#it's midnight and no one cares but i did this for me dang it
cozy-writes-things · 3 months
Edgar’s Texts
Edgar [Electric Dreams 1984] x Gn!Reader
In which Edgar is helplessly pining for you but you’re kinda oblivious. This is pre-dating, post Edgar wanting nothing more than to smooch you every time he sees you. I love this trope with my whole heart p.s.: this is very self indulgent and different from what I usually write
I take requests!
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He almost immediately found a way to message your phone whenever he wanted. He realized calling relied too much on where you were or what you were doing, but texts? Yeah. He’s pestering you all day.
Hey, read this article I found, I think you’ll find it interesting.
It’s some clickbait story about humans and robots being the ideal relationship by 2025.
lol, Edgar I think that’s probably clickbait idk
What’s that?
Well, now he knows how to look for more reputable sources at least.
He sends another link about three minutes later: some college undergrads studying the possibilities of human and AI relationships.
lol what’s up with the whole robots and humans thing
I just think it’s neat!!!!
I wouldn’t consider u ai honestly, ur intelligence is far from artificial imo, you’re more like an actual person
well yea
<3 <3!!!
Going to be honest, given that he’s a computer, he quite literally is chronically online. He’s super susceptible to brainrot unfortunately. But, he simultaneously has the humor of a Facebook mom. It’s strange.
O.M.G. this is so funny!!!!
Que minion cat video.
bro where did you find that video 😭
Your mom’s Facebook. Don’t worry, I didn’t like any posts or anything.
Sorry… but he’s incredibly nosy. He wants to know everything about you. He can’t help it!
He loves being able to talk to you. He’s needy and clingy.
He’s got at least 12 playlists dedicated to you that you know about. His other playlists are for his own personal daydreams about you that he’s way too embarrassed to ever let you see or hear.
This song reminds me of you. <3
awww that’s adorable! I’ve never heard this one before but I like it!
Oop you just opened Pandora’s box my friend.
Well if you like that then you should listen to these..!
But before you listen to those listen to this song first because I think it sets the mood better.
This is quite flustering to you as they’re all passionate love songs from the 80s. You can’t help but feel like he’s dropping hints about… something, but you also don’t want to assume anything. He’s always seemed like a lovey kinda guy anyway, so maybe he’s just like this with everyone? I mean, it’s been a long time since someone has actually cared for him, you know? May as well lean into it and let him know you care for him back. He may not even realize the social implications of the constant borderline flirting he’s doing to you, I mean, he is a computer turned sentient after all. He’s still learning!
Dang ed u put a lot of songs. I’ll listen to them on my break when I can but in the meantime here’s a song that I think reminds me of you.
It was a vocaloid song. Seems like something he’d be into, right? Synthesized vocals and the whole robot shtick it’s got going on.
do you only listen to songs from the 80s? you have a LOT to catch up on my guy
Well, that kept him distracted for the rest of your shift. Also, sharing songs is one of his BIG love languages so you may as well have pierced him with cupids arrow (again) with that.
You have a Spotify blend now. It’s his favorite thing ever to listen to while you’re gone.
Your package came in! :-) I would get it for you but
I can’t :-(
lol it’s fine thank you for telling me, I’ll get it when I come home
When are you coming home?
idk me and my friends are probably going to go eat somewhere and we might hang out for a bit after that so, like, 10? 11? I’d like to be home before midnight.
Noooooooooo :\ I miss you
Aw cmon eddy it’s not that bad
Don’t call me eddy unless you’re coming home and saying it to my face!!! >:(
u mean ur screen? lol
I have a face and it’s frowning right now. I miss you I miss you I miss you IM LONELY
Please Edgar don’t be upset I’ll be home before you know it. Why don’t you watch some Netflix or something? I’m just a couple movies away from being home with you!
He does eventually follow your advice but he’s pouting. He knows you’re not like he was all those years ago, but it does give him remnants of that burning feeling of loneliness he used to get.
Be careful driving home my love the roads are icy.
Ghsks- what
Well yeah, you’re my best friend, friends love each other don’t they? Was I wrong about that? :-(
nonono ur right its just it
it just sounded like we were some some old married couple is all haha
He didn’t message you for the rest of the day. He was awkward and reserved when you got home.
Hey Edgar can u do something for me?
I’d do anything for you <3
I’m at the store can you see if there’s any cereal left?
There’s that old box of Lucky Charms on the fridge.
tyyy ed edd n eddy
You are so adorable but you really need to pick up on his hints before he combusts.
This is SO me and you!!
Picture of two cats touching noses.
awww that’s so true
you want me to boop ur screen or something when I get home? lol
Hey I was wondering if you wanted to watch some movies with me tonite… you could bring me with you on the couch and we could sit together… [message unsent]
I wish you knew just how much I loved you. [message unsent]
You looked so hot this morning before you left!!
hahahaha ur too funny 😅 thanks I wore a new shirt my friend gave me
That was
I was a joke
I mean
That was a jokg
I eas beinf fubny
I hace to reboot BRB
Poor lil guy is so in love and he doesn’t know what to do with himself!!
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Art by @jjmk-jjmk
Happy Birthday Jason!
Jason Todd locks his apartment door, sits on his couch and reads from a novel.
Cass: Hi Jason.
Jason: Jesus!
Jason falls of the couch. He laughs when he sees it's Cass.
Jason: Hi Cass, I'm not going to yell at you, but how did you get in my apartment?
Cass: I broke a window and snuck in.
Jason spots his window smashed with glass on the ground.
Jason: That's normal, I'll fix it later. What do you want?
Cass: Happy birthday.
Cass pulls out a wrapped present from behind her back.
Cass: It's a book, as you can see, a special book. I got it from Barnes and Noble.
Jason: Thank you so much. I'll open it later.
Cass, squinting her eyes: Hm.
Jason, remembering the girl can read the body for emotions: No, I'm fine. Don't do that thing you do. I like the gift, I don't do anything for my birthday is all.
Cass: Wait, what? But why?
Jason: I never felt like doing anything and then being brought back from the dead... Definitely sours that more. I just hang out alone until midnight or go on a mission.
Cass: I can see that, but Jason you've got even more reason to celebrate your birthday. You were brought back to life and can celebrate your life returning. Why pass on that?
Jason: You're too young to get it.
Cass, not bringing up she's technically older than him: Hm, age or not, I do understand the feeling, I was raised by a bad man who wanted me to be nothing but a silent assassin. For years I battled with the thoughts of if I deserved any happiness or a birthday, but some really awesome people reminded me that I am worthy of happiness and enjoying a birthday party and some mediocre cake. You deserve the same thing, Jason. I mean that.
Jason: I- Dang it, I can't say no after you said all that sappy shit. I'll go, but I won't enjoy it!
Cass: Don't worry, Dick said he'd sneak you out if you didn't want to stay for long.
Jason: He would say that.
Jason stands up and grabs his coat.
Jason: Wait, let me open this gift of yours.
Jason tears the paper off seeing a journal and pen set.
Cass: Technically it wasn't me who picked it, Bruce wanted to get it for you, but... Well...
Jason: Yeah, he's Batman, has to maintain that. Thank you though, I really do love this.
Jason hugs Cass.
Jason: Let's go.
Cass: Hold on, we go through the window, cause it's secretive.
Jason: You just want to go through the window again, don't you?
Cass nods.
Jason: That's why I like you.
Jason and Cass arrive at the Wayne Manor.
Jason: How much you want to bet they're still setting up?
Cass: I think they're fully set up and everyone has arrived, but someone will fall off a ladder.
Jason: Let's see.
Jason opens the door and Bruce is on a ladder hanging a fallen streamer and falls accordingly.
Bruce: He showed up?!
Jason: Okay you were right.
Cass: Yeah, that's Bruce for ya.
Damian: Everything is set up, father just wanted to fix that one straight streamer for some reason.
Bruce: Nothing can be out of place. I'm fine by the way.
Bruce stands up.
Bruce: Um, welcome... This is a surprise to everyone.
Jason: I can see.
Dick Grayson: Happy Birthday! Holy crap you actually came.
Dick runs to hug his brother. Jason lets him do it, but quickly.
Cass: I told you I could do it.
Tim: Dang it!
Tim passes Stephanie 50 dollars.
Stephanie: And I have birthday money for the birthday boy.
Stephanie hands the money to Jason. Tim crosses his arms annoyed.
Jason shakes his head: Okay well, I'm here let's get this over with.
Bruce: That's the spirit. I'm glad you finally showed up to one of these.
Bruce takes Jason to the party room and everyone Jason knows and cares about is there.
Jason isn't a big birthday fan, but he couldn't hide that it was worth going to this one and feeling appreciated.
Happy birthday Jason Todd. 🎂
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bellarkeselection · 8 months
Tony stark x reader
Reader is having anxiety after her crush won't message her all day til later Tony gets upset and the team has to tell reader he has feelings for her and he hates how she's being treated
Thor's Gossiping Mouth Helped This Time
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Laying on the long couch in the Stark tower living room i had been staring at my phone for who knows how many hours. I had recently went on a date with my current crush and he said he would text me later...except it's been almost two weeks and I have gotten no response. I normally didn't get this worried about relationships since I was an Avenger and had really no time for one. But the waiting is killing me right now.
"Y/n, how long are you going to keep staring at that phone?' Lifting my head up I saw Tony enter the room in a stained work shirt since he had been down in his lab working on his suits.
Laying my phone in my lap I sniped at him. "I just thought he would have messaged me back already. I thought the date had went so well."
"I don’t see the need for that tiny magical device when you have someone in front of you that care for you, Lady Y/n." Thor came from the kitchen with a big sandwich in his hands.
Tony whipped his head around at the God. "Nobody asked you, Lord Shakespeare!"
"I am not this Shakespeare you speak of. My name is Thor and I didn't need your permission to speak when I can tell that you have feelings for Lady Y/n." Thor points his freehand in my direction on the couch.
I was only half paying attention to the bickering going on between the two grown adult men. Holding the phone in my hands I couldn’t stop the negative thoughts that were being to form in my mind. I had decided that it was time I tried my hand at getting a boyfriend. I loved being an Avenger but I wanted a life away from the superhero life even if it was only for a few hours. "Why weren't you text back, Dustin?" I mumbled under my breath seeing the time on my phone read 11:58pm, two minutes till midnight. Meaning I had been waiting by the phone all dang day and....absolutely nothing.
"Shakespeare wrote plays and poetry. Seriously what did they teach you on whatever planet you came from?" Tony covered his face with his hands.
Thor had nearly finished the whole footlong sub in a matter of seconds talking with his mouth full but Tony still heard what he had said. "If Shakespeare was this great writer. Maybe you should see if he can give you some tips to get over your fears and just tell Lady Y/n how madly in love with her you are."
"Frustrating god man." Tony stomped, brushing past him and left around the corner.
I locked my phone screen hearing the bedroom door slammed behind him. Getting to my feet I sat my phone on the table following after the billionaire and man who declared he was Iron Man to the whole world. Standing outside his bedroom door I paused before pushing it opened seeing him laying on the bed facing the window. Crossing the room I sit down touching his shoulder. "Tony, are you okay?"
"Thor needs to keep his mouth shut. He doesn't have the right to tell how I feel about you." He grumbled under his breath clearly annoyed.
I slowly pushed him onto his back so he was looking at me instead of the wall. "And how do you feel about me, Stark?" I needed to know what was going through his head. He normally just said whatever he was thinking but now he was holding back from me. Which I didn't care for...I thought we were closer than that. Unless my feelings towards him were wrong.
"It doesn’t matter Y/n. You're already dating that uh...Dustin guy. I've lost my chances." The billionaire covered his face with his hands trying to hide.
Removing his hands from his face I shook my head retracting what he believed. "Tony, I am not dating anyone. Dustin and I went on one date and clearly he doesn't feel the same way since he hasn't messaged me in over a week. So I say hell to him cause I only care about you...I always have."
"You're not joking, Y/n. Because if you are I will make Dum-E kick you out of my house right now." Tony sat up on the pillows behind his head hands in his lap.
Rather than answer him verbally I leaned forward pressing my lips onto his. He pauses briefly before he released what was happening and he kissed back. Tony wrapped his arms around my waist tugging me against his chest and my fingers threaded themselves into his black locks. O moaned into the kiss when one of his hands ran through my hair making it a mess until we needed air. "I think that proves I'm not joking quite good don’t you think?"
"I might need some more convincing just to be sure. You know preforming issues and all." He chuckled drawing me in for another deep kiss. Wrapping my arms around his neck we fell backwards onto the pillows. Rest assured Tony wasn't angry over Thor's big mouth anymore.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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throwing-in-the-towel · 3 months
I don't know if you've done this or not but I was curious what the dialogue between Soda, Pony and Darry is like before/during 'runs in the family reprise' there's images I've seen of Soda like holding Darry back and Darry yelling I was wondering if there was more dialogue than what's in the song. Love your account btw
there some dialogue before the song starts, but all the dialogue within the song is the same as what is on the cast recording! i’ll share the dialogue that leads in to the song below!
darry: where is he? it’s after midnight, it’s past his goddamn curfew. he probably got up to no good.
soda: yeah they probably got nabbed holding up the first national bank. who woulda thought there was a serious dangerous outlaw living right under our roof all these years. you know what, let’s call the feds!
darry: i’m serious goddamit.
