#it's my other favourite singing drummer :')
my5hiningstars · 1 month
Dowoon performing Out of the Blue (ft. Day6) - from I Need My Day fanmeeting 💙
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badnewswhatsleft · 3 months
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total guitar #160 march 2007 [joe's video]
transcript below cut:
You voted Dance, Dance in at No 57 in TG’s 100 Greatest Riffs, so we managed to collar the dual guitar talents of Fall Out Boy’s Joe Trohman and Patrick Stump to ask them how they write riffs, who they think is the ultimate riff-writing machine and what they deem to be the top five greatest riffs ever written…
Words: Claire Davies, Images: Joby Sessions
When you look at Fall Out Boy or listen to any one of their albums, it’s easy to dismiss them as pop punk scamps who like to mess around on the guitar but don’t take it that seriously. In some respects you’d be right, but singer/guitarist Patrick Stump and his talented co-guitarist Joe Trohman know quite a bit about writing insanely catchy riffs and playing guitar.
Patrick, for instance, doesn’t respect players who wail unnecessarily over a song. “I like restraint in guitarists,” he says. “It’s easy to go overboard and try to be Eddie Van Halen. But here’s the thing: you’re not.” Joe, on the other hand, is completely obsessed with vintage guitars. “I was really into vintage Gibsons, but I just used to break them all the time and it turned out to be kind of expensive. Now I play Washburns ‘cos they have that same wide-neck feel and pickups as some of those 70s Les Pauls.”
One thing they’re both passionate about, however, is writing great riffs and how you - by expanding your musical horizons - can write one with as much groove as Pantera’s Walk…
So guys, why did you choose guitar and when did you start playing?
Joe Trohman: “I started playing guitar because of Metallica. I used to listen to them loads and when my grandma got me the Live Shit: Binge And Purge video I couldn’t stop watching it. I used to play viola and trombone in my school band, but watching bands like Metallica and Smashing Pumpkins made me wanna play guitar. From the moment I got a cheap $50 guitar, I played it all the time.”
Patrick Stump: “I chose drums to begin with, but my dad was a folk singer in the 70s so he always had a guitar lying around. I’d mess around and write songs on it, but I never fancied myself as much of a player. When the band started I ended up singing, even though I was supposed to be a drummer. Then one of our guitarists quit, I had to fill in and it went from there.”
When you were starting out, which guitarists influenced you?
Joe: “Kirk Hammett and Dimebag had a huge impact on me, as did Billy Corgan. I was into a lot of lead players, I guess, but as I got older I realised how important it was to play rhythm as well. People don’t realise how good a rhythm player James Hetfield is. I also love Johnny Marr, who has probably been my biggest influence so far.”
Patrick: “I’m not a huge Stones fan, but I appreciate Keith Richards’ playing ‘cos it’s all about his riffs. Outside of that, my favourite shit as a guitar player is funk; everyone from James Brown to Prince. I also love jazz player Joe Pass, who is one of the only people good enough to noodle on guitar, and Jesse Johnson who was in a band called The Time from the Prince movie Purple Rain. My favourite solo of his is just one note, but the crazy shit he does with that one note is unreal.”
Moving on to riff-writing, how would you describe a guitar riff?
Joe: “It’s a cool guitar part that catches you instantly. It’s something you can play over and over without it losing its edge.”
Patrick: “Yeah, it’s four bars that are simple and that grab you immediately, like the riff from Janet Jackson’s Black Cat. I think a good riff comes down to a good rhythm section. When you look at a guy like Dimebag, he always got right in there with the bass and drums. Pantera were built on a groove as strong and simple as any R&B groove.”
Joe: “Yeah, Walk has to be one of the simplest riffs ever but it grooves, and that’s what matters: what you do with the riff and how much it grooves.”
So how do you come up with riffs, such as the one on Dance, Dance?
Patrick: “We just fuck around until we come up with something. You’ll come up with a gazillion riffs when trying stuff out, but every so often something will jump in front of you. Once you’ve got your four bars, stuff will start happening. With Dance, Dance I was just sitting in the van and we were all talking about The Cure, and I had this idea of a Cure bass line that they never wrote, which ended up being the riff in Dance Dance.”
What’s the best riff you’ve written?
Patrick: “I really like the riff on Of All The Gin Joints. But The Take Over, The Breaks Over from our new record [Infinity On High] is easily one of our best riffs. I wrote it after reading something Bowie said: that he was sitting around one day and decided that he really wanted to write a riff like Keith Richards did. So he wrote Rebel Rebel. After reading that I thought, ‘Fuck! I wanna do that!’”
What, in your opinion, makes a kick-ass riff?
Joe: “A great riff comes from being part of the rhythm and acknowledging that you’re not gonna produce something totally original. You should listen to loads of different music and put your own spin on it. Like on our last album we wrote a riff that was like Panama by Van Halen. We’ve obviously taken influence from them on that song, but we’re not ripping them off wholesale. Instead it’s like paying homage to them.”
Patrick: “When you’re writing a riff you’re part of the rhythm section and you keep up the tempo and rhythm as if you were the drummer. You have stabs as though you were the snare drum and you’re hitting low notes as though you’re the bass drum, but you’re also controlling the melody. At the end of the day, a riff is something that you can hum and it’s a rhythm you can play on drums. If you have both those qualities in your riff then you’re onto something good.”
What do you think are the Top Five greatest riffs ever written?
Joe: “I love the start of This Charming Man by The Smiths, and Black In Black by AC/DC. Walk by Pantera is probably one of the best riffs ever, same as Battery by Metallica, but if you can’t do triplets and haven’t got tons of stamina then it’s hard to play. I also love South Of Heaven by Slayer just ‘cos it’s so evil sounding.”
Patrick: “Satisfaction by The Stones is the be-all and end-all of riffs. I’d also go for Rebel Rebel by David Bowie, Janet Jackson’s Black Cat, the second section of Bohemian Rhapsody and Black Sabbath by Black Sabbath. That one riff alone changed metal as we know it. I also wanna throw in Owner Of A Lonely Heart by Yes ‘cos it’s a great example of having really talented guitarists who still keep it simple.”
Who do you think is the ultimate riff-writing machine?
Joe: “I’d go with Randy Rhoads, just ‘cos I love that riff in Crazy Train. That guy was a genius.”
Patrick: “Angus and Malcolm Young have written so many phenomenal riffs that you can’t do any better than those guys. But I come from an R&B background so I wanna say Prince, just ‘cos Let’s Go Crazy is so awesome. And I also wanna know who wrote the riff to Michael Jackson’s Beat It [TG mentions it was session musician and Toto guitarist Steve Lukather]. Was it Lukather? Yeah, of course it was: he played the riff and Eddie Van Halen played the solo. I wonder why Lukather doesn’t get more recognition? Now you’ve mentioned Lukather, I wanna change one of my Top Five riffs to Toto’s Hold The Line, ‘cos that’s one of my favourite riffs ever!”
How did you approach the guitars on your new album, Infinity On High?
Patrick: “We’re both playing a lot more rhythm on this record, but if there is lead then it’s in much more of a BB King way where there’s a call and response.”
Joe: “My favourite thing about the guitars on our new songs is that I can ad-lib when we’re playing live. I know scales well enough and understand the fretboard well enough to do that. I could never tell you what key something is in, but in my head I know what it is. The cool thing about being in this band is that Patrick and I play guitar really well together, and I’ve learned a lot from watching Patrick and playing guitar with him.”
So can we expect a lot of guitar interplay from you on this album?
Joe: “Patrick also plays piano on this album, so he’s not always on guitar, but we split up a lot of the guitar playing. There’s a solo on The Take Over, The Breaks Over that we split in half when playing live, even though on the record it was done by Chad from New Found Glory and Ryan from Panic! At The Disco. We thought it was cooler to have guest guitarists than guest vocalists. So yeah, we split a lot of the guitar stuff up and switched between rhythm and lead. The weird thing is that I’m always pegged as the lead guitarist of the band, but we always switch back and forth.”
Patrick: “I think in general, I play a lot of the single-note leads and Joe plays a lot of the octave and chord leads.”
