person. This may or may not have gotten him in trouble a few times when his partners woke up and found him gone lol.
16.) Laufey is actually incredibly similar to Loki, the way Odin is very similar to Thor. He prefers smaller blades (ice daggers), he’s very analytical and calculating, he’s very calm and non-confrontational even when he’s in a stressful situation, and tbh he seems like a better king than Odin- much like Loki probably would’ve been a better kind than Thor. (Whoopsie this one’s a bit controversial)
17.) Loki adores animals! …But he’s also a bit obsessive about keeping his environment clean. Not organised, per se, just clean. And animals tend to be hairy and slobbery and feathery and slimy and poopy and dirty, so he’s never been able to have a pet. He just takes a lot of nature walks to compensate :)
18.) All jotuns are naturally intersex, including Loki. This is a bit unusual for Asgardians, but because Loki is genderfluid and a natural-born shapeshifter- and has always had a tendency to change his body parts around as his gender changes (male, female, both, neither)- he’s never had a reason to find it very odd. In hindsight, that was one of the many eccentricities that should have made him realise something was a little fishy with his “asgardian” genetics.
19.) The snake + stabbing story from Ragnarok was nowhere near as nefarious as Thor made it seem. What actually happened was: Someone accidentally mixed a real knife in with the blunted practice knives. Thor and Loki didn’t know this, of course, and when they were playing a battle game, Loki ended up with the real knife. When Loki “won” and went to “vanquish his enemy” he ended up actually stabbing Thor for real. They were both hysterical and it took longer to calm Loki down than his brother. It ended up just being a flesh wound, though, so everything turned out fine.
20.) A lot of people think Loki discovered his “secret passageways between worlds” from TDW through some sort of inter-realm questing or magical study or something, but in reality, he discovered them when he was like 16 and desperately trying to find a way to sneak out of Asgard without Heimdall telling his parents.
Tagging @natures-marvel & @little-s-creampuff for expressing interest. Thx for listening to my mad ravings lmao <3
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sailorsunspot · 3 years
I found this reinako drabble i wrote 5 years ago while i was looking back through my old google docs, and i liked it so i finished it up! Not too much, just about 1600 words of fluff.
Rei pressed the doorbell to Minako’s house before fishing her phone out of her pocket and glancing over the glowing display. 7:10. She told Minako she would arrive around 7:25, but knowing the vivacious blonde’s precarious relationship with scheduling, she had opted to show up just a little bit earlier. Her disapproving scowl was usually enough to stir up some sense of urgency into the blonde - and if the stars were aligned, they would - somehow - be ready for when Haruka swung over to pick them up.
She wasn’t holding her breath.
After a few minutes had passed, she found herself depressing the doorbell yet again. Her impatience proved fruitful as she heard the faint strains of a voice through the construct that separated them.
“Just a minute!”
Rei’s arms crossed over her chest by their own accord, a scowl settling on her features. But the rustling on the other end of the door was growing louder, and before she could grow impatient enough to test the doorbell once more, the fine white surface swung open to reveal a grinning Minako.
It only took Minako half of a second to drop the grin in favor of unenthusiastic disbelief as blue eyes raked over Rei’s form.
“Uhm, what are you wearing?”
“...What? Clothes.”
Before she could protest further, lithe fingers had wrapped around her wrist, tugging her into the home.
The first thing one noticed when they walked into Minako’s room was how reflective it was. There was a mirror on every wall, providing every possible angle a girl could dream of inspecting. And, more specifically, there was a single spot near the middle of the room that allowed one the privilege of looking themselves over without strain.
And it was the exact spot Rei found herself corralled into occupying.
With a scowl and a subtle flush of her cheeks, Rei turned to glower at the blonde. “This is stupid. I look fine.”
Minako was appraising her critically, her hand cupping her chin in an almost academic manner. “Yes, you look like you’re about to give a presentation to the board of directors about the state of finances last quarter. We’re going to a party, Rei - not a corporate merger.” She was so flippant and confident with her dismissal that Rei couldn’t help but peek back to the mirror, half-convinced she had missed something while dressing this afternoon. But the longer she inspected herself, the more convinced she was in her own righteousness.
She wore a rich burgundy turtleneck that clung in a shapely manner to her skin and complimented her naturally pale complexion and raven hair. Her dark skinny jeans were similarly tight, especially when paired with the high heels that did wonders to her already impressively long legs. The silver belt that dangled loosely around her waist offered her an understated flair. She didn’t look prudish or professional - she looked refined. Mature. Elegant. Words that - of course - would mean absolutely nothing to Mina.
“You’re crazy. I look good.”
“Sure Jan.” Minako drawled out, already digging through her rather expansive walk-in closet. Articles of brightly colored clothing flew around as she inspected and vetted each individual item, without a care for the mess that was progressively growing in the previously semi-clean room. “No but really; I get that you’re not into men, but does that mean we all must suffer?”
“Does it look like I care about you suffer- wait, what?” There was abject shock written on Rei’s features as her brain caught up with what Minako had just said, the makings of a blush crowning on the Senshi of Flame’s cheeks.
This was not something Rei was used to - or even comfortable with - thinking about, nevermind discussing. When they were younger, she had been among the leaders of the pack when it came to chasing boys. Her beauty and type-A personality had worked as a shining beacon for the opposite sex, but she found the thrill not in their attention, but in the reflection of her friends who marveled at her master with men. She did not date often - once in a while, and only with those individuals deemed truly impressive and desirable. But every time, the experience was regretfully lacking, until she came to terms with the fact that she simply had no interest in men.
They were an entirely non-sexual, non-appealing entity to her. When they weren’t actively offending her sensibilities, she felt entirely apathetic to their existence, the same way she might feel towards a floor lamp in the corner of the room.
