#it's like calling a cougar a mountain lion etc etc
wickedcriminal · 5 months
I wanna know about How to Twist a Viking's Tale 👀👀
YESSSS My written adaptation of Half Brother's AU!! I took the format of Hiccup's first person narration in the first movie and ran with it, and am experimenting with a pov switch between the two Hiccups. First person pov gets a lot of flack, but it's really not so bad, and it's been really fun to write! It saved my butt when it comes to repeat names, that's for sure 😂
Here's one of my favorite bits from Hiccup the Younger:
“I met a dragon in the woods.”
Fishlegs cringes violently. “A what?!”
“Common or garden.” I explain idly, holding out my hands about half a foot. “About this big. Green as you like. Sweet thing, really.”
Fishlegs's shoulders slump and he huffs out a sigh. “You know what, of course you're happy about this. Why am I surprised?” He follows me up the stairs at a manageable rate for his limp. “Hiccup, common or gardens are pests, not sweeties. You know that, right?”
“He's not got any teeth!!” I coo, and Fishlegs groans. “He could hardly speak any dragonese at all! I think it might have been a baby— which is strange, really, because he'd have to be a pretty big baby, common or garden babies are about the size of rabbit pups and are usually at full maturity for his size— I think he's just a cute little big baby.”
And here's a bit from Hiccup the Elder!
The night goes on. Snotlout swings by to get his axe sharpened. He cuts to the front of the line like the self righteous snotface that he is and throws the axe directly at my head. I duck quick as a Nadder and the weapon misses me by a hair, embedding itself deep into the wall behind me.
"You're supposed to catch it," Snotlout sneers. "Useless."
Now, normally this circumstance would call for some sort of reaction on my part. Some yelling, some shouting, maybe a bit of good old fashioned fist shaking, and a guarantee that 'my father the chief will hear about this, Snotface Snotlout Jorgensen!!'. Except that would indicate I hold any power in this situation at all, and I can barely hold my own sword.
"Sorry." I say automatically, because I may have dodged his axe but it's a lot harder to dodge his fists. My little brother tells me I 'practically lay myself out on the floor' to let Snotlout walk all over me— in the iron boots I made for him, no less!
(I tell Hiccup I'll make another pair to kick his butt with if he keeps bringing it up.)
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Some safety & survival tips
This isn’t something that I’d normally post, but with college starting I thought I’d share some tips I’ve gathered over the years for staying safe (edit: I was informed a lot of these are basic knowledge, but I’ll share anyway because you never know)
if a room in your house randomly smells like fish, check the outlets, melted plastic often gives off a fish odor and unchecked could start an electrical fire
don’t swerve for deer and risk you or your car, hit it, with the proof of hitting it insurance can help cover the damage (edit: sorry, I don’t mean to encourage killing an animal, and I know the deer can do some hefty damage, this is just if your options are swerving full speed into a ditch/other car, or hitting the deer, the deer might be a better option. obv if you think you’ll be fine swerving out of the way, do that)
speaking of ^, if you see a deer on the road and it runs off in time, keep going slow and stay on the lookout, there’s more often than not more than just one deer and you never know if it’ll jump into the road
however, swerve for a moose, you’re going to hit the legs and then you have 1500 lbs coming thru your windshield
if you’re in a dark, unfamiliar area, keep the keys handy, for one the key itself can easily be used as a weapon, two if you set off a car alarm it might grab someone’s attention if you’re in danger, or at least deter someone threatening you
try not to be wearing heels if you know you’ll be in the situation above. first of all, everyone knows it’s hard to run in heels, so an opportunist will likely target someone that won’t as easily get away. secondly, it just hurts to run in them. I was out past 10pm walking several blocks to where I parked my car and noticed two guys tailing me, and while my heels were thick and only about 4-5 inches, running a block to my car in sheer terror left my ankles beyond sore the next day, and I can only imagine how catastrophic it would’ve been if my foot got caught in a hole or if my ankle twisted.
if the water retreats quickly and farther than normal, pack it up and run, that’s a sign of an oncoming tsunami
stranded in the cold? don’t stop moving. shaking and shivering is good, that’s the body’s way of trying to stay warm, if you suddenly stop shivering, it means your body has given up and you’re past the point of it being able to warm itself. don’t let someone take their clothes off either in the cold. this sounds weird and obvious, but when you’re exposed to hypothermia-inducing conditions for so long, your nerves get fried, and you start thinking you’re boiling alive and don’t contain rational thought anymore
if you haven’t eaten or drank anything for a period of a couple days, pace yourself when food/water is available. If you consume too much immediately after starving, that’s a massive shock to your system. When concentration camp survivors were freed, they were given too much food for their malnourished bodies to process, and that’s fatal.
if vomit/poop is like black tar or coffee grounds, see a doctor, that’s a sign of internal bleeding (obv periods for girls are different, if menstrual blood is like coffee grounds there’s a good chance it’s just really, really old blood, but it’s still a good idea to check in with a doctor)
a lot of predators (I know at least mountain lions/cougars) are deterred from attacking if they see your face/eyes
if you’re hitting the gas pedal, and the tachometer is moving, and the car is not, you’re hydroplaning. Your first instinct is to hit the brakes. DON’T HIT THE BRAKES. Your best bet is to ride it out, gradually slow down, try and let other cars know what’s going on, pull over and calm down.
car windows are strongest in the middle, aim for the edges or corners
911 should work anywhere (even other countries), SIM card or not, for free, so don’t waste time scrambling for change at a pay phone
if you’re in a pool and the water tastes metallic, get out, there’s an electrical short in the water
a seriously upset stomach is another sign of a heart attack
if you’re getting manhandled into a van, don’t fight fair. fight to get away as soon as possible. elbow or palm to nose, heel to toe, thumbs or elbows to eyes, knee to groin, strike the ears, nails to throat, do whatever you can and make as much noise as possible. don’t get taken to a secondary location
don’t punch the face, punch the throat. no matter how weak you are, a fist to the windpipe is enough to stun anyone
the flesh on the underside of the arm is fragile. try pinching it, it hurts right? even lightly? pinch someone there hard, and PULL. you can tear out muscle fiber and tendons doing that, and it’ll hurt. a lot.
if you think you’re in danger, call someone, or even just pretend to call someone, and then make plans, loudly. even fake plans work, just make them soon. if someone is following you, knowing that you’ll be expected somewhere/your absence will be immediately noticed is sometimes enough to ward off the very unfriendly folk.
it’s worth it to keep pepper spray, I accidentally indirectly caught myself with it when testing to make sure it works, and the smell alone made me tear up. I was coughing and blowing my nose for several hours after, so imagine spraying it in someone’s eyes, the intended use.