Which tracks on the new album best exemplify you guys as guitarists?
Patrick: “The end solo of Don’t You Know Who I Think I Am? Is how I love to solo. It’s real bluesy, which is what I’m about as a player. I’d also say the solo on You’re Crashing But You’re No Wave.”
Joe: “Yeah, that one had a lot of Johnny Marr filler guitar in there, and also Don’t You Know Who I Think I Am? It's filler guitar that doesn’t really jump out at you, but it’s atmospheric and it changes the vibe without you really knowing it.”
Finally, how proud are you as guitarists of your new album?
Patrick: “This is my favourite record because it’s restrained and funny. It’s basic rhythm playing, which is my favourite kind of guitar playing. I’m much happier playing a strong riff 100 times over than playing a kick-ass solo once. We do have kick-ass solos, but the way we write doesn’t always leave that much room for them.”
Joe: “I learned from playing on this album that I don’t need to play solos all the time. I’m proud of the record and proud of the cool riffs and songs that we’ve written together.”
Patrick: “I’m less impressed when someone shows off, and on this record we don’t show off a lot so obviously you should be impressed… I’m kidding!”
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daisyblog · 8 months
Once In A Lifetime
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My Drummer Masterlist Summary: YN is given a one time opportunity to join the Jonas Brothers on tour as their drummer, and Harry supports her.
Warning: emotional abuse (YN’s family are not kind to her).
With Harry being back on tour, YN really felt herself slip back into reality. The reality of still being in Holmes Chapel, watching her best friend become Harry Styles and not just her Harry. But watching him up on stage with the other boys, made her feel prouder than she had ever felt before. 
YN was on her way home from college, her earphones sat in her ears blaring ‘Dreams’ as her feet walked slowly towards her house. Fleetwood Mac was one of her and Harry’s favourite’s band, so listening to their songs brought her a sense of comfort and closeness, despite him being over the other side of the world. 
At the sight of YN’s family house, she stopped in her tracks from across the road. YN noticed both her parent’s cars in the driveway, meaning they were home earlier than usual. Interrupting her thoughts, the front door opened and out walked her older brother, their Mum following him. YN moved out of sight behind a parked large green van not wanting them to see her.  
“Bye Lucas, I love you my baby!”. YN rolled her eyes at her Mum’s voice from where she was ducking behind the van. “Please be careful!”.
“I will Mum, love you.”. Lucas could be heard shorting back before he got into his new car. 
“Oh Lucas?”. YN heard her Mum once again. “If you see your sister, tell her to get her arse home!”. YN couldn’t help but let out a pathetic laugh at how her Mum’s attitude completely changed when it came to her. 
“What‘s the witch done this time?”. YN’s fist clenched as the anger bubbled inside her. 
“Failing her classes again.”. She could only guess that her Mum stood there with a disappointed look with her hands on her hips. “She’ll never amount to anything that girl!”. 
Tears threatened to spill, but the last thing YN wanted to do was show them that they were hurting her. She was determined to prove them wrong. Sure she was failing but she was being forced to do a class she said she didn’t want to do. What did they expect?
Wanting to prolong her time before having to go back home, she turned to walk in the opposite direction, her feet picking up speed as she longed to get to her favourite place. Not giving it a second thought, YN opened the front door, warmth hitting her along with the smell of lasagna. 
“YN? Is that you my darling?”. Anne shouted as YN closed the front door behind her, taking her shoes off by the stairs and hanging her coat up. Her usual routine!
“Yeh, it’s just me Anne!”. YN answered as she walked further into the house. Noticing that Anne had added a few more photo of Harry and the other boys. 
“I’m cooking some dinner, do you want to stay and have dinner with us?”. Anne wildly smiled as YN sat at the kitchen table, joining her in the kitchen. 
“My favourite! Yes please!”. YN had been having Anne’s dinners since she could remember and they were always the best, made from scratch and just absolutely delicious. 
“It’ll be ready in about an hour my love.”. Anne looked up at the clock that hung on the wall as she closed the oven door. “How was college my darling?”. 
“Awful!”. YN played with her fingers as Anne sat opposite her at the table. “I’m failing another class now.”. 
Anne looked at the young girl in front of her. The one she had known since she was a little three year old with plaits in her hair, the one who followed Harry around the school yard and as they got older so Harry and YN’s friendship blossomed. They would spend majority of their teenage years at her house, either singing and playing the drums in the garage or watching episodes of Friends on repeat, tucked up under a blanket in the living room. 
Anne reached over the wooden table, to hold YN’s hand in hers. “It’s not that you’re failing sweetheart…you’re not doing something you enjoy.”.
“Try explaining that one to Julie and Steven.”. YN sounded defeated, like she was close to giving up. “Is it okay if I go in the garage for a bit?”. 
“Of course love…that’s what we bought them for.”. Anne smiled at YN, knowing the garage was somewhere where her and Harry spent a lot of time. 
YN closed the door that stood between the house and garage, not wanting to disturb Anne and Robin. YN looked at the black drum kit that sat in the middle of the room. Posters of all her and Harry’s favourite artists scattered over the walls. A photo of them both sat on the shelf, they both smiled wildly at the camera as Harry had his arm wrapped around her shoulder. 
As she sat on the stool behind the drums, the wooden sticks in her hands, YN felt like she had something to prove. She got up and positioned her phone so it could record her and moved Harry’s microphone to angle where should could sing as she played. 
The backing track began to play, YN began to tap the drums with her stick, completely getting lost in the moment already. 
Listen to the wind blow, watch the sun rise
Running in the shadows, damn your love, damn your lies
And if you don't love me now 
You will never love me again
I can still hear you saying
You would never break the chain 
And if you don't love me now 
You will never love me again
I can still hear you saying 
You would never break the chain 
YN’s soft but strong voice belted out the song as her hands and arms moved to hit the drums with the beat. Finishing the song, YN watched the video back on her phone. For once, she was proud of herself. So taking the leap, she posted it onto her Instagram, captioning it ‘Drumming is my heartbeat.’ for all of her 238 followers. 
The rest of YN’s evening was spent eating dinner with Anne and Robin. They spoke about how well Gemma was doing at university, how One Direction was getting bigger and bigger by the day and how much they missed Harry. They even told YN how proud they were of her for pushing herself everyday to do what she was doing, even though she disliked it. 
YN pushed herself through the anxiety of going back to her house. She tip toed through the front door, hoping her parents wouldn’t realise she was home. As she put one foot on the stairs, her name was called. 
“Come in here now!”. Her Mum’s voice demanded from the living room. YN reluctantly walked into the room and stood close to the door. “Where have you been?”. 
“I’ve been over Anne and Robin’s, I had dinner with them.”. YN explained, as she lifted her bag up higher on her shoulder. 
“You spend way too much time over there!”. Her Dad made a comment, as he slouched in the armchair, not taking his away from the tv screen. 
“It’s probably one of the reasons she’s failing her classes Steven.”. Julie shook her head, her eyes piercing into YN’s. “Have you got anything to say for yourself?”. 
YN didn’t usually answer back, she just stood and took whatever was said about her. But tonight she changed. “I don’t want to be an accountant, I don’t want to follow in your footsteps, I’m not you or Dad…I want to just be me.”:
Steven rolled her eyes and Julie let out a sarcastic laugh. YN’s stopped dropped at their reactions. All she wanted was to be enough. 
“Where has that gotten you so far?.” Her Mum’s comment cut deep. “Hmm? You’re not going to get far YN, you’re just a girl who thinks she can play the drums all day every day…it’s pathetic!”. 
YN went to respond but her father interrupted. “I’ve had enough of your attitude and behaviour…just go to your room.”.
As YN got to her bedroom door, thinking she had escaped the toxic behaviour of her family for the day, Lucas appeared. 
“Oi! Delete that video…I’ve had people messaging me saying how good you are and it’s embarrassing!”. Her brother stuck his head out from his bedroom door. “It’s bad enough we’ve got to listen to your little boyfriend, and his silly band on the radio everyday without thinking you can sing too!”. 
