#it's like i'm back in highschool trying to not be the weird girl
girlbossdean · 2 months
life is so funny sometimes
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entername322 · 10 months
One weird day
Yuri (Izone) x Male Reader x Minju (Izone)
Length: 11644 words
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Highschool, such a mixed bag of memory and experience. For you, entering highschool has been very, scary. Not because you heard about how shitty it is. Mostly because you're not ready to grow up so fast. It felt like just yesterday you reached middle school, now you had to live to highschool, and prepare yourself for college?
"Stop dozing off idiot"
A sharp pain on your arm wake you up from your crippling mid life crisis, well, quarter life crisis. "Damn it I don't like highschool", Hearing your words Yuri just rolled her eyes on you. "We haven't even reach school for our first day stupid" You shake your head, "And I already hate feels good man"
"Come on we're gonna be late for our first day" Feeling the tug in your arm you tried to fight her only to fail miserably. "Bro we still have half an hour left for our 5 minute walk", Disregarding your complain Yuri grabbed your arm and made you sprint the rest of the way to school.
"Bro, you look smaller than before vacation", Your best friend, Jin greeted you when he saw you walk in the school grounds with Yuri dragging you. "Fuck you, did you grow again?" He nodded proudly, "Fuck yeah, 189 cm, soon I'll be in the NBA" Yuri rolled her eyes at him. "Heh, keep dreaming dumbass" Jin turned to the girls that's holding you. "Yeah, yeah, nice seeing you here too Yuri, I think you grew shorter", Jin have a thing with death, he likes to tease them by pissing Yuri off. "Damn it, bro help me"
Such a shame, he was so young too. Walking away from the crime scene you went to find your class. 1A, none of your friend is here. Of course you have two friend, one is dead the other killed him.
"Why you leave me bro, et tu brute?", Your ears tingle hearing that name. "Stop it with that name" You don't hate it, it's just weird. "Can't, your performance was too iconic", You left Jin to his injuries as you get in class and put down your bag.
Far back seat, next to the window, the anime protagonist seat. Except, the windows are tinted, a way to make sure the sun doesn't get in the students eye. And the view doesn't get to their mind. You heard Yuri loud footsteps chasing after Jin who bolted out of the area. As Yuri went pass your class she saw you and walked towards you.
"I'm in the same class with that idiot", How does she know? "How did you know?" She sighed, "I checked the announcement in the group chat", Ah yes, the group chat for all the new year students, you didn't read it.
"Idiot", Yuri slapped your head. "Damnit Yuri, go back to your class", She slapped your head again, "Class haven't started yet"
"Jin talked shit about your fatty arms", A bait, a bad one. "Woohoo, Brutus is getting karma" The classroom turns to a colloseum filled with your classmate cheers as Yuri is deconstructing your whole body with her punches. "I'm sorry", You let out a small whimper as she let you go. "Tchhhh", She snorted before leaving you to bleed out from your injuries.
"Hey Brutus, don't step my back when I'm paying attention in class okay?", The guy in front of you tried to befriend you. "Actually Brutus stab Caesar in the front so that he knows that he got betrayed" You don't mind getting new friend. "Oh yeah, fix your glasses when you do that", You're not wearing any. "Here use mine"
Watching the glasses he offered you stare at him silently before taking it. "Ackkshually, Brutus stabbed Caesar from the front to gloat over his dead body to announce his betrayal", He laughed at you before giving you a fistbump. "Perfect, I'm Doyoung"
"I'm-", "Brutus, I know", Seems like you made new friends on your first day.
You glanced at the entrance seeing, an angel. "Who is that?", Granted, you're not the most social person in your middle school, but you are sure you never saw the girl that just walk in. You would've remember someone that pretty.
"New chick, the guys went ham yesterday at the group chat trying to stalk her", Your friend seems to be in daze. The girl looked around before taking the seat next to me. "Act cool brute", You are acting cool, Doyoung isn't.
"I hate that name", Not really. "It suits you", It doesn't. "How", Doyoung just shrugged at you. "It just does", Brutus is not your real name, but it seems the name has already stick.
"Alright everyone, quiet down, get to your seat", Your homeroom teacher silent the class before starting the day, the year, the highschool life. The first class is math, and of course, you don't understand a single thing.
"Alright, let's have an exercise, complete this paper in a group of two please", Ah yes, making group, something you hated. "Brute", Doyoung turned to look at you. You wanted to say yes, but then you glanced to your right to see the new girl is looking around.
"You want to pair up together?", Bros before hoes, since you've only met Doyoung today, like 2 hour ago, he's not your bro just yet. "Uhmmm, okay", She nodded meekly.
Doyoung just stare at you with disbelief before his mouth formed a smile and he shake his head. "I'll get you for this", He mouthed with a smirk before turning to his other friend.
The teacher walked around giving the paper and hand it to you after asking who my partner is. The room got a bit noisy for a second with the sound of tables and chair cluttering as everyone combined their desk to work together. You looked at your new partner before using some geture to ask if she wants to merge desk. She nods so you moved yours to her.
"I'm Minju", She sound shy. "Hey, just call me Brutus, that's what everyone call me anyway", You don't know why you said that but you don't mind the rebranding of yourself. "Right, let's see the exercise", It was a ten question exercise all of which is our of your range.
"It's pretty easy", God hand you help using an angel called Minju. "Full disclosure here, I'm pretty stupid, so I'm sorry but I might be a dead weight", You're an idiot but not scummy. "No it's okay, I can help you", She tried, she really did.
"Listen here Min, I know you meant well, but I think we need to pause our tutoring session. There's not much time left and I already feel bad for dragging you down. You should finish it so you don't get your grade fucked up by me", Saying that made you cringe a little. She has helped you study a little but you just told her off to finish the assignment yourself.
"No it's fine", She waved her arms trying to convince you. "I really feel bad, I already drag you down with being your partner now I have to tell you to finish it off yourself but I really think you should just prioritise your own grade. You can write my name off the assignment", She looked at you for a second.
Oh fuck did I piss her off?
"Sorry, I-i-i-i'll finish it then"
Shit I pissed her off.
You just sat there quietly as she finish the whole assignment. As she finished, she didn't write off your name before handing it to the teacher.
"Sorry" She shake her head, "It's fine", It's probably not fine, for your pride. "It's fine really, I don't mind", She reassure you. "Now you make me feel worse", You accidentally gaslight her. "I don't mean to, it's really fine", She looked concerned. "I'm hurt" Now the position has turned, "What do I do to make you feel better?"
"Uhhhhhh, make me buy you lunch for payment?", Smooth, even Doyoung glanced from the side giving you a thumbs up. "I, okay then", Sweet, you just made another friend, doubling your friend size in the first day already.
"15 more minutes, if you finish your assignment already just raise your hand and I'll take it", Minju nervously opened a book and start writing. "What you doing?", You don't mean to snoop around, you're just bored. "Oh, nothing, it's nothing", She hurriedly close it before looking at you nervously.
"Sorry, don't mean to intrude"
"It's fine"
"You say that alot"
"Nah don't be, I'm just curious that's all"
"Oh well, ask away"
Bonding time I guess.
"Where are you from?", Kim Minju, recently moved to Seoul, no friend in the school or the city. Likes photography and watching K-drama. As the class ended you went to the bathroom.
Getting a few moment of quiet Minju opened the book she hide from you earlier. It's a diary, where she wrote almost everything that happened in a day. You, been in the school since kindergarten, had a friend named Yuri who likes to, 'send you to god' occasionally. Likes reading and watching movies or show. Not very smart, pretty self aware and open about a lot of stuff.
Your favourite food is honey fried chicken and a strawberry smoothie. Likes cookies and sweet stuff as well. Hobbies include reading and spending the day in bed. During your attempt to know more about Minju you actually spend more time talking than her. Something Minju appreciate since she get to know more about you as well. When you returned Minju immediately closed the book and throw it to her bag.
"Well, should I move back?"
All the other classmates left their table and chair still merged while chatting. You don't want to make her uncomfortable so you asked if you should move. "No, it's fine", Alright, more bonding time. "Okay then, do you know what's next?", You obviously don't know or care about it, but you want to make some chitchat. "The class? From the schedule it seems like Korean?"
"What schedule?", You said confused. "The one in the group" Oh yeah, the group, are you even in it honestly? "Oh, I didn't read that", Carefree and ignorant about school. Minju made mental note for later.
The Korean class was fine, the teacher doesn't mind the seating position and just start handing out essays for us to analyse. "Are you having problem?", Minju think you're an idiot, not in a demoralising way, but in a concerned way. "No, I'm fine, look", She was throughly surprised seeing how through and detailed your comment was. "Oh right, you like reading", Good at literature, another mental note for her.
"Yep, it's I've read more fictional than not but it still have the same rule more or less", Minju seems intrigued. "What's your favourite series then?", You're surprised she's curious about it. "Mistborn, although I loved a lot but that one is the one I find myself revisiting often", Avid bookworm, another mental note. "Oh I like it too, although I haven't really read the second era", Minju like to read, in fact both of you spend the rest of the period to talk about some of your favourite series.
Once the first break came around you still busy talking to her about it. "Bro", Jin announced his arrival with a thunderous roar. He raised his eyebrow watching Minju. "Sup, meet Minju, she's new around town", Proudly, you show off your new friend. "Hello, I'm Jin", Oh, Jin is pulling out his flirting smile again. Yuri squinted at Minju for some reason.
They exchanged greeting, then both of them take the empty seat in front of us. "What's up with the seating here?", Jin said looking around, "Math, they had us do some assignments in a group of two", Yuri immediately know what you did. "And you burdened her by teaming up with her?", Yuri pinched your hand, Minju saw it and frowned. "It's fine, I really don't mind", Yuri still glared at me before smiling at Minju. "Sorry about this idiot, you should be careful he might drag you down", Jin saw a chance and took it, "That's right, if he cause trouble just call me and I'll take care of him"
Minju doesn't like your friend, she thinks they're demeaning you too much. So she grabbed your other hand. "It's really fine, I helped Brutus in math he helped me in Korean earlier", Yuri look at her hand grab which cause some unpleasant feeling in her stomach. "Brutus? You really want to take that silly name?", Jin laughed.
"Listen, some rebranding needs to be done okay?" Such a cheesy name, you rather find it quite funny. "It sounds silly", Yuri find it annoying, mostly because how you got the name. "I think it's pretty funny", Minju find it to be quite cheesy but it's right up her alley.
"Goddamn Brutus already being fight over by two goons", Doyoung came back with his friend. "Doy did you turn this idiot to Brutus?", Jin and Doyoung know eachother from basket you believe. "Perfect name honestly", Perfectly cheesy, "Don't you fucking call him that", Yuri glared at him, "Come on now don't kill me"
You see Yuri's head vein started to pop. You grabbed her hand that's pinching you. "Come on now Yuri, don't be rude to my new friend", You tries to defuse her anger. "Friend, I'm still mad at you for leaving me at math" Doyoung whoped his head dramatically. "Are you good at math?", He smiled at the argument. "Touche, I'm Doyoung by the way, nice to meet you", Jin stare at Doyoung seizing him up. Do note that he doesn't do that when Minju grabbed your arm.
"Oh hello, I'm Minju", Doyoung stare at the two hand you're holding right now before smiling at you. "Very smooth Brute", You stop holding the two girls hand. Minju find it to be unfortunate, she likes how warm your hand is. It's another thing she should add to her diary. Yuri hate it and happy that you let go. That's what she admits even though she felt some disappointment in her heart.
"Sorry guys, we need our seats back", Jin and Yuri reluctantly get off and left the class. "See you at lunch, Brutus" Jin peaced out. "Don't sleep in class again", Yuri is acting like your mom. Minju doesn't like her, she thinks she's too controlling. The word abuser has come up for her to describe Yuri.
Minju is a vixen trying to play with your heart. Yuri doesn't like her, she thinks Minju is up to no good. She kept a mental note to watch her.
"So, your friends seems.......", Minju struggled to find the right word. "Rude?", You helped her, "I was gonna say blunt, but yeah" She smiled. "I mean, that's just how they are", You're all young, politeness is not a thing yet. "You've known them for long right?", She needs to know more. "Well me and Jin know eachother around middle school. He just hangout with me sometimes" Jin doesn't seems like a bad person, but Minju would rather avoid him seeing the visible interest he has on her.
"Yuri, well we're neighbors, like her home is literally next to mine. We've been buddy since we were 3", For a moment Minju imagined what it feels like to have a friend like that. She felt jealous.
I want that, a childhood friend that's always been there for me.
The next period is English. You and Minju is good at the subject. You because you read some English novel, Minju because she's just perfect like that. So during the period you just talk to her some more. An enjoyable experience for you and Minju. Once the lunch break rang you grabbed her hand.
"Let's go to the cafeteria, before it got full", Minju happily grab your hand and hop with you to the cafeteria. "You want some tteokbokki with fried chicken?", Minju was busy enjoying your hand holding and stayed quiet. "Alright", You take her silence as an agreement.
When you wanted to lay she insisted that you alread repay her with the Korean essay but you shut her down by giving your money to the cashier before she can. "Really you don't need to do that", Minju seems kinda cute when she grumbled doesn't she? "Nonsense, come on let's find a place to eat", She has the same idea as you to sit at the corner of the cafeteria.
"Brutus has a new girlfriend already", Someone yells, "Hell yeah bro, on the first day too", Another follows. You're not sure where you get the attention from. It's mostly because the guys was already watching for Minju ever since they saw her in the group chat. Seeing her with you they felt a little dejected, but it's not like they are in a rush. It's only the first day after all.
"Goddamn I never been this acknowledge ever since, well ever", Do you mind it? Kinda. "Yeah, me too", You looked at her with a 'really?' face making her surprised. "Come on now look at yourself", Minju liked your compliments, she never liked being complimented by guys before. "Thank you", She said with a proud grin, "Alright diva", You two laughed as Jin joined you.
"Fuck I hate math, he took so long to teach now the cafeteria is already full", Minju decided to sit a little closer to you to discourage Jin from making a move. "Well, you won't get your food faster by sitting here", Thankfully you accidentally sends him off. "Fuck you", Just like how he come, he goes without explanation.
"What's our last period?"
"Hmmm? I think history"
"I hate history"
"Hahahaha, I thought you'll love it, Brutus"
"Since when does our history teach about the wacky Roman empire"
"Well, you got a point there"
As much as Minju is enjoying the lunch with you, it doesn't last long as Yuri came by. "Move Udon", Yuri is very persuasive, especially when she used her knee on your ribs. "Can you just drop that name already, and there's space there", She doesn't care so you reluctantly moved.
The seat was two seater facing eachother, but since all three are you small as a stick it fits. Minju is next to the wall but she doesn't mind since you get to be very close to her. "Mom wants me to buy some milk and eggs so we're getting a detour on our way home", Yuri feels the need to say that in front of Minju for some reason. "Feel fre to do so, I'm gonna go home and-", She denied your request with a slap to the head.
"That's not very nice", Minju grabbed your head. Some because she's concerned for you, some because she wants to feel up your hair. "Hey, mind your business princess", Yuri feel a weird agitation seeing Minju is caressing your head. "No way I'm letting you abuse your friend like this", Oh no, Yuri vein is popping again.
"Hey, I know this guy ever since I know how to walk, don't snoop around our friendship", Yuri grabbed your hand again. She hate it don't think that she want to hold your hand. In fact she's done it a thousand time already, so don't think anything weird is going on.
"Are you okay?", Minju disregard the angry Yuri and turned to you. This act of disrespect is not gonna slide so easily. "Hey, back off", Yuri glared at Minju, "You first, you're making this place feel small, and we got here first" Yuri rolled her eyes. "It's probably because you're fat", Minju doesn't seems to got hurt over it, she just smiled. "Hmmm? Is it? I guess you are too small to make a difference anyway. By the way are you sure you didj tleft your height in middle school?", Maybe, making 2 friends is s little too much for your new day.
"Girls please, can't we just have a normal lunch", The two looked at you with a frown. "Please?", They sighed but didn't let you go. "Are you okay?", Minju is running her finger through your hair.
Fluffy, can I keep holding on to it.
"I'm fine Min, thanks", She sighed and let go fo your hair. She will find a way to hold it later. "Yuri, can you let me go", Yuri glared at you, she's holding you to keep you safe. Yeah, that's all. "Yuri please", Knowing her for a while you know how to make puppy eyes that she just can't refuse. She can't refuse it because she felt pity seeing you so desperate. Obviously it's not because that look always gave her a heart attack.