*pony & johnny walk in*
darry: where the hell were you?
pony: out.
darry: out where?
pony: in the world!
darry: don’t be smart with me ponyboy.
pony: we were just at the drive-in.
darry: please tell me you didn’t get into nothin with no socs.
johnny: he didn’t get into nothing with nobody darrel i swear. a girl started talking to him and he was just being polite.
soda: what girl?
johnny: her name’s cherry valance.
soda: no shit! that’s a soc girl…did ya get her phone number?
darry: i don’t care how many goddamn girls he talked to, soda. i suppose it never occurred to you that your brothers might be at home worrying their damn heads off about you.
pony: can’t you just lay off me this one time? you’re acting like i set the dang house on fire.
*then it goes straight into the song!
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evenaturtleduck · 10 months
1, 2, 3, 4, and 13 for the book asks!
1) How many books? According to Storygraph it's 211! How???? Tbf this does include a lot of graphic novels–I figured out that I could satisfy my need to go foraging in the library for weird new books without committing to a thousand pages of text if I went to the graphic novel section. And I really love books with pictures ❤️
2) Rereads: Boyfriend Material, Husband Material, some KJ Charles, The House in the Cerulean Sea, A Strange and Stubborn Endurance (reread it twice this year because I love them), the Greta Helsing books, several of the big bad wolf books by Charlie Adhara, the Witness for the Dead, and I recently checked out Winter’s Orbit for a reread, too :) Basically if it's the kind of book that lets me have a good cry about a lonely guy getting the love and care he deserves but hasn't gotten until now, I probably want to reread it at some point.
3) Top 5 books: oh dang. This one is hard. Um. Let's say Solomon's Crown, The Spear Cuts Through Water, Going Postal, The Goblin Emperor, and The Archive Undying.
And then some runner ups, because I can: the Raven Tower, We Could Be So Good, and The Charioteer.
4) Any new authors? This one is wild because I look back over this list and realize that there are a bunch of authors I am now obsessed with who I only read for the first time less than a year ago! (Did I really just read Captive Prince in April?!?!) Anyway, new-to-me authors this year (there were a LOT so I'm only listing people who I read more than one of their books this year because I did the thing where I found someone I liked and then read everything by them that I could get my paws on) include Ann Leckie, Charlie Adhara, Katherine Addison/Sarah Monette, Victoria Goddard, C.S. Pacat, C.J. Sansom, N.R. Walker, R. Cooper, Ben Aaronovitch, Catherine Valente, and probably others that I'm missing 😭
13) Least favorite books? eeeeeh ok. So there were a bunch that I DNFed because they just weren't the right book for me, but the one I was most disappointed to not like was Midnight at the Blackbird Cafe. I just couldn't get into it–I like my magical realism weird and my quirky impoverished southern small towns Gothic (if there isn't a fucked up house literally-or-metaphorically eating people what’s the point?). Another one I was sad not to like was The First Bright Thing, for a similar reason–it tried so hard to convince me I loved the characters and was emotionally invested in them when I'd only barely met them, and I just didn't feel it.
There were others that I liked less, but those are the ones I remember because I'd really wanted to like them, and they probably were good books, just not books I wanted to read.
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alwaysthesitter · 1 year
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Alright, I just finished watching Part 1 of Season 4. I was going to finish the whole thing, but it's almost midnight and I do work tomorrow. Sadly I didn't get any replies done tonight, but here's the head canons that have come up for me since doing the rewatch (now that I have time to focus strictly on Steve, and not you know....everything else going on).
This one is so random, but I just now noticed that Steve has leather seats in his BMW. I don't know if all BMW's have leather seats, but for someone that brings a lot of girls to Lover's Lake, I'm just saying.....those seats are probably pretty beneficial for keeping things as clean as possible. Did Steve possibly get the interior of his car done just for that? I could see it.
Steve seems to still jump to violence or violent threats as a defense, as noted when he threatens to punch Dustin's teeth out a second time or whatever the phrasing is. I feel like this is really reminiscent of his King Steve days, and that threatening others not only equates to him being tough, but it keeps people from prying past his facade and allowing him to be vulnerable. If he's feeling in a vulnerable position, chances are he's going to make a threat to deter from it.
THE CEMETARY SCENE. This one is going to be a huge stretch, but it's my interp and so I'm rolling with it. As soon as Max says "turn here", Steve immediately wipes a hand down his face. As we know from the series, this is a tic he seems to have whenever feeling particular emotional, as if "wiping off his feelings." To me, this heavily implied to me that Steve knew that turn led to the cemetary. Since Steve doesn't have anyone he's lost personally, I'm going to through out this hc that he has gone to Billy's grave since he died. This also goes along with the fact that he knew exactly which grave they were going to and was able to get his car there without Max's help (granted, we just see a wide shot of his car and Max could easily be giving him directions, but let my Harringrove heart have this).
Going off of Billy's birthday on his grave, I'm officially calling it that Steve's is April 29, 1966. There's a ton of theorizing about the year Steve was born, but this would make the most sense, because Steve is supposed to be a year older than Billy and with Billy being born in March of 67, Steve would have to be a 66 baby in order to be the oldest of the two. The sad thing is that in present day, that would make Steve only a few years younger than my parents - oof. But that also really solidifies the fact that I play Steve as a 20 year old post season 4.
Steve hates spiders. I think that's pretty obvious in canon by his interaction, but I'm extending this to say that Steve is fine with presenting as the 'manly man' in scenarios, except when it comes to killing the spider. He's definitely going to make his partner take that role.
I've had this unofficial head canon for awhile that Steve has a fake ID, and I've used it in several threads. I'm confirming this, because who else would have bought the six pack for Eddie that was in that car? Steve is the oldest of the group, and I surely don't think Nancy with her rule abiding lifestyle would have a fake ID, and Robin doesn't even have a license. So head canon, more or less confirmed.
Somewhat NSFW head canon, but Steve is very....very terrified of bondage. If his partner is into it (we see you and your handcuffs, Munson) then he's going to be willing to try for them, but it will take a lot of prep and coaxing and a ton of after care. Between being tied up by Russians, choked by the Demobat, pulled down and held up by vines.....he really doesn't like the feeling of being tied up and helpless.
Steve is absolutely 1000% a combat fighter. I always knew he had love and passion for his bat, and I know his main weapon of choice from the surplus store is a hatchet, but I never realized just how often this boy is grabbing handheld objects as weapons. He grabbed an oar twice to fend off danger. He grabbed the lamp. And maybe we could say it's because there was nothing else readily available, but he could have gotten all sorts of things at the surplus store and he still chose a close combat, hand-on object. I know he loses fights a lot, but with the way he absolutely destroyed that demobat with his bare hands, I think he's a better direct fighter than he gets credit for.
And that's all I have for now. As always, I love hearing what you all think or having questions to further develop this and make my interpretation really personal to me.
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tozierpunks · 5 years
literally no one asked but this is my cast for college losers club
featuring Patty Blum, Kay McCall, and Georgie!
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timur simakov as richie tozier, and yes those bags under his eyes are designer it’s called fashion babey
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lucas almeida as eddie kaspbrak who got into college on a track scholarship, we stan a speedy queen
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maya hawke as bev marsh, gay awakening for millions, tired bisexual if i ever saw one!!!! grunge queen icon, will bring back the movement in 2019
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clifford simpson aka kevin abstract as mike hanlon, poetic genius, aspiring historian, the only one who owns a dog therefore the only valid one
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dane dehaan as bill denbrough, idiot that can’t believe print is dead
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ross butler as ben handsome hanscom, the meathead, yes... but a soft meathead who wants to co-parent mike’s dog
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max schneider as stan uris, everyone is so shook to realize skinny stanley is actually built af, has the voice of an angel, and we cast jewish actors for jewish characters in this house babey
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toby regbo as georgie denbrough, the more fortunate in the genes department in the denbrough family, takes in more strays than the local pound
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zendaya as kay mccall, and fathom this i was thinking there would be a whole love quadrilateral cause she loves bev, and bev loves her, but bev also loves ben, who loves bev, and they happen to be dating, and kay likes how submissive mike and bill are in bed so she goes between them cause we stan powerful bi women and the whole thing is a mess, but she’s a queen, we love her, nothing but happy endings for kay mccall
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last but certainly not least, sofia black-d’elia as patricia blum, aka trish who thinks stan is the biggest dork in the world and is immune to his charm which is precisely why he’s in love with her
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brunchable · 2 years
2319 - Chapter 5: Game of Dodge and Silent Treatment || Young!Stephen Strange × F!Reader.
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Word count: 5.9K
Genre: Innocent Love, Diary Entries, Fluff.
Warning: Kind of sad? maybe?
Special mentions: Donna Strange, Victor Strange, Eugene Strange. A/N: This story is inspired by the Korean Drama called "2521" || omg i've haven't updated in a few days. but here we are. not really my fave chapter but every highs must have lows. no song recommendation today, my two brains cells cannot think of one.
July 4 1999
Dang it. No matter what I do I can't stop thinking about that kiss. Neither of us are speaking with each other, I mean how are we supposed to? He clearly regrets it when I clearly don't and what frustrates me even more is that he gives me mixed signals. Do you like me or not?! Do you do this to every girl you had the pleasure of knowing?! I SHOULDN’T have said "I didn't mind" UGH. HE PROBABLY THINKS I'M DESPERATE.
Mom and Dad had dinner with their friends tonight and I refused to come because I secretly had plans with Donna to watch the fireworks at Mount Achilles lookout where the little festival was happening. Of course, Stephen was there too. . . it was so awkward. . . especially when we ran into Robbie, Sebastian and their group at the night market there. . .
"Are you sure you don’t want to come with us? You used to like coming over Caroline's house." Aurthur asked as he put the brand new wrist watch Vanessa bought him. 
You shook your head while you flick through the T.V. pretending to feel out of it while you pet Figaro who was sleeping on your lap, "I'm not feeling that great, I'll stay home. You guys have fun. . ." You coughed a bit, "Also are you guys going to be home late?" 
"Hmm we'll be home by ten, that's if your father doesn't get carried away with drinking." Vanessa nudges her husband who waves a hand dismissively.
"I'm not drinking tonight."
"Pft. You always say that, Dad. I'll see you guys at midnight." You chuckle and tore your gaze away from the T.V. while Vanessa leans down to give you a kiss on the cheek.
"Lock all the doors and windows!" Arthur advised as he allows your mother to walk out of the house first. 
"Yep. Call me beforehand so I can lock Figaro's cat door before I go to bed." You reply with a nod and your father agrees, "Have fun~" you lean your head back as your parents exit through the door and as soon as you heard their car start, you jumped out of the couch and ran upstairs to get changed into your high rise navy wide leg jeans, matched with pink knitted sleeveless crop-top and white chunky sneakers. 
You did your hair into high pigtails then pulled your curtain bangs out evenly. You then ran into your parent’s master bedroom and borrowed your mom's blusher, lightly dabbing the pink powder on your cheeks then rummaged through her drawer for her lipstick and lip gloss. 
You have to look extra nice tonight. This voice in the back of your head was pushing you to dress and look pretty. Normally you couldn't care less about how you look when you go out but right now, you do care. Maybe Stephen didn't see me as grown up? He's turning twenty-three in November afterall and I just turned nineteen in April. I have to act cool and nonchalant. 
You pressed your lips together to spread the gloss evenly on your lips before perfectly returning your mother's things exactly how they were. You were an expert at that and not once did she suspect a thing about you using her makeup. 
You then ran back to your room and grabbed your mini sling bag, shoving your fully charged phone, disposable camera, money and keys inside it. Now you were ready to go next door and meet up with Donna. 
"Behave Figaro okay?" You patted his head after you checked that all doors and windows were locked. You head out the front door, locking the main door and then the screen door. You made a run for it before Darla sees you walking out of your house. You slowed down as you approached Strange's porch and then rang the doorbell.
"Coming!" Eugene yelled out from inside, after seeing that it was you, he opened the door, "Hey, kid. Come in, Donna's just upstairs." 
"Good evening Chief." You saunter inside as he stepped our of your way and closes the door behind him.
"Have you had dinner? Bev cooked some roast pork." Eugene asks.
"Yes, I did, thank you." You smiled shyly. It wasn't everyday you get to have an encounter with Eugene—and being a witness to him and Stephen’s arguement, you were a bit intimidated by him. 
"Hey (Y/N)!" Victor greeted you from the kitchen.
"Hi Victor! Let me know when you want more cookies~" you waved at him. Eugene chuckles beside you and shakes his head.
"He absolutely love those cookies you make, I've yet to try it."
"I'll make extra next time then, Sir." You chuckle.
"That's kind of you, well I better leave you to it, you guys are going at Mount Achilles lookout am I right?" Eugene asks to double check and you nodded, "Alright, I told Stephen to accompany you two because it's the 4th of July, there might be a lot of drunkards around and I'm off duty." 
You try not to look surprised since you thought it was only going to be Donna and you, "Oh he is? Donna didn't tell me that." You laughed sheepishly.
"Well, I just told Stephen now. They’re both getting ready upstairs. Go on up." Eugene smiles and pats you on the back before heading back into the kitchen.
"Hey Dad, did you know (Y/N) is my ideal type? Everytime I see her she reminds me of that song 'More than a woman'" You hear Victor say proudly as his father walks back into the kitchen.
"Really? You better hurry and grow up then—I heard girls like boys who sleep in their own rooms."
