#it's like how people have pointed out how willows dads didn't want her in the plant track
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dazeddoodles · 2 years ago
About the last post. I remember thinking how weird it was for witch parents to name their child "Raine", since in the Boiling Isles rain is dangerous and can hurt you. (It gives the same vibes as Wybie from Coraline being named "Whyborn")
But then I realized that maybe that wasn't their birth name, maybe Raine chose that name when they transitioned. Which means that baby Raine basically named themselves the witch version of "Acid". No wonder Eda thought they were so cool
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thebearer · 2 years ago
I know u have a billion requests but I'm dying fir a carmy x reader where she goes into labor
i have one here with willow but i'll write a first time one too with teddy!
Carmen knew it was coming soon, which is why he hovered. Why he rarely let you be alone, the thought of him missing it or something happening made him sick. Tina and Sugar both told him it was a long process, there's no way he'd miss it, but he was still anxious. Worried about a lot of things, thoughts that kept him up at night. Would he be a good dad? Would the birth go ok? What if something happens to the baby? What if something happens to you? What if he gets in a wreck on the way home? What if the baby died in her sleep?
Thoughts that had him throwing up all hours of the night. Your morning sickness was traded in for his own, worrying himself to the point he was sure he had an ulcer.
The phone rang, a Tuesday in August. Still sunny and warm, but with the golden glow that hinted fall was coming soon. Carmen was so busy, trying to approve the new seasonal menu, and for a moment his mind had slipped of all those anxieties. Until he heard your voice.
"I think I'm in labor."
"You think?" Carmen barked, harsher than he meant it to, a wave of guilt flooding over him. "What-What-What do you mean think? Are you ok?"
"Well, my water just broke." You frowned, looking at the puddled under your swollen belly. You paused, a hesitation laying thick in the air between the two of you over the line. "I think it's time."
Carmen was a wreck, swerving and punching the gas in and out of Chicago traffic to get the the brownstone, parking up on the sidewalk, HOA be damned.
You were calm, eerily calm to him, as he threw your bags, all your birthing things into the car, carefully helping you in. "Fuck!" Carmen huffed, hitting his horn for the third time in five minutes.
You gripped the side of the door, trying to breathe like your birthing coach taught you. "Carmy, please." You sighed, regulating your own heart rate. "Stop honking at people before we get shot."
"I'm just... Fuck, you know you think these fuckers would see hazard lights on and move, but everyone's so goddam stupid-"
"Carmen," You grabbed his hand lightly, thumb gliding over his inked fingers calmly. "Just relax. I haven't even really started having contractions, ok? We'll have time." How was it you were in labor and you were the one comforting Carmen? He felt like a jagoff, could practically hear Mikey and Richie's chorusing voices calling him that.
"I'm sorry." Carmen muttered, slumping back into the seat. "I'm just... I'm really fuckin' scared." His knee bounced, hand twitching towards the Spirit's in the center console. It was muscle memory, to reach for the cigarettes when he was anxious. He chose the gum instead, trying his best to cut back for when the baby was here. In case she'd have asthma or something else, and he just didn't want to teach her bad habits.
He wanted to be better. Be better.
Sometimes he wondered if his parents ever had ambitions like that. To be better, do better for their kids. If they did, they didn't stick.
"I know you are." You cooed lightly, running a hand through his damp curls, sweat accumulating at his hair line already. "You're gonna be a good dad, you know that?"
"I hope," Carmen smacked the gum with a shake of his head.
"I know." You beamed at him. "You already do so much for her anyways, and she's not even here, Carmy." He didn't say anything, just kept a white knuckled grip on the wheel, his free holding your hand.
"The only thing you'll be bad at is saying no to her, Carm. I already know that. You're too much of a softy." You giggled, poking him lightly in his bicep.
Carmen's lips twitched, the hints of a smile on his lips. You could feel the wave of a contraction, not overwhelming but uncomfortable, squeezing Carmen's hand lightly, shifting in pain. "What? Are you ok? You good?" Carmen's eyes darted from you to the road.
"Just a little contraction. I'm fine." You sighed gently, rubbing your free hand over the spot you could feel Teddy kicking. "They're still pretty spaced out, so we've got a while."
Carmen let out a shuddered breath, lips quipping in a smile. "She's takin' her time, already? We're doomed. She's gonna be just like her Mama. Late for everything."
You gasped, hitting his shoulder lightly. "And here I was being nice to you!" You bit back a smile. "I am not late for everything. I'm on time for the important stuff. Just late for the things I don't want to go to."
"Signing our marriage license?" Carmen lifted a brow. "You didn't want to do that-"
"-No, no, no! You dressed up and I looked like a bum, so I had to get ready!" You countered lightly, jabbing a finger at him.
"I didn't dress up! I wore jeans-"
"-And a nice button down. Not a t-shirt? That's dressing up, Carm, and you know it." You frowned at him. "I had a pair of bike shorts on."
"And you looked hot in them." Carmen grinned, eyes glinting when he looked at you, making you blush, heat rushing to your cheeks and chest. Your own nerves settling, your own what-ifs and fears of giving birth, of being a mother in general.
"Looked better in the dress." Carmen added, lifting your hand to kiss the back of your knuckles. You rolled your eyes lightly, heart fluttering. The white sundress you'd put on, patterned with a floral print but the only white dress you owned, and Carmen had swooned. Flipped it up and fucked you in the back seat after you'd signed it.
"Surprised I didn't get pregnant after that." You grinned, breath hitching at another contraction, dull but stronger this time.
Carmen's eyes cut to yours, thumb running over your knuckles at the pressure. "Can't believe we're having a baby." Carmen muttered, flicking on the turn signal, the hospital in sight.
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coraniaid · 22 days ago
What are your favorite Giles moments? What is a 'missing scene' or something you'd like to have seen Giles do or say and didn't?
I think my favorite Giles moments are the obvious ones, really.
His reaction to Buffy coming back to Sunnydale in Dead Man's Party: not just the fact he's the only person not to give her a hard time about being gone but because he's so obviously happy that she's returned but tries to hide that delight from her. He understands her in a way her friends and her mother can't -- he too struggled with his supernatural calling when he was young, and tried running away from it, after all -- but he thinks his affection for her is something to be ashamed of.
His speech to her in Innocence ("if it's guilt you're looking for [...] I'm not your man. All you will get from me is my support and my respect"). Not only is this a nice moment in itself (albeit one later undercut a little by the events of Helpless), it also -- together with Joyce looking at Buffy and telling her that "you look the same to me" in the very next scene -- strongly suggests that people who read Season 2 as the show somehow punishing Buffy for the "mistake" of sleeping with Angel have chosen a reading that the show is actively rejecting. Angel losing his soul is a metaphor for something that really happens -- you sleep with somebody and then they seem to become somebody a lot less pleasant -- but it's not the show's position that any of this is Buffy's fault.
His various moments sticking up for Buffy when she's not around to see it. Threatening Snyder in Dead Man's Party, of course ("would you like me to convince you?"), as well as more gently defending her earlier in the show, but also lots of his interactions with Wesley or other Watchers are also fun ("If you want to criticize my methods, fine. But you can keep your snide remarks to yourself. And while you're at it, don't criticize my methods").
Giles is pretty funny, actually; I think he gets some pretty good lines throughout the show. For example I like the scene in Intervention when he and Buffy are out in the desert for a ritual, she points out they don't have any food or water with them and wonders if the guide he's summoning for her will also "a week later" lead him to her "bleached bones", and he insists that won't happen: "it takes more than a week to bleach bones". Or his speech to the gang in I Only Have Eyes For You ("I appreciate your thoughts on the matter. In fact, well, I encourage you to always challenge me when you feel it's appropriate. You should never be cowed by authority. ... Except, of course, in this instance, when I am clearly right and you are clearly wrong.")
I don't really like fandom attempts to cast Giles as the Scooby Gang's unproblematic Team Dad, but I do like the very different ways Giles interacts with Buffy's friends, from his gentle support of Willow in the early seasons to his frequent irritation with Xander ("Am I right Giles?" "Almost certainly not, but to be fair I wasn't listening." or "Xander, don't speak Latin in front of the books"). I like the fact that Dawn -- as the part of Buffy who gets to be a normal kid and not a Slayer -- quickly intuits that Giles doesn't really like her. I like the scene where Giles goes to kill Angelus in Passion and the scene in which he confronts Angel in Amends.
Oh, and of course "I believe the subtext here is rapidly becoming text", which I'm pretty sure I've quoted on this blog more than once.
Missing scene ... well, I've argued recently (and repeatedly) that we should have seen Giles trying to help Faith a bit more than we did if the show didn't want us to blame him for her changing sides, so let's go with something else. It would have been nice if we'd had a scene where Giles tried to get Buffy to talk about Kendra's death, I think (I mean in the same way he's able to get her to open up about how it felt to have to send Angel to hell). He wouldn't have to be successful -- you could contrast this with his own reluctance to talk about Jenny, even -- but it would make it much, much easier to read Buffy's ongoing silence about Kendra as a deliberate character choice, rather than -- as I strongly suspect it was -- the writers just never caring about Kendra at all and assuming the audience didn't either.