it’s worth shining a light in the backseat of your car, especially if you left it unlocked. the previously mentioned unfriendly folk have used the method of laying in the back waiting for you to enter the vehicle, so a couple seconds to check can’t hurt.
keep valuable looking items away from windows, this hopefully lessens the chance a burglar will choose your house
be wary of a big truck or van parked next to your driver side door, that’s also a kidnapping tactic. It’s worth it to get in on the other side—lock the doors immediately—and crawl over
be wary of someone stopping you and asking you for directions, if you’ve seen a dog, etc, as opportunists prey on your inclination to be helpful (obv it’s not bad to want to help people, but don’t be afraid to say “no, sorry” and keep moving, this is how Ted Bundy lured in his victims)
if someone grabs you, drop your body weight. rag doll, go limp. the attacker will likely have to adjust his grip. If they manage to keep ahold of you, don’t try and pry away their hands, try and grab their thumbs and BEND
if you’re aware you’re having a heart attack, force yourself to cough, that’ll keep the heart pumping
You’re better off screaming “FIRE!” than “HELP!”, as people often don’t want to get involved, which is sad and frustrating but true, but a fire involves everyone around you
if you’re struggling to light a (gas) stove, and it’s making the clicking noise but there’s no flame, wait for awhile because now there’s gas in the air that depending on how many times you tried to light the stove, wouldn’t be a good idea to light
when giving cpr: dominant over nondominant, to the center of the chest between the nipples. it helps to hum Staying Alive, as the tempo aligns with the cpr treatment. don’t stop if you hear/feel a rib crack, bones mend, a stopped heart doesn’t
tip from firefighters: search rooms with the back of your hand. if you think a room is on fire, feel the metal door handle with the back of your hand, that way if it’s hot you burn the back and don’t reduce your ability to grip things. this also prevent grabbing ahold of an electrical outlet with a current in it, the electricity invading your body will contract your muscles making you unable to actually let go of the outlet
Keep adding your own please! This is a very short list, and you can never know too much on safety precautions
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wxldchxld · 4 years
Headcanon: Beck’s Forms
I might break this off and eventually do a hc for every form she can shift into and explain how she got the ability and why she chose to pursue it, but I’m going to start with what I have on my white board rn (bc I need to erase it lmao).
Fox Form:
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This is one of Beck’s two main forms that she can take. The fox, along with the cougar, represents core pieces of Beck’s personality and she resonates with them the most.
The Fox was Beck’s clan symbol, so she was born with the ability to shift into it. Unlike most witches, Beck made her first shift very early, earmarking her as a feral witch, which lead to her being ostracized from her community in many ways. Beck is well liked, but people are fearful of feral witches, and are generally happy that she doesn’t want to stick around a long time.
Time Limit: None First shift: 3 Touchable: Yes. Highly encouraged. Does frequently bite. Will claim it’s affection. Shifts: When she’s comfortable/playful/affectionate/curious/neutral
Cougar Form:
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The second of Beck’s main forms. Beck gained this form when she was 13 and attacked by a mountain lion. She was at a point in her life where she was feeling a lot of guilt for leaving Fenris, and she often considered going back, and mourned the fact that she had no place in what she saw as regular society. When she was attacked, she saw herself in the animal before her. It too was living on the fringes of society, starving, struggling, trying to stay somewhere it didn’t belong. She took her attack as a sign that she needed to embrace the part of herself that was truly wild, and not to be so guilty about her brother.
Time Limit: None First Shift: 13 Touchable: Yes depending on the mood she’s in. Shifts: Both when she’s comfortable/happy/affectionate and when she’s frightened/threatened
Wolf Form:
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If you’re encountering Beck as a wolf, you’re probably either someone she deeply trusts or in a very precarious situation. Beck learned this form as a very young child, at an age when learning a second form was practically unheard of. She wanted to be like her father and her brother, who could both take wolf form. However after her father’s death Beck stopped shifting into this form. So she only really shifts into it in order to serve a specific purpose (be it protection/hunting/etc).
Time Limit: 48 hours First Shift: 5 Touchable: A hard maybe. Read her mood. In general she wants her space in this form. Shifts: When she’s frightened/startled or when she needs to hunt
Horse Form:
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Horse form is another form that came to Beck pretty young. She was only around eight when her familiar, a horse named Dawnbreaker, taught her how to take horse form. She was so young that she was still a small filly in horse form for several years. Beck mostly learned this form because she loved Dawnbreaker. Her familiar practically raised her and shaped much of who she became as a person. So much like the wolf with her father, Beck wanted to learn to be a horse to be like Dawn. She also was around horses from the day she was born, and she has a deep love and appreciation for them. 
After Dawnbreaker was murdered, Beck stopped shifting into this form for some time, it was only when Grani joined her as a familiar that she began to return to horse form. Beck will spend days as a horse. She enjoys racing and roughhousing with Grani in this form, but she is extremely skittish as a horse. This is not a form where she has a lot of control over her animal instincts, and she’s prone to spooking.
Beck is NOT RIDEABLE. Even if she starts out calm she will take about .004 seconds to lose her shit and start running with you. She’s got a ton of stamina in this form, which she can bolster either subconsciously or purposefully through her magic, and she is fast as hell, meaning if she takes off with you she will run faster and longer than any horse should.
Time Limit: About two weeks. First Shift: 8 Touchable: Eventually. She will frequently come up to sniff or touch a person in this form, only to spook three seconds later because they sneezed. Shifts: Normally only in the wild, but also on request.
Bear Form:
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Beck learned this form specifically as a means to defend herself, but honestly she mostly just uses it to fuck around. She learned the form while spending time roaming in the Canadian/Alaskan wilderness, just sort of following the bears around and forming connections with them. Beck in bear form often calls herself Bearck, and spends the majority of her time trying to give people puppy eyes and cute waves so that they feed her food.
A couple of years after learning to shift into a grizzly, Beck traveled even further north and learned to shift into a polar bear.
However, she is a bear, and she comes with the power of a bear. If you piss her off in this form, she will smack you with her dinnerplate sized paws... or worse. Terrifyingly, bears have one of the best senses of smell out of all terrestrial mammals. This means if Beck needs to sniff someone out it’s not going to be as a fox or a wolf---but as a bear.
Time Limit: 2 days First Shift: Around 20 Touchable: 1000 percent. Will try to sit on your lap. Will crush you. Shifts: when she’s directly threatened or when she’s relaxed. Not a hyper form. Often times she’ll do it as a prank.
Hawk Form:
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Hawk form is the final an least frequent form you’ll find Beck in. She can change into a cooper’s hawk in all verses (or at least something akin to it), but in many verses Beck is actively trying to learn how to shift into a Peregrine Falcon just for the sheer joy of it, but the process it taking her a lot of time. She learned this form for the sole purpose that she wanted to know what flying was like and she does not regret it.
