#it's not an anti bucktommy baby post at all
god-i-hope-so · 4 months
Some people choose to not have children because they know they wouldn't be "good parents", or at least not good enough because of their past traumas and other personal problems.
And I kinda want to see Tommy be like that, because I know men who are like that and it's never addressed or it's always pushed as "but you should have kids anyway, you're such a good guy!" and... no. You don't make kids and hope for the best when you're not 100% sure. Children are not therapy, they're not here to heal their parents' traumas.
Instead of the "I want to give my own children the love I never had", some men choose to not take the risk. One of my friends was scared to be like his father, and even being aware of that (and definitely being a way better man than his father), he was scared of becoming like his father and not being able to see it. So he chose to not have children and he doesn't miss it (he's 41).
I know so many people see being parents as the end goal of a life, like the ultimate purpose of a person, and also the highest proof of love in a couple, but it's not. It's just really not. It can be, depending on the person, but it's definitely not for everyone. And I'd love to see that representation too, in a very respectful way, and not as a sob story. Just a fact of life: some people don't have the right life trajectory to have children. They will love the children around them like theirs, but having the responsibility of raising a child with the risk of passing on their own traumas is not something they want to even think about.
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Lou has posted this kind of stuff before on instagram. He’s dismissive of Tommy’s past racism and his desire to stay on as a MC has been super apparent throughout this whole season. Not a lot of fans were listening when people were saying that this is concerning behavior and that he shouldn’t be engaging in fans the way that he does. It’s honestly not surprising he landed himself in hot water like this. He doesn’t have healthy limits with his fans, he hasn’t apologized for anything he’s said in the past, and now that he’s being called out he tried to deflect and when that didn’t work he swept it under the rug. He’s a white nepo baby and he hasn’t really faced any consequences for the things he’s said before. But it’s clear that the rest of the cast don’t really like him or want to hang out with him. Even in the official s7 wrap video he looked awkward and out of place. His interview with Oliver was filled with tension and Oliver just doesn’t seem to like him or this storyline at all. I think it says a lot that BT shippers immediately claim that the black queer man that Lou was responding to in that tweet “had to have hacked him” because they can’t accept that he said something wrong (I’m not saying that you’re one of them). It’s also frustrating that people make any genuine criticism towards Lou about Buddie or Ryan’s past. Not everything is about ships and just because Ryan said horrible things doesn’t make it excusable for Lou to say horrible things either (again I’m not saying that you’re the one doing that)
i don't really engage with this kinda stuff
idk what's going on with Lou, i don't engage with actors that seem a little too... fresh? if that makes sense... Because of shit like this... and I just...
I think the post was weird. Maybe hack-stuff, maybe just some 40 year old white guy with audacity. i'm not looking deeper into it. I think he's said weird stuff before, but i've never really paid enough attention to him to really do an analysis.
This is an important conversation to have, minus the speculative stuff (i don't like speculating about actor friendships overall + Kenny has explcitly stated that he was really excited to work with Lou again + Oliver isn't known for being subtle when he has an issue with a coworker's behaviour) but you do you boo, and i mean that from the heart, i love seeing people's little theories, it's fun
I just think... maybe have it with someone better educated on the situation. just because it's not my place to speak on it, and i'd rather not speak over the voices that we should really be listening to about this stuff.
I am, however, very certain that, if it was a case of hacking somehow, it probably wasn't anything to do with Mikko. He's one of the most out-there Bucktommy haters, even popularised Bummy as an anti-name, if something like this was gonna happen to anyone, it was gonna happen to him, i severely doubt he was any kind of perpetrator. Whether this was 'BoB infiltration' or just.. exactly what it looks like it is, lets leave him alone. Guy just called him out and got a weird response, lets not act like his involvement was any deeper than thaat.
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fredmundo · 5 months
yes unfortunately the anon is right. you go into a given tag thats NOT bucktommy and its full of tommy or the ship. its not a good use of the tags but people won't stop.
lmao maybe i just have the right people blocked because all I'm seeing is buddie, some bucktommy posts about why tommy is a good starter boyfriend for the baby bi that also mention buddie endgame, and a disturbing amount of e.d. (the triggering kind) content which sucks to see.
like i just went SCROLLING through buddie and eddie's tags going back like 9 hours
but like guys tag your shit better if you are being dicks about ships, use anti - etc so people can filter it out
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