"Fine", The two of them have some staring competition here and there but they don't cause any more trouble with you. Jin never came back to your table, you didn't look for him either. You're too busy to make sure no world war happened in the table.
"You shouldn't sleep at the next class Udon. You're in highschool now, the teacher won't be as lenient as before", Yuri scolded you, "I'll be fine", Since you all finished your food you drop down your hand which Yuri took to pinch, and hug. No not hug, she's locking it so you won't take it away.
"It's okay, if there's something you don't understand just ask me", Minju smiled at you and grab your other hand. It's nothing but skin on bones, she needs to change that. "Tchhh, the teacher can teach better"Yuri have a point. "Sometimes a little lesson from your classmates can help you better", Minju does not agree. "A smart one" Yuri scoffed, "Thank you"
Yuri's furious burning gaze and Minju's cold sinister gaze fight over eachother with you in the middle of it all. Yuri  then grabbed your hand tighter, pulling to between her boobs.
Oh fuck that felt good. What? No focus Yuri.
"Don't trust this girl, she's playing with you", She whispered in your ears. For the first time, your childhood friend that's basically your sister has turned into a, woman. Minju frowned and pulled your hand, so much so that you almost fall to her. Reactively you put down your hand to keep your balance. Minju felt disappointed until she saw your hand is between her thighs. With a mischievous smile she immediately wrapped it with her soft pale thighs.
Hmmm, I should move a little bit to the front.
Thankfully for you she didn't. "You know I think since you pay for my lunch I have a debt for you, what if I buy you some smoothie on our way back"
Fuck her thighs is so soft and smooth. Fuck since when did Yuri have such big boobs. FUCK WHAT IS HAPPENING.
"Girls please, let's get to class", Minju showed Yuri a triumphant smile making the latter frown even deeper. "Oh yeah mom is cooking some quiche tonight, come and join us for dinner okay", You love quiche, you don't love it when it's used against you. The two then send eachother glare yet again before the bell rang. "I'll see you later after school Yuri, come on Min time for our last period", Reluctantly the two of them let go of you. You were also reluctant of leaving their embrace. Min didn't let go of your hand much to Yuri dismay. As you two walk into your class she stick out her tongue to Yuri behind your back.
Fucking whore.
The history teacher told us to return our table to the previous state. Minju looked at you separating from her with a sad face. You're not stupid, you see what's brewing between her and Yuri. It's just, weird. Yuri have been your friend for so long you're practically inseparable. You've slept together, spend holidays together. Bath together when you were a kid. Yet today, she seems to find something new about herself regarding you. The changes has happened around late middle school already.
How she always try to protect you, how she doesn't like when other girl tried to group up with you. She's did not deter them from you, that part is on you with your edgy phase. Sometimes you would think about the future, and she will always be there. You think today, she was forced to confront that feeling seeing someone so pretty is around you. You can practically see the change in her mood the moment Minju came to comfort you after she hit you. It's like her whole existence is being tested.
Minju on the other hand is very pretty. Like pretty to anyone standard, but for you, she's the picture perfect manifestation of  beauty. Everything about her looks checked every box in your type. Then there's her personality. Kind and caring, patience too remembering she let you burdened her in math. Not to mention, she's actually a bookworm like you, how many girls you met actually have the same taste in book?
Her current situation is also perfect.
New girl in a new school, new town even remembering she said she just moved in nearby. A secluded girl who seems to be the perfect girl for your type. How many guy would kill to have this exact chances. While you were thinking this, your two friend is also thinking about the same thing.
Minju liked you, she felt a certain familiarity with you after one day. Just like how she's perfect for your type you're also, well, passable for her type. Personality wise, too early to judge but seems promising. Hobbies and interests, perfect fit. Looks? A little too skinny but she don't mind, helping you. More than that, she projected her old memory to your current friendship with Yuri. She wants to protect you, she wants to make sure you never go through what she did. Of course, she's reading too much into it, but she doesn't know that.
Yuri is in turmoil. Somehow, today, your smile seems very different than usual. Your touch seems way more warm. Your stupid smell is also lingering in her mind. She is angry at you for making her feel that way, distracting her from class. Yet above you, there's Minju, someone she's throughly furious at. The new girl just moved in and suddenly got all close and friendly to you? Minju is up to no good, that's the consensus Yuri has reached. She needs to stop Minju, she won't let her hurt you. She might be covering her anxiety of losing you with some stupid reasoning, but she doesn't know it.
The day ended, as Minju was pacing up her things she saw you is ready to leave. No, she can't let you leave yet, you're gonna be taken to the hand of that abuser. "Wait", She grabbed your hand. She has grow fond of the feeling from your soft hands. "All okay Min?", The little name he got for you made her believe that your friendship is already a strong one. "Can we, go walk together?", Inside you is two wolf. One want to spend more time with Minju and solidify your first day friendship. One doesn't want to be in the middle of war again.
"Sure, where do you live?", The former won, the latter screamed that you will regret this with it's last dying breath. "It's just down the street actually, 5 minute walk", Seeing you accept, Minju immediately grabbed her things and put it in her back quickly.
"Let's go", Minju speed up for two things, one she doesn't want to make you wait, second she sees other guy is trying to talk to her. In order to deter anyone from making a move she wrapped her arm around you. A gesture, you appreciate very much. The two of you walked out your class to see Yuri is waiting for you. The gesture isn't as appreciated as before.
"Minju want to walk home with us", With you, she wants it with you. Yuri's face contorted before grabbing your other hand and start dragging you out of the school. "Yuri slow down", You tries to stop her. "Mom need to make her quiche you're gonna make her wait too long", Yet feeling your hand yanked Yuri back, a painful feeling starts to stab her heart.
"Calm down first, Min where's your house?", Minju gloat over Yuri's visible turmoil. "It's down this street, right in that corner, that one", You can actually see her house from the school, it's on the way to your home and right after the convenience store. "Oh perfect, that's on the way home, come on let's get some milk and eggs", Minju smiled to Yuri who is frowning.
The three of you made your way to the convenience store. It was supposed to be milk and eggs, but Minju seems to have a shopping list to fill. "What are you doing, we need to go home", Yuri doesn't like that Minju is holding you up.
"Sorry, I just need a dark chocolate bar", Minju continue dragging you through 5h3 store. "If you really sorry let go of him and go find it yourself. It's faster", Minju stared at Yuri for a second before looking at you. "Ehmm, go find it Min, we'll wait at the cashier", This time, it's her that went to a turmoil, making Yuri smile victoriously. Minju hurriedly scurry off while Yuri dragged you to the entrance.
"You need to stop talking to her", You look at her confused. "What? Yuri are you insane?", She grit her teeth hearing you,"She's up to no good, I just know it", Yuri hate seeing your confused face.
He doesn't know, I need to protect him, I can't let him get hurt because of some whore trying to play with his heart.
"Yuri, we just met today, I'm getting to know her. She's nice, funny, beau-" She doesn't like it, she doesn't like hearing you praise Minju. "You don't understand", She might yell the last part too hard. Seeing everyone in the streets turn to her all the blood on her body start to rush to her face. "I, let's talk about it later", The second wolf was right, you will regret this.
Not long you saw Minju walk out to you. "Sorry for taking too long", Her smile, it's quite pleasant to look at doesn't it? "No problem", Your smile is also quite pleasant to look at, according to her.
"Look, try this on", Minju bring out a sunglasses and put it on you. "You buy a sunglasses?", You laughed fixing it's placement on your face. "I don't know, it looks cool", It's also at a scammy price. "Ughhh, come on, you've stalled us long enough", Yuri pulled you to walk again.
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You felt Minju tugged your other arm. Looking back at her you see she has her phone out and took a picture of you. "Huh?", You're not really sure how to respond to that. "Oh no, you look cute when you wear it", Oh, you actually managed to spend the day with her without blushing once. Until now. "Hahaha, the glasses is really good on you", Another picture of you, looking away while the blush is creeping up in your face. "That's your house right? Bye bye", Yuri was squeezing your hand seeing Minju is flirting with you. "Okay, see you later oppa", Since when did you become her oppa? Both you and Yuri was pondering that question when Minju walked into her house.
"Alright, see, she's nice", Yuri just grimaced at you. "Take that sunglasses off", Oh you still wearing it. "Oh fuck, Minju", You ran after Minju while Yuri is squeezing your hand even harder. "Awww, Yuri stop it", She didn't, so you just continue walking in defeat. "Minju, your glasses", Minju walked out of her house again. "Keep it, I didn't buy you smoothie today", Is this gonna be a war between you and her? "Come on take it back", She shake her head while smiling mischievously. Damn does it pierced your heart. "If you don't like it, you can repay me tomorrow, good bye, see you later", She winked at you. Oh yeah this is war, of kindness and favour.
Yuri is fuming, "Alright see you tomorrow", You immediately drag Yuri with you. This time, the chance of murder is actually high enough to be a possibility.
During the walk Yuri can't stop hugging your arm. Her finger occasionally pulled on your jacket, her nails sometimes sinked to it piercing to your skin. "Yuri you're gonna make me look like a cat attack victim" Your hand tried to held hers making certain feelings wells up in her. "Shut up", You shut up.
Yuri dragged you into her house, against your will. "Yuri, don't kill your boyfriend on your first day of highschool", Her mom laughed seeing you two. "He's not my boyfriend", Yuri screamed while putting the groceries on the table before dragging me down to her room.
"Yuri, what is happening to you?", You rubbed your arm. "What is happening to me? You were the one who act like a stupid boy being overdosed by hormone chasing a whore like her" You felt your anger raise hearing her say that. "Yuri, Minju is not a whore", Your cold voice surprised Yuri which she hide by more yelling. "Yeah? I see how she acts around you, she put your hand between her legs just to tease you, she's a fucking whore", For the first time in forever, you actually got angry to Yuri.
"She's not a whore and I don't appreciate your fucking jealousy ruin my new friendship" Yuri's face contorted at your words. "What jealousy are you talking about idiot, you think I did this because I'm jealous of her?", Yuri felt her hand shaking, of all the time you scolded her you've only fought back a few times, enough to be counted in one hand. Yet now, out off all the time you could've fight her you choose today. "Listen, she's a-"
Hail Mary this shit.
You reached out to hug her. You know Yuri doesn't like physical touch. Ever since you two were 15 she stopped hugging you or holding your hands. She become self aware about her own sexuality and stop the physical touch between you. So today, seeing her so touchy with you, it might require drastic measures to calm her.
Why did you never hug me again? I've been missing your touch.
Yuri take a deep sniff of your body. If not for today she might forget how it felt. Your little skeletal body feels so warm and, calming for her. "Yuri, Minju is a nice girl, and I want to befriend her. Relax okay, she won't take me away from you", Your voice seems so calming, since when did you have such a deep voice.
Oh god, I am falling for him. All those time I denied him from any physical touch. I was rejecting my own feelings. Mom is right, this is my boyfriend. And I won't let that fucking whore get him.
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As you were waiting for her to respond you felt a sharp pain on your chest. "Yuri", You pulled away from the hug only to find Yuri is already hugging you tight. "Acckkkk, Yuri stop", She let go, looking at you with..... Ecstasy.
"I don't like her, at all", Maybe hugging her was a terrible idea. "Yuri please-" She cuts you off with a finger to your mouth. "But I'll let you befriend her, for now", Well, not, a terrible idea?
"Thank you", She doesn't like hearing your relieved sigh. "On two conditions", No such thing as a free meal. "One, if she got touchy or flirty with you then I'm calling it off", Oh no, you realised you force her to confront her feelings and accept it. "And two, we are sleeping together", Still hugging you, Yuri felt your heartbeat rises, something she take pride off.
He's so nervous, that means he like me too. Oh god I was so stupid, if I would just let us continue our antics we would be married by now.
"What?" Your voice break a little. "We're sleeping together again, at my house, at your house, I don't care" Yuri sinked her head to your chest. "Yuri you know we can't do that?", You can, but you need to make up an excuse. "Why not?", Yuri suddenly whined like a kid making you very surprised.
"Because we're already grown ups", She frowned before grabbing your arm and pulled you downstairs. "Mom I'm sleeping with oppa", Two girls make you their oppa today. "Oh? That's a quick change, okay honey have fun", Yuri smiled happily before dragging you back to her room.
"Yuri, since when am I your oppa" The whole thing is so confusing. "Since now, get on the bed, we're having a nap", Without waiting Yuri throw you to the bed and jumped on you.
"Yuri" You tried to sat up. "Ssshhh, go to sleep oppa, I'll be right here, I'll keep you safe", Out of your expectations she reached in and kissed your cheek. Something that scares you, also arrouse you a little. "Don't be so nervous oppa, I promise I won't bite again if you play nice", That's a lie, she will bite you again, but later. "Yuri, I need to change my clothes and- ackkk", What a nice boyfriend, you gave her the chance to bite you again now. This time, it's on your neck. Despite you flaunting your limbs she doesn't stop until she's finished.
"There, that'll look good on you, oppa~~", Your hand reached out to grab your neck, feeling the stinging pain as you touch it. "Did you leave a mark?", She just giggled before putting her head on your chest again. "Yuri" Yuri pulled back your hand and sleep. "Enough oppa, it's been a long day, get some rest", She put her finger on your lips, and you feel she will put another thing on it if you keep resisting. Reluctantly you lay your head down, closing your eyes."Good night oppa, my oppa"
As you and Yuri is having a nice, platonic sleeping session, Minju is busy writing down her diary. All the detail she notices from you. All the funny feelings she has for you. She printed out the picture she took of you before and glued it to the diary. Writing and writing on, she didn't realised she's taken 16 pages writing just about you. The day already settled as the sun sets. Your two pictures is hanging on her desk. The realisation kicked in like a truck.
It's love at first sight. That's right, he's my soulmate, oh god I'm so lucky. So what if he's a guy, love doesn't care about sexuality or gender.
She quickly stripped out the name she have for you at her diary entry. The title of your page turned from 'First friend' to, well you know, 'Boyfriend' obviously.
I need to make some brownies for oppa, I can call him tonight, I can meet him again.
First thing she needs to do, is help you gain some weight.  You're perfect as you are, but she's scared you might break your bone from a falling leaves. Founding a new motivation her small elegant steps echoed around the empty house.
Around 5 PM you woke up, seeing Yuri is biting your chest. "Yuri", Surprised by your voice Yuri looked at you with an excited smile. "Morning oppa", Without warning you felt a soft pair of lips pressing up against yours. The kiss was so gentle, you almost didn't believe it was Yuri who's kissing you.
I'm kissing him, I'm actually kissing him, oh oppa how much I wished I never reject this feelings.
The kiss ended the polar opposite of how it started.
Slowly you two pulled away from eachother.
Your forehead still pressing up against eachother.
Your soft breath intertwined with hers.
Yuri was staring at your lips, her hand reached out to grab her cheek and her thumbs gently caressed your lips.
Her eyes darted upward to see your are in a daze.
"I love you oppa"
She whispered so quietly you felt like she was just breathing normally.
"Oppaaaa, I love youuuuu"
She hummed it as she pulled up.
"I, I don't know Yuri"
Intoxicated by the kiss and her own delusion, Yuri find your answer to be a cute reaction to hide your embarrassment.
"It's okay oppa, you can answer me later"
She came down again to give you a peck on your mouth.
"I need to take a shower"
Surprisingly Yuri let you go.
"I'll see you at dinner oppa, mwah"
She kissed your neck sending tickling sensation through your body.
You ran to your home, your loud footsteps drawn your sister attention.
"Where did you go?"
You saw her spawend in front of you.
She was just standing there, you actually got so much in your mind that you didn't realise it.
"I was just, with Yuri"
That's the usual explanation you had for her, now it felt so different for you.
"Ohhhh? I see, go take a shower then, and button your chest"
You looked down to your chest to find it riddles with lipstick mark.
"I need to go"
The only thing you heard from her is the echoing laughter that will haunt you in your dreams tonight.
You looked at yourself at the mirror, your mouth is so red that it might be mistaken as a cherry.
A cold shower, a really ice cold shower is exactly what you needed.
After finishing up your shower you saw a text from Minju.
"She wants to meet? Tonight? Fuck"
You tried to come up with some excuse.
The problem is, she can see that you're typing, so she called you.
You screamed, yet you answer anyway.
"Hey oppa, I was sorry for stalling you up earlier, so I thought I'll make it up to you"
Think fast cowboy, if you say no, it will mean that Yuri might discourage Minju tomorrow.
If you say yes, you might have a your lifespan shortened.