Time Limit: 4 hours First Shift: About 18 Touchable: Absolutely not. She will bite the ever living shit out of you. She’s very small and extremely uncomfortable with touch in this form. Shifts: In wide open spaces, when she’s comfortable, or if she needs to spy on someone without being noticed.
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isobel-thorm · 4 years
Johnnic for the ship questions? I’d love to hear all of them, but if you don’t want to do that can I have LOVE please? 👀💕
I answered Love here
How did they first meet? Canon FC5 events. They first saw each other at the Church, and their first one on one was The Baptism. 
What was their first impression of each other? Also played close to canon. Very negative, acknowledging a possible threat, but very very low key also 👀👀👀
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together? Only Addie was 100% for it, Sharky was relatively okay with it but he warmed up to them when he saw them together and he saw John being actively neutral. Whitehorse wasn’t happy but he secretly had a feeling it would be inevitable so he tried to keep an open mind. 
Who felt romantic feelings first? John, though they were very conflicted, more physical attraction masquerading as romantic feelings in his head. 
Did either of them try to resist their feelings? Oh, absolutely. Well, romantic feelings, anyway. They were far more accepting of the mutual sexual attraction. 
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think? John would be completely onboard with the concept because he believes it himself. Nic would laugh in their faces and tell them to fuck off.  
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go? There are multiple levels to this, and John basically did all of them. He got the ball rolling on the truce to work together, he was technically the one that made the first move at Landsdowne, and he was the first to admit he loved her in the Bunker, that made them basically slap a label on their relationship/acknowledge they were committed to each other. 
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like? A nice little one on one romantic dinner in the Bunker. It wasn’t much, just some decent food they scrounged up, deeper conversation and some spice after that. 
What was their first kiss like? Rough, rushed, adrenaline-fueled since they had just gotten out of a life-threatening situation. 
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)? Nic was John’s first actual, honest to God love, John was her first co-husband uwu. 
What’s their height difference? Age difference? John’s got eight inches on her and doesn’t let her forget it, and he’s three years older. 
What’s their relationship with each other’s families? John doesn’t have much family left when they start and his own relationship with Joseph is strained for fic events, so after the fact Nic tries to be civil and open to building a relationship with Joseph, if only for John’s sake. Whitehorse eventually starts to take a liking to John when he sees him make an effort to be a decent boyfriend/husband/father. In the No Cult AUs, Nic’s mother adores John, and vice versa. 
Who takes the lead in social situations? Nic most of the time, though John holds his own. 
Who gets jealous easier? John again. He’s worked hard for her affection, he ain’t gonna lose it to anything or anyone. 
If they get married, who proposes? John the first time, when they’re in the Bunker and he wants to do a common law marriage just so he can call her his wife/there’s something to look forward to in the bunker. When they’ve been out for a while, Nic re-proposes so they can have a more involved, bigger ceremony, closer to the ridiculousness she knows he would’ve gone for Pre-Collapse and Holy War. 
What’s the wedding like? Who attends? For the first one, Sharky, Whitehorse, the Stone family, Jerome, and the Ryes, even if the latter was conflicted about being there. The second one has the same guests plus Addie, Hurk Jr and a bunch of others. 
How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like? They have three, and then two more by extension even if Sharky fathered them so John’s only technically their stepdad/co-dad. Cal’s the oldest and he’s a mix of both of them. Very much a chaos magnet with a big heart, with a mighty need to adventure. Then they have twins, Ariadne and Willa, both of which are level headed, ridiculously smart girls with interests in various sciences. 
Do they have any pets? Too many to count. They have Boomer Junior, a mountain lion named Cougar, they find Timber and Horatio, and then Nic takes in any animal in need. 
Who’s the stricter parent? Nic, though it’s mostly because John tries to be strict but also takes it easy out of fear of going overboard and ending up like his parents. 
Who kills the bugs in the house? John
How do they celebrate holidays? Nic decorates as much as she physically can and then throws big parties, and John just watches her work all heart-eyed. 
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning? Both, and they alternate. They both figure Post Collapse most of the time there’s nothing to make them get up early, so they’re perfectly content lazing about in bed and cuddling, or something far higher rated. 
Who’s the better cook? Nic
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moxy-fruitbat · 5 years
It's about time I gave my girl an introduction
Friends, Vesuvians, Countrymen...everyone give a warm welcome to Laurene, one half of the Sibling Apprentices! Marcel, the other half, will have one of these eventually too.
(I have this hc that both of my playthroughs happened concurrently, with Laurene and Marcel both being apprentices with Asra. They both go to the palace, hunt for Julian, etc., and they both have their seperate endings. No, I haven't figured out how the thing with Lucio's body would work. I'm still working on that.)
Laurene and Marcel aren't actually related, they just have a very sibling-like relationship and are each other's foils. Laurene is younger, quieter, and more reserved than Marcel, but both are equally as stubborn. Her magic is tied closely to her emotions(and she's very emotional, getting teary faster than she gets angry). Is a v smol (5'0"), chubby cutie; wears baby-winged eyeliner, her eyes squint when she smiles.
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Favorite Food: sauteed fiddleheads
Favorite Drink: hot cider
Favorite Flower: Lily of the Valley
Love Interest: Muriel
Familiar: Philomena, a cougar(mountain lion, panther, whatever you call them) that lives in the forest outside Vesuvia instead of inside the shop where she defo wouldn't fit. She helps Laurene and protects her while she's foraging or visiting Muriel.
Preferred Magic: wind/sound, sigils, healing
(Future) Kids with Muriel: fraternal twins Samantha & Sequoia
(Singing) voice cast: Emmylou Harris
Other things:
- Sews - makes/repairs her & Marcel's clothes, embroiders sigils into things they both wear.
- enjoys foraging for magic ingredients, herbs and etc.
- likes wind in her hair and breathing in deep the fresh air outside the city
- likes singing, can always be found humming something quietly to herself while she takes walks through the forest, or to fill the silence in Muriel's hut
- likes bees
- Used to play the dulcimer before she lost her memory. Asra doesn't know how to play it so he couldn't re-teach her.
Bonus family art:
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hi do you think you could tell me some animal related genders??? thank you uwu
There are quite a few, so I may not be able to list them all, but I’ll certainly try my best to list as many as I can.
Zebrogender : a xenogender related to zebras and/or zebra hybrids
Kiwigender: a gender identity that is related to kiwi birds
Aliferate: a gender that relates to birds, feeling a call like the sky is your home, and having/wanting wings.
Genderartio: a xenogender related to whales. meant for whalekin but can be used for anyone
Genderhippocamp: a xenogender related to sea horses.
Cnidariagender: a xenogender related to jellyfish/cnidarians.