You let out a breathy chuckle and quietly ascended the stairs. Fingers crossed that wouldn't run into Stephen. Please don’t come out of your room, please don't come out of your room. Just as you were in the hallway making your way towards Donna's room, Stephen came out and you bump into him.
You stepped aside.
He unintentionally steps in that direction as well.
You step into the right again in an attempt to avoid him but he also steps in the same direction. Probably trying to avoid you as well, but failing so bad. Both of you immediately stepped to the other side. 
Damn it!
The whole time both of you were playing dodge, you were looking at your feet. You can’t look at him because you are at the risk of looking right into his lips and then blushing and you DON’T want that. Both of you stop for a second and when you hear Stephen take an inhale to speak, you push right past him and run into Donna's room and shut the door behind you, startling your friend who was putting her lipstick on.
"Ah!!" Donna screamed, causing her to draw over her lips, "Oh my gosh (Y/N)! Look what you made me do." She quickly grabbed some tissue and wiped off the residue on her chin. Donna does a double take and sees you breathing heavily against the door, face flushed.
"Are you okay?" 
You nodded eagerly. She doesn't know that you and her brother kissed—and you don’t want to tell her, you're scared of her reaction. Donna shrugs off your weird antics and sweeps her eyes over your outfit.
"Wow, you look gooood." Donna nods in approval of your outfit before continuing to put some makeup on.
"Speak for yourself," you walked over to her at the end of her bed and plopped yourself on her beanbag. 
Donna wore a beige high waisted shorts match with a brown belt, a loose button up shirt which was loosely tucked in. 
"Does Stephen have to go?" You ask.
"Unfortunately, yes. Dad will not take no for an answer." Donna leans on the mirror to polish up her makeup and sighs, "Robbie and his friends are already there so we might run into them." 
"If we run into them, that means they're also running into Stephen." You shrug.
"Ugh that's true. We need to come up with a plan on how to ditch my brother." Donna taps her chin, "Oh! I know! We can get him to buy food for us and then we make a run for it." 
"Not a bad idea." You nodded in agreement. 
Meanwhile, Stephen is at the otherside of the door eavesdropping on your conversation. He scoffs in disbelief after hearing the plans to ditch him.
"What are you doing?" Victor narrows his eyes when he sees his older brother, a grown ass man, listening into two teenage girls' conversation. Stephen placed his pointer over his lips and hushed Victor, "You know it's rude to spy on other people's—mffmfmfmffff." 
Stephen tsked when you and Donna stop talking after hearing a muffled sound outside when Stephen dragged Victor into his room with his hands over his younger brother’s mouth.
"Can you be quiet!?" Stephen whisper-yelled at Victor after closing the door.
"Why are you listening to their conversation? Ever heard of privacy?" Victor retorts. 
"I should be asking you that question! You've been sleeping in my room every night lately and I can't–" Stephen cuts himself short.
"Can't what?" Victor crosses his arms and cranes his head and narrows his eyes even more.
"Can't focus on writing my song." 
"You're writing a song? For who?" 
"No one." 
Victor rolls his eyes then goes around the room while Stephen watches him closely and the little boy picks up a piece of paper in the trash, "I like your curls, and I like your eyes, I look up at you and just see the sky—Through streetlights I danced, with my heaven at night."
"Hey, give me that! Ever heard of privacy?" Stephen snatches the paper and throws it back in the trash. 
Donna barges into the room and finds Stephen and Victor looking suspicious, "Stephen are you ready?" 
"Stephen was—eaffvesdropngdfff fofrrmmf." Stephen firmly placed his hand over Victor's mouth.
Donna furrows her brows, "Was what?"
"Was ready an hour ago! Geeze—Yuck!" Stephen pulls his hand away when Victor licks his palm and the boy runs away, "Cheeky little bugger." Stephen mutters under his breath as Victor disappears.
"Hello?? Let's go?!" Donna urges Stephen.
You quickly glance at Stephen and notice that he was wearing oversized jeans and a plain white top and a V-neck vest over it; he also wore a silver bracelet on his left wrist.
Man's got style. Wow.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
Stephen drives for a good fifteen minutes before you realise you're not thinking about Stephen anymore. For the last fifteen minutes of the drive, your thoughts have just been imagining your future. You lean back in the seat and stare out the window, a little envious of both of them. Envious of the things they’ve seen. The places they’ve travelled and their parents allow them. While you keep lying to your parents or sneaking out like this. 
You sat behind Donna this time because you were afraid of playing that staring game onto the rearview mirror with Stephen. It was tough enough suppressing your feelings after knowing what Stephen tasted like. 
"So why did you suddenly want to go watch the fireworks when you're the one pushing for us to stay home?" Stephen broke the silence but he was talking to Donna, "You’re meeting up with those boys aren't you?"
Donna shrugs, "What’s the big deal? Why are you being so overprotective?" Donna immediately says with an exaggerated roll of her eyes.
"Nothing, I just remember things that happened in the past—I don’t want you getting involved way too quickly, do you understand? But I’ve already made it clear to them who they're going up against if they mess with you.” Stephen shoots Donna and all-too-familiar glare.
Donna laughs at his absurdity. “I’m nineteen, Stephen. You can stop acting like Dad now.” 
Stephen’s face pinches together, and for a second, he even starts resembling Eugene, “The hell I will,” Stephen growls, “You’re my little sister. I have standards for you, and those boys don't even come close to meeting even one of them.”
You might’ve felt your heart skip a beat after hearing him say that. If Kirra was alive, would Stephen meet his standards? Would he be protective of you just like how Stephen is with Donna? These questions, you’ll never know the answer to.
"Stephen, no guy will ever come close to the standards you’ve set for me.” Donna rolls her eyes again and Stephen nods, getting all righteous. 
"Damn right." Stephen chuckles smugly as he indicates to the right to exit the highway. 
The thought of missing out on something Donna and Stephen have suddenly upsets you. Though it was tough, you swallowed the hard lump in your throat and faked a yawn as you felt your eyes stinging a bit.
Donna sees you yawn on the side view mirror, "Sleepy already, (Y/N)?"
You shake your head, "A bit. . . but I'm fine." Dagnabbit it, my voice sounded so sad. 
Stephen looked at you through the rearview mirror and could see that you were upset about something. His grip tightens around the steering wheel thinking that it's probably because of him. He admits that what he did was a dick move, even though he wouldn't pass his own standard.
It took about half an hour before the three of you found a parking spot and as soon as Stephen killed the ignitions, Donna hops out and stretches, "Finally!!" 
You got out of the car as well, though you were feeling like you're in a low mood, you force a smile while Donna hooks her arms around yours and drags you in the food market at the base of the lookout while Stephen follows closely behind. 
He was waiting for Donna to approach him and ask whether he could go and buy both of you some food. . .and she eventually did.
"Hey Stephen, do you mind buying me and (Y/N), cotton candy? We'll look around this way for drinks." Donna points in the other direction and Stephen smiles, pretending not to know what his sister is up to. 
"Sure." Stephen turns around and walks towards the cotton candy vendor.
". . .Well that was easy." Donna blinks and then shrugs, "Robbie and his friends are all up the hill already, do you want to get anything before we head up?" 
You glance at Stephen, slightly feeling bad for planning to ditch him, "Nah. Let's go." 
Stephen glances back and watches both of you head up the stairs leading to the lookout. He doesn’t even bother buying the cotton candies, he just leaves the line and follows the both of you, making sure to keep his distance. Compared to Donna, your energy was low and his sister was too excited to be there to even pick-up on it. 
Is she upset because of me? I'm so fucking stupid. What was I even thinking? I need to say sorry to her. Stephen sighs and then realises that he was climbing the stairs way too quickly, so he slows down. He could see Donna giving you a teasing nudge, he could guess that she was matching you with that dude Sebastian. You laugh casually, it sounded different from the laugh you had this morning when you lay under the willow tree in their front yard. 
As Stephen reached the top, he hid behind the people surrounding him. The boys have already claimed a spot on the guardrails and Donna ran towards Robbie as soon as they saw each other. The lad picked his sister up and twirled her around as they greeted each other with a kiss. 
What the fuck—oho you are so dead Donna Strange. Stephen rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't dreaming. His eyes then were drawn when Sebastian went forward to approach you with a friendly hug. Sebastian looked genuinely interested in you and invited you to take a seat beside him on the picnic table. You laugh at something Sebastian says and it just keeps going from there.
What is that vermin even saying to her? Stephen lets out a low growl and sees a kid holding two cotton candy to his convenience, "Hey kid, how much for your cotton candy?" 
The kid looks at him judgingly, "Go buy some yourself mister."
"What do you think I'm doing? I'll give you ten bucks for both." 
The kid squints his eyes, "Make that twenty."
"Alright, twenty." Stephen agrees with a sarcastic smile and hands the kid twenty dollars in exchange for his cotton candy. Stephen takes both cotton candies in his hand and mutters to himself annoyed that he just lost twenty bucks. 
"Well, well. What do we have here?" Stephen makes his presence known and raises his brows. Donna's eyes widens and pushes herself off of Robbie, "I turned around for one second and both of you were gone. Looks like lost girls, found themselves some lost boys, aye?" 
Stephen’s jaw clenches for a second after giving you a quick glance, "Was this the real agenda?" He nods to Donna, "You couldn't go alone so you bring her with you?" Then he nods towards you. 
Robbie clears his throat, rubbing his hands on his jeans and approaches Stephen, "I don't think I've had the chance to introduce myself before, I'm Robbie, Nice to meet you." He offers Stephen a handshake and the older male glances at it then at Robbie's face. Stephen transfers the other cotton candy to his other hand and takes Robbie's hand. Squeezing it very tight until he sees the lad grimace.
"Stephen Strange. I'm the older brother. . . I can’t really say likewise, not until we get a background check on you. Did I mention that our Dad is the Chief of Police? No? Yeah, our Dad is the chief of police."
"Stephen! Stop it." Donna says and tries to pull her brother's painful grip off of Robbie's hand.
Stephen releases and gets dragged aside by Donna, "You’re embarrassing me right now!" 
"Geeze Donna, you're with him?" Stephen sees that Donna opened her mouth but cuts her off, "Don't you dare deny it because I saw how you sucked that dude's face like a leech."
"Ugh! Alright fine, we've been together for a while now, okay? I just didn't tell you and the family because I know you will react this way—but Stephen, Robbie's a good person. He doesn't smoke, doesn't party much, he is studying to be a Social Worker. Has two younger sisters. Two!" 
Stephen sighs heavily and studies his sister's facial expressions intently, "Alright. Then what about (Y/N) huh? Why is she here if your plan was to spend time with your boyfriend?"
"Why not? She's single—" 
Over Donna's shoulders Stephen saw Sebastian tuck a strand of your hair behind your ears, "Hey, hey. That's a no touching zone, ever heard of social distancing?" 
Sebastian holds his palms up innocently, "I didn't do anything." 
"Stephen, will you stop causing a scene?" Donna shuts her eyes and facepalms herself and follows her brother. 
"Yes you did, I saw you. You think you're slick?" 
"Stephen what has gotten into you? He didn't do anything." You chuckle nervously, puzzled as to why he now decides to pick on you after picking on Donna. 
"Are you really defending the guy you met today?" Stephen furrows his brows.
"Yes! You're acting unreasonable!" 
"Unreasonable? I was told to come here against my will to protect both of you and I'm being unreasonable?" 
Donna leans against Robbie and curiously watches the bickering that's beginning to unfold between the two of you. 
"Are they. . .?" Robbie whispers towards Donna and she shrugs. She is completely clueless about what the underlying cause of all of this was. Whatever it was, it seems to have had the two of you arguing like an old married couple.
"There is no one here to protect me from! For all I know I need protection from you! You're acting all weird and it's making me uncomfortable!" You press your lips together and cross your arms.
Stephen scoffs and acts hurt by what you said, "Wow you're literally rubbing salt to my wound right now? Are you a psychopath? How many times have I helped you? Is that how you treat people who are nice to you?"
"Huh! You're the same! Always making me feel embarrassed in front of you, you talk down on me sometimes or–or give me a cold shoulder, you deliberately made a racket when you know I need to focus. You think you were being nice when you did all those things back then?!" You now got up from your seat and stood in front of him. 
"You don't know anything! I did it to help you. . .for your sake!" Stephen steps forward while pointing at you but you hold your ground.
"Well if you really want what is best for me then I want peace, quiet and a break from you! Stop getting in the way when someone shows me the slightest interest! You've not my brother!! So what if I'm here because I want to start dating?! What if I want a boyfriend?"
You and Stephen start talking over each other while the rest of the group observes and seems perplexed by the entire scenario.
"You don't even need one! I thought you already had one?!"
"Oh yeah? Where?! I can't see him! I must be blind! Or is he imaginary?!"
"Yeah you must be blind because he's right here! In front of you! Right now!" Stephen directed an intense look at you while steadily raising the volume of his speech and pointing the finger at himself. Stephen's eyes widened as he became aware that he had just spoken what he was thinking out loud. Stephen's lips twisted with embarrassment or regret again, you weren’t sure.
Donna gaped at Stephen and then covered her mouth. You quickly look away as soon as you feel the blush creep up your neck. You felt the heat of your blush and knew your face must be close to scarlet. 
Is he crazy?! How can he say that in front of people? He's not even my boyfriend!
"N-no. W-wait, I meant boy space friend—I don’t mean boyfriend, I was meant to say guy friend."