"I, don't know, I still owe you for the sunglasses"
"Hehehe, it's okay, you look good in it, come here oppa"
The Hail Mary strategy from before failed.
But it won't fail twice in a row right?
"Okay, I can see you now"
"Perfect, see you here~"
You have 2 hour till dinner, you get dressed and ran downstairs.
"Noona, I'm going out, I have dinner at Yuri, and, probably gonna spend the night there"
Your sister smiles at you.
"Okay, have fun, don't forget to buy condoms, in fact I still have it from the last time my boyf-"
You are not taking three hail Mary strategy today.
You ran off to Minju's place, the moment you got at her fence you saw her walked out the house.
"Hey oppa, come on"
She grabbed your hand and hurriedly pulled you inside.
Her house, is big, you didn't realised it before since Yuri is tearing your hand apart while Minju is tearing your heart.
"Look, brownies"
The smell of freshly baked brownies made your stomach grumble.
"You made this?"
"Yep, I learned baking for a while now, come on sit, I'll prepare a plate for you"
She sat you down at the living room couch.
Looking around, this house looks expensive as fuck.
The wood walls, the high ceiling, the black marble kitchen counter.
Minju really is a princess.
She came back with a plate of brownies and a glass of, vanila smoothie?
"I know you like strawberry smoothie but I only have vanilla, I'll buy some strawberry tomorrow"
God damn the Minju option is getting more and more enticing.
"Dig in oppa"
She sat next to you and hugged your arm.
You noticed her outfits, a thin white shirt with a red side stripe pants.
No bra, and her short is pulled up so high you might be able to take a glimpse to her-
Brownies, yeah, you're eating brownies.
"Thank you Min, you really don't have too"
She smiled seeing you eating her brownies.
It was really good, you never really buy any brownies outside the store one so this homemade brownies taste heavenly.
"You want to go out with me oppa?"
You felt a piece got inhaled to your respiratory system making you cough.
"Come on slow down oppa, I still have a lot more for you"
She laughed seeing you coughed up the brownies before swallowing it down.
"Here, drink this"
She take the smoothie and you sip it.
It's a very enticing option really.
"Min, we just met today"
A fair argument.
"We're soulmate oppa, I feel it the moment we've met, I love you"
A strong counterpoint, mostly because of her face, and body, and voice, and brownies. It's a bit unfair for you isn't it?
She crawled on top of you, putting her closing statement to the argument.
"Sssshhhh, don't be scared, time doesn't matter. We're getting together sooner or later, so just starts now"
The second part of her closing statement is her soft lips pressing up against yours.
If the aggressive and impatient Yuri had a super soft and gentle kiss.
The gentle and elegant Minju have a passionate and aggressive one.
Her tongue slitehered into your mouth, pulling yours to a fight.
You weren't sure if it's because your mouth is still coated by the brownies and smoothie but her kiss felt so sweet.
Minju looked at you with a lustful eyes.
"Stay the night oppa, I want to spend it with you please"
"I, I have a dinner with Yuri"
Why did you say that?
Minju felt annoyed, that's right, annoyed, not angry.
She find Yuri to be a non competitor but an annoying flies between you two.
"Please oppa? I'll make you a tasty dinner"
Ah shit, what now?
"Are you, free after dinner?"
It's an acceptable term.
"Okay then, when is your dinner?"
"In an hour"
"Then we have an hour"
You didn't have to ask for what because she returned back to kissing you.
As much as you were enjoying her kiss your mind is pulling out a plan.
You need more time to make your decision.
So you have to make this two girls have a ceasefire until you made up your mind.
You pulled away from her aggressive kiss.
She frown at you, oh no, she's so cute.
"Aren't your parents gonna be mad when they walked in seeing us?"
"Oh, my parents doesn't live here"
"Yeah, they bought the house for me to stay in during highschool"
A princess.
She lay down her head to your neck, to find, something.
"This wasn't here before"
Her cold finger touch the bitemark Yuri gave you.
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"Yeah, something happened"
As she raised her head you can feel the temperature dropping down below 0.
"Oppa, I really don't want to ruin your mood by making you break your relationship with her. But if this is the kind of relationship you have with her-"
"It's not, it's complicated okay?"
Minju is not satisfied with your answer, but there's another matter to deal with for now.
She leaped to your neck, and bite it.
The hickey from her felt, sensual, mostly because she's grinding on you.
"Min I need to go"
You hear her growl before she let go of your neck.
"Come back soon okay oppa? Don't make me wait too long"
"I promise it won't be long"
She smiled happily and gave you another kiss before seeing you off.
You opened your phone to see Yuri has been calling you non stop.
Gritting your teeth you ran to her house.
Her parents look at you surprised.
"Yuri just went to get you in your house"
"Oh I was from the convenience store, I'll go get her"
Let's try to calm her down before dinner with the parents.
"Where were you"
Yuri bolted to you the moment she saw you walk to your bedroom.
"I'm sorry I wa-"
"With that whore"
Her grip tightens on you.
"Yuri after-"
"She even marked you, oppa you were cheating on me?"
"Listen Yuri, I need you to come with me after dinner okay?"
She looked at you angrily.
"I need to talk to both of you"
"There is nothing to talk about, we belong together, we're already together since we know how to walk and we will still be together until we die"
She shake your body while her eyes got teary.
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"Listen, Yuri, can you just, listen to me for once"
Within Yuri mind, a thought is forming, the thought is that she's losing the fight.
It hurts her, it hurt her very much, it's so painful she might just break.
"Why, why oppa I know you for so long already, why did you have second thoughts already? Just because of some girl you met today?"
"Yuri, I just want to make sure"
"Fine, I'll make amends with her"
You're not really sure what she meant by that.
"Thank you Yuri"
Yuri will have you in her life, she will make sure you're not taken away from her, even if she has to compromise with a whore.
Your hug managed to calm her down.
"Yuri, are you crying?"
She answer with her muffled sobs.
"Yuri... Calm down"
You caressed her hair as she hugged you.
"Oppa, don't leave me"
"I won't Yuri, I won't"
"Don't leave me"
"I won't"
"Yes Yuri?"
You keep answering her as she calm herself down.
Yuri like the way your finger ran through her hair, it's so comforting.
It's decided, she will have to compromise, anything to keep you in her life.
"Yuri let's fix your hair"
You don't want her parents to start asking questions.
A smile formed on her face seeing you wipe her tears and brush her hair.
"I think that's good enough, let's go"
She didn't move, her smile was frozen in place so is her body.
"I love you oppa"
"It's okay, come here"
She reached out to pull you for a kiss.
So soft and slow, especially compared to Minju's kiss from earlier.
"Let's go"
She whispered before pulling you to her house.
"Bye you two, don't forget to use protection"
"We will unnie, bye"
You glared at Yuri who's smiling happily.
"Ah there you are, well come on, dinners ready"
Yuri grabbed your hand and intertwined her finger with yours.
Her parents smiled seeing her actions.
You two sit next to eachother while facing her parents.
"So, what happened between you two"
Her mom is smiling curiously while her dad, he just doesn't care.
"I'm dating now"
"Good for you sweetie, and you too darling, you two are so perfect together"
"Thanks mom"
Yuri kissed your cheek while you're just sitting there eating.
"Dad aren't you gonna congratulate me?"
"No, you two are meant to be anyway so it's just the matter of time"
Yuri's dad is an absolute apathetic, her mom is a gossip girl, how did Yuri become an MMA fighter?
"How was your first day in highschool?"
"Everyone called oppa Brutus now and he just force them too"
"Really? Because of that drama?"
You can't really eat properly since Yuri is busy cuddling with you, at the dinner table, in front of her parents.
"Yuri, sweetie, why don't you take your boyfriend to your bedroom, you two seems like you need a room"
Her mom said as we finished the dinner.
"Me and oppa is going out for a walk, see you later Mom, bye dad"
Yuri and I walked to Minju's place.
"What is she doing here?"
Minju's open hostility made Yuri answered with her own. However she managed to keep herself calm.
Be patient, I need to be patient for oppa.
"Can we get in?"
Minju carefully eyes Yuri before grabbing your free arm.
The three of you sat at the living room, the two girls refused to acknowledge the existence of the other one.
"Listen, I know, you two are in love with me"
"I love you more, we're soulmates"
"I know you longer oppa, we are already meant to be together"
"Shut up, now, Minju, I know you for one day, Yuri, we've been growing up as friends, until today. So I can't make a decision yet"
"What decision, we are soulmate oppa"
"Shut up, oppa is talking"
The two exchanged glare for a moment.
"I need sometimes okay? I need time to make my mind, and I want you two to have a ceasefire until I made my decision"
The two doesn't like your proposal.
"How long"
"A month at least"
"No, a month at most"
Minju is very unpleased.
"Oppa, I need to talk with Minju"
"No, you two gonna kill eachother"
"Oppa, just leave for a second, I promise I won't kill her"
Minju stare at Yuri cautiously trying to gauge her intentions.
"Fine, wait in the kitchen oppa, you can watch us from there"
Reluctantly you left the two girl to their own devices.
Yuri and Minju stare at eachother for awhile.
"Share him"
Minju definitely didn't expect that.
"I'm not losing him, and I don't like to gamble, so share him"
"Are you stupid? Why would I share him when he's already mine"
"Because you might also lose"
The two stare at eachother angrily.
"We're soulmates"
"Does he know that?"
"I will make sure he does"
"I know him long enough to know he's not believing those kind of things"
"You know him for so long yet he still thinking about me, the girl he met in the first day"
Yuri felt her patience is slowly draining.
"Just share him with me, we can get a piece together"
Minju is not stupid, she knows the possibility of her losing you is a 50/50.
Yet she still doesn't trust Yuri.
"Why you want to share him? You're antagonising me the whole day and you want to make peace with me?"
"Because he's conflicted. And I know, if he chooses you it will hurt, so much I might lose my mind. And if he chooses me, he will feel hurt for hurting you that I might also feel guilty"
Those thoughts has also went through Minju's mind.
"You're scared aren't you"
"Of course I am"
"To me?"
"My whole life I've known him and you come in and managed to threaten my position in the first day, of course I'm scared"
For a second, Minju realised, Yuri might not be as bad as she thought.
"Awwww, are you insecure?"
Minju patted Yuri's head making the latter frown.
"Don't do that"
"Hehehe, you're just a timid little girl aren't you, I'm sorry for scaring you"
"Minju stop it"
"Fine, I agree, I'll share him"
Seeing the changes on Yuri's face Minju felt a little relieved. Yuri might be a good partner to have as well.
She's cute, pretty, also when she got all embarrassed like this it make her heart flutter.
"Let's set up the ground rule then"
"Fine, we're the same priority, no main girl or something like that"
"That one is acceptable, second is group chat. I don't want any private chat between us and oppa. Everything need to be said in the group chat"
"That's, acceptable too I guess. Then you can't have too much date. If we both have two date and you took him out in one you can't have another one after I get one"
"You read my mind cutie"
"I'm not cute"
"But you're blush is so-"
"Stop it, another one is I want a budget limit on our dates"
"Oh come on, I want to pamper him"
"I can't keep up with your money, look at this house, you're definitely rich"
"I am, and that's okay cutie, he will still love you even though you won't be as rich as me"
"Fine, guess I'll just have to take him to dates with my family and parade him as my boyfriend"
"So the spending limit, let's say, 100 thousand won?"
"Are you insane?"
"Ughhh, fine, how about this, I won't take him to super expensive place, and we don't buy him anything. Our gifts need to be made by ourself"
"Good, I like that"
"Butttt, I want to buy him some new clothes, I want my boyfriend to dress well"
"Ughhh, his wardrobe is so bad"
"Hehehe, shopping trip with us then"
Minju hugged Yuri making the latter develop a smile.
"I'm looking forward to work with you, Minju"
"I'll be looking forward to work with you too, Yuri"
You are watching this weird interaction and was completely baffled seeing the two girl hug.
Ah shit I made them gay and fell for eachother.
Then the two of them turned to you with a creepy smile.
The wolf you pick has changed sides and tell you this is a bad idea.
"Oppa, come here"
You're not sure which one called for you.
Slowly you walked back to them.
Once you're close enough Yuri grabbed you and sat you down between her and Minju.
"Alright oppa, we will have a ceasefire"
Minju draw around your chest with her finger.
"Good, I promise one-"
"Forever, because we don't need to fight for you anymore"
Yuri start nibbling on your arm.
"We are sharing you, aren't you happy oppa?"
It would be a lie if you never thought of the harem option. It would also be a lie if you think that the option is a genuine option to take. Yet, it's also a lie, if you say you're not excited right now.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I can't believe you're actually second guessing yourself for a girl you just met today oppa, bad oppa"
You felt a sharp pain in your shoulder as she sank her fang to it.
"That's okay oppa, I won't make you have the painful responsibility to hurt one of us, so we compromise"
Minju kissed your cheek.
"So first of all oppa, you have to love us equally"
"That's right, we are also using a group chat for now on, no private chat between us"
"Then, we will keep track of how much date to make sure it's fair", Notes, you need notes. And maybe some water splashed to your face. "Are you two, actually, serious"
The two of them looked at you, stare at eachother before attacking you. The two of them wrapped one arm around your neck locking it in place. Then they kissed your cheek. So synchronized, so creepy. Of course you're overwhelmed already so you're not feeling the desperate self preservation your brain is trying to send off.
"You're our boyfriend now okay?","Our oppa" They are synchronized now. "Okay, okay, okay", The two are ecstatic with your response and giggles before they bite your neck.
"Ahhhh, girls", Your moan of pain only made them even more excited. "Who kiss first?", Yuri raised her hand in response, "Rock-paper-scicors"
Yuri won and get the first bite of your lips. The lips of her new boyfriend. Minju is watching you with smiles all over her face. Once Yuri had enough fill she slowly parted from you, her mind is in a daze. She tried to inhale as much as your scent. "You're so shy when you kiss Yuri, so cute", Minju smiled.
"I'm not cute", The sight of your tomboyish childhood friend turning to a tomato is too cute. "You are kinda cute", You supported Minju's words. Yuri hide her face letting out a squeal before dropping to your chest.
"Hehehehe, my turn", Minju crashed her lips on to yours. Her passionate kiss only seems to get rougher as time went on. Your tongue and lips turned numb at the end. Minju is happy with how meek you are, such a perfect boyfriend.
As you two pulled away you saw Yuri is watching you two in a daze. "See? That's how you kiss cutie", Yuri frowned. "I'm not a horny bitch like you" Yuri pouted, "Really? Our boyfriend seems to like it"
She turned to you who's still in a trance. "Oppa", Yuri pouted making you wake up from your daze. "Yuri it's fine", Doesn't convince her. "Here, let me teach you" Before any of you can react, Minju grabbed both of Yuri's cheek before kissing her. Oh boy, it's getting harder and harder, you know what it is.
As they parted you see Minju is smiling at Yuri with a mischievous smile while Yuri was in a trance. "On second thought, your soft kisses are also enjoyable, good job cutie", Minju's hand let go of Yuri and wrapped itself around you. The two of them slowly came to hug you and stay quiet for, an hour?
"It's late already, we should go home", You don't want to go home, but things might escalate if you stay. "Come on, sleep with me, I want to sleep with oppa", Minju tightened her hug on you. "I told mom I'm going to sleep with oppa tonight" Yuri looks conflicted if anything, "So do it here, with me too" Minju said. "How though, I can tell mom I'm sleeping at oppa's place", You opened your phone to check if the coast is clear. "Then, I should ask Noona"
"Who's Noona", Minju squinted her eyes angrily. "My Noona, my older sister", They still have their jealousy trait, that's good to know. "Oh that's fine then", She smiled and turn to cuddling you again. You see your sister already texted you that she's leaving for the night so I can use the house.
"Oh? Should we move to your bedroom then oppa?", Minju whined at Yuri in response. "Here is better, I'm living here alone", Minju said making Yuri raised her eyebrow. "What?" Minju then smiled confidently, "Yep, mom and dad buy me this house for my highschool life", You hear Yuri curse under her breath but you can't make out what."Okay princess, but oppa's house is also empty, and that way I can also show to mom I am sleeping at oppa's place"
"Empty?", Minju turned to you. "Oh yeah, my parents passed away a while ago", She looked at you with concern and guilt. "Oh baby, I'm sorry",Well, a kiss always a good way to cheer someone up.
"We should go out to a date this week"
"Three of us"
"Of course cutie, I won't leave you"
"Let's go to the park again"
"Let's, go to my place, because I'm tired"
The two of them smiled and kissed your cheek. "Let me put on something more covering clothes then", Minju let go of you and skipped away.