But whereas she had acknowledged and accepted this fact privately, she certainly didn’t make it known to her friends. For this exact reason.
Minako stopped emptying out her closet in favor of poking her head out to look and laugh at Rei. “Hello! Goddess of Love here! You haven’t gone out with anyone in like, three years Reiko-”
“Don’t call me that.”
“- and you don’t even bat an eye when we did that university tour with all those hunky college dudes. That track and field team, with their short short short short-”
“- short shorts. Hey, it’s okay Rei! Different strokes for different folks, you know? Besides, more for me!” The blonde ducked back into the closet and Rei was left with nothing but the shuffling in the background to occupy her mind. She considered denying what Minako had professed - for she didn’t have to be a psychic to know that no good would come out of Minako knowing this - but what good would that do her in the long run? The blonde dolt rarely let something as trivial as reality get in the way of her fun, so why should she even bother?
The answer came to her as she strode out of the closet, carrying what looked to be a flimsy shirt of a shimmering violet, which she threw triumphantly in Rei’s direction. “Okay, lesbo, try this on!”
Rei didn’t even bother to try and catch it. She had vague suspicions that she had turned as red as her shirt, but she couldn’t tell if it was due to mortification or indignation “WHAT?”
“My sweet summer child, it’s okay! This is a safe place!” She slide up beside Rei, clasping her hands on Rei’s shoulders, an earnest expression on her face that was undercut by shining eyes. “If you’re worried about the coming out process, don’t be - trust me, we all know. I can have Haruka whip you up a handy pamphlet or something, she loves that kind of stuff.”
Rei scowled, wrenching herself from Minako’s grasp and turning so she could focus the full extent of her most formidable glare on her. “What makes you think I’m like her?”
Minako wasn’t at all phased, the smile etched on her features wide and mischievous. She was the very definition of smug, a fact which grated at Rei’s already frayed patience. “I’ve seen the way you look at me, Reiko.”
“Shut up.”
“I mean, who could really blame you. I’m like a ten. I know. Now, c’mon! We don’t have much time!” There was a distinctive whine in Minako’s voice as she ignored the tensed, irritated body language Rei was presenting in favor of moving to tug Rei’s sweater off of her. She had always been an unreasonably brave girl.
Rei reacted the only way she could; with ferocious resistance. “Oh my God, get off of me!” She twisted away, stepping back, only to realize that Mina was particularly determined. As the two struggled over the cotton pull-over the strains of the battle could be heard in the form of growling profanities and high-pitched giggling. They were caught up in their own dance, wildly flailing limbs somehow managing to arc in near-perfect synchronicity.
Until they didn’t.
The rich leather upholstery of Haruka’s latest sports car was cold against her skin. The top Minako had picked out for her barely covered her stomach, and left little to the imagination otherwise. Self-consciously, she tugged at the front of it, before deciding on crossing her arms over her chest and scowling out of the window.
“Oh, man. I can’t believe you wore that.”
As the red violently erupted on her cheeks, Rei turned her sharp gaze to Minako, fueled by the righteousness of her fury. Minako grinned back, somehow managing to look cheeky and insufferable even with the wicked black eye she was now sporting. As Rei looked over the swollen purpling that surrounded her left eye, she felt her anger drain from her body in favor of something slightly more amenable.
She let out a half-hearted harrumph, turning her eyes to the front of the vehicle. She did not move when she felt the soft, gentle touch to her thigh.
“You look really nice.”
Rei blushed right to her toes. And this time, even Rei couldn’t keep the smile from creeping onto her face. After a moment, Rei allowed her arms to unravel, doing her best to ignore the steady beating of her heart as she rested her hand atop of the troublesome girl’s tentatively. Minako laced her fingers between Rei’s.
“But I bet you’d look even nicer with all those clothes taken off.”
“Don’t push it.”
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Kenma Fluff + NSFW Headcanons
Words: 1919
Warnings; very clearly marked NSFW section
A/N the NSFW isn’t super long but it is fluffy NSFW and sweet stuff y’know so please enjoy! 