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junespriince · 9 months ago
you know what fuck you! *Yuri your birdflash* au
Wally: Linda! Hartley! Guys I need help!
Linda: what's wrong?
Hartley: is Chris still bothering you? God, he can't take no for an answer!
Wally: not him, those he did try to sit with me in lecture today, but that's besides the point just, ugh just come with me to my apartment!
Kyle, Conner, Hartley, Linda, Ace, and Bart sitting in her living room.
Wally: so Birdie just asked me out on a date—
Kyle: about fucking time.
Wally: shut up Kyle, and listen!
Wally, huffs: anyways, she asked me out on a date, and I don't know what to wear, she said we're going to a thrift store, and then a botanical garden exhibit, and then a dinner at this way to fancy restaurant and I don't want to make more of a fool of myself then I already have, I mean what if I dress to fancy I'll stick out, but if I dress to lower she'll hate me and I'll never see her again and like this was a dream come true she asked me out, if she hate me then we won't build a house together in the forest, adopt a turtle as our child, maybe have a dog too, and we won't wake up together or make bread together or anything! I need you guys to help me here!
Hartley: if she hates you for dressing comfortably then she ain't it then.
Wally: but she's everything! She's smart, beautiful, talented, her eyes are the most beautiful gems I ever seen, her dimples are so cute, and she takes up half my future planning I can't mess this up, please just help a girl out over here! *Staring to tear up*
Kyle: okay, okay we get it! We'll help, stop crying!
Bart: must be real desperate bringing all of us in here to help.
Wally: very! Kori off planet or I'd call her too.
Ace: okay sis, bring out the outfits you have in mind.
Linda: and the shoes! Oh let me get my makeup bag as well, I'll be right back!
Conner: I'll make some tea and look through your hair products, I'm thinking hair down, help shape those curls out, and maybe a cute hair accessory.
Kyle: can I go cunty?
Wally: no! This is the first date! I need to be cute, but rememberable.
Hartley: let me see your closet, when the date?
Wally: in seven hours.
Hartley: a little bit of a challenge but doable.
Bart: I'll make snacks, and I'll have Kon spy on her so we can match her levels!
Wally, about to cry again: oh my god thank you, thank you, thank you!
7 hours later and at Bludhaven's cafe, lesbian owned
Rania ((Urania ))(Dick*), dressed in a cute and nice little blazer moment, in deep green, dress shirt unbuttoned at the top, Sharp but not too sharp makeup, short hair slicked back a bit, tented glasses rest at the edge of her nose and they're red hearts: My little Willow tree, you are right on time, excited for our date to be late? *Soft chuckle, dimples showing*
Wally, long waterfall curls with a cute strawberry headband, that iconic strawberry midi dress, very little makeup Bec we don't cover freckles in this house hold, nervous: very, I-I,,, I didn't want to keep you waiting is all, rainy.
Rania, calm and collective: no worries, *offers arm* let's go, have a busy night ahead of us.
Wally, blushing taking her arm: y-yeah.
Rania, hours before
Rania, holding her brothers, sister, Steph, Barbara, Donna, her dad, the butler, Roy, and Kori hostage in her room: if I don't look stunning for that pretty girl, I will die! I need suggestions and support people!
Jason: why would we want to help you?
Rania: because if I don't impress her, I'm destroying all your books.
Jason: I'll get the makeup.
Roy: girl, I don't know how to dress myself the hell you think I can help you here?
Rania: then support me!
Bruce, on the phone: calling Diana, Selena, and Talia as we speak sweetheart.
Alfred: I'll get the outfit Miss Urania.
Rania: thanks, I just,,, I have to make a good impression on her! My future hangs in the balance with her!
Barbara: getting the gel, Damian get Jon to spy on Willow we need these two to match, sapphics love a good match.
Damian: got it. Do you want some tea Urania?
Rania: yes, please, thanks Dami, you're a good kid, and I love you so much, you know that?
Damian, prideful about the praise: of course I do.
Tim: kiss ass
Damian: hate not being the favorite, I see.
Kori: oh, oh, I want to pick out the shoes! Maybe favorite are in your closet right?
Rania: the Church's Burwood Oxford in black or the Church's Fairstead Oxford?
Kori: the first one.
Rania: uh, in the shoes closet, back right wall.
Kori: yay!
Donna: getting the accessories, you want the tinted pink shades or the red?
Rania: red heart ones.
Donna: gotcha.
Stephanie: let me see those outfits Al, I have a vision.
Damian: hope that vision includes strawberries, West is in a strawberry midi dress, whatever that is.
Stephanie: GASP, it does! I could kiss her! Get the green dress suit!
Cass: I'll get it!
Duke: how her make up Damian?
Damian: soft, they're leaving the freckles.
Rania, blushing: they're leaving the freckles,,,,, Dad, tell them to get here fast and call Harley and Ivy and auntie kate we need those two lesbian asap!
Bruce: got it!
Damian: some chamomile tea, and I have some lavender at the ready if you need it, Urania.
Rania: thank you dami, again *kiss his forehead*
Back on the date
Wally, in her head: wow she's so calm, and pretty, oh focus Wally, you don't need to trip!
Rania, in her mind: god she's so pretty, damn I can the wedding, no, no, focus on today damnit!
*but a Romani name I really like for her also I did use behind the name so if it's not right oops I did look into this
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sunnydalelibrarian · 11 days ago
Buffy Rewatch: Episodes 5-8
Episode 5: "Never Kill a Boy on The First Date"
Giles' little "you are not funny" look when Buffy says "Oh great I kill them, you fence their stuff!"
The Master's such a dick, but why is he actually hilarious? Orlock meets the Joker fr
Ah this is the first bit we properly see that he's in a sunken church! That's so cool, I forgot all about that
I also forgot how funny Giles is, if I wrote down all of his hilarious one-liners we'd be here all week
Emily Dickinson is actually so Buffy-coded in general
I love how for a second Buffy genuinely thinks Giles is about to be sexist about poetry but no, he's just bitching about Americans again!
Xander Angel and Owen in the one room, this girl cannot catch a break
Giles in the cold storage 😂
Aw, that was a very dad speech
Ah, the Anointed One and the age old creepy kid trope. Gotta love it!
Episode 6: "The Pack"
Hyena Xander was a total dick
The piggy 🥺 Oh god the little piggy
Oh high school dodgeball, I remember those days, they were the absolute worst
Love how Buffy was so ready to throw hands for Willow even against her other best friend
Look I know he's possessed but if Buffy doesn't hit Xander soon I'm gonna
The soundtrack of this episode is on point though
The fact that Giles is fully ready to believe that Xander's being an asshole because teenage boys just are
Oh this scene (you know the one) was unnecessary. It is definitely giving "written by a man in the 90s"
Principal Flutie really set the stakes, huh?
Malleus Maleficarum mention!
The jolt of sheer horror that went through me when we saw that woman had a baby on her back
Willow's little smirk when Xander gives himself away, that's my girl!
The first thing Xander does upon being unpossessed is run to help Willow though <3
I love how this episode really cements that Buffy and Willow are Giles' kids, Xander is that weird pet his kids brought home and he didn't want but is begrudgingly fond of
Episode 7: "Angel"
Ah yes, the episode where Angel gets a personality beyond "hot and broody"
Poor Giles, does this man ever sleep?
I'm remembering why I actually liked Buffy and Angel together at the start
"No, no, no. No speaking up. That way leads to madness and sweaty palms." Willow is so me fr
I fully forgot this entire plot line even happened
I fucking lost it when Darla pulled out the pistols oh my god
Oh shit I forgot he fucking killed her here
Oh the cross! I remember this shot vividly
Episode 8: "I, Robot, You, Jane"
Listen, I know people talk a lot of shit about this episode but it's one of my favourites
Not the CGI demon dissolving, I can't!!
"I'll be back in the Middle Ages" "Did you ever leave?" Oh I love Jenny so much, she's such an icon
Also, this episode introduced such a cool concept in terms of how medieval methods of magic intersect and/or clash with emerging technology and that's fascinating
Willow has a picture of her and Giles in her locker, that's too cute, I can't believe I never noticed that! That's her dad fr
Not Jenny rocking up to class visibly hungover 😂 have I mentioned I love her?
I love how Willow and Buffy are both dressed like teenage girls, not like they're trying to be in their late twenties already
Not Buffy's birthday being different across two shots and wrong both times 😂
The demon changing that kid's report to say "Nazi Germany was a model of a well-ordered society" - if Moloch the Corrupter thinks it's good, that speaks for itself! Take notes 2025 America!
"Those boys aren't sparklingly normal as it is!"
"Your spider sense?" "Pop-culture reference. Sorry."
Let's be honest, Jenny Calendar had my heart from the minute she pointed out the racism and misogyny underpinning the intellectual elitism of academic institutions
Wait is Jenny the first person to say Giles' first name aloud? Because I'm binge-watching and I don't think we've heard it before
The way he pulls out her chair for her. A gentleman even in the face of trying to stop a demon.