"She's such a vixen", You tuned to Yuri who's doesn't seems to be mad."Yuri?", She turned to you, "I don't mind it, but she's too flirty, she might try to take your virginity oppa", This, is going to fast no? "I mean, Minju is a bit more, brazen? But I don't think-", She put her finger on your mouth to shut you down. "She will give you your virginity, and so do I, the question is who will take yours"
Alright, how do you tell them you're not a virgin anymore. "I'm back, let's go", Minju is wearing a baggy sweatpants and jacket. "Right, let's go", Maybe they don't need to know.
The three of you walk back to your house, you slipped Minju in while Yuri tell her mom she's sleeping at my place. "Hmmm, this place, smells just like you", Minju was looking around your bedroom with lusty eyes. "I miss sleeping at your bed again oppa, come on"
Yuri is definitely thinking about something other than sleeping. You lay on your bed with the two girls hugging you. Minju take off her sweatpants and jacket turning back to the previous very open and very thin outfit. Yuri actually changed as she went to her house earlier to a big oversized t-shirt that cover her mini pants.
"Oppa, this bed is so comfy, I can't believe you've been sleeping here with him this whole time"
"Hehehe, childhood friend advantage"
"Ssshhh, let me sleep"
"Yuri, you're thinking what I'm thinking?"
"Yeahhhh, oppa, we want some goodnight kiss"
Minju jumped on you and start making out with you. She pulled your hand in between her crotch and start grinding on it. "That's unfair", You hear Yuri whined.
As you are busy kissing Minju you felt Yuri pulled your hand inside her t-shirt. "Rub it baby", Minju moaned, you comply and starts rubbing her pussy through her pants making her moan.
Your other hand was led to Yuri's bare tits. "Squeeze it oppa", You comply again and made her moan. This continue for sometimes before you felt the wet pants Minju is wearing pushed itself onto your finger.
"I'm coming oppa", She pressed her forehead to your temple as she whispered in your ears. You saw her body quivered for a moment before slumping down. Yuri the jumped to your free mouth and start to get her own kiss. Your hand travel down to her pussy and starts doing the same thing you did with Minju. Your other hand travels up to start massaging Minju's breast.
Just like before Yuri started quivering and pressed her head to your neck. "I'm cumming oppa", She screamed, thankfully your house is empty.
"Oh my god, that was great"
"Yeah, we should repay the favour now"
The two of them look down to your erect cock."So big","So warm" The compliment only made you even hornier.
You felt one of them grabbed it through your clothes making you moan. "You're so hot when you moan oppa", Who said that? "Let's get this out of the way", Who said that too?
Feeling your pants being pulled down your cock got free from it's cage and the cold air washes over it. "Follow me cutie, I'll lead you", Okay that one is Minju.
You felt two sets of hand grabbed your cock, their warmth made your precum leaked."Slowly, go up and down" Minju take the lead as Yuri followed her, "Okay", Fuck the feelings of being jerked by two different hand is something else.
"Are you enjoying this oppa?"
"Yuri focus on your rythm"
The two girl continue their sensual and slow Handjob. Minju then come to whisper in your ears. "Can you cum for us oppa? I promise I'll drink it", Oh fuck, "Oppa, cum please, for me", Yuri followed her and made this whole experience a little too much for you.
"It's squirming"
"That means oppa gonna cum, come on oppa, cum all over our hand"
Can't keep up any ore your sperm shoot out, Minju closed off the tip just in time to make sure it doesn't spray anywhere. Looking down you see Yuri is also doing the same, making their hands covered with your sperm. "So warm"
Yuri whimpered. Minju smiled before licking her hand."Minju?" You hear Yuri's questioning tone, "So sweet, you taste amazing baby", Seeing the ecstasy on Minju's face, Yuri did the same, and start sucking on her own fingers. "Hmmm, it tastes good oppa"
The two of them went down to your cock and started licking it, getting any excess cum off of you. The sensation send your cock back to it's glorious form. "So vigorous, Yuri, follow my lead"
Minju climbed down to get to a more comfortable position, Yuri followed suit. "First, you kiss it", You felt Minju thick lips pressing up against yours. Then Yuri's soft pair of lips pressing up against the other.
"It smells so good"
"I know right? Now you start licking it"
The two started licking around your shaft giving some ungodly feeling.
"Now, watch me first", Yuri moves to the side before Minju started swallowing your cock whole.
"Whoa", Yeah Yuri, whoa, you did not expect Minju to be so good at this. The feeling of her throat massaging your cock while her tongue reached out to lock your shaft and balls is too good.
"Yaaaa, my turn", God damn Yuri looked so cute when she's pouting. Minju let go of her mouth before moving aside. "Now, first you need to try with the tip first Yuri"
Yuri was inexperienced, for like 30 second before she start giving you deep throat as well. "I'm so proud of you Yuri"
Minju get down and start sucking on your balls. Needless to say, as you're still sensitive from the ejaculations from before, you didn't last long.
Minju pulled Yuri up to only have your tip in her mouth while she use both hands to jerk you off. "Come on, cum oppa, cum all over cute Yuri's mouth"
Your hips bucked forward and start spraying your sperm to Yuri's inside. As your ejaculation subsided your cock fell limp to your crotch.
"Open your mouth Yuri, learn how to share", Yuri opened obediently and Minju's tongue slitehered to Yuri's mouth before they kiss. You see Minju's tongue scooping out your sperm into her own mouth occasionally. Then the two parted way, a loud gulping noise can be heard before they let our a satisfied moan.
"Thank you oppa"
"It was nice oppa"
The two gave you a kiss to the cheek before slumping down to your chest.
"Fucking hell, you two are, dangerous", The two giggles before they let out a sigh. Your breath and heartbeat seems to synchronize with them as your consciousness start to slip away.
It's been a long day.
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mochalate · 5 months
[intro] new notification!
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msby!atsumu x reader || w/c: 560 Atsumu discovers that the only thing worse than online dating, is dating advice online. a/n: oh look at that, another atsumu fic!! this one is less stressful for me though. its pretty short, with a cute little plot that won't cause me planning paralysis. making edits for atsumu is always so fun <3 i hope you'll read it!!
[chapter 1->]
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r/relationship_advice • 3 hours ago
I want to ask out my twin brother's girlfriend.
It's not as bad as it sounds. She's not really his girlfriend.
I'll try to explain.
We're colleagues, sort of. (Me and her— I'd rather starve to death than work for my brother.)
Last month, someone took a picture of us leaving the office. I was only walking her to her car but the person who took the picture wanted to imply that we were dating.
And that wouldn't have been an easy rumour for her to handle, so I got my brother (identical twin) to post a picture with her on his socials.
Obviously, just one picture wouldn't work to convince anyone, so they've been meeting up a couple times a week (they have similar interests, so they were friends already) to be seen together.
Now here's the issue— I never saw her like that before, and I thought it was just fucking annoying to watch people be lovey dovey, fake or not... but one of my other colleagues said it sounded like I was jealous.
And fuck, I am.
Do you think she'd be mad if I asked her out? I reacted pretty badly to the original picture. And I'm worried my brother likes her for real (those photos they're posting are kind of convincing...)
Edit: for everyone asking, no, I can't ask my brother. he'll know why, and if he really does like her I don't want to mess with it. and if he doesn't he won't let me hear the fucking end of it. i can hear the best man speech already.
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u/unicornpoodle • 2 hours ago
lol dude (I'm assuming you're a dude, unless you're a girl who unfortunately is built exactly like your brother) are you sure you like her and aren't just jealous of your brother being happy? fake or not
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u/fattytuna95 • 2 hours ago yeah i'm sure. I cut out a picture of one of my teammates and pasted it over his ugly mug and it made me even angrier. ↑ 35 ↓ •••
u/msbygirlie_13 • 2 hours ago
Oh hey!! I recognise you from the atsumu miya subreddit!! That's so cool you have a twin just like him!! And his brother got a gf recently too!!! (I think they're fr tho lol.)
Okay hmmm this is a tough one. wdym when yuo said 'reacted badly'??? and what was so bad about the rumour in the first place if it's an option for you now???? this is kinda weird ngl.
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u/fattytuna95 • 2 hours ago do you really they're the real deal??? I kind of laughed. And now that I look back at it, I think I might have looked way too eager to put it out there that we weren't dating. like I was disgusted or something. :( I wasn't, I just didn't want her to have any trouble. :( :( I'm sorry, I can't explain the situation any more for privacy reasons. ↑ 20 ↓ •••
u/guiltyassassin_ • 1 hour ago
well you don't have to talk to either of them... you said someone took the original photo. maybe they're still stalking?? ask them what they think?
lmfao you guys are either celebrities or highschoolers with this kinda drama
(also you keep calling your brother ugly, but then say you guys are identical? huh????)
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u/fattytuna95 • 55 minutes ago This is kind of an insane idea, but it does make sense. Maybe I'll do it. (and you wouldn't get it.) ↑ 2 ↓ •••
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first chapter tomorrow! please like/reblog/reply/send me an ask if you enjoyed it :) it keeps me going lol [my other fics->] divider: @/cafekitsune
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lixiepixiedust · 9 months
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pairing — badboy!felix x fem!reader; highschool au; friends w/ benefits
word count — 3.1k words
warnings — she/her reader, they argue way too much in this, jealousy (both ways), felix is kinda aggressive, uses of korean names, suggestive, small make out, almost sex
summary — you and felix have been friends with benefits for far too many months and everyone knows you secretly like each other. when mutual jealousy arises, you too get into an argument that makes your feelings way too obvious its silly.
"Y/n!" A boy in your year approached you with an eager expression. His name was Juwon, and you two have talked a few times in Chemistry class. He was nice, super weird, but nice. You still tried to avoid him when could since being around him was often draining.
You chuckled awkwardly, "Hey, what's up?" you asked.
"Can I ask you something?" he inquired, lowering his voice.
"Sure," you replied with a forced smile.
"You know, Felix?" he blurted out quickly. "Are you dating him?"
Your smile faded as your eyebrows furrowed, "Why do you want to know?"
"I don't know, I've just noticed you two walking home together and chatting in the hallways," he explained defensively.
"Are you stalking us?" you asked skeptically.
"No! I'm not stalking you," he clarified.
"Ok, this is kinda weirding me out," you chuckled, clearly uncomfortable.
"Sorry, I just see you two so often," he said.
You raised an eyebrow, still puzzled by Juwon's sudden interest in your relationship with Felix. "Okay, but why do you care if Felix and I are dating or not?"
Juwon scratched the back of his head nervously. "Well, um, the thing is, I sorta have a crush on you."
You blinked in surprise, not expecting that confession. "Oh," you said, not sure how to respond. You took a moment to process this information. It explained his odd behavior and sudden interest in your personal life. "Look, Juwon, I have to be honest too—I'm not looking to date anyone right now. I've got a lot going on."
Juwon nodded, disappointment evident on his face. "Oh, I see. Well, I guess I just wanted to know for sure. Sorry if I made it weird."
"It's okay, Juwon. I appreciate you being upfront about it," you said, trying to ease the awkward tension.
"Well, you know, cause you're not with anyone, I was wondering if, I could get your number, though?" he asked tentatively.
You thought about it for a moment. Despite his quirks, Juwon seemed like a genuinely nice person. "If you want it, you have to promise me it's just as friends," you said with a small smile. "I hope you understand that's all I'm looking for right now."
"Nevermind, then," he replied, a bit crestfallen. "Bye, Y/n."
After Juwon left, you sighed, feeling a mix of relief and sympathy for him. You gathered your things and decided to take a break in the hallway. As you walked towards your locker, you couldn't help but mull over the recent encounter. The hallway was relatively quiet, and you leaned against your locker, staring absentmindedly at the passing students.
As you were lost in thought, contemplating the conversation with Juwon, you suddenly heard familiar laughter approaching. Turning your head, you saw your boy best friend, Felix, walking down the hallway, engaged in a lively conversation with a girl who's name you completely forgot. They seemed to be getting along well, laughing and sharing jokes as they walked.
A strange sensation gripped your stomach, a mix of surprise and discomfort. You didn't expect Felix to be chatting so animatedly with another girl, and for some reason, it made you feel a twinge of jealousy. You shook your head, trying to dismiss the irrational feeling. After all, you and Felix were not dating yet, and you had no right to be possessive or jealous.
Felix looked up, and his gaze met yours. That familiar smirk played on his lips as his flirty eyes eyed you up and down, assessing you. You couldn't help but clutch your bag. You gave him a small wave, matching his energy, but he then continued his conversation with the girl beside him.
As you turned away from Felix, trying to shake off the strange feeling in your stomach, you unlocked your locker and gathered your homework and textbooks. With a deep breath, you tried to compose yourself before making your way to find, your bestfriend, Chaewon.
Spotting her not too far away, you weaved through the crowd and approached her. Chaewon's eyes lit up when she saw you, and she enveloped you in a tight hug. "Y/n! How's it going?" she exclaimed.
You returned the hug, grateful for the comfort of a friend. "Hey, Chaewon. It's been a bit of a day, to be honest. How are you?"
"I'm great! I'm ahead on all my work. Come to my locker, tell me everything."
You nodded, and you both made your way to her locker away from the bustling students. You stood beside her as you shared a bit about the encounter with Juwon and the unexpected interaction with Felix and the girl.
Chaewon listened attentively, concern evident on her face as she closed her locker. "Sounds like a lot's happening. You know, guys can be so confusing sometimes. Maybe Felix was just being friendly with that girl, you know, like how he is with everyone? You two have been fucking for like months, there's nothing getting in your way."
You chuckled nudging her playfully. "I'm not worried about that." you lied.
As you continued chatting, Chaewon suddenly looked past your shoulder, her eyes widening slightly. "Hey, speaking of the elephant in the room," she said, pointing discreetly behind you.
You turned around, and indeed, Felix was leaning against a nearby wall, observing the two of you with a playful smirk on his face. Your heart skipped a beat as you caught his gaze. "Hey, Y/n." he called, strolling over with a confident stride.
Chaewon shot you a knowing look before excusing herself, purposely leaving you alone with Felix. "What's up, Felix?" you asked, trying to sound casual.
He leaned against the locker beside you. "Just wanted to see you. How was today? We didn't have time to talk at all."
"Yeah, um, nothing else besides Lee Juwon asking if we were dating," you admitted, avoiding eye contact with Felix.
Felix raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "And what did you tell him?"
You sighed, "I don't even think I gave him an answer after all. Then he told me he liked me."
Felix remained silent for a moment, his jaw tensing. "Juwon has a crush on you?" he repeated, his tone more serious than before.
"Yeah," you continued, "he asked for my number, but I made it clear that I'm not looking to date anyone right now. I just wanted to be honest with him, cause I would've told him we weren't dating."
Felix's expression shifted, a subtle disappointment flickering across his face. "Oh," he said, his usual playful demeanor momentarily subdued.
"Yeah, sorry if that's not what you were expecting," you added, feeling a bit uneasy about the whole situation.
Felix leaned back against the lockers, running a hand through his hair. "No, it's cool."
You nodded, appreciating his nonchalant response. "I mean, we're just hanging out, right?"
"Right," he said, though there was a hint of something in his eyes that you couldn't quite place.
After a moment of silence, you mustered the courage to bring up the topic that had been bothering you. "By the way, who was that girl you were talking to earlier?"
Felix's expression brightened a bit as he remembered the interaction. "Oh, her? Just someone from my last period class. We started talking recently. She's cool." Felix nudged you with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Don't worry, though."
You tilted your head, trying to maintain your composure. "Oh, I'm not worried. Why would I have any reason to be worried?"
Felix chuckled, a sly smile playing on his lips. "Right, right. We're just hanging out, after all."
The mocking tone in Felix's words didn't go unnoticed by you. You felt a surge of frustration, but you tried to brush it off. "Exactly, just friends," you replied with a forced smile.
Felix's smirk widened, and he looked down at you, a subtle condescension in his gaze. "Glad we're on the same page, then."
Your irritation grew, but you bit your lip, choosing not to escalate the situation. "Yeah."
The tension between you and Felix lingered as the conversation continued. The casual banter that usually flowed between you two felt strained, and there was an unspoken frustration in the air.
As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, you found yourself heading towards the exit with a mix of apprehension and determination. You reached the school gates and you noticed Felix a few steps ahead of you, also making his way out. The distance between you felt like a vast chasm, filled with unspoken words and unresolved tension. Despite the silence, Felix glanced back and caught your eye, a momentary flicker of uncertainty crossing his face.