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Kenma loves loves loves hugs from behind like he loves when you do it and when he does it because then it’s just straight affection and you can’t see how blushy he actually gets because this happens a lot when you want affection and just wants to be sweet to each other and he loves it so much 
Happens a lot early in the morning like if you get up before him he will come to find you and just rest his head on your shoulder as he wraps his arms around you and tells you good morning and asks you questions about your day 
Kenma loves home dates where the two of you don’t necessarily have to do anything special but just enjoy each other’s company and Kenma loves just having you lay in his lap and just enjoy each other’s presences and he is going to be super sweet and he loves running his fingers through your hair and just little touches between the two of you 
he also loves cooking with you and getting to try new foods like he is willing to try more new things with you if you encourage him (otherwise he will happily eat the same three things every single day) and when you two cook together he ends up eating more than he usually would because he wants you to be happy with him 
He is also going to really like when you two go out together like he always is like “noooo Y/N I don’t want to go” but then you smile at him and he is like yeah sure whatever and tells you if he gets bored he is going to end up playing games on his phone (which you just expect from him) but when you actually go out he ends up having a good time with you, he loves watching how excited you get when you find something new or how happy you look when he points something out that you were looking for while shopping so he doesn’t even end up playing games because that’s time that he doesn’t want to waste away from you
Kenma also likes to take you out to nice surprise dates, they aren’t super common but omg they are the sweetest like he is going to be really quiet with the details and tells you to be ready at a certain time before he takes you out to go to a nice dinner or to see a show or something really nice that he knows you are going to enjoy and when you thank him for the amazing date he always gives you one of his little smiles just a little nod because seeing you happy and knowing that he is treating you right is enough reason 
Because the poor baby gets nervous that you are going to leave him for someone better, someone who takes you out more or talks to you more or is prettier or taller or more successful, any reason he can think of he gets nervous about because he doesn’t see himself as the best in any way and so you are constantly reassuring him in little ways that you love him and that you aren’t going anywhere
One of the best ways to do this is to wear something of his like seeing you in one of his sweatshirts or shirts just puts this little smile of omg she’s mine on his face and not only do you look adorable you also look like his and that is something that he could never get sick of 
He does have a whole section in the closet of sweatshirts that he is willing to let you wear, surprisingly he loves to let you wear his nicer sweatshirts and doesn’t like you wearing his worn down and super loved ones because they aren’t as pretty and he wants you to look good while wearing him and not make it look like you are someone who doesn’t know how to dress or when to stop wearing something old (even though they are his and he definitely still wears them)
Kenma has a super nice wardrobe like he has a lot of options and while you mostly see him in comfortable clothes if the situation calls for it he is going to dress nice for the event so if your work is having an event and you invite Kenma he is going to dress up nicely for you and even will try and match outfit colors with you so that you both look nice and stylish, but right before you leave he always gets nervous and asks if it is too much or if he looks bad and you always tell him he looks great and you could never lie because wow
After a good day, Kenma always loves to celebrate with you too like he comes home in a better mood than usual and is a lot more affectionate like your welcome home kiss is always so much sweeter than usual because his hands wrap around your waist and he just pulls you in for a full kiss and when you ask what that was all about he just smiles and tells you nothing 
On bad days for Kenma he likes to send you a quick text on his way home so that you know because he likes to have a little time alone playing games or something so that you don’t worry about him and after he has destressed he comes back to you and is super sweet and asks you about your day and everything 
After you’ve had a bad day you also like to give him a heads up and when you do he always tries to beat you home (if he’s not already home) and start dinner for you two and lets you relax and he kisses you gently and gives you shoulder massages to help you unwind from your day 
Omg Kenma smiles so much more around you than around anyone else like he constantly is just looking at you and just thinking about how perfect you are and it makes him smile at you 
HE gets so blushy when you compliment him though but it really means the world to him like he is going to play off his cute little blush and averted eyes but deep down anytime you compliment him he gets really giddy inside and really takes it to heart like if you tell him he has a cute nose the next time he looks in the mirror he looks at his nose and is like huh that really is cute I guess like compliments really boost him up and help him with his self-image because he never really takes the time to think about any of those things 
If you are ever upset by your self-image he tries his best to help but it’s so hard for him because he can’t understand why you don’t see yourself as wonderfully as he sees you and he tries to tell you this but then gets nervous and blushy when you finally realize what he is saying and it ends up with you two having a sweet kiss together and you thanking him for being so sweet to you 
Will absolutely spoil you rotten and he is lowkey going to be the type to leave you fresh roses on the table or chocolates because he is better with actions than words to show all of the ways that he loves you 
Kenma is not the horniest of all of the boys like he is going to have a sex drive don’t get me wrong but it is not going to be the #1 thing on his mind like other people but when you two have sex it is a whole lot of like he is going to go all out and makes sure that you both have an amazing time 
The best way to get Kenma riled up and turned on is to send him nudes throughout the day like he is going to see them and not know how to respond so he shoves his phone back in his pocket and just continues on with his day but then later when he sees another message from you pop up and it’s another nude he was already turned on before and now he is about ready to leave what he’s doing to go find you and show you that that’s not cool because you really were distracting him but he doesn’t want you to have instant satisfaction so he ends up continuing with his day without responding to you and you can’t help but wonder if he is mad or not with you 
But let me tell you that you didn’t just send him any crappy mirror nudes, no, when I said Kenma spoils you he freaking spoils you like you literally can have nude/boudoir photoshoots that are super fancy and super elegant but also sexy and make you feel so confident about your body and about yourself like that is a treat for the both of you 
You also have a lot of really nice lingerie that you are happy to show off to Kenma and he is always super appreciative of it and his gazes are always long and lingering before you get started but once you two start going at it I am so sorry but it is gone unless he is in love with the piece then it could be worn again but otherwise that’s not happening 
He is very direct with what he wants and doesn’t like to play too much with it like if he wants you naked and waiting for him he is going to tell you and if you don’t then he is not going to be happy with you because that means that you didn’t listen to him and he doesn’t like to repeat himself 
Sex with Kenma can end up being rough and sexy or ends up being really sweet with lots of kisses and I love you’s back and forth (I’ve written about dom Kenma so here’s some sweet Kenma) 
On sweet nights he tries to treat you so well, he kisses up and down your body and has long lingering gazes and warm kisses against your lips 
He also loves to set the mood for a night like this and will light a candle or two and make the room smell amazing and he makes sure that he always has the bed made so that it is really sweet and romantic throughout the whole thing
He takes his time with foreplay and really enjoys watching your expressions while he fingers you and eats you out because he thinks that you are so gorgeous and beautiful like that and he wants to engrain those memories into his head 
When it comes to the actual sez he is really slow and really cautious and listens to exactly what you want and if you even look a little bit uncomfortable he stops moving and asks if you’re okay and peppers your face with kisses and always double checks you are really okay before continuing
He is so sweet with the aftercare like he is going to clean you off and give you more sweet little kisses and will help you tie back your hair before he tucks you both into bed and he just curls up with you
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bittysvalentines · 5 years
the other kind of upper crust
From: @whoacanada To: @ackermom
Summary: When the Zimmermann family throws a surprise engagement party, Eric finds himself overwhelmed by the guest list and thoroughly out of his depth. Jack takes the time to remind him he's right where he deserves to be.