Genderserpentes: a xenogender related to serpents/snakes
Lacertiligender: a xenogender related to lizards/geckos/etc
Genderpenguin: a xenogender related to penguins, for penguinkin but can be used by anyone.
Phoenicogender/Genderflamingo: a xenogender related to flamingos, meant for flamingokin but can be used by anyone.
Equusagender: a xenogender related to zebras, horses, donkeys, mules, or just all of the equines in general.
Castoringender: a xenogender related to beavers.
Dragongender: A gender which is reflected by dragons.
Insectumgender: A kin gender for people who feel that their gender is insect-like. And those who feel like our gender is like an insects also feel like their gender is close to agender or ‘other’ in human terms.
Buckgender: A gender encompassing masculine animal energy. Can be used by kin and non-kin.
Cervusgender: A gender encompassing neutral animal energy. Can be used by kin and non-kin.
Doegender: A gender encompassing feminine animal energy. Can be used by kin and non-kin.
Felisgender/Catusgender/Feligender/Nekogender: a small, catlike gender that is up to more interpretation by those who identity with it.
Tortiegender- a subgender of felisgender relating to tortoiseshell cats. A fiesty and stong-willed gender.
Calicogender- a subgender of felisgender relating to calico cats. A hyper and cheerful gender. Can be associated with luck and money.
Siamesegender- a subgender of felisgender relating to siamese cats. A elegant yet rambunctious gender. Can be associated with royalty.
Ragdollgender/Raggender- a subgender of felisgender relating to ragdoll cats. A fluffy and calm gender. Can be associated with a limp connection to gender, like ragdoll
Bengalgender- a subgender of felisgender relating to bengal cats. A regal and wild gender.
Vangender- a subgender of felisgender relating to turkish van cats. A mischievous and active gender. Can be associated with water.
Canisgender: a doglike gender, or a gender influenced by or compared to canines in some way.
Faunagender: A gender influenced by animals in some way.
Vulpisgender: a foxlike gender.
Strigigender - An owllike gender/A gender influenced by owls. Comes from the Order Strigigformes.
Tytogender - A barn or bay owllike gender/A gender influenced by true barn owls and/or bay owls. Comes from the Family Tytonidae.
Asiogender - An eared owllike gender/A gender influenced by eared owls. Comes from the Genus Asio.
Bubogender - An eagle or horned owllike gender/A gender influenced by eagle owls and/or horned owls. Comes from the Genus Bubo.
Glaucisgender - A pypmy owllike gender/A gender influenced by pygmy owls. Comes from the Genus Glaucidium.
Megasigender - A screech owllike gender/A gender influenced by screech owls. Comes from the Genus Megascops.
Mircrathisgender - An elf owllike gender/A gender influenced by elf owls. Comes from the Genus Micrathene.
Ninoxgender - A hawk owllike gender/A gender influenced by hawk owls. Comes from the Genus Ninox.
Strixgender - A wood owllike gender/A gender influenced by wood owls. Comes from the Genus Strix.
Athenegender - A burrowing owllike gender/A gender influenced by burrowing owls. Comes from the Genus Athene.
Naturaegender: A gender that struggles to connect with other people and thus prefers animal companionship.
Wendecure Animal: when you’re genderless because you’re an animal/similar being. Not exclusive to kin, as long as you relate to the term. Could also be genderless with connections to being an animal.
Mendecure Animal: when you’re a masculine gender because you’re an animal/similar being. Not exclusive to kin, as long as you relate to the term. Could also be masculine gender with connections to being an animal.
Servalgender: a gender like that of a serval
Caracalgender: a gender like that of a caracal
Auratagender: a gender like that of an african golden cat
Pardalisgender: a gender like that of an ocelet
Wiediigender: a gender like that of a margay
Jacobitagender: a gender like that of an andrean mountain cat
Colocologender: a gender like that of a pampas cat
Geoffroyigender: a gender like that of geoffroys cat
Guignagender: a gender like that of a kodkod
Tigrinusgender: a gender like that of an oncilla or a tigrina
Nebulosagender: a gender like that of a clouded leopard
Diardigender: a gender like that of a sundra clouded leopard
Unciagender: a gender like that of a snow leopard
Tigrisgender: a gender like that of a tiger
Oncagender: a gender like that of a jaguar
Pardusgender: a gender like that of a leopard
Paleogender: a gender like that of a lion
Marmoratagender: a gender like that of a marbled cat
Badiagender: a gender like that of a bay cat
Temminckiigender: a gender like that of an asian golden cat
Rufusgender: a gender like that of a bobcat
Canadensisgender: a gender like that of a canadian lynx
Lynxgender: a gender like that of a eurasian lynx
Pardinusgender: a gender like that of an iberian lynx
Jubatusgender: a gender like that of a cheetah
Concolorgender: a gender like that of a cougar
Vagouaroundigender: a gender like that of a jaguarundi
Manulgender: a gender like that of pallas’s cat
Rubiginosusgender: a gender like that of a rusty-spotted cat
Bengalensisgender: a gender like that of a leopard cat
Viverrinusgender: a gender like that of a fishing cat
Planicepsgender: a gender like that of a flat-headed cat
Chausgender: a gender like that of a jungle cat
Nigripesgender: a gender like that of a black-footed cat
Margaritagender: a gender like that of a sand cat
Bietigender: a gender like that of a chinese mountain cat
Lybicagender: a gender like that of an african wildcat
Silvestrisgender: a gender like that of a european wildcat
(These next ones are alignments, not genders, but they are related so I’ll list them too)
Faunarian: A xenic alignment to animal(s). Alternative term for fauna-/zoo- aligned.
Caninarian: Faunarian aligned with canines or canidae.
Felisarian: Faunarian aligned with felines or felidae.
Equusarian: Faunarian aligned with horses/equines.
Reptilarian: Faunarian aligned with reptiles.
Amphibarian: Faunarian aligned with amphibians.
Aviarian: Faunarian aligned with birds.
Hope that helps! Feel free to comment if I missed any!