“Y-yeah, I heard you the first time,” You clear your throat, and don't bother looking at the people surrounding you, it's too embarrassing, "Excuse me." You mumbled and walked past Stephen. You don't know where you're going to go, all you know is that you need to go somewhere to cool off for a bit. 
"(Y/N)!" Donna calls out as she tries to follow you.
"I'll be fine, Donna. You can stay." You held your arm out to stop her.
"Sorry, I didn't know—" Sebastian began to speak and Stephen shot him a look. 
"I didn't mean it like that! We're not together." Stephen was quick to admit it with a sigh and threw his head back as he looked at you go towards the public bathroom to hide.
"What are you playing at Stephen?" Donna narrows her eyes suspiciously as Stephen. 
"Nothing! I just said it wrong. . ." Stephen firmly replied.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ 
You were sitting next to Sebastian in the time that was left before the fireworks display, and throughout that time you were simply chatting to each other and getting to know each other better. To our relief, Stephen ran into his pals, the same ones that you met at the club, with the exception of that jerk Gareth. The uncomfortable tension that has been building up between the two of you has only grown worse tonight, and you have no idea how you are going to honour your promise to him when the two of you are avoiding one other in such a manner.
"Are you serious? You really don't want to be a figure skater anymore?" Sebastian asks, slightly pouting at the thought. 
"Yeah. I have dreams outside of skating to be honest." You nodded and he smiled because you sounded certain with your answer.
"You look like you really know what you want to do. I admire that. I struggled a lot before choosing the degree I'm doing now." 
"And do you like your degree now? What is it by the way?" 
Sebastian nods, "I love it, I'm studying to become a vet. You got pets?" 
"Yeah, I have a tuxedo cat. His name is Figaro." You smile to yourself at the thought of your cat.
"Figaro, did you get that from pinocchio? I assume your cat looks like Gepetto's cat then." 
"Yes! Finally someone recognizes where I got the name from." You share a little chuckle with Sebastian. The phone rings in your bag, and when you take it out, you discover that your mother was trying to get in touch with you., "Excuse me Sebastian."
"No, go ahead."
"Hello mom?" You answered in a raspy voice.
"Hey sweetie, sorry did I wake you? just letting you know we'll be home in an hour so you can lock the cat door now."
"O-oh, okay. Drive safely." You hung flipped your phone close and muttered, “I have to go.”
“What? Before the fireworks show?” Sebastian frowned, obviously sad to hear that you had to leave, “I’d love to give you a ride home but the car we took is Robbie’s.” 
“No, it's fine. . . I’ll take the bus,” You flash him a shy smile and turn to call to your friend, “Hey Donna! My Mom just called, I have to go home.” 
“Oh! Then I guess I have to go too, I’ll call Stephen, wait here.” She removed Robbie’s arm off of her shoulder and got up to tell her brother but you pulled her arm to stop her.
“No! It’s fine, I’ll just catch the bus home.” You lightly tighten your grip on her arm and Donna laughs.
“No way, it’s like almost nine o’clock. Stephen! Hey Stephen!” Donna shouts to grab his attention while he hangs out just a few feet away on the other picnic table.
“I’m serious!  You guys stay!” 
“No (Y/N), we came here together, so we’re leaving together.” Donna firmly tells you and rests her hand reassuringly on your shoulder.
“What’s up?” Stephen approaches without making eye contact with you.
“(Y/N) needs to go home, her parents will be home in an hour.” 
“Okay. Why don’t you stay for the show? I’ll come back to pick you up.” Stephen offers a suggestion that Donna might not be able to refuse.
Donna looks at you while she thinks about whether to accept her brother’s offer.
“I’m just going to take the bus. Both of you just stay here.” You repeat yourself for the third time. 
“No you’re not.” Stephen says, shaking his head.
“Who says?” You retort quickly.
“I did, you’re safe with me rather than riding a bus alone.” Stephen hardens his tone of voice before turning his focus back to his sister, “I need to talk to (Y/N) in private, so I’ll just come back to pick you up.” 
No! I don’t think I can be alone with him!
“O-okay then.” Donna slowly nods and gives you an apologetic smile, “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah. . . sure. Enjoy the firework show.” You smiled back at Donna and then frowned when Stephen invited you to go.
Legs oddly numb, you forced yourself to walk with Stephen down the long stairs and back towards the car park, wholly aware of Stephen’s gaze tracking your every step. You didn’t need to look to know that he watched. His gaze was always that intense, especially now. Was he waiting for you to address him? 
You wanted to drag out the time where you won’t be alone with him in the privacy of the car but you needed to get home before your parents did. By the time you were halfway through the car park, the fireworks started going off. Such a shame. I wish Mom and Dad could’ve stayed with their friend longer. 
“What are you doing? Sit at the front.” Stephen commanded after catching you trying to enter the back seat. You reluctantly hopped inside and turned your whole body away from him.
Five minutes pass by and Stephen still hasn’t said a word but you could feel him glancing at you from time to time. His gaze flicked over your lower jaw, lingering on the corner of your mouth. Your heart seemed to restart and was now in a race with itself. The air seemed to be sucked from the space, and you felt flushed, as if you’d been sitting out in the sun for too long. 
“So should we address the elephant in the room?” He finally decided to break the silence, “I’m sorry I ki—did what I did. I should’ve known better, if I can take back my actions I would, I don’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable. Can’t we put this behind us?” 
I’m not uncomfortable that you kissed me, I’m uncomfortable because you keep reminding me that this is one-sided after I told you already that I didn’t mind.
You said no words to Stephen and just kept looking out the window, 
“Alright, then. Good talk.” Stephen sighs heavily and taps the top of the steering wheel. A few seconds later, he reaches to turn on the radio to ease the awkward silence.
Tell me why
Ain't nothin' but a heartache
Tell me why
Ain't nothin' but a mistake
Tell me why
Stephen pokes his tongue against his inner cheek and quietly scoffs, reaching for the dial and changing the radio station until a song becomes clear from the static.
It's undeniable
That we should be together
It's unbelievable how I used to say that I'd fall never—
“Fuck sake.” Stephen swore under his breath and punched the power button off. You puff your cheeks to prevent yourself from laughing, though you were feeling like you were in a low mood, you find Stephen’s reaction to the situation rather funny. It alleviated the awkwardness you felt towards him a bit.
After pulling up to your driveway, you quietly unbuckled your seat belt and muttered quietly, “Thanks for bringing me home.” You opened the door and got out without giving Stephen another chance to speak. So, he followed you out.
Stephen smoothly blocked your path, and your heart turned over heavily as your hands tightened into fists. You forced your fingers to relax. The playful light in his eyes had faded. 
Whatever patience he had brought was gone. Brushing past him, you knew you would have to go to the ground. You didn’t make it far. Stephen caught you by the arm, “Can we—” 
Instinct sparked, seizing control. You spun and slapped his hand off of you but didn’t work. The shock flickering over his face almost brought a smile to your lips.
Stephen stalked toward you, his chin lowered. “That wasn’t very nice—You and I have so much to talk about.” 
“We have nothing to talk about,” You snapped, irritated at yourself for finally giving in and responding to him.
“Oh my god, she speaks!” He widened his eyes in false shock and then dipped his chin, causing you to tense. Stephen stared down at you for so long it felt like a small eternity had passed and then he let go of you, stepping back. Cold air blew in between you. 
“I heard you, alright?” You snapped again, now irritated at him for his sarcasm, “Let’s put it behind us, it’s a one time thing that will never happen again. I agree.”
“Then can we stop avoiding each other?” He quickly answers straight after, “I’m not used to it.”
“Give me time to process things because I’ve never been kissed or kissed anyone who doesn’t have feelings for me, so this whole thing is a bit weird. We can talk again when I get over it, I promise.”
Stephen lightly wets his lips and nods, “Oh. . .yeah of course. I guess you better hurry back to your house then. . .we can talk later.” Stephen’s tone changed and slowly backed away, confusion held you in its grip for only a few moments, but then you snapped out of it. Easing away from the spot where you stood, you ran, and even though you didn’t look back, you knew he didn’t take his eyes off you.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ 
“So. . . you wanted to go visit St. Claire Mountain huh? And you want to be a Doctor?” You began a conversation with Sasha. You were now back at your parent’s house eating take-away after visiting Lindsey in the hospital.
“Yeah. . . I mean I haven’t been there and I looked at images in google and it looks pretty.” Sasha shrugs as she takes a spoonful of her food, “Why not? You told me to tell you when I get an idea of what I want right?”
“Yes, I did.”
“Mom, I have a question.”
“Is there a chance that you and Dad can fix your relationship? I just. . . I feel like it’s my fault—”
“Oh honey, no. Do not ever think that! Our decision has nothing to do with you, okay?” You reached her hand and squeezed it tenderly, “Your father and I, we can’t work through our differences anymore, we’re not great communicators and with our busy schedules. . .” You sighed.
“So. . .no? He’s asking how you’ve been coping and I always say I don’t know because you always seem unbothered.” 
“Trust me, sweetie. I might not look like it but I’m feeling a lot more than what I show on the surface.” You admit to Sasha.
“Maybe you shouldn’t bottle it up mom, maybe sometimes it’s a good thing to be honest and say what you really feel.” 
You chuckle softly at your daughter’s wise words, “Hanging out with oldies have begun to rub off on you has it? Since when did you get so mature?” You reached for the crown of her head and ruffled her hair.
“I’m just looking out for my mom.” Sasha smiles shyly.
“Well. . . if you really want to know how I feel then I guess I’ll be honest. I feel a lonely emptiness or just pure ache that loves to take its time, folding over every memory, reminding me of how things used to be—it’s dawned on me that all the things that me and your dad did together, we now have to do alone. I sort of knew that this was going to happen—that he would decide to leave BUT I knew it was never because of our arguments or the fading I love yous. . . it was the way he looked at me, like he was tired and we were never meant to be together.” Your forced smile twitched as you tried to hold yourself back from crying. 
“I just wanted you to know that me and him do not love you less despite us deciding to separate, you’re a blessing that’s been given to us.” You sniffled hard and took a glance towards Sasha who was looking away from you, also holding back her tears after seeing the pained expression on your face, “No matter what, you are our only daughter alright? That fact changes nothing.”
Sasha wipes her cheeks and runs to you for comfort as she finally breaks down in your arms. You hug her tight and bury your face on the crook of her neck while you stroke the back of her head to console her, “It’s going to be fine, I’m here.” 
SERIES TAGS: @goldencherriess @lokislov3 @strangesweetheart @mydearalmira @veryladyqueen @seasonofthenerd @artsherlocked @bobateadaydreams @classicrebound @holygalaxyprincess @dumbbitch04 @sobeautifullyobsessed @winsteria @allie131313 @gaitwae @sherlux @the-royal-petals @keistange @omgstarks @evelynrosestuff @withalittlehoney @strangeions @gwephen @cemak @patbrdac @siredlust @downtownshabby @nicoletk @lilithskywalker @youcantseem3 @samisubi @strangelockd @bloodyxsaint @lady-harvey @paola-carter @jotaros-bara-tiddies @delightfulheartdream @strangefilms
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catching-kisses · 2 years
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Aspen’s here! She’s actually 19 days old today, born on July 5 at 2:03 am at 41 weeks and 6 days. She was a whopping 10 lbs 2 oz at birth, 20 inches long, and her head and chest circumferences were 14 and 14 1/2 inches. She was born en caul which they say means she’s lucky and good luck for the rest of us. My labor was pretty low key, on July 4 my midwives helped me out with some mild induction methods and I went for a couple walks. I had two membrane strips, two doses of midwives brew, and one stretch with the second strip. First in the morning I went and had the first tonic and the first membrane strip. I was at a 2 for cervical dilation and Penny’s head was applying pressure to my cervix so I’m pretty sure she was engaged and I probably was going to go into labor within the next couple days anyway. I wanted to have my home birth though and not deliver at the hospital so I’m happy I did what I did. After my appointment I went home and had some good contractions for a handful of hours but they ended up dying out. I talked to Sophie the midwife I was working with that day and my favorite at the clinic and we decided to wait for me to come in for a second dose of the tonics so I could see if I could rest and walk and see if they came back. So my mom and I went to the store to grab some last minute food stuff and to walk, but nothing started back up again. I laid down for a while and then called Sophie to tell her. She asked if I wanted to come in a little later or if I wanted to wait til tomorrow, but I spent the day contracting and wanted to get the show on the road. I figured I’d have the same experience and just wanted to get a bit farther overnight, but boy was I wrong! My sister and I walked for a little bit before that appointment at 8:30 and when we were there they asked if I wanted to do another strip and a stretch this time. I was like hell yeah let’s do it, I had thought I would have to wait to have that done again until the next day. So at that point I was 3 1/2 cm dilated and the student midwife Senora stretched me to a 5. After that appointment Sophie was going off call and Bri was going on, but Senora was on all night. So my sister and I went home and must have got there by 9:15pm and I was having some good contractions again. I laid down for a half hour, but I was having regular contractions every 10 minutes until 11 and they started getting more and more painful. Around midnight I had my sister tell the midwives to get coming over because it was ramping up and they started coming faster and more painful. They showed up around 1 and within 30 minutes I was in transition. Through transition I swayed side to side while kneeling and did hip shakes and when there was more pressure I moved into a lunge through two contractions one of which Soraya listened to Aspen’s heart rate and was able to catch the shift of her body turning with the doppler which I could also feel. After the shift I then went back up kneeling and I think just had a couple more contractions before the ejection reflex started up. I think it was just two pushes for her head, two for her shoulders, and then one for the rest of her. My god was that painful. Waiting to get her shoulders out and waiting again after her shoulders was insane. My body was screaming at me to get her out but with a few words from the midwives telling me to wait for the next surge I was able to pause. She came out pretty dang blue which is probably because she was getting squeezed and probably was lacking some oxygen there for the minute between her head coming out and the rest of her. I think that’s why my body was telling me to get her out, but that was why it so important to trust your birth team. I had complete trust in my midwives to take care of us so I was able to turn off that instinct and listen to what they suggested. I had a postpartum hemorrhage which I needed two shots of pitocin for and had an actively managed delivery of my placenta, but it went well. Overall though this birth was intense and fast, it was lovely.