Tags: Zimbits, Future Fic, light angst Happy Valentine's Day, ackermom! This is a concept I've been playing around with forever and I hope you love it because you might be seeing more of the party at a later date ;)
Not twenty four hours ago, Eric had been lounging in front of a fire in the den of the Zimmermann family lodge, getting drunk on Perrier-Jouët and watching the snow fall as he cuddled with his newly minted fiancé. 
Now, Eric is navigating the same, now crowded room to snag a glass of champagne from one waiter and some kind of crab cake from another as he slowly realizes the annual Zimmermann Boxing Day celebration has become an impromptu engagement party.
“So you’re the little spitfire that dragged Jackie out of his shell? Congratulations!”
For the nine-billionth time this evening, Eric does not know who he’s speaking to and has to formally introduce himself.
“So it would seem! Eric Bittle, and you are?”
“Mark.” The man takes his hand, gives it a hard shake, and Eric is at a loss because he’s been given no last name. Again. Jesus. “You have a few? Tell me about Samwell, Bobby’s been talking that school up and down forever, you must have been a hell of a Captain to get those boys to a championship, especially without Jack, how the hell haven’t you been scouted?”
Southern hospitality will always reign supreme in Eric’s life, but he finds it difficult not to be overly candid as he’s already answered the same line of questioning with at least six retired pros. 
“If I had to guess, it’d be the whole gay thing,” Eric taps his glass against Mark’s and winks, earning a boisterous laugh that seems to summon Eric’s soon-to-be father-in-law. Bob comes into view wearing a surprisingly elegant blue velvet suit jacket and a pair of light-up reindeer antlers that nearly take a tumble when he grabs Mark round the middle and gives him a good shake.
"This where you've been keeping Eric? Let the boy mingle, you old goat, it’s his party!”  
“Which was news to me,” Eric laughs, hoping the stress he hears in his tone is only in his head. Regardless, Eric takes the opening and slips away, past another throng of well wishers, an actress he’s definitely seen on Netflix, and someone he really hopes isn’t Celiné Dion. He’d been expecting hockey legends — of which, yes, there are many — but the ratio of rich and famous is far more skewed than he’d been expecting if the pile of gifts near the bar is anything to go by.  
Eric downs his champagne and slips out onto the patio to catch his breath, refusing to think about the optics of abandoning his own soiréee as he drops onto a bench overlooking the wooded backside of the property. 
Eric can see the moon through the clouds and the snow flurries, watches the light distort through the vapor of his breath.  He should probably go back inside and mingle, he’s starting to lose feeling in his fingers, but for the first time all evening, he’s enjoying himself. Someone opens the door behind him, spilling music and merriment out onto the porch and reminding Eric he really should go back in and enjoy his own party.
“There you are. What, you hiding?”
“Yes, I am.” Eric brushes some snow off the bench and waits for Jack to settles in, immediately leaning into the space Jack makes when he rests his arm over Eric's shoulders. Jack offers his mug, curls of steam warming Eric’s face as he takes a sip, detecting more than just spices and apple. “Did you spike this?" 
"There might be some Crown in there. You feeling any better?"
"I'm in a tuxedo, surrounded by our loved ones and their famous friends, and your parents just gave me this," Eric shoots his cuff to reveal the gleaming silver watch. "I’m bona fide, Sugar. Top shelf, grade-A Zimmermann approved.”
Jack whistles, taking Eric's wrist gently to inspect it closer, brushing a thumb along the bezel, angling the face so the small silver moon beneath the hands catches the light. It’s a beautiful piece, the nicest thing Eric’s ever owned, and what can only be the start of a lifetime of extravagant gifts from his wealthy in-laws.
“Papa had a whole speech planned. I told him you needed a break. Also didn’t want his proposal to be nicer than mine. You feel how heavy that is?”
Eric bounces his wrist as Jack watches, a smile quirking at the corner of his lips.
“It’s steel.” 
“It’s not steel.”
Oh, and isn't that just a lovely thought; receiving a gift that triples Eric's net worth in front of a sea of his betters on a night that’s already a panic-inducing celebration of Eric’s ability to weasel into the upper crust.
"Your mom filled me in on the championship tradition.” Eric rubs a hand over his chest, trying to ease the twinge of discomfort. "On the one hand, flattered, on the other, horribly embarrassed I'm not keeping myself together near as well as I’d hoped.”
“While it’s a relief not to be the one melting down in public, the good news is that people think you’re overwhelmed with joy.” Jack’s tone is just shy of apologetic. “Which is also what I was hoping, given the alternative is you’re freaking out because my parents went all out on an engagement party.”
“You told me this was a Christmas party,” Eric presses his face to Jack's chest, wishing he could drag himself out of his own head long enough to enjoy what has otherwise been a red letter evening. 
“Boxing Day.” Jack corrects softly. “And it was supposed to be an intimate, pleasant surprise. Imagine my surprise at how badly we stressed you out. What is going on? You're usually so good with social stuff, and you’ve been looking forward to the non-engagement version of tonight for weeks.”
“Just unearthing some self-worth issues, you know how it is; get confronted with the realities of marrying into your famous boyfriend’s wealthy family and start to question your place in the world.” 
“Is this about the watch. We can pretend it’s not platinum.”
Eric tries to play off the concern, but he's gotten something across, as Jack's hand comes to rest on the back of Eric's neck, fingers gently massaging muscles he hadn't realized were tense. He wants to cry. He just might. 
"Lucky for you avoidance is where I shine," Jack gives Eric's knee a little shake, dropping his fingers a touch to tickle the underside of his leg. “What do you say we get some of this negative energy out. Go hide in the rink out back.“
“Still amazes me you have a rink here.”
“What, that doesn’t strike you as being on brand?”
Eric twists away to only give Jack more access to his ticklish spots. Jack is chanting 'skate, skate, skate' under his breath with an earnestness that forces a smile to Eric's lips. 
