#and i know even if it is eventually theyd get back together bc apparently they have a kid later on?? so yknow
technicolorxsn · 1 year
I fucking hate kevin desert bluffs
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globrights · 6 years
How do you think macdennis will happen in the canon of the show?
okay, since we know that iasip is getting a s14 (maybe even a s15, who knows), and assuming that rcg does have a Plan to make macdennis canon, here’s how i think it can go down:
something has to happen in Mac Finds His Pride, or if rcg is planning to really shock us out the waters, they could have something happen in The Gang Wins The Big Game, and then follow up to it during the s13 finale
if they choose to do something in the superbowl ep, im thinking mac and some really good looking dude get caught together on a kisscam: mac dives in, because hes so starved at this point he’ll really take anything and this guy is cute as all hell. they make out a little longer than kiss cams should be and thats apparently all that is to it. until we cut to dennis—who’s watching the game in North Dakota. for some strange reason, he gets all pissed off and shuts off the tv, makes a lot of noise as he does, and Mandy comes in and demands to know what’s going on. He reacts badly to her and then apologizes, but she kicks him out bc she’s had enough of his shit, or maybe she’s not even there and he just. walks out and leaves a note/voicemail
OR dennis could somehow be at the superbowl. maybe he caved too early into his run as a dad and family man, and he’s been hiding out somewhere in philly, and he somehow landed tickets and is treating himself to a good time. he sees mac make out with some dude and gets jealous and yells HEY in a very menacing voice, or tries to stop them in some other dumb way, or maybe mac is brown/blackout drunk n making out with any dude whos up for it, and some guy tries to steal his wallet, maybe dennis had been watching and intervenes, and mac, brown/blackout drunk, kisses dennis
so yeah, could go a million ways. and then in the next ep they’d have to follow up, or maybe dennis isn’t in the superbowl episode at all (which would be disappointing and mean we’ll never find out what happened with nd but i digress), but either way, we hit Mac Finds His Pride!
okay so i had completely no idea about the full plot of Mac Finds His Pride until i googled it like 5 seconds ago so that sucks on my part bc im an idiot but yeah so we know that frank tries to recruit mac for their float at the pride parade, and the fact that the gang has a float and that frank cares whether mac is involved means that this is most definitely a scheme. frank thinks mac’ll jump at the chance to be part of a pride parade and also to show off his muscles that he keeps insisting on maintaining!! the gang has a use for his muscles now!! but mac says no
so obviously, frank tries to do things to butter mac up into saying yes. idk if this will be the first, last, or just one of the few things that frank’ll try, but theres a possibility that frank will pay dennis to make out with mac. dennis protests it at first to some degree but caves (either because of the money or frank says something that has dennis being like fiNE) and then mac makes out w dennis n it seems that dennis seems to enjoy this a lot more than he claimed to!! he even takes charge of the kiss at some point!!
but when frank asks mac the answer is still no, and so frank MARCHES into the bar n demands his money back from dennis, who insists that he does deserve the money bc he kept up his part of the deal and made out with mac. at this point, charlie and dee happen to be there and hear this, and go all omg “you kissed MAC?” “IT WAS FOR THE MONEY!” “frank, you paid dennis to kiss mac? doesn’t that make dennis a hooker??” “no it does not make me a hooker!” “who cares if it makes dennis a whore, its not like he didnt want it-” “what are you talking about?? i made it clear i didnt want that SEVERAL times!” “oh come on, i was doin’ you two queers a favor anyway-” 
yeah basic shit like that, anyway frank demands that dennis prove the two of them kissed, and dennis says no, but after being pressured bc the gang knows mac n dennis have cameras in their house, dennis admits that he does have video evidence BUT he claims that its too graphic to show, BECAUSE mac drops his pants in the footage and dennis failed to stop him in time, and in order to ensure that a video that is free of mac’s penis is produced, he needs to go edit the video, which takes time—”we don’t care if we see mac’s dick man. we’ve all seen mac’s dick” “yeah. dude’s pecker is something else, but i’ll choke myself to death before i go near it or... see it again, so maybe it’s best if dennis-” “why have you all seen mac’s dick?” “weird orgy thing. don’t ask. why have you seen mac’s dick?” 