When you stepped out into the fresh air, Felix slowed down, allowing you to catch up. He reached over and effortlessly took your bag off your shoulders to carry it for you, a gesture he had made a habit of since the beginning of your friendship. It was a small comfort, a silent acknowledgment of a bond that seemed strained at the moment.
The two of you walked side by side, the silence becoming almost suffocating. However, Felix's act of taking your bag spoke volumes. Even in the midst of frustration and unspoken words, he didn't want you to bear the weight alone.
"So, Felix, anything interesting happen with you today?" you asked, attempting to steer the conversation away from the awkwardness.
Felix shrugged, his eyes still holding a hint of irritation. "Not really, just the usual. Classes, hanging out, you know." He snapped sarcastically.
"Mhm," you replied.
The silence that followed was filled with an uncomfortable energy. You could sense Felix's annoyance, and you were growing increasingly frustrated yourself. It was as if the unspoken tension was bubbling just beneath the surface.
Finally, Felix broke the silence with a sarcastic chuckle. "So, you and Juwon, huh? Quite the love triangle developing here."
You rolled your eyes, irritation rising. "Don't be ridiculous, Felix. It's not like that. I told you I rejected him."
He raised an eyebrow, a smug expression on his face. "Sure, sure. After all, we're just friends, right?"
You clenched your jaw, annoyed by his insinuations. "Yes, Felix, just friends. Is that so hard to believe?"
He leaned in closer, a challenging glint in his eyes. "Well, if we're just friends, then why do we-"
"Felix, stop." You interrupted him before he could finish his sentence.
Felix sighed. "I was about to say: Why did it bother you so much to see me talking to another girl?" That was clearly not what he was about to say.
Your cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and frustration. "It didn't bother me. I was just curious. That's all."
Felix's smirk only widened. "Curious, huh? Seems like someone's a little more invested than they're letting on."
You took a deep breath, trying to keep your composure. "You know what, Felix? This whole thing is ridiculous. If you're going to act like this, maybe we should just stick to being actual friends and nothing more."
"Wait, I thought we were friends to begin with." Felix laughed which pushed your buttons even more.
The irritation between you and Felix continued to escalate as you walked towards the intersection where you two normally split up to go to your own houses after school.
Finally reaching the familiar crossroad, you stopped and turned to face Felix. "Give me my bag."
Felix crossed his arms, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Oh, come on, Y/n. No need to be so uptight about it."
You gritted your teeth, frustration bubbling to the surface. "Felix, I mean it. I just want to go home."
He chuckled, seemingly enjoying your discomfort. "You know, you're being quite stubborn about this. What's the harm in hanging out a bit more? We're just friends, right? "
You sighed, feeling a mix of annoyance and fatigue. "Felix, we're not in the mood for this right now. Can we please just go our separate ways?"
But instead of acquiescing, Felix shook his head with a playful smirk. "Nah, I've got a better idea. How about you come over to my place?'"
The irritation reached its peak as you reluctantly allowed him to guide you in the direction of his house. "Fine, but only for a little while. I've got things to do."
Felix grinned triumphantly, his playful demeanor seemingly unaffected by the tension. "Deal."
As you and Felix approached his house, a familiar sense of comfort washed over you. You had been there countless times before, and despite the current tension between you two, a small part of you couldn't help but feel a fleeting sense of happiness at the prospect of spending time in a familiar environment.
Felix swung open the door with his usual flair, ushering you inside. The air inside his house was filled with a mix of warmth and familiarity.
You had been to Felix's house many times before, and despite the current tension between you two, a small part of you couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort at the prospect of spending time there.
Reaching Felix's front door, he swung it open with a flourish, gesturing for you to enter. "After you, my friend,"
You stepped inside, the familiar surroundings evoking a strange mix of emotions. It was a place filled with memories of laughter, shared secrets, and casual hangouts. The familiarity momentarily lifted your spirits, and you found yourself slipping into a momentary sense of contentment.
Felix closed the door behind you, and you both made your way to the living room. "So, what do you feel like doing? Homework?" Felix asked, attempting to break the awkward silence.
You hesitated for a moment, still grappling with the unresolved tension between you two. "Honestly, Felix, I don't know why you insisted on dragging me here."
Felix plopped down on the couch, looking at you with a casual grin, ignoring your question. "Or..." he took your hand and pulled you onto the couch with him, "My parents aren't home, but that doesn't matter cause we're just friends hanging out, right"
"Why can't you let it go, Felix?" you retorted, your frustration reaching a boiling point. "I don't understand why you're so pressed about this whole thing."
Felix's anger suddenly bursted out of nowhere. "Because we're not just friends, and you damn well know it!"
His words hung in the air, the weight of the unspoken tension finally surfacing. Before you could respond, Felix closed the distance between you two in an instant. The sudden intensity caught you off guard as he slightly pushed your shoulders against the side of the couch, pulling you into a hot, angry kiss.
The kiss was a collision of conflicting emotions—frustration, desire, and a hint of desperation. Felix's lips pressed against yours with a fiery intensity, as if trying to convey everything he couldn't put into words. The anger that had simmered between you two transformed into a raw, passionate exchange.
For a moment, you were suspended in a whirlwind of conflicting feelings. The familiarity of Felix's touch, coupled with the undeniable chemistry, ignited a spark that had been smoldering beneath the surface. It was a heated kiss that spoke volumes, a silent admission of the unspoken connection that neither of you could deny.
The air crackled with the intensity of the moment, and for that brief instant, it felt like the world outside ceased to exist. The kiss lingered for what felt like an eternity, and as Felix finally pulled away, hovering over you.
Felix's eyes bore into yours, looking down on you. "Do friends make out every week, or is that just us?"
You took a moment to collect your thoughts, the conflicting desire within you. "Just us," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
"So, we're not just friends, are we?"
Felix, sensing the subtle shift, leaned in closer, his eyes locking onto yours. There was a quiet intensity in his gaze that spoke volumes. Without saying a word, he traced a gentle path with his fingers along your jawline, sending shivers down your spine.
Your breath caught as Felix's lips latched onto the sensitive skin of your neck. A soft gasp escaped your lips, and your heart raced in response to the unexpected touch. His kiss was rough, mirroring the unspoken desire between you.
Felix sucked on your neck, leaving a mark. It sent a wave of tingles through your body, and you couldn't deny the magnetic pull that drew you closer. The room seemed to fade away, leaving only the sensation of his lips against your skin.
As Felix continued to explore the delicate curve of your neck, a mix of emotions flooded your senses—desire, uncertainty, and the undeniable chemistry that had always simmered beneath the surface. It was a moment suspended in time, where the boundaries between friendship and something more became increasingly blurred.
Finally, Felix pulled back, his eyes locking onto yours with a mixture of playfulness and sincerity. "Friends don't usually do that, do they?"
You took a deep breath, attempting to process the whirlwind of emotions that had just unfolded. Felix's eyes searched yours for a reaction, and a vulnerable tension lingered in the air.
"No," you replied, your voice dripped with lust.
Felix grinned, his playful demeanor returning. "Well, I guess that means we've crossed the line ages ago."
He gently brushed a strand of hair away from your face and leaned in for another kiss, the intensity of the moment still lingering. You reciprocated the kiss, but as Felix's hands began to wander up your skirt, you felt a surge of hesitation. Even though you two have had sex a few times already, you first needed to talk this whole thing out. Pulling back slightly, you met his gaze with a hint of caution. "Felix," you breathed out, "Stop, slow down."
Felix's hands halted immediately as you pulled away, and he looked at you with an understanding expression. The room, once charged with a heated atmosphere, seemed to cool down as Felix maintained a respectful distance.
"Sorry," he said softly, catching his breath. "I got carried away."
"It's okay," you replied, your voice a bit shaky.
As the tension eased, Felix reached out to gently fix your hair, his touch tender and considerate.
Felix, with his usual playful demeanor, leaned back with a smirk, the glint of mischief in his eyes undiminished. "Well, that was unexpected of friends, right?"
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susandsnell · 4 months
Re anachronistic feminist characters, you are absolutely right and you should say it.
Maybe people who want to read "write women who sew" type stuff should just go do that instead of trying to make every single female character fit into their worldview. Because I don't want every character to be Eloise, I'm fine with variety, but a lot of people seem like they can't stand even one woman challenging gender norms.
No amount of faux progressive language will change the fact they sound like highschool bullies picking on girls who are too GNC or too "weird."
Thank you so much! Ideally, you'd have feminist characters more representative of the feminist or proto-feminist views of their era where the work is going for historical accuracy to honour the different points of where we were in history and also acknowledge the flaws of the movement at different points in time (1994's Little Women versus the hilariously bad 2019 version comes to mind), and certainly there's an element of repetitiveness in this character type, but this is seldom if ever the criticism I see. The truth of the matter is that in fact many early feminists did denigrate work designated as feminine, but we can acknowledge this as misdirected anger at having one option deemed valid.
Instead, we've somehow arrived at "wanting to be treated with human dignity is internalized misogyny because it really cramps my ability to romanticize the past". As you say, nothing wrong with valuing the labour more frequently done by women, but the fact of the matter is you can do that and show that there were always many people who resisted or did not fit into the tight boxes that society forced them into. Instead of, you know, ridiculing them for wanting to break the boxes while enjoying the fruits of having to fit into fewer boxes than our predecessors precisely because of women who loudmouthed and fought back and didn't fit into certain people's fantasy of being a submissive little princess. The kind of girls you made fun of and ostracized in high school, one might say.
To address a particular point you raise that I think is the most important in this entire ongoing discussion:
No amount of faux progressive language will change the fact they sound like highschool bullies picking on girls who are too GNC or too "weird."
I keep saying it, but a certain type of liberal feminist are now using "NLOG" the way it was socially acceptable 10-15 years ago to call someone a lesbian/homophobic or transphobic slurs because they didn't wear makeup or want a boyfriend. It is absolutely high school bullying mentality and has gone from an imperfect attempt at addressing internalized misogyny to active misogyny and latent/often overt homophobia and transphobia.
This is what the numbskulls making video essay after video essay about the apparent 'NLOG crisis' fail to grasp. The Heathers and the Plastics are not 'demonized for being feminine', they are accurate representations of how under patriarchy, social capital is gained through strict, obsessive adherence to white, Western beauty standards (which corporations can profit off of endlessly by manufacturing infinite insecurities, so bonus to the rich girls) and excelling at heterosexuality and pleasing others, and this system self-reinforces by the 'winners' bullying those who do not conform as easily. Jo March, queercoded dynamo that she was, took nothing away from the sisters who were happier with more traditional lifestyles because she wanted better for herself and the girls of the future, and represents so many women who fought for just that. You're not actually an intellectual for thinking Daphne Bridgerton has more value than Eloise because she was designated the season's Diamond, a literal in-universe (and true to life) Prize For Being Correctly Female, and unquestioningly accepts being paraded around like an ornament and smiling at being auctioned off to the highest bidder while Eloise fought back, criticized, and wanted an education more than any boy until they forced heterosexuality upon her. You are in fact a vanguard of the very patriarchal system the franchise even presents as backwards, because you don't want anyone raining on your arranged marriage fantasies.
There is nothing, and I mean nothing feminist, about snarking girls who do not like or for whatever reason, cannot or will not perform conventional femininity.
There is a certain sour-grapes defensiveness that comes from beig ostracized and punished for Failing At Your Gender if you weren't good at what was expected of you/resisted it. Femininity is derided, but it is also imposed (the two work in tandem to oppress women); and if you fail at its imposition, it's natural to try and gain protection by participating in the derision. Hell, I theorize that people who proclaimed themselves "not like other girls" in the contemporary age often did so out of resistance at the fact that we're supposed to perform (cisheteronormative) sexiness from the time we hit our teens, and of course the panopticon self-reinforcement that is how Other Girls treat you if you, an adolescent girl, shirk performance of femininity in any way. Certainly, I've also read much about GNC girls (of various identities) and neurodivergent girls equally having turned to this, which makes sense, as they're frequently targets for such bullying.
I do also think - and have personally experienced - it was an often imperfect articulation of queerness in many cases. The societal ideal of women under a patriarchy is cisheteronormativity; our value is derived from our appeal to men, and from the time we start maturing, sexual availability and appeal to men is the highest virtue. Therefore, women whose sexuality is not limited to men - or heaven forbid, doesn't include them at all - 'fail' gender, and accordingly often feel a sense of alienation and ostracism from other girls when they don't get as excited about dating boys. Also, in many cases (anecdotal I admit from people I know, but still significant), people who had a phase of asserting they "weren't like other girls" were in the process of discovering that they weren't girls at all!
And in some cases - again, I've mentioned that I was an Eloise for all the handwringing about how girls of that era wouldn't say that or do that and it would never occur to want more than what they had (...okay, so why are things different now?) - it's a frustration from the outspoken feminists and reformers at not being able to get other girls on board with us, because deviation from expectation will make you the weirdo who gets punished and rejected because ugh, annoying! As one historical costuming youtuber I won't name so charmingly puts it in her godawful video essay, "the women who made a big show of fighting back were freaks." (Way to convince us you care about feminism...)
All this to say the anti-NLOG brigade have utterly worn out my patience, and at best seem ignorant of the battles that have won us the freedoms we have today because it's not fun to consider how your escapist fantasy might be problematic (understandable, you don't always have to reflect on this to be aware), and at worst? They're getting the chance to be the mean girl in high school again/that they never got to be, they're just dressing it up in the bastardized language of feminism.
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wingamy24 · 7 months
a lot of jeff/annie shippers have said that i'm just a no-fun anti that fixates on their age gap and, like, yeah, obviously. that's the main problem. but i also think jeff/annie go against both of the character's development.
annie constantly tries getting her "dream man" because she feels the need to be loved. she needs someone to love her and give her approval. she sees that man as jeff because, in her words, she believes that if she teaches someone like him to love, then she'll be loved forever. i think that jeff/annie could've been used as a way to make annie mature and realize that she doesn't need a 35 year old man's approval or attention and that she can love herself the same way... of course, this doesn't work if you try to make them endgame.
and jeff, well... basically, community finale. jeff sees annie as his youth, the one he desperately wants back. and, also, he feels lonely. he's a cold guy that constantly needs to look cool in front of his friends. he's VERY lonely. he doesn't want annie: same as her, he just wants to be loved. he's not used to loving. he wants to experience it, but as annie said in his weirdass fantasy where she was married to him... "is this what you really want?"*
i don't know, i feel like shipping jeff and annie is the equivalent of throwing their characters through the window of a 13-floor building.
*that's the translation of the spanish subtitles, i can't exactly remember what annie actually said in english.
5/3/24 update (i forgot that i wanted to add this)
in general, it just feels like they both want a completely different relationship with a completely different person, and they're trying to force the other to be that person. im mostly talking about annie here. if your favorite community character is jeff winger, you probably are his #1 hater, like me. annie doesn't deserve jeff. she deserves way better. and im not saying this in a "they are so silly hahaha annie deserves so much better than this silly guy" no, annie would get hurt in a relationship with jeff. she has high expectations for him. she has high expectations in general. my girl is FRESH OUT OF HIGHSCHOOL and the only 2 guys we've seen her canonically date are grownass men she met when she was 18/19. jeff just isn't her guy. can you imagine them actually living together? can you imagine jeff sleeping on a bed full of plushies? can you imagine annie groaning as she saw jeff's magazines of women? (jeff canonically has those, by the way) etc, etc. annie deserves SO MUCH BETTER than jeff. also, she doesn't really... get jeff. i know this is weird, i mean, they're friends. but jeff never really opened up to annie or went to her whenever he had personal issues. i don't think they'd be closer than friends (close friends).
there's also a whole thing in their potential relationship that could be harmful to annie: jeff's addiction to alcohol. i reblogged a post about it a few days ago that you might wanna check out
kk guys it's been like 3 days and i found it it's right here!
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dongminz · 3 months
my reality . . ᝰ.ᐟ (han taesan)
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pairing: nonidol!taesan x fem!reader; genre: fluff, highschool au, opposites attract; warnings: cursing ; featuring: riize anton, & kissoflife belle!
ᯓᡣ𐭩 what happens when han taesan, a quiet boy with a cold demeanor, falls for a girl working part-time at his favorite record shop?
𐙚 cart • wc: 726 | please ignore grammatical errors!