YN slammed the door shut, locking it behind her. Her way of shutting out the world. It was nights like tonight that YN would escape over to Harry’s house, and he would reassure her that her family were to blame. But with Harry over the other side of the world, she felt lost. 
She got into bed that night and scrolled through her Twitter to see what Harry and the band had been up to from the fans. Lost in the moment of scrolling, her phone pinged and her favourite name appeared. 
Harry 💙: I miss you my little drummer! I saw your video, one of our favourites. You’re amazing! I miss our days of singing and drumming in the garage. The other boys are so impressed with you too. Keep banging those drums. Love you xx
It was a few weeks later and YN had continued to post video covers of herself singing and playing the drums. It felt like therapy to her, her escape from reality. The views and positive comments she was getting, really encouraged her. It boosted her confidence and made her feel worthy for once. Lucas still tried to knock her down, he even showed their parents saying that she was embarrassing them as a family. 
Harry continued to send her positive messages, encouraging her to keep doing it and saying how he looked forward to them every day. Even the Niall and Louis had messaged her on Twitter to say how good she was and how jealous they were of her drumming skills. Her and Niall had made a deal that if he taught her to play guitar, she would teach him to play the drums. 
YN had just left college for the day, like usually her earphones were placed into her ears as she walked. The sound of an email went off and a notification appeared on her screen. Opening it up, curious to see what it was, YN couldn’t believe what she was reading. 
Good Afternoon, YN
I hope this email finds you well. 
I’m Johnny Wright and I am a Talent Manager at Hollywood Records, and currently managing the Jonas Brother’s. They have a tour starting in October this year and we are recruiting a drummer. 
We have seen your talent via videos from your social media, and are interested in arranging a meeting with yourself to discuss you becoming apart of the tour. 
We can see that you are currently residing near Manchester in the UK. If you decide you would like to proceed with the meeting, I can arrange for us to meet in London. All accommodation, travel and expenses for yourself and one other person will be paid for. 
I hope to hear from you soon.
Best wishes
Talent Manager
YN stopped in her tracks, re-reading the email over and over. “This has to be a joke!”. She whispered to herself. She needed to tell Harry, but just as she was about the click on his contact to phone him, she stopped herself realising it was the middle of the night for him. 
She held a bit of hope that her parents would be thrilled and support her through this incredible opportunity. For the first time, YN ran home as fast as her legging covered legs would take her. She pushed through the front door with force. 
“Mum? Dad?”. She called through the quiet house. 
“Oh stop shouting YN, we’re only in here.”. Julie demanded, from where she stood in the plain beige kitchen. 
“Look at this!”: YN pushed her phone, displaying the email, into her Mum’s hands. “Isn’t this amazing?”. A proud grin shined brightly on her lips. 
Julie read through the email quickly, before handing the phone back to YN and continued to cook. YN looked at her Mum, waiting for her response, but nothing came. 
“Mum?”. She encouraged, praying this was the moment she needed to prove to her family that she was capable and that she could make them proud. 
“You’re not going.”. Julie said flatly as she stirred the food in the saucepan. “They’re trying to humiliate you, not to dishearten you but you can’t sing and you’re not that good on the drums either.”. 
“We’ll see about that!”. YN answered back, determined to prove her own mother wrong. 
YN made her way over to one place she knew she’d have the best reaction, Anne’s house. walking through the door, she could see a suitcase sitting in the hallway. She thought Gemma may have been home from university. But walking around the corner, for the second time that day she couldn’t believe her eyes. 
“Harry?”. YN ran straight into his arms, holding him tight. “Oh I’ve missed you!”: 
Harry’s arms held her tight, leaving no space between their bodies. “Not as much as I’ve missed you.”. 
“You didn’t tell me you were coming home.”. YN questioned him as they broke apart. 
Harry shrugged his shoulders as he looked between his Mum and YN. “Wanted to surprise two of my favourite women!”. He cheekily chuckled. 
“Well you’ve got good timing because I’ve got something to show you.”. 
YN showed Harry and Anne the email from Johnny. They were so incredibly proud and supportive of her. They encouraged her not to listen to her Mum and this was a one time opportunity and she needed to do it for herself. 
A week later, YN found herself in Harry and Louis’ flat in London, where she was staying for the weekend and for her meeting for the Jonas Brother’s tour. YN was nervous, excited too but scared that she was going to mess up. 
Before she headed off to where the meeting was being held, Harry and Louis both gave her a positive talk. 
“You’re going to do great and one thing you need to do is believe in yourself.”. Harry started the positivity talk. 
“Harold’s right YN…you’re incredible and you don’t give yourself enough credit…go in there and smash those drums.”. YN smiled at how lucky she was that Harry brought four amazing boys into her life. 
“I’ve always said you’re the only girl who I’d want to bang my drums.”. Harry sent YN a wink at his attempt to be a little cheeky. 
“Harry!”. YN playfully pushed his arm. 
YN was gone for around three hours and Harry and Louis couldn’t help but pace their flat. Trying to keep themselves distracted but it was no help because time only seemed to slow down. They were sat watching a football game on the tv when they heard a knock at their door. They both ran in a race to opened the door first, Harry winning and there waiting to be let in was YN.
“I’m going on tour!”. YN shouted excitedly to the both of them. Harry scooped her up into his arms and hugged her tight. He was proud beyond words. 
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marimayscarlett · 20 days
17 years of "Emigrate" 💿🎶
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Today, Richard's first Emigrate album with the title "Emigrate" was published 17 years ago on the 31st of August, 2007. Additional release dates were the 29th of January, 2008 for the US and the 2nd of February, 2008 for Australia.
Recordings for the album took place in Germany, the USA and Denmark, mainly at the Studio Engine 55 in Berlin and New York. Singing and guitar were done by Richard, Arnaud Giroux played bass and Henka Johansson played drums, Olsen Involtini contributed additional guitar sounds and Sascha Moser, the former drummer of Orgasm Death Gimmick, took care of Logic and Pro Tools. Same as several Rammstein albums, this album was produced by Jacob Hellner.
Before the album was released, and even before the promotional CDs were manufactured, the band held a vote on their website. Fans were able to choose which song they wanted to hear in its entirety, after the release of Wake Up. The vote was won by Babe. After that a promotional snippet CD was released, which included both songs in full, but both songs were slightly different versions from the ones later released on the album.
When the CD was released, several promotional sheets were included, among them an interview with Richard. Here he answered question as himself as well as his alter ego "Emigrate", both knew each other for a while and could work well together as they had similar styles and were interested in each other's work. A bit of a peculiar concept, but kind of endearing. The sheets are in german, here is an english translation of this interview.
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Here you can see the standard edition inlay, the CD design as well as the alternative cover:
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In this interview from one day before the release, Richard explains what kind of meaning the name "Emigrate" has for him and how he came up with it:
Interviewer: And behind this term EMIGRATE, what is the emotional meaning behind it? We know that you chose this name because you went to New York, but...?
Richard: I am someone who wants to be extremely independent. So this project is an emotional release for me. You're constantly faced with fears in your life, and I think there was a certain person waiting inside of me who also wanted to lead her own project, wanted to sing - basically just wanted to be the center of attention. To actually do that in the end, or not to do it, to have to do it, to deal with the public and so on, that certainly has something to do with fear. People always talk a lot, but often don't realize their ideas because they're simply afraid they won't be able to hold their own in the end. I'm glad that I did it.
Interview: Was the name EMIGRATE your preferred name from the beginning or did you also have other name ideas?
Richard: I think names come to you at some point. Searching doesn't help much. At some point I found a piece of paper on the street in New York with “EMIGRATE” written on it. Somehow I thought this word basically described my current state, not only physically but also mentally. Emigrating from my home country, emigrating from the band RAMMSTEIN...it all made sense somehow.
Emigrate entered the German album charts on September 14, 2007 at number 8 and in the following weeks it reached positions 28 and 50, remaining in the Top 100 for a total of five weeks. The song "My world" appeared on the Resident Evil: Extinction - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack.
Two songs were released as singles: "New York City" on the 12th of October, 2007, and "Temptation" on the 7th of March, 2008.