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denebola42-blog · 4 years
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I've actually claimed this is my dick pic. Well, when they're minors. Ohhhhhh you're ALMOST 18? I've got a little present for you. You want a kid with me? That's ironic cuz, have you seen the movie Alien? 😂 And Transhumanist video games. How to Find The Dildo Weapon - Cyberpunk 2077 Wiki Guide - IGN https://www.ign.com/wikis/cyberpunk-2077/How_to_Find_The_Dildo_Weapon Umm Erectile Electrocution? Go with a smile, as the joker says. 😂 Proud to Live in a Town Called Dildo https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/05/world/what-in-the-world/proud-to-live-in-a-town-called-dildo.html Umm yeah, when I'm old and they run out of pharmacy grade Viagra and Cialis, I'm gonna have to 3D print a Dickfribulator. Stand back hunny. Gotta revive the little tyke. I've got a little Mexican in me and you could too. 🤣 Hey, at least I'm not German and saying "wanna put one in the oven?" Or a Catholic saying "wanna put one in the coven?" She'll be doing the burning. 😂 And when Mormons etc pushed too hard that i let that one get away too. Umm she looked like she wanted to escape. I'm not a mountain lion... Ohh that's why the BYU cougar mascot? I'll tell you what. Let's compromise. I'll tell chicks "drop your pants and spread your legs, let me fertilize your eggs" and if I'm not unconscious or bleeding I'll ask her in a date. Are we good? 😂 Yeah, i dunno how I'm still alive either. 😆 I even told a gal after she said "what are you gonna do when women keep dumping you?" Umm so long and thanks for all the mammeries? I almost didn't survive. Lol yeah, i can't be around LDS women. Their standards are unrealisticly high and their aim is much too good. 😂 See, when women are drinking, they can't hit anything. Easy to duck and run. I don't even have to stop, drop and roll like there's an earthquake. Haha it works though. They think it's amusing. They're all, charming. I've yet to see that before. I'm all acting proud of myself but i just panicked. I was scared shitless. Lol i can't remember why they were angry either but i think it involves me speaking. 😆 Lesbians even threatened me with a strap on at a club 😂 i don't remember much so I blame the booze.i think. 🤷🏽‍♂️ (at North Ogden, Utah) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLP87UHBXIi/?igshid=1q4zgcz470vpa
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theresaplain94-blog · 7 years
Saviors Get To Italian After 11 Pass Away On K2.
Reliance on GPS modern technology through both the noncombatant populace and also the army area is at an enduring high. The facts from the concern are that for the remainder people, those people not living in or around Fla or California, the North American Mountain Lion, or Cougar is currently a likely neighbor. Move forward to a switchback off to Pigeon Mountain which has actually currently been strengthened along with an easy route yet still expect an abrupt drop where you continuously switch right. Over the years, Stone Mountain granite was actually used in many structures as well as establishments, including the locks from the Panama Channel, the measures to the East Wing of the USA Capitol and the Imperial Lodging in Tokyo In recent years, marble vendors in Georgia sent out stone examples reduced from Stone Hill to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Structure to be looked at for make use of in a prepared monolith in strenght4u.info King's respect; the Base later on decided to utilize marble imported off China. About the state from the mountain pass at large, I counted myself fortunate that I was actually not driving a car or even using my motorcycle, or even a bike. I feel the Trans Hill pipeline will receive approved and also completed eventually. Like G. austromontana, closed gentian creates a true blue blossom, yet this is actually a lot pickier regarding water, requiring wet or even wet soil to flourish. The extensively circulated opinion is actually that Genghis Khan or Chinggis Khaan of Monolia possessed blue eyes and sandy hair. The many things that definitely makes this different from a bunch of other alcoholic beverages, undoubtedly off a ton of other carbonated soft drinks, is its own extremely devoted and enthusiastic consumer foundation," said Greg Lyons, Hill Condensation's from marketing. One of the initial white colored people that discovered their means around the levels to fantastic forestlands were actually the mountain range men; the trappers olden. Unalarmed by Mother Earth, the great individuals of the northwestern chunk from North Carolina viewed these substantial mountain inclines as well as their lack from organic snowfall, and also determined to perform one thing about this! Sugar Mountain at Ensign Elk, North Carolina found two kilometers east Banner Elk, Sugar Mountain Resort is actually North Carolina's largest ski location along with 115 skiable acres and an upright fall of 1,200 feets. Thus, the erratic mountain weather condition, your health disorder, various other unanticipated natural casualties, health and wellness condition of the participants, unexpected all-natural disasters etc could impact too. The frightening noises filled up the entire setting inducing panic also one of the ascetics as well as vidyadharas (semi-gods) cuing them to run away from that location leaving their possessions responsible for, in the fear that some satanic forces were ruining the mountain. Given That the Blue Mountain ranges are wealthy in coal as well as shale, mining for these resources began in Hartley Vale in 1865. For the local area Balkars - a Muslim Turkic folks - the mountain was sent out to attempt them. Pine Mountain Range as well as Lost Mountain range are also noticeable off afar, wherein the second is actually the taller one. Called The Father of C And W" (along with The Blue Yodeler" as well as The Singing Brakeman"), Rodgers is properly realized as one of the initial country/western songs super stars. Individuals which lived in the mountain ranges encompassing the Blue Ridge Parkway a very long time ago resided in log cabins that they constructed from the trees they would get rid of off their residential property. With Jon Snowfall going around offering themselves as Master in the North, Cersei views him as a major foe-- potentially one she will send out the Mountain after. Although this is actually out the main route, I highly encourage at least a short drive on the Blue Spine Parkway, as this's incredibly scenic.
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lodjzic · 7 years
Craig and Suzanne from Over The Moon
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Let's start with the begining, how was your musical life before you became a Duo?
…Suzanne and I have spent a great deal of our lives so far as musicians for hire. Either for recording or live shows.  We traveled some of the same circles and knew of each other but had never met. I lived on Ontario, which is 4,000Ks from Alberta. so we never ran into each other in day to day life. We did however play with some of the same artists, just not at the same time.
Usually when we played live shows, they were very big venues with huge crowds. We would use in-ear monitors so we were essentially isolated from the room and the crowd. We could only hear what was sent to us. Many times we couldn’t even tell if the audience was clapping or liked the show. Often, lights would be shining in our eyes and you couldn’t even make out any faces in the crowd. It looked like a huge carpet of people.
After shows were finished the “artist” would go out to the lobby but we musicians would just go out the back door and then on to the bus. We never met anyone or had a chance to see if they liked us. It was almost like a factory job as we’d play the same songs, the same way, the same tempo etc.. every night.
When we did our first house concert as Over The Moon…Things couldn’t have been any more different. We were so close to the audience. We spent time with them before we even played a note. We talked to them during our shows, and then got to know them better after. Every single house concert we’ve ever been at, we’ve left with new friends. The first house concert hosts liked us so much that they insisted we get married at the beautiful place. We’ve been great friends ever since. It’s so much better than the other side of playing music for a living!!!
                                         >>  check the website HERE <<
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I love the name of your duo, it's almost a statement about life ? Did it came naturally ?
… Over The Moon is a saying about how when a person is so happy that they feel they could just jump so high they would jump over the moon. When Sue and I fell in love that was how we felt and still do. When we first sang together, that was also how we felt. The first song we wrote together was “Over The Moon” We were just trying to tell folks how we felt. After writing it we thought, maybe we should start playing as a duo and call ourselves Over The Moon… SO yes, it was a very natural name for us. We’ve since found out that there are other bands called “Over The Moon” but Suzanne refuses to change our name so we have to just keep going ahead with it :)
How your duo was formed? How it happened ?