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chapter 3: it seem’s as if it’s meant to be previous ✦ chapter list ✦ character desc ✦ next
you couldn't believe it. han taesan, you're groupmate, the record shop guy. your head was spinning, you genuinely thought it was fate. i mean come on, it seemed as if it’s meant to be! like, out of everyone you could've been grouped with. out of the three departments, you got grouped with him?? 'this is my chance'
"hello !! i noticed your name was han taesan? I'm yn!! we're groupmates!" she smiled brightly. "oh yeah we are, nice to meet you" he replied calmly as if he wasn't panicking on the inside. i mean, who wouldn't?? after seeing you smile so brightly after talking to him, he was sure that you were trying to kill him.
"i guess we meet earlier than expected huh?" she laughed a little after trying to keep the conversation going. "haha yeah, what a coincidence." taesan replied a little awkwardly. 'haha yeah?? what a coincidence?? are you an idiot why did I say that ddifdif IM SUCH AN IDIOT' while taesan was panicking inside he didn't hear what you had just said.
"... has to be fate" fate?? that word alone had made taesan come to his senses. "sorry, what did you say again??" he was confused, were you also thinking the same thing?? "oh! uhm it's nothing ! hahaha, i was just talking about how we should head to the cafe now." 'why did i say that?? omg choi yn are you stupid?? fate?? ugh what if he heard that?? what if he thinks i'm weird sdhjsdhfj i can't do this anymore' suddenly hearing his voice.
"oh right, we should get going. are you ready? let's go together." he smiled softly, 'what?? go together?? are you dreaming??'. you pause before you answer, "yeah I'm ready! come on let's go"
you check your phone, you didn't realize that it was blowing up the whole time.
the 3 idiots (new messages) belle: GIRLIE WHAT HAPOPENED anton: WHY DID YOU DISAPPEAR WHAT HAPPENED belle: dude youre scaring us did you get kidnapped anton: yn pick up your phone 😭 belle: checking your loc rn anton: what does it say?? belle: well she's still at the record shop so she's not kidnapped anton: oh okay so she's fine then belle: ANTON?? anton: can you check if she's moving belle: err yeah she's out the record shop anton: she's prob otw to the cafe, we're gonna meet up for the prj belle: OH anton: she's gonna be fine I take it back it's starting to rain belle: she never brings an umbrella oh my lord anton: wait send me her loc i have an umbrella belle: alright
you and taesan are walking together, a few hours ago you didn't even know if you were gonna see record shop guy again. but there he is, walking right beside you. suddenly you felt water drop on your head.
"looks like it's about to rain. i uhm, only have one umbrella. is that okay with you?" he asks while rubbing his hand on the side of his neck. "oh yeah of course!" she try your best to hide your face since you're sure that he can see you getting flustered. while you continue walking you see a familiar figure walking towards you suddenly turning to walk the other way.
the 3 idiots (new messages) anton: belle ik why she isn't reading her messages belle: what?? why ? did you see her?? anton: SHE'S WITH HAN TAESAN. belle: WHAT??? anton: like no joke theyre walking together sharing an umbrella i think i'm gonna throw up belle: WHY ARE WE IGNORING RHE FACT SHE’S W HAN TAESAN?? anton: THAT TOO IM SO CONFUSED LIKE HOW DID THAT HAPPEN like dude trust ik taesan is a nice guy BUT LIKE?? HOW belle: do u think hes record shop boy.. anton: DUDE.
you’re still a few minutes away from the cafe, the sound of the rain is calming in away. you out in your wired earphones and listen to ‘i like u’ by niki. “watchu listening to?” suddenly the two-toned-haired boy asked, “you wanna listen?” you ask lifting the other earbud inviting him to listen along with you. “sure”
while listening to the song they hear a specific lyric, ‘i want you, i want you, i want you. i want you to want me too’ something they both wanted from each other.
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authors note ! chap3 is finally here !! wowee niki mentioned ⁉️ i love i like u so much 😞 i had to !! there’s so much texting parts like 😭 i’m so tempted to change this into an smau.. what do you think LOL. anywayss how’d you guys feel abt this 😼
taglist: @tkooooop, @blumisiu, @cococunchy, @dimplewonie send in an ask or comment if you wanna be added !
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© dongminz 2024 ; all rights reserved
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misseviehyde · 6 months
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Joel and Anna had invited their married friends over for dinner and the two couples had gotten a bit tipsy after dinner and decided to play a game.
They had all been friends for decades, never leaving their small town and they still liked to keep in touch regularly.
Sam and his wife Lauren had brought a game they'd found in a charity shop. Role With It 'Out of Time' - Special Edition. They seemed keen to give it a go despite never having played it.
Clearing the detritus of the meal away, Anna looked uneasily at her loving husband Joel as he scrutinised the rules intently. Too intently.
Everyone was acting weird... it was like they were all desperate to play the game. There was a feverish look in Lauren's eyes and Sam looked positively excited.
"Guys, can we maybe try this another time?" said Anna feeling an odd repulsion to the box clearly at odds with everyone else.
"Come on babe, it will be fun," grinned Joel as he put down the rule book. "Listen to the rules. Pick a player to start with and have them pick a 'time card'. The other players have to impersonate people from that players life as they were then to score points."
He held out a set of cards. "These all have different dates on. Come on - pick one."
Anna hesistated but, won over by peer pressure, she grabbed a card and flicked it over. 1996.
"Wow... we were all in Highschool back then," grinned Sam. "Hey... wh... what's happening?"
The room began to throb and pulse, the four friends looked around uneasily as the air grew thick as treacle. With a hiss their mobile phones suddenly dissolved and the windows of the dining room melted away. Smart watches and fitbits melted into wisps of air. In moments the four of them were in a blank looking room with only one door.
Then they began to get younger. Age and maturity faded away as each of them became younger and younger. In moments they had all regressed to look exactly how they had in 1996.
"I'm scared," whimpered Anna, but the others seemed strangely unaffected. Joel walked over to the dining room door and opened it. The door should have led to their hallway - but instead there was now another room on the other side.
Joel and Anna entered and the dining room door closed behind them. When Anna glanced back she saw to her horror it had... vanished.
Sam and Lauren were gone... or at least they were now elsewhere. Only she and Joel had made it to wherever this place was.
The room they were now in was pink and white. It was a girls bedroom. A sexy rich girls bedroom. 90's boy band posters covered the wall and Anna saw a calendar hung with cheerleader practice dates carefully marked in sexy little handwriting with hearts over the i's.
A huge double bed covered in sexy satin sheets was in the centre of the room and laid out carefully on the bed waiting to be worn were a pair of sexy white stockings and a pink lingerie set.
Anna felt her heart pounding and she whimpered in fear. She recognised this room, even though she'd never been in it. The cheerleading trophies on the shelf against the wall and the polaroids and photos hanging there made it clear whose room this was.
This was Madison Green's room.
She had been Anna's bully through High School. They had someone travelled back in time to her room. They had to get out of here.
Memories of Madison flushing her head down the toilet, or laughing as her cruel minions pushed her over in the dining room filled her head. Madison was the one person she feared most in the world.
The spoiled perfect princess of the towns richest family, she had gotten everything she wanted and had been a total monster. Anna turned to Joel. "We have to find a way back to 2024 - wh... what are you doing?"
Anna stared at Joel in shock. Her husband was standing by Madison's vanity mirror applying a thick layer of the bitchy girls lipgloss to his lips. His breathing was heavy and he appeared excited.
"I... I just had this urge to put this on. Mmmmh it tastes like cherry and it makes me feel good."
"No... Joel. Wipe that off... something is really wrong here. This game is evil."
Joel smirked. His lips looked different somehow, more poutier and feminine. The teeth behind them were now sexy and white and perfect - the teeth of a rich girl with access to cosmetic dentistry.
"Relax... we just have to play the game and everything will resolve itself. I know exactly what I need to do."
Lifting a mascara brush, Joel sighed happily as he applied it to his lashes. When he turned back round they were now long and feminine and a pair of ice blue eyes, cruel and sexy gazed back at her.
"Yesssss that feels fucking good. I want MORE!"
Joel slid his clothes off and naked began to walk to the bed. His movements appeared less masculine. He walked with an athletes grace... a cheerleaders precision of fluid movement.
"Wh... what are you doing?" screamed Anna as her husband picked up the sexy pink panties and began to climb inside them.
"Embracing my new destiny," he purred. "Becoming Madison Green."
"Nooooo!" screamed Anna, but it was too late as the panties tugged into place and Joel moaned in pleasure as a bubble butt erupted to fill the panties and his cock shrank away.
"Yes you fucking loser. Your pathetic husband is becoming me and there's nothing you can do to stop it," groaned Joel his voice wavering between a hot bitchy whine and his usual low tones.
Pulling the pink lingerie over his head, Joel struggled to make it fit for a moment till with a crunch his body halved in on itself and he shrunk in size and weight. He now had the proportions of a highschool girl and his chest swelled up to fill the cups of his new lingerie and give him a pert pair of perfect rich girl tits.
Joel grabbed the stockings and began pulling them onto his legs. Sexy light pink nails shot out of each finger as he tugged the white material into place and his legs became sexy and long in proportion to his new short body. The legs of a Cheerleader.
Standing up, Joel turned away from Anna and groaning stretched his body. His waist crunched in a bit tighter as his hair began to move and Anna watched in sick fascination as blonde curls tumbled out - cute pink bows popping artfully into place to keep the whole asemblage in place.
"Fuckkkkk yesssss," hissed a bitchy voice and as Joel turned around Anna saw his face was now that of her bully. His Adam's apple was gone and as the last few changea creased away - Anna saw that Joel had 100% become Madison Green.
"Mmmmh I feel like such a fucking bitch," giggled the new Madison. "You loser... this is so hawt. We're back in 1996 and I AM Madison. I get to live her sexy life forever. Joel is gone bitch."
Anna screamed in sorrow and running to the door threw it open. Running through she found herself back on the street where she grew up. Trapped in 1996. There was no escape.
In her bedroom Madison grinned as she answered her phone to her besties and Anna's other bullies, Chloe and Ashley.
Sam and Lauren had also been transformed. The three of them were now the baddest bitches at school.
"Remember girls, to win the game and stay this way forever... we just have to bully that loser. This is gonna be so much fun."
Madison liked to win... and she had no intention of ever turning back into that loser. It felt so good to be out of time.
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yuyu1024 · 9 months
Do you want to f*ck?
Pairings: San × y/n
Genre/tags: best friend to lovers
Warning: pet names, fluff, smut? Maybe? dry humping [lmk if i miss anything]
Words: 1k
- this story is just made up
- english is not my first language, please be nice 😊
Note: repost. Check pinned post
Likes and reblog are much appreciated
You and San have been friends for a long time now. You met when you guys were kids. Like snot and everything. But now, you both are young adults and starting life independently away from parents.
He got into the company he had dreamed off since highschool. He is achieving and enjoying his career. While you on the other hand, is still trying your best. You are doing your a part time job while you still studying. You didn't graduate the same time as San. You had to stop a year in studying because of a tragedy that hit your family's finances but you made it work.
No sleep. Job after job after job and you saved up enough to support your self. Then focus on one part time and study hard for scholarship. You are doing it. Just one year to go.
Plus, you are saving a lot too because San offered his place for you to stay instead of rending. He's apartment is so big just by himself and his toys.
"Sannie?" You call out as you enter the apartment, carrying 2 orders of chicken that San requested. "Here are your chicken!"
He rushes out of his room, wearing a hoodie, gray sweatpants and socks on. He's energy is so high. He must've been playing online again with Yunho.
"Are you not going to eat?" He asks as you walk pass by him, pulling your jacket off.
"Later maybe. I need to shower first. I'm so tired." Then you start to undress more.
"You know... your so comfortable with getting naked while I'm around."
"Almost... naked." You correct as you throw the clothes you took off straight into the washer. "I'm still in my underwear."
"Don't you feel weird when you do that?" San is now behind you, leaning his side to the doorway of your laundry room.
"No... I know I'm safe... it's you."
"What do you mean by safe?" He raise an eyebrow, questioning.
"Well, you are my friend... plus, you don't see me like that."
"Like what?"
"Like... a girl... or a woman..."
"What makes you think like that?"
"Well... duh.. we wrestle a lot. We fight like I'm one of your guy friends... you treat me like one too..."
"No, I don't." He straightens his stand. "I wrestle with you and fight like that... because one, you took taekwando. I need to fight for my life. And two, it's because you always tease me... but that doesn't mean I don't find you attractive..."
"Oh really?" You smile, "You find me attractive, Sannie?"
"Seriously, y/n? I'm not blind..."
San moves closer to you. You take a few steps back until your back touches the wall.
"You have no idea, how much control I'm doing every time you wear your silk pajamas with the tiniest shorts. Every time you borrow my hoodies and wear nothing underneath because you are doing your laungdry... and every time you undress after getting back from your job or your school..." his hands then grabs you by the face and his thumb caressing your pinkish cheeks.
"Do I turn you on?"
"Fuck yes!" His moves his body closer. You can feel how hard he is. He grinds his pelvis, letting your thigh feel his length.
"Can I... touch it?"
"Please do..." San nuzzles his face to yours. You both are slowly starting to breathe heavily
You slip your hand inside the waistband of his gray pants. "No boxers? Easy access..." you bite your lip as you wrap your fingers around his length.
His breathing hisses as you move in a rythm. "Do you want to fuck?"
"You want to fuck me?"
His eyes closes. "I do."
"Do you... want this too...?" You ask as you put his hands on your breast. Guiding his hand all over your chest. "Does this turn you on... even more?" You then put his finger in your mouth and starts to lick and suck it.
"Y/n," he grabs you by the neck and starts to eat you. His tongue exploring your mouth as if there's no tomorrow.
It's just a kiss and yet you can already imagine how his tongue would feel in your core if he ever goes down.
Just the though of him licking you until you pull your hair off is making you soaking and wanting more.
You unhook your bra and shimy down your panties. You openly allowed him to do what the heck he wants to do to you. And oh boy you never regret it.
Your bestfriend, the San you know, is fucking different when it comes to sex. He is a performer! He stretched you out like your body can't take it anymore and yet it your are craving for more.
His kisses are devine. His length is perfect for you. The way he hugs and caresses you is sweet and caring. He takes care of you that you almost didn't recognize the guy you always nag and wrestle with.
Fuck he is sexy and perfect.
"More! Aah! San!" You scream. Your nails are deep into his back. "So... good..."
He's thrust starts to pick up again. Yes again. For your second round. You two started before sun down. Now its dinner time.
"Baby, I'm going to make you come one more... and then we resy and eat. You haven't rested yet... you need to eat..."
"O-okay... last one for now... please... come with me."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Don't worry. I'm on birth control..."
And that's it. Pure bliss. You feel like you've been to heaven twice. Literally. The sex is so mind-blowing that you two then decided that this will be an ongoing thing.
"So, are you cool if I call you baby or you want me to call you something else?" San asks as he makes you wear the hoodie he was wearing before the sex
"Call me whatever you want..." you kiss him on the lips. "For me, you are still my sannie..."
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xlxvesxckx · 2 years
[I hope you'll love me one day]. Jotaro Kujo.
synopsis: Having a crush on someone like Jotaro was dangerous. But not because of him. It was the girls who hung around him like buzzards who would make your life hell, when all you wanted was to be loved by your friend.
warnings: bullying, violence, suicidal thoughts, angst, some comfort, jotaro being jotaro near the beginning.
Au: None Pairing(s): Jotaro Kujo x Reader Based off: Some personal experiences of mine (explain more in a/n).
A/n: I wrote this based off some experiences from Highschool of mine, I used to be bullied and I know how it felt to think no one had my back.. I wrote this as a comfort fic for myself mostly, but I know there's others who dealt with this as well. I just want you all to know that you are loved. Someone out there loves you, and if you don't think it then I'll be that person. I hope that you never feel alone again and know that you can turn to me if you ever feel down.
Heres my Kofi if ya wanna support my work! Enjoy the fanfic!
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ꒱꒱
‘There he goes…’
You sigh watching the item of your affection walking past you with his unwanted entourage.
Who was this male you may ask? 
His name is Jotaro Kujo, he was the most popular boy in the school, against his will though. He was strong, known for beating up anyone who dared looked at him the wrong way.
You, were Y/n L/n, school outcast basically. You only had two friend to call your own and one was this weird ghost thing that followed you around. You called it piper, it was a pretty ghost like humanoid surrounded by music notes. It was a pale pink color and had no facial features besides a nose and mouth.
You were used to being alone, even when you went home you were alone. So to see someone like Jotaro who had people surround him effortlessly, you couldn't help but like him.
You had several classes with the male and he always peeked your interest, from the day he started back coming to school after being gone for 50 days. You saw something in him that none of the other girls saw.
And that was a normal human being.
"Oi! Y/n!"