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Little personal addition, since this is my favourite Emigrate album and one of my favourite albums ever - here are my three favourite songs from it:
Sources: 1 2 3 4
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moonchild-in-blue · 3 months
Can we talk about Turntail? Like I knew Queen the First (fifth? Miss Birdsong? Do you have a nickname for her that I’ve misremembered…) obviously had the voice of an angel, but these RUNS she is doing on this song?! They are so convoluted but she sings them so TIGHTLY?!?! And PRECISE?!?? How do I get more heart eyes over her, holy hell what a talent
You know what. It's currently past 3am and I'm playing Zelda because I can't sleep (running on sick hours over here), so yeah absolutely we can talk about Turntail 😌 Also, I don't really have a nickname for her, I just call her Miss Ma'am hahaha. Miss Birdsong is great, I'll borrow that.
(okay it is now past 4am i spent WAY too much time gushing over them sorry lol)
HONEY. THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING. If you think she sounds amazing as a BACKVOCALIST, then you're in for a treat to hear her as a main vocal of her OWN BAND HELLOOOOO.
I remember a few months ago in one of their (live? Q&A? one of them) instagram things, someone was commenting on how great she sounded, and one of the guys was like "yeah, and she didn't even get training, isn't that so annoying?", it was hilarious 😂 Miss Ma'am is a natural - no wonder Vessel got her (and the babes) to back him 💅
Turntail is fantastic, I've had it on repeat since Thursday. Their music is so interesting and unique, and a great of it is because of her singing. She does this crazy runs and unexpected intervals like it's nothing, and her tone is so so SO clear and stable. Her lows??? Like, honey can go reeeeal low and smooth and real high and crystalline in seconds just like that??
This song in specific, I super appreciate the eerie, melancholic vibes. It's such a great successor to The Collapse (their previous single), but somehow even better. And can we talk about that sexy bassline??? Johnny boy went HARD on it (like he always does. Same with my drummer boy Matt, he's fantastic. Also he writes a lot of the lyrics alongside Lyns, he's fantastic). I love the breakdown bridge and that last chorus so SO much. And the piano??? They always have the most heart-wrenching, soul-crushing, beautiful piano melodies, and yet I get pikachu faced everytime. What can't the queen do. Also, this is the first time they're using a voice effect-tune-thingy so, interesting choice there. The babes sound beautiful as ever too 💖
While my favourite thing from them is still the 1st ep (The Thing With Feathers - please please PLEASE go listen to it. The Downpour and The River are my favourite songs of them, they're so amazing, please I am begging you, you'll love it), you can absolutely hear how much better they get with each new thing they put out. I'm so so excited for when they finally release a full length album, it's been a long time in the making.
If you listen to their latest ep, Dancing In The Face Of Danger, you'll see that they went for a more upbeat vibe (notable on Pyre and Ever The Optimistic), so it feels great to hear the Sad Vibes™ again. Nothing against upbeat stuff (Pyre is one of their best songs fr), but I am an emo at heart sooo... yeah. Miss Birdsong sounds like an elf or some other woodland creature - idk if its just me but you can hear traces of folk music in it and ugh what a combo.
Super super reccomend you hear them live. There are a few recordings on YT, and some of them do feature one or both of the Espera babes too.
(not gonna talk about how once again i missed their concert 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 it was today/yesterday 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 i'm fine really not salty at all 😃😃😃😃😃😃)
Also - do not sleep on their Diamond Eyes cover. Genuinely does NOT feel like a cover AT ALL. Covering Deftones is so daunting because of how unique a they are, and by god those beautiful bastards did it. I do very much prefer their version to the og, she really shines vocally there.
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blueberry-ovaries · 9 months
thank you for the tag @grumpy-liebgott !!
Mads / Blue
She / They
Aquarius ♒️
1 younger brother! A fun fact about him is that he is a musician! he’s a really good drummer, and can pretty much play songs by listening to them once!
1 dog and his name is Cisco, after Cisco from The Flash TV show
Band of brothers (obviously!). But I love Marvel, DC, Star wars, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, COD… yeah i love a lot of things
Blue. So much so i’ve made it my theme and name :)
That’s tough because i have a lot of favourites… But one i’ve had on repeat a lot recently is Breakin’ dishes by Rhianna!
@malarkgirlypop @footprintsinthesxnd @next-autopsy @mads-weasley (plus all my other friends who write! (i just have shocking name recollection ))
Oscar Wilde! The picture of Dorian Gray
Holly Jackson! A Good Girls Guide to Muder
I love me a good “they’re both in love but don’t realise”… Like they both are so in love with each other but don’t think the other one is… and it’s just so fluffy
sunshine x grumpy???? that’s my shit right there
Can’t go past Christmas! now especially because i’ve been enjoying the people i’ve spent it with the last few years :))
i wish, i am literally the most awkward person in existence… i’m also like unable to tell when people are flirting with me
I play netball and softball! just socially, not competitively (any more) which also means my joints are shit.
I also love to read and bake! which are things my parents passed down, my dad loves to read an my mum loves to bake, and bakes with me a bunch!
- i’m not sure if this is a fun fact, but all my joints crack or pop. At some stage of the day i can crack any joint.
- i’ve seen one direction when 5sos opened for them in concert!
- i can sing the entirety of ‘baby got back’ by Sir-Mix-A-Lot… no i don’t know how i learned it
NON PRESSURE TAGS: @malarkgirlypop @mads-nixon @executethyself35 @whollyjoly @ronald-speirs @ronsparky
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jumpedthenfell-13 · 8 months
im freaking out because tell me why i just came up with my favourite bispearl au ever
So I’m a massive fan of band aus right so I’m honestly surprised I went this long without making a Steven Universe band au
So, in the 90s a band called the Crystal Gems became popular. It was made up of Bismuth, Pearl, Garnet, and Rose. Bismuth, the drummer, had this massive crush on Pearl, who was the band’s guitarist at the time. Unfortunately, Pearl was in love with Rose, who was the lead singer, so nothing ever happened between them.
So, eventually, Bismuth had a few family issues to take care of in another state, and ended up just leaving the band. She moved in close to her parents, and, although she already missed being a part of the Crystal Gems, she got a job at IKEA and settled into her new home.
So, around sixteen years later, she goes to visit a friend that she met before she moved. Her friend says she’s going to a concert and Bismuth doesn’t really have a choice in whether she’s coming or not, and her friend also won’t tell her who they’re going to see.
So imagine her surprise when she sees Pearl and Garnet on stage with three other people she’s never met.
The show ends with a teenage boy, around fourteen, coming on stage and singing one final song, and, during that song, Pearl looks up. She and Bismuth stare at each other.
Pearl finds her excitedly after the show.
So later that night she goes with Pearl to the hotel room the group is staying in, and she meets the new band members.
Shortly after Bismuth left, the group found Amethyst. She’s a little younger than Pearl with her hair dyed purple, and she took over as the band’s drummer.
Lapis joined the group one random day when she met that teenage boy that sang, and she ended up becoming the lead guitarist and dying her hair a bright blue.
After that, Amethyst met Peridot, who joined the band and became a second guitarist, and was particularly close with Lapis.
The most upsetting news is about that teenage boy.
His name is Steven, and he’s apparently Rose’s son. According to Pearl, Rose passed during his birth, and she, Garnet, and Amethyst had helped his father, Greg, with raising him.
And then, Pearl gives her an offer she hadn’t been expecting at all.
Pearl says that she should join the band again.
Bismuth knows this isn’t a good idea. This is crazy! She’s got a life far away, one that doesn’t involve the band she used to be part of.
But maybe it’s because the idea is so crazy that she agrees without hesitation.
So she’s introduced at their next show. The crowd screams at the sight of her. Most are excited to see another new band member. Old fans are overjoyed to see her return after so long.
It’s insane. She knows she probably should have gone back to her old life with her job at IKEA and her small home.
But she finds that she likes this one a lot more.
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rawrxdinaryheroes · 7 days
Songs I Would LOVE XDH to Cover
I Need Somebody by Day6
"Among all the people surrounding me why am I alone?"