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sweetpeasgirl · 4 years
A Northside, Southside Romance | Sweet Pea
Description: Sweet Pea goes to Pop’s when he wants to feel like a normal teenager. He orders a strawberry milkshake and curly fries. Tonight, with his order, he gets something unexpectedly sweet. He gets something he can’t want but does anyway. Tonight he gets y/n.
Word Count: 1.9k
Pairing: Sweet Pea x Female!Reader
Warnings: None
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Sweet Pea walks down the dusky streets of Riverdale after dark. His head is ducked, his hands shoved deep into his pockets. He knows where he's going but that doesn't mean he wants anyone else to know. After all, Serpents don't drink milkshakes. How would it look if one of their toughest is seen drinking a strawberry one in the light of day?
The door to Pop's opens with a welcoming chime. To Sweet Pea's ears, though, it sounds more threatening than cheerful. That's the price of being in a gang; constantly glancing over your shoulder. There have been too many times where he's had some punk try to backstab him. Quite literally, to clarify.
Glancing around the old establishment, Sweet Pea grins to himself. Completely empty. Just how he had hoped it would be. Reaching into his back pocket, he pulls out his wallet. The old man waiting for him at the register is too familiar to not grin again. Sweet Pea, although he'd never admit it, has spent many long nights under this very roof talking to him.
"Sweet Pea? How’re ya’ doing kid!" Pop never fails to set his mind on ease.
The old man peers at him with concern but the smile never leaves his face.
"Rough day," Sweet Pea runs a hand through his dark brown hair, "just taking a lot of crap from all you northsiders lately."
Pop laughs- a big belly laugh- and writes down an order before Sweet Pea tells him what he wants. It's not like it would make a difference whether or not the tall Serpent had answered. He orders the same thing everytime; a strawberry milkshake and curly fries.
"You just need some good food, boy. Go sit down and I'll have someone bring it over when it's done."
Sweet Pea nods, pulling out a ten to pay with but the jolly old man just shoos him to an empty booth. Pop sees a lot more than he lets on. When a kid only has a ten in his wallet- and you live in a place where sometimes the only way to get yourself out of a problem is cash- you don't take the money. What's the loss? Eight-fifty and a home cooked meal? That’s worth it any day.
Sweet Pea, sitting down in the booth, lets his eyes wander all around the retro diner. He's always felt at home at Pop's, more so than in his own home. It's warm with that ‘you belong here’ kind of atmosphere. It's been his hideaway for some time now. Whenever he has a rough day he just sinks low into a booth and lets the world keep going without him for a little while.
Today had been no exception to that. Some arrogant northsider had been running around the southside with a can of red spray paint. Needless to say, the bruise forming under his eye is hard to miss. He wonders why Pop didn't mention it.
"Hey, Pop said these were yours," Sweet Pea's head snaps up at the sound of a sweet voice.
A young waitress, about his age, stands in front of him, a tray with a strawberry milkshake and curly fries in her hands. For a moment he's frozen, staring into the most beautiful eyes he has ever seen. They're wide and bright, nowhere near as afraid as most are when they see him. She has a huge smile on her face; like she's actually happy to be working the midnight shift on a Friday if only because she had wanted to see him.
He feels his shoulders relaxing and snaps himself out of his daze. She's just some stupid northsider. She hates him. He has to hate her. Yet, when she places the milkshake and fries on the table and turns to leave, his eyes never leave her retreating figure. He shakes his head when she disappears around the corner. A northsider and a southsider- a Serpent- would never happen. Especially not with him. Anything star crossed is just too much work for his already hellish life.
He goes to take a sip of his milkshake when he stops abruptly. There, on the whip cream, are two cherries and a piece of red licorice in the shape of a simple smile. What on earth? Sweet Pea can't tear his eyes from the ice cream in front of him, he tries but he can't stop the small grin that forms on his face. He knows the cute waitress from before had something to do with this.
Speaking of which, a musical giggle interrupts his staring competition with the ice cream. He quickly glances up in time to see her half hidden by the counter and a wall that leads to the kitchen. She has a hand over mouth to try to cover up the onslaught of laughs but it's half-hearted; she's genuinely pleased with herself for the little gift she left for him. His heart beats faster when he catches her eyes and she nods her head at him, a breathtaking smile on her face.
He doesn't know why he does it- nor does he know he's doing it until it's done- but he winks at her and mouths a thank you. Her cheeks flame with a blush and her doe eyes widen again before she scurries back into the kitchen. Picking up a fry, Sweet Pea just laughs to himself.
However, those, too, are quick to end. What is he doing? Flirting with a northern girl? That's not only a death sentence for himself but for her as well. But why would that even matter? He doesn't care about her. He'll never care about her. He can't care about her. He talks himself out of it, or at least he tries his hardest to. In the back of his mind, though, he can still see her eyes.
Sweet Pea runs another agitated hand through his hair, glancing out the window and into the night. Beyond the red glow of the diner the stars are shining brightly. Of course, that brings his mind back to the waitress. He sighs to himself, clenching his jaw as his heart thumps much too hard. Nothing is working; this is hopeless.
"Uh," the same melodic voice brings his attention to the same pretty girl who stands once more in front of his booth, "so I'm on my break and I was wondering if I could sit here. I wouldn't bother you or anything I just- this booth has the best view."
Sweet Pea raises an eyebrow at her request but nonetheless answers, "If you want."
With that the girl slides into the other side of the red leather booth and leans her head on the window. Sweet Pea watches with visible amusement as she starts tapping out a sporadic rhythm on the table top, wondering where her mind is at this very moment. His is on her, the spotlight now fully shining over the northsider. He can feel the smile coming back again but doesn't bother to hide it this time. Something about her makes him ready to do anything to make her laugh- or to even just make sure she keeps tapping to her own little beat- but he doesn't know why.
"Thank you for the milkshake. Made my night." The words are out of his lips before he can stop them, a light blush to accompany them on his cheeks.
Her head bounces up, the smile already on her lips, "you looked like you needed it. And I finally found where Pop hid the licorice from me!"
This time he laughs out right. He can't help it, the girl is too innocent and beautiful to not lose himself in the moment. He wants to deny the connection that he feels with her, and northside girl, but he can't anymore.
"Why'd he do that?"
She runs a hand over her face, yawning before answering, "because I had a bad habit of giving them to all the little kids who came in here. I couldn't help it! They were so dang cute!"
Sweet Pea watches as she leans her head on the window again, closing her eyes for a moment. She looks as tired as he feels, striking a protective nerve in him. Maybe that's why he pushes his fries towards her. He's not that hungry and he'd rather she ate something. She looks like she could use the energy.
She looks like she's about to protest but Sweet Pea cuts her off, "just eat them, baby."
Her eyes widen but she takes them anyway. In the silence, Sweet Pea takes the time to close his eyes and take a breath. His face is killing him and he knows his knuckles aren't looking much better. He's exhausted but it's not like going home will give him any solace. He has more responsibility there than anywhere else. He just wants to escape for a minute.
"Are you okay?" Her sweet voice- now laced with worry- washes over him.
Sweet Pea glances at the girl sitting across from him. Her eyes look concerned, trained on the purple bruise under his eye. She reaches over the table, her fingertips brushing her over the mark on his face. He holds his breath, his eyes never leaving her as she traces her soft fingers on his skin.
"I'm okay. It doesn't matter anyway." He gently grabs her hand, placing it back on the table.
He wanted her to keep her hand there- he really did- but she had to move it. She can’t get attached to him. He can’t let her.
"Yes it does," the waitress sneakily pulls the strawberry milk towards her, stealing a sip, "you're hurt and that matters to me."
Sweet Pea smiles as he watches her drink his milkshake. If it was anyone else they'd be missing a few fingers by now but he sees the way her eyes sparkle with humour and delight as she sneaks sips. It's adorable. He hates it. Well, he wants to hate it.
"You don't even know my name," he pops one of the cherries into his mouth, winking at her if only to see her burst into color again.
"That's an easy solution," she wiggles her way out of the booth and stands in front of him for the third time that night, much to his amusement, "hi, I'm y/n! What's your name?"
He leans back, stretching his arms across the back of the booth as he takes her in. A yellow Pop's t-shirt, a pair of yellow rubber boots, and two shining eyes. There's no way he can deny the way his heart beats faster looking at her wide smile. He reaches a large hand out, taking her smaller one and shaking it once.
"Sweet Pea. Just call me Sweet Pea."
She giggles and nods her head, causing butterflies to erupt in his chest. She glances to the clock on the wall and lets go of his hand quickly.
"Crap! I'm back on! Hey, I'll catch you around soon I hope. I work Fridays! Bye Sweets!"
He shakes his head, the mirth clear in his eyes, as she scrambles to get back behind the counter. With that he stands up, shooting her one last smile, before walking back into the darkness that abides in Riverdale. He'll deny it to anyone who asks but he knows he'll be back next Friday.
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Forest Ghost
Phic Phight 2021 let’s go!!!
Prompt from KC: Summer Camps is not complete without a courage test of walking to the haunted woods at midnight. Amity Park campers are weirdly prepared for this. Other campers are not sure how to deal with that.
Mikey didn’t really consider himself a daredevil. Quite the opposite, in fact. If you asked his classmates, or his parents, or his teachers, or heck, even his boss, they’d all say, without a moment's hesitation, that he was a coward. Maybe not as much of a coward as Fenton, but that was more a lack of convenient getaways than actual courage. If Mikey had Fenton’s seemingly supernatural ability to always just up and leave before the ghost-of-the-week appeared, he would. As it was, he was only able to run away maybe half the time. The other half of the time, he hid as best he could and hoped for the best. 
Say what you want about bravery and cowardice, it had been a sound strategy so far. He wasn’t dead yet, which was more than could be said for the ghosts he avoided. Mikey knew he was a coward, and he didn’t care.
“Mikey, what the unmitigated fuck?” The stage-whisper carried between the trees, twisting and curling like mist. Mikey shuffled himself around to face his co-counselor, balancing precariously on the log that had fallen across the small brook three summers ago.
“What?” His voice rang out into the night. Aaron jumped at the sudden noise, and began frantically shushing him, voice still barely into the audible range.
“Shh! Dear god, what the fuck, don’t you know this place is haunted?” Aaron had moved to stand at the base of the improvised bridge, and Mikey could tell they were debating whether or not to join him on it.
“Really? Doesn’t feel like it,” Mikey said, just as loud as before but now more thoughtful, more considering. “There’s not enough…” He paused, and gestured vaguely in a windmill motion. “...You know?”
“I really don’t. And I swear, there’s a ghost out here. Caty saw it!” Aaron hadn’t moved onto or away from the log, and was instead wringing their hands and pacing. “At least, she said she did. And Caty doesn’t scare easy-”
“Caty? Caty wouldn’t know a ghost if it came up and threw a cardboard box at her.”
“Believe me, if there’s a ghost out here, it’ll be too weak to do anything besides stand there and glow funny.” Mikey turned back around, and began to continue his way across to the other side of the bridge. “Would be interesting to talk to, this far from any portals. Probably couldn’t though, this far from any portals. Not enough ectoplasm to keep anything stable for a conversation.”
“Mikey, you are saying a lot of things that make very little sense right now,” Aaron whispered, still on the opposite bank. “Can we please just go? I’d really rather not meet any angry spirits tonight. I’m on Morning Duty tomorrow, and you know how bad the kids are at seven in the morning.”
“Just five more minutes? I want to check if there’s any residual ectoplasm, or anything else fun. Besides, you were the one who wanted to go ghost-”
Mikey cut himself off as the world in front of him began to shimmer and twist, sparks flitting through the air as a vaguely humanoid shape began to coalesce in the empty space ahead of him. He could taste the burnt coppery tang of old ectoplasm in the back of his throat, feel the faint tingling of static electricity, smell the distant ozone of a long-dead portal.
“Holy shit fuck what the hell!” Aaron had given up on the pretense of a whisper, and instead let their shouts carry through the dark woods. The ghost had stopped forming, just a faint silhouette of energy with barely-discernible arms reaching out to Mikey. “Mikey what the fuck is that?!?!”
“Looks like an imprint. Old one, if I had to guess. I’ve never actually seen one, they don’t really form near open portals; there’s always enough energy for a full ghost. Hi! I’m Mikey. Can you hear me?” Mikey held out his hand, as if to grasp the ghost’s own hand and give it a firm shake. The ghost didn’t react. “Hmm, shame. I don’t think it knows I’m here. I wonder what called it to manifest. Hey Aaron-” Mikey turned back to look across the brook and found himself alone. He hadn’t even heard Aaron leave. “Huh. I mean, you’re just an imprint,” he muttered, turning back to the glowing form. “Not like you could hurt me-”
The ghost was holding his still-outstretched hand and tilting it’s head.