You looked up from your spot to see Noriyaki Kakyoin coming towards you. He was one of the popular kids too, he was skilled at the arts and he was practically best friend with Jotaro.
You and him weren't best friends, but you consider Nori close enough to trust.
"Hi Nori! You need something?" You asked as your eyes wandered by over to Jotaro.
Kakyoin followed your eyes and a smirk landed on his features, one that you saw too often.
"Y/n….you already know what I'm about to say.."
"Nope. Nope. You can't make me!"
Kakyoin sighed as he sat beside you. "Come on, the two of you are practically alike! You both like peace and quiet, you both like to stay to yourself" Kakyoin was always trying to get you to admit that you liked Jotaro.
You had attempted to tell him before but that was right before he left for 50 days. When he came back, you could tell that something in him had changed. Kakyoin told you it was him being more sheltered from nearly losing some of his closest friends and family.
You chalked it up to him simply not wanting you around. Hell, you assumed he roped you in with the other girls he found annoying.
Kakyoin would try and keep your hopes up but you didn’t want to risk your feelings being hurt.
It was white day. The day where people confessed to their crushes and gave things to the ones that they loved the most.
Your goal was to give Jotaro the sweets you’d worked so long on.
With help from Kakyoin and his mom, you managed to make several different sweets all in the shapes of marine animals since you heard about the stoic males love for marine life.
You made sure to decorate it in stars and made it a pretty black and purple box. “You know, The colors remind me a bit of Star Platinum.” You mumble to yourself and Kakyoin only chuckles at you.
Kakyoin had to basically force you to talk to Jotaro so you can get to know him better, he wanted you to be able to trust Jotaro and not see him as the big hulking brute. 
The three of you bonded over being the only stands users, a fact that you guys made sure of. Kakyoin remembers the relief that washed over your face when he and Jotaro showed you their stands, it reminded you that you weren’t alone…and only solidified your crush on Jotaro even more.
“It does. Now, are you actually gonna give it to him?” Kak teases nudging you as the two of you walk to your classes. You looked down at the box in your hand before thinking about it for a second. “If i can get him alone, I will.” “You know well that we are always on the roof for lunch…You can do it then.” 
You sighed as You arrived at your classroom, looking at Kakyoin, he gives you a mini salute and heirophant green gives you a little thumbs up. (Your Stand Name) echoes the same emotion that you have before you entered the classroom.
You had to make it past this class period and to lunch. 
That all you had to do, seems simple enough right?
“Oh here comes the weirdo~!”
There was a group of three girls that made your life a living hell.
Tsubaki, Neji and Kakura.
They basically were the heads of the weird little group that follows Jotaro around all the time. And because you were a girl, that was close to Jotaro they made your life a living hell. The only other girl they tried to mess with was Evan, but she graduated and always told them off. Evan was kind of your protector and then she had the nerve to graduate.
So now you had to deal with them yourself.
When you walked into class you managed to make it to your seat but as soon as you sat down, the box you worked so hard on was quickly snatched by tsubaki.
The chemically dyed blonde held it in her hand before smirking down at you. “Aww the little weirdo has a crush? Who in the hell would like your ass at this school??”
You stood up to get it back but was forced back into your seat by Neji and Kakura. 
"Wait…Is this for Kujo-San?"
"Ooo~ I think it is!"
"What makes you think Kujo-San would actually like this?"
She asked snarkily and you didn't want to answer it, but you started getting scared once you saw him walk into the classroom.
Tsubaki got this awful smirk on her face before standing up. "I'll go ask him myself~" You struggled to get up out of your seat but Neji and Kakura forced to down.
Neji getting out a switch blade before pressing it against your side.
"Move if you wanna bitch." She muttered.
You watched helplessly as Tsubaki walked up to Jotaro.
"Hiii Jojo~! Happy White Day!" She said handing the box to him. "I made this all by myself just for you, because you deserve the best~"
Jotaro raised an eyebrow before walking straight past her. He went to sit in his seat. Which was in the back row 5 seats across from you. You were surprised he even showed up today, you knew he despised this holiday so you wondered why he came.
Tsubaki stomped her foot and walked right back up to him, "Um, Jojo didn't you hear me? I made you a white day gift!" She reiterates, a bit louder this time making the male sigh.
"Yare Yare, if I ignored you then there's your fucking answer." He said coldly and Tsubaki, pouted.
"Well! Since you hated it so much, it's actually from the weirdo over there! Yea! Creepy Y/n made it! I think she's been stalking you because she mad-"
Jotaro cuts her off with a hand raise, You could feel his eyes move over to you. You froze as your eyes looked to where he was, you could see a slight dust of pink glide across his features. And as quick as it came it was gone.
"Didn't I say I don't fucking care? Get away from me." He then goes to a book he brought with him.
Tsubaki angrily looks back at you before walking back over with your box."That was all your fucking fault weirdo!" She yelled before sitting in her seat.
You sighed in relief as her two lackeys went to sit down too, leaving your box bon your desk.
You glanced back over to Jotaro only to lock eyes only to lock eyes with him.
You gave an embarrassed wave and he only gave a tilt of his hat.
That could've went way worst.
Oh but it got worse.
After class you went to the bathroom, you wanted to make sure you looked presentable when you officially confessed to Jotaro. When you left the bathroom you went to the stairwell to get to the roof you bumped into the three stooges.
Tsubaki rolled her eyes as she walked over to you.
“Do you really think Kujo-san is gonna like you? He doesn’t like any fucking body.” She starts off rudely and you just try to ignore her, but that seemed like the wrong thing to do.
Tsubaki pulls you back by your shirt and forces you to the ground with a harsh thud. You cry out in pain as your back hits the hard. Tsubaki then reels back her foot and kicks you in the side.
“Don’t you dare turn your fucking back on me bitch!”
You curled up in a ball as her crew comes together to start kicking you, all of them yelling obscenities at you.
“Fucking Bitch!”
“Jojo will never love you!”
“Fucking weirdo!!” “Just Kill yourself already!!”
Your eyes widened at that last statement as tears started to fill your eyes. All you wanted was Jotaro to care about you. Yea he may seem standoffish, mean and rude. But you knew deep down that he was loving and cared about his friends. 
All you wanted was for him to recognize you as more than a friend. Not just the weird girl who he has to save from his posse of girls every other fucking day.
You felt useless, you couldn’t even get the energy to summon your stand as you were so weak. It hurt your heart and you just wanted to cry more.
Eventually you broke out into sobs as they continued their assault on you, Kicking and punching you.
Neji landed a particularly hard kick to the back of your head causing you to scream out in pain.
Tsubaki laughed at your suffering “That’s what you fucking get for messing with whats mine!!” She screamed at you. 
And as a final blow of disrespect, she opened the box of candy you spelt time lovingly making for Jotaro and dumped it out over you. She then threw the box at your head while she was laughing. 
“Come on girls..I’m tired of looking at this disgusting thing.”
You hear the three of them leaving but you don’t have the energy to get up and go after them.
“Kill yourself~! You’re fucking useless Y/n. Face it. He’ll never like you.”
Your entire body hurts. You feel weak, and you feel numb. You took a few hits to the head and could feel yourself going in and out of consciousness.
You didn’t want to go out like this..but with how you feel right now.
You really wanted to.
You should’ve known better than to have feelings for Jotaro, because you didn’t have to be worried about getting your feelings hurt by him.
You had to worry about getting hurt by his fangirls.
Your eyes start getting heavy as you see a pair of shoes coming towards you.
“Y/n! Oh my God! Jotaro get over here quickly! She’s hurt!”
It was Kakyoin and Jotaro. You thought they were already up on the roof, you weren’t expecting them to come later. You wished that they were on the roof. That way if you were severely hurt from your injuries, you would die by yourself, and not in the arms of your friends.
Your feel your body get lifted off the floor and held close to a warm body. You used the remaining part of your strength to look up, locking eyes with a…worried Jotaro?
You couldn’t even question it as you felt yourself slipping to darkness, the last thing you heard was him cursing under his breath and the sound of him running.
“Fuck..Fuck. Please don’t fucking die on me…”
You open your eyes to darkness, looking around to see where you were.
‘Am I dreaming?’
You look down at your hands and see that you’re still in your school uniform. When you look back up you see Jotaro standing across from you with his back turned to you.
You give a weak smile before running over. “Jojo! Hey! Jotaro!” You place a hand on his back before seeing him snatch away from you. He turns to face you with a disgusted look on his face.
“Why the fuck are you touching me?”
You bring your hand with a confused look. “H-huh?..”
“Don’t you fucking huh me. Get the fuck away from me!”
He moves to walk away but you grab his arm. “Wait! Jojo we’re friends remember? Why are you acting like this??” You were on the verge of tears. You were confused you didn’t know where you were and now your friend didn’t want anything to do with you.
He scoffed before pushing you away. “Stay away from me. Do not talk to me ever again, I don’t want to be seen with you.” He started to walk away from you and you went to follow him but was blocked by an invisible barrier of some kind.
“W-wait! Jotaro Please! Please! Don’t leave me!!” You screamed banging on the barrier but it seemed he couldn’t hear you. Tears were now streaming down your face as you banged helplessly trying to get his attention, but he continued to walk away from you, not even bothering to look back.
You jolted awake in shock, scaring the blonde woman that was sitting at your bed side. “Oh my! You’re awake! I’ll go get Jojo!” You watched the woman hurry out the room, you could barely register what she was saying but when you heard heavy footsteps coming towards the room. You assumed she was getting someone.
When you looked to the doorway that she went through, your eyes widened as Jotaro walked through the doorway. The male walked over to you and sat down near you. “Are…Are you okay?” He asked and you nodded slowly. Jotaro let out a sigh of relief before pulling you into his arms.
He placed his face in the crook of your neck as he held you. You were about to protest before you felt something wet against your neck, “Jotar-” “Shh..Please. Just let me hold you.”
You stayed silent as he rocked back and forth with you in his arms. Jotaro soft cries filled the room and you felt awful. You couldn’t help but wrap your arms around him as best as you could.
“I thought i lost you…I thought I lost you because of those stupid fucking bitches.” You hear him mutter and he soon lifts his head to place his forehead against yours. This is an emotion you’ve never seen from the male, and it scares you a bit to be honest.
“I came so close to losing all my friends when we went to egypt. I don’t want to come home and lose you.” He raises one of his hands to cup your cheek before leaning in and placing a soft kiss on your lips. You gasp softly, your mind was freaking out, Jotaro is kissing you, he was kissing you!!
Jotaro pulls away and gives you a soft smile. “Hey, say something…I’m trying to make sure you’re alright.” You giggle softly and return the smile. “I’m alright Jojo..just a little shocked right now..after all I thought you-”
“You thought I hated you by the way I acted? Far from it. I was afraid something like this was going to happen. I knew how those girls were. I’m sorry.” Jotaro interrupts before placing your head on his chest. You could hear the soft beating of his heart and was about to talk when he beat you to it. “You hear that?..” He asks and you nods. He chuckles quietly, “That only beats for you. I’m sorry, i promise to protect you from now on.”
“I love you Y/n..”
I want all of you to know that if you ever feel down, just know that there is someone out there that loves you. and if you think there isn't, think again because I am one of them. <3
I love you all, take care of yourself please and have a good day/night/afternoon.
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https-harlow · 1 year
Baby #3 Pregnancy announcement insta au
A/N this has been sitting in my drafts unfinished since march 🫣 also, this series has no face claim, I just happened to find pictures that all matched and I liked them so I used them.
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Liked by Jackfan34, Jackfan56, Randomaccount, Jackhater1, and 29,472 others
EntertainmentTonight Jack Harlow walked the 2023 Grammy's red carpet alone tonight. This marks the first red carpet he's walked without wife Y/N by his side. Could this mean trouble in paradise for the couple who has currently has two kids together? In our interview with Jack, he says no. Watch the moment in the interview where Jack talks about his wife and judge for yourself.
"So, we've noticed the absence of one person with you Jack, your wife Y/N, is she supporting you tonight?" The interviewer asked Jack.
"Oh, Y/N is here with me, she just decided not to walk with me, but she's here supporting me. I barely go anywhere without Y/N, I'm sure it pisses my team off sometimes." Jack answered, laughing softly. "Hasn't changed since we were 16, and that's not changing now."
You and Jack decided you wanted to keep the pregnancy to yourselves for awhile, so between keeping your pregnancy a secret and because you had still been nauseous from your morning sickness, you decided not to walk with Jack. You were only 4 months pregnant, but you were showing, so if you would have walked, you would have had to announce your pregnancy.
"Does it feel weird walking without her? Since this is the first time you've ever been on a red carpet without her?" They asked.
"It does feel weird walking without her, but she'll be back by my side once I get inside, so that's all that matters." Jack answered.
"And where are your kids tonight?" They asked.
"The girls are at home with their grandparents, we're only here for the weekend and my parents love having them, and the girls are always begging to have sleepovers with them, so we decided to make it a little parents getaway weekend. We don't really do award shows with them, they came to watch me host the MTV VMA's but other then that, we try to keep it separate. I'd rather them be having fun at home then stuck in a hotel room since we're barely gone 48 hours." Jack answered.
Jackfan27 Why did Y/N not do the red carpet if she's there 😣
Jackfan98 What if he's lying and she's not there, I mean he did seem off all night
Jackfan33 Yourusername probably filed for divorce. Now I can have Jack all to myself!! 🥰
JackandY/Nfan08 They aren’t getting divorced, they just like privacy
Jackhater28 Y/N probably realized she can do better then him
Jackfan37 I swear, if they ever get divorced I’m going to cry
Jackfan52 Jack said they are good, I don’t know why we’re even entertaining this random drama.
Jackfan65 Are there any pictures of her there at all??
Jackfan70 I saw someone who looked like her in one picture but it wasn’t clear enough to tell for sure.
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Liked by Jackharlow, Claybornharlow, Urbanwyatt, Selenosunni, Jackfan7 and 2,382,493 others
Yourusername I get photoshoots, and Urbanwyatt gets my friendship in return. Oh and surprise, baby #3 in July.
Jackharlow I love you I love you I love you
Jackharlow Can’t wait for Paisley and Olive to officially be big sisters
Urbanwyatt Wait, I thought you two were getting divorced 🤔
Jackharlow 🙄 Never
Yourusername Who knew my morning sickness, that doesn’t just happen in the morning, would spark divorce rumors?
Jackharlow I’ve been in love with you since highschool, that isn’t changing now
Yourusername I love you too, forever.
Jackharlow Forever❤️
Urbanwyatt I’m so happy for you both, but I feel like I’m getting the short end of this deal here
Yourusername What do you mean? My friendship is priceless
Urbanwyatt 🙄
Urbanwyatt Sure okay
Urbanwyatt I'm kidding, your friendship is worth more then the photoshoots I give you
Yourusername That's what I thought
ClaybornHarlow So excited to be an uncle again
Yourusername Thank you for being such a good uncle to our kids, we all love you!
Cozane Hardest secret to keep
Jackfan81 Blue jacket 👀 Are we getting a Harlow baby boy 👀
JackandY/Nfan03 Blue jacket and pink flowers, we aren't really getting any hints are we 😫
JackandUrbanfan42 Starting to think Jack's rapped about using condoms more then he's used them
Jackfan439 OMG another baby 😭
Jackfan372 I knew they weren't getting a divorce
Jackfan41 Damn do you two have any other hobbies, give her a break Jack.
Jackharlow I mean, can you blame me 🥵
Yourusername ......
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Liked by Yourusername, Urbanwyatt, Cozane, Claybornharlow, and 3,482,420 others
Jackharlow Family of 5 soon. July 2023.
(Comments on this post have been partially restricted)
Urbanwyatt 📸 me
Yourusername Love you, can't wait to officially be a family of 5, but I can wait to take 3 kids under 6 on tour.
Jackharlow Don't remind me that Paisley's going to be 6 soon, I'm not ready
Yourusername Me either, I want her to stay little forever
Urbanwyatt Damn, I don't want to think about that either
Cozane I know we're only 25, but Paisley being almost 6 makes me feel so old
Jackharlow How do you think I feel?