"How is the solution to everything skating? Oh, my Lord, fine. Fine! Maybe it won't hurt to get a lap in."
Jack stands, stretching his arms high in celebration, making his suit jacket look two sizes too small before dropping them down again around Eric and hugging him tightly. "Lapin," Jack consoles, taking care to pepper kisses along Eric's hairline without mussing his coif. “I’ll get you something warm. You head to the shed. We'll call it checking practice."
"They'll think you're talking about sex,” Eric chides at Jack’s retreating back.
"Good thing we’re engaged, then, eh?"
Eric brushes the snowflakes from his slacks and follows the lighted path, staying on the shoveled walk but still managing to get snow in his dress shoes; knocking his foot against the mat, he notices a small plaque on the door, engraved 'Jack Laurent's Glacière - Est. 2009'. Eric scratches away a bit of frost to reveal 'Sin-Bin’ scrawled below the epitaph in Jack's familiar handwriting.
"Oh, hell's bells.” Eric breathes, putting together why the Zimmermanns would have gone to so much trouble to build a rink behind their winter home in 2009. As Eric gets the door open, he realizes it isn’t a ramshackle covered backyard pond, the ‘shed’ is a fully built private rink with boards, glass, and even a zamboni in the back corner. 
And Eric’s insecurity is back in force. 
He’s examining the ‘snack bar’, consisting of a small popcorn maker, a mini fridge, and a microwave, when Jack returns with a thermos shoved under one arm, two pairs of skates draped over his shoulder, one hockey, one figure — two of Eric’s many gifts from the Zimmerparents over the last few days.
“Hey. Feel like explaining why your vacation home has a nicer rink in it than the one I grew up training in?” Eric gestures around the rink at large wooden beams, the boards, the glass ceiling, a sanctuary built just for Jack. “Seeing as your name is on it.”
“Ha, well you get cool presents when you almost die and your parents think you’re suicidal.” Jack looks up and around, like he might find something new to inspect. “Was nice to get out of the city after rehab. I think we spent like eight months up here?”
Eric’s known Jack long enough now to recognize when he’s covering up his own pain, and this is not that. He’s genuinely joking.
“I’m really glad you didn’t die,” Eric offers, unsure of what else to say.
“Hey, no way, me too.” Jack smiles. “We have so much in common, maybe we should get married or something.”
Beside the door rests a rack of hockey sticks and shelf holding at least six pairs of skates in various states of disrepair. Jack brushes his fingers over a particularly ratty set of Bauer Supremes with ‘JZ’ in faded sharpie on the heel, nods, and grabs the pair.
“There’s no way those will still fit you,” Eric chides, lifting his own skates, the hockey set, from Jack’s shoulder to start loosening the laces. “But I really want to see you try.”
“Oh, they’ll fit. I was here before you got up this morning. I put new blades on every year and I’ll wear these until they fall apart.”
There’s a pleasant silence as they both sit to gear up, a far cry from the revelry a few short meters away. 
“I’m terrified you’re going to wake up one day and realize you’ve made a mistake choosing me,” Eric relents, keeping pace. “What do I bring to the table? I can cook, sure, but I have a worthless degree, I’m unemployed, one day I’ll probably look like my father —”
"We aren't our hobbies, Bits." Jack pulls a hard stop to kick up some ice shavings before doubling back and doing the same on the opposite side of the rink, scarring the ice. "Or our jobs. You aren't your culinary skills, and I'm not defined by hockey. We're just guys who love each other, who are going to get married, and despite current concerns, are very excited about the prospect. Also, not to make it weird, your father isn’t a hideous guy. I’ve met your family, you’ve got good genes.”
“Well, your dad is hot, too, I guess,” Eric sighs, spinning in a lazy circle.
“Thank you, I’ll pass that along he’ll be thrilled you think so.”
Jack pulls to a stop, his black slacks covered in bits of ice, suit jacket abandoned, showing off the white dress shirt straining around his midseason bulk; a pair of black suspenders working overtime to keep his ass looking as spectacular as Eric has ever seen it. 
"Bitty. Bits. Eric." Jack tugs off his gloves so he can take Eric's hands into his own. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Fuck, I loved you so much it circled around to hate and then back to love again."
"It's weird you'd mention that, like, right now," Eric's unable to keep himself from interrupting, and Jack's cheeks go pink from something other than cold. “While I'm already at critical emotional overload.”
“I love you. My parents love you. My parents’ friends love you. My teammates love you. You are very, very lovable.”
“Jack, I’m really not.” Eric’s voice wavers, but not because he’s lying. “And one day you’re going to figure it out and leave me.”
"Listen to me, Bits. I don’t know what you need to hear to make this okay, but there is no end date on us. No shoe to drop, no morning where we wake up and think about what could have been. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You can be scared," Jack circles around Eric, reaching for his hand. "Just, please, don't be scared of me.” 
Eric finds himself squished against Jack’s chest, inhaling his partner’s familiar sweaty musk and the remnants of a cologne he probably borrowed from Bob. He wants this so badly, and he wants it forever.
“I can be a little scared, though?” Eric asks. “Just a tiny bit. For perspective.”
“Of course. Fuck, I’m a lot scared right now.” 
“I love you, Jack.” Eric whispers, hiding his face. “I do. I’m sorry.”
“But, I don’t have any problem being scared of the future, as long as we’re freaked out together. Let’s be scared of real things. Like climate change. Baking using salt instead of sugar. Bears. The list goes on.”
“Keep talking about scary things,” Eric slides back, tugging Jack with him as he slips into an easy rhythm around the rink. “Keep talking. Make me feel better.”