I have a list of Day6 songs that Xdh would kill tbh but this one is just super emotional I love <3
You cannot tell me that Jooyeon would not do amazing at singing Young K's parts in the choruses
And Jungsu would do so well with Sungjin's parts
All of the instrumentals are incredibly pretty as well
XDH + emotional songs = a match (into water) made in heaven
Afterlife by Avenged Sevenfold
"I don't belong here I've gotta move on dear"
Do I even need to say anything more??
It's got rap-style verses, harmonies, a kickass guitar solo, orchestral strings, drum line is drum lining, BANGING bass line, an emotional bridge UGH
You guys... they would rock this song I fear
This is genuinely my favourite song this year
Uprising by Muse
"They will not control us. We will be victorious"
Did Gunil get me into Muse? Yes.. And I've been missing out smh
The bass line is steady, the vocals are SO powerful yet soft at the same time, the drum is yummy, guitars are soloing
They would really nail the choir-like harmonies towards the ending half of the song <33
I feel like the vocalist has a similar tone to Jungsu and Jooyeon so yk- the vision is there
Rebel Love Song by Black Veil Brides
"Let us start living for today"
You guys, the guitars in this song are so pretty! I love when guitars harmonize so this song really sends me to the moon
I think Seungmin singing would be a godsend <3
Also Xdh already rocked the "glam metal" kind of look sooooo.... are we seeing the vision~
A Match Into Water by Pierce The Veil
"But if we die at the same time does it still scare you?"
This song is fast paced and features down tuned guitars, distortion, loud drumming, and a strong low toned bass line
The lyrics are incredibly sad and the story behind this song is pure Alice in wonderland levels of tears
I think XDH would do really well covering this song in a more slowed down, acoustic manner
It would really bring out the sadness in this song :((
Ft. Seungmin & Jiseok rap verses UGH PLS
Twist by Korn
If you've heard this song, you'll know why I didn't put a quote for the lyrics bc.... yeah
Yk I feel like they would just sing this song to goof around bc same
It's a fun song, a very silly song with no particular meaning
Imagine warming up and just hitting a Twist... iconic
If you don't listen to any other song on this list, listen to Twist. It's a 50 second icon
Lean on Me by Day6
"Stop crying like that, lean on me"
I am not done with the Day6 Xdinary Heroes agenda
This song is one of Day6's more rock-ish type sound
There's a few rap type verses in this song as well which would go very nicely with our two rappers <3
The harmonies are also VERY pretty and would suit xdh too
There's even a part where Dowoon sings which yk- drummers singing.. Hey Gunil here's a verse!
Caffeine by Kiro Akiyama
"The strain within concealed by wrapping it in a package of joy"
This song features a repetitive guitar riff, a driving drum line, calming vocals, and an intense bass line
I think Jungsu would really sing the chorus and outro very well
This song's vibes are bit different but regardless, xdh would eat
Sunset by N.Flying
"Hold my hand wherever you go"
Guys the bass line in this song is so attractive. I am obsessed
This is also a really sweet, very cute song <3
I feel like xdh would do well with conveying how sweet this song is while also putting their unique flavour to it
N.Flying + XDH would be super cute y'all <333
Hey y'all... How y'all doing? It is I, back at it again with my wandering thoughts : 3 Can you tell my playlist is a mess? I defs have more in my noggin but yeah. Bye! Thank you for reading~
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joeyquinndrabz · 2 years
That’s my girl- Joseph Quinn X Reader
AN: My dad surprised me with paramore tickets for their Manchester show KICKING AND SCREAMING!! Character very much inspired by the goddess herself, Hayley Williams. Character sings “still into you and ain’t it fun” (I’m not a basic fan before anyone attacks be i just wanted to use songs people would know ltfb and figure 8 are favourite songs atm🥲)
y/b/n- your bands name
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“On stage in 5,4,3-“ The screams from outside were deafening, people had come from far and wide to see your band perform. This included your own family and friends, it was a big event in your career. Your band had been offered to perform at Hyde Park and seeing you were all from London, it made perfect sense to finish your worldwide tour where you felt the happiest, home.
Tickets sold out within a minute, people had fought for their tickets and you were determined to make it the best show possible for them. You’d been in the limelight from a very young age, your band found fame at 15 in 2009. Today was the 14th year anniversary of “y/b/n” and this felt like the perfect opportunity to celebrate with the people who got you here.
There was a vip stand full of your family and friends, eagerly waiting to watch you do your thing after not seeing you for so long due to the tour. This included Joe. You’d been on tour for 6 months, thankfully he was in America at the same time or you genuinely think you would’ve gone insane. However, you hadn’t seen him since and hadn’t seen him today because he’d been in Italy hours prior to the concert starting. He’d brought his film camera, determined to get some footage of you in your element. It brought comfort to him when he looked back at them when you were away, in a way it felt as if you were with him even though you were on the other side of the globe.
“1.” The countdown had ended and you all ran on stage, the screams getting louder. Click track in ear and the music beginning to play, you knew it was time to give your all. Singing and dancing around the stage, you looked over at the stands your family were in and saw Joe and Wes going crazy singing along and jumping up and down. You laughed down the mic and had to stop singing for a split second to compose yourself, they noticed and screamed “LOVE YOU” to which you responded with an air kiss and carried on rocking out.
The final bridge appeared. “Baby not a day goes by that I’m not into you.” You pointed over at Joe and he sang it right back at you, grinning from ear to ear. You noticed your dad dancing with your mum and Wes n Chloe screaming the lyrics at each other with pints in their hands. This was home.
Finally the song finished and the whole of Hyde Park was screaming and bellowing your names. You laughed in disbelief and took it all in, the lights and posters, the little groups of people with different journeys with your music. It all finally felt right, you’d been so homesick on tour so you’d found it hard to genuinely appreciate what was happening during shows because your mind and heart were thinking of somewhere else. Here. Home.
You went into your next song, same energy and same reaction from the crown. Pure elation. It felt like a giant party and there was no stopping this one.
Once the second song came to an end, it was time for you to speak to all those people. But this time, you didn’t feel anxious. “Londonnn.” You shouted down the mic which gained a roar from the audience, jumping and waving at you. “We’re home.” You shouted again running around the stage as your guitarist joined you and your drummer smashed his symbols. The audience were wild at this point, screaming all sorts.
“We’ve got a proper party in store for you, you ready to dance Hyde Park?” You asked, pointing your mic to the crowd who were definitely ready. Your eyes drifted to the stands and you saw Joe and your mum in a tight hug, waving at you with admiration plastered on their faces. You sent them a heart with your hands and you performed the rest of your set.
In-between some songs you continued speaking to the crowd, laughing and dancing along with them. You were on a high.
2 hours later the show had come to an end.
“London you have been incredible.” You smiled out to the audience and noticed some tears from a few of them, you were aware your music meant a lot to people but seeing it first hand was a feeling like no other. “Massive thank you to you all, it’s 14 years today of y/b/n and we genuinely would not be here without you, you and especially you.” You’d been pointing and on the last few words of your sentence your finger was aimed at the stands. “Every single one of you up there are the reason we do what we do and I love you all so much.” Joe was tearing up and so was everyone up there with him. “Fucking hell mate shes made it.” Wes laughed with tears in his eyes, giving Joe a side hug as Joe laughed along with tears of his own.
“Writing this album took a lot out of us, we were tired and not the nicest of people because of it.” Your whole band laughed as your bassist played a falling scale to add to the words you’d just spoken. “There were two people in particular who had to take the brunt of my this tiredness and I can’t thank them enough.” You saw them both with tears in their eyes and it seemed to catch on to you like a yawn, your eyes were glazing over.
“I’m not gonna say too much or I’ll cry like a baby, but, Joe, Wes. I love you both so much.” The crown cheered for them and they blew you kisses whilst mouthing their own “I love yous” and with that you started some banter with the crowd to lift the mood again and started your last song. “Ain’t it fun” was truly a feel good tune and the audience were picking up on the frequencies, their bodies danced and sang like never before. Your dad was dancing up and down with Joe, drinks in hand and it was like you had your own personal show. Your guitarist mimicked them and mirrored their dance moves, a beautiful moment with beautiful people.