"Remember me? Your girlfriend? I think it's time we break up! But maybe we can still be friends!" Oh Willow I love you so much
"Let's face it: none of us is ever going to have a happy, normal relationship"... yeah
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tohisprettyc00l · 2 years ago
celebrating your birthday
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A/n: It's nowhere near my birthday but whatever
Amity: It's been a while since she's had a real birthday party. She used to get mager ones when she was friends with Boscha. In retrospect that was probably to impress Boscha's parents. But enough about all that it's your big day. And with money (that she totally didn't steal from her mom) she wants to make sure that you have a great birthday. She takes you to any store you want. And then gets you your favorite food.
Luz: She loves birthday parties so much!!! She goes all out. There's a bunch of decorations. And if you like having more people there, all of her friends are there. Which we know is a fucking lot. If you don't want a lot of people that's okay. She buys your favorite cake. You only turn whatever age your turning once. And now I've at least alluded to Boscha two more times than I thought I would.
Willow: She's never been one that likes big crowds. And no matter how many people are on your part she'd feel kind of awkward. So she hosts a party that's just the two of you. On the plus side, it's more special. Also, her dads make you a cake <3.
Hunter: The FUCK is a birthday? Yeah, I think I've made it clear the Empoer's coven and the Empoer himself suck. Like doesn't even know what that word means. But once he finds out he's determined to give you a good one. Despite never being to or having one himself. And it's very all over the place, You have no cake but do have ice cream. Not sure how he managed to mess up the biggest part of the birthday. He's trying okay? Also the number of gifts he good you was absurd.
Vee: She kind of knows what birthdays are. A few kids had them at camp (Which was probably sad as fuck.) So while the general decorations are kinda dull. The gifts are great! Most (affordable) things you want you get. Though there are a few oddballs in there. Like she just got you a straight-up weapon.
Raine: Pretty good birthday. The happy birthday song is 10x more awkward. Because they have a beautiful singing voice. Thankfully they also are an awkward mess when it comes to stuff like that. So they probably won't sing it (if you don't when them to.) All of the gifts they get you are sweet.
Eda: Never trust Eda to throw a party, worst mistake of my life. There are so many different shows and gamed-themed plates it's insane. The presents don't make any sense. Like a book about how to get better at abominations, while your human ass is just sitting there confused as fuck. She starts laughing and then just straight up gives you 250 snails.
Emria: She bakes the cake herself (and almost burns the house down.) She's not great at the whole planning the party thing. But it is still an enjoyable experience! While the wrapping job might have been so bad that you could see the gifts, said gifts were still great. Is her lacking ability in making birthday parties just a her thing or is her mom also at the core of this? I don't know, you decide.
Edric: Dude was stressed. He wanted it to be perfect! But, just like his siblings, he had no clue what to do. I mean he'd had birthdays, but he's not known for excelling. And with his mom being Odaila there was no chance of him getting a proper birthday. Cue the googling! The birthday isn't very extravagant, despite his wealth. But it is a fun time. He did end up getting pin the tail on the donkey. So that's pretty fun.
The Collector: Any chance to throw a party is a chance he'll take! And it was about you? That's twice the fun. He can make you the biggest cake with just a snap of his finger, not sure how good it would taste but that's beside the point. Also, the presents are great, obviously. You guys have stereotypical "girls" birthday parties. You have a slumber party, eat pizza, play truth or dare, and stay up all night.
Lilith: She probably wouldn't do anything major for your party. A slice of a cake and a small gift or two. It's not that she doesn't care about you, she does a lot! She doesn't really celebrate her birthday. (Sorry boys it's not angst this time I just don't think she likes celebrating her birthday.)  That being said, if you want a bigger party she's not totally against the idea. But the only people she has the confidence to ask are Hooty, Luz, and Eda (King probably tagged along.) It's pretty hectic, as all things with the owl family are, but it's honestly the best birthday you've had.
Gus: Gus is almost the biggest overachiever out there (second only to Hunter.) So he's more than excessive. He takes all his past parties and parties he's been to and combines them into one big party. He invited Willow over to make sure it looked okay (bless her and the crap she has to deal with.) She tells Gus in the nicest way possible that you'd probably have a heart attack from all the colors. She quickly helped him fix everything up. When you do come over it's overall presentable. It's a far cry from what Gus had planned but it is chill.
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yuna542 · 5 months ago
Note/Disclaimer at the beginning:
I do not want to romanticize or trivialize (domestic) violence, suicide, drugs, and toxic relationships in this story. If these topics trigger you, then you should rather skip this story. If not, I hope you enjoy the little OBX Story I had in my drafts for forever and I've finally written down. If you are experiencing domestic violence, as hard as it is, tell someone, whether it's a friend, a teacher, or a family member. You are not alone <3
⏯️Play: Wait a Minute by WILLOW
“Hold on, wait a minute
Feel my heart's intention, oh Hold on, wait a minute
I left my consciousness in the sixth dimension
Left my soul in his vision”
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Now I'm sitting here in a hammock in front of an old fishing shack in the swamp, trying to figure out how to tell this story in a structured way while my life is actually a complete mess. Well, before you read this, you should know three things: First of all, Hey! I'm a Kook. But not just any Kook. I’m Skylar Diaz the Kook Princess. At least that's what most people call me, since my family owns one of the largest ferry companies in the US. At least the part of it that's still left. I have built up this reputation over the years and have also lived up to it in a petty and clichéd way. The typical rich spoiled girl living in an estate in the Outer Banks. A brat and arrogant little bitch. The most popular girl at school, desired by all the boys and envied by the rest. With her perfect little family, hip friends, like the Camerons and no money problems at all. The perfect Barbie Dream Life.
But it wasn't always that way. Little Trauma Dump: My father was from the Cut, the South Side of the island. That's where those who make their living as waiters, yacht cleaners or skippers live and work. My mother was also from the Cut, which few people know. She and my dad fell in love and had me. Their perfect little star. My father was a very ambitious man who actually managed to become a police officer and was even promoted to detective on the mainland. However, he died on a job when I was six years old. So I have hardly any memories of him. A short time later, my mother started a relationship with Rick. He was my father's best friend and the richest man in the Outer Banks at that point. So all our money problems were forgotten and I have been raised and lived in a huge mansion in Figure Eigth ever since. The fancy Island Club, big parties and banquets, as well as expensive clothes were now part of my life. I played the role of the rich and arrogant princess flawlessly and knew how to present myself to survive among all the scavengers. And for quite a while I really liked this life.
Next, I should mention: All of this is a lie. Nothing in my life ever went perfectly, even if everyone thought it did. My mother committed suicide when I was only 16 years old. Everything fell apart as a result. My relationship with my stepfather Rick was disastrous even before that, but it got a lot worse in the months after “the incident��, how he liked to call it. I was never allowed to talk about it again and to call it what it was: A big shitty tragedy which ripped my life apart from that point on. We moved away from the Outer Banks and lived in Nassau for a year. Rick had always had a fondness for alcohol, but that year it took on proportions that made my life more than difficult. We never talked about my mother's death again. That was okay, because I didn't understand it anyway and the less I thought about it, the better I felt. Meanwhile, Rick was a violent choleric who couldn't even control himself around his own daughter. My great "friends" stopped contacting me after only a week and had probably forgotten about me even faster.
And last but not least (that’s when the shitshow really started) : We were now moving back after this year and I had no idea what to expect of Kildare. According to Rick there were new business opportunities, but what did he actually tell me? Actually, I didn't care either. With my return began a crazy journey full of chaos, a lot of anger, sadness and no end of adventure. I ran into old friends and things escalated quickly. I learned things about my mother's death that made me more than suspicious, and gradually I began to suspect that her death had not been a suicide after all. My father's death also suddenly seemed to be no longer a coincidence and I learned a lot about my roots and especially about treasure hunting.
Then there were the Pogues and a certain blond boy. My nemesis, who regularly drove me to white heat and equally to madness. But let's start at the beginning:
[-Press Start]
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youhavetosmile · 8 months ago
Karedevil (Taylor's Version)
Thanks @kdheaven for the prompt! Apologies for the delay.
The most Karedevil song on each Taylor Swift album, with rationales, according to me:
Debut: Tied Together With A Smile
I think this song encapsulates how both Matt and Karen present the image to others that they have their sh*t together, but on the inside they're really hurting. The second verse really gets me: "I guess it's true that love was all you wanted / 'Cause you're giving it away like it's extra change / Hoping it will end up in his pocket / But he leaves you out like a penny in the rain / Oh, 'cause it's not his price to pay." You can think of Matt's relationship with Stick and Karen's relationship with her dad this way. I like to think that by the end of the show they each have a more real vision of the other.
Fearless: Come In With The Rain
This feels very post-Defenders/early Season 3 from Karen's POV. At that point, everyone but Karen thinks Matt is dead. She doesn't get any proof of this until several episodes into S3, but she always has that hope. She's also dealing with a lot of complicated emotions toward Matt - she still loves him (obv) but she's also really mad at him and grieving the fact that he's not around. I'm sure even Karen questioned whether Matt was still alive at some point. I can see her going to bed with her window open just in case.