anyway frank shuts down the line of questioning and basically recruits dennis to help him convince mac about the parade thing, which dennis immediately agrees with, and dee and charlie make it their mission to Find That Tape 
so with dennis’s help, frank finds out that macs not fully comfy w his sexuality bc hes not out to his dad, and they go on from there w the coming out to luther stuff, maybe theres some Stuff going on between dennis n mac during this who knows
but the real kicker of the ep is how it ends—charlie and dee find the tape, and the last scene of the ep is us watching them watch the tape—except we the audience cant see it. n dee n charlies eyes widen and they’re silent, the only noise being the ones from the tape. 
“holy shit. mac and dennis fucked.”
roll credits
or, you know, they could do some basic jealousy shit 
or macdennis could become canon in s14/s15 (theyd need to do some serious buildup and the s13 finale has to show me a change in mac and dennis’s dynamic that helps build up to their eventual consummation of their relationship or hands will be thrown)
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wuffzilla · 3 years
Gotta get this weird ass dream down so I can re-read it someday and be just as baffled. Id apparently been involved in vigilante shenanigans & thru them met a dude that I immediately became UwU SMITTEN~<3 with & he WUBd me too BUT he said it wouldnt work bc of his familys religion. He didnt follow it but pretended to cause he loved most of his fam & didnt wanna abandon em in case they needed his help to escape someday. My hearteyes self was like BABE I CAN HELP JUST LET ME MEET THEM WE CAN PRETEND & BE TOGETHER 4EBER~<3<3<3 And he'd always be like
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Eventually I pestered him into telling me a few things about it so id know how to dress & act around them. Apparently it was a very "MAN" led deal & women had to be like what they decided. So not very diff from a lot of real world religious fanatic nonsense.
AFTER ABOUT A YEAR I finally convinced him to introduce me to his folks, all dolled up and pretending to be the "perfect lil soff cream puff who knows her place" & his fam loved me!!!
Now his mom & lil sibs were cool but his dad was a 1000000000% nut job & I hated everything about him, but was able to hide it enough to where he thought I was PERFECT for his son & so he'd just tell me more & more about all the fucking bat shit crazy bullshit this CULT believed in.
Every now & then id catch the BFs gaze out the corner of my eye & he'd be looking at me like
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I was taken to their Church cause it was movie night & they showed these, actually really awesome made high budget films that where admittedly GREAT MOVIES if viewed from a fictional way. but were really just expensive religious propaganda to keep everyone thinking WE'RE RIGHT!!!
I almost cracked at the end of the movie when I realized this cause, like I already said, the movie was REALLY GOOD (even tho I cant recall anything about it, the dream just had me know it was like the coolest movie id ever seen) so I was distracted by how awesome it was but the dad brought me back to his reality by pointing out all the crazy cult points each scene was making.
I also found out that there were like laws that SPECIFICALLY were anti-ME, which was kinda funny. Just things about how I was raised, stuff id eaten before (AND WOULD CONTINUE TO), some genetic things I couldnt change LIKE MY ALLERGIES, oh and also the thing that made me able to become the Vigilante id only mentioned once so far. I was some sort of Alien Werewolf???? I was BORN a human, but some kinda interaction with space debris made me able to shift into something similar to my doggosaur OCs, like my Mascot.
ANYWAY we finally ended the visit, the fam still loved me, but when me and the BF got back to his truck (He drove 18 wheelers for a living) I was like. BABE YOU WERE RIGHT I was not prepared for that level of fucking CRAZY!!!! And we had a laugh but it was also REALLY sad cause id learned id really not be able to keep up the ruse due to tests they put new initiates thru. Theyd find out about my ALLERGIES & that yes I have actually eaten cheese in the last 10 years and all sorts of other shit. The alien werewolf thing theyd never find out about cause all their magical ways of testing for foreign matter were just made up mumbo jumbo. Sadly the other tests involved actual legitimate medical examinations.