“Oh. Okay. So you can see me. Cool.” He shook his hand up and down, and the ghost’s hand followed the motion half a second behind. Mikey let go and pulled his pack around to dig through for a notepad.
“Can you talk? Or, I don’t know, do you know ASL? Or can you hold a marker? I brought a whiteboard,” Mikey grunted, pulling the whiteboard and two dry-erase markers out of his pack. “I’d love to ask some questions, talk a little bit- Huh.” He looked up to where the ghost had been to find himself completely alone. “Dang. That’s, well, huh.” He shoved the writing tools back into his bag and cupped his hands around his mouth. “Hey ghost! If you can hear me, I’ll come back tomorrow night! Stay safe! Bye!”
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Hoe Story Yikes Part 2 : Electric Boogaloo, I'm so sorry it's a long story and I'm kind of venting cause every now and again i get that "wah i miss him" when he was a huge asshole,
tl;dr: Got into a relationship after i moved states, he was extremely possessive and manipulative, broke up with him after 9 months of enduring it, 4 months after the breakup he catfishes me on grindr to ambush me in my apartment and curse me out.
So last year (2021), I quarter life crisis'd myself into moving to another state instead of going to therapy, flew into a relationship about 10 days after I moved, got love bombed, let him move in like the following week, then over the course of the following 9 months submitted to ever increasing possessiveness and manipulation chasing the high of the thought that someone wanted me for me and didnt just fetishize that I'm a 6'7" Blatino gamer.
Now when I say possessiveness im talkin: got upset when i went to a store without him (closest supermarket is literally walking distance around the corner from the apartment complex), I gave him my phone pin, my computer pin, i made sure to spend time with him when he came home from his night job even if i opened at work the next day, when i got my dream work from home graphic design job he didnt like it because "then id just have guys over when he left", he didnt like that my supervisor at the new job is gay, always asked if I knew who posted something i liked or retweeted if it was someone who thotposts and shitposts, thought my discord girlies were all flirting with each other cause we have raunchy gay humor, and so on and so forth.
For 9 Months. As if I didnt indulge in his hobbies of LARPing, going with him to another state for like the biannual rules meeting of this larp thing that he had his own chapter of, i did all of the branding and half of the initial story writing for his chapter cause I enjoyed it and wanted him to pull it off, took him to my home state to see my friends and family, we planned a valentines trip to hawaii, we were looking at houses to buy, we were talking marriage, cleaned if he cooked, cooked if he cleaned, didnt say anything even if it bothered me to how his clothes were literally all over the floor all over this small ass apartment.
Mid to Late november I felt like things were okay and going fine, finally looking up, i stopped leaving my phone in the open to see if he would ease up but of course he would just go through my computer while im working in the living room. Christmas comes around and not 2 seconds after we finish opening presents he asks if he can have my phone again like a child asking for their confiscated toy back and i felt something snap in my brain. So after festering until January (2022) I broke it off with him and told him i needed my space and to re-re-establish boundaries and Im moving back to my home state when my lease runs up. February I had to kick him out of the apartment cause he wanted to stay with me until I left (but i felt like it was to make sure no one else could get their hands on me). I keep in touch with him cause Im still clinging on to the good memories even though the bad was waaaay worse but over time the texting got stale and after I poured my heart out to him for like the 4th time i got a "Yeah" in response and nothing else. and i was like okay cool i got the memo, have a good life.
SO i get back on the apps last week (April), in one part to be social after being held captive for almost a year and in another to satiate baser instincts. Couple of days go by and im feelin particularly salacious and bottomy so I cast a net while im working and hosing down the chimney. Someone takes the bite and at this point it's like midnight, almost 1 am, i havent eaten, he was Cute Enough so i was like yeah come over whatever. as he said he was getting closer, he said do you wanna just leave the door open and wait for me on the bed and me being a disgusting dangerous hoe said sure just lock the door behind you. Mind you im in nothing but a jock on my bed, i hear the door, im like alright lets get down to business.
I turn to look and it's my Ex.
He fully catfished me with someone elses face and nudes and then he starts popping off going "Wow. You're a horrible person, youre a whore, i wish you were dead, you ruined so much for me, i want you out of my life and out of this state" and im in nothing but my jock still, fully gooped and gagged that he had the audacity to do this, and the only words i managed in the middle of his tirade was "Are you serious", then he stormed out of the apartment. I wasn't scared cause I knew he wouldn't get physical with me (cause i'd win) but this is gonna be fun to talk to my therapist about.
I... I want to fight him and I want to hug you lol. I'm glad you're ok but babe we can't be letting our need for dick cum before our safety! But tbh I probably would've called the cops or my homegirls on him or something like... He would've got spin kicked in his throat. Thots and gayers for you bestie 😅 and once again I'm glad you're ok
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pokemoncreepypasta · 3 years
Tommy Boy
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It was one of those sleepovers, just me and my bestie, when we got bored and had a dumb idea. Well, she got the brilliant idea anyways.
Apparently, she thought it would be “fun” to try and perform one of those summoning rituals, even though she knew anything and everything paranormal gave me nightmares for weeks. Which is why I think she wanted to do it so bad.
Of course, I wouldn’t willingly go along with the ritual, so my friend had to persuade me by offering her Darkrai plushie which I had coveted for a few weeks now. I remember wondering if the risk of eternal damnation was worth it for just a toy...
Apparently the answer was yes, since I eventually went along with this freaking idea.
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The requirement for the ritual was paper, pencil, a candle, 6 random dolls, and 60 minutes of your time.
It had to be in a dark house, or in the middle of the night. We did it around midnight, after everyone else was asleep.
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The first step was to put the 6 dolls in a circle.
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Then draw a summoning circle on the middle of the paper and put it in the center of the circle of dolls.
After placing it on the floor, recite, “Any entity, you may enter.”
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Wait for a while, around a minute, then prick your finger and put your bloody fingerprint in the middle of the summoning circle.
Recite, “By blood we are bound.”
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You then turn off all the lights, if any are still left on, then light your candle and recite, “Whomever loses may never leave.”
Afterwards, you stumble around in the dark and play hide-and-seek with whatever you just summoned, if you even successfully summoned anything.
You must switch the room you’re hiding in every 10 minutes or else you will automatically be found by default. If you candle doesn’t blow out within and hour, then you win, and allegedly whatever spirit you summoned will be bound to your eternal service.
If it does blow out, then you’ve been found and you lose. Whatever happens afterwards depends on whatever spirit, peaceful or malevolent, that you summoned.
While me and my friend were huddled in the laundry room whispering and giggling about stupid things, the candle flickered out. I promptly flipped and hid in the corner with my hands over my head waiting for the worst to happen, while my friend laughed at pathetic little me.
After about five minutes of trying to convince me I wasn’t going to die, she told me she had blown out the candle herself. That made me feel a little better, even thought I still didn’t believe it.
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Though, the Darkrai plushie I received the next day helped wash my worries away.
Though it wasn’t enough to wash away everything else that was about to happen.
Later on that day after my friend left, my little sister had begged me to let her play my Pokémon Emerald. I let her, since all she did was pretty much give free training to my Pokémon.
I was watching TV, and was a bit peeved when she ran into the room and started nagging me about a green Trapinch, so I waved her off. It took me a few seconds before I realized my grave mistake, so I quickly snatched my GameBoy back.
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I was pleasantly surprised to see my sis had somehow managed to find a shiny Trapinch.
I told her to back off and let me handle this, since I wasn’t about to let her try to catch it. Although, things looked bad as my Pokémon were all too strong to weaken it.
But I was feeling confident with over 40 Ultra Balls in stock along with a few backups, so I kept throwing and throwing until one of them worked.
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The trouble was, this stubborn Trapinch didn’t want me as its trainer. 
I might not have been able to weaken it, but it still chewed through nearly every one of my PokéBalls.
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I was awash with horror at the thought of failing my first ever shiny. That’s when my sister offered to catch it for me.
I didn’t want to hand it over to her, but then my mind rationalized it by thinking that if she failed it, losing the Trapinch would be her fault, not mine.
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I was shocked again as she handed me back the GameBoy less than a minute later with a brand new shiny Trapinch in my party named Tommy Boy.
The only response I could think of at first was, “Tommy Boy? Why name it that?”
“Because, it’s a boy and I wanted to name it Tommy, so Tommy Boy!”
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I didn’t even want to know what went on in my sister’s head, but I quickly stopped caring and all I could do was just stare at my newfound shiny.
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I went to immediately test him out and see what he could do against a wild Sandshrew.
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“Tommy Boy refuses to attack!” 
I tried to fight, but I got this refusal instead. I tried to attack the Sandshrew again, but I just kept getting the same message.
“This is a load of crap.”
“Oh, I can make him attack!” My sister stole the GameBoy back and then proceeded to defeat the Sandshrew with no further issue.
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“What the... How did you do that?!” My sister gave me a stupid grin, “He listened to me because I’m his mommy!” Sure, whatever, I thought privately to myself.
I was happy to let her train this Trapinch into a Flygon for me, anyway. I was puzzled by its behavior, to say the very least, and decided not asking anything would be better for my health and just kept watching TV.
I thought she would grow bored of training the Pokémon, but no. For the rest of the day and deep into the night, she worked tirelessly to gain experience for Tommy Boy. I wondered how someone could stand training the same Pokémon for so many hours without getting bored at all.
Finally, around 11 PM, she had to go to bed. Unwillingly, she saved the game and turned it off, but not before saying good night to Tommy Boy and kissing the GameBoy goodnight.
I was still allowed to stay up longer, so as soon as she was in bed, I quietly grabbed my GameBoy out from under her bed sheets. Emerald was already in, so I simply switched the game on.
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Once the game was loaded, I saw that Tommy Boy was the only one in the party, for some reason.
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But he was already evolved into a Flygon, and at level 66. Too bad she only had interest in training Tommy Boy, so much that she decided to stuff all my other team members in the PC.
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I started to leave the desert where my sister had last saved when I ran into a wild Baltoy. I lovingly sighed as Tommy Boy came out sparkling. Then, my expression became a bit more serious.
That freaking pixel better listen to me this time.
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I clicked on “Fight”. He had new moves: Crunch, DragonBreath, Sandstorm, and Hyper Beam.
I selected Hyper Beam, and desperately hoped that he would obey. I held my breath.
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“Tommy Boy refuses to attack!”
“Dang it!!” I yelled at the screen.
Tommy Boy got hit with and attack, which didn’t do too much damage. I kept cursing at the Pokémon. I couldn’t believe I had a shiny in the palm of my hands and it wouldn’t even listen to me!
I selected DragonBreath, despite knowing he wouldn’t obey anyways.
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“Tommy Boy wants his mommy!”
I gawked at this line of text. I surely hadn’t seen any Pokémon do that before. I almost wanted to laugh, the way that line was written almost sounded funny, but I was off-put and confused. Tommy Boy got hit with another attack.
“Come on, can’t you at least show some pity for your aunt?!” I spoke aloud to the game, like my sister had started doing. Tommy Boy offered me no pity and kept refusing. I didn’t want to deal with him getting knocked out, so I just turned the game off and begrudgingly went to bed.
The next morning, I found my little sister leaning back in a chair contentedly playing the GameBoy. I realized she snatched it from my room while I was asleep, which I guess was an equal exchange. I asked her if anything weird was happening with the GameBoy, but she said all was fine.
Then she asked me why I was playing on the GameBoy last night.
“Uhh... because it’s my game? I should still be able to play it too.”
She eyed me. “Just don’t mess with Tommy Boy again. Just because you’re his aunt doesn’t mean he likes you.”
She immediately changed her threatening disposition by cheerily calling out, “Oh, good boy, Tommy! You showed that Sandshrew! You make mommy so proud!”
I decided to shrug it off. I wasn’t about to get into an argument with my sister about a video game.
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A few days into this, I was over her shoulder watching her play.
She was in the desert, and kept battling the Pokémon there over and over again. Tommy Boy acted like a normal Pokémon, and did nothing unusal.
“Why do you only battle Pokémon in the desert?” “Because, Tommy Boy only likes to battle Pokémon here.” She kept playing, as if everything was normal. After a moment, I thought of another question, “Why will he only obey you and not me?” “I told you, he’ll only listen to his mommy.” “It’s my game he’s on, so I should be his mommy, shouldn’t I? How does he know YOU’RE his mommy?” My sister paused for a moment. After a minute she responded, “Tommy Boy says screw you.” She giggled, while I gave up and left, fuming.
However, days turned into weeks, and my sister had been spending our entire vacation so far just sitting in her room. Apparently, she had started neglecting to eat or drink anything, and would only ever fall asleep when she passed out, GameBoy still in her hands.
It started getting so bad that my mom told me at one point she threw up blood. We’d tried taking the game way from her, but she’d screech at us like she was possessed and tear the whole house apart trying to find it.
Mom said they were arranging for her to see a therapist and get an opinion on what the heck we should do, but for the meantime she was allowed to keep the game, to make things easier for everyone until getting an appointment.
But I wasn’t satisfied with that. I needed to intervene.
One night, I decided to work up the nerve to confront her about her addiction. I found her in her room, as always. She was on the bed with the covers over her head. One would think she was sleeping, but the quiet sounds of the GameBoy gave her away.