Speak Now: I Can See You
I love @kdheaven's pick of "Sparks Fly" but this one is so spot-on in my mind. I love the irony of the title because Matt is blind but he can "see" Karen in a way no one else can. "And we kept everything professional / But something's changed, it's something I like" fits them, as well as "I can see you being my addiction / You can see me as a secret mission / Hide away and I will stop behaving myself." I love this one for them!
Red: Forever Winter
I think this song is a great musical representation of S3 Karedevil. The facades have fallen and they've gotten to see each other's self-destructive tendencies and said "I love you even at your darkest / And please don't go." "He seems fine most of the time, forcing smiles and never minds" is an apt description of Matt.
1989: You Are In Love
Again, love @kdheaven's pick of "This Love." But the chorus is what really does it for me: "You can hear it in the silence / You can feel it on the way home / You can see it with the lights out / You're in love, true love." 'Nuff said.
reputation: New Year's Day
To me, this song represents Matt and Karen's commitment to support each other, no matter what. Again, all the cards are on the table, and they're still willing to show up for each other, "When you're lost and I'm scared and you're turning away...When it's hard or it's wrong or we're making mistakes." The second verse seems particularly applicable as a message from Karen to Matt: "I'll be there if you're the toast of the town, babe / Or if you strike out and you're crawling home." Daredevil is morally gray, and I'm sure lots of people have lots of different opinions about him. But Karen has always stood by him. Also, New Year's Day is a day typically associated with New York here in the U.S.
Lover: Cruel Summer
This entire song screams Karedevil to me. I think it's particularly applicable to their early relationship, when they're still figuring each other out. There's a lot of feelings there, but it's fragile because it's new and they're hiding so much. "Breakable heaven" indeed. And then there's "He looks up grinning like a devil." ;)
folklore: peace
I'm 100% with @kdheaven on this one. The only thing I can say that they didn't already is that Matt and Karen both have chaos in their souls. This song is basically them saying "Here I am. This is me. Is this enough?" I also really love the "sit with you in the trenches" line for them. They're both willing to get their hands dirty for each other.
evermore: willow
I think this song follows the arc of their relationship really well. The first verse makes me think of their first meeting, when Karen is "rough on the surface" because of the charges leveled against her but Matt "cut through like a knife" and believed she didn't do it when no one else did.
The second verse coincides with when they start dating. They're idolizing each other, seeing each other as "a mythical thing." "Head on the pillow, I can feel you sneaking in" always gives me the image of Matt coming home after a long night of Daredeviling and crawling into bed next to Karen.
Then the last verse: they know the truth and have shown each other "the places where the others gave you scars." I also love the legal references throughout the song: "open-shut case" and "every bait-and-switch was a work of art." I can imagine Karen sitting in the gallery of a courtroom with a huge smile on her face as she watches Matt absolutely kill it.
Midnights: Karma
"Karma is my boyfriend" propels this song to the top of the list. Is there a more fitting description of Matt from Karen's POV? I will die on the hill that Karen was never mad at Matt for being Daredevil. She's always been a fan, even before she knew who Daredevil really was. And after that, her issue was that he didn't tell her. She's always been and, in my opinion, will continue to be proud of him and what he does on both sides of the law.
TTPD: The Albatross
In an effort to not end this post on a super sad note, I'm picking this song (though MBOBHFT is, unfortunately, also fitting). This one has a similar vibe to "peace," though I see this one a little more from Matt's POV than Karen's. Stick taught Matt that relationships are dangerous--for him and for the other person. So he tries to keep everyone at arm's length. Karen ignores all of that. She still loves him, even though she knows who Matt is and that being associated with him is potentially dangerous for her. I hear Matt in the lines "The devil that you know / Looks now more like an angel / I'm the life you chose / And all this terrible danger."
Thanks again to @kdheaven for the opportunity to combine my two obsessions!
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lollytea · 2 years ago
((Part 2 of my La La Land Machine posts!! Introducing Gus!!! And maybe some other guy idk, it's a little unclear.))
((Part 1))
One of the first things Willow does when she learns she will be working alongside Amity Blight is pick her jaw up off the floor, clamp it shut and smile pleasantly.
She is not going to cause a scene. She is not going to throw a tantrum. She is not going to be a source of conflict on this set. Willow is going to keep her lips buttoned and behave herself. She's lucky to have this role and she's not going to lose it.
She and Amity are two of the first few roles casted. The show is still in the process of putting itself together. Willow finds it a little weird that their chemistry wasn't checked out via screen tests before the two of them were signed on and it makes her anxiety spike.
I mean obviously, there's a lot of awkwardness and tension between them and an audience would surely pick up on that? Willow is gnawing off her fingernails worrying that she's gonna get fired before she even gets her first paycheck, all because she had to and get herself dumped by Amity 7 years ago. Plus they're supposed to be playing best friends?? How the fuck are they supposed to make that believable?? They're actors, sure, but...
In hindsight, this is the point Willow looks back on this as an obvious red flag but she was too stupid to realize it at the time. Of course they didn't need to see if Amity and Willow had chemistry. They didn't give a fuck if they had chemistry. That was never the point of Willow's character on this show.
As far as Willow can tell, Amity does not remember her. She's curt, polite and a little chilly with her during those first few days of pilot shooting but nothing overtly hostile. Nor familiar. At least not right away. She's blunt and she's critical and she does not hesitate to tell Willow when she's doing something wrong. Still a perfectionist after all these years. Even more so than she used to be.
Theyre going to be sharing a dressing room. Which can only lead to good things. Yay.
If Willow had to describe one of the most awkward experiences of her life she'd definitely recount shooting that goddamn Hexside Pilot and having to throw her arms around Amity Blight in a tight, loving hug back when they still wanted nothing to do with each other. It's nothing compared to how excruciatingly awkward her first kiss was but it's certainly up there.
Willow learned from the second she walked in for that audition that the character of Paulina was a comedic role and she was optimistic about giving it a shot. True she didn't have any friends to gouge an opinion from but she made her Dads howl with laughter pretty often so she liked to believe she was moderately funny.
The exaggerated faces she made certainly scored some giggles at the audition. They liked her disposition and line delivery. It makes her swell with pride. Paulina's meant to be a little on the ditzy side so she gives it her all. Willow is excited for this role, she gets to silly it up!!
Although once the scripts start rolling out and Gilbert reads them aloud to her at the kitchen table, she notices that Paulina is....way ditzier than she initially thought. And well, Gilbert seems a bit uncomfortable with it. But Willow assures him it's fine. It IS fine. Sure, she might be a little much but it's not that big of a deal.
The director of Hexside, Adrian Graye is....difficult. As in he expects you to be a mind reader and berates you relentlessly if you can't follow the vision in his head. And maybe Willow is too sensitive but in those first few days of filming, before she really understood the kind of person he was, he made her cry a lot.
She found a place to hide between takes when she's recovering from the hurtful words and it's in the school room, underneath a desk. This is where she meets the boy who's gonna become her best friend in the entire world. He also happens to be the boy she's pretty sure she saw a few people searching the set for. So what's he doing huddled under a desk, choking on his own ragged breath?
Augustus Porter is something else entirely. There are kids like Amity whose parents have sunk thousands of dollars into professional acting classes and she's STILL hasn't mastered the craft. You have kids like Willow with minimal training but enough natural talent to make a living but not win an Oscar anytime soon. And then you have Augustus. Who is made of stars.
As the son of a former performer turned news reporter, it was not difficult for Augustus to find an open door towards the spotlight. His Dad has a lot of connections. And it was the ideal setting for him. He likes to perform, his likes the dazzle and he likes attention.
Augustus has a lifetime of theatre experience under his belt by the time he auditions for Hexside. It could not be any more obvious that he is SEVERELY overqualified for this role. He can sing, he can dance, he can act, he's been on Broadway, he can even do magic tricks, like cmon!!! What the fuck is he doing here??
The simple answer is that he wants to do something fun and goofy right now.
Augustus has been on stage and screen since he could walk and let's just say that it's made him a liiiiittle....out of touch with reality. As a result of this, he's genuinely enraptured by mundane aspects of human life that he's never experienced. And that includes attending public school and having his own locker and backpack and GASP!!! Waving flags at a sports game!!!!
Unfortunately, as Willow tries to calm him down, the reason becomes apparent why he's auditioning for a teen show instead of attending an actual school.
Augustus doesn't have friends. He DOES however have a teenage neighbour who seemed very eager to become buddies. Quickly after, Gus tried to help his new friend get his acting career off the ground by asking his Dad to put in a good word with his friends in the industry. It wasn't until the day of his audition that he overheard from his assumed best friend that he was being used. And it stung. It stung bad.
He managed to hold it together all throughout the car ride to the studio. It wasn't until they arrived that it all burst out of him and he had to go hide somewhere so nobody saw him cry.
Augustus is painfully trusting. And no matter how hard he tries, he never ever EVER learns. He's a prodigy and he's famous. So many people who seek him out have an ulterior motive but he chooses to believe that they're genuine every single time. Willow would be wary about sending him to school too. They'd eat him alive. Just like what they did to her.
