#it's just so cheery and hopeful ;__;
minhtblue · 2 years
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let your shouts ring out!!
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uniquezombiedestiny · 6 months
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come on
please tell me
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indigo-brainspark · 1 year
Pravitr Prabhakar is bringing a kind of energy to the trailers where I already know I'm gonna stan. "Coffee coffee with a side of cream cream"???? He's my new Peni Parker
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windowsillbells · 1 year
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this is the funniest scene in the history of film
bonus – a gay little run
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billyp673 · 29 days
Hey, so I've been thinking about some family stuff that happened recently and... well... I've been feeling a bit shit all arvo bc of it. I was going to just rush out a piece of art practice but, I don't really want to do that disservice to you guys or myself, so I suppose art practice will be postponed until next week... sorry guys.
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cosmic-ships · 8 months
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spacemansamart · 1 year
I am obsessed with how wet The Batman is
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toomanywordsnllines · 2 years
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Did I spend my whole afternoon making my silly codsona? Hell yeah, I did So here’s my Sona! Name: [Redacted] [Redacted]; Goes only by their call sign (which yes is Many, as in, a lot.) Got their call sign after not ever revealing their name and so whenever someone asked she would just answer: ‘Call me whatever you like’. And after being passed around too many times. So after awhile whenever anyone asked her call sign she would just go: ‘I have many’. So that’s how his call sign came to be. Did, however, get the nickname: Handy Manny (yes after the cartoon) ‘cus she seems able to do pretty much everything. Tho her especialities are close Combat (goes absolutly bat shit with a knife) and Sniping (one hell of a fucking aim). Kinda considered a cryptic taking in count they cover themselves completly and always seem diferent everytime you look at him No age, no name, no idetifiable identity, uses She/he/they, tall as fuck... big whatever type of vibes
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evilmagician430 · 1 year
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happy MY BIRTHDAY to those who celebrate. and to those who do not, then nonetheless i wish you a happy anniversary of hitler's suicide
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seapasture · 1 year
i am going to sit down and draw the gentlest scene one can possibly imagine, or the pure visual manifestation of unabashed fury. there will be no in-between (unless)
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skidar · 1 year
Sending 'you still owe me money' emails to businesses as a small indie freelancer is so stressful.
However, I think two weeks since I sent a massive order to a local game store is more than enough time for payment to have been sent and I haven't seen it turn up.
I work with a few small businesses and all on Good Faith agreements where I typically work face to face with the people and handing over physical goods is usually traded with cash or a physical check, sometimes there is a payment delay, but its always clearly communicated and followed up on promptly.
This time was not the case and I really don't want to jump the gun or sound like I'm accusing them of withholding payment... but an order of this size took me weeks to fulfill because I kept having to order more stock to print on.
I keep checking my payment option sites nervously, like I might have missed them, but it hasn't been the case. I'm more paranoid about an irritable reply that they did send it and I just wasn't notified than if they just forgot.
I have people I can send to retrieve my stuff in the absolute worse-case scenario, I'm less worried about that.
Cold text tone and professionalism can make me sound harsh in an email reminder and I'd rather not burn bridges in this business but I won't be anyone's doormat either...
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theloveinc · 2 years
i don’t know if you take tiktoks on this blog but if you don’t then this is just for the two of us
anyways this is what i imagine princess!reader and knight!denki to be like. unsung hero. back hurting from how much he’s carrying the team in all the ways no one would think about. but like, cripplingly goofy.
(link fs!)
Awww, knight!Denki! A concept I’ve never thought of before... but lowkey I love this (and laughed too fjehksof)
knight!Denki being the smallest and most good natured of his lance fournie (or maybe this is an AU where he's not ganged up with the squad yet?) ... works his flat butt off trying to keep up not realizing he's already one of the strongest. Over-volunteering for more work, to care for the horse... be the team's distraction... but keeping a smile on his face nonetheless.
i'd feel like he'd have all these dreams of marrying you... like he's known by other lances as a playboy, doesn't like... shy away from getting around, but deep down he's very in love with the princess. always shows up to your court (with messy hair, too much weight on his back, looking a lil flabbergasted and silly)... but always with a cute, shy smile and gift for you.
(even if he's a little insecure cuz there's much bigger and tougher knights who aren't the entertainers of the group, who your family seem to favor much more than him.)
but it's hard not to want to talk to him even if you know other royals are watching. trying to hide your giggle when he bows to kiss your hand, or shows you whatever silly thing he picked up in battle; often times a pretty (squished) flower that made him think of you.
ANDDD not to get too into this (bc i think i've lost the point of the tik tok: he's silly and CUTE) ... but i think it would be sweet if like... he ended up running away with the bakusquad right as ur royal relatives are trying to get u to marry... and he comes back for just a quick bit to ask if you want to leave with him🥺🥺🥺 (ofc after all the nights he spends running down to the knight quarters from your room in just his undershorts.)
thank u so much for sending me this anon!!!
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technicolorxsn · 1 year
I fucking hate kevin desert bluffs
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one of my favorite things in anime/manga is gap moe texters
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...dammit I'm actually writing Christmas Carol fanfic. Why am I like this
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onyxhellebore · 2 years
#fuck i'm having a bad night that should've been a good night#went to the show for my cousin's band it's their very first show they opened for some out of town bands#mostly to get people in the room to see the bands bc everybody loves him so much#and i wanted to go and my roomies wanted to go and the one was hoping to network and then we got there and like#my roomies are having a bad anxiety day and i'm fucking struggling as well#my cousin's desperately trying to make shit work he's got a surgery coming up he's got his n95 so he doesn't get covid#and put off this surgery he's been needing for four fucking years#and i'm here with my chronic fucking fatigue and updates on my sister trying to be cheery before we go on but like#we're both fucking feeling the absence and it's apparent#last time we were both in that room together he was starting another band the room was fucking full#his parents were there his brother was there my sister and i were both there and everyone was cheering and had energy and life#and there's just so much fucking ABSENCE#and the mic doesn't work so the singer just doesn't sing lyrics for the songs in the set that were supposed to have lyrics#and we ended up leavving bc again the roomies were anxious and i was fucking exhausted and like#i'm trying to salvage this night i posted the poem i had written i'm doing my fucking best#i ate the last of my birthday cake but i dropped a slice on the floor lol#idk i am just feeling the fucking absence tonight#a lot of the time i'm very content with the ways i've adjusted and the life i've rebuilt for myself but tonight i'm just like#fuck it was supposed to be different#i wish i could time travel lol#there is so much missing from me idk
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