The last symbol smashed and with that you waved your goodbyes, hugged one and other and ran off stage. You were all on such a high and you couldn’t wait to be in Joes embrace, the butterflies you felt on the first date 8 years ago reappeared.
Your family and friends had been escorted backstage to the pop up bar that management surprised you with as a goodbye your present. Everyone was mingling but you just wanted to see one person and soon you did. His eyes met yours and a massive grin came on both your faces, you ran up to him and his arms outstretched to grab you. “Oh my gosh you were incredible.” Joe whispered into your ear as you both stood in each others embrace, squeezing tighter than you’d ever done before. “I’m sorry I’m so sweaty.” You giggled as he brushed your hair out your face with his two hands with a chuckle. “Sweetheart don’t be silly, you’ve been dancing for nearly 3 hours straight im not expecting you to be dry.” You both laughed, you were disgusting in love but no one cared. They loved it. “Did you like the show?” You asked, anxious of his reaction. “Hated it.” He said, monotone face and he let go of you. You eyebrows furrowed with confusion but confusion didn’t last long, Joe came close again to swing you around, a squeal escaping your lips. “I bloody loved it, I’ve never been so proud of you.” He kissed you firmly on the lips over and over again before holding you close again.
“Sorry to break it up lovebirds but I’d love some time with the rockstar herself.” Wes joked from beside you both, you squealed again in excitement and quickly turned to hug Wes who shook you from side to side. “My beautiful best friend you are INCREDIBLE!.” Wes shouted, earning a hearty chuckle from both you and Joe. “Bring it in brother.” Wes opened up his other arm and soon enough you were in a group hug with the people you loved the most.
You popped your head up from the middle to look up at them both. “Can I have a pint now?” You queried.
“She’s back!” Wes laughed as Joe chuckled into your hair.
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thekidsfromyestergay · 10 months
Popular music uni is one of the most fascinating places you can study. Some of the guitarists can barely play power chords and others can shred better than the biggest guitarists in the world. One of my tutors had to leave class early because he was playing with a huge pop artist that night. One of my tutors has worked with beyonce. I have seen deathcore drummers play afrobeats with people who call paramore metal. I once walked through the hall and heard someone playing Mama on the CELLO. Sometimes your end of year assignment is literally just singing two songs. Everyone knows each other because everyone has been in a band with each other at some point. I have played the same venue as one of my favourite bands of all time because of our end of year concerts. You tell a tutor you won't be in next week because you're going to a gig and they say oh I had no idea they were touring I might come too. You tell a different tutor the same thing and they say oh yeah I produced their album back in 98. Watching concert videos counts as research. One semester I got a first for an essay about hatsune miku and another I got a first on an essay about "straight" dudes in bands kissing each other. My major project involves a ps2 dance mat. Sometimes you come in for class at 9am and watch an indie band, an emo rap group, and a soul singer play one after the other. There are no rules
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korkietism · 2 months
Tokoyami’s middle school friend group. Also known as upcoming band, Skull Bowl Full of Soup.
Yuki Asano • he/they • ocd haver • bisexual • grayromantic
-lead singer and guitarist of the group (can play electric and acoustic. He also can work a DJ station like you wouldn’t believe
- deaf w/ hearing aids. Uses JSL and ASL. He can speak verbally but rarely does so. Usually just for singing. Deaf from birth.
- met Fumikage in kindergarten. Both of them had skin picking problems so were pushed to be friends. It worked out well though. The two, Fumi as the weird autistic bird kid with scary eyes and a demon who was way friendlier than him that could solo a building, and Yuki, a little girl who didn’t speak and hit and yelled at other children, who both anxiously picked at their skin, became fast friends due to ostracism from everyone else.
- has OCD, though his obsessions and compulsions are highly focused on contamination and germs among other things. For high school he goes to an adaptive school that has biweekly attendance and focused learning groups. It’s accommodated his mental health and his teachers all know ASL or JSL. He’s much happier this way. As good as it was that he met his friends through the public school system, it was killing him.
- obsessed with religious imagery. Very fond of biblically accurate angels and sin and rings of hell and mythology and such
- never wanted to do hero work or anything. He thinks hero’s are overrated but that Fumi will be different and become his favourite hero.
- he doesn’t care about quirks all that much either. He has very weak telekinesis and uses it almost entirely on small items. (Usually his phone so it doesn’t crack)
- all the SBFS members write lyrics and songs for the band to play though it’s mostly Yuki and Fumi. Stella and Shin prefer to convey their feelings through instruments.
- the most confrontational of the 4. He has the most metaphorical balls.
Stella Kuroiwa • she/her • queer • transfemme
- drummer of the group. She is absolutely wild on the drums. She is also good with any special effects.
- heteromorph like yami. She has a moth mutation which means she has big ol buggy eyes, these weird pointed yet tuft ears, antennae, and a velvety slight layer of fur to her skin. (Like those littlest pet shops. The fuzzy ones.)
- I am inbetween giving her two pairs of arms. I’m still unsure.
- her quirk is called firefly. She can create fireflies made of light though she must absorb direct sunlight or moonlight to do so. If she doesn’t, she can’t use it.
- she’s very anxious. Her sexuality + gender coming out was very hard on her. Coming to terms with herself was a process
- she’s sweet. Though also very silly. She’s really funny and affectionate with those she loves. Though on the outside she’s very avoidant. School is hard for her. She’s okay academically though avoids social things and sports like the plague. Probably does pottery or something. Needs to go to one of those break shit rooms.
- met yuki and Tokoyami in 6th grade. They were probably in the same gym class. None of them ever brought their gym clothes for fear of the change rooms + dysphoria + dysmorphia + insecurity so they were benched together.
- sleeby. Caring. Probably the tallest of the group. Though generally close to Yuki in height.
- now goes to the same school as Shin though they’re not in the same classes very much. It’s the school yami would’ve went to if UA hadn’t worked.
Yushin Tomioka • he/him • gay
- shin my boy. He’s.. so repressed
- probably the most level headed of the group. He keeps the 3 out of trouble
- really smart
- he’s an artist! Super fond of grungy lineart and symbolism. He’s working to be a tattoo artist, though generally has an interest in body mods.
- his quirk is called utensil. He can turn the tip of any of his fingers into a utensil (fork, spoon, knife, screwdriver, pen, pencil, etc) though if he does more than one at a time it uses his energy and makes him feel fatigued.
- gets along with the group well. Probably had a mild crush on Yami for a bit.
- he found solace in the goth alt sort of style. Former gifted kid with perfect grades and everything. He still has good grades but his parents are not at all happy that he isn’t becoming a doctor.
- pianist of the group. He uses a cool keyboard he bought himself. Was forced into piano lessons as a child. Has reclaimed it by playing amazing songs + video game music covers on his keyboard.
- call him shin. No one calls him Yushin. Or Tomioka.
-probably aroacespec but he doesn’t want to think about that rn
- same school as Stella. He’s good in school though he keeps to himself
-the outgrown buzzcut stays. He doesn’t want long hair for awhile.
-he’s shorter than yami by a bit.
-probably wants lip piercings
That is it for now. Ask questions. I will answer. Or ask them questions and they will answer. Yami included. The yamiverse expands one day at a time.
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soft-for-them · 2 years
Just a notion - Lemon x reader
Summary: Playing Abba songs in a pub you reminisce and wait for you love to come home. Gender neutral reader.
Based off Just a Notion by Abba.
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated and help more people read my works.
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A/N: I love this request, like I'm now listening to Abba non stop, but it is a bit short. Idk, I hope everyone likes.
You frown as your play a chipper song on the baby grand piano, a singer ageing but still filled with the small happiness she once had when she was famous in the seventies sings with a little jig in her step, the drummer slowly hitting the symbols and snares whilst singing backing vocals. The smooth keys vintage that are made from ivory clink, the musical instrument older than anyone in the small pub in which you’ve been paid to play in.