He likes showbiz. He likes the excitement of sets and castmates. He likes the illusion of living a normal life but also having the upper hand of knowing exactly what's going to happen and what everyone's intentions are because he already read about it in this week's script.
That doesn't mean Augustus wants to live like this forever. He dreams big. He wants to travel the world. He wants to rattle the world around and turn it upside down. He wants to get into politics. He wants to become an ambassador. He wants to talk to people and learn their stories and gather up a million friends. He wants to ride public transport. (Buses are....so cool.) But he's not ready yet.
He gets a role in Hexside because of course he does. He's Augustus Porter. He will be playing a flashy and charasmatic child villain, a role he was born to play. And Willow is indescribably relieved to have him here. Especially since those early days of shooting would have been Hell without him.
They take care of each other, Willow and Augustus. She comforts him when he fails projects or gets trapped in his head. She's his second pair of eyes who can let him know if somebody is messing with him again. And Augustus helps her read scripts and finish her homework. He sits beside her and makes her laugh after a long day of Amity's condescending comments.
Oh yeah, the condescending comments are gradually getting worse. Both on and off screen. By this point, Willow has realized the point of her character. Paulina exists to make Amity's character look better. Paulina is not ditzy, but is borderline illiterate. Paulina is not endearingly skittish, but is a complete invertebrate. Paulina is nothing but a combination of mockable characteristics rolled up into one character. She's supposed to be the protagonist's best friend, so why does Amity have new lines every week where she makes jokes about her brainlessness as the laugh track plays? It makes the occasional affectionate scenes between them feel pretty hollow.
Willow keeps trying to tell herself that she's being too sensitive. That she's being ungrateful. This job is paying the bills. This job is keeping her Dads from getting ulcers. This job is gonna put her through college (She is 100% gonna flunk out of college but she can't afford to dwell on that right now) and she's over here getting her feelings hurt because she's the comic relief.
But like. It does hurt, man. It REALLY hurts. Especially considering that out of everybody in the cast, Amity is given the most lines about what an idiot Paulina is and its hitting a little too close to home. Amity has plenty of comments to make in the school room about Willow obviously struggling with reading. The close proximity of a shared dressing room is beginning to lead to some hostility on both ends. So the line between where Paulina ends and Willow begins are already blurring. She is trying her goddann best to suck it up but coming to work every day and being an object of ridicule for profit isn't fun. It really isn't.
But she follows all of Adrian's notes and does what she's told.
Willow doesn't speak much on set anymore. She shows up, puts on a performance and either hangs out with Augustus, or makes herself very very small. And it seems to be working for her.
It's not like she's not used to treatment like this. But she has Augustus. And she's never had a friend to soften the blow before. So yknow. Pros and cons.
Willow and Augustus have a lot of fun together. Neither have ever gotten the chance to do normal teen stuff with a friend. And even tho they're not allowed to wander far off the lot, there's a fast food place, a skatepark, an arcade and a movie theater nearby, which gives them plenty to do between takes.
"The special effects kinda sucked," Says Augustus as the two wait in line at the studio canteen, discussing the whimsical fantasy movie they just saw.
Augustus has little to no interest in fantasy and magic. Willow is more of a comic books/superheroes kinda gal but she can appreciate a fun little flick every now and again. Plus one of the characters was really hot.
"I wanna sink my teeth into Sir William," Declares Willow with a wide grin, making Augustus scoff and wrinkle his nose in distaste.
"You want to BITE ME??" Pipes up an incredulous voice from behind, causing them both to whip their heads around, startled.
Willow nearly screams in blood curdling terror, but all she can manage is a pitiful little squeak.
He is standing. Right there. Sir William. Waiting in line at the studio canteen. His head is cocked quizzically, looking a little insulted. His bottom lip is hanging open and....there's a gap in his teeth. He did not have a gap in his teeth in the movie.
However, the arrangement of the guy's teeth does NOT matter right now. What DOES matter is that the blood is scalding under Willow's skin and there is no way the furious flush is not pathetically obvious.
Okay, lesson learned. No more thirsty comments in public.
This was definitely also on the list of her most embarrassing moments but it really lost its cringe factor after a few years. Because nowadays, she'll openly tell 'Sir William' that she wants to munch on his shoulders and it makes him blush and giggle.
But at age 14, it's....the kind of unbearable shit that makes her seriously contemplate quitting her job. Especially when she and Augustus learn that 'Sir William' is apparently filming something on the same studio lot and they might be bumping into him pretty often. There's even talks about him attending the same school room sessions as the other Hexside kids.
Willow would like to disintegrate. She really would. Fortunately the co-learning sessions have not been established yet but....this studio is now a minefield. Willow needs to avoid that boy or die trying. She's lucky to have Augustus. They've come up with a codeword ('Chew Toy') to mutter every time he sees the dude, giving Willow the opportunity to duck her head and subtly turn the other way.
So yeah, filming of season 1A of Hexside is going.....Well, its going. Pros (Augustus) and Cons (Everything else) but Willow is determined to make the best of it. She's given herself so many pep talks, she's pretty sure her own reflection has gotten sick of the sight of her.
Maybe her confidence isn't doing well. Maybe she and Amity are struggling to even co-exist in the same dressing room. Maybe she feels herself shrinking with every passing day.
But things are gonna improve soon. They will.
Because Willow is about to meet Luz Noceda.
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kiaradaughterofselene · 6 months ago
Intro post
Heyy I'm Kiara. The group blog over on @willows-pjo-ocs is cool and all, but I decided to make my own.
So here's some basic info i guess
Age: 15
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: bisexual
Godly parent: Selene
Powers: healing (only at night), photokinesis (limited to moonlight and not that much, Aurelia says I'm like a glowstick), increased strength at night time particularly when the moon isn't obscured by the clouds (which does not change when the moon is new since its still the moon), I can transfer the pain you feel to myself, limited hydrokinesis since the moon controls the tides, and I sees better in the dark. Limited umbrakinesis plus I can shadow travel. Not really a power, but I am pretty good at chariot driving since my mom is Selene, if I do say so myself.
Status: taken i love my wife girlfriend @southerndaughterofeos
Siblings: @overlyprotectiveheadcounselor @born-of-moonlight @sophia-hunter-of-artemis @daughter-ofthe-moontitan @the-little-moonie
I'm pretty chill just don't be a dick, i guess.
Ooc under the cut
Heyyy! I figured it might be fun to make some blogs for my ocs. With the amount i have and probably will make, this will make things easier and more fun.
i am way too autistic about the riordanverse send help
I'm the moderator of @willows-pjo-ocs and my main is @gaygirldoodles
I also run
#willow speaks ◇ is what i'll use for when the mod is speaking vs #willows pjo ocs ♡ and #insomniac daughter of the moon will be for in character stuff
the rest of this will probably be copy pasted from the intro post on the group blog tbh
TW/CW FOR TRANSPHOBIA, MENTIONS OF DEATH, AND SELF BLAME IN HER BACKSTORY also SH so im making it extra big so you dont miss it i dont wanna risk anything
Kiara is a 15 year old transgender demigod daughter of Selene. She arrived at camp a bit before the Battle of the Labyrinth (the battle itself, not the book, but both are technically true), so she did end up fighting in the Battle of the Labyrinth, the Battle of Manhattan, and the Battle of Half-Blood Hill (plus if there was another one in toa i havent read it yet so dont spoil me.)
I would say she was about 12 or 13 when she arrived at camp so she's been there for a bit
She wasn't claimed until 2 or 3 years after she arrived since her mom didn't have a cabin yet
She is currently dating Aurelia Emerson, another oc of mine.
No father issues here since her dad is pretty awesome, but she does have mother issues, which comes with your godly parent being your mother.
She has a good deal of trauma from these battles, as do the other demigods who fought in said battles.
Since she can only heal at night, she compensates with her fighting skills. She was unable to save lots of friends and fellow campers during the battles and she blames herself for their deaths constantly. The tragedy of being a combat medic at her age.
Kids used to tease her all the time and do stuff like pulling on her hair at school but she ended up finding her people
At some point (sometimes i rp before, during, or after this) she ended up going on a quest. I haven't planned out much of this quest or who she gets captured by, but she ends up getting captured by these monster or something who want a son of Selene even though she very much isn't a son, but a daughter. They only ever referred to her as a boy and made her wear raggedy ass "boy" clothes (even though i believe that clothes dont have gender idk how else to phrase it)
She ends up back at camp somehow, havent planned that part out yet, but yet another trauma she has to deal with (yay i guess..?)
She ends up picking up smoking to deal with the trauma. She doesn't really tell anyone, and she tries to hide it since she's underage, it's against the rules, and sincs Aurelia would kill her if word got out.
Every time she heals a patient, whether it's a broken wrist or the entire arm is ripped off, she transfers a great deal of the pain to herself so they don't have to deal with it. Better her than them, she tells herself.
Eventually, she grows pretty numb to the pain. She can still feel it, of course, but she's just used to it. It doesn't bother her as much as it used to. Occasionally, when she takes a smoke break, she'll put out the cigarette on the heel of her palm or her shoulder or something just to prove that she can still feel pain.