Well as I mentioned, I was hired to record some drum/percussion/banjo tracks for a group Suzanne was playing in. They were based in Calgary Alberta, but I didn’t have to travel there with the technology of today. I recorded my parts and sent them off and got paid for it…Just like normal. A few months later, I was in Calgary for rehearsals to start a tour called The Huron Carol. It was a Christmas tour that went coast to coast across Canada raising money for food banks so needy people can eat. The man that puts this tour together is an actor/singer named Tom Jackson and I stayed with him and his wife for the week of rehearsals. Suzanne’s band knew about that and asked me to be parts of their CD release since I was there and knew the songs. That was the first time I met Sue.. During that week, Tom had a dinner party at his house and invited many of Calgary’s musical community to attend and that included Suzanne. I was so happy to see her there but very shy to strike up conversation.
After supper, Tom always had an informal session of folks sitting around a circle and taking turns singing tunes. I am a very confident drummer and when I play them, it’s my job and I have no fear, but to sit on a stool and sing and play guitar by myself, was sheer terror:) Even more so when everyone there were musicians… I know my voice was shaking and I guess Suzanne took pity on me because she grabbed her bass and came and sat beside me and started singing along. Our voices blended so well, it was like magic. She phrased the words exactly like I did, even though we had never song anything together before. I can’t tell you what it felt like…She was my knight in shinning armour that came to save me…Haha… We have been madly in love from that second on and later that year we decided to give this duo thing a try as so many of our friends kept telling us that we had something special.
Let's talk about your music, if I say love, wildness, simplicity,happyness to describe your music and you'd have to  pick two, which would you keep and why?
Haha, that’s a hard one because they all have a great deal to do with our songs… I guess I would have to say”Love and Simplicity” We live in the middle of a 10,000 acre ranch, right beside the mountains. We live a very simple life and try to be as close as possible to nature and our roots. We try very hard to keep our music simple as well. It is such a change from the over produced music we have to play when were working musicians. I think that is why we produced it and recorded it ourselves on the ranch. We have lots of funny stories about recording here like…coyotes howling so loud outside that we had to put a big duvet on Suzanne’s head when she was singing so the howling wouldn’t end up on the record. I’m sure there is some though:) Also, for us to play as a duo, we only use acoustic instruments and it is such a challenge to make the songs sound interesting and have different textures with just the two of us. It’s very simple sounding but very hard to do… We love the challenge!
A far as love goes in our music… We just love our lives here and we love the land and people that live around us. Our writing and inspiration all come from that love. There is an old lady that lives in the closest town to us. Suzanne’s mom always invites her for Christmas dinner and other special occasions. She’s alone now but she's a British war bride that met an Alberta cowboy while he was stationed in England during the second world war. They were married and the next thing she knew, she was living on a wild ranch in Alberta’s mountains with horses, cows, bears, cougars, coyotes and wolves…Quite a change for her. Anyway, we think the world of her and we’re going over there next week to talk to her as Suzanne and I want to write a song about her life's journey. You can still feel the love she has for her cowboy husband even though he passed away a very long time ago…
It must be a joy to travel together. Some places, people that inspire you more than others?
We love to travel and to get a chance to meet real people. Many times it is the people of smaller communities that have their own identities, roots and live simpler.  We went to Cuba with our bicycles and got off the plane and started riding out to the countryside. We never stayed in one hotel. We just found people who would take you in and rent you a room and you’d eat with their families. They would often suggest other friends they knew in the direction we were travelling so we always knew where we were staying next. We met so many wonderful people. We heard such amazing music out there far away from the resorts. They made us feel like family and a couple of people even cried when we had to move on. We were invited to a birthday party and one home we stayed at and we all took turns sharing a guitar and singing songs. They loved our music and thought we sounded like a western movie:) They kept pointing to the sky and shooting off invisible guns:) It was very inspiring for us!
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Are you afraid of tomorrow?
This is a very uncertain time to live in. We don’t believe you should be controlled by fear. There are people here who never go out into the mountains because of the possibility that they might run into a bear or a mountain lion. They never get to enjoy the beauty that surrounds them. That fear comes in all aspects of our lives.  I know that starting a new career as we are with our duo is a very scary proposition, but we love it.  We don’t know if we’ll be successful on a big scale but really, we don’t want to be. We are very happy to make music and live simply, grow our garden and spend time outside in nature and be near friends and family…And of course…be with each other!!!!
Your music makes you sound generous and sensitive... not the slightest flaw?
I think our music reflects who we are. We are very humble people who play music for a living. No better than anyone else. We think it’s just as important to spend time talking to the guy at the gas station who fills your car as it is to talk to some record company guy. I guess that’s why we love house concerts so much, as we get to meet other humble people and hear their stories. That’s so important to us as our music is about the common people and their stories of life. Can you imagine what a thrill it would be for us to come to France to play some house concerts and we meet someone who makes their own cheese and they give us some pointers or a farmer who’s family has been growing grapes for generations and the stories they’s tell. You don’t get that in those big venues!!!
Do you have a message for your future fans !
 I guess our message to fans would be…We would love to come and play for you sometime. We practise very hard and our music is very good (so they say:) but what most people say about us that matters most to us is…
“We can feel the love you two have for each other in every song” “We love the stories you tell about where you live and your lives being husband and wife” and “When you two sing together, it’s so beautiful, we started to cry”   We make friends wherever we go, so much so that the slogan on our CD is “We don’t have fans…We only have friends!
Don’t forget to visit the website https://overthemoonband.com/
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itsiotrecords-blog · 7 years
“Lions, tigers, bears, oh my!” Everyone is used to hearing about the predators of the world, like, for example: cougars (either the promiscuous, tall, blonde, or actual mountain lions), and the sort of felines who won’t just tear at your dignity, but also your jugular. And it’s not just ferocious felines and their sexually over-experienced, female, human counterparts. There are many more predators than that: great white sharks, great blue herons, great-horned owls, greater roadrunners… not to mention the list of fantastic predators out there. But there are some super-predators; some apex predators that sit at the top of their habitat, reigning as kings, without most people ever knowing them to be such superior predators to the general mass of creatures out there. There are some tiny, unsuspecting, and fairly common animals running about, all around us, who are in fact super in their occupation as a predator. Would one ever believe that the smallmouth bass, the raccoon, the dragonfly, and even the domestic cat (that little sweetheart who completely dominates any household) are all super predators? There is an incredible and specific list of animals who reign as super or apex predators, and while some are given the title simply by cleverly living in an area with no predators above them, these creatures are no less fascinating, or important to the continuance of the biomes in which they thrive.