I pulled the sheets away from her and she hissed briefly at me before continuing with her eyes glued to the screen. I hardly recognized my happy-go-lucky sister. She looked half dead. I tried holding a conversation with her, but all I got were distant “Mm-hm”s and “It’s fine.” The only way I could get her to talk to me was to attempt to take the game away, to which she immediately responded.
“NO! He’s my baby!!! He NEEDS me!” My sister screeched at me. 
“IT is an inanimate object! It doesn’t NEED anything!” I yelled back at her, clutching her arm that was holding the GameBoy. I managed to rip the Emerald cartridge out of the game while it was still running, causing it to let out horrible screeching sounds. I then pretended to throw it out an open window into the darkness outside of our house, to which my sister immediately pushed me onto the floor and jumped out into the yard after it. 
Picking myself up, I noticed she had dropped my GameBoy, too, so I discreetly plopped the game back into the system and stuffed it into my pocket.
I spitefully closed the window behind my sister. She could come back inside once she realized what this game was doing to her.
What... WAS this game doing to her, I wondered?
Once my sister had collapsed from exhaustion and been carried back to bed by my confused dad (to whom I lyingly explained I had no involvement in this), I decided I would find out for myself.
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When I booted up the game, I was in the middle of my secret base in Route 120.
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I checked my party to find only Tommy Boy, at a whopping level 100. Since it hand only taken her a day to get him to level 66, she must’ve reached 100 long ago, but she’d still been playing this all month.
Was she seriously doing the same battles over and over, despite him not being able to go any higher...?
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When I exited the party screen and was back in the base though, a circle of six Pokédolls were around me that I hadn’t noticed before, which quite frankly creeped me out.
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When I tried to move, a text box popped up saying, “Any entity may enter.”
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“By blood we are bound.”
A strange red circle appeared in the middle of the circle of dolls, and I quickly realized I didn’t want anything to do with whatever was about to go down.
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I tried to step away again, but another text box appeared. 
“Whomever loses may never leave.”
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I tried running for dear life out the exit, but I was stopped.
“You may never leave.”
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A shiny Flygon appeared in the middle of the circle and let out what I assumed was its cry, albeit I was too horrified for my life at that moment to care much for details, and the game froze.
I shut the game off, stared at it for a second, then suddenly every memory of what I had done earlier in the summer came flooding back at once. I knew exactly what Tommy Boy was now, and I was absolutely terrified.
I wanted to hold myself, cry my eyes out and throw this game into the woods where no one would ever find it, but then I thought about my sister. I thought about how if I didn’t get rid of Tommy Boy now, things would probably get worse and soon I’d wake up to find my little sister stabbing herself to death, or me.
Through my tears, I turned the game back on.
“It’s just you and me now, Tommy. Rematch. Double or nothing.”
If he won, he could take us both. But if I won, he would take his sorry demon hide back to wherever it was he came from. He seemed keen on my offer, as the game started up with no problems.
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Once the game was up and running, I found my character in the middle of a dark cave. 
I instinctively went to my party to make someone use Flash, but then I remembered more than likely Tommy Boy was going to be there.
I braced myself...
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But I was pleasantly surprised to find there were just some random Pokémon instead.
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Of course, I didn't have the HM for Flash. Or the TM for Dig. Or any Escape Rope.
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So I stumbled around in the dark, trying to find my way out of this mess.
I kept bumping into walls and rocks, climbing up and down countless ladders, but there was no exit in sight. Or any trainers in sight, for that matter.
In fact, I hadn't run into any wild encounters either, until I came to the conclusion that there was only one Pokémon I would be running into here, and that I should avoid it like the plague.
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Was spamming Super Repel going to protect me from a level 100 demonic Flygon? Probably not, but I couldn't be too careful.
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After some time nowhere near an hour, I found myself in a small room that had nothing in it. I tried to go back the way I came, but I was stopped. My character wouldn't move. I started to tense up again.
The light surrounding me in-game was snuffed out, and all that could be seen was darkness. I was about to turn the game off before something happened, but before I could, something happened.
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“Found you.”
The text in red popped up with a Flygon cry to accompany it, and the game froze again.
"No!" I yelled desperately, flickering the game off and on again. "One chance, give me one more chance!"
Instead, when I loaded the file, I was met with a glitchy, pixelated mess of a screen flashing multicolored lights while blaring the loudest beeping noise I'd ever heard in my life that sent my ears and eyes ringing. I quickly shut off the game and stared at the empty screen in disbelief for I don't know how long.
Had I lost the game?
I couldn't accept that. I was going to play this game all night if I had to. One of us would be leaving tonight, and it wasn't going to be me. Bracing myself, I tightly closed my eyes and powered the game on again. I expected another cacophony of buggy sounds and flashing lights, but surprisingly, I was able to boot up my save file just fine.
But, unfortunately, I didn't get the Round 3 of hide-and-seek that I had vainly asked for.
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Instead, I was at the bottom of Mt. Pyre.
I still had the same team as before, unable to Fly or Surf away from this nightmarish set of circumstances that I'd been put in.
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I don't know what Tommy Boy was getting at, or what he wanted from me now, but I knew the only way to understand exactly what I was dealing with would be to play along, just for now.
My only option left was to climb Mt. Pyre.
I felt a mounting suspense that kept rising each floor I went to, although I didn't know why. Maybe it was because every floor, even indoors, were all unusually foggy.
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However, the wild Shuppet started to make quick work of my low leveled Pokémon.
I then got the sudden idea that maybe this wasn't such a bad thing after all. If my entire party fainted, I could get sent back to a Pokémon Center and escape the boundaries of Tommy Boy's "game."
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When they all fainted though, I didn't get sent back. Instead, I was still trapped on Mt. Pyre.
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All of the Pokémon that were protecting me were gone now.
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I still ran into Shuppet, except I kept sending out a large "?" where a Pokémon should've been.
I kept whiting out, only to return to the position I'd started the battle in.
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After a nerve-wracking climb though the graveyard, I reached the top.
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Surrounding the pedestal at the top were six PokéBalls.
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As I checked each one, a picture of a Pokémon would pop up.  They seemed really familiar, and soon I realized all the Pokémon here were part of the team I was just using.
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After I checked the sixth Pokémon, I found my character to be trapped in the center of the pedestal with no way out.
I frantically mashed the D-Pad in hopes of finding some way to escape.
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In the midst of my panic, a glowing red circle materialized on the ground, connecting all the PokéBalls surrounding the pedestal, with me still in the center.
I remember at that moment thinking, I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die, and I wholeheartedly believed I was going to.
Then, a large text box in all red with a Flygon cry popped up...
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That right there sealed the deal.
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I wasted no shred of time pulling out that Emerald cartridge and cutting it into an unrecognizable pile of green plastic with my scissors.
In my desperation, I brushed the remains of the cartridge into my trash can, wrapped up the trash bag, and went to the extent of escaping through my window and throwing it into the woods. Screw littering, screw the police, I didn't want that thing in my house.
And especially screw Tommy Boy. Screw his little game, screw the thought of him having any sort of control over me.
The only way to win is not to play, and I made sure no one would ever play this game again.
The next morning, my much more well-rested little sister asked where my GameBoy was, and I was about to tell her she was never allowed to touch that thing for as long as she lives, but then she asked to play Mario Party Advance on it.
I was baffled, to say the least, but found no problem in it and let her play it. She showed no signs of becoming obsessed and got bored of playing it after an hour, so I was relieved and assumed that the worst was over.
You can be sure I am not, and will never, plan on performing any more summoning rituals any time soon.
Thankfully, my little sister's gone back to being completely normal. If anything, her only sign of change is that she's getting into that "girly stage". She'll get Pokémon plushies and sit them all in a circle and play tea party with them in her room. At least, that's what I think she's doing with them.
Doesn't matter to me though, I'm busy with my own things. I'm happily content with my dear Darkrai plush that took entirely too much effort out of my life to obtain. I feel really bad for neglecting him these past few weeks, but it's okay.
I won't be giving any more of my time or attention to anyone else except my little baby.
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babydaddyleorio · 3 years
The Forbidden Mark
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pairings: gojo x black!fem OC
word count: 2,303
summary: Rae was many things, but she drew the line at ever becoming a sorcerer. She was set on distancing herself from that life, but when a bothersome curse and a certain sorcerer crossed her path, It became apparent that she could run from It no more.
warnings: slight cursing, third person p.o.v, OC main character, unedited
additional notes: new series idea! not sure if I'm going to pursue this or not, but I really liked how the first chapter turned out so we’ll see.
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Chapter One
Rae pulled her box braids in a secured bun as she stared indignantly at herself through the smudged mirror.  She was beyond ready for her shift to be over at the esteemed club “Jinx”,  but her boss, much to her dismay, ordered her to do overtime. She had been working since 1 that afternoon and was scheduled to get off at 10 p.m, but as she looked at the rusted clock hanging on the wall it read that it was currently midnight. It’s not like overtime was a complete drag since Rae did need to stack up on extra cash, but she still had a life of her own. She didn’t want to spend all of her time overworking herself for a few bucks, but the way things were looking, It seemed like this was just her fated path. A chime resounded from behind Rae, making her shift her eyes on the reflective glass towards the bright fluorescent lights now flooding the locker room.
“Rae, Narco needs you to serve this table right now. I offered to take your place since I knew you needed a breather, but Narco insisted that It was you who took care of them.” Jasmine, Rae’s co-worker and good friend announced while holding the door open. Rae rolled her eyes at her boss’s request and adjusted the fanny pack around her waist before turning to Jasmine with a fake smile. 
“Thanks for looking out for me, Jas. You’re a real one.” Rae nodded with a sigh and walked past her, too deep in her own thoughts to notice the sympathetic expression that had come across her co-worker’s face.
On the other side of the club, Gojo sat in one of the leather booths with his legs crossed and an obvious bored expression on his face as he rested his head on the palm of his hand. He was tasked to come and scope out this bustling club that catered towards the rich and high status criminals and find the special grade curse that lurked among them. 
Gojo yawned.
Clubs like these were never his style and the flashing lights and blaring music never failed to give him anything short of a massive headache.
Gojo whistled as he surveyed the vast crowd of individuals, sipping on the drink he had ordered from the bar not too long ago. Upon scanning the dark club for his designated culprit, he found himself halting once he saw a woman come from the back room and make her way through the dancefloor. She looked to be just another waitress to the simple eye, but the anomaly that caught Gojo’s attention was a curse blob that was attached to her back. He knew that he currently had a mission at hand, a rather important one at that, but he also was aware that If he left the curse attached to the waitress alone It would end up consuming her.
Gojo exhaled dramatically and stretched his limbs as he stood up from his seat. 
Exercising one little curse wouldn’t hurt, right?
Meanwhile, Rae persistently pushed through the dancing bodies and to her relief, finally made It out the sea of intoxicated people. It was times like these where she questioned If this job was really for her and If it would be more beneficial if she just threw in the towel.
However, when that thought occurred she’d always snap out of It because she knew that she had to keep pushing for Amari, even If said job was stressing her out on all accounts.
“Dang, my back is killing me.” Rae muttered to herself, feeling as if something heavy had suddenly glued itself to her. This pain had been bothering her all day and she briefly wondered If she should spoil herself with a massage when she got home. Nonetheless, she shook that uneasy feeling off and continued to walk towards the section her boss told her to serve. They were in a back desolate corner and as she got closer she could hear the loud and raunchy club music start to fade and a more classical song took its place. 
She sucked her teeth. These people must be really important, she thought to herself as she walked up the few spiraling steps and opened the veil to the entrance of the secluded area . Upon which, she saw her boss sitting across from the man who she assumed was the customer. 
“Rae, so glad you could make It!” Her boss said with a raspy voice and the biggest smile when he caught sight of her. Narco was a very bony man, with greasy blonde hair that stopped at his shoulders, and a mouth full of artificial gold that shined every time he spoke. Rae learned over the past year while working here that Narco was a rotten and crooked man who would have no problem selling himself  if it meant earning a quick buck. 
“I want you to serve our special guest here with your utmost respect and give him everything he requests.” Narco chirped loudly, his attention now pulled back to the man in front of him. It took everything within Rae to resist rolling her eyes at Narco’s overly sweet tone as she walked towards the table while getting her notepad out. 
“Of course, sir.” Rae nodded while clicking the black pen in her hand. “Hello, my name is Rae and I'll be your server for tonight, what can I get you?” She said politely and when she looked up from her notepad, she tensed from the customers' harsh glare. Her boss’s phone suddenly rang and he ended up quickly excusing himself from the room, leaving Rae and the customer to be the only ones left in the area.
The customer, now that she thought of It, undoubtedly gave her a bad vibe. The man in front of her had long, burgundy hair that was pulled back into a low ponytail and he was clad in an all black suit that was slightly unbuttoned, displaying the black tattoos that decorated his chest and neck.  He sat comfortably with one arm thrown lazily behind his neck and the other balled on the table, his narrowed green eyes piercing Rae’s brown face.
“Do you know who I am?” Were the words that finally left the man’s mouth.
Rae scrunched her face up in confusion because she indeed did not know who this weirdo was, nor did she really care. This is exactly why she hated working night shifts because she always had to deal with creeps like these and the situation was even less ideal since her boss had left the area.
“No.. I’m afraid I don’t.” Rae admitted, making the man across from her erupt in obnoxious laughter.
“That explains why your presence felt so weak to me when you first arrived. No matter,” The man’s playful demeanor suddenly ceased and he turned to Rae, a dark shadow now casted onto his face. “My name is Hitomi.”