Also, I apologize if I accidentally portray her a bit wrong since I'm not trans but feel free to critique me if I do something wrong bc I really want to know so I can do better/be more educated
Face claim:
Tumblr media
tag list from the group blog:
@the-gods-abandoned-us @arisdaughter @mache-of-greece @kaiaalwayswins @unhinged-waterlilly @yourlocalfallenstar @son-of-the-moonlight @luci-likes-dinoss @elixs-mythology-corner @bast-the-best26 @emdabitchass @if-chaos-was-a-boy @luck-is-crucial @love-lightning-forethought @the-prince-telemachus @pink-koi-lovejoy @fire-boy-official
lmk if you wanna be added or removed!
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httyddragonfox · 2 years ago
The Hexsquad in Nightmares
I read this fanfic where Amity was put in the Nightmare instead of Luz, so I got to thinking...what would be the the rest of the Hexsquad in nightmares? Let's take a look at this:
For Luz:
Amity tells her she's just like Belos and basically helped him win, Willow says she has no future now, Gus says because of her he'll never see his dad again, and hunter says Flapjack is gone because of her.
Amity says 'Witches battle' and that's where Luz is clued in.
For Amity (in the fanfic):
Willow comments on how Amity abandoned her, Gus mentions how he's constantly overlooked or lumped in with other people, Hunter comments on how they're a lot alike but he had it worse and she didn't care about the consequences for him, and Luz says because of her she became a villain like Belos, like she used to be.
Luz says 'Pictoglyphs' which cues Amity in.
Now how about the rest;
For Willow:
Amity or Luz would be first, Amity would say she was abandoned because she was weak and her parents were right because she's still weak, Luz would say she only helped her and called her strong because she pitied her, Gus would be second and say if she was a better friend they wouldn't suffer in the first place like what happened in Labyrinth runners and then he then hints at Hunter, 'Neither would him.' Hunter would mention how close they've gotten, but then he'd mention that if she was a better friend then she would have gone all out to save Flapjack, she would have noticed something was wrong with him before it was too late, but she didn't do enough.
She'd be cued in by Hunter saying she did 'everything' wrong. Hunter told her recently that she didn't do anything wrong.
For Gus:
Willow would be first, she'd comment on how he was so wrapped up in his own problems he didn't notice anything was wrong with her. Luz would be next, she'd mention that she taught him the fire glyph because she knew how powerless he actually was. Amity would follow, she would say he's not really her friend because he's practically nonexistent, everyone else in their group is more substantial than him, makes more of a difference. She would then hint to Hunter saying 'He'd know more than anymore.' Hunter would point out how Gus knew Hunter was a Grimwalker, and Hunter was obviously struggling with that info, who his original was, if he was good or not, but Gus knew the whole time and said nothing. It would have made him feel a lot better, he wouldn't have wanted to prove himself by going on his own, someone could have noticed before it was too late, heck if Gus did more than make Belos mad, Flapjack might still be alive. Everyone would show up then, berating Gus for being weak.
Willow would be the one to cue him in, I'm not sure what she'd said but I'm pretty sure it'd be her. This would show some growth because he didn't recognize it was fake last time, he'd say 'I'm not being fooled a second time, you're not her. None of you are you."
For Hunter:
Willow would probably be first, commenting on how his original was a witch hunter, Belos' number 2, that's his destiny so he'll always hurt others, even her, for added points he'd be in his Golden Guard garb. Next would be Amity, she'd point out she reached out a hand to him at eclipse because they were similar, but instead of being good he just chose to run back to Belos, he chose to be the bad guy, so why should they ever give him a chance. For Gus, he'd point out Chief Engineer O'Bailey is a fictional character, his immediate goal was to turn on Captain Avery, and because it's fiction Captain Avery showed him the light, Gus questions if he was ever really their friend, did he ever see himself as one of them. Hunter would retort, 'Of course, I'd never hurt anyone." Gus would say, "Oh really, then what about them?" Hunter would be shifted to see Luz. She'd talk about how she was there when he dragged her into the mess with Belos. She thought he was like family, but he dragged her away from the group to confront Belos alone with no magic, not considering what could have happened. Sure he had a palisman, Flapjack, but look where that got him. He knew Belos liked killing palisman and had a grudge, but he still brought them alone. If he pushed back sooner, Flapjack wouldn't have died. Hunter would start crying then, saying that he knows. The whole group would show up, Willow would say he's the golden guard, he hurts people, it's what he does, it's what he was made to be, and he's not one of them and never will be.
Hunter will remember that Willow told him that it didn't matter who he was because he was one of them now, and Willow is too kind to lie about something like that. He knows Willow and this isn't her, none of them are them.
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pageofheartdj · 2 years ago
It will never stop hurting, isn't it xD
You know what sucks? That because of Collector's ending I don't even want TOH continuation. I can ignore the end while rewatching the seasons. But with continuation it will be always in my face.
That a traumatised lonely little child leaving to deal with their trauma and 'mature' on their own is a Good Thing Actually.
It breaks my heart to see this end for them. It breaks my brain, because I was invested in this world, in its themes, in its characters. The show was treating every character consistently. Everyone but Collector.
Collector is a little kid and the show was really hammering this in season 3. Collector is a vulnerable kid that faced mostly nothing but HURT and the show was REALLY hammering it in! They were tricked by siblings and the little titans were taken away from them, they were falsely accused and trapped in a horribly prolonged isolation. Titan Trappers were a murderous cult. There is no way Belos treated Collector nicely and with Collector not even knowing this. And then he was betrated. And then he had a few nice-ish months with King before he found out that King actually lied too. And then 'Ray-Ray' lied. And then when they thought they could befriend Belos again, they were blasted in the back and the person he quickly grew to care died in front of him, showing as a personal example what mortality is. And then they break down crying because Eda is hurting and King will get hurt.
And they didn't heal from ANY of this, at all. They immediately left. To be alone. Because space is BIG and they will be alone traveling from planet to planet, if that's what they will do at all, we know NOTHING.
And why? He was never eager to return to the stars and never offered to go explore with King. He never cared.
So why? Witches won't like him at first? He isn't an active threat anymore, in fact he could have helped with restorations. Hunter didn't have to leave despite also doing bad things for Belos.
Speaking of, would you be happy with Hunter's arc if he just left Boiling Isles to travel in the Human Realm, never settling in and making any lasting relationships(because Collector's planet hopping will not build him any stable relationships) and ocassioanlly visiting the Demon Realm. Just. Two lonely kids dealing with their trauma on their own. Would you be happy for Hunter to have this 'satisfying ending' too?
But the show made a point to give Hunter a stable supportive parent figure in Darius.
In fact. Everyone, kids and adults, got better after they got loved ones that support them. Every single one of them. Lilith and Eda got their relationship fixed, both reunited with parents, Amity gained Luz and Hexsquad and her relationships got better with dad and twins, Willow got support in Luz. Hunter got support in Flapjack and Willow and Gus. All of them were able to become a happier person because they always had someone by their side.
People say that Collector visists and that should be enough? No? They didn't even personally congratuled Luz, they just threw some magical fireworks, because they 'were in the area'. So it was pure luck Collector was around at all. Doesn't really scream 'ah yes they are a family like this anyway' to me. Fucking TIBBLES was there. And not the 'family member'.
Again, a little kid, kids should NEVER be alone! And don't tell me the only lesson kids need is 'kindness and forgiveness'. Wow, how easy it is to raise a child, huh. No teaching socialisation, no teaching emotional intellegence, not being a safety net for a child to feel assured and make mistakes and build healthy bases and explore the possibilities while they always have unconditional love and support.
What else. Everyone's mortality? Well leaving Demon Realm doesn't help with this at all, because all the planets have mortals too. And it's a weird goose chase for a slim possibility to find another immortal or semi-immortals, when King is Right There.
In fact this is worse, because Collector had learned a concept of mortality. But he didn't get to experience actual lasting grief, how to cope when the person is no longer in your life. The show says Collector still has supposedly close relationship with the Owl fam so he will STILL have to deal with them dying and hurting from this. Excpet there would have been no one to teach what to do with these feelings.
Collector, a little hurt kid, is in space alone, no one to help them to deal with confusing feelings, no one there to stop from doing a mistake or help to fix it and how to fix it. No one to explain new concepts. No one to warn them from interacting with bad people.
The show made a Point how Collector in all the ways that matter, is like a human child. And the show was always treating kids as kids. But suddenly the Collector gets the Fairy Tail treatment where he will never struggle with anything and there will be never ever a problem with abusive adults. Just all the hurt and not a single good adult before, and then the blissful existence from that point to the future.
Except this is a lie. The show could have suddenly redeem Belos and treat it as the most logical thing, but it's not. It just doesn't make sense no matter how the narration tries to convince you it is.
So what's the point in any of this??