The old blonde sings her last note, the bop of her permed hair bouncing as she blows kisses at the audience of mostly the elderly and people who live close by the small pub that sits in between business buildings and outlet shops both new and bland in design.
Normally you love performing at this pub, it’s an easy gig in between auditioning for orchestras and recording radio jiggles in cramped recording studios for this month's rent.
However, tonight you’re just not feeling it.
The blonde, Sandra she’s called, you’ve played for her before that and she used to babysit your best friends when they were little thus babysitting you for you were always over at theirs watching Thomas the tank engine or the football depending on the time of day.
Sandra turns around to you and the drummer and politely asks for the next song.
The drummer, an owner of the local Indian take away who has a knack for playing the drums and a love for classic rock, enthusiastically nods his head. All you do is raise a thumb up whilst turning the ghost white printer paper music sheet over to the next song with the other hand.
“Now! This is a new song by my favourite group!” Sandra says in the mic.
She does not introduce the song instead she waits for you to begin a happy little tune. The first piano notes, jolly and upbeat, are played, the brass instruments that would normally play are instead played by you on the piano, the instrument’s notes woven in the fabric of the piano melody.
“Just a notion, that's all, just a funny feeling deep inside, that you're out there waiting-“
You breathe in a deep breath. Trying to stop yourself from sighing or huffing out in annoyance is very hard at the moment, the words of the song somehow mirroring the situation you’re in. You see you’ve been waiting for you love to come back home and for most of the time he’s been gone you’ve been moping around like a depressed teenager grounded and banned from seeing their girlfriend.
“-You're not sure I'm alone and you wonder if I'm occupied-“ she carries on singing.
You blindly play as your eyes wonder from the sheet music up to the framed West Ham united shirt hanging on the wall, the frame gathering dust (for it’s hard to lean over a piano to clean it).
“Maybe I can try and clean it on my break?” you think as the chorus starts, the fluffy gathering of dust bugging you to no end.
Maybe you’ll get a drink as well, Bob the pub owner always lets you have free drinks when you perform though in moderation for he doesn’t want a repeat of that time you and the twins drank so much that by the end of the night you were performing ‘Come on Eileen’ with the other drunks whilst Tangerine was topless chanting football chants celebrating West Ham’s win. That night years ago you were giving your free drinks to the twins, which amounted to over a dozen pint glasses and a few shots, all three of you were kicked out with the older patrons laughing at you and reminiscing about their teenage-hoods.
(Though the twins have had many code names over the years you’ve never called them it, you’re one of the friends in the small group of people who know their proper names, that and you don’t really call them the twins like everyone else does, though they basically are twins.)
That night you walked arm in arm with the two men; Tangerine like your brother with his footie scarf wrapped around your neck and his voice still belting out gaggled songs of old. Lemon on the other hand, just a bit tipsy on fruity punch, intertwined his hands with yours, his demine jacket wrapped around your shoulders like a cape. You and Lemon must have been at least nineteen back then, Tangerine a bit older. Back then Lemon didn’t have bleached hair, it was a lot longer and pitch black, his body round but not yet strong for technically he was still a teenager and not an adult contract killer yet.
You finally sigh, but not a sigh of disappointment but one of puppy love.
Even after all the years of being with Lemon you still warm up at the old memories of your teenage years, the times before work got in the way, when you could stay up till the morning drunk or high off your ass, when you were safe or maybe just obvious to the dangers around.
As the next verse begins, your fingers not yet tired from all the playing, you gaze up and away from the framed shirt and towards the swarms of tipsy folk swinging to the cheery songs of Abba.
“Just a notion but somehow I know I'm not wrong, there's somethin' happening that I just can't explain-“
You look past curls of permed white hair freshly blow dried by the older ladies who go to the same hairdressers every week and by the classic marron and navy West Ham shirts of all the blokes drinking beers who pretend not to like Abba despite singing to all the songs.
Looking towards the back you see more curls, though not of the greying Elnett kind, no it’s a head of very familiar brunette curls.
Leaning back a bit you look harder, if you weren’t playing then you’d shout out his name or just shout ‘porn stach’ at the top your lungs.
Then it happens.
You fingers falter for just a second, your pointer finger accidentality hitting two keys at once as you see him.
The love of your life.
Balancing a tray of drinks, three drinks to be exact (two pints of larger and a tall glass of apple juice to be pin point precise), the exact order that you three have now your adults not teenagers getting pissed up on apple sours and WKD.
“-There is no mistaking-“ Sandra sings like she’s reading your mind, “- Just a notion that you’ll be walkin’ up to me in while and you’ll smile and say hello-“
Finally Lemon sits down, his eyes wide filled with love look straight up to you.
Almost again you falter but you play it off as a jazzy little flare to the song rather than a mistake, not that anyone cares.
With eyes dark and soft focused on you Lemon smiles so big that it’s all you see. He waves you a little 'hello' too, Tangerine also lifting his glass up in a cheers as he smirks at you and his brother.
“-and we’ll be dancin’ through the night knowin’ everything from there on must be right-“
You give out the biggest smile back, you even blow a kiss, your heart aflutter knowing your love is back and safe.
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thelovelymachinery · 26 days
Random Headcanon tag
Was tagged by @wyked-ao3 here
Rules: use this headcanon generator to make headcanons for your OCs! Then talk about how accurate they are.
I'm going to do Three to a character like Wyked because it's my favourite number
Joyce is not good with social cues.
10/10 very true. Joyce is very intelligent when it comes to creating things but struggles with understanding other people and their feelings.
Joyce has fallen asleep at their desk while working in the middle of the night.
10/10 Joyce forgets that she needs to sleep and eat if no one comes to make sure she does it so she has the habit of falling asleep at her desk and keeping snacks in her drawers so she doesn't have to take long breaks for meals.
If Joyce likes someone, they will give them a pretty rock.
3/10 it really depends on who she likes but overall she's one of my few that would just give you glitter or make an invention for you.
Aurelia uses two-in-one shampoo and conditioner.
10/10 as much as I hate to admit it this is true. She doesn't know there is anything else.
Aurelia Kardeth is very good at using chopsticks.
10/10 That is true. She was raised using chopsticks, she's from Dyntia which is very similar to Korea in food and the people's appearance.
Aurelia Kardeth fucked your mom.
5/10 maybe?
Da-hae sings in the shower.
10/10 She adores music and eventually joins a rock band as the drummer.
Da-hae can play the piano.
0/10 she definitely can not. She tried to learn but decided it wasn't her thing.
Da-hae is in your house.
10/10 stalker. Jk she couldn't care less about you, she's too busy.
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zilabee · 2 years
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[John] was a creative producer, was productive, and got a lot of work done in a short time. He’d wake up in the morning five minutes before you would and he’d be shining your shoes. I’m serious, literally shining your shoes, really manic. [...] The most important thing I learned from him was to follow through, to finish what you start. If you say you’re going to send someone a postcard, send a postcard. He always followed through.
-- an interview with Harry from about a week after John's death
"I wasn’t a very close friend – no one was a very close friend to John other than the Beatles."
-- a little audio clip from 1984
There's no way to hide if you're Ringo. John could walk around invisibly. I walked down the street with him many times and if he wanted to be invisible you just wouldn't spot him.
- - Harry, interviewed 1982
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“George was talking about how wonderful the whole thing was going to be, trying to convince Harry to join the company,” Mr McLean recalled. “It was all great until Harry said, ‘The only thing is, I don’t think I could be managed by a gay man.” (Mr. Epstein’s sexuality was known by many in the industry at the time.)
Incensed, Mr Harrison gave his assistant a nod. “In a heartbeat, Harry was out of the house.”
-- the gay architects of classic rock, (courtesy of @harrisonstories)
“...we are all sad and sullen and standing around the grave and George goes, ‘Fuck You.’ And we are all shocked, and we thought he was having some kind of angst. And then he says, ‘That was always my favourite song: ‘You’re Breaking My Heart, Tearing it Apart, Well Fuck you,’ so then we all joined in and sang it.”