#1 The Bonobo Monkey The bonobo monkeys are the newest addition to the Great Apes (gorillas, orangutans, chimps, humans). Found in the South of the Congo, the bonobos are separated from the chimps by more than just geography. Chimps are known more for battling it out to gain status and be a significant part of their group, but bonobos are assuredly more interested in peace and love. Run by the females in the group, bonobo families use sex to settle disputes, and any sort of infighting… as well as any sort of outfighting, come to that. No matter the combination, young, old, male, or female, all can join in the festivities, and none are left out. This works the same for food collection, and while bonobos are omnivorous, and do therefore hunt for meat, the share is equal. Though there has been done little field research on these apes, due to strife in the Congo, and their timidity around humans, it is clear that, along with chimps, bonobos are the humans’ closest extant relative. With likely only 30-50,000 in existence, it’s surprising that a super predator, so heavily based on sex, should have such a small population.
#2 Brown Tree Snake Of all of the incredibly predatory and dangerous snakes in the world (cobra, anaconda, python, viper, rattler, etc), one might not consider the brown tree snake to be worthy of the status of super-predator. However, this relatively small (though fairly long— growing 1-3m/3-10ft) snake is dangerous in many ways— though not specifically to humans, at least in terms of its bite. Native to New Guinea and Australia (where everything tries to kill everything), the brown tree snake stowed away and found itself on several Western Pacific islands, including Saipan and Guam. An invasive species and very interested in anything from birds, to amphibians, to small mammals, the snake has eliminated both endemic bird species and two of three native bat species on Guam. Able to eat up to seventy percent of its own body mass per day, it’s no wonder that these hungry little snakes have destroyed so much of the ecosystems they have invaded. To humans they hold little danger as they inject venom with their back teeth and are unlikely to make contact with them when biting a human. In addition, the venom is rather weak to most small mammals, and would do little to nothing to a human. The only fear from people is that the snake will find its way to Hawaii and devastate creatures there that pollinate, and thus kill species of both plant and animal.
#3 The Common Raven This feathery creature, immortalized by Edgar Allan Poe, is one of the smartest predators on this list, and perhaps one of the most versatile with regards to geography. Thinner than a typical crow, but with a big butcher knife of a beak, the raven thrives in almost every part of North America (deciduous and evergreen forests, high desert, sea coast, sagebrush, tundra, and grasslands). No stranger to people, the raven has followed the progress of the North American people for centuries, scavenging and pillaging from waste, spillage, and full stores of untouched food. Subject to many problem-solving experiments by scientists, the common raven has stood out as one of the most intelligent of creatures to neighbour people. While they are typically lone travelers (save for when there’s a big carcass or a landfill nearby), common ravens are far from common, and always seem to have a spring in their step. Not to mention that ravens are highly inquisitive, and will therefore stick their beaks in peoples’ business as often as they can: observing probing, and weeding out just what’s going on.
#4 The Domestic Cat Oh this should come as no surprise to anyone. Anyone who decides they are a dog lover rather than a cat lover typically has issues of self-esteem, and the need to be a provider. Those who tend to call themselves solely cat lovers typically do so because they don’t want to constantly pay attention to or receive companionship from a dog. While cats can indeed be drama queens, and seek out attention in their own ways, it is often a means to an end (a nice brushing, a healthy feeding, an emptying of the litter box). The domestic cat knows who is in control, and knows just how to get what it wants. Dogs will offer loyalty and excitement for reward, whereas the domestic cat will offer its owner a chance to know ahead of time what it wants and when. If not satisfied, the domestic cat will certainly make it known until it is appeased. In all seriousness though, the domestic cat, given obviously no significant predators, is a very intelligent and conniving little creature, able to fend for itself. That being said, it prefers to have its work done for it so it can continue to lounge in its personal ray of sunshine on its own La-Z-Boy.
#5 The Dragonfly Besides the fact that the dragonfly looks absolutely terrifying up close, it is, in fact, a super-predator. Ancestors of the dragonfly have been found in fossils dating as far back as three hundred and twenty five million years old. Having since shrunk significantly in size, the dragonfly still reigns supreme in its habitat. Feasting on all manner of insects and creepy-crawlies, (as well as small fish when in its larva stage) this four-winged, compound-eyed specimen is divvied up into three thousand unique species. Most of these are tropical, but obviously there are still many that call the waters of North America home. The construction of the dragonfly, though perhaps seen as both simple and ugly, is in fact both complex and beautiful. The construction of the eye of a dragonfly, for example, can contain up to twenty four thousand ommatidia. These are basically individual lenses that are part of the compound eye of the insect. Each ommatidium is representative of one part of a full range of image, and each and every one of them must be processed together in order to fully take in surroundings.
#6 The Ferret These little weasel relatives are fierce little creatures, and are the domesticated version of the European polecat. Given their close relation, ferrets and polecats have sometimes bred a hybrid and feral species that has devastated much native fauna in New Zealand. Likely in domestication for nearly two and half thousand years now, the ferret has been used as a mouser, a rabbit hunter, and simply as a pet (though in no way a simple pet to keep). Happy to live in social groups, a community of ferrets is referred to as a business, and for good reason. The ferret, with its overwhelmingly quick metabolism, and affinity for meat, must feed frequently, but tends to sleep fourteen to eighteen hours per day. Given that, ferrets must get to business pretty quickly in order to sustain themselves. Much like skunks, ferrets have a scent gland that they use to secrete an odour when startled of threatened. Thankfully, the ferret’s odour is less potent and quicker to dissipate than that of a skunk. Also, when excited, a ferret will engage in what is commonly called the ‘weasel war dance’. In spite of the title, this clumsy bit of hopping into objects is actually an invitation to play.
#7 The Giant Otter Obviously not giant in the above photo, the giant otter can reach near two metres in length (6ft). These beastly South American relatives of the weasel are a huge difference from their tiny ferret cousins. Calling only the rivers and creeks of the Amazon, Orinoco, and La Plata home, the otters must eat six to nine pounds of food each day. Their meals consist largely of fish, but may be substituted by any combination of crustaceans, snakes, and other river creatures. Monogamous family creatures, giant otters dig and build dens in which to give birth and raise young. After the first ten months of nurture, the young emerge from the den, and it is already difficult to tell the young from the parents by this early an age. Very territorial and willing to aggressively defend their dens, giant otters are, thanks to human interference, a very rare creature indeed. Though a super-predator in its own habitat, hunting by humans has limited the giant otter population to perhaps only several thousand.