Jack’s smile is broad and goofy, not his polished media smirk, the one he saves just for Eric. On the list of romantic gestures in their relationship, this one doesn’t rank very high at all, but it might be the most appreciated. 
“I can do that, bud. As long as you need.” 
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newl0ndonfire · 6 years
@wolfinogotbored (idk why I can’t tag you but I tag you in spirit) @lxnxlyghxst @murderhous @macaroni-necklace and whomever else saw and was interested
do any of y’all remember that story I mentioned writing a while back? I was going to post it for pride month but that didn’t happen since I was really tired thanks to work, so I’m sorry about that.
I wrote this story because this girl in my math class had to write a five(ish) page original story for her social justice class about a utopian or dystopian society that talks about something they talked about in class. her original idea was a utopian earth but all men were killed a century or more ago and if a baby is born male, the baby has a sex change so they become female. needless to say, this made me uncomfortable (why would you want to commit large-scale genocide against something people don’t choose? how is that a utopia? you do realize your teacher is a guy, right?), so I proposed a different story. she ended up liking my idea more but didn’t want to write it, so I told her I would because it was something I’d love to write myself.
anyways, I wrote this in like four hours and I doubt she proofread it, but it’s under the read more. comments and likes are appreciated!
Teachers and professors must either love listening to themselves speak or feel very passionately about what they teach, Nina muses.
As she walks home with her Catherine, her best friend for as long as either can remember, she ponders this and their teacher’s lesson, which they been released from only five minutes ago.
Nina can usually pretend to listen to her fellow blonde and best friend babble, unfortunately Nina simply can’t process what she’s saying today. They had their only class together this year today, but Catherine was whispering to Nina for the entire class.
Suddenly, Catherine turns to Nina and Nina can tell that she’s been caught.
“You know, we don’t have to walk and talk if neither of us are listening.”
“I’m sorry Catherine. Professor Roger’s lecture today wasn’t what I was expecting. I can’t stop thinking about all the years of meetings and debates that went into making the world like it is today.”
“It’s fine girl,” Catherine laughs, “I feel the same way. Can you imagine, a society that’s not separated by gender? It’d be so different.”
Nina smiles weakly at that, still lost in her thoughts. She distractedly says goodbye to Catherine, but knows that as best friends, she will be forgiven.
The walk to her apartment is still a few minutes longer, and Nina takes the time to reflect on how the world she knows came to be.
Differences between boys and girls had always been known, ever since humans first walked the earth. Oh sure, the differences were usually not too big of a deal, but 138 years ago, numerous world leaders gave up on appeasing both men and women with their proposed taxes, healthcare plans, insurance rates, and more by creating a city for men, a city for women, and a train connecting the two together that runs once in the morning and once at night every day. By keeping the two genders separate, it was believed that the governments of each city could better focus on the needs of its people as they relate to their gender. Besides, the cities themselves are often based off of stereotypes about the genders, but the people in the cities tend to be accepting of ideas and people who do not follow their city’s stereotypes.
As she turns around a corner, Nina can tell she is heavily distracted by her musing. Most people choose to either eat dinner or stay at home rather than venture outside at this time of night, as the sun has not been down long enough for it to be much cooler than the day was, so she is quite startled by plowing through and knocking over another person.
“Aaaaaahhhh! Please don’t kill me!” The person begs as they scramble backwards until their back hits the building’s wall.
Taking time to bring down her pulse, Nina peers at the shivering person in front of her. They are trembling in fear, covered in dirt, and wear little more than rags. Bruises and small cuts mottle their face, their skin is pale, oil and grime are clear to see in their brown hair, and their body looks slightly too skinny to be healthy. They clearly live on the streets, but Nina knows that there is both enough housing and food for everyone in Girl World. On first glance, the clothes appear to be dark grey or black, but Nina looks closer at the person’s clothes. The shadowy alley makes everything appear darker, but their clothes are too dark to belong to someone from Girl World.
“Are you, you know, a boy?”
The person whimpers and shies away, alarming Nina to the fact that she probably should have asked the question in a nicer way.
“Wait, no, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have that in that way,” Nina says as she crouches down to be at eye-level with the person. “Are you okay? What’s your name?”
“My name’s Jason, but I go by Jace”. The person curls inwards, as if they expect Nina to hit them.
“Alright Jace. Did you miss your train for Man Land?”
Jace’s eyes widen in fear. “No I-I don’t belong there. I know I was born and grew up with people thinking that I’m a guy, but I know I’m not.”
Nina has heard rumors of people feeling a similar way before. Alexa, a girl from her elementary school, told Nina about how she didn’t really feel like a girl most days and how she wished she was a boy instead. Nina didn’t understand at the time, but someone must have overheard them talk because the next day, Alexa was forced to sit on her own while the teachers looked at her with disgust. Alexa didn’t return to school after that, and all Nina can think about is how this is her chance to make something right in the world.
“It’s okay Jace,” Nina says soothingly. “I can’t say I understand how you feel, but I don’t think how you feel is wrong. You’re your own person and no one can tell you how to be yourself.”
Jace looks equal parts relieved and confused by that, as if she had never heard such a thing before. While Nina knows that her mom raised her to be far more open-minded than others, it seems impossible for someone to grow up without hearing similar reassurance from their parent or teachers.
“So, you don’t think I’m an abomination?”
Nina is thoroughly confused by Jace’s question. “How can you be evil for something you didn’t choose to be?”
Jace ducks her head down in shame, as if shedding tears at such a heavy subject was something to be ashamed of. “It’s what I was raised to believe.”
A lump forms in Nina’s throat, and she swallows before she can continue speaking to Jace. “You’re being yourself, and there’s no way someone can be wrong for being themself.”
Jace looks up, misty eyed and choking back tears. “Thank you.”