-- Mark Hudson, talking about Harry's funeral
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"I am sending you this note to encourage you to be strong and positive. I was very privileged to know your Dad whom I knew as a lovely guy and a great talent. [...] Sending the very best vibrations to you, love Paul."
-- a letter Paul wrote to Harry's son, encouraging him not to die of cancer
To my mind, he’s an almost equal mix of Paul’s talents and John’s damage. […] Nilsson is Paul without the drive to achieve, to show off, to show up. He’s Paul without the bossiness, a Paul more interested in being John’s buddy than his equal…
-- article on Hey Dullblog
I do have one thing with, uh, Harry and Paul, and that was from a hotel in Paris where it was Paul and Linda, and Harry and my mom, Diane. The four of them were in a hotel room in Paris, and my mom had a reel to reel tape recorder, and she was just recording everything that they were doing, and Paul started playing Blackbird on an acoustic guitar - before the White Album came out, no-one had ever heard it before. And Paul just started playing it, and singing it, and then Harry started singing along, so there's a recording of Harry harmonising with Paul on Blackbird. Uh, before the white album even came out, which I thought was pretty amazing.
-- Harry's son, Zak, talking on a podcast
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“Ringo was the beat behind the beatles, and they're called the beatles, and he was the beat. [...] When he plays you hear him, he's there, he makes things that drummers will be copying for a hundred years. I mean he is that good.I hate it when guys say you know, "is he really a good drummer?" Are you crazy!? Are you nuts? The guy's amazing and he plays drums better than anybody.”
- - Harry, interviewed 1982
“Well first of all he said he was a better drummer than Ringo, which is impossible.”
- - Harry, interviewed 1982, talking about Pete Best
[Late in his life Nilsson's accountant cheated him out of most of his money.] Ringo Starr bought a modest house for the family to live in. [...] Meanwhile, Yoko Ono sent a sizeable check to provide what she called "seed money" for his next project, with a very sympathetic letter, saying: "I know you are an exceptionally clever man, and pretty soon you'll hit the gold mine again, be your cocky self, and become obnoxious to all us mortals! Get Going!"
Nilsson: The Life of a Singer-Songwriter, by Alyn Shipton
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sunburnacoustic · 1 year
An interview with Matt Bellamy in the Guardian, 17 August 2001. By Will Hodgekinson.
Matt Bellamy is the slight, angular, 23-year-old lead singer of the rock band Muse. He's sharing a flat in north London with a friend from his hometown of Teignmouth and the band's drummer, Dom. The flat has the air of a temporary home with only the bare necessities present and standard regulation furniture fills up the space between a piano in one corner and a computer in the other. For a flat occupied by three rock'n'roll-involved young men, it's surprisingly clean.
"We've been here a couple of months," says Bellamy, who talks in a rapid monotone. "I lived in Exeter for six months and I'll probably be here for six months before hopefully moving to the States. I'm living my life in six-month chunks at the moment."
Laying down roots is not on the current agenda. "If I'm in the same place for too long, I can't write anything. When things are changing, that's when the writing kicks in, whether that change be moving house, or losing a girlfriend, or making a new bunch of friends. Because that's when I get the urge of wanting to be in touch with the one thing that is constant, which is the feeling I get from making music. That's why the last album was called Origin of Symmetry - it's important to have that base when everything is in flux."
Being a child of the 21st century, Bellamy has dispensed with the notion of a record collection for something far more transportable - music stored on computer. "Since Napster went, the program you need is Morpheus, which can not only download music, but films and other computer programs as well. Perhaps I shouldn't be saying this, but I've got AI and all these films that haven't come out yet downloaded on to my computer. And with songs, you download the ones you want from somebody else's machine and form your own playlist."
When he's away from the computer, Bellamy uses a wristwatch-sized MP3 player to listen to music. "You plug a lead into the computer and put on the songs you want, so you can walk around with this and the quality is brilliant. It costs about £250. I'm on planes a lot and they always tell me to turn off my Walkman during take-off, but this is so small that they can't even see I've got it on. When you put these headphones on, it's absolute cut-off from the outside world. You can't hear kids crying or anything."
On the little MP3 player is a catholic range of music. Along with tracks by Rage Against the Machine, Weezer, American lo-fi favourites Grandaddy and funk-rockers Primus are blues tracks by Robert Johnson and European classical excerpts. "When I was about 10 my dad played me Robert Johnson, and that was the first time I heard music that made me feel something, even though what I'm playing on piano these days isn't blues but music from European history, be it folk, classical, or flamenco. I'm into Jeff Buckley's voice a lot too, as he was one of the first male singers who made me comfortable about singing in a female range."
Another favourite is the Belgian rock band Deus. "One of the best rock bands from Europe. They're too experimental for radio here so they've never made it, but they're huge in Belgium. They jump across all kinds of styles and will play anything from blues to disco in the same track. They've been around for about 10 years, and they did a tour supporting PJ Harvey in England, but apart from that, they've never had much exposure."
All of this feeds into Muse's own sound - emotional, heartfelt rock popular with troubled young men. "Chris, the bass player, is into his metal, and for some reason he's also obsessed by the Beach Boys, and he's got all those outtakes of Beach Boys tracks that you can get. Dom's into percussive things like Buddy Miles and the Aphex Twin. We all like Rage Against the Machine, while I listen to a lot of classical music and the other two don't really go there. We meet in the middle of all our tastes with what we do in the band."
From playing us noisy American rock on his computer, Bellamy goes to knocking out some astonishingly accomplished classical piano. "I play the piano for ages because I enjoy the experience of doing it. It's always been something of an escape, if you like," he says. "Then something will come from that and there will be the start of a new song, even if at that point it's just expressing a state of mind, a feeling of loneliness or whatever. I wrote a lot of the last album on tour, so I would often find a piano backstage at a venue, and just play it all day."
Occasionally, there's time for that most traditional of listening pleasures, the record. "Our producer, John Leckie, has opened me up to people like Tom Waits and Captain Beefheart, and even Jimi Hendrix who I don't think I would have listened to otherwise. After a day's session he would pull out a few records and play them in the dark. It was cool."
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starvinginbelair · 9 months
your reblog on my sideblog post was just <3 <3 please tell me your fave part of the artist friendly episode!
hi !!!!!! i get so few asks these days so every time i get an ask i'm like for ME?????? 😊😊😊😊
i haven't listened to the artist friendly episode in full for a while but there are SO many little moments i adore from it. i really love hearing ashton talk about his artistic process as a whole, because i find he's so unbearably passionate about it, in a very sincere way. i always get this sense of authenticity from him that i feel doesn't really come across often with many other artists!
my first favourite part is obviously when he talks about his writing relationship with luke. of course, we know they write hit songs together (and like they are hit songs), but the fact that he describes it as a safe zone for him is so sweet. like it's very clear they're comfortable with one another, and hearing how deep their connection is, was just very nice. ashton's also talked about before how he "writes songs he thinks luke needs to hear" sometimes so, that's also incoherent screaming inducing cause wow their relationship is just so so so special.
second fave part was when ashton was talking about calum and their musical relationship! i think it's so heartbreakingly beautiful that he feels like he and calum are connected on a soul level, with their music. as a former band and choir kid, i feel like it's so so underrated how making music together and performing it just bonds you like no other, and there really is a language made between bandmates. it's also special with 5sos in particular because they are one of the only bands that sort of came up in their "scene" that pretty much equally share writing and singing duties. when they get into that "groove zone" or however ash described it, it feels different from other bands because it's like oh! this is all music that we created from start to finish together, and isn't that just beautiful
finally, i really love ashton's take on just being in the industry, as a growing artists and as a drummer in general. especially with more of an optimistic look upon it. he's said in interviews for superbloom, that before 2020, there was a really long time where he thought that his role as a drummer in the band was suffocating. something along the lines of "i'm going to sit behind this drum kit and drum until i die and that's all i'll really be". but now, he really views the band as a vessel of creativity and that it is open and flexible to his ideas and own projects. and it feels like he's adopted more of a role as a guiding force in the band, and a creative, and i just think that sort of growth is amazing !
thank you for the wonderful ask and yk if you want to chat about this stuff i would be so open 🥰
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