Tag list @jackharloww @harlowcomehome @nattinatalia @hoodharlow @itsyagirljaz @heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @awhore4moree @harlowslefttoe @twerkforambrose @jackmans-poison @ilovenudy @taniapri @killatravtramp @easternparkway @macey234 @toocriticalharlow @lightsoutstyles @rachxc13 @iknowdatsrightbih @idktbh101 @blossomluvv
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mybelde · 2 years
your bestfriend's twin brother 😱
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pairing: Aether x fem!reader
genre: modern college au, fluff, crack, smau
summary: You have a pretty normal life, going to the same college as your bestfriend Lumine and your other friends, having average grades and having a good relationship with everyone you know. Well, everyone except your bestfriend's twin brother, Aether. Even though you've known Lumine since your first year in highschool, he always seemed to be avoiding you. The only times you did get to see him was when he was around Lumine. Once he spots you, he always run off, but why does his face seem red? Who knows.
Now, it was your second year in college and you've decided enough is enough. You've made it your goal to become friends with your bestfriend's twin brother before the year ends. It can't be that hard, right? But wait.. why are you catching feelings 🤨
author's note: my first smau so pls don't judge 💀 mostly going to be fluff and crack, probably ooc, i doubt there will be angst, unless?? also i have not seen smaus about Aether so this might just be me trying to self-indulge 🫣
likes and reblogs appreciated if you enjoyed the smau 🫶
status: completed [17 Nov 22 - 31 Jan 23]
Profiles: no bitches | short kings + child
↻ Other works
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Act 1: From strangers to friends
01: new year, new me
02: bad feeling
03: first day ♤
04: wikihow | 4.5: besto friendo
05: apologies
06: friendly "hangout" ♤
07: blossoming friendship
08: it's quiet... too quiet
09: idiots, idiots everywhere
10: downpour ♤
11: are we friends? ♤ | 11.5: thank me ! !
Act 2: To thinking about you everyday
12: new hangout buddy
13: you're never this nice to me :/
14: too nice for your own good
15: denial era
16: lumine the thirdwheel ♤
17: we need to talk | 17.5: please shut the fuck up
18: so it's a "date" ?
19: just act normal ♤
20: separated shenanigans ♤
21: mixed feelings? can't relate lol
22: she can't hold you back
23: just make up your mind bro
24: everyone wants me fr
25: maybe i'm just a fool for you ♤ | 25.5: move your flat ass
Act 3: I think i'm in.... love?
26: questionable decisions....
28: how the turns have tabled
30: W rizz
31: party night
32: how to stay sober challenge: failed ♤
33: drunk night confessions, am i right? ♤
34: you like me? ♤ | 34.5: first time? 🔞 ♤
35: #shipsailed, now don't get caught ♤
Act 4: Can't believe I'm yours now
36: down bad
37: you're weird | 37.5: suspicious behaviour
38: don't get caught challenge: failed ♤
39: code red
40: maybe we need to think about this
41: stop moping around and apologise ffs
42: sorry ♤
43: don't be a pussy
44: i only want you ♤
45: to my dear bestfriend
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mysticmellowlove · 9 months
Teen fem reader x yandere.
They are both in highschool maybes she’s a year below him or just a little younger anyway- she’s know around school for really just having her shit together. She authentic, she’s smart, she knows what she wants to do with her life, she NEVER fights. She’s the type of girl to be nice nasty like of someone tries something she throws out some “I’ll pray for you,” or just something classy yk?
So it is a major surprise when she walks into the front office when yan is there being escorted in by a teacher or what not with looks like disheveled hair and when the person in the office questions her she admits she got into a fight. Everyone in the office is surprised because everyone knows she’s a good girl.
Yan can’t even believe it now wait till he finds out the reason we got into our first fight!
We got into a fight because of him actually. We were sitting minding our own business when these bitches started talking about him saying stuff like: “He’s so weird and shy, he’s fine as fuck though I would totally smash.” “I would let him fuck my throat is he weren’t such a loser.”
We hear that shit and trying to be as kind and put together as we can say: “Don’t talk about him like that.” They got offended and next thing we know we won a fight and are in the office with him.
note; this bad boy grew a whole ass storyline as i was writing it damn
Unlike a certain someone, she was better at hiding her feelings. However, when she heard her classmates speaking like that about him she couldn't help herself. When she was younger her dad got her to take up martial arts for a short while so she knew where to hit. It was easy really, to just hurt someone like that.
The assistant to the principal barely had their hand hovering over her back as she made her way into the office. The instant shocked looks she got wasn't something she really expected to happen but it is what it is.
"If you could just wait here for a moment miss, I'm sure this will all be figured out soon." The assistant said as they motioned her over to a chair, right next to him. He had been looking at her the whole time she was being escorted in, his eyes never leaving her figure. He seemed to be shocked, not even the thin line of blood dripping from his hairline seemed to interest him more than she did.
She sat down next to him, her legs crossed over each other as she fought the want to look at him. He had moved here not too long ago, an ex-private school kid. Rumours had already spread about him and from what she had seen him do they seemed to be true. He had been placed at this school because he was a delinquent that didn't fit the private scene. He beat up other kids and disrespected property.
He was the exact opposite of herself and yet that's what drew her to him. She was a fierce believer in opposites attract. Or maybe she just wanted a reason behind her casual infatuation. Being the best and the brightest got boring sometimes so maybe he was the perfect distraction?
It wasn't even as if her classmates were spewing lies about him either. He was rather cute, hot even. She wouldn't mind kissing him, or lying with him or maybe even letting her choke on his dick. It's just that she would prefer that only she be allowed the privilege.
No one seemed to understand him like she did.
"Why are you here?" Her head turned as he spoke up, his voice harsh and gruff. She blinked at him, behind his cold exterior she could see that small glint in his eye. That glint told her he was just as interested in her as she was in him. It was no secret that he was interested in her, rumours had spread about that as well.
That he would pummel anyone who talked down about her, using their blood as a reminder that she was untouchable even more than she already was. Sometimes she even thought the teachers encouraged it, so long as he wasn't breaking school property he could tail her as much as he liked. Act like her secret protector...
"There was just a little misunderstanding." She mumbled, he had been close to her many times before but she rarely had the chance to get close to him without him moving away from her, as if he was scared to even be seen next to her. She found it stupid... and selfish.
"Bullshit!" He yelled, his hand slamming down on the chair arm. The receptionist at the front desk flinched a little, keeping his head down.
"Who." Was all he said as he looked at her, his eyes ablaze. The intensity drifting off of him was stifling, overwhelming almost. She felt a small shiver run down her back.
"Just some girls, I dealt with it." She hummed nonchalantly as she shrugged her shoulder, ignoring the receptionist who looked like he was watching his own private teen drama.
He went to stand up only to be grabbed by her. He seemed to look down at his wrist in alarm, his cheeks lightly blushing before he managed to remain calm.
"I said I dealt with it, can't you be near me for a few moments?" She looked at him, her eyes shimmering in false tears. He seemed to sputter something before he sat back down, his eyes refusing to meet with hers.
"Why don't you want to be near me?" She hummed as she looked at him, her fingers still wrapped around his wrist. His skin was heating up like a furnace. He got like this from one little touch?
"I.... can't control myself." He mumbled as he looked down at his shoes, unwanting to show her his expression. She tutted as she let her eyes close.
"Then don't." That was all she said.
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teenagedirt · 1 year
Colby brock x reader
Warnings:cheating,lying, argument/yelling. DARK ENDING! reference to murder.
Note: I made up a chacter for the other girl, because I feel its weird to write colby cheating with girls he has explicitly said are just friends, also the same reason I don't write ship fanfic, only x reader.
Your pov
I walk straight into the door of mine and colby's shared apartments, fans had dmed me pictures of colby with my bestfriend, Miley, it wasn't just a normal picture, they were kissing. Silent tears run down my face as I slowly creep up the stairs towards our bedroom, I crack the door open to look inside. There she is, and there he is, now reality is really setting in, I hoped that maybe the pictures were edited, but no, he's making out with her all right. Fuck, there goes our relationship. I open the door the rest of the way, "so, I see you guys decided to get along, maybe in the wrong way, but you get along" I say, trying to stay calm, my voice cracks at the end of my statement.
Colby pulls his face away from here's to look at me. Miley stares at me in shock, I shake my head and walk in and begin to gather my things, hoping I wouldn't have to make a scene. "Y/N WAIT" colby shouts, okay I'm making a scene.
"WHAT!? WHAT COULD YOU POSSIBLY WANT AFTER MOST LIKELY FUCKING NY BESTFREIND!?" I yell Back, glaring at miley. Colby looks down,ashamed.
"I'm sorry y/n I really am, but he just looked so good that night" miley says, he sly smirk displayed on her face. My face twists into realization.
"The night I invited you over to Sam's for pizza night? YOU FUCKED MY BOYFRIEND!?" I yell, confused,heartbroken, and pissed.
"Yeah, he was pretty good too" miley says, a small smile still stuck in her face. Tears bubble in my eyes, I'm not sure out of the feeling of betrayal, or anger.
"Out, get out" miley didn't move a muscle, "I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT YOU WHORE!" I scream pointing to the door. She scoffs and leaves, colby stakes a few steps torwards me with his arms open, about to hug me. "Don't, fucking don't, you dont get to act like nothing happened, oh and you can thank your fans for letting me know." I star to cry harder as I throw my stuff into a duffle bag. "How long? How many times, how many times have you ditched me or sam, or kat for her?" I ask, honestly not wanting to fight, just wanting answers. He opens his mouth to answers but stays silent.
"Do you still love me?" He asks, a singular tear falling down his face. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.
"Of course I still love you, how could I not, we've been together since highschool, but trusting you is a different matter, you know how long it takes me to trust somebody, and I trusted the both of you." I say, my voice wavers.
He nods and walks out. That was the last time I ever saw colby. I miss him dearly, it's not my fault, people say his blood is on my hands, it was, it sure was, but blood doesn't stain skin. If only they would find miley too, I'm sure they'd be surprised to see where I hid her.
What did you guys think? I think this is the darkest thing I've ever written. Requests are open!
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whatsaneggimcis · 4 months
Signs everything I thought I knew was wrong
I needed to dump my thoughts and feelings somewhere because I feel like im annoying my support group. I think my egg finally cracked Wednesday and immediately I had to start researching and buying gender affirming things. Anyways, here's my list of signs that I wish I had seen like a decade ago, please be kind I'm very new to opening up like this
Another Girl in elementary threatened me with makeup and cross dressing and I wanted it bad.
I think this one is such a major factor in why I feel like this has to be real. Its well before puberty and well before I knew transitioning was a thing. Just a natural thought for someone who’s the wrong gender
Multiple times pleading with god to just make me a girl
Still cis tho obv
Thinking if I held still for long enough in bed, some sort of magic would make me a girl and fix this wrong body of mine
I still remember the dreams where im a girl, i legit became proficient at lucid dreaming just for it.
Ah fuck the egg_irl memes are hitting too hard
My favorite game character is Bridget, listening back to the song is hitting really hard actually
Legit had an anxiety attack and took a day off work because my transfem friend said “careful, i said the same thing before i came out”
Wishing i had magic to turn myself into a girl
Playing female characters just to feel cute
Putting on leggings in highschool, then sleeping in them
Some female mannerisms
Kinda hating my poor skin but couldnt do anything about it since thats only for women am i right fellas
Mild euphoria when someone says good girl
Envisioning myself as the girl during fantasies
Jealousy over a womans body
Ive never seen any man sit cross legged at a table the way i do, idk why that one pops up but i’ve seen plenty of other girls do it
Desire to steal womans clothing to cross dress
At current moment I have no desire to bite my nails because I want them to grow out, even though I was a nail biter for 27 years
In pre school, tried to convince another girl to swap clothes with me
In pre school, loved pretending i was at a hair salon and the other girls in the school would give me a haircut. It gave me ASMR
Speaking of ASMR, I like exclusively listen to makeup, nail and hair roleplays
Feeling like i dont want to transition because I could be ugly
After realization, I dont have nearly as much of an appetite, maybe subconscious bodily sabotage in the form of overeating
Not seeing any future when I tried to plan my life better, before I ever considered the option of becoming trans
Feeling hurt when my dad made somewhat transphobic comments about my trans cousin
Wondering what my parents would do if i woke up one day as a woman and had to explain that to them
Genuine euphoria at the idea of trying on womens clothing, but thinking that i was weird and kinky
Playing with stuffed animals with my best childhood friend, a fellow girl
Hating my balls
I bet it feels good to cry, its probably cathartic
Hating body hair god i hate this so much, I’m just bad at shaving it and dont want to be covered in razor burns and have to explain to coworkers why I shaved my legs and arms
Hating my nose
Adopting a super masculine persona
Forcing myself to have a much deeper voice to not feel any of my true feelings
Actually seeing a future after considering becoming trans
Being hurt by transphobic comments at work before I realized my egg status
Was I sending what they said to my friend because i was hurt by it and wanted reassurance?
When i started drawing again, i had no desire to draw “cool badass epic shit” i just wanted to draw super cosy watercolor paintings.
God damn it i’ll say it, I fucking love pastels. Both the art medium and the color spectrum
Repression of my desire to dance and sing, or I guess express myself in any format due to internalized transphobia
“Mens fashion is so lame, girls have it so good. Im cis tho”
Pure depression my entire adult life
Wanting genuine friend connections with women in a more feminine way
Never caring about going out and buying clothes because none of them worked for me
Trying to force myself to not look at girls clothes because “thats only what weirdos do”
On this topic, how the fuck did i think this shit was normal… i wasnt watching women or anything, its not like i was being creepy in reality. I just wanted to see the womens clothes. Why is that such a bad thing for someone to want
Being jealous of my friend since he was openly wearing his girlfriend’s sweatshirt
Dude i stared longingly at a pink gamer girl chair, still cis tho
Speaking of gamers, being super jealous of C9 Sneaky that he could pass so well and was totally fine with showing that whole side of himself online. Same with Finnster.
I think i hate my voice, ever since realizing this about myself i cant help but hear my voice and think its not me
Being afraid to see a therapist because im not sure honestly
Fearing crying, but that might not be internalized transphobia and actually just be a side product of the vice grip on masculinity in society
Daydreaming about becoming a girl
General body dysmorphia
I want to cry but i cant, why cant I cry why
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 2 months
Idk about you but I would absolutely LOVE to hear some fun facts about Talaney-Anne. Literally whatever you want to share about her, you have my full attention 👀
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🩷-Talaney-Anne is partially named after her moms county winning dairy cow Anne.
🩷-Talaney dreamt of becoming a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader since she was six!
🩷-Two of Talaney's Brothers are seniors in highschool and on the basketball team! Her older two brothers are travelling rodeo Cowboys and her big/eldest sister is a forest ranger in Hawkins.
🩷-She used to do pageants and barrel race/ride show ponies from age 8-13. I'm talking the sparkly cowgirl hats and tassled shirts and chaps- everything.
🩷-Talaney and her siblings live with their grandmother in the more... Rural/red-neck part of Hawkins.
🩷-Talaney is embarrassed by it, but she has a country accent! She tries to cover it up a lot but it slips when she gets mad.
🩷-She does not know how to swim! So she has a slight fear of large bodies of water, or at least water she can't touch the surface of.
🩷-BIGGEST crush on Billy Idol. She loves his music.
🩷-She's not really on the skinny/curvy side like her fellow cheer girls. She's a little more toned. Box/apple body type with smaller curves and a slight pudge of her tummy and thighs that she's EXTREMELY self conscious about. [It's kinda weird to point out but I think she's one of the first few of my s/i that I've given my actual body-type.]
🩷-As sweet as she is- Talaney is STUBBORN when she wants to be. And very hard headed. Sometimes it's subtle in her being persistent.. Other times she's just a real pain in the ass.
🩷-Those first few days of getting Max to warm up to her were BRUTAL. This girl was doing everything she could to get the kid to like her/be comfortable around her. She even took her to get their nails and hair done together and Max was NOT a fan LMAO.
🩷-Unfortunately she isn't allowed to use her brother Willy's truck [which is the only truck they siblings have] cause she doesn't have a license... And cuz he treats it like his baby or something. So Talaney unfortunately bikes a lot there and back to school, the store, home, ect.
🩷-Has a bit of a rocky relationship with her older sister Casey due to her sister's strictness and constant pressure. But she's just trying to step in and be a mother figure as best she can.
🩷-Originally from Utah but only till when she was a baby then she moved to Hawkins!
🩷-Her entire wardrobe is every shade of red to pink. And a lot of lace and bows. Her bedroom isn't much different either.
🩷-Surprisingly enough, a pretty big geek! At least when it comes to comic books and Star Wars movies. She knows a little bit about DnD, but only so much from when all her brothers used to play before Brad and Willy went off to Rodeo. Now anytime she tries to say hi or offer snacks or something to her other brothers whilst in the middle of a campaign she's kicked out or a door is slammed on her face.
🩷-Wears curlers to bed!
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