Nina offers a comforting smile to Jace. “You’re welcome.” Thinking once again of Alexa, Nina reflects on what she would be willing to give to Jace so that she can feel more comfortable with her gender given how she can’t feel more comfortable about her surroundings. “Are you here most nights? I can give you some of my unused or older clothes and stuff if you want.”
Jace’s smile at that shines despite the dim world around her.
When she gets home, Nina goes through her nightly routine mechanically. She does her nightly aerobics and yoga, showers, eats dinner, and brushes her teeth in a daze. The same few questions swirl around her head.
Will Jace be safe tonight? How long has she been living on the streets? How many people feel the same as her? Is this normal for people like her?
She doesn’t rest easy that night.
“Nina? Hello? Earth to Nina!”
Nina shakes her head, needing the physical reminder that staying in her own head doesn’t help anything. As much as she would love to help Jace more than she has been able to in the last week, outright telling someone about her would most likely not help her situation.
“Sorry Catherine. I’ve just been really distracted lately.”
Catherine quirks up an eyebrow at that. “I’ve noticed. You know, you can always talk to me about whatever you’re worrying about.”
Nina thinks about how to respond for a second and manages to only open her mouth before their teacher, Professor Judith Rogers, sweeps past and interrupts.
“I’m sure Nina appreciates the sentiment, but sometimes friends are simply not enough to help alleviate a problem”.
Both girls flash their Professors a smile, and they continue working, though Nina is still distracted.
“I’ve noticed recently that you’ve been distracted in class, Nina.” Professor Rogers clearly doesn’t pull any punches when she demands a private meeting. Her fingers are steepled yet her grandmotherly face provides Nina with the strength to finally tell someone about meeting Jace and how she’s been trying to help yet doesn’t understand how she can truly help her.
When Nina finishes, Professor Rogers simply lifts an eyebrow, as if asking if there was anything else Nina would like to share. “I had expected the world to change and start treating transgender people better a long time ago.”
Nina gasps while her mind begins racing with even more questions. What’s a transgender? Does it mean someone like Jace? Who does she know who has a similar secret to Jace’s? Is there a safe place for Jace to go where people will understand her? Is Professor Rogers like Jace?
Professor Rogers raises an elegant hand to stop Nina’s internal questions. “Before you ask, no I am not transgender myself. My wife - yes, teachers and professors can have private lives, thank you very much - was before she was murdered in the so-called accident eighteen years ago at one of the clothing factories in town. The supervisor at the factory where the incident occured believed that people were born either one gender or another. Frankly, I did as well, until I met my beloved Fran who showed me how that idea hurts people and kids like her.”
Nina is still shocked into silence by her beloved professor’s secret. She never would have guessed that about her professor!
“Thank you for bringing your friend - Jace, you said? - to my attention. I have known for a long time that change has been needed, but I did not realize how dire the situation was until you brought it up. I will talk to my supervisors immediately about this. Something has ought to be done, and fast. People deserve better.”
Nina is dismissed and walks out of the room shocked, yet hopeful for the future.
“…This change has been a long time coming, and I sincerely hope that it can help ease the strain of conforming to a set gender roles in the future. Thank you.”
Nina snaps back into focus when she hears people begin to clap after Girl World’s mayor finishes her speech. It’s only six months after she first met Jace, and already people have been incredibly willing to change and accept people who are questioning their gender or don’t see themselves as a boy or a girl. Plans for a slightly smaller city for the people “existing outside of the gender binary”, changes to the train tracks between Man Land and Girl World to include the new city, and an increase in the number of trains running between the cities each day would have seemed impossible only a few short months ago.
“Hey Nina, wait up!”
Nina turns, shocked at hearing Jace call out to her so openly, and even more so when she sees Catherine jogging alongside Jace.
“Hey. What’s up?”
Catherine and Jace both flash smiles at Nina. “Good news! I’m gonna be in your class with that professor you were telling me about! You know, the one who let the changes of today even happen.”
Nina’s mouth drops open in shock. “I’m so glad to hear that! When do you start?”
Jace flashes an even wider grin. “Today!”
Catherine claps Jace on the back. “I can’t wait for you to be in our class! You’re going to love Professor Rogers, I just know it.”
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ventoaureorun · 7 years
Passione (Bruno's) gang seeing their crush in a wedding dress.
[ Ok cos this is crush not S/O ill keep the marriage altar options out HAHA feel free to send an ask if u want to see me write that one I also throwed Trish and Fugo in cos idk do you guys count them as fully part of the gang whatever i have time im going to wrITE THEM. Its overall not too long for each character cos i wrote for all of them apologies]
✖ BRUNO BUCCIELATI ✖- I doubt this proud Capo would shed a tear but regardless it would definitely stun him. He’d think he was prepared to see you [I mean it’s just a dress how different will it be.] But he wasn’t prepared when you walked out of the room.- He’d have to pause for a moment and walk up to you to take a good look at your face before he agrees that he isn’t dreaming and relax.- If you two are alone he’d start letting the flatter stream in, telling you how angelic you looking in such an extravagant dress and how gorgeous he thinks you are. - He might even offering to take your hand to give you a spin in the glorious gown, making sure he can soak in how good you look in all of it, the way the cloth hugs your body and how his wish so badly he’d get to marry you someday.- If there are others around he’d surely be much more calm about it, the lightest blush covering his cheeks yet no one would comment anything and his actions wouldn’t be much different. However shooting the other members a look of disapproval if Mista they give any inappropriate comments about the way you look.