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marigoldbaker · 2 years ago
buffy/giles? jenny/cordelia? angel/cordelia? spike/anya? dawn/xander? willow/kennedy? kennedy/anya?? (i know i'm late to this game but i want to hear all your opinions)
oh, man. my take on this is a little different from most. starts out like i have a certain position, but prepare yourself.
buffy/giles is so divorced from canon! the story itself took so many steps to remove the possibility of buffy and giles ever becoming a romantic relationship -- the Six Inch Rule is often cited in a lot of b/g fics (yes i read them. i read everything.) and it's very very clear that the show has placed giles in a paternal role. a lot of the b/g ship arguments seem to suggest that giles doesn't actually want to be buffy's dad, but i think that omits the rest of that sentence -- giles doesn't want to be buffy's dad because he feels like a good dad would not be sending their kid out to die, and he believes that the ultimate act of paternal devotion is to Not Be Buffy's Dad. and buffy herself CLEARLY wants giles to be her dad! this is a point of contention between them!
i have read some b/g fic because i am always curious, and the bulk of the fic that i HAVE read just absolutely refuses to engage with the canon messaging, instead choosing to say "all of the rest of you are reading canon wrong, giles and buffy have never had a father/daughter connection, and there's always been romantic potential here." i find this incredibly boring. i think that any exploration of buffy/giles HAS to incorporate that, at one point, she saw him as her dad, and HAS to explore how those feelings changed + the weirdness/messiness of this entire dynamic in the first place.
i am not gonna be one of those people who pearl-clutches -- buffy/giles is a long-established part of this fandom and i do not think that it does us any favors to pretend that they didn't build so much of the incredible giles content/infrastructure that's out there! even if it's not my thing, i can respect it. but part of the reason it's not my thing is bc i do not see a lot of it that actually engages with canon. much of it intensely mischaracterizes buffy AND presents giles as the Perfect Man Who Is Perfect, which, again, soooo not interesting to me. write some weird shit where the daddy issues are addressed instead of shaken off and shoved into a closet! that is literally what fanfiction is for!!!
iiiiiii can't see it. they're way too similar. i've read a couple of fics where cordelia has a crush on jenny but honestly just cannot buy it. i think cordelia wants to BE jenny (cool confident assertive lady with a geek ass little boyfriend, is not bothered by what people will think of her for dating said geek ass little boyfriend) which is a little different.
14 year old celia will never not be crying about them. neither will 22 year old celia. the most perfect thing to ever exist. they invented friends to lovers. i truly think there's nothing like them in the entire buffyverse -- the people that they start out as are so fundamentally incompatible, and then the people they grow into through heartbreak and supernatural situations become SO ENTWINED!!! i love the idea of a second, enduring love that you grow into -- something that is not fated. of all the couples in the buffyverse, they're the ones who are actually, canonically best friends who enjoy each other's company w/ the love stuff blooming FROM THAT, and that will never not kill me.
hot in the short term/for a fwb situation, but i think they probably work best as friends. i don't really have anything to justify this position, Simply Vibes.
i am totally ambivalent. i understand that it happened in the comics, but it's so hard to look at them and imagine it when he's such a big brother to her in canon! on principle, though, i respect the idea of the dynamic shifting as she gets older, because i love the narrative notion of relationships evolving and changing shape as time goes on -- i actually really love this one fic i read where she's obsessed with this idea of becoming a Cool College Student and wooing him with her new attractiveness, and it doesn't SEEM to work (she even brings it up to him and goes "haha wasn't this so funny and stupid of me to think it could happen?") but there's a suggestion that his perspective on her might be gradually changing.
people hate kennedy so much and that makes me love this more. out of spite. 1) this was so clearly not a long-term thing, and 2) this becomes so fun to watch if you look at kennedy as Baby Jenny & recognize the subsequent implications of this.
a recipe for disaster, i think. they both wanna be in charge and spoiled by their partner. they would get into SO MANY FIGHTS.
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theyaresogay · 2 years ago
Willow memes I found on Pinterest that I cackle at (I’m just to going keep adding to this)
Kit: Man it sure is dark in here…
Kit: I'm not scared or anything.
Kit: I mean, who is afraid of the dark these days, anyways?
Kit: Not me. No sir.
Jade: …Do you want me to hold your hand?
Kit: Yes please.
Elora: Start with some light flirting, okay? Subtlety is key.
Kit, nodding: Sure, I can do that.
Kit: Hey, Jade! High Five!
*they high five*
Jade: Okay?
Kit: *interlacing their fingers* I'm in love with you.
Jade: *smiling confusedly* What?
Elora: *face palms*
Kit: *does something ridiculous*
Jade: Great, like I needed to get anymore attracted to you.
Kit: ... What?
Jade: ANNOYED. ANNOYED BY YOU. That’s what I said.
King Hastur: So, Queen Sorsha, what is your daughter like?
Sorsha: Well, she's-
Kit: Full of sass with a really cute-
Sorsha: Kit!
Kit: ...Lass. *winks at Jade*
Jade: *smitten eye rolling*
Graydon: Why are Kit and Jade sitting with their backs to each other?
Elora: They had a fight.
Graydon: Then why are they still holding hands?
Elora: *shrugs* Kit gets sad when they fight.
Kit: Mom, I understand now why you arranged a marriage for me. As a princess, and heir to the throne, it is my duty to form alliances to protect our kingdom.
Sorsha: I am so happy to hear you say that. I know it's a great sacrifice, and I am so proud that you are willing to go through with it.
Kit: ...And since Jade turned out to be essentially a Bone Reaver princess, I decided to marry her.
Sorsha: .....
Elora: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Kit?
Kit: ...No.
Graydon: I do!
Elora: I know, Graydon.
Graydon: I'm sad!
Elora: I know, Graydon.
Kit, joking around: When are you going to go out with me?
Jade: I don't know, when are you going to ask me?
Elora: Every family has a gay cousin
Kit: I don't have a gay cousin
Elora: Maybe you're the gay cousin
Kit: Holy shit, I'm the gay cousin
Madmartigan: Kids, I'm sorry I had to leave, and wasn't there for you both growing up. I an so proud of the people you have become. Kit, you are one of the finest, bravest knights this world has ever known. Kit: Thanks, dad.
Madmartigan: And Airk... you've got great hair, son.
Airk: (overcome with emotions) Thanks, dad.
Willow: Really?
Jade: He's always had really low expectations.
Elora: Tell me about it. Before we started dating I once gave him a cupcake I stole from the kitchens. He thought I'd made him a birthday cake. He cried.
Elora: I give up. I am so tired.
Kit: Get the emergency supply!
Jade: *carries Graydon and places him in front of Elora*
Graydon: *smiles*
Airk: Hey, Kit? Can I get some dating advice?
Kit: Just because I'm with Jade doesn't mean I know how I did it.
Kit: *turns to Jade looking curious* How did I do it?
Jade: I think it’s definitely the hair.
Kit: *smuggly smirking*
Kit, messaging Jade at 2 am: lmfao
Kit: guess what?
Jade: Bitch, with the way you live, I have no fucking idea.
Kit: Look at that! The statues smirking at me.
Elora: You’re right, that’s weird.
Boorman: It’s art, it isn’t weird.
Graydon *turns to Jade*: Why isn't the statue smirking at me?
Jade: It isn't smirking at anyone, they're all just imagining it.
Graydon: Three of us saw it, Jade. How do you explain that?
Jade: *points at Elora* Sleep deprivation, *points at Kit* Severe paranoia, *points at Boorman* Delusional personality disorder.
Kit: Let's watch Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
Jade: Okay.
kit: And make out during the scary parts.
Jade: Th-
Jade: The scary parts.
Jade: Of Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
Jade: You know what I learned from years of being friends with Kit?
Graydon: There's no such thing as too idiotic?
Elora: Never let your friends know for sure if you like them?
Boorman: Always hold a grudge?
Kit: I don’t know what you learned, but I learned to never steal your socks.
Airk: Oh you travelled across most of the known world and nearly died multiple times to reach me? What a wonderful treat! Oh, those guys who've been trying to kill you the last few months? They're fine, don't worry about them, they're my mates. They still want to kill you though. Let me give you the most awkward hugs in existence and be really creepy and spacey then start spouting the most cultish speech ever.
Kit: What are you on?
Airk: Wyrm's milk.
Kit: Forget I asked.
Elora: Sonetimes I drink milk straight out of the container.
Kit: The cow?!?!?!
Elora: What?
Jade: Elora, W H Y?
Kit: *Kicks the door down looking panicked*
Jade: What did you do?
Kit: Nobody died.
Kit: Jade, you deserve an award for putting up with me.
Jade: You are my reward, Kit.
Boorman: Scorpia, you deserve an award for putting up with me.
Scorpia: Hell yeah I do; you're a real bitch sometimes. Scratch that, all the time.
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bubblydalya · 11 months ago
Chapter 3 - Roomie
2019 - Dalia - 9 years
"Mommy someone is at the door"
No response, I went to find mom first, dad always told me not to open door for strangers.
"MooOOoOm where are yoOooO??"
I went almost all over the house, except her bedroom and bathroom.
Mother never wanted me to go there. Probably because of the drugs. But I wanted to find her to open the door.
"Moommy there's someone at the door!"