So we broke up, but kept a way to get in contact since we both did Vigilante shit. I mostly eviscerated murderers/rapists/human-traffickers/etc, he helped people escape horrible living situations like, but not limited to, those who wanted to escape his familys cult. But every now & then our missions overlapped so we'd help each other out before going our separate ways again. And every time my big monster ass would end up sobbing on my couch eating enough icecream to fill a hot tub like you see in love-comedys. It was pathetic but also HILARIOUS (to me).
After all that I gotta say the strangest thing about this dream is my falling in LOVE-WUB with anyone cause im Aromantic as fuck, what was my brain thinking???? Im also Ace as fuck but before the official breakup we were making up long ass lists like if we ever had kids what would we name them and where would we live & how many id have myself & how many we'd adopt & etc. I ALSO DONT WANT ANY KIDS. The dream making part of my brain was really just fucking with me last night!!!!
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justjasper · 8 years
this is random sry but i was scrolling thru ur cm tag and you wrote sth abt how ppl heroworshipping mandy patinking for leaving cm r embarrassing and i now wanna know why what did he do?
[rubs hands together gleefully] oh boy i don’t CM anymore but i will revisit MP wank anytime lol. i haven’t sourced any of this bc the links are way back somewhere but they do exist
so basically, you need to have this in mind - criminal minds is about serial killers, and an elite group of people who hunt serial killers. and when the show first came out they had a couple of actual retired fbi consultants working on it to make it accurate and such.
it did mean they were a lot of dead women. women are most likely to be the victim of serial killers, so they often were week to week on cm. but, like, compared to other crime procedurals of the same time, criminal minds (seasons 1-5) was one of the best in terms of not glorifying harm to victims and respect to living victims within the narrative.
so come the end of season 2, and patinkin’s character gideon has a big arc where a serial killer he let escape comes back and kills his girlfriend. at the end of this arc, gideon is meant to kill himself. this would make 100% narrative sense for the character, considering his arcs for the first 2 seasons and his backstory, but...
mandy patinkin refused. without actually talking to anyone about it (and he was the Big Star, so the cards were all in his hands re getting the writers to take another angle imo) just refused and didn’t show up to set. didn’t tell anyone, just stopped turning up. this is incredibly unprofessional - it fucks with everyone on the show. 
they ended up having to rejig a bunch of episodes and have him drive off into the sunset never to be seen again.
then patinkin starts talking about how he left criminal minds because it was “destructive to his soul” and how he couldn’t stand all the torture of women etc.
but the thing is, in the seasons he was in, there really wasn’t that much torture. yes it was dark, but he signed up for a show about serial killers, and to compare CM of the time to the likes of CSI isn’t fair - god i loved csi back in the day don’t get me wrong, but their “shock are gore” approach is something CM did not do in the early seasons (post s5 cm is a whole other post about failed spin offs and network interference)
he’s called CM misogynistic too, and yeah it had problems and theres definitely something to be said that an entertainment genre (crime procedurals) that are build on the suffering of women is ~Problematic~ but within the field of those, CM really was not a bad egg
and this would have been fine, if he’d just said his piece. maybe it was “destructive to his soul”, but he went on to star in Homeland, so he obviously hates misogyny and loves racism, and years later he’s still bleating about how had cm was while starring in another show with plenty of issues
also cm was the first show he bailed on, and apparently he’s quite difficult to work with
every time someone brought up gideon returning, the producers/writers would basically say “no gideon’s dead” - none of them have ever shown any interest in working with patinkin again, even if he wanted to come back.
and then eventually they killed gideon off in the narrative without inviting patinkin back in what was one of the better late season episodes tbh. like, theyd clearly been dying to do this for years so people would stop crying about gideon returning.
at the end of the day i don’t think patinkin was brave or was making a stand for women i think he just wanted out and to not feel a jerk for screwing everyone around lol
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