#8 The Honey Badger Refraining from linking the “Honey Badger Don’t Give A Shit” video here, suffice it to say that this “most fearless animal in the world” (according to the Guinness Book of World Records), truly does not give a shit. Able to take on bites by poisonous snakes, the honey badger, though perhaps in pain, will recover from incredibly toxic bites in under five hours. Honey badger youths are prevented by their mothers from catching snakes until requisite training has been had, but the fact that this mammal cares little about taking on venomous snakes is simply breathtaking. With more than sixty species of prey on the honey badger’s list, this little scamp will call crocodiles, black mambas, cobras, jackals, and wild cats dinner! And that’s not even to mention that the honey badger prefers to hunt alone! Traveling up to forty kilometres within a twenty-four-hour period, and hunting for two eight-hour periods within that twenty four, the honey badger has an intense amount of stamina and power.
#9 The Least Weasel This little weasel, who one might reasonably think is both the last and least when it comes to the food chain, is in fact one of the most vicious and villainous creature on this list. Though it prefers to chomp on small rodents, the least weasel will make due with birds, rabbits, frogs, and insects when need be. Because of its incredibly active lifestyle which involves hunting, mating and burrowing, the least weasel must consume forty to sixty percent of its own body weight each and every day. A very active hunter, the little weasel doesn’t stop there though. Typically hunting more than it can consume, the least weasel seems to get a thrill out of the hunt and will burrow any overkill it manages… though it is typical that the overkill is either scavenged, or simply left to rot as this weasel prefers the taste of fresh meat. Found now only in the state of Indiana, due to human interference, the least weasel’s over-preying is actually smiled upon, keeping rodent populations at bay in the state.
#10 The Peregrine Falcon Though almost made extinct due to pesticide use by humans, the peregrine falcon has begun to reappear in urban and coastal areas, as well as mountainous river areas, like the Oiseau Rock area of the Ottawa River. Though it’s clear that the peregrine is a falcon, and therefore a clear predator, the near extinction and relative amazement of this bird has persuaded this author to add it to the list. With females relative in size to standard crows, and males of much smaller stature, the peregrine falcon feeds typically on medium-sized birds (in cities, pigeons; in rural areas, ducks). Besides the incredible ability of a relatively small or medium-sized bird to snatch a duck out of the air, the speed at which the peregrine falcon does it is what makes it so astonishing. The fastest animal on Earth, the peregrine falcon has been recorded diving as fast as three hundred and ninety kilometres per hour (242mph)! A super-predator indeed, given another shot by rehabilitation, it will be interesting to see how they soar.
#11 The Raccoon While many might consider raccoon stupid and pesky vermin, they are incredibly intelligent, and skillful… and yeah, they might still be a pain to many people. Found in forests, marshes, prairies, and of course cities, the raccoon feeds on a wide variety of flora and fauna, and is able to do so by the use of its long fingers. Though, in spite of common belief, the raccoon does not have opposable thumbs, it does, nonetheless, have great strength and dexterity with its hands, which allow it to engage in many human-like activities. Given how much time raccoons spend around humans, it is no surprise that behaviours are adopted and adapted. Quick to catch, the raccoon dines on crayfish, frogs, and other aquatic life, when near rivers and streams. On land, the raccoon will feed on mice, insects, raid nests for eggs, and of course, open a trash can or two to feed on the leftover of wearied people.
#12 The Red Fox From forests to grasslands, and from mountains to deserts, the red fox has been able to adapt to habitats across the board for a long time. Even finding its way around farmland and suburban areas, to deal with people, and get a reputation for its cunning. The red fox is a solitary hunter, and while it may only survive in the wild an average of two to four years, it has a merry go at rodents, rabbits, birds, and other small game (giving it a film rep for stealing babies, for some reason). That being said, the fox will adapt its diet to its surroundings, adding to its super-predatory status. The red fox is not above feasting on fruits, vegetables, fish, frogs, and even worms. Though solitary, red foxes still communicate with one another, and signal not just by urination and scent marking, but also by the use of their stunning and vibrant tails; signalling warnings or invitations as needed. Birthing two to twelve pups per litter, both parents will stay with their young through the Summer months, training them to be on their own come the Autumn and Winter.
#13 Small Asian Mongoose As advertised in the name, the small Asian mongoose happens to be of smaller stature, originates from Asia, and is in fact a mongoose. Stretching from Iraq to China, and populating the island of Java, the small Asian mongoose has quite a playground. In addition to the areas it already inhabited, the little mongoose has been introduced to South America, Japan, Europe, and several Pacific and Caribbean islands as a means of pest control, ridding these places of both rodents and snakes. Though they mainly eat insects, these creatures will, as mentioned above, eat rodents and snakes, as well as crabs, frogs, spiders, scorpions, birds, and their eggs. With no known predators, this apex species has a surprisingly speedy gestation period of only forty nine days, where a litter of one to five youngsters are born. This may not be as surprising as initially thought, given that the creature has a life expectancy of only four years. With the luxury of an incredible expanse of play and hunting ground, the small Asian mongoose has much of the world in its claws.
#14 Smallmouth Bass That’s right! One of the most typical pan fries in the country homes of northern North American citizens, the smallmouth bass is indeed a super-predator. Found predominantly in the Great Lakes watershed, the St. Lawrence River, and northward above Lake Nipissing, the smallmouth bass resides in clear, and rocky lakes and rivers. Similar to the habitat of trout, but with the ability to thrive in a wider range of temperatures, this bass prefers either deep water, offshore shoals, or rocky crags and points near the shoreline. Typically found at one to three pounds, the record in Ontario at least, has been ten pounds, so a ten pound test line is always a safe bet when fishing these guys. In spite of the ease and frequency with which people catch and eat these fish, the smallmouth bass is a hunter and a great predator below the surface. Basically, it will feed on anything it can manage to swallow; plankton, minnows, smaller fish, and crayfish are definitely part of the smallmouth bass’ daily diet.
#15 The Tasmanian Devil This cute little scamp, made famous by the Warner Bros. Looney Tunes series, is indeed a vicious and devilish little creature. Quickly flying off the handle when threatened, fighting over a mate, or defending food, the Tasmanian devil will go into a rage, baring its teeth, lunging at any perceived threat, and uttering sickening, guttural growls. The world’s largest carnivorous marsupial, the devil can deliver, pound-for-pound, one of the most powerful mammalian bites. Strictly carnivorous, the Tasmanian devil will feast on snakes, birds, fish, and insects. Also happy to gorge on carrion communally, the devil is most rowdy when fighting over scraps of carcass with another devil. These creatures will eat every last bit of hair, organ, and bone that is afforded them, and with vicious quality. The title of devil was given to these marsupials when Europeans first landed in Australia, and witnessed the seemingly demonic actions of the creatures. Though they are now protected, the Tasmanian devils, who used to populate mainland Australia, are now only present on the island of Tasmania itself.
Source: TheRIchest
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