I yelled a little, but still no response. I even tried to bang at the door until I just opened her door. There was no one in the bedroom but bathroom door were slightly open.
Through the crack open door I saw mother probably dead from overdose. Then front door burst open, little me scared, hid in mom's closet.
I Heard heavy foot steps downstairs and then I heard them going up the stairs. I was shaking in fear, my heart was pounding. I curled up into a ball, when crocodile tears started rolling down my cheeks.
Those people were searching other rooms in the house. Then they opened moms bedroom door and I tried to not breath so loud. It was one person, I think, they were breaking things and at one point I thought I was safe, but them he burst open the closet door. I screamed in fear, he grabbed by the collar of my shirt and tossed me on the bed, he crawled behind me and injected me with some kind of injection, after a minute of trying to fight this man, with no success, I fell asleep and woke up at my curent room in the laboratory school.
" What the actual fuck? (!)"
I yelled a little when throwing a puch at the punching bag in my room. I don't want a fucking roomie to show around, my schedule is cut today which is good but I have to show her around! Like, everything! And this place is not small. Why can't they do it themselves? Even William is not around.
I wonder where is Willow. Haven't seen him in a while, he usually wants to meet newbies real soon for some sort of bond.
We were in the middle of self defense practice, I should shower, I don't wanna sting.
And I wanna change into more comfortable clothing. (The practice clothes:):
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After not so long but relaxing shower I dressed into some comfy clothes:
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Before the roomie arrived, which is taking suspiciously long, some guys brought her bed and cabinet. Now my room looks smaller than before. Her cabinet is next to mine and so is her bed (not completely next).
After the shower, I calmed down, at least I would do a good first impression.
I heard knocking on my door, so I went to open it and there she was, Lex.
I greeted her then let her in, now our room. I didn't really wanted to talk so I just sat there on my bed, while she was unpacking her things. There was not much stuff, just few clothes, some books too and her weapons, it is a kunai attached to a chain and the chain it was attached at the other end to a thing that is put around the wrist:
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And then she pulled put a FUCKIN' katana lady's and gentlemen, what the fuck, that shit must be heavy. I was just sitting there bolling (idk how to spell it) my eyes out. She saw my expression and had hold a lough, it must had been priceless.
I wanted to let out the dork I was deeply inside, and kept trying to keep my cool. But Oh my Gods, these things are cooler that I expected. I only saw them (except for the Katana) in those old books in the libery!
My dorkiness slipped in front of Jasper, after the dinner to let Lex be for a moment (secretly praying that she wont go around my stuff) and told her about her stuff, how I how think it is cool.
"Dude, you have to see it, I never saw that stuff before in real!..." I was yapping about how many stuff you can do with it and so on Jasper was happy for me that the roomate was not a trouble yet, but there was something in her eyes that I couldn't figure out.
The Jasper said: „ You should go meet her more and don't do jump to conclusions, you don't know exactcly who she is."
" You're probably right, but didn't you wanna spend more time with me?"
Jasper shook her head 'no' and whooshed me out her room, cuz' she had 'stuff to do'.
Bavk in my room, I was still silent. I just don't know how to start...
"So um...you got a cool weapon"
"Um....thanks (?)"
Then, there was awkward silence. I guess she's not a talkative person, the problem is I'm not talkative too. I should still probably ask for her name.
" Can I just, get your name??"
"Lex Lemaire"
"Interesting name you got, I didn't hear it before."
I don't usually mind it with Jasper or Willow but... she's got this weird aura. I don't know how to describe it.
'Man, I don't know what to say, she got this weirdly powerful aura'
"Listen Dalia, There's no need to exchange pleasantries. It's rather pathetic to force a conversation just to occupy silence."
"I didn't tell you my name"
Right after I said it, I tried to push her into a wall by a spell I learned."
(The power should look like this :):
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But she was faster than I thought, she dodged my attack with her speed and pushed me into corner between wall and the bed. I groaned a little " who the fuck are you.." then tried to push her of off me but she had put her knee on my chest, putting her almost whole weight on me. I just huffed and looked her dead in the eyes, those light, almost white blue eyes, her pupil was really thin, like those cats in books.
"Listen, I don't wanna cause trouble, it's just one of my powers - Telepathy so please stop trying to fight me off or you'll hurt yourself."
I smirked at her saying "Is that a threat?"
She bent down closer to my face and said:
"No, a warning"
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honey-lemonart · 30 days ago
Chapter 1
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"You'll be taking the Aptitude test; pass this door," the older woman said. Yukichi walked into a massive room as the door closed behind her. A booming voice greets her.
"When you're ready, please stand in the center of the room." She did as told, put her right hand on what looked like one half of a bracelet, and held onto the handle of the weapon.
Within seconds, the device that holds both the weapon and bracelet clamps down on her hand. "AH!" A burning sensation runs through her hand to her body.
After a couple of minutes of the burning pain, it stops, the device opens up, and she picks up her weapon looking up at it. "I won't let people die again, now I can fight back against those monsters." Her thoughts halted when she saw black goo flowing from her weapon and connecting to her bracelet.
The first thing the First Unit heard when they entered the Den was the gossip about one of the recruits being a New-Type god eater.
"Hey, did you hear? They found someone compatible with the New-Type God Arc, and I heard she's apparently from outside the walls." They hear a female voice as they keep on walking through the Den.
"Really? Who knew they would find some like that from beyond the walls?" This time they heard a male voice talking as they sat on the couch on the second floor in the middle of the lounge area.
"I know right," The female voice speaks again. Lindow smiles. "I hear that the New-Type is cute. Did you guys want to go say hi to her?" The ravenette looks at his Unit members for an answer.
Sakuya agreed to say hi and welcome the New-Type to the Den, while Soma decided not to take part in the conversation and ignored Lindow's question completely.
Just then they catch a glimpse of the New-Type everyone has been talking about standing in front of the elevator to go to the laboratory floor for her medical checkup. Though they didn't get a chance to see her face, from what they could see of her, she had rather pale skin, and her hair was pure white.
That catches Soma's attention, having never seen someone like that before; everyone seems to look at her both out of curiosity and excitement and just like that, she disappears into the elevator.
"Well, no wandering; everyone is talking about her; she is rather pretty." Lindow turned back to the two beside him on the couch with a smile.
"Dad, what kind of tree is this? It looks like a Willow tree." The cheerful young girl excitedly pointed at a colorful picture of a tree in the book resting in front of her.
"That? That is called a Wisteria tree; people from all over the world used to come to Japan just to look at it." The older man was lying on his side on the makeshift bed facing her.
Though it's dark, the dim glow from the mechanical lantern is enough to allow him to see his daughter's face. "Why is that?"
"Well, I could only guess it's because of its beauty." The young girl turned to her father, "Have you seen it, Dad?" She tilted her head back, her wide, crimson eyes sparkling with curiosity as she gazed up at him.
"I have, and I wish you could see how beautiful it is with your own eyes." Tucking some loose hair behind her ear, she smiles back at him.
"It's that dream again." she sighs, "At least it's not one of those nightmares again." Looking up to her window, she saw it was already dusk. After the medical checkup, the doctor told her that she'd feel drowsy and tired "I didn't expect it to make me feel this tired."
Her thoughts were cut short when her stomach growled audibly, echoing in the silence of her room. Waking up to the door of her room, she opened it, and she was met with Kota.
"Ah, h-hey I was wondering if you want to come with me to something to eat and walk around for a bit. Since we are both new here." After thinking for a moment, she decided to take the offer: "Might as well, since I have nothing better to do.".
Nodding her head, she started walking to the elevator. "So what's your name? You didn't get the chance to tell me before Miss Amamiya told us to go take the medical checkup." He asked while they waited for the elevator, "It's Yukichi."
After having dinner at the Den cafeteria, they wander around for a bit and familiarize themselves with their surroundings. "So, hey Yukichi, which section of the Outer Ghetto are you from? I never saw you in my section."
"Oh, I'm not from here." She stopped walking and turned to look out of the window beside her. "I'm from the outside of the wall." Turning back to him, her piercing red eyes and a sad smile edge themselves on her face. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't-."
"It's fine." After a moment of silence, Kota speaks up again. "But since you're a God Eater now, that must mean your family is here too, right? Well, at least they're in the Outer Ghetto, right?" An optimistic smile spread across his face, she didn't answer and continued walking. ____________________________________
In the next couple of weeks, they're called on by Miss Amamiya for simulation training, and each time after, they go to the cafeteria for lunch. Today is no different. Kota seems to have never-ending energy in him, even after training.
Before they were able to leave though, they were stopped by Major Amamiya. "Before you go, I have something to tell you: from tomorrow onward, you'll be going on field missions training. You will be trained by the First Unit, and after you've completed these missions successfully, you'll be assigned to a Unit. That's all."
"Yes ma'am. Thank you, ma'am." The both of them said in unison, "Very well, go on and enjoy the rest of your day for today, dismiss." With that, she takes her leave.
"This is incredible! We finally got the chance to go out on field missions, can you believe it? Let's celebrate in style!" They rushed off to the cafeteria, excitement in the air.
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