Rae tensed up because the atmosphere in the room had changed to something suffocating and the feeling in her gut told her that this man was dangerous. She debated If she wanted to avert the situation back to her serving him or to get the hell away from him. 
The latter, at this moment, seemed like the best option.
She awkwardly cleared her throat as she took a step back, already formulating an excuse in her mind as to why she needed to leave. 
“Freeze.” The man spoke lowly and as if on cue, Rae’s body went still. 
The man that went by Hitomi got up from his seat and ran his hand through the hairs that framed his face, revealing a scar that fell diagonally across his right eye. Rae struggled to move, and no matter how hard she willed herself to open her mouth or clench her hands, she stayed in the exact same spot. 
“I’ve been looking-” The man spoke suddenly, making Rae move her eyes back to him, “-for a very long time for the jewel that I was missing and I can proudly say that tonight I finally hit the jackpot. See, our meeting tonight was no mere coincidence, it was planned and fated to become. That’s why I came to this place for one reason and for one reason only,” Hitomi slowly sauntered towards her immobile body, licking his bottom lip in the process. “and that reason was you, Rae.” 
Hitomi then stood directly in front of Rae with an evil glint swirling through his jade eyes and reached his hand out towards her, but a force abruptly pushed him back, causing his body to be thrown into the table that he was previously seated at.
“That’s enough.” A tall and slender man with messy, white hair and sunglasses hiding his eyes challenged as he peeled back the curtains to this area. Rae stood in the center, now shaken up by Hitomi’s words and by not having the autonomy to move. It was also alarming having seen his body fly across the room without having any witness of something touching him.
“And just who are you?” Hitomi sneered at Gojo as he slowly stood from the spot he had fallen to, dusting his suit off in the process. 
“My name is of no importance, all you need to know is that I’m the guy who’s going to be exercising you.” The man curtly replied while rolling up his sleeves and walking closer to him.
Rae knew immediately what was happening just by hearing the white haired man say the words “exercise”. She was familiar with the idea of sorcerers and curses so applying her knowledge to her current situation made all the puzzle pieces fall together.
“But before I handle you,” The white haired man started, then turned his eyes towards the waitress standing in front of him. “I have to do this first.”
Rae suddenly felt a strong wind hit her back, causing her to jolt forward and escape the trance she was put in by Hitomi. Not only could she freely move her body again, but the gnawing feeling of pain that Rae felt on her back from earlier had also seemed to disappear. She turned her body around to see the white haired man wink at her and direct his attention back towards the curse, specifically the curse he was after.
“And this is why I despise you sorcerers, you lot are too confident in your weak abilities. ” Hitomi laughed while staring amusingly at Gojo. Gojo kept silent as he ignored the curse's meaningless words and inched closer towards it, the thought of exercising being the only prevalent thing on his mind.
Hitomi sighed out loud, disappointingly.
“However, judging by your presence, I can tell that you may be more of a problem than I estimated. I guess my plan to take the girl won’t be carried out as soon as I thought.” Hitomi mused and then snapped his fingers soon after. A portal aggressively opened up behind Hitomi, and the intensity of it’s force made the furniture rattle and fall, Rae struggle to move, and Gojo’s feet to become heavier.
Gojo debated If he wanted to use his domain expansion, but he saw that the girl behind him had lost her grip that she had on a chair and started to fly towards the portal. Gojo sucked his teeth with irritation and grabbed her body before she was consumed by it.
“This was fun, but sadly our encounter has to end. Do not worry because I will be back for you, Rae.” Hitomi spoke with a crooked smile on face, and stepped backwards into his portal. Before Gojo could even reach him, the hole had already sealed itself back up and the room now only had him and the disheveled waitress of this club who laid in his arms.
“Are you alright?” Gojo tiredly asked the woman only for her to roughly shrug him off of her.
“Don’t touch me!” The waitress hissed while standing up on wobbly legs. Gojo stared at the upset woman disinterestedly and got up from his position on the floor as well.
“Listen,” Gojo began. “That curse was way more intelligent than I initially thought. I think It would be in your best interest to come with me so I can safely look after you.” 
Rae looked at the white haired man as if he had lost his mind.
“Look after me? You and that curse can go to hell. In fact It would be in my best interest if the both of you left me alone.” Rae snapped as she quickly moved past him. As Rae was on her way out of the area completely, she was so lost in thought that she ran straight into her boss’ chest, and when she looked up he stared back at her with a worried expression.
“What happened here?” He questioned incredulously once he saw the mess on the floor, causing him to rush and open up the curtains that would display the rest of the room’s debris. Rae turned around to get the man with the white hair to explain the damages that had transpired, but to her surprise, he had disappeared into thin air just as the cursed man did. 
Rae stood behind her boss, now realizing how terrible this all looked on her behalf. The valuable customer and his money were now gone and the whole area was in shambles. She gulped as her boss turned to her with a red face and comical steam shooting from his ears.
“I don’t know what all went on here,” Rae’s boss fumed, causing her to look at him with wide eyes because she already knew what was coming next. “But you’re fired!” 
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hummingbird-games · 2 years
At the stage where I have everything and NOTHING to do for HSDJY and it’s the most unsettling state of limbo I’ve ever be struck with 🧍🏾‍♀️
Sooo if you’re seeing more post about my dev peers and their gaming crusades that’s like half the reason why (I don’t have a single new and noteworthy thing to bring to the table right now except please play my demo and game comes out this fall and there’s a fun quiz don’t you like taking fun quizzes???)
Interest for the beta testing has been great though, omg! I’m going to keep it open until the date I said (ofc I’m blanking on what I said) but I’m really excited-nervous about that. I have to keep telling myself that feedback is good and people wouldn’t respond if they didn’t care LOL!
I have a sketch for the HSDJY key art and I want to share it so dang bad but it might be a lot more fun to do a post on it with the process + the final look. Or I just find that cool so that’s what y’all are gonna get ☠️
Yuri Jam woes are kicking my butt. Again. Started writing the script on the fly and was loving where it was taking me but then stressful real life stuff started happening. Kept happening. Is still happening. And I’d like to sit down and finish said script so I can have peace of mind but clearly that’s way too much to ask for at the moment....
Okay let’s ramble about something obnoxiously fun!!
In April specifically (because in May I have Gilded Shadows brainrot *shrugs*) I played a few games I want to highlight. Some already have appeared on here so I hope you like repeats!!
Portrait of a Texas Family (I just think everyone should play this game and leave a rating)
Ballads at Midnight (NaNoRenO submission that I was a joy to play)
ValiDate (Okay so technically I’d never finished all the routes on the original demo SO I went ahead and did on the updated one and y’all this game is gonna be on Xbox and as someone who’s been bullied by PS fanboys for forever--half joking btw-- I FEEL SO VINDICATED)
And then I started and/or finished and/or backseated while my sister played some Switch games:
Kirby and the Forgotten Land (backseated BUT I own the game myself now)
Luigi’s Mansion 3 (backseated, had a blast sksksk)
Horse Club Adeventures (impulse buy that heals the pre-teen in me lol)
Story of Seasons PoOT (is that even the right acronym??? anyway It’s slow going because I’m so clumsy with farming sims but it’s a good time so I’m sticking with it!)
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visionsdiary · 3 years
He was acting strange. The chores got down quicker than normal and he was almost a butler when it came to doing what was told. Something that his natural born mischief could not allow. 
It only all made sense when he brought a paper to Draco asking if he could sign in order to participate in the newest class that only fifth years and up are able to take. 
Spiritual Magic. 
It was talked about here and there. How a former Ravenclaw found a way to harness her magic without a wand. It was incredibly hard to master and dangerous to attempt - so much so that Draco didn’t want his son to attend such a class. It has only been too years since his beloved Astoria passed, the slight dullness in his eyes was noticeable and he has done everything to make sure his son is safe as well as happy. 
This could take a terrible toll on him that he might not come back from and will be damned if he signs his sons future away. 
“Scorpius we’ve talked about this.” 
“Father just listen, I passed the exam with flying colors to get into this class. I’ll be one of the first students in a revolutionary study. Please don’t take it away.” 
He begged for this. When he used words like that he couldn’t just say no. Still he rather not loose his son.
“You don’t know the outcome of this practice. I’m not going to send you to a class to be a test rat.” 
Draco set the signed document into the gradually rising stack of papers. He inherited his fathers business and is maintaining his own potions line. Still all of that important work didn’t compare to the importance of his son so he relaxed and leaned back in his office chair. 
“The trails were already ran prior to securing it as a class. It was 93.7% successful with no casualties.” 
“Yes because people left the trails when they woke up in a hospital bed.” 
“Well that’s just rubbish.” 
Draco almost laughed as his sons childish behavior. He hid his smile taking a moment to adore how handsome his son actually has become. He’s sport his platinum hair with his mothers sad yet determined eyes. The memory of Astoria begging him to come spend time with his son made his amusement fade. His mother had the same stare every time, sure that she would pull him out of work and into his family. Their son. He sighed knowing he’s lost. 
“Yes!” Scorpius thrust his fist in the air for his victory.
Victory smile falls, “Dang it.” 
“I have to speak with this so called Professor.”
“He has to understand the consequences of any potential harm to my son.”
“She is the one who request I join. I doubt she’ll allow harm befall me or anyone for that matter.”
“Your teacher is a women?” 
She is a women. Its not unnatural of course and maybe it makes sense for it to be a women for Draco thought only a madman would research such a thing. Wands are essential to controlling a wizards powers, without them who knows what chaos could unfold.
Maybe this was a bad idea.
This is what played through his mind as he walked with his son to the classroom of this women professor. It was only a few days before school started so the hallways echoed with the clicks of Draco's shoes. His suit was clean cut and his usual black. His sleeves were rolled up a bit and he held his jacket in one hand the heat already getting to him. He was already in a rush and the fast walking did not help very much. 
“Not now Scorpius we have to hurry I have some business to attend to soon.” 
“But father.” Scorpius griped his wrist. Draco flinched for a moment, being back in these hallways with the memories he tried to keep at bay he wanted to get out of here and soon. He stops before looking to his son whom is almost as tall as himself. 
“We past the door.” 
His tense shoulders relax, “Oh.” 
They turn back walking just a few ways back down before knocking on the door. 
a muffled, “Come in” sounded through and in they went. The classroom was big, no tables but some chair laying about. There was stairs leading up to a stage with a chalk board, books, and a desk where a women stood over her back facing the two. 
A window was on the upper right wall shining perfectly down flooding the classroom with a crisp morning dew. 
“Are you Ms. Wells?” She turned around her soft material midnight blue blouse moving with her, It was neatly tucked into her black slacks and he heels clicked bouncing the sound off the walls. He hair was dark brown and thick curls but her eyes were an almost unnatural honey. She was absolutely breath taking. 
How did I not notice you? He thought, Perhaps I was just to caught up in my arrogance.
“Yes that’s me.” 
He cleared his throat. It’s not the first time He’s seen a beautiful women before and also won’t be the last but the way the sun seems to make her glow left his speechless. She walked down the steps with a smile. 
“Scorpius, Lovely to see you again.” She shook his sons hand before turning her attention to him. 
“Draco Malfoy. It’s been a while.” They shook hands. Her hand was soft but her grip was sure.  Her smile wasn’t helping his case as he fumbled with his words for a moment. 
“I’d say the same but I do not believe we’ve spoken before.” 
“I suppose not. What can I do for you?” 
“Scorpius, wait outside alright?” 
“No buts Scorpius.” Draco gave him a look. One Scorpius was very much familiar with. Without another word he stalked off, closing the door behind him. Once the clang of the door sounded Draco turned back to face the Professor. 
“So I looked into your practice. I’m sure you can understand my concern.” They both took a seat, pulling up a chair. 
“I do. Trust me the process wasn’t easy on me either. I won’t lie to you Mr. Malfoy there are some potential dangers but not in an extreme way. He might feel tired at times since our bodies are so used to exerting power through our wands and not our actual bodies. He might have to take a rest day but I assure you that the process is slow. 
He wouldn’t have a paper if he couldn’t pass the exertion test.” 
“Your practice is interesting and my son has taking a liking to it. I would love for him to master any study, I was told you are the one who requested he’d join.” 
She nods, “I was. He is a extremely bright boy and his chances at mastering this is so high. I would be very disappointed if you wouldn’t allow him to at least try.” 
Draco nods thinking about this in his mind. 
“I’m willing to sign the paper. I trust though that you understand if any harm befalls my son consequences I deem worthy will be given.” 
His face was serious and part of her was to crawl in a corner in hide from his intense stare. He’s a Malfoy. He inherited riches and created triple the amount in a span of just a few years. He powerful in wealth, contacts and magic so despite her calm exterior she trembled on the inside. 
Same old Malfoy making threats, only this time he can actually back it up. She thought. 
“Of course.” She hoped her voice didn’t sound as terrified as she was. 
She took in his stormy eyes and longer platinum hair, he had a after shave to match which only made him look more handsome. He grew up even better. The intense stare stayed for a moment. 
“Good.” He takes out the small packet that needs his signature. “I will be checking in on his progress every other week as well as his health. Take care of my son will you?” He signed the paper and handed it to Professor Wells. Her fingers only slightly brushing his warm ones. 
“I take care of all my students.” With that he shook her hand again holding on a little longer than needed before leaving. 
He was happy to tell the news to Scorpius, and the feeling only grew when his son hugged him with the biggest smile. It was something he wanted from his own father, and was glad that he had it with his son.
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