✖ GUIDO MISTA ✖- Mista wouldn’t be anywhere near remotely subtle about it, he’d immediately walk up to you with the brightest blush on his face and drown you in flattery.- Sure as hell expect him to throw in cheesy pickup lines asking you if you’d wear that for him someday too or about how he’d never thought you’d look so good in white, and how you’d look better naked. In which then Bruno or Abba would have shot him a look and lightly punched him.- Opposite of Bucci though, if others are in his presence he’d be loud about his affection but if its just the two of you he’d shy away over too, too embarrassed to look you in the eye. Giving you side glances as he blushes and compliments you.- Sex Pistols would definitely want to have a say in this, alone or not they’d pop up and start hovering around you, sitting on your shoulders or clinging onto your hair and smushing your cheeks they can’t get enough on how cute you look.- In which now Mista would be furiously apologising for their behaviour or he himself commenting about how he wish that was him, and how it was unfair that his stand could get so close to a goddess like you but he wasn’t allowed to.
✖ LEONE ABBACCHIO ✖- Abba would not make eye contact with you at all, averting his eyes to look at everyone but you’d he’d still tell you that you looked good. Maybe casually say something like good luck on this mission or something along those lines.- Deep inside thought his cold heart is racing, his head only forming images of you standing at the altar with him and this man cannot handle it.- Abba being Abba would also mentally note the exact time and day where this happens and you’re sure as hell when he’s alone in the mansion he’d replay this moment with Moody Blues as he smiles to himself without anyone noticing. You’ve enthralled this poor man.- If its just the two of you he’d let his hands cup your face, his fingers trail over your cheeks before adjusting your hair and just looking at you with a full blown melancholic look on his face. He’d would have internally swore to do all he can to see this waiting for him at the altar someday. It’s now his new personal goal.- If its with the rest of the gang around he wouldn’t even stand near you, probably sitting on the couch and taking in your full beauty from there, and when the other members ask him if he thinks you’d look good he’d just shrug and say something like “ Yeah whatever of course she’d look good.” while his own face heats up.
✖ GIORNO GIOVANNA ✖- Within seconds of seeing you, regardless alone or not, he’d already have used Gold Experience to form a rose to give you, or even helping put it into your hair.- You look Amazing, and the poor Don doesn’t know what to say, deep inside he’s thanking his ancestors already for giving him a chance to see you in a wedding dress before he even got to confess to you.- Giorno being the suave boss that he is would shoot you a soft smile and give you some nice compliments about how elegant you look. - If theres other people around he’d [not so] subtly do it instead maybe saying stuff like how even with Gold Experience he’s never seen any being so beautiful before and giving you such a warm smile you yourself feel the shivers go down your spine. It was a rare sight after all to see your boss so happy with you.- Giorno might also dismiss the other members in the room to give the two of you some time alone instead as he just wants to remember such a precious moment with only the two of you and no other distractions. Maybe even using such a time to hint his affection towards you.- He’d internally swear to protect you forever, telling himself he’d make sure he marries you someday. You were the most beautiful thing to exist in his dark world of the Mafia anyway. He would make sure you never get tainted again.
✖ TRISH UNA ✖- She’d definitely first comment about the state of the dress, asking you a flurry of questions about the material, brand, design. All of course to cover her embarrassment.- You look stunning and she hates it, how could you look so much better than her! She’d soon enough demand to get to try on the dress too just to see if you’d be as flustered as her when you see her in it.- Trish wouldn’t flat out say it but she’d definitely leave a comment or two about how good you look in it, and the slight passive aggressiveness on how good you look. “ Dammit your figure is too slim for such a dress! Let me wear it instead!”- If there are other members around she’d try to act more nonchalant about it, trying not to let anyone notice her gawking at you, especially making sure You of all people don’t notice.- However if it’s just the two of you Trish herself would be nicer about it, telling you how good you look and maybe offering to style your hair for you or do your makeup. She herself wants to see you fully dolled up anyway, she knows you’d be stunning.
✖ NARANCIA GHIRGA ✖- Like the excited child that he is Narancia would just gawk at you, be it if its just the two of you or everyone else is watching, the poor boy would just stare with his mouth open and blush rising to cover his face.-  With some nudges from the other members he’d eventually close his mouth before taking a deep breath and letting out the loudest “ Wow.” All he wants now is to let you know just how much he loves you-  His hands are covering his face now as he lets out a flustered blur of compliments all full of stutters as Aerosmith flies around him now to try and cool him down. The other members are laughing at the sight and so are you and the poor child is really overheating in embarrassment.- If its just the two of you. Its worse. He’s trying his best to act as cool as he can and giving you the weirdest compliments like how “ I like you as much as I like orange juice.” and giving a awkward wink and shaky laugh.-  And if you were to comment on how cute this scene was, teasing him, he’d totally lose it and blurt out something like how much he likes you and regret it right after.-  Its the cutest sight and if you didn’t like him before. You sure as hell do now.
✖ PANNACOTTA FUGO ✖- Fugo would just looked shocked for a good few seconds before regaining his usual composure however with a bright blush covering his face. Nothing else about him will change, snide remarks would still leave his mouth but everyone would notice how much more embarrassed he seems.-  If the other members tease him about it he’ll go full defensive mode asking them to shut up and threatening them while constantly making eye contact with you. If you were to laugh at his cute ordeal, his face would just get even reader.- If its just the two of you alone and you make a comment about how flustered he looks he’d quickly brush it off, scolding you a little before admitting in an accidental outburst to “ Stop fucking around I’m embarrassed enough!” and regretting it right after.- Of course like everyone else he’d be imagining you walking down the aisle to him in that dress and god bless Fugo might start tearing up a little, he’s just thinking about just how much he doesn’t deserve someone as beautiful as you especially with his stand and job being so ugly.- Fugo would still be trying to soak it all up and memorise your beauty for this, and after seeing this, might secretly beg Giorno to let him help you out on this mission instead in full overprotective mode. He doesn’t want you to get hurt at all after seeing such a blessed